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Ester-C® 1400mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Dr Danielle Crida MBChB, Dip Nutr
Nutritionist, Igennus Healthcare Nutrition
• Ester-C® formulation
• Ester-C® key features
• Vitamin C background
• Vitamin C insufficiency
• Vitamin C health benefits
• Vitamin C supplementation considerations
• Accumulation and retention in cells
• Comparison to other forms of vitamin C
• Bioavailability comparison summary
• Effect on digestive tract
• Practitioner applications
• Nutritional information
Ester-C® is the latest addition to our Synergistic Nutrients
range – products with therapeutic, clinical applications that
are highly effective when used in combination with our clinical
omega-3 range, but are also proven standalone nutrition
supplements with impressive scientific evidence supporting
their use.
A superior vitamin C formulation
Ester-C® is a unique, patented form of vitamin C that offers superior bioavailability and
duration of action.
Features of Ester-C®
10x greater
ability to
immune cells
action in
immune cells
 Vitamin C is a water-soluble micronutrient needed for normal cell function, growth and
 Unlike animals, humans lack the enzyme L-gulonolactone and are unable to produce vitamin
C, therefore it must be obtained from diet or supplements
 Standard vitamin C is absorbed fairly well from the gut into the bloodstream at low to medium
doses, but struggles to enter cells and is excreted quite rapidly from the body
 For vitamin C to perform its functions it must act within cells, and Ester-C® Vitamin C’s unique
advantage is that it is 10x more bioavailable to enter immune cells
 It also remains at high levels
in cells for 24 hours
About vitamin C
• Fruit and vegetables are the main sources, e.g. citrus fruit, kiwi, mango,
broccoli, tomatoes and peppers
• Current Reference Intake is 80mg/day
• Smokers require 35mg additional vitamin C/day
• 5-9 servings of fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables provides ~200mg of
vitamin C
Vitamin C sources
REGULATION (EU) No 1169/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on the provision of food information to
consumers. (22.11.2001) Official Journal of the European Union. L 304/18
• Reduced intake
– Low fruit and veg intake, cooking methods, storage etc
• Increased requirements
– Pregnancy
• Reduced absorption
– Sodium vitamin C transporters SNPs (genetic
– Inflammatory bowel disorders
• Increased oxidative stress
– Smoking, strenuous exercise
• Underlying health conditions
– e.g. diabetes, hypertension, obesity
Factors relating to vitamin C deficiency
• Fatigue
• Poor immunity
• Poor wound healing
• Gum inflammation and bleeding
• Abnormal bruising and bleeding
• Muscle, joint and back aches
• Skin disorders:
very dry skin, follicular hyperkeratosis
Deficiency of vitamin C is linked to various disorders and systems
Multiple health benefits of vitamin C
• Accumulation
and retention in cells
• Ester-C® vs other
vitamin C formulations
• Bioavailability comparison summary
• Effects on digestive tract
Vitamin C supplementation
Accumulation and retention in cells
• Ester-C® contains threonate, a vitamin C metabolite
• Threonate and other vitamin C metabolites
act by preventing/reducing extracellular oxidation
and metabolism of vitamin C, and/or enhancing
the active transport of vitamin C into cells
Fay MJ, Verlangieri AJ. Stimulatory action of calcium
L-threonate on ascorbic acid uptake by a human T-lymphoma
cell line. Life Sci. 1991;49(19):1377-81.
Accumulation and retention in cells cont ...
• Ester-C® contains calcium ascorbate, which has been shown
to significantly increase vitamin C accumulation in leucocytes, which are key players
in immunity
• Vitamin C levels remain high at 24 hours, supporting 1-a-day dosing
Mitmesser S, Ye Q, Evans M, Combs M. Determination of plasma and leukocyte vitamin C concentrations in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial with Ester-C® . SpringerPlus (2016)5:1161
10x greater AUC for the accumulation within leukocytes of Ester-C ® vs ascorbic acid
Ester-C® vs. liposomal vitamin C
•Human studies of liposomal vitamin C are lacking
•While the concept and use of liposomes for pharmaceutical delivery
are well established, there is currently insufficient data to suggest
benefits over standard ascorbic acid
•Unlike Ester-C® , liposomal Vit C is not optimally absorbed into cells,
and is quickly excreted from the body
•Ester-C® is also more cost effective
than liposomal vitamin C
•For these reasons, we conclude that
Ester-C® is superior to
liposomal vitamin C
Ester-C® vs other vitamin C formulations
Slow release vitamin C
•Pharmacokinetic studies comparing slow release formulations with
standard vitamin C do not support statistically significant superior
uptake and retention of vitamin C from slow release formulations
•Viscovich M, Lykkesfeldt J, Poulsen HE. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics of plain and slow release
formulations in smokers. Clin Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):1043-50.
Ester-C ® vs other vitamin C formulations
Effects on the digestive tract
• Ingestion of high doses of vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal
distress: abdominal cramps, nausea and diarrhoea
• N=50 healthy volunteers sensitive to acidic foods
• Double-blind, crossover study
• Ester-C® 1000mg or ascorbic acid 1000mg
• Medication for 3 days, 3 day washout, other medication for 3 days
• Statistically significant fewer epigastric adverse events
• 72% rated tolerability of Ester-C® as ‘very good’
• Ester-C® Vitamin C is buffered and
pH neutral, so gentle on the digestive
tract, even in high doses
•Gruenwald J, Graubaum HJ, Busch R, Bentley C.
Safety and tolerance of ester-C compared with regular ascorbic acid.
Adv Ther. 2006 Jan-Feb;23(1):171-8.
Practical applications
Which clients are recommended Ester-C® ?
• Immune system support: prevention and treatment of
common cold and pneumonia
• Dental disease - e.g. gingivitis, periodontal disease
• Wound healing – post-operative/trauma
• Athletes
• Skin conditions - e.g. keratosis pilaris, dry skin
• Joint pain
• Fatigue
• Anaemia - iron absorption
Ester-C® and the common cold
• n=168, non-influenza vaccinated. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
• Ester-C® 1000mg or placebo once daily for 60 days btwn Nov and Feb
• Well tolerated, greatly increased satisfaction vs previous vit C supplements
• Active treatment group had significantly fewer colds (37 vs 50, P<.05), and
• Fewer days challenged virally (85 vs 178)
• Significantly shorter duration of severe symptoms (1.8 vs 3.1 days, P<.03)
• During the study, 16 in placebo group experienced more than one full-blown cold; only 2 volunteers in active group had a
• 77% reduction in coughing compared to previous winters
• 85% of respondents in the active group would continue taking the compound, and 81% would recommend it to friends and
family. 64% of the active group felt “better” or “much better” during the trial
Volunteers in the active group
were less likely to get a cold
and recovered faster if infected
Van Straten,M Josling,P Preventing the Common Cold With a Vitamin C
Supplement: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Survey. Advances in Therapy
Vol 19 No.3 May/June 2002
Vitamin C and immune function –
review article
Vitamin C contributes to immune function by:
• Supporting various cellular functions of both the innate
and adaptive immune system
• Supports epithelial barrier function against pathogens
• Promotes oxidant scavenging activity of the skin,
potentially protecting against oxidative stress
• Accumulating in phagocytic cells, e.g. neutrophils, to enhance
chemotaxis, phagocytosis, generation of ROS and
ultimately microbial killing
• Needed for apoptosis and clearance of spent neutrophils from
sites of infection by macrophages, thereby decreasing necrosis
and potential tissue damage
• In lymphocytes: enhance differentiation and proliferation
of B and T cells
Anitra C. Carr 1,* and Silvia Maggini Vitamin C and Immune Function November
2017 Nutrients 2017, 9, 1211; doi:10.3390/nu9111211
Vitamin C and immune function -
a review article
• Vitamin C supplementation is able to both
prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections
• Meta-analysis indicates vitamin C 200 mg or more daily decreases the severity and
duration of the common cold, and the incidence of the common cold if also exposed
to physical stress. Supplementation of individuals who had an inadequate vitamin C status
(i.e. 45 µmol/L) also decreased the incidence of the common cold
• In contrast, treatment of established infections requires significantly higher doses of the vitamin to
compensate for the increased inflammatory response and metabolic demand
• Prophylactic vitamin C decreases the risk of serious respiratory infections - e.g. pneumonia
• Beneficial effects of vitamin C on recovery have been noted in pneumonia
Higher doses (0.5–1.6 g/day) reduced the duration by 36%
Carr,A. and Maggini,S. Vitamin C and Immune Function Nutrients Nov 2017, 9, 1211; doi:10.3390/nu9111211
Reduced pain from osteoarthritis in hip and knee joints during treatment
with calcium ascorbate
A randomised, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in general practice
• N=133, radiologically verified symptomatic OA of hip/knee joints
• Multicentre, double-blind performed by ten general practitioners
• 1000mg calcium ascorbate/placebo; 14 days each separated by 14 day washout
• Calcium ascorbate reduced pain significantly compared to placebo (p = 0.0078)
• The demonstrated effect is less than half as pronounced as commonly reported for NSAID
Jensen NH Reduced pain from osteoarthritis in hip joint or knee joint during treatment with calcium ascorbate. A randomised, placebo-controlled cross-
over trial in general practice Ugeskr Laeger. 2003 Jun 16;165(25):2563-6
Vitamin C
in skin disease
Roles of vitamin C:
• Promotes collagen synthesis
• Antioxidant
• Increases other antioxidant levels
by altered gene expression
• Differentiation of keratinocytes
• Enhanced barrier function due to increased barrier lipids, improved organisation of
stratum corneum
• Wound healing – increases proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts
• Increases glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis
Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
Vitamin C deficiency: skin signs and symptoms
• Poor wound healing
• Rough skin: thickening of stratum corneum
• Dry skin: loss of barrier lipids and barrier function
• Subcutaneous bleeding (fragility, loss of connective tissue)
• Corkscrew hairs
• Scurvy: skin fragility, bleeding gums, corkscrew hairs, impaired wound
• Changes extreme and rapid in onset in vitamin C-deficient
• Similar processes occur when body stores are
below optimal, although to a lesser extent
• Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health.
Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
Skin: vitamin C supplementation –
topical or systemic ?
• Dermal layers best supported by nutrients delivered
through the bloodstream
• Vitamin C uptake from the bloodstream and transport across the skin layers is
mediated by specific sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (SVCTs)
• Epidermis challenged environment for nutrient delivery – lacks blood vessels,
relies on diffusion from dermis. Outer epidermial layers: little movement of
extracellular fluid between cells due to the complex lipid/protein crosslink
structure forming the skin barrier
• If plasma levels saturated, then it appears that topical application does not
increase skin vitamin C content
• Topical applications unlikely to reach dermis
Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health.
Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
Type of skin damage Skin structure affected Evidence of effect – Vitamin
Sunburn Cell death of all skin cells,
with associated inflammation
Improved skin vit C level
improves resistance to UV
Wrinkle formation Dermal layer changes,
deterioration of collagen and
elastic fibres
Lessening of wrinkle depth
following vitamin C
supplementation. Increased
collagen formation by
fibroblasts in cell culture
Dry and rough skin Stratum corneum: loss of skin
barrier lipids and natural
moisturising factor
Vitamin C enhances
production of barrier lipids in
cell culture
Excessive scarring, keloid
Abnormal fibroblast function,
collagen and elastin
Vitamin C improves wound
healing, prevents keloid
Table: Skin ailments, their causes and evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies for association with vitamin C levels.
Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
Periodontal disease
Possible connections between periodontal disease and:
• Atherosclerosis & heart disease — May increase the risk of,
and worsen existing heart disease
• Stroke — May increase the risk of ischaemic stroke
• Diabetes — May worsen blood glucose control
• Respiratory disease— May cause lung infections and worsen
existing lung conditions when bacteria from the mouth reach the lungs
Java project on periodontal diseases: effect of vitamin C/calcium threonate/citrus flavonoids
supplementation on periodontal pathogens, CRP and HbA1c
• N=98 periodontally diseased, rural population : poor diet, lack of dental care
• One tablet/day containing 200 mg Ester-C® calcium ascorbate, 25 mg calcium threonate and 100 mg citrus
flavonoids for 90 days
• 100% of subjects showed normal plasma vitamin C values compared to 55% before
• Reduced subgingival load of all studied periodontal pathogenic bacteria (p-values: 0.014-0.0001) and
Epstein Barr Virus (p < 0.0001)
• Plasma levels of HbA1c and hsCRP dropped in all subjects (p < 0.0001)
Amaliya A, Laine ML, Loos BG, Van der Velden U Java project on periodontal diseases: effect of vitamin C/calcium
threonate/citrusflavonoidssupplementation on periodontal pathogens, CRP and HbA1c. J Clin Periodontol. 2015 Dec;42(12):1097-104. doi:
10.1111/jcpe.12478. Epub 2015 Dec 21
Reduced risk of kidney stones:
Ester-C® vs ascorbic acid
• One of the causes of hyperoxaluria (a risk factor for kidney stones) is high dose (>1000mg/day) vitamin C supplementation
• Randomised, double blind, crossover study
• N=50; Given Ester-C® followed by ascorbic acid or vice versa
• 5 days: 1000mg vitamin C/day, 5 days 2000mg vitamin C/day
• 7 day washout, repeated with other form of vitamin C
• Significant change in 24-hour urine oxalate levels comparing the two treatments (p = 0.04)
• Decrease of urine oxalate levels in the Ester-C® group
• Increase in urine oxalate in the ascorbic acid group
Moyad MA1, Combs MA, Crowley DC, Baisley JE, Sharma P, Vrablic AS, Evans M. Vitamin C with metabolites reduce oxalate levels compared to ascorbic
acid: a preliminary and novel clinical urologic finding. 2009 Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates U rologic Nurs i n g , p p . 9 5 - 1 0 2 .
Ester-C® Ascorbic acid
24-hour urine oxalate (umol/day )
Baseline 305 300
10 days 282 315
Vitamin C and iron absorption
• Iron deficiency common in overweight and obese women
Adipose tissue and liver produce hepcidin = master regulator of iron metabolism
Hepcidin secretion increased by subclinical inflammation
Hepcidin decreases absorption of iron from gut and decreases iron flow from bloodstream into cells
• N=64 healthy, non-anaemic women
• Conclusions: In overweight and obese women, iron absorption is two-thirds that in normal-weight women, and the
enhancing effect of ascorbic acid on iron absorption is one-half of that in normal-weight women. Recommending
higher intakes of ascorbic acid (or other luminal enhancers of iron absorption) in obese individuals to improve iron
status may have a limited effect.
• Ana C Cepeda-Lopez Alida Melse-Boonstra Michael B ZimmermannIsabelle Herter-Aeberli, In overweight and obese women, dietary iron
absorption is reduced and the enhancement of iron absorption by ascorbic acid is one-half that in normal-weight women The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 102, Issue 6, 1 December 2015, Pages 1389–1397,
Normal weight
Iron absorption: Meal
without vitamin C
19% 12,9%
Iron absorption: Meal
with vitamin C
29.5% 16,6%
Median percentage
increase in
56% 28%
• Adults: 1 tablet daily
Exceeding recommended dose
• no tolerable upper limit for vitamin C
• >1g/day limited additional benefit,
with potential side effects
• Age 8 years and over:
half tablet daily
• Break line for easy halving
Scientific Committee on Food ;Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products,
Nutrition and Allergies.(Feb 2006)Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for
Vitamin and Minerals. European Food Safety Authority
Dosing advice
• Swallowing difficulties – halve along break line
• Similar time each day, ideally with food
Dosing advice
Whereas standard vitamin C struggles to enter cells,
Ester-C®’s vitamin C metabolites ensure 10x greater
• 1-A-DAY CONVENIENCE: 1 tablet daily ensures
high level in cells for 24 hours
Ester-C® 1400mg, vitamin C 1000mg
• STOMACH-FRIENDLY: Buffered, non-acidic formula
is gentle on the digestive tract
antioxidant, reduces tiredness, increases iron
absorption, supports the immune system, supports
collagen formation for healthy bones, cartilage &
blood vessels, and supports normal skin, gums,
teeth and the nervous system
GUARANTEED: manufactured in the UK in GMP-
accredited facilities
Features of Ester-C® Vitamin C
Nutritional information
This product should not be used as
a substitute for a balanced diet.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
should consult their doctor before
taking any food supplement. Keep
out of reach of children and store in
a cool, dry place away from direct
*% Reference Intake
Serving size:
1 tablet
% RI*
(as Ester-C® Calcium
of which Vitamin C
Commercial Technical Nutrition advice
Mina Nazemi
Commercial Director
Dr Nina Bailey
Head of R&D
Danielle Crida

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Introducing Ester-C® 1400mg Vitamin C 1000mg– non-acidic vitamin C with unprecedented absorption and retention

  • 1. Ester-C® 1400mg Vitamin C 1000mg Dr Danielle Crida MBChB, Dip Nutr Nutritionist, Igennus Healthcare Nutrition 1 Introducing
  • 2. Contents • Ester-C® formulation • Ester-C® key features • Vitamin C background • Vitamin C insufficiency • Vitamin C health benefits • Vitamin C supplementation considerations • Accumulation and retention in cells • Comparison to other forms of vitamin C • Bioavailability comparison summary • Effect on digestive tract • Practitioner applications • Nutritional information
  • 3. Ester-C® is the latest addition to our Synergistic Nutrients range – products with therapeutic, clinical applications that are highly effective when used in combination with our clinical omega-3 range, but are also proven standalone nutrition supplements with impressive scientific evidence supporting their use. Introduction
  • 4. A superior vitamin C formulation Ester-C® is a unique, patented form of vitamin C that offers superior bioavailability and duration of action.
  • 5. Features of Ester-C® Ester- C® Optimal absorption 10x greater ability to enter immune cells 24-hour action in immune cells Stomach friendly 1-a-day
  • 6.  Vitamin C is a water-soluble micronutrient needed for normal cell function, growth and development  Unlike animals, humans lack the enzyme L-gulonolactone and are unable to produce vitamin C, therefore it must be obtained from diet or supplements  Standard vitamin C is absorbed fairly well from the gut into the bloodstream at low to medium doses, but struggles to enter cells and is excreted quite rapidly from the body  For vitamin C to perform its functions it must act within cells, and Ester-C® Vitamin C’s unique advantage is that it is 10x more bioavailable to enter immune cells  It also remains at high levels in cells for 24 hours About vitamin C
  • 7. • Fruit and vegetables are the main sources, e.g. citrus fruit, kiwi, mango, broccoli, tomatoes and peppers • Current Reference Intake is 80mg/day • Smokers require 35mg additional vitamin C/day • 5-9 servings of fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables provides ~200mg of vitamin C Vitamin C sources REGULATION (EU) No 1169/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on the provision of food information to consumers. (22.11.2001) Official Journal of the European Union. L 304/18
  • 8. • Reduced intake – Low fruit and veg intake, cooking methods, storage etc • Increased requirements – Pregnancy • Reduced absorption – Sodium vitamin C transporters SNPs (genetic predisposition) – Inflammatory bowel disorders • Increased oxidative stress – Smoking, strenuous exercise • Underlying health conditions – e.g. diabetes, hypertension, obesity Sufficiency Deficiency Insufficiency Factors relating to vitamin C deficiency
  • 9. • Fatigue • Poor immunity • Poor wound healing • Gum inflammation and bleeding • Abnormal bruising and bleeding • Muscle, joint and back aches • Skin disorders: very dry skin, follicular hyperkeratosis Deficiency of vitamin C is linked to various disorders and systems
  • 10. Multiple health benefits of vitamin C
  • 11. • Accumulation and retention in cells • Ester-C® vs other vitamin C formulations • Bioavailability comparison summary • Effects on digestive tract Vitamin C supplementation considerations
  • 12. Accumulation and retention in cells • Ester-C® contains threonate, a vitamin C metabolite • Threonate and other vitamin C metabolites act by preventing/reducing extracellular oxidation and metabolism of vitamin C, and/or enhancing the active transport of vitamin C into cells Fay MJ, Verlangieri AJ. Stimulatory action of calcium L-threonate on ascorbic acid uptake by a human T-lymphoma cell line. Life Sci. 1991;49(19):1377-81.
  • 13. Accumulation and retention in cells cont ... • Ester-C® contains calcium ascorbate, which has been shown to significantly increase vitamin C accumulation in leucocytes, which are key players in immunity • Vitamin C levels remain high at 24 hours, supporting 1-a-day dosing Mitmesser S, Ye Q, Evans M, Combs M. Determination of plasma and leukocyte vitamin C concentrations in a randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled trial with Ester-C® . SpringerPlus (2016)5:1161 10x greater AUC for the accumulation within leukocytes of Ester-C ® vs ascorbic acid
  • 14. Ester-C® vs. liposomal vitamin C •Human studies of liposomal vitamin C are lacking •While the concept and use of liposomes for pharmaceutical delivery are well established, there is currently insufficient data to suggest benefits over standard ascorbic acid •Unlike Ester-C® , liposomal Vit C is not optimally absorbed into cells, and is quickly excreted from the body •Ester-C® is also more cost effective than liposomal vitamin C •For these reasons, we conclude that Ester-C® is superior to liposomal vitamin C Ester-C® vs other vitamin C formulations
  • 15. Slow release vitamin C •Pharmacokinetic studies comparing slow release formulations with standard vitamin C do not support statistically significant superior uptake and retention of vitamin C from slow release formulations •Viscovich M, Lykkesfeldt J, Poulsen HE. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics of plain and slow release formulations in smokers. Clin Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):1043-50. Ester-C ® vs other vitamin C formulations
  • 16. Effects on the digestive tract • Ingestion of high doses of vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal distress: abdominal cramps, nausea and diarrhoea • N=50 healthy volunteers sensitive to acidic foods • Double-blind, crossover study • Ester-C® 1000mg or ascorbic acid 1000mg • Medication for 3 days, 3 day washout, other medication for 3 days • Statistically significant fewer epigastric adverse events • 72% rated tolerability of Ester-C® as ‘very good’ • Ester-C® Vitamin C is buffered and pH neutral, so gentle on the digestive tract, even in high doses •Gruenwald J, Graubaum HJ, Busch R, Bentley C. Safety and tolerance of ester-C compared with regular ascorbic acid. Adv Ther. 2006 Jan-Feb;23(1):171-8.
  • 17. Practical applications Which clients are recommended Ester-C® ? • Immune system support: prevention and treatment of common cold and pneumonia • Dental disease - e.g. gingivitis, periodontal disease • Wound healing – post-operative/trauma • Athletes • Skin conditions - e.g. keratosis pilaris, dry skin • Joint pain • Fatigue • Anaemia - iron absorption
  • 18. Ester-C® and the common cold • n=168, non-influenza vaccinated. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial • Ester-C® 1000mg or placebo once daily for 60 days btwn Nov and Feb • Well tolerated, greatly increased satisfaction vs previous vit C supplements • Active treatment group had significantly fewer colds (37 vs 50, P<.05), and • Fewer days challenged virally (85 vs 178) • Significantly shorter duration of severe symptoms (1.8 vs 3.1 days, P<.03) • During the study, 16 in placebo group experienced more than one full-blown cold; only 2 volunteers in active group had a reinfection • 77% reduction in coughing compared to previous winters • 85% of respondents in the active group would continue taking the compound, and 81% would recommend it to friends and family. 64% of the active group felt “better” or “much better” during the trial Volunteers in the active group were less likely to get a cold and recovered faster if infected Van Straten,M Josling,P Preventing the Common Cold With a Vitamin C Supplement: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Survey. Advances in Therapy Vol 19 No.3 May/June 2002
  • 19. Vitamin C and immune function – review article Vitamin C contributes to immune function by: • Supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system • Supports epithelial barrier function against pathogens • Promotes oxidant scavenging activity of the skin, potentially protecting against oxidative stress • Accumulating in phagocytic cells, e.g. neutrophils, to enhance chemotaxis, phagocytosis, generation of ROS and ultimately microbial killing • Needed for apoptosis and clearance of spent neutrophils from sites of infection by macrophages, thereby decreasing necrosis and potential tissue damage • In lymphocytes: enhance differentiation and proliferation of B and T cells Anitra C. Carr 1,* and Silvia Maggini Vitamin C and Immune Function November 2017 Nutrients 2017, 9, 1211; doi:10.3390/nu9111211
  • 20. Vitamin C and immune function - a review article • Vitamin C supplementation is able to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections • Meta-analysis indicates vitamin C 200 mg or more daily decreases the severity and duration of the common cold, and the incidence of the common cold if also exposed to physical stress. Supplementation of individuals who had an inadequate vitamin C status (i.e. 45 µmol/L) also decreased the incidence of the common cold • In contrast, treatment of established infections requires significantly higher doses of the vitamin to compensate for the increased inflammatory response and metabolic demand • Prophylactic vitamin C decreases the risk of serious respiratory infections - e.g. pneumonia • Beneficial effects of vitamin C on recovery have been noted in pneumonia Higher doses (0.5–1.6 g/day) reduced the duration by 36% Carr,A. and Maggini,S. Vitamin C and Immune Function Nutrients Nov 2017, 9, 1211; doi:10.3390/nu9111211
  • 21. Osteoarthritis Reduced pain from osteoarthritis in hip and knee joints during treatment with calcium ascorbate A randomised, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in general practice • N=133, radiologically verified symptomatic OA of hip/knee joints • Multicentre, double-blind performed by ten general practitioners • 1000mg calcium ascorbate/placebo; 14 days each separated by 14 day washout • Calcium ascorbate reduced pain significantly compared to placebo (p = 0.0078) • The demonstrated effect is less than half as pronounced as commonly reported for NSAID Jensen NH Reduced pain from osteoarthritis in hip joint or knee joint during treatment with calcium ascorbate. A randomised, placebo-controlled cross- over trial in general practice Ugeskr Laeger. 2003 Jun 16;165(25):2563-6
  • 22. Vitamin C in skin disease Roles of vitamin C: • Promotes collagen synthesis • Antioxidant • Increases other antioxidant levels by altered gene expression • Differentiation of keratinocytes • Enhanced barrier function due to increased barrier lipids, improved organisation of stratum corneum • Wound healing – increases proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts • Increases glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  • 23. Vitamin C deficiency: skin signs and symptoms • Poor wound healing • Rough skin: thickening of stratum corneum • Dry skin: loss of barrier lipids and barrier function • Subcutaneous bleeding (fragility, loss of connective tissue) • Corkscrew hairs • Scurvy: skin fragility, bleeding gums, corkscrew hairs, impaired wound healing • Changes extreme and rapid in onset in vitamin C-deficient individuals • Similar processes occur when body stores are below optimal, although to a lesser extent • Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  • 24. Skin: vitamin C supplementation – topical or systemic ? • Dermal layers best supported by nutrients delivered through the bloodstream • Vitamin C uptake from the bloodstream and transport across the skin layers is mediated by specific sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (SVCTs) • Epidermis challenged environment for nutrient delivery – lacks blood vessels, relies on diffusion from dermis. Outer epidermial layers: little movement of extracellular fluid between cells due to the complex lipid/protein crosslink structure forming the skin barrier • If plasma levels saturated, then it appears that topical application does not increase skin vitamin C content • Topical applications unlikely to reach dermis Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  • 25. Type of skin damage Skin structure affected Evidence of effect – Vitamin C Sunburn Cell death of all skin cells, with associated inflammation Improved skin vit C level improves resistance to UV exposure Wrinkle formation Dermal layer changes, deterioration of collagen and elastic fibres Lessening of wrinkle depth following vitamin C supplementation. Increased collagen formation by fibroblasts in cell culture Dry and rough skin Stratum corneum: loss of skin barrier lipids and natural moisturising factor Vitamin C enhances production of barrier lipids in cell culture Excessive scarring, keloid formation Abnormal fibroblast function, collagen and elastin formation Vitamin C improves wound healing, prevents keloid formation Table: Skin ailments, their causes and evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies for association with vitamin C levels. Pullar, J. M., Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients, 9(8), 866. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  • 26. Periodontal disease Possible connections between periodontal disease and: • Atherosclerosis & heart disease — May increase the risk of, and worsen existing heart disease • Stroke — May increase the risk of ischaemic stroke • Diabetes — May worsen blood glucose control • Respiratory disease— May cause lung infections and worsen existing lung conditions when bacteria from the mouth reach the lungs Java project on periodontal diseases: effect of vitamin C/calcium threonate/citrus flavonoids supplementation on periodontal pathogens, CRP and HbA1c • N=98 periodontally diseased, rural population : poor diet, lack of dental care • One tablet/day containing 200 mg Ester-C® calcium ascorbate, 25 mg calcium threonate and 100 mg citrus flavonoids for 90 days • 100% of subjects showed normal plasma vitamin C values compared to 55% before • Reduced subgingival load of all studied periodontal pathogenic bacteria (p-values: 0.014-0.0001) and Epstein Barr Virus (p < 0.0001) • Plasma levels of HbA1c and hsCRP dropped in all subjects (p < 0.0001) Amaliya A, Laine ML, Loos BG, Van der Velden U Java project on periodontal diseases: effect of vitamin C/calcium threonate/citrusflavonoidssupplementation on periodontal pathogens, CRP and HbA1c. J Clin Periodontol. 2015 Dec;42(12):1097-104. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12478. Epub 2015 Dec 21 Periodontal disease Systemic illness
  • 27. Reduced risk of kidney stones: Ester-C® vs ascorbic acid • One of the causes of hyperoxaluria (a risk factor for kidney stones) is high dose (>1000mg/day) vitamin C supplementation • Randomised, double blind, crossover study • N=50; Given Ester-C® followed by ascorbic acid or vice versa • 5 days: 1000mg vitamin C/day, 5 days 2000mg vitamin C/day • 7 day washout, repeated with other form of vitamin C • Significant change in 24-hour urine oxalate levels comparing the two treatments (p = 0.04) • Decrease of urine oxalate levels in the Ester-C® group • Increase in urine oxalate in the ascorbic acid group Moyad MA1, Combs MA, Crowley DC, Baisley JE, Sharma P, Vrablic AS, Evans M. Vitamin C with metabolites reduce oxalate levels compared to ascorbic acid: a preliminary and novel clinical urologic finding. 2009 Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates U rologic Nurs i n g , p p . 9 5 - 1 0 2 . Ester-C® Ascorbic acid 24-hour urine oxalate (umol/day ) Baseline 305 300 10 days 282 315
  • 28. Vitamin C and iron absorption • Iron deficiency common in overweight and obese women Adipose tissue and liver produce hepcidin = master regulator of iron metabolism Hepcidin secretion increased by subclinical inflammation Hepcidin decreases absorption of iron from gut and decreases iron flow from bloodstream into cells • N=64 healthy, non-anaemic women • Conclusions: In overweight and obese women, iron absorption is two-thirds that in normal-weight women, and the enhancing effect of ascorbic acid on iron absorption is one-half of that in normal-weight women. Recommending higher intakes of ascorbic acid (or other luminal enhancers of iron absorption) in obese individuals to improve iron status may have a limited effect. • Ana C Cepeda-Lopez Alida Melse-Boonstra Michael B ZimmermannIsabelle Herter-Aeberli, In overweight and obese women, dietary iron absorption is reduced and the enhancement of iron absorption by ascorbic acid is one-half that in normal-weight women The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 102, Issue 6, 1 December 2015, Pages 1389–1397, Normal weight women Overweight/obese women Iron absorption: Meal without vitamin C 19% 12,9% Iron absorption: Meal with vitamin C 29.5% 16,6% Median percentage increase in absorption 56% 28%
  • 29. • Adults: 1 tablet daily Exceeding recommended dose • no tolerable upper limit for vitamin C • >1g/day limited additional benefit, with potential side effects Children • Age 8 years and over: half tablet daily • Break line for easy halving Scientific Committee on Food ;Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies.(Feb 2006)Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for Vitamin and Minerals. European Food Safety Authority Dosing advice
  • 30. • Swallowing difficulties – halve along break line • Similar time each day, ideally with food Dosing advice
  • 31. • GETS INTO CELLS, WHERE YOU NEED IT MOST: Whereas standard vitamin C struggles to enter cells, Ester-C®’s vitamin C metabolites ensure 10x greater absorption • 1-A-DAY CONVENIENCE: 1 tablet daily ensures high level in cells for 24 hours • HIGH-STRENGTH DOSE Ester-C® 1400mg, vitamin C 1000mg • STOMACH-FRIENDLY: Buffered, non-acidic formula is gentle on the digestive tract • MULTIPLE HEALTH BENEFITS: Vitamin C is an antioxidant, reduces tiredness, increases iron absorption, supports the immune system, supports collagen formation for healthy bones, cartilage & blood vessels, and supports normal skin, gums, teeth and the nervous system • CONSISTENT PRODUCT QUALITY GUARANTEED: manufactured in the UK in GMP- accredited facilities Features of Ester-C® Vitamin C
  • 32. Nutritional information Warnings This product should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctor before taking any food supplement. Keep out of reach of children and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. *% Reference Intake Serving size: 1 tablet Per serving % RI* Ester-C® (as Ester-C® Calcium Ascorbate-Threonate) of which Vitamin C 1400mg 1000mg n/a 1250%
  • 33. Commercial Technical Nutrition advice Mina Nazemi Commercial Director Dr Nina Bailey Head of R&D Danielle Crida Nutritionist Contact

Editor's Notes

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  6. Role of vitamin C in phagocyte function. Vitamin C has been shown to: (a) enhance neutrophil migration in response to chemoattractants (chemotaxis), (b) enhance engulfment (phagocytosis) of microbes, and (c) stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and killing of microbes. (d) Vitamin C supports caspase-dependent apoptosis, enhancing uptake and clearance by macrophages, and inhibits necrosis, including NETosis, thus supporting resolution of the inflammatory response and attenuating tissue damage.
  7. Glycosaminoglycan synthesis as part of extracellular matrix formation is also increased by vitamin C treatment [106], and it may also influence gene expression of antioxidant enzymes, including those involved in DNA repair In addition to the gene regulatory activities listed above, vitamin C has a role in epigenetic regulation of gene expression by functioning as a co-factor for the ten-eleven translocation (TET) family of enzymes, which catalyse the removal of methylated cytosine through its hydroxylation to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5 hmC) [110,111,112]. As well as being a DNA demethylation intermediate, it appears that 5 hmC is an epigenetic mark in its own right, with transcriptional regulatory activity
  8. Changes due to normal ageing/day to day living: Deterioration due to normal aging, contributing to loss of elasticity and wrinkle formation. Exposure to the elements, leading to discolouration, dryness and accelerated wrinkling. Chemical insults including exposure to oxidising beauty and cleansing products (hair dyes, soaps, detergents, bleaches). Direct injury, as in wounding and burning. Vitamin C may provide significant protection against these changes and regeneration of healthy skin following insult and injury is a goal for most of us
  9. vitamin C levels are lower in aged or photodamaged skin Whether this association reflects cause or effect is unknown, but it has also been reported that excessive exposure to oxidant stress via pollutants or UV irradiation is associated with depleted vitamin C levels in the epidermal layer
  10. "Perio" means around, and "dontal" refers to teeth. Periodontal diseases are infections of the structures around the teeth, which include the gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. In the earliest stage of periodontal disease — gingivitis — the infection affects the gums. In more severe forms of the disease, all of the tissues are involved. J Periodontol. 1999 Sep;70(9):992-9. Enhanced production of mineralized nodules and collagenous proteins in vitro by calcium ascorbate supplemented with vitamin C metabolites. Rowe DJ1, Ko S, Tom XM, Silverstein SJ, Richards DW.
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