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Sources of Vitamin B7 or Biotin
A Report By
Mr Allah Dad Khan
 Biotin assists with cell growth, producing fatty acids and amino acids in the
body. Vitamin B7 helps the body maintain a steady blood sugar level and
transfer carbon dioxide. People frequently take biotin supplements to help
improve nail and skin health, though there is not much evidence that it is
very effective. Deficiencies of biotin are rare because intestinal bacteria will
produce enough of the vitamin to fulfill daily requirements. Because of this
there are no daily requirements for biotin intake.
Food Sources
 . Those looking to increase their intake of biotin can consume raw egg yolks
(however, consuming egg whites limits the amount of biotin in the body),
Swiss chard, green leafy vegetables, liver, peanuts and Saskatoon berries.
Mushrooms are a healthy food
overall, but if you’re concerned
about your Biotin levels, you may
want to be sure to include
mushrooms in your cooking, or
gravitate more towards menu items
that include them. In addition to
being a good source of Biotin, they
bring with them a mix of healthy
nutrients and minerals, and shouldn’t
be overlooked as a healthy food. Try
different types of mushrooms to see
which you like best. Serving Size
(100 grams), 38 calories, 19% RDA
of Iron.
Tuna is rich in Biotin, and also has
plenty of other health benefits
that make it worth adding to your
diet a few times a week. You don’t
want to consume too much of it, as
many health experts say the
mercury it contains can become a
problem with frequent
consumption. It’s a great source of
protein and omega-3s as well so it
does a lot for your body and your
overall health goals. Serving Size
(100 grams),184 calories, full
day’s supply of Vitamin B12.
 Turkey
Not only is turkey a great way to
get protein to help build lean
muscle, it’s a source of Biotin and
is one reason why most Americans
do not run a Biotin deficit. As long
as you’re sticking to skinless
boneless turkey breast that’s been
roasted you’ll be keeping the fat
down, making this part of a
healthy diet. That’s why you’ll see
turkey included on some of
the most popular diet
plans. Serving Size (100 grams),
104 calories, 18g protein.
Avocados are full of so many
vitamins, minerals, and other healthy
things like protein and fiber, that it’s
no surprise that you can use them for
added Biotin. They provide a good
portion of healthy fat as well, both
monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated, so no matter how
you use them, in a recipe, on a
salad, or on their own, you’re going
to get a good boost of
nutrition. Serving Size (100 grams),
160 calories, 485mg of potassium.
Swiss Chard
Swiss chard often gets overshadowed
by other leafy greens like spinach
and kale, but it’s every bit as healthy
and can help you keep your Biotin
levels where you want them. In
addition to all of theVitamin A they
provide, they’re also full of fiber,
magnesium, and Vitamin C. It’s an all
around good-for-you green that you
can use in salads and smoothies for
better health. Serving Size (100
grams), 19 calories, full day’s
supply of Vitamin A.
 Carrot contains a good supply of
biotin, as well as high levels of
beta-carotene, which can help to
improve your general eye health.
For this reason, carrot ranks the
second place of biotin rich foods
for hair growth that I mentioned in
the article today.
 Salmon is valuable in omega-3,
protein, and now you will know
another vitamin in this food –
biotin. Do you know that salmon is
called as a brain food while it
improves your memory a lot?
Eating salmon like other kinds of
fishes, you will reduce risks
of rheumatoid arthritis high blood
pressure, diabetes,
depression, asthma and
Alzheimer’s disease. You can use
this fish by smoking, canning,
freezing, or steaming.
Cold Water Fish
 Among several different types of fish, cold
water fish is one out of the best foods with
biotin and it contains the greatest levels of
vitamin H. To get better and higher intake of
this nutrient, you can add more herring,
sardines, salmon, tuna, and trout in your
diet. They are also very abundant in omega 3
fatty acids – the substances that are essential
for reducing the concentration of fat in the
arteries and the levels of bad cholesterol as
well as improving blood circulation. Thus,
this is one of the best and greatest biotin
rich foods for hair growth that people should
add to their daily food diet in order to get
better overall health and better health
 Walnut is also one of the best biotin
rich foods for hair growth that are
very helpful for hair growth. This
food and other nuts are extremely
abundant in fatty acids, so it is
advisable that you should add just a
small portion into your daily meals.
This would be sufficient to ensure
that you are getting all the
antioxidants, zinc, potassium, iron,
calcium, and protein that your body
needs. Antioxidants are particularly
essential for promoting youthfulness
of the body and preventing cell aging
as well.
 Halibut – one of the best foods
with biotin – is a flaky white fish
that is absolutely incredible and
very simple to be process into
delicious dish. It is a little bit
expensive, so save it for a beauty
food splurge if necessary. Similar to
salmon, halibut is extremely rich in
Vitamin B12, magnesium, biotin,
and omega 3 fatty acids.
 If you are a vegetarian and not
want to eat nuts, there is no need
to concern at all! Spinach – one of
foods with biotin – is among the
best leafy veggies when it comes
to protein and biotin content. In
addition, it is absolutely
scrumptious, making it simple and
interesting for you to taste and
enjoy. Kale is a runner-up in
protein, but spinach still has higher
content of biotin, not to mention B
vitamin, folate, and Vitamin E.
 Chicken is very rich in both niacin
(Vitamin B3) and biotin, which are
necessary and wonderful for
healthy nail and hair growth. Just
make sure that you will choose
antibiotic and organic free chicken
for the healthiest choice. Thus,
this is one of the best biotin rich
foods that people should not look
down but try making use of it to
increase the consumption of biotin,
supporting the process of
improving overall health of the
 Yogurt is very rich in protein and
biotin contents, making it one of
the best biotin rich foods you can
ever find to consume to develop
healthy hair and nails. Choose
plain Greek varieties to ensure not
to take excessive sugar, which can
actually break down collagen
inside your body.
Peanut Butter
 Many people like peanut butter
and this is good news that can
gratify them – peanut butter is full
of biotin. Moreover, peanut butter
is packed with protein and it is
high in calories. This food is a
super food for fat loss, heart
disease reduction, and diabetes
prevention. You should add this
food in your list of biotin rich foods
because it is a good snack before
you go to sleep.
Meat And Seafood
 As concerned above, biotin
supports hair, skin, and nail
development as it encourages the
nerve tissues and reduces pain in
muscle. Getting biotin through
diets is the best way to save your
health, time, and money. Normally,
we eat foods but we do not care
about the amount of vitamins,
minerals, or nutrients in foods. In
fact, you will find lots of biotin in
some fishes and animal meats that
you usually intake.
Whole Wheat Bread
 Another out of the best biotin rich foods that
people should consume more and more for
getting good health and better life because
of many reasons. Whole wheat bread is
another common ingredient in your meal and
it is also great source of biotin. Especially,
consuming yeast in bread will help you have
more biotin for the body growth. Whole
wheat bread is high in fiber, iron, copper,
zinc, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, and
vitamin B. this is one of the most popular
foods in Europe. Especially eating this kind
of food will prevent metabolic syndrome,
reduce inflammation, prevent gallstones, and
prevent diabetes risk. This is a special food
for women because it can prevent breast
cancer and develop their hair. Whole wheat
bread is excellent food for breakfast, so no
reason you ignore this one, right?
 Soy bean is one of the best biotin
rich foods and I think that they
should be available in your kitchen.
You can get 60 mg of biotin in 10
gram of soybean. This is not an
expensive food and you totally can
take effectiveness of this ingredient
to grow hair. Especially, soy milk is
very good for women. Soy bean also
contributes in lowering cancer risk
when people usually eat this food
from childhood. You can add soy into
pasta, corn meal, tortillas, and
breads. It not only reduces bad
cholesterol, heart disease risk, and
lowers other health problems, but it
also helps you improve your hair
Vegetables And Fruits
 Talking about vegetables, you will learn that
they are rich in vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants that are necessary for your
health. Do you know that some kinds of
vegetables such as cauliflowers, cabbages,
cucumbers, and onions will benefit you, in
particular, gratify your hair? It is so easy and
simple to cook vegetables when you can
cook, boil, or eat them raw. Also, you should
not ignore fruits if you really want to get
high biotin amount for growing hair. A cup of
raw cauliflower will give you 0.2-4
micrograms of biotin. While eating avocado,
you will get 2-6 micrograms of vitamin.
Legumes, soybeans, beans, peas, mushrooms,
nut butter, bananas are also biotin rich foods
you can intake every day. In fact, these are
among the best sources, most common foods
with biotin at the highest levels that people
should consume every day for good!
 Nuts are high in nutritional value
and you also cannot forget them if
you want to beautify your hair,
nail, and improve your health.
There are many kinds of nuts such
as walnuts, pecans, cashew nuts,
hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds.
They are on top of biotin rich foods
you should choose in your daily
meals. They also include omega-3
fatty acids, which are very
excellent for your nails and scalp.
 Berries are in the list of fruits you
should get if you want to grow your
hair fast and naturally. Along with
other kinds of fresh fruits, berry
fruits are the biotin rich foods you
cannot neglect in your diet plan.
They are raspberries, cranberries,
strawberries. Additionally, they are
high in antioxidants, which will be
great for your health improvement.
Biotin deficiency will cause many
health problems, especially for your
skin and hair health. Getting enough
biotin will develop metabolism and
balance blood sugar level.
Sunflower Seed
 Sunflower seeds include vitamin B,
magnesium, vitamin E, potassium,
calcium, iron, and especially biotin. As
they are high in vitamins and nutrients,
there is no reason you do not add this
food in your meal plan. This is an
excellent snack food but its benefits are
undeniable. Biotin plays an important role
in growing your hair, improve nails, and
gratify your skin. Besides, biotin will
regulate the blood sugar, increase energy,
and prevent diabetes very well.
 In fact, this is one of the best biotin rich
foods for hair growth and for health that
people should make use in their daily life
by adding it to the meals on a regular
The debate still goes on as to
whether eggs are good for you or
not. Some say they are, some say
they aren’t, and other go back and
forth on the healthiness of the yolk
compared to the white. But one
thing is certain, and that is that
eggs provide you with Biotin, so if
you’re looking to up your levels
you may want to consider eating
them. They also provide protein
and other nutrients, as well as
cholesterol. Serving Size (100
grams), 155 calories, 13g protein.
 Other foods you should eat are
sardines. This is full of protein,
omega-3, vitamins, and biotin. They
include more fat than other fish.
Eating sardines will help you have a
thinner hair and it is a super fish for
hair growth. Furthermore, sardines
are great for preventing cancer, good
for cardiovascular; improve your
vision, and amazing food for skin, as
well. Thus, this is actually one out of
the greatest yet cheapest and most
available biotin rich foods that
people should learn to make use by
adding it to your daily diet and meals
on a regular basis.
Dairy Products
 Dairy products are healthy and they are
the biotin rich foods you should take
advantage. Along with the richness of
calcium, dairy products are high in biotin.
You can choose buttermilk, milk, cheese,
cottage cheese, and yogurt. Dairy
products are associated to bone
improvement, osteoporosis reduction,
cardiovascular disease prevention, etc. In
particular, eggs are good for your hair
health while they are supplying full
nutrients for growing fast. This is also a
great out of the best and most common
foods with biotin that people should
consume more to maintain good health,
especially the health of hair and nails.
Eating beef liver is not quite the
same as eating beef, as it has loads
more minerals in it, as well as
additional vitamins, depending on
the cut. You can be sure that
you’re getting a good boost of
Biotin when you eat liver. It’s also
a rich source of iron and
magnesium but perhaps not as
readily available as some beef.
Visiting a butcher shop may be
your best bet. Serving Size (100
grams), 516 calories, 4g total fat.
Peanut Butter
If you love the taste of peanut butter
you’ll be happy to learn that it’s
helping you stay on top of your Biotin
needs. It is packed with protein, but
can also provide a large number of
calories in just a small amount. In his
book The Abs Diet, author David
Zinczenko lists peanut butter as a
superfood and shows how to
incorporate it more into a healthy
diet, using it as a tasty additive to
nutritious smoothies. Serving Size
(100 grams), 589 calories, 24g
Beef And Liver Beef
 Beef is high in protein, vitamins, and
you will get significant amount of
biotin when eating beef liver, which
is rich in magnesium, iron, and other
vitamins. In order to repair cells,
produce hormones, and increase
energy, you should get liver beef
much more. This food also supplies
more amino acids and other
vitamins, minerals for your hair
growth. This is actually another out
of the most common and precious
biotin rich foods for hair growth that
people should learn about to make
use if they want to increase the
consumption of foods with biotin for
improving overall health!
Cheese usually gets the ax when it
comes to diet plans because of its
high fat, cholesterol, and sodium
content. When used sparingly it can
be a good source of Biotin, as well as
being high in calcium and Vitamin
B12. While it’s best not to overdo it
with cheese, it can sometimes be
hard to avoid it since it shows up in
so many different recipes and menu
items. Serving Size (100 grams),
402 calories, full day’s supply of
Cauliflower is a very versatile food
that you may want to start eating
more of, not just because it
contains Biotin, but because it’s a
cruciferous vegetable known to
help with diseases like cancer and
heart disease. Try using it as a way
to make “mashed potatoes” or
even replacing your standard pizza
crust with one made out of
cauliflower to avoid
gluten. Serving Size (100 grams),
25 calories, 80% RDA of Vitamin C
Whole Wheat Bread
Whole wheat bread is often
considered a healthier substitute
for white bread, but these days it
is also being held under the
microscope because of the gluten
it contains. Be that as it may, it’s
also a good source of Biotin and
can help you reach your grand
total for the day. It’s a surprising
source of protein as well as iron,
but can also be trouble on a carb
conscious diet. Serving Size (100
grams), 270 calories, 10 grams
Sardines don’t enter the menu too often,
but they should be reconsidered as a go-to
food source. They’re packed with omega-
3s and they provide a good amount of
protein, as well as other vitamins and
minerals like Biotin. They tend to contain
a bit more fat than other fish, so you’ll
want to keep your portions in check. You
may have to be creative to figure out how
to eat more sardines, but it would be
worth it. Serving Size (100 grams), 208
calories, full day’s supply of Vitamin B12
No matter which type of berry you go
with, chances are high that you’ll be
taking a big step towards getting
enough Biotin. The added bonus is
that most berries like blackberries,
blueberries, and strawberries are
high in antioxidants, which can help
you stay healthy and ward off things
like cancer and heart disease by
protecting you from free radical
damage. Serving Size (100 grams),
calories vary, rich source of
Almonds make a great anytime
anywhere snack and since they
provide such a nice crunch they
can help you kick junk food
cravings like potato chips. They’re
an excellent source of Biotin, have
plenty of calcium, as well as
healthy fats. Just be sure to keep
your portions to a handful, since
these can pack a lot of calories
into a small portion. Serving Size
(100 grams), 576 calories, 72%
RDA of calcium.
Bananas are always suggested as a
way to get your potassium needs
met, but they can also be used to get
more Biotin. Highly portable and
naturally wrapped, these are a great
way to get an energy boost during
the day because of that potassium.
They also have fiber to help you out
with your digestion, and can be used
in a number of recipes, as well as
smoothies for added
sweetness. Serving Size (100
grams), 89 calories, 358mg of
The slogan for beef is that it’s
“what’s for dinner” and if you’re
trying to keep your Biotin levels
steady it’s not such a bad idea. In
addition to a respectable amount
of protein and other minerals, it’s
also provided you with Biotin. As
long as you keep your portion sizes
in check and stick with lean cuts of
beef, you’ll be getting all of these
benefits with few
drawbacks. Serving Size (100
grams), 332 calories, 14g of
Vitamin B 7  or biotin  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

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Vitamin B 7 or biotin By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

  • 1.
  • 2. Sources of Vitamin B7 or Biotin A Report By Mr Allah Dad Khan
  • 3. Benefits.  Biotin assists with cell growth, producing fatty acids and amino acids in the body. Vitamin B7 helps the body maintain a steady blood sugar level and transfer carbon dioxide. People frequently take biotin supplements to help improve nail and skin health, though there is not much evidence that it is very effective. Deficiencies of biotin are rare because intestinal bacteria will produce enough of the vitamin to fulfill daily requirements. Because of this there are no daily requirements for biotin intake.
  • 4. Food Sources  . Those looking to increase their intake of biotin can consume raw egg yolks (however, consuming egg whites limits the amount of biotin in the body), Swiss chard, green leafy vegetables, liver, peanuts and Saskatoon berries.
  • 5. Mushrooms  Mushrooms are a healthy food overall, but if you’re concerned about your Biotin levels, you may want to be sure to include mushrooms in your cooking, or gravitate more towards menu items that include them. In addition to being a good source of Biotin, they bring with them a mix of healthy nutrients and minerals, and shouldn’t be overlooked as a healthy food. Try different types of mushrooms to see which you like best. Serving Size (100 grams), 38 calories, 19% RDA of Iron.
  • 6. Tuna  Tuna is rich in Biotin, and also has plenty of other health benefits that make it worth adding to your diet a few times a week. You don’t want to consume too much of it, as many health experts say the mercury it contains can become a problem with frequent consumption. It’s a great source of protein and omega-3s as well so it does a lot for your body and your overall health goals. Serving Size (100 grams),184 calories, full day’s supply of Vitamin B12.
  • 7.  Turkey Not only is turkey a great way to get protein to help build lean muscle, it’s a source of Biotin and is one reason why most Americans do not run a Biotin deficit. As long as you’re sticking to skinless boneless turkey breast that’s been roasted you’ll be keeping the fat down, making this part of a healthy diet. That’s why you’ll see turkey included on some of the most popular diet plans. Serving Size (100 grams), 104 calories, 18g protein.
  • 8. Avocados  Avocados are full of so many vitamins, minerals, and other healthy things like protein and fiber, that it’s no surprise that you can use them for added Biotin. They provide a good portion of healthy fat as well, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, so no matter how you use them, in a recipe, on a salad, or on their own, you’re going to get a good boost of nutrition. Serving Size (100 grams), 160 calories, 485mg of potassium.
  • 9. Swiss Chard  Swiss chard often gets overshadowed by other leafy greens like spinach and kale, but it’s every bit as healthy and can help you keep your Biotin levels where you want them. In addition to all of theVitamin A they provide, they’re also full of fiber, magnesium, and Vitamin C. It’s an all around good-for-you green that you can use in salads and smoothies for better health. Serving Size (100 grams), 19 calories, full day’s supply of Vitamin A.
  • 10. Carrot  Carrot contains a good supply of biotin, as well as high levels of beta-carotene, which can help to improve your general eye health. For this reason, carrot ranks the second place of biotin rich foods for hair growth that I mentioned in the article today. 
  • 11. Salmon  Salmon is valuable in omega-3, protein, and now you will know another vitamin in this food – biotin. Do you know that salmon is called as a brain food while it improves your memory a lot? Eating salmon like other kinds of fishes, you will reduce risks of rheumatoid arthritis high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, asthma and Alzheimer’s disease. You can use this fish by smoking, canning, freezing, or steaming.
  • 12. Cold Water Fish  Among several different types of fish, cold water fish is one out of the best foods with biotin and it contains the greatest levels of vitamin H. To get better and higher intake of this nutrient, you can add more herring, sardines, salmon, tuna, and trout in your diet. They are also very abundant in omega 3 fatty acids – the substances that are essential for reducing the concentration of fat in the arteries and the levels of bad cholesterol as well as improving blood circulation. Thus, this is one of the best and greatest biotin rich foods for hair growth that people should add to their daily food diet in order to get better overall health and better health condition. 
  • 13. Walnut  Walnut is also one of the best biotin rich foods for hair growth that are very helpful for hair growth. This food and other nuts are extremely abundant in fatty acids, so it is advisable that you should add just a small portion into your daily meals. This would be sufficient to ensure that you are getting all the antioxidants, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, and protein that your body needs. Antioxidants are particularly essential for promoting youthfulness of the body and preventing cell aging as well. 
  • 14. Halibut:  Halibut – one of the best foods with biotin – is a flaky white fish that is absolutely incredible and very simple to be process into delicious dish. It is a little bit expensive, so save it for a beauty food splurge if necessary. Similar to salmon, halibut is extremely rich in Vitamin B12, magnesium, biotin, and omega 3 fatty acids.
  • 15. Spinach  If you are a vegetarian and not want to eat nuts, there is no need to concern at all! Spinach – one of foods with biotin – is among the best leafy veggies when it comes to protein and biotin content. In addition, it is absolutely scrumptious, making it simple and interesting for you to taste and enjoy. Kale is a runner-up in protein, but spinach still has higher content of biotin, not to mention B vitamin, folate, and Vitamin E.
  • 16. Chicken:  Chicken is very rich in both niacin (Vitamin B3) and biotin, which are necessary and wonderful for healthy nail and hair growth. Just make sure that you will choose antibiotic and organic free chicken for the healthiest choice. Thus, this is one of the best biotin rich foods that people should not look down but try making use of it to increase the consumption of biotin, supporting the process of improving overall health of the body!
  • 17. Yogurt:  Yogurt is very rich in protein and biotin contents, making it one of the best biotin rich foods you can ever find to consume to develop healthy hair and nails. Choose plain Greek varieties to ensure not to take excessive sugar, which can actually break down collagen inside your body.
  • 18. Peanut Butter  Many people like peanut butter and this is good news that can gratify them – peanut butter is full of biotin. Moreover, peanut butter is packed with protein and it is high in calories. This food is a super food for fat loss, heart disease reduction, and diabetes prevention. You should add this food in your list of biotin rich foods because it is a good snack before you go to sleep.
  • 19. Meat And Seafood  As concerned above, biotin supports hair, skin, and nail development as it encourages the nerve tissues and reduces pain in muscle. Getting biotin through diets is the best way to save your health, time, and money. Normally, we eat foods but we do not care about the amount of vitamins, minerals, or nutrients in foods. In fact, you will find lots of biotin in some fishes and animal meats that you usually intake.
  • 20. Whole Wheat Bread  Another out of the best biotin rich foods that people should consume more and more for getting good health and better life because of many reasons. Whole wheat bread is another common ingredient in your meal and it is also great source of biotin. Especially, consuming yeast in bread will help you have more biotin for the body growth. Whole wheat bread is high in fiber, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, and vitamin B. this is one of the most popular foods in Europe. Especially eating this kind of food will prevent metabolic syndrome, reduce inflammation, prevent gallstones, and prevent diabetes risk. This is a special food for women because it can prevent breast cancer and develop their hair. Whole wheat bread is excellent food for breakfast, so no reason you ignore this one, right?
  • 21. Soybeans  Soy bean is one of the best biotin rich foods and I think that they should be available in your kitchen. You can get 60 mg of biotin in 10 gram of soybean. This is not an expensive food and you totally can take effectiveness of this ingredient to grow hair. Especially, soy milk is very good for women. Soy bean also contributes in lowering cancer risk when people usually eat this food from childhood. You can add soy into pasta, corn meal, tortillas, and breads. It not only reduces bad cholesterol, heart disease risk, and lowers other health problems, but it also helps you improve your hair healt
  • 22. Vegetables And Fruits  Talking about vegetables, you will learn that they are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that are necessary for your health. Do you know that some kinds of vegetables such as cauliflowers, cabbages, cucumbers, and onions will benefit you, in particular, gratify your hair? It is so easy and simple to cook vegetables when you can cook, boil, or eat them raw. Also, you should not ignore fruits if you really want to get high biotin amount for growing hair. A cup of raw cauliflower will give you 0.2-4 micrograms of biotin. While eating avocado, you will get 2-6 micrograms of vitamin. Legumes, soybeans, beans, peas, mushrooms, nut butter, bananas are also biotin rich foods you can intake every day. In fact, these are among the best sources, most common foods with biotin at the highest levels that people should consume every day for good!
  • 23. Nuts  Nuts are high in nutritional value and you also cannot forget them if you want to beautify your hair, nail, and improve your health. There are many kinds of nuts such as walnuts, pecans, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds. They are on top of biotin rich foods you should choose in your daily meals. They also include omega-3 fatty acids, which are very excellent for your nails and scalp.
  • 24. Berries  Berries are in the list of fruits you should get if you want to grow your hair fast and naturally. Along with other kinds of fresh fruits, berry fruits are the biotin rich foods you cannot neglect in your diet plan. They are raspberries, cranberries, strawberries. Additionally, they are high in antioxidants, which will be great for your health improvement. Biotin deficiency will cause many health problems, especially for your skin and hair health. Getting enough biotin will develop metabolism and balance blood sugar level.
  • 25. Sunflower Seed  Sunflower seeds include vitamin B, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, iron, and especially biotin. As they are high in vitamins and nutrients, there is no reason you do not add this food in your meal plan. This is an excellent snack food but its benefits are undeniable. Biotin plays an important role in growing your hair, improve nails, and gratify your skin. Besides, biotin will regulate the blood sugar, increase energy, and prevent diabetes very well.  In fact, this is one of the best biotin rich foods for hair growth and for health that people should make use in their daily life by adding it to the meals on a regular basis.
  • 26. Eggs  The debate still goes on as to whether eggs are good for you or not. Some say they are, some say they aren’t, and other go back and forth on the healthiness of the yolk compared to the white. But one thing is certain, and that is that eggs provide you with Biotin, so if you’re looking to up your levels you may want to consider eating them. They also provide protein and other nutrients, as well as cholesterol. Serving Size (100 grams), 155 calories, 13g protein.
  • 27. Sardines  Other foods you should eat are sardines. This is full of protein, omega-3, vitamins, and biotin. They include more fat than other fish. Eating sardines will help you have a thinner hair and it is a super fish for hair growth. Furthermore, sardines are great for preventing cancer, good for cardiovascular; improve your vision, and amazing food for skin, as well. Thus, this is actually one out of the greatest yet cheapest and most available biotin rich foods that people should learn to make use by adding it to your daily diet and meals on a regular basis.
  • 28. Dairy Products  Dairy products are healthy and they are the biotin rich foods you should take advantage. Along with the richness of calcium, dairy products are high in biotin. You can choose buttermilk, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Dairy products are associated to bone improvement, osteoporosis reduction, cardiovascular disease prevention, etc. In particular, eggs are good for your hair health while they are supplying full nutrients for growing fast. This is also a great out of the best and most common foods with biotin that people should consume more to maintain good health, especially the health of hair and nails.
  • 29. Liver  Eating beef liver is not quite the same as eating beef, as it has loads more minerals in it, as well as additional vitamins, depending on the cut. You can be sure that you’re getting a good boost of Biotin when you eat liver. It’s also a rich source of iron and magnesium but perhaps not as readily available as some beef. Visiting a butcher shop may be your best bet. Serving Size (100 grams), 516 calories, 4g total fat.
  • 30. Peanut Butter  If you love the taste of peanut butter you’ll be happy to learn that it’s helping you stay on top of your Biotin needs. It is packed with protein, but can also provide a large number of calories in just a small amount. In his book The Abs Diet, author David Zinczenko lists peanut butter as a superfood and shows how to incorporate it more into a healthy diet, using it as a tasty additive to nutritious smoothies. Serving Size (100 grams), 589 calories, 24g protein. 
  • 31. Beef And Liver Beef  Beef is high in protein, vitamins, and you will get significant amount of biotin when eating beef liver, which is rich in magnesium, iron, and other vitamins. In order to repair cells, produce hormones, and increase energy, you should get liver beef much more. This food also supplies more amino acids and other vitamins, minerals for your hair growth. This is actually another out of the most common and precious biotin rich foods for hair growth that people should learn about to make use if they want to increase the consumption of foods with biotin for improving overall health!
  • 32. Cheese  Cheese usually gets the ax when it comes to diet plans because of its high fat, cholesterol, and sodium content. When used sparingly it can be a good source of Biotin, as well as being high in calcium and Vitamin B12. While it’s best not to overdo it with cheese, it can sometimes be hard to avoid it since it shows up in so many different recipes and menu items. Serving Size (100 grams), 402 calories, full day’s supply of calcium. 
  • 33. Cauliflower  Cauliflower is a very versatile food that you may want to start eating more of, not just because it contains Biotin, but because it’s a cruciferous vegetable known to help with diseases like cancer and heart disease. Try using it as a way to make “mashed potatoes” or even replacing your standard pizza crust with one made out of cauliflower to avoid gluten. Serving Size (100 grams), 25 calories, 80% RDA of Vitamin C
  • 34. Whole Wheat Bread  Whole wheat bread is often considered a healthier substitute for white bread, but these days it is also being held under the microscope because of the gluten it contains. Be that as it may, it’s also a good source of Biotin and can help you reach your grand total for the day. It’s a surprising source of protein as well as iron, but can also be trouble on a carb conscious diet. Serving Size (100 grams), 270 calories, 10 grams protein.
  • 35. Sardines  Sardines don’t enter the menu too often, but they should be reconsidered as a go-to food source. They’re packed with omega- 3s and they provide a good amount of protein, as well as other vitamins and minerals like Biotin. They tend to contain a bit more fat than other fish, so you’ll want to keep your portions in check. You may have to be creative to figure out how to eat more sardines, but it would be worth it. Serving Size (100 grams), 208 calories, full day’s supply of Vitamin B12 
  • 36. Berries  No matter which type of berry you go with, chances are high that you’ll be taking a big step towards getting enough Biotin. The added bonus is that most berries like blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are high in antioxidants, which can help you stay healthy and ward off things like cancer and heart disease by protecting you from free radical damage. Serving Size (100 grams), calories vary, rich source of vitamins. 
  • 37. Almonds  Almonds make a great anytime anywhere snack and since they provide such a nice crunch they can help you kick junk food cravings like potato chips. They’re an excellent source of Biotin, have plenty of calcium, as well as healthy fats. Just be sure to keep your portions to a handful, since these can pack a lot of calories into a small portion. Serving Size (100 grams), 576 calories, 72% RDA of calcium.
  • 38. Bananas  Bananas are always suggested as a way to get your potassium needs met, but they can also be used to get more Biotin. Highly portable and naturally wrapped, these are a great way to get an energy boost during the day because of that potassium. They also have fiber to help you out with your digestion, and can be used in a number of recipes, as well as smoothies for added sweetness. Serving Size (100 grams), 89 calories, 358mg of potassium. 
  • 39. Beef  The slogan for beef is that it’s “what’s for dinner” and if you’re trying to keep your Biotin levels steady it’s not such a bad idea. In addition to a respectable amount of protein and other minerals, it’s also provided you with Biotin. As long as you keep your portion sizes in check and stick with lean cuts of beef, you’ll be getting all of these benefits with few drawbacks. Serving Size (100 grams), 332 calories, 14g of protein