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Unit 13 pitch
Billy Simmonds
• Welcome to my pitch, my first magazine is
going to be called $tackz and my second
magazine is going to be called RapCity this is
because RapCity can be conveyed to be the
city where all rappers are based which could
illustrate to the audience that this magazine
will contain all the best rappers.
Connotations behind name of
The connotations of the name RapCity is called this is because RapCity can
be conveyed to be the city where all rappers are based which could
illustrate to the audience that this magazine will contain all the best
The connotations of the name $tackz is purely to the fact that ‘$tacks’ in
slang means a lot of money so this name could illustrate to the audience
that the people featuring in my magazine will be good rappers who have a
lot of money.
Summary of ideas
Genre: The genre of my magazine is going to be hip hop for one magazine and rap
fir the other magazine I make. This is because I want to have my target audience
from the age of 16-to around 25 and most people in this age group do listen to this
genre of music.
Colors: The colors that I will be using in my magazine will be red white and black
which will symbolize dark and a sinister lifestyle which will be good for a genre of
rap and hip hop.
Target audience: The target audience of my magazine article will be 16-25.This is
because the majority of people at that age will be listening to rap style of music
this is significant as this will be my target audience as well.
Price of my magazine: The price of my magazine will be around £3.50 this is due to
the fact that my inspiration XXL is around £4.80 so my article will have to be
cheaper so it sales on the market
Size: The size of my magazine will be A4 so that I am not changing the wheel and
my magazine should sell as it is cheap and the same as any other magazine.
RapCity and $tackz
Magazine ideas
Dark colors such as red
could symbolize anger in
their life story and fears that
they have had to get over.
The target audience of my
magazine will be from
around 17-28
stereotypically because
young adults enjoy rap
music, so therefore will
like my magazine article.
Brand identity
My masthead will be at the top of the magazine
article therefore they will recognize that is my
magazine. I will also make sure my masthead is
included on my DPS.
The frequency of my
product will be a
weekly release just
like XXL to keep the
audience up to date
with new magazines
My masthead will be Rap city
and will be located in the top
of the magazine. The
masthead denotes ‘Rap City’
which will anchor the genre
of the magazine which is Rap
and ‘City’ connotes it will only
be about Rap and will provide
the best information on a
large scale.
Type of
“The city that wont let you down” connoting the producer
does not want to let the target audience down so will work
hard to get the best music information out there.
Medium close ups
and close ups.
RapCity mind map
Magazine ideas
Red, black and white.
The target audience of my magazine will be
from around 17-28 stereotypically because
young adults especially males enjoy rap
music, so therefore will like my magazine
Brand identity
The magazine masthead will be
located on other pages I make
so the audience can ‘personally
identify’ (Katz) with the
The frequency of my product
will be a weekly release just
like XXL to keep the audience
up to date with new
My masthead will
$TACKZ and will be
located in the top of
the magazine. The
denotation $TACKZ
connotes the
magazine will be
stacked with the best
music information
such as articles and
interviews. Using the
$ sign makes it
informal appealing to
a male young
Type of
“Discover the best of rap”. This strapline
is inspired by Q magazine as they have a
strapline stating “discover great music”.
Medium close up
and close ups so
the audience can
identify’ (Katz)
with the star
appeal (Richard
$tackz mind map
Font style
OldSchool Freshman
Sketch 3D
28 days later
Glitter campus
outlined Broken Detroit
Woodcutter tags
Dk bad medicine
Font styles
House style
Colour Scheme
My colour scheme for $tackz is Red, Black and Grey. This is because I liked the
look of Q magazines magazine which is the same colors and it looked very
clean and smart looking so I decided to do the same. Considering Q is a very
popular magazine that sells I want my magazine to do the same. The
connotations of the colour red are passion and excitement. I want to be
passionate about the music I producer and I want my audience to be excited
about the magazine.
My colour scheme for my RapCity magazine is going to be red, black and
white. I chose white because this will furthermore keep my magazine
professional as these are bold but also neutral colours.
Font Style
The font style I am using is Obelix Pro for my masthead. This will be
downloaded from This is because it goes with my rap theme and
for people who don’t already know the magazine, when they first see it this
will help them to tell what genre the magazine is, this is due to the fact that
the font looks a bit like graffiti but a neater version which could convey to the
audience that my genre of my magazine is rap. This font also looks very unique
which is what I wanted on my magazine.
What I intend to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale
A convention that I will repeat in my
magazines is the barcode. This will have
social media, the date, issue and price
of the magazine.
convention that I
will repeat are
cover lines.
These will be
stories that will
be inside my
I will also add star appeal
(Richard Dyer) just like 50
cent onto my magazine to
entice the reader and I
will also make sure the
main image overlaps the
masthead which is a
stereotypical convention
of music magazine.
What I intend to ‘repeat’ (Steve
Neale 1980)
For my second magazine I am going to repeat the fact that they have a close up of
the main image and that the main image covers the logo which this could further
symbolize that the artist is taking over the magazine due to their star appeal.
Also I will repeat the font of the magazine front cover for the XXL magazine this is
because the font is big and bold which stands out to the audience, which could
signify what the story inside the magazine will be about and which will give away
who it is about and what it is going to be about.
Also another convention that I will repeat in my second magazine is the barcode
that I had to create for the first magazine, but for my second I can screenshot it and
drag it over to the second magazine that I am creating.
Mood board- $tackz
Mood board - Rapcity
Mood board conclusion
I chose two nice cars which a are both
Lamborghinis, I chose this because these cars
are very expensive and top class which
therefore means the person who owns them
must have a lot of money so therefore this
will convey the artist on the magazine.
These valentinos in the picture are very
expensive shoes so therefore this will also
convey the artist having a lot of money which is
the competition in rapping.
Both moodboard are very similar because the
genre of the magazines are similar. One is HIP-
HOP and one is RAP.
Test photography
I had to take a few images
so I could see what image
would look the best on
the front cover of my
magazine, Furthermore I
think the picture in the
bottom left will suit my
magazine the best.
This is the
picture that I
chose for my
double page
spread, this is
because I like the
fact that I am
looking away
from the camera
into the
Target audience for both of my
• The target audience of my magazine will be aged from around 16-25 (Hartley)this is due to
teenagers and people in their early 20’s are big fans of rap genre, this is significant because
the more people that like rap genre then the more people will be purchase my magazine
article due to the fact that they enjoy listening to rap music. Therefore I am aiming my
magazine article at people from 16-25. According to Katz Uses and Gratifications the
audience will be able to ‘personally identify’ themselves with the ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer)
as they will be someone they might listen to for example their music. They will also be able
to ‘personally identify’ with stories in the magazine from the artists where they talk about
their hobbies and interests. Furthermore the audience will be able to divert from everyday
situations such as work by reading the magazine that will entertain (Katz) them. The
magazine will inform and educate (Katz) the reader of new music information and will keep
the reader updated.
• According to Maslow the target readership would be survivors because they will like the
security and routine of knowing that the magazine will be produced weekly for their
entertainment. Social climbers is when the audience are driven by improving their status in
society. This is important because it gives the audience confidence and a drive to do well in
life. XXLs target audience will fit in to the social climbers because they will like to read about
the top music artists, this will therefore this will improve their status in society.
Audience Theory Hartley
Age: my magazine will appeal to teenagers because the
genre of my magazine will attract them to want and come and
read and find out information of people who will be featuring in
the magazine.
Gender: my magazine will usually refer to majority of
teenagers but most of them being boys at this is the specific
gender who listens to the rap genre.
Class: my magazine appeals mainly to teenagers so this will be
seen as the younger class from the age of 15- to around 21‘star
appeal’ (Richard Dyer).
Ethnicity/Nationality: my magazine usually refers to people
who live in the United Kingdom and only gets released in the uk
so therefore it is targeted a people who work and live in the Uk
Maslow’s hierarchy of
• Maslow's theory mentions 4 different potential outcomes for a reader after reading
a magazine these are; social climbers, care givers, explorers and survivors. Social
climbers is when the audience are driven by improving their status in society. This is
important because it gives the audience confidence and a drive to do well in life.
Caregivers is when the audience sympathies with the characters situation. This is
important because it gives the audience a chance to escape reality and be
engrossed into a magazine. Firstly there are social climbers which is where the
audience are driven by improving the status in the hierarchy of needs in society, and
caregivers is when the audience gin sympathy for a characters situation.
Furthermore, explorers is where the audience are driven by social change in a
magazine. Also lastly, survivors is where the audience want character to be safe as
they have gained a bond with that specific character. This is important because it
gives the audience a chance to escape reality and be engrossed into a magazine.
Survivors is when the audience members want security and routine. This is
important because they have security knowing that the magazine will be published
on a set date.
Target Audience continued
• Psychographics – This is the study and classification of
people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and
other psychological criteria, especially in market
research. Psychographics is all about stereotyping and
what sort of people get put in to specific genre
category considering their personality, appearance,
how they dress and how they act. For example, my
magazine will mainly target males as the genre is hip-
hop and rap and the front cover will feature a male
artist. The male audience will be into rap music and
artists such as Kanye West.
Hand drawn drafts = Rap City
I have chosen this front cover draft as my final
one because it is neat and modern looking.
Having only 3 colours makes the whole cover
look better as there are not loads of colours
and everything matches. Having black, white
and red makes the cover look nice as black and
white are plain colours and red is obviously
brighter, making my logo specifically stand out
more. Also having everything spread out on the
page makes it look much better.
Hand drawn drafts - $tackz
I have chosen this front cover draft as my final
one for $tackz magazine because of the layout.
I like having the main image and the headline
merging together so the reader knows who the
main person is in the article. Also having the
cover lines next to the main image shows who
the main artist is in the article and that the
cover lines are not covered as much as the
main artist in the middle. Also having 3 colours
only makes the magazine appealing and
smarter looking.
Hand drawn drafts – Rap City
A second hand drawn draft I have made, this
will help me to make a decision on what my
magazine front cover will look like.
Hand drawn drafts - $tackz
A second hand drawn draft I have made for
Hand drawn drafts - DPS
I have also chosen this
hand drawn draft because
of the there is a nice
amount of space for a
image and I liked this draft
because I think the large
image stands out and the
interview is easily
Hand drawn drafts - DPS
Rap City
Graphic layout for Rapcity – FRONT
Main Image
Main Image
Graphic layout for $tackz – FRONT
Main Image
Main Image
Graphic layout for Rap City - DPS
Main image
Social media
Main image
Social media
Graphic layout for Rap City - DPS
Graphic layout DPS for $TACKZ
Main image
Social media
Graphic layout DPS for $tackz
Main image
Social media
Equipment and Cost
Equipment Cost
Office Space £300,000
Apple MacBook x 25 £41,225
Photoshop x 25 £1724.75
Desks x 25 £2,850
Chairs x 25 £2,200
Printer £ 172
Camera x 5 £1595
Total = £349,766.75
Staff and Cost
Staff Salary
Publisher £27,500
Photographers x 3 £22,500
Editors x 3 £22,500
Design x 2 £22,500
Finance x 2 £27,500
Writers x 2 £27,500
Journalists x 5 £ 22,500
Human resources £22,500
Printing costs of the magazine
The final order To purchase 15,000 magazine copies at a good quality it
would add up to around £4612.92 so roughly it will be around £3.50 each
which I will be selling my magazine at around £4.00each so I wouldn’t be
able to make as much as profit as I would like to make so next time I will
need to order more copies so that the overall price will be reduced and
therefore I will make more money in total.
Profit and loss breakdown
• £4.00- price of one magazine
• 15,000 magazine being published
• £4612.92 for 15,000 magazines
• £349,766.75 equipment
• £195,000 salaries
• £4.00 x15,000= 60,000
• £60,000- £4612.92= £55,387.07
• £55,387.07– £195,000= –139,612.93
Advertising revenue
My magazine is 24 pages long, and out of the 24 pages I will have around 20
pages of advertisement which will be around £5,005 x 20 which will overall
come to around £100,100
Distribution to retailer
I am going to distribute my magazine to all of the big superstores
like WHSmith and Tesco as thousands of people shop here every
day, and WHSmith is a huge shop for magazines so this will
therefore be the place that people will go to buy magazines if
they wanted one.
Facebook Advertisement
I created a Facebook page for my magazine
Rapcity Facebook advertisement
I used Facebook as my
advertisement due to the fact that
Facebook is a big part of social
media at the moment therefore I
feel like this could boost my
business alot.
Connotations behind name of
The connotations of the name RapCity is called this is because RapCity can
be conveyed to be the city where all rappers are based which could
illustrate to the audience that this magazine will contain all the best
The connotations of the name $tackz is purely to the fact that ‘$tacks’ in
slang means a lot of money so this name could illustrate to the audience
that the people featuring in my magazine will be good rappers who have a
lot of money.
For my magazine article I am going to repeat the fact that they have a close up of
the main image and that the main image covers the logo which this could further
symbolize that the artist is taking over the magazine due to their star appeal.
Also I will repeat the font of the magazine front cover for the XXL magazine this is
because the font is big and bold which stands out to the audience, which could
signify what the story inside the magazine will be about and which will give away
who it is about and what it is going to be about.
Also another convention that I will repeat in my second magazine is the barcode
that I had to create for the first magazine, but for my second I can screenshot it and
drag it over to the second magazine that I am creating.
What I intend to ‘repeat’( Steve Neale 1980)
Budget summary
Source of income the main source of income for
my magazine will be the advertisements due to
the fact that it is very expensive to advertise in
magazine these days. I will use the advertising
rates for a reflection so this will allow me to look
at what I can charge peoples businesses to feature
in my magazine as advertisements. This will
overall increase the readership of the magazine,
because there will be a certain amount of income
coming in due to the people who are getting
advertised in the magazine.
Advertising within the magazine- advertising within the
magazine can consist of a range of adverts to attract
different types of target audiences, this is significant
because within my magazine have a large target
audience so this means that there will have to be a
variety of advertisements to attract different people.
Within the q magazines publishers, they have found out
that the majority of there target audiences are male, so
therefore this means they may as well get
advertisements that will attract men than women
because this will get the business who is advertising
more customers. For my magazine I want to have an
equal amount of men and women reading my magazine
due to my target audience being bigger, this is
significant because I feel like if you have a bigger target
audience and specify the magazine for both genders
then will give the magazine a chance of expanding
through the males and women, this will give the
magazine a better chance of expanding due to men and
women reading it rather than just men.
Future plan for my magazine
• My plan is in the next 3-5 years I will be able
to triple my overall salary, which will allow me
to slowly build my business as a whole, by
buying better and advanced equipment which
will allow my employees for my business to
work quicker and more efficient due to the
better equipment ect that I will be buying.
Ethical issues
• Ethical Issue is a essential part of producing a magazine because if
there are ethical issues that are found in a magazine when it is
published, complaints could be sent to the publisher complaining
about a specific ethical issue that may harm the person reading the
magazine. When a publisher like “Bauer Media’ who produced ‘Q’s
magazines, companies have to follow rules to try and prevent any
people who have previously subscribed to ‘Q’ to be able to complain
to the publisher of the magazine. So therefore it is a essential
procedure to go through the magazine before it is published
checking that the magazine will not harm anyone in a any sort of
way. One of the rules that must be covered in the procedure of
producing a magazine will be’ particular care must be taken to avoid
causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation,
age and lastly gender. These are significant factors that must be
followed to make sure everyone in the target audience doesn’t get
offended whilst reading the magazine.
ISPO- independent press standards
The independent press standards organizations(ipso) who are an
independent regulator who set out rules and regulations that
media companies are in competition with. We hold newspapers
and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual
rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain
freedom of expression for the press. They hold newspapers and
magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights,
uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain
freedom of expression for the press.
The ASA is a non-statutory organization and so cannot interpret
or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice
broadly reflects legislation in many instances.
I must make sure I follow the codes of practices for example
accuracy making sure I do not provide false information about
any artists.
Data protection act (1988)
• These rules and rights were revised and superseded
by the Data Protection Act 1998. Documents are
essential to be protected because their will be
essential information that will be held in the
documents that will belong to people, that want the
documents to have a a good privacy scheme on the
documents to ensure that they are safe. This is
essential because if the documents aren’t safe then
know one will want to put significant information in
the documents as they may not be safe anymore.
Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual
property that provides publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This
means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else
without the consent of the author. The length of copyright protection may vary from
country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the author plus 50 to 100 years.
The copy right law which changed in 1998, copyright gives certain legal protection to
authors of materials, this also allows an employee to have their own rights for
photocopying from a paper version then converted in to a book. I must make sure I do
not copy any information off other magazines and also I must make sure my work is
copyrighted so others do not copy anything.
• This is the front
cover I have
made for
• This is the front
cover I have made
• This is
the DPS
I have
• This is
the DPS
I have
for RAP
Survey monkey link

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unit 13 l04 completed

  • 2. Introduction • Welcome to my pitch, my first magazine is going to be called $tackz and my second magazine is going to be called RapCity this is because RapCity can be conveyed to be the city where all rappers are based which could illustrate to the audience that this magazine will contain all the best rappers.
  • 4. Connotations behind name of magazine The connotations of the name RapCity is called this is because RapCity can be conveyed to be the city where all rappers are based which could illustrate to the audience that this magazine will contain all the best rappers. The connotations of the name $tackz is purely to the fact that ‘$tacks’ in slang means a lot of money so this name could illustrate to the audience that the people featuring in my magazine will be good rappers who have a lot of money.
  • 5. Summary of ideas Genre: The genre of my magazine is going to be hip hop for one magazine and rap fir the other magazine I make. This is because I want to have my target audience from the age of 16-to around 25 and most people in this age group do listen to this genre of music. Colors: The colors that I will be using in my magazine will be red white and black which will symbolize dark and a sinister lifestyle which will be good for a genre of rap and hip hop. Target audience: The target audience of my magazine article will be 16-25.This is because the majority of people at that age will be listening to rap style of music this is significant as this will be my target audience as well. Price of my magazine: The price of my magazine will be around £3.50 this is due to the fact that my inspiration XXL is around £4.80 so my article will have to be cheaper so it sales on the market Size: The size of my magazine will be A4 so that I am not changing the wheel and my magazine should sell as it is cheap and the same as any other magazine. RapCity and $tackz
  • 6. Magazine ideas Color scheme Dark colors such as red could symbolize anger in their life story and fears that they have had to get over. Masthead Target audience The target audience of my magazine will be from around 17-28 stereotypically because young adults enjoy rap music, so therefore will like my magazine article. Brand identity My masthead will be at the top of the magazine article therefore they will recognize that is my magazine. I will also make sure my masthead is included on my DPS. The frequency of my product will be a weekly release just like XXL to keep the audience up to date with new magazines frequency My masthead will be Rap city and will be located in the top of the magazine. The masthead denotes ‘Rap City’ which will anchor the genre of the magazine which is Rap and ‘City’ connotes it will only be about Rap and will provide the best information on a large scale. Type of images Strapline “The city that wont let you down” connoting the producer does not want to let the target audience down so will work hard to get the best music information out there. Medium close ups and close ups. RapCity mind map
  • 7. Magazine ideas Color scheme Red, black and white. Masthead Target audience The target audience of my magazine will be from around 17-28 stereotypically because young adults especially males enjoy rap music, so therefore will like my magazine article. Brand identity The magazine masthead will be located on other pages I make so the audience can ‘personally identify’ (Katz) with the magazine. The frequency of my product will be a weekly release just like XXL to keep the audience up to date with new magazines Frequency My masthead will $TACKZ and will be located in the top of the magazine. The denotation $TACKZ connotes the magazine will be stacked with the best music information such as articles and interviews. Using the $ sign makes it informal appealing to a male young audience. Type of images Strapline “Discover the best of rap”. This strapline is inspired by Q magazine as they have a strapline stating “discover great music”. Medium close up and close ups so the audience can ‘personally identify’ (Katz) with the star appeal (Richard Dyer) $tackz mind map
  • 9. Gobold Glitter campus outlined Broken Detroit Woodcutter tags Dk bad medicine Font styles
  • 10. House style Colour Scheme My colour scheme for $tackz is Red, Black and Grey. This is because I liked the look of Q magazines magazine which is the same colors and it looked very clean and smart looking so I decided to do the same. Considering Q is a very popular magazine that sells I want my magazine to do the same. The connotations of the colour red are passion and excitement. I want to be passionate about the music I producer and I want my audience to be excited about the magazine. My colour scheme for my RapCity magazine is going to be red, black and white. I chose white because this will furthermore keep my magazine professional as these are bold but also neutral colours. Font Style The font style I am using is Obelix Pro for my masthead. This will be downloaded from This is because it goes with my rap theme and for people who don’t already know the magazine, when they first see it this will help them to tell what genre the magazine is, this is due to the fact that the font looks a bit like graffiti but a neater version which could convey to the audience that my genre of my magazine is rap. This font also looks very unique which is what I wanted on my magazine.
  • 11. What I intend to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale 1980) A convention that I will repeat in my magazines is the barcode. This will have social media, the date, issue and price of the magazine. Another convention that I will repeat are cover lines. These will be secondary stories that will be inside my magazine. I will also add star appeal (Richard Dyer) just like 50 cent onto my magazine to entice the reader and I will also make sure the main image overlaps the masthead which is a stereotypical convention of music magazine.
  • 12. What I intend to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale 1980) For my second magazine I am going to repeat the fact that they have a close up of the main image and that the main image covers the logo which this could further symbolize that the artist is taking over the magazine due to their star appeal. Also I will repeat the font of the magazine front cover for the XXL magazine this is because the font is big and bold which stands out to the audience, which could signify what the story inside the magazine will be about and which will give away who it is about and what it is going to be about. Also another convention that I will repeat in my second magazine is the barcode that I had to create for the first magazine, but for my second I can screenshot it and drag it over to the second magazine that I am creating.
  • 14. Mood board - Rapcity Freshman
  • 15. Mood board conclusion I chose two nice cars which a are both Lamborghinis, I chose this because these cars are very expensive and top class which therefore means the person who owns them must have a lot of money so therefore this will convey the artist on the magazine. These valentinos in the picture are very expensive shoes so therefore this will also convey the artist having a lot of money which is the competition in rapping. Both moodboard are very similar because the genre of the magazines are similar. One is HIP- HOP and one is RAP.
  • 16. Test photography I had to take a few images so I could see what image would look the best on the front cover of my magazine, Furthermore I think the picture in the bottom left will suit my magazine the best. This is the picture that I chose for my double page spread, this is because I like the fact that I am looking away from the camera into the distance.
  • 17. Target audience for both of my magazines. • The target audience of my magazine will be aged from around 16-25 (Hartley)this is due to teenagers and people in their early 20’s are big fans of rap genre, this is significant because the more people that like rap genre then the more people will be purchase my magazine article due to the fact that they enjoy listening to rap music. Therefore I am aiming my magazine article at people from 16-25. According to Katz Uses and Gratifications the audience will be able to ‘personally identify’ themselves with the ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) as they will be someone they might listen to for example their music. They will also be able to ‘personally identify’ with stories in the magazine from the artists where they talk about their hobbies and interests. Furthermore the audience will be able to divert from everyday situations such as work by reading the magazine that will entertain (Katz) them. The magazine will inform and educate (Katz) the reader of new music information and will keep the reader updated. • According to Maslow the target readership would be survivors because they will like the security and routine of knowing that the magazine will be produced weekly for their entertainment. Social climbers is when the audience are driven by improving their status in society. This is important because it gives the audience confidence and a drive to do well in life. XXLs target audience will fit in to the social climbers because they will like to read about the top music artists, this will therefore this will improve their status in society.
  • 18. Audience Theory Hartley Age: my magazine will appeal to teenagers because the genre of my magazine will attract them to want and come and read and find out information of people who will be featuring in the magazine. Gender: my magazine will usually refer to majority of teenagers but most of them being boys at this is the specific gender who listens to the rap genre. Class: my magazine appeals mainly to teenagers so this will be seen as the younger class from the age of 15- to around 21‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer). Ethnicity/Nationality: my magazine usually refers to people who live in the United Kingdom and only gets released in the uk so therefore it is targeted a people who work and live in the Uk
  • 19. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs • Maslow's theory mentions 4 different potential outcomes for a reader after reading a magazine these are; social climbers, care givers, explorers and survivors. Social climbers is when the audience are driven by improving their status in society. This is important because it gives the audience confidence and a drive to do well in life. Caregivers is when the audience sympathies with the characters situation. This is important because it gives the audience a chance to escape reality and be engrossed into a magazine. Firstly there are social climbers which is where the audience are driven by improving the status in the hierarchy of needs in society, and caregivers is when the audience gin sympathy for a characters situation. Furthermore, explorers is where the audience are driven by social change in a magazine. Also lastly, survivors is where the audience want character to be safe as they have gained a bond with that specific character. This is important because it gives the audience a chance to escape reality and be engrossed into a magazine. Survivors is when the audience members want security and routine. This is important because they have security knowing that the magazine will be published on a set date.
  • 20. Target Audience continued • Psychographics – This is the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research. Psychographics is all about stereotyping and what sort of people get put in to specific genre category considering their personality, appearance, how they dress and how they act. For example, my magazine will mainly target males as the genre is hip- hop and rap and the front cover will feature a male artist. The male audience will be into rap music and artists such as Kanye West.
  • 21. Hand drawn drafts = Rap City I have chosen this front cover draft as my final one because it is neat and modern looking. Having only 3 colours makes the whole cover look better as there are not loads of colours and everything matches. Having black, white and red makes the cover look nice as black and white are plain colours and red is obviously brighter, making my logo specifically stand out more. Also having everything spread out on the page makes it look much better.
  • 22. Hand drawn drafts - $tackz I have chosen this front cover draft as my final one for $tackz magazine because of the layout. I like having the main image and the headline merging together so the reader knows who the main person is in the article. Also having the cover lines next to the main image shows who the main artist is in the article and that the cover lines are not covered as much as the main artist in the middle. Also having 3 colours only makes the magazine appealing and smarter looking.
  • 23. Hand drawn drafts – Rap City A second hand drawn draft I have made, this will help me to make a decision on what my magazine front cover will look like.
  • 24. Hand drawn drafts - $tackz A second hand drawn draft I have made for $tackz.
  • 25. Hand drawn drafts - DPS I have also chosen this hand drawn draft because of the there is a nice amount of space for a image and I liked this draft because I think the large image stands out and the interview is easily readable.
  • 26. Hand drawn drafts - DPS $tackz Rap City
  • 27. Graphic layout for Rapcity – FRONT COVER Rapcity Main Image Strapline Cover lines Barcode Puff Promotion Main headline Rapcity Main Image Strapline Cover lines Puff Promotion Main headline barcode
  • 28. Graphic layout for $tackz – FRONT COVER $tackz Main Image Strapline Cover lines Barcode Puff Promotion Main headline $tackz Main Image Strapline Cover lines Puff Promotion Main headline barcode
  • 29. Graphic layout for Rap City - DPS interview interview Main image Page number Web address interview interview interview Social media Page number Brand identity
  • 30. Interview Main image Page number Social media Graphic layout for Rap City - DPS Brand identity Web address TITLE STAND FIRST
  • 31. Graphic layout DPS for $TACKZ interviewinterviewinterview Main image Page number Social media TITLE STAND FIRST
  • 32. Graphic layout DPS for $tackz interview Main image Social media Page number TITLE STAND FIRST
  • 33. Equipment and Cost Equipment Cost Office Space £300,000 Apple MacBook x 25 £41,225 Photoshop x 25 £1724.75 Desks x 25 £2,850 Chairs x 25 £2,200 Printer £ 172 Camera x 5 £1595 Total = £349,766.75 elements-v-15- 65273275?mkwid=s_dc&pcrid=51508047659&pkw=&pm t=&gclid=CN3iuObPntICFa4W0wodd7oGyA ?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiP9eurz57SAhWDt- 0KHesHDNsYABANGgJkZw&ei=g9mqWIHRCcrAg AbdtICgBw& SJORolOmBOiYb2yTMxrcywPI0rffp1-- u4UCaFeP7kQGk0IGR6A&sig=AOD64_2gC8wuN 2OEcMABRUln6XRfdJN4XQ&ctype=47&q=&sqi= 2&ved=0ahUKEwjBnuarz57SAhVKIMAKHV0aAH QQvhcIPA&adurl= chairs/mesh-chairs-less-100/cologne-mesh-manager- chair.html?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=XMLbase_ feed&utm_term=Mesh+Chairs+Less+£100&utm_campaign=Col ogne_Mesh_Back_Office_Chair&gclid=CPSHvq7QntICFaEL0wo dqOgMcQ M252dw- P135593.aspx?source=AddwordsB4A22A&gclid=CLDexcvQntIC FbYW0wodgNQDig
  • 34. Staff and Cost Staff Salary Publisher £27,500 Photographers x 3 £22,500 Editors x 3 £22,500 Design x 2 £22,500 Finance x 2 £27,500 Writers x 2 £27,500 Journalists x 5 £ 22,500 Human resources £22,500 laries/publisher photographer £195,000
  • 35. Printing costs of the magazine The final order To purchase 15,000 magazine copies at a good quality it would add up to around £4612.92 so roughly it will be around £3.50 each which I will be selling my magazine at around £4.00each so I wouldn’t be able to make as much as profit as I would like to make so next time I will need to order more copies so that the overall price will be reduced and therefore I will make more money in total.
  • 36. Profit and loss breakdown • £4.00- price of one magazine • 15,000 magazine being published • £4612.92 for 15,000 magazines • £349,766.75 equipment • £195,000 salaries • £4.00 x15,000= 60,000 • £60,000- £4612.92= £55,387.07 • £55,387.07– £195,000= –139,612.93
  • 37. Advertising revenue My magazine is 24 pages long, and out of the 24 pages I will have around 20 pages of advertisement which will be around £5,005 x 20 which will overall come to around £100,100
  • 38. Distribution to retailer I am going to distribute my magazine to all of the big superstores like WHSmith and Tesco as thousands of people shop here every day, and WHSmith is a huge shop for magazines so this will therefore be the place that people will go to buy magazines if they wanted one.
  • 39. Facebook Advertisement I created a Facebook page for my magazine $tackz.
  • 40. Rapcity Facebook advertisement I used Facebook as my advertisement due to the fact that Facebook is a big part of social media at the moment therefore I feel like this could boost my business alot.
  • 41. Connotations behind name of magazine The connotations of the name RapCity is called this is because RapCity can be conveyed to be the city where all rappers are based which could illustrate to the audience that this magazine will contain all the best rappers. The connotations of the name $tackz is purely to the fact that ‘$tacks’ in slang means a lot of money so this name could illustrate to the audience that the people featuring in my magazine will be good rappers who have a lot of money.
  • 42. For my magazine article I am going to repeat the fact that they have a close up of the main image and that the main image covers the logo which this could further symbolize that the artist is taking over the magazine due to their star appeal. Also I will repeat the font of the magazine front cover for the XXL magazine this is because the font is big and bold which stands out to the audience, which could signify what the story inside the magazine will be about and which will give away who it is about and what it is going to be about. Also another convention that I will repeat in my second magazine is the barcode that I had to create for the first magazine, but for my second I can screenshot it and drag it over to the second magazine that I am creating. What I intend to ‘repeat’( Steve Neale 1980)
  • 43. Budget summary Source of income the main source of income for my magazine will be the advertisements due to the fact that it is very expensive to advertise in magazine these days. I will use the advertising rates for a reflection so this will allow me to look at what I can charge peoples businesses to feature in my magazine as advertisements. This will overall increase the readership of the magazine, because there will be a certain amount of income coming in due to the people who are getting advertised in the magazine. Advertising within the magazine- advertising within the magazine can consist of a range of adverts to attract different types of target audiences, this is significant because within my magazine have a large target audience so this means that there will have to be a variety of advertisements to attract different people. Within the q magazines publishers, they have found out that the majority of there target audiences are male, so therefore this means they may as well get advertisements that will attract men than women because this will get the business who is advertising more customers. For my magazine I want to have an equal amount of men and women reading my magazine due to my target audience being bigger, this is significant because I feel like if you have a bigger target audience and specify the magazine for both genders then will give the magazine a chance of expanding through the males and women, this will give the magazine a better chance of expanding due to men and women reading it rather than just men.
  • 44. Future plan for my magazine • My plan is in the next 3-5 years I will be able to triple my overall salary, which will allow me to slowly build my business as a whole, by buying better and advanced equipment which will allow my employees for my business to work quicker and more efficient due to the better equipment ect that I will be buying.
  • 45. Ethical issues • Ethical Issue is a essential part of producing a magazine because if there are ethical issues that are found in a magazine when it is published, complaints could be sent to the publisher complaining about a specific ethical issue that may harm the person reading the magazine. When a publisher like “Bauer Media’ who produced ‘Q’s magazines, companies have to follow rules to try and prevent any people who have previously subscribed to ‘Q’ to be able to complain to the publisher of the magazine. So therefore it is a essential procedure to go through the magazine before it is published checking that the magazine will not harm anyone in a any sort of way. One of the rules that must be covered in the procedure of producing a magazine will be’ particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, age and lastly gender. These are significant factors that must be followed to make sure everyone in the target audience doesn’t get offended whilst reading the magazine.
  • 46. ISPO- independent press standards organization practice/ The independent press standards organizations(ipso) who are an independent regulator who set out rules and regulations that media companies are in competition with. We hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. The ASA is a non-statutory organization and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice broadly reflects legislation in many instances. I must make sure I follow the codes of practices for example accuracy making sure I do not provide false information about any artists.
  • 47. Data protection act (1988) • These rules and rights were revised and superseded by the Data Protection Act 1998. Documents are essential to be protected because their will be essential information that will be held in the documents that will belong to people, that want the documents to have a a good privacy scheme on the documents to ensure that they are safe. This is essential because if the documents aren’t safe then know one will want to put significant information in the documents as they may not be safe anymore.
  • 48. Copyright Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the author. The length of copyright protection may vary from country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the author plus 50 to 100 years. The copy right law which changed in 1998, copyright gives certain legal protection to authors of materials, this also allows an employee to have their own rights for photocopying from a paper version then converted in to a book. I must make sure I do not copy any information off other magazines and also I must make sure my work is copyrighted so others do not copy anything. ht-designs-and-patents-act
  • 49. $TACKZ FRONT COVER • This is the front cover I have made for $TACKZ.
  • 50. RAP CITY FRONT COVER • This is the front cover I have made for RAP CITY.
  • 51. $TACKZ DPS • This is the DPS I have made for $TACKZ
  • 52. RAP CITY DPS • This is the DPS I have made for RAP CITY