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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 01:
Analysing Media Products and Audiences
Name: Kieran Davison
Candidate Number: 3035
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
 Slide 3- Publisher and product
 Slide 4- Ownership structure
 Slide 5- Operating model
 Slide 6- Brand ideology/ethos
 Slide 7- Strapline ethos
 Slide 8- Technological convergence
 Slide 9- Associated products
 Slide 10- Market position
 Slide 11- Competitors
 Slide 12- Genre
 Slide 13- Purpose
 Slide 14- Content
 Slide 15- content
 Slide 16- Meaning
 Slide 17- Form and Style
 Slide 18- Target audience
 Slide 19- Production process
 Slide 20- Production process
 Slide 21- Front cover analysis
 Slide 22- DPS analysis
 Slide 23- Website annotations
 Slide 24- Synergy
 Slide 25-
 Slide 26- Product analysis
 Slide 27- Demographics
 Slide 28- Audience theories
 Slide 29- Primary research
 Slide 30- Secondary research
 Slide 31-
 Slide 32- Product advertising and
 Slide 33- Demographic
 Slide 34- Distribution
 Slide 35-
 Slide 36- Impact and effect on
 Slide 37- Copyright
 Slide 38- Relevant issues on
 Slide 39- Editors code of practice
 Slide 40- Ethical issues
 Slide 41- Legal issues
 Slide 42- Royalties
 Slide 43- Complaints
 Slide 44- Regulatory issues
Publisher and product
Bauer media group have published
more than 550 news papers and
also digital products. It was created
by a family over 130 years ago and
their sister company are David
Goodchild and Paul Keenan. They
have offices in Europe and Australia
which illustrates how successful
they are. Furthermore they have
had a slogan since 2010 “we think
popular” connotes they are very up
to date with what they publish.
The denotation of the name of the
magazine conveys quality throughout. It
is also large and has a bold red which
stands out. This therefore connects with
the slogan “the UK’s best selling
Furthermore, this connotes they are
passionate about being the best. This
also relates to Bauer's slogan ‘’we think
popular”. This will attract customers as it
‘signifies’ (De Saussure) they care about
the quality of the content.
Ownership structure
Bauer is owned by CEO Paul Keenan and was founded in 1875. Bauer media are now
the largest consumer publishing company in the UK. It has many associated
products such as music magazines like Q and Mojo. The first magazine they
published which was in 1953 was called Angling times.
Operating model
 This is the management team of
Bauer media. They will be
responsible for various things such
as controlling how the magazine is
produced and also how it will be
advertised and marketed.
Brand ideology/ethos
Bauer media own a number of successful products which perhaps connotes that
they may have attitude to succeed. This is important as one of their products
is Q magazine which is the UK’s best selling magazine. Furthermore, they also
are associated with KISS radio station. This is also one of the UK’s most
popular radio station.
The slogan of Q magazine “the UK’s best selling magazine” connotes that their
ethos is to be the most popular magazine. Furthermore they produce a
magazine appealing to all genres and therefore have a wide target audience.
This allows them to achieve their aims and objectives as it not suit to a
particular type. This is one of Bauer medias best selling products as they are
also involved in radio stations which are also successful. Furthermore this
tells us that they are determined to be popular with both magazines and
radio stations. They are also evidently passionate about their products. Their
competition also drives them to be better as a company as without them,
their products may not be as good.
Strapline - Ethos
The strapline of Q magazine ‘Discover great music’ connotes that within this
magazine they have the highest quality and best artists. This is important because
they want their customers to enjoy and discover the best music. Furthermore, the
verbal code ‘Discover’ could suggest that much of the content will be new to the
reader and is superior to other music magazines. This is also important as it
connotes that Q magazine is unique due to the artists they promote and star
appeal which would attract more customers.
“Discover Great Music”
Technological convergence
 Q magazine publish their magazine so it is available in stores and they
also have a website. This contains various information like the
magazine however the website also has links to social media in which
gives you frequent updates. However, the magazine also contains the
website information within it. Q magazine are in synergy with
Facebook. They post frequently about upcoming issues and leave hints
to who may be on the new issues. Q magazine also have a YouTube
page. On this you can see their playlists on a particular genre you
like. This is good as it gives customers an insight on what may be in
their magazine issues in terms of artists.
Associated products
 As well as Bauer media
Publishing Q magazine they are also involved over 50 magazines around the world
and 400 digital products. Furthermore this means that their product portfolio
will be good. This therefore connotes they are assured of making high quality
products around the world.
Market position
Bauer media currently produces some of the UK’s best selling magazine and in
this form of the media, they are the market leader. Bauer media are also
involved in various radio stations. Furthermore Bauer media have the most
market share and therefore connotes they are the market leader in terms of
magazines in the UK.
 IPC media: IPC media could be referred to as Bauer medias biggest
competitors. They are heavily involved in magazines and there best selling
magazine in NME. This magazine has has an eclectic genre which is the same
as Q magazine. This means it possesses a variety of genre, open to all music
 This is important as it is also Q magazines competitor along with Mojo and
XXL. They are all very popular however XXL focuses on rap and Mojo is mostly
British rock. Furthermore, this connotes that Q has a better variety when in
come to issues and music artists.
 Hearst media: Hearst media is also quite a large competitor to both IPC and
Bauer media. They also produce music magazines and fashion magazines. This
is important as it puts them into a different target market and are therefore
not as threatening to Bauer media.
 The genre of this magazine is eclectic. This describes magazines without a
specific genre however they release issues without various types of artist on
the front cover. For example one week it may be a rap artist and the other it
may be a rock artist. Furthermore, the non verbal connotations of this are the
artist on the different issues. This is because one month a rap artist may be
staring and the other may be rock. This is could as is provides variation and a
wider target audience for Q. This is good as it means more people may want
to buy it which therefore explains one of the reasons that it is the UK’s best
selling magazine.
The purpose of Q magazine is to ‘inform and educate’ (Katz) the reader an understanding of a
specific music type/genre. Furthermore it is also to inform and educate about the artist on a
particular issue. This information may be on upcoming tours or if the artist is realising new
music within a few months.
Furthermore this creates an interest in the magazine which educates the reader in this music
It is also a magazine for everyone and therefore means they have a large target audience in
order to increase the popularity of Q magazine.
in the particular issue of the magazine Kanye west is the main image. This is to educate the
reader. This is because it may give information about upcoming tours and stories about the
artist over the past week.
 Some of the content included in Q magazine is information and
pictures of music artists. Many of the images are big to perhaps
illustrate the importance of this particular artist and the same
colour scheme is used throughout. This will also contain
information about their website which will provide much more
information on issues throughout the year.
This contents page contains information about the individual
artists in this issue. This is because there is a band and
therefore question everyone in it. There are also random
topics within this. For example, buskers. This may be
because it is related to how they started and talk about what
its like to be in there position.
 The slogan “worlds greatest magazineworlds greatest magazine’’’’,, connotesconnotes that it is a magazine for everyone.
The slogan is also a superlative which could also suggest that there are no better
magazines and that this is attracting people by using certain techniques. Therefore
connotes that this should everyone's be the go to music magazine. This slogan also
illustrates how Bauer media feel about producing a high quality magazine,
furthermore they would also like to keep it that way and are motivated.
Competition also helps with motivation and it why they keep on producing the most
popular music magazine.
Form and style
Firstly this connotations of the colour scheme is there to promote the artist on the Front cover. This is to
make him stand out which gives a clear impression to the customers of who the current issue is based on,
and the white background is their the make the font stand out. Furthermore, there are various font styles
on the front cover to perhaps connote who is in this weeks issue. This is good as it is also very clear to read
and bold which therefore make it stand out on the shelf. This is important because it can increase the
sales and make Q even more popular. This front cover also follows the traditional layout with the masthead
in the top left and with the cover lines around the main image.
Target audience
 Q magazine has a large target audience. This is due to their not being a
specific music genre and therefore appeals to everyone within a certain
Hartley 7 subjectivities
 Therefore I think the age range would be between 30-55. I think this is
because it is an age range that slighty older people would like due to the
maturity ans also it being mostly of the rock genre. Furthermore this
magazine would also suit everyone due to their not being a specific genre,
as each issue can be different.
Maslow hierarchy of needs
 I also think that there isn't a specific class as the purpose of this magazine
is to inform and educate and suits any class, however it may suit people
who are especially interested in music or who are perhaps artists
Katz’ Uses and gratifications
 in the particular issue of the magazine Kanye west is the main image. This
is to educate the reader. This is because it may give information about
upcoming tours and stories about the artist over the past week.
Production process
 I emailed Bauer media enquiring about their
production process which I found on their website.
They have yet to reply but on their website is the
editorial process of producing the magazine.
Production Process
1. Choose Content: The magazine needs to include interesting content which will
engage the audience making them enjoy reading the magazine.
2. Choose main article: This needs to be the article which will draw the most
attention, this can be done in different ways
3. Choose cover image: This image is the most important as it will be the main focus
of the front cover, star appeal can be used to attract people to buy the magazine.
4. Write Articles: This step is important as the articles make up the majority of the
magazines content, so they must be written in a consistent way, this could be
professional or informal depending on the magazine.
5. Incorporate Graphics/photos: Adding visual content to go alongside the verbal
content is important as it will make the readers more engaged in the articles as
they will have pictures to relate to the text, bringing it alive.
6. Add final details: this includes things such as the barcode and page numbers, this
is to make the magazine look and feel professional.
As you can see the masthead is one letter,
this illustrates how simple this magazine is
whilst being a great selling magazine.
Furthermore the large Q could also connote
quality within the magazine. The bold red
colour may denote anger or could relate to
the genre of music this magazine offers.
Cover lines:
The fact that the artists name is
bigger signifies a importance in this
issue. This therefore gives the
customer an understanding of what
this particular issue is about.
Furthermore some people may be
very interested in this particular
genre of music which may convince
them to buy it.
Main image:
From this main image, I can see that it is overlapping the masthead. The denotations of this is that this issue
conveys a sense of importance and the it is an authoritative figure. Furthermore this main image is very large
and takes up most of the front cover and understand straight away who id featuring on this issue. This is
important as there may be a star appeal towards the customer .
Barcode, price, date and web
This contains the website
information in order to access Q
magazine. This is so people can
find out more about Q magazine
as a company.
The strapline “the worlds
greatest music magazine”
could perhaps connote that it
is the most interesting and
exciting to read due to the
information within it.
Furthermore it could also
demonstrate how they are
passionate about their
magazine and also care
about the customers
Pull quote
the pull quote is important as it conveys a small section of the interview. It is normally a very interesting quote which is
important as is someone sees it then they may be drawn into buying it. This may because they are intrigued to read the
rest of the interview or perhaps because it is one of their favorite artists. Furthermore, this quote also adds a sense of
mystery to the magazine. This is important because it also adds depth which is good as it keeps the reader interested.
First letter
The first letter of a
magazine is always big and
bold. This is to firstly
illustrate the artist and to
grab the readers attention.
Q magazine also do this
with every issue which also
connotes that it is a
successful technique.
Page/web address
The page/web address is
an important part of this
magazine. This is
important as a customer
may decide that they
would like to see their
website. This is important
as the website contains a
lot more information.
Furthermore, this
signifies that their
customers are interested
in the magazine which
connoted they are doing
a good job on producing.
Double page spread analysis
Website annotations
These website links take to various
interviews which they have done and
also takes you to their social media
accounts. This is good as it gives the
customers and people who are
interested more information about
perhaps new issues. Furthermore this
is important a customers may want to
keep up to date.
the overall layout of this website is
good. This is because at the top it
has clear links to social media sites
which provide further information.
Furthermore it also ahs the latest
issue of Q. This is good as it may be
something a customer of Q hasn’t
realised and therefore will want to
buy this issue.
Similarities and differences
Firstly, the differences between this and a real
copy is that the website has much more
information. This is because it has links to
other websites and their social media. This is
important as it provides extra information
which you would not get in a real copy of the
magazine. Furthermore the similarities of the
actual magazine and the website is that they
both have the latest issue of the magazine
however the website only advertises it. This
would mean that you would have to buy the
full copy
The website also has playlists on the
right side. This is good as it gives
their customers an option for
entertainment. This is good as it
may interest them in also buying
the magazine if they do like the
music. This is important as Q
magazine has no specific genre so it
could appeal to most people and
 Q magazine use various social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is
important because all of these are further ways of promoting their magazine. Furthermore,
on Facebook they give updates on who may be on the next issue and information on a number
of artists. This may include upcoming tours or perhaps new albums. This is important because
people may buy tickets and their magazine in the future.
 You can also subscribe to Q magazine. This is good as it supplies the subscribed with early
magazine and extra information about music playlists and upcoming issues.
Social media
Product analysis
 Purpose: the aim of this product is to inform and educated the reader within a
particular music category(Katz’). The slogan of Q magazine “Discover great music”
could also connotes that they are proud to be the market leader. This may be due to
the various genres which appeals to all people.
 Genre: Q magazine does not have a specified genre as each week they have a
different artist from a different genre. Furthermore, their competitors could be
magazines such as XXL or Mojo. This is because they are the next most popular and
therefore pose the most competition.
 Form: the form of this product is a magazine. Furthermore, Q magazine is of eclectic
genre. This means that there is not a specific genre and that it varies throughout the
issues. Q magazine is also the market leader in terms of popularity. There magazine is
the best selling in the UK which is perhaps due to the various genre types.
Firstly, the readership for Q magazine is the majority males. This is because when Q magazine was
first published the genre was mainly rock however other genres were also involved. This meant that at
this time it was mostly males who may have been interested. Furthermore, in terms of lifestyle, it was
seen that around 70% of readers are in this category. This is significant as it connotes mostly people
from middle class would purchase this magazine.
In addition, this could mean that Q magazine target the people who they think will be most interested
in the magazine and therefore receive more profit. It can also be seen that the average age of the Q
magazine reader is 34. This is important because it gives an idea of perhaps what they should carry on
doing and what they could do to suit this audience the most. It was also found that 70% of these
people are employed. This may suggest who can afford their magazine and whether thy should raise or
lower the price.
Audience theories
 Q magazine has a large target audience. This is due to their not being a specific music genre and therefore
appeals to everyone within a certain limit.
Hartley 7 subjectivities
 I think the age range would be between 15-35. I think this is because it is an age range that people are
interested in music. Furthermore this magazine would also suit everyone due to their not being a specific genre.
Another reason why I think this is a suitable age range is because people typically are not interested outside this
age unless they are already an artist.
Maslow hierarchy of needs
 I also think that there isn't a specific class as the purpose of this magazine is to and suits any class, however it
may suit people who are especially interested in music or who are perhaps artists themselves. The audience may
be ‘social climbers’ because they will aspire to be like the music celebrities in the magazine.
Katz’ Uses and gratifications
 The audience will be ‘informed and educated’ by reading this magazine especially on the music industry and new
and upcoming artists. Furthermore they will be able to ‘divert’ away from reality as they will be able to ‘lean
back’ and read the magazine for enjoyment.
 Many people buying this magazine would be from the A-C bracket as connoted by the demographics. This could
be due to the cost of the magazine and therefore people of the lower classes may not be able to afford it.
 Psychographics is determining what the typical Q magazine reader would act like in terms of lifestyle. They may
be ‘aspirers’ as they seek status therefore buying this popular magazine may give them status in society and
also ’explorers’ as they seek discovery and will be interested in what the issue will give them inside.
Spending Power
Q magazine costs £3.99 this is an average price for a monthly magazine however the audience will need spending
power to be able to buy this every month therefore they will need to be in the A-C bracket of the socio-
economic needs table.
Primary research
As you can see from these responses, the majority of my
audience is male. This is important as I can take this
information and use it to my advantage by making my
magazine appeal to males more and therefore generate
more sales. In addition, many of my audience are also
within the age range of 11-20. this is important because
it connotes my audience is young and therefore I should
aim to have a younger generation of artists as they may
not be that aware of some older artists.
Furthermore, from 10 responses only 3 people said that
they read magazines. This is important as it need to
make sure my magazine is as good as it can be due to
many people now using online services rather than
buying hard copies.
Secondary research
 As you can see from the screenshot I have reviewed other peoples
thoughts on Q magazine. Many people have given this magazine a good
review and said that it is consistent throughout. A review online also
states that it has outstanding photography. This is important as a lot of
their customers like to look as visuals of their favorite artists. Another
good thing they said was the Q magazine subscription service is very
good and would make an ideal gift for someone.
Product advertising and marketing
 Above the line marketing is advertising in which a large audience is targeted, examples include
advertisements on TV, radio and in newspapers.
 Below the line is advertising which is designed to reach a much smaller audience, but targets an audience
who would be interested in the product. Social media marketing and content marketing are examples of
 Q magazine is therefore mostly advertised in shops and on shelfs, this is important because it stands and
allows people to notice it and want to buy it. One way they do this is by using a simple but bright
masthead which is a bright colour so will stand out against other colours. Another way Q attract customers
is by using star appeal, this is important as people have favorite artists and if they see this on the cover of
a magazine then they will instantly be more drawn towards it and will therefore buy it.
 E media is also one of the main ways Q magazine is advertised, this is because they have their own
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. This is a good way of promotion as social media is
one of the largest markets in the world, which means it has a good chance that if they post something
then lots of people using it which will see it. Social media is also free, this is important as they will not
have to pay to advertise it and is another they can maximize profit.
 In conclusion Q uses below the line marketing, this is because it is a way of advertising which can target a
large market.
 Q magazines readership is majority male. This is because when Q was first published the
main genre was rock and therefore was mostly suited to males in order for the them to
maximize profit. Furthermore, the readership is currently still dominated by males
however the female readership has increased due to different artists being featured. As
you can see the average reader is in the ABC1 profile at 71.8%. This is important as it
shows us that most of the readership are within the middle class and also the median age
is 34. This is significant as it shows us the audience that this music appeals to. For
example a lot of the magazines are featuring the rock genre which is associated with
more the older people rather than teenagers. Finally, Q have also stated that 70% of their
customers are in employment. This therefore backs the ABC1 profile as the majority will
be in middle class.
Q magazine can be found in lots of different stores around the UK. Furthermore, it is in major supermarkets such as Tesco and
sainsburys. This is important as these supermarkets are very popular and also recognised in the UK by everyone, this means that lots of
people will be going into these stores and they will see Q magazine. Q magazine is also stocked in shops such as WH smith which is good
as people usually look for magazines and books within this store. Therefore, this will have a good effect on Q magazine as more people
will see it and this leads to more sales.
Furthermore, Q magazine is also stocked online on various magazine websites. In addition, websites like this have many types of
magazines together from lots of different genres and offer good prices and allow you to subscribe to them for different lengths of time. Q
is stocked on websites such as this, as they are websites created to sell magazines specifically, therefore Q being on there means that
people know it will be a good magazine, which is professional and worth reading if it interests them because if it wasn’t then it wouldn’t
be on the website. It is also sold online on the websites of supermarkets which it is stocked in stores, like Tesco, you can buy a
subscription to Q on their website. On both of these ways of subscribing online, you can get the magazine delivered to your house. This is
a important thing as many people are busy so do not have time to go to stores and pick up the magazine in person, or they forget to pick
on up every month. therefore it is important the magazine can get delivered otherwise a large section of the target market will be missed
Impact and effect on audience
 Q magazine effects it audience members as it influences their view on
other people, therefore changing their point of view of what could be
written about an artist. For example this could be an article about an
artist which would change how they may think about the artist and
perhaps to go friends and share their opinion. This could lead on to a
person believing whatever Q posts on social media or when the
publish a new issue of their magazine. Q magazine would gain power
over their audience as they feel whatever they publish will be
believed and enjoyed by their customers. This links to the Q awards
as they are aloud to make up their own rewards and give it to
whoever they want.
Copyright ©
 Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of
years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or
musical material that already exists.
 furthermore, since the copyright law changed in 1998 employees have their
own rights for things such as photocopying, reproduction in books. The
employee has rights for everything else.
 Throughout Q magazine, there are copyright symbols within their magazine
and also whilst advertising you can see this symbol. This is important as it
notes to the people who see it if they use their material without their
permission they have the power to sue them.
Relevant issues on representation
Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified
image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
The stereotypical audience of Q would be males which age ranges from 25-35. This is because Q has many issues revolved
around rock music and due to a lot of rock bands being slightly older this means that their audience will also be older then
perhaps then stereotypes for other magazines. Another reason why this would be their stereotypical audience is due to the
economy which most of these customers are in ABC1. Furthermore from this it is known that these men will be working and are
probably within the middle class bracket.
In addition, Laura Mulvey’s theory “Male Gaze” suggests that magazines such as Q will try to get females to do sexual poses in
order to attract men, which explains why females are sexualised as Q recognise that their main audience are men and
therefore will do what they can to increase male customers. This can be seen in the examples below of some of Q’s previous
front covers of sexualised women.
Moreover, another theory developed by Diana Saco’s ‘Female Gaze’. This is very similar to Laura Mulveys ‘Male Gaze’ however
it is the other way round. This theory explains how males are sexualised on the front covers of magazines such as Q in order to
attract women. This is important
Editors code of practise
 The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines
regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. Furthermore, clauses which may relate to my
magazine is discrimination (clause 12) this is important as if there is any form of
discrimination found within my magazine then it may offend people and therefore
give my magazine a bad reputation.
Ethical issues
 Ethical issues is important because when producing magazines companies have to
follow a certain guideline in order for it to not offend or harm any of the consumers.
One of this guidelines state that ‘particular care must be taken to avoid causing
offense in terms of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age’. This is
important as if consumers are offended in any way then they could potentially have
the company taken out of business. Therefore, it is important to follow the guidelines
of publicising information which may contain some sensitive content in order to not
be complained to. Another important factor of this would be the audience of the
magazine. This is because you may need to adjust guidelines depending on the
audience if they are sensitive to particular topics.
 Furthermore, if there was no ethical issues then their could perhaps be younger artists
on front covers as they wouldn't want protection from the media.
Legal issues
 Legal issues is important because there has been many times in which Bauer media
has been involved in court cases. This is important because there was a case about
how they wanted their freelances to sign a new contract which would take away their
rights. Furthermore, this is significant as it would mean that Bauer media could use
their material whenever they wanted without referencing any of them however none
of the workers wanted to sign these contracts as they did not agree.
 Another case which involved Bauer media was when they had an article which
contained some information about Tom Cruise. This is important as it was about him
not spending enough time with his children which he felt was incorrect and therefore
decided to try and sue Bauer media. However, because research has proved that he
doesn't’t spend that much time with his children he decided to drop the case.
 Bauer media have also not yet had any legal issues to do with copyright.
Q magazine generates income in many ways. The first way is through people
purchasing the magazine in shops and supermarkets, this used to be the main
way in which magazines generated income, which is why it is so important to
ensure your magazine is distributed well, in large chain supermarkets, such as
Tesco and WHSmith. However, technology is now more significant in terms of
how publishers make money through magazines. One way of doing this is
through online subscription, this is important as it means the business will get a
monthly/weekly purchase as the customer has subscribed.
 If you subscribe to Q magazine and you are not happy you can follow
a step by step complaint procedure in which you can find on a
webpage. The first step is FAQ’s in order to see if there is any help on
the website. If you are not satisfied with this then you can contact a
team leader or write to a subscription service. The last step you can
do is you can write to the head of customer retention at Bauer media
and they receive your complaint and then a senior staff will reply as
soon as possible.
Regulatory issues
Watermarking is a pattern of bits inserted into a digital image, audio or
video file that identifies the file's copyright information. Watermarking"
is the process of hiding digital information in a carrier signal; the hidden
information should, but does not need to, contain a relation to the
carrier signal. Digital watermarks may be used to verify the authenticity
or integrity of the carrier signal or to show the identity of its owners. It
is prominently used for tracing copyright infringements and for
banknote authentication.

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Unit1 LO1- 5

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 01: Analysing Media Products and Audiences Evidence Name: Kieran Davison Candidate Number: 3035 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion
  • 2. Content  Slide 3- Publisher and product  Slide 4- Ownership structure  Slide 5- Operating model  Slide 6- Brand ideology/ethos  Slide 7- Strapline ethos  Slide 8- Technological convergence  Slide 9- Associated products  Slide 10- Market position  Slide 11- Competitors  Slide 12- Genre  Slide 13- Purpose  Slide 14- Content  Slide 15- content  Slide 16- Meaning  Slide 17- Form and Style  Slide 18- Target audience  Slide 19- Production process  Slide 20- Production process  Slide 21- Front cover analysis  Slide 22- DPS analysis  Slide 23- Website annotations  Slide 24- Synergy  Slide 25-  Slide 26- Product analysis  Slide 27- Demographics  Slide 28- Audience theories  Slide 29- Primary research  Slide 30- Secondary research  Slide 31-  Slide 32- Product advertising and marketing  Slide 33- Demographic  Slide 34- Distribution  Slide 35-  Slide 36- Impact and effect on audience  Slide 37- Copyright  Slide 38- Relevant issues on representation  Slide 39- Editors code of practice  Slide 40- Ethical issues  Slide 41- Legal issues  Slide 42- Royalties  Slide 43- Complaints  Slide 44- Regulatory issues
  • 3. Publisher and product Publisher: Bauer media group have published more than 550 news papers and also digital products. It was created by a family over 130 years ago and their sister company are David Goodchild and Paul Keenan. They have offices in Europe and Australia which illustrates how successful they are. Furthermore they have had a slogan since 2010 “we think popular” connotes they are very up to date with what they publish. Product: The denotation of the name of the magazine conveys quality throughout. It is also large and has a bold red which stands out. This therefore connects with the slogan “the UK’s best selling magazine’’. Furthermore, this connotes they are passionate about being the best. This also relates to Bauer's slogan ‘’we think popular”. This will attract customers as it ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) they care about the quality of the content.
  • 4. Ownership structure Bauer is owned by CEO Paul Keenan and was founded in 1875. Bauer media are now the largest consumer publishing company in the UK. It has many associated products such as music magazines like Q and Mojo. The first magazine they published which was in 1953 was called Angling times. t/our-company
  • 5. Operating model   This is the management team of Bauer media. They will be responsible for various things such as controlling how the magazine is produced and also how it will be advertised and marketed.
  • 6. Brand ideology/ethos Bauer media own a number of successful products which perhaps connotes that they may have attitude to succeed. This is important as one of their products is Q magazine which is the UK’s best selling magazine. Furthermore, they also are associated with KISS radio station. This is also one of the UK’s most popular radio station. The slogan of Q magazine “the UK’s best selling magazine” connotes that their ethos is to be the most popular magazine. Furthermore they produce a magazine appealing to all genres and therefore have a wide target audience. This allows them to achieve their aims and objectives as it not suit to a particular type. This is one of Bauer medias best selling products as they are also involved in radio stations which are also successful. Furthermore this tells us that they are determined to be popular with both magazines and radio stations. They are also evidently passionate about their products. Their competition also drives them to be better as a company as without them, their products may not be as good.
  • 7. Strapline - Ethos The strapline of Q magazine ‘Discover great music’ connotes that within this magazine they have the highest quality and best artists. This is important because they want their customers to enjoy and discover the best music. Furthermore, the verbal code ‘Discover’ could suggest that much of the content will be new to the reader and is superior to other music magazines. This is also important as it connotes that Q magazine is unique due to the artists they promote and star appeal which would attract more customers. “Discover Great Music”
  • 8. Technological convergence  Q magazine publish their magazine so it is available in stores and they also have a website. This contains various information like the magazine however the website also has links to social media in which gives you frequent updates. However, the magazine also contains the website information within it. Q magazine are in synergy with Facebook. They post frequently about upcoming issues and leave hints to who may be on the new issues. Q magazine also have a YouTube page. On this you can see their playlists on a particular genre you like. This is good as it gives customers an insight on what may be in their magazine issues in terms of artists. 
  • 9. Associated products  As well as Bauer media Publishing Q magazine they are also involved over 50 magazines around the world and 400 digital products. Furthermore this means that their product portfolio will be good. This therefore connotes they are assured of making high quality products around the world.
  • 10. Market position Bauer media currently produces some of the UK’s best selling magazine and in this form of the media, they are the market leader. Bauer media are also involved in various radio stations. Furthermore Bauer media have the most market share and therefore connotes they are the market leader in terms of magazines in the UK.
  • 11. Competitors  IPC media: IPC media could be referred to as Bauer medias biggest competitors. They are heavily involved in magazines and there best selling magazine in NME. This magazine has has an eclectic genre which is the same as Q magazine. This means it possesses a variety of genre, open to all music interests.  This is important as it is also Q magazines competitor along with Mojo and XXL. They are all very popular however XXL focuses on rap and Mojo is mostly British rock. Furthermore, this connotes that Q has a better variety when in come to issues and music artists.  Hearst media: Hearst media is also quite a large competitor to both IPC and Bauer media. They also produce music magazines and fashion magazines. This is important as it puts them into a different target market and are therefore not as threatening to Bauer media.
  • 12. Genre  The genre of this magazine is eclectic. This describes magazines without a specific genre however they release issues without various types of artist on the front cover. For example one week it may be a rap artist and the other it may be a rock artist. Furthermore, the non verbal connotations of this are the artist on the different issues. This is because one month a rap artist may be staring and the other may be rock. This is could as is provides variation and a wider target audience for Q. This is good as it means more people may want to buy it which therefore explains one of the reasons that it is the UK’s best selling magazine.
  • 13. Purpos e The purpose of Q magazine is to ‘inform and educate’ (Katz) the reader an understanding of a specific music type/genre. Furthermore it is also to inform and educate about the artist on a particular issue. This information may be on upcoming tours or if the artist is realising new music within a few months. Furthermore this creates an interest in the magazine which educates the reader in this music type. It is also a magazine for everyone and therefore means they have a large target audience in order to increase the popularity of Q magazine. in the particular issue of the magazine Kanye west is the main image. This is to educate the reader. This is because it may give information about upcoming tours and stories about the artist over the past week.
  • 14. Content  Some of the content included in Q magazine is information and pictures of music artists. Many of the images are big to perhaps illustrate the importance of this particular artist and the same colour scheme is used throughout. This will also contain information about their website which will provide much more information on issues throughout the year. This contents page contains information about the individual artists in this issue. This is because there is a band and therefore question everyone in it. There are also random topics within this. For example, buskers. This may be because it is related to how they started and talk about what its like to be in there position.
  • 15. MeaningMeaning  The slogan “worlds greatest magazineworlds greatest magazine’’’’,, connotesconnotes that it is a magazine for everyone. The slogan is also a superlative which could also suggest that there are no better magazines and that this is attracting people by using certain techniques. Therefore connotes that this should everyone's be the go to music magazine. This slogan also illustrates how Bauer media feel about producing a high quality magazine, furthermore they would also like to keep it that way and are motivated. Competition also helps with motivation and it why they keep on producing the most popular music magazine. 
  • 16. Form and style Firstly this connotations of the colour scheme is there to promote the artist on the Front cover. This is to make him stand out which gives a clear impression to the customers of who the current issue is based on, and the white background is their the make the font stand out. Furthermore, there are various font styles on the front cover to perhaps connote who is in this weeks issue. This is good as it is also very clear to read and bold which therefore make it stand out on the shelf. This is important because it can increase the sales and make Q even more popular. This front cover also follows the traditional layout with the masthead in the top left and with the cover lines around the main image.
  • 17. Target audience  Q magazine has a large target audience. This is due to their not being a specific music genre and therefore appeals to everyone within a certain limit. Hartley 7 subjectivities  Therefore I think the age range would be between 30-55. I think this is because it is an age range that slighty older people would like due to the maturity ans also it being mostly of the rock genre. Furthermore this magazine would also suit everyone due to their not being a specific genre, as each issue can be different. Maslow hierarchy of needs  I also think that there isn't a specific class as the purpose of this magazine is to inform and educate and suits any class, however it may suit people who are especially interested in music or who are perhaps artists themselves. Katz’ Uses and gratifications  in the particular issue of the magazine Kanye west is the main image. This is to educate the reader. This is because it may give information about upcoming tours and stories about the artist over the past week.
  • 18. Production process  I emailed Bauer media enquiring about their production process which I found on their website. They have yet to reply but on their website is the editorial process of producing the magazine.
  • 19. Production Process 1. Choose Content: The magazine needs to include interesting content which will engage the audience making them enjoy reading the magazine. 2. Choose main article: This needs to be the article which will draw the most attention, this can be done in different ways 3. Choose cover image: This image is the most important as it will be the main focus of the front cover, star appeal can be used to attract people to buy the magazine. 4. Write Articles: This step is important as the articles make up the majority of the magazines content, so they must be written in a consistent way, this could be professional or informal depending on the magazine. 5. Incorporate Graphics/photos: Adding visual content to go alongside the verbal content is important as it will make the readers more engaged in the articles as they will have pictures to relate to the text, bringing it alive. 6. Add final details: this includes things such as the barcode and page numbers, this is to make the magazine look and feel professional.
  • 20. Masthead: As you can see the masthead is one letter, this illustrates how simple this magazine is whilst being a great selling magazine. Furthermore the large Q could also connote quality within the magazine. The bold red colour may denote anger or could relate to the genre of music this magazine offers. Cover lines: The fact that the artists name is bigger signifies a importance in this issue. This therefore gives the customer an understanding of what this particular issue is about. Furthermore some people may be very interested in this particular genre of music which may convince them to buy it. Main image: From this main image, I can see that it is overlapping the masthead. The denotations of this is that this issue conveys a sense of importance and the it is an authoritative figure. Furthermore this main image is very large and takes up most of the front cover and understand straight away who id featuring on this issue. This is important as there may be a star appeal towards the customer . Barcode, price, date and web address This contains the website information in order to access Q magazine. This is so people can find out more about Q magazine as a company. Strapline The strapline “the worlds greatest music magazine” could perhaps connote that it is the most interesting and exciting to read due to the information within it. Furthermore it could also demonstrate how they are passionate about their magazine and also care about the customers
  • 21. Pull quote the pull quote is important as it conveys a small section of the interview. It is normally a very interesting quote which is important as is someone sees it then they may be drawn into buying it. This may because they are intrigued to read the rest of the interview or perhaps because it is one of their favorite artists. Furthermore, this quote also adds a sense of mystery to the magazine. This is important because it also adds depth which is good as it keeps the reader interested. First letter The first letter of a magazine is always big and bold. This is to firstly illustrate the artist and to grab the readers attention. Q magazine also do this with every issue which also connotes that it is a successful technique. Page/web address The page/web address is an important part of this magazine. This is important as a customer may decide that they would like to see their website. This is important as the website contains a lot more information. Furthermore, this signifies that their customers are interested in the magazine which connoted they are doing a good job on producing. Double page spread analysis
  • 22. Website annotations Links These website links take to various interviews which they have done and also takes you to their social media accounts. This is good as it gives the customers and people who are interested more information about perhaps new issues. Furthermore this is important a customers may want to keep up to date. Layout the overall layout of this website is good. This is because at the top it has clear links to social media sites which provide further information. Furthermore it also ahs the latest issue of Q. This is good as it may be something a customer of Q hasn’t realised and therefore will want to buy this issue. Similarities and differences Firstly, the differences between this and a real copy is that the website has much more information. This is because it has links to other websites and their social media. This is important as it provides extra information which you would not get in a real copy of the magazine. Furthermore the similarities of the actual magazine and the website is that they both have the latest issue of the magazine however the website only advertises it. This would mean that you would have to buy the full copy Playlists The website also has playlists on the right side. This is good as it gives their customers an option for entertainment. This is good as it may interest them in also buying the magazine if they do like the music. This is important as Q magazine has no specific genre so it could appeal to most people and classes.
  • 23. Synergy  Q magazine use various social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is important because all of these are further ways of promoting their magazine. Furthermore, on Facebook they give updates on who may be on the next issue and information on a number of artists. This may include upcoming tours or perhaps new albums. This is important because people may buy tickets and their magazine in the future.  You can also subscribe to Q magazine. This is good as it supplies the subscribed with early magazine and extra information about music playlists and upcoming issues. Social media
  • 24.
  • 25. Product analysis  Purpose: the aim of this product is to inform and educated the reader within a particular music category(Katz’). The slogan of Q magazine “Discover great music” could also connotes that they are proud to be the market leader. This may be due to the various genres which appeals to all people.  Genre: Q magazine does not have a specified genre as each week they have a different artist from a different genre. Furthermore, their competitors could be magazines such as XXL or Mojo. This is because they are the next most popular and therefore pose the most competition.  Form: the form of this product is a magazine. Furthermore, Q magazine is of eclectic genre. This means that there is not a specific genre and that it varies throughout the issues. Q magazine is also the market leader in terms of popularity. There magazine is the best selling in the UK which is perhaps due to the various genre types.
  • 26. Demographics Firstly, the readership for Q magazine is the majority males. This is because when Q magazine was first published the genre was mainly rock however other genres were also involved. This meant that at this time it was mostly males who may have been interested. Furthermore, in terms of lifestyle, it was seen that around 70% of readers are in this category. This is significant as it connotes mostly people from middle class would purchase this magazine. In addition, this could mean that Q magazine target the people who they think will be most interested in the magazine and therefore receive more profit. It can also be seen that the average age of the Q magazine reader is 34. This is important because it gives an idea of perhaps what they should carry on doing and what they could do to suit this audience the most. It was also found that 70% of these people are employed. This may suggest who can afford their magazine and whether thy should raise or lower the price.
  • 27. Audience theories  Q magazine has a large target audience. This is due to their not being a specific music genre and therefore appeals to everyone within a certain limit. Hartley 7 subjectivities  I think the age range would be between 15-35. I think this is because it is an age range that people are interested in music. Furthermore this magazine would also suit everyone due to their not being a specific genre. Another reason why I think this is a suitable age range is because people typically are not interested outside this age unless they are already an artist. Maslow hierarchy of needs  I also think that there isn't a specific class as the purpose of this magazine is to and suits any class, however it may suit people who are especially interested in music or who are perhaps artists themselves. The audience may be ‘social climbers’ because they will aspire to be like the music celebrities in the magazine. Katz’ Uses and gratifications  The audience will be ‘informed and educated’ by reading this magazine especially on the music industry and new and upcoming artists. Furthermore they will be able to ‘divert’ away from reality as they will be able to ‘lean back’ and read the magazine for enjoyment. Socio-economics  Many people buying this magazine would be from the A-C bracket as connoted by the demographics. This could be due to the cost of the magazine and therefore people of the lower classes may not be able to afford it. Psychographics  Psychographics is determining what the typical Q magazine reader would act like in terms of lifestyle. They may be ‘aspirers’ as they seek status therefore buying this popular magazine may give them status in society and also ’explorers’ as they seek discovery and will be interested in what the issue will give them inside. Spending Power Q magazine costs £3.99 this is an average price for a monthly magazine however the audience will need spending power to be able to buy this every month therefore they will need to be in the A-C bracket of the socio- economic needs table.
  • 28. Primary research As you can see from these responses, the majority of my audience is male. This is important as I can take this information and use it to my advantage by making my magazine appeal to males more and therefore generate more sales. In addition, many of my audience are also within the age range of 11-20. this is important because it connotes my audience is young and therefore I should aim to have a younger generation of artists as they may not be that aware of some older artists. Furthermore, from 10 responses only 3 people said that they read magazines. This is important as it need to make sure my magazine is as good as it can be due to many people now using online services rather than buying hard copies.
  • 29. Secondary research  As you can see from the screenshot I have reviewed other peoples thoughts on Q magazine. Many people have given this magazine a good review and said that it is consistent throughout. A review online also states that it has outstanding photography. This is important as a lot of their customers like to look as visuals of their favorite artists. Another good thing they said was the Q magazine subscription service is very good and would make an ideal gift for someone. gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs4- Q8bzo1wIVop3tCh0gxATbEAAYASAAEgI2G_D_BwE
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  • 31. Product advertising and marketing  Above the line marketing is advertising in which a large audience is targeted, examples include advertisements on TV, radio and in newspapers.  Below the line is advertising which is designed to reach a much smaller audience, but targets an audience who would be interested in the product. Social media marketing and content marketing are examples of this.  Q magazine is therefore mostly advertised in shops and on shelfs, this is important because it stands and allows people to notice it and want to buy it. One way they do this is by using a simple but bright masthead which is a bright colour so will stand out against other colours. Another way Q attract customers is by using star appeal, this is important as people have favorite artists and if they see this on the cover of a magazine then they will instantly be more drawn towards it and will therefore buy it.  E media is also one of the main ways Q magazine is advertised, this is because they have their own YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. This is a good way of promotion as social media is one of the largest markets in the world, which means it has a good chance that if they post something then lots of people using it which will see it. Social media is also free, this is important as they will not have to pay to advertise it and is another they can maximize profit.  In conclusion Q uses below the line marketing, this is because it is a way of advertising which can target a large market.
  • 32. Demographics  Q magazines readership is majority male. This is because when Q was first published the main genre was rock and therefore was mostly suited to males in order for the them to maximize profit. Furthermore, the readership is currently still dominated by males however the female readership has increased due to different artists being featured. As you can see the average reader is in the ABC1 profile at 71.8%. This is important as it shows us that most of the readership are within the middle class and also the median age is 34. This is significant as it shows us the audience that this music appeals to. For example a lot of the magazines are featuring the rock genre which is associated with more the older people rather than teenagers. Finally, Q have also stated that 70% of their customers are in employment. This therefore backs the ABC1 profile as the majority will be in middle class.
  • 33. Distribution Q magazine can be found in lots of different stores around the UK. Furthermore, it is in major supermarkets such as Tesco and sainsburys. This is important as these supermarkets are very popular and also recognised in the UK by everyone, this means that lots of people will be going into these stores and they will see Q magazine. Q magazine is also stocked in shops such as WH smith which is good as people usually look for magazines and books within this store. Therefore, this will have a good effect on Q magazine as more people will see it and this leads to more sales. Furthermore, Q magazine is also stocked online on various magazine websites. In addition, websites like this have many types of magazines together from lots of different genres and offer good prices and allow you to subscribe to them for different lengths of time. Q is stocked on websites such as this, as they are websites created to sell magazines specifically, therefore Q being on there means that people know it will be a good magazine, which is professional and worth reading if it interests them because if it wasn’t then it wouldn’t be on the website. It is also sold online on the websites of supermarkets which it is stocked in stores, like Tesco, you can buy a subscription to Q on their website. On both of these ways of subscribing online, you can get the magazine delivered to your house. This is a important thing as many people are busy so do not have time to go to stores and pick up the magazine in person, or they forget to pick on up every month. therefore it is important the magazine can get delivered otherwise a large section of the target market will be missed out.
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  • 35. Impact and effect on audience  Q magazine effects it audience members as it influences their view on other people, therefore changing their point of view of what could be written about an artist. For example this could be an article about an artist which would change how they may think about the artist and perhaps to go friends and share their opinion. This could lead on to a person believing whatever Q posts on social media or when the publish a new issue of their magazine. Q magazine would gain power over their audience as they feel whatever they publish will be believed and enjoyed by their customers. This links to the Q awards as they are aloud to make up their own rewards and give it to whoever they want.
  • 36. Copyright ©  Copyright- is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists.  furthermore, since the copyright law changed in 1998 employees have their own rights for things such as photocopying, reproduction in books. The employee has rights for everything else.  Throughout Q magazine, there are copyright symbols within their magazine and also whilst advertising you can see this symbol. This is important as it notes to the people who see it if they use their material without their permission they have the power to sue them.
  • 37. Relevant issues on representation Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. The stereotypical audience of Q would be males which age ranges from 25-35. This is because Q has many issues revolved around rock music and due to a lot of rock bands being slightly older this means that their audience will also be older then perhaps then stereotypes for other magazines. Another reason why this would be their stereotypical audience is due to the economy which most of these customers are in ABC1. Furthermore from this it is known that these men will be working and are probably within the middle class bracket. In addition, Laura Mulvey’s theory “Male Gaze” suggests that magazines such as Q will try to get females to do sexual poses in order to attract men, which explains why females are sexualised as Q recognise that their main audience are men and therefore will do what they can to increase male customers. This can be seen in the examples below of some of Q’s previous front covers of sexualised women. Moreover, another theory developed by Diana Saco’s ‘Female Gaze’. This is very similar to Laura Mulveys ‘Male Gaze’ however it is the other way round. This theory explains how males are sexualised on the front covers of magazines such as Q in order to attract women. This is important
  • 38. Editors code of practise  The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. Furthermore, clauses which may relate to my magazine is discrimination (clause 12) this is important as if there is any form of discrimination found within my magazine then it may offend people and therefore give my magazine a bad reputation.
  • 39. Ethical issues  Ethical issues is important because when producing magazines companies have to follow a certain guideline in order for it to not offend or harm any of the consumers. One of this guidelines state that ‘particular care must be taken to avoid causing offense in terms of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age’. This is important as if consumers are offended in any way then they could potentially have the company taken out of business. Therefore, it is important to follow the guidelines of publicising information which may contain some sensitive content in order to not be complained to. Another important factor of this would be the audience of the magazine. This is because you may need to adjust guidelines depending on the audience if they are sensitive to particular topics.  Furthermore, if there was no ethical issues then their could perhaps be younger artists on front covers as they wouldn't want protection from the media.
  • 40. Legal issues  Legal issues is important because there has been many times in which Bauer media has been involved in court cases. This is important because there was a case about how they wanted their freelances to sign a new contract which would take away their rights. Furthermore, this is significant as it would mean that Bauer media could use their material whenever they wanted without referencing any of them however none of the workers wanted to sign these contracts as they did not agree.  Another case which involved Bauer media was when they had an article which contained some information about Tom Cruise. This is important as it was about him not spending enough time with his children which he felt was incorrect and therefore decided to try and sue Bauer media. However, because research has proved that he doesn't’t spend that much time with his children he decided to drop the case.  Bauer media have also not yet had any legal issues to do with copyright.
  • 41. Royalties Q magazine generates income in many ways. The first way is through people purchasing the magazine in shops and supermarkets, this used to be the main way in which magazines generated income, which is why it is so important to ensure your magazine is distributed well, in large chain supermarkets, such as Tesco and WHSmith. However, technology is now more significant in terms of how publishers make money through magazines. One way of doing this is through online subscription, this is important as it means the business will get a monthly/weekly purchase as the customer has subscribed.
  • 42. complaints  If you subscribe to Q magazine and you are not happy you can follow a step by step complaint procedure in which you can find on a webpage. The first step is FAQ’s in order to see if there is any help on the website. If you are not satisfied with this then you can contact a team leader or write to a subscription service. The last step you can do is you can write to the head of customer retention at Bauer media and they receive your complaint and then a senior staff will reply as soon as possible.
  • 43. Regulatory issues Watermarking is a pattern of bits inserted into a digital image, audio or video file that identifies the file's copyright information. Watermarking" is the process of hiding digital information in a carrier signal; the hidden information should, but does not need to, contain a relation to the carrier signal. Digital watermarks may be used to verify the authenticity or integrity of the carrier signal or to show the identity of its owners. It is prominently used for tracing copyright infringements and for banknote authentication.

Editor's Notes

  1. Sources for WHERE you gained this information from
  2. WHO are these people and WHAT are their roles?
  3. Screen shot of this
  4. Dimensions of the magazine Colour index (see ‘Student Guide’)
  5. Source needed and screen shot examples of HOW this theory applies to the magazine
  6. INCOMPLETE – See recommended source from ‘Student Guide’
  7. Source needed
  8. Form – Dimensions of the magazine and hard/electronic copy as well