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Prof. M.C.Bansal
         Professor OBGY
     Ex-Principal & Controller
Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital
 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College,
 Fibroids(Myoma, Leiomyoma,Fibromyoma)
 5-20% women in their reporductive age are reported to
  have fiboroids.
 Most common Monoclonal Benign tumors of uterus
  arising in the smooth muscle cells of myometrium.
 Contain large aggregation of extracellular matrix
  consisting of collagen, elastin, fibronectin and
 Each fibroid is derived from smooth muscle cells rests
  ,either from vessel wall or uterine musculature
 Most common----77% specimen of hysterectomy were
  having Fibroids invariable number ,size (micro-macro)
  and site.
 Sonographic survey in35-49yrs aged Africo- American
  women reported Fibroids in 60% while about 80%
  among the women > 50 yrs. of age.
 White women have lower prevalence---40%at age 35
  and almost 70% by age 50.
 Precise cause of Fibroids is not known.
 Advances have been made in understanding the
 molecular biology of these benign tumors and there
 dependence on genetic, hormonal and growth factors .

 (A) Genetic
   Fibroids are monoclonal and about 40% have
   chromosomal abnormalities that include-
(a) translocations between chromosomes 12 and14.
(b) deletions of chromosome 7
(c) Trisomy of chromosome 12 in large tumors.
 60% may have yet undetected mutations
   Genetic  more than 100 genes were found to be up-
   down regulated in fibroid cells.
   Many of them appear to regulate cell growth,
   proliferation, differentiation and mitogenesis.
  Genetic differences between fibroid and
   Leiomyosarcomas indicate that Leiomyosarcomas do
   not result due to malignant changes in fibroids .
  (B) Hormones  -
   Both increase in number and responsiveness of receptors
   for estrogen and progesterone appear to promote fibroid
   growth, as these are rarely found before puberty, develop
   and increase during reproductive period of life and so also
   during pregnancy, regress after menopause/ bilateral
  Found more with hyper estrogenic states like obesity,
   increases after ERT therapy in menopausal women,
   endometriosis, Cancer endometrium, an ovulatory
   infertility and early menarche.
  Decreased incidence are found in athletes with low body
   mass, increased parity.
  estrogen induces increased expression of progesterone
   receptors thus promoting oncogenic effect of progesterone.
  Progesterone is most important in pathogenesis of fibroids,
   which have more concentration of receptors A & B as compared
   to normal myometrium.
  Highest mitotic counts are found in fibroid cells when
   progesterone concentration is also high.
  GnRH agonist decrease the size of fibroid.
  Concurrent Progesterone and GnRH therapy prevent regression
   in size of fibroid.
  Anti progesterone RU486 reduces the growth of fibroids.
  Estrogen dependent- never develop before puberty, regress after
   menopause, newer tumor seldom develop after menopause,
(C) Growth Factor
 Growth factors, proteins polypeptides produced locally by
  smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts appear to promote growth of
  fibroids primarily by increasing extracellular matrix.
 Many growth factors are participating in proliferation and
  growth of cells of fibroid  Tumor Growth Factor-Beta, Basic-
  Fibroblast Growth Factor,increased DNA synthesis, Epidermal
  Growth factor, Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Insulin like
  growth factor, PRL,Vascular endothelial factor etc
 Uterine Body-Intramural or intrstitial75%,
  submucous15% (sesile /Pedunculated, subserous 10%(
  pedunculatd – torsion/ parasitic).
 Cervical.<5% primary cervical.
 Ligamenary-treue/ false broad ligament fibroids,
  round or sacralovarian.
 Extrauterine -vulval
Gross 
+A typical myoma is a well circumscribed tumor with a pseudo-
capsule. Cut surface is pinkish white and has a whorled appearance.
+Capsule consists of connective tissue which fixes tumor with
+Vessels that supply Blood to tumor lie in capsule and send radial
branch to tumor Hence central part of tumor is comparatively less
vascular ,thereby degenerative changes are noticeable in center.
Calcification at the periphery and spreads inwards along the
Microscopic Tumor consists of bundles of plane cells, separated
by varying amount of fibrous strands . Areas of embryonic muscle
tissue may be present.
Typical histopathology of fibrod
Hyaline degeneration of fibroid
Risk Factors
 Age – incidence increases with age till on set of menopause.
 Endogenous Hormonal factors  Early menarche ,late menopause,
    hyper-estrogenic states & increased expression and responsiveness of
    progesterone receptors A & B.
   Family History—1st degree relatives are having 3.5 times more risk of
    developing fibroids.
   Ethnicity—Black women develop fibroids 2.9 times more than white
   Body weight—risk of fibroid increase by 21% with each 10 kg increase
    in body weight. Increase bioavailable estrogen explains it well.
   Diet—diet rich in red meat, ham, beef increase the risk of fibroids
    while diet with green leafy vegetables decrease the risk.
Risk Factors
 Exercise – women doing regular exercise (7hrs per week) are at low
    risk than those who do not do exercise.
   OCS --- no definite relationship.
   ERT—variable reports—no increase, minimal increase, more increase
    when progesterones were added.
   Pregnancy—pre-existing fibroids may enlarge, undergo red
    degeneration. Increased parity is associated with lower incidence of
   Smoking---decreases by decreased conversion of androgen to estrone
    caused by inhibition of aromatase enzyme by nicotine, increased 2-
    hydroxylation of estradiol, increased level of serum sex hormone
    binding Globulins.
   Tissue injury—may increase the incidence probably by increasing
    local production of tissue growth factors--?
 Asymptomatic  Fibroid size<4cm / uterine size <12 cm(50%)
 Abnormal uterine bleeding  menorrhagia > 64% woman present with
    heavy blood loss in gushes needing more pads or tampons on the day of
    heaviest blood loss. Metro menorrhagia present in cases of infected /
    ulcerated fibroid polyp.
   Infertility
   Pain Dysmenorrhoea., slight discomfort to colicky pain in suprapubic
    region, low backache. Degenerated / torsion of fibroid may cause Acute
    abdomen /pelvic pain.
   Urinary symptoms  Increased uterine volume due to fibroids may cause
    pressure and obstructive effect on urinary tract (frequency, nocturia,
    urgency, uti )
   Secondary symptoms  progressive anaemia due to chronic blood loss --
    CHF, ill-health, loss of appetite and work capacity.
   Some patients rarely develop polycythemia due to erythropoiten production.
   Abdominal Lump.
Natural History of Fibroids
 Most fibroid grow slowly - 9% growth rate over 12 months, more
    depending on growth factors rather than hormones.
   Growth rate decreases after age 35 yrs in white women, but not in
   Most of them regress with onset of menopause.
   Rapid uterine fibroid growth in premenopausal age almost never
    indicate sarcomatous change.
   O.5% women with pre-exisiting fibroid may develop pain and
    bleeding in their postmenopausal age, as their fibroid might have
    under gone sarcomatous changes.
   Fibroids may become calcified in menopausal women.
   Fibroids may develop variety of degenerative changes.
Degenerative Changes
 Subserosal fibroid sessile  pedunculated  torsion  acute
    abdominal pain.
    Detached  wandering fibroid  get attached to other
    peritoneal structure  parasite Fibroid.
   Hyaline degeneration
   Fatty degeneration
   Red degeneration (Aseptic Necrobiosis)  in pregnancy,
   Saponification
   Cystic degeneration
   Calcification
   Hemorrhagic, torsion
   Sarcomatous changes
   Infection/ulceration of pedunculated fibroid
   Association with endometrial Ca, endometriosis, follicular
    enlargement of ovaries.
   Inversion of uterus
 PA Examination—fibroid with uterus larger than 12-14
 wks. of gestation are well palpable per abdomen .
 Enlarged uterus may be as big as term pregnancy. Surface
 is irregular nodular, bossed, firm, no Braxton Hick
 contractions, no palpable fetal parts , movements and no
 fetal heart sound . uterine soufflé due to increased blood
 supply to uterus may be audible, it has to be
 differentiated from umbilical soufflé.
Pelvic Examination 
 Enlarged uterus due to fibroids is of variable size,
  irregular surface, nodular or bossed .
 Associated cystic enlargement of ovary may be noted.
 Enlarged uterus is firm and non-tender, freely mobile—
  up and down, side to side till it incarcerates in pelvis.
 Enlarged uterus and cervix move together.
 For symptomatic women, consideration of conservative
  therapy, non invasive procedure or surgery often depends on an
  accurate assessment of the size, number and position of
 TVS Saline infusion USG, Hysteroscopy, MRI can be done. Sub
  mucous fibroids were best identified by MRI (100%sensitivity,
  91% specificity )
  SIS (sensitivity 90%, specificity 89% )
  Hysteroscopy (sensitivity 82%, specificity 87%).
 MRI allows evaluation of number, size location and proximity
  to bladder, rectum, tubal opening in uterine cavity and
  endometrium, thus helping in planning surgery.
Sonography is the most readily
available and least costly to
differentiate fibroids from other
pelvic pathology . It is reasonably
reliable for evaluation of uterus with
< 375 cc volume and 3-4 or fewer
MRI Image showing multiple
USG Image
Figo Leiomyoma classification
Submucosal                      0
                                    Pedunculated Intracvity
                                    < 50% intramural
                                2   >50% intramural
 0 other                        3   Contacts endometrium., 100%
                                4   Intramural
                                5   subserosal >50% intramural
                                6    subserosal <50% intramural
                                7    subserosal pedunculated
                                8    other(specify.,cervical,parasitic
Hybrid                              Two numbers are listed separated by
Laiomyomas(impact both    2-5 convension , the 1st reffers to
endometrium and serosa)             the relatioship with endometrium while
                                    2nd torelationship with serosa
                                    submucosal and subserosal , each
                                    lessthan half the diameter in the
                                    endometrim and peitoneal cavities
Fertility and Fibroids
 Presence of submucous fibroids decrease fertility and removing
  them increases fertility.
 Sub serous and intramural fibroid do not effect fertility but their
  removal may increase fertility depending on their location.
 Myomectomy carries risk of anesthesia, surgery , infection, post-
  operative adhesions, likelihood of increased cesarean delivery,
  rupture of myomectomy scar, expanse of surgeries and time for
 Therefore until submucous, intramural fibroids are surely found
  to be the prime cause of infertility and repeated abortion,
  myomectomy is advised and it will increase chances of fertility.
Fibroid and Pregnancy
    Prevalence of fibroids in pregnancy is 18% based on 1st
    trimester USG
 Most of fibroids do not increase significantly in pregnancy.
 Red degeneration of fibroids occurs in 5% cases. Patient
    develops pain, fever, local tenderness of fibroid, increased
     and DLC.
Bed rest, analgesics and plenty of fluids are needed to treat
Influence of fibroids on pregnancy Abortions ,
Malpresentation, malposition, IUGR, PROM, Premature onset of
labour pains, uterine inertia, inco-ordinated uterine action,
prolonged labor obstructed labor due to cervical fibroid or
incarcerated fibroid, APH (abruptio, placenta praevia), Atonic
PPH, P Sepsis, inversion of uterus, sub involution of uterus.
Rupture of Myomectomy scar .
Differential Diagnosis
 Pregnancy/pregnancy complications/ fibroid with
   Full Bladder.
   Haematometra/Pyometra
   Adenomyosis
   Bicornuate Uterus
   T.O.Mass
   Ch.Ectopic Pregnancy
   Pelvic Endometriosis/Chocolate cyst
   Endometrial Carcinoma/uterine sarcoma
   Ovarian Neoplasms/para- ovarian Cysts.
   Pelvic Kidney.
 Watchful Waiting
 Medical Therapy NSAID, GnRH- Agonists. GnRH-
  Antagonist, Alternative therapy.
 Surgical Treatment options            -
  (a)Myomectomy—Laparotomy, laparoscopy,
     Hysteroscopy, cesarean section and concurrent
  (b)Uterine Artery Embolization and occlusion.
  (c)Endometrial ablation.
Watchful Waiting
Not having treatment for fibroids rarely results in harm,
except women with severe anemia from fibroid related
menorrhagia or hydronephrosis from ureteric
obstruction caused by massive fibroid pressing over.
Therefore, for women who are asymptomatic or having
mild to moderate discomfort with fibroids, watch full
may allow treatment to be deferred, perhaps indefinitely
A woman approaching menopause, watchful waiting
may be considered, because there is limited time to
develop new symptoms and after menopause bleeing
stops and fibroid decrease in size.
Medical Therapy
 Non steroidal Anti inflammatory drugsNSAIDS found to
have minimal or no effect in controlling menorrhagia due to
fibroids and no decrease in size of fibrids.
GnRH Agonist Treatment with GnRh Agonist decrease
uterine volume, fibroid volume and bleeding. Monthly GnRH
Agonist given for 6 months reduced fibroid volume by 30% and
total uterine volume by 35%.bleeding also decreased well.
Following discontinuation of GnRH –A , uterine volume and
menses returns with in 4--8 weeks,2/3rd women remained
asymptomatic for 8-12 months. 95% women developed side
effects of hypo estrogen--- iatrogenic menopuase and
oseoporosis.Add back therapy given concurrently reduces these
side effcts.GnRH-a is recommended as temporary treatment for
premenopausal women with heavy menorrhagia.
Medical Treatment
GnRH –Antagonist Immediate
suppression of endogenous GnRh by daily
SC injection 0f Ganirelix results in 30%
reduction in fibroid volume with in 3 wks.
Patient develops Hypo estrogenic
symptoms. Availability of long acting
compounds might be considered for
medical treatment prior to surgery.
Medical Treatment
Progesterone mediated
TherapyReduction in fibroid size
following treatment with progesterone –
blocking drug MIFEPRISTONE is similar to
that due to GnRH –a. Controlled trial with
mifepristone therapy( for 6 months) found
48% reduction in size of uterus. 28%patient
developed endometrial hyperplasia due to
unopposed action of estrogen
Medical Treatment
 Progesterone releasing IUCD Mirena-Levonorgestrel
 releasing IUCD may be a reasonable treatment for selected
 women of child bearing age with fibroid associated
 menorrhagia and interested to have contraception. 85% of
 such women returned to their normal bleeding with in 3
 months and 40% developed reversible amenorrhea at the
 end of 1.5-2years .
Medical Treatment at least for 12 weeks
 Alternative Medical Treatment  Chinese herbal
 medicine Kuie Chi –Fu –Ling –wan
 found to complete resolution of fibroids (19%), decrease in
 size in34%, increase in 4% , 95% got relief from
 menorrhagia and 94% from dysmenorrhea (study group
 consisted of 110 women with fibroids <10cm ). 14% women
 preferred hysterectomy during the 4 year period of study.
Surgical Treatment
 Myomectomy  Laparotomy , Vaginal polypectomy,
  Laparoscopy (morcellation), Hysteroscopy.
 Hysterectomy  Abdominal, Non descent Vaginal
 Uterine Artery occulsion  Embolization
Preoperative management
 (1) severe anemia can be rapidly corrected by
  recombinant forms erythropoietin alpha or epoetin250
  iu/kg weekly for 3 weeks and parentral iron therapy along
  with folic acid, vitamin C, protein suplementation.
 (2)Auto transfusion / donor blood transfusion
 (3)Control of bleedingGnRH agonist therapy
 (4)Control of associated medical problems like
  hypertension, CHF, Asthma, uti, kidney or liver illness.
 Safe alternate to hysterectomy for young women who
  even have large fibroid and want to retain uterus ,
 “The restoration and maintenance of physiological
  function is or should be the ultimate goal of surgery Victor
  Bonney -1931”
 In carefully selected women myomectomy may be safely
  accomplished at the time of LSCS by experienced surgeon
  instead of caesarean hysterectomy.
Myomectomy Indications
 Infertility caused by cornual fibroid blocking
 Habitual abortion due to sub mucous fibroid.
Treatment required.
 Pedunculated fibroid likely to undergo torsion.
 Fibroid > 12 weeks.
 Broad ligament fibroid pressing on ureter.
 Fibroid pressing over bladder causing retention of urine /
 Rapidly growing uterine fibroid in post menopausal
Laparoscopic myomectomy-steps of operation:
 A. Fibromyoma uterus( subserous) not larger than 10 cm or
4 in number, Infiltrated with Pitressin ; B. Incision taken on
the fibromyoma; C. Fibromyoma exposed; D. Myoma screw
inserted to steady the myoma; E. Myoma dissected from its
bed; F. Edges of myoma bed approximated with interrupted
Vicryl sutures(Barbed). Removed myoma seen in POD; G.
Myoma being morcellated; H. Tunnel in myoma after
removal of cylindrical mass; I. Excised myoma cylinder
being removed from the morcellator.
Disadvantages of laparoscopic
 More heaorrhage because of no applicability of myomectomy clamp /
   Longer duration of operation—longer anesthesia.
   More chances of post operative adhesions – infertility, ch,. Abdominal
    pain, intestinal obstruction.
   Increased incidence of scar rupture in pregnancy/ labour due to
    impefect or inadequate suturing.
   Laparoscopic myomectomy may not be safer for infertile women.
   Unidentified or not removed small fibroid may grow later ---shoe up as
Hysteroscopic Myoma -
 Submucous fibroid < 1/3rd buried in myometrium to
  avoid uterine perforation.
 It can be excised either by electric cautery , laser or
 It is best done under laparoscopic guideance line to
  avoid myometrial perforation.
Complications gut. Myomectomy
 Primary, reactionary or secondary haemorrhage.
 Trauma to urinary tract,
 Infection.
 Adhesions.
 Intestinal obstruction.
 Recurrence of fibroid or menorrhagia.
Uterine Artery Embolization(UAE)
 Ravina (1991) first performed it to reduce blood supply to fibroid,
  results in reduction in size, further growth of fibroid reduced and
  minimum menstrual blood loss.
 Menorrhagia reduced in 80-90 % , pressure symptoms in 40-70% and
  volume decreased by 50% at the end of 3 months.
Contra indications Subserous and pedunculated fibroid 
necrosis and fall of tumor in peritoneal cavity. Very big fibroid are not
suitable, submucous fibroid is not cured. It does not help the infertile
women rather it may increase the problem.
Technique under LA bilateral UAE approach through percutaneous
femoral catheterization, using poly vinyl alcohol gel (PVA gel) particles
are injected in the artery supplying the fibroid.
Results and complications of
 Vascularity and size reduced by 40% at 6 weeks and
   75% at the end of 1 year.
 Symptoms are relieved in 70% women.
Post operative complications  fever and infection,
vaginal discharge and bleeding , unbearable ischaemic
pain, pulmonary embolism, premature ovarian failure if
accidental occlusion of ovarian vessels occur, fertility rate
is reduced due to adhesions, failure due to incomplete
coagulation caused by arterial spasm or tortuosity of
blood vessel.
Advantages Of UAE
 No major surgery.
 No intra-operative bleeding.
 Short hospital stay.
 No abdominal adhesions.
 75-80% women suffering from menorrhagia are satisfied.
Indication  Women over 40 years of age , multiparous
women, complicated fibroids, unforeseen difficulties
during myomectomy.
Types of Hysterectomy
Abdominal-total, sub total, pan hysterectomy ,
extended or wertheim’s hyserectomy when fibroid are
associated with carcinoma endometrium or cervix.
Vaginal Hysterectomy.
Newer techniques
 MRI guided per cutaneous laser ablation using High Intensity
  focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has been recently attempted –
  results are awaited.
 Laparoscopic myolysis  optimal surgery in multiparous
  women by using Nd : YAG laser, cryo- probe or diathermy to
  coagulate subserous fibroid . The contraindication are similar
  to UAE.
 Cervical fibroids preoperative GnRH will shrink the fibroid.
  Fibroid enucleation will be easy to perform myomectomy /
  hysterectomy, thus reducing ureteric and bladder injury.

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Uterine fibroids

  • 1. Prof. M.C.Bansal MBBS,MS,MICOG,FICOG Professor OBGY Ex-Principal & Controller Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Jaipur.
  • 2. Introduction  Fibroids(Myoma, Leiomyoma,Fibromyoma)  5-20% women in their reporductive age are reported to have fiboroids.  Most common Monoclonal Benign tumors of uterus arising in the smooth muscle cells of myometrium.  Contain large aggregation of extracellular matrix consisting of collagen, elastin, fibronectin and proteoglycan.  Each fibroid is derived from smooth muscle cells rests ,either from vessel wall or uterine musculature
  • 3. Incidence  Most common----77% specimen of hysterectomy were having Fibroids invariable number ,size (micro-macro) and site.  Sonographic survey in35-49yrs aged Africo- American women reported Fibroids in 60% while about 80% among the women > 50 yrs. of age.  White women have lower prevalence---40%at age 35 and almost 70% by age 50.
  • 4. etiology  Precise cause of Fibroids is not known.  Advances have been made in understanding the molecular biology of these benign tumors and there dependence on genetic, hormonal and growth factors .  (A) Genetic Fibroids are monoclonal and about 40% have chromosomal abnormalities that include- (a) translocations between chromosomes 12 and14. (b) deletions of chromosome 7 (c) Trisomy of chromosome 12 in large tumors. 60% may have yet undetected mutations
  • 5. Etiology  Genetic  more than 100 genes were found to be up- down regulated in fibroid cells. Many of them appear to regulate cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and mitogenesis.  Genetic differences between fibroid and Leiomyosarcomas indicate that Leiomyosarcomas do not result due to malignant changes in fibroids .
  • 6. Etiology  (B) Hormones  - Both increase in number and responsiveness of receptors for estrogen and progesterone appear to promote fibroid growth, as these are rarely found before puberty, develop and increase during reproductive period of life and so also during pregnancy, regress after menopause/ bilateral oophorectomy.  Found more with hyper estrogenic states like obesity, increases after ERT therapy in menopausal women, endometriosis, Cancer endometrium, an ovulatory infertility and early menarche.  Decreased incidence are found in athletes with low body mass, increased parity.  estrogen induces increased expression of progesterone receptors thus promoting oncogenic effect of progesterone.
  • 7. Etiology Hormones  Progesterone is most important in pathogenesis of fibroids, which have more concentration of receptors A & B as compared to normal myometrium.  Highest mitotic counts are found in fibroid cells when progesterone concentration is also high.  GnRH agonist decrease the size of fibroid.  Concurrent Progesterone and GnRH therapy prevent regression in size of fibroid.  Anti progesterone RU486 reduces the growth of fibroids.  Estrogen dependent- never develop before puberty, regress after menopause, newer tumor seldom develop after menopause,
  • 8. Etiology (C) Growth Factor  Growth factors, proteins polypeptides produced locally by smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts appear to promote growth of fibroids primarily by increasing extracellular matrix.  Many growth factors are participating in proliferation and growth of cells of fibroid  Tumor Growth Factor-Beta, Basic- Fibroblast Growth Factor,increased DNA synthesis, Epidermal Growth factor, Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Insulin like growth factor, PRL,Vascular endothelial factor etc
  • 9. Locations  Uterine Body-Intramural or intrstitial75%, submucous15% (sesile /Pedunculated, subserous 10%( pedunculatd – torsion/ parasitic).  Cervical.<5% primary cervical.  Ligamenary-treue/ false broad ligament fibroids, round or sacralovarian.  Extrauterine -vulval
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  • 12. Pathology Gross  +A typical myoma is a well circumscribed tumor with a pseudo- capsule. Cut surface is pinkish white and has a whorled appearance. +Capsule consists of connective tissue which fixes tumor with myometrium. +Vessels that supply Blood to tumor lie in capsule and send radial branch to tumor Hence central part of tumor is comparatively less vascular ,thereby degenerative changes are noticeable in center. Calcification at the periphery and spreads inwards along the vessels(Tombstone). Microscopic Tumor consists of bundles of plane cells, separated by varying amount of fibrous strands . Areas of embryonic muscle tissue may be present.
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  • 20. Risk Factors  Age – incidence increases with age till on set of menopause.  Endogenous Hormonal factors  Early menarche ,late menopause, hyper-estrogenic states & increased expression and responsiveness of progesterone receptors A & B.  Family History—1st degree relatives are having 3.5 times more risk of developing fibroids.  Ethnicity—Black women develop fibroids 2.9 times more than white women.  Body weight—risk of fibroid increase by 21% with each 10 kg increase in body weight. Increase bioavailable estrogen explains it well.  Diet—diet rich in red meat, ham, beef increase the risk of fibroids while diet with green leafy vegetables decrease the risk.
  • 21. Risk Factors  Exercise – women doing regular exercise (7hrs per week) are at low risk than those who do not do exercise.  OCS --- no definite relationship.  ERT—variable reports—no increase, minimal increase, more increase when progesterones were added.  Pregnancy—pre-existing fibroids may enlarge, undergo red degeneration. Increased parity is associated with lower incidence of fibroid.  Smoking---decreases by decreased conversion of androgen to estrone caused by inhibition of aromatase enzyme by nicotine, increased 2- hydroxylation of estradiol, increased level of serum sex hormone binding Globulins.  Tissue injury—may increase the incidence probably by increasing local production of tissue growth factors--?
  • 22. Symptoms  Asymptomatic  Fibroid size<4cm / uterine size <12 cm(50%)  Abnormal uterine bleeding  menorrhagia > 64% woman present with heavy blood loss in gushes needing more pads or tampons on the day of heaviest blood loss. Metro menorrhagia present in cases of infected / ulcerated fibroid polyp.  Infertility  Pain Dysmenorrhoea., slight discomfort to colicky pain in suprapubic region, low backache. Degenerated / torsion of fibroid may cause Acute abdomen /pelvic pain.  Urinary symptoms  Increased uterine volume due to fibroids may cause pressure and obstructive effect on urinary tract (frequency, nocturia, urgency, uti )  Secondary symptoms  progressive anaemia due to chronic blood loss -- CHF, ill-health, loss of appetite and work capacity.  Some patients rarely develop polycythemia due to erythropoiten production.  Abdominal Lump.
  • 23. Natural History of Fibroids  Most fibroid grow slowly - 9% growth rate over 12 months, more depending on growth factors rather than hormones.  Growth rate decreases after age 35 yrs in white women, but not in blacks.  Most of them regress with onset of menopause.  Rapid uterine fibroid growth in premenopausal age almost never indicate sarcomatous change.  O.5% women with pre-exisiting fibroid may develop pain and bleeding in their postmenopausal age, as their fibroid might have under gone sarcomatous changes.  Fibroids may become calcified in menopausal women.  Fibroids may develop variety of degenerative changes.
  • 24. Degenerative Changes  Subserosal fibroid sessile  pedunculated  torsion  acute abdominal pain. Detached  wandering fibroid  get attached to other peritoneal structure  parasite Fibroid.  Hyaline degeneration  Fatty degeneration  Red degeneration (Aseptic Necrobiosis)  in pregnancy, postpartum  Saponification  Cystic degeneration  Calcification  Hemorrhagic, torsion  Sarcomatous changes  Infection/ulceration of pedunculated fibroid  Association with endometrial Ca, endometriosis, follicular enlargement of ovaries.  Inversion of uterus
  • 31. Diagnosis  PA Examination—fibroid with uterus larger than 12-14 wks. of gestation are well palpable per abdomen . Enlarged uterus may be as big as term pregnancy. Surface is irregular nodular, bossed, firm, no Braxton Hick contractions, no palpable fetal parts , movements and no fetal heart sound . uterine soufflé due to increased blood supply to uterus may be audible, it has to be differentiated from umbilical soufflé.
  • 32. Diagnosis Pelvic Examination   Enlarged uterus due to fibroids is of variable size, irregular surface, nodular or bossed .  Associated cystic enlargement of ovary may be noted.  Enlarged uterus is firm and non-tender, freely mobile— up and down, side to side till it incarcerates in pelvis.  Enlarged uterus and cervix move together.
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  • 34. Imaging  For symptomatic women, consideration of conservative therapy, non invasive procedure or surgery often depends on an accurate assessment of the size, number and position of fibroids.  TVS Saline infusion USG, Hysteroscopy, MRI can be done. Sub mucous fibroids were best identified by MRI (100%sensitivity, 91% specificity ) SIS (sensitivity 90%, specificity 89% ) Hysteroscopy (sensitivity 82%, specificity 87%).  MRI allows evaluation of number, size location and proximity to bladder, rectum, tubal opening in uterine cavity and endometrium, thus helping in planning surgery.
  • 35. Imaging Sonography is the most readily available and least costly to differentiate fibroids from other pelvic pathology . It is reasonably reliable for evaluation of uterus with < 375 cc volume and 3-4 or fewer fibroids.
  • 36. MRI Image showing multiple fibroids
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  • 41. Figo Leiomyoma classification system Submucosal 0 1 Pedunculated Intracvity < 50% intramural 2 >50% intramural 0 other 3 Contacts endometrium., 100% intramural 4 Intramural 5 subserosal >50% intramural 6 subserosal <50% intramural 7 subserosal pedunculated 8 other(specify.,cervical,parasitic Hybrid Two numbers are listed separated by Laiomyomas(impact both 2-5 convension , the 1st reffers to endometrium and serosa) the relatioship with endometrium while 2nd torelationship with serosa submucosal and subserosal , each lessthan half the diameter in the endometrim and peitoneal cavities
  • 42. Fertility and Fibroids  Presence of submucous fibroids decrease fertility and removing them increases fertility.  Sub serous and intramural fibroid do not effect fertility but their removal may increase fertility depending on their location.  Myomectomy carries risk of anesthesia, surgery , infection, post- operative adhesions, likelihood of increased cesarean delivery, rupture of myomectomy scar, expanse of surgeries and time for recovery.  Therefore until submucous, intramural fibroids are surely found to be the prime cause of infertility and repeated abortion, myomectomy is advised and it will increase chances of fertility.
  • 43. Fibroid and Pregnancy Prevalence of fibroids in pregnancy is 18% based on 1st trimester USG  Most of fibroids do not increase significantly in pregnancy.  Red degeneration of fibroids occurs in 5% cases. Patient develops pain, fever, local tenderness of fibroid, increased TLC and DLC. Bed rest, analgesics and plenty of fluids are needed to treat them. Influence of fibroids on pregnancy Abortions , Malpresentation, malposition, IUGR, PROM, Premature onset of labour pains, uterine inertia, inco-ordinated uterine action, prolonged labor obstructed labor due to cervical fibroid or incarcerated fibroid, APH (abruptio, placenta praevia), Atonic PPH, P Sepsis, inversion of uterus, sub involution of uterus. Rupture of Myomectomy scar .
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  • 45. Differential Diagnosis  Pregnancy/pregnancy complications/ fibroid with pregnancy.  Full Bladder.  Haematometra/Pyometra  Adenomyosis  Bicornuate Uterus  T.O.Mass  Ch.Ectopic Pregnancy  Pelvic Endometriosis/Chocolate cyst  Endometrial Carcinoma/uterine sarcoma  Ovarian Neoplasms/para- ovarian Cysts.  Pelvic Kidney.
  • 46. Treatment  Watchful Waiting  Medical Therapy NSAID, GnRH- Agonists. GnRH- Antagonist, Alternative therapy.  Surgical Treatment options  - (a)Myomectomy—Laparotomy, laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, cesarean section and concurrent myomectomy. (b)Uterine Artery Embolization and occlusion. (c)Endometrial ablation.
  • 47. Watchful Waiting Not having treatment for fibroids rarely results in harm, except women with severe anemia from fibroid related menorrhagia or hydronephrosis from ureteric obstruction caused by massive fibroid pressing over. Therefore, for women who are asymptomatic or having mild to moderate discomfort with fibroids, watch full may allow treatment to be deferred, perhaps indefinitely . A woman approaching menopause, watchful waiting may be considered, because there is limited time to develop new symptoms and after menopause bleeing stops and fibroid decrease in size. .
  • 48. Medical Therapy Non steroidal Anti inflammatory drugsNSAIDS found to have minimal or no effect in controlling menorrhagia due to fibroids and no decrease in size of fibrids. GnRH Agonist Treatment with GnRh Agonist decrease uterine volume, fibroid volume and bleeding. Monthly GnRH Agonist given for 6 months reduced fibroid volume by 30% and total uterine volume by 35%.bleeding also decreased well. Following discontinuation of GnRH –A , uterine volume and menses returns with in 4--8 weeks,2/3rd women remained asymptomatic for 8-12 months. 95% women developed side effects of hypo estrogen--- iatrogenic menopuase and oseoporosis.Add back therapy given concurrently reduces these side effcts.GnRH-a is recommended as temporary treatment for premenopausal women with heavy menorrhagia.
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  • 50. Medical Treatment GnRH –Antagonist Immediate suppression of endogenous GnRh by daily SC injection 0f Ganirelix results in 30% reduction in fibroid volume with in 3 wks. Patient develops Hypo estrogenic symptoms. Availability of long acting compounds might be considered for medical treatment prior to surgery.
  • 51. Medical Treatment Progesterone mediated TherapyReduction in fibroid size following treatment with progesterone – blocking drug MIFEPRISTONE is similar to that due to GnRH –a. Controlled trial with mifepristone therapy( for 6 months) found 48% reduction in size of uterus. 28%patient developed endometrial hyperplasia due to unopposed action of estrogen
  • 52. Medical Treatment Progesterone releasing IUCD Mirena-Levonorgestrel releasing IUCD may be a reasonable treatment for selected women of child bearing age with fibroid associated menorrhagia and interested to have contraception. 85% of such women returned to their normal bleeding with in 3 months and 40% developed reversible amenorrhea at the end of 1.5-2years .
  • 53. Medical Treatment at least for 12 weeks  Alternative Medical Treatment  Chinese herbal medicine Kuie Chi –Fu –Ling –wan found to complete resolution of fibroids (19%), decrease in size in34%, increase in 4% , 95% got relief from menorrhagia and 94% from dysmenorrhea (study group consisted of 110 women with fibroids <10cm ). 14% women preferred hysterectomy during the 4 year period of study.
  • 54. Surgical Treatment  Myomectomy  Laparotomy , Vaginal polypectomy, Laparoscopy (morcellation), Hysteroscopy.  Hysterectomy  Abdominal, Non descent Vaginal  Uterine Artery occulsion  Embolization
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  • 56. Preoperative management  (1) severe anemia can be rapidly corrected by recombinant forms erythropoietin alpha or epoetin250 iu/kg weekly for 3 weeks and parentral iron therapy along with folic acid, vitamin C, protein suplementation.  (2)Auto transfusion / donor blood transfusion  (3)Control of bleedingGnRH agonist therapy  (4)Control of associated medical problems like hypertension, CHF, Asthma, uti, kidney or liver illness.
  • 57. Myomectomy  Safe alternate to hysterectomy for young women who even have large fibroid and want to retain uterus , fertility  “The restoration and maintenance of physiological function is or should be the ultimate goal of surgery Victor Bonney -1931”  In carefully selected women myomectomy may be safely accomplished at the time of LSCS by experienced surgeon instead of caesarean hysterectomy.
  • 58. Myomectomy Indications  Infertility caused by cornual fibroid blocking tube.  Habitual abortion due to sub mucous fibroid. Treatment required.  Pedunculated fibroid likely to undergo torsion.  Fibroid > 12 weeks.  Broad ligament fibroid pressing on ureter.  Fibroid pressing over bladder causing retention of urine / infection.  Rapidly growing uterine fibroid in post menopausal women.
  • 63. Laparoscopic myomectomy-steps of operation: A. Fibromyoma uterus( subserous) not larger than 10 cm or 4 in number, Infiltrated with Pitressin ; B. Incision taken on the fibromyoma; C. Fibromyoma exposed; D. Myoma screw inserted to steady the myoma; E. Myoma dissected from its bed; F. Edges of myoma bed approximated with interrupted Vicryl sutures(Barbed). Removed myoma seen in POD; G. Myoma being morcellated; H. Tunnel in myoma after removal of cylindrical mass; I. Excised myoma cylinder being removed from the morcellator.
  • 64. Disadvantages of laparoscopic myomectomy  More heaorrhage because of no applicability of myomectomy clamp / tornicate.  Longer duration of operation—longer anesthesia.  More chances of post operative adhesions – infertility, ch,. Abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction.  Increased incidence of scar rupture in pregnancy/ labour due to impefect or inadequate suturing.  Laparoscopic myomectomy may not be safer for infertile women.  Unidentified or not removed small fibroid may grow later ---shoe up as recurrence. -
  • 65. Hysteroscopic Myoma - resection  Submucous fibroid < 1/3rd buried in myometrium to avoid uterine perforation.  It can be excised either by electric cautery , laser or resectoscope.  It is best done under laparoscopic guideance line to avoid myometrial perforation.
  • 66. Complications gut. Myomectomy of  Primary, reactionary or secondary haemorrhage.  Trauma to urinary tract,  Infection.  Adhesions.  Intestinal obstruction.  Recurrence of fibroid or menorrhagia.
  • 67. Uterine Artery Embolization(UAE)  Ravina (1991) first performed it to reduce blood supply to fibroid, results in reduction in size, further growth of fibroid reduced and minimum menstrual blood loss.  Menorrhagia reduced in 80-90 % , pressure symptoms in 40-70% and volume decreased by 50% at the end of 3 months. Contra indications Subserous and pedunculated fibroid  necrosis and fall of tumor in peritoneal cavity. Very big fibroid are not suitable, submucous fibroid is not cured. It does not help the infertile women rather it may increase the problem. Technique under LA bilateral UAE approach through percutaneous femoral catheterization, using poly vinyl alcohol gel (PVA gel) particles are injected in the artery supplying the fibroid.
  • 68. Results and complications of UAE  Vascularity and size reduced by 40% at 6 weeks and 75% at the end of 1 year.  Symptoms are relieved in 70% women. Post operative complications  fever and infection, vaginal discharge and bleeding , unbearable ischaemic pain, pulmonary embolism, premature ovarian failure if accidental occlusion of ovarian vessels occur, fertility rate is reduced due to adhesions, failure due to incomplete coagulation caused by arterial spasm or tortuosity of blood vessel.
  • 69. Advantages Of UAE  No major surgery.  No intra-operative bleeding.  Short hospital stay.  No abdominal adhesions.  75-80% women suffering from menorrhagia are satisfied.
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  • 72. Hysterectomy Indication  Women over 40 years of age , multiparous women, complicated fibroids, unforeseen difficulties during myomectomy. Types of Hysterectomy Abdominal-total, sub total, pan hysterectomy , extended or wertheim’s hyserectomy when fibroid are associated with carcinoma endometrium or cervix. Vaginal Hysterectomy. LAVH.
  • 73. Newer techniques  MRI guided per cutaneous laser ablation using High Intensity focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has been recently attempted – results are awaited.  Laparoscopic myolysis  optimal surgery in multiparous women by using Nd : YAG laser, cryo- probe or diathermy to coagulate subserous fibroid . The contraindication are similar to UAE.  Cervical fibroids preoperative GnRH will shrink the fibroid. Fibroid enucleation will be easy to perform myomectomy / hysterectomy, thus reducing ureteric and bladder injury.