SlideShare a Scribd company logo
As you can see the masthead will
always be placed at the top left hand
corner. This is important as it will stand
out more and attract more people
The barcode will either be at the
side or at the bottom left corner.
This is because it will have to be
scanned easily.
The main image will always be placed
in the centre. This is important
because it will have a star effect on our
audience and therefore will attract
more people especially is if is their
favorite artist.
The cover lines will also always be
placed around the main image. This
will involve quotes from the artists
The strapline will be near the
masthead and include a brand
The Q&A will be placed in the centre and cover
the whole the second page. This is important
because it involves the cover artist and many
people will be interested in this.
The main image will always be placed in the
centre. This is important because it will
have a star effect on our audience and
therefore will attract more people
especially is if is their favorite artist.
As you can see the
masthead will
always be placed at
the top left hand
corner. This is
important as it will
stand out more and
attract more people
The barcode will either be at the side or at
the bottom left corner. This is because it
will have to be scanned easily.
Final sketches
These are my chosen sketches in which I will base my magazines off of. This due to
where the masthead is positioned which is important as I want to base it on the XXL
masthead. Furthermore, I also prefer the positioning of the Q&A. This is because the
Q&A on XXL always takes up one whole page and is also on the right page.
Colour scheme/House Style
Firstly, the colour scheme for this magazine is red and white.
This is because these two colours complement each other
and also due to the meaning behind the colour red.
Furthermore the colour red connotes a feeling of energy
within this magazine and is also emotionally intense. This is
important as the function of this magazine is to update the
reader on current hip hop music and to help them develop a
passion for this type of music.
Font style
My magazine font styles are inspired by XXL. This is because they are both quite
simple whilst also being big and bold. This is good because they will stand out
on the shelves and therefore customers may be drawn towards them.
Furthermore, this is also good as they are new magazines and may therefore
attract a lot of attention
Masthead ideas
Masthead ideas
I have decided to have these
as my draft ideas for my
magazine. However, the two I
have gone with are tune and
RW. I chose these two as I
think they would suit a
magazine most.
Inspiration slideMasthead
As you can see the
mast head has large
font and is bright in
colour. This is good
as it appeals to the
Main image
The main image on
this is also quite large.
This is good as the
magazine now has
star appeal which is
good for fans of
particular artists.
Furthermore the font
on the front cover is
also important as it is
easy to read and
therefore may stand
out even more.
Main headline
Another aspect I
based my magazine
off of is the main
headline. I though this
is good as it stands
out well. This is
important as my
magazine wouldn't’t
of been seen before
and is therefore
important that it
attracts the customers
Mood board
Draft article
Graphic layout
Firstly, these graphic layouts are a further adaption from my hand drawn versions.
This gives me a more accurate idea of what my magazine will actually look like. In
addition, for my front cover certain conventions will remain the same throughout
the different copies of my magazine. For example, the masthead will always be in
the same position and the cover lines will also be around the main image. This is
important as it they are placed elsewhere it may look worse. Furthermore, this
also applies to my DPS. For example, the main image will also be in the same place
and the interview will always take up most of the right page.
Photo-shoot plan
Test photography
Environment of pitch/prop list
At the bottom there are five images in which helped me to do my pitch. Firstly, I used
the camera to film myself and this also helps me to see what I did and didn't’t do well
in my pitch. Furthermore, I also used this computer to present my PowerPoint. This is
important as without this I would not be able to present.
In addition, the third picture is a tripod. This helped me to do my pitch as it holds the
camera up and gets a good view of myself presenting. Again this would help to assess
myself properly as it is a steady view.
The fourth image is one of a smart board. This projects my PowerPoint onto a bigger
screen and therefore allows my peers to view my slides better which means I will get
better detailed feedback
Production Plan – Launch Date –
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Look for
space, staff
Set up all
and get
ready to
start the
Set up
for job roles
such as
and others
within the
Set up
s for job
roles such
as editor,
within the
Set up
for job
roles such
as editor,
within the
by: 5th
by: 6th June
by: 9th June
by: 9th
by: 9th
Week 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Find someone to
host on the first
addition of the
Find someone to
host on the first
addition of the
Get the head
writer to come up
with interesting
questions to ask
the artist whilst
being interviewed.
Get reporter to
go to interview
the chosen
artist with the
questions and
record the
Type up the
interview and
add it to the
Take photoshoot
of the chosen
artist for the front
cover and double
page spread of the
Complete by:
14th June
Complete by:
14th June
Complete by: 15th
Completed by:
16th June
Completed by:
17th June
Completed by:
18th June
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Get the
reporter to
more stories
about the
artist/hip hop
in general
Edit the
photos taken
of the artist in
Photoshop to
improve the
Insert interview
into the double
page spread of
the magazine
Look for
nts you
could use
within your
es into the
Complete by:
21st June
Complete by:
23rd June
Complete by:
24th June
by: 25th June
Complete by:
26th June
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Finish off
designing the
Find some more
short stories
about the artist
to put into the
Send the magazine
off for production
arrive find
places where
the magazine
can be
Distribute the
magazines to
stores and
websites which
have given you
Complete by: 29th
Complete by: 30th
Complete by: 1st
Complete by:
2nd July
Complete by: 3rd
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Set up social
media account
and advertise the
magazine on it.
Set up social
media account
and advertise the
magazine on it.
Product Launch
Complete by: 7th
Complete by: 7th
Complete by: 8th
Resources needed
Staff costs
• Publishes=57,966
• Editors=76,083
• Journalists=119,125
• Writers=96,702
• Photographers=190260
• Marketing=111,395
• Finance=96,670 Overall staff costs=£577,201
Equipment costs
• Office=5727
• Computers=5750
• Applications=1587
• Desk=3749
• Chairs=2760
• Printers=247.99
• Stationary=218.27
Overall equipment costs=£20,039.26
Staff costs + Equipment costs=£597,240.26
• In conclusion this learning objective has
helped me understand what production
materials you need when creating a magazine.
Furthermore, it has also helped me
understand the planning involved in making a
magazine when doing my hand drawn drafts
for both of my magazines.
Location Recce
Hazards at the workplace
Health and safety act 1974
This is a legislation that has been put in place in order to ensure
that people in the workplace are in a safe working environment
covering occupational hazards in the UK.
As you can see from the screenshot there are a few duties that
must be followed within this act. One of the more important
ones is the first one which states that it is the employers duty to
make sure that the health and safety of their employees is not at
risk of being harmed.
Legal and ethical issues
Legal issues is important because there has been many times in which Bauer media has been involved in court cases. This is important because there was
a case about how they wanted their freelances to sign a new contract which would take away their rights. Furthermore, this is significant as it would
mean that Bauer media could use their material whenever they wanted without referencing any of them however none of the workers wanted to sign
these contracts as they did not agree.
Another case which involved Bauer media was when they had an article which contained some information about Tom Cruise. This is important as it was
about him not spending enough time with his children which he felt was incorrect and therefore decided to try and sue Bauer media. However, because
research has proved that he doesn't’t spend that much time with his children he decided to drop the case.
Bauer media have also not yet had any legal issues to do with copyright.
Ethical issues is important because when producing magazines companies have to follow a certain guideline in order for it to not offend or harm any of the
consumers. One of this guidelines state that ‘particular care must be taken to avoid causing offense in terms of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
disability or age’. This is important as if consumers are offended in any way then they could potentially have the company taken out of business. Therefore, it
is important to follow the guidelines of publicising information which may contain some sensitive content in order to not be complained to. Another
important factor of this would be the audience of the magazine. This is because you may need to adjust guidelines depending on the audience if they are
sensitive to particular topics.
Furthermore, if there was no ethical issues then their could perhaps be younger artists on front covers as they wouldn't want protection from the media.
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. Furthermore, clauses which may
relate to my magazine is discrimination (clause 12) this is important as if there is any form of discrimination found within my magazine then it may offend
people and therefore give my magazine a bad reputation.
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines the law on the processing of data on
identifiable living people and is the main piece of legislation that governs the data protection.
This relates to my magazine as it is important that any personal data is kept protected. It is also important that data is kept
relevant and updated.
Furthermore, the data protection act also protects personal data. This is important because for example if some people were
to follow the magazine on social media or subscribed to a YouTube page then it is important that their information is
Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that
already exists.
furthermore, since the copyright law changed in 1998 employees have their own rights for things such as photocopying, reproduction in books. The employee has rights for
everything else.
Throughout my magazine I have made sure copyright symbols in my magazine and also whilst advertising you can see this symbol. This is important as it notes to the people
who see it if they use their material without their permission they have the power to sue them.
Data protection act 1988
• The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which
defines the law on the processing of data on identifiable living people and is the
main piece of legislation that governs the data protection.
• This relates to my magazine as it is important that any personal data is kept
protected. It is also important that data is kept relevant and updated.
• Furthermore, the data protection act also protects personal data. This is important
because for example if some people were to follow the magazine on social media
or subscribed to a YouTube page then it is important that their information is
• In conclusion, this LO has helped me to
understand what the legal and ethical issues
you must consider whilst making a magazine.
This is important because you can easily be
punished for doing something which is
considered unethical.
• Setting up equipment
• Pre production material
• Production process
• Operation desktop publishing tools
• conclusion
Setting up equipment
• Before I carried out the task of creating my front cover and
double page spread I look at the equipment I will be using to
take photographs of the chosen artist on my front cover and
DPS. I will need to use a good camera for this in order to
achieve high quality photos. In addition, I did not need to use
a tripod or studio lighting as these were not necessary.
Furthermore, I chose for my artist to stand in front of a white
background. This is because when editing it will be easier for
me to edit them onto the front cover and DPS.
Pre production material
I used pre production material in order to ensure that all of my original plans
and ideas stayed the same throughout the process of creating this magazine.
In addition, one of the difficulties I had was keeping the picture the same as
planned. This is important due to the location not having great lighting and
also the background was not ideal. Another one of the ideas that was
changed from the original plan was the position of some of the cover lines.
This was changed because of how the magazine cover looked slight empty so
in order to fill the space some of the cover lines were placed in different
positions. The main image also had to be altered due to it not being a close
Production process
Desktop publishing tools
Eye dropper tool
In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and DPS I used the
eyedropper tool. This allowed me to use the same colours for my masthead and colour of the font. This
is important as without it my colours would have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This
would also make my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use this you can
create a colour and save and every time you would like to use it you can click on the saved colour as you
can see from the image in the bottom left.
When editing the images I used I had to
consider factors such as if it looked the right
size. This is important as you need to be careful
especially with the pixilation and also I can
potentially become stretched. Furthermore, I
found that the most useful to in order to resize
was the transform tool which is on Photoshop.
To carry this out you had to hold down the
shift key whilst clicking and holding on the
corner of the image and then when you are at
a size which you are happy with you release
the corner and then release the shift. This is
important as it helps you maintain a square
shape and also prevents from stretching the
Resizing an image
• In conclusion, this LO has helped me to
understand the production and developing
process that goes into the making of
magazine. Furthermore, it has also helped me
understand that what equipment is required
when creating a front cover and DPS.
Production process/Deadlines
Product launch 8th July
Post production skills
Ruler tool
In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and
DPS I used the Ruler tool. This allowed me to have a frame to work with which
allows me to line up my writing. This is important as without it my writing would
have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This would also make
my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use this
you can create a temporary boarder to help guide you.
I found this tool to be very useful when selecting
and editing the main image. It is also very precise
as you can edit out the background of the main
image and put whatever background you want into
Quick selection tool
Safe working practices
Eye dropper tool
In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and
DPS I used the eyedropper tool. This allowed me to use the same colours for my
masthead and colour of the font. This is important as without it my colours
would have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This would also
make my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use
this you can create a colour and save and every time you would like to use it
you can click on the saved colour as you can see from the image in the bottom
When editing the images I used I had to consider
factors such as if it looked the right size. This is
important as you need to be careful especially with
the pixilation and also I can potentially become
stretched. Furthermore, I found that the most
useful to in order to resize was the transform tool
which is on Photoshop. To carry this out you had to
hold down the shift key whilst clicking and holding
on the corner of the image and then when you are
at a size which you are happy with you release the
corner and then release the shift. This is important
as it helps you maintain a square shape and also
prevents from stretching the image.
Resizing an image
Proof reading and sub editing
Within my Photoshop
work I had to make
sure that I proof read
it before it was
published. I had
previously spelt
“magazine” wrong
and I then had to go
back and change it by
adding another “a”.
Colour scheme/House Style
Firstly, the colour scheme for this magazine is red and white.
This is because these two colours complement each other
and also due to the meaning behind the colour red.
Furthermore the colour red connotes a feeling of energy
within this magazine and is also emotionally intense. This is
important as the function of this magazine is to update the
reader on current hip hop music and to help them develop a
passion for this type of music. I made sure I used the
eyedropper tool to keep the colour red consistant
throughout my work.
Step by Step Guide
Front cover
• In order making a front cover you will need to open up Photoshop and create an A4 page spread. Go to File –
New – International paper which makes it an A4 sized paper
• To create a barcode where there was a template in public drive where you go to CTEC media where you can find
a barcode template where you go to file and place.
• For the background of the front cover you could have it based on the colour of your inspiration magazine.
However if you would like to change the colour then go to the paint bucket tool
• Then to create the masthead you would have to click on the pen tool then you would have to make a shape of
a square by clicking each of the points. You then have your masthead.
• Next in order to insert a font you would need to go to either go online and make a font on a website such as You download the font and it will appear on all the other fonts on Photoshop. This will allow you to
copy and paste it through and you drag it to where your masthead is. To resize it you press command T and hold
down shift so the font doesn't’t look pixelated, you will have to do the same for the strapline.
• In order to create your puff promotion you will need to go to the shape tool on
Photoshop in which you would have to resize it so it is big as you want it to be, to add
colour you will again have to use the paint bucket tool where you can choose your
colour, and also to add colour on the outside of the circle you would to use a stroke
affect where it gives you options if you want the colour to be faded or bold.
• to add cover lines into your front cover you will need to add text where you will write
promotions to promote your magazine, you will then need to resize and drag them both
so they are on both sides of the magazine cover.
• to add the title of your magazine you will need to again add text by clicking on the text
box tool then you will need to type in whatever your magazine title is going to be then
you will need to again resize it and make it stand out by using colour to make it stand
Step by step guide double page spread
• The first step to creating a double page spread on a magazine would be to choose a theme that would
fit best for your magazine for example your colour scheme, I choose a white colour faded into a brown/
dark pink colour for the canvas.
• The next thing you will need to do was to add a page number to your double page spread so that
readers can see what page it is on
• For this step you will need to take pictures of your chosen subject, after taking the images you will need
to save them in your file place. After that you will need to go to file then place in Photoshop and your
chosen image will appear, you will need to quick select you image and move it when you would like it to
go on your double page spread.
• For the next step you have to paste your interview with the artist into the double page spread, in order to do this
you will have to copy and paste the information over. After this you have to add in a drop capital to show it is
professionally laid out. You could also add the interview between the quote because I was linking to your chosen
magazine of inspiration.
• You then add the pull quote in between the interview by using the pen tool. Then insert the quote by using a
different font to make it stand out.
• In the interview you could use a different font to show that it’s professional for the readers, you could also choose
the colour of your font which should be based on your magazine of inspiration, therefore my font would be white
• lastly you have to add the masthead to the double page spread.
Font style
My magazine font styles are inspired by XXL. This is because they are both quite
simple whilst also being big and bold. This is good because they will stand out
on the shelves and therefore customers may be drawn towards them.
Furthermore, this is also good as they are new magazines and may therefore
attract a lot of attention. I used to find these fonts.
Front covers and DPS’s
Favorite Magazine
The first thing I have
done to improve my pitch
is line up the cover lines.
This is important as they
can potentially look out
of place if not lined up.
Furthermore, I did this
with a ruler tool by the
left column to make sure
that the starting point is
the same.
Another improvement in which I needed to do was to make to my front cover was to make
the barcode bigger. This is important as also within my barcode is social media and web
address. This is important because it gives my customers direction if they want to find out
more information about my magazine or perhaps the extended interviews.
Before After
Witness statement
• In conclusion, in this learning objective I have
decided my favoured magazine and have
received pitch feedback. I was able to use this
in order to see what I would do differently
next time and how I could improve presenting
a pitch overall.

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Unit14 LO1-4

  • 1.
  • 2. As you can see the masthead will always be placed at the top left hand corner. This is important as it will stand out more and attract more people The barcode will either be at the side or at the bottom left corner. This is because it will have to be scanned easily. The main image will always be placed in the centre. This is important because it will have a star effect on our audience and therefore will attract more people especially is if is their favorite artist. The cover lines will also always be placed around the main image. This will involve quotes from the artists interview. The strapline will be near the masthead and include a brand slogan.
  • 3. The Q&A will be placed in the centre and cover the whole the second page. This is important because it involves the cover artist and many people will be interested in this. The main image will always be placed in the centre. This is important because it will have a star effect on our audience and therefore will attract more people especially is if is their favorite artist. As you can see the masthead will always be placed at the top left hand corner. This is important as it will stand out more and attract more people The barcode will either be at the side or at the bottom left corner. This is because it will have to be scanned easily.
  • 4. Final sketches These are my chosen sketches in which I will base my magazines off of. This due to where the masthead is positioned which is important as I want to base it on the XXL masthead. Furthermore, I also prefer the positioning of the Q&A. This is because the Q&A on XXL always takes up one whole page and is also on the right page.
  • 5. Colour scheme/House Style Firstly, the colour scheme for this magazine is red and white. This is because these two colours complement each other and also due to the meaning behind the colour red. Furthermore the colour red connotes a feeling of energy within this magazine and is also emotionally intense. This is important as the function of this magazine is to update the reader on current hip hop music and to help them develop a passion for this type of music.
  • 6. Font style PixelCaps! My magazine font styles are inspired by XXL. This is because they are both quite simple whilst also being big and bold. This is good because they will stand out on the shelves and therefore customers may be drawn towards them. Furthermore, this is also good as they are new magazines and may therefore attract a lot of attention
  • 7. Masthead ideas Masthead ideas TUNE RW JINX KINGS I have decided to have these as my draft ideas for my magazine. However, the two I have gone with are tune and RW. I chose these two as I think they would suit a magazine most.
  • 8. Inspiration slideMasthead As you can see the mast head has large font and is bright in colour. This is good as it appeals to the customers. Main image The main image on this is also quite large. This is good as the magazine now has star appeal which is good for fans of particular artists. Furthermore the font on the front cover is also important as it is easy to read and therefore may stand out even more. Main headline Another aspect I based my magazine off of is the main headline. I though this is good as it stands out well. This is important as my magazine wouldn't’t of been seen before and is therefore important that it attracts the customers attention.
  • 11. Graphic layout Firstly, these graphic layouts are a further adaption from my hand drawn versions. This gives me a more accurate idea of what my magazine will actually look like. In addition, for my front cover certain conventions will remain the same throughout the different copies of my magazine. For example, the masthead will always be in the same position and the cover lines will also be around the main image. This is important as it they are placed elsewhere it may look worse. Furthermore, this also applies to my DPS. For example, the main image will also be in the same place and the interview will always take up most of the right page.
  • 14. Environment of pitch/prop list At the bottom there are five images in which helped me to do my pitch. Firstly, I used the camera to film myself and this also helps me to see what I did and didn't’t do well in my pitch. Furthermore, I also used this computer to present my PowerPoint. This is important as without this I would not be able to present. In addition, the third picture is a tripod. This helped me to do my pitch as it holds the camera up and gets a good view of myself presenting. Again this would help to assess myself properly as it is a steady view. The fourth image is one of a smart board. This projects my PowerPoint onto a bigger screen and therefore allows my peers to view my slides better which means I will get better detailed feedback
  • 15. Production Plan – Launch Date – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Look for office space, staff and equipment . Set up all equipment and get ready to start the magazine process. Set up interviews for job roles such as editor, writer, designer and others available within the business. Set up interview s for job roles such as editor, writer, designer and others available within the business. Set up interviews for job roles such as editor, writer, designer and others available within the business. DAYS OFF DAYS OFF Complete by: 5th June Complete by: 6th June Complete by: 9th June Complete by: 9th June Complete by: 9th June Week 1
  • 16. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Find someone to host on the first addition of the magazine. Find someone to host on the first addition of the magazine. Get the head writer to come up with interesting questions to ask the artist whilst being interviewed. Get reporter to go to interview the chosen artist with the questions and record the answers. Type up the interview and add it to the magazine. Take photoshoot of the chosen artist for the front cover and double page spread of the magazine. DAY OFF Complete by: 14th June Complete by: 14th June Complete by: 15th June Completed by: 16th June Completed by: 17th June Completed by: 18th June Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Get the reporter to investigate more stories about the artist/hip hop in general Edit the photos taken of the artist in Photoshop to improve the image. Insert interview into the double page spread of the magazine Look for potential advertiseme nts you could use within your magazine. Start integrating other stories/articl es into the magazine. DAY OFF DAY OFF Complete by: 21st June Complete by: 23rd June Complete by: 24th June Complete by: 25th June Complete by: 26th June
  • 17. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Finish off designing the magazine Find some more short stories about the artist to put into the magazine Send the magazine off for production Once magazines arrive find places where the magazine can be distributed. Distribute the magazines to stores and websites which have given you permission DAY OFF DAY OFF Complete by: 29th June Complete by: 30th June Complete by: 1st July Complete by: 2nd July Complete by: 3rd July Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Set up social media account and advertise the magazine on it. Set up social media account and advertise the magazine on it. Product Launch Complete by: 7th July Complete by: 7th July Complete by: 8th July
  • 18. Resources needed Staff costs • Publishes=57,966 • Editors=76,083 • Journalists=119,125 • Writers=96,702 • Photographers=190260 • Marketing=111,395 • Finance=96,670 Overall staff costs=£577,201 Equipment costs • Office=5727 • Computers=5750 • Applications=1587 • Desk=3749 • Chairs=2760 • Printers=247.99 • Stationary=218.27 Overall equipment costs=£20,039.26 Staff costs + Equipment costs=£597,240.26
  • 19. Conclusion • In conclusion this learning objective has helped me understand what production materials you need when creating a magazine. Furthermore, it has also helped me understand the planning involved in making a magazine when doing my hand drawn drafts for both of my magazines.
  • 20.
  • 22. Hazards at the workplace Health and safety act 1974 This is a legislation that has been put in place in order to ensure that people in the workplace are in a safe working environment covering occupational hazards in the UK. As you can see from the screenshot there are a few duties that must be followed within this act. One of the more important ones is the first one which states that it is the employers duty to make sure that the health and safety of their employees is not at risk of being harmed. section/2
  • 23. Legal and ethical issues Legal issues is important because there has been many times in which Bauer media has been involved in court cases. This is important because there was a case about how they wanted their freelances to sign a new contract which would take away their rights. Furthermore, this is significant as it would mean that Bauer media could use their material whenever they wanted without referencing any of them however none of the workers wanted to sign these contracts as they did not agree. Another case which involved Bauer media was when they had an article which contained some information about Tom Cruise. This is important as it was about him not spending enough time with his children which he felt was incorrect and therefore decided to try and sue Bauer media. However, because research has proved that he doesn't’t spend that much time with his children he decided to drop the case. Bauer media have also not yet had any legal issues to do with copyright. Ethical issues is important because when producing magazines companies have to follow a certain guideline in order for it to not offend or harm any of the consumers. One of this guidelines state that ‘particular care must be taken to avoid causing offense in terms of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age’. This is important as if consumers are offended in any way then they could potentially have the company taken out of business. Therefore, it is important to follow the guidelines of publicising information which may contain some sensitive content in order to not be complained to. Another important factor of this would be the audience of the magazine. This is because you may need to adjust guidelines depending on the audience if they are sensitive to particular topics. Furthermore, if there was no ethical issues then their could perhaps be younger artists on front covers as they wouldn't want protection from the media. The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. Furthermore, clauses which may relate to my magazine is discrimination (clause 12) this is important as if there is any form of discrimination found within my magazine then it may offend people and therefore give my magazine a bad reputation. The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines the law on the processing of data on identifiable living people and is the main piece of legislation that governs the data protection. This relates to my magazine as it is important that any personal data is kept protected. It is also important that data is kept relevant and updated. Furthermore, the data protection act also protects personal data. This is important because for example if some people were to follow the magazine on social media or subscribed to a YouTube page then it is important that their information is protected. Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. furthermore, since the copyright law changed in 1998 employees have their own rights for things such as photocopying, reproduction in books. The employee has rights for everything else. Throughout my magazine I have made sure copyright symbols in my magazine and also whilst advertising you can see this symbol. This is important as it notes to the people who see it if they use their material without their permission they have the power to sue them.
  • 24. Data protection act 1988 • The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines the law on the processing of data on identifiable living people and is the main piece of legislation that governs the data protection. • This relates to my magazine as it is important that any personal data is kept protected. It is also important that data is kept relevant and updated. • Furthermore, the data protection act also protects personal data. This is important because for example if some people were to follow the magazine on social media or subscribed to a YouTube page then it is important that their information is protected.
  • 25. Conclusion • In conclusion, this LO has helped me to understand what the legal and ethical issues you must consider whilst making a magazine. This is important because you can easily be punished for doing something which is considered unethical.
  • 26.
  • 27. LO3 • Setting up equipment • Pre production material • Production process • Operation desktop publishing tools • conclusion
  • 28. Setting up equipment • Before I carried out the task of creating my front cover and double page spread I look at the equipment I will be using to take photographs of the chosen artist on my front cover and DPS. I will need to use a good camera for this in order to achieve high quality photos. In addition, I did not need to use a tripod or studio lighting as these were not necessary. Furthermore, I chose for my artist to stand in front of a white background. This is because when editing it will be easier for me to edit them onto the front cover and DPS.
  • 29. Pre production material I used pre production material in order to ensure that all of my original plans and ideas stayed the same throughout the process of creating this magazine. In addition, one of the difficulties I had was keeping the picture the same as planned. This is important due to the location not having great lighting and also the background was not ideal. Another one of the ideas that was changed from the original plan was the position of some of the cover lines. This was changed because of how the magazine cover looked slight empty so in order to fill the space some of the cover lines were placed in different positions. The main image also had to be altered due to it not being a close up.
  • 31. Desktop publishing tools Eye dropper tool In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and DPS I used the eyedropper tool. This allowed me to use the same colours for my masthead and colour of the font. This is important as without it my colours would have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This would also make my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use this you can create a colour and save and every time you would like to use it you can click on the saved colour as you can see from the image in the bottom left. When editing the images I used I had to consider factors such as if it looked the right size. This is important as you need to be careful especially with the pixilation and also I can potentially become stretched. Furthermore, I found that the most useful to in order to resize was the transform tool which is on Photoshop. To carry this out you had to hold down the shift key whilst clicking and holding on the corner of the image and then when you are at a size which you are happy with you release the corner and then release the shift. This is important as it helps you maintain a square shape and also prevents from stretching the image. Resizing an image
  • 32. Conclusion • In conclusion, this LO has helped me to understand the production and developing process that goes into the making of magazine. Furthermore, it has also helped me understand that what equipment is required when creating a front cover and DPS.
  • 33.
  • 35. Post production skills Ruler tool In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and DPS I used the Ruler tool. This allowed me to have a frame to work with which allows me to line up my writing. This is important as without it my writing would have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This would also make my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use this you can create a temporary boarder to help guide you. I found this tool to be very useful when selecting and editing the main image. It is also very precise as you can edit out the background of the main image and put whatever background you want into Quick selection tool
  • 36. Safe working practices Eye dropper tool In order to maintain consistency with my colours throughout my front cover and DPS I used the eyedropper tool. This allowed me to use the same colours for my masthead and colour of the font. This is important as without it my colours would have looked inconsistent and therefore unprofessional. This would also make my magazine front cover and DPS look less appealing. Furthermore to use this you can create a colour and save and every time you would like to use it you can click on the saved colour as you can see from the image in the bottom left. When editing the images I used I had to consider factors such as if it looked the right size. This is important as you need to be careful especially with the pixilation and also I can potentially become stretched. Furthermore, I found that the most useful to in order to resize was the transform tool which is on Photoshop. To carry this out you had to hold down the shift key whilst clicking and holding on the corner of the image and then when you are at a size which you are happy with you release the corner and then release the shift. This is important as it helps you maintain a square shape and also prevents from stretching the image. Resizing an image
  • 37. Proof reading and sub editing Within my Photoshop work I had to make sure that I proof read it before it was published. I had previously spelt “magazine” wrong and I then had to go back and change it by adding another “a”.
  • 38. Colour scheme/House Style Firstly, the colour scheme for this magazine is red and white. This is because these two colours complement each other and also due to the meaning behind the colour red. Furthermore the colour red connotes a feeling of energy within this magazine and is also emotionally intense. This is important as the function of this magazine is to update the reader on current hip hop music and to help them develop a passion for this type of music. I made sure I used the eyedropper tool to keep the colour red consistant throughout my work.
  • 39. Step by Step Guide Front cover • In order making a front cover you will need to open up Photoshop and create an A4 page spread. Go to File – New – International paper which makes it an A4 sized paper • To create a barcode where there was a template in public drive where you go to CTEC media where you can find a barcode template where you go to file and place. • For the background of the front cover you could have it based on the colour of your inspiration magazine. However if you would like to change the colour then go to the paint bucket tool • Then to create the masthead you would have to click on the pen tool then you would have to make a shape of a square by clicking each of the points. You then have your masthead. • Next in order to insert a font you would need to go to either go online and make a font on a website such as You download the font and it will appear on all the other fonts on Photoshop. This will allow you to copy and paste it through and you drag it to where your masthead is. To resize it you press command T and hold down shift so the font doesn't’t look pixelated, you will have to do the same for the strapline. • In order to create your puff promotion you will need to go to the shape tool on Photoshop in which you would have to resize it so it is big as you want it to be, to add colour you will again have to use the paint bucket tool where you can choose your colour, and also to add colour on the outside of the circle you would to use a stroke affect where it gives you options if you want the colour to be faded or bold. • to add cover lines into your front cover you will need to add text where you will write promotions to promote your magazine, you will then need to resize and drag them both so they are on both sides of the magazine cover. • to add the title of your magazine you will need to again add text by clicking on the text box tool then you will need to type in whatever your magazine title is going to be then you will need to again resize it and make it stand out by using colour to make it stand out.
  • 40. Step by step guide double page spread • The first step to creating a double page spread on a magazine would be to choose a theme that would fit best for your magazine for example your colour scheme, I choose a white colour faded into a brown/ dark pink colour for the canvas. • The next thing you will need to do was to add a page number to your double page spread so that readers can see what page it is on • For this step you will need to take pictures of your chosen subject, after taking the images you will need to save them in your file place. After that you will need to go to file then place in Photoshop and your chosen image will appear, you will need to quick select you image and move it when you would like it to go on your double page spread. • For the next step you have to paste your interview with the artist into the double page spread, in order to do this you will have to copy and paste the information over. After this you have to add in a drop capital to show it is professionally laid out. You could also add the interview between the quote because I was linking to your chosen magazine of inspiration. • You then add the pull quote in between the interview by using the pen tool. Then insert the quote by using a different font to make it stand out. • In the interview you could use a different font to show that it’s professional for the readers, you could also choose the colour of your font which should be based on your magazine of inspiration, therefore my font would be white • lastly you have to add the masthead to the double page spread.
  • 41. Font style PixelCaps! My magazine font styles are inspired by XXL. This is because they are both quite simple whilst also being big and bold. This is good because they will stand out on the shelves and therefore customers may be drawn towards them. Furthermore, this is also good as they are new magazines and may therefore attract a lot of attention. I used to find these fonts.
  • 42. Front covers and DPS’s
  • 44. Changes The first thing I have done to improve my pitch is line up the cover lines. This is important as they can potentially look out of place if not lined up. Furthermore, I did this with a ruler tool by the left column to make sure that the starting point is the same. Another improvement in which I needed to do was to make to my front cover was to make the barcode bigger. This is important as also within my barcode is social media and web address. This is important because it gives my customers direction if they want to find out more information about my magazine or perhaps the extended interviews. Before After
  • 46. Conclusion • In conclusion, in this learning objective I have decided my favoured magazine and have received pitch feedback. I was able to use this in order to see what I would do differently next time and how I could improve presenting a pitch overall.

Editor's Notes