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Анотація до посібника “Short stories for children” Савенко
Олександри Юріївни
Посібник розроблений для навчання учнів другого класу, але також
може використовуватися для дітей молодшого або старшого віку.
Він містить короткі тексти, граматичні та лексичні вправи, що
відповідають компетентнісному підходу до вивчення англійської
мови. Малюнки-розмальовки націлені на покращення
запам’ятовування навчального матеріалу. Матеріал посібнику
сприяє розвитку всіх навичок та вмінь, якими повинні оволодіти учні
на початковому рівні вивчення англійської мови.
Jimmy can draw very well.
Polly can draw very well too.
Lily cannot draw well.
Sam cannot draw at all.
1. Зміни ім’я на слово heshe.
2. Напиши переклад слів:
Добре, зовсім, дуже, могти, малювати.
3. Заміни малюнок на слово hesheit,
познач правду “T”, брехню“F”:
cannot draw.
cannot draw at all.
can draw very well.
can draw very well.
cannot draw well.
4. Намалюй в зошиті: a big rat.
Jimmy likes dogs.
Jimmy draws a dog.
The dog is nice.
Lily likes cats.
draws a cat.
The cat is funny.
Polly likes tigers.
She draws a tiger.
The tiger is fat.
Sam likes crocodiles.
He draws a crocodile.
The crocodile is thin.
5. Напиши переклад слів:
товстий, худий, смішний, малювати.
6. Напиши, заміни малюнок словом: he, she, it,
they, draw.
7. Познач правду “T”, брехню “F”.
1) Jimmy likes crocodiles.
2) Lily likes cats.
3) Polly and Sam like tigers.
4) Jimmy cannot draw.
8. Намалюй в своєму зошиті:
1) thin cat
2) fat dog
3) funny crocodile
9. Опиши малюнок за прикладом:
Rat is fat.
10. Встав букву в слово:
_thin, f_t, c_t, t_ge_, f_nny.
11. Напиши, чи подобаються тобі малюнки за
прикладом: I like Jimmy’s dog.
I do not like Jimmy’s dog.
Jimmy’s dog
Lily’s cat
Polly’s tiger
Sam’s crocodile
12. Заміни малюнок словом he/she/it або they:
13. Встав слово в речення:
1) She………… not draw.
2) They …………not draw.
Polly can write very well.
Sam cannot write well.
Jimmy cannot write at all.
He is very lazy.
Lily cannot write too.
She is very little.
14. Знайди в тексті відповіді на питання:
1) Can Polly write very well?
2) Can Sam write well?
3) Can Lily write?
15. Напиши де чий зошит:
1) Polly’s copybook
16. Напиши переклад слів:
Copybook, write, lazy, too.
Polly can read very fast.
Sam cannot read fast.
Jimmy cannot read fast too.
Jim and Sam are very lazy.
Lily cannot read at all.
She is very little.
17. Дай відповіді на запитання:
1) Who can read very fast?
2) Who cannot read at all?
3) Who is lazy?
4) Who is little?
18.Напиши переклад слів: fast, who.
Lily is very little but she can count.
Jimmy is little too.
But he cannot count.
Polly is a big girl. She can count well.
Sam is a big boy, but he cannot count at all.
He is very lazy. For shame, Sam!
19. Склади 3 питання:
20. Напиши переклад слів:
Рахувати, писати, вміти, читати.
This is Polly Dale.
That is Jimmy Dale, her brother.
How old is Polly?
She is twelve.
How old is Jimmy?
He is six.
21. Напиши переклад слів: this, that, how, old
22. Заміни малюнок словом:
is twelve.
is six.
This is Sam Christine.
That is his sister, Lily.
How old is Sam?
He is ten (10).
How old is Lily?
She is three (3).
23. Встав букви в слова:
Ho_, o_d, t_is, t_at
Mrs Dale, Polly and Jimmy’s mother,
makes toys.
She makes a doll for Polly.
She makes a head.
It is round.
She makes a body.
It is thin.
She makes two legs.
They are long.
1. Дай відповідь на запитання:
Who makes toys?
2. Напиши переклад слів:
Mother, head, body, leg.
3.Утвори множину:
One mother –two mothers
One head –two …
One body –two …
One ……… -……… legs
4. Напиши за прикладом: girl’s legs
5. Склади 3 речення:
6. Намалюй в зошиті:
1) cat’s head;
2) boy’s legs.
7.Заміни малюнок на слово: he, she, it або they.
8. Встав слово в речення:
long, round, thin
1) The head is ………
2) The body is …………
3) The legs are …………
She makes two hands.
One hand is left.
One hand is right.
9. Встав букву в слово:
Sm_ll, _ig, ro_nd, lef_, r_ght, t_in, lon_.
Mrs Dale makes eyes.
They are big.
She makes a nose.
It is small.
Mrs. Dale makes her mouth.
It is small.
She makes her ears.
They are small too.
11. Встав слово is/are:
1) The head ……… round.
2) the eyes ……… big.
3) The ears ……… small.
4) The mouth ……… small too.
10. Напиши цифру і правильну назву:
She makes her cheeks.
They are pink.
She makes her hair.
12. Напиши переклад слів:
Голова, тіло, руки, ноги,
Mrs. Dale ……………… her dress.
13. Встав слово в речення: is/are
1) Her dress ………… pink.
2) Her legs ………… long.
3) Her hair …………… black.
14. Встав букви в слова: h_ad, no_e, e_e, ha_r,
15. Намалюй в зошиті:
1) round head
2) big eyes
3) funny mouth
4) small ears
5) long hair
16. Склади три речення за малюнком:
Jim can draw very well.
He wants to be an artist.
Sam wants to be an artist too.
Jim takes pencils.
Sam takes brushes and paints.
They take papers and go to the zoo.
1. Напиши переклад слів:
brush, pencil, paint, paper.
2. Заміни малюнок словом:
1. Порахуй, скільки ти бачиш на малюнку:
brushes, pencils, paints, papers.
5. Спиши назви тварин з артиклем “a”:
Children want to draw a camel.
Jimmy’s camel is very nice.
Jimmy colors his camel yellow.
Sam’s camel is very thin.
He colors his camel brown.
4. Заміни малюнок словом:
7. Склади 2 речення:
6. Встав слово в речення:
1) _________ is on the left.
2) _________ is on the right.
Children want to draw a bear.
Jimmy’s bear is hairy.
He colors his bear brown.
Sam’s bear is very fat.
He colors his bear black.
Children want to draw a monkey.
Jimmy’s monkey is very funny.
He colors his monkey black.
Sam’s monkey is very scary.
He colors his monkey grey.
8. Напиши переклад слів:
funny, hairy, fat, nice, scary.
9. Встав слово в речення: hairy, scary, funny
1) Bear is _____________.
2) Crocodile is _______________.
3) Monkey is _______________.
10. Намалюй в зошиті
1) a pencil
2) a brush
Children want to draw an elephant.
Jimmy’s elephant is very big.
He colors his elephant grey.
Sam’s elephant is very round.
He colors his elephant blue.
12. Знайди помилку в реченні:
1) Jimmy want to draw a monkey.
2) Children wants to draw an elephant.
3) Sam wants to draw a bear.
13. Встав букву в слово:
w_nt, col_r, dr_w, t_ke.
11. Заміни малюнок словом:
Children want to draw a wolf.
Jimmy’s wolf is scary.
He colors his wolf blue.
Sam’s wolf is silly.
He colors his wolf blue.
Jimmy wants to draw a parrot.
Sam wants to draw a fox.
14. Напиши переклад речення в зошит:
Вони малюють папугу та лисицю.
Mrs Dale cleans the living room.
Children have many toys.
Plane is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here.
Bunny is Polly’s toy. She puts it there.
Robot is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here.
Red ball is Jimmy’s toy, too.
She puts it ____________.
Doll is Polly’s toy. She puts it ____________.
1. Знайди на малюнку: plane, bunny, robot.
2. Напиши переклад слів: plane, bunny, robot,
doll, put, toy.
3. Напиши, які іграшки Mrs. Dale вже поклала на
1) Here is …
2) There is …
Puzzle is Polly’s toy. Mrs. Dale puts _________
Train is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here.
Lorry is ___________ toy too. She puts it here.
Ship is Jimmy__ toy. She puts it ________.
Skipping rope is Polly’s toy.
Mrs. Dale puts it there.
4.Встав букви в слова:
Sk_p, d_ll, b_ll, pl_ne, _unny, ro_ot.
5. Знайди на малюнку:
puzzle, train, lorry, skipping rope.
6.Намалюй в зошиті:
a ball, a skipping rope, a doll, a robot
7.Напиши переклад слів:
here, there, put.
8.Напиши, заміни малюнок словом he, she, it,
9. Знайди помилку
1) A ball are round.
2) 2 dolls is funny.
3) A train are big.
4) Mrs. Dale are nice.
11.Склади речення за
Here is Polly’s skipping rope.
10. Напиши чиї іграшки на
малюнку за прикладом:
Polly’s skipping rope.
There is Jimmy’s ball.
Sam is a big boy.
Sam goes to school.
Polly is a big girl.
Polly goes to school.
Time to go to school.
2. Встав букву в слово:
g_, s_hool, bo_, g_rl
3. Знайди пари:
Polly he
Sam she
1. Заміни малюнок словом:
This is Sam’s classroom.
5. Утвори однину:
desk, chairs, blackboards, maps.
6. Напиши переклад слів:
There are-….
There are six desks in the classroom.
There are six chairs in the classroom.
There is a big blackboard in the classroom.
There is a map in the classroom.
4. Заміни малюнок словом:
This is Polly’s classroom.
7.Напиши, що є в класній кімнаті Polly:
1) There is a window in the classroom.
2) There are …
3) There are …
4) There is …
8. Встав букви в слово:
d_sk, ch_ir, r_om, bl_ckbo_rd.
9. Дай відповідь на питання:
1) Is there a blackboard in your class?
2) Is there a map in your class?
10. Утворіть множину:
one desk –many …
one chair –many …
one windows –many …
one room –many …
Lily is a little girl.
Lily does not go to school.
11. Заміни малюнки словами:
13. Дай відповідь на питання:
1) Does Lily have two desks?
2) Does Lily have a blackboard?
3) Does Lily have two chairs?
12. Встав слово в речення:
Lily ______ not go to school.
Lily has many toys.
She has two desks.
She has two chairs.
She has one blackboard.
Mr. Bunny is a teacher.
At English lesson.
Children read and spell the words.
One girl spells the word “cat”.
15. Дай відповідь на питання:
Can you spell English words?
Can you spell your name?
16.Встав букви в слова:
c_ildren, sp_ll, re_d, wo_d
One boy spells the word “wall”.
14. Заміни малюнок словом:
No, I don’t!
For shame, Sam!
17. Склади 3 речення:
Sam spells the word “bed”.
Do you sleep on a bat, Sam?
18. Напиши переклад слів:
промовляти, слово, сором
19. Spell the word:
Do you know French letters, Sam?
No, I do not.
The children read in French.
Sam does not read in French.
French lesson.
Mrs. French is Sam’s teacher.
For shame, Sam!
Polly knows French letters.
She reads French poems.
Polly knows English letters.
She spells English words.
Polly can spell her name.
Well done, Polly!
20. Напиши переклад слів:
lesson, spell, know, letter, word
21. Spell the word “read”.
22.Прочитай та познач правду“T”, а брехню “F”:
1) Sam cannot spell English words.
2) Sam knows French letters.
23.З’єднай слова та переклад:
24. Заміни малюнок словом:
At PE lesson.
Sam runs very fast.
Sam jumps very high.
Sam plays football very well.
25. Напиши переклад слів:
бігати, стрибати, грати, високо.
26. Заміни малюнок словом:
27.Встав слово в речення: run, jump, play
1) Children can ____ fast.
2) They can _____ high.
3) They can ______ ball.
At Maths.
Children count and do sums.
28. Встав букви в слова:
M_ths, c_unt, s_ms.
31. Заміни цифри словами:4+7=11
32. Заміни слово в кружечку малюнком:
Sam goes to the blackboard.
He writes: two plus three is ten.
Can you do sums, Sam?
33. Дай відповідь на питання:
Can you do sums?
Can Sam do sums?
29. Напиши переклад слів:
do sums, plus, blackboard.
30. Склади 2 речення:
No, I cannot.
It is winter.
The streets are white.
The houses are white.
The roofs are white.
And the windows are white too.
1. Напиши переклад слів:
a house, a street, a roof, a window.
2. Утвори множину:
one window –many…
one roof –many …
one house –many …
one street –many …
3. Намалюй в зошиті:
1) A big house.
2) A small window.
It is Christmas today.
Grandma and Grandpa are here.
Jimmy is happy.
Polly is happy too.
Merry Christmas, Polly!
Merry Christmas, Jimmy!
Merry Christmas, Grandpa!
Merry Christmas, Grandma!
4.Встав букви в слова:
mer_y c_ristm_s, gr_ndma, gran_pa.
Grandma is old.
She wears a blouse and
a skirt.
Her hair is grey.
She is kind.
5.Напиши переклад слів:
wear, is, kind, grey, blouse.
6.Склади два речення:
Grandpa is old too. He wears a shirt, pants and socks.
7. Встав букви в слова:
sh_rt, blou_e, sk_rt, p_nts
8.Намалюй в зошиті:
two red socks
Grandma has many
She has a white shirt
for Jim.
Grandma has a blue dress for
9.Напиши переклад слів:
dress, shirt, for
Grandma has a long skirt for Mrs.
10. Заміни малюнок словом:
11. Встав слово в речення:
1) Polly _____________a dress.
2)Jimmy ___________ a shirt.
3) Mrs. Dale _________ a skirt.
Grandma has a jacket for Mr. Dale.
He is her son.
12.Встав слово в речення:
1) He ___________ a jacket.
2) They ___________ presents.
13. Склади 4 речення:
14.Встав букви в слова:
pr_sent, w_ar, _acket, s_n.
15. Заміни малюнок словом:
Grandpa tells stories.
Jimmy listening to the stories.
16.Дай відповіді на питання:
1) Who listens to the stories?
2) Who tells the stories?
17. Спиши, запам’ятай, напиши 5 разів:
a story–stories
18. Встав букви в слова:
t_ll, f_rtree, lis_en.
19.Розглянь малюнок:
Напиши в зошиті цифру та назву:
20.Дай відповідь на запитання:
Do you like peas?
21.Намалюй в зошиті:
A big Christmas pudding.
22. Утвори множину: pudding, pea, potato
23.Спиши, запам’ятай та напиши 5 разів:
a goose –geese
24.Прочитай та познач правду“T”,
1) The Dales have a goose for dinner.
2) The Dales have potatoes for dinner.
3) The Dales have pudding for dinner.
Christmas dinner is on the table.
There is a goose,
there is a pudding,
there are potatoes,
there are peas on the table.
25. Напиши переклад слів:
Grandma, Grandpa, Christmas
26 Дай відповіді на запитання:
1) Do you have a grandma?
2) Do you have a grandpa?
3) Does Jimmy have a grandma?
4) Does Polly have a grandpa?
27.Склади літери та відгадай слово:
This is a fir-tree.
There are five glass balls on it.
There are three candies on it.
There are three stars on it.
28. Намалюй в зошиті:
a candy, a grass ball, a star.
Make a poster with a fir-tree:
1) take an A4 paper.
2) draw a fir-tree.
3) decorate your tree with two
candies, one star, five red glass
balls, three yellow balls.
Polly’s busy week.
Polly is busy after school.
On Monday she plays golf.
On Tuesday she writes poems.
When does Polly write poems?
She writes poems on Tuesday.
1. Заміни малюнок словом:
7. Додай “do” або “does” та утвори питання:
1) _______________ he write poems?
2) _______________ she write poems?
3) _______________ it write poems?
4) _______________ they write poems?
8. Встав літери в слова:
_rite, g_lf, _fter, b_sy
4. Заміни виділене слово на малюнок:
2. Напиши переклад слів:
week, day, Monday, Tuesday
3. Склади літери та вгадай слово
5. Спиши та переклади:
1) He plays. –Does he play? –
2) She plays. –Does she play? –
6. Склади літери та вгадай слово:
9.Постав слова в правильному порядку:
1) Polly / on / sing_ / Wednesday / songs.
2) Polly / on / play_ / Wednesday / the piano.
10. Напиши переклад слів:
sing, song, Wednesday, when.
11.Дай відповіді на питання:
1) When does Polly sing songs?
2) When does Polly write songs?
3) When does Polly play golf?
12. Встав букви в слова:
M_nday, Tu_sday, We_nesday.
On Wednesday Polly sings songs.
13. Порахуй скільки ляльок має Polly.
On Thursday Polly makes paper dolls.
On Friday Polly reads books.
14. Find 3 spiders here.
Polly has ...
16. Дай відповідь на питання:
1) Does Polly sing songs on Friday?
2) Does Polly read books on Monday?
3) Does she write poems on Tuesday?
17.Додай “s“ до потрібного слова та спиши:
Polly like books. She read stories and poems.
She write poems too. But Polly do not draw.
15.Допоможи Polly зробити розклад на тиждень:
Make a poster of your busy week:
1) Take A4 paper and:
2) write the words “my busy week”
3) write 5 days of the week
4) write what do you do after school?
5) decorate your poster.
Does Jimmy watch films too?
Jimmy watches films too.
Does Sam watch films too?
Sam does not watch films too.
Does Lily watch films too?
Lily does not watch films.
On Saturday Polly goes to the cinema.
She watches films at the cinema.
Does Mrs. Dale cook on Sunday?
Mrs. Dale does not cook on Sunday. She cooks on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
But she does not cook on Sunday. Polly cooks on
19.Заміни малюнок словом:
On Sunday Polly cooks.
Does Jimmy cook?
Jimmy does not cook. He is lazy.
I like fish.
Polly does not like fish.
She likes chips.
This is school canteen.
Polly and I come here every day and talk.
We eat and talk.
1. Встав букви в слова:
c_me, _at, t_lk, _s.
On Monday we have fish and chips.
I like pasta.
Polly likes pasta too.
We like pasta.
On Tuesday we have pasta.
4. Напиши переклад слів:
понеділок, вівторок, середа.
5.Встав слово та напиши переклад:
I ______ not like
you ______ not like
we _______ not like
I do not like porridge.
Polly does not like porridge.
____ do not like porridge.
3.Встав слова в речення.
Sam likes ______________ and _____________.
Polly likes ______________ and _____________.
On Wednesday we have porridge.
2. Заміни малюнок словом:
On Thursday we have soup.
I like soup.
Polly does ____ like soup.
9. Дай відповіді на питання:
10.Намалюй в зошиті: a small fish.
11.Прочитай, спиши в зошит та познач
правду “T”, брехню“F”.
1) Polly does not like pasta.
2) Sam likes cheese.
8. Запиши в правильному порядку слова:
On Friday we have butter and cheese sandwiches.
6. Встав букви в слова:
Fi_h, c_ips, p_sta, porr_d_e, so_p.
7.Напиши переклад слів:
їсти, говорити, любити, робити, мати.
I like cheese.
Polly likes _________ too.
There are pigs in the mud.
There are horses in the shed.
There are cows in the field.
There are hens in the yard.
Children go to the farm.
There are many animals on the farm.
She watches the chickens.
They are little and funny.
1. Напиши переклад слів:
любити, дивитися, вони
2. Встав слово в речення: are/ watches
1) ____ the hens funny?
2) Lily _____ the hens.
3.Заміни малюнок словом:
Lily likes hens.
7. Спиши речення та познач правду “T”,
брехню “F”.
1) Mrs. Dale jumps into the mud.
2) Jimmy is dirty.
3) Mrs. Dale is angry.
4.Напиши переклад слів: jump, mud, dirty.
5. Дай відповідь на питання:
1) Is Jimmy dirty?
2) Is Mrs. Dale dirty?
6.Заміни малюнок словом:
Jimmy loves pigs.
He jumps into the mud.
He is dirty now. Mrs. Dale is angry.
He sits in the field.
He plays the flute.
Sam wants to be a cowboy.
8. Заміни слово малюнком:
Sam likes cows.
9. Спиши, встав слово does та переклади:
.1) _____ Sam play the flute?
2) _____ he like cows?
10.Намалюй в зошиті:
A fat cow.
11.Склади речення з слів:
like_ / cows / Sam / .
12. Встав букви в слова:
fi_ld, s_t, fl_te, w_nt.
14. Спиши та постав біля кожного речення знак:
1) Polly loves horses.
2) Does she love pigs?
3) She does not love pigs.
Their lips are hairy.
13. Заміни малюнок словом:
Polly loves horses.
She gives apples to the horses.
15. Намалюй в зошиті: A nice horse.
16. Встав букви в слова:
g_ve, j_mp, m_d, ha_ry.
Jimmy hides in the garden.
He climbs a tree.
He finds his ball.
1.Заміни малюнок словом:
Children play hide and seek.
Polly shuts her eyes and counts to
2. Напиши, що ти бачиш на малюнку:
3. Напиши цифри словами: 1, 2, 3, 4
Lily finds a spider. Oh, no.
It is big and hairy.
It is very scary.’
Lily runs away.
5. Намалюй в своєму зошиті:
1) A ball 2) A bear
6. Напиши чиї це іграшки: ball, bear
Jimmy’s …
Lily’s …
7. Напиши, скільки ти бачиш ведмедиків та
скільки павучків:
Little Lily hides in the house.
She climbs under the bed.
She finds her Teddy bear.
4. Напиши переклад слів:
hide, climb, find, count.
Sam is a good boy.
He listens to his father.
He runs to the shop.
9.Встав букви в слова:
h_de, r_n, f_nd, cl_mb,
Sam hides in the garden.
Sam’s father finds him.
Go to the shop, Sam.
Lily climbs onto the wardrobe.
8.Напиши переклад слів:
hairy, scary
10. Спиши в зошит, познач правду “T”, брехню “F”:
1) Jim is in the tree.
2) Lily is under the bed.
3) Sam is in the garden.
12. Встав “does not” так, щоб була правда:
1) Jimmy ____________ hide on the wardrobe.
2) Lily ______________ hide in the tree.
3) Sam _____________ hide on the wardrobe.
13.Напиши переклад слів:
знаходити, ховати, бігти, рахувати.
14.Порахуй від 1 до 12.
15.Намалюй в зошиті:
1) Two big hairy spiders.
2) Four round balls.
Polly runs to the garden.
She finds Jimmy in the tree.
11. Знайди в тексті та напиши назви:
Is Lily under the wardrobe?
Lily is _____ under the wardrobe.
Polly looks ______ the wardrobe.
_____ Lily on the wardrobe?
Lily is on the ___________.
Is Lily under the bed?
Lily is ________ under the bed.
She looks under the wardrobe.
Polly runs to the house.
She looks under the bed.
Lily cannot find Sam.
Polly cannot find Sam.
Can Jimmy find Sam?
Children sit down.
Lily cries.
She wants to find her brother.
Is Sam in the garden?
Where is Sam?
Is Sam in the house?
Sam comes home.
He brings ice cream.
16. Знайди пари:
Polly cannot find Sam.
Can father find Sam?
Father can find Sam.
Sam runs to the shop.
Does Jim run to the shop?
Jim does not run to the shop.
Jimmy is in the garden.
Is Lily in the garden?
Lily is not in the garden
17. Постав біля кожного речення знак:

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Анотація до посібника “Short stories for children” Савенко Олександри Юріївни Посібник розроблений для навчання учнів другого класу, але також може використовуватися для дітей молодшого або старшого віку. Він містить короткі тексти, граматичні та лексичні вправи, що відповідають компетентнісному підходу до вивчення англійської мови. Малюнки-розмальовки націлені на покращення запам’ятовування навчального матеріалу. Матеріал посібнику сприяє розвитку всіх навичок та вмінь, якими повинні оволодіти учні на початковому рівні вивчення англійської мови.
  • 3. 3 Jimmy can draw very well. Polly can draw very well too. Lily cannot draw well. Sam cannot draw at all. 1. Зміни ім’я на слово heshe. 2. Напиши переклад слів: Добре, зовсім, дуже, могти, малювати. 3. Заміни малюнок на слово hesheit, познач правду “T”, брехню“F”: cannot draw. cannot draw at all. can draw very well. can draw very well. cannot draw well. 4. Намалюй в зошиті: a big rat.
  • 4. 4 Jimmy likes dogs. Jimmy draws a dog. The dog is nice. Lily likes cats. draws a cat. The cat is funny. Polly likes tigers. She draws a tiger. The tiger is fat. Sam likes crocodiles. He draws a crocodile. The crocodile is thin.
  • 5. 5 5. Напиши переклад слів: товстий, худий, смішний, малювати. 6. Напиши, заміни малюнок словом: he, she, it, they, draw. 7. Познач правду “T”, брехню “F”. 1) Jimmy likes crocodiles. 2) Lily likes cats. 3) Polly and Sam like tigers. 4) Jimmy cannot draw. 8. Намалюй в своєму зошиті: 1) thin cat 2) fat dog 3) funny crocodile 9. Опиши малюнок за прикладом: Rat is fat. 10. Встав букву в слово: _thin, f_t, c_t, t_ge_, f_nny.
  • 6. 6 11. Напиши, чи подобаються тобі малюнки за прикладом: I like Jimmy’s dog. I do not like Jimmy’s dog. Jimmy’s dog Lily’s cat Polly’s tiger Sam’s crocodile 12. Заміни малюнок словом he/she/it або they: 13. Встав слово в речення: 1) She………… not draw. 2) They …………not draw.
  • 7. 7 Polly can write very well. Sam cannot write well. Jimmy cannot write at all. He is very lazy. Lily cannot write too. She is very little. 14. Знайди в тексті відповіді на питання: 1) Can Polly write very well? 2) Can Sam write well? 3) Can Lily write? 15. Напиши де чий зошит: 1) Polly’s copybook 16. Напиши переклад слів: Copybook, write, lazy, too.
  • 8. 8 Polly can read very fast. Sam cannot read fast. Jimmy cannot read fast too. Jim and Sam are very lazy. Lily cannot read at all. She is very little. 17. Дай відповіді на запитання: 1) Who can read very fast? 2) Who cannot read at all? 3) Who is lazy? 4) Who is little? 18.Напиши переклад слів: fast, who.
  • 9. 9 Lily is very little but she can count. Jimmy is little too. But he cannot count. Polly is a big girl. She can count well. Sam is a big boy, but he cannot count at all. He is very lazy. For shame, Sam! 19. Склади 3 питання: 20. Напиши переклад слів: Рахувати, писати, вміти, читати.
  • 10. 10 This is Polly Dale. That is Jimmy Dale, her brother. How old is Polly? She is twelve. How old is Jimmy? He is six. 21. Напиши переклад слів: this, that, how, old 22. Заміни малюнок словом: is twelve. is six.
  • 11. 11 This is Sam Christine. That is his sister, Lily. How old is Sam? He is ten (10). How old is Lily? She is three (3). 23. Встав букви в слова: Ho_, o_d, t_is, t_at
  • 12. 12 Mrs Dale, Polly and Jimmy’s mother, makes toys. She makes a doll for Polly. She makes a head. It is round. She makes a body. It is thin. She makes two legs. They are long.
  • 13. 13 1. Дай відповідь на запитання: Who makes toys? 2. Напиши переклад слів: Mother, head, body, leg. 3.Утвори множину: One mother –two mothers One head –two … One body –two … One ……… -……… legs 4. Напиши за прикладом: girl’s legs 5. Склади 3 речення: 6. Намалюй в зошиті: 1) cat’s head; 2) boy’s legs.
  • 14. 14 7.Заміни малюнок на слово: he, she, it або they. 8. Встав слово в речення: long, round, thin 1) The head is ……… 2) The body is ………… 3) The legs are ………… She makes two hands. One hand is left. One hand is right. 9. Встав букву в слово: Sm_ll, _ig, ro_nd, lef_, r_ght, t_in, lon_. Mrs Dale makes eyes. They are big. She makes a nose. It is small.
  • 15. 15 Mrs. Dale makes her mouth. It is small. She makes her ears. They are small too. 11. Встав слово is/are: 1) The head ……… round. 2) the eyes ……… big. 3) The ears ……… small. 4) The mouth ……… small too. 10. Напиши цифру і правильну назву: She makes her cheeks. They are pink. She makes her hair. 12. Напиши переклад слів: Голова, тіло, руки, ноги, вуха.
  • 16. 16 Mrs. Dale ……………… her dress. nice. 13. Встав слово в речення: is/are 1) Her dress ………… pink. 2) Her legs ………… long. 3) Her hair …………… black. 14. Встав букви в слова: h_ad, no_e, e_e, ha_r, mo_th. 15. Намалюй в зошиті: 1) round head 2) big eyes 3) funny mouth 4) small ears 5) long hair 16. Склади три речення за малюнком:
  • 17. 17 Jim can draw very well. He wants to be an artist. Sam wants to be an artist too. Jim takes pencils. Sam takes brushes and paints. They take papers and go to the zoo. 1. Напиши переклад слів: brush, pencil, paint, paper. 2. Заміни малюнок словом: 1. Порахуй, скільки ти бачиш на малюнку: brushes, pencils, paints, papers.
  • 18. 18 5. Спиши назви тварин з артиклем “a”: Children want to draw a camel. Jimmy’s camel is very nice. Jimmy colors his camel yellow. Sam’s camel is very thin. He colors his camel brown. 4. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 19. 19 7. Склади 2 речення: 6. Встав слово в речення: 1) _________ is on the left. 2) _________ is on the right. Children want to draw a bear. Jimmy’s bear is hairy. He colors his bear brown. Sam’s bear is very fat. He colors his bear black.
  • 20. 20 Children want to draw a monkey. Jimmy’s monkey is very funny. He colors his monkey black. Sam’s monkey is very scary. He colors his monkey grey. 8. Напиши переклад слів: funny, hairy, fat, nice, scary. 9. Встав слово в речення: hairy, scary, funny 1) Bear is _____________. 2) Crocodile is _______________. 3) Monkey is _______________. 10. Намалюй в зошиті 1) a pencil 2) a brush
  • 21. 21 Children want to draw an elephant. Jimmy’s elephant is very big. He colors his elephant grey. Sam’s elephant is very round. He colors his elephant blue. 12. Знайди помилку в реченні: 1) Jimmy want to draw a monkey. 2) Children wants to draw an elephant. 3) Sam wants to draw a bear. 13. Встав букву в слово: w_nt, col_r, dr_w, t_ke. 11. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 22. 22 Children want to draw a wolf. Jimmy’s wolf is scary. He colors his wolf blue. Sam’s wolf is silly. He colors his wolf blue. Jimmy wants to draw a parrot. Sam wants to draw a fox. 14. Напиши переклад речення в зошит: Вони малюють папугу та лисицю.
  • 23. 23
  • 24. 24 Mrs Dale cleans the living room. Children have many toys. Plane is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here. Bunny is Polly’s toy. She puts it there. Robot is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here. Red ball is Jimmy’s toy, too. She puts it ____________. Doll is Polly’s toy. She puts it ____________. 1. Знайди на малюнку: plane, bunny, robot. 2. Напиши переклад слів: plane, bunny, robot, doll, put, toy. 3. Напиши, які іграшки Mrs. Dale вже поклала на місце: 1) Here is … 2) There is …
  • 25. 25 Puzzle is Polly’s toy. Mrs. Dale puts _________ there. Train is Jimmy’s toy. She puts it here. Lorry is ___________ toy too. She puts it here. Ship is Jimmy__ toy. She puts it ________. Skipping rope is Polly’s toy. Mrs. Dale puts it there. 4.Встав букви в слова: Sk_p, d_ll, b_ll, pl_ne, _unny, ro_ot. 5. Знайди на малюнку: puzzle, train, lorry, skipping rope. 6.Намалюй в зошиті: a ball, a skipping rope, a doll, a robot 7.Напиши переклад слів: here, there, put. 8.Напиши, заміни малюнок словом he, she, it, they: 9. Знайди помилку 1) A ball are round. 2) 2 dolls is funny. 3) A train are big. 4) Mrs. Dale are nice.
  • 26. 26 11.Склади речення за зразком: Here is Polly’s skipping rope. 10. Напиши чиї іграшки на малюнку за прикладом: Polly’s skipping rope. There is Jimmy’s ball.
  • 27. 27 Sam is a big boy. Sam goes to school. Polly is a big girl. Polly goes to school. Time to go to school. 2. Встав букву в слово: g_, s_hool, bo_, g_rl 3. Знайди пари: Polly he Sam she 1. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 28. 28 This is Sam’s classroom. 5. Утвори однину: desk, chairs, blackboards, maps. 6. Напиши переклад слів: There are-…. There are six desks in the classroom. There are six chairs in the classroom. There is a big blackboard in the classroom. There is a map in the classroom. 4. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 29. 29 This is Polly’s classroom. 7.Напиши, що є в класній кімнаті Polly: 1) There is a window in the classroom. 2) There are … 3) There are … 4) There is … 8. Встав букви в слово: d_sk, ch_ir, r_om, bl_ckbo_rd. 9. Дай відповідь на питання: 1) Is there a blackboard in your class? 2) Is there a map in your class? 10. Утворіть множину: one desk –many … one chair –many … one windows –many … one room –many …
  • 30. 30 Lily is a little girl. Lily does not go to school. 11. Заміни малюнки словами: 13. Дай відповідь на питання: 1) Does Lily have two desks? 2) Does Lily have a blackboard? 3) Does Lily have two chairs? 12. Встав слово в речення: Lily ______ not go to school. Lily has many toys. She has two desks. She has two chairs. She has one blackboard. Mr. Bunny is a teacher.
  • 31. 31 At English lesson. Children read and spell the words. One girl spells the word “cat”. 15. Дай відповідь на питання: Can you spell English words? Can you spell your name? 16.Встав букви в слова: c_ildren, sp_ll, re_d, wo_d One boy spells the word “wall”. 14. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 32. 32 No, I don’t! For shame, Sam! 17. Склади 3 речення: Sam spells the word “bed”. Do you sleep on a bat, Sam? 18. Напиши переклад слів: промовляти, слово, сором 19. Spell the word:
  • 33. 33 Do you know French letters, Sam? No, I do not. The children read in French. Sam does not read in French. French lesson. Mrs. French is Sam’s teacher. For shame, Sam!
  • 34. 34 Polly knows French letters. She reads French poems. Polly knows English letters. She spells English words. Polly can spell her name. Well done, Polly! 20. Напиши переклад слів: lesson, spell, know, letter, word 21. Spell the word “read”. 22.Прочитай та познач правду“T”, а брехню “F”: 1) Sam cannot spell English words. 2) Sam knows French letters. 23.З’єднай слова та переклад: 24. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 35. 35 At PE lesson. Sam runs very fast. Sam jumps very high. Sam plays football very well.
  • 36. 36 25. Напиши переклад слів: бігати, стрибати, грати, високо. 26. Заміни малюнок словом: 27.Встав слово в речення: run, jump, play 1) Children can ____ fast. 2) They can _____ high. 3) They can ______ ball. At Maths. Children count and do sums. 28. Встав букви в слова: M_ths, c_unt, s_ms.
  • 37. 37 31. Заміни цифри словами:4+7=11 32. Заміни слово в кружечку малюнком: Sam goes to the blackboard. He writes: two plus three is ten. Can you do sums, Sam? 33. Дай відповідь на питання: Can you do sums? Can Sam do sums? 29. Напиши переклад слів: do sums, plus, blackboard. 30. Склади 2 речення: No, I cannot.
  • 38. 38 It is winter. The streets are white. The houses are white. The roofs are white. And the windows are white too. 1. Напиши переклад слів: a house, a street, a roof, a window. 2. Утвори множину: one window –many… one roof –many … one house –many … one street –many … 3. Намалюй в зошиті: 1) A big house. 2) A small window.
  • 39. 39 It is Christmas today. Grandma and Grandpa are here. Jimmy is happy. Polly is happy too. Merry Christmas, Polly! Merry Christmas, Jimmy! Merry Christmas, Grandpa! Merry Christmas, Grandma! 4.Встав букви в слова: mer_y c_ristm_s, gr_ndma, gran_pa.
  • 40. 40 Grandma is old. She wears a blouse and a skirt. Her hair is grey. She is kind. 5.Напиши переклад слів: wear, is, kind, grey, blouse. 6.Склади два речення:
  • 41. 41 Grandpa is old too. He wears a shirt, pants and socks. 7. Встав букви в слова: sh_rt, blou_e, sk_rt, p_nts 8.Намалюй в зошиті: two red socks
  • 42. 42 Grandma has many presents. She has a white shirt for Jim. Grandma has a blue dress for Polly. 9.Напиши переклад слів: dress, shirt, for Grandma has a long skirt for Mrs. Dale. 10. Заміни малюнок словом: 11. Встав слово в речення: 1) Polly _____________a dress. 2)Jimmy ___________ a shirt. 3) Mrs. Dale _________ a skirt.
  • 43. 43 Grandma has a jacket for Mr. Dale. He is her son. 12.Встав слово в речення: 1) He ___________ a jacket. 2) They ___________ presents. 13. Склади 4 речення: 14.Встав букви в слова: pr_sent, w_ar, _acket, s_n.
  • 44. 44 15. Заміни малюнок словом: Grandpa tells stories. Jimmy listening to the stories. 16.Дай відповіді на питання: 1) Who listens to the stories? 2) Who tells the stories? 17. Спиши, запам’ятай, напиши 5 разів: a story–stories 18. Встав букви в слова: t_ll, f_rtree, lis_en.
  • 45. 45 19.Розглянь малюнок: Напиши в зошиті цифру та назву: 20.Дай відповідь на запитання: Do you like peas? 21.Намалюй в зошиті: A big Christmas pudding. 22. Утвори множину: pudding, pea, potato 23.Спиши, запам’ятай та напиши 5 разів: a goose –geese 24.Прочитай та познач правду“T”, брехню“F”. 1) The Dales have a goose for dinner. 2) The Dales have potatoes for dinner. 3) The Dales have pudding for dinner. Christmas dinner is on the table. There is a goose, there is a pudding, there are potatoes, there are peas on the table.
  • 46. 46 25. Напиши переклад слів: Grandma, Grandpa, Christmas 26 Дай відповіді на запитання: 1) Do you have a grandma? 2) Do you have a grandpa? 3) Does Jimmy have a grandma? 4) Does Polly have a grandpa? 27.Склади літери та відгадай слово: This is a fir-tree. There are five glass balls on it. There are three candies on it. There are three stars on it. 28. Намалюй в зошиті: a candy, a grass ball, a star. PROJECT: Make a poster with a fir-tree: 1) take an A4 paper. 2) draw a fir-tree. 3) decorate your tree with two candies, one star, five red glass balls, three yellow balls.
  • 47. 47 Polly’s busy week. Polly is busy after school. On Monday she plays golf. On Tuesday she writes poems. When does Polly write poems? She writes poems on Tuesday. 1. Заміни малюнок словом:
  • 48. 48 7. Додай “do” або “does” та утвори питання: 1) _______________ he write poems? 2) _______________ she write poems? 3) _______________ it write poems? 4) _______________ they write poems? 8. Встав літери в слова: _rite, g_lf, _fter, b_sy 4. Заміни виділене слово на малюнок: 2. Напиши переклад слів: week, day, Monday, Tuesday 3. Склади літери та вгадай слово 5. Спиши та переклади: 1) He plays. –Does he play? – 2) She plays. –Does she play? – 6. Склади літери та вгадай слово:
  • 49. 49 9.Постав слова в правильному порядку: 1) Polly / on / sing_ / Wednesday / songs. 2) Polly / on / play_ / Wednesday / the piano. 10. Напиши переклад слів: sing, song, Wednesday, when. 11.Дай відповіді на питання: 1) When does Polly sing songs? 2) When does Polly write songs? 3) When does Polly play golf? 12. Встав букви в слова: M_nday, Tu_sday, We_nesday. On Wednesday Polly sings songs.
  • 50. 50 13. Порахуй скільки ляльок має Polly. On Thursday Polly makes paper dolls. On Friday Polly reads books. 14. Find 3 spiders here. Polly has ...
  • 51. 51 16. Дай відповідь на питання: 1) Does Polly sing songs on Friday? 2) Does Polly read books on Monday? 3) Does she write poems on Tuesday? 17.Додай “s“ до потрібного слова та спиши: Polly like books. She read stories and poems. She write poems too. But Polly do not draw. 15.Допоможи Polly зробити розклад на тиждень: Make a poster of your busy week: 1) Take A4 paper and: 2) write the words “my busy week” 3) write 5 days of the week 4) write what do you do after school? 5) decorate your poster.
  • 52. 52 Does Jimmy watch films too? Jimmy watches films too. Does Sam watch films too? Sam does not watch films too. Does Lily watch films too? Lily does not watch films. On Saturday Polly goes to the cinema. She watches films at the cinema.
  • 53. 53 Does Mrs. Dale cook on Sunday? Mrs. Dale does not cook on Sunday. She cooks on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. But she does not cook on Sunday. Polly cooks on Sunday. 19.Заміни малюнок словом: On Sunday Polly cooks. Does Jimmy cook? Jimmy does not cook. He is lazy.
  • 54. 54 I like fish. Polly does not like fish. She likes chips. This is school canteen. Polly and I come here every day and talk. We eat and talk. 1. Встав букви в слова: c_me, _at, t_lk, _s. On Monday we have fish and chips. I like pasta. Polly likes pasta too. We like pasta. On Tuesday we have pasta.
  • 55. 55 4. Напиши переклад слів: понеділок, вівторок, середа. 5.Встав слово та напиши переклад: I ______ not like you ______ not like we _______ not like I do not like porridge. Polly does not like porridge. ____ do not like porridge. 3.Встав слова в речення. Sam likes ______________ and _____________. Polly likes ______________ and _____________. On Wednesday we have porridge. 2. Заміни малюнок словом: On Thursday we have soup. I like soup. Polly does ____ like soup.
  • 56. 56 9. Дай відповіді на питання: 10.Намалюй в зошиті: a small fish. 11.Прочитай, спиши в зошит та познач правду “T”, брехню“F”. 1) Polly does not like pasta. 2) Sam likes cheese. 8. Запиши в правильному порядку слова: On Friday we have butter and cheese sandwiches. 6. Встав букви в слова: Fi_h, c_ips, p_sta, porr_d_e, so_p. 7.Напиши переклад слів: їсти, говорити, любити, робити, мати. I like cheese. Polly likes _________ too.
  • 57. 57 There are pigs in the mud. There are horses in the shed. There are cows in the field. There are hens in the yard. Children go to the farm. There are many animals on the farm.
  • 58. 58 She watches the chickens. They are little and funny. 1. Напиши переклад слів: любити, дивитися, вони 2. Встав слово в речення: are/ watches 1) ____ the hens funny? 2) Lily _____ the hens. 3.Заміни малюнок словом: Lily likes hens.
  • 59. 59 7. Спиши речення та познач правду “T”, брехню “F”. 1) Mrs. Dale jumps into the mud. 2) Jimmy is dirty. 3) Mrs. Dale is angry. 4.Напиши переклад слів: jump, mud, dirty. 5. Дай відповідь на питання: 1) Is Jimmy dirty? 2) Is Mrs. Dale dirty? 6.Заміни малюнок словом: Jimmy loves pigs. He jumps into the mud. He is dirty now. Mrs. Dale is angry.
  • 60. 60 He sits in the field. He plays the flute. Sam wants to be a cowboy. 8. Заміни слово малюнком: Sam likes cows. 9. Спиши, встав слово does та переклади: .1) _____ Sam play the flute? 2) _____ he like cows? 10.Намалюй в зошиті: A fat cow. 11.Склади речення з слів: like_ / cows / Sam / . 12. Встав букви в слова: fi_ld, s_t, fl_te, w_nt.
  • 61. 61 14. Спиши та постав біля кожного речення знак: 1) Polly loves horses. 2) Does she love pigs? 3) She does not love pigs. Their lips are hairy. 13. Заміни малюнок словом: Polly loves horses. She gives apples to the horses. 15. Намалюй в зошиті: A nice horse. 16. Встав букви в слова: g_ve, j_mp, m_d, ha_ry.
  • 62. 62 Jimmy hides in the garden. He climbs a tree. He finds his ball. 1.Заміни малюнок словом: Children play hide and seek. Polly shuts her eyes and counts to twelve. 2. Напиши, що ти бачиш на малюнку: 3. Напиши цифри словами: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 63. 63 Lily finds a spider. Oh, no. It is big and hairy. It is very scary.’ Lily runs away. 5. Намалюй в своєму зошиті: 1) A ball 2) A bear 6. Напиши чиї це іграшки: ball, bear Jimmy’s … Lily’s … 7. Напиши, скільки ти бачиш ведмедиків та скільки павучків: Little Lily hides in the house. She climbs under the bed. She finds her Teddy bear. 4. Напиши переклад слів: hide, climb, find, count.
  • 64. 64 Sam is a good boy. He listens to his father. He runs to the shop. 9.Встав букви в слова: h_de, r_n, f_nd, cl_mb, c__nt. Sam hides in the garden. Sam’s father finds him. Go to the shop, Sam. Lily climbs onto the wardrobe. 8.Напиши переклад слів: hairy, scary 10. Спиши в зошит, познач правду “T”, брехню “F”: 1) Jim is in the tree. 2) Lily is under the bed. 3) Sam is in the garden.
  • 65. 65 12. Встав “does not” так, щоб була правда: 1) Jimmy ____________ hide on the wardrobe. 2) Lily ______________ hide in the tree. 3) Sam _____________ hide on the wardrobe. 13.Напиши переклад слів: знаходити, ховати, бігти, рахувати. 14.Порахуй від 1 до 12. 15.Намалюй в зошиті: 1) Two big hairy spiders. 2) Four round balls. Polly runs to the garden. She finds Jimmy in the tree. 11. Знайди в тексті та напиши назви:
  • 66. 66 Is Lily under the wardrobe? Lily is _____ under the wardrobe. Polly looks ______ the wardrobe. _____ Lily on the wardrobe? Lily is on the ___________. Is Lily under the bed? Lily is ________ under the bed. She looks under the wardrobe. Polly runs to the house. She looks under the bed.
  • 67. 67 Lily cannot find Sam. Polly cannot find Sam. Can Jimmy find Sam? Children sit down. Lily cries. She wants to find her brother. Is Sam in the garden? Where is Sam? Is Sam in the house?
  • 68. 68 Sam comes home. He brings ice cream. 16. Знайди пари:
  • 69. 69 Polly cannot find Sam. Can father find Sam? Father can find Sam. Sam runs to the shop. Does Jim run to the shop? Jim does not run to the shop. Jimmy is in the garden. Is Lily in the garden? Lily is not in the garden 17. Постав біля кожного речення знак: