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™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$# AnNisa
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1. O mankind, fear your
Lord who created you
from a single soul, and
He created from it its
mate, and He has spread
from them both a multitude
of men and women. And
fear Allah, Him, through
whom you ask your mutual
(rights), and the wombs
(kinship). Indeed, Allah is
All Watcher over you.
2. And give to the
orphans their property,
and do not exchange (your)
bad things for (their) good
ones, nor devour their
property into your own
property. Indeed, that is a
great sin.
3. And if you fear that you
will not deal justly with the
orphan girls, then marry of
the women, who please you,
two or three or four. But
if you fear that you shall
not be able to deal justly
(to many), then (marry only)
one, or those your right
hands possess. That is nearer
(more suitable) that you may
not incline (to injustice).
4. And give the women (upon
marriage) their bridal gifts
with a good heart. But if they
remit to you anything of it
on their own, then enjoy it
with pleasure (and) ease.
5. And do not give to
the foolish your property,
which Allah has made for
you a means of support. And
provide for them from it, and
clothe them, and speak to
them words of kindness.
6. And test the orphans until
when they reach (the age) of
marriage. So if you find in
them sound judgment, then
hand over to them their
property. And do not devour
it excessively and in haste,
lest they grow up. And
whoever (the guardians) is
rich, he should refrain (from
taking wages). And whoever
is poor, let him take what is
reasonable. Then when you
hand over to them their
property, make witnesses on
them. And Allah is sufficient
in taking account.
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7. For men is a
share of what the
parents and close relatives
leave, and for women
is a share of what the
parents and close relatives
leave, of that, be it
small or large, a share
ordained (by Allah).
8. And when the near of kin
and the orphans and the
needy are present at the
division (of the inheritance),
then provide for them from
it, and speak to them words
of kindness. $]ùρã÷è¨Β∩∇∪
9. And let those (executors
of inheritance) fear as if
they had left behind them
weak offspring, and would
fear for them. So let them
fear Allah, and speak words
of kindness and justice.
10. Indeed, those who
devour the property of
orphans unjustly, they
swallow only a fire into
their bellies. And they
will be burned in a
blazing fire.
11. Allah commands you
concerning (the inheritance
for) your children.
For the male, the equivalent
of the portion of two females.
But if there are daughters
(only), two or more, then
for them is two-thirds of
the inheritance.
And if there is (only)
one, then for her is the half.
And for his parents,
to each one of
them, a sixth of the
inheritance if he had
But if he had no children
and his parents are his
heirs, then for his mother
is one third.
But if he had brothers
(and/or sisters), then for his
mother is one sixth, after
(the payment of) the bequest
which he (may have) made,
or debts.
Your parents and your
children, you do not know
which of them is nearer
to you in benefit. (This is)
an injunction from Allah.
Indeed, Allah is Ever All
Knower, All Wise.
12. And for you
is half of that which your
wives leave, if they have
no child.
But if they have a child,
then for you is one fourth of
that which they leave, after
(the payment of) the bequest
which they (may have) made,
or debts.
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And for them (wives) is one
fourth of that which you
leave if you have no child.
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But if you have a child,
then for them is one
eighth of that which you
leave, after (the payment of)
the bequest which you (may
have) made, or debts.
And if a man or a
woman has left neither
ascendants nor descendants,
and has a brother or
a sister, then for each
one of them is one
But if they are more than
that, then they shall be
sharers in one third, after
(the payment of) the bequest
which might have been made,
or debts, (as long as the
bequest is) causing no loss
(to anyone).
(This is) a commandment
from Allah. And Allah is
Ever All Knowing, Most
13. These are the
limits (set by) Allah. And
whoever obeys Allah and
His messenger, He will
admit him to Gardens
underneath which rivers
flow, abiding forever
therein. And that is the
great success.
14. And whoever disobeys
Allah and His messenger
and transgresses His limits,
He will make him enter
the Fire, to abide forever
therein, and for him is a
humiliating punishment.
15. And those who
commit lewdness (sexual
misconduct) of your women,
then bring four witnesses
against them from amongst
you. And if they bear
witness, then confine them
to the houses, until
death takes them or
Allah ordains for them
(another) way.
16. And the two (men or
women) of you who commit
it (sexual misconduct), then
punish them both. But if they
repent and correct, then
leave them alone. Surely,
Allah is ever accepting
repentance, Most Merciful.
17. The repentance
accepted by Allah is
only for those who do
evil in ignorance, then
repent soon afterwards,
so it is those to whom
Allah will turn in
forgiveness. And Allah is
ever All Knower, All Wise.
18. And repentance is not
(accepted) of those who
(continue to) do evil deeds,
up until when death
approaches upon one of
them, he says: “Indeed,
I repent now,” nor
of those who die while
they are disbelievers. It is
those, We have prepared
for them a painful
19. O those who believe, it
is not lawful for you to
inherit women by compulsion
(against their will). And do
not put constraint upon them
that you may take away a
part of that which you have
given them, unless they
commit open lewdness
(sexual misconduct). And
live with them in kindness.
For if you dislike them, it
may be that you dislike
a thing and Allah has
placed therein much good.
20. And if you intend
to take a wife in
place of (another) wife,
and you have given to
one of them a great
amount (heap of gold), so
do not take (back) anything
from it. Would you take it
(back) by slander and a
manifest sin.
21. And how could
you take it (back)
while indeed one of
you has gone in unto
the other, and they have
taken from you a firm
22. And do not marry
of those women whom
your fathers married,
except what has already
passed. Indeed, it was
lewdness and hateful, and
an evil way.
23. Forbidden to you are
your mothers, and your
daughters, and your sisters,
and your father’s sisters,
and your mother’s sisters,
and your brother’s
daughters, and your sister’s
daughters, and your (foster)
mothers who nursed you, and
your (foster) sisters through
nursing, and mothers of
your wives, and your step
daughters who are under
your guardianship (born) of
your those women unto
whom you have gone in. But
if you have not gone in
unto them, then it is no
sin upon you (to marry
their daughters). And
(forbidden to you are) the
wives of your sons who
are from your own loins.
And (forbidden to you is)
that you take together two
sisters (in marriage), except
what has already passed.
Indeed, Allah is Oft
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
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24. And married women
(are forbidden), except those
whom your right hands
possess. (This is) a decree of
Allah upon you. And lawful
to you are all (others) beyond
those, that you seek (them in
marriage) with your property
(gifts), desiring chastity, not
unlawful sexual activities. So
whatever you enjoy with (in
marriage) from them, then
give them their bridal due as
an obligation. And there is no
sin on you in what you do by
mutual agreement after the
obligation. Indeed, Allah is
ever All Knowing, All Wise.
25. And whoever is not able
among you to afford to
marry believing free women,
then (he may marry) from
those whom your right hands
possess of believing slave
girls. And Allah knows best
about your faith. You are of
one another, so marry them
with the permission of their
guardians, and give to them
their bridal gifts in kindness,
(them being) chaste, not
committing unlawful sexual
activities, nor taking secret
lovers. But when they are
sheltered in marriage, then if
they commit lewdness
(unlawful sexual act), then
for them is half of the
punishment that which is
for free women. This
(permission to marry a slave
girl) is for him who fears
affliction (of committing sin)
among you. And it is better
for you that you have
patience. And Allah is Oft
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
26. Allah intends to make
clear to you, and to guide
you to the ways of those who
were before you, and accept
your repentance. And Allah
is All Knower, All Wise.
27. And Allah intends
to accept your repentance,
and those who follow
vain desires intend that you
deviate (into) a tremendous
28. Allah intends to lighten
(the burdens) from you,
and man was created weak.
29. O those who
believe, do not devour
your possessions among
yourselves wrongfully, except
that it be a trade
amongst you by mutual
consent. And do not kill
yourselves (one another).
Indeed, Allah is Most
Merciful to you.
30. And whoever commits
that in aggression and
injustice, then We shall
cast him into the Fire.
And that is ever easy for
31. If you avoid the
major sins, which you are
forbidden from, We shall
remove from you your
lesser sins, and We shall
admit you to a noble
32. And do not desire for
that in which Allah has
bestowed more to some of
you over others. For men
is a share of what
they have earned. And for
women is a share of what
they have earned. And ask
Allah of His bounty.
Indeed, Allah is ever All
Knower of all things.
33. And for everyone,
We have appointed heirs
of that (property) left by
parents and near relatives.
And to those with whom you
have pledged your oath, so
give them their due portion.
Indeed, Allah is ever a
witness over all things.
34. The men are in charge of
the women, by what Allah
has bestowed to one of them
over other, and because they
spend of their wealth. So
the righteous women are
devoutly obedient, guarding
in (husband’s) absence that
which Allah has (ordered to
be) guarded. And those
(women) from whom you
fear rebellion, admonish
them, and forsake them in
beds, and strike them.
Then if they obey you,
then do not seek against
them means (of annoyance).
Indeed, Allah is ever Most
High, Most Great.
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35. And if you fear a
dissension between them
twain, then appoint an
arbitrator from his family
and an arbitrator from her
family. If they (arbitrators)
desire reconciliation, Allah
will make between them.
Indeed Allah is ever All
Knower, Well Acquainted.
36. And worship Allah
and do not ascribe anything
as partner to Him. And
to parents do good, and
to near relatives, and
the orphans, and the needy,
and the neighbor who is
near of kin, and the
neighbor who is a stranger,
and the fellow traveler,
and the wayfarer, and (the
slaves) whom your right
hands possess. Indeed, Allah
does not love those who are
proud, boastful.
37. Those who are
miserly, and enjoin
miserliness on people, and
hide that which Allah
has bestowed upon them
of His bounty. And We
have prepared for the
disbelievers a humiliating
38. And those who
spend their wealth to be
seen by the people, and do
not believe in Allah, nor in
the Last Day. And he to
whom Satan is a companion,
then evil (is he) as a
39. And what have they (to
lose) if they believed in
Allah, and the Last Day,
and spent of that which
Allah has provided for
them. And Allah is ever
All Aware of them.
40. Indeed, Allah does not
wrong even of the weight
of an atom. And if there
is a good deed, He will
double it, and will give from
His presence a great reward.
41. So how (will it be)
when We bring from every
nation a witness, and We
bring you (O Muhammad)
against these people as a
42. That day, those who
disbelieved and disobeyed
the messenger will wish if
the earth were leveled with
them. And they will not (be
able to) hide from Allah a
single fact.
43. O those who believe, do
not approach prayer while
you are intoxicated, until you
know what you are saying,
nor when you are unclean
(sexual discharge) except,
when traveling on the road,
until you have washed (your
whole body). And if you are
ill, or on a journey, or one of
you comes from the call of
nature, or you have been in
contact with women (by
sexual relations), and you do
not find water, then seek
clean earth and rub your
faces and your hands (with
it). Indeed, Allah is Oft
Pardoning, Oft Forgiving.
44. Have you not seen at
those who were given a
portion of the book,
purchasing error, and they
wish that you should go
astray from the (right) path.
45. And Allah knows best of
your enemies. And Allah is
sufficient as an ally, and
Allah is sufficient as a helper.
46. Among the Jews are those
who change words from their
context and they say: “We
hear and we disobey. And
hear what is not heard.” And
Raina (consider us, but by)
distorting with their tongues
and slandering in religion.
And if they had said: “We
hear (you O Muhammad)
and we obey. And hear you
(O Muhammad), and look at
us,” it would have been
better for them, and more
upright. But Allah has cursed
them for their disbelief, so
they believe not, except a few.
47. O those who have been
given the Scripture, believe
in what We have sent down
(to Muhammad) confirming
what is (already) with you,
before that We obliterate
faces, then turn them on their
backs, or curse them as We
cursed people of (those who
violated) the Sabbath. And
the commandment of Allah
must be carried out.
48. Indeed, Allah does not
forgive that partners should
be ascribed to Him. And He
forgives what is other than
that, for whom He wills. And
whoever ascribes partners to
Allah, he has indeed invented
a tremendous sin.
49. Have you not seen at
those who claim themselves
pure. Nay, but Allah purifies
whom He wills, and they will
not be wronged (as much as)
the husk on a date-stone.
50. See, how they
invent a lie against
Allah. And enough is
that as a manifest sin.
51. Have you not seen at
those who were given a
portion of the Scripture,
they believe in superstitions
and false deities. And they
say about those (idolaters)
who disbelieve that they are
better guided than those who
believe in the (right) way.
52. Those are the ones
whom Allah has cursed. And
he whom Allah curses, you
will then never find for
him any helper.
53. Or for them is a share
in the dominion (of Allah).
Then (had that been so), they
would not even give mankind
the speck on a date-stone.
54. Or do they envy
mankind for what Allah
has given them of His
bounty. Then indeed, We
bestowed upon the family
of Abraham the Book
and wisdom, and We
bestowed upon them a
great kingdom.
55. Then among them were
some who believed in it, and
among them were some who
turned away from it. And
sufficient is Hell for (their)
56. Indeed, those who
disbelieve in Our revelations,
We shall drive them into the
Fire. As often as their skins
are burnt out, We shall
change them with other
skins, that they may taste the
punishment. Indeed, Allah is
ever All Mighty, All Wise.
57. And those who believe
and do righteous deeds,
We shall admit them to
Gardens underneath which
rivers flow, abiding therein
forever. For them therein
are pure companions,
and We shall admit them
into plenteous shade.
58. Indeed, Allah commands
you that you render back
the trusts to their owners,
and when you judge
between mankind, that you
judge with justice. Indeed,
excellent is that Allah
admonishes you with. Truly,
Allah is ever All Hearer,
All Seer.
59. O those who believe,
obey Allah, and obey the
messenger (Muhammad),
and those who are in
authority among you. Then
if you have a dispute
concerning any matter, refer
it to Allah and the messenger
if you are believers in
Allah and the Last Day.
That is better and more
commendable in the end.
60. Have you not seen at
those (hypocrites) who claim
that they believe in that
which has been sent down
to you, and that which
was sent down before you.
They wish that they go for
judgment (in their disputes)
to satanic authorities, while
they have been ordered that
they reject them. And Satan
wishes to lead them astray,
a far away misleading.
61. And when it is said to
them: “Come to what Allah
has sent down and to the
messenger (Muhammad),”
you see the hypocrites
turning away from you in
62. So how (would it be)
when a catastrophe befalls
them because of what their
own hands have sent forth.
Then they would come to
you, swearing by Allah:
“We intended nothing except
goodwill and conciliation.”
63. Those are the
ones whom Allah knows
what is in their hearts.
So turn aside from
them, and admonish them,
and speak to them a
word to reach to their
very souls.
64. And We did not send
any messenger except that
he should be obeyed by
Allah’s permission. And if
indeed, when they had
wronged themselves, they
had come to you and asked
forgiveness of Allah, and
the messenger had asked
forgiveness for them, they
would have found Allah All
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
65. But nay, by your Lord,
they will not (truly) believe
until they make you (O
Muhammad) judge of what is
in dispute among themselves,
then find within themselves
no discomfort from what you
have judged, and submit with
full submission.
66. And if We had
decreed upon them that:
“Kill yourselves or move
out of your homes,” they
would not have done it,
except a few of them. And
if they had done what
they were instructed with,
it would have been better
for them, and a firmer
strengthening (in their faith).
67. And then We would
certainly have bestowed
upon them from Us a
great reward.
68. And We would have
certainly guided them to a
straight path.
69. And whoever obeys
Allah and the messenger,
then they will be with
those upon whom Allah
has bestowed favor, of
the prophets, and those
steadfast in truthfulness,
and the martyrs, and the
righteous. And how excellent
are these as companions.
70. Such is the bounty
from Allah, and sufficient
is Allah as All Knower.
71. O those who believe,
take your precautions, then
go forth (on an expedition)
in parties, or go forth all
72. And indeed, there is
among you he who lingers
behind, then if a disaster
befalls you, he says: “Indeed,
Allah has been gracious to
me in that I was not
present with them.” #Y‰‹Íκy−∩∠⊄∪
73. And if a bounty comes to
you from Allah, he would
surely say, as if there had
never been between you and
him any affection: “Oh, I
wish that I had been with
them, then would I have
achieved a great success.”
74. So let them fight in
the cause of Allah, those
who sell the life of this
world for the Hereafter.
And whoever fights in
the cause of Allah, and
is killed or gets victory,
then We shall bestow
upon him a great reward.
75. And what is (the matter)
with you that you do not
fight in the cause of Allah,
and those weak among
men, and the women, and
the children who say: “Our
Lord, take us out from this
town, the people of which are
oppressors. And appoint for
us from Yourself a protecting
friend, And appoint for us
from Yourself a helper.
76. Those who believe,
they fight in the cause
of Allah, and those who
disbelieve, they fight in the
cause of evil ones. So
fight against the friends
of Satan. Indeed, the
plot of Satan is ever
77. Have you not seen at
those to whom it was said:
“Withhold your hands, and
establish prayer, and pay the
poor due,” Then when
fighting was ordained for
them, behold, a party of
them feared men as they
feared Allah, or even greater
fear. And they say: “Our
Lord, why have You
ordained upon us fighting.
Why did You not grant us
respite for a short period.”
Say: “The enjoyment of this
world is little. And the
Hereafter is better for him
who fears (Allah). And you
will not be wronged (even as
much as) the husk on a
78. Wherever you may
be, death will overtake
you, even if you are in
lofty towers. And if some
good reaches them, they
say: “This is from
Allah.” And if an evil
befalls them, they say:
“This is because of you
(Muhammad).” Say: All
(things) are from Allah.”
So what is (the matter)
with these people that
they do not seem to
understand a word.
79. Whatever of good
reaches you is from Allah,
and whatever of evil befalls
you is from yourself. And We
have sent you (Muhammad)
as a messenger to mankind.
And sufficient is Allah as a
80. He who obeys the
messenger, has indeed
obeyed Allah. And he who
turns away, then We have
not sent you (Muhammad)
over them as a guard.
81. And they say: “(we
pledge) obedience,” then
when they have gone forth
from you, a party of them
spends the night in planning
other than what you say.
And Allah records what they
plan by night. So turn aside
from them, and put your
trust in Allah. And sufficient
is Allah as a Trustee.
82. Do they not then reflect
upon the Quran. And if it
had been from other than
Allah, they would have found
therein much contradictions.
83. And when there comes
to them some matter (news)
of safety or fear, they spread
it. And if they had referred it
to the messenger, and to
those of authority among
them. So those who are
competent to investigate it
would have come to know
about it (directly) from them.
And if it was not for the
grace of Allah upon you, and
His mercy, you would have
followed Satan, except a few.
84. So fight (O Muhammad)
in the cause of Allah. You are
not held responsible except
for yourself, and encourage
the believers. It may be that
Allah will restrain the might
of those who disbelieve. And
Allah is stronger in might
and stronger in inflicting
85. Whoever intercedes
an intercession for a good
cause, for him is the share
there from. And whoever
intercedes an intercession for
an evil cause, for him is the
burden there from. And
Allah has power over all
86. And when you are
greeted with a greeting, greet
you with a better than it or
return it. Indeed, Allah is
Account Taker of all things.
87. Allah, there is no
god except Him. He will
surely gather you all on the
Day of Resurrection, about
which there is no doubt.
And who is more truthful
than Allah in statement.
88. Then what is (the matter)
with you (that you are
divided into) two parties
regarding the hypocrites.
And Allah has reverted them
(to disbelief) because of what
they earned. Do you want to
guide him whom Allah has
sent astray. And he whom
Allah sends astray, you will
then never find for him any
way (of guidance).
89. They wish if you should
disbelieve, same as they have
disbelieved, then you become
equal (with them). So do not
take from among them
friends until they emigrate in
the way of Allah. So if they
turn back (to enmity), then
seize them and kill them
wherever you find them. And
do not take from among them
friends nor helpers.
90. Except those who seek
refuge with a people, between
you and whom there is a
treaty (of peace). Or (those
who) come to you, their
hearts restraining from
fighting you or fighting
their own people. And if
Allah had willed, He could
have given them power over
you, so that they would
have fought you. So, if they
withdraw from you, and
they do not fight against
you, and they offer you
peace. Then Allah has not
made for you a cause (that
you fight) against them.
91. You will find others,
who desire that they should
have security from you,
and security from their
own people. Whenever they
are returned (to opportunity)
of (causing) mischief, they
fall back into it. So, if
they do not withdraw from
you, nor offer to you peace,
nor restrain their hands,
then seize them, and kill
them wherever you overtake
them. And those, We have
given to you against them a
clear warrant.
92. And it is not for a
believer to kill a believer
except by mistake.
And whoever kills a
believer by mistake, then the
freeing of a believing slave,
and payment of the blood
money to his family, unless
that they give (it up as) a
But if he (the slain) was
from a people hostile unto
you, and he was a believer,
then (only) the freeing of a
believing slave (is required).
And if he (the slain) was
from a people between you
and them there is a treaty,
then a compensation must be
paid to his family, and the
freeing of a believing slave.
Then whoever does not find
(means), then fasting for
two consecutive months,
(seeking) repentance from
Allah. And Allah is All
Knower, All Wise.
93. And whoever kills a
believer intentionally, then
his recompense is Hell to
abide therein forever. And
Allah’s wrath is upon him,
and He has cursed him, and
has prepared for him a great
94. O those who believe,
when you go forth (to
fight) in the cause of Allah,
investigate carefully, and do
not say to him who greets
you peace: “You are not a
believer.” Seeking the
profits of the life of
this world. For with
Allah are plenteous spoils.
Even thus (as he now
is) were you before, then
Allah conferred His favors
on you, so investigate
carefully. Indeed, Allah is
ever informed of what
you do.
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95. Not equal are those
of the believers who sit
(at home), except those
who are disabled, and
those who strive in the
cause of Allah with their
wealth and their lives.
Allah has preferred those
who strive with their
wealth and their lives
above those who sit, in
ranks. And to each Allah
has promised good. And
Allah has bestowed on those
who strive above those who
sit a great reward.
96. Degrees of rank from
Him, and forgiveness, and
mercy. And Allah is ever
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
97. Indeed, those whom the
angels take (in death) while
doing wrong to themselves,
they (the angels) will say:
“In what (condition) were
you.” They will say: “We
were oppressed in the land.”
They (the angels) will say:
“Was not Allah’s earth
spacious that you could
have migrated therein. So
for those, their habitation
will be Hell, and an evil
98. Except the weak
among men, and the
women, and the children,
who are not able to
devise a plan, nor are
directed to a way.
99. As for such, it may be
that Allah will forgive
them. And Allah is ever
Clement, Oft Forgiving.
100. And whoever emigrates
in the cause of Allah, will
find on the earth many
dwellings and abundance,
and whoever goes forth
from his home, as an
emigrant unto Allah and
His messenger, then death
overtakes him, his reward is
then surely incumbent upon
Allah. And Allah is ever
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
101. And when you travel
in the land, then it is
no sin on you that
you shorten from the
prayers, if you fear that
those who disbelieve may
attack you. Indeed, the
disbelievers are an open
enemy to you.
102. And when you (O
Muhammad) are among
them, and lead the prayer
for them, then let (only) a
party of them stand with
you (to pray), and let them
take their arms.
Then when they have
performed their prostrations,
let them take their
positions in your rear,
and let another party
come that has not
prayed, so let them pray
with you. And let them
take their precaution and
their arms.
Those who disbelieve wish,
if you were negligent of
your arms and your
baggage, to attack you in
a single rush.
And it is no sin for
you, if you are
inconvenienced of rain, or
you are ill, that you lay
aside your arms.
And take your precaution.
Indeed, Allah has prepared
for the disbelievers a
humiliating punishment.
103. Then when you
have finished the prayer,
then remember Allah,
standing, and sitting down,
and (lying down) on your
sides. And when you are
in safety, then establish
prayer. Indeed, the prayer is
enjoined on the believers at
fixed hours.
104. And do not weaken
in pursuit of the people
(the enemy). If you should
be suffering then surely,
they (too) are suffering
(hardships), as you are
suffering. And you hope
from Allah that which they
do not hope. And Allah is
ever All Knowing, All Wise.
105. Indeed, We have sent
down to you (O Muhammad)
the Book (the Quran) in truth
that you might judge between
mankind by that which Allah
has shown you. And be not
an advocate for those who
betray their trust.
106. And seek the
forgiveness of Allah. Indeed,
Allah is ever Oft Forgiving,
Most Merciful.
107. And do not argue
on behalf of those who
deceive themselves. Indeed,
Allah does not love him
who is a betrayer of his
trust, sinful.
108. They seek to hide
from men and do not
seek to hide from Allah.
And He is with them
when they plot by night,
in that which He does
not approve of speech. And
Allah is ever encompassing
of what they do.
109. Here you are, you
who have argued for
them in the life of this
world. But who will argue
with Allah for them on
the Day of Resurrection, or
who will then be their
110. And whoever does
evil or wrongs himself, then
seeks forgiveness of Allah,
he will find Allah Oft
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
111. And whoever earns
sin, he then earns it
only against himself. And
Allah is All Knowing,
All Wise.
112. And whoever earns
a fault or a sin, then
throws (blames) it upon the
innocent, then indeed, he has
burdened himself with a
slander and a manifest sin.
113. And if it was not for
the favor of Allah upon
you (Muhammad), and His
mercy, a party of them had
resolved to mislead you. And
they mislead none except
themselves, and no harm can
they do to you in anything.
And Allah has sent down to
you the Book (the Quran)
and wisdom, and has taught
you that which you did not
know. And the favor of Allah
has ever been great upon
114. There is no good in
most of their secret
conversations except for
those who enjoin charity,
or kindness, or conciliation
between mankind. And
whoever does that, seeking
the good pleasure of
Allah, then We shall
bestow on him a great
115. And whoever opposes
the messenger after what has
become manifest to him of
the guidance and follows
other than the way of
believers. We will let him go
to what he has turned to,
and We will burn him in
Hell, and evil is destination.
116. Indeed, Allah does not
forgive that partners should
be associated with Him. And
He forgives what is other
than that to whom He
wills. And he who associates
partners with Allah, then he
has certainly strayed to a
far away misguidance.
117. They call upon instead
of Him none but females
(deities). And they call
upon none but Satan, a
persistent rebel.
118. Allah cursed him. And
he said: “Surely I will take
of Your slaves an appointed
119. “And surely I will lead
them astray, and surely I will
arouse desires in them, and
surely I will command them
so they will slit the ears
of the cattle, and surely I
will command them so
they will change creation of
Allah.” And whoever takes
Satan for a friend other
than Allah, has certainly
sustained a manifest loss.
120. He makes promises to
them, and he arouses in
them false desires. And Satan
does not promise to them but
121. For such, their
habitation will be Hell, and
they will not find from it
an escape.
122. And those who
believe and do righteous
deeds, We shall admit
them into Gardens
underneath which rivers
flow, wherein they will
abide forever. A promise
from Allah in truth.
And who can be more
truthful than Allah (in
his) words.
123. Neither your desires,
nor the desires of the People
of the Book (which matter).
Whoever does evil will be
recompensed for it, and he
will not find for himself other
than Allah any protecting
friend, nor a helper.
124. And whoever does
any righteous deeds,
of male or female, and he is a
believer, then such will enter
paradise and they will not be
wronged (even as much as)
the speck on a date-stone.
125. And who can be better
in religion than one who
surrenders his face (himself)
to Allah, and he is doer
of good, and follows the
tradition of Abraham, the
true in faith. And Allah did
take Abraham as a friend.
126. And to Allah belongs
whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the
earth. And Allah is ever
encompassing all things.
127. And they ask you
concerning women. Say:
“Allah gives you a ruling
about them, and that which
has been recited to you in
the Book concerning female
orphans, to whom you do
not give that which is
decreed for them, and (yet)
you desire that you marry
them, and (concerning) the
oppressed among children,
and that you stand firm
for orphans in justice.” And
whatever you do of good,
then indeed, Allah is ever
All Aware of it.”
128. And if a woman
fears from her husband
ill treatment, or desertion,
then it is no sin upon
them that they arrange
between them an amicable
settlement. And a settlement
is better. And present in
(human) inner selves is
greed. And if you do good
and fear (Allah), then
indeed, Allah is ever
informed of what you do.
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129. And you will never be
able to deal with justice
between wives, even if it is
your ardent desire. So do
not incline (toward one) with
full attention, and leave her
(the other) as hanging. And
if you do good and fear
(Allah), then indeed, Allah
is ever Forgiving, Most
130. And if they separate
(by divorce), Allah will
enrich each (of them) from
His abundance. And Allah
is ever All Encompassing,
All Wise.
131. And to Allah belongs
whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the
earth. And indeed, We
instructed those who were
given the Book before
you, and (We instructed)
you, that you fear Allah.
And if you disbelieve, then
indeed, to Allah belongs
whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the earth.
And Allah is ever Rich,
owner of Praise.
132. And to Allah belongs
whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the earth.
And sufficient is Allah as a
133. If He wills, He can
take you away, O people,
and bring others (in your
place). And Allah is ever
All Potent over that.
134. Whoever does desire the
reward of this world, then
with Allah is the reward of
this world and the Hereafter.
And Allah is ever All Hearer,
All Seer.
135. O those who believe,
be firmly standing for justice,
as witnesses for Allah, even
if (it be) against yourselves,
or (your) parents, or (your)
kindred. Whether it be
(against) a rich or a poor,
for Allah is nearer to
them both. So do not follow
desire (of your heart), lest
you keep away from justice.
And if you distort (your
witness) or refuse (to give it),
then indeed, Allah is ever
informed of what you do.
136. O those who believe,
believe in Allah, and His
messenger and the Book (the
Quran) which He has sent
down to His messenger, and
the Scripture which He sent
down before. And whoever
disbelieves in Allah, and His
angels, and His scriptures,
and His messengers, and the
Last Day, then he has
certainly strayed to a far
away misguidance.
137. Certainly, those who
believe, then disbelieve,
then (again) believe, then
(again) disbelieve, then go on
increasing in disbelief, Allah
will never forgive them, nor
will He guide them to the
(right) way.
138. Give the tidings to the
hypocrites that there is for
them a painful punishment.
139. Those who take
disbelievers for their
friends instead of the
believers. Do they seek
honor with them. But
indeed, the honor belongs
to Allah entirely.
140. And it has already been
revealed to you in the Book
(this Quran) that, when you
hear the verses of Allah being
rejected of and mocked at,
then do not sit with them
(who disbelieve and mock)
until they engage in some
other conversation. Indeed,
you would then be like them
(should you stay with them).
Surely, Allah will gather
hypocrites and disbelievers
into Hell all together.
141. Those who wait (and
watch) about you. Then if
there is a victory for you
from Allah, they say: “Were
we not with you.” And if
there is a success for the
disbelievers, they say (to
them): “Did we not gain an
advantage over you, and we
protected you from the
believers.” So Allah will
judge between you on the
Day of Resurrection. And
never will Allah grant to
the disbelievers a way (of
success) against the believers.
142. Certainly, the
hypocrites seek to deceive
Allah, but it is He
who deceives them. And
when they stand up for
the prayer, they stand with
laziness, (and) to be seen
of people, and they do not
remember Allah but little.
143. Swaying between this
(and that), (belonging)
neither to these (believers),
nor to those (disbelievers).
And he whom Allah sends
astray, then you will never
find for him a way.
144. O those who
believe, do not take
the disbelievers for friends
instead of the believers.
Do you wish to give
Allah against yourselves a
manifest proof.
145. Indeed, the hypocrites
will be in the lowest
depths of the Fire. And
never will you find for
them a helper.
146. Except those who
repent and correct
themselves, and hold fast to
Allah, and make sincere
their religion for Allah,
then they will be with the
believers. And Allah will
bestow on the believers a
great reward.
147. What would Allah do
(gain) with your punishment,
if you give thanks and
believe (in Him). And Allah
is ever All Appreciative (of
good), All Knowing.
148. Allah does not like
any public utterance of evil
except by one who has been
wronged. And Allah is ever
All Hearer, All Knower.
149. Whether you publish
a good deed, or conceal
it, or forgive an evil,
then indeed, Allah is ever
Oft Forgiving, All
150. Indeed, those who
disbelieve in Allah and
His messengers, and
wish that they can create
a distinction between Allah
and His messengers, and
they say: “We believe in
some and disbelieve in
others,” and they wish
that they can adopt a
way in between.
151. It is they, they are
the disbelievers in truth,
and We have prepared
for the disbelievers a
humiliating punishment.
152. And those who
believe in Allah and His
messengers, and make no
distinction between any of
them. To such, He will give
them their rewards. And
Allah is ever Oft Forgiving,
Most Merciful.
153. The people of the
Scripture ask you to
bring down upon them a
book from the heaven.
Then indeed, they had
asked Moses even greater
than that, when they said:
“Show us Allah plainly.” So
the storm of lightning
seized them for their
wrongdoing. Then they took
the calf (for worship) even
after what had come to
them as clear evidences. Even
then We forgave that. And
We bestowed on Moses an
evident authority.
154. And We raised over
them the Mount for (taking)
their covenant. And We said
to them: “Enter the gate,
prostrating.” And We said to
them: “Do not transgress in
Sabbath.” And We took from
them a firm covenant.
155. Then because of their
breaking of their covenant,
and their disbelieving in the
revelations of Allah, and
their killing of the prophets
without right, and of their
saying: “Our hearts are
covered.” Nay, but Allah has
set a seal upon them because
of their disbelief, so they do
not believe except a few.
156. And because of their
disbelief and of their
uttering against Mary a
great slander.
157. And (because of) their
saying: “We indeed killed
Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary,
Allah’s messenger.” And they
did not kill him, nor they
crucified him, but it
appeared so unto them. And
indeed, those who disagree
over it are in doubt thereof.
They do not have any
knowledge of it, but pursuit
of a conjecture. And certainly
they did not kill him.
158. But Allah raised
him up unto Himself.
And Allah is ever All
Mighty, All Wise.
159. And there is none
from the people of the
Scripture but that he will
surely believe in him before
his death. And on the Day
of Resurrection he will be
against them a witness.
160. Because of the wrong
doing of those who became
Jews, We made unlawful for
them (certain) good things
that had been lawful to
them (before), and because
of their hindering many
(people) from Allah’s way.
161. And of their taking of
usury while indeed they were
forbidden from it, and of
their devouring people’s
wealth unjustly. And We
have prepared for the
disbelievers among them a
painful punishment.
162. But those who
are firm in knowledge
among them, and the
believers, they believe in
that which has been sent
down to you (Muhammad),
and that which was sent
down before you. And
those who establish prayer,
and those who pay the
poor due, and believe in
Allah and the Last Day.
It is they to whom We shall
bestow immense reward.
163. Indeed, We have
revealed to you
(Muhammad), as We
revealed to Noah and the
prophets after him. And We
revealed to Abraham, and
Ishmael, and Isaac, and
Jacob, and the tribes, and
Jesus, and Job, and Jonah,
and Aaron, and Solomon,
and We gave to David the
164. And (We sent) the
messengers whom We have
indeed mentioned to you
before, and the messengers
whom We have not
mentioned to you. And Allah
spoke to Moses, a (direct)
165. Messengers as bearers
of glad tiding and as warners,
so that there might not be
for mankind an argument
against Allah after the
messengers. And Allah is
ever All Mighty, All Wise.
166. But Allah (Himself)
bears witness that what He
has sent down to you, He
has sent it down with His
Knowledge, and the angels
bear witness. And sufficient
is Allah as a witness.
167. Indeed, those who
disbelieve and hinder (others)
from the way of Allah, they
have certainly strayed to a
far away misguidance.
168. Indeed, those who
disbelieve and do wrong,
Allah will never forgive
them, nor will He guide
them to the (right) path.
169. Except the path of
Hell, wherein they will abide
forever. And that is ever
easy for Allah.
170. O mankind, there
has indeed come to you
the messenger (Muhammad)
with the truth from your
Lord. So believe, (that is)
better for you. And if you
disbelieve, then indeed, to
Allah belongs whatever is
in the heavens and the
earth. And Allah is ever
All Knower, All Wise.
171. O People of the
Scripture, do not commit
excess in your religion, nor
say about Allah
except the truth. The
Messiah, Jesus, son of
Mary, was only a messenger
of Allah, and His word,
which He conveyed to
Mary, and a spirit from
Him. So believe in Allah,
and His messengers, and
do not say: “Three.”
Desist, it is better for
you. Allah is only One
God. Exalted is He above
that He should have a
son. To Him belongs
whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the
earth. And sufficient is
Allah as a Defender.
172. Never would the
Messiah disdain to be
a slave to Allah, nor
the angels near (to Him).
And whoever disdains from
His worship, and is
arrogant, so He shall
assemble them all to Him.
173. Then as for those
who believed and did
righteous deeds, He will
give them in full their
wages, and He will grant
them more out of His
bounty. And as for those
who were disdainful and
arrogant, so He will punish
them with a painful
punishment. And they will
not find for them, other than
Allah, any protecting friend,
nor helper.
174. O mankind, there
has indeed come to you
a convincing proof from
your Lord, and We have
sent down to you a
manifest light.
175. Then as for those
who believe in Allah, and
hold fast to Him, He will
admit them into His mercy
from Him, and bounty, and
He will guide them to
Himself by a straight path.
176. They ask you a legal
ruling. Say: “Allah gives you
a ruling regarding a kindred
who has neither descendants
nor ascendants (as heirs).”
“If a man dies, (and) he had
no child, but he has a sister,
then she shall have one half
of what he has left behind.”
“And he (brother) would
inherit from her if she (died
and) did not have a child.”
“Then if there are two
sisters, then theirs are two
thirds of what he has left
“And if there are brothers
(and sisters), men, and
women, then for the male,
the equivalent of the portion
of two females.”
“Allah makes clear to
you, lest you go astray.
And Allah is All Knower of
every thing.”

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ملزمة الصف الأول الأبتدائي الفصل الأول.Pub

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004 annisa

  • 1. ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$# AnNisa ÉΟó¡Î0«!$#Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$#ÉΟŠÏm§9$# In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. O mankind, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul, and He created from it its mate, and He has spread from them both a multitude of men and women. And fear Allah, Him, through whom you ask your mutual (rights), and the wombs (kinship). Indeed, Allah is All Watcher over you. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒâ¨$¨Ζ9$#(#θà)®?$#ãΝä3−/u‘“Ï%©!$# /ä3s)n=s{⎯ÏiΒ<§ø¯Ρ;οy‰Ïn≡uρt,n=yzuρ $pκ÷]ÏΒ$yγy_÷ρy—£]t/uρ$uΚåκ÷]ÏΒZω%y`Í‘ #ZÏWx.[™!$|¡ÎΣuρ4(#θà)¨?$#uρ©!$#“Ï%©!$# tβθä9u™!$|¡s?⎯ÏμÎ/tΠ%tnö‘F{$#uρ4¨βÎ)©!$# tβ%x.öΝä3ø‹n=tæ$Y6ŠÏ%u‘∩⊇∪ 2. And give to the orphans their property, and do not exchange (your) bad things for (their) good ones, nor devour their property into your own property. Indeed, that is a great sin. (#θè?#u™uρ#’yϑ≈tFu‹ø9$#öΝæηs9≡uθøΒr&(Ÿωuρ (#θä9£‰t7oKs?y]ŠÎ7sƒø:$#É=Íh‹©Ü9$$Î/(Ÿωuρ (#þθè=ä.ù's?öΝçλm;≡uθøΒr&#’n<Î)öΝä3Ï9≡uθøΒr&4…çμ¯ΡÎ) tβ%x.$/θãm#ZÎ6x.∩⊄∪
  • 2. 3. And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry of the women, who please you, two or three or four. But if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (to many), then (marry only) one, or those your right hands possess. That is nearer (more suitable) that you may not incline (to injustice). ÷βÎ)uρ÷Λä⎢øÅzωr&(#θäÜÅ¡ø)è?’Îû 4‘uΚ≈tGu‹ø9$#(#θßsÅ3Ρ$$sù$tΒz>$sÛΝä3s9 z⎯ÏiΒÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#4©o_÷WtΒy]≈n=èOuρyì≈t/â‘uρ( ÷βÎ*sùóΟçFøÅzωr&(#θä9ω÷ès?¸οy‰Ïn≡uθsù ÷ρr&$tΒôMs3n=tΒöΝä3ãΨ≈yϑ÷ƒr&4y7Ï9≡sŒ #’oΤ÷Šr&ωr&(#θä9θãès?∩⊂∪ 4. And give the women (upon marriage) their bridal gifts with a good heart. But if they remit to you anything of it on their own, then enjoy it with pleasure (and) ease. (#θè?#u™uρu™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#£⎯ÍκÉJ≈s%߉|¹'s#øtÏΥ4 βÎ*sùt⎦÷⎤ÏÛöΝä3s9⎯tã&™ó©x«çμ÷ΖÏiΒ $T¡øtΡçνθè=ä3sù$↔ÿ‹ÏΖyδ$↔ÿƒÍ£Δ∩⊆∪ 5. And do not give to the foolish your property, which Allah has made for you a means of support. And provide for them from it, and clothe them, and speak to them words of kindness. Ÿωuρ(#θè?÷σè?u™!$yγx¡9$#ãΝä3s9≡uθøΒr& ©ÉL©9$#Ÿ≅yèy_ª!$#ö/ä3s9$Vϑ≈uŠÏ% öΝèδθè%ã—ö‘$#uρ$pκÏùöΝèδθÝ¡ø.$#uρ (#θä9θè%uρöΝçλm;Zωöθs%$]ùρâ÷ê¨Β∩∈∪ 6. And test the orphans until when they reach (the age) of marriage. So if you find in them sound judgment, then (#θè=tGö/$#uρ4’yϑ≈tGuŠø9$##©¨Lym#sŒÎ)(#θäón=t/ yy%s3ÏiΖ9$#÷βÎ*sùΛä⎢ó¡nΣ#u™öΝåκ÷]ÏiΒ#Y‰ô©â‘
  • 3. hand over to them their property. And do not devour it excessively and in haste, lest they grow up. And whoever (the guardians) is rich, he should refrain (from taking wages). And whoever is poor, let him take what is reasonable. Then when you hand over to them their property, make witnesses on them. And Allah is sufficient in taking account. (#þθãèsù÷Š$$sùöΝÍκös9Î)öΝçλm;≡uθøΒr&(Ÿωuρ !$yδθè=ä.ù's?$]ù#uó Î)#·‘#y‰Î/uρβr& (#ρçy9õ3tƒ4⎯tΒuρtβ%x.$|‹ÏΨxî ô#Ï÷ètGó¡uŠù=sù(⎯tΒuρtβ%x.#ZÉ)sù ö≅ä.ù'uŠù=sùÅ∃ρá÷èyϑø9$$Î/4#sŒÎ*sùöΝçF÷èsùyŠ öΝÍκös9Î)öΝçλm;≡uθøΒr&(#ρ߉Íκô−r'sùöΝÍκön=tæ4 4‘xx.uρ«!$$Î/$Y7ŠÅ¡ym∩∉∪ 7. For men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, and for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, of that, be it small or large, a share ordained (by Allah). ÉΑ%y`Ìh=Ïj9Ò=ŠÅÁtΡ$£ϑÏiΒx8ts? Èβ#t$Î!≡uθø9$#tβθç/tø%F{$#uρÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ=Ï9uρ Ò=ŠÅÁtΡ$£ϑÏiΒx8ts?Èβ#t$Î!≡uθø9$# šχθç/tø%F{$#uρ$£ϑÏΒ¨≅s%çμ÷ΖÏΒ÷ρr& uèYx.4$Y7ŠÅÁtΡ$ZÊρãø¨Β∩∠∪ 8. And when the near of kin and the orphans and the needy are present at the division (of the inheritance), then provide for them from it, and speak to them words #sŒÎ)uρu|Øymsπyϑó¡É)ø9$#(#θä9'ρé& 4’n1öà)ø9$#4’yϑ≈tGuŠø9$#uρß⎦⎫Å6≈|¡yϑø9$#uρ Νèδθè%ã—ö‘$$sùçμ÷ΨÏiΒ(#θä9θè%uρóΟçλm;Zωöθs%
  • 4. of kindness. $]ùρã÷è¨Β∩∇∪ 9. And let those (executors of inheritance) fear as if they had left behind them weak offspring, and would fear for them. So let them fear Allah, and speak words of kindness and justice. |·÷‚u‹ø9uρš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#öθs9(#θä.ts?ô⎯ÏΒ óΟÎγÏù=yzZπ−ƒÍh‘èŒ$¸≈yèÅÊ(#θèù%s{ öΝÎγøŠn=tæ(#θà)−Gu‹ù=sù©!$#(#θä9θà)u‹ø9uρ Zωöθs%#´‰ƒÏ‰y™∩®∪ 10. Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly, they swallow only a fire into their bellies. And they will be burned in a blazing fire. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθè=à2ù'tƒtΑ≡uθøΒr& 4’yϑ≈tGuŠø9$#$¸ϑù=àß$yϑ¯ΡÎ)tβθè=à2ù'tƒ’Îû öΝÎγÏΡθäÜç/#Y‘$tΡ(šχöθn=óÁu‹y™uρ #ZÏèy™∩⊇⊃∪ 11. Allah commands you concerning (the inheritance for) your children. ÞΟä3ŠÏ¹θリ!$#þ’ÎûöΝà2ω≈s9÷ρr& For the male, the equivalent of the portion of two females. Ìx.©%#Ï9ã≅÷VÏΒÅeáymÈ⎦÷⎫u‹sVΡW{$# But if there are daughters (only), two or more, then for them is two-thirds of the inheritance. βÎ*sù£⎯ä.[™!$|¡ÎΣs−öθsùÈ⎦÷⎫tGt⊥øO$#£⎯ßγn=sù $sVè=èO$tΒx8ts? And if there is (only) one, then for her is the half. (βÎ)uρôMtΡ%x.Zοy‰Ïm≡uρ$yγn=sùß#óÁÏiΖ9$#
  • 5. And for his parents, to each one of them, a sixth of the inheritance if he had children. Ïμ÷ƒuθt/L{uρÈe≅ä3Ï97‰Ïn≡uρ$yϑåκ÷]ÏiΒ â¨ß‰¡9$#$£ϑÏΒx8ts?βÎ)tβ%x.…çμs9 Ó$s!uρ But if he had no children and his parents are his heirs, then for his mother is one third. βÎ*sùóΟ©9⎯ä3tƒ…ã&©!Ó$s!uρÿ…çμrOÍ‘uρuρ çν#uθt/r&ÏμÏiΒT|sùß]è=›W9$# But if he had brothers (and/or sisters), then for his mother is one sixth, after (the payment of) the bequest which he (may have) made, or debts. βÎ*sùtβ%x.ÿ…ã&s!×οuθ÷zÎ)ÏμÏiΒT|sù â¨ß‰¡9$#4.⎯ÏΒω÷èt/7π§‹Ï¹uρ©Å»θム!$pκÍ5÷ρr&A⎦ø⎪yŠ Your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is nearer to you in benefit. (This is) an injunction from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Ever All Knower, All Wise. 3öΝä.äτ!$t/#u™öΝä.äτ!$oΨö/r&uρŸωtβρâ‘ô‰s? öΝß㕃r&Ü>tø%r&ö/ä3s9$YèøtΡ4ZπŸÒƒÌsù š∅ÏiΒ«!$#3¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x.$¸ϑŠÎ=tã $VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇⊇∪ 12. And for you is half of that which your wives leave, if they have no child. *öΝà6s9uρß#óÁÏΡ$tΒx8ts? öΝà6ã_≡uρø—r&βÎ)óΟ©9⎯ä3tƒ£⎯ßγ©9 Ó$s!uρ
  • 6. But if they have a child, then for you is one fourth of that which they leave, after (the payment of) the bequest which they (may have) made, or debts. βÎ*sùtβ$Ÿ2 ∅ßγs9Ó$s!uρãΝà6n=sù ßìç/”9$#$£ϑÏΒz⎯ò2ts?4.⎯ÏΒω÷èt/ 7π§‹Ï¹uρš⎥⎫Ϲθãƒ!$yγÎ/÷ρr&&⎥ø⎪yŠ And for them (wives) is one fourth of that which you leave if you have no child. 4 ∅ßγs9uρßìç/”9$#$£ϑÏΒóΟçFø.ts?βÎ) öΝ©9⎯à6tƒöΝä3©9Ó‰s9uρ But if you have a child, then for them is one eighth of that which you leave, after (the payment of) the bequest which you (may have) made, or debts. βÎ*sùtβ$Ÿ2öΝà6s9Ó$s!uρ£⎯ßγn=sù ß⎯ßϑ›V9$#$£ϑÏΒΛä⎢ò2ts?4.⎯ÏiΒω÷èt/ 7π§‹Ï¹uρšχθß¹θè?!$yγÎ/÷ρr&&⎦ø⎪yŠ And if a man or a woman has left neither ascendants nor descendants, and has a brother or a sister, then for each one of them is one sixth. βÎ)uρšχ%x.×≅ã_u‘ß^u‘θム»'s#≈n=Ÿ2Íρr&×οr&tøΒ$#ÿ…ã&s!uρîˆr&÷ρr& ×M÷zé&Èe≅ä3Î=sù7‰Ïn≡uρ$yϑßγ÷ΨÏiΒ â¨ß‰¡9$#4 But if they are more than that, then they shall be sharers in one third, after (the payment of) the bequest which might have been made, βÎ*sù(#þθçΡ%Ÿ2usYò2r&⎯ÏΒy7Ï9≡sŒ ôΜßγsùâ™!%Ÿ2uà°’ÎûÏ]è=›W9$#4.⎯ÏΒ Ï‰÷èt/7π§‹Ï¹uρ4©|»θãƒ!$pκÍ5÷ρr&A⎦ø⎪yŠ
  • 7. or debts, (as long as the bequest is) causing no loss (to anyone). uöxî9h‘!$ŸÒãΒ4 (This is) a commandment from Allah. And Allah is Ever All Knowing, Most Forbearing. 4Zπ§‹Ï¹uρz⎯ÏiΒ«!$#3ª!$#uρíΟŠÎ=tæ ÒΟŠÎ=ym∩⊇⊄∪ 13. These are the limits (set by) Allah. And whoever obeys Allah and His messenger, He will admit him to Gardens underneath which rivers flow, abiding forever therein. And that is the great success. šù=Ï?ߊρ߉ãm«!$#4∅tΒuρÆìÏÜム©!$#…ã&s!θß™u‘uρã&ù#Åzô‰ãƒ;M≈¨Ζy_ ”Ìôfs?⎯ÏΒ$yγÏFóss?ã≈yγ÷ΡF{$# š⎥⎪Ï$Î#≈yz$yγŠÏù4šÏ9≡sŒuρã—öθxø9$# ÞΟŠÏàyèø9$#∩⊇⊂∪ 14. And whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger and transgresses His limits, He will make him enter the Fire, to abide forever therein, and for him is a humiliating punishment. ∅tΒuρÄÈ÷ètƒ©!$#…ã&s!θß™u‘uρ £‰yètGtƒuρ…çνyŠρ߉ãnã&ù#Åzô‰ãƒ#·‘$tΡ #V$Î#≈yz$yγ‹Ïù…ã&s!uρÑU#x‹tã Ñ⎥⎫Îγ•Β∩⊇⊆∪ 15. And those who commit lewdness (sexual misconduct) of your women, then bring four witnesses ©ÉL≈©9$#uρš⎥⎫Ï?ù'tƒsπt±Ås≈xø9$#⎯ÏΒ öΝà6Í←!$|¡ÎpΣ(#ρ߉Îηô±tFó™$$sù£⎯ÎγøŠn=tã
  • 8. against them from amongst you. And if they bear witness, then confine them to the houses, until death takes them or Allah ordains for them (another) way. Zπyèt/ö‘r&öΝà6ΖÏiΒ(βÎ*sù(#ρ߉Íκy−  ∅èδθä3Å¡øΒr'sù’ÎûÏNθã‹ç6ø9$#4©®Lym £⎯ßγ8©ùuθtFtƒßNöθyϑø9$#÷ρr&Ÿ≅yèøgs†ª!$# £⎯çλm;Wξ‹Î6y™∩⊇∈∪ 16. And the two (men or women) of you who commit it (sexual misconduct), then punish them both. But if they repent and correct, then leave them alone. Surely, Allah is ever accepting repentance, Most Merciful. Èβ#s%©!$#uρ$yγÏΨ≈uŠÏ?ù'tƒöΝà6ΖÏΒ $yϑèδρèŒ$t↔sù(χÎ*sù$t/$s?$ysn=ô¹r&uρ (#θàÊÌôãr'sù!$yϑßγ÷Ψtã3¨βÎ)©!$# tβ$Ÿ2$/#§θs?$¸ϑ‹Ïm§‘∩⊇∉∪ 17. The repentance accepted by Allah is only for those who do evil in ignorance, then repent soon afterwards, so it is those to whom Allah will turn in forgiveness. And Allah is ever All Knower, All Wise. $yϑ¯ΡÎ)èπt/öθ−G9$#’n?tã«!$#š⎥⎪Ï%©#Ï9 tβθè=yϑ÷ètƒu™þθ¡9$#7's#≈yγpg¿2¢ΟèO šχθç/θçGtƒ⎯ÏΒ5=ƒÌs%y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sù Ü>θçGtƒª!$#öΝÍκön=tã3šχ%x.uρª!$# $¸ϑŠÎ=tã$ΚŠÅ6ym∩⊇∠∪ 18. And repentance is not (accepted) of those who (continue to) do evil deeds, ÏM|¡øŠs9uρèπt/öθ−G9$#š⎥⎪Ï%©#Ï9 tβθè=yϑ÷ètƒÏN$t↔ÍhŠ¡¡9$##©¨Lym#sŒÎ)
  • 9. up until when death approaches upon one of them, he says: “Indeed, I repent now,” nor of those who die while they are disbelievers. It is those, We have prepared for them a painful punishment. u|ØymãΝèδy‰tnr&ÝVöθyϑø9$#tΑ$s% ’ÎoΤÎ)àMö6è?z⎯≈t↔ø9$#Ÿωuρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$# šχθè?θßϑtƒöΝèδuρî‘$¤à24 y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&$tΡô‰tFôãr&öΝçλm;$¹/#x‹tã $VϑŠÏ9r&∩⊇∇∪ 19. O those who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion (against their will). And do not put constraint upon them that you may take away a part of that which you have given them, unless they commit open lewdness (sexual misconduct). And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah has placed therein much good. $y㕃r'¯≈tƒz⎯ƒÏ%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™Ÿω‘≅Ïts† öΝä3s9βr&(#θèOÌs?u™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#$δöx.(Ÿωuρ £⎯èδθè=àÒ÷ès?(#θç7yδõ‹tGÏ9ÇÙ÷èt7Î/!$tΒ £⎯èδθßϑçF÷s?#u™HωÎ)βr&t⎦⎫Ï?ù'tƒ 7πt±Ås≈xÎ/7πoΨÉit6•Β4£⎯èδρçÅ°$tãuρ Å∃ρã÷èyϑø9$$Î/4βÎ*sù£⎯èδθßϑçF÷δÌx. #©|¤yèsùβr&(#θèδtõ3s?$↔ø‹x©Ÿ≅yèøgs†uρ ª!$#ÏμŠÏù#Zöyz#ZÏWŸ2∩⊇®∪ 20. And if you intend to take a wife in place of (another) wife, and you have given to ÷βÎ)uρãΝ›?Šu‘r&tΑ#y‰ö7ÏGó™$#8l÷ρy— šχ%x6¨Β8l÷ρy—óΟçF÷s?#u™uρ
  • 10. one of them a great amount (heap of gold), so do not take (back) anything from it. Would you take it (back) by slander and a manifest sin. £⎯ßγ1y‰÷nÎ)#Y‘$sÜΖÏ%Ÿξsù(#ρä‹è{ù's? çμ÷ΖÏΒ$º↔ø‹x©4…çμtΡρä‹äzù's?r&$YΨ≈tGôγç/ $VϑøOÎ)uρ$YΨÎ6•Β∩⊄⊃∪ 21. And how could you take it (back) while indeed one of you has gone in unto the other, and they have taken from you a firm pledge. y#ø‹x.uρ…çμtΡρä‹è{ù's?ô‰s%uρ4©|Óøùr& öΝà6àÒ÷èt/4’n<Î)<Ù÷èt/ šχõ‹yzr&uρΝà6ΖÏΒ$¸)≈sV‹ÏiΒ $Zà‹Î=xî∩⊄⊇∪ 22. And do not marry of those women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed. Indeed, it was lewdness and hateful, and an evil way. Ÿωuρ(#θßsÅ3Ζs?$tΒyxs3tΡ Νà2äτ!$t/#u™š∅ÏiΒÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#ωÎ)$tΒ ô‰s%y#n=y™4…çμ¯ΡÎ)tβ$Ÿ2Zπt±Ås≈sù $Fø)tΒuρu™!$y™uρ¸ξ‹Î6y™∩⊄⊄∪ 23. Forbidden to you are your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your father’s sisters, and your mother’s sisters, and your brother’s daughters, and your sister’s ôMtΒÌhãmöΝà6ø‹n=tãöΝä3çG≈yγ¨Βé& öΝä3è?$oΨt/uρöΝà6è?≡uθyzr&uρ öΝä3çG≈£ϑtãuρöΝä3çG≈n=≈yzuρßN$oΨt/uρ ˈF{$#ßN$oΨt/uρÏM÷zW{$#
  • 11. daughters, and your (foster) mothers who nursed you, and your (foster) sisters through nursing, and mothers of your wives, and your step daughters who are under your guardianship (born) of your those women unto whom you have gone in. But if you have not gone in unto them, then it is no sin upon you (to marry their daughters). And (forbidden to you are) the wives of your sons who are from your own loins. And (forbidden to you is) that you take together two sisters (in marriage), except what has already passed. Indeed, Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. ãΝà6çF≈yγ¨Βé&uρû©ÉL≈©9$#öΝä3oΨ÷è|Êö‘r& Νà6è?≡uθyzr&uρš∅ÏiΒÏπyè≈|ʧ9$# àM≈yγ¨Βé&uρöΝä3Í←!$|¡ÎΣãΝà6ç6Íׯ≈t/u‘uρ ©ÉL≈©9$#’ÎûΝà2Í‘θàfãm⎯ÏiΒ ãΝä3Í←!$|¡ÎpΣ©ÉL≈©9$#ΟçFù=yzyŠ£⎯ÎγÎ/βÎ*sù öΝ©9(#θçΡθä3s?ΟçFù=yzyŠ ∅ÎγÎ/Ÿξsù yy$oΨã_öΝà6ø‹n=tæã≅Íׯ≈n=ymuρ ãΝà6Í←!$oΨö/r&t⎦⎪É‹©9$#ô⎯ÏΒ öΝà6Î7≈n=ô¹r&βr&uρ(#θãèyϑôfs? š⎥÷⎫t/È⎦÷⎫tG÷zW{$#ωÎ)$tΒô‰s% y#n=y™3χÎ)©!$#tβ%x.#Y‘θàxî $VϑŠÏm§‘∩⊄⊂∪ 24. And married women (are forbidden), except those whom your right hands possess. (This is) a decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are all (others) beyond those, that you seek (them in *àM≈oΨ|Áósßϑø9$#uρz⎯ÏΒÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#ωÎ) $tΒôMs3n=tΒöΝà6ãΨ≈yϑ÷ƒr&(|=≈tGÏ.«!$# öΝä3ø‹n=tæ4¨≅Ïmé&uρΝä3s9$¨Βu™!#u‘uρ öΝà6Ï9≡sŒβr&(#θäótFö6s?Νä3Ï9≡uθøΒr'Î/
  • 12. marriage) with your property (gifts), desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual activities. So whatever you enjoy with (in marriage) from them, then give them their bridal due as an obligation. And there is no sin on you in what you do by mutual agreement after the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever All Knowing, All Wise. t⎦⎫ÏΨÅÁøt’Χuöxîš⎥⎫ÅsÏ≈|¡ãΒ4$yϑsù Λä⎢÷ètGôϑtGó™$#⎯ÏμÎ/£⎯åκ÷]ÏΒ£⎯èδθè?$t↔sù  ∅èδu‘θã_é&ZπŸÒƒÌsù4Ÿωuρyy$oΨã_ öΝä3ø‹n=tæ$yϑŠÏùΟçF÷|Ê≡ts?⎯ÏμÎ/.⎯ÏΒ Ï‰÷èt/ÏπŸÒƒÌxø9$#4¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x. $¸ϑŠÎ=tã$VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊄⊆∪ 25. And whoever is not able among you to afford to marry believing free women, then (he may marry) from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls. And Allah knows best about your faith. You are of one another, so marry them with the permission of their guardians, and give to them their bridal gifts in kindness, (them being) chaste, not committing unlawful sexual activities, nor taking secret lovers. But when they are sheltered in marriage, then if they commit lewdness ⎯tΒuρöΝ©9ôìÏÜtGó¡o„öΝä3ΖÏΒ»ωöθsÛβr& yxÅ6ΖtƒÏM≈oΨ|Áósßϑø9$# ÏM≈oΨÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#⎯Ïϑsù$¨ΒôMs3n=tΒ Νä3ãΖ≈yϑ÷ƒr&⎯ÏiΒãΝä3ÏG≈uŠtGsù ÏM≈oΨÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#4ª!$#uρãΝn=ôãr&Νä3ÏΖ≈yϑƒÎ*Î/ 4Νä3àÒ÷èt/.⎯ÏiΒ<Ù÷èt/4 £⎯èδθßsÅ3Ρ$$sùÈβøŒÎ*Î/£⎯ÎγÎ=÷δr&  ∅èδθè?#u™uρ£⎯èδu‘θã_é& Å∃ρá÷èyϑø9$$Î/BM≈oΨ|ÁøtèΧuöxî ;M≈ysÏ≈|¡ãΒŸωuρÅV≡x‹Ï‚−GãΒ
  • 13. (unlawful sexual act), then for them is half of the punishment that which is for free women. This (permission to marry a slave girl) is for him who fears affliction (of committing sin) among you. And it is better for you that you have patience. And Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. 5β#y‰÷{r&4!#sŒÎ*sù£⎯ÅÁômé&÷βÎ*sù š⎥÷⎫s?r&7πt±Ås≈xÎ/£⎯Íκön=yèsùß#óÁÏΡ $tΒ’n?tãÏM≈oΨ|Áósßϑø9$#š∅ÏΒ É>#x‹yèø9$#4y7Ï9≡sŒô⎯yϑÏ9}‘ϱyz |MuΖyèø9$#öΝä3ΖÏΒ4βr&uρ(#ρçÉ9óÁs?×öyz öΝä3©93ª!$#uρÖ‘θàxîÒΟ‹Ïm§‘∩⊄∈∪ 26. Allah intends to make clear to you, and to guide you to the ways of those who were before you, and accept your repentance. And Allah is All Knower, All Wise. ߉ƒÌリ!$#t⎦Îi⎫t7ãŠÏ9öΝä3s9öΝà6tƒÏ‰öηtƒuρ z⎯oΨß™z⎯ƒÏ%©!$#⎯ÏΒöΝà6Î=ö6s%z>θçGtƒuρ öΝä3ø‹n=tæ3ª!$#uρíΟŠÎ=tæÒΟŠÅ3ym∩⊄∉∪ 27. And Allah intends to accept your repentance, and those who follow vain desires intend that you deviate (into) a tremendous deviation. ª!$#uρ߉ƒÌãƒβr&z>θçGtƒöΝà6ø‹n=tæ ߉ƒÌãƒuρš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#tβθãèÎ7−Gtƒ ÏN≡uθpꤶ9$#βr&(#θè=ŠÏÿsC¸ξøŠtΒ$VϑŠÏàtã ∩⊄∠∪ 28. Allah intends to lighten (the burdens) from you, and man was created weak. ߉ƒÌリ!$#βr&y#Ïesƒä†öΝä3Ψtã4 t,Î=äzuρß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$#$Z‹Ïè|Ê∩⊄∇∪
  • 14. 29. O those who believe, do not devour your possessions among yourselves wrongfully, except that it be a trade amongst you by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (one another). Indeed, Allah is Most Merciful to you. $y㕃r'¯≈tƒš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™Ÿω (#þθè=à2ù's?Νä3s9≡uθøΒr&Μà6oΨ÷t/ È≅ÏÜ≈t6ø9$$Î/HωÎ)βr&šχθä3s?¸οt≈pgÏB ⎯tã<Ú#ts?öΝä3ΖÏiΒ4Ÿωuρ(#þθè=çFø)s? öΝä3|¡àΡr&4¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x.öΝä3Î/ $VϑŠÏmu‘∩⊄®∪ 30. And whoever commits that in aggression and injustice, then We shall cast him into the Fire. And that is ever easy for Allah. ⎯tΒuρö≅yèøtƒy7Ï9≡sŒ$ZΡ≡uρô‰ãã$Vϑù=àßuρ t∃öθ|¡sùÏμŠÎ=óÁçΡ#Y‘$tΡ4tβ%Ÿ2uρ šÏ9≡sŒ’n?tã«!$##·Å¡o„∩⊂⊃∪ 31. If you avoid the major sins, which you are forbidden from, We shall remove from you your lesser sins, and We shall admit you to a noble entrance. βÎ)(#θç6Ï⊥tFøgrBtÍ←!$t6Ÿ2$tΒtβöθpκ÷]è? çμ÷ΨtãöÏes3çΡöΝä3ΨtãöΝä3Ï?$t↔Íh‹y™ Νà6ù=Åzô‰çΡuρWξyzô‰•Β$VϑƒÌx. ∩⊂⊇∪ 32. And do not desire for that in which Allah has bestowed more to some of you over others. For men Ÿωuρ(#öθ¨ΨyϑtGs?$tΒŸ≅Òsùª!$#⎯ÏμÎ/ öΝä3ŸÒ÷èt/4’n?tã<Ù÷èt/4ÉΑ%y`Ìh=Ïj9
  • 15. is a share of what they have earned. And for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of His bounty. Indeed, Allah is ever All Knower of all things. Ò=ŠÅÁtΡ$£ϑÏiΒ(#θç6|¡oKò2$#( Ï™!$|¡ÏiΨ=Ï9uρÒ=ŠÅÁtΡ$®ÿÊeΕt⎦÷⎤|¡tGø.$#4 (#θè=t↔ó™uρ©!$#⎯ÏΒÿ⎯Ï&Î#ôÒsù3¨βÎ)©!$# šχ%Ÿ2Èe≅ä3Î/>™ó_x«$VϑŠÎ=tã ∩⊂⊄∪ 33. And for everyone, We have appointed heirs of that (property) left by parents and near relatives. And to those with whom you have pledged your oath, so give them their due portion. Indeed, Allah is ever a witness over all things. 9e≅à6Ï9uρ$oΨù=yèy_u’Í<≡uθtΒ$£ϑÏΒx8ts? Èβ#t$Î!≡uθø9$#šχθç/tø%F{$#uρ4t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#uρ ôNy‰s)tãöΝà6ãΖ≈yϑ÷ƒr&öΝèδθè?$t↔sù öΝåκz:ÅÁtΡ4¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%Ÿ24’n?tã Èe≅à2&™ó©x«#´‰‹Îγx©∩⊂⊂∪ 34. The men are in charge of the women, by what Allah has bestowed to one of them over other, and because they spend of their wealth. So the righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in (husband’s) absence that which Allah has (ordered to ãΑ%y`Ìh9$#šχθãΒ≡§θs%’n?tãÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$# $yϑÎ/Ÿ≅Òsùª!$#óΟßγŸÒ÷èt/4’n?tã <Ù÷èt/!$yϑÎ/uρ(#θà)xΡr&ô⎯ÏΒöΝÎγÏ9≡uθøΒr&4 àM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$$sùìM≈tGÏΖ≈s%×M≈sàÏ≈ym É=ø‹tóù=Ïj9$yϑÎ/xáÏymª!$#4©ÉL≈©9$#uρ
  • 16. be) guarded. And those (women) from whom you fear rebellion, admonish them, and forsake them in beds, and strike them. Then if they obey you, then do not seek against them means (of annoyance). Indeed, Allah is ever Most High, Most Great. tβθèù$sƒrB ∅èδy—θà±èΣ  ∅èδθÝàÏèsù£⎯èδρãàf÷δ$#uρ’Îû ÆìÅ_$ŸÒyϑø9$#£⎯èδθç/ÎôÑ$#uρ(÷βÎ*sù öΝà6uΖ÷èsÛr&Ÿξsù(#θäóö7s?£⎯Íκön=tã ¸ξ‹Î6y™3¨βÎ)©!$#šχ%x.$wŠÎ=tã #ZÎ6Ÿ2∩⊂⊆∪ 35. And if you fear a dissension between them twain, then appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they (arbitrators) desire reconciliation, Allah will make between them. Indeed Allah is ever All Knower, Well Acquainted. ÷βÎ)uρóΟçFøÅzs−$s)Ï©$uΚÍκÈ]÷t/(#θèWyèö/$$sù $Vϑs3ymô⎯ÏiΒ⎯Ï&Î#÷δr&$Vϑs3ymuρô⎯ÏiΒ !$yγÎ=÷δr&βÎ)!#y‰ƒÌãƒ$[s≈n=ô¹Î)È,Ïjùuθムª!$#!$yϑåκs]øŠt/3¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x.$¸ϑŠÎ=tã #ZÎ7yz∩⊂∈∪ 36. And worship Allah and do not ascribe anything as partner to Him. And to parents do good, and to near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the neighbor who is near of kin, and the *(#ρ߉ç6ôã$#uρ©!$#Ÿωuρ(#θä.Îô³è@⎯ÏμÎ/ $↔ø‹x©(È⎦ø⎪t$Î!≡uθø9$$Î/uρ$YΖ≈|¡ômÎ) “É‹Î/uρ4’n1öà)ø9$#4’yϑ≈tGuŠø9$#uρ È⎦⎫Å3≈|¡yϑø9$#uρÍ‘$pgø:$#uρ“ÏŒ4’n1öà)ø9$#
  • 17. neighbor who is a stranger, and the fellow traveler, and the wayfarer, and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not love those who are proud, boastful. Í‘$pgø:$#uρÉ=ãΨàfø9$#É=Ïm$¢Á9$#uρ É=/Ζyfø9$$Î/È⎦ø⌠$#uρÈ≅‹Î6¡¡9$#$tΒuρ ôMs3n=tΒöΝä3ãΖ≈yϑ÷ƒr&3¨βÎ)©!$#Ÿω=Ïtä† ⎯tΒtβ%Ÿ2Zω$tFøƒèΧ#·‘θã‚sù∩⊂∉∪ 37. Those who are miserly, and enjoin miserliness on people, and hide that which Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθè=y‚ö7tƒtβρâßΔù'tƒuρ šZ$¨Ψ9$#È≅÷‚ç7ø9$$Î/ šχθßϑçFò6tƒuρ!$tΒãΝßγ9s?#u™ª!$# ⎯ÏΒ⎯Ï&Î#ôÒsù3$tΡô‰tFôãr&uρ t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈x6ù=Ï9$/#x‹tã$YΨ‹Îγ•Β∩⊂∠∪ 38. And those who spend their wealth to be seen by the people, and do not believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day. And he to whom Satan is a companion, then evil (is he) as a companion. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#uρšχθà)ÏΨãƒöΝßγs9≡uθøΒr&u™!$sÍ‘ Ĩ$¨Ψ9$#ŸωuρšχθãΨÏΒ÷σル!$$Î/Ÿωuρ ÏΘöθu‹ø9$$Î/ÌÅzFψ$#3⎯tΒuρÇ⎯ä3tƒ ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#…çμs9$YΨƒÌs%u™!$|¡sù$YΨƒÌs% ∩⊂∇∪ 39. And what have they (to lose) if they believed in #sŒ$tΒuρöΝÍκön=tãöθs9(#θãΖtΒ#u™«!$$Î/
  • 18. Allah, and the Last Day, and spent of that which Allah has provided for them. And Allah is ever All Aware of them. ÏΘöθu‹ø9$#uρÌÅzFψ$#(#θà)xΡr&uρ$£ϑÏΒ ÞΟßγs%y—u‘ª!$#4tβ%x.uρª!$#óΟÎγÎ/ $¸ϑŠÎ=tã∩⊂®∪ 40. Indeed, Allah does not wrong even of the weight of an atom. And if there is a good deed, He will double it, and will give from His presence a great reward. ¨βÎ)©!$#ŸωãΝÎ=ôàtƒtΑ$s)÷WÏΒ;六sŒ( βÎ)uρà7s?ZπuΖ|¡ym$yγøÏè≈ŸÒムÅV÷σãƒuρ⎯ÏΒçμ÷Ρà$©!#·ô_r&$VϑŠÏàtã ∩⊆⊃∪ 41. So how (will it be) when We bring from every nation a witness, and We bring you (O Muhammad) against these people as a witness. y#ø‹s3sù#sŒÎ)$uΖ÷∞Å_⎯ÏΒÈe≅ä.¥π¨Βé& 7‰‹Îγt±Î0$uΖ÷∞Å_uρy7Î/4’n?tãÏ™Iωàσ¯≈yδ #Y‰‹Íκy−∩⊆⊇∪ 42. That day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger will wish if the earth were leveled with them. And they will not (be able to) hide from Allah a single fact. 7‹Í≥tΒöθtƒ–Šuθtƒz⎯ƒÏ%©!$#(#ρãxx.(#âθ|Átãuρ tΑθß™§9$#öθs93“§θ|¡è?ãΝÍκÍ5ÞÚö‘F{$# ŸωuρtβθßϑçFõ3tƒ©!$#$ZVƒÏ‰tn∩⊆⊄∪ 43. O those who believe, do not approach prayer while $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™Ÿω(#θç/tø)s?
  • 19. you are intoxicated, until you know what you are saying, nor when you are unclean (sexual discharge) except, when traveling on the road, until you have washed (your whole body). And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes from the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations), and you do not find water, then seek clean earth and rub your faces and your hands (with it). Indeed, Allah is Oft Pardoning, Oft Forgiving. nο4θn=¢Á9$#óΟçFΡr&uρ3“t≈s3ß™4©®Lym (#θßϑn=÷ès?$tΒtβθä9θà)s?Ÿωuρ$·7ãΨã_ωÎ) “ÌÎ/$tã@≅‹Î6y™4©®Lym(#θè=Å¡tFøós?4 βÎ)uρΛä⎢Ψä.#©yÌó£Δ÷ρr&4’n?tã@xy™÷ρr& u™!$y_Ó‰tnr&Νä3ΨÏiΒz⎯ÏiΒÅÝÍ←!$tóø9$#÷ρr& ãΛä⎢ó¡yϑ≈s9u™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#öΝn=sù(#ρ߉ÅgrB[™!$tΒ (#θßϑ£ϑu‹tFsù#Y‰‹Ïè|¹$Y7ÍhŠsÛ (#θßs|¡øΒ$$sùöΝä3Ïδθã_âθÎ/öΝä3ƒÏ‰÷ƒr&uρ3 ¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x.#‚θàtã#·‘θàxî∩⊆⊂∪ 44. Have you not seen at those who were given a portion of the book, purchasing error, and they wish that you should go astray from the (right) path. öΝs9r&ts?’n<Î)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θè?ρé&$Y7ŠÅÁtΡ z⎯ÏiΒÉ=≈tGÅ3ø9$#tβρçtIô±o„s's#≈n=Ò9$# tβρ߉ƒÌãƒuρβr&(#θ=ÅÒs?Ÿ≅‹Î6¡¡9$# ∩⊆⊆∪ 45. And Allah knows best of your enemies. And Allah is sufficient as an ally, and Allah is sufficient as a helper. ª!$#uρãΝn=ôãr&öΝä3Í←!#y‰ôãr'Î/44’s∀x.uρ «!$$Î/$wŠÏ9uρ4’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/#ZÅÁtΡ∩⊆∈∪
  • 20. 46. Among the Jews are those who change words from their context and they say: “We hear and we disobey. And hear what is not heard.” And Raina (consider us, but by) distorting with their tongues and slandering in religion. And if they had said: “We hear (you O Muhammad) and we obey. And hear you (O Muhammad), and look at us,” it would have been better for them, and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except a few. z⎯ÏiΒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#ρߊ$yδtβθèùÌhptä†zΝÎ=s3ø9$# ⎯tã⎯ÏμÏèÅÊ#uθ¨Βtβθä9θà)tƒuρ$oΨ÷èÏÿxœ $uΖøŠ|Átãuρôìoÿôœ$#uρuöxî8ìyϑó¡ãΒ $uΖÏã≡u‘uρ$CŠs9öΝÍκÉJt⊥Å¡ø9r'Î/$YΨ÷èsÛuρ’Îû È⎦⎪Ïd‰9$#4öθs9uρöΝåκ¨Ξr&(#θä9$s%$oΨ÷èÏÿxœ $uΖ÷èsÛr&uρôìoÿôœ$#uρ$tΡóÝàΡ$#uρtβ%s3s9 #ZöyzöΝçλ°;tΠuθø%r&uρ⎯Å3≈s9uρãΝåκs]yè©9 ª!$#÷Λ¿εÌøä3Î/ŸξsùtβθãΨÏΒ÷σãƒωÎ) WξŠÎ=s%∩⊆∉∪ 47. O those who have been given the Scripture, believe in what We have sent down (to Muhammad) confirming what is (already) with you, before that We obliterate faces, then turn them on their backs, or curse them as We cursed people of (those who violated) the Sabbath. And the commandment of Allah must be carried out. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θè?ρé&|=≈tGÅ3ø9$# (#θãΨÏΒ#u™$oÿÏ3$uΖø9¨“tΡ$]%Ïd‰|ÁãΒ$yϑÏj9 Νä3yètΒ⎯ÏiΒÈ≅ö6s%βr&}§ÏϑôÜ¯Ρ $δθã_ãρ$yδ¨Šçt∴sù#’n?tã!$yδÍ‘$t/÷Šr&÷ρr& öΝåκs]yèù=tΡ$yϑx.!$¨Ψyès9|=≈ptõ¾r&ÏMö6¡¡9$# 4tβ%x.uρãøΒr&«!$#»ωθãèøtΒ∩⊆∠∪
  • 21. 48. Indeed, Allah does not forgive that partners should be ascribed to Him. And He forgives what is other than that, for whom He wills. And whoever ascribes partners to Allah, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. ¨βÎ)©!$#ŸωãÏøótƒβr&x8uô³ç„⎯ÏμÎ/ ãÏøótƒuρ$tΒtβρߊy7Ï9≡sŒ⎯yϑÏ9â™!$t±o„4 ⎯tΒuρõ8Îô³ç„«!$$Î/ωs)sù#“utIøù$# $¸ϑøOÎ)$¸ϑŠÏàtã∩⊆∇∪ 49. Have you not seen at those who claim themselves pure. Nay, but Allah purifies whom He wills, and they will not be wronged (as much as) the husk on a date-stone. öΝs9r&ts?’n<Î)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθ’.t“ãƒΝåκ|¦àΡr& 4È≅t/ª!$#’Éj1t“ãƒ⎯tΒâ™!$t±o„Ÿωuρ tβθßϑn=ôàヸξ‹ÏGsù∩⊆®∪ 50. See, how they invent a lie against Allah. And enough is that as a manifest sin. öÝàΡ$#y#ø‹x.tβρçtIøtƒ’n?tã«!$# z>É‹s3ø9$#(4’s∀x.uρÿ⎯ÏμÎ/$VϑøOÎ)$·ΖÎ7•Β ∩∈⊃∪ 51. Have you not seen at those who were given a portion of the Scripture, they believe in superstitions and false deities. And they say about those (idolaters) who disbelieve that they are better guided than those who believe in the (right) way. öΝs9r&ts?’n<Î)š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θè?ρé&$Y7ŠÅÁtΡ z⎯ÏiΒÉ=≈tGÅ6ø9$#tβθãΨÏΒ÷σãƒÏMö6Éfø9$$Î/ ÏNθäó≈©Ü9$#uρtβθä9θà)tƒuρt⎦⎪Ï%©#Ï9 (#ρãxx.Ï™Iωàσ¯≈yδ3“y‰÷δr&z⎯ÏΒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$# (#θãΨtΒ#u™¸ξ‹Î6y™∩∈⊇∪
  • 22. 52. Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed. And he whom Allah curses, you will then never find for him any helper. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#ãΝåκs]yès9ª!$#(⎯tΒuρ Ç⎯yèù=tƒª!$#⎯n=sùy‰ÅgrB…çμs9#·ÅÁtΡ ∩∈⊄∪ 53. Or for them is a share in the dominion (of Allah). Then (had that been so), they would not even give mankind the speck on a date-stone. ÷Πr&öΝçλm;Ò=ŠÅÁtΡz⎯ÏiΒÅ7ù=ßϑø9$##]ŒÎ*sù ωtβθè?÷σãƒ}¨$¨Ζ9$##·É)tΡ∩∈⊂∪ 54. Or do they envy mankind for what Allah has given them of His bounty. Then indeed, We bestowed upon the family of Abraham the Book and wisdom, and We bestowed upon them a great kingdom. ôΘr&tβρ߉ݡøts†}¨$¨Ζ9$#4’n?tã!$tΒ ÞΟßγ9s?#u™ª!$#⎯ÏΒ⎯Ï&Î#ôÒsù(ô‰s)sù !$oΨ÷s?#u™tΑ#u™tΛ⎧Ïδ≡tö/Î)|=≈tGÅ3ø9$# sπyϑõ3Ïtø:$#uρΜßγ≈oΨ÷s?#u™uρ%¸3ù=•Β $VϑŠÏàtã∩∈⊆∪ 55. Then among them were some who believed in it, and among them were some who turned away from it. And sufficient is Hell for (their) burning. Νåκ÷]Ïϑsùô⎯¨Βz⎯tΒ#u™⎯ÏμÎ/Νåκ÷]ÏΒuρ⎯¨Β £‰|¹çμ÷Ψtã44’s∀x.uρtΛ©⎝yγpg¿2#·Ïèy™ ∩∈∈∪ 56. Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our revelations, ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#ρãxx.$uΖÏG≈tƒ$t↔Î/t∃ôθy™
  • 23. We shall drive them into the Fire. As often as their skins are burnt out, We shall change them with other skins, that they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever All Mighty, All Wise. öΝÍκÎ=óÁçΡ#Y‘$tΡ$yϑ¯=ä.ôMpg¾ÖmΩ Νèδߊθè=ã_öΝßγ≈uΖø9£‰t/#·Šθè=ã_ $yδuöxî(#θè%ρä‹u‹Ï9z>#x‹yèø9$#3χÎ) ©!$#tβ%x.#¹“ƒÍ•tã$VϑŠÅ3ym∩∈∉∪ 57. And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall admit them to Gardens underneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever. For them therein are pure companions, and We shall admit them into plenteous shade. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#uρ(#θãΨtΒ#u™(#θè=Ïϑtãuρ ÏM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$#óΟßγè=Åzô‰ãΖy™;M≈¨Ψy_ “ÌøgrB⎯ÏΒ$pκÉJøtrBã≈pκ÷ΞF{$#t⎦⎪Ï$Î#≈yz !$pκÏù#Y‰t/r&(öΝçλ°;!$pκÏùÓl≡uρø—r&×οt£γsÜ•Β (öΝßγè=Åzô‰çΡuρyξÏ߸ξŠÎ=sß∩∈∠∪ 58. Indeed, Allah commands you that you render back the trusts to their owners, and when you judge between mankind, that you judge with justice. Indeed, excellent is that Allah admonishes you with. Truly, Allah is ever All Hearer, All Seer. *¨βÎ)©!$#öΝä.ããΒù'tƒβr&(#ρ–Šxσè? ÏM≈uΖ≈tΒF{$##’n<Î)$yγÎ=÷δr&#sŒÎ)uρ ΟçFôϑs3ymt⎦÷⎫t/Ĩ$¨Ζ9$#βr&(#θßϑä3øtrB ÉΑô‰yèø9$$Î/4¨βÎ)©!$#$−ΚÏèÏΡ/ä3ÝàÏètƒ ÿ⎯ÏμÎ/3¨βÎ)©!$#tβ%x.$Jè‹Ïÿxœ#ZÅÁt/ ∩∈∇∪
  • 24. 59. O those who believe, obey Allah, and obey the messenger (Muhammad), and those who are in authority among you. Then if you have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the messenger if you are believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more commendable in the end. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#þθãΨtΒ#u™(#θãè‹ÏÛr&©!$# (#θãè‹ÏÛr&uρtΑθß™§9$#’Í<'ρé&uρÍöΔF{$# óΟä3ΖÏΒ(βÎ*sù÷Λä⎢ôãt“≈uΖs?’Îû&™ó©x« çνρ–Šãsù’n<Î)«!$#ÉΑθß™§9$#uρβÎ)÷Λä⎢Ψä. tβθãΖÏΒ÷σè?«!$$Î/ÏΘöθu‹ø9$#uρÌÅzFψ$#4 y7Ï9≡sŒ×öyzß⎯|¡ômr&uρ¸ξƒÍρù's?∩∈®∪ 60. Have you not seen at those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you. They wish that they go for judgment (in their disputes) to satanic authorities, while they have been ordered that they reject them. And Satan wishes to lead them astray, a far away misleading. öΝs9r&ts?’n<Î)š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#tβθßϑãã÷“tƒ öΝßγ¯Ρr&(#θãΨtΒ#u™!$yϑÎ/tΑÌ“Ρé&y7ø‹s9Î)!$tΒuρ tΑÌ“Ρé&⎯ÏΒy7Î=ö6s%tβρ߉ƒÌãƒβr& (#þθßϑx.$y⇔tFtƒ’n<Î)ÏNθäó≈©Ü9$#ô‰s%uρ (#ÿρâÉΔé&βr&(#ρãàõ3tƒ⎯ÏμÎ/߉ƒÌãƒuρ ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#βr&öΝßγ¯=ÅÒãƒKξ≈n=|Ê #Y‰‹Ïèt/∩∉⊃∪ 61. And when it is said to them: “Come to what Allah has sent down and to the messenger (Muhammad),” #sŒÎ)uρŸ≅ŠÏ%öΝçλm;(#öθs9$yès?4’n<Î)!$tΒtΑt“Ρr& ª!$#’n<Î)uρÉΑθß™§9$#|M÷ƒr&u‘
  • 25. you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion. t⎦⎫É)Ï≈uΖßϑø9$#tβρ‘‰ÝÁtƒšΖtã #YŠρ߉߹∩∉⊇∪ 62. So how (would it be) when a catastrophe befalls them because of what their own hands have sent forth. Then they would come to you, swearing by Allah: “We intended nothing except goodwill and conciliation.” y#ø‹s3sù!#sŒÎ)Νßγ÷Fu;≈|¹r&8πt7ŠÅÁ•Β$yϑÎ/ ôMtΒ£‰s%öΝÍγƒÏ‰÷ƒr&§ΝèOx8ρâ™!%y` tβθàÎ=øts†«!$$Î/÷βÎ)!$tΡ÷Šu‘r&HωÎ) $YΖ≈|¡ômÎ)$¸)‹Ïùöθs?uρ∩∉⊄∪ 63. Those are the ones whom Allah knows what is in their hearts. So turn aside from them, and admonish them, and speak to them a word to reach to their very souls. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&š⎥⎪É‹©9$#ãΝn=÷ètƒª!$#$tΒ’Îû óΟÎηÎ/θè=è%óÚÌôãr'sùöΝåκ÷]tãöΝßγôàÏãuρ ≅è%uρöΝçλ°;þ_ÎûöΝÎηÅ¡àΡr&Kωöθs% $ZóŠÎ=t/∩∉⊂∪ 64. And We did not send any messenger except that he should be obeyed by Allah’s permission. And if indeed, when they had wronged themselves, they had come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and !$tΒuρ$uΖù=y™ö‘r&⎯ÏΒ@Αθß™§‘ωÎ) tí$sÜã‹Ï9ÂχøŒÎ*Î/«!$#4öθs9uρöΝßγ¯Ρr& ŒÎ)(#þθßϑn=¤ßöΝßγ|¡àΡr&x8ρâ™!$y_ (#ρãxøótGó™$$sù©!$#txøótGó™$#uρÞΟßγs9
  • 26. the messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah All Forgiving, Most Merciful. ãΑθß™§9$#(#ρ߉y`uθs9©!$#$/#§θs? $VϑŠÏm§‘∩∉⊆∪ 65. But nay, by your Lord, they will not (truly) believe until they make you (O Muhammad) judge of what is in dispute among themselves, then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged, and submit with full submission. Ÿξsùy7În/u‘uρŸωšχθãΨÏΒ÷σãƒ4©®Lym x8θßϑÅj3ysãƒ$yϑŠÏùtyfx©óΟßγoΨ÷t/§ΝèO Ÿω(#ρ߉Ågs†þ’ÎûöΝÎηÅ¡àΡr&%[`tym$£ϑÏiΒ |MøŠŸÒs%(#θßϑÏk=|¡ç„uρ$VϑŠÎ=ó¡n@∩∉∈∪ 66. And if We had decreed upon them that: “Kill yourselves or move out of your homes,” they would not have done it, except a few of them. And if they had done what they were instructed with, it would have been better for them, and a firmer strengthening (in their faith). öθs9uρ$¯Ρr&$oΨö;tFx.öΝÍκön=tãÈβr&(#þθè=çFø%$# öΝä3|¡àΡr&Íρr&(#θã_ã÷z$#⎯ÏΒΝä.Ì≈tƒÏŠ $¨Βçνθè=yèsùωÎ)×≅ŠÎ=s%öΝåκ÷]ÏiΒ(öθs9uρ öΝåκ¨Ξr&(#θè=yèsù$tΒtβθÝàtãθãƒ⎯ÏμÎ/ tβ%s3s9#ZöyzöΝçλ°;£‰x©r&uρ$GÎ7÷Vs? ∩∉∉∪ 67. And then We would certainly have bestowed upon them from Us a great reward. #]ŒÎ)uρΝßγ≈oΨ÷s?`ψ⎯ÏiΒ!$¯Ρà$©!#·ô_r& $VϑŠÏàtã∩∉∠∪
  • 27. 68. And We would have certainly guided them to a straight path. öΝßγ≈oΨ÷ƒy‰yγs9uρ$WÛ≡uÅÀ$Vϑ‹É)tGó¡•Β ∩∉∇∪ 69. And whoever obeys Allah and the messenger, then they will be with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favor, of the prophets, and those steadfast in truthfulness, and the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent are these as companions. ⎯tΒuρÆìÏÜラ!$#tΑθß™§9$#uρ y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sùyìtΒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#zΝyè÷Ρr&ª!$# ΝÍκön=tãz⎯ÏiΒz⎯↵ÍhŠÎ;¨Ψ9$#t⎦⎫É)ƒÏd‰Å_Á9$#uρ Ï™!#y‰pκ’¶9$#uρt⎦⎫ÅsÎ=≈¢Á9$#uρ4z⎯Ý¡ymuρ y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&$Z)ŠÏùu‘∩∉®∪ 70. Such is the bounty from Allah, and sufficient is Allah as All Knower. šÏ9≡sŒã≅ôÒxø9$#š∅ÏΒ«!$#4 4’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/$Vϑ‹Î=tã∩∠⊃∪ 71. O those who believe, take your precautions, then go forth (on an expedition) in parties, or go forth all together. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™(#ρä‹è{ öΝà2u‘õ‹Ïm(#ρãÏΡ$$sùBN$t6èOÍρr& (#ρãÏΡ$#$Yè‹Ïϑy_∩∠⊇∪ 72. And indeed, there is among you he who lingers behind, then if a disaster befalls you, he says: “Indeed, Allah has been gracious to me in that I was not ¨βÎ)uρóΟä3ΖÏΒ⎯yϑs9¨⎦s⎮ÏeÜt7ã‹©9÷βÎ*sù /ä3÷Gt6≈|¹r&×πt7ŠÅÁ•ΒtΑ$s%ô‰s%zΝyè÷Ρr& ª!$#¥’n?tãøŒÎ)óΟs9⎯ä.r&öΝßγyè¨Β
  • 28. present with them.” #Y‰‹Íκy−∩∠⊄∪ 73. And if a bounty comes to you from Allah, he would surely say, as if there had never been between you and him any affection: “Oh, I wish that I had been with them, then would I have achieved a great success.” ÷⎦È⌡s9uρöΝä3t7≈|¹r&×≅ôÒsùz⎯ÏiΒ«!$# £⎯s9θà)u‹s9βr'x.öΝ©9.⎯ä3s?öΝä3oΨ÷t/ …çμoΨ÷t/uρ×ο¨ŠuθtΒ©Í_tGøŠn=≈tƒàMΨä.öΝßγyètΒ y—θèùr'sù#·—öθsù$VϑŠÏàtã∩∠⊂∪ 74. So let them fight in the cause of Allah, those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And whoever fights in the cause of Allah, and is killed or gets victory, then We shall bestow upon him a great reward. *ö≅ÏG≈s)ã‹ù=sù’ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$#z⎯ƒÏ%©!$# šχρçô³tƒnο4θuŠysø9$#$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# ÍοtÅzFψ$$Î/4⎯tΒuρö≅ÏG≈s)ヒÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™ «!$#ö≅tFø)ã‹sù÷ρr&ó=Î=øótƒt∃öθ|¡sù Ïμ‹Ï?÷σçΡ#·ô_r&$Κ‹Ïàtã∩∠⊆∪ 75. And what is (the matter) with you that you do not fight in the cause of Allah, and those weak among men, and the women, and the children who say: “Our Lord, take us out from this town, the people of which are oppressors. And appoint for $tΒuρö/ä3s9Ÿωtβθè=ÏG≈s)è?’ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™ «!$#t⎦⎫ÏyèôÒtFó¡ßϑø9$#uρš∅ÏΒ ÉΑ%y`Ìh9$#Ï™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#uρÈβ≡t$ø!Èθø9$#uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$# tβθä9θà)tƒ!$oΨ−/u‘$oΨô_Ì÷zr&ô⎯ÏΒÍνÉ‹≈yδ Ïπtƒös)ø9$#ÉΟÏ9$©à9$#$yγè=÷δr&≅yèô_$#uρ
  • 29. us from Yourself a protecting friend, And appoint for us from Yourself a helper. $uΖ©9⎯ÏΒšΡà$©!$|‹Ï9uρ≅yèô_$#uρ$oΨ©9 ⎯ÏΒšΡà$©!#·ÅÁtΡ∩∠∈∪ 76. Those who believe, they fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, they fight in the cause of evil ones. So fight against the friends of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan is ever weak. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™tβθè=ÏG≈s)ヒÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™ «!$#(t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#uρ(#ρãxx.tβθè=ÏG≈s)ヒÎû È≅‹Î6y™ÏNθäó≈©Ü9$#(#þθè=ÏG≈s)sùu™!$u‹Ï9÷ρr& Ç⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#(¨βÎ)y‰øŠx.Ç⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# tβ%x.$¸ŠÏè|Ê∩∠∉∪ 77. Have you not seen at those to whom it was said: “Withhold your hands, and establish prayer, and pay the poor due,” Then when fighting was ordained for them, behold, a party of them feared men as they feared Allah, or even greater fear. And they say: “Our Lord, why have You ordained upon us fighting. Why did You not grant us respite for a short period.” Say: “The enjoyment of this óΟs9r&ts?’n<Î)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#Ÿ≅ŠÏ%öΝçλm;(#þθ’ä. öΝä3tƒÏ‰÷ƒr&(#θßϑŠÏ%r&uρnο4θn=¢Á9$#(#θè?#u™uρ nο4θx.¢•9$#$¬Ηs>sù|=ÏGä.ãΝÍκön=tããΑ$tFÉ)ø9$# #sŒÎ)×,ƒÌsùöΝåκ÷]ÏiΒtβöθt±øƒs†}¨$¨Ζ9$# Ïπu‹ô±y‚x.«!$#÷ρr&£‰x©r&Zπu‹ô±yz4 (#θä9$s%uρ$oΨ−/u‘zΟÏ9|Mö6tGx.$uΖøŠn=tã tΑ$tFÉ)ø9$#Iωöθs9!$oΨs?ö¨zr&#’n<Î)9≅y_r&
  • 30. world is little. And the Hereafter is better for him who fears (Allah). And you will not be wronged (even as much as) the husk on a date-stone.” 5=ƒÌs%3ö≅è%ßì≈tFtΒ$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$#×≅‹Î=s% äοtÅzFψ$#uρ×öyzÇ⎯yϑÏj94’s+¨?$#Ÿωuρ tβθßϑn=ôàè?¸ξ‹ÏGsù∩∠∠∪ 78. Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you are in lofty towers. And if some good reaches them, they say: “This is from Allah.” And if an evil befalls them, they say: “This is because of you (Muhammad).” Say: All (things) are from Allah.” So what is (the matter) with these people that they do not seem to understand a word. $yϑoΨ÷ƒr&(#θçΡθä3s?ãΝœ3.Í‘ô‰ãƒÝVöθyϑø9$# öθs9uρ÷Λä⎢Ζä.’Îû8lρãç/;οy‰§‹t±•Β3βÎ)uρ öΝßγö6ÅÁè?×πuΖ|¡ym(#θä9θà)tƒ⎯ÍνÉ‹≈yδ ô⎯ÏΒωΖÏã«!$#(βÎ)uρöΝßγö6ÅÁè?×πy∞ÍhŠy™ (#θä9θà)tƒ⎯ÍνÉ‹≈yδô⎯ÏΒx8ωΖÏã4ö≅è% @≅ä.ô⎯ÏiΒωΖÏã«!$#(ÉΑ$yϑsùÏ™Iωàσ¯≈yδ ÏΘöθs)ø9$#Ÿωtβρߊ%s3tƒtβθßγs)øtƒ $ZVƒÏ‰tn∩∠∇∪ 79. Whatever of good reaches you is from Allah, and whatever of evil befalls you is from yourself. And We have sent you (Muhammad) as a messenger to mankind. And sufficient is Allah as a witness. !$¨Βy7t/$|¹r&ô⎯ÏΒ7πuΖ|¡ymz⎯Ïϑsù«!$#( !$tΒuρy7t/$|¹r&⎯ÏΒ7πy∞Íh‹y™⎯Ïϑsù y7Å¡ø¯Ρ4y7≈oΨù=y™ö‘r&uρĨ$¨Ζ=Ï9 Zωθß™u‘44’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/#Y‰‹Íκy−∩∠®∪
  • 31. 80. He who obeys the messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah. And he who turns away, then We have not sent you (Muhammad) over them as a guard. ⎯¨ΒÆìÏÜãƒtΑθß™§9$#ô‰s)sùtí$sÛr& ©!$#(⎯tΒuρ4’¯<uθs?!$yϑsùy7≈oΨù=y™ö‘r& öΝÎγøŠn=tæ$ZàŠÏym∩∇⊃∪ 81. And they say: “(we pledge) obedience,” then when they have gone forth from you, a party of them spends the night in planning other than what you say. And Allah records what they plan by night. So turn aside from them, and put your trust in Allah. And sufficient is Allah as a Trustee. šχθä9θà)tƒuρ×πtã$sÛ#sŒÎ*sù(#ρã—tt/ ô⎯ÏΒx8ωΨÏã|M¨Št/×πxÍ←!$sÛöΝåκ÷]ÏiΒ uöxî“Ï%©!$#ãΑθà)s?(ª!$#uρÜ=çGõ3tƒ $tΒtβθçGÍhŠu;ãƒ(óÚÍôãr'sùöΝåκ÷]tã ö≅©.uθs?uρ’n?tã«!$#44’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/ ¸ξ‹Ï.uρ∩∇⊇∪ 82. Do they not then reflect upon the Quran. And if it had been from other than Allah, they would have found therein much contradictions. Ÿξsùr&tβρã−/y‰tFtƒtβ#u™öà)ø9$#4öθs9uρtβ%x. ô⎯ÏΒωΖÏãÎöxî«!$#(#ρ߉y`uθs9ÏμŠÏù $Z≈n=ÏF÷z$##ZÏWŸ2∩∇⊄∪ 83. And when there comes to them some matter (news) of safety or fear, they spread it. And if they had referred it to the messenger, and to those of authority among #sŒÎ)uρöΝèδu™!%y`ÖøΒr&z⎯ÏiΒÇ⎯øΒF{$#Íρr& Å∃öθy‚ø9$#(#θãã#sŒr&⎯ÏμÎ/(öθs9uρçνρ–Šu‘ ’n<Î)ÉΑθß™§9$##†n<Î)uρ’Í<'ρé&ÌøΒF{$#
  • 32. them. So those who are competent to investigate it would have come to know about it (directly) from them. And if it was not for the grace of Allah upon you, and His mercy, you would have followed Satan, except a few. öΝåκ÷]ÏΒçμyϑÎ=yès9t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#…çμtΡθäÜÎ7/ΖoKó¡o„ öΝåκ÷]ÏΒ3Ÿωöθs9uρã≅ôÒsù«!$#öΝà6øŠn=tã …çμçGuΗ÷qu‘uρÞΟçF÷èt6¨?]ωz⎯≈sÜøŠ¤±9$#ωÎ) WξŠÎ=s%∩∇⊂∪ 84. So fight (O Muhammad) in the cause of Allah. You are not held responsible except for yourself, and encourage the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And Allah is stronger in might and stronger in inflicting punishment. ö≅ÏF≈s)sù’ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$#Ÿωß#¯=s3è? ωÎ)y7|¡øtΡ4ÇÚÌhymuρt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σçRùQ$#( ©|¤tãª!$#βr&£#ä3tƒ}¨ù't/t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# (#ρãxx.4ª!$#uρ‘‰x©r&$U™ù't/‘‰x©r&uρ WξŠÅ3Ζs?∩∇⊆∪ 85. Whoever intercedes an intercession for a good cause, for him is the share there from. And whoever intercedes an intercession for an evil cause, for him is the burden there from. And Allah has power over all things. ⎯¨Βôìxô±o„ºπyè≈xx©ZπuΖ|¡ym⎯ä3tƒ …ã&©!Ò=ŠÅÁtΡ$pκ÷]ÏiΒ(⎯tΒuρôìxô±o„ Zπyè≈xx©Zπy∞ÍhŠy™⎯ä3tƒ…ã&©!×≅øÏ.$yγ÷ΨÏiΒ 3tβ%x.uρª!$#4’n?tãÈe≅ä.&™ó©x«$F‹É)•Β ∩∇∈∪
  • 33. 86. And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet you with a better than it or return it. Indeed, Allah is Account Taker of all things. #sŒÎ)uρΛä⎢ŠÍh‹ãm7π¨ŠÅstFÎ/(#θ–Šyssù z⎯|¡ômr'Î/!$pκ÷]ÏΒ÷ρr&!$yδρ–Šâ‘3¨βÎ)©!$# tβ%x.4’n?tãÈe≅ä.>™ó©x«$·7ŠÅ¡ym∩∇∉∪ 87. Allah, there is no god except Him. He will surely gather you all on the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement. ª!$#Iωtμ≈s9Î)ωÎ)uθèδ4öΝä3¨Ψyèyϑôfu‹s9 4’n<Î)ÏΘöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$#Ÿω|=÷ƒu‘ÏμŠÏù3 ô⎯tΒuρä−y‰ô¹r&z⎯ÏΒ«!$#$ZVƒÏ‰tn ∩∇∠∪ 88. Then what is (the matter) with you (that you are divided into) two parties regarding the hypocrites. And Allah has reverted them (to disbelief) because of what they earned. Do you want to guide him whom Allah has sent astray. And he whom Allah sends astray, you will then never find for him any way (of guidance). *$yϑsùö/ä3s9’Îût⎦⎫É)Ï≈oΨçRùQ$#È⎦÷⎫tFy∞Ïù ª!$#uρΝåκ|¦x.ö‘r&$yϑÎ/(#þθç7|¡x.4 tβρ߉ƒÌè?r&βr&(#ρ߉ôγs?ô⎯tΒ¨≅|Êr& ª!$#(⎯tΒuρÈ≅Î=ôÒリ!$#⎯n=sùy‰ÅgrB …çμs9Wξ‹Î6y™∩∇∇∪ 89. They wish if you should disbelieve, same as they have disbelieved, then you become (#ρ–Šuρöθs9tβρãàõ3s?$yϑx.(#ρãxx. tβθçΡθä3tFsù[™!#uθy™(Ÿξsù(#ρä‹Ï‚−Gs?
  • 34. equal (with them). So do not take from among them friends until they emigrate in the way of Allah. So if they turn back (to enmity), then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take from among them friends nor helpers. öΝåκ÷]ÏΒu™!$u‹Ï9÷ρr&4©®Lym(#ρãÅ_$pκ牒Îû È≅‹Î6y™«!$#4βÎ*sù(#öθ©9uθs?öΝèδρä‹ä⇐sù óΟèδθè=çFø%$#uρß]ø‹ymöΝèδθßϑ›?‰y`uρ( Ÿωuρ(#ρä‹Ï‚−Gs?öΝåκ÷]ÏΒ$wŠÏ9uρŸωuρ #·ÅÁtΡ∩∇®∪ 90. Except those who seek refuge with a people, between you and whom there is a treaty (of peace). Or (those who) come to you, their hearts restraining from fighting you or fighting their own people. And if Allah had willed, He could have given them power over you, so that they would have fought you. So, if they withdraw from you, and they do not fight against you, and they offer you peace. Then Allah has not made for you a cause (that you fight) against them. ωÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθè=ÅÁtƒ4’n<Î)¤Θöθs% öΝä3oΨ÷t/ΝæηuΖ÷t/uρî,≈sV‹ÏiΒ÷ρr&öΝä.ρâ™!$y_ ôNuÅÇymöΝèδâ‘ρ߉߹βr& öΝä.θè=ÏG≈s)ãƒ÷ρr&(#θè=ÏG≈s)ãƒöΝßγtΒöθs%4öθs9uρ u™!$x©ª!$#öΝßγsܯ=|¡s9ö/ä3ø‹n=tæ öΝä.θè=tG≈s)n=sù4ÈβÎ*sùöΝä.θä9u”tIôã$#öΝn=sù öΝä.θè=ÏF≈s)ãƒ(#öθs)ø9r&uρãΝä3øŠs9Î)zΝn=¡¡9$# $yϑsùŸ≅yèy_ª!$#ö/ä3s9öΝÍκön=tãWξ‹Î6y™ ∩®⊃∪
  • 35. 91. You will find others, who desire that they should have security from you, and security from their own people. Whenever they are returned (to opportunity) of (causing) mischief, they fall back into it. So, if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer to you peace, nor restrain their hands, then seize them, and kill them wherever you overtake them. And those, We have given to you against them a clear warrant. tβρ߉ÉftFy™t⎦⎪Ìyz#u™tβρ߉ƒÌãƒβr& öΝä.θãΖtΒù'tƒ(#θãΖtΒù'tƒuρöΝßγtΒöθs%$yϑ¯=ä. (#ÿρ–Šâ‘’n<Î)ÏπuΖ÷FÏø9$#(#θÝ¡Ï.ö‘é&$pκÏù4 βÎ*sùöΝ©9óΟä.θä9Í”tI÷ètƒ(#þθà)ù=ãƒuρâ/ä3ø‹s9Î) zΝn=¡¡9$#(#þθ’ä3tƒuρóΟßγtƒÏ‰÷ƒr& öΝèδρä‹ã‚sùöΝèδθè=çGø%$#uρß]øŠym öΝèδθßϑçGøÉ)rO4öΝä3Íׯ≈s9'ρé&uρ$uΖù=yèy_ öΝä3s9öΝÍκön=tã$YΖ≈sÜù=ß™$YΨÎ6•Β∩®⊇∪ 92. And it is not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake. $tΒuρšχ%x.?⎯ÏΒ÷σßϑÏ9βr&Ÿ≅çFø)tƒ $·ΖÏΒ÷σãΒωÎ)$↔sÜyz4 And whoever kills a believer by mistake, then the freeing of a believing slave, and payment of the blood money to his family, unless that they give (it up as) a charity. ⎯tΒuρŸ≅tFs%$·ΨÏΒ÷σãΒ$↔sÜyzãƒÌóstGsù 7πt7s%u‘7πoΨÏΒ÷σ•Β×πtƒÏŠuρîπyϑ¯=|¡•Β#’n<Î) ÿ⎯Ï&Î#÷δr&HωÎ)βr&(#θè%£‰¢Átƒ But if he (the slain) was from a people hostile unto 4βÎ*sùšχ%x.⎯ÏΒBΘöθs%5iρ߉tãöΝä3©9
  • 36. you, and he was a believer, then (only) the freeing of a believing slave (is required). uθèδuρÑ∅ÏΒ÷σãΒãƒÌóstGsù7πt6s%u‘ 7πoΨÏΒ÷σ•Β And if he (the slain) was from a people between you and them there is a treaty, then a compensation must be paid to his family, and the freeing of a believing slave. βÎ)uρšχ%Ÿ2⎯ÏΒ¤Θöθs%öΝà6oΨ÷t/ ΟßγoΨ÷t/uρ×,≈sV‹ÏiΒ×πtƒÏ‰sùîπyϑ¯=|¡•Β#’n<Î) ⎯Ï&Î#÷δr&ãƒÌøtrBuρ7πt6s%u‘7πoΨÏΒ÷σ•Β( Then whoever does not find (means), then fasting for two consecutive months, (seeking) repentance from Allah. And Allah is All Knower, All Wise. (⎯yϑsùöΝ©9ô‰ÉftƒãΠ$u‹ÅÁsùÈ⎦ø⎪tôγx© È⎦÷⎫yèÎ/$tFtFãΒZπt/öθs?z⎯ÏiΒ«!$#3šχ%x.uρ ª!$#$¸ϑŠÎ=tã$VϑŠÅ6ym∩®⊄∪ 93. And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then his recompense is Hell to abide therein forever. And Allah’s wrath is upon him, and He has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great punishment. ⎯tΒuρö≅çFø)tƒ$YΨÏΒ÷σãΒ#Y‰ÏdϑyètG•Β …çνäτ!#t“yfsùÞΟ¨Ψyγy_#V$Î#≈yz$pκÏù |=ÅÒxîuρª!$#Ïμø‹n=tã…çμuΖyès9uρ£‰tãr&uρ …çμs9$¹/#x‹tã$VϑŠÏàtã∩®⊂∪ 94. O those who believe, when you go forth (to fight) in the cause of Allah, investigate carefully, and do not say to him who greets $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#þθãΖtΒ#u™#sŒÎ) óΟçFö/uŸÑ’ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$#(#θãΖ¨Šu;tFsù Ÿωuρ(#θä9θà)s?ô⎯yϑÏ9#’s+ø9r&ãΝà6øŠs9Î)
  • 37. you peace: “You are not a believer.” Seeking the profits of the life of this world. For with Allah are plenteous spoils. Even thus (as he now is) were you before, then Allah conferred His favors on you, so investigate carefully. Indeed, Allah is ever informed of what you do. zΝ≈n=¡¡9$#|Mó¡s9$YΖÏΒ÷σãΒšχθäótGö;s? š⇓ttãÍο4θuŠysø9$#$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$#y‰ΖÏèsù «!$#ÞΟÏΡ$tótΒ×οtŠÏVŸ24šÏ9≡x‹x. ΝçGΨà2⎯ÏiΒã≅ö6s% ∅yϑsùª!$# öΝà6ø‹n=tã(#þθãΖ¨t7tFsù4χÎ)©!$# šχ%x.$yϑÎ/šχθè=yϑ÷ès?#ZÎ6yz ∩®⊆∪ 95. Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled, and those who strive in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred those who strive with their wealth and their lives above those who sit, in ranks. And to each Allah has promised good. And Allah has bestowed on those who strive above those who sit a great reward. ω“ÈθtGó¡o„tβρ߉Ïè≈s)ø9$#z⎯ÏΒ t⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#çöxî’Í<'ρé&Í‘uœØ9$# tβρ߉Îγ≈yfçRùQ$#uρ’ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$# óΟÎγÏ9≡uθøΒr'Î/öΝÍκŦàΡr&uρ4Ÿ≅Òsùª!$# t⎦⎪ωÎγ≈yfçRùQ$#óΟÎγÏ9≡uθøΒr'Î/öΝÍκŦàΡr&uρ ’n?tãt⎦⎪ωÏè≈s)ø9$#Zπy_u‘yŠ4yξä.uρ y‰tãuρª!$#4©o_ó¡çtø:$#4Ÿ≅Òsùuρª!$# t⎦⎪ωÎγ≈yfßϑø9$#’n?tãt⎦⎪ωÏè≈s)ø9$# #·ô_r&$VϑŠÏàtã∩®∈∪
  • 38. 96. Degrees of rank from Him, and forgiveness, and mercy. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Most Merciful. ;M≈y_u‘yŠçμ÷ΖÏiΒZοtÏøótΒuρZπuΗ÷qu‘uρ4 tβ%x.uρª!$##Y‘θàxî$¸ϑ‹Ïm§‘∩®∉∪ 97. Indeed, those whom the angels take (in death) while doing wrong to themselves, they (the angels) will say: “In what (condition) were you.” They will say: “We were oppressed in the land.” They (the angels) will say: “Was not Allah’s earth spacious that you could have migrated therein. So for those, their habitation will be Hell, and an evil destination. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#ãΝßγ9©ùuθs?èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# þ‘ÏϑÏ9$sßöΝÍκŦàΡr&(#θä9$s%zΝŠÏù÷Λä⎢Ζä.( (#θä9$s%$¨Ζä.t⎦⎫ÏyèôÒtGó¡ãΒ’Îû ÇÚö‘F{$#4(#þθä9$s%öΝs9r&ô⎯ä3s?ÞÚö‘r& «!$#ZπyèÅ™≡uρ(#ρãÅ_$pκçJsù$pκÏù4 y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sùöΝßγ1uρù'tΒæΛ©⎝yγy_(ôNu™!$y™uρ #·ÅÁtΒ∩®∠∪ 98. Except the weak among men, and the women, and the children, who are not able to devise a plan, nor are directed to a way. ωÎ)t⎦⎫ÏyèôÒtFó¡ßϑø9$#š∅ÏΒ ÉΑ%y`Ìh9$#Ï™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#uρÈβ≡t$ø!Èθø9$#uρŸω tβθãè‹ÏÜtGó¡o„'s#‹ÏmŸωuρtβρ߉tGöκu‰ Wξ‹Î7y™∩®∇∪ 99. As for such, it may be that Allah will forgive y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sù©|¤tãª!$#βr&uθà÷ètƒ
  • 39. them. And Allah is ever Clement, Oft Forgiving. öΝåκ÷]tã4šχ%x.uρª!$##‚θàtã#Y‘θàxî ∩®®∪ 100. And whoever emigrates in the cause of Allah, will find on the earth many dwellings and abundance, and whoever goes forth from his home, as an emigrant unto Allah and His messenger, then death overtakes him, his reward is then surely incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Most Merciful. *⎯tΒuρöÅ_$pκ牒ÎûÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$#ô‰Ågs† ’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$#$Vϑxî≡tãΒ#ZÏWx.Zπyèy™uρ4 ⎯tΒuρólãøƒs†.⎯ÏΒ⎯ÏμÏF÷t/#·Å_$yγãΒ ’n<Î)«!$#⎯Ï&Î!θß™u‘uρ§ΝèOçμø.Í‘ô‰ãƒ ßNöθpRùQ$#ô‰s)sùyìs%uρ…çνãô_r&’n?tã«!$#3 tβ%x.uρª!$##Y‘θàxî$VϑŠÏm§‘∩⊇⊃⊃∪ 101. And when you travel in the land, then it is no sin on you that you shorten from the prayers, if you fear that those who disbelieve may attack you. Indeed, the disbelievers are an open enemy to you. #sŒÎ)uρ÷Λä⎢ö/uŸÑ’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$#}§øŠn=sù ö/ä3ø‹n=tæîy$uΖã_βr&(#ρçÝÇø)s?z⎯ÏΒ Íο4θn=¢Á9$#÷βÎ)÷Λä⎢øÅzβr&ãΝä3uΖÏFøtƒ t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#ÿρãxx.4¨βÎ)t⎦⎪ÍÏ≈s3ø9$#(#θçΡ%x. ö/ä3s9#xρ߉tã$YΖÎ7•Β∩⊇⊃⊇∪ 102. And when you (O Muhammad) are among them, and lead the prayer for them, then let (only) a #sŒÎ)uρ|MΖä.öΝÍκÏù|Môϑs%r'sùãΝßγs9 nο4θn=¢Á9$#öΝà)tFù=sù×πxÍ←!$sÛΝåκ÷]ÏiΒ
  • 40. party of them stand with you (to pray), and let them take their arms. y7tè¨Β(#ÿρä‹äzù'u‹ø9uρöΝåκtJysÎ=ó™r& Then when they have performed their prostrations, let them take their positions in your rear, and let another party come that has not prayed, so let them pray with you. And let them take their precaution and their arms. #sŒÎ*sù(#ρ߉y∨y™(#θçΡθä3uŠù=sù⎯ÏΒ öΝà6Í←!#u‘uρÏNù'tGø9uρîπxÍ←!$sÛ 2”t÷zé&óΟs9(#θ=|Áãƒ(#θ=|Áã‹ù=sù y7yètΒ(#ρä‹è{ù'uŠø9uρöΝèδu‘õ‹Ïn öΝåκtJysÎ=ó™r&uρ Those who disbelieve wish, if you were negligent of your arms and your baggage, to attack you in a single rush. ¨Šuρz⎯ƒÏ%©!$#(#ρãxx.öθs9šχθè=àøós? ô⎯tãöΝä3ÏFysÎ=ó™r&ö/ä3ÏGyèÏGøΒr&uρ tβθè=‹ÏϑuŠsùΝà6ø‹n=tæ's#ø‹¨ΒZοy‰Ïn≡uρ4 And it is no sin for you, if you are inconvenienced of rain, or you are ill, that you lay aside your arms. Ÿωuρyy$oΨã_öΝà6ø‹n=tãβÎ)tβ%x. öΝä3Î/“]Œr&⎯ÏiΒ@sܨΒ÷ρr&ΝçFΖä. #©yÌö¨Ββr&(#þθãèŸÒs?öΝä3tGysÎ=ó™r&( And take your precaution. Indeed, Allah has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. (#ρä‹è{uρöΝä.u‘õ‹Ïn3¨βÎ)©!$#£‰tãr& t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9$/#x‹tã$YΨ‹Îγ•Β∩⊇⊃⊄∪
  • 41. 103. Then when you have finished the prayer, then remember Allah, standing, and sitting down, and (lying down) on your sides. And when you are in safety, then establish prayer. Indeed, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. #sŒÎ*sùÞΟçFøŠŸÒs%nο4θn=¢Á9$# (#ρãà2øŒ$$sù©!$#$Vϑ≈uŠÏ%#YŠθãèè%uρ 4’n?tãuρöΝà6Î/θãΖã_4#sŒÎ*sù öΝçGΨtΡù'yϑôÛ$#(#θßϑŠÏ%r'sùnο4θn=¢Á9$#4¨βÎ) nο4θn=¢Á9$#ôMtΡ%x.’n?tãš⎥⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$# $Y7≈tFÏ.$Y?θè%öθ¨Β∩⊇⊃⊂∪ 104. And do not weaken in pursuit of the people (the enemy). If you should be suffering then surely, they (too) are suffering (hardships), as you are suffering. And you hope from Allah that which they do not hope. And Allah is ever All Knowing, All Wise. Ÿωuρ(#θãΖÎγs?’ÎûÏ™!$tóÏGö/$#ÏΘöθs)ø9$#βÎ) (#θçΡθä3s?tβθßϑs9ù's?óΟßγ¯ΡÎ*sù šχθßϑs9ù'tƒ$yϑx.šχθßϑs9ù's?( tβθã_ös?uρz⎯ÏΒ«!$#$tΒŸω šχθã_ötƒ3tβ%x.uρª!$#$¸ϑŠÎ=tã $¸ϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇⊃⊆∪ 105. Indeed, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) in truth that you might judge between mankind by that which Allah has shown you. And be not an advocate for those who betray their trust. !$¯ΡÎ)!$uΖø9t“Ρr&y7ø‹s9Î)|=≈tGÅ3ø9$#Èd,ysø9$$Î/ zΝä3óstGÏ9t⎦÷⎫t/Ĩ$¨Ζ9$#!$oÿÏ3y71u‘r& ª!$#4Ÿωuρ⎯ä3s?t⎦⎫ÏΖÍ←!$y‚ù=Ïj9 $Vϑ‹ÅÁyz∩⊇⊃∈∪
  • 42. 106. And seek the forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is ever Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. ÌÏøótGó™$#uρ©!$#(χÎ)©!$#tβ%x. #Y‘θàxî$VϑŠÏm§‘∩⊇⊃∉∪ 107. And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. Indeed, Allah does not love him who is a betrayer of his trust, sinful. ŸωuρöΑω≈pgéBÇ⎯tãš⎥⎪Ï%©!$# tβθçΡ$tFøƒs†öΝæη|¡àΡr&4¨βÎ)©!$#Ÿω =Ïtä†⎯tΒtβ%x.$ºΡ#§θyz$VϑŠÏOr&∩⊇⊃∠∪ 108. They seek to hide from men and do not seek to hide from Allah. And He is with them when they plot by night, in that which He does not approve of speech. And Allah is ever encompassing of what they do. tβθà÷‚tGó¡o„z⎯ÏΒĨ$¨Ζ9$#Ÿωuρ tβθà÷‚tGó¡o„z⎯ÏΒ«!$#uθèδuρöΝßγyètΒ øŒÎ)tβθçGÍhŠu;ãƒ$tΒŸω4©yÌötƒz⎯ÏΒ ÉΑöθs)ø9$#4tβ%x.uρª!$#$yϑÎ/tβθè=yϑ÷ètƒ $¸ÜŠÏtèΧ∩⊇⊃∇∪ 109. Here you are, you who have argued for them in the life of this world. But who will argue with Allah for them on the Day of Resurrection, or who will then be their defender. óΟçFΡr'¯≈yδÏ™Iωàσ¯≈yδóΟçFø9y‰≈y_öΝåκ÷]tã ’ÎûÍο4θuŠysø9$#$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$#⎯yϑsùãΑω≈yfム©!$#öΝåκ÷]tãuΘöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$#Πr&⎯¨Β ãβθä3tƒöΝÍκön=tãWξŠÅ2uρ∩⊇⊃®∪
  • 43. 110. And whoever does evil or wrongs himself, then seeks forgiveness of Allah, he will find Allah Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. ⎯tΒuρö≅yϑ÷ètƒ#¹™þθß™÷ρr&öΝÎ=ôàtƒ …çμ|¡øtΡ¢ΟèOÌÏøótGó¡o„©!$#ωÉftƒ©!$# #Y‘θàxî$VϑŠÏm§‘∩⊇⊇⊃∪ 111. And whoever earns sin, he then earns it only against himself. And Allah is All Knowing, All Wise. ⎯tΒuρó=Å¡õ3tƒ$VϑøOÎ)$yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù …çμç7Å¡õ3tƒ4’n?tã⎯ÏμÅ¡øtΡ4tβ%x.uρª!$# $¸ϑŠÎ=tã$VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇⊇⊇∪ 112. And whoever earns a fault or a sin, then throws (blames) it upon the innocent, then indeed, he has burdened himself with a slander and a manifest sin. ⎯tΒuρó=Å¡õ3tƒºπt↔ÿ‹ÏÜyz÷ρr&$ÿùSÎ)¢ΟèO ÏΘötƒ⎯ÏμÎ/$↔ÿƒÌt/ωs)sùŸ≅yϑtGôm$# $YΨ≈tFöκæ5$VϑøOÎ)uρ$YΨÎ6•Β∩⊇⊇⊄∪ 113. And if it was not for the favor of Allah upon you (Muhammad), and His mercy, a party of them had resolved to mislead you. And they mislead none except themselves, and no harm can they do to you in anything. And Allah has sent down to you the Book (the Quran) and wisdom, and has taught Ÿωöθs9uρã≅ôÒsù«!$#y7ø‹n=tã…çμçGuΗ÷qu‘uρ M£ϑoλm;×πxÍ←!$©ÛóΟßγ÷ΨÏiΒχr& x8θ=ÅÒãƒ$tΒuρšχθ=ÅÒãƒHωÎ) öΝåκ|¦àΡr&($tΒuρštΡρ•ÛØo„⎯ÏΒ &™ó©x«4tΑt“Ρr&uρª!$#šø‹n=tã |=≈tGÅ3ø9$#sπyϑõ3Ïtø:$#uρšyϑ©=tãuρ$tΒ
  • 44. you that which you did not know. And the favor of Allah has ever been great upon you. öΝs9⎯ä3s?ãΝn=÷ès?4šχ%x.uρã≅ôÒsù «!$#y7ø‹n=tã$VϑŠÏàtã∩⊇⊇⊂∪ 114. There is no good in most of their secret conversations except for those who enjoin charity, or kindness, or conciliation between mankind. And whoever does that, seeking the good pleasure of Allah, then We shall bestow on him a great reward. *ωuöyz’Îû9ÏVŸ2⎯ÏiΒ öΝßγ1uθôf¯ΡωÎ)ô⎯tΒttΒr&>πs%y‰|ÁÎ/÷ρr& >∃ρã÷ètΒ÷ρr&£x≈n=ô¹Î)š⎥÷⎫t/ Ĩ$¨Ψ9$#4⎯tΒuρö≅yèøtƒšÏ9≡sŒ u™!$tóÏFö/$#ÏN$|ÊósΔ«!$#t∃öθ|¡sù ÏμŠÏ?÷σçΡ#·ô_r&$Κ‹Ïàtã∩⊇⊇⊆∪ 115. And whoever opposes the messenger after what has become manifest to him of the guidance and follows other than the way of believers. We will let him go to what he has turned to, and We will burn him in Hell, and evil is destination. ⎯tΒuρÈ,Ï%$t±ç„tΑθß™§9$#.⎯ÏΒω÷èt/$tΒ t⎦¨⎫t6s?ã&s!3“y‰ßγø9$#ôìÎ6−Ftƒuρuöxî È≅‹Î6y™t⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#⎯Ï&Îk!uθçΡ$tΒ4’¯<uθs? ⎯Ï&Î#óÁçΡuρzΝ¨Ψyγy_(ôNu™!$y™uρ#·ÅÁtΒ ∩⊇⊇∈∪ 116. Indeed, Allah does not forgive that partners should be associated with Him. And He forgives what is other ¨βÎ)©!$#ŸωãÏøótƒβr&x8uô³ç„⎯ÏμÎ/ ãÏøótƒuρ$tΒšχρߊšÏ9≡sŒ⎯yϑÏ9
  • 45. than that to whom He wills. And he who associates partners with Allah, then he has certainly strayed to a far away misguidance. â™!$t±o„4⎯tΒuρõ8Îô³ç„«!$$Î/ô‰s)sù ¨≅|ÊKξ≈n=|Ê#´‰‹Ïèt/∩⊇⊇∉∪ 117. They call upon instead of Him none but females (deities). And they call upon none but Satan, a persistent rebel. βÎ)šχθããô‰tƒ⎯ÏΒÿ⎯ÏμÏΡρߊHωÎ) $ZW≈tΡÎ)βÎ)uρšχθããô‰tƒωÎ) $YΖ≈sÜø‹x©#Y‰ƒÌ¨Β∩⊇⊇∠∪ 118. Allah cursed him. And he said: “Surely I will take of Your slaves an appointed portion.” çμuΖyè©9ª!$#¢š^$s%uρ¨βx‹ÏƒªBV{ô⎯ÏΒ x8ÏŠ$t6Ïã$Y7ŠÅÁtΡ$ZÊρãø¨Β∩⊇⊇∇∪ 119. “And surely I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse desires in them, and surely I will command them so they will slit the ears of the cattle, and surely I will command them so they will change creation of Allah.” And whoever takes Satan for a friend other than Allah, has certainly sustained a manifest loss. öΝßγ¨Ψ¯=ÅÊ_{uρöΝßγ¨ΨtÏiΨtΒ_{uρ öΝßγ¯ΡtãΒUψuρ£⎯à6ÏnGu;ã‹n=sùšχ#sŒ#u™ ÉΟ≈yè÷ΡF{$#öΝåκ¨ΞzßΔUψuρχçÉitóãŠn=sù šYù=yz«!$#4⎯tΒuρÉ‹Ï‚−Ftƒ z⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#$wŠÏ9uρ⎯ÏiΒÂχρߊ«!$# ô‰s)sùtÅ¡yz$ZΡ#tó¡äz$YΨÎ6•Β∩⊇⊇®∪ 120. He makes promises to them, and he arouses in öΝèδ߉ÏètƒöΝÍκÏiΨyϑãƒuρ($tΒuρãΝèδ߉Ïètƒ
  • 46. them false desires. And Satan does not promise to them but deceptions. ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#ωÎ)#·‘ρáäî∩⊇⊄⊃∪ 121. For such, their habitation will be Hell, and they will not find from it an escape. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&óΟßγ1uρù'tΒÞΟ¨Ψyγy_Ÿωuρ tβρ߉Ågs†$pκ÷]tã$TÁŠÏtxΧ∩⊇⊄⊇∪ 122. And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall admit them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. A promise from Allah in truth. And who can be more truthful than Allah (in his) words. š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#uρ(#θãΨtΒ#u™(#θè=Ïϑtãuρ ÏM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$#óΟßγè=Åzô‰ãΖy™;M≈¨Ζy_ “ÌøgrB⎯ÏΒ$yγÏFøtrBã≈yγ÷ΡF{$# t⎦⎪Ï$Î#≈yz!$pκÏù#Y‰t/r&(y‰ôãuρ«!$# $y)ym4ô⎯tΒuρä−y‰ô¹r&z⎯ÏΒ«!$#WξŠÏ% ∩⊇⊄⊄∪ 123. Neither your desires, nor the desires of the People of the Book (which matter). Whoever does evil will be recompensed for it, and he will not find for himself other than Allah any protecting friend, nor a helper. }§øŠ©9öΝä3Íh‹ÏΡ$tΒr'Î/IωuρÇc’ÎΤ$tΒr&È≅÷δr& É=≈tGÅ6ø9$#3⎯tΒö≅yϑ÷ètƒ#[™þθß™t“øgä† ⎯ÏμÎ/Ÿωuρô‰Ågs†…çμs9⎯ÏΒÈβρߊ«!$# $wŠÏ9uρŸωuρ#ZÅÁtΡ∩⊇⊄⊂∪ 124. And whoever does any righteous deeds, ∅tΒuρö≅yϑ÷ètƒz⎯ÏΒÏM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$#
  • 47. of male or female, and he is a believer, then such will enter paradise and they will not be wronged (even as much as) the speck on a date-stone. ⎯ÏΒ@Ÿ2sŒ÷ρr&4©sΡé&uθèδuρÖ⎯ÏΒ÷σãΒ y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sùtβθè=äzô‰tƒsπ¨Ψyfø9$#Ÿωuρ tβθßϑn=ôàãƒ#ZÉ)tΡ∩⊇⊄⊆∪ 125. And who can be better in religion than one who surrenders his face (himself) to Allah, and he is doer of good, and follows the tradition of Abraham, the true in faith. And Allah did take Abraham as a friend. ô⎯tΒuρß⎯|¡ômr&$YΨƒÏŠô⎯£ϑÏiΒzΝn=ó™r& …çμyγô_uρ¬!uθèδuρÖ⎯Å¡øtèΧyìt7¨?$#uρ s'©#ÏΒzΟŠÏδ≡tö/Î)$Z‹ÏΖym3x‹sƒªB$#uρª!$# zΟŠÏδ≡tö/Î)WξŠÎ=yz∩⊇⊄∈∪ 126. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is ever encompassing all things. ¬!uρ$tΒ’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#$tΒuρ’Îû ÇÚö‘F{$#4šχ%Ÿ2uρª!$#Èe≅ä3Î/ &™ó_x«$VÜŠÏt’Χ∩⊇⊄∉∪ 127. And they ask you concerning women. Say: “Allah gives you a ruling about them, and that which has been recited to you in the Book concerning female orphans, to whom you do not give that which is decreed for them, and (yet) y7tΡθçGøtGó¡o„uρ’ÎûÏ™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#(È≅è%ª!$# öΝà6‹ÏGøャ⎯ÎγŠÏù$tΒuρ4‘n=÷FムöΝà6ø‹n=tæ’ÎûÉ=≈tGÅ3ø9$#’Îû‘yϑ≈tGtƒ Ï™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#©ÉL≈©9$#Ÿω£⎯ßγtΡθè?÷σè?$tΒ |=ÏGä.£⎯ßγs9tβθç6xîös?uρβr&
  • 48. you desire that you marry them, and (concerning) the oppressed among children, and that you stand firm for orphans in justice.” And whatever you do of good, then indeed, Allah is ever All Aware of it.” £⎯èδθßsÅ3Ζs?t⎦⎫ÏyèôÒtFó¡ßϑø9$#uρ š∅ÏΒÈβ≡t$ø!Èθø9$#χr&uρ(#θãΒθà)s? 4’yϑ≈tFu‹ù=Ï9ÅÝó¡É)ø9$$Î/4$tΒuρ(#θè=yèøs? ô⎯ÏΒ9öyz¨βÎ*sù©!$#tβ%x.⎯ÏμÎ/$VϑŠÎ=tã ∩⊇⊄∠∪ 128. And if a woman fears from her husband ill treatment, or desertion, then it is no sin upon them that they arrange between them an amicable settlement. And a settlement is better. And present in (human) inner selves is greed. And if you do good and fear (Allah), then indeed, Allah is ever informed of what you do. ÈβÎ)uρîοr&zöΔ$#ôMsù%s{.⎯ÏΒ$yγÎ=÷èt/ #·—θà±çΡ÷ρr&$ZÊ#{ôãÎ)Ÿξsùyy$oΨã_ !$yϑÍκön=tæβr&$ysÎ=óÁãƒ$yϑæηuΖ÷t/ $[sù=ß¹4ßxù=Á9$#uρ×öyz3 ÏNuÅØômé&uρÚ[àΡF{$#£x’±9$#4 βÎ)uρ(#θãΖÅ¡ósè?(#θà)−Gs?uρ χÎ*sù©!$# šχ%x.$yϑÎ/šχθè=yϑ÷ès?#ZÎ6yz ∩⊇⊄∇∪ 129. And you will never be able to deal with justice between wives, even if it is your ardent desire. So do ⎯s9uρ(#þθãè‹ÏÜtFó¡n@βr&(#θä9ω÷ès?t⎦÷⎫t/ Ï™!$|¡ÏiΨ9$#öθs9uρöΝçFô¹tym(Ÿξsù(#θè=ŠÏϑs?
  • 49. not incline (toward one) with full attention, and leave her (the other) as hanging. And if you do good and fear (Allah), then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving, Most Merciful. ¨≅à2È≅øŠyϑø9$#$yδρâ‘x‹tGsù Ïπs)¯=yèßϑø9$$x.4βÎ)uρ(#θßsÎ=óÁè?(#θà)−Gs?uρ  χÎ*sù©!$#tβ%x.#Y‘θàxî$VϑŠÏm§‘ ∩⊇⊄®∪ 130. And if they separate (by divorce), Allah will enrich each (of them) from His abundance. And Allah is ever All Encompassing, All Wise. βÎ)uρ$s%§xtGtƒÇ⎯øóリ!$#yξà2⎯ÏiΒ ⎯ÏμÏGyèy™4tβ%x.uρª!$#$·èÅ™≡uρ $VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇⊂⊃∪ 131. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And indeed, We instructed those who were given the Book before you, and (We instructed) you, that you fear Allah. And if you disbelieve, then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is ever Rich, owner of Praise. ¬!uρ$tΒ’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#$tΒuρ’Îû ÇÚö‘F{$#3ô‰s)s9uρ$uΖøŠ¢¹uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$# (#θè?ρé&|=≈tGÅ3ø9$#⎯ÏΒöΝà6Î=ö6s% öΝä.$−ƒÎ)uρÈβr&(#θà)®?$#©!$#4βÎ)uρ (#ρãàõ3s?¨βÎ*sù¬!$tΒ’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# $tΒuρ’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$#4tβ%x.uρª!$#$†‹ÏΖxî #Y‰ŠÏΗxq∩⊇⊂⊇∪
  • 50. 132. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Defender. ¬!uρ$tΒ’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#$tΒuρ’Îû ÇÚö‘F{$#44’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/¸ξŠÏ.uρ∩⊇⊂⊄∪ 133. If He wills, He can take you away, O people, and bring others (in your place). And Allah is ever All Potent over that. βÎ)ù't±o„öΝà6ö7Ïδõ‹ãƒ$pκš‰r&â¨$¨Ζ9$# ÏNù'tƒuρš⎥⎪Ít}$t↔Î/4tβ%x.uρª!$# 4’n?tãy7Ï9≡sŒ#ƒÏ‰s%∩⊇⊂⊂∪ 134. Whoever does desire the reward of this world, then with Allah is the reward of this world and the Hereafter. And Allah is ever All Hearer, All Seer. ⎯¨Βtβ%x.߉ƒÌãƒz>#uθrO$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# y‰ΖÏèsù«!$#Ü>#uθrO$u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$#ÍοtÅzFψ$#uρ 4tβ%x.uρª!$#$Jè‹Ïϑy™#ZÅÁt/∩⊇⊂⊆∪ 135. O those who believe, be firmly standing for justice, as witnesses for Allah, even if (it be) against yourselves, or (your) parents, or (your) kindred. Whether it be (against) a rich or a poor, for Allah is nearer to them both. So do not follow desire (of your heart), lest you keep away from justice. And if you distort (your *$pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™(#θçΡθä. t⎦⎫ÏΒ≡§θs%ÅÝó¡É)ø9$$Î/u™!#y‰pκà−¬!öθs9uρ #’n?tãöΝä3Å¡àΡr&Íρr&È⎦ø⎪y‰Ï9≡uθø9$# t⎦⎫Î/tø%F{$#uρ4βÎ)ï∅ä3tƒ$†‹ÏΨxî÷ρr& #ZÉ)sùª!$$sù4’n<÷ρr&$yϑÍκÍ5(Ÿξsù(#θãèÎ7−Fs? #“uθoλù;$#βr&(#θä9ω÷ès?4βÎ)uρ(#ÿ…âθù=s?÷ρr&
  • 51. witness) or refuse (to give it), then indeed, Allah is ever informed of what you do. (#θàÊÌ÷èè?¨βÎ*sù©!$#tβ%x.$yϑÎ/ tβθè=yϑ÷ès?#ZÎ6yz∩⊇⊂∈∪ 136. O those who believe, believe in Allah, and His messenger and the Book (the Quran) which He has sent down to His messenger, and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers, and the Last Day, then he has certainly strayed to a far away misguidance. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#þθãΨtΒ#u™(#θãΨÏΒ#u™«!$$Î/ ⎯Ï&Î!θß™u‘uρÉ=≈tFÅ3ø9$#uρ“Ï%©!$#tΑ¨“tΡ 4’n?tã⎯Ï&Î!θß™u‘É=≈tFÅ6ø9$#uρü“Ï%©!$# tΑt“Ρr&⎯ÏΒã≅ö6s%4⎯tΒuρöàõ3tƒ«!$$Î/ ⎯ÏμÏFs3Íׯ≈n=tΒuρ⎯ÏμÎ7çFä.uρ⎯Ï&Î#ß™â‘uρ ÏΘöθu‹ø9$#uρÌÅzFψ$#ô‰s)sù¨≅|ÊKξ≈n=|Ê #´‰‹Ïèt/∩⊇⊂∉∪ 137. Certainly, those who believe, then disbelieve, then (again) believe, then (again) disbelieve, then go on increasing in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them, nor will He guide them to the (right) way. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™¢ΟèO(#ρãxx.¢ΟèO (#θãΖtΒ#u™¢ΟèO(#ρãxx.¢ΟèO(#ρߊ#yŠø—$# #øä.óΟ©9Ç⎯ä3tƒª!$#tÏøóu‹Ï9öΝçλm;Ÿωuρ öΝåκu‰Ï‰öκuÏ9Kξ‹Î6y™∩⊇⊂∠∪ 138. Give the tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment. ÎÅe³o0t⎦⎫É)Ï≈uΖßϑø9$#¨βr'Î/öΝçλm;$¹/#x‹tã $¸ϑŠÏ9r&∩⊇⊂∇∪
  • 52. 139. Those who take disbelievers for their friends instead of the believers. Do they seek honor with them. But indeed, the honor belongs to Allah entirely. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβρä‹Ï‚−Ftƒt⎦⎪ÍÏ≈s3ø9$#u™!$uŠÏ9÷ρr& ⎯ÏΒÈβρߊt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#4šχθäótGö;tƒr& ãΝèδy‰ΨÏãn﨓Ïèø9$#¨βÎ*sùn﨓Ïèø9$#¬! $YèŠÏΗsd∩⊇⊂®∪ 140. And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Quran) that, when you hear the verses of Allah being rejected of and mocked at, then do not sit with them (who disbelieve and mock) until they engage in some other conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them (should you stay with them). Surely, Allah will gather hypocrites and disbelievers into Hell all together. ô‰s%uρtΑ¨“tΡöΝà6ø‹n=tæ’ÎûÉ=≈tGÅ3ø9$# ÷βr&#sŒÎ)÷Λä⎢÷èÏÿxœÏM≈tƒ#u™«!$#ãxõ3ム$pκÍ5é&t“öκtJó¡ç„uρ$pκÍ5Ÿξsù(#ρ߉ãèø)s? óΟßγyètΒ4©®Lym(#θàÊθèƒs†’ÎûB]ƒÏ‰tn ÿ⎯ÍνÎöxî4ö/ä3¯ΡÎ)#]ŒÎ)óΟßγè=÷VÏiΒ3¨βÎ)©!$# ßìÏΒ%y`t⎦⎫É)Ï≈uΖßϑø9$#t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ø9$#uρ’Îû tΛ©⎝yγy_$·èŠÏΗsd∩⊇⊆⊃∪ 141. Those who wait (and watch) about you. Then if there is a victory for you from Allah, they say: “Were we not with you.” And if there is a success for the disbelievers, they say (to them): “Did we not gain an t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθÝÁ−/utItƒöΝä3Î/βÎ*sùtβ%x. öΝä3s9Óx÷Fsùz⎯ÏiΒ«!$#(#þθä9$s%óΟs9r&⎯ä3tΡ öΝä3yè¨ΒβÎ)uρtβ%x.t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9 Ò=ŠÅÁtΡ(#þθä9$s%óΟs9r&øŒÈθóstGó¡tΡ
  • 53. advantage over you, and we protected you from the believers.” So Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection. And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (of success) against the believers. öΝä3ø‹n=tæΝä3÷èuΖôϑtΡuρz⎯ÏiΒt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$# 4ª!$$sùãΝä3øts†öΝà6oΨ÷t/tΠöθtƒ Ïπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$#3⎯s9uρŸ≅yèøgs†ª!$# t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9’n?tãt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σçRùQ$#¸ξ‹Î6y™ ∩⊇⊆⊇∪ 142. Certainly, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He who deceives them. And when they stand up for the prayer, they stand with laziness, (and) to be seen of people, and they do not remember Allah but little. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎫É)Ï≈uΖßϑø9$#tβθããω≈sƒä†©!$# uθèδuρöΝßγããω≈yz#sŒÎ)uρ(#þθãΒ$s%’n<Î) Íο4θn=¢Á9$#(#θãΒ$s%4’n<$|¡ä.tβρâ™!#tム}¨$¨Ζ9$#Ÿωuρšχρãä.õ‹tƒ©!$#ωÎ) WξŠÎ=s%∩⊇⊆⊄∪ 143. Swaying between this (and that), (belonging) neither to these (believers), nor to those (disbelievers). And he whom Allah sends astray, then you will never find for him a way. t⎦⎫Î/x‹ö/x‹•Βt⎦÷⎫t/y7Ï9≡sŒIω4’n<Î) Ï™Iωàσ¯≈yδIωuρ4’n<Î)Ï™Iωàσ¯≈yδ4⎯tΒuρ È≅Î=ôÒリ!$#⎯n=sùy‰ÅgrB…ã&s!Wξ‹Î6y™ ∩⊇⊆⊂∪ 144. O those who believe, do not take $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΖtΒ#u™Ÿω(#ρä‹Ï‚−Gs?
  • 54. the disbelievers for friends instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a manifest proof. t⎦⎪ÍÏ≈s3ø9$#u™!$uŠÏ9÷ρr&⎯ÏΒÈβρߊ t⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#4tβρ߉ƒÌè?r&βr&(#θè=yèøgrB ¬!öΝà6ø‹n=tæ$YΖ≈sÜù=ß™$·ΨÎ6•Β∩⊇⊆⊆∪ 145. Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire. And never will you find for them a helper. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎫É)Ï≈oΨçRùQ$#’ÎûÏ8ö‘¤$!$#È≅xó™F{$# z⎯ÏΒÍ‘$¨Ζ9$#⎯s9uρy‰ÅgrBöΝßγs9#·ÅÁtΡ ∩⊇⊆∈∪ 146. Except those who repent and correct themselves, and hold fast to Allah, and make sincere their religion for Allah, then they will be with the believers. And Allah will bestow on the believers a great reward. ωÎ)š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θç/$s?(#θßsn=ô¹r&uρ (#θßϑ|ÁtGôã$#uρ«!$$Î/(#θÝÁn=÷zr&uρ óΟßγoΨƒÏŠ¬!šÍׯ≈s9'ρé'sùyìtΒ š⎥⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$#(t∃ôθy™uρÏN÷σリ!$# t⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$##·ô_r&$VϑŠÏàtã∩⊇⊆∉∪ 147. What would Allah do (gain) with your punishment, if you give thanks and believe (in Him). And Allah is ever All Appreciative (of good), All Knowing. $¨Βã≅yèøtƒª!$#öΝà6Î/#x‹yèÎ/βÎ) óΟè?ös3x©öΝçGΨtΒ#u™uρ4tβ%x.uρª!$# #·Å2$x©$VϑŠÎ=tã∩⊇⊆∠∪ 148. Allah does not like any public utterance of evil *ω=Ït䆪!$#tôγyfø9$#Ï™þθ¡9$$Î/
  • 55. except by one who has been wronged. And Allah is ever All Hearer, All Knower. z⎯ÏΒÉΑöθs)ø9$#ωÎ)⎯tΒzΟÎ=àß4tβ%x.uρ ª!$#$·è‹Ïÿxœ$¸ϑŠÎ=tã∩⊇⊆∇∪ 149. Whether you publish a good deed, or conceal it, or forgive an evil, then indeed, Allah is ever Oft Forgiving, All Powerful. βÎ)(#ρ߉ö6è?#·öyz÷ρr&çνθàøƒéB÷ρr& (#θà÷ès?⎯tã&™þθß™¨βÎ*sù©!$#tβ%x. #vθàtã#·ƒÏ‰s%∩⊇⊆®∪ 150. Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers, and wish that they can create a distinction between Allah and His messengers, and they say: “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” and they wish that they can adopt a way in between. ¨βÎ)š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#tβρãàõ3tƒ«!$$Î/ ⎯Ï&Î#ß™â‘uρšχρ߉ƒÌãƒuρβr&(#θè%Ìhxムt⎦÷⎫t/«!$#⎯Ï&Î#ß™â‘uρšχθä9θà)tƒuρ ß⎯ÏΒ÷σçΡ<Ù÷èt7Î/ãàò6tΡuρ<Ù÷èt7Î/ tβρ߉ƒÌãƒuρβr&(#ρä‹Ï‚−Gtƒt⎦÷⎫t/y7Ï9≡sŒ ¸ξ‹Î6y™∩⊇∈⊃∪ 151. It is they, they are the disbelievers in truth, and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&ãΝèδtβρãÏ≈s3ø9$#$y)ym4 $tΡô‰tFôãr&uρt⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9$/#x‹tã$YΨŠÎγ•Β ∩⊇∈⊇∪
  • 56. 152. And those who believe in Allah and His messengers, and make no distinction between any of them. To such, He will give them their rewards. And Allah is ever Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#uρ(#θãΨtΒ#u™«!$$Î/⎯Ï&Î#ß™â‘uρóΟs9uρ (#θè%Ìhxãƒt⎦÷⎫t/7‰tnr&öΝåκ÷]ÏiΒy7Íׯ≈s9'ρé& t∃ôθy™öΝÎγ‹Ï?÷σãƒöΝèδu‘θã_é&3tβ%x.uρ ª!$##Y‘θàxî$VϑŠÏm§‘∩⊇∈⊄∪ 153. The people of the Scripture ask you to bring down upon them a book from the heaven. Then indeed, they had asked Moses even greater than that, when they said: “Show us Allah plainly.” So the storm of lightning seized them for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf (for worship) even after what had come to them as clear evidences. Even then We forgave that. And We bestowed on Moses an evident authority. šè=t↔ó¡o„ã≅÷δr&É=≈tGÅ3ø9$#βr&tΑÍi”t∴è? öΝÍκön=tã$Y7≈tFÏ.z⎯ÏiΒÏ™!$yϑ¡¡9$#4ô‰s)sù (#θä9r'y™#©y›θãΒuy9ø.r&⎯ÏΒy7Ï9≡sŒ (#þθä9$s)sù$tΡÍ‘r&©!$#Zοtôγy_ ÞΟßγø?x‹yzr'sùèπs)Ïè≈¢Á9$#öΝÎγÏϑù=ÝàÎ/4 ¢ΟèO(#ρä‹sƒªB$#Ÿ≅ôfÏèø9$#.⎯ÏΒω÷èt/$tΒ ÞΟßγø?u™!%y`àM≈oΨÉit6ø9$#$tΡöθxyèsù⎯tã y7Ï9≡sŒ4$oΨ÷s?#u™uρ4©y›θãΒ$YΖ≈sÜù=ß™ $YΖÎ7•Β∩⊇∈⊂∪ 154. And We raised over them the Mount for (taking) their covenant. And We said to them: “Enter the gate, $uΖ÷èsùu‘uρãΝßγs%öθsùu‘θ’Ü9$#öΝÎγÉ)≈sV‹ÏϑÎ/ $oΨù=è%uρãΝßγs9(#θè=äz÷Š$#z>$t7ø9$##Y‰¯gà
  • 57. prostrating.” And We said to them: “Do not transgress in Sabbath.” And We took from them a firm covenant. $oΨù=è%uρöΝçλm;Ÿω(#ρ߉÷ès?’ÎûÏMö6¡¡9$# $tΡõ‹s{r&uρΝåκ÷]ÏΒ$¸)≈sW‹ÏiΒ$Zà‹Î=xî∩⊇∈⊆∪ 155. Then because of their breaking of their covenant, and their disbelieving in the revelations of Allah, and their killing of the prophets without right, and of their saying: “Our hearts are covered.” Nay, but Allah has set a seal upon them because of their disbelief, so they do not believe except a few. $yϑÎ6sùΝÍκÅÕø)tΡóΟßγs)≈sV‹ÏiΒΝÏδÌøä.uρ ÏM≈tƒ$t↔Î/«!$#ãΝÎγÎ=÷Fs%uρu™!$uŠÎ;/ΡF{$#ÎötóÎ/ 9d,ymóΟÎγÏ9öθs%uρ$oΨç/θè=è%7#ù=äî4ö≅t/ yìt6sÛª!$#$uηø‹n=tæöΝÏδÌøä3Î/Ÿξsù tβθãΨÏΒ÷σãƒωÎ)Wξ‹Î=s%∩⊇∈∈∪ 156. And because of their disbelief and of their uttering against Mary a great slander. öΝÏδÌøä3Î/uρöΝÎγÏ9öθs%uρ4’n?tãzΟtƒötΒ $·Ζ≈tFöκæ5$VϑŠÏàtã∩⊇∈∉∪ 157. And (because of) their saying: “We indeed killed Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, Allah’s messenger.” And they did not kill him, nor they crucified him, but it appeared so unto them. And indeed, those who disagree over it are in doubt thereof. They do not have any öΝÎγÏ9öθs%uρ$¯ΡÎ)$uΖù=tGs%yx‹Å¡pRùQ$#©|¤ŠÏã t⎦ø⌠$#zΝtƒótΒtΑθß™u‘«!$#$tΒuρçνθè=tFs% $tΒuρçνθç7n=|¹⎯Å3≈s9uρtμÎm7ä©öΝçλm;4 ¨βÎ)uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θàn=tG÷z$#Ïμ‹Ïù’Å∀s9 7e7x©çμ÷ΖÏiΒ4$tΒΜçλm;⎯ÏμÎ/ô⎯ÏΒAΟù=Ïæ
  • 58. knowledge of it, but pursuit of a conjecture. And certainly they did not kill him. ωÎ)tí$t7Ïo?$#Çd⎯©à9$#4$tΒuρçνθè=tFs%$KΖŠÉ)tƒ ∩⊇∈∠∪ 158. But Allah raised him up unto Himself. And Allah is ever All Mighty, All Wise. ≅t/çμyèsù§‘ª!$#Ïμø‹s9Î)4tβ%x.uρª!$# #¹“ƒÍ•tã$ΚŠÅ3ym∩⊇∈∇∪ 159. And there is none from the people of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness. βÎ)uρô⎯ÏiΒÈ≅÷δr&É=≈tGÅ3ø9$#ωÎ) ¨⎦s⎞ÏΒ÷σã‹s9⎯ÏμÎ/Ÿ≅ö6s%⎯ÏμÏ?öθtΒ(tΠöθtƒuρ Ïπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$#ãβθä3tƒöΝÍκön=tã#Y‰‹Íκy− ∩⊇∈®∪ 160. Because of the wrong doing of those who became Jews, We made unlawful for them (certain) good things that had been lawful to them (before), and because of their hindering many (people) from Allah’s way. 5Οù=ÝàÎ6sùz⎯ÏiΒš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#ρߊ$yδ $oΨøΒ§ymöΝÍκön=tãBM≈t7ÍhŠsÛôM¯=Ïmé&öΝçλm; öΝÏδÏd‰|ÁÎ/uρ⎯tãÈ≅‹Î6y™«!$##ZÏWx. ∩⊇∉⊃∪ 161. And of their taking of usury while indeed they were forbidden from it, and of their devouring people’s wealth unjustly. And We have prepared for the ãΝÏδÉ‹÷{r&uρ(#4θt/Ìh9$#ô‰s%uρ(#θåκçΞçμ÷Ζtã öΝÎγÎ=ø.r&uρtΑ≡uθøΒr&Ĩ$¨Ζ9$#È≅ÏÜ≈t7ø9$$Î/4 $tΡô‰tGôãr&uρt⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9öΝåκ÷]ÏΒ$¹/#x‹tã
  • 59. disbelievers among them a painful punishment. $VϑŠÏ9r&∩⊇∉⊇∪ 162. But those who are firm in knowledge among them, and the believers, they believe in that which has been sent down to you (Muhammad), and that which was sent down before you. And those who establish prayer, and those who pay the poor due, and believe in Allah and the Last Day. It is they to whom We shall bestow immense reward. Ç⎯Å3≈©9tβθã‚Å™≡§9$#’ÎûÉΟù=Ïèø9$#öΝåκ÷]ÏΒ tβθãΨÏΒ÷σçRùQ$#uρtβθãΖÏΒ÷σãƒ!$oÿÏ3tΑÌ“Ρé& y7ø‹s9Î)!$tΒuρtΑÌ“Ρé&⎯ÏΒy7Î=ö6s%4 t⎦⎫ÏϑŠÉ)çRùQ$#uρnο4θn=¢Á9$#4 šχθè?÷σßϑø9$#uρnο4θŸ2¨“9$# tβθãΖÏΒ÷σçRùQ$#uρ«!$$Î/ÏΘöθu‹ø9$#uρÌÅzFψ$# y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&öΝÍκÏ?÷σãΨy™#·ô_r&$·Κ‹Ïàtã ∩⊇∉⊄∪ 163. Indeed, We have revealed to you (Muhammad), as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And We revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon, and We gave to David the Psalms. *!$¯ΡÎ)!$uΖø‹ym÷ρr&y7ø‹s9Î)!$yϑx.!$uΖø‹ym÷ρr& 4’n<Î)8yθçΡz⎯↵Íh‹Î;¨Ζ9$#uρ.⎯ÏΒ⎯Íνω÷èt/4 !$uΖøŠym÷ρr&uρ#’n<Î)zΟŠÏδ≡tö/Î)Ÿ≅ŠÏè≈yϑó™Î)uρ t,≈ysó™Î)uρz>θà)÷ètƒuρÅÞ$t6ó™F{$#uρ 4©|¤ŠÏãuρz>蕃r&uρ}§çΡθãƒuρtβρã≈yδuρ z⎯≈uΚø‹n=ß™uρ4$oΨ÷s?#u™uρyŠ…ãρ#yŠ#Y‘θç/y— ∩⊇∉⊂∪
  • 60. 164. And (We sent) the messengers whom We have indeed mentioned to you before, and the messengers whom We have not mentioned to you. And Allah spoke to Moses, a (direct) conversation. Wξß™â‘uρô‰s%öΝßγ≈oΨóÁ|Ás%šø‹n=tã ⎯ÏΒã≅ö6s%Wξß™â‘uρöΝ©9öΝßγóÁÝÁø)tΡ šø‹n=tã4zΝ¯=x.uρª!$#4©y›θãΒ $VϑŠÎ=ò6s?∩⊇∉⊆∪ 165. Messengers as bearers of glad tiding and as warners, so that there might not be for mankind an argument against Allah after the messengers. And Allah is ever All Mighty, All Wise. Wξß™•‘t⎦⎪ÎÅe³t6•Βt⎦⎪Í‘É‹ΨãΒuρξy∞Ï9 tβθä3tƒÄ¨$¨Ζ=Ï9’n?tã«!$#8π¤fãm y‰÷èt/È≅ß™”9$#4tβ%x.uρª!$##¹“ƒÍ•tã $VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇∉∈∪ 166. But Allah (Himself) bears witness that what He has sent down to you, He has sent it down with His Knowledge, and the angels bear witness. And sufficient is Allah as a witness. Ç⎯Å3≈©9ª!$#߉pκô¶tƒ!$yϑÎ/tΑt“Ρr& šø‹s9Î)(…ã&s!t“Ρr&⎯ÏμÏϑù=ÏèÎ/( èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#uρtβρ߉yγô±o„44’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/ #´‰‹Íκy−∩⊇∉∉∪ 167. Indeed, those who disbelieve and hinder (others) from the way of Allah, they have certainly strayed to a far away misguidance. ¨βÎ)z⎯ƒÏ%©!$#(#ρãxx.(#ρ‘‰|¹uρ⎯tã È≅‹Î6y™«!$#ô‰s%(#θ=|ÊKξ≈n=|Ê #´‰‹Ïèt/∩⊇∉∠∪
  • 61. 168. Indeed, those who disbelieve and do wrong, Allah will never forgive them, nor will He guide them to the (right) path. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#ρãxx.(#θßϑn=sßuρöΝs9Ç⎯ä3tƒ ª!$#tÏøóu‹Ï9öΝßγs9ŸωuρöΝßγtƒÏ‰öκuÏ9 $¸)ƒÌsÛ∩⊇∉∇∪ 169. Except the path of Hell, wherein they will abide forever. And that is ever easy for Allah. ωÎ)t,ƒÌsÛzΟ¨Ψyγy_t⎦⎪Ï$Î#≈yz!$pκÏù #Y‰t/r&4tβ%x.uρy7Ï9≡sŒ’n?tã«!$##ZÅ¡o„ ∩⊇∉®∪ 170. O mankind, there has indeed come to you the messenger (Muhammad) with the truth from your Lord. So believe, (that is) better for you. And if you disbelieve, then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And Allah is ever All Knower, All Wise. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒâ¨$¨Ζ9$#ô‰s%ãΝä.u™!$y_ ãΑθß™§9$#Èd,ysø9$$Î/⎯ÏΒöΝä3În/§‘ (#θãΖÏΒ$t↔sù#ZöyzöΝä3©94βÎ)uρ(#ρãàõ3s? ¨βÎ*sù¬!$tΒ’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# ÇÚö‘F{$#uρ4tβ%x.uρª!$#$·Κ‹Î=tã $VϑŠÅ3ym∩⊇∠⊃∪ 171. O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion, nor say about Allah Ÿ≅÷δr'¯≈tƒÉ=≈tGÅ6ø9$#Ÿω(#θè=øós?’Îû öΝà6ÏΖƒÏŠŸωuρ(#θä9θà)s?’n?tã«!$#
  • 62. except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word, which He conveyed to Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah, and His messengers, and do not say: “Three.” Desist, it is better for you. Allah is only One God. Exalted is He above that He should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Defender. ωÎ)¨,ysø9$#4$yϑ¯ΡÎ)ßxŠÅ¡yϑø9$#©|¤ŠÏã ß⎦ø⌠$#zΝtƒótΒÚ^θÞ™u‘«!$# ÿ…çμçFyϑÎ=Ÿ2uρ!$yγ9s)ø9r&4’n<Î)zΝtƒótΒ Óyρâ‘uρçμ÷ΖÏiΒ((#θãΖÏΒ$t↔sù«!$$Î/ ⎯Ï&Î#ß™â‘uρ(Ÿωuρ(#θä9θà)s?îπsW≈n=rO4 (#θßγtFΡ$##ZöyzöΝà6©94$yϑ¯ΡÎ)ª!$# ×μ≈s9Î)Ó‰Ïm≡uρ(ÿ…çμoΨ≈ysö7ß™βr& šχθä3tƒ…ã&s!Ó$s!uρ¢…ã&©!$tΒ’Îû ÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#$tΒuρ’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$#3 4’s∀x.uρ«!$$Î/WξŠÅ2uρ∩⊇∠⊇∪ 172. Never would the Messiah disdain to be a slave to Allah, nor the angels near (to Him). And whoever disdains from His worship, and is arrogant, so He shall assemble them all to Him. ⎯©9y#Å3ΨtFó¡o„ßxŠÅ¡yϑø9$#βr& šχθä3tƒ#Y‰ö7tã°!Ÿωuρèπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# tβθç/§s)çRùQ$#4⎯tΒuρô#Å3ΖtGó¡o„ô⎯tã ⎯ÏμÏ?yŠ$t6Ïã÷É9ò6tGó¡tƒuρ öΝèδçà³ósu‹|¡sùÏμø‹s9Î)$YèŠÏΗsd∩⊇∠⊄∪
  • 63. 173. Then as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, He will give them in full their wages, and He will grant them more out of His bounty. And as for those who were disdainful and arrogant, so He will punish them with a painful punishment. And they will not find for them, other than Allah, any protecting friend, nor helper. $¨Βr'sùš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΖtΒ#u™(#θè=Ïϑtãuρ ÏM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$#öΝÎγŠÏjùuθãŠsùöΝèδu‘θã_é& Νèδ߉ƒÌ“tƒuρ⎯ÏiΒ⎯Ï&Î#ôÒsù($¨Βr&uρ š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θàs3ΖtFó™$#(#ρçy9õ3tFó™$#uρ óΟßγç/Éj‹yèãŠsù$¹/#x‹tã$VϑŠÏ9r&Ÿωuρ tβρ߉Ågs†Νßγs9⎯ÏiΒÈβρߊ«!$#$wŠÏ9uρ Ÿωuρ#ZÅÁtΡ∩⊇∠⊂∪ 174. O mankind, there has indeed come to you a convincing proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a manifest light. $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒâ¨$¨Ζ9$#ô‰s%Νä.u™!%y`Ö⎯≈yδöç/ ⎯ÏiΒöΝä3În/§‘!$uΖø9t“Ρr&uρöΝä3ö‹s9Î)#Y‘θçΡ $YΨÎ6•Β∩⊇∠⊆∪ 175. Then as for those who believe in Allah, and hold fast to Him, He will admit them into His mercy from Him, and bounty, and He will guide them to Himself by a straight path. $¨Βr'sùš⎥⎪Ï%©!$#(#θãΨtΒ#u™«!$$Î/ (#θßϑ|ÁtFôã$#uρ⎯ÏμÎ/öΝßγè=Åzô‰ã‹|¡sù’Îû 7πuΗ÷qu‘çμ÷ΖÏiΒ9≅ôÒsùuρöΝÍκ‰Ï‰öκu‰uρÏμø‹s9Î) $WÛ≡uÅÀ$VϑŠÉ)tGó¡•Β∩⊇∠∈∪
  • 64. 176. They ask you a legal ruling. Say: “Allah gives you a ruling regarding a kindred who has neither descendants nor ascendants (as heirs).” y7tΡθçFøtGó¡o„È≅è%ª!$#öΝà6‹ÏFøム’ÎûÏ's#≈n=s3ø9$#4 “If a man dies, (and) he had no child, but he has a sister, then she shall have one half of what he has left behind.” ÈβÎ)(#îτâöΔ$#y7n=yδ}§øŠs9…çμs9Ó$s!uρ ÿ…ã&s!uρ×M÷zé&$yγn=sùß#óÁÏΡ$tΒx8ts?4 “And he (brother) would inherit from her if she (died and) did not have a child.” uθèδuρ!$yγèOÌtƒβÎ)öΝ©9⎯ä3tƒ$oλ°;Ó$s!uρ4 “Then if there are two sisters, then theirs are two thirds of what he has left behind.” 4βÎ*sù$tFtΡ%x.È⎦÷⎫tFuΖøO$#$yϑßγn=sùÈβ$sVè=›V9$# $®ÿÊΕx8ts?4 “And if there are brothers (and sisters), men, and women, then for the male, the equivalent of the portion of two females.” βÎ)uρ(#þθçΡ%x.Zοuθ÷zÎ)Zω%y`Íh‘[™!$|¡ÎΣuρ Ìx.©%#Î=sùã≅÷WÏΒÅeáymÈ⎦÷⎫u‹s[ΡW{$#3 “Allah makes clear to you, lest you go astray. And Allah is All Knower of every thing.” ß⎦Îi⎫t6リ!$#öΝà6s9βr&(#θ=ÅÒs?3ª!$#uρ Èe≅ä3Î/>™ó©x«7ΟŠÎ=tæ∩⊇∠∉∪