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War and terror
Terrorism is systematic use of violence as a means of coercion for any specific aim or
objective(especially political).
Origin and Background:
Soviet war in Afghanistan started on 24 December 1979. It was fought between Soviet union
supported by D.R Afghanistan and Mujahidin. Mujahidin were supported by Pakistan, USA,
Israel, Switzerland, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia.
The Soviet war lasted for 9 years and ended on February 1989.The Mujahidin got training in
Pakistan and China as well as got billions of dollars from USA,UK and Saudi Arabia,
As a result of this war 14,453 Soviet Soldiers were killed while 75,000-90,000 Mujahidin were
killed. Along with this Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. After war Millions of
Afghans victims fled to Pakistan and Iran. After the war Mujahidin were never disarmed later
On 11 September ,2001 there were a series of Terrorism attacks launched by Terrorist group Al-
Qaeda who hijacked 4 passenger planes one of them was crashed on Pennsylvania in fields.
While two upon World trade center in Newyork city , and one on Pentagon.
After this USA laid war against Mujahidin, Pakistan decided to support USA in this war. As a
result of this the the mujahidin laid a war against USA and its allies.
Effects of terrorism on Pakistan
Law and order situation:
The intensity of terrorism increased in Pakistan in the after Lal Mosque operation in
2007.Terrorist carried out targeted attacks and killed bundles of citizens.
In overall incidence of violence and terrorism in 2009, 3,816 terrorist attacks took place in
Pakistan which killed 12,632 Pakistanis and injured 12,815. In 2010, 393 terrorist attacks killed
10,003 people and injured 10,283 others. In 2011 2,985 terrorist attacks killed 710 people and
injured 6,736.
In 2012, 2,217 deadly attacks killed 5,047 people and injured 5,688.
In Balochistan 3,026 people were killed since 2007 in various terrorist attacks. Many security
personnels were also martyred in these attacks.Due to such law and order situation gave rise to
Shia Sunni conflicts.
Sectarian violence in Pakistan refers to attacks against people and places in Pakistan motivated
by antagonism toward their sect, usually a religious group, which in Pakistan may include the
Sunni majority, Shia and the small and Christian religious groups.
According to the human rights group Human Rights Watch, in 2011 and 2012, Pakistan
minority groups Shia and Christians "faced unprecedented insecurity and persecution in the
country".Attacks on Sunni shrines by "militants" have also been reported.
Among those blamed for the sectarian violence in the country are mainly groups such as the
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipah-e-Sahaba , Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, and members of Shia militant
groups such as Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan.Since the last couple of years 396 members of Shia
population were killed in which majority killings were took place in Balochistan , in which 288
Shia members were killed.
Major incidents
Killing of Benazir. Soon after LAL Masjid operataion Benazir was killed in a bomb blast and
gave terrorism take her life.
In 2012 terrorists attacked PNS mehran.
Ex minister of KPK Bashir Billour was killed in a suicidal attack.
Malala Yusaf Zai was attacked.
Pervez Musharaf was also attacked twice in Rawalpindi by terrorists but was saved.
Kamra air base was also attacked as a result of which a high profile official Air commodore
Azam was injured.
In Quetta on religion basis bundles and bundles of Shia muslims were killed, as a result of which
government of Balochistan was stopped from working.
Effects of terrorism
Pakistan’s economy is under pressure of the War on Terror intensifying for last seven
years in Afghanistan.
Since 2006, the War has spread like a contagion into settled areas of Pakistan that has so far, cost
the country more than 35,000 citizens, 3500 security personnel, destruction of infrastructure,
internal migration of millions of people from parts of northwestern Pakistan, erosions of
investment climate, nose diving of production and growing unemployment and above all brought
economic activity to a virtual standstill in many part of the country.
Pakistan had never witnessed such devastating social and economic upheaval in its industry,
even after dismemberment of the country by direct war. While the economic situation was
worsening, a new elected government took power in 2008 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
constituted an inter-ministerial committee to assess the direct and indirect cost of the War on
Terror on Pakistan.
Terrorism has very bad effect on economy of Pakistan. We are losing more than what we get.
Whatever and however we get from America more than that we are losing on that. So we should
think about this and to make a good policy on that matter.
Pakistan continued to pay a heavy price in terms of both the economic and security terms. A
large portion of its resources, both men and material are being consumed by this war for the last
several years. The economy was subjected to enormous direct and indirect costs which continued
to rise from $ 2.669 billion in 2001-02 to $ 13.6 billion by 2009-10, projected to rise to $ 17.8
billion in the current financial. This has affected Pakistan’s exports, prevented the inflows of
foreign investment, affected the pace of privatization program, slowed the overall economic
activity, reduced import demand, reduced tax collection, expenditure over-run on additional
security spending, domestic tourism industry suffered badly, hundreds; and thousands of jobs
could have been created had economic activity not slowed as well as thousands of jobs were lost
because of the destruction of domestic/foreign tourism industry; destruction of physical
infrastructure (military and civil) massive surge in security related spending; migration of
thousands of people from war affected areas and the associated rise in expenditure to support
internally displaced persons.
A large number of people also migrated from their homes. In KPK and its related agencies
almost five million people were migrated , which is considered as one of the largest migrations
in the history of Pakistan.
Westerninvolvement in terrorism inside Pakistan:
On July 8, 2010, DG ISI Ahmed Pasha categorically stated that foreign powers are involved in
terrorist activities inside Pakistan. He said, “The foreign powers are involved in terrorism and
destabilization of the country.” During a briefing in the National Security Committee session
headed by Senator RazaRabbani, DG ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha said that the western powers are
involved in the terror activities inside the country. “The US policy against terrorism is under
consideration and the changes will be brought with time in accordance with the national
interest,” he said. This is not new claim inside Pakistan, many Pakistani political commentators
have been speaking publicly about this phenomenon. It is alleged that terrorist activities inside
Pakistan were actively carried out by the CIA, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW – India’s
external intelligence agency) and the MOSSAD for different purposes. Chief among those, is
changing the public perception of the War on Terror in the favor of the United States. There are
confirmed reports that to achieve its objectives the CIA hired the services of at least a dozen
Afghan warlords inside Afghanistan and provided through them arms and finances to militants in
FATA and Swat to carry out murders and devastation in the country. It was like a double-edged
sword not only to get the Army launch attacks against Taliban on Pakistani side of the border but
also to give a message to the ISI that the CIA can use the Pakistani Taliban against their own
security forces. Thousands of people have been killed in Pakistan due to terror attacks since the
beginning of war on terror.
The law and order situation of Karachi is present example of the involvement of foreign powers
in Pakistan. In which daily innocent citizens lost their lives in target killings.And still
government fails to control the law and order situation of Karachi.
Drone Attacks :
Pakistan for years secretly approved of US drone attacks on its territory despite public
denunciations, The Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing secret documents.
The purported evidence of Islamabad's involvement came as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
visited the White House and urged an end to the attacks, which are widely unpopular with the
Pakistani public.The newspaper said that top-secret documents and Pakistani diplomatic memos
showed that the Central Intelligence Agency had drafted documents to share information on
drone attacks with Pakistan.At least 65 drone strikes were marked for discussion with Pakistan,
including through briefings at its embassy in Washington and in materials sent physically to
senior officials in Islamabad.
In one case in 2010, a document describes hitting a location "at the request of your government."
Another file referred to a joint effort at picking targets.
The article -- co-written by Bob Woodward, one of the two journalists who broke the Watergate
scandal in the 1970s -- said that the documents also showed that the United States raised
concerns that extremists were linked to Pakistan's powerful intelligence service.
In one incident, then secretary of state Hillary Clinton confronted Pakistan about cell phones and
written materials from dead bodies of militants that showed links to the Inter-Services
Intelligence agency.In turn, a Pakistani memo gave the names of 36 US citizens believed to be
CIA agents and urged the embassy in Washington not to issue visas to them, the newspaper said.
The report came a day after Amnesty International said that the United States may have broken
international law by killing civilians with drones.
These are the statistics of drone attacks since 2007.
 Total strikes: 370
 Total reported killed: 2,548 - 3,549
 Civilians reported killed: 411 - 890
 Children reported killed: 168 - 197
 Total reported injured: 1,177 - 1,480
 Strikes under the Bush Administration: 52
 Strikes under the Obama Administration: 318
Recently Nawaz Sharif went to the US to raise the issue of drone attacks in Tribal Agencies in
Pakistan. Pakistan also raised this issue in UNO. Due to the killings of innocent people but US
denied that fact of killings of innocent people.
But according to United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) delivered a report sharply
critical of US tactics. The report asserted that the US government has failed to keep track of
civilian casualties of its military operations, including the drone attacks, and to provide means
for citizens of affected nations to obtain information about the casualties and any legal inquests
regarding them.Any such information held by the U.S. military is allegedly inaccessible to the
public due to the high level of secrecy surrounding the drone attacks program.The US
representative at UNHRC has argued that the UN investigator for extrajudicial, summary or
arbitrary executions does not have jurisdiction over US military actions, while another US
diplomat claimed that the US military is investigating any wrongdoing and doing all it can to
furnish information about the deaths.
On 27 October 2009 UNHRC investigator Philip Alston called on the US to demonstrate that it
was not randomly killing people in violation of international law through its use of drones on the
Afghan border. Alston criticized the US's refusal to respond to date to the UN's concerns. Said
Alston, "Otherwise you have the really problematic bottom line, which is that the Central
Intelligence Agency is running a program that is killing significant numbers of people and there
is absolutely no accountability in terms of the relevant international laws."
On 2 June 2010 Alston's team released a report on its investigation into the drone strikes,
criticizing the United States for being "the most prolific user of targeted killings" in the world.
Alston, however, acknowledged that the drone attacks may be justified under the right to self-
defense. He called on the US to be more open about the program. Alston's report was submitted
to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights the following day.But still US paying no
attention to that issue.
Peace talks:
Government is trying to negotiate with Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).For this purpose Fedral
Government has called many All Parties Conferences in which it is decided to talk with (TTP)
and bring them on table of agreement.
On the Provincial level , Government of Punjab has called many meetings and conferences,
In province of KPK, the Government of KPK has called (TTP) leaders and commanders to carry
on agreement of peace.
While in FATA and other such tribal areas Pakistan has sent his forces to eliminate them, either
by force or by political agreements.
What steps should be taken in future to fight againstterrorism.
First of all Govt should think about peaceful talks with TTP and other groups.
Government should decide in a clear cut way either to join America or TTP and then give it’s
policy in a clear way. Government should also think about elimination it with power by sending
more armed forces in agencies and tribal areas.
Government should take quick steps to eliminate terrorism by disclosing the fight due to
different aspects of religion such as Sunni,Shia collisions. For this Government should take the
religious heads and scholars , bring them on the table of peace and in this way we can stop
After this the government should have to take strong steps by leaps to bounds we should either
support America or TTP. Recently while Bait Ullah Mehsood was killed , after this government
has to talk with the new Taliban commander. In this case Government also has to decide about
NATO supply as peace talks were in consideration while American Drone has killed Bait Ullah
Government should try to stand and run it’s economy on it’s own instead of getting help from
USA in form of dollars which we have to pay from our blood.
As we know one of cause of terrorism is drone attacks, when drones attack mostly innocent
citizens die. After the death of their beloved ones the other members of family try to avenge the
And they fulfill their desire by getting bombs , foreign agencies and other terrorist groups
provide them this opportunity. And then they attack on army bases, mosques , other religious
places. In the result of these attacks innocent citizens become the target of their avenge.
To resolve issue of Drone Attacks
To resolve the issue of drone attacks , Pakistan should send it’s delegates to USA and tell them
about the problems and issues we face due to drone attacks.
Pakistan should also go to security council of UNO for solving the issue of Drone attacks. In
addition to that we should go to International court of Justice and for case of drone and to raise
voice against this act of terrorism.
Foreign policy
Government should make it’s policy and her foreign minister should try to make a compromise
regarding this matter.
To make our economy fledge in a better way Government should make trade agreements with
other countries. Also instead of purchasing weapons from USA and it’s allies we should
purchase weapons from China and other Islamic countries.
Agreements with TTP and other terrorist groups
To make an agreement with TTP government should send her delegates and ambassadors to the
new head of Taliban Mulah-Fazal.
If Taliban does’nt agree to stop the war then we should try to crush the treaty by force.
In last week Bait Ullah Mehsood was killed in drone a attack, government should tell TTP that
they had played no role in his killing.
Resolution against American terror
Before some months when America attacked on Salalah check post after this when we stopped
NATO supply line America has stopped drone attacks. Pakistan should try to negotiate USA by
telling them our problems and still after that if they send drone attacks Government should stop
NATO supply line.
Role of Religious bodies
As we all know religion plays a sole role in binding its followers ,
further more Islam is the perfect religion. Looking on this
prospective our religious leader should sit on a table and issue a
decree to spread knowledge among followers of Islam by
compensating that drone attacks are not bearable at all.
Islam is a religion of peace it doesn’t allows any one to endanger or
kill any one else.
By taking these steps we can bring piece in Pakistan and stop terrorism.
Reference site :
Effects of terrorism :
1. The frontier post (newspaper)
2. The Washington Post (newspaper)

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War on terror in pakistan

  • 1. War and terror Terrorism: Terrorism is systematic use of violence as a means of coercion for any specific aim or objective(especially political). Origin and Background: Soviet war in Afghanistan started on 24 December 1979. It was fought between Soviet union supported by D.R Afghanistan and Mujahidin. Mujahidin were supported by Pakistan, USA, Israel, Switzerland, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia. The Soviet war lasted for 9 years and ended on February 1989.The Mujahidin got training in Pakistan and China as well as got billions of dollars from USA,UK and Saudi Arabia, As a result of this war 14,453 Soviet Soldiers were killed while 75,000-90,000 Mujahidin were killed. Along with this Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. After war Millions of Afghans victims fled to Pakistan and Iran. After the war Mujahidin were never disarmed later activated. On 11 September ,2001 there were a series of Terrorism attacks launched by Terrorist group Al- Qaeda who hijacked 4 passenger planes one of them was crashed on Pennsylvania in fields. While two upon World trade center in Newyork city , and one on Pentagon. After this USA laid war against Mujahidin, Pakistan decided to support USA in this war. As a result of this the the mujahidin laid a war against USA and its allies. Effects of terrorism on Pakistan Law and order situation: The intensity of terrorism increased in Pakistan in the after Lal Mosque operation in 2007.Terrorist carried out targeted attacks and killed bundles of citizens. In overall incidence of violence and terrorism in 2009, 3,816 terrorist attacks took place in Pakistan which killed 12,632 Pakistanis and injured 12,815. In 2010, 393 terrorist attacks killed 10,003 people and injured 10,283 others. In 2011 2,985 terrorist attacks killed 710 people and injured 6,736. In 2012, 2,217 deadly attacks killed 5,047 people and injured 5,688. In Balochistan 3,026 people were killed since 2007 in various terrorist attacks. Many security personnels were also martyred in these attacks.Due to such law and order situation gave rise to Shia Sunni conflicts.
  • 2. Sectarian violence in Pakistan refers to attacks against people and places in Pakistan motivated by antagonism toward their sect, usually a religious group, which in Pakistan may include the Sunni majority, Shia and the small and Christian religious groups. According to the human rights group Human Rights Watch, in 2011 and 2012, Pakistan minority groups Shia and Christians "faced unprecedented insecurity and persecution in the country".Attacks on Sunni shrines by "militants" have also been reported. Among those blamed for the sectarian violence in the country are mainly groups such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipah-e-Sahaba , Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, and members of Shia militant groups such as Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan.Since the last couple of years 396 members of Shia population were killed in which majority killings were took place in Balochistan , in which 288 Shia members were killed. Major incidents Killing of Benazir. Soon after LAL Masjid operataion Benazir was killed in a bomb blast and gave terrorism take her life. In 2012 terrorists attacked PNS mehran. Ex minister of KPK Bashir Billour was killed in a suicidal attack.
  • 3. Malala Yusaf Zai was attacked. Pervez Musharaf was also attacked twice in Rawalpindi by terrorists but was saved. Kamra air base was also attacked as a result of which a high profile official Air commodore Azam was injured. In Quetta on religion basis bundles and bundles of Shia muslims were killed, as a result of which government of Balochistan was stopped from working.
  • 4. Effects of terrorism Economy: Pakistan’s economy is under pressure of the War on Terror intensifying for last seven years in Afghanistan. Since 2006, the War has spread like a contagion into settled areas of Pakistan that has so far, cost the country more than 35,000 citizens, 3500 security personnel, destruction of infrastructure, internal migration of millions of people from parts of northwestern Pakistan, erosions of investment climate, nose diving of production and growing unemployment and above all brought economic activity to a virtual standstill in many part of the country. Pakistan had never witnessed such devastating social and economic upheaval in its industry, even after dismemberment of the country by direct war. While the economic situation was worsening, a new elected government took power in 2008 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs constituted an inter-ministerial committee to assess the direct and indirect cost of the War on Terror on Pakistan. Terrorism has very bad effect on economy of Pakistan. We are losing more than what we get. Whatever and however we get from America more than that we are losing on that. So we should think about this and to make a good policy on that matter. Pakistan continued to pay a heavy price in terms of both the economic and security terms. A large portion of its resources, both men and material are being consumed by this war for the last
  • 5. several years. The economy was subjected to enormous direct and indirect costs which continued to rise from $ 2.669 billion in 2001-02 to $ 13.6 billion by 2009-10, projected to rise to $ 17.8 billion in the current financial. This has affected Pakistan’s exports, prevented the inflows of foreign investment, affected the pace of privatization program, slowed the overall economic activity, reduced import demand, reduced tax collection, expenditure over-run on additional security spending, domestic tourism industry suffered badly, hundreds; and thousands of jobs could have been created had economic activity not slowed as well as thousands of jobs were lost because of the destruction of domestic/foreign tourism industry; destruction of physical infrastructure (military and civil) massive surge in security related spending; migration of thousands of people from war affected areas and the associated rise in expenditure to support internally displaced persons. A large number of people also migrated from their homes. In KPK and its related agencies almost five million people were migrated , which is considered as one of the largest migrations in the history of Pakistan. Westerninvolvement in terrorism inside Pakistan: On July 8, 2010, DG ISI Ahmed Pasha categorically stated that foreign powers are involved in terrorist activities inside Pakistan. He said, “The foreign powers are involved in terrorism and destabilization of the country.” During a briefing in the National Security Committee session headed by Senator RazaRabbani, DG ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha said that the western powers are involved in the terror activities inside the country. “The US policy against terrorism is under consideration and the changes will be brought with time in accordance with the national interest,” he said. This is not new claim inside Pakistan, many Pakistani political commentators have been speaking publicly about this phenomenon. It is alleged that terrorist activities inside Pakistan were actively carried out by the CIA, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW – India’s external intelligence agency) and the MOSSAD for different purposes. Chief among those, is changing the public perception of the War on Terror in the favor of the United States. There are confirmed reports that to achieve its objectives the CIA hired the services of at least a dozen Afghan warlords inside Afghanistan and provided through them arms and finances to militants in FATA and Swat to carry out murders and devastation in the country. It was like a double-edged sword not only to get the Army launch attacks against Taliban on Pakistani side of the border but also to give a message to the ISI that the CIA can use the Pakistani Taliban against their own security forces. Thousands of people have been killed in Pakistan due to terror attacks since the beginning of war on terror. The law and order situation of Karachi is present example of the involvement of foreign powers in Pakistan. In which daily innocent citizens lost their lives in target killings.And still government fails to control the law and order situation of Karachi. Drone Attacks :
  • 6. Pakistan for years secretly approved of US drone attacks on its territory despite public denunciations, The Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing secret documents. The purported evidence of Islamabad's involvement came as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited the White House and urged an end to the attacks, which are widely unpopular with the Pakistani public.The newspaper said that top-secret documents and Pakistani diplomatic memos showed that the Central Intelligence Agency had drafted documents to share information on drone attacks with Pakistan.At least 65 drone strikes were marked for discussion with Pakistan, including through briefings at its embassy in Washington and in materials sent physically to senior officials in Islamabad. In one case in 2010, a document describes hitting a location "at the request of your government." Another file referred to a joint effort at picking targets. The article -- co-written by Bob Woodward, one of the two journalists who broke the Watergate scandal in the 1970s -- said that the documents also showed that the United States raised concerns that extremists were linked to Pakistan's powerful intelligence service. In one incident, then secretary of state Hillary Clinton confronted Pakistan about cell phones and written materials from dead bodies of militants that showed links to the Inter-Services Intelligence agency.In turn, a Pakistani memo gave the names of 36 US citizens believed to be CIA agents and urged the embassy in Washington not to issue visas to them, the newspaper said. The report came a day after Amnesty International said that the United States may have broken international law by killing civilians with drones. These are the statistics of drone attacks since 2007.  Total strikes: 370  Total reported killed: 2,548 - 3,549  Civilians reported killed: 411 - 890  Children reported killed: 168 - 197  Total reported injured: 1,177 - 1,480  Strikes under the Bush Administration: 52  Strikes under the Obama Administration: 318 PresentSituation: Politics: Recently Nawaz Sharif went to the US to raise the issue of drone attacks in Tribal Agencies in Pakistan. Pakistan also raised this issue in UNO. Due to the killings of innocent people but US denied that fact of killings of innocent people. But according to United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) delivered a report sharply critical of US tactics. The report asserted that the US government has failed to keep track of civilian casualties of its military operations, including the drone attacks, and to provide means for citizens of affected nations to obtain information about the casualties and any legal inquests regarding them.Any such information held by the U.S. military is allegedly inaccessible to the
  • 7. public due to the high level of secrecy surrounding the drone attacks program.The US representative at UNHRC has argued that the UN investigator for extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions does not have jurisdiction over US military actions, while another US diplomat claimed that the US military is investigating any wrongdoing and doing all it can to furnish information about the deaths. On 27 October 2009 UNHRC investigator Philip Alston called on the US to demonstrate that it was not randomly killing people in violation of international law through its use of drones on the Afghan border. Alston criticized the US's refusal to respond to date to the UN's concerns. Said Alston, "Otherwise you have the really problematic bottom line, which is that the Central Intelligence Agency is running a program that is killing significant numbers of people and there is absolutely no accountability in terms of the relevant international laws." On 2 June 2010 Alston's team released a report on its investigation into the drone strikes, criticizing the United States for being "the most prolific user of targeted killings" in the world. Alston, however, acknowledged that the drone attacks may be justified under the right to self- defense. He called on the US to be more open about the program. Alston's report was submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights the following day.But still US paying no attention to that issue. Peace talks: Government is trying to negotiate with Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).For this purpose Fedral Government has called many All Parties Conferences in which it is decided to talk with (TTP) and bring them on table of agreement. On the Provincial level , Government of Punjab has called many meetings and conferences, In province of KPK, the Government of KPK has called (TTP) leaders and commanders to carry on agreement of peace. While in FATA and other such tribal areas Pakistan has sent his forces to eliminate them, either by force or by political agreements. What steps should be taken in future to fight againstterrorism. First of all Govt should think about peaceful talks with TTP and other groups. Government should decide in a clear cut way either to join America or TTP and then give it’s policy in a clear way. Government should also think about elimination it with power by sending more armed forces in agencies and tribal areas. Government should take quick steps to eliminate terrorism by disclosing the fight due to different aspects of religion such as Sunni,Shia collisions. For this Government should take the
  • 8. religious heads and scholars , bring them on the table of peace and in this way we can stop terrorism. After this the government should have to take strong steps by leaps to bounds we should either support America or TTP. Recently while Bait Ullah Mehsood was killed , after this government has to talk with the new Taliban commander. In this case Government also has to decide about NATO supply as peace talks were in consideration while American Drone has killed Bait Ullah Mehsood. Government should try to stand and run it’s economy on it’s own instead of getting help from USA in form of dollars which we have to pay from our blood. As we know one of cause of terrorism is drone attacks, when drones attack mostly innocent citizens die. After the death of their beloved ones the other members of family try to avenge the loss. And they fulfill their desire by getting bombs , foreign agencies and other terrorist groups provide them this opportunity. And then they attack on army bases, mosques , other religious places. In the result of these attacks innocent citizens become the target of their avenge. Solution To resolve issue of Drone Attacks To resolve the issue of drone attacks , Pakistan should send it’s delegates to USA and tell them about the problems and issues we face due to drone attacks. Pakistan should also go to security council of UNO for solving the issue of Drone attacks. In addition to that we should go to International court of Justice and for case of drone and to raise voice against this act of terrorism. Foreign policy Government should make it’s policy and her foreign minister should try to make a compromise regarding this matter. To make our economy fledge in a better way Government should make trade agreements with other countries. Also instead of purchasing weapons from USA and it’s allies we should purchase weapons from China and other Islamic countries.
  • 9. Agreements with TTP and other terrorist groups To make an agreement with TTP government should send her delegates and ambassadors to the new head of Taliban Mulah-Fazal. If Taliban does’nt agree to stop the war then we should try to crush the treaty by force. In last week Bait Ullah Mehsood was killed in drone a attack, government should tell TTP that they had played no role in his killing. Resolution against American terror Before some months when America attacked on Salalah check post after this when we stopped NATO supply line America has stopped drone attacks. Pakistan should try to negotiate USA by telling them our problems and still after that if they send drone attacks Government should stop NATO supply line. Role of Religious bodies As we all know religion plays a sole role in binding its followers , further more Islam is the perfect religion. Looking on this prospective our religious leader should sit on a table and issue a decree to spread knowledge among followers of Islam by compensating that drone attacks are not bearable at all. Islam is a religion of peace it doesn’t allows any one to endanger or kill any one else. By taking these steps we can bring piece in Pakistan and stop terrorism. Reference site : Effects of terrorism : 1. The frontier post (newspaper) 2. The Washington Post (newspaper) 3.