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Program Director of Training & Human Development at AADP
Diploma of Psychology, Alison, 2012
Sales Management & Marketing Diploma, Cambridge International College, 2011
B. Sc. Pharmacy, Alexandria University, 2006
Neuro Linguistic Programming “NLP” Diploma, American Board of NLP
Neuro Conditioning Dynamics “NCD” Diploma, Canadian Training Center
Certified Trainer, Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
Certified Professional Trainer in Thinking skills, Ibdaa’a Center, Saudi Arabia
Certified International Trainer “CORT 1-6” Thinking Program, Edward Debono
Certified Trainer, TRIZ “Theory of Inventive Problem solving”, XAAB, Saudi Arabia
Member at “TRIZ Association of Asia”
Member at The “Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies”
Ideal Student Award, Alexandria, 1998
Hobbies: Reading - Ping Pong - Travelling- Internet
What is Problem?
What is Solution?
Problem Solving Approaches
Thinking outside the box
Lateral thinking & Problem Solving
Osborn-Parnes (Creative Problem Solving)
You’re the train captain and you saw group of
people on your way while they don’t respond to
the train horn voice. You know that there’s
another way you can go through it and avoid the
expected crash which may kill such innocent
people; but the problem is the other way is old
and you are not sure about its safety. Moreover,
there’s a child playing there. What will you do?
Why? Decide Now, you don’t have a lot of time.
A problem is an opportunity for improvement.

 A problem is the difference between your current state and
your goal state.

 A problem results from the recognition of a present
imperfect and the belief in the possibility of a better future
The management of a problem in a way that successfully
meets the goals established for treating it.

 Sometimes the goal will be to eliminate the problem
entirely; sometimes the goal will be only to treat the effects of
the problem.

 The possibilities inherent in the problem, together with the
ambition, resources, and values of the problem solver, will
help in shaping the goals.
There are two basic approaches to solving problems :

     (1) Stop it approach : where the cause or source of the
   problem is attacked. It is designed to cure a problem.
     (2) Mop it approach : where the effects or symptoms of
   the problem are attacked. It focuses on the effects of a
 Each of these approaches has three basic forms.
 We will detail these approaches and their forms, using the
problem of a leaking water tank to illustrate each one.
• By preventing a problem from occurring (or recurring) we have perhaps the
                 ideal solution.

Prevent It     • The prevention approach is often a difficult one to apply because it
                 requires predictive foresight and it is often costly.
               • In our water heater example, we would build a very high quality water
                 heater, perhaps with a copper tank, so that it would never leak.
               • Eliminating a problem once and for all is also an excellent way of attacking
                 a problem.
               • Elimination solutions should be considered in nearly every problem
Eliminate It   • Elimination solutions can be expensive and politically unpopular, however,
                 so that they are not always feasible.
               • In our leaking water heater example, an elimination solution would be to
                 plug or seal or otherwise repair the leak, the cause of the problem.

               • Some problems, like trash production, cannot be eliminated entirely. In
                 such cases, a strategy of reduction can be highly effective. Almost any
                 problem can be made less of one by reducing its size.
               • In our water heater example, suppose we couldn't perform a repair (an
 Reduce It       elimination solution) until a day or two later. We could reduce the
                 problem by turning off the incoming water. Without line pressure on the
                 tank, the leak would slow down; that would be better that a full force
• Here the damage caused by the problem is repaired or treated.
              • Note two things: (1) by itself a treat-it solution is not going to be nearly as
Treat It        effective as some form of stop-it solution & (2) treat-it solutions are often
                needed in addition to an elimination or reduction form of solution.
              • In our water heater example, we mop up the water, fix the damaged floor,
                hang the rugs out to dry.

              • In this form of mop-it approach, the effects of the problem are put up
Tolerate It   • The effects are taken for granted and measures are taken to endure them.
              • In our leaky water heater example, we might install a drain in the floor, or
                waterproof the floor.

              • Here the problem is deflected. Sometimes the problem will simply be
                redefined as not a problem.
              • It's hard to think of a legitimate redirection for our leaking water heater
Redirect It     problem, but suppose that the leak is small and the floor is not being
                damaged. We might say, "Well, we need the humidity; the leak is actually
                a good thing." Remember that a problem is a problem only when
                someone defines it as such.
connect up the dots by four straight consecutive lines (that is,
without taking your pen or pencil off the paper). You should
be able to complete this task within three minutes.
‘The nine dots’ problem introduced by John Adair in 1969, in
a book called Training for Decisions.
As the exercise ‘The nine dots’ illustrates, thinking outside the box means
being able to spot assumptions, habits or customary ways of thinking that
are widely and uncritically accepted but have no basis in reality. Many of
these we breathe in by virtue of the society in which we live. They are
among the everyday conventions we accept as truths without too much
 The phrase thinking outside the box ties in with the concept of lateral
thinking, introduced by the well-known thinker and writer Edward de
Bono in The Five Day Course in Thinking (1968).
 A person uses lateral thinking to move from one known idea to creating
new ideas.
Vertical thinking          Lateral thinking
             Chooses                   Changes
      Looks for what is right Looks for what is different
      One thing must follow    Makes deliberate jumps
                                directly from another
    Concentrates on relevance    Welcomes chance
     Moves in the most likely  Explores the least likely
           directions                 directions
Always be willing to challenge widely accepted assumptions.
Can you remove three lines to get three squares ?
1   2
How Many persons do you see?
What do you see in this photo?
What is Decision Making?
Decision Making Types
Decision Making Styles
Decision Making Approaches
Decision Making Strategies
Decision Makers Styles
CORT 1 Approach in Decision Making
Tips In Decision Making
The selection of an option over others (which include no
action), under conditions that are uncertain and expose you
to a risk and consequence, In order to reach an objective.

 The study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on
the values and preferences of the decision maker.

  The process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt
about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made
from among them.
Decisions           • This is the yes/no, either/or decision that must be made before
                       we proceed with the selection of an alternative.
 whether             • Decisions whether are made by weighing reasons pro and con.

                     • These decisions involve a choice of one or more alternatives
 Decisions             from among a set of possibilities, the choice being based on
  which                how well each alternative measures up to a set of predefined
                     • These are decisions that have been made but put on hold until
Contingent             some condition is met.
                     • The best contingent and opportunistic decisions are made by
  decisions            the prepared mind (one that has thought about criteria and
                       alternatives in the past).
    Most people have a set of already made, contingent decisions, just
waiting for the right conditions or opportunity to arise.
    Time, energy, price, availability, opportunity, encouragement, etc. , all
these factors can figure into the necessary conditions that need to be met
before we can act on our decision.
• These decisions are permanent. Once taken, they can't be
Irreversible   • The effects of these decisions can be felt for a long time to
                 come. Such decisions are taken when there is no other

               • Reversible decisions are not final and binding. In fact, they
                 can be changed entirely at any point of time.
Reversible     • It allows one to acknowledge mistakes and fresh decisions
                 can be taken depending upon the new circumstances.

               • Such decisions are put on hold until the decision maker thinks
                 that the right time has come.
               • The wait might make one miss the right opportunity that can
 Delayed         cause some loss, specially in the case of businesses.
               • However, such decisions give one, enough time to collect all
                 information required and to organize all the factors in the
                 correct way.
• These decisions enable one to make maximum of the
                 opportunity available at hand.
  Quick        • However, only a good decision maker can take decisions
                 that are instantaneous as well as correct.
 Decisions     • In order to be able to take the right decision within a
                 short span of time, one should also take the long-term
                 results into consideration.

               • One of the ways of decision making is the experimental
                 type in which the final decision cannot be taken until the
Experimental     preliminary results appear and are positive.
               • This approach is used when one is sure of the final
                 destination but is not convinced of the course to be taken.
•This approach involves trying out a certain course of
               action. If the result is positive it is followed further, if not,
               then a fresh course is adopted.
 Trial and    •Such a trial and error method is continued until the
   Error       decision maker finally arrives at a course of action that
               convinces him of success.
              •This allows a manager to change and adjust his plans until
               the final commitment is made.

              •Conditional decisions allow an individual to keep all his
               options open. He sticks to one decision as long as the
               circumstances remain the same.
Conditional   •Once the competitor makes a new move, conditional
               decisions allow a person to take up a different course of
• when the leader maintains total control and ownership of the
               decision. The leader is also completely responsible for the good or
               bad outcome as a result of the decision.
Autocratic   • The leader does not ask for any suggestions or ideas from outside
               sources and decides from his or her own internal information and
               perception of the situation.

             • when the leader gives up total control of the decision. The complete group
               is totally involved in the decision. The leader is not individually responsible
               for the outcome.
Consensus    • The complete organization or group is now responsible for the outcome.
               This is not a democratic style because everyone must agree and "buy in"
               on the decision. If total commitment and agreement by everyone is not
               obtained the decision becomes democratic.
• when the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and
Democratic        allows the group to vote.
                • Majority vote will decide the action.

                • when the leader involves the members of the organization. Other
                  perspectives of the situation are discovered because the leader
                  deliberately asks and encourages others to participate by giving
                  their ideas, perceptions, knowledge, and information concerning
 Collective -     the decision.
Participative   • The leader maintains total control of the decision because,
                  although outside information is considered, the leader alone
                • The leader is also completely responsible for the good or bad
                  outcome as a result of the decision.
Authoritarian                          Group
                    The manager makes the decision        The group shares ideas
                    based on the knowledge he can         and analyses, and agrees
    Method          gather. He then must explain the      upon a decision to
                    decision to the group and gain        implement.
                    their acceptance of it
Make decision                      5 min                             30 min
Explain decision                  30 min                              0 min
Gain acceptance                   30 min                              0 min
  Studies show that the group often has values, feelings, and reactions quite different
  from those the manager supposes they have.
  No one knows the group and its tastes and preferences as well as the group itself.
  Clearly, just from an efficiency standpoint, group decision making is better.
  More than this, it has been shown many times that people prefer to implement the
  ideas they themselves think of.
Free discussion          Developmental or structured discussion
           The problem is simply put    The problem is broken down into steps,
Concept    on the table for the group   smaller parts with specific goals.
           to talk about.
           Abdallah has been offered    Instead of asking generally whether Abdallah
           a job change from sales to   should take the job, the group works on sub
           training. Should he take     questions: What are his skills? What skills does
Example    the job?                     the new job require? How does he rate on
                                        each of the skills required?
                                        Notice that these questions seek specific
                                        information rather than more general
                                        impressionistic opinions.

Developmental discussion:
     insures systematic coverage of a topic.
    insures that all members of the group are talking about the same aspect of
   the problem at the same time.
• This is the strategy of choosing the best possible solution to the
Optimizing      problem, discovering as many alternatives as possible and choosing the
                very best.

              • In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather than the
                best alternative. It’s perfect for many small decisions.
Satisficing   • The word satisficing was coined by combining satisfactory and sufficient.

              • This stands for "maximize the maximums." This strategy focuses on
                evaluating and then choosing the alternatives based on their maximum
Maximax         possible payoff. (sometimes described as the strategy of the optimist)
              • It is a good strategy for use when risk taking is most acceptable.

              • This stands for "maximize the minimums." In this strategy, that of the pessimist,
                the worst possible outcome of each decision is considered and the decision with
                the highest minimum is chosen.
Maximin       • The Maximin orientation is good when the consequences of a failed decision are
                particularly harmful or undesirable.
              • Maximin concentrates on the salvage value of a decision, or of the guaranteed
                return of the decision. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
• (Aim-Goal-Objective)
AGO    • Identify the decision to be made together with the goals it
         should achieve

CAF   • Consider all factors (You – Others – Community)
      • Widen your scope and get all facts, information, data, etc.

FIP   • Find Important Priorities

APC   • Alternatives- Possibilities – Choices.
      • Develop and generate alternatives.

      • Consequences & Subsequent
C&S   • (Immediate , Short-term , Med-term, Long-term)
      • Rate each alternative

PMI   • Plus – Minus- Interest
      • Make the decision
Do not make decision that are not yours to make
The collection of complete information and the
consideration of all alternatives is seldom possible for most
major decisions, so that limitations must be placed on
Keep your ideas visible {write on paper (Mind map)}
Write down pros and cons of your decided action(s).
involve those affected by your decision to get their
In group decision, try to have the four Herman thinking
styles in the group & get the best of them
What is Problem?
What is Solution?
Problem Solving Approaches
Thinking outside the box
Lateral thinking & Problem Solving
Osborn-Parnes (Creative Problem Solving)

What is Decision Making?
Decision Making Types
Decision Making Styles
Decision Making Approaches
Decision Making Strategies
Decision Makers Styles
CORT 1 Approach in Decision Making
Tips In Decision Making
Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies, John Adair.
Creative Problem Solving , William E. Mitchell and Thomas F. Kowalik.
Harvard Business Review - January 2006 - Special Issue - Decision Making.
HBR-The Seasoned Executive's Decision Making Style.
Problem Solving And Decision Making Handbook.
Osborn-Parnes Creative problem Solving (CPS).
Edward De Bono - Lateral Thinking.
Cognitive research trust (CORT 1) Edward De Bono.
You tube:
Facebook pages:
Problem solving & Decision making

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ورشة عمل "مهارات التفكير الناقد والتفكير التفاعلي"
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Problem solving & Decision making

  • 1.
  • 2. Program Director of Training & Human Development at AADP Diploma of Psychology, Alison, 2012 Sales Management & Marketing Diploma, Cambridge International College, 2011 B. Sc. Pharmacy, Alexandria University, 2006 Neuro Linguistic Programming “NLP” Diploma, American Board of NLP Neuro Conditioning Dynamics “NCD” Diploma, Canadian Training Center Certified Trainer, Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia Certified Professional Trainer in Thinking skills, Ibdaa’a Center, Saudi Arabia Certified International Trainer “CORT 1-6” Thinking Program, Edward Debono Certified Trainer, TRIZ “Theory of Inventive Problem solving”, XAAB, Saudi Arabia Member at “TRIZ Association of Asia” Member at The “Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies” Ideal Student Award, Alexandria, 1998 Hobbies: Reading - Ping Pong - Travelling- Internet
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. What is Problem? What is Solution? Problem Solving Approaches Thinking outside the box Lateral thinking & Problem Solving Osborn-Parnes (Creative Problem Solving)
  • 6. You’re the train captain and you saw group of people on your way while they don’t respond to the train horn voice. You know that there’s another way you can go through it and avoid the expected crash which may kill such innocent people; but the problem is the other way is old and you are not sure about its safety. Moreover, there’s a child playing there. What will you do? Why? Decide Now, you don’t have a lot of time.
  • 7.
  • 8. A problem is an opportunity for improvement. A problem is the difference between your current state and your goal state. A problem results from the recognition of a present imperfect and the belief in the possibility of a better future
  • 9. The management of a problem in a way that successfully meets the goals established for treating it. Sometimes the goal will be to eliminate the problem entirely; sometimes the goal will be only to treat the effects of the problem. The possibilities inherent in the problem, together with the ambition, resources, and values of the problem solver, will help in shaping the goals.
  • 10. There are two basic approaches to solving problems : (1) Stop it approach : where the cause or source of the problem is attacked. It is designed to cure a problem. (2) Mop it approach : where the effects or symptoms of the problem are attacked. It focuses on the effects of a problem. Each of these approaches has three basic forms. We will detail these approaches and their forms, using the problem of a leaking water tank to illustrate each one.
  • 11. • By preventing a problem from occurring (or recurring) we have perhaps the ideal solution. Prevent It • The prevention approach is often a difficult one to apply because it requires predictive foresight and it is often costly. • In our water heater example, we would build a very high quality water heater, perhaps with a copper tank, so that it would never leak. • Eliminating a problem once and for all is also an excellent way of attacking a problem. • Elimination solutions should be considered in nearly every problem situation. Eliminate It • Elimination solutions can be expensive and politically unpopular, however, so that they are not always feasible. • In our leaking water heater example, an elimination solution would be to plug or seal or otherwise repair the leak, the cause of the problem. • Some problems, like trash production, cannot be eliminated entirely. In such cases, a strategy of reduction can be highly effective. Almost any problem can be made less of one by reducing its size. • In our water heater example, suppose we couldn't perform a repair (an Reduce It elimination solution) until a day or two later. We could reduce the problem by turning off the incoming water. Without line pressure on the tank, the leak would slow down; that would be better that a full force leak.
  • 12. • Here the damage caused by the problem is repaired or treated. • Note two things: (1) by itself a treat-it solution is not going to be nearly as Treat It effective as some form of stop-it solution & (2) treat-it solutions are often needed in addition to an elimination or reduction form of solution. • In our water heater example, we mop up the water, fix the damaged floor, hang the rugs out to dry. • In this form of mop-it approach, the effects of the problem are put up with. Tolerate It • The effects are taken for granted and measures are taken to endure them. • In our leaky water heater example, we might install a drain in the floor, or waterproof the floor. • Here the problem is deflected. Sometimes the problem will simply be redefined as not a problem. • It's hard to think of a legitimate redirection for our leaking water heater Redirect It problem, but suppose that the leak is small and the floor is not being damaged. We might say, "Well, we need the humidity; the leak is actually a good thing." Remember that a problem is a problem only when someone defines it as such.
  • 13. connect up the dots by four straight consecutive lines (that is, without taking your pen or pencil off the paper). You should be able to complete this task within three minutes.
  • 14. ‘The nine dots’ problem introduced by John Adair in 1969, in a book called Training for Decisions.
  • 15. As the exercise ‘The nine dots’ illustrates, thinking outside the box means being able to spot assumptions, habits or customary ways of thinking that are widely and uncritically accepted but have no basis in reality. Many of these we breathe in by virtue of the society in which we live. They are among the everyday conventions we accept as truths without too much examination. The phrase thinking outside the box ties in with the concept of lateral thinking, introduced by the well-known thinker and writer Edward de Bono in The Five Day Course in Thinking (1968). A person uses lateral thinking to move from one known idea to creating new ideas.
  • 16. Vertical thinking Lateral thinking Chooses Changes Looks for what is right Looks for what is different One thing must follow Makes deliberate jumps directly from another Concentrates on relevance Welcomes chance intrusions Moves in the most likely Explores the least likely directions directions Always be willing to challenge widely accepted assumptions.
  • 17. Can you remove three lines to get three squares ?
  • 18. 1 2
  • 19.
  • 20. How Many persons do you see?
  • 21. What do you see in this photo?
  • 22.
  • 23. What is Decision Making? Decision Making Types Decision Making Styles Decision Making Approaches Decision Making Strategies Decision Makers Styles CORT 1 Approach in Decision Making Tips In Decision Making
  • 24. The selection of an option over others (which include no action), under conditions that are uncertain and expose you to a risk and consequence, In order to reach an objective. The study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. The process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them.
  • 25. Decisions • This is the yes/no, either/or decision that must be made before we proceed with the selection of an alternative. whether • Decisions whether are made by weighing reasons pro and con. • These decisions involve a choice of one or more alternatives Decisions from among a set of possibilities, the choice being based on which how well each alternative measures up to a set of predefined criteria. • These are decisions that have been made but put on hold until Contingent some condition is met. • The best contingent and opportunistic decisions are made by decisions the prepared mind (one that has thought about criteria and alternatives in the past). Most people have a set of already made, contingent decisions, just waiting for the right conditions or opportunity to arise. Time, energy, price, availability, opportunity, encouragement, etc. , all these factors can figure into the necessary conditions that need to be met before we can act on our decision.
  • 26. • These decisions are permanent. Once taken, they can't be undone. Irreversible • The effects of these decisions can be felt for a long time to come. Such decisions are taken when there is no other option. • Reversible decisions are not final and binding. In fact, they can be changed entirely at any point of time. Reversible • It allows one to acknowledge mistakes and fresh decisions can be taken depending upon the new circumstances. • Such decisions are put on hold until the decision maker thinks that the right time has come. • The wait might make one miss the right opportunity that can Delayed cause some loss, specially in the case of businesses. • However, such decisions give one, enough time to collect all information required and to organize all the factors in the correct way.
  • 27. • These decisions enable one to make maximum of the opportunity available at hand. Quick • However, only a good decision maker can take decisions that are instantaneous as well as correct. Decisions • In order to be able to take the right decision within a short span of time, one should also take the long-term results into consideration. • One of the ways of decision making is the experimental type in which the final decision cannot be taken until the Experimental preliminary results appear and are positive. • This approach is used when one is sure of the final destination but is not convinced of the course to be taken.
  • 28. •This approach involves trying out a certain course of action. If the result is positive it is followed further, if not, then a fresh course is adopted. Trial and •Such a trial and error method is continued until the Error decision maker finally arrives at a course of action that convinces him of success. •This allows a manager to change and adjust his plans until the final commitment is made. •Conditional decisions allow an individual to keep all his options open. He sticks to one decision as long as the circumstances remain the same. Conditional •Once the competitor makes a new move, conditional decisions allow a person to take up a different course of action.
  • 29. • when the leader maintains total control and ownership of the decision. The leader is also completely responsible for the good or bad outcome as a result of the decision. Autocratic • The leader does not ask for any suggestions or ideas from outside sources and decides from his or her own internal information and perception of the situation. • when the leader gives up total control of the decision. The complete group is totally involved in the decision. The leader is not individually responsible for the outcome. Consensus • The complete organization or group is now responsible for the outcome. This is not a democratic style because everyone must agree and "buy in" on the decision. If total commitment and agreement by everyone is not obtained the decision becomes democratic.
  • 30. • when the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and Democratic allows the group to vote. • Majority vote will decide the action. • when the leader involves the members of the organization. Other perspectives of the situation are discovered because the leader deliberately asks and encourages others to participate by giving their ideas, perceptions, knowledge, and information concerning Collective - the decision. Participative • The leader maintains total control of the decision because, although outside information is considered, the leader alone decides. • The leader is also completely responsible for the good or bad outcome as a result of the decision.
  • 31. Authoritarian Group The manager makes the decision The group shares ideas based on the knowledge he can and analyses, and agrees Method gather. He then must explain the upon a decision to decision to the group and gain implement. their acceptance of it Make decision 5 min 30 min Explain decision 30 min 0 min Gain acceptance 30 min 0 min Studies show that the group often has values, feelings, and reactions quite different from those the manager supposes they have. No one knows the group and its tastes and preferences as well as the group itself. Clearly, just from an efficiency standpoint, group decision making is better. More than this, it has been shown many times that people prefer to implement the ideas they themselves think of.
  • 32. Free discussion Developmental or structured discussion The problem is simply put The problem is broken down into steps, Concept on the table for the group smaller parts with specific goals. to talk about. Abdallah has been offered Instead of asking generally whether Abdallah a job change from sales to should take the job, the group works on sub training. Should he take questions: What are his skills? What skills does Example the job? the new job require? How does he rate on each of the skills required? Notice that these questions seek specific information rather than more general impressionistic opinions. Developmental discussion: insures systematic coverage of a topic. insures that all members of the group are talking about the same aspect of the problem at the same time.
  • 33. • This is the strategy of choosing the best possible solution to the Optimizing problem, discovering as many alternatives as possible and choosing the very best. • In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather than the best alternative. It’s perfect for many small decisions. Satisficing • The word satisficing was coined by combining satisfactory and sufficient. • This stands for "maximize the maximums." This strategy focuses on evaluating and then choosing the alternatives based on their maximum Maximax possible payoff. (sometimes described as the strategy of the optimist) • It is a good strategy for use when risk taking is most acceptable. • This stands for "maximize the minimums." In this strategy, that of the pessimist, the worst possible outcome of each decision is considered and the decision with the highest minimum is chosen. Maximin • The Maximin orientation is good when the consequences of a failed decision are particularly harmful or undesirable. • Maximin concentrates on the salvage value of a decision, or of the guaranteed return of the decision. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
  • 34.
  • 35. • (Aim-Goal-Objective) AGO • Identify the decision to be made together with the goals it should achieve CAF • Consider all factors (You – Others – Community) • Widen your scope and get all facts, information, data, etc. FIP • Find Important Priorities APC • Alternatives- Possibilities – Choices. • Develop and generate alternatives. • Consequences & Subsequent C&S • (Immediate , Short-term , Med-term, Long-term) • Rate each alternative PMI • Plus – Minus- Interest • Make the decision
  • 36. Do not make decision that are not yours to make The collection of complete information and the consideration of all alternatives is seldom possible for most major decisions, so that limitations must be placed on alternatives. Keep your ideas visible {write on paper (Mind map)} Write down pros and cons of your decided action(s). involve those affected by your decision to get their commitment. In group decision, try to have the four Herman thinking styles in the group & get the best of them
  • 37. What is Problem? What is Solution? Problem Solving Approaches Thinking outside the box Lateral thinking & Problem Solving Osborn-Parnes (Creative Problem Solving) What is Decision Making? Decision Making Types Decision Making Styles Decision Making Approaches Decision Making Strategies Decision Makers Styles CORT 1 Approach in Decision Making Tips In Decision Making
  • 38.
  • 39. Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies, John Adair. Creative Problem Solving , William E. Mitchell and Thomas F. Kowalik. Harvard Business Review - January 2006 - Special Issue - Decision Making. HBR-The Seasoned Executive's Decision Making Style. Problem Solving And Decision Making Handbook. Osborn-Parnes Creative problem Solving (CPS). Edward De Bono - Lateral Thinking. Cognitive research trust (CORT 1) Edward De Bono.
  • 40. Email: Skype: safirworld84 You tube: Facebook pages: