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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 14:
Sophie Angus
Candidate Number: 1006
Centre Number: 64135
Producing a Print based Media Product
Content for LO4
Title Slide
Deadlines 4
Post-Production Skills - Software 5
Production Skills Tools 6-7
Safe Working Practices 8-11
Magazine Fonts and Colours 12
Production Changes – Front Cover 13-14
Production Changes –Double Page
Conclusion 17
DeadlinesWhen I have creating and making my magazine will have to go through three different stages in order for my
magazine to be completed by the dealing with all of their correction. This is important I will have to create deadline
that so that the employees are able to work toward it and therefore their will be time to check the magazine for any
errors and check the information or images against the Editors ‘ code. In addition, I will know how long each
element of a magazine would take in order to created the next deadline with a correct amount of time for the staff
to work towards.
• Pre-Production
In magazine’ creation someone will have to at pre-production plan and put in the
important deadline that the employees will have to work toward. This is important as
the company will have to decided the deadline so that all of the first draft images and
information that will be included in the magazine will have to be done by the 13th May
2016. this is important because if no deadline was put into place for the employees, the
released date of the magazine will be delay and therefore the publication house
wouldn’t be making any profit, which will cause the publication house to fail.
• Production
In addition for the production of the magazine, the editor will put in deadline along the
way so that the employees are able to world towards these deadline and therefore
gather the best information as they can. This is important as if these deadline have no
been created, the employees may gather as little information as they can and therefore
the information will be good enough or a small amount. This is important as the
information may not be suitable for the magazine. The deadline that will be set was set
on the 27th May 2016
• Pre-Production
This will be the final correction to the magazine before the magazine will be completed
and sent to the printer. This is important as the employees are able to proofread the
information and the interview, Photoshop the images that will be included. This is
important as they will have to check if the information and the image is of a high quality
before it is released to the public. The deadline of this process will be on 28th May
The production process is useful as I was able to plan what the employees will be doing
from the start of to the end of the process of creating a magazine. This is important as I
am able to place all of the important deadline that the employees must meet in order
for the magazine to be released on time. In addition, by meeting all of the deadline, this
will make the magazine to look professional as well because there were time for them
to improve the magazine more than once.
Post-Production Skills - Software
When I was designing and creating my front cover and double page spread I only used one software called Adobe
Photoshop CS5.
The software Adobe Photoshop CS5 was for editing a editing the images and also to create the both of the magazine
front cover and double page spread in order to make my magazine to look professional and therefore made from a high
quality. In addition there are features in the Photoshop such as the rule tool to determine the magazine accurate such
as ensure all of the social media and publisher symbol to be the same size. In addition, I can use the some tools such as
the healing tool in order to correct the skin tool and therefore it will improve the artist’s appearance. Therefore it will
make the artist’s skin to be flawless.
In addition, I will use the pen tool to increase the accurate and the column of the double page spread when wrapping
the interview around the drop caption so that the interview will look professional interview from a real artist. In
addition, the pen tool will enable to create a straight so that it will look sharp and therefore the interview box will look
straight and contain no curved lines.
Production Skills Tools
There was tools and techniques that would help me to created a professional and high quality final front cover and
double page spread for my magazine. This will help me to add little effects to the images, which will make the overall
improvement to my page.
Front Cover
Ruler Tool
The ruler tool was one of the most important tool to the front cover and also the double page spread. This is important as
this will help me to to make the more accurate when keeping to make images or the lettering of titles the same size. The
ruler tool will guide me to pin point the correct size for shapes such as the barcode shape. This is important because to gain
the ruler tool and use the ruler tool, press ‘Ctrl- R’ so that the ruler tool can be used. However, by pressing ‘Ctrl-H’ this will
enable the the ruler tool blue lines to appear and disappear so that we are able to get a clear image of the magazine.
Quick Selection Tool
The quick selection tool was an important tool whilst editing the main image for the front cover and also the double
page spread. This is important as this tool will help me to get rid off the background of the main images. This is
important as the quick selection tool will help me to not lose any important features of the artist such as a large bit of
hair or her skin. Therefore, the quick selection tool with help me to mask the background so that I am gable to create a
new background that will be best suited for my magazine front cover and also double page spread.
Cloning stamp and Smudge tool
The cloning stamp and smudge tool was two of the important tools when I was trying to make my model’s skin flawless.
This is important as the model in the front cover of my magazine has tired eyes, which caused around her eyes to be
dark. Therefore it will have a negative affect of the overall outcome of the main image and also the overall ‘star appeal’
of will be bad. This is important as I cloned a bit of her check with cloning stamp. Then with the smudge tool, I smudged
the cloning stamp skin check round it so that it will blended so that it will look like she have no dark tired mark.
Production Skills Tools
Pen Tool
This tool was an important when creating columns for the interview on the double page spread. This is
important as it will help me to create a straight so that it will look sharp on the page. This is important
because with the drop caption I am able to wrap the interview around it which will make it will look
professional. This is important as the pen tool will help to organised the text box on the page. Therefore
the interview box will look straight and contain no curved lines. The pen tool can be located on the left
Double Page Spread
Rectangle Tool
The rectangle tool was a useful shape tool because this will enable me to make two rectangles so that I
will be able to create two information box so the audience will be able to read extra facts about the artist
and it will advertise other artists’ interviews with images of the artists next to the advertisement. This is
important as the readers are able to gain more knowledge about the artists’ new album. This will meet
the needs of the Maslow theory of be ‘explorers’ as they like to know different music information and
also explore different genre of music as well.
Opacity Tool
The opacity tool is a good effect tool that I have used for both for my front cover and double page
spread. This is important because when I've click on a layer, it will give m the option if I want the
layer to be faded or not. The opacity tool is on the bar above the layers. This is important as on
the double page spread I have faded the masthead on it so that it was add brand awareness to the
page and therefore appeal to more people. I addition, on the front cover , I used the opacity tool
in order to change the colour of the artists’ eye from brown to green. This will make her eyes to
standout more because of the green eyes.
Safe Working Practices
Software risk assessment
When I am resizing an image I have to make sure that I’ve resize the image to a high quality and to a professional level. By using the ‘Ctrl’,
‘shift’ and ‘t’ on the key, they will enable the image to be resized without and damage to the pixelate on Adobe Photoshop. This is
important because the image will keep their high quality pixels within the image and that it would change the quality of the image. So that
the image on my magazine will be on a professional level. I use a pen tool on my double page spread, so that the interview won’t overlap
the main image or I am able to put my drop capital letter in the interview so that it can be a part of the interview. In addition, it is
important it use the pen tool so that I can create neat columns for the interview. This is make the double page spread to look professional
and equal along the page. The pen tool will help me to know where I should place my interview for my double page spread. To use the pen
tool on the Photoshop to have to click ‘shift’ and ‘p’.
By using the ruler tool on both on my front cover and the double page spread, in am able to know where I should place all of my magazine
conventions. The ruler tool is important for design my magazine because this will help me to place all of the convention as this will help me
to make for magazine to look neater such as the coverline on my magazine will be on the same rule tool line. To make a ruler you will have
to click on ‘Ctrl’ and then ‘r’. Afterward, drag the ruler onto the page so that you are able to place the line wherever you want. In addition,
to download the front style from it is free to do so from their official website. On their website, there are a FAQ section, which
will enable the users to voice their question about For instead the FAQ will tell the users how to install the font onto the
computer from the website. Also when I have searched ‘copyright’ onto the search bar it will reveal the Ads by Google about ‘copyright’
that are ‘29 Copyright Protection’ and ‘UK Copyright Office’. This is important as the offer copyright to the authors of the font.
This means that some of the fonts will have copyright but users are allowed to download for free without any hazard.
In addition, I have read all of the information on my front cover and the double page spread such as the interview that will be included on
the double page spread. If I have found any spelling, grammar and punctuation I would sub-edit any mistakes any information on the
magazine would make sense and therefore people wouldn’t buy the magazine because of the poor accuracy of the information.
Safe Working Practices
Software risk assessment- Colours
The eyedropper tool is an important tool whilst dealing with colours for my magazine’s front cover and double page
spread. This is important as the eyedropper tool will enable the user on Photoshop to get the exact colour that will
to be needed. One way I have used the eyedropper tool is when I needed the a gold colour for the coverline. This is
important as I used the eyedropper tool to receive the same colour gold from the masthead as from the coverline.
This is important as I don’t have to waste any time for looking for the gold gold colour as I am able to use the
eyedropper tool in order to get the correct gold colour. This is important as making a gold colour is quite difficult to
do as it is a combination or shade of different colours and therefore I will have to get the exact colour so that the
colour look like gold. Another, useful tool that I have used on Photoshop for the creation the front cover and double
page spread is the creating new swatches. This is important as I am able to save all of the colours that I have used so
that for my magazine. This will save me a lots of time to find the colour as it is already saved onto the system. This is
important as I can just click onto the swatch colour when I needed to use the colour for my magazine’s colour. This is
important as I will have access to the colour panel anytime and therefore all of the colours will be the same as each
other because of the swatches tool and therefore the colour won’t have different shades of one colour when it is not
meant to be. Therefore this tool will help to improve the outcome of magazine, which will help to make it look more
Safe Working Practices
Software risk assessment-
Removing hyphen
Firstly, select the layer with the
text on it.
Then go on ‘window’ and then
click on ‘character’.
After clicking on the ‘character’,
there will be two opinion, which
are called ‘CHARACTER’ and
‘PARAGRAPH’. Click on
After, clicking on ‘PARAGRAPH’.
Then, click on a box which is called
‘Auto-hyphenate’ so that it will
remove the hyphens from the
text. This will mean when the tick
is gone from ‘Auto-hyphenate’ , it
will mean that the hyphen is
Safe Working Practices
Software risk assessment- Removing SPG errors
I have proof read my work so that I will be able to find any spelling, grammar and
punctuation mistake that I have made when typing the the double page spread.
Example of when I have spelt a word wrong is when I have spelt release like
‘reasled’. This is important as if the SPG errors are not corrected before it have
been released to the public, this will make the magazine to look unprofessional
and harder for the reader to understand the content of the magazine because of
the SPG errors that haven't been corrected. This is important as less people will
be buying a magazine that they know understand also a magazine that doesn’t
have a proper team to check through all of their mistakes. To provide from any
SPG errors to be released to the public, which will create a bad reputation for the
magazine, the editor must proof read their magazine once than once before
allowing the magazine to be released, so that they are able to change their
mistake before sending the magazine to print.
Spelling error Spelling correction
Magazine Fonts and Colours
Font Name: Font Preview: Font Usage:
• Cover Lines
• Web Adress
• Drop Capital
• Stand First
Coolvetica • Headline
• Main Articles Titles
today • Strapline
timeless • Barcode, price
and date
Spinwerad • Puff Promotion
Keep Calm • Puff Promotion
Roboto-Thin • Main Artist Text
The reason why I have picked two different fonts for the puff promotion is
because I want my puff promotion to be bold, easy to read and striking to the
audience. It is important to choose the best font for the puff promotion
because the puff promotion will have exclusive competition or deals in the
During the process of choosing the fonts and colours for my music magazine, I chose these
specific fonts and colours because I want my magazine to look like a serious music magazine. My
magazine will look professional and also fun and will be aimed at my target audience, which is
between 15-30 years old.
I have chosen several fonts from “dafont”, which will be included in my music magazine. All of
my fonts are easy to read, as all of the font sizes will be different, so they can serve this purpose
for the music magazine. Some of the font is used for different techniques for the music magazine.
The “coolvetica” fonts will be used for headlines and the main articles title for the music
magazine. It is important to have the same font in the magazine because if you have different
fonts on the magazine, this could look cheap and unprofessional. Another font that serves more
than one purpose is “chapaza”, which is used for cover lines ,web address, drop capital and the
stand first. As this will be easy to read, also this font is simple and bold, which makes this font eye
The primary colour of my music magazine is red and gold. The masthead, Exclusive will be in gold
as the lettering will be in red. The brand identity, will be at the bottom of every page, there will
be a page number in red. However, the masthead of the music will be at the bottom in gold. This
is similar to my magazine of inspiration, Q magazine, as they also mention the page number and
the masthead on each page of my music magazine.
Font Name: Font Preview: Description
Manbow This is my first font. This is a stylish, bold and simple
font. You are able to see that this font is classic, so
that this can my targeted at the younger target
audience and also the older target audience.
Budmo This is my second font. This font looks like old
Hollywood glamour, as it looks like a sign with circle
light inside the sign. This will appeal to the younger
target audience, as it suggests that my magazine has
exclusive information about the music industry
around the world.
Bebas Neue This is my third font. This is a bold and simple font.
You are able to see that the font is readable. This is
important because this suggests that any age would
be able to read this music magazine.
DK Boris Brush This is my fourth font. This font is fun and stylish,
which will appeal to the younger target audience.
This font looks like someone has used chalk to write
out the the word EXCLUISIVE.
Docallisme On Street This is my fifth. This is cool, fun and stylish font. This
looks like some one has done graffiti , which will
appeal to my target audience. This is important
because this could suggest that my music magazine
has all of the up to date information.
5 potential
Production Changes – Front CoverFront Cover Correction
When I was created the first draft of front cover, I have gain feedback so I will be able to make changes to the front cover to make it better. Therefore it will make it look more
professional so that it will look like it is made from a high quality. On this page I will be comparing my first draft of front cover to my final front cover. This is important as the final
correction will reveal all of the correction that I have made. Some of the changes that for the final front cover are the background, the eye colour, puff promotion and coverline. So
when I have received feedback from my first Front Cover, I had to change the cover to make it more suited to publisher and therefore this could improve the sale figure of my
magazine as it will look more professional.
I have change the colour background from white to grey to black and change it to light grey and the dark grey. This is important because I have change the background because to
relate to my magazine of inspiration (Q magazine). Also, this could make my magazine to seem like it have a rock theme and people could get the wrong idea of what music
information will contain of. This is why the background of the magazine have a naturel as my magazine will contain if all music genre.
I have also change the coverline information and the different colours of the coverline. This is important because my magazine will feature the range of colours and not all ways
features the colour schemes in the magazine. Also also made the left side of my magazine to have all of the main story and on the right side there are just mention one main story
about rating new albums. Also I have use different colours on my coverline line such as an olive green because it will appeal to more people as it will not be just red and gold, which
could make it look unprofessional.
For the main headline and the main quote are connected together. I have created the main headline to white. Firstly, I have made the name “NICOLE” and then made the name
“ANGUS” normally. I also made the main quote on top of the “ANGUS” and then change it from an olive colour.
In addition, I have moved the puff promotion, from the bottom left side and move it from the top right side under the strapline so that it will be more like my magazine of inspiration
(Q magazine). I also change the prize of the puff promotion from winning an apple product to win free iTune because this prize will relate to music more and therefore help the my
magazine with further sales because as the prizes from the magazine can get bigger and better..
Moreover, the website link has moved next to the puff promotion and I have place the website link under the masthead.
First Draft Final Draft
Brown Eye Green Eye
Second Draft
Production Changes – Front Cover
The masthead is the most important part of the
magazine as it is the name of the magazine. The
masthead will be reoccurring on every issue of the
magazine and therefore the masthead must be
noticeable in order to attract people to buy and read
the magazine. In addition, the masthead of the
magazine will match the house style of the magazine
because it will stay consist to the magazine. To the
masthead I have downloaded the front from the
internet and on to Photoshop so that I am able to get
the front that will be suitable for my magazine. Also I
have added some affect to the masthead such as
stroke on the letters and also the gradient to the
masthead so that colour is change from dark to light.
Puff Promotion
The puff promotion that I have created changes
twice to in order to change the best version that
will appeal to people. This is important as this
puff promotion is bold and eye- catching, which
is important as people will notice the puff
promotion at shop, which will encourage more
people to buy the magazine. The puff promotion
will match the house style and therefore stay
consistent to the theme.
Main Story
The main story will add ‘star appeal’ to the
magazine as more people will the main depend
on, which famous person/people will be
included in the magazine. This is important as
the main story will help to notify the reader who
will be included in this issue of the magazine.
The barcode was inspired by Q magazine and the
layout that have created for their barcode. I have
included social house symbols such as Facebook and
Instagram so that my readers will know that will are
able to receive additional information about mu
magazine. In addition, I have included the publisher
logo on the barcode as the reader will know what
publication house the magazine will belong in.
Moreover, the barcode will also include the issue
number and also the price of the magazine.
I have changed the coverline in order it will look
professional and therefore stand out because of its
simple style. This is important because I have
changed the colour of the some of the wording from
the coverline in order to make it stand out and
therefore make it a better way to add ‘star appeal’ as
they will know who will be mention in the magazine.
The first version of the coverline was all red and gold,
which mention the house colour. However there was
too much red and gold, which could get confusing
and also too repeatable for the magazine. Therefore,
it did look unprofessional for the reader.
Main Image
This was the original image that I have chose as the
image, this image was in both of the version of the
front cover. However, I did make her skin flawless as
by sorting out the tired eyes, as there dark area
around their eyes. This is why I used the cloning
stamp and smudge tool .
Main Headline
Original , there was no main headline in my
first draft of the front cover. Afterward, I
have decided to make the main headline of
‘Nicole Angus’ so that it will ‘star appeal’ so
that more people will want to read of the
magazine because f the person or people
who will be featured in the magazine.
Front Cover
Production Changes –Double Page
SpreadDouble Page Spread Correction
I will be comparing the before and after version of my double page spread. I have gained the feedback from the publisher gave me. This will reveal what changes I have made because of the correction that I have been
given. The correction that I have received was to help me to made my magazine better and therefore make the magazine look professional and made from a high quality. For the facts about the new album box, it was
suggest that I should add a black drop shadow around the red box so it will stand out on the page. Also it was suggest that I should add bullet point instead of have sentences and I should also change the font of the
text as well.
In addition, the new album box had an effect of the black shadow because the red box will stand out and therefore the target audience will be able and notice the fun facts about the album about the artists will
Also improvement on the double page spread is the I have to neatened up the the bottom section of the page. As the masthead, the page number, the social symbols and also the web address are too close together.
This is is why I have moved the web address on the left side and I have made the social media symbol the same size. In addition, I have made the decrease the black stroke on the masthead. This is important because
you would be able to see the detail of the masthead on the page. Also decrease the black stroke on the page number because the masthead and the page number will have the same black stroke and it is also easier to
read. However on the final draft I have decided to change the bottom section of the pages by getting rid of the social symbols and replace it with the issue number. This is important as this is more like my magazine of
inspiration Q magazine. This is important I have more it look neater and more professional as it doesn’t look messy as it did before. This will mean that it look simple and bold on the page and also doesn’t take away
from any ‘star appeal’ from the interview.
You can also see that I have place my masthead across the black pattern background, so that this will be a type of brand awareness, as this will add more detail to the magazine and also this will make my double page
spread to look fun and creative because of this decision.
In addition, I have moved the EXCLUSIVE website from line under the social media symbols and moved it under the interview.
On the final draft of my magazine, I used the ruler tool more often so that I will be able to line up different text boxes through out my magazine. Example of when I have used the ruler tool to make my page layout
accurate is when I have lined up ‘MUST HEAR SOUNDS OF 2015’ to the images of different artist that is in a gold box. In addition, I have used the ruler tool to to line up the facts about the artists to the artists pictures
which are features in the gold box. Also, I have decided to put the artists' names in bold. This is important as this will add ‘star appeal’ to the piece of text as they can quickly find the artists’ name. In addition, I have
proof read my work so that I will be able to find any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistake that I have made when typing the the double page spread. Example of when I have spelt a word wrong is when I have
spelt release like ‘reasled’.
First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
Spelling error Spelling correction
First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
Production Changes –Double Page
Main Image
This was the original image
that I have chose as the
image, this image was in
both of the version of the
double page spread. This is
important as the image
represent power and
therefore it will ‘star
appeal’ for the reader are
able to see the model
posing on the page.
Quote from Interview
The quote is on the left corner of
the image. This is important as the
artist is sharing views about her
career and therefore could inspire
other people to follow her dream
and make music just like the
artist. The quote is eyes-catching
and it will contain a shadow and
also it will have the outline
around the wording of the quote.
This is important as the quote
position doesn’t take away any of
the ‘star image’ (Richard Dyer).
This is important as the quote
doesn’t overlay the image.
Information Box
Within both of the version
of the magazine I have
created two information
boxes, which was included
on the double page spread.
The gold information box
will advertise different
interview from different
artist that will appeal
people to read their
interview. However the red
box is about the detail of
the album that the
magazine have created. One
of the changes that I have
made to the red box is that
to add bullet point of the
information inside the box.
Main Story Title and First Stand
One of the feature that will be
included on the double page spread is
called ‘interview with Nicole Angus’
as the readers will know what the
double page spread will be able. The
font that were used was called
‘LemonMilk’ from ‘’ as it
will be bold and eyes-catching for the
audience to see. The first stand will
be above the interview. This is a small
introduction to the interview as it will
mention a small quote, which she has
told EXCLUSIVE magazine. In addition,
her name is highlighted red so that
the reader are able to see her name
and therefore more likely to read the
Double Page Spread
I will be analysing last stages of creating my magazine such as editing the main image or double checking the accuracy of the of
the layout of the magazine. This is important as the tools and the techniques will help to improve the magazine’ quality.
One of the most important part of the production of the magazine is the deadline that was put into place in order for it to be
released to the public on time. This is why it is important to meet all of the deadline so that the production of the magazine can
run smoothly without any issues. I have split the production process into three different section so that it will be easier to
understand, which stage of the magazine’s creation is up to. The three stages are called pre-production, production and post-
production. This is important as the production plan was created from the start of the production of the magazine to the final
stage of the magazine. This is important as the production process plan will make the magazine to be professional and also
efficient because of the process that have to be done.
When I was in the post-production stage, I used tools on Photoshop in order for my front cover and double page spread to look
professional and also made from a high quality so that more people will be attracted and buy the magazine. Some of the outcome
I have done research on are the software that were used, font style and the different tool that were features with the software
In conclusion, after I have created my first draft of the front cover and the double page spread, I will share the reason why it is
important changes to the pages in order to make it look more professional and suit to be sole around the world at shops. I am
able to explain the reasons of making these correction to the pages and therefore I know how to mend them. On the final front
cover and the double page spread, I about able to present each of the important roles that were used to create the magazine.

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Unit 14- Producing a Print based Media Product

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 14: Sophie Angus Candidate Number: 1006 Centre Number: 64135 Producing a Print based Media Product
  • 2.
  • 3. Content for LO4 Title Slide Deadlines 4 Post-Production Skills - Software 5 Production Skills Tools 6-7 Safe Working Practices 8-11 Magazine Fonts and Colours 12 Production Changes – Front Cover 13-14 Production Changes –Double Page Spread 15-16 Conclusion 17
  • 4. DeadlinesWhen I have creating and making my magazine will have to go through three different stages in order for my magazine to be completed by the dealing with all of their correction. This is important I will have to create deadline that so that the employees are able to work toward it and therefore their will be time to check the magazine for any errors and check the information or images against the Editors ‘ code. In addition, I will know how long each element of a magazine would take in order to created the next deadline with a correct amount of time for the staff to work towards. • Pre-Production In magazine’ creation someone will have to at pre-production plan and put in the important deadline that the employees will have to work toward. This is important as the company will have to decided the deadline so that all of the first draft images and information that will be included in the magazine will have to be done by the 13th May 2016. this is important because if no deadline was put into place for the employees, the released date of the magazine will be delay and therefore the publication house wouldn’t be making any profit, which will cause the publication house to fail. • Production In addition for the production of the magazine, the editor will put in deadline along the way so that the employees are able to world towards these deadline and therefore gather the best information as they can. This is important as if these deadline have no been created, the employees may gather as little information as they can and therefore the information will be good enough or a small amount. This is important as the information may not be suitable for the magazine. The deadline that will be set was set on the 27th May 2016 • Pre-Production This will be the final correction to the magazine before the magazine will be completed and sent to the printer. This is important as the employees are able to proofread the information and the interview, Photoshop the images that will be included. This is important as they will have to check if the information and the image is of a high quality before it is released to the public. The deadline of this process will be on 28th May 2016. The production process is useful as I was able to plan what the employees will be doing from the start of to the end of the process of creating a magazine. This is important as I am able to place all of the important deadline that the employees must meet in order for the magazine to be released on time. In addition, by meeting all of the deadline, this will make the magazine to look professional as well because there were time for them to improve the magazine more than once.
  • 5. Post-Production Skills - Software When I was designing and creating my front cover and double page spread I only used one software called Adobe Photoshop CS5. The software Adobe Photoshop CS5 was for editing a editing the images and also to create the both of the magazine front cover and double page spread in order to make my magazine to look professional and therefore made from a high quality. In addition there are features in the Photoshop such as the rule tool to determine the magazine accurate such as ensure all of the social media and publisher symbol to be the same size. In addition, I can use the some tools such as the healing tool in order to correct the skin tool and therefore it will improve the artist’s appearance. Therefore it will make the artist’s skin to be flawless. In addition, I will use the pen tool to increase the accurate and the column of the double page spread when wrapping the interview around the drop caption so that the interview will look professional interview from a real artist. In addition, the pen tool will enable to create a straight so that it will look sharp and therefore the interview box will look straight and contain no curved lines.
  • 6. Production Skills Tools There was tools and techniques that would help me to created a professional and high quality final front cover and double page spread for my magazine. This will help me to add little effects to the images, which will make the overall improvement to my page. Front Cover Ruler Tool The ruler tool was one of the most important tool to the front cover and also the double page spread. This is important as this will help me to to make the more accurate when keeping to make images or the lettering of titles the same size. The ruler tool will guide me to pin point the correct size for shapes such as the barcode shape. This is important because to gain the ruler tool and use the ruler tool, press ‘Ctrl- R’ so that the ruler tool can be used. However, by pressing ‘Ctrl-H’ this will enable the the ruler tool blue lines to appear and disappear so that we are able to get a clear image of the magazine. Quick Selection Tool The quick selection tool was an important tool whilst editing the main image for the front cover and also the double page spread. This is important as this tool will help me to get rid off the background of the main images. This is important as the quick selection tool will help me to not lose any important features of the artist such as a large bit of hair or her skin. Therefore, the quick selection tool with help me to mask the background so that I am gable to create a new background that will be best suited for my magazine front cover and also double page spread. Cloning stamp and Smudge tool The cloning stamp and smudge tool was two of the important tools when I was trying to make my model’s skin flawless. This is important as the model in the front cover of my magazine has tired eyes, which caused around her eyes to be dark. Therefore it will have a negative affect of the overall outcome of the main image and also the overall ‘star appeal’ of will be bad. This is important as I cloned a bit of her check with cloning stamp. Then with the smudge tool, I smudged the cloning stamp skin check round it so that it will blended so that it will look like she have no dark tired mark.
  • 7. Production Skills Tools Pen Tool This tool was an important when creating columns for the interview on the double page spread. This is important as it will help me to create a straight so that it will look sharp on the page. This is important because with the drop caption I am able to wrap the interview around it which will make it will look professional. This is important as the pen tool will help to organised the text box on the page. Therefore the interview box will look straight and contain no curved lines. The pen tool can be located on the left sidebar. Double Page Spread Rectangle Tool The rectangle tool was a useful shape tool because this will enable me to make two rectangles so that I will be able to create two information box so the audience will be able to read extra facts about the artist and it will advertise other artists’ interviews with images of the artists next to the advertisement. This is important as the readers are able to gain more knowledge about the artists’ new album. This will meet the needs of the Maslow theory of be ‘explorers’ as they like to know different music information and also explore different genre of music as well. Opacity Tool The opacity tool is a good effect tool that I have used for both for my front cover and double page spread. This is important because when I've click on a layer, it will give m the option if I want the layer to be faded or not. The opacity tool is on the bar above the layers. This is important as on the double page spread I have faded the masthead on it so that it was add brand awareness to the page and therefore appeal to more people. I addition, on the front cover , I used the opacity tool in order to change the colour of the artists’ eye from brown to green. This will make her eyes to standout more because of the green eyes.
  • 8. Safe Working Practices Software risk assessment When I am resizing an image I have to make sure that I’ve resize the image to a high quality and to a professional level. By using the ‘Ctrl’, ‘shift’ and ‘t’ on the key, they will enable the image to be resized without and damage to the pixelate on Adobe Photoshop. This is important because the image will keep their high quality pixels within the image and that it would change the quality of the image. So that the image on my magazine will be on a professional level. I use a pen tool on my double page spread, so that the interview won’t overlap the main image or I am able to put my drop capital letter in the interview so that it can be a part of the interview. In addition, it is important it use the pen tool so that I can create neat columns for the interview. This is make the double page spread to look professional and equal along the page. The pen tool will help me to know where I should place my interview for my double page spread. To use the pen tool on the Photoshop to have to click ‘shift’ and ‘p’. By using the ruler tool on both on my front cover and the double page spread, in am able to know where I should place all of my magazine conventions. The ruler tool is important for design my magazine because this will help me to place all of the convention as this will help me to make for magazine to look neater such as the coverline on my magazine will be on the same rule tool line. To make a ruler you will have to click on ‘Ctrl’ and then ‘r’. Afterward, drag the ruler onto the page so that you are able to place the line wherever you want. In addition, to download the front style from it is free to do so from their official website. On their website, there are a FAQ section, which will enable the users to voice their question about For instead the FAQ will tell the users how to install the font onto the computer from the website. Also when I have searched ‘copyright’ onto the search bar it will reveal the Ads by Google about ‘copyright’ that are ‘29 Copyright Protection’ and ‘UK Copyright Office’. This is important as the offer copyright to the authors of the font. This means that some of the fonts will have copyright but users are allowed to download for free without any hazard. In addition, I have read all of the information on my front cover and the double page spread such as the interview that will be included on the double page spread. If I have found any spelling, grammar and punctuation I would sub-edit any mistakes any information on the magazine would make sense and therefore people wouldn’t buy the magazine because of the poor accuracy of the information.
  • 9. Safe Working Practices Software risk assessment- Colours The eyedropper tool is an important tool whilst dealing with colours for my magazine’s front cover and double page spread. This is important as the eyedropper tool will enable the user on Photoshop to get the exact colour that will to be needed. One way I have used the eyedropper tool is when I needed the a gold colour for the coverline. This is important as I used the eyedropper tool to receive the same colour gold from the masthead as from the coverline. This is important as I don’t have to waste any time for looking for the gold gold colour as I am able to use the eyedropper tool in order to get the correct gold colour. This is important as making a gold colour is quite difficult to do as it is a combination or shade of different colours and therefore I will have to get the exact colour so that the colour look like gold. Another, useful tool that I have used on Photoshop for the creation the front cover and double page spread is the creating new swatches. This is important as I am able to save all of the colours that I have used so that for my magazine. This will save me a lots of time to find the colour as it is already saved onto the system. This is important as I can just click onto the swatch colour when I needed to use the colour for my magazine’s colour. This is important as I will have access to the colour panel anytime and therefore all of the colours will be the same as each other because of the swatches tool and therefore the colour won’t have different shades of one colour when it is not meant to be. Therefore this tool will help to improve the outcome of magazine, which will help to make it look more professional.
  • 10. Safe Working Practices Software risk assessment- Removing hyphen Firstly, select the layer with the text on it. Then go on ‘window’ and then click on ‘character’. After clicking on the ‘character’, there will be two opinion, which are called ‘CHARACTER’ and ‘PARAGRAPH’. Click on ‘PARAGRAPH’. After, clicking on ‘PARAGRAPH’. Then, click on a box which is called ‘Auto-hyphenate’ so that it will remove the hyphens from the text. This will mean when the tick is gone from ‘Auto-hyphenate’ , it will mean that the hyphen is removed.
  • 11. Safe Working Practices Software risk assessment- Removing SPG errors I have proof read my work so that I will be able to find any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistake that I have made when typing the the double page spread. Example of when I have spelt a word wrong is when I have spelt release like ‘reasled’. This is important as if the SPG errors are not corrected before it have been released to the public, this will make the magazine to look unprofessional and harder for the reader to understand the content of the magazine because of the SPG errors that haven't been corrected. This is important as less people will be buying a magazine that they know understand also a magazine that doesn’t have a proper team to check through all of their mistakes. To provide from any SPG errors to be released to the public, which will create a bad reputation for the magazine, the editor must proof read their magazine once than once before allowing the magazine to be released, so that they are able to change their mistake before sending the magazine to print. Spelling error Spelling correction
  • 12. Magazine Fonts and Colours Font Name: Font Preview: Font Usage: Chapaza • Cover Lines • Web Adress • Drop Capital • Stand First Coolvetica • Headline • Main Articles Titles today • Strapline timeless • Barcode, price and date Spinwerad • Puff Promotion Keep Calm • Puff Promotion Roboto-Thin • Main Artist Text The reason why I have picked two different fonts for the puff promotion is because I want my puff promotion to be bold, easy to read and striking to the audience. It is important to choose the best font for the puff promotion because the puff promotion will have exclusive competition or deals in the magazines. During the process of choosing the fonts and colours for my music magazine, I chose these specific fonts and colours because I want my magazine to look like a serious music magazine. My magazine will look professional and also fun and will be aimed at my target audience, which is between 15-30 years old. I have chosen several fonts from “dafont”, which will be included in my music magazine. All of my fonts are easy to read, as all of the font sizes will be different, so they can serve this purpose for the music magazine. Some of the font is used for different techniques for the music magazine. The “coolvetica” fonts will be used for headlines and the main articles title for the music magazine. It is important to have the same font in the magazine because if you have different fonts on the magazine, this could look cheap and unprofessional. Another font that serves more than one purpose is “chapaza”, which is used for cover lines ,web address, drop capital and the stand first. As this will be easy to read, also this font is simple and bold, which makes this font eye catching. The primary colour of my music magazine is red and gold. The masthead, Exclusive will be in gold as the lettering will be in red. The brand identity, will be at the bottom of every page, there will be a page number in red. However, the masthead of the music will be at the bottom in gold. This is similar to my magazine of inspiration, Q magazine, as they also mention the page number and the masthead on each page of my music magazine. Font Name: Font Preview: Description Manbow This is my first font. This is a stylish, bold and simple font. You are able to see that this font is classic, so that this can my targeted at the younger target audience and also the older target audience. Budmo This is my second font. This font looks like old Hollywood glamour, as it looks like a sign with circle light inside the sign. This will appeal to the younger target audience, as it suggests that my magazine has exclusive information about the music industry around the world. Bebas Neue This is my third font. This is a bold and simple font. You are able to see that the font is readable. This is important because this suggests that any age would be able to read this music magazine. DK Boris Brush This is my fourth font. This font is fun and stylish, which will appeal to the younger target audience. This font looks like someone has used chalk to write out the the word EXCLUISIVE. Docallisme On Street This is my fifth. This is cool, fun and stylish font. This looks like some one has done graffiti , which will appeal to my target audience. This is important because this could suggest that my music magazine has all of the up to date information. 5 potential masthead font
  • 13. Production Changes – Front CoverFront Cover Correction When I was created the first draft of front cover, I have gain feedback so I will be able to make changes to the front cover to make it better. Therefore it will make it look more professional so that it will look like it is made from a high quality. On this page I will be comparing my first draft of front cover to my final front cover. This is important as the final correction will reveal all of the correction that I have made. Some of the changes that for the final front cover are the background, the eye colour, puff promotion and coverline. So when I have received feedback from my first Front Cover, I had to change the cover to make it more suited to publisher and therefore this could improve the sale figure of my magazine as it will look more professional. I have change the colour background from white to grey to black and change it to light grey and the dark grey. This is important because I have change the background because to relate to my magazine of inspiration (Q magazine). Also, this could make my magazine to seem like it have a rock theme and people could get the wrong idea of what music information will contain of. This is why the background of the magazine have a naturel as my magazine will contain if all music genre. I have also change the coverline information and the different colours of the coverline. This is important because my magazine will feature the range of colours and not all ways features the colour schemes in the magazine. Also also made the left side of my magazine to have all of the main story and on the right side there are just mention one main story about rating new albums. Also I have use different colours on my coverline line such as an olive green because it will appeal to more people as it will not be just red and gold, which could make it look unprofessional. For the main headline and the main quote are connected together. I have created the main headline to white. Firstly, I have made the name “NICOLE” and then made the name “ANGUS” normally. I also made the main quote on top of the “ANGUS” and then change it from an olive colour. In addition, I have moved the puff promotion, from the bottom left side and move it from the top right side under the strapline so that it will be more like my magazine of inspiration (Q magazine). I also change the prize of the puff promotion from winning an apple product to win free iTune because this prize will relate to music more and therefore help the my magazine with further sales because as the prizes from the magazine can get bigger and better.. Moreover, the website link has moved next to the puff promotion and I have place the website link under the masthead. First Draft Final Draft Brown Eye Green Eye Second Draft
  • 14. Production Changes – Front Cover Masthead The masthead is the most important part of the magazine as it is the name of the magazine. The masthead will be reoccurring on every issue of the magazine and therefore the masthead must be noticeable in order to attract people to buy and read the magazine. In addition, the masthead of the magazine will match the house style of the magazine because it will stay consist to the magazine. To the masthead I have downloaded the front from the internet and on to Photoshop so that I am able to get the front that will be suitable for my magazine. Also I have added some affect to the masthead such as stroke on the letters and also the gradient to the masthead so that colour is change from dark to light. Puff Promotion The puff promotion that I have created changes twice to in order to change the best version that will appeal to people. This is important as this puff promotion is bold and eye- catching, which is important as people will notice the puff promotion at shop, which will encourage more people to buy the magazine. The puff promotion will match the house style and therefore stay consistent to the theme. Main Story The main story will add ‘star appeal’ to the magazine as more people will the main depend on, which famous person/people will be included in the magazine. This is important as the main story will help to notify the reader who will be included in this issue of the magazine. Barcode The barcode was inspired by Q magazine and the layout that have created for their barcode. I have included social house symbols such as Facebook and Instagram so that my readers will know that will are able to receive additional information about mu magazine. In addition, I have included the publisher logo on the barcode as the reader will know what publication house the magazine will belong in. Moreover, the barcode will also include the issue number and also the price of the magazine. Coverline I have changed the coverline in order it will look professional and therefore stand out because of its simple style. This is important because I have changed the colour of the some of the wording from the coverline in order to make it stand out and therefore make it a better way to add ‘star appeal’ as they will know who will be mention in the magazine. The first version of the coverline was all red and gold, which mention the house colour. However there was too much red and gold, which could get confusing and also too repeatable for the magazine. Therefore, it did look unprofessional for the reader. Main Image This was the original image that I have chose as the image, this image was in both of the version of the front cover. However, I did make her skin flawless as by sorting out the tired eyes, as there dark area around their eyes. This is why I used the cloning stamp and smudge tool . Main Headline Original , there was no main headline in my first draft of the front cover. Afterward, I have decided to make the main headline of ‘Nicole Angus’ so that it will ‘star appeal’ so that more people will want to read of the magazine because f the person or people who will be featured in the magazine. Front Cover
  • 15. Production Changes –Double Page SpreadDouble Page Spread Correction I will be comparing the before and after version of my double page spread. I have gained the feedback from the publisher gave me. This will reveal what changes I have made because of the correction that I have been given. The correction that I have received was to help me to made my magazine better and therefore make the magazine look professional and made from a high quality. For the facts about the new album box, it was suggest that I should add a black drop shadow around the red box so it will stand out on the page. Also it was suggest that I should add bullet point instead of have sentences and I should also change the font of the text as well. In addition, the new album box had an effect of the black shadow because the red box will stand out and therefore the target audience will be able and notice the fun facts about the album about the artists will released. Also improvement on the double page spread is the I have to neatened up the the bottom section of the page. As the masthead, the page number, the social symbols and also the web address are too close together. This is is why I have moved the web address on the left side and I have made the social media symbol the same size. In addition, I have made the decrease the black stroke on the masthead. This is important because you would be able to see the detail of the masthead on the page. Also decrease the black stroke on the page number because the masthead and the page number will have the same black stroke and it is also easier to read. However on the final draft I have decided to change the bottom section of the pages by getting rid of the social symbols and replace it with the issue number. This is important as this is more like my magazine of inspiration Q magazine. This is important I have more it look neater and more professional as it doesn’t look messy as it did before. This will mean that it look simple and bold on the page and also doesn’t take away from any ‘star appeal’ from the interview. You can also see that I have place my masthead across the black pattern background, so that this will be a type of brand awareness, as this will add more detail to the magazine and also this will make my double page spread to look fun and creative because of this decision. In addition, I have moved the EXCLUSIVE website from line under the social media symbols and moved it under the interview. On the final draft of my magazine, I used the ruler tool more often so that I will be able to line up different text boxes through out my magazine. Example of when I have used the ruler tool to make my page layout accurate is when I have lined up ‘MUST HEAR SOUNDS OF 2015’ to the images of different artist that is in a gold box. In addition, I have used the ruler tool to to line up the facts about the artists to the artists pictures which are features in the gold box. Also, I have decided to put the artists' names in bold. This is important as this will add ‘star appeal’ to the piece of text as they can quickly find the artists’ name. In addition, I have proof read my work so that I will be able to find any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistake that I have made when typing the the double page spread. Example of when I have spelt a word wrong is when I have spelt release like ‘reasled’. First Draft Second Draft Final Draft Spelling error Spelling correction First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
  • 16. Production Changes –Double Page Spread Main Image This was the original image that I have chose as the image, this image was in both of the version of the double page spread. This is important as the image represent power and therefore it will ‘star appeal’ for the reader are able to see the model posing on the page. Quote from Interview The quote is on the left corner of the image. This is important as the artist is sharing views about her career and therefore could inspire other people to follow her dream and make music just like the artist. The quote is eyes-catching and it will contain a shadow and also it will have the outline around the wording of the quote. This is important as the quote position doesn’t take away any of the ‘star image’ (Richard Dyer). This is important as the quote doesn’t overlay the image. Information Box Within both of the version of the magazine I have created two information boxes, which was included on the double page spread. The gold information box will advertise different interview from different artist that will appeal people to read their interview. However the red box is about the detail of the album that the magazine have created. One of the changes that I have made to the red box is that to add bullet point of the information inside the box. Main Story Title and First Stand One of the feature that will be included on the double page spread is called ‘interview with Nicole Angus’ as the readers will know what the double page spread will be able. The font that were used was called ‘LemonMilk’ from ‘’ as it will be bold and eyes-catching for the audience to see. The first stand will be above the interview. This is a small introduction to the interview as it will mention a small quote, which she has told EXCLUSIVE magazine. In addition, her name is highlighted red so that the reader are able to see her name and therefore more likely to read the interview. Double Page Spread
  • 17. Conclusion I will be analysing last stages of creating my magazine such as editing the main image or double checking the accuracy of the of the layout of the magazine. This is important as the tools and the techniques will help to improve the magazine’ quality. One of the most important part of the production of the magazine is the deadline that was put into place in order for it to be released to the public on time. This is why it is important to meet all of the deadline so that the production of the magazine can run smoothly without any issues. I have split the production process into three different section so that it will be easier to understand, which stage of the magazine’s creation is up to. The three stages are called pre-production, production and post- production. This is important as the production plan was created from the start of the production of the magazine to the final stage of the magazine. This is important as the production process plan will make the magazine to be professional and also efficient because of the process that have to be done. When I was in the post-production stage, I used tools on Photoshop in order for my front cover and double page spread to look professional and also made from a high quality so that more people will be attracted and buy the magazine. Some of the outcome I have done research on are the software that were used, font style and the different tool that were features with the software system. In conclusion, after I have created my first draft of the front cover and the double page spread, I will share the reason why it is important changes to the pages in order to make it look more professional and suit to be sole around the world at shops. I am able to explain the reasons of making these correction to the pages and therefore I know how to mend them. On the final front cover and the double page spread, I about able to present each of the important roles that were used to create the magazine.