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Unit 13 – LO4 and LO5
Witness statement
The yellow
something that I
didn't’t do well in
my pitch but
furthermore I have
corrected these to
make my pitch
The green
highlights is a
section that I
completed well.
My witness statement conveys that I have
completed the majority of tasks, but the
yellow highlights over the writing can
illustrate that I have corrections that I need to
repeat. One of them being target audience-
spending power which is must one individual
slide that I need to complete to get rid of this
Witness statement continued
These witness statements will
help due to the fact that it has
comments on how I can make my
pitch presentation better, so
therefore I will follow these
statement and change all the
corrections that I need to do.
Witness statement
My client gave me
feedback on my witness
statement and
highlighted areas that
went well and areas I can
improve on.
Planning and pitching- environment of
This apple mac is the computer I used
to complete all of my coursework for
my presentation/ pitch, also I used
the apple mac to upload my pitch to
prezi which allowed me to have an
organized presentation to present to
my class.
This area in this picture is where
my presentation was conducted.
This smart board is the monitor
that I used to present my
PowerPoint on, this made it
easier for myself as it allowed
me to have points that I could
read of the board
I used this slide changer to make it easier to
present my presentation as easy as possible
this is by not having to walk up to the
computer after every slide that I have
presented, I just used the slide changer
which made my presentation better and
The camera and tripod was what I used to
video myself presenting my presentation
to my class, this was done by placing the
camera on to the tripod which this
prevented anyone having to hold the
camera for the duration of my
presentation. Furthermore after my
presentation I used the memory card that
holds all photographs and videos that
have been taken on the camera which
then I uploaded the video of my
presentation to my computer.
Unit 13- planning and pitching-
evidence of pitch
When I was conducting my pitch, there was a camera recording my
presentation for evidence if I needed any. This furthermore means that I
can look back ion my presentation and see what my weaknesses were
and what I could of done to improve as whole.
The verbal feedback that I received of my peers after my presentation
will be seen as I presented well as a whole and I spoke loud and clear
which allowed people to hear and understand what I was talking about
during the presentation. Furthermore, something that I could of done to
improve it interact with the audience more, for example looking at the
audience whilst speaking, and maybe giving more body language as you
can see in the screenshot of my video you can see that I am looking at
the smart board.
After I presented my PowerPoint my teacher
sent me a witness statement to fill out for
evidence. In this witness statement I had to find
out points that I could improve my pitch as a
whole, an din the future I can use these to
improve on presenting in the future which will
make me look more experienced as I will be
able to improve from my first pitch by the
weaknesses that I found out.
Witness statement
The yellow
something that I
didn't’t do well in
my pitch but
furthermore I have
corrected these to
make my pitch
The green
highlights is a
section that I
completed well.
My witness statement conveys that I have
completed the majority of tasks, but the
yellow highlights over the writing can
illustrate that I have corrections that I need to
repeat. One of them being target audience-
spending power which is must one individual
slide that I need to complete to get rid of this
Witness statement continued
These witness statements will
help due to the fact that it has
comments on how I can make my
pitch presentation better, so
therefore I will follow these
statement and change all the
corrections that I need to do.
Witness statement
Feedback on pitch – Survey Monkey
I used survey monkey to get
responses from my peers who
watched my presentation, this is
essential because my peers gave
me feedback that was related to my
presentation which will allow me to
take in this feedback and improve
in the long-term for my next
presentation in the future. My
question was ‘what do you think I
could of done to improve my pitch’
and the most common answer was
that I needed to put more depth on
each slide and don’t skip
information that may be essential.
After I presented my pitch to my class, I went on survey monkey and created 8
questions that I wanted to ask my peers about how I presented my pitch as a
whole and how good the features was inside the pitch, for example how well I
targeted the audience? Did I target the right audience during my pitch?
Question 2
For my second question that I asked
my peers about my pitch would be
seen as’ what would you rate my
magazine covers out of ten’ this is
essential because my magazine covers
are a bit part of my work, which I
spent a large duration on, and two of
my peers said 6/10, another two peers
said 7/10 and one of my peers said
8/10 and one other peer said 9/10.
These results are essential for me
because this conveys to me what
people think of my magazine covers
that I made my self and everyone of
my peers put be at 6/10 and above to
9/10 which I am very proud and
appreciated over.
Question 3
Whilst creating my survey monkey
question I thought to insert a question
that would help me and get me good
results at the end of the year, and this
question would be seen as ‘do you think
I covered everything form the mark
scheme’ and six people answered this
question three of my peers answered
this question by saying I did cover
everything from the mark scheme, and
three people said that I covered most of
the mark scheme, which in my opinion I
feel like I got good feedback from my
peers because I told them to answer my
questions honestly so I could get best
and honestly feedback of my pitch
presentation as possible.
Question 4
In my fourth survey monkey question I
asked my peers, if they was in my position
and had my front cover ‘ what would you of
changed’ and the majority of people- 50%
of people said that I only needed to change
the fonts to make the front cover as best as
possible, which is good for me as this isn’t a
hard and long process to just change the
fonts of my front cover. Furthermore the
rest of my peers who answered my survey
monkey questions said that I didn't’t need
to change anything as they liked the look of
how it is already, but one person said that I
needed to change the picture that I used on
my front cover. But the question that I
asked my peers is an opinionated question
so furthermore it doesn’t matter to much
because it is there opinion
Production Plan
Monday: get a office
which you will be able
to set up the business
and be able to get
work done.
Tuesday: Go and get the
equipment for the set up for
the business
Wednesday: in this stage you will
need to buy computers, desks and
chairs for the employees to work.
Thursday: create time and
dates for employees to come
and do job interviews to join
the business
Friday: Create the job
interviews for roles such as an
editor and a writer.
Saturday: Create the job
interviews for roles such
as an editor and a
Sunday: Set the office up with
all the desks and computers,
ready for the first working
Complete by:
Monday 1st
Complete by: Tuesday 2nd
Complete by: Sunday 7th
Complete by: Sunday7th of
Complete by: Sunday 7th of
Complete by: Sunday
of December
Complete by: Monday 8th
Week beginning: Monday 1st
December 2016
Monday: explain to all
your employees in the
business the plan and
Tuesday: first an artist to
feature in your
magazine that has been
answering the questions
in the interview.
Wednesday: get the writer
that you have hired to find
some questions to ask the
artist in the interview.
Thursday: hire a reporter to
meet up with the featured
artist and ask the questions
that need to be asked
Friday: write up the answers
to the interview, ready to go
into the magazine.
Saturday: Arrange a
photoshoot with the artist
and then take some photos
for the page of them in the
Sunday: start of designing
the magazine with the
layout first, then the
background ad including
Complete by: Monday 8th
of December
Complete by: Sunday 15th
Complete by: Thursday 11th
of December
Complete by: Saturday 13th
of December
Complete by: Sunday14th of
Complete by: Tuesday 16th
Complete by: Tuesday16th
Week beginning: Monday 8th
December 2016
Production Plan
Monday: Get some
employees to find more
information on what is
happening in the rap life
Tuesday: the pictures that
have been taken of the
artists need to be edited
and inserted to the
Wednesday: insert the
interview write-up with the
artist onto the double page
where the section of the
artist is going to be.
Thursday: try to find some
companies that would want
o be advertised in the
Friday: start finding some
stories that relate to and
about the specific rapper
you have chosen.
Saturday: Weekend off Sunday: Weekend off
Complete by: Friday 20th
Complete by: Saturday
21st h
Complete by: Wednesday
Complete by: Thursday
Complete by: Wednesday
Monday: Finish designing
the magazine.
Tuesday: Find more short
stories about artists you can
also put in the magazine.
Wednesday: Find more short
stories about artists you can
also put in the magazine.
Thursday: Find more short
stories about artists you can
also put in the magazine.
Friday: Send the magazine of
for production
Saturday: Weekend off Sunday: Weekend off
Complete by: Friday 27th
Complete by: Friday 27th st
Complete by: Thursday
Complete by: Friday 27th
Complete by:
Saturday the 28th
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: Monday 15th December 2016.
Week beginning: Monday 22nd
December 2016.
Production Plan
Monday: Distribute
magazines to stores, shops
and online websites that
have permission to sell your
magazine on their website.
Tuesday: Set up social
media accounts and posters
around your local area. Help
gaining an audience before
you actually release the
Wednesday: Product
Complete by: Monday 5th
Complete by: Tuesday 6th
Wednesday 7th
Week beginning: Monday 29th
December 2016.
This is a detailed production plan for the development and creation of
$tackz and Rap City magazine. Included in this section is pre-
production, production and post production. The production plan is
overall a time based over two weeks and the last day Wednesday the 7th
January is when the product will be due to launch to the public.
Front cover improvement
One of my corrections for my front cover will be seen as ‘On your front cover all your
cover lines on the left and right hand side must line up, this is an essential correction
because if all the cover lines don’t like up it makes the front cover look unprofessional
and makes the front cover not look as good as it should do, so therefore I moved the
cover lines so that it meets up with the ruler lines/margins which this now looks much
better as you can see in the after picture. Also another improvement that I changed
form my front cover was that my ‘$TACKZ’ headline was too far down the front cover
behind the main image. So to change this I had to raise the masthead a little margin
higher so that it look a little bit more profession so that the main image wasn’t
covering the title.
Before After
Final front cover layout for
Final DPS layout for magazine
Front cover improvement continued
• Another one of my corrections was with my production plan and my front cover, I
had a different launch date from which I put on my front cover- 01/02/2017, when
really the product will be getting launched on the 07/01/2017. Furthermore, this is
an essential correction due to the fact that if I uploaded my magazine with the
wrong launch date then this will make my business un-professional due to the fact
that the magazine would have come out on that specific date. This could also
decrease the amount of sales I get and many people may not be interested
anymore which may mean that I may loose many customers if I didn’t notice that
the launch date was incorrect. So I had to change the launch date otherwise If I
uploaded my magazine and the launch date wasn’t change then this could confuse
people due to it not being correct but it will also make people think differently of
my business because their will be mistakes on the front cover which is the main
segment of my business.
Unit 13 pitch improvement
• In my pitch, unfortunately I forgot to add in target audience from the
theorists: Kat’z, Hartley’s, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs needs. So it is
essential that I completed this correction as I would be missing a big
section of l03, So I had to describe all of the target audiences and
implement them into my pitch so that I wouldn’t be missing anything in
that specific section. I started off with doing uses and gratifications- and
started describing it with’ The readers may be able to ‘personally identify’
with my magazine because this will allow the audience/reader to be able
to read artists life's stories in my magazine. And finished of with target
audience Hartley’s with age, gender, class and ethnicity/nationality.
Interview draft correction.
Also another correction that
I had to complete to get the
best result possible for my
pitch presentation was to
add in my interview draft,
which I this slide I
interviewed the rapper that
featured in my my magazine
front cover who was ‘mist’
talking about his jail life
when he made two songs
which one of them is out of
YouTube now. This is
essential as this will give the
audience abit of information
about the rapper that will be
featuring in my magazine
Calendar events
• My magazine will be released on the 07/01/2017
which therefore is very close to a special event
called ‘Christmas’ so furthermore this means that
the public will have money in their pockets to buy
the magazine; so it is essential that I advertise my
magazine properly so that the audience know
that it is coming up. This means that the public ill
be able to pre-order the magazine before or at
Christmas whilst they have money. Overall this
seasonal holiday will have a huge impact on my
magazine dropping, as I think this holiday will
boost the sales of my magazine a lot.
Unit 13-planning and pitching-
risk Assessment
• Software risk Assessment- software risk Assessment can be seen as
resizing and image but using the ‘shift key’ which will allow you to be able to make the
picture smaller and by pressing the shift key it will keep the picture looking
professional due to it still having its high quality, but furthermore if you do not do this
will lead to a pixelated picture and it will be warps which makes the photo look
unprofessional. This technique is when resizing images whilst still keeping the quality
of the photo high and preventing the photo from becoming stretched and distorted.
• Eyedropper Tool- To maintain consistency and professionalism throughout my
magazine ‘$tackz’, on Photoshop their is a good and efficient tool called the
‘eyedropper tool’ that’s helps to choose the colour of a specific object that will be on
the front cover, then you will have the chance to save this colour and be able to use it
again which keeps the front cover professional, because you save the colour allowing
you to use it again which will furthermore improve your front cover as you will have
the same colours which will make it professional. Also when making a new object such
as a textbox or a shape I can just click on the previous saved colour so I can use it again
which is also quicker and more precise as the colour has been previously saved. This
furthermore speeded up colour choosing for me as well as keeping it as professional
as possible.
Spending power
• Spending power- spending power is the amount of money that a company has and
how much of It that they are allowed to spend. My target audience would be in
the category of A,B,C1 as this is high up on the socio-economic needs table they
will have a higher spending power compared to C2 and E groups, therefore I have
priced my magazine at a price of £2.99 therefore, this means that the specific
target audience will be able to afford to buy my magazine so overall this means
that I will get sales in the long term and may sell a large amount of copies of my
Equipment and Cost
Equipment Cost
Office Space £300,000
Apple MacBook x 25 £41,225
Photoshop x 25 £1724.75
Desks x 25 £2,850
Chairs x 25 £2,200
Printer £ 172
Camera x 5 £1595
Total = £349,766.75
Staff and Cost
Staff Salary
Publisher £27,500
Photographers x 3 £22,500
Editors x 3 £22,500
Design x 2 £22,500
Finance x 2 £27,500
Writers x 2 £27,500
Journalists x 5 £ 22,500
Human resources £22,500
ISPO- independent press standards
The independent press standards organizations(ipso) who are an
independent regulator who set out rules and regulations that
media companies are in competition with. We hold newspapers
and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual
rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain
freedom of expression for the press. They hold newspapers and
magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights,
uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain
freedom of expression for the press.
The ASA is a non-statutory organization and so cannot interpret
or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice
broadly reflects legislation in many instances.
I must make sure I follow the codes of practices for example
accuracy making sure I do not provide false information about
any artists.
Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual
property that provides publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This
means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else
without the consent of the author. The length of copyright protection may vary from
country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the author plus 50 to 100 years.
The copy right law which changed in 1998, copyright gives certain legal protection to
authors of materials, this also allows an employee to have their own rights for
photocopying from a paper version then converted in to a book. I must make sure I do
not copy any information off other magazines and also I must make sure my work is
copyrighted so others do not copy anything.
Data protection act (1988)
• These rules and rights were revised and superseded
by the Data Protection Act 1998. Documents are
essential to be protected because their will be
essential information that will be held in the
documents that will belong to people, that want the
documents to have a a good privacy scheme on the
documents to ensure that they are safe. This is
essential because if the documents aren’t safe then
know one will want to put significant information in
the documents as they may not be safe anymore.
• To conclude, I have evaluated on my feedback
in this conclusion and spoken about the
importance of legal and ethical issues.

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Unit 14   lo1-l02 completedUnit 14   lo1-l02 completed
Unit 14 lo1-l02 completed

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Unit 13 l04 and l05

  • 1. Unit 13 – LO4 and LO5
  • 2.
  • 3. Witness statement The yellow HIGHLIGHT is something that I didn't’t do well in my pitch but furthermore I have corrected these to make my pitch better The green highlights is a section that I completed well. My witness statement conveys that I have completed the majority of tasks, but the yellow highlights over the writing can illustrate that I have corrections that I need to repeat. One of them being target audience- spending power which is must one individual slide that I need to complete to get rid of this correction.
  • 4. Witness statement continued These witness statements will help due to the fact that it has comments on how I can make my pitch presentation better, so therefore I will follow these statement and change all the corrections that I need to do.
  • 5. Witness statement My client gave me feedback on my witness statement and highlighted areas that went well and areas I can improve on.
  • 6. Planning and pitching- environment of presentation This apple mac is the computer I used to complete all of my coursework for my presentation/ pitch, also I used the apple mac to upload my pitch to prezi which allowed me to have an organized presentation to present to my class. This area in this picture is where my presentation was conducted. This smart board is the monitor that I used to present my PowerPoint on, this made it easier for myself as it allowed me to have points that I could read of the board
  • 7. I used this slide changer to make it easier to present my presentation as easy as possible this is by not having to walk up to the computer after every slide that I have presented, I just used the slide changer which made my presentation better and The camera and tripod was what I used to video myself presenting my presentation to my class, this was done by placing the camera on to the tripod which this prevented anyone having to hold the camera for the duration of my presentation. Furthermore after my presentation I used the memory card that holds all photographs and videos that have been taken on the camera which then I uploaded the video of my presentation to my computer.
  • 8. Unit 13- planning and pitching- evidence of pitch When I was conducting my pitch, there was a camera recording my presentation for evidence if I needed any. This furthermore means that I can look back ion my presentation and see what my weaknesses were and what I could of done to improve as whole. The verbal feedback that I received of my peers after my presentation will be seen as I presented well as a whole and I spoke loud and clear which allowed people to hear and understand what I was talking about during the presentation. Furthermore, something that I could of done to improve it interact with the audience more, for example looking at the audience whilst speaking, and maybe giving more body language as you can see in the screenshot of my video you can see that I am looking at the smart board. After I presented my PowerPoint my teacher sent me a witness statement to fill out for evidence. In this witness statement I had to find out points that I could improve my pitch as a whole, an din the future I can use these to improve on presenting in the future which will make me look more experienced as I will be able to improve from my first pitch by the weaknesses that I found out.
  • 9.
  • 10. Witness statement The yellow HIGHLIGHT is something that I didn't’t do well in my pitch but furthermore I have corrected these to make my pitch better The green highlights is a section that I completed well. My witness statement conveys that I have completed the majority of tasks, but the yellow highlights over the writing can illustrate that I have corrections that I need to repeat. One of them being target audience- spending power which is must one individual slide that I need to complete to get rid of this correction.
  • 11. Witness statement continued These witness statements will help due to the fact that it has comments on how I can make my pitch presentation better, so therefore I will follow these statement and change all the corrections that I need to do.
  • 13. Feedback on pitch – Survey Monkey I used survey monkey to get responses from my peers who watched my presentation, this is essential because my peers gave me feedback that was related to my presentation which will allow me to take in this feedback and improve in the long-term for my next presentation in the future. My question was ‘what do you think I could of done to improve my pitch’ and the most common answer was that I needed to put more depth on each slide and don’t skip information that may be essential. After I presented my pitch to my class, I went on survey monkey and created 8 questions that I wanted to ask my peers about how I presented my pitch as a whole and how good the features was inside the pitch, for example how well I targeted the audience? Did I target the right audience during my pitch?
  • 14. Question 2 For my second question that I asked my peers about my pitch would be seen as’ what would you rate my magazine covers out of ten’ this is essential because my magazine covers are a bit part of my work, which I spent a large duration on, and two of my peers said 6/10, another two peers said 7/10 and one of my peers said 8/10 and one other peer said 9/10. These results are essential for me because this conveys to me what people think of my magazine covers that I made my self and everyone of my peers put be at 6/10 and above to 9/10 which I am very proud and appreciated over.
  • 15. Question 3 Whilst creating my survey monkey question I thought to insert a question that would help me and get me good results at the end of the year, and this question would be seen as ‘do you think I covered everything form the mark scheme’ and six people answered this question three of my peers answered this question by saying I did cover everything from the mark scheme, and three people said that I covered most of the mark scheme, which in my opinion I feel like I got good feedback from my peers because I told them to answer my questions honestly so I could get best and honestly feedback of my pitch presentation as possible.
  • 16. Question 4 In my fourth survey monkey question I asked my peers, if they was in my position and had my front cover ‘ what would you of changed’ and the majority of people- 50% of people said that I only needed to change the fonts to make the front cover as best as possible, which is good for me as this isn’t a hard and long process to just change the fonts of my front cover. Furthermore the rest of my peers who answered my survey monkey questions said that I didn't’t need to change anything as they liked the look of how it is already, but one person said that I needed to change the picture that I used on my front cover. But the question that I asked my peers is an opinionated question so furthermore it doesn’t matter to much because it is there opinion
  • 17. Production Plan Monday: get a office which you will be able to set up the business and be able to get work done. Tuesday: Go and get the equipment for the set up for the business Wednesday: in this stage you will need to buy computers, desks and chairs for the employees to work. Thursday: create time and dates for employees to come and do job interviews to join the business Friday: Create the job interviews for roles such as an editor and a writer. Saturday: Create the job interviews for roles such as an editor and a writer. Sunday: Set the office up with all the desks and computers, ready for the first working date. Complete by: Monday 1st of December Complete by: Tuesday 2nd of December Complete by: Sunday 7th of December Complete by: Sunday7th of December Complete by: Sunday 7th of December Complete by: Sunday 7th of December Complete by: Monday 8th of December Week beginning: Monday 1st December 2016 Monday: explain to all your employees in the business the plan and regulations Tuesday: first an artist to feature in your magazine that has been answering the questions in the interview. Wednesday: get the writer that you have hired to find some questions to ask the artist in the interview. Thursday: hire a reporter to meet up with the featured artist and ask the questions that need to be asked Friday: write up the answers to the interview, ready to go into the magazine. Saturday: Arrange a photoshoot with the artist and then take some photos for the page of them in the magazine. Sunday: start of designing the magazine with the layout first, then the background ad including colors Complete by: Monday 8th of December Complete by: Sunday 15th December Complete by: Thursday 11th of December Complete by: Saturday 13th of December Complete by: Sunday14th of December Complete by: Tuesday 16th December Complete by: Tuesday16th December Week beginning: Monday 8th December 2016
  • 18. Production Plan Monday: Get some employees to find more information on what is happening in the rap life today. Tuesday: the pictures that have been taken of the artists need to be edited and inserted to the magazine. Wednesday: insert the interview write-up with the artist onto the double page where the section of the artist is going to be. Thursday: try to find some companies that would want o be advertised in the magazine. Friday: start finding some stories that relate to and about the specific rapper you have chosen. Saturday: Weekend off Sunday: Weekend off Complete by: Friday 20th December Complete by: Saturday 21st h December Complete by: Wednesday 18th December Complete by: Thursday 19th December Complete by: Wednesday 18th December Monday: Finish designing the magazine. Tuesday: Find more short stories about artists you can also put in the magazine. Wednesday: Find more short stories about artists you can also put in the magazine. Thursday: Find more short stories about artists you can also put in the magazine. Friday: Send the magazine of for production Saturday: Weekend off Sunday: Weekend off Complete by: Friday 27th December Complete by: Friday 27th st December Complete by: Thursday 26th December Complete by: Friday 27th st December Complete by: Saturday the 28th of December Complete by: Complete by: Week beginning: Monday 15th December 2016. Week beginning: Monday 22nd December 2016.
  • 19. Production Plan Monday: Distribute magazines to stores, shops and online websites that have permission to sell your magazine on their website. Tuesday: Set up social media accounts and posters around your local area. Help gaining an audience before you actually release the magazine. Wednesday: Product Launch Complete by: Monday 5th January Complete by: Tuesday 6th January Wednesday 7th January Week beginning: Monday 29th December 2016. This is a detailed production plan for the development and creation of $tackz and Rap City magazine. Included in this section is pre- production, production and post production. The production plan is overall a time based over two weeks and the last day Wednesday the 7th January is when the product will be due to launch to the public.
  • 20. Front cover improvement One of my corrections for my front cover will be seen as ‘On your front cover all your cover lines on the left and right hand side must line up, this is an essential correction because if all the cover lines don’t like up it makes the front cover look unprofessional and makes the front cover not look as good as it should do, so therefore I moved the cover lines so that it meets up with the ruler lines/margins which this now looks much better as you can see in the after picture. Also another improvement that I changed form my front cover was that my ‘$TACKZ’ headline was too far down the front cover behind the main image. So to change this I had to raise the masthead a little margin higher so that it look a little bit more profession so that the main image wasn’t covering the title. Before After
  • 21. Final front cover layout for magazine
  • 22. Final DPS layout for magazine
  • 23. Front cover improvement continued • Another one of my corrections was with my production plan and my front cover, I had a different launch date from which I put on my front cover- 01/02/2017, when really the product will be getting launched on the 07/01/2017. Furthermore, this is an essential correction due to the fact that if I uploaded my magazine with the wrong launch date then this will make my business un-professional due to the fact that the magazine would have come out on that specific date. This could also decrease the amount of sales I get and many people may not be interested anymore which may mean that I may loose many customers if I didn’t notice that the launch date was incorrect. So I had to change the launch date otherwise If I uploaded my magazine and the launch date wasn’t change then this could confuse people due to it not being correct but it will also make people think differently of my business because their will be mistakes on the front cover which is the main segment of my business.
  • 24. Unit 13 pitch improvement • In my pitch, unfortunately I forgot to add in target audience from the theorists: Kat’z, Hartley’s, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs needs. So it is essential that I completed this correction as I would be missing a big section of l03, So I had to describe all of the target audiences and implement them into my pitch so that I wouldn’t be missing anything in that specific section. I started off with doing uses and gratifications- and started describing it with’ The readers may be able to ‘personally identify’ with my magazine because this will allow the audience/reader to be able to read artists life's stories in my magazine. And finished of with target audience Hartley’s with age, gender, class and ethnicity/nationality.
  • 25. Interview draft correction. Also another correction that I had to complete to get the best result possible for my pitch presentation was to add in my interview draft, which I this slide I interviewed the rapper that featured in my my magazine front cover who was ‘mist’ talking about his jail life when he made two songs which one of them is out of YouTube now. This is essential as this will give the audience abit of information about the rapper that will be featuring in my magazine
  • 26. Calendar events • My magazine will be released on the 07/01/2017 which therefore is very close to a special event called ‘Christmas’ so furthermore this means that the public will have money in their pockets to buy the magazine; so it is essential that I advertise my magazine properly so that the audience know that it is coming up. This means that the public ill be able to pre-order the magazine before or at Christmas whilst they have money. Overall this seasonal holiday will have a huge impact on my magazine dropping, as I think this holiday will boost the sales of my magazine a lot.
  • 27. Unit 13-planning and pitching- risk Assessment • Software risk Assessment- software risk Assessment can be seen as resizing and image but using the ‘shift key’ which will allow you to be able to make the picture smaller and by pressing the shift key it will keep the picture looking professional due to it still having its high quality, but furthermore if you do not do this will lead to a pixelated picture and it will be warps which makes the photo look unprofessional. This technique is when resizing images whilst still keeping the quality of the photo high and preventing the photo from becoming stretched and distorted. • Eyedropper Tool- To maintain consistency and professionalism throughout my magazine ‘$tackz’, on Photoshop their is a good and efficient tool called the ‘eyedropper tool’ that’s helps to choose the colour of a specific object that will be on the front cover, then you will have the chance to save this colour and be able to use it again which keeps the front cover professional, because you save the colour allowing you to use it again which will furthermore improve your front cover as you will have the same colours which will make it professional. Also when making a new object such as a textbox or a shape I can just click on the previous saved colour so I can use it again which is also quicker and more precise as the colour has been previously saved. This furthermore speeded up colour choosing for me as well as keeping it as professional as possible.
  • 28. Spending power • Spending power- spending power is the amount of money that a company has and how much of It that they are allowed to spend. My target audience would be in the category of A,B,C1 as this is high up on the socio-economic needs table they will have a higher spending power compared to C2 and E groups, therefore I have priced my magazine at a price of £2.99 therefore, this means that the specific target audience will be able to afford to buy my magazine so overall this means that I will get sales in the long term and may sell a large amount of copies of my magazine
  • 29. Equipment and Cost Equipment Cost Office Space £300,000 Apple MacBook x 25 £41,225 Photoshop x 25 £1724.75 Desks x 25 £2,850 Chairs x 25 £2,200 Printer £ 172 Camera x 5 £1595 Total = £349,766.75 CN3iuObPntICFa4W0wodd7oGyA sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiP9eurz57SAhWDt- 0KHesHDNsYABANGgJkZw&ei=g9mqWIHRCcrAgAb dtICgBw& lOmBOiYb2yTMxrcywPI0rffp1-- u4UCaFeP7kQGk0IGR6A&sig=AOD64_2gC8wuN2O EcMABRUln6XRfdJN4XQ&ctype=47&q=&sqi=2&ved =0ahUKEwjBnuarz57SAhVKIMAKHV0aAHQQvhcIPA &adurl= chairs/mesh-chairs-less-100/cologne-mesh-manager- chair.html? utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=XMLbase_feed&utm_ term=Mesh+Chairs+Less+ £100&utm_campaign=Cologne_Mesh_Back_Office_Chair&gclid =CPSHvq7QntICFaEL0wodqOgMcQ CLDexcvQntICFbYW0wodgNQDig
  • 30. Staff and Cost Staff Salary Publisher £27,500 Photographers x 3 £22,500 Editors x 3 £22,500 Design x 2 £22,500 Finance x 2 £27,500 Writers x 2 £27,500 Journalists x 5 £ 22,500 Human resources £22,500 publisher photographer editor £195,000
  • 31. ISPO- independent press standards organization practice/ The independent press standards organizations(ipso) who are an independent regulator who set out rules and regulations that media companies are in competition with. We hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. The ASA is a non-statutory organization and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice broadly reflects legislation in many instances. I must make sure I follow the codes of practices for example accuracy making sure I do not provide false information about any artists.
  • 32. Copyright Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the author. The length of copyright protection may vary from country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the author plus 50 to 100 years. The copy right law which changed in 1998, copyright gives certain legal protection to authors of materials, this also allows an employee to have their own rights for photocopying from a paper version then converted in to a book. I must make sure I do not copy any information off other magazines and also I must make sure my work is copyrighted so others do not copy anything. ht-designs-and-patents-act
  • 33. Data protection act (1988) • These rules and rights were revised and superseded by the Data Protection Act 1998. Documents are essential to be protected because their will be essential information that will be held in the documents that will belong to people, that want the documents to have a a good privacy scheme on the documents to ensure that they are safe. This is essential because if the documents aren’t safe then know one will want to put significant information in the documents as they may not be safe anymore.
  • 34. Conclusion • To conclude, I have evaluated on my feedback in this conclusion and spoken about the importance of legal and ethical issues.