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Photography and Digital
Photography Project
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Contact Sheet #1 Review
Use this space to discuss about the following;
• Was the shoot successful?
I suppose. Me and assistant took a variety of pictures.
• Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?
The images that I'm writing about will be the ones I took and not my assistant. IMAGE_9265
or 9267(minster), 9270 (model minster), 9331-9338 is going to be a panorama, 9350 (old
house with staircase), 9384 (minster window) and MAYBE 9327 (close arch)
• What post-production could occur?
For minster images I will choose which image to use when I have tried them both using the
black and white. The model minster image may need more light but for effect I haven’t
decided, the panorama will be created using the Photoshop panorama technique, for 9350
I'm not sure what to do with it yet, the minster window either black or white or replace the
sky with something else or a change the colour, for the arch might have to do something with
the overexposure but if I work through it I could remove the background and replace it with
something like a mountain range.
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Contact Sheet #2 Review
Use this space to discuss about the following;
• Was the shoot successful?
I suppose. Me and assistant took a variety of pictures.
• Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?
9444 (station roof), 9398 or 9399 (statue), 9403 (building with blue doors)
• What post-production could occur?
For the statue the 9398 will need to be cropped to remove my assistant from the background
and 9399 may need to be darker in order to see his arm better. I could cut the guy out of
those images and put him into a different location, for the station roof I might make some
adjustments to the lighting and turn the image into black and white, for 9403 I would have to
try black and white but if it doesn’t work I can always change the tint.
Image #1 - Original
Image #1 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
First, I changed the image to black and white using the adjustments tab and then I used the Curves tool to make the building look darker. Secondly, I
wanted to add fog to the image and to do that I needed to make a new layer. After I made a new layer I went to filter>render>clouds and changed the
blending mode to Screen. I turned the fog layer into a smart object by using filter>convert then I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur. I set the blur radius to
45px to make the clouds look more foggy. I’ve added a smart filter mask and then I used the gradient tool and dragged it from bottom to top. I clicked the
top layer and went to edit>transform>distort to drag out the fog to make it look more believable. I added a layer mask and used a soft black brush tool
with the opacity 20% to make most of the unnecessary fog go away slightly
Image #1 – Final
Image #2 - Original
Image #2 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
I used the selection tool to select the background then used the refine edge tool and brushed the edges of the top. Once that was done I
clicked ok. I searched for a image for the replacement sky and pasted it into Photoshop. I right clicked on the selection and clicked on select
inverse. After that I moved the replacement sky to the top left of the image and changed it size to fit the image then I deleted the
background. Finally, I added brightness and contrast to the image to make it look better. I probably needed to use the burn tool on the top
Image #2 – Final
Image #3 - Original
Image #3 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
First I opened up Photoshop then I went to file>automate>photomerge then I gatherd the photos I needed and pressed ok. I also changed the
brightness of the image by using the curved tool. I can also crop the image using the crop tool if I needed to.
Image #3 – Final
Image #4 - Original
Image #4 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
First I used the brightness/contrast tool to make the image look less dull then I used the selective colours tool to increase the red in the
image and slightly turned down the green colour. I also added a warm photo filter to make the image look warm.
Image #4 – Final
Image #5 - Original
Image #5 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
First, I changed the image to black and white using the adjustments tab and then I used the Curves tool to make the building look darker. Secondly, I wanted to add fog to
the image and to do that I needed to make a new layer. After I made a new layer I went to filter>render>clouds and changed the blending mode to Screen. I turned the
fog layer into a smart object by using filter>convert then I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur. I set the blur radius to 45px to make the clouds look more foggy. I’ve added a
smart filter mask and then I used the gradient tool and dragged it from bottom to top. I clicked the top layer and went to edit>transform>distort to drag out the fog to
make it look more believable. I added a black layer mask and used a soft white brush tool with the opacity 20% to make the fog appear. After I was done I’ve duplicated
the fog layer and turned the opacity down. After that I increased the sizes of the fog using Ctrl+T to spread the fog out
Image #5 – Final
Image #6 - Original
Image #6 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
The first thing I did was using the colour range tool and selected the blue from the doors and pressed ok. After that was done I used the quick
selection tool to select any bits that weren't selected on the doors. Once that was done I used the black and white icon and pressed delete to
make the colours of the doors show. I wanted to make the blue brighter so I used the vibrance icon and turned both the vibrance and
saturation up
Image #6 – Final
Image #7 - Original
Image #7 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
The first thing I did was find a old paper image on google image and pasted it into Photoshop then I chose the option overlay. After that I used the gradient tool
and turn the colours to a bronze like colour and white. I used the photo filter to the deep yellow option and turn the density to 40%, also, I couldn't decide
whether or not to preserve luminosity or not so I save one of each. After that I made a new layer selected everything using the selection tool then I right clicked
on the image then chose the stroke option. Almost finished, I made the colour to that bronze like colour then I turned the width to 10 and set the location to the
outside. Finally I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur and set it to 50. I also lowered the opacity to 67 and put the layer underneath the paper layer. The reason I did
this was two things. One since the railway is so old I thought something like this would be fitting and two, I want to try make this effect
Image #7 – Final
Image #8 - Original
Image #8 – Edit Process
What editing techniques have you carried out and why?
The first thing I did was use the quick selection tool to get all the white background out then I used the burn tool to darken the edges. I got an
image from google images (with uses allowed) and pasted it into Photoshop. I but the mountain layer behind the archway image. I also use
the brightness/contrast thing and cut out the bits with the mountain on.
Image #8 – Final
Evaluation - Composition
Use this space to discuss about the following;
• Discuss elements of visual language that refer to the composition and image construction
You do not need to refer to all of the images, however, it would be useful to discuss your use of
composition in specific images. Refer to your terminology sheet or Task 4 PowerPoint on Blackboard.
Image 7 has leading lines or just lines which are the girders, pillars and the semi circle lines. All the leading
lines are almost going around the centre of the image. It also has some symmetry between the centre line
(kinda) and the pillars (kinda). I has a lot of repetition because of the girders, pillars and the semi circle
lines. It also got a lot of geometric shapes with all the semi circles that the girders and lines make. I think
the image is busy as well.
Image 4: the subject is very noticeable because it is in the centre of the image. The angle and the focal
point(?) is above the subject and with some imagination you could think that it’s a helicopter view. Most
of the focus is targeted at the subject and you can tell this by looking behind the subject.
Image 3 has some repetition and you can see this by looking at the archways in the middle. You can
definitely tell that this image uses ambient lighting since the image looks to be taken from outside. There
is one leading line that’s the pathway, it is pointing towards to the center of the image.
Evaluation - Audience
You should discuss;
• Does your project meet the identified audience in the proposal document?
I’d say that people who are over 18 and are interested in architecture and fine art will like
some of my photos. I also think that people of social grade AB might like my photos for
advertisement and promotion of tourist attractions.
• What social groups and genders should view this work?
My work is not gender specific and you can tell this because there's nothing saying “women
rules” or “men are better” or anything like that.
• Does it contain political views that would appeal to an audience?
No, my work does not have any political views at all.
Peer Review
1. Strong use of editing to create a creative effect with the fog over the minster, could possibly have done more with the background.
2. great use of camera angle and editing to creating a sky as a background, could maybe have enhanced the colours to make it more vibrant.
3. Good creation of a panorama, creative and well edited, next time could benefit from extra levels adjustment to create more contrast.
4. Really like how you’ve taken a simple picture of a model minster and edited it to make it look realistic, strong use of editing, could possibly have
done with less intensity on the reds in the image.
5. Created a good eerie looking image with the use of strong editing, could maybe have enhanced the curves to create further contrast.
6. Good editing techniques, like how you’ve made the rest black and white and made the blues stand out, could maybe have enhanced the blues a
little more subtly.
7. Great use of editing to create an image that looks like its been taken in the past, could possibly have only used the one image instead of duplicating
to present a more detailed singular image.
8. Good use of editing skills, created a whole new scene with the addition of a different landscape image behind the pillar, could maybe have used a
Evaluation - Context
You should discuss;
• What previous work has influenced your project? (past and present photographers?)
I believe that the photo of the train station (Image 7) was influence by Berenice Abbott’s train
station photo by making me want to go to the York train station and look at the roof structure.
While the photo are different they both focus on the on the metal structure of the roof which
is very imposing.
• Has it been influenced by race, religion or politics?
Not intentionally. I suppose that the images 1, 2 and 4 of the minster counts as religion
because it is a Christian church where people still attend religious services and events. The
rest I would say not really.
• Do the contexts identified in the proposal meet your finished project? (Do you feel that
your images are near-professional enough to be sold or promoted?)
Some of them I feel highly about but there are some I think need some work. The ones with
the fog I think need a redo. Making a believable fog is a bit difficult and I wish I found a better
tutorial to follow. Image 8 needed a better image since the background in a bit blurry. Image 7
probably need rips, crinkles and stains in the photographic paper to show that show that it is
a old photograph from years ago.
On this page, you should identify;
• Have you achieved what you aimed to do with your images? If so, how? If not, why?
I feel like my I have achieved what I aimed to do with my images. I took pictures of
architecture for my target audience (All genders, 18-60+, Social grade AB (professional,
managerial) and retired professional people, interested in art, architecture, history, culture,
modern contemporary art, experimental, fine art). I said that I was going to use a black and
white effect on old buildings which can be seen in 1, 5 and 6. I also said that I would look for
the compositional technique of leading lines and angles which can be seen in 1, 2 and 7. I
used manual mode when taking my photos so that I had control over the focus otherwise the
auto focus would of probably focus on something else. I did everything I said on post
production such as adding more brightness to a underexposed image, adding contrast to
brighten colours and darkening dark areas, use filters/tints to show more colour and
replacing/adding things to make it look experimental
On this page, you should identify;
• Are the images fit for purpose? Could they be entered into a competition?
The product brief was to produce 8 fine art images of any subject/topic/genre and I definitely
met the brief. Some I would be comfortable with entering into a competition such as 2, 4, 6
and 7 because I think they came out fine but the others only need a few finishing touches that
they need.
• Have you received negative or positive feedback? Give examples and be critical regarding
any further changes that may be necessary.
The feedback I received is positive but they said that my images needed some changes. He
liked my editing techniques to create the effects but some of the needed the curves adjusted
and other picture specific things like a different background and increase colour vibrancy.
• Consider the technical qualities of the images – How well has exposure, depth of field and
post-production been controlled?
For my DLSR camera settings I had the camera on AV mode (aperture priority), I had the F
number to F/16 to increase the depth of field, I set the ISO around 100-400 to maintain the
image quality, the shutter speed and white balance set to automatic. The images had many
post production techniques used on them like the black and white filter and quick selection
On this page, you should identify;
• Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or
colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices.
I would say that 4 and 7 are the most artistic pieces out of the 8. Image 4 (Mini Minster) is
interesting to the viewer because of the subject and how it has been represented. The colours
red and green are complementary and it helps to give the impression that that world is in an
apocalyptic state. The red colour on the towers and the entrance of the minster looks like it
has been stained with blood of whatever happened in the apocalypse. The angle of the shot
which sets the minster at a 45 degree angle within the image helps to make the shot more
interesting and appealing to the eye.
On this page, you should identify;
• Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or
colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices.
Image 7 (train station) has many leading lines both horizontally and vertically. The vertical
lines of the roof force your eye toward the top of the image and then the eye naturally goes
along the curve horizontal lines towards the vertical pillars. There many repeating patterns
within the structure of the roof and pillars on the platforms which adds even more interest for
the viewer.
Finally you should critically discuss;
• What skills and knowledge have you gained from the photography project?
Walking is a pain. I now know that if its VERY cloudy it’s easy to cut out the sky but it also
covers the some of the subject that your taking a picture of, use the burn tool to darken the
edges. Making believable fog is hard. I know how to make high quality images when doing
photography such as using low shutter speeds to get all the light in, AV means aperture and
never use auto focus when taking pictures of architectures. Carrying a tripod without a bag is
also a pain.
• What can you do now that you could not? Is there anything else you need to learn about?
I now know how to make a old paper effect in Photoshop. I kind of know how to make fog in
Photoshop, I probably need to find a tutorial on that.
• Do you feel that you managed your time on the project well?
Practically yes but some 1 or 2 of the PowerPoints need more work on the photo repair bit
and to find photos of different techniques.
• And finally, self-evaluation on any other comments, notes, production logs, sketches, trial
I wish I knew how to make believable fog. I would of made a separate effect for Image 1 so
that I wouldn’t have two images with a fog effect.

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6. [pro forma] project pro-forma

  • 2. Contact Sheet #1 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 3. Contact Sheet #2 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 4. Contact Sheet #3 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 5. Contact Sheet #4 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 6. Contact Sheet #5 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 7. Contact Sheet #1 Review Use this space to discuss about the following; • Was the shoot successful? I suppose. Me and assistant took a variety of pictures. • Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set? The images that I'm writing about will be the ones I took and not my assistant. IMAGE_9265 or 9267(minster), 9270 (model minster), 9331-9338 is going to be a panorama, 9350 (old house with staircase), 9384 (minster window) and MAYBE 9327 (close arch) • What post-production could occur? For minster images I will choose which image to use when I have tried them both using the black and white. The model minster image may need more light but for effect I haven’t decided, the panorama will be created using the Photoshop panorama technique, for 9350 I'm not sure what to do with it yet, the minster window either black or white or replace the sky with something else or a change the colour, for the arch might have to do something with the overexposure but if I work through it I could remove the background and replace it with something like a mountain range.
  • 8. Contact Sheet #6 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 9. Contact Sheet #7 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 10. Contact Sheet #8 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 11. Contact Sheet #9 Add a print screen of the contact sheet(s). Duplicate this slide if necessary
  • 12. Contact Sheet #2 Review Use this space to discuss about the following; • Was the shoot successful? I suppose. Me and assistant took a variety of pictures. • Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set? 9444 (station roof), 9398 or 9399 (statue), 9403 (building with blue doors) • What post-production could occur? For the statue the 9398 will need to be cropped to remove my assistant from the background and 9399 may need to be darker in order to see his arm better. I could cut the guy out of those images and put him into a different location, for the station roof I might make some adjustments to the lighting and turn the image into black and white, for 9403 I would have to try black and white but if it doesn’t work I can always change the tint.
  • 13. Image #1 - Original
  • 14. Image #1 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? First, I changed the image to black and white using the adjustments tab and then I used the Curves tool to make the building look darker. Secondly, I wanted to add fog to the image and to do that I needed to make a new layer. After I made a new layer I went to filter>render>clouds and changed the blending mode to Screen. I turned the fog layer into a smart object by using filter>convert then I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur. I set the blur radius to 45px to make the clouds look more foggy. I’ve added a smart filter mask and then I used the gradient tool and dragged it from bottom to top. I clicked the top layer and went to edit>transform>distort to drag out the fog to make it look more believable. I added a layer mask and used a soft black brush tool with the opacity 20% to make most of the unnecessary fog go away slightly
  • 15. Image #1 – Final
  • 16. Image #2 - Original
  • 17. Image #2 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? I used the selection tool to select the background then used the refine edge tool and brushed the edges of the top. Once that was done I clicked ok. I searched for a image for the replacement sky and pasted it into Photoshop. I right clicked on the selection and clicked on select inverse. After that I moved the replacement sky to the top left of the image and changed it size to fit the image then I deleted the background. Finally, I added brightness and contrast to the image to make it look better. I probably needed to use the burn tool on the top bits.
  • 18. Image #2 – Final
  • 19. Image #3 - Original
  • 20. Image #3 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? First I opened up Photoshop then I went to file>automate>photomerge then I gatherd the photos I needed and pressed ok. I also changed the brightness of the image by using the curved tool. I can also crop the image using the crop tool if I needed to.
  • 21. Image #3 – Final
  • 22. Image #4 - Original
  • 23. Image #4 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? First I used the brightness/contrast tool to make the image look less dull then I used the selective colours tool to increase the red in the image and slightly turned down the green colour. I also added a warm photo filter to make the image look warm.
  • 24. Image #4 – Final
  • 25. Image #5 - Original
  • 26. Image #5 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? First, I changed the image to black and white using the adjustments tab and then I used the Curves tool to make the building look darker. Secondly, I wanted to add fog to the image and to do that I needed to make a new layer. After I made a new layer I went to filter>render>clouds and changed the blending mode to Screen. I turned the fog layer into a smart object by using filter>convert then I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur. I set the blur radius to 45px to make the clouds look more foggy. I’ve added a smart filter mask and then I used the gradient tool and dragged it from bottom to top. I clicked the top layer and went to edit>transform>distort to drag out the fog to make it look more believable. I added a black layer mask and used a soft white brush tool with the opacity 20% to make the fog appear. After I was done I’ve duplicated the fog layer and turned the opacity down. After that I increased the sizes of the fog using Ctrl+T to spread the fog out
  • 27. Image #5 – Final
  • 28. Image #6 - Original
  • 29. Image #6 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? The first thing I did was using the colour range tool and selected the blue from the doors and pressed ok. After that was done I used the quick selection tool to select any bits that weren't selected on the doors. Once that was done I used the black and white icon and pressed delete to make the colours of the doors show. I wanted to make the blue brighter so I used the vibrance icon and turned both the vibrance and saturation up
  • 30. Image #6 – Final
  • 31. Image #7 - Original
  • 32. Image #7 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? The first thing I did was find a old paper image on google image and pasted it into Photoshop then I chose the option overlay. After that I used the gradient tool and turn the colours to a bronze like colour and white. I used the photo filter to the deep yellow option and turn the density to 40%, also, I couldn't decide whether or not to preserve luminosity or not so I save one of each. After that I made a new layer selected everything using the selection tool then I right clicked on the image then chose the stroke option. Almost finished, I made the colour to that bronze like colour then I turned the width to 10 and set the location to the outside. Finally I used filter>blur>Gaussian blur and set it to 50. I also lowered the opacity to 67 and put the layer underneath the paper layer. The reason I did this was two things. One since the railway is so old I thought something like this would be fitting and two, I want to try make this effect
  • 33. Image #7 – Final
  • 34. Image #8 - Original
  • 35. Image #8 – Edit Process What editing techniques have you carried out and why? The first thing I did was use the quick selection tool to get all the white background out then I used the burn tool to darken the edges. I got an image from google images (with uses allowed) and pasted it into Photoshop. I but the mountain layer behind the archway image. I also use the brightness/contrast thing and cut out the bits with the mountain on.
  • 36. Image #8 – Final
  • 37. Evaluation - Composition Use this space to discuss about the following; • Discuss elements of visual language that refer to the composition and image construction You do not need to refer to all of the images, however, it would be useful to discuss your use of composition in specific images. Refer to your terminology sheet or Task 4 PowerPoint on Blackboard. Image 7 has leading lines or just lines which are the girders, pillars and the semi circle lines. All the leading lines are almost going around the centre of the image. It also has some symmetry between the centre line (kinda) and the pillars (kinda). I has a lot of repetition because of the girders, pillars and the semi circle lines. It also got a lot of geometric shapes with all the semi circles that the girders and lines make. I think the image is busy as well. Image 4: the subject is very noticeable because it is in the centre of the image. The angle and the focal point(?) is above the subject and with some imagination you could think that it’s a helicopter view. Most of the focus is targeted at the subject and you can tell this by looking behind the subject. Image 3 has some repetition and you can see this by looking at the archways in the middle. You can definitely tell that this image uses ambient lighting since the image looks to be taken from outside. There is one leading line that’s the pathway, it is pointing towards to the center of the image.
  • 38. Evaluation - Audience You should discuss; • Does your project meet the identified audience in the proposal document? I’d say that people who are over 18 and are interested in architecture and fine art will like some of my photos. I also think that people of social grade AB might like my photos for advertisement and promotion of tourist attractions. • What social groups and genders should view this work? My work is not gender specific and you can tell this because there's nothing saying “women rules” or “men are better” or anything like that. • Does it contain political views that would appeal to an audience? No, my work does not have any political views at all. Peer Review 1. Strong use of editing to create a creative effect with the fog over the minster, could possibly have done more with the background. 2. great use of camera angle and editing to creating a sky as a background, could maybe have enhanced the colours to make it more vibrant. 3. Good creation of a panorama, creative and well edited, next time could benefit from extra levels adjustment to create more contrast. 4. Really like how you’ve taken a simple picture of a model minster and edited it to make it look realistic, strong use of editing, could possibly have done with less intensity on the reds in the image. 5. Created a good eerie looking image with the use of strong editing, could maybe have enhanced the curves to create further contrast. 6. Good editing techniques, like how you’ve made the rest black and white and made the blues stand out, could maybe have enhanced the blues a little more subtly. 7. Great use of editing to create an image that looks like its been taken in the past, could possibly have only used the one image instead of duplicating to present a more detailed singular image. 8. Good use of editing skills, created a whole new scene with the addition of a different landscape image behind the pillar, could maybe have used a
  • 39. Evaluation - Context You should discuss; • What previous work has influenced your project? (past and present photographers?) I believe that the photo of the train station (Image 7) was influence by Berenice Abbott’s train station photo by making me want to go to the York train station and look at the roof structure. While the photo are different they both focus on the on the metal structure of the roof which is very imposing. • Has it been influenced by race, religion or politics? Not intentionally. I suppose that the images 1, 2 and 4 of the minster counts as religion because it is a Christian church where people still attend religious services and events. The rest I would say not really. • Do the contexts identified in the proposal meet your finished project? (Do you feel that your images are near-professional enough to be sold or promoted?) Some of them I feel highly about but there are some I think need some work. The ones with the fog I think need a redo. Making a believable fog is a bit difficult and I wish I found a better tutorial to follow. Image 8 needed a better image since the background in a bit blurry. Image 7 probably need rips, crinkles and stains in the photographic paper to show that show that it is a old photograph from years ago.
  • 40. Evaluation On this page, you should identify; • Have you achieved what you aimed to do with your images? If so, how? If not, why? I feel like my I have achieved what I aimed to do with my images. I took pictures of architecture for my target audience (All genders, 18-60+, Social grade AB (professional, managerial) and retired professional people, interested in art, architecture, history, culture, modern contemporary art, experimental, fine art). I said that I was going to use a black and white effect on old buildings which can be seen in 1, 5 and 6. I also said that I would look for the compositional technique of leading lines and angles which can be seen in 1, 2 and 7. I used manual mode when taking my photos so that I had control over the focus otherwise the auto focus would of probably focus on something else. I did everything I said on post production such as adding more brightness to a underexposed image, adding contrast to brighten colours and darkening dark areas, use filters/tints to show more colour and replacing/adding things to make it look experimental
  • 41. Evaluation On this page, you should identify; • Are the images fit for purpose? Could they be entered into a competition? The product brief was to produce 8 fine art images of any subject/topic/genre and I definitely met the brief. Some I would be comfortable with entering into a competition such as 2, 4, 6 and 7 because I think they came out fine but the others only need a few finishing touches that they need. • Have you received negative or positive feedback? Give examples and be critical regarding any further changes that may be necessary. The feedback I received is positive but they said that my images needed some changes. He liked my editing techniques to create the effects but some of the needed the curves adjusted and other picture specific things like a different background and increase colour vibrancy. • Consider the technical qualities of the images – How well has exposure, depth of field and post-production been controlled? For my DLSR camera settings I had the camera on AV mode (aperture priority), I had the F number to F/16 to increase the depth of field, I set the ISO around 100-400 to maintain the image quality, the shutter speed and white balance set to automatic. The images had many post production techniques used on them like the black and white filter and quick selection tool.
  • 42. Evaluation On this page, you should identify; • Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices. I would say that 4 and 7 are the most artistic pieces out of the 8. Image 4 (Mini Minster) is interesting to the viewer because of the subject and how it has been represented. The colours red and green are complementary and it helps to give the impression that that world is in an apocalyptic state. The red colour on the towers and the entrance of the minster looks like it has been stained with blood of whatever happened in the apocalypse. The angle of the shot which sets the minster at a 45 degree angle within the image helps to make the shot more interesting and appealing to the eye.
  • 43. Evaluation On this page, you should identify; • Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices. Image 7 (train station) has many leading lines both horizontally and vertically. The vertical lines of the roof force your eye toward the top of the image and then the eye naturally goes along the curve horizontal lines towards the vertical pillars. There many repeating patterns within the structure of the roof and pillars on the platforms which adds even more interest for the viewer.
  • 44. Evaluation Finally you should critically discuss; • What skills and knowledge have you gained from the photography project? Walking is a pain. I now know that if its VERY cloudy it’s easy to cut out the sky but it also covers the some of the subject that your taking a picture of, use the burn tool to darken the edges. Making believable fog is hard. I know how to make high quality images when doing photography such as using low shutter speeds to get all the light in, AV means aperture and never use auto focus when taking pictures of architectures. Carrying a tripod without a bag is also a pain. • What can you do now that you could not? Is there anything else you need to learn about? I now know how to make a old paper effect in Photoshop. I kind of know how to make fog in Photoshop, I probably need to find a tutorial on that. • Do you feel that you managed your time on the project well? Practically yes but some 1 or 2 of the PowerPoints need more work on the photo repair bit and to find photos of different techniques. • And finally, self-evaluation on any other comments, notes, production logs, sketches, trial shots. I wish I knew how to make believable fog. I would of made a separate effect for Image 1 so that I wouldn’t have two images with a fog effect.