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Nutrition and 
Dr. Madhumita Sen
Learning Objectives 
At the end of this lecture the student will 
What is immunity? 
What are the types of immunity? 
How is food related to immunity? 
Immune boosting foods. 
Food allergy and immunity.
Immune System 
 An immune system is a system of biological 
structures and processes within an organism that 
protects against disease. 
 In order to function properly, an immune system 
must detect a wide variety of agents, from 
bacteria and viruses to parasitic worms, and 
distinguish them from the organism's own 
healthy tissue. 
 Immunity deals with the functioning of the immune 
system and how it protects our body from harmful 
external influences.
Immunity is a layered response of 
the body. 
The 3 main layers of defense are: 
1. Surface factors 
2. Innate immunity 
3. Acquired or adaptive immunity
 There is good evidence that probiotic flora, such 
as the lactobacilli normally found in 
unpasteurized yogurt, helps keep a healthy 
balance of microbial populations in intestinal 
 Studies on bacterial gastroenteritis, inflammatory 
bowel diseases, urinary tract infection and post-surgical 
infections suggest that probiotic bacteria 
improves both local and general innate 
 Probiotic bacteria may also have anti-inflammatory 
and anti-cancer properties, as seen 
in some recent studies.
Diet and immunity 
 Adequate nutrition is vital for a healthy 
immune system. 
 Nutrient deficiencies and excesses can 
harm the immune system. 
 Both innate and acquired immunity is 
affected in malnutrition. 
 Some foods can stimulate allergic 
reactions in susceptible people.
 It is recognized that malnutrition 
and infection are the two major 
obstacles for health, development, 
and survival worldwide, and 
poverty and ignorance are the 
most significant contributing factors 
 Infection and malnutrition 
aggravate each other. In fact, 
malnutrition is the commonest 
cause of immunodeficiency 
 There are many causes of increased susceptibility 
to infection among the underprivileged, 
malnourished community 
 Lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals in PEM lead 
to changes in immune competence in cell-mediated 
immunity, the bactericidal function of 
neutrophils, the complement system and the 
secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody 
 Also, lack of health education, illiteracy, 
contaminated food and water, poor sanitation 
and over crowding are important in worsening the 
 Obesity is associated with adipose tissue 
inflammation and increased risk of infection. 
 Inflammatory markers secreted by abdominal 
adipocytes suppress the replication of both T and B 
 Leptin -- a hormone produced by fat cells, also 
supports white blood cell production, which in turn 
enhances immune function. Obese people have 
high levels of leptin, but their immune cells and 
phagocytes have become unresponsive. 
 These impairments are reversible with adequate 
weight reduction.
Other Factors: Hormones 
 Hormones can act as immunomodulators, 
altering the sensitivity of the immune system. 
 Steroid hormones directly suppress B cells and T 
 Female sex hormones are known stimulators of 
both adaptive and innate immune responses. 
 Estrogens may also influence how some antigens 
are processed, and cause autoimmunity. 
 Some autoimmune diseases such as lupus 
erythematosus(SLE) strike women preferentially, 
and their onset often coincides with puberty.
 By contrast, male sex hormones such as 
testosterone seem to be immunosuppressive. 
 This is how excessive exercises, which increase 
testosterone levels, can reduce immunity. 
 Other hormones appear to regulate the 
immune system as well, most notably 
prolactin, growth hormone and vitamin D. 
 Vitamin D is crucial to activating our immune 
defences and without sufficient intake of the 
vitamin, T cells will not be able to react to and 
fight off serious infections in the body.
 The immune system is affected by sleep and rest. 
 Sleep deprivation is detrimental to immune 
 Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, 
such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor 
influence and are influenced by sleep. 
 Better sleep improves B-cell function, and 
inflammation, by itself can reduce sleep.
 Aging is associated with reduction in all lymphoid 
tissue in the body. This results in a poorer cellular 
and humoral response to infections. 
 A progressive decline in hormone levels with age 
is also partially responsible for weakened immune 
responses in aging individuals. 
 Reduced thyroid and sex hormones result in 
reduced immunological surveillance. 
 Bone marrow production of WBCs also decreases 
causing a lower innate immunity response.
 The age-related decline in immune function is 
also related to dropping vitamin D levels in the 
 As people age, two things happen that 
negatively affect their vitamin D levels. 
 First, they stay indoors more due to decreased 
activity levels. This means that they get less sun 
and therefore produce less cholecalciferol 
via UVB radiation. 
 Second, as a person ages the skin becomes less 
adept at producing vitamin D
Role of Different foods 
 The function of the immune system, like most 
systems in the body, is dependent on proper 
 Energy intake seems to have an important 
influence on immune activity. Undernourished 
people are at greater risk from infections. 
Weight reduction schemes using diets with less 
than 1200 kcal per day can also reduce immune 
function, an excellent reason to avoid unhealthy 
"crash diets".
 Regular consumption of fermented dairy 
products such as yoghurt or kefir may enhance 
the immune defences in the gut. 
 Recent research results suggest that yoghurts 
made with certain bacteria (probiotics) may 
have a beneficial effect on the immune system. 
 For example, human volunteers who ate yoghurt 
every day made with specific probiotic bacteria 
showed a higher resistance to microorganisms 
that cause food poisoning.
 Immune system maintenance requires a steady 
intake of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. 
 This can be accomplished by eating a well-balanced 
diet including plenty of fruit and 
vegetables, yoghurt products on a regular basis. 
 To date, most studies show that supplements do 
not stimulate immune response in healthy, well-nourished 
 However, a recent study among elderly people 
showed that a multivitamin and mineral 
supplement may boost their immunity. 
 Supplements may also be required in the 
recovery phase of malnourishment or in persons 
with mal-absorption syndrome.
 Specific foods may also affect the immune 
system; for example, fresh fruits, vegetables, 
and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids may 
foster a healthy immune system. 
While an excess of pro-inflammatory trans and 
saturated fatty acids can cause an 
imbalance in the immune system.
Minerals : 
 Iron deficiency and excess increase infections. 
 Zinc essential for immuno-competence, 
especially mucosal immunity. 
 An Italian study found that small amounts of 
zinc quickly raised blood levels of T-cells in 
elderly people to those usually seen in much 
younger people
Carbohydrates : 
 Carbohydrates supply the immune system with 
energy so that it can work better and fight 
 However, high blood sugar reduces immunity by 
reducing the functioning of immune cells. 
 High blood sugar is also a stress factor, increasing 
cortisol secretion, and reducing immune function 
even further. 
 Neutrophil activity can be reduced by 50% by 
excess sweet and sugar intake.
 Proteins make enzymes and immunoglobulins, 
which help the immune cells kill germs, viruses, 
bacteria etc. 
 They also help keep the GI tract and immune 
system healthy. 
 Protein lack causes atrophy of lymph organs with 
reduction in T lymphocyte production. 
 Protein deficiency makes the skin and mucus 
membranes brittle and break down easily.
 Alcohol ingestion has been shown to severely 
depress neutrophils, cells that act as 
phagocytes and destroy bacteria and 
tumour cells. 
 Excess alcohol intake is also usually 
associated with other nutrient and vitamin 
Foods that boost immunity 
 Vegetarian diet. 
 A German study, reported in Nutrition and 
Cancer, found that the white blood cells of 
vegetarians were twice as effective against 
tumour cells as those of meat eaters. 
 The precise reason is unknown, but may have 
something to do with higher levels of 
phytochemicals richly available in vegetables 
and fruits as well as lower levels of fats in the 
 “Vitamin C rich” foods. 
While this vitamin's reputation as an immune-enhancer 
has fluctuated over time, we do know 
that vitamin C boosts antibodies as well as white 
blood cell activity. 
 Stress of any kind, psychological or physical, 
increases our need for this vitamin. 
When you think vitamin C, think more than 
orange juice. 
 Broccoli contains three times as much vitamin C 
as citrus. Even baked potatoes are packed with 
this helpful nutrient.
 Chinese mushrooms. 
 Shiitake mushrooms appear to be powerful 
immune stimulants. 
 They contain an antiviral substance that boosts 
T-cells and macrophages, large cells that 
engulf and destroy foreign particles. 
 This beefy mushroom is becoming more readily 
available in many supermarkets as demand for 
it increases.
 Garlic. 
 Several studies indicate that garlic does as much 
for our immune systems as it does for our taste 
 It appears to increase not only the numbers of 
natural killer cells but also their potency. 
 T- helper cells, as well, are stimulated by garlic 
 Carotenoids. 
 Although beta carotene is best known in the huge 
carotenoid family, there is evidence that many 
members of this antioxidant group are helpful to 
our immune systems. 
 Studies indicate that a high intake of carotenoid-rich 
foods (orange-coloured vegetables and fruits, 
in particular) increase T-cells, natural killer cells, 
and antibody response. 
 Pumpkins and winter squashes, as well as carrots, 
peaches, and cantaloupe, are especially good 
sources, though many green vegetables are also 
rich in carotenoids.
 Herbs and immunity 
 Several herbs have extensive histories that 
indicate they can help us fight a variety of 
 And, in the last few decades, laboratory 
studies have shown that indeed many of these 
herbs contain substances that work specifically 
to boost the immune system in various ways.
 Echinacea (purple coneflower) is perhaps the best 
known of the Western immune-stimulating herbs. 
 It was originally a wildflower commonly found in 
 Native Americans used echinacea for anything 
from blood purification to snake bite. 
 Laboratory studies show echinacea to enhance 
the immune system through several mechanisms, 
most notably through activating T-cells and 
increasing virus-fighting interferon. 
 It's particularly helpful with the common cold.
 Ginger. This pungent root stimulates 
the production of interferon, and 
has direct anti-inflammatory 
 Licorice root has been used for 
thousands of years, in Eastern as well 
as Western cultures, by people 
wishing to benefit from its medicinal 
 It's particularly helpful in fighting 
viruses such as influenza and herpes. 
Warning: take licorice in 
moderation; too much can cause 
the body to retain sodium, causing 
Allergies and the immune system 
 Approximately 250 million people in the world 
sneeze in the fall, itch when they eat peanuts, 
wheeze when they pet cats or exhibit one of the 
many other symptoms of allergy. 
 Some people are even at risk of dying from severe 
allergic reactions to various substances that are 
benign or only slightly irritating to most people. 
 Even when allergy symptoms like hives, sneezing 
and migraine are not life-threatening, they can 
certainly affect our ability to enjoy life.
 E.g. Like other allergies, a peanut allergy is an 
abnormal immune system response. 
 The body decides that the proteins peanuts 
contain pose an immunological threat, and it 
generates Immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody, to 
fight peanuts the next time they appear in the 
 Sometimes it takes multiple exposures to peanuts 
to develop IgE. 
When someone with a peanut allergy eats 
peanuts, it triggers the release of histamines in the 
body to fight the peanuts, causing an allergic 
Common allergy symptoms 
Sneezing, and itchy eyes. 
Eczema and other rashes. 
Bloating, diarrhea, headaches, usually from food 
Anaphylactic shock, a rare but severe allergic 
reaction that can lead to death. 
The most common triggers are peanuts, shellfish, 
bee stings, and penicillin.
Food allergy 
 This usually causes mild symptoms, but in some 
people, can be life threatening. 
 Food allergies (like all allergies) involve an over-reactivity 
of the immune system. 
 Antibodies that are designed to protect us from 
disease for various reasons can react against 
proteins in foods, causing injury to our tissues and 
symptoms of food allergy such as bloating, 
headaches, hives and diarrhea. 
 The only important fact to remember here is 
complete avoidance of the food.
 People with food sensitivities have unusually low 
levels of IgA in their blood. 
 And stress, besides its many effects on the immune 
system, can decrease the amount of IgA. 
 This may help explain why allergies are often 
worse during high-stress periods. 
 There are many other immune system reactions 
involving the four major types of antibodies as well 
as T-cells that can come into play in food allergies 
of various types.
 In addition, there are food "sensitivities" that, 
although they are not technically allergies, 
cause similar symptoms. 
 Some foods contain substances such as 
histamine or other amino acids that can cause 
reactions in the blood vessels, leading to allergy-like 
Foods that commonly cause allergy-like 
Casein-rich foods: milk, cheese, ice cream, 
other dairy 
Histamine-rich foods: sauerkraut, wine, tomato, 
Tyramine-rich foods: cabbage, cheese, citrus, 
potato, seafood, dates, figs 
Phenylethylamine-rich foods: chocolate 
Serotonin-rich foods: banana
 Even if we are allergy-prone, there are things we 
can do to help lessen the symptoms: 
 Quercetin, a natural phytochemical in many 
foods, appears to dampen allergic responses by 
inhibiting the release of histamine. 
 Red grapes, yellow squash, shallots and broccoli 
are good sources. 
 Onions contain thiosulfinate, a natural chemical 
that has a very high anti-inflammatory activity. 
And onions also contain large amounts of 
quercetin. One study reduced asthma attacks by 
50% in subjects who drank onion juice. A few raw 
slices of pungent onion on our salads may be a 
good idea.
 Vitamin C also works to tamp down inflammatory 
responses in the body. 
 The American Journal of Epidemiology reports 
that adults eating the most vitamin C-rich foods 
had far fewer asthmatic attacks than those 
eating little of these foods. 
 A new British study found that children eating an 
all-Asian diet had far fewer allergic symptoms 
than their schoolmates eating a typical Western 
diet. This may be due to the action of Turmeric, a 
spice known to reduce inflammation and boost 
 Immunity can be either natural or 
artificial, innate or acquired=adaptive, and 
either active or passive. 
 Our immune system is influenced greatly by the 
quality and quantity of the food we eat.

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8. nutrition and immunity

  • 1. DIET AND NUTRITION Nutrition and Immunity By Dr. Madhumita Sen
  • 2. Learning Objectives At the end of this lecture the student will know: What is immunity? What are the types of immunity? How is food related to immunity? Immune boosting foods. Food allergy and immunity.
  • 3. Immune System  An immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease.  In order to function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, from bacteria and viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue.  Immunity deals with the functioning of the immune system and how it protects our body from harmful external influences.
  • 4. Immunity is a layered response of the body. The 3 main layers of defense are: 1. Surface factors 2. Innate immunity 3. Acquired or adaptive immunity
  • 5.  There is good evidence that probiotic flora, such as the lactobacilli normally found in unpasteurized yogurt, helps keep a healthy balance of microbial populations in intestinal infections.  Studies on bacterial gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, urinary tract infection and post-surgical infections suggest that probiotic bacteria improves both local and general innate immunity.  Probiotic bacteria may also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, as seen in some recent studies.
  • 6.
  • 7. Diet and immunity  Adequate nutrition is vital for a healthy immune system.  Nutrient deficiencies and excesses can harm the immune system.  Both innate and acquired immunity is affected in malnutrition.  Some foods can stimulate allergic reactions in susceptible people.
  • 8. Malnutrition  It is recognized that malnutrition and infection are the two major obstacles for health, development, and survival worldwide, and poverty and ignorance are the most significant contributing factors  Infection and malnutrition aggravate each other. In fact, malnutrition is the commonest cause of immunodeficiency worldwide.
  • 9.  There are many causes of increased susceptibility to infection among the underprivileged, malnourished community  Lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals in PEM lead to changes in immune competence in cell-mediated immunity, the bactericidal function of neutrophils, the complement system and the secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody response.  Also, lack of health education, illiteracy, contaminated food and water, poor sanitation and over crowding are important in worsening the situation.
  • 10. Obesity  Obesity is associated with adipose tissue inflammation and increased risk of infection.  Inflammatory markers secreted by abdominal adipocytes suppress the replication of both T and B cells.  Leptin -- a hormone produced by fat cells, also supports white blood cell production, which in turn enhances immune function. Obese people have high levels of leptin, but their immune cells and phagocytes have become unresponsive.  These impairments are reversible with adequate weight reduction.
  • 11. Other Factors: Hormones  Hormones can act as immunomodulators, altering the sensitivity of the immune system.  Steroid hormones directly suppress B cells and T cells.  Female sex hormones are known stimulators of both adaptive and innate immune responses.  Estrogens may also influence how some antigens are processed, and cause autoimmunity.  Some autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus(SLE) strike women preferentially, and their onset often coincides with puberty.
  • 12.  By contrast, male sex hormones such as testosterone seem to be immunosuppressive.  This is how excessive exercises, which increase testosterone levels, can reduce immunity.  Other hormones appear to regulate the immune system as well, most notably prolactin, growth hormone and vitamin D.  Vitamin D is crucial to activating our immune defences and without sufficient intake of the vitamin, T cells will not be able to react to and fight off serious infections in the body.
  • 13. Sleep  The immune system is affected by sleep and rest.  Sleep deprivation is detrimental to immune function.  Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor influence and are influenced by sleep.  Better sleep improves B-cell function, and inflammation, by itself can reduce sleep.
  • 14. Aging  Aging is associated with reduction in all lymphoid tissue in the body. This results in a poorer cellular and humoral response to infections.  A progressive decline in hormone levels with age is also partially responsible for weakened immune responses in aging individuals.  Reduced thyroid and sex hormones result in reduced immunological surveillance.  Bone marrow production of WBCs also decreases causing a lower innate immunity response.
  • 15.  The age-related decline in immune function is also related to dropping vitamin D levels in the elderly.  As people age, two things happen that negatively affect their vitamin D levels.  First, they stay indoors more due to decreased activity levels. This means that they get less sun and therefore produce less cholecalciferol via UVB radiation.  Second, as a person ages the skin becomes less adept at producing vitamin D
  • 16. Role of Different foods  The function of the immune system, like most systems in the body, is dependent on proper nutrition.  Energy intake seems to have an important influence on immune activity. Undernourished people are at greater risk from infections. Weight reduction schemes using diets with less than 1200 kcal per day can also reduce immune function, an excellent reason to avoid unhealthy "crash diets".
  • 17.  Regular consumption of fermented dairy products such as yoghurt or kefir may enhance the immune defences in the gut.  Recent research results suggest that yoghurts made with certain bacteria (probiotics) may have a beneficial effect on the immune system.  For example, human volunteers who ate yoghurt every day made with specific probiotic bacteria showed a higher resistance to microorganisms that cause food poisoning.
  • 18.  Immune system maintenance requires a steady intake of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.  This can be accomplished by eating a well-balanced diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables, yoghurt products on a regular basis.  To date, most studies show that supplements do not stimulate immune response in healthy, well-nourished individuals.  However, a recent study among elderly people showed that a multivitamin and mineral supplement may boost their immunity.  Supplements may also be required in the recovery phase of malnourishment or in persons with mal-absorption syndrome.
  • 19.  Specific foods may also affect the immune system; for example, fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids may foster a healthy immune system. While an excess of pro-inflammatory trans and saturated fatty acids can cause an imbalance in the immune system.
  • 20. Minerals :  Iron deficiency and excess increase infections.  Zinc essential for immuno-competence, especially mucosal immunity.  An Italian study found that small amounts of zinc quickly raised blood levels of T-cells in elderly people to those usually seen in much younger people
  • 21. Carbohydrates :  Carbohydrates supply the immune system with energy so that it can work better and fight disease.  However, high blood sugar reduces immunity by reducing the functioning of immune cells.  High blood sugar is also a stress factor, increasing cortisol secretion, and reducing immune function even further.  Neutrophil activity can be reduced by 50% by excess sweet and sugar intake.
  • 22. Proteins:  Proteins make enzymes and immunoglobulins, which help the immune cells kill germs, viruses, bacteria etc.  They also help keep the GI tract and immune system healthy.  Protein lack causes atrophy of lymph organs with reduction in T lymphocyte production.  Protein deficiency makes the skin and mucus membranes brittle and break down easily.
  • 23. Alcohol  Alcohol ingestion has been shown to severely depress neutrophils, cells that act as phagocytes and destroy bacteria and tumour cells.  Excess alcohol intake is also usually associated with other nutrient and vitamin deficiencies.
  • 24. Foods that boost immunity  Vegetarian diet.  A German study, reported in Nutrition and Cancer, found that the white blood cells of vegetarians were twice as effective against tumour cells as those of meat eaters.  The precise reason is unknown, but may have something to do with higher levels of phytochemicals richly available in vegetables and fruits as well as lower levels of fats in the diet.
  • 25.  “Vitamin C rich” foods. While this vitamin's reputation as an immune-enhancer has fluctuated over time, we do know that vitamin C boosts antibodies as well as white blood cell activity.  Stress of any kind, psychological or physical, increases our need for this vitamin. When you think vitamin C, think more than orange juice.  Broccoli contains three times as much vitamin C as citrus. Even baked potatoes are packed with this helpful nutrient.
  • 26.  Chinese mushrooms.  Shiitake mushrooms appear to be powerful immune stimulants.  They contain an antiviral substance that boosts T-cells and macrophages, large cells that engulf and destroy foreign particles.  This beefy mushroom is becoming more readily available in many supermarkets as demand for it increases.
  • 27.  Garlic.  Several studies indicate that garlic does as much for our immune systems as it does for our taste buds.  It appears to increase not only the numbers of natural killer cells but also their potency.  T- helper cells, as well, are stimulated by garlic intake.
  • 28.  Carotenoids.  Although beta carotene is best known in the huge carotenoid family, there is evidence that many members of this antioxidant group are helpful to our immune systems.  Studies indicate that a high intake of carotenoid-rich foods (orange-coloured vegetables and fruits, in particular) increase T-cells, natural killer cells, and antibody response.  Pumpkins and winter squashes, as well as carrots, peaches, and cantaloupe, are especially good sources, though many green vegetables are also rich in carotenoids.
  • 29.  Herbs and immunity  Several herbs have extensive histories that indicate they can help us fight a variety of diseases.  And, in the last few decades, laboratory studies have shown that indeed many of these herbs contain substances that work specifically to boost the immune system in various ways.
  • 30.  Echinacea (purple coneflower) is perhaps the best known of the Western immune-stimulating herbs.  It was originally a wildflower commonly found in America.  Native Americans used echinacea for anything from blood purification to snake bite.  Laboratory studies show echinacea to enhance the immune system through several mechanisms, most notably through activating T-cells and increasing virus-fighting interferon.  It's particularly helpful with the common cold.
  • 31.  Ginger. This pungent root stimulates the production of interferon, and has direct anti-inflammatory properties.  Licorice root has been used for thousands of years, in Eastern as well as Western cultures, by people wishing to benefit from its medicinal properties.  It's particularly helpful in fighting viruses such as influenza and herpes. Warning: take licorice in moderation; too much can cause the body to retain sodium, causing oedema.
  • 32. Allergies and the immune system  Approximately 250 million people in the world sneeze in the fall, itch when they eat peanuts, wheeze when they pet cats or exhibit one of the many other symptoms of allergy.  Some people are even at risk of dying from severe allergic reactions to various substances that are benign or only slightly irritating to most people.  Even when allergy symptoms like hives, sneezing and migraine are not life-threatening, they can certainly affect our ability to enjoy life.
  • 33.  E.g. Like other allergies, a peanut allergy is an abnormal immune system response.  The body decides that the proteins peanuts contain pose an immunological threat, and it generates Immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody, to fight peanuts the next time they appear in the body.  Sometimes it takes multiple exposures to peanuts to develop IgE. When someone with a peanut allergy eats peanuts, it triggers the release of histamines in the body to fight the peanuts, causing an allergic reaction.
  • 34. Common allergy symptoms Sneezing, and itchy eyes. Hives. Eczema and other rashes. Asthma. Bloating, diarrhea, headaches, usually from food sensitivities. Anaphylactic shock, a rare but severe allergic reaction that can lead to death. The most common triggers are peanuts, shellfish, bee stings, and penicillin.
  • 35. Food allergy  This usually causes mild symptoms, but in some people, can be life threatening.  Food allergies (like all allergies) involve an over-reactivity of the immune system.  Antibodies that are designed to protect us from disease for various reasons can react against proteins in foods, causing injury to our tissues and symptoms of food allergy such as bloating, headaches, hives and diarrhea.  The only important fact to remember here is complete avoidance of the food.
  • 36.  People with food sensitivities have unusually low levels of IgA in their blood.  And stress, besides its many effects on the immune system, can decrease the amount of IgA.  This may help explain why allergies are often worse during high-stress periods.  There are many other immune system reactions involving the four major types of antibodies as well as T-cells that can come into play in food allergies of various types.
  • 37.  In addition, there are food "sensitivities" that, although they are not technically allergies, cause similar symptoms.  Some foods contain substances such as histamine or other amino acids that can cause reactions in the blood vessels, leading to allergy-like symptoms.
  • 38. Foods that commonly cause allergy-like symptoms Casein-rich foods: milk, cheese, ice cream, other dairy Histamine-rich foods: sauerkraut, wine, tomato, spinach Tyramine-rich foods: cabbage, cheese, citrus, potato, seafood, dates, figs Phenylethylamine-rich foods: chocolate Serotonin-rich foods: banana
  • 39.  Even if we are allergy-prone, there are things we can do to help lessen the symptoms:  Quercetin, a natural phytochemical in many foods, appears to dampen allergic responses by inhibiting the release of histamine.  Red grapes, yellow squash, shallots and broccoli are good sources.  Onions contain thiosulfinate, a natural chemical that has a very high anti-inflammatory activity. And onions also contain large amounts of quercetin. One study reduced asthma attacks by 50% in subjects who drank onion juice. A few raw slices of pungent onion on our salads may be a good idea.
  • 40.  Vitamin C also works to tamp down inflammatory responses in the body.  The American Journal of Epidemiology reports that adults eating the most vitamin C-rich foods had far fewer asthmatic attacks than those eating little of these foods.  A new British study found that children eating an all-Asian diet had far fewer allergic symptoms than their schoolmates eating a typical Western diet. This may be due to the action of Turmeric, a spice known to reduce inflammation and boost immunity.
  • 41. SUMMARY  Immunity can be either natural or artificial, innate or acquired=adaptive, and either active or passive.  Our immune system is influenced greatly by the quality and quantity of the food we eat.