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Nutritional protocols for gut 
Kyla Williams DipION, BSc, MSc
• What is gut permeability / leaky gut 
• Symptoms and health issues relating to increased gut permeability 
• Possible causes of gut permeability 
• Diagnosing gut permeability 
– symptoms 
– recommended diagnostic tests to identify specific causes 
• Nutritional protocol for healing a leaky gut: 
– diet – foods to avoid and foods to reduce inflammation 
– supplements to support the healing process
Permeable gut vs ‘leaky gut syndrome’ 
• These terms are often used interchangeably; however they can be 
perceived very differently by health professionals 
• Controversy exists with the term ‘leaky gut syndrome’ 
• ‘Leaky gut’ is simply a term used for a permeable gut lining associated 
with inflammation 
• Nutrition practitioners - the term ‘leaky gut’ is more commonly used 
• Medical doctors - may prefer to use the term ‘permeable gut lining’ or 
‘inflammed digestive tract’
What is gut permeability? 
• In a permeable gut lining, the single layer of mucosal cells covering the 
digestive tract are damaged: 
• Cells become inflamed 
• Gaps appear between 
the cells 
• Food particles and other 
toxins may enter directly into the bloodstream
A healthy digestive tract 
• Closed and closely packed together mucosal 
cells lining the digestive tract 
• Cells are plumped up, thereby carefully 
controlling the absorption of nutrients from food 
• Normal tight junction between cells keeps the mucosal barrier intact 
• This barrier prevents most large molecules and germs 
passing from inside the bowel into the bloodstream
An unhealthy permeable gut lining 
• Excess inflammation damaging cells and epithelium 
• Undigested food particles may pass through gaps 
• The immune system may react to this by 
creating more inflammation 
• Commonly leads to food intolerances – an immune reaction to various 
foods which can change over time 
• A leaky gut is often an ongoing issue, and frequently undiagnosed
The importance of gut health 
status – bile, 
enzymes etc. 
function – first 
line of defence 
To balance 
B12 absorption 
To protect 
against food 
Digestive symptoms associated with gut 
• Digestive symptoms are often not a priority to clients 
• Clients may want to concentrate on other goals such as 
overcoming fatigue (associated with leaky gut) 
– diarrhoea 
– constipation 
– burning sensation in the stomach 
– passing a stool shortly after eating 
– pain after drinking alcohol or spicy food 
– stomach cramps 
– gas
Other symptoms associated with gut 
• A leaky gut may not only present itself as digestive discomfort 
• Other symptoms relating to a leaky gut include: 
– hormone imbalances causing mood swings 
– headaches 
– skin breakouts 
– tiredness and fatigue 
– joint pains associated with inflammation 
and intolerances 
– depression and anxiety
Health issues linked to gut permeability 
• The following conditions may increase gut permeability: 
• Inflammatory bowel diseases 
– ulcerative colitis 
– Crohn’s disease 
• Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach – several causes) 
• Type 1 diabetes
Causes of a leaky gut 
• There are several possible causes of a leaky gut: 
– chronic inflammation 
– nutritional deficiencies 
– fatty acid deficiencies 
– improper digestion 
–high intake of commonly aggravating foods 
– stress 
• Other possible causes: 
– parasites 
– pathogenic bacteria 
– yeast infections
The role of inflammation in a permeable gut 
• Chronic inflammation causes continuous breakdown of cells 
• Excess inflammation can damage mucosal cells’ tight junctions 
• Inflammation may be a result of an inflammatory diet or medication 
• Inflammation exacerbates pain and sensitivity to foods 
• Too much inflammation stalls the healing process
Nutritional deficiencies and a leaky gut 
• Nutrients required for the integrity of the mucosal cells 
– zinc 
– antioxidants 
– protein 
– fatty acids 
• A leaky gut may also result in nutritional 
deficiencies due to inflamed villi and 
reduced ability of mucosal cells to absorb 
Fatty acid deficiencies and a leaky gut 
• A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids may increase inflammation 
• A low omega-3 index may also reduce fluidity of cell membranes 
• Low levels of omega-3 may also shrink cells (less plumped up) leading 
to possible gaps between mucosal cells 
• Imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 
fatty acids may lead to inflammation
Improper digestion and leaky gut 
• Low stomach acid = improper breakdown of proteins 
• Low production of bile = improper breakdown of fats 
• Low levels of digestive enzymes = larger undigested food particles 
leaky gut 
High intake of commonly aggravating foods 
• Foods commonly associated with a permeable gut lining: 
– gluten 
– dairy 
– peanuts 
– pulses (lentils, beans) 
– spicy food 
• Foods which an individual has become intolerant to due to IgG 
antibody reaction, or other immune reactions
Is gluten to blame? 
• Gluten - a protein found in grains: 
wheat, barley and rye 
• It can be very difficult to process in the body and can result in immune 
reactions leading to unwanted symptoms such as digestive cramps 
• Gluten is one of the most common food intolerances and can 
negatively affect symptoms of a leaky gut 
• Gluten is not the cause of a leaky gut for everyone 
• Small quantities of gluten may be tolerated, although constant intake 
of gluten is too much to handle for many people
Spicy food 
• Spicy food - chilli peppers contain a compound called capsaicin 
• Causes irritation to mucosal cells, including the lips, tongue, mouth 
and digestive tract 
• Leaky gut + chilli = a burning sensation in the stomach and a bout of 
Other foods which may aggravate a leaky gut 
• Ginger – the spicy / irritating compound is gingerol (related to 
• Raw garlic 
• Raw onions 
• Although these foods are considered to be anti-inflammatory, they can 
also cause irritation to your gut lining if it is already semi-permeable 
• Direct contact of such strong foods on already damaged cells can result 
in an instant burning sensation in the stomach or intestines
Stress and a leaky gut 
• Stress can increase stomach acid production 
– often leading to gastritis / ulcers 
• Stress may reduce ability to digest food by reducing production of 
digestive enzymes 
• Higher requirements for vitamins and minerals
Pathogens – yeast, bacteria and parasites 
• Yeast infections such as candida albicans 
• Pathogenic bacterial infections, 
lack of beneficial bacteria 
• Parasites 
• Toxins produced by pathogens can cause 
further damage
• Drinking alcohol in excess, i.e. more than 
approximately 3 units in one day, 
can cause significant irritation to an already permeable gut 
• Alcohol is inflammatory, and therefore is only going to make the 
situation worse 
• 2-3 units of alcohol may not cause any issue to someone with a 
healthy gut lining, but for someone with a permeable gut lining, alcohol 
can be very aggravating
•Well known irritants of the bowel lining: 
– aspirin 
– non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 
(nSAIDs) such as ibuprofen 
• These medications may cause inflammation of a particular area of the 
bowel, which may result in ulcers or a permeable gut lining 
• Antibiotics wipe out beneficial bacteria and therefore may result in 
infections following treatment 
• Birth control pill
Diagnosing a leaky gut – symptoms 
• Recognise digestive symptoms relating to a leaky gut 
– bloating 
– diarrhoea 
– pain 
– stomach cramps after eating 
– feeling of ‘sensitivity’ to certain foods such as bread 
• Also consider other symptoms 
– sinusitis 
– eczema 
– migraines 
– joint pains 
–chronic fatigue
Diagnosing a leaky gut – tests 
• A digestive stool analysis can test secretory IgA (Immunoglobulin A) 
• IgA is an antibody used by the immune system to identify and fight off 
unwanted objects such as infectious bacteria; this specific type of 
antibody is produced in mucosal linings (the gut wall) 
• As unwanted undigested food particles may pass through the gut 
lining, an immune reaction involving high levels of IgA antibodies may 
suggest a permeable gut lining 
• Test for food intolerances: if IgG antibodies are produced, a leaky gut is 
very likely
Protocol: Step 1 – eliminate irritating foods 
• Identify any irritating foods and eliminate these from the diet 
• Gluten is the most common culprit, although many other foods – such 
as peanuts, beans and lentils – can also cause problems in some 
• If a food intolerance test has been carried out: 
– eliminate these foods temporarily only, while concentrating on healing the 
– intolerances to several foods are likely to develop over time 
– simply cutting these foods out is not going to address the cause 
– once the gut is properly healed, these intolerances should 
Protocol: Step 1 – eliminate irritating foods 
• Spicy food should be eliminated (or at least significantly reduced) 
during this initial stage for approximately 2-4 months 
• Ideally, eliminate alcohol completely for 2-4 months 
• Drinking alcohol, even once a week, while trying to heal your gut can 
make the healing process twice as long
Protocol: Step 2 – test and eliminate 
• Identify pathogens and eliminate them – usually 3-6 months 
• If a digestive stool analysis identifies an infection, such as a bacterial 
imbalance or yeast infection: 
– supplement with probiotics 
– consider other supplements specific to eliminating bacteria (oregano oil, 
– support immune function (zinc, antioxidants, fermented foods) 
– reduce sugar in the diet 
• Bacterial infections such as H. pylori may require medical attention 
from a doctor and medication
Protocol: Step 2 – test and eliminate 
• If a parasite infection exists, some may be eliminated with 
supplements. 6 month course of: 
– goldenseal 
– oregano oil 
– probiotics 
• Support liver detoxification 
• Some stubborn parasites may require medical attention from a doctor 
and medication
Protocol: Step 3 – feed your cells 
• After all aggravating foods have been eliminated from your diet, it is 
important to concentrate on feeding the cells lining your digestive 
• Cells lining the digestive tract require the amino acid glutamine to be 
able to replenish themselves 
• The powder form mixed with water is ideal, to maximise exposure to 
cells if your digestive system is not strong enough to break down 
supplement tablets
Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation 
• Keep inflammation down in order to promote healing and reduce pain 
• To control inflammation, consider anti-inflammatory foods: 
– vegetables 
– oily fish (containing omega-3 EPA) 
– foods rich in antioxidants 
• Limit intake of inflammatory foods: 
– grain fed meats (containing omega-6 AA) 
– vegetable oils such as refined corn oil and sunflower oil 
– refined carbohydrate foods such as sugar and white flour
Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation 
• The most potent anti-inflammatory supplement which may help to 
calm and soothe the gut lining is omega-3 EPA 
• 1000mg omega-3 EPA per day to have a therapeutic effect on reducing 
• The ratio of omega-6 AA to omega-3 EPA needs to be balanced, e.g. 
2:1 ratio 
• Omega-3 EPA produces anti-inflammatory eicosanoids
Omega-3 EPA to control inflammation 
• Pure EPA derived from wild anchovies, sustainable source 
• Pharmepa Step 1: 90% omega-3 EPA – 1000mg, (added vitamin E) 
• Pharmepa Step 2: 80% omega-3 EPA – 640 mg, GLA – 18mg 
(added vitamins B5, D3 & E) 
• Adherence to the regime for a minimum of 3 months is required for 
therapeutic outcomes 
Directions for use 
Adults should take 
1-2 (Pharmepa Step 1) or 
2-4 (Pharmepa Step 2) capsules 
daily. Take with food for optimal 
Omega-3 SDA to control inflammation 
• Vegetarian options - linseed? algae? hempseed? 
• Echium seed oil (as Echiomega) is a source of the 
omega-3 fatty acids SDA (stearidonic acid) and ALA. 
SDA is the precursor to EPA 
• 25-30% of SDA converts to EPA, compared with just 
5-8% of ALA – the principal omega-3 in most other 
plant-derived oils 
• Echiomega, rich in SDA, is the superior choice of 
omega-3 for vegetarians and vegans
Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation 
• Aloe vera 
– soothing properties 
– anti-inflammatory 
– healing properties 
• Liquorice 
– soothing, particularly to mucous irritations 
– supports immune function 
– use deglycyrrhizinated liquorice 
• Slippery elm 
• Marshmallow root
Long term digestive support 
• Chew food properly 
• Eat sufficient protein and omega-3 fatty acids 
• Limit intake of gluten 
• Manage stress 
• Include supplements on a regular basis where necessary 
– Probiotics 
– Digestive enzymes
• Elamin E1, Jonkers D, Juuti-Uusitalo K, van Ijzendoorn S, Troost F, Duimel H, Broers J, Verheyen F, Dekker J,Masclee A. (2012) 
Effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde on tight junction integrity: in vitro study in a three dimensional intestinal epithelial cell 
culture model. PLoS One, 7(4). 
• Rapin JR1, Wiernsperger N. (2010) Possible links between intestinal permeability and food processing: A potential therapeutic 
niche for glutamine. Clinics (Sao Paulo), 65(6):635-43. 
• Suzuki T. (2013) Regulation of intestinal epithelial permeability by tight junctions. Cell Mol Life Sci, 70(4):631-59. 
• van der Hulst RR1, von Meyenfeldt MF, Soeters PB. (1996) Glutamine: an essential amino acid for the gut. Nutrition, 12(11-12 
• Vazquez-Roque MI1, CamilleriM, Smyrk T, Murray JA, Marietta E, O’Neill J, Carlson P, Lamsam J, Janzow D,Eckert D, Burton 
D, Zinsmeister AR. (2013) A controlled trial of gluten-free diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome-diarrhea: effects on 
bowel frequency and intestinal function. Gastroenterology, 144(5):903-911. 
0845 1300 424 
Kyla Williams DipION, BSc, MSc 
Nutrition Technical Advisor

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Nutritional protocols for gut permeability, with nutritionist Kyla Williams

  • 1. Nutritional protocols for gut permeability Kyla Williams DipION, BSc, MSc
  • 2. Overview • What is gut permeability / leaky gut • Symptoms and health issues relating to increased gut permeability • Possible causes of gut permeability • Diagnosing gut permeability – symptoms – recommended diagnostic tests to identify specific causes • Nutritional protocol for healing a leaky gut: – diet – foods to avoid and foods to reduce inflammation – supplements to support the healing process
  • 3. Permeable gut vs ‘leaky gut syndrome’ • These terms are often used interchangeably; however they can be perceived very differently by health professionals • Controversy exists with the term ‘leaky gut syndrome’ • ‘Leaky gut’ is simply a term used for a permeable gut lining associated with inflammation • Nutrition practitioners - the term ‘leaky gut’ is more commonly used • Medical doctors - may prefer to use the term ‘permeable gut lining’ or ‘inflammed digestive tract’
  • 4. What is gut permeability? • In a permeable gut lining, the single layer of mucosal cells covering the digestive tract are damaged: • Cells become inflamed • Gaps appear between the cells • Food particles and other toxins may enter directly into the bloodstream
  • 5. A healthy digestive tract • Closed and closely packed together mucosal cells lining the digestive tract • Cells are plumped up, thereby carefully controlling the absorption of nutrients from food • Normal tight junction between cells keeps the mucosal barrier intact • This barrier prevents most large molecules and germs passing from inside the bowel into the bloodstream
  • 6. An unhealthy permeable gut lining • Excess inflammation damaging cells and epithelium • Undigested food particles may pass through gaps • The immune system may react to this by creating more inflammation • Commonly leads to food intolerances – an immune reaction to various foods which can change over time • A leaky gut is often an ongoing issue, and frequently undiagnosed
  • 7. The importance of gut health Nutritional status – bile, enzymes etc. Immune function – first line of defence To balance hormones B12 absorption (intrinsic factor) To protect against food intolerances
  • 8. Digestive symptoms associated with gut permeability • Digestive symptoms are often not a priority to clients • Clients may want to concentrate on other goals such as overcoming fatigue (associated with leaky gut) – diarrhoea – constipation – burning sensation in the stomach – passing a stool shortly after eating – pain after drinking alcohol or spicy food – stomach cramps – gas
  • 9. Other symptoms associated with gut permeability • A leaky gut may not only present itself as digestive discomfort • Other symptoms relating to a leaky gut include: – hormone imbalances causing mood swings – headaches – skin breakouts – tiredness and fatigue – joint pains associated with inflammation and intolerances – depression and anxiety
  • 10. Health issues linked to gut permeability • The following conditions may increase gut permeability: • Inflammatory bowel diseases – ulcerative colitis – Crohn’s disease • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach – several causes) • HIV / AIDS • Type 1 diabetes
  • 11. Causes of a leaky gut • There are several possible causes of a leaky gut: – chronic inflammation – nutritional deficiencies – fatty acid deficiencies – improper digestion –high intake of commonly aggravating foods – stress • Other possible causes: – parasites – pathogenic bacteria – yeast infections
  • 12. The role of inflammation in a permeable gut • Chronic inflammation causes continuous breakdown of cells • Excess inflammation can damage mucosal cells’ tight junctions • Inflammation may be a result of an inflammatory diet or medication • Inflammation exacerbates pain and sensitivity to foods • Too much inflammation stalls the healing process
  • 13. Nutritional deficiencies and a leaky gut • Nutrients required for the integrity of the mucosal cells – zinc – antioxidants – protein – fatty acids • A leaky gut may also result in nutritional deficiencies due to inflamed villi and reduced ability of mucosal cells to absorb nutrients
  • 14. Fatty acid deficiencies and a leaky gut • A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids may increase inflammation • A low omega-3 index may also reduce fluidity of cell membranes • Low levels of omega-3 may also shrink cells (less plumped up) leading to possible gaps between mucosal cells • Imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids may lead to inflammation
  • 15. Improper digestion and leaky gut • Low stomach acid = improper breakdown of proteins • Low production of bile = improper breakdown of fats • Low levels of digestive enzymes = larger undigested food particles Improper digestion Undigested food particles Food passing through leaky gut Possible intolerances
  • 16. High intake of commonly aggravating foods • Foods commonly associated with a permeable gut lining: – gluten – dairy – peanuts – pulses (lentils, beans) – spicy food • Foods which an individual has become intolerant to due to IgG antibody reaction, or other immune reactions
  • 17. Is gluten to blame? • Gluten - a protein found in grains: wheat, barley and rye • It can be very difficult to process in the body and can result in immune reactions leading to unwanted symptoms such as digestive cramps • Gluten is one of the most common food intolerances and can negatively affect symptoms of a leaky gut • Gluten is not the cause of a leaky gut for everyone • Small quantities of gluten may be tolerated, although constant intake of gluten is too much to handle for many people
  • 18. Spicy food • Spicy food - chilli peppers contain a compound called capsaicin • Causes irritation to mucosal cells, including the lips, tongue, mouth and digestive tract • Leaky gut + chilli = a burning sensation in the stomach and a bout of diarrhoea
  • 19. Other foods which may aggravate a leaky gut • Ginger – the spicy / irritating compound is gingerol (related to capsaicin) • Raw garlic • Raw onions • Although these foods are considered to be anti-inflammatory, they can also cause irritation to your gut lining if it is already semi-permeable • Direct contact of such strong foods on already damaged cells can result in an instant burning sensation in the stomach or intestines
  • 20. Stress and a leaky gut • Stress can increase stomach acid production – often leading to gastritis / ulcers • Stress may reduce ability to digest food by reducing production of digestive enzymes • Higher requirements for vitamins and minerals
  • 21. Pathogens – yeast, bacteria and parasites • Yeast infections such as candida albicans • Pathogenic bacterial infections, lack of beneficial bacteria • Parasites • Toxins produced by pathogens can cause further damage
  • 22. Alcohol • Drinking alcohol in excess, i.e. more than approximately 3 units in one day, can cause significant irritation to an already permeable gut • Alcohol is inflammatory, and therefore is only going to make the situation worse • 2-3 units of alcohol may not cause any issue to someone with a healthy gut lining, but for someone with a permeable gut lining, alcohol can be very aggravating
  • 23. Medication •Well known irritants of the bowel lining: – aspirin – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nSAIDs) such as ibuprofen • These medications may cause inflammation of a particular area of the bowel, which may result in ulcers or a permeable gut lining • Antibiotics wipe out beneficial bacteria and therefore may result in infections following treatment • Birth control pill
  • 24. Diagnosing a leaky gut – symptoms • Recognise digestive symptoms relating to a leaky gut – bloating – diarrhoea – pain – stomach cramps after eating – feeling of ‘sensitivity’ to certain foods such as bread • Also consider other symptoms – sinusitis – eczema – migraines – joint pains –chronic fatigue
  • 25. Diagnosing a leaky gut – tests • A digestive stool analysis can test secretory IgA (Immunoglobulin A) levels • IgA is an antibody used by the immune system to identify and fight off unwanted objects such as infectious bacteria; this specific type of antibody is produced in mucosal linings (the gut wall) • As unwanted undigested food particles may pass through the gut lining, an immune reaction involving high levels of IgA antibodies may suggest a permeable gut lining • Test for food intolerances: if IgG antibodies are produced, a leaky gut is very likely
  • 26. Protocol: Step 1 – eliminate irritating foods • Identify any irritating foods and eliminate these from the diet • Gluten is the most common culprit, although many other foods – such as peanuts, beans and lentils – can also cause problems in some individuals • If a food intolerance test has been carried out: – eliminate these foods temporarily only, while concentrating on healing the gut – intolerances to several foods are likely to develop over time – simply cutting these foods out is not going to address the cause – once the gut is properly healed, these intolerances should disappear
  • 27. Protocol: Step 1 – eliminate irritating foods • Spicy food should be eliminated (or at least significantly reduced) during this initial stage for approximately 2-4 months • Ideally, eliminate alcohol completely for 2-4 months • Drinking alcohol, even once a week, while trying to heal your gut can make the healing process twice as long
  • 28. Protocol: Step 2 – test and eliminate pathogens • Identify pathogens and eliminate them – usually 3-6 months • If a digestive stool analysis identifies an infection, such as a bacterial imbalance or yeast infection: – supplement with probiotics – consider other supplements specific to eliminating bacteria (oregano oil, garlic) – support immune function (zinc, antioxidants, fermented foods) – reduce sugar in the diet • Bacterial infections such as H. pylori may require medical attention from a doctor and medication
  • 29. Protocol: Step 2 – test and eliminate pathogens • If a parasite infection exists, some may be eliminated with supplements. 6 month course of: – goldenseal – oregano oil – probiotics • Support liver detoxification • Some stubborn parasites may require medical attention from a doctor and medication
  • 30. Protocol: Step 3 – feed your cells • After all aggravating foods have been eliminated from your diet, it is important to concentrate on feeding the cells lining your digestive system • Cells lining the digestive tract require the amino acid glutamine to be able to replenish themselves • The powder form mixed with water is ideal, to maximise exposure to cells if your digestive system is not strong enough to break down supplement tablets
  • 31. Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation • Keep inflammation down in order to promote healing and reduce pain • To control inflammation, consider anti-inflammatory foods: – vegetables – oily fish (containing omega-3 EPA) – foods rich in antioxidants • Limit intake of inflammatory foods: – grain fed meats (containing omega-6 AA) – vegetable oils such as refined corn oil and sunflower oil – refined carbohydrate foods such as sugar and white flour
  • 32. Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation • The most potent anti-inflammatory supplement which may help to calm and soothe the gut lining is omega-3 EPA • 1000mg omega-3 EPA per day to have a therapeutic effect on reducing inflammation • The ratio of omega-6 AA to omega-3 EPA needs to be balanced, e.g. 2:1 ratio • Omega-3 EPA produces anti-inflammatory eicosanoids
  • 33. Omega-3 EPA to control inflammation • Pure EPA derived from wild anchovies, sustainable source • Pharmepa Step 1: 90% omega-3 EPA – 1000mg, (added vitamin E) • Pharmepa Step 2: 80% omega-3 EPA – 640 mg, GLA – 18mg (added vitamins B5, D3 & E) • Adherence to the regime for a minimum of 3 months is required for therapeutic outcomes Directions for use Adults should take 1-2 (Pharmepa Step 1) or 2-4 (Pharmepa Step 2) capsules daily. Take with food for optimal absorption.
  • 34. Omega-3 SDA to control inflammation • Vegetarian options - linseed? algae? hempseed? • Echium seed oil (as Echiomega) is a source of the omega-3 fatty acids SDA (stearidonic acid) and ALA. SDA is the precursor to EPA • 25-30% of SDA converts to EPA, compared with just 5-8% of ALA – the principal omega-3 in most other plant-derived oils • Echiomega, rich in SDA, is the superior choice of omega-3 for vegetarians and vegans
  • 35. Protocol: Step 4 – control inflammation • Aloe vera – soothing properties – anti-inflammatory – healing properties • Liquorice – soothing, particularly to mucous irritations – supports immune function – use deglycyrrhizinated liquorice • Slippery elm • Marshmallow root
  • 36. Long term digestive support • Chew food properly • Eat sufficient protein and omega-3 fatty acids • Limit intake of gluten • Manage stress • Include supplements on a regular basis where necessary – Probiotics – Digestive enzymes
  • 37. References • Elamin E1, Jonkers D, Juuti-Uusitalo K, van Ijzendoorn S, Troost F, Duimel H, Broers J, Verheyen F, Dekker J,Masclee A. (2012) Effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde on tight junction integrity: in vitro study in a three dimensional intestinal epithelial cell culture model. PLoS One, 7(4). • Rapin JR1, Wiernsperger N. (2010) Possible links between intestinal permeability and food processing: A potential therapeutic niche for glutamine. Clinics (Sao Paulo), 65(6):635-43. • Suzuki T. (2013) Regulation of intestinal epithelial permeability by tight junctions. Cell Mol Life Sci, 70(4):631-59. • van der Hulst RR1, von Meyenfeldt MF, Soeters PB. (1996) Glutamine: an essential amino acid for the gut. Nutrition, 12(11-12 Suppl):S78-81. • Vazquez-Roque MI1, CamilleriM, Smyrk T, Murray JA, Marietta E, O’Neill J, Carlson P, Lamsam J, Janzow D,Eckert D, Burton D, Zinsmeister AR. (2013) A controlled trial of gluten-free diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome-diarrhea: effects on bowel frequency and intestinal function. Gastroenterology, 144(5):903-911.
  • 38. 0845 1300 424 Kyla Williams DipION, BSc, MSc Nutrition Technical Advisor