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Lecture 6 
1750 CE 
1500 CE 
Late Medieval 
1250 CE 
1000 CE 
High Medieval 
750 CE Early Medieval 
(“dark ages”) 
500 CE
Example of typical medieval-era village
Day in the life in a monastery: 
2:00am – rise 
2:10-3:30am – Matins (prayer) 
3:30-5:00am – private reading 
5am-5:45am – Lauds (prayer) 
5:45-8:15am – private reading + short breakfast 
8:15-2:30pm – work + short prayer breaks 
2:30-3:15pm – dinner 
3:15-4:15pm – reading 
4:15-4:45pm – Vespers (prayer) 
4:45-5:15pm – Compline (prayer) 
5:15-6:00pm – prepare for sleep
High Middle Ages 
Almost 500 years of time between when these 
two medieval plain chants were composed. 
Medieval aesthetics stayed quite stable for 
almost 1000 years!
Similarly, in the area of social relations, 
stability was the norm. 
The vast majority of Europeans worked 
agriculturally as serfs which meant they were 
obliged to work on the land. 
The vast majority of the agricultural output 
F d li was for the aristocratic lords who owned the 
land who provided military protection. 
The Catholic Church (or Orthodox Church in 
eastern Europe) received money from the 
lords (or owned their own lands) and provided 
religious protection.
Limbourg Brothers, Book of Hours (1413-1416) -- Feb, March
Limbourg Brothers, Book of 
Hours (1413-1416) -- Sept
Europe circa 1200
Europe circa 1300
Interestingly, it was in the area of 
technology that the medieval world 
experienced more innovation.
Medieval World View 
At the center of medieval belief was the image of a 
perfect God and a wretched and sinful human being. 
God had given Adam and Eve freedom to choose; 
rebellious and presumptuous, they had used their 
freedom to disobey God. In doing so, they made evil 
an intrinsic part of the human personality. 
With God’s grace humans could overthrow their 
sinful nature and gain salvation; without grace they 
were utterly damned.
Augustine (354 – 430 CE) 
From Book 2, The Pear Tree 
“I will now call to mind my past foulness, and the carnal corruptions of my 
soul; not because I love them, but that I may love Thee, O my God. … 
Theft is punished by Thy law, O Lord, and the law written in the hearts of 
men, which iniquity itself effaces not. For what thief will abide a thief? not 
even a rich thief, one stealing through want. Yet I choose to steal, and not 
because want drove me to it … 
For I stole that, of which I had enough, and much better. Nor cared I to 
enjoy what I stole, but joyed in the theft and sin itself. 
A pear tree there was near our vineyard, laden with fruit, tempting neither 
for colour nor taste. To shake and rob this, some lewd young fellows of us 
went, late one night (having according to our pestilent custom prolonged 
our sports in the streets till then), and took huge loads, not for our eating, 
but to fling to the very hogs, having only tasted them. And this, but to do 
what we liked only, because it was misliked. Behold my heart, O God, 
behold my heart, which Thou hadst pity upon in the bottom of the 
bottomless pit.
Pope Innocent III, On the Misery of the Human Condition, 
c. 1200 
What man does is depraved and illicit, is shameful and 
improper and vain. Man was formed of dust, slime, and 
ashes. He will become fuel for the eternal fires, food for 
worms, a mass of rottenness. 
Almost the whole life of mortals is full of moral sin, so that 
one can scarcely find anyone who does not go astray … 
In life man produces only dung and vomit; in death only 
rottenness and stench. 
… there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, there 
h ll b i ili h i ki d fl ili f 
shall be groaning, wailing, shrieking and flailing of arms 
and screaming, screeching, and shouting; there shall be 
fear and trembling, toil and trouble, holocaust and dreadful 
stench, and everywhere darkness and anguish; there shall 
be asperity, cruelty, calamity, poverty, distress, and utter 
wretchedness; they will feel an oblivion of loneliness; 
there shall be bitterness, terror and thirst …
Perverse men are thus sent down to Hell. 
They are tortured, burned in flames. And they tremble at the demons and groan perpetually 
Last Judgment, Sainte‐Foy, Conques. c. 1130.
And not so deadly sins poachers 
Bad musicians 
sloth slander envy 
The Deadly Sins
These types of images of 
salvation and damnation 
were very “popular”
A student’s day at University of Paris 
4am – rise 
5am – 6am –lecture 
6-8am – mass + breakfast 
8-10am – lectures 
11-12pm – disputations 
12-1pm – lunch 
1-3pm – study with tutors 
3-5pm – lectures 
6pm – supper 
7-9 – study with tutors 
9pm – bed
Medieval Architecture 
The representative architecture was the 
Early churches were based on the older pre- 
Christian Roman Basilica (large public buildings 
typically used as law courts and places of 
Indeed, the word ““Basilica”” in the Christian 
era now means large church.
Roman Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum, ca 100 CE
Roman Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum, ca 100 CE. Notice the 
aisles of columns and the flat roof. 
Floor plan of basilica. Notice the curved alter area at each end.
The three earliest basilica churches in Rome constructed under 
C i Constantine (318-350 CE) were the original St. Peters (torn 
down in 1500), St Paul’s Outside the Walls (shown above; rebuilt 
after fire in 1823), and St Johns (totally remodeled). 
Notice the similar design to Classical Roman imperial basilicas.
Façade and bell tower added in 
the 15th century. 
San Michele (Lucca) basilica-style built around 790 CE
Interior of San Michele. Notice 
its minimal natural lighting 
(indeed, without modern day 
electrical spot lights it would be 
very dark).
Small windows bring in very little 
light into the interior space.
San Giovanni (Lucca) basilica style built around 1000 CE
Abbey Saint-Michel-de 
Cuxa in France, 
ca 1035 CE) 
Outside of Italy, early churches tended to have even less light, 
less refinement, and cruder building techniques.
Abbey of Saint 
ca 1000 CE 
Abbey Saint-Michel-de 
Cuxa in France, 
ca 1035 CE
Another influence on medieval church design after 1100 CE 
was the Roman Basilica of Maxentius (ca 306 BCE) in the 
Roman Forum.
Cutaway –– Roman Basilica of Maxentius (ca 306 BCE). 
Notice the large curved arches (barrel vaults) and the tremendous scale. 
While almost nothing this large was created for almost a thousand years, 
medieval churches eventually added these vaults to the basic basilica plan 
thereby creating a cross floorplan. Such churches built between 1100-1300 
are usually referred to as Romanesque churches.
Abbey of Saint-savin sur Gartempe, France, ca. 1050
Abbey of Saint-savin sur Gartempe, France, ca. 1050
Romanesque church; Saint-Sernin, 
Toulouse, France, ca. 1080-1120
Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, France (ca 1100)
Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in 
Poitiers, France (ca 1100). 
Notice the multiple curved arches 
and the enhanced verticality (in 
comparison to the early basilica-style 
Also notice the very large pillars 
needed to support these arches.
Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, France (ca 1100)
1750 CE 
1500 CE 
Late Medieval 
1250 CE 
1000 CE 
High Medieval 
750 CE Early Medieval 
(“dark ages”) 
500 CE
The great innovation in church design began just 
before 1200 CE in France and continued over the 
next two hundred years. 
The principle innovations included the pointed 
arch, the flying buttress, and the ribbed vault. 
This new style of church architecture is generally 
referred to as Gothic. 
This term is also used to describe developments 
happening in the others arts from this time 
Pointed arch 
Ribbed vault
Romanesque arches Gothic arches
Buttress Pier
Romanesque (1100 CE) 
Gothic (1200 CE) 
(Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
South wall of Chartres Cathedral, 13th century. 
Notice the asymmetry, the ornate detail, the emphasis on 
Romanesque (1100 CE) 
Gothic (1200 CE) 
(Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
The structural innovations of the Gothic (i.e., 
pointed arches, flying buttress, ribbed vault), 
allowed church builders to emphasize the 
vertical dimension and bring in substantially 
more light. 
Since walls didn’t need to be as thick, more and 
larger windows could be added in to illuminate 
the space. 
The end result was less dark and somber, more 
light and spiritual.
Since walls didn’t need to be 
as thick, more and larger 
windows could be added in to 
illuminate the space.
The end result was less dark 
and somber, more light and 
Canterbury Cathedral
Small windows 
San Michele (Lucca) basilica-style built around 790 CE
Large windows 
Canterbury Cathedral
The exteriors of these churches were also 
lavished with a great deal of sculptural 
detail and a similar focus on linear 
verticality along with a lack of interest in 
In contrast to architecture, medieval painting was quite 
conservative, showing little change from the 400s to the 
Arena Chapel, Padua, 1305-6 
This changes with Giotto, an Italian 
painter from Florence, who was 
immensely influential.
Leafless tree is 
traditional symbol of 
death; it sits on barren 
ridge that plunges 
towards dead Christ 
John the Evangelist 
arms echoes that of 
angels; his sight is 
Mary is also along the 
diagonal down the diagonal 
diagonal, reinforcing 
the emptiness of the 
Christ is at the bottom 
of a stark diagonal 
First artist since antiquity to 
show figures from behind; makes 
scene more realistic 
Giotto, The Lamentation [1305-6, Arena Chapel, Padua], about 8’ x 8’
The donor of the Chapel, 
Enrico Scrovegni
Enthroned (Rucellai) Madonna, 
Uses Byzantine aesthetic models and 
Madonna Enthroned ( Madonna 
d'Ognissanti ) 
Unlike Duccio, Giotto’’s Madonna 
inhabits three dimensional space, and 
hence the Madonna appears more 
realistic and thus ““motherly””
Because the Byzantine-style was associated with the early church, Duccio’s 
Madonna was generally considered by his contemporaries as being a more 
“realistic” realistic depiction of the divine, even though to us, Giotto’s Madonna is a more 
realistic depiction of people.
Medieval Sculpture 
Just as architecture went through a transition from 
Romanesque to Gothic, so too did sculpture. 
Sculpture in Romanesque churches tended to be 
limited to relief carvings; exceptions were wood 
carvings of Jesus on the cross or virgin and child.
Romanesque relief sculpture 
Italy, 8-9th century
Romanesque wood sculpture 
Christ at the Cross, Southern Germany, 
12th century 
Madonna and Child, 
Saint-Philibert Church, 
Tournus (France), 
10th-12th century 
Virgin of Ger, 
Church of Santa Coloma, 
Ger (Spain), 
second half of the 12th 
In conjunction with the architectural innovations 
in Gothic church design between 1150-1250, stone 
sculpture also developed a new style. 
The exteriors of Gothic cathedrals became the 
setting for large sculptural projects of a size that 
had never before been seen. 
The outside of Chartres Cathedral displays about 2,000 pieces 
of sculpture; Reims Cathedral has even more.
Unlike the Romanesque relief 
sculptures, gothic sculptures seem 
to take a step forward from their 
wall, and thus (partly) inhabit the 
3D world. 
While still stylized (e.g., elongated 
forms), the figures are 
Royal Portal, 
Chartes Cathedral, France 
ca 1150
Amiens Cathedral 
Central Portal Jamb Figures 
ca. 1240
Reims Cathedral 
Central Portal Jamb Figure 
ca. 1240
In Italy, Gothic sculpture showed more 
classical influences. 
This was especially true in Pisa, and its 
most famous artists: Nicola Pisano (1220- 
1284) and his son Giovanni Pisano (1250- 
Pulpit, Sienna Cathedral 
By Nicola Pisano 
ca. 1265-86
Pulpit, Pisa Cathedral 
By Giovanni Pisano 
ca. 1300
Detail, Pisano Pulpit, Last Judgement
Detail, Pisano Pulpit, Massacre of the Innocents
The Pisanos’ sculpture was strongly 
influenced by Roman sarcophagi, which 
had been found in large numbers in the 
Pisa area.
Roman sarcophagus, 2nd century CE
Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) 
Was a Florentine poet whose great work is the 14,233 line 
long verse epic The Divine Comedy. 
The Divine Comedy 
On blackboard in class
Medieval Synthesis 
(provided intellectual 
justification for 
Christianity and power 
of kings and knights) 
Feudal economic relations 
(serfs/peasants obligated to work the 
land of the king/lord/knight)
The Gothic style coincides with the high point of 
the medieval synthesis, a time period which 
witnessed a dramatic and sustained growth in the 
European population and economy. 
Only the growth rate of the late Industrial 
Revolution time period (1840-1900) surpassed the 
growth rate of the 1200-1300s. 
Yet, during the 14th century (1300-1399), the 
medieval synthesis began to break apart.
Breakdown of Medieval Synthesis (1350 – 1450) 
Famine (1310 – 1330) 
(Some 15-25% of European population dies) 
Plague (1347-49) 
(Some 30-70% of European population dies) 
Western Schism (1378-1417) 
(split within the Catholic Church due to political reasons so 
that there were simultaneous Popes in Rome and Avignon) 
Military Revolution 
(military power beginning to chang from horse knights to mass infantry) 
(contact with Islamic, Chinese, Byzantine, and Mongol cultures)
In the year of the Lord 1348 there was a very great pestilence in the 
city and district of Florence. It was of such a fury and so tempestuous 
that in houses in which it took hold previously healthy servants who 
took care of the ill died of the same illness. Almost non of the ill 
survived past the fourth day. Neither physicians nor medicines were 
effective. Whether because these illnesses were previously unknown 
or because physicians had not previously studied them, there seemed 
to be no cure. There was such a fear that no one seemed to know 
what to do. When it took hold in a house it often happened that no one 
remained who had not died. And it was not just that men and women 
died, but even sentient animals died. Dogs, cats, chickens, oxen, 
donkeys, sheep showed the same symptoms and died of the same 
disease. And almost none, or very few, who showed these symptoms, 
were cured. … This pestilence began in March and ended in 
September 1348. 
Marchione di Coppo Stefani , Florentine Chronicle
In October 1347, twelve Genoese trading ships put into the 
harbor at Messina in Sicily. The ships had come from the 
Black Sea where the Genoese had several important trading 
The ships contained rather strange cargo: dead or dying 
sailors showed strange black swellings about the size of an 
egg located in their groins and armpits. These swellings 
oozed blood and pus. Those who suffered did so with 
extreme pain and were usually dead within a few days.
“In 1348, two thirds of the population was afflicted, and almost all died; 
in 1361 half contracted the disease, and very few survived; in 1371 only 
one-tenth became sick, and many survived; in 1382, only one twentieth 
became sick, and almost all survived.” 
Papal Physician Raymundus Chalmelli 
The traditional figure for the number of 
deaths caused by the Black Death in 
Europe in 1348 is one third of the 
In recent years, however, examinations of 
places where there is actual data shows 
mortality rates in the 50%-80% of the 
Of one hundred and forty Dominican friars 
at the monastery at Montpellier, only one 
man survived.
“I do not deny that we deserve these things and even worse; 
but our ancestors also deserved them … why is it that the 
violence of [God's] vengeance lies so extraordinarily upon 
our times? … We have sinned as much as anyone, but we 
alone are being punished.” 
Nor, for all their number, were their obsequies honored by either tears or lights 
or crowds of mourners rather, it was come to this, that a dead man was then of 
no more account than a dead goat would be to-day. 
Boccaccio, The Decameron
Europe didn’t regain its year 1300 
population level until about 1800.
Landowners (nobility/knights/royalty) 
How would the loss of 30 to 
70% of the p p 
population affect Skill d Skilled l b labour (i in b urban ) 
areas) these elements of medieval 

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Art and Culture - Module 06 - Medieval

  • 2. Historical Context 1750 CE 1500 CE Renaissance Late Medieval 1250 CE 1000 CE High Medieval 750 CE Early Medieval (“dark ages”) 500 CE
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Example of typical medieval-era village
  • 8. Day in the life in a monastery: 2:00am – rise 2:10-3:30am – Matins (prayer) 3:30-5:00am – private reading 5am-5:45am – Lauds (prayer) 5:45-8:15am – private reading + short breakfast 8:15-2:30pm – work + short prayer breaks 2:30-3:15pm – dinner 3:15-4:15pm – reading 4:15-4:45pm – Vespers (prayer) 4:45-5:15pm – Compline (prayer) 5:15-6:00pm – prepare for sleep
  • 9. High Middle Ages Monastery
  • 10. Almost 500 years of time between when these two medieval plain chants were composed. Medieval aesthetics stayed quite stable for almost 1000 years!
  • 11. Similarly, in the area of social relations, stability was the norm. The vast majority of Europeans worked agriculturally as serfs which meant they were obliged to work on the land. The vast majority of the agricultural output F d li was for the aristocratic lords who owned the land who provided military protection. The Catholic Church (or Orthodox Church in Feudalism eastern Europe) received money from the lords (or owned their own lands) and provided religious protection.
  • 12. Limbourg Brothers, Book of Hours (1413-1416) -- Feb, March
  • 13.
  • 14. Limbourg Brothers, Book of Hours (1413-1416) -- Sept
  • 17. Interestingly, it was in the area of technology that the medieval world experienced more innovation.
  • 18.
  • 19. Medieval World View At the center of medieval belief was the image of a perfect God and a wretched and sinful human being. God had given Adam and Eve freedom to choose; rebellious and presumptuous, they had used their freedom to disobey God. In doing so, they made evil an intrinsic part of the human personality. With God’s grace humans could overthrow their sinful nature and gain salvation; without grace they were utterly damned.
  • 20. Confessions Augustine (354 – 430 CE) From Book 2, The Pear Tree “I will now call to mind my past foulness, and the carnal corruptions of my soul; not because I love them, but that I may love Thee, O my God. … Theft is punished by Thy law, O Lord, and the law written in the hearts of men, which iniquity itself effaces not. For what thief will abide a thief? not even a rich thief, one stealing through want. Yet I choose to steal, and not because want drove me to it … For I stole that, of which I had enough, and much better. Nor cared I to enjoy what I stole, but joyed in the theft and sin itself. A pear tree there was near our vineyard, laden with fruit, tempting neither for colour nor taste. To shake and rob this, some lewd young fellows of us went, late one night (having according to our pestilent custom prolonged our sports in the streets till then), and took huge loads, not for our eating, but to fling to the very hogs, having only tasted them. And this, but to do what we liked only, because it was misliked. Behold my heart, O God, behold my heart, which Thou hadst pity upon in the bottom of the bottomless pit.
  • 21. Pope Innocent III, On the Misery of the Human Condition, c. 1200 What man does is depraved and illicit, is shameful and improper and vain. Man was formed of dust, slime, and ashes. He will become fuel for the eternal fires, food for worms, a mass of rottenness. Almost the whole life of mortals is full of moral sin, so that one can scarcely find anyone who does not go astray … In life man produces only dung and vomit; in death only rottenness and stench. … there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, there h ll b i ili h i ki d fl ili f shall be groaning, wailing, shrieking and flailing of arms and screaming, screeching, and shouting; there shall be fear and trembling, toil and trouble, holocaust and dreadful stench, and everywhere darkness and anguish; there shall be asperity, cruelty, calamity, poverty, distress, and utter wretchedness; they will feel an oblivion of loneliness; there shall be bitterness, terror and thirst …
  • 22. Perverse men are thus sent down to Hell. They are tortured, burned in flames. And they tremble at the demons and groan perpetually Last Judgment, Sainte‐Foy, Conques. c. 1130.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. And not so deadly sins poachers Bad musicians Satan pride lust greed sloth slander envy gluttony y The Deadly Sins
  • 26. These types of images of salvation and damnation were very “popular”
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. A student’s day at University of Paris 4am – rise 5am – 6am –lecture 6-8am – mass + breakfast 8-10am – lectures 11-12pm – disputations 12-1pm – lunch 1-3pm – study with tutors 3-5pm – lectures 6pm – supper 7-9 – study with tutors 9pm – bed
  • 31.
  • 32. Medieval Architecture The representative architecture was the church. Early churches were based on the older pre- Christian Roman Basilica (large public buildings typically used as law courts and places of business). Indeed, the word ““Basilica”” in the Christian era now means large church.
  • 33. Roman Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum, ca 100 CE
  • 34. Roman Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum, ca 100 CE. Notice the aisles of columns and the flat roof. Floor plan of basilica. Notice the curved alter area at each end.
  • 35. The three earliest basilica churches in Rome constructed under C i Constantine (318-350 CE) were the original St. Peters (torn down in 1500), St Paul’s Outside the Walls (shown above; rebuilt after fire in 1823), and St Johns (totally remodeled). Notice the similar design to Classical Roman imperial basilicas.
  • 36. Façade and bell tower added in the 15th century. San Michele (Lucca) basilica-style built around 790 CE
  • 37. Interior of San Michele. Notice its minimal natural lighting (indeed, without modern day electrical spot lights it would be very dark).
  • 38. Small windows bring in very little light into the interior space.
  • 39. San Giovanni (Lucca) basilica style built around 1000 CE
  • 40. Abbey Saint-Michel-de Cuxa in France, ca 1035 CE) Outside of Italy, early churches tended to have even less light, less refinement, and cruder building techniques.
  • 41. Abbey of Saint Martin-du-Canigou, ca 1000 CE Abbey Saint-Michel-de Cuxa in France, ca 1035 CE
  • 42. Another influence on medieval church design after 1100 CE was the Roman Basilica of Maxentius (ca 306 BCE) in the Roman Forum.
  • 43. Cutaway –– Roman Basilica of Maxentius (ca 306 BCE). Notice the large curved arches (barrel vaults) and the tremendous scale. While almost nothing this large was created for almost a thousand years, medieval churches eventually added these vaults to the basic basilica plan thereby creating a cross floorplan. Such churches built between 1100-1300 are usually referred to as Romanesque churches.
  • 44. Abbey of Saint-savin sur Gartempe, France, ca. 1050
  • 45. Abbey of Saint-savin sur Gartempe, France, ca. 1050
  • 46. Romanesque church; Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1080-1120
  • 47. Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, France (ca 1100)
  • 48. Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, France (ca 1100). Notice the multiple curved arches and the enhanced verticality (in comparison to the early basilica-style churches). Also notice the very large pillars needed to support these arches.
  • 49. Church Saint Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, France (ca 1100)
  • 50. Historical Context 1750 CE 1500 CE Renaissance Late Medieval 1250 CE 1000 CE High Medieval 750 CE Early Medieval (“dark ages”) 500 CE
  • 51. The great innovation in church design began just before 1200 CE in France and continued over the next two hundred years. The principle innovations included the pointed arch, the flying buttress, and the ribbed vault. This new style of church architecture is generally referred to as Gothic. This term is also used to describe developments happening in the others arts from this time period.
  • 55.
  • 56. Romanesque (1100 CE) Gothic (1200 CE) (Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
  • 57. South wall of Chartres Cathedral, 13th century. Notice the asymmetry, the ornate detail, the emphasis on verticality
  • 58. Romanesque (1100 CE) Gothic (1200 CE) (Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
  • 59. The structural innovations of the Gothic (i.e., pointed arches, flying buttress, ribbed vault), allowed church builders to emphasize the vertical dimension and bring in substantially more light. Since walls didn’t need to be as thick, more and larger windows could be added in to illuminate the space. The end result was less dark and somber, more light and spiritual.
  • 60. Since walls didn’t need to be as thick, more and larger windows could be added in to illuminate the space.
  • 61. The end result was less dark and somber, more light and spiritual. Canterbury Cathedral
  • 62. Small windows San Michele (Lucca) basilica-style built around 790 CE
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. The exteriors of these churches were also lavished with a great deal of sculptural detail and a similar focus on linear verticality along with a lack of interest in symmetry.
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. In contrast to architecture, medieval painting was quite conservative, showing little change from the 400s to the 1300s.
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74. Arena Chapel, Padua, 1305-6 This changes with Giotto, an Italian painter from Florence, who was immensely influential.
  • 75. Leafless tree is traditional symbol of death; it sits on barren ridge that plunges towards dead Christ John the Evangelist arms echoes that of angels; his sight is Mary is also along the diagonal down the diagonal diagonal, reinforcing the emptiness of the landscape Christ is at the bottom of a stark diagonal First artist since antiquity to show figures from behind; makes scene more realistic Giotto, The Lamentation [1305-6, Arena Chapel, Padua], about 8’ x 8’
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. The donor of the Chapel, Enrico Scrovegni
  • 79.
  • 80. Duccio, Enthroned (Rucellai) Madonna, 1285 Uses Byzantine aesthetic models and approaches
  • 81. Giotto, Madonna Enthroned ( Madonna d'Ognissanti ) 1310 Unlike Duccio, Giotto’’s Madonna inhabits three dimensional space, and hence the Madonna appears more realistic and thus ““motherly””
  • 82. Because the Byzantine-style was associated with the early church, Duccio’s Madonna was generally considered by his contemporaries as being a more “realistic” realistic depiction of the divine, even though to us, Giotto’s Madonna is a more realistic depiction of people.
  • 83. Medieval Sculpture Just as architecture went through a transition from Romanesque to Gothic, so too did sculpture. Sculpture in Romanesque churches tended to be limited to relief carvings; exceptions were wood carvings of Jesus on the cross or virgin and child.
  • 84. Romanesque relief sculpture Italy, 8-9th century
  • 85. Romanesque wood sculpture Christ at the Cross, Southern Germany, 12th century Wood
  • 86. Madonna and Child, Saint-Philibert Church, Tournus (France), 10th-12th century Wood Virgin of Ger, Church of Santa Coloma, Ger (Spain), second half of the 12th century. Wood
  • 87. In conjunction with the architectural innovations in Gothic church design between 1150-1250, stone sculpture also developed a new style. The exteriors of Gothic cathedrals became the setting for large sculptural projects of a size that had never before been seen. The outside of Chartres Cathedral displays about 2,000 pieces of sculpture; Reims Cathedral has even more.
  • 88.
  • 89. Unlike the Romanesque relief sculptures, gothic sculptures seem to take a step forward from their wall, and thus (partly) inhabit the 3D world. While still stylized (e.g., elongated forms), the figures are individualized. Royal Portal, Chartes Cathedral, France ca 1150
  • 90. Amiens Cathedral Central Portal Jamb Figures ca. 1240
  • 91. Reims Cathedral Central Portal Jamb Figure ca. 1240
  • 92. In Italy, Gothic sculpture showed more classical influences. This was especially true in Pisa, and its most famous artists: Nicola Pisano (1220- 1284) and his son Giovanni Pisano (1250- 1315).
  • 93. Pulpit, Sienna Cathedral By Nicola Pisano ca. 1265-86
  • 94. Pulpit, Pisa Cathedral By Giovanni Pisano ca. 1300
  • 95. Detail, Pisano Pulpit, Last Judgement
  • 96. Detail, Pisano Pulpit, Massacre of the Innocents
  • 97. The Pisanos’ sculpture was strongly influenced by Roman sarcophagi, which had been found in large numbers in the Pisa area.
  • 99. Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) Was a Florentine poet whose great work is the 14,233 line long verse epic The Divine Comedy. The Divine Comedy On blackboard in class
  • 100.
  • 101. Medieval Synthesis Christianity Scholasticism Knight/Elite-Oriented Power (provided intellectual justification for Christianity and power of kings and knights) Feudal economic relations (serfs/peasants obligated to work the land of the king/lord/knight)
  • 102. The Gothic style coincides with the high point of the medieval synthesis, a time period which witnessed a dramatic and sustained growth in the European population and economy. Only the growth rate of the late Industrial Revolution time period (1840-1900) surpassed the growth rate of the 1200-1300s. Yet, during the 14th century (1300-1399), the medieval synthesis began to break apart.
  • 103. Breakdown of Medieval Synthesis (1350 – 1450) Famine (1310 – 1330) (Some 15-25% of European population dies) Plague (1347-49) (Some 30-70% of European population dies) Western Schism (1378-1417) (split within the Catholic Church due to political reasons so that there were simultaneous Popes in Rome and Avignon) Military Revolution (military power beginning to chang from horse knights to mass infantry) Trade (contact with Islamic, Chinese, Byzantine, and Mongol cultures)
  • 104. In the year of the Lord 1348 there was a very great pestilence in the city and district of Florence. It was of such a fury and so tempestuous that in houses in which it took hold previously healthy servants who took care of the ill died of the same illness. Almost non of the ill survived past the fourth day. Neither physicians nor medicines were effective. Whether because these illnesses were previously unknown or because physicians had not previously studied them, there seemed to be no cure. There was such a fear that no one seemed to know what to do. When it took hold in a house it often happened that no one remained who had not died. And it was not just that men and women died, but even sentient animals died. Dogs, cats, chickens, oxen, donkeys, sheep showed the same symptoms and died of the same disease. And almost none, or very few, who showed these symptoms, were cured. … This pestilence began in March and ended in September 1348. Marchione di Coppo Stefani , Florentine Chronicle
  • 105. In October 1347, twelve Genoese trading ships put into the harbor at Messina in Sicily. The ships had come from the Black Sea where the Genoese had several important trading posts. The ships contained rather strange cargo: dead or dying sailors showed strange black swellings about the size of an egg located in their groins and armpits. These swellings oozed blood and pus. Those who suffered did so with extreme pain and were usually dead within a few days.
  • 106.
  • 107. “In 1348, two thirds of the population was afflicted, and almost all died; in 1361 half contracted the disease, and very few survived; in 1371 only one-tenth became sick, and many survived; in 1382, only one twentieth became sick, and almost all survived.” Papal Physician Raymundus Chalmelli The traditional figure for the number of deaths caused by the Black Death in Europe in 1348 is one third of the population. In recent years, however, examinations of places where there is actual data shows mortality rates in the 50%-80% of the population.
  • 108.
  • 109. Of one hundred and forty Dominican friars at the monastery at Montpellier, only one man survived.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112. “I do not deny that we deserve these things and even worse; but our ancestors also deserved them … why is it that the violence of [God's] vengeance lies so extraordinarily upon our times? … We have sinned as much as anyone, but we alone are being punished.” Nor, for all their number, were their obsequies honored by either tears or lights or crowds of mourners rather, it was come to this, that a dead man was then of no more account than a dead goat would be to-day. Boccaccio, The Decameron
  • 113. Europe didn’t regain its year 1300 population level until about 1800.
  • 114. Serfs Landowners (nobility/knights/royalty) How would the loss of 30 to 70% of the p p population affect Skill d Skilled l b labour (i in b urban ) areas) these elements of medieval society?

Editor's Notes

  1. Icon depicting Emperor Constantine (center) and the Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea (325) as holding the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381
  2. Court of Justinian, apse mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna, c. 547
  3. Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Felix and Augustus, 528.
  4. Apse mosaic showing Christ with San Vitale, Bishop Ecclesius, and two angels,
  5. South Wall Mosaic, Sant’Apollinare Ravenna
  6. Virgin and Child Enthroned, Katholikon, Hosios Loukas, Greece, c. 1020.
  7. Christ, detail of a deësis mosaic, Hagia Sophia, 13th century
  8. Saint Simon Stylite; Saint Anthony the Great + Saint Paul the Hermit meeting in the desert
  9. Day in the life in a monastery: 2am – rise 2:10-3:30am – Matins (prayer) 3:30-5:00am – private reading 5am-5:45am – Lauds (prayer) 5:45-8:15am – private reading + short breakfast 8:15-2:30pm – work + short prayer breaks 2:30-3:15 – dinner 3:15-4:15 – reading 4:15-4:45 – vespers (prayer) 4:45-5:15 – compline (prayer) 5:15-6:00 – prepare for sleep
  10. Reconstruction monastery St. Gall Switzerland
  11. Limbourg Brothers, Book of Hours (1413-1416) -- Feb, March
  12. may
  13. June, July
  14. Aug
  15. September
  16. October
  17. Jan
  18. The Investiture Controversy was the most significant conflict between Church and state in medieval Europe. In the 11th and 12th centuries, a series of popes challenged the authority of European monarchies over control of appointments, or investitures, of church officials such as popes, bishops and abbots. The principal conflict began in 1075 between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
  19. Europe circa 1200
  20. Europe circa 1300
  21. Last Judgment, tympanum of west portal, Sainte-Foy, Conques. c. 1130.
  22. Depicted in the upper level is the weighing of souls by St. Michael the Archangel, with interference by the Devil (the scales are missing), flanked by the resurrection of the righteous and some punishments of the damned. The lower level shows the gates to heaven and hell, attended by angels and demons
  23. Orvieto Cathedral, 1310-30
  24. hereford mappae mundi circa 1300 ..drawn on a single sheet of vellum, it is the largest medieval map currently in existence. Jerusalem at centre
  25. hereford mappae mundi circa 1300 ..drawn on a single sheet of vellum, it is the largest medieval map currently in existence. Jerusalem at centre
  26. University Lecture by Henry of Germany, from a medieval edition of Aristotle's Ethics, second half of 14th century
  27. Plan of typical romanesque church; Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1080-1120
  28. Nave and choir of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1080-1120; Tribune and nave vaults, Sainte-Foy, Conques, France, c. 1050-1120 ;
  29. Round and pointed arches and vaults.
  30. Romanesque vs gothic (Saint-Sernin, 11 th century vs Chartres Cathedral, 13th century)
  31. Romanesque vs gothic ( Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
  32. South wall of Chartres Cathedral, 13th century.
  33. Romanesque vs gothic ( Saint-Sernin vs Chartres Cathedral)
  34. Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Felix and Augustus, 528.
  35. Arena Chapel, Padua
  36. Giotto, Last Judgment
  37. Marchione di Coppo Stefani was born in Florence in 1336. He wrote his Florentine Chronicle in the late 1370s and early 1380s. Stefani, Marchione di Coppo. Cronaca fiorentina. Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Vol. 30. , ed. Niccolo Rodolico. Citta di Castello: 1903-13.
  38. The traditional figure for the number of deaths caused by the Black Death in Europe in 1348 is one third of the population. In recent years, however, examinations of places where there is actual data shows mortality rates in the 50%-80% of the population.
  39. 28 Days Later, The Walking Dead, I am Legend
  40. Hell on Earth, the nightmare depicted by Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel in his mid-16th-century "The Triumph of Death" reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed plague, which devastated medieval Europe.
  41. Marco Battagli; The dies Irae remained part of the Roman Catholic Requim Mass until 1970.
  42. A Procession of Flagellants , Goya 1812-4
  43. Petrarca
  44. How would the loss of 30 to 70% of the population affect society?
  45. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 - 1375) wrote his Decameron between 1349-1352. It concerns a group of seven young women and three young men who fled from plague-ridden Florence for a villa outside of the city walls. To pass the time, each member of the party tells one story for every one of the ten nights spent at the villa (10 people telling ten stories = 100 stories). Each day has a new theme assigned to it except for days 1 and 9: misfortunes that bring a person to a state of unexpected happiness; people who have achieved an object they greatly desired, or recovered a thing previously lost; love stories that ended unhappily; love that survived disaster; those who have avoided danger; tricks women have played on their husbands; tricks both men and women play on each other; those who have given very generously whether for love or another endeavor. Boccaccio himself notes that the names he gives for these ten characters are in fact pseudonyms chosen as "appropriate to the qualities of each". The Italian names of the seven women, in the same (most likely significant) order as given in the text, are: Pampinea (the flourishing one), Fiammetta (small flame), Filomena (faithful in love), Emilia (rival), Lauretta (wise, crowned with laurels), Neifile (cloudy), and Elissa (God is my vow). The men, in order, are: Panfilo (completely in love), Filostrato (overcome by love), and Dioneo (lustful). A Tale from the Decameron  by John William Waterhouse [1916]