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Unit 3: Introduction to
Professional Practice
Job Roles and
Working in the Creative Media Production Industry
Introduction to
Professional Practice
• Unit 3 is designed to introduce the variety of roles,
responsibilities, employment and progression opportunities
available in this sector, Media Production.
• As such you will be investigating your own options, methods of
work and planning for the future.
• Assessment in this unit is from set assignments and the
cumulative production journal at the end of the year.
• It is therefore important that you not only track the process of
how you have worked in each project, but also how you have
developed over the year
Assessment criteria/Task List
1. Understand progression
opportunities within the
creative media sector.
1.1 Locate, access and use
information to support
own development.
- Illustrated sector guide
- Practitioner research file
- Five Year Plan
2. Understand the skills
needed to pursue a career
in the creative media
2.1 Critically evaluate a range
of working practices and
- Music Video Process Log
- End of Year Review
2.2 Apply knowledge of
working practices to
support own
- Music Video Process Log
- End of Year Review
3. Be able to carry out roles
and responsibilities
consistent with
professional practice.
3.1 Organise self and work
to meet deadlines and
- End of Year 1 review
3.2 Demonstrate
consideration and
professionalism in working
with others.
- End of Year 1 review
Task 1: Illustrated Sector Guide [1.1]
Research a sector of the industry that you are interested in working in [e.g. film
production, TV, radio, graphic design, etc]. Use the information you find to produce an
illustrated guide to that sector. Include facts about employment, skills needed,
workforce information, etc.
Task 2: Practitioner Research File [1.1]
Within your chosen sector identify someone who is a notable practitioner and produce
a fact file about them. Research their journey to where they are now; look at
education, experience, skillset and look for insightful quotes about them and by them
to build a picture of who they are and how they work.
Task 3: Five Year Plan [1.1]
Produce a plan taking into account where you are now, what you will need to do next
and how to go about that in the next 5 years. Outline educational requirements
[college, University, courses, etc], experience you will need/would like to gain and
personal development that will be necessary to you in your future plans.
Task 4: Music Video Process Log [2.1, 2.2]
Complete the Music Video Process Log to evidence how you worked technically during
the Music Video production phase. Screenshot and explain how you managed to get
your production finalised.
Task 5: End of Year Review [2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2]
Produce an end of year review looking at how you have worked across the year,
considering each stage of production, which productions have worked/not worked,
how you have managed your time, what skills you have developed, how you have
worked with others and how you organised your time, resources and equipment
throughout the year. You should then produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5 key
areas you wish to focus on to develop further.
Illustrated Sector Guide
Task 1: Illustrated Sector Guide [1.1]
Research a sector of the industry that you are interested in working in [e.g.
film production, TV, radio, graphic design, etc]. Use the information you find to
produce an illustrated guide to that sector. Include facts about employment,
skills needed, workforce information, etc.
What we want from you is research in to the part of the media industry that you are
most interested in. That could be films, magazines, video games, television,
journalism… whatever you are interested in.
Find out about that industry. What jobs roles are available? What skills do people
need to work in that industry? What level of education is needed? How diverse, or
not, is the industry?
We want some good facts and figures that you can take and then use in your
illustrated guide.
Write down the information that you find, and keep a record of where you found it.
It’s best to get lots of research, and then pick the most useful information from that.
When making your illustrated guide, think carefully about all the elements
A good guide will have:
• Concise information
• Consistent image style
• Clear, consistent typography
• A coherent colour scheme
All of these elements need to work together to create your guide.
Sport film (Skateboarding)
To get into any film industry you have to
be the best and get creative/ different
with the way you film and edit creating
your own unique style. It is quite hard to
get into and the pay is all on if people are
enjoying your work it doesn't really have a
set pay. It would be even harder to get
into specifically skate as it is a smaller
audience however over the past few years
the audience is growing faster than ever.
How to get into it?
To get into skate photography and film you need to be shooting every day and and
working with a wide range of skaters from up and coming pros to jus your local
skaters. The main focus is on being unique with it as all the different skaters will have
a style and you will have to add your own style onto theirs to work well. There is no
easy way in other than being constant and working your best until an opportunity
comes where people mainly pros will want specific filmer. (what I want to be )
Skills and thing you will need.
To become a well know producer
in skating you will need not only
all the filming equipment like a good camera and lens but also need the
knowledge of where to go and who’s good or not. However the camera
and lenses are important as this is one of the ways to start changing to be
more your own personal style. You can get a wide range of cameras and
lenses I really like how the fish eye lenses look and think they help the
video look more iconic. To be a skate filmer you will also need to know how
to skate as this will allow you to trail the performer. It isn’t all just about
trailing the skater a lot of filmers will use tripods or may even just stand in
one spot and follow the skater with the camera. Once you have got the
basic filming equipment you will also need the right editing equipment for
you. Everyone has their own personal preferences as I would choose ’Adobe
pro’ if I was going to make a skate video. To be a successful skate produce
all it tales is constancy and unique intriguing content.
Practitioner Research
Task 2: Practitioner Research File [1.1]
Within your chosen sector identify someone who is a notable practitioner and produce
a fact file about them. Research their journey to where they are now; look at
education, experience, skillset and look for insightful quotes about them and by them
to build a picture of who they are and how they work.
What we want from you is research a specific person that works in the part of the industry
you made your illustrated guide for. Focus on those involved in the production of media,
rather than people who just appear in it.
Find out as much as you can about them, to help you produce your fact file.
We want to know what their education was like, what experience they have and what skills
they have. Find quotes about them. Read about them. Get a good picture of who they are
and how they got to where they are.
Write down the information that you find, and keep a record of where you found it. It’s best
to get lots of research, and then pick the most useful information from that.
When making a fact file, think carefully about all the elements involved.
A good fact file will have:
• Concise and relevant information
• Quotes about the practitioner
• Information on their work and achievements
• Background on how they got in to the industry
• What insight you have taken from this that can help you in your
This information can be presented with graphics, typography and a colour
Jason Blum is an American film producer mainly focusing on the horror genre. I believe he started filming horrors as Halloween was his
favourite holiday quoted here ”Halloween was definitely the biggest holiday when I was a kid. We started making our Halloween
costumes in August. Me and my mom. My mom was a single mom; it was just her and I.” He has also been a television producer. Jason
was born on the 20th of February 1969 in Los Angeles, California in the USA. He graduated of Vassar college in 1991 and got his first film
as a producer in 1995 producing the film ‘Kicking and Screaming’ a comedy-drama about a group of college graduates that refuse to
move on with their lives, each in their own peculiar way. After this he founded “Blumhouse Productions” in 2000. Blumehouse
Productions specializes in making micro-budget film this gives the directors full creative control over the films, he states “All of our
movies are lower budget, and that makes them more interesting, too: we have to come up with solutions other than throwing money at
problems.” This quote just shows how humble he is as a million air and still making low budget films. His first big movie he produced was
‘Paranormal Activity’ in 2007 the budget on this film was only $15,000 however this film is now an iconic and brought him in $200 million
making him over $199 million in profits which really kick started his film producer career. Blume recognised how much money
“Paranormal Activity” made him so he made 5 more “Paranormal activity’s” from 2007-2015. However Blum didn’t stop there while still
making the “Paranormal Activity” franchise he made two more big franchises the first being “Insidious” which he stared in 2010-2018
consisting of three films and also another iconic horror movie “The Purge” which he made in 2013 and is still going to this day with the
next film being released in 2021 called “The Forever Purge” this is the fifth Purge film being released. Alongside this he made “Sinister” in
2012 another horror and also “Happy Death Day” released in 2017 summing up most of his films he produced making a total of 16 film.
While producing all these iconic film he also worked as an exclusive producer for the television films: “The Normal Heart”, ”The Jinx”,
“BlacKkKlansman”, “Whiplash” and finally “Get Out”. All of these winning several awards and just increasing his legacy as one of the
leading film directors. All of this and he is still only 51 with a net worth of $200 million it will be exciting to see what he does in the
Fact file on Jason Blum
5 Year Plan.
What are you currently doing to pursue a career in your chosen field?
The field I am targeting is media a specially video filming/ editing. At the moment I am working
on my skills at school and also away from school this is to improve my skills and reach a level of
filming and editing that will allow me to progress into the media work place. Other than filming
and editing a lot there is not much else I do or could do to improve further.
What do you plan to do next in the pursuit of your chosen field?
I would like to go into film editing more then actually filming as I find that I enjoy it more than
filming however I do enjoy going out on shoots as it. So if I could choose what I do next it would
definitely be in film editing however if I could not get into that field of work being a filmer
would be my back up option.
Select at least three potential University courses that would help you further your career aims. You should state
what the course is, which university it is run by, the entry requirements and why you think it would help you.
1. Ravensbourne university London.
This is a good option that I could go for as this university has a “editing and post production” course that
looks very interesting as it focuses on the editing side of media this is a section that I would like get into. This
may also be better than other university’s as the courses was made by people that are professional in this
field of work and on top of that the course has a 96.4% employment rate after collage meaning it is quite
likely to move up in the editing industry.
2. The University Of South Wales.
This university is another good option for the field of work I want to get into the course I would choose is the
“MA Film(editing)” I would choose this as it not only because it is good editing specific course but it also has a
lot of paid and unpaid work experience opportunity’s this is good as it guarantees on the job work witch is
good as it will set me up for future jobs and specific on the job and real life work.
3. Met Film School London.
This is a very different university that is focused all about media filming, editing and various other media
specific courses, out of all the courses I would choose the “MA post production” course. I would choose this
as it involves a wide range of different skills that would improve my skills even more including : screen lab,
post production boot camp, advanced editing, essential visual effects, audio and video post production,
research and project methods and lastly he masters project all of these I listed look fun and will build up all
my essential skills to go into an editing field of work. The only downside to this course is that it doesn’t offer
work experience or job opportunity’s like the others.
What type of work experience do you think you would need to help you in your future career? How might you
be able to find work experience placements? If you could pick anywhere to do work experience, where would it
be and why?
I think that the best type of work experience I could do is for a post production film or film
company as I would learn a lot about the jobs that I would want to get into. Work experience at
a film company would be good also not only because I would lean about the job but I would get
a feel for doing the job this is good as if I don’t enjoy it I can pursuit a different carrier in another
sector of media and if I do enjoy it and show the company I do it for that I am good enough later
on they might hire me opening more job opportunity’s. I don’t know specifically what company
yet however it would not really matter as they will all be doing the same sort of jobs just
working on different videos and types of video. This is good as if I do several I will find the job
that I want and a company that I want to work for. The one downside to doing several is that it
would take a long time to get all of them however it also will build a hopefully positive
reputation for me in the media sector making it a lot easier to get a job in the future.
What specific skills do you need to develop? There should be a mix of industry specific skills and also personal
development points. When you identify these, come up with suggestions as to how you might make those
I feel like with the courses I have chosen and will choose in the future by the end of them my
skills should be up to a very high if not professional level as it is all editing specific meaning that
I will be editing pretty much every day. I think at the moment my editing skills are pretty poor
however after I keep editing I should improve pretty quickly and they should just keep
improving until I have mastered it with my own style and editing preference’s. The only proper
way to improve in media/ editing or anything is just to do it as much as you can and over time
you will just keep improving.
In 5 years time I will…
In 5 years time I will hopefully be in the video editing industry with a good reputation so there
will be a high demand for my editing skills. Before all of this I will need to get a few smaller jobs
and learn more about the industry. For a lot of video producers they will all be looking for high
reviewed editors or editors that have good reputations as they will be the ‘best’ so I will need to
build my own reputation to get into the media industry and build up from small little jobs until
I’m getting hired by bigger companies looking for my skill set that I will build up over the years.
Music Video Process Log
Task 4: Music Video Process Log [2.1, 2.2]
Complete the Music Video Process Log to evidence how you worked technically
during the Music Video production phase. Screenshot and explain how you managed
to get your production finalised.
There is a specific pro forma that you will use for this as part of your music video
production. Ensure that is completed with your Music Video project, to complete this
End of Year Review
Task 5: End of Year Review [2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2]
Produce an end of year review looking at how you have worked across the year,
considering each stage of production, which productions have worked/not worked,
how you have managed your time, what skills you have developed, how you have
worked with others and how you organised your time, resources and equipment
throughout the year. You should then produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5
key areas you wish to focus on to develop further.
Complete the following slides to review your year. You can add images if you want to.
You can get screenshots from any part of your previous projects to support your work
on this.
Which productions have worked/not worked?
In my production for this first project a lot worked well and there was also a
lot that didn't work. Stuff that worked well is a had plenty of clips for my
video however something that wasn’t that good about this is there wasn’t
a big range of videos all the clips I filmed looked similar it would have
looked better if I had more of a variety. Also with my editing I got
comfortable working at school and then fell ill the weeks we was editing so
it was a different switch and It did make me have to over come some
hurdles but I finished with a decent video in the end.
How you have managed your time?
During this project I would have to say that my time management was quite
poor meaning was behind on a lot of the work however I did finish within
the deadline line. The reason I struggled is that with covid the time when I
was meant to be working were confusing and off putting. However this
shouldn't’t be too difficult to change for my next project as I have already
adapted to this change and will focus my time more productively in future.
What skills you have developed?
With this project I have developed loads of different skills that I would haven
never developed if I wasn’t on this cores. I developed all my filing skills
massively mainly having a plan helped a lot getting the right shots. My editing
skills also developed loads as I had never worked on such a big project before
to it also developed how I work under pressure that is still getting better for
my next projects. I have also experimented will a lot of different software's
and now have a good idea on ones I like and will use in future projects.
How you have worked with others?
For this project I didn’t have to work with that many different people as
the only time I did was in filming and was quite straight forward as they
are my close friends and know what they are doing. This was also harder to
work with a range of different people as we are in the middle of a global
pandemic during this project.
How you organised your time, resources and equipment
throughout the year?
For this project and year it was my first ever time taking media so it was a big
change and did make me adapt to this year. This is why for this first project
all my resources and equipment weren't immediately accessible however
most of this has been overcome for my future and hopefully this year will run
a lot smother.
Produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5 key areas you wish
to focus on to develop further.
Area to work on Actions to take
Filming angles I will experiment with new different
angles and find ones that work.
Editing I will use editing software as much as I can
so I am comfortable on them.
Lighting I will experiment with different lighting
until I find ones I like and can recreate.
Backgrounds I want to learn how to use green screens
and other background layer edits.
Music and audio I want to learn how to fit audio to videos
more smooth.

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Job role guided research and fact file

  • 1. Unit 3: Introduction to Professional Practice Job Roles and Working in the Creative Media Production Industry
  • 2. Introduction to Professional Practice • Unit 3 is designed to introduce the variety of roles, responsibilities, employment and progression opportunities available in this sector, Media Production. • As such you will be investigating your own options, methods of work and planning for the future. • Assessment in this unit is from set assignments and the cumulative production journal at the end of the year. • It is therefore important that you not only track the process of how you have worked in each project, but also how you have developed over the year
  • 3. Assessment criteria/Task List 1. Understand progression opportunities within the creative media sector. 1.1 Locate, access and use information to support own development. - Illustrated sector guide - Practitioner research file - Five Year Plan 2. Understand the skills needed to pursue a career in the creative media sector. 2.1 Critically evaluate a range of working practices and methods. - Music Video Process Log - End of Year Review 2.2 Apply knowledge of working practices to support own development. - Music Video Process Log - End of Year Review 3. Be able to carry out roles and responsibilities consistent with professional practice. 3.1 Organise self and work to meet deadlines and targets. - End of Year 1 review 3.2 Demonstrate consideration and professionalism in working with others. - End of Year 1 review
  • 4. Task 1: Illustrated Sector Guide [1.1] Research a sector of the industry that you are interested in working in [e.g. film production, TV, radio, graphic design, etc]. Use the information you find to produce an illustrated guide to that sector. Include facts about employment, skills needed, workforce information, etc. Task 2: Practitioner Research File [1.1] Within your chosen sector identify someone who is a notable practitioner and produce a fact file about them. Research their journey to where they are now; look at education, experience, skillset and look for insightful quotes about them and by them to build a picture of who they are and how they work. Task 3: Five Year Plan [1.1] Produce a plan taking into account where you are now, what you will need to do next and how to go about that in the next 5 years. Outline educational requirements [college, University, courses, etc], experience you will need/would like to gain and personal development that will be necessary to you in your future plans.
  • 5. Task 4: Music Video Process Log [2.1, 2.2] Complete the Music Video Process Log to evidence how you worked technically during the Music Video production phase. Screenshot and explain how you managed to get your production finalised. Task 5: End of Year Review [2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2] Produce an end of year review looking at how you have worked across the year, considering each stage of production, which productions have worked/not worked, how you have managed your time, what skills you have developed, how you have worked with others and how you organised your time, resources and equipment throughout the year. You should then produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5 key areas you wish to focus on to develop further.
  • 7. Task 1: Illustrated Sector Guide [1.1] Research a sector of the industry that you are interested in working in [e.g. film production, TV, radio, graphic design, etc]. Use the information you find to produce an illustrated guide to that sector. Include facts about employment, skills needed, workforce information, etc.
  • 8. What we want from you is research in to the part of the media industry that you are most interested in. That could be films, magazines, video games, television, journalism… whatever you are interested in. Find out about that industry. What jobs roles are available? What skills do people need to work in that industry? What level of education is needed? How diverse, or not, is the industry? We want some good facts and figures that you can take and then use in your illustrated guide. Write down the information that you find, and keep a record of where you found it. It’s best to get lots of research, and then pick the most useful information from that.
  • 9. When making your illustrated guide, think carefully about all the elements involved. A good guide will have: • Concise information • Consistent image style • Clear, consistent typography • A coherent colour scheme All of these elements need to work together to create your guide.
  • 10. Sport film (Skateboarding) To get into any film industry you have to be the best and get creative/ different with the way you film and edit creating your own unique style. It is quite hard to get into and the pay is all on if people are enjoying your work it doesn't really have a set pay. It would be even harder to get into specifically skate as it is a smaller audience however over the past few years the audience is growing faster than ever. How to get into it? To get into skate photography and film you need to be shooting every day and and working with a wide range of skaters from up and coming pros to jus your local skaters. The main focus is on being unique with it as all the different skaters will have a style and you will have to add your own style onto theirs to work well. There is no easy way in other than being constant and working your best until an opportunity comes where people mainly pros will want specific filmer. (what I want to be ) Skills and thing you will need. To become a well know producer in skating you will need not only all the filming equipment like a good camera and lens but also need the knowledge of where to go and who’s good or not. However the camera and lenses are important as this is one of the ways to start changing to be more your own personal style. You can get a wide range of cameras and lenses I really like how the fish eye lenses look and think they help the video look more iconic. To be a skate filmer you will also need to know how to skate as this will allow you to trail the performer. It isn’t all just about trailing the skater a lot of filmers will use tripods or may even just stand in one spot and follow the skater with the camera. Once you have got the basic filming equipment you will also need the right editing equipment for you. Everyone has their own personal preferences as I would choose ’Adobe pro’ if I was going to make a skate video. To be a successful skate produce all it tales is constancy and unique intriguing content.
  • 12. Task 2: Practitioner Research File [1.1] Within your chosen sector identify someone who is a notable practitioner and produce a fact file about them. Research their journey to where they are now; look at education, experience, skillset and look for insightful quotes about them and by them to build a picture of who they are and how they work.
  • 13. What we want from you is research a specific person that works in the part of the industry you made your illustrated guide for. Focus on those involved in the production of media, rather than people who just appear in it. Find out as much as you can about them, to help you produce your fact file. We want to know what their education was like, what experience they have and what skills they have. Find quotes about them. Read about them. Get a good picture of who they are and how they got to where they are. Write down the information that you find, and keep a record of where you found it. It’s best to get lots of research, and then pick the most useful information from that.
  • 14. When making a fact file, think carefully about all the elements involved. A good fact file will have: • Concise and relevant information • Quotes about the practitioner • Information on their work and achievements • Background on how they got in to the industry • What insight you have taken from this that can help you in your development? This information can be presented with graphics, typography and a colour scheme.
  • 15. Jason Blum is an American film producer mainly focusing on the horror genre. I believe he started filming horrors as Halloween was his favourite holiday quoted here ”Halloween was definitely the biggest holiday when I was a kid. We started making our Halloween costumes in August. Me and my mom. My mom was a single mom; it was just her and I.” He has also been a television producer. Jason was born on the 20th of February 1969 in Los Angeles, California in the USA. He graduated of Vassar college in 1991 and got his first film as a producer in 1995 producing the film ‘Kicking and Screaming’ a comedy-drama about a group of college graduates that refuse to move on with their lives, each in their own peculiar way. After this he founded “Blumhouse Productions” in 2000. Blumehouse Productions specializes in making micro-budget film this gives the directors full creative control over the films, he states “All of our movies are lower budget, and that makes them more interesting, too: we have to come up with solutions other than throwing money at problems.” This quote just shows how humble he is as a million air and still making low budget films. His first big movie he produced was ‘Paranormal Activity’ in 2007 the budget on this film was only $15,000 however this film is now an iconic and brought him in $200 million making him over $199 million in profits which really kick started his film producer career. Blume recognised how much money “Paranormal Activity” made him so he made 5 more “Paranormal activity’s” from 2007-2015. However Blum didn’t stop there while still making the “Paranormal Activity” franchise he made two more big franchises the first being “Insidious” which he stared in 2010-2018 consisting of three films and also another iconic horror movie “The Purge” which he made in 2013 and is still going to this day with the next film being released in 2021 called “The Forever Purge” this is the fifth Purge film being released. Alongside this he made “Sinister” in 2012 another horror and also “Happy Death Day” released in 2017 summing up most of his films he produced making a total of 16 film. While producing all these iconic film he also worked as an exclusive producer for the television films: “The Normal Heart”, ”The Jinx”, “BlacKkKlansman”, “Whiplash” and finally “Get Out”. All of these winning several awards and just increasing his legacy as one of the leading film directors. All of this and he is still only 51 with a net worth of $200 million it will be exciting to see what he does in the future. Fact file on Jason Blum
  • 17. What are you currently doing to pursue a career in your chosen field? The field I am targeting is media a specially video filming/ editing. At the moment I am working on my skills at school and also away from school this is to improve my skills and reach a level of filming and editing that will allow me to progress into the media work place. Other than filming and editing a lot there is not much else I do or could do to improve further.
  • 18. What do you plan to do next in the pursuit of your chosen field? I would like to go into film editing more then actually filming as I find that I enjoy it more than filming however I do enjoy going out on shoots as it. So if I could choose what I do next it would definitely be in film editing however if I could not get into that field of work being a filmer would be my back up option.
  • 19. Select at least three potential University courses that would help you further your career aims. You should state what the course is, which university it is run by, the entry requirements and why you think it would help you. 1. Ravensbourne university London. This is a good option that I could go for as this university has a “editing and post production” course that looks very interesting as it focuses on the editing side of media this is a section that I would like get into. This may also be better than other university’s as the courses was made by people that are professional in this field of work and on top of that the course has a 96.4% employment rate after collage meaning it is quite likely to move up in the editing industry. 2. The University Of South Wales. This university is another good option for the field of work I want to get into the course I would choose is the “MA Film(editing)” I would choose this as it not only because it is good editing specific course but it also has a lot of paid and unpaid work experience opportunity’s this is good as it guarantees on the job work witch is good as it will set me up for future jobs and specific on the job and real life work. 3. Met Film School London. This is a very different university that is focused all about media filming, editing and various other media specific courses, out of all the courses I would choose the “MA post production” course. I would choose this as it involves a wide range of different skills that would improve my skills even more including : screen lab, post production boot camp, advanced editing, essential visual effects, audio and video post production, research and project methods and lastly he masters project all of these I listed look fun and will build up all my essential skills to go into an editing field of work. The only downside to this course is that it doesn’t offer work experience or job opportunity’s like the others.
  • 20. What type of work experience do you think you would need to help you in your future career? How might you be able to find work experience placements? If you could pick anywhere to do work experience, where would it be and why? I think that the best type of work experience I could do is for a post production film or film company as I would learn a lot about the jobs that I would want to get into. Work experience at a film company would be good also not only because I would lean about the job but I would get a feel for doing the job this is good as if I don’t enjoy it I can pursuit a different carrier in another sector of media and if I do enjoy it and show the company I do it for that I am good enough later on they might hire me opening more job opportunity’s. I don’t know specifically what company yet however it would not really matter as they will all be doing the same sort of jobs just working on different videos and types of video. This is good as if I do several I will find the job that I want and a company that I want to work for. The one downside to doing several is that it would take a long time to get all of them however it also will build a hopefully positive reputation for me in the media sector making it a lot easier to get a job in the future.
  • 21. What specific skills do you need to develop? There should be a mix of industry specific skills and also personal development points. When you identify these, come up with suggestions as to how you might make those improvements. I feel like with the courses I have chosen and will choose in the future by the end of them my skills should be up to a very high if not professional level as it is all editing specific meaning that I will be editing pretty much every day. I think at the moment my editing skills are pretty poor however after I keep editing I should improve pretty quickly and they should just keep improving until I have mastered it with my own style and editing preference’s. The only proper way to improve in media/ editing or anything is just to do it as much as you can and over time you will just keep improving.
  • 22. In 5 years time I will… In 5 years time I will hopefully be in the video editing industry with a good reputation so there will be a high demand for my editing skills. Before all of this I will need to get a few smaller jobs and learn more about the industry. For a lot of video producers they will all be looking for high reviewed editors or editors that have good reputations as they will be the ‘best’ so I will need to build my own reputation to get into the media industry and build up from small little jobs until I’m getting hired by bigger companies looking for my skill set that I will build up over the years.
  • 24. Task 4: Music Video Process Log [2.1, 2.2] Complete the Music Video Process Log to evidence how you worked technically during the Music Video production phase. Screenshot and explain how you managed to get your production finalised. There is a specific pro forma that you will use for this as part of your music video production. Ensure that is completed with your Music Video project, to complete this task.
  • 25. End of Year Review
  • 26. Task 5: End of Year Review [2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2] Produce an end of year review looking at how you have worked across the year, considering each stage of production, which productions have worked/not worked, how you have managed your time, what skills you have developed, how you have worked with others and how you organised your time, resources and equipment throughout the year. You should then produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5 key areas you wish to focus on to develop further. Complete the following slides to review your year. You can add images if you want to. You can get screenshots from any part of your previous projects to support your work on this.
  • 27. Which productions have worked/not worked? In my production for this first project a lot worked well and there was also a lot that didn't work. Stuff that worked well is a had plenty of clips for my video however something that wasn’t that good about this is there wasn’t a big range of videos all the clips I filmed looked similar it would have looked better if I had more of a variety. Also with my editing I got comfortable working at school and then fell ill the weeks we was editing so it was a different switch and It did make me have to over come some hurdles but I finished with a decent video in the end.
  • 28. How you have managed your time? During this project I would have to say that my time management was quite poor meaning was behind on a lot of the work however I did finish within the deadline line. The reason I struggled is that with covid the time when I was meant to be working were confusing and off putting. However this shouldn't’t be too difficult to change for my next project as I have already adapted to this change and will focus my time more productively in future.
  • 29. What skills you have developed? With this project I have developed loads of different skills that I would haven never developed if I wasn’t on this cores. I developed all my filing skills massively mainly having a plan helped a lot getting the right shots. My editing skills also developed loads as I had never worked on such a big project before to it also developed how I work under pressure that is still getting better for my next projects. I have also experimented will a lot of different software's and now have a good idea on ones I like and will use in future projects.
  • 30. How you have worked with others? For this project I didn’t have to work with that many different people as the only time I did was in filming and was quite straight forward as they are my close friends and know what they are doing. This was also harder to work with a range of different people as we are in the middle of a global pandemic during this project.
  • 31. How you organised your time, resources and equipment throughout the year? For this project and year it was my first ever time taking media so it was a big change and did make me adapt to this year. This is why for this first project all my resources and equipment weren't immediately accessible however most of this has been overcome for my future and hopefully this year will run a lot smother.
  • 32. Produce an action plan for Year 2 selecting 5 key areas you wish to focus on to develop further. Area to work on Actions to take Filming angles I will experiment with new different angles and find ones that work. Editing I will use editing software as much as I can so I am comfortable on them. Lighting I will experiment with different lighting until I find ones I like and can recreate. Backgrounds I want to learn how to use green screens and other background layer edits. Music and audio I want to learn how to fit audio to videos more smooth.