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“uó F{$$# AlIsra
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1. Glorified be He who took
for a journey His servant
(Muhammad) by night from
the Sacred Mosque to the
Farthest Mosque, that the
surroundings whereof We
have blessed, that We might
show him of Our signs.
Indeed, He (Allah) is the All
Hearer, the All Seer.
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2. And We gave Moses the
Scripture, and We made it
a guidance for the Children
of Israel, (saying): “That do
not take other than Me as a
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3. (They were) the
descendants of those whom
We carried (in the ship) with
Noah. Indeed, he was a
grateful servant.
4. And We decreed for the
Children of Israel in the
Scripture that indeed you
would cause corruption on
the earth twice, and you
would surely be elated with
mighty arrogance.
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5. Then when the (time
of) promise came for the
first of the two, We sent
against you servants of Ours,
of great might. So they
entered the very innermost
parts of your homes. And it
was a promise fulfilled.
6. Then We gave back to you
a return (victory) over them,
and We helped you with
wealth and sons and We
made you more numerous in
7. (Saying): “If you do good,
you do good for yourselves,
and if you do evil, so it is for
them (who do it).” Then,
when the final (second)
promise came, (We raised
against you other enemies) to
disfigure your faces, and to
enter the temple as they
entered it the first time, and
to destroy what they took
over, with (utter) destruction.
8. It may be that your Lord
will have mercy upon you.
And if you revert (to sin), We
shall revert (to punishment).
And We have made Hell a
prison for the disbelievers.
9. Indeed, this Quran
guides to that which is
most just, and gives good
tidings to the believers who
do righteous deeds that
theirs will be a great
10. And that those who do
not believe in the Hereafter,
We have prepared for them a
painful punishment.
11. And man supplicates
for evil as he supplicates
for good. And man is ever
12. And We have made the
night and the day as two
signs. Then We have
obscured the sign of the
night, and made the sign of
the day radiant that you may
seek the bounty of your Lord,
and that you may know the
numbers of the years, and
the account (of time). And
every thing We explained in
13. And to every man, We
have fastened his fate to his
neck. And We shall bring
forth for him on the Day of
Resurrection a book which he
will find spread open.
14. (It will be said): “Read
your book. Sufficient is your
own self this Day against you
as a reckoner.”
15. Whoever is guided, so
he is guided only for his own
self. And whoever goes
astray, so he goes astray
only against it (his own
self). And no bearer of
burdens will bear another’s
burden. And We would never
punish until We have sent a
16. And when We intend to
destroy a town, We command
its affluent, so they commit
abomination therein, then the
word (decree) is justified
against it, then We destroy
it, a (complete) destruction.
17. And how many have
We destroyed from the
generations after Noah. And
Sufficient is your Lord of the
sins of His servants as
Knower, All Seer.
18. Whoever should desire
what hastens away (worldly
life), We hasten for him
therein what We will, for
whom We intend. Then We
have appointed for him Hell.
He will (enter to) burn
therein, condemned, rejected.
19. And whoever desires the
Hereafter and strives for it
with the effort due to it, while
he is a believer, then it is
those whose effort shall be
20. To each We bestow,
these and (as well as) those,
from the bounty of your
Lord. And the bounty of
your Lord can not be
21. Look how We have
exalted some of them above
others, and the Hereafter will
be greater in degrees and
greater in preference.
22. Do not make with Allah
any other god, lest you will sit
in humiliated, forsaken.
23. And your Lord has
decreed that you worship
none except Him, and
(show) kindness to parents.
If they attain old age
(while) with you, one of
them or both of them, do
not say to them a word of
disrespect, nor shout at
them, and speak to them a
gracious word.
24. And lower unto them the
wing of submission through
mercy, and say: “My Lord,
have mercy on them both as
they did care for me (when I
was) little.”
25. Your Lord is best
aware of what is within
yourselves. If you should be
righteous, then indeed He is
ever Forgiving to those who
turn (to Him).
26. And give to the near of
kin his right, and the needy,
and the wayfarer, and do
not squander (your wealth)
27. Indeed, the squanderers
are brothers of Satan, and
Satan is ever ungrateful to
his Lord.
28. And if you have to turn
away from them (needy),
awaiting mercy from your
Lord, which you expect, then
speak to them a word of
29. And Do not keep your
hand fastened to your neck,
nor outspread it altogether
widespread, for you will then
be sitting rebuked, destitute.
30. Indeed, your Lord
enlarges the provision for
whom He wills, and straitens
(it for whom He wills).
Indeed, He is All Knower, All
Seer of His servants.
31. And do not kill your
children for fear of poverty.
We provide for them and for
you. Indeed, the killing of
them is a great sin.
32. And do not come near
to adultery. Indeed, it is
an abomination and an evil
33. And do not kill a person,
whom Allah has forbidden,
except by right. And him who
is killed wrongfully, We
indeed have granted his heir
the authority (of retribution),
so let him not exceed limits in
taking life. He shall be surely
helped (by the law).
34. And do not go near
the wealth of the orphan,
except in a way that is the
best until he comes to his
strength (maturity). And
fulfill the covenant. Indeed,
the covenant, will be
questioned about.
35. And give full measure
when you measure, and
weigh with a balance that is
straight. That is fair, and
better in consequence.
36. And do not follow that
of which you have no
knowledge. Indeed, the
hearing, and the sight, and
the heart, each of these shall
be called to account.
37. And do not walk upon
the earth in arrogance.
Indeed, you can never tear
the earth (apart), and never
can you reach to the
mountains in height.
38. All such (things), its
evil is hateful in the sight
of your Lord.
39. That is from what your
Lord has revealed to you
(O Muhammad) from the
wisdom. And do not take
with Allah any other god,
lest you are thrown into Hell,
blameworthy, abandoned.
40. Has your Lord then
chosen you for (having) sons,
and has taken (for Himself)
daughters from among the
angels. Indeed, you utter a
dreadful saying.
41. And indeed, We have
fully explained in this Quran
that they may take
admonition, but it does not
increase them except in
42. Say (O Muhammad): “If
there had been (other) gods
along with Him, as they say,
then they would have sought
a way to the Lord of the
43. Glory be to Him, and
He is high above what they
say, Exalted, Great.
44. Glorify Him the
seven heavens and the
earth and whatever is
therein. And there is not
any thing but glorifies
His praise, but you do
not understand their
glorification. Indeed, He is
ever Clement, Forgiving.
45. And when you recite the
Quran, we place between you
and those who do not
believe in the Hereafter, a
hidden barrier.
46. And We have placed upon
their hearts coverings, lest
they should understand it,
and in their ears a deafness.
And when you make mention
of your Lord alone in the
Quran, they turn on their
backs in aversion.
47. We know best of what
they listen to, when they
listen to you and when
they take secret counsel.
When the wrong doers
say: “You follow none but
a man bewitched.”
48. Look how they put
forward for you similitudes.
So they have gone astray,
then they can not find a way.
49. And they say: “When
we are bones and
fragments, shall we really
be resurrected (to be) a
new creation.”
50. Say (O Muhammad):
“Be you stones or iron.”
51. “Or some created
thing that is yet greater
in your breasts.” Then
they will say: “Who shall
bring us back (to life).”
Say: “He who created you
in the first instance.” Then
they will shake their heads
at you, and say: “When
will it be.” Say: “perhaps
that it is near.”
52. On the day (when) He
will call you, then you will
answer with His praise, and
you will think that you had
not stayed (in the world)
except for a little.
53. And say to My
servants to speak that
which is best. Indeed,
Satan sows discord among
them. Indeed, Satan is to
mankind a clear enemy.
54. Your Lord knows you
best. If He wills, He will
have mercy upon you, or if
He wills, He will punish you.
And We have not sent you (O
Muhammad) over them as a
55. And your Lord knows
best of whoever is in the
heavens and the earth. And
indeed, We have preferred
some of the prophets above
others, and to David We
gave the Psalms.
56. Say: “Call unto those
whom you claim (to be gods)
other than Him. For they
have no power to remove the
adversity from you, nor to
shift it.”
57. Those unto whom they
call upon, are themselves
seeking to their Lord the
means of access, as to which
of them should be the
nearest, and they hope for
His mercy and they fear
His punishment. Surely,
punishment of your Lord is
to be feared.
58. And there is not
any township but that We
shall destroy it before the
Day of Resurrection, or
punish it with a severe
punishment. This is written
down in the Book (of our
59. And nothing prevented
Us from sending signs but
that the people of old
denied them. And We gave
Thamud the she-camel, a
clear sign, but they wronged
her. And We do not send
the signs except to cause
(people to) fear.
60. And (O Muhammad)
when We said to you:
“Indeed, your Lord has
encompassed mankind.” And
We did not make the vision
which We have shown you
except as a trial for
mankind, and the tree
accursed in the Quran. And
We warn them, but it does
not increases them except in
greater transgression.
61. And when We said to
the angels: “Prostrate unto
Adam,” so they fell prostrate
except Iblis. He said: “Shall I
prostrate to one whom You
created from clay.”
62. He (Iblis) said: “See
You, this one whom You have
honored above me, if You
give me respite until the
Day of Resurrection, I will
surely seize his offspring, (all)
except a few.”
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63. He (Allah) said: “Go,
so whoever of them follows
you, then indeed Hell
will be your recompense,
an ample recompense.”
64. “And entice whoever you
can among them, with your
voice, and make assaults on
them with your cavalry and
your infantry, and be a
partner with them in
wealth and children, and
promise them.” And Satan
does not promise them
except deceit.
65. “Indeed, My servants,
you have no authority over
them. And sufficient is your
Lord as a Guardian.”
66. (O mankind), your
Lord is He who drives
for you the ship upon the
sea that you may seek of
His bounty. Indeed, He is
ever Merciful towards you.
67. And when distress
touches you at sea, those
whom you call upon
vanish except Him. But
when He brings you safe
to land, you turn away.
And man is ever ungrateful.
68. Then do you feel secure
that He will not cause a part
of the land to swallow you, or
send upon you a sand-storm,
then you will not find a
protector for you.
69. Or do you feel secure
that He will (not) return
you into that (the sea) a
second time, and send upon
you a hurricane of wind,
then drown you for your
ingratitude. Then you will
not find for yourselves any
avenger therein against Us.
70. And indeed, We have
honored the children of
Adam, and We have carried
them on the land and the sea,
and We have provided them
with good things, and We
have preferred them above
many of those whom We
created, (a sure) preference.
71. The day (when) We shall
summon all mankind with
their leaders (or their record
of deeds). Then whoever is
given his book in his right
hand, such will read their
book and they will not be
wronged a shred.
72. And whoever is blind
(to see the truth) in this (life),
he will be blind in the
Hereafter, and even farther
astray from the path.
73. And indeed, they were
about to tempt you away
from that which We have
revealed (the Quran) to you,
that you should invent
against Us other than it, and
then they would surely have
taken you a friend.
74. And if that We
had not strengthened you,
indeed, you might have
inclined to them a little.
75. Then, We should have
made you taste a double
(punishment) in this life and
a double (punishment) after
death, then you would have
found none to help you
against Us.
76. And indeed, they were
about to scare you off the
land that they might drive
you out from there. And then
they would not have stayed
(there) after you but a little.
77. (Such was Our) way for
those whom We had sent
before you (O Muhammad)
among the messengers. And
you will not find any change
in Our way.
78. Establish prayer from
the decline of the sun to
the darkness of the night,
and (recite) the Quran at
dawn. Indeed, (reciting) the
Quran at dawn is ever
79. And at night, wake up
and pray with (Quran) it, an
additional prayer for you. It
may be that your Lord will
raise you to an honored
80. And say: “My Lord,
cause to enter me with
a true entrance, and to
exit me with a true exit.
And grant me from Your
presence a supporting
81. And say: “Truth has
come and falsehood has
vanished away. Indeed,
falsehood is ever bound to
82. And We send down of
the Quran that which is a
healing and a mercy for those
who believe. And it does not
increase but loss to the wrong
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83. And when We bestow
favor upon man, he turns
away and drifts off to one
side. And when evil touches
him, he is in despair.
84. Say: “Each one does
according to his rule of
conduct. And your Lord
knows best him who is best
guided on the way.”
85. And they ask you
about the soul. Say: “The
soul is by the command of my
Lord. And you have not been
given of the knowledge except
a little.”
86. And if We willed, We
could surely take away that
which We have revealed to
you, then you would not find
for you in that respect a
defender against Us.
87. Except as a mercy from
your Lord. Indeed, His
kindness upon you is ever
88. Say: “Surely, if men
and jinn were to get
together in order to
produce the like of this
Quran, they will not (be
able to) produce the like
of it, even if some of them
were helpers to others.”
89. And indeed, We have
fully explained for mankind
in this Quran of every
(kind of) similitude, but most
mankind refuse (anything)
except disbelief.
90. And they say: “We shall
never believe you until you
cause to gush forth for us
from the earth a spring.”
91. “Or that there be for
you a garden of date-palms
and grapes, and cause to gush
forth rivers in their midst,
92. “Or you cause the
heaven to fall, as you have
claimed, upon us in pieces,
or you bring Allah and the
angels before (us) face to
93. “Or that there come to
be for you a house of gold, or
you ascend up into heaven,
and (even then) we will never
believe in your ascension
until you bring down to us a
book that we can read.” Say
(O Muhammad): “Glory be
to my Lord. Am I (anything)
but a man, (sent as) a
94. And nothing prevented
mankind from believing
when the guidance came to
them except that they said:
“Has Allah sent a human
being as messenger.”
95. Say: “If there were
in the earth angels
walking in peace, We
would surely have sent
down to them from the
heavens an angel as
96. Say: “Sufficient is
Allah as a witness between
me and you. Indeed He
is, of His servants, the
Knower, the Seer.”
97. And he whom Allah
guides, so he is rightly
guided. And he whom He
sends astray, you will never
then find for them protectors
other than Him. And We
shall assemble them on the
Day of Resurrection on their
faces, blind, and dumb, and
deaf. Their refuge is Hell.
Whenever it abates, We shall
increase them in blazing fire.
98. That is their
recompense because they
disbelieved in Our verses
and said: “Is it, when we are
bones and fragments, shall
we be raised up as a
new creation.”
99. Have they not seen
that Allah, who created the
heavens and the earth has
Power over that He can
create the like of them. And
He has decreed for them an
appointed term, whereof
there is no doubt. But wrong
doers refuse except disbelief.
100. Say: “If you owned
the treasures of the mercy of
my Lord, behold, you would
surely hold them back for
fear of spending.” And man
is ever grudging.
101. And indeed, We gave
to Moses nine clear signs.
Ask then the Children of
Israel, when he came to
them, then Pharaoh said to
him: “Indeed, I consider
you, O Moses, one
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102. He (Moses) said:
“Certainly, you know that no
one has sent down these
(signs) except the Lord of the
heavens and the earth as
evidence. And indeed I think
of you, O Pharaoh, as
103. So he intended to scare
them away from the land,
then We drowned him and
those with him, all together.
104. And We said, after
him, to the Children of
Israel: “Dwell in the land,
then when the promise of the
Hereafter comes to pass, We
shall bring you forth as one
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105. And with truth have We
sent it (Quran) down, and
with truth has it descended.
And We have not sent you
but a bearer of good tidings
and a warner.
106. And (it is) a Quran that
We have divided (into parts),
that you may recite it to
mankind at intervals. And
We have sent it down as a
successive revelation.
107. Say: “Believe in it, or
do not believe.” Indeed,
those who were given
knowledge before it, when it
is recited to them, they fall
down upon their faces in
108. And they say: “Glory
be to our Lord. Surely, the
promise of our Lord must be
109. And they fall down
upon their faces, weeping,
and it increases them in
110. Say: “Call upon Allah,
or call upon the Beneficent.
By whichever (name) you
call upon. To Him belong
the best names. And (O
Muhammad), do not recite
(too) loudly in your prayer,
and be not (too) quiet in it,
but seek between it a way.”
111. And say: “Praise be to
Allah, who has not taken to
Himself a son, and He has
no partner in the sovereignty,
and He has no (need of a)
protector out of weakness.
And magnify Him with all

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017 alisra

  • 1. “uó F{$$# AlIsra ÉΟó¡Î0«!$#Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$#ÉΟŠÏm§9$# In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Glorified be He who took for a journey His servant (Muhammad) by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, that the surroundings whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our signs. Indeed, He (Allah) is the All Hearer, the All Seer. z⎯≈ysö6ß™ü“Ï%©!$#3“uó r&⎯Íνωö7yèÎ/ Wξø‹s9š∅ÏiΒωÉfó¡yϑø9$#ÏΘ#tysø9$# ’n<Î)ωÉfó¡yϑø9$#$|Áø%F{$#“Ï%©!$# $oΨø.t≈t/…çμs9öθym…çμtƒÎã∴Ï9ô⎯ÏΒ!$oΨÏG≈tƒ#u™4 …çμ¯ΡÎ)uθèδßìŠÏϑ¡¡9$#çÅÁt7ø9$#∩⊇∪ 2. And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel, (saying): “That do not take other than Me as a guardian.” $oΨ÷s?#u™uρ©y›θãΒ|=≈tGÅ3ø9$#çμ≈oΨù=yèy_uρ “W‰èδû©Í_t6Ïj9Ÿ≅ƒÏ™ℜuó Î)ωr& (#ρä‹Ï‚−Gs?⎯ÏΒ’ÎΤρߊWξ‹Å2uρ∩⊄∪ 3. (They were) the descendants of those whom We carried (in the ship) with sπ−ƒÍh‘èŒô⎯tΒ$oΨù=yϑymyìtΒ?yθçΡ4…çμ¯ΡÎ)
  • 2. Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant. šχ%x.#Y‰ö6tã#Y‘θä3x©∩⊂∪ 4. And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture that indeed you would cause corruption on the earth twice, and you would surely be elated with mighty arrogance. !$oΨø‹ŸÒs%uρ4’n<Î)û©Í_t/Ÿ≅ƒÏ™ℜuó Î)’Îû É=≈tGÅ3ø9$#¨β߉šøçGs9’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$# È⎦÷⎫s?§tΒ£⎯è=÷ètGs9uρ#vθè=ãæ#ZÎ6Ÿ2∩⊆∪ 5. Then when the (time of) promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you servants of Ours, of great might. So they entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise fulfilled. #sŒÎ*sùu™!%y`߉ôãuρ$yϑßγ8s9ρé&$oΨ÷Wyèt/ öΝà6ø‹n=tæ#YŠ$t6Ïã!$uΖ©9’Í<'ρé&<¨ù't/ 7‰ƒÏ‰x©(#θß™$y∨sùŸ≅≈n=ÅzÍ‘$tƒÏe$!$#4 šχ%x.uρ#Y‰ôãuρZωθãèø¨Β∩∈∪ 6. Then We gave back to you a return (victory) over them, and We helped you with wealth and sons and We made you more numerous in manpower. ¢ΟèO$tΡ÷ŠyŠu‘ãΝä3s9nο§x6ø9$#öΝÍκön=tã Νä3≈tΡ÷Šy‰øΒr&uρ5Α≡uθøΒr'Î/š⎥⎫ÏΖt/uρ öΝä3≈oΨù=yèy_uρusYò2r&#·ÏtΡ∩∉∪ 7. (Saying): “If you do good, you do good for yourselves, and if you do evil, so it is for them (who do it).” Then, when the final (second) promise came, (We raised ÷βÎ)óΟçFΨ|¡ômr&óΟçFΨ|¡ômr&ö/ä3Å¡àΡL{ (÷βÎ)uρöΝè?ù'y™r&$yγn=sù4#sŒÎ*sùu™!%y` ߉ôãuρÍοtÅzFψ$#(#θä↔ÿ⏐Ý¡uŠÏ9
  • 3. against you other enemies) to disfigure your faces, and to enter the temple as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they took over, with (utter) destruction. öΝà6yδθã_ãρ(#θè=äzô‰u‹Ï9uρ y‰Éfó¡yϑø9$#$yϑŸ2çνθè=yzyŠtΑ¨ρr& ;ο§tΒ(#ρçÉi9tFãŠÏ9uρ$tΒ(#öθn=tã#·Î6÷Ks?∩∠∪ 8. It may be that your Lord will have mercy upon you. And if you revert (to sin), We shall revert (to punishment). And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers. 4©|¤tãö/ä3š/u‘βr&ö/ä3uΗxqötƒ4÷βÎ)uρ öΝ›?‰ãã$tΡô‰ãã¢$uΖù=yèy_uρtΛ©⎝yγy_ t⎦⎪ÌÏ≈s3ù=Ï9#·ÅÁym∩∇∪ 9. Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most just, and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that theirs will be a great reward. ¨βÎ)#x‹≈yδtβ#u™öà)ø9$#“ωöκu‰©ÉL¯=Ï9 š†ÏφãΠuθø%r&çÅe³u;ãƒuρt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$# t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tβθè=yϑ÷ètƒÏM≈ysÎ=≈¢Á9$#¨βr& öΝçλm;#ô_r&#ZÎ6x.∩®∪ 10. And that those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have prepared for them a painful punishment. ¨βr&uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#ŸωtβθãΖÏΒ÷σãƒÍοtÅzFψ$$Î/ $tΡô‰tGôãr&öΝçλm;$¹/#x‹tã$VϑŠÏ9r&∩⊇⊃∪ 11. And man supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good. And man is ever hasty. äíô‰tƒuρß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$#Îh¤³9$$Î/…çνu™!%tæߊ Îösƒø:$$Î/(tβ%x.uρß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$#Zωθàftã ∩⊇⊇∪
  • 4. 12. And We have made the night and the day as two signs. Then We have obscured the sign of the night, and made the sign of the day radiant that you may seek the bounty of your Lord, and that you may know the numbers of the years, and the account (of time). And every thing We explained in details. $uΖù=yèy_uρŸ≅ø‹©9$#u‘$pκ¨]9$#uρÈ⎦÷⎫tGtƒ#u™( !$tΡöθysyϑsùsπtƒ#u™È≅ø‹©9$#!$uΖù=yèy_uρsπtƒ#u™ Í‘$pκ¨]9$#ZοuÅÇö7ãΒ(#θäótGö;tGÏj9WξôÒsù⎯ÏiΒ óΟä3În/§‘(#θßϑn=÷ètGÏ9uρyŠy‰tãt⎦⎫ÏΖÅb¡9$# z>$|¡Ïtø:$#uρ4¨≅à2uρ&™ó©x«çμ≈oΨù=¢Ásù WξŠÅÁøs?∩⊇⊄∪ 13. And to every man, We have fastened his fate to his neck. And We shall bring forth for him on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will find spread open. ¨≅ä.uρ?⎯≈|¡ΣÎ)çμ≈oΨøΒt“ø9r&…çνuÈ∝¯≈sÛ’Îû ⎯ÏμÉ)ãΖãã(ßlÌøƒéΥuρ…çμs9tΠöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$# $Y7≈tFÅ2çμ9s)ù=tƒ#·‘θà±ΨtΒ∩⊇⊂∪ 14. (It will be said): “Read your book. Sufficient is your own self this Day against you as a reckoner.” ù&tø%$#y7t6≈tGÏ.4’s∀x.y7Å¡øuΖÎ/tΠöθu‹ø9$# y7ø‹n=tã$Y7ŠÅ¡ym∩⊇⊆∪ 15. Whoever is guided, so he is guided only for his own self. And whoever goes astray, so he goes astray only against it (his own self). And no bearer of Ç⎯¨Β3“y‰tF÷δ$#$yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù“ωtGöκu‰ ⎯ÏμÅ¡øuΖÏ9(⎯tΒuρ¨≅|Ê$yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù ‘≅ÅÒtƒ$pκön=tæ4Ÿωuρâ‘Ì“s?×οu‘Η#uρu‘ø—Íρ
  • 5. burdens will bear another’s burden. And We would never punish until We have sent a messenger. 3“t÷zé&3$tΒuρ$¨Ζä.t⎦⎫Î/Éj‹yèãΒ4©®Lym y]yèö6tΡZωθß™u‘∩⊇∈∪ 16. And when We intend to destroy a town, We command its affluent, so they commit abomination therein, then the word (decree) is justified against it, then We destroy it, a (complete) destruction. !#sŒÎ)uρ!$tΡ÷Šu‘r&βr&y7Î=öκ–Ξºπtƒös%$tΡötΒr& $pκÏùuøIãΒ(#θà)|¡xsù$pκÏù¨,y⇔sù$pκön=tæ ãΑöθs)ø9$#$yγ≈tΡö¨Βy‰sù#ZÏΒô‰s?∩⊇∉∪ 17. And how many have We destroyed from the generations after Noah. And Sufficient is your Lord of the sins of His servants as Knower, All Seer. öΝx.uρ$uΖõ3n=÷δr&š∅ÏΒÈβρãà)ø9$#.⎯ÏΒ Ï‰÷èt/8yθçΡ34’s∀x.uρy7În/tÎ/É>θçΡä‹Î/ ⎯ÍνÏŠ$t6Ïã#MÎ7yz#ZÅÁt/∩⊇∠∪ 18. Whoever should desire what hastens away (worldly life), We hasten for him therein what We will, for whom We intend. Then We have appointed for him Hell. He will (enter to) burn therein, condemned, rejected. ⎯¨Βtβ%x.߉ƒÌãƒs's#Å_$yèø9$#$uΖù=¤ftã …çμs9$yγŠÏù$tΒâ™!$t±nΣ⎯yϑÏ9߉ƒÌœΡ¢ΟèO $oΨù=yèy_…çμs9tΛ©⎝yγy_$yγ8n=óÁtƒ $YΒθãΒõ‹tΒ#Y‘θãmô‰¨Β∩⊇∇∪ 19. And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it with the effort due to it, while ô⎯tΒuρyŠ#u‘r&nοtÅzFψ$#4©tëy™uρ$oλm; $yγuŠ÷èy™uθèδuρÖ⎯ÏΒ÷σãΒy7Íׯ≈s9'ρé'sù
  • 6. he is a believer, then it is those whose effort shall be appreciated. tβ%Ÿ2Οßγã‹÷èy™#Y‘θä3ô±¨Β∩⊇®∪ 20. To each We bestow, these and (as well as) those, from the bounty of your Lord. And the bounty of your Lord can not be restricted. yξä.‘‰ÏϑœΡÏ™Iωàσ¯≈yδÏ™Iωàσ¯≈yδuρô⎯ÏΒ Ï™!$sÜtãy7În/u‘4$tΒuρtβ%x.â™!$sÜtã šÎn/u‘#·‘θÝàøtxΧ∩⊄⊃∪ 21. Look how We have exalted some of them above others, and the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference. öÝàΡ$#y#ø‹x.$oΨù=ÒsùöΝåκ|Õ÷èt/4’n?tã <Ù÷èt/4äοtÅzEζs9uρçt9ø.r&;M≈y_u‘yŠ çy9ø.r&uρWξ‹ÅÒøs?∩⊄⊇∪ 22. Do not make with Allah any other god, lest you will sit in humiliated, forsaken. ωö≅yèøgrByìtΒ«!$#$·γ≈s9Î)tyz#u™ y‰ãèø)tGsù$YΒθãΒõ‹tΒZωρä‹øƒ¤Χ∩⊄⊄∪ 23. And your Lord has decreed that you worship none except Him, and (show) kindness to parents. If they attain old age (while) with you, one of them or both of them, do not say to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them, and speak to them a gracious word. *4©|Ós%uρy7•/u‘ωr&(#ÿρ߉ç7÷ès?HωÎ) çν$−ƒÎ)È⎦ø⎪t$Î!≡uθø9$$Î/uρ$·Ζ≈|¡ômÎ)4$¨ΒÎ) £⎯tóè=ö7tƒx8y‰ΨÏãuy9Å6ø9$#!$yϑèδ߉tnr& ÷ρr&$yϑèδŸξÏ.Ÿξsù≅à)s?!$yϑçλ°;7e∃é& Ÿωuρ$yϑèδöpκ÷]s?≅è%uρ$yϑßγ©9Zωöθs% $VϑƒÌŸ2∩⊄⊂∪
  • 7. 24. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy, and say: “My Lord, have mercy on them both as they did care for me (when I was) little.” ôÙÏ÷z$#uρ$yϑßγs9yy$uΖy_ÉeΑ—%!$#z⎯ÏΒ Ïπyϑôm§9$#≅è%uρÉb>§‘$yϑßγ÷Ηxqö‘$#$yϑx. ’ÎΤ$u‹−/u‘#ZÉó|¹∩⊄⊆∪ 25. Your Lord is best aware of what is within yourselves. If you should be righteous, then indeed He is ever Forgiving to those who turn (to Him). ö/ä3š/§‘ÞΟn=÷ær&$yϑÎ/’Îûö/ä3Å™θàçΡ4βÎ) (#θçΡθä3s?t⎦⎫ÅsÎ=≈|¹…çμ¯ΡÎ*sùtβ%Ÿ2 š⎥⎫Î/≡¨ρF|Ï9#Y‘θàxî∩⊄∈∪ 26. And give to the near of kin his right, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and do not squander (your wealth) extravagantly. ÏN#u™uρ#sŒ4’n1öà)ø9$#…çμ¤)ym t⎦⎫Å3ó¡Ïϑø9$#uρt⎦ø⌠$#uρÈ≅‹Î6¡¡9$#Ÿωuρ ö‘Éj‹t7è?#·ƒÉ‹ö7s?∩⊄∉∪ 27. Indeed, the squanderers are brothers of Satan, and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord. ¨βÎ)t⎦⎪Í‘Éj‹t6ßϑø9$#(#þθçΡ%x.tβ≡uθ÷zÎ) È⎦⎫ÏÜ≈u‹¤±9$#(tβ%x.uρß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# ⎯ÏμÎn/tÏ9#Y‘θàx.∩⊄∠∪ 28. And if you have to turn away from them (needy), awaiting mercy from your Lord, which you expect, then speak to them a word of kindness. $¨ΒÎ)uρ£⎯|ÊÌ÷èè?ãΝåκ÷]tãu™!$tóÏGö/$#7πuΗ÷qu‘ ⎯ÏiΒy7Îi/¢‘$yδθã_ös?≅à)sùöΝçλ°; Zωöθs%#Y‘θÝ¡øŠ¨Β∩⊄∇∪
  • 8. 29. And Do not keep your hand fastened to your neck, nor outspread it altogether widespread, for you will then be sitting rebuked, destitute. Ÿωuρö≅yèøgrBx8y‰tƒ»'s!θè=øótΒ4’n<Î) y7É)ãΖããŸωuρ$yγôÜÝ¡ö6s?¨≅ä.ÅÝó¡t6ø9$# y‰ãèø)tFsù$YΒθè=tΒ#·‘θÝ¡øt¤Χ∩⊄®∪ 30. Indeed, your Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills). Indeed, He is All Knower, All Seer of His servants. ¨βÎ)y7−/u‘äÝÝ¡ö6tƒs−ø—Îh9$#⎯yϑÏ9 â™!$t±o„â‘ωø)tƒuρ4…çμ¯ΡÎ)tβ%x.⎯ÍνÏŠ$t6ÏèÎ/ #MÎ7yz#ZÅÁt/∩⊂⊃∪ 31. And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, the killing of them is a great sin. Ÿωuρ(#þθè=çGø)s?öΝä.y‰≈s9÷ρr&sπu‹ô±yz 9,≈n=øΒÎ)(ß⎯øtªΥöΝßγè%ã—ötΡö/ä.$−ƒÎ)uρ4¨βÎ) öΝßγn=÷Fs%tβ%Ÿ2$↔ôÜÅz#ZÎ6x.∩⊂⊇∪ 32. And do not come near to adultery. Indeed, it is an abomination and an evil way. Ÿωuρ(#θç/tø)s?#’oΤÌh“9$#(…çμ¯ΡÎ)tβ%x. Zπt±Ås≈sùu™!$y™uρWξ‹Î6y™∩⊂⊄∪ 33. And do not kill a person, whom Allah has forbidden, except by right. And him who is killed wrongfully, We indeed have granted his heir the authority (of retribution), so let him not exceed limits in Ÿωuρ(#θè=çFø)s?}§ø¨Ζ9$#©ÉL©9$#tΠ§ym ª!$#ωÎ)Èd,ysø9$$Î/3⎯tΒuρŸ≅ÏFè% $YΒθè=ôàtΒô‰s)sù$uΖù=yèy_⎯ÏμÍh‹Ï9uθÏ9 $YΖ≈sÜù=ß™Ÿξsù’Ìó¡ç„’ÎpûÈ≅÷Fs)ø9$#(
  • 9. taking life. He shall be surely helped (by the law). …çμ¯ΡÎ)tβ%x.#Y‘θÝÁΖtΒ∩⊂⊂∪ 34. And do not go near the wealth of the orphan, except in a way that is the best until he comes to his strength (maturity). And fulfill the covenant. Indeed, the covenant, will be questioned about. Ÿωuρ(#θç/tø)s?tΑ$tΒÉΟŠÏKuŠø9$#ωÎ)©ÉL©9$$Î/ }‘Ïδß⎯|¡ômr&4©®Lymxè=ö7tƒ…çν£‰ä©r&4 (#θèù÷ρr&uρωôγyèø9$$Î/(¨βÎ)y‰ôγyèø9$# šχ%x.Zωθä↔ó¡tΒ∩⊂⊆∪ 35. And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is fair, and better in consequence. (#θèù÷ρr&uρŸ≅ø‹s3ø9$##sŒÎ)÷Λä⎢ù=Ï.(#θçΡΗuρ Ĩ$sÜó¡É)ø9$$Î/ËΛ⎧É)tFó¡ßϑø9$#4y7Ï9≡sŒ ×öyzß⎯|¡ômr&uρWξƒÍρù's?∩⊂∈∪ 36. And do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, each of these shall be called to account. Ÿωuρß#ø)s?$tΒ}§øŠs9y7s9⎯ÏμÎ/íΟù=Ïæ 4¨βÎ)yìôϑ¡¡9$#u|Çt7ø9$#uρyŠ#xσàø9$#uρ‘≅ä. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&tβ%x.çμ÷ΨtãZωθä↔ó¡tΒ∩⊂∉∪ 37. And do not walk upon the earth in arrogance. Indeed, you can never tear the earth (apart), and never can you reach to the mountains in height. ŸωuρÄ·ôϑs?’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$#$·mttΒ( y7¨ΡÎ)⎯s9s−ÌøƒrBuÚö‘F{$#∅s9uρ xè=ö6s?tΑ$t6Ågø:$#ZωθèÛ∩⊂∠∪
  • 10. 38. All such (things), its evil is hateful in the sight of your Lord. ‘≅ä.y7Ï9≡sŒtβ%x.…çμã∞ÍhŠy™y‰ΖÏãy7În/u‘ $δρãõ3tΒ∩⊂∇∪ 39. That is from what your Lord has revealed to you (O Muhammad) from the wisdom. And do not take with Allah any other god, lest you are thrown into Hell, blameworthy, abandoned. y7Ï9≡sŒ!$£ϑÏΒ#©yr÷ρr&y7ø‹s9Î)y7•/u‘z⎯ÏΒ Ïπyϑõ3Ïtø:$#3Ÿωuρö≅yèøgrByìtΒ«!$#$·γ≈s9Î) tyz#u™4’s+ù=çFsù’ÎûtΛ©⎝yγy_$YΒθè=tΒ #·‘θãmô‰¨Β∩⊂®∪ 40. Has your Lord then chosen you for (having) sons, and has taken (for Himself) daughters from among the angels. Indeed, you utter a dreadful saying. ö/ä38xô¹r'sùr&Νà6š/u‘t⎦⎫ÏΨt7ø9$$Î/ x‹sƒªB$#uρz⎯ÏΒÏπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#$·W≈tΡÎ)4ö/ä3¯ΡÎ) tβθä9θà)tGs9»ωöθs%$VϑŠÏàtã∩⊆⊃∪ 41. And indeed, We have fully explained in this Quran that they may take admonition, but it does not increase them except in aversion. ô‰s)s9uρ$uΖøù§|À’Îû#x‹≈yδÈβ#u™öà)ø9$# (#ρã©.¤‹u‹Ï9$tΒuρöΝèδ߉ƒÌ“tƒωÎ)#Y‘θàçΡ ∩⊆⊇∪ 42. Say (O Muhammad): “If there had been (other) gods along with Him, as they say, then they would have sought a way to the Lord of the Throne.” ≅è%öθ©9tβ%x.ÿ…çμyètΒ×πoλÎ;#u™$yϑx. tβθä9θà)tƒ#]ŒÎ)(#öθtótGö/^ω4’n<Î)“ÏŒ ĸóyêø9$#Wξ‹Î7y™∩⊆⊄∪
  • 11. 43. Glory be to Him, and He is high above what they say, Exalted, Great. …çμoΨ≈ysö7ß™4’n?≈yès?uρ$¬Ηxåtβθä9θà)tƒ #vθè=ãæ#ZÎ7x.∩⊆⊂∪ 44. Glorify Him the seven heavens and the earth and whatever is therein. And there is not any thing but glorifies His praise, but you do not understand their glorification. Indeed, He is ever Clement, Forgiving. ßxÎm6|¡è@ã&s!ßN≡uθ≈uΚ¡¡9$#ßìö7¡¡9$# ÞÚö‘F{$#uρ⎯tΒuρ£⎯ÍκÏù4βÎ)uρ⎯ÏiΒ >™ó©x«ωÎ)ßxÎm7|¡ç„⎯Íνω÷Κpt¿2⎯Å3≈s9uρ ωtβθßγs)øs?öΝßγys‹Î6ó¡n@3…çμ¯ΡÎ) tβ%x.$¸ϑŠÎ=ym#Y‘θàxî∩⊆⊆∪ 45. And when you recite the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter, a hidden barrier. #sŒÎ)uρšVù&ts%tβ#u™öà)ø9$#$oΨù=yèy_ y7uΖ÷t/t⎦÷⎫t/uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#ŸωtβθãΖÏΒ÷σムÍοtÅzFψ$$Î/$/$pgÉo#Y‘θçGó¡¨Β∩⊆∈∪ 46. And We have placed upon their hearts coverings, lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness. And when you make mention of your Lord alone in the Quran, they turn on their backs in aversion. $uΖù=yèy_uρ4’n?tãöΝÍκÍ5θè=è%ºπ¨ΖÏ.r&βr& çνθßγs)øtƒþ’ÎûuρöΝÍκÍΞ#sŒ#u™#ø%uρ4#sŒÎ)uρ |Nöx.sŒy7−/u‘’ÎûÈβ#u™öà)ø9$#…çνy‰÷nuρ (#öθ©9uρ#’n?tãóΟÏδÌ≈t/÷Šr&#Y‘θàçΡ∩⊆∉∪
  • 12. 47. We know best of what they listen to, when they listen to you and when they take secret counsel. When the wrong doers say: “You follow none but a man bewitched.” ß⎯øtªΥÞΟn=÷ær&$yϑÎ/tβθãèÏϑtFó¡o„ÿ⎯ÏμÎ/øŒÎ) tβθãèÏϑtGó¡o„y7ø‹s9Î)øŒÎ)uρöΛèε#“uθøgwΥ øŒÎ)ãΑθà)tƒtβθçΗÍ>≈©à9$#βÎ)tβθãèÎ6−Gs? ωÎ)Wξã_u‘#·‘θßsó¡¨Β∩⊆∠∪ 48. Look how they put forward for you similitudes. So they have gone astray, then they can not find a way. öÝàΡ$#y#ø‹x.(#θç/uŸÑy7s9tΑ$sWøΒF{$# (#θ=ŸÒsùŸξsùtβθãè‹ÏÜtGó¡o„Wξ‹Î7y™ ∩⊆∇∪ 49. And they say: “When we are bones and fragments, shall we really be resurrected (to be) a new creation.” (#þθä9$s%uρ#sŒÏ™r&$¨Ζä.$Vϑ≈sàÏã$¹G≈sùâ‘uρ $¯ΡÏ™r&tβθèOθãèö7yϑs9$Z)ù=yz#Y‰ƒÏ‰y` ∩⊆®∪ 50. Say (O Muhammad): “Be you stones or iron.” *ö≅è%(#θçΡθä.¸οu‘$yfÏm÷ρr&#´‰ƒÏ‰tn ∩∈⊃∪ 51. “Or some created thing that is yet greater in your breasts.” Then they will say: “Who shall bring us back (to life).” ÷ρr&$Z)ù=yz$£ϑÏiΒçã9ò6tƒ†Îû ö/ä.Í‘ρ߉߹4tβθä9θà)uŠ|¡sù⎯tΒ $tΡ߉‹Ïèãƒ(È≅è%“Ï%©!$#öΝä.tsÜsùtΑ¨ρr&
  • 13. Say: “He who created you in the first instance.” Then they will shake their heads at you, and say: “When will it be.” Say: “perhaps that it is near.” ;ο§tΒ4tβθàÒÉó÷Ζã|¡sùy7ø‹s9Î)öΝåκyρâ™â‘ šχθä9θà)tƒuρ4©tLtΒuθèδ(ö≅è%#©|¤tã βr&šχθä3tƒ$Y6ƒÌs%∩∈⊇∪ 52. On the day (when) He will call you, then you will answer with His praise, and you will think that you had not stayed (in the world) except for a little. tΠöθtƒöΝä.θããô‰tƒšχθç7‹ÉftGó¡tFsù ⎯Íνωôϑpt¿2tβθ‘ΖÝàs?uρβÎ)óΟçFø[Î6©9ωÎ) Wξ‹Î=s%∩∈⊄∪ 53. And say to My servants to speak that which is best. Indeed, Satan sows discord among them. Indeed, Satan is to mankind a clear enemy. ≅è%uρ“ÏŠ$t7ÏèÏj9(#θä9θà)tƒ©ÉL©9$#}‘Ïδ ß⎯|¡ômr&4¨βÎ)z⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#éøu”∴tƒ öΝæηuΖ÷t/4¨βÎ)z⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#šχ%x. Ç⎯≈|¡ΣM∼Ï9#xρ߉tã$YΖÎ7•Β∩∈⊂∪ 54. Your Lord knows you best. If He wills, He will have mercy upon you, or if He wills, He will punish you. And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) over them as a guardian. ö/ä3š/§‘ÞΟn=ôãr&ö/ä3Î/(βÎ)ù't±o„ ö/ä3ôϑymötƒ÷ρr&βÎ)ù't±o„öΝä3ö/Éj‹yèãƒ4 !$tΒuρy7≈oΨù=y™ö‘r&öΝÍκön=tãWξ‹Å2uρ ∩∈⊆∪
  • 14. 55. And your Lord knows best of whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And indeed, We have preferred some of the prophets above others, and to David We gave the Psalms. y7š/u‘uρÞΟn=ôãr&⎯yϑÎ/’ÎûÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# ÇÚö‘F{$#uρ3ô‰s)s9uρ$uΖù=ÒsùuÙ÷èt/ z⎯↵ÍhŠÎ;¨Ψ9$#4’n?tã<Ù÷èt/($oΨ÷s?#u™uρ yŠ…ãρ#yŠ#Y‘θç/y—∩∈∈∪ 56. Say: “Call unto those whom you claim (to be gods) other than Him. For they have no power to remove the adversity from you, nor to shift it.” È≅è%(#θãã÷Š$#t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#ΟçFôϑtãy—⎯ÏiΒ ⎯ÏμÏΡρߊŸξsùšχθä3Î=ôϑtƒy#ô±x. Îh‘Ø9$#öΝä3ΨtãŸωuρ¸ξƒÈθøtrB∩∈∉∪ 57. Those unto whom they call upon, are themselves seeking to their Lord the means of access, as to which of them should be the nearest, and they hope for His mercy and they fear His punishment. Surely, punishment of your Lord is to be feared. y7Íׯ≈s9'ρé&t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#šχθããô‰tƒ šχθäótGö6tƒ4’n<Î)ÞΟÎγÎn/u‘s's#‹Å™uθø9$# öΝåκš‰r&Ü>tø%r&tβθã_ötƒuρ…çμtGyϑômu‘ šχθèù$sƒs†uρÿ…çμt/#x‹tã4¨βÎ)z>#x‹tã y7În/u‘tβ%x.#Y‘ρä‹øtxΧ∩∈∠∪ 58. And there is not any township but that We shall destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe βÎ)uρ⎯ÏiΒ>πtƒös%ωÎ)ß⎯øtwΥ $yδθà6Î=ôγãΒŸ≅ö6s%ÏΘöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$#÷ρr& $yδθç/Éj‹yèãΒ$/#x‹tã#Y‰ƒÏ‰x©4tβ%x.
  • 15. punishment. This is written down in the Book (of our decrees). y7Ï9≡sŒ’ÎûÉ=≈tGÅ3ø9$##Y‘θäÜó¡tΒ∩∈∇∪ 59. And nothing prevented Us from sending signs but that the people of old denied them. And We gave Thamud the she-camel, a clear sign, but they wronged her. And We do not send the signs except to cause (people to) fear. $tΒuρ!$oΨyèuΖtΒβr&Ÿ≅Å™öœΡÏM≈tƒFψ$$Î/ HωÎ)βr&z>¤‹Ÿ2$pκÍ5tβθä9¨ρF{$#4 $oΨ÷s?#u™uρyŠθßϑrOsπs%$¨Ζ9$#ZοuÅÇö7ãΒ (#θßϑn=sàsù$pκÍ54$tΒuρã≅Å™öçΡÏM≈tƒFψ$$Î/ ωÎ)$ZƒÈθøƒrB∩∈®∪ 60. And (O Muhammad) when We said to you: “Indeed, your Lord has encompassed mankind.” And We did not make the vision which We have shown you except as a trial for mankind, and the tree accursed in the Quran. And We warn them, but it does not increases them except in greater transgression. øŒÎ)uρ$uΖù=è%šs9¨βÎ)š−/u‘xÞ%tnr& Ĩ$¨Ζ9$$Î/4$tΒuρ$uΖù=yèy_$tƒö™”9$#û©ÉL©9$# y7≈oΨ÷ƒu‘r&ωÎ)ZπuΖ÷FÏùĨ$¨Ζ=Ïj9 nοtyf¤±9$#uρsπtΡθãèù=yϑø9$#’ÎûÈβ#u™öà)ø9$#4 öΝßγèùÈhθsƒéΥuρ$yϑsùöΝèδ߉ƒÌ“tƒωÎ) $YΖ≈u‹øóèÛ#ZÎ7x.∩∉⊃∪ 61. And when We said to the angels: “Prostrate unto Adam,” so they fell prostrate except Iblis. He said: “Shall I øŒÎ)uρ$uΖù=è%Ïπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑù=Ï9(#ρ߉ß∨ó™$# tΠyŠKψ(#ÿρ߉yf|¡sùHωÎ)}§ŠÎ=ö/Î)tΑ$s%
  • 16. prostrate to one whom You created from clay.” ߉ß∨ó™r&u™ô⎯yϑÏ9|Mø)n=yz$YΖŠÏÛ∩∉⊇∪ 62. He (Iblis) said: “See You, this one whom You have honored above me, if You give me respite until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely seize his offspring, (all) except a few.” tΑ$s%y7tG÷ƒu™u‘r&#x‹≈yδ“Ï%©!$# |MøΒ§Ÿ2¥’n?tã÷⎦È⌡s9È⎦s∫ö¨zr&4’n<Î) ÏΘöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$# ∅s3ÏΨtFômV{ ÿ…çμtG−ƒÍh‘èŒωÎ)WξŠÎ=s%∩∉⊄∪ 63. He (Allah) said: “Go, so whoever of them follows you, then indeed Hell will be your recompense, an ample recompense.” tΑ$s%ó=yδøŒ$#⎯yϑsùy7yèÎ7s?óΟßγ÷ΨÏΒ  χÎ*sùzΟ¨Ψyγy_ö/ä.äτ!#t“y_[™!#t“y_ #Y‘θèùöθ¨Β∩∉⊂∪ 64. “And entice whoever you can among them, with your voice, and make assaults on them with your cavalry and your infantry, and be a partner with them in wealth and children, and promise them.” And Satan does not promise them except deceit. ø—Ì“øtFó™$#uρÇ⎯tΒ|M÷èsÜtGó™$#Νåκ÷]ÏΒ y7Ï?öθ|ÁÎ/ó=Î=ô_r&uρΝÍκön=tãy7Î=ø‹sƒ¿2 šÎ=Å`u‘uρóΟßγø.Í‘$x©uρ’ÎûÉΑ≡uθøΒF{$# ω≈s9÷ρF{$#uρöΝèδô‰Ïãuρ4$tΒuρãΝèδ߉Ïètƒ ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$#ωÎ)#·‘ρãäî∩∉⊆∪ 65. “Indeed, My servants, you have no authority over ¨βÎ)“ÏŠ$t6Ïã}§øŠs9šs9óΟÎγøŠn=tæ
  • 17. them. And sufficient is your Lord as a Guardian.” Ö⎯≈sÜù=ß™44†s∀x.uρy7În/tÎ/Wξ‹Å2uρ ∩∉∈∪ 66. (O mankind), your Lord is He who drives for you the ship upon the sea that you may seek of His bounty. Indeed, He is ever Merciful towards you. ãΝä3š/§‘“Ï%©!$#©Åe÷“ãƒãΝà6s9 šù=àø9$#’ÎûÌóst7ø9$#(#θäótGö;tGÏ9⎯ÏΒ ÿ⎯Ï&Î#ôÒsù4…çμ¯ΡÎ)šχ%x.öΝä3Î/ $VϑŠÏmu‘∩∉∉∪ 67. And when distress touches you at sea, those whom you call upon vanish except Him. But when He brings you safe to land, you turn away. And man is ever ungrateful. #sŒÎ)uρãΝä3¡¡tΒ•‘Ø9$#’ÎûÌóst7ø9$# ¨≅|Ê⎯tΒtβθããô‰s?HωÎ)çν$−ƒÎ)($¬Ηs>sù ö/ä39¯gwΥ’n<Î)Îhy9ø9$#÷Λä⎢ôÊz÷är&4tβ%x.uρ ß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$##·‘θàx.∩∉∠∪ 68. Then do you feel secure that He will not cause a part of the land to swallow you, or send upon you a sand-storm, then you will not find a protector for you. óΟçFΨÏΒr'sùr&βr&y#Å¡øƒs†öΝä3Î/|=ÏΡ%y` Îhy9ø9$#÷ρr&Ÿ≅Å™öãƒöΝà6ø‹n=tæ$Y6Ϲ%tn ¢ΟèOŸω(#ρ߉ÅgrBö/ä3s9¸ξ‹Å2uρ∩∉∇∪ 69. Or do you feel secure that He will (not) return you into that (the sea) a ôΘr&óΟçGΖÏΒr&βr&öΝä.y‰‹ÏèãƒÏμŠÏù¸οu‘$s? 3“t÷zé&Ÿ≅Å™÷ãsùöΝä3ø‹n=tæ$ZϹ$s%
  • 18. second time, and send upon you a hurricane of wind, then drown you for your ingratitude. Then you will not find for yourselves any avenger therein against Us. z⎯ÏiΒËxƒÌh9$#Νä3s%Ìøóã‹sù$yϑÎ/÷Λänöxx.  §ΝèOŸω(#ρ߉ÅgrBö/ä3s9$uΖø‹n=tã⎯ÏμÎ/ $Yè‹Î;s?∩∉®∪ 70. And indeed, We have honored the children of Adam, and We have carried them on the land and the sea, and We have provided them with good things, and We have preferred them above many of those whom We created, (a sure) preference. *ô‰s)s9uρ$oΨøΒ§x.û©Í_t/tΠyŠ#u™ öΝßγ≈oΨù=uΗxquρ’ÎûÎhy9ø9$#Ìóst7ø9$#uρ Νßγ≈oΨø%y—u‘uρš∅ÏiΒÏM≈t7ÍhŠ©Ü9$# óΟßγ≈uΖù=Òsùuρ4’n?tã9ÏVŸ2ô⎯£ϑÏiΒ $oΨø)n=yzWξŠÅÒøs?∩∠⊃∪ 71. The day (when) We shall summon all mankind with their leaders (or their record of deeds). Then whoever is given his book in his right hand, such will read their book and they will not be wronged a shred. tΠöθtƒ(#θããô‰tΡ¨≅à2¤¨$tΡé& ÷ΛÏιÏϑ≈tΒÎ*Î/(ô⎯yϑsùu’ÎAρé&…çμt7≈tFÅ2 ⎯ÏμÏΨŠÏϑu‹Î/šÍׯ≈s9'ρé'sùtβρâ™tø)tƒ óΟßγt7≈tGÅ2Ÿωuρtβθßϑn=ôàãƒWξ‹ÏFsù ∩∠⊇∪ 72. And whoever is blind (to see the truth) in this (life), he will be blind in the ⎯tΒuρšχ%x.’Îûÿ⎯ÍνÉ‹≈yδ4‘yϑôãr& uθßγsù’ÎûÍοtÅzFψ$#4‘yϑôãr&‘≅|Êr&uρ
  • 19. Hereafter, and even farther astray from the path. Wξ‹Î6y™∩∠⊄∪ 73. And indeed, they were about to tempt you away from that which We have revealed (the Quran) to you, that you should invent against Us other than it, and then they would surely have taken you a friend. βÎ)uρ(#ρߊ%Ÿ2y7tΡθãΖÏFøu‹s9Ç⎯tã ü“Ï%©!$#!$uΖøŠym÷ρr&šø‹s9Î)y“ÎtIøtFÏ9 $uΖøŠn=tã…çνuöxî(#]ŒÎ)uρx8ρä‹sƒªB^ω WξŠÎ=yz∩∠⊂∪ 74. And if that We had not strengthened you, indeed, you might have inclined to them a little. Iωöθs9uρβr&y7≈oΨ÷G¬;rOô‰s)s9£N‰Ï. ß⎯Ÿ2ös?óΟÎγøŠs9Î)$↔ø‹x©¸ξŠÎ=s%∩∠⊆∪ 75. Then, We should have made you taste a double (punishment) in this life and a double (punishment) after death, then you would have found none to help you against Us. #]ŒÎ)š≈oΨø%sŒ`{y#÷èÅÊÍο4θuŠysø9$# y#÷èÅÊuρÏN$yϑyϑø9$#§ΝèOŸω߉ÅgrB y7s9$uΖøŠn=tã#ZÅÁtΡ∩∠∈∪ 76. And indeed, they were about to scare you off the land that they might drive you out from there. And then they would not have stayed (there) after you but a little. βÎ)uρ(#ρߊ%Ÿ2štΡρ–“ÏtFó¡ts9z⎯ÏΒ ÇÚö‘F{$#x8θã_Ì÷‚ã‹Ï9$yγ÷ΨÏΒ(#]ŒÎ)uρ ωšχθèWt7ù=tƒy7x≈n=ÅzωÎ)WξŠÎ=s% ∩∠∉∪
  • 20. 77. (Such was Our) way for those whom We had sent before you (O Muhammad) among the messengers. And you will not find any change in Our way. sπ¨Ζß™⎯tΒô‰s%$uΖù=y™ö‘r&šn=ö6s%⎯ÏΒ $oΨÎ=ß™•‘(Ÿωuρ߉ÅgrB$oΨÏK¨ΨÝ¡Ï9¸ξƒÈθøtrB ∩∠∠∪ 78. Establish prayer from the decline of the sun to the darkness of the night, and (recite) the Quran at dawn. Indeed, (reciting) the Quran at dawn is ever witnessed. ÉΟÏ%r&nο4θn=¢Á9$#Ï8θä9à$Î!ħôϑ¤±9$# 4’n<Î)È,|¡xîÈ≅ø‹©9$#tβ#u™öè%uρÌôfxø9$#( ¨βÎ)tβ#u™öè%Ìôfxø9$#šχ%x. #YŠθåκô¶tΒ∩∠∇∪ 79. And at night, wake up and pray with (Quran) it, an additional prayer for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to an honored position. z⎯ÏΒuρÈ≅ø‹©9$#ô‰¤fyγtFsù⎯ÏμÎ/'s#Ïù$tΡ y7©9#©|¤tãβr&y7sWyèö7tƒy7•/u‘ $YΒ$s)tΒ#YŠθßϑøt¤Χ∩∠®∪ 80. And say: “My Lord, cause to enter me with a true entrance, and to exit me with a true exit. And grant me from Your presence a supporting authority.” ≅è%uρÉb>§‘©Í_ù=Åz÷Šr&Ÿ≅yzô‰ãΒ 5−ô‰Ï¹©Í_ô_Ì÷zr&uρyltøƒèΧ5−ô‰Ï¹ ≅yèô_$#uρ’Ík<⎯ÏΒy7Ρà$©!$YΖ≈sÜù=ß™ #ZÅÁ¯Ρ∩∇⊃∪
  • 21. 81. And say: “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Indeed, falsehood is ever bound to vanish.” ö≅è%uρu™!%y`‘,ysø9$#t,yδy—uρã≅ÏÜ≈t6ø9$#4 ¨βÎ)Ÿ≅ÏÜ≈t7ø9$#tβ%x.$]%θèδy—∩∇⊇∪ 82. And We send down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy for those who believe. And it does not increase but loss to the wrong doers. ãΑÍi”t∴çΡuρz⎯ÏΒÈβ#u™öà)ø9$#$tΒuθèδÖ™!$xÏ© ×πuΗ÷qu‘uρt⎦⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑù=Ïj9 Ÿωuρ߉ƒÌ“tƒ t⎦⎫ÏϑÎ=≈©à9$#ωÎ)#Y‘$|¡yz∩∇⊄∪ 83. And when We bestow favor upon man, he turns away and drifts off to one side. And when evil touches him, he is in despair. !#sŒÎ)uρ$oΨôϑyè÷Ρr&’n?tãÇ⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# uÚ{ôãr&$t↔tΡuρ⎯ÏμÎ7ÏΡ$pg¿2(#sŒÎ)uρçμ¡¡tΒ •¤³9$#tβ%x.$U™θä↔tƒ∩∇⊂∪ 84. Say: “Each one does according to his rule of conduct. And your Lord knows best him who is best guided on the way.” ö≅è%@≅à2ã≅yϑ÷ètƒ4’n?tã⎯ÏμÏFn=Ï.$x© öΝä3š/tsùãΝn=÷ær&ô⎯yϑÎ/uθèδ3“y‰÷δr& Wξ‹Î6y™∩∇⊆∪ 85. And they ask you about the soul. Say: “The soul is by the command of my Lord. And you have not been given of the knowledge except a little.” štΡθè=t↔ó¡o„uρÇ⎯tãÇyρ”9$#(È≅è% ßyρ”9$#ô⎯ÏΒÌøΒr&’În1u‘!$tΒuρΟçFÏ?ρé& z⎯ÏiΒÉΟù=Ïèø9$#ωÎ)WξŠÎ=s%∩∇∈∪
  • 22. 86. And if We willed, We could surely take away that which We have revealed to you, then you would not find for you in that respect a defender against Us. ⎦È⌡s9uρ$oΨø⁄Ï©¨⎦t⎤yδõ‹uΖs9ü“Ï%©!$$Î/ !$uΖøŠym÷ρr&y7ø‹s9Î)§ΝèOŸω߉ÅgrBy7s9 ⎯ÏμÎ/$uΖøŠn=tã¸ξ‹Å2uρ∩∇∉∪ 87. Except as a mercy from your Lord. Indeed, His kindness upon you is ever great. ωÎ)Zπyϑômu‘⎯ÏiΒšÎi/¢‘4¨βÎ) …ã&s#ôÒsùšχ%x.y7ø‹n=tã#ZÎ7Ÿ2 ∩∇∠∪ 88. Say: “Surely, if men and jinn were to get together in order to produce the like of this Quran, they will not (be able to) produce the like of it, even if some of them were helpers to others.” ≅è%È⎦È⌡©9ÏMyèyϑtGô_$#ߧΡM}$# ⎯Éfø9$#uρ#’n?tãβr&(#θè?ù'tƒÈ≅÷VÏϑÎ/ #x‹≈yδÈβ#u™öà)ø9$#Ÿωtβθè?ù'tƒ⎯Ï&Î#÷WÏϑÎ/ öθs9uρšχ%x.öΝåκÝÕ÷èt/<Ù÷èt7Ï9 #ZÎγsß∩∇∇∪ 89. And indeed, We have fully explained for mankind in this Quran of every (kind of) similitude, but most mankind refuse (anything) except disbelief. ô‰s)s9uρ$oΨøù§|ÀĨ$¨Ζ=Ï9’Îû#x‹≈yδ Èβ#u™öà)ø9$#⎯ÏΒÈe≅ä.9≅sWtΒ#’n1r'sùçsYø.r& Ĩ$¨Ζ9$#ωÎ)#Y‘θàà2∩∇®∪
  • 23. 90. And they say: “We shall never believe you until you cause to gush forth for us from the earth a spring.” (#θä9$s%uρ⎯s9š∅ÏΒ÷σœΡy7s94©®Lym tàføs?$uΖs9z⎯ÏΒÇÚö‘F{$#%·æθç7.⊥tƒ ∩®⊃∪ 91. “Or that there be for you a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause to gush forth rivers in their midst, abundantly.” ÷ρr&tβθä3s?šs9×π¨Ψy_⎯ÏiΒ9≅ŠÏƒ¯Υ 5=uΖÏãuρtÉdfxçGsùt≈yγ÷ΡF{$#$yγn=≈n=Åz #·Éføs?∩®⊇∪ 92. “Or you cause the heaven to fall, as you have claimed, upon us in pieces, or you bring Allah and the angels before (us) face to face.” ÷ρr&xÝÉ)ó¡è@u™!$yϑ¡¡9$#$yϑx.|Môϑtãy— $uΖøŠn=tã$¸|¡Ï.÷ρr&u’ÎAù's?«!$$Î/ Ïπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#uρ¸ξ‹Î6s%∩®⊄∪ 93. “Or that there come to be for you a house of gold, or you ascend up into heaven, and (even then) we will never believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book that we can read.” Say (O Muhammad): “Glory be to my Lord. Am I (anything) but a man, (sent as) a Messenger.” ÷ρr&tβθä3tƒy7s9×MøŠt/⎯ÏiΒ>∃ã÷zã— ÷ρr&4’n∋ös?’ÎûÏ™!$yϑ¡¡9$#⎯s9uρš∅ÏΒ÷σœΡ y7ÍhŠÏ%ãÏ94©®LymtΑÍi”t∴è?$uΖøŠn=tã$Y7≈tFÏ. …çνäτtø)¯Ρ3ö≅è%tβ$ysö7ß™’În1u‘ö≅yδ àMΖä.ωÎ)#Z|³o0Zωθß™§‘∩®⊂∪
  • 24. 94. And nothing prevented mankind from believing when the guidance came to them except that they said: “Has Allah sent a human being as messenger.” $tΒuρyìuΖtΒ}¨$¨Ζ9$#βr&(#þθãΖÏΒ÷σãƒøŒÎ) æΛèεu™!%y`#“y‰ßγø9$#HωÎ)βr&(#þθä9$s% y]yèt/r&ª!$##Z|³o0Zωθß™§‘∩®⊆∪ 95. Say: “If there were in the earth angels walking in peace, We would surely have sent down to them from the heavens an angel as messenger.” ≅è%öθ©9šχ%x.’ÎûÇÚö‘F{$# ×πx6Íׯ≈n=tΒšχθà±ôϑtƒt⎦⎫ÏiΨÍ≥yϑôÜãΒ $uΖø9¨”t∴s9ΟÎγøŠn=tæš∅ÏiΒÏ™!$yϑ¡¡9$# $Z6n=tΒZωθß™§‘∩®∈∪ 96. Say: “Sufficient is Allah as a witness between me and you. Indeed He is, of His servants, the Knower, the Seer.” ö≅è%4’s∀Ÿ2«!$$Î/#J‰‹Íκy−©Í_øŠt/ öΝà6uΖ÷t/uρ4…çμ¯ΡÎ)tβ%x.⎯ÍνÏŠ$t7ÏèÎ/ #MÎ7yz#ZÅÁt/∩®∉∪ 97. And he whom Allah guides, so he is rightly guided. And he whom He sends astray, you will never then find for them protectors other than Him. And We shall assemble them on the Day of Resurrection on their faces, blind, and dumb, and ⎯tΒuρωöκu‰ª!$#uθßγsùωtGôγßϑø9$#(⎯tΒuρ ö≅Î=ôÒãƒ⎯n=sùy‰ÅgrBöΝçλm;u™!$uŠÏ9÷ρr&⎯ÏΒ ⎯ÏμÏΡρߊ(öΝèδçà³øtwΥuρtΠöθtƒÏπyϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$# 4’n?tãöΝÎγÏδθã_ãρ$Šôϑãã$Vϑõ3ç/uρ $tϑß¹uρ(öΝßγ1uρù'¨ΒæΛ©⎝yγy_($yϑ¯=à2
  • 25. deaf. Their refuge is Hell. Whenever it abates, We shall increase them in blazing fire. ôMt7yzóΟßγ≈tΡ÷ŠÎ—#ZÏèy™∩®∠∪ 98. That is their recompense because they disbelieved in Our verses and said: “Is it, when we are bones and fragments, shall we be raised up as a new creation.” y7Ï9≡sŒΝèδäτ!#t“y_öΝßγ¯Ρr'Î/(#ρãxx. $uΖÏG≈tƒ$t↔Î/(#þθä9$s%uρ#sŒÏ™r&$¨Ζä.$Vϑ≈sàÏã $¹G≈sùâ‘uρ$¯ΡÏ™r&tβθèOθãèö7yϑs9$Z)ù=yz #´‰ƒÏ‰y`∩®∇∪ 99. Have they not seen that Allah, who created the heavens and the earth has Power over that He can create the like of them. And He has decreed for them an appointed term, whereof there is no doubt. But wrong doers refuse except disbelief. *öΝs9uρr&(#÷ρttƒ¨βr&©!$#“Ï%©!$#t,n=y{ ÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#uÚö‘F{$#uρî‘ÏŠ$s%#’n?tã βr&t,è=øƒs†óΟßγn=÷VÏΒŸ≅yèy_uρóΟßγs9 Wξy_r&ω|=÷ƒu‘ÏμŠÏù’n1r'sù tβθßϑÎ=≈©à9$#ωÎ)#Y‘θàä.∩®®∪ 100. Say: “If you owned the treasures of the mercy of my Lord, behold, you would surely hold them back for fear of spending.” And man is ever grudging. ≅è%öθ©9öΝçFΡr&tβθä3Î=ôϑs?t⎦É⎩!#t“yz Ïπyϑômu‘þ’În1u‘#]ŒÎ)÷Λä⎢õ3|¡øΒ`{sπu‹ô±yz É−$xΡM}$#4tβ%x.uρß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$##Y‘θçGs% ∩⊇⊃⊃∪
  • 26. 101. And indeed, We gave to Moses nine clear signs. Ask then the Children of Israel, when he came to them, then Pharaoh said to him: “Indeed, I consider you, O Moses, one bewitched.” ô‰s)s9uρ$oΨ÷s?#u™4©y›θãΒyìó¡Î@¤M≈tƒ#u™ ;M≈oΨÉit/(ö≅t↔ó¡sùû©Í_t/Ÿ≅ƒÏ™ℜuó Î)øŒÎ) öΝèδu™!%y`tΑ$s)sù…çμs9ãβöθtãöÏù’ÎoΤÎ) š‘ΖàßV{4©y›θßϑ≈tƒ#Y‘θßsó¡tΒ ∩⊇⊃⊇∪ 102. He (Moses) said: “Certainly, you know that no one has sent down these (signs) except the Lord of the heavens and the earth as evidence. And indeed I think of you, O Pharaoh, as doomed.” tΑ$s%ô‰s)s9|M÷ΗÍ>tã!$tΒtΑt“Ρr&Ï™Iωàσ¯≈yδ ωÎ)>u‘ÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$#ÇÚö‘F{$#uρ tÍ←!$|Át/’ÎoΤÎ)uρy7‘ΖàßV{ ÜχöθtãöÏ≈tƒ#Y‘θç7÷VtΒ∩⊇⊃⊄∪ 103. So he intended to scare them away from the land, then We drowned him and those with him, all together. yŠ#u‘r'sùβr&Νè䨓ÏtGó¡o„z⎯ÏiΒÇÚö‘F{$# çμ≈oΨø%tøîr'sù⎯tΒuρ…çμyè¨Β$YèŠÏΗsd∩⊇⊃⊂∪ 104. And We said, after him, to the Children of Israel: “Dwell in the land, then when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass, We shall bring you forth as one gathering. $oΨù=è%uρ.⎯ÏΒ⎯Íνω÷èt/û©Í_t6Ï9Ÿ≅ƒÏ™ℜuó Î) (#θãΖä3ó™$#uÚö‘F{$##sŒÎ*sùu™!%y`߉ôãuρ ÍοtÅzFψ$#$uΖ÷∞Å_ö/ä3Î/$Z‹Ïs9∩⊇⊃⊆∪
  • 27. 105. And with truth have We sent it (Quran) down, and with truth has it descended. And We have not sent you but a bearer of good tidings and a warner. Èd,ptø:$$Î/uρçμ≈oΨø9t“Ρr&Èd,ptø:$$Î/uρtΑt“tΡ3!$tΒuρ y7≈oΨù=y™ö‘r&ωÎ)#ZÅe³u;ãΒ#ƒÉ‹tΡuρ∩⊇⊃∈∪ 106. And (it is) a Quran that We have divided (into parts), that you may recite it to mankind at intervals. And We have sent it down as a successive revelation. $ZΡ#u™öè%uρçμ≈oΨø%tsù…çνr&tø)tGÏ9’n?tã Ĩ$¨Ζ9$#4’n?tã;]õ3ãΒçμ≈oΨø9¨“tΡuρ WξƒÍ”∴s?∩⊇⊃∉∪ 107. Say: “Believe in it, or do not believe.” Indeed, those who were given knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall down upon their faces in prostration. ö≅è%(#θãΖÏΒ#u™ÿ⎯ÏμÎ/÷ρr&Ÿω(#þθãΖÏΒ÷σè?4¨βÎ) t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#(#θè?ρé&zΝù=Ïèø9$#⎯ÏΒÿ⎯Ï&Î#ö6s%#sŒÎ) 4‘n=÷FãƒöΝÍκön=tãtβρ”σs†Èβ$s%øŒF|Ï9 #Y‰¤fß™∩⊇⊃∠∪ 108. And they say: “Glory be to our Lord. Surely, the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled.” tβθä9θà)tƒuρz⎯≈ysö6ß™!$uΖÎn/u‘βÎ)tβ%x. ߉ôãuρ$uΖÎn/u‘Zωθãèøyϑs9∩⊇⊃∇∪ 109. And they fall down upon their faces, weeping, and it increases them in humility. AsSajda tβρ”σs†uρÈβ$s%øŒF|Ï9šχθä3ö7tƒ óΟèδ߉ƒÌ“tƒuρ%Yæθà±äz)∩⊇⊃®∪
  • 28. 110. Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon the Beneficent. By whichever (name) you call upon. To Him belong the best names. And (O Muhammad), do not recite (too) loudly in your prayer, and be not (too) quiet in it, but seek between it a way.” È≅è%(#θãã÷Š$#©!$#Íρr&(#θãã÷Š$#z⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$# ($wƒr&$¨Β(#θããô‰s?ã&s#sùâ™!$yϑó™F{$# 4©o_ó¡çtø:$#4ŸωuρöyγøgrBy7Ï?Ÿξ|ÁÎ/Ÿωuρ ôMÏù$sƒéB$pκÍ5ÆtFö/$#uρt⎦÷⎫t/y7Ï9≡sŒ Wξ‹Î6y™∩⊇⊇⊃∪ 111. And say: “Praise be to Allah, who has not taken to Himself a son, and He has no partner in the sovereignty, and He has no (need of a) protector out of weakness. And magnify Him with all magnificence.” È≅è%uρ߉ôϑptø:$#¬!“Ï%©!$#óΟs9õ‹Ï‚−Gtƒ #V$s!uρóΟs9uρ⎯ä3tƒ…ã&©!Ô7ƒÎŸ°’Îû Å7ù=ßϑø9$#óΟs9uρ⎯ä3tƒ…ã&©!@’Í<uρz⎯ÏiΒ ÉeΑ—%!$#(çν÷Éi9x.uρ#MÎ7õ3s?∩⊇⊇⊇∪