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Type of graphs 
Samir Haffar M.D. 
Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology
Who might benefit? 
• Researchers who want to display results of 
their studies for publication in a journal 
• Readers of research literature who wish to do a 
critical appraisal of a piece of work 
• People who have to deliver a presentation
How to present your data? 
The best advice that a statistician can give a 
researcher is to first plot the data 
Conventional statistics textbooks give only brief 
details on how to draw figures & display data 
Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. 
Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Displaying your data with graphs
Table or graph? 
Choice between using a table or a figure not easy 
Nor is it easy to offer much general guidance 
Altman D & Bland M. Presentation of numerical data. BMJ 1996 ; 312 : 572.
Table or graph? 
Graph Table 
Better in presentations Better in papers 
Can only show summaries Can often show all the data 
Show only a few variables Better for multiple variables 
Trend better illustrated Trend badly illustrated 
Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. 
Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Table or graph? 
Trend badly illustrated with a table 
Urinary excretion of PG metabolite after indomethacin administration 
Urinary prostaglandin metabolite (mg/24 h) 
Subject Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 
I 4.8 4.8 1.8* 1.1* 1.5* 2 .7 4.1 
II 3.9 4.4 0.7* 0.7* 0.7* 3.1 6.5 
III 3.8 3.0 0.5* 0.3* 0.3* 0.8 1.1 
Subject taking indomethacin 4 x 50 mg/24 h 
Hamberg 1972
Urinary excretion of a prostaglandin metabolite decreased 
following indomethacin administration in three humans 
Hamberg 1972 
Table or graph? 
Trend better illustrated with a graph
Why use of graphs in presentation? 
• You need to get your audience’s attention 
• Many people respond better to visual cues 
than to straight text or lists of numbers 
• Effective graph can help drive home your point
Software for graphs 
• No single package can draw all graphs to display data 
• Simple graphs can be drawn in Microsoft Excel 
• More complex graphs 
Major statistical packages: SPSS, STATA, SAS 
R for superimposing several graphs into single figure 
• Packages change regularly
Types of graph 
• Bar/column graph & variants 
• Pie graph 
• Dot plot 
• Stem & leaf plot 
• Histogram 
• Box-whisker plot 
• Line graph 
• Spider or radar plot 
• Pictogram 
• Venn diagram
Types of data 
Rate pain 
Range of values 
No gap 
Blood glucose 
BP (mmHg) 
Certain values 
Days stick/year 
Blood type 
Petrie A & Sabin C. Medical statistics at a glance. 
Only 2 values 
Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 2nd edition , 2005.
Types of data 
• Qualitative (categorical) 
Dichotomous Only 2 values 
Nominal Unordered 
Ordinal Ordered 
• Quantitative (numerical) 
Counted Gaps 
Continuous No gaps
Displaying qualitative data 
• Bar/column graph 
• Grouped column graph 
• Segmented column graph 
• Pie graph
Recommendations for construction of graph 
• Tufte’s principle 
• Clear title with sample size 
• Labeled axes 
• Gridlines kept to a minimum 
• Categories ordered by size 
• No three-dimensional graphs
Tufte’s principle for graph & table 
Maximum amount of information for 
minimum amount of ink 
Tufte ER. The visual display of quantitative information. 
Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press; 1983
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Columns wider than spaces between them 
Bars have gray tone which is more pleasing to the eye 
Vertical axis doesn’t extend beyond what the graph demands 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Only the height of columns presents the data of interest 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Tufte’s principle 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Clear title with sample size 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Labeled axes 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
No gridlines 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
Categories ordered by size 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Column chart 
Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study 
No three-dimensional graph 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Bar chart ordered alphabetically 
Population for 20 European countries in 2004 
The most populous country, Germany, can be readily seen 
It’s not obvious for France, Italy, & UK which has largest population 
Schott B. Schott’s almanac. London: Bloomsbury; 2006.
Bar chart ordered by size 
Population for 20 European countries in 2004 
It is clear now how each country relates to others for population size 
Schott B. Schott’s almanac. London: Bloomsbury; 2006.
Three-dimensional column charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
Data have only two dimensions 
A third dimension is falsely introduced 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Two-dimensional column charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Two-dimensional column charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
2 separate texts nearly 
run into each other 
Space of a journal column (8 cm) 
Chart on the verge of being overcrowded 
Problem overcome with use of bar (horizontal) chart 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Bar chart 
Annual alcohol consumption per inhabitant in Europe 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Two-dimensional column charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Two-dimensional column charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Grouped column graph 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Grouped column graph 
Probability of dying in ICU after admission with AMI 
2 – 3 categories in each group should be the maximum 
Remove the keys 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Grouped bar chart 
Probability of dying in ICU after admission with AMI 
Remove the keys 
One way to remove the keys is to label first group directly 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Segmented column charts 
Feeding method by maternal age for all women 
BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
Pie chart 
Appropriate usage in a magazine article 
Large segment begins at 12 o’clock 
Proceed in clockwise direction 
Ordered by size 
No of observations & percentages 
Number of segments ≤ 5 
Color employed with caution 
Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. 
Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Pie chart 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
Pie chart 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
Three-dimensional pie charts 
Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
Pie charts 
Pull out the slice you want to highlight
“The only worse design than a pie 
chart is several of them” 
Tufte ER. The visual display of quantitative information. 
Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press; 1983
Types of data 
• Qualitative (categorical) 
Dichotomous Only 2 values 
Nominal Unordered 
Ordinal Ordered 
• Quantitative (numerical) 
Counted Gaps 
Continuous No gaps
Display quantitative data 
• Counted (gaps) Bar chart 
• Continuous (no gaps) Dot plot 
Stem & leaf plot 
Box-whisker plot
Dot plot 
BAO in normal subjects & PU patients 
Use dot plot if sample size per group is low (<100) 
Each point represents a value for a single individual 
Horizontal lines indicate mean values 
Blair AJ et al. J Clin Invest 1987 ; 79 : 582. 
Mean values
Dot plot 
BAO & PAO in normal subjects & PU patients 
Substantial overlap in values among individuals in the groups 
Blair AJ et al. J Clin Invest 1987 ; 79 : 582.
Stem and leaf plot 
Height of male in leg ulcer patients (n: 77) 
Frequency Stem Leaf 
1 1.55- 7 
3 1.60- 333 
4 1.65- 5588 
18 1.70- 000000333333333333 
24 1.75- 555558888888888888888888 
15 1.80- 000000003333333 
10 1.85- 5555888888 
1 1.90- 13 
Each data is divided into 2 parts: leaf (last digit) & stem (other part) 
Separate line for each different stem value 
Stem on left of plot & leaves on right 
Serum albumin in 481 white men aged over 20 
No gaps between columns (continuous data) 
Keep same width of each group (bin width) 
Columns labeled by using midpoint, or better start or end of interval 
BMJ 1999 ; 318 : 1667.
Histogram – Normal distribution 
Serum albumin in 481 white men aged over 20 
Mean: 46.14 g/l – SD: 3.08 g/l 
BMJ 1999 ; 318 : 1667.
Histogram – Positively skewed data 
Baseline ulcer area from the leg ulcer trial (n: 233) 
Peak at lower values & a long tail of higher values 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Histogram – Negatively skewed data 
Baseline social functioning in leg ulcer trial (n: 233) 
Long left tail of lower values & peak at higher values 
BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
Number of categories in a histogram 
No hard & fast rules about appropriate number 
• Too few Much important information lost 
• Too many Patterns obscured by too much detail 
• Usually 5 – 15 categories will be enough
Number of categories in a histogram 
Height for leg ulcer patients (n 233) 
Too few 
(6 categories) 
Too many 
(22 categories) 
(9 categories) 
Freeman JV et all. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 2008.
Box-and-whiskers plots 
Especially good to show differences between groups 
Gonick L & Smith W. The cartoon guide to statistics. 
HarperCollins Publishers, New York, USA, 1st edition, 1993
Anatomy of a box-whisker plot 
Especially good to show differences between groups 
Morgan GA et all. Understanding & evaluating research in applied & clinical settings. 
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, USA, 2006.
Box-Whisker Plot 
Urinary lead concentration in urban & rural children 
Swinscow TDV & Campbell MJ. Statistics at square one. 
BMJ Books, London, 10th edition, 2002.
Box-whisker plot 
As there are many variations, you have 
to explain details of the plot 
Freeman JV et all. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, 2008.
Box-and-whiskers plots 
Liver stiffness for each Metavir stage in CHC 
Vertical axis is in logarithmic scale (wide range of F4 values) 
Gastroenterology 2005 ; 28 : 343 – 350.
Line graph 
TB mortality in England &Wales 
Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. 
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
Line graph – Arithmetic scale 
TB mortality in England &Wales 
Mortality seems hardly affected by the events 
They played little part in mortality decline 
Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. 
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
Line graph – Logarithmetic scale 
TB mortality in England &Wales 
Introduction of BCG vaccine & 
chemotherapy was associated with 
acceleration in established decline 
in mortality 
Farmer R, Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. 
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
It is frequently necessary to examine secular 
trends both as changes in rates (arithmetic scale) 
and as rates of change (logarithmic scale) if the 
nature of a trend is to be fully appreciated 
Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. 
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
Line chart 
Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) 
Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. 
O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Line chart 
Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) 
Smaller range for y-axis increases visual impact of the trend 
Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. 
O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Line chart 
Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) 
Wider range for the y-axis decreases visual impact of the trend 
Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. 
O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Which scale should be chosen? 
• No perfect answer to this question 
All present the same information 
None strictly speaking are incorrect 
• In this case, the scale would be the first 
It shows true floor for data (0%, lowest possible value) 
It includes reasonable range above highest data point 
Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. 
O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Line chart 
Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) 
Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. 
O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Line graph 
Effect of tyramine solution on pupillary size 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Line graph 
Effect of tyramine solution on pupillary size 
Two common defects: 
1- Curves distinguished both by: 
- Type of line 
- Type of data-point symbol 
2- Curves identified by separate key 
Reader scan back & forth to the 
key to see what they represent 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Redrawn line graphs 
Type of data-point symbol 
Labeled directly 
Type of line 
Labeled directly 
Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
Line graph 
HP seroprevalence in USA in function of age & race 
Making trend lines thick for easy visibility 
Maximum: 3 – 4 lines 
Gastroenterology 1992 ; 103 : 813.
Characteristics of some graphs 
Good for showing separate 
unrelated pieces of data 
Bar/column graph 
Good for showing 
Pie graph 
Good for showing how 
data changes over time 
Line graph
Spider or radar plot 
Acupuncture vs usual care in persistent non-specific back pain 
HRQol assessed over 12 months by SF-36 
SF-36 dimensions scored on a 0 (poor) to 100 (good) health scale 
BMJ 2006 ; 333 : 623 – 6.
Estimated annual incidence of TB in 2006 
Global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing 
WHO report 2008
Venn diagram 
Any number of overlapping circles in theory 
When > 3 – 4 circles, the diagram becomes rather cluttered
Example of a venn diagram 
“the 3 components of EBM” 
“EBM is the integration of best research evidence 
with clinical expertise & patient values” 
- David Sackett 
Best research 
Place of graphs in your study 
Types of data 
Qualitative - Quantitative 
Essentials you 
need to get started 
Null hypothesis 
& alternative hypothesis 
H0 & H1 
What type of test? Choose the right type of test 
Is it significant? 
Compute the value of the statistic 
& compare with the critical value 
Software tools 
Start with Excel (simple graphs) 
& then move on to SPSS 
& then STATA, SAS or R 
Perera R et al. Statistics Toolkit. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 1st edition, 2008
Useful questions to ask when considering 
how to display your data 
• What do you want to show? 
Type of data – Normal or skewed distribution 
• What methods are available for this? 
Table – Graph – Type of graph 
• Is the method chosen the best? 
Would another have been better? 
Freeman JV et al. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
Suggested readings 
Blackwell Publishing 
1st edition – 2008 
Blackwell Publishing 
2nd edition – 2005 
Martin Dunitz 
1st edition – 2003
Thank You

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Types of graphs used in medicine

  • 1. Type of graphs Samir Haffar M.D. Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology
  • 2. Who might benefit? • Researchers who want to display results of their studies for publication in a journal • Readers of research literature who wish to do a critical appraisal of a piece of work • People who have to deliver a presentation
  • 3. How to present your data? Numbers Tables Graphs
  • 4. The best advice that a statistician can give a researcher is to first plot the data Conventional statistics textbooks give only brief details on how to draw figures & display data Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 5. Displaying your data with graphs
  • 6. Table or graph? Choice between using a table or a figure not easy Nor is it easy to offer much general guidance Altman D & Bland M. Presentation of numerical data. BMJ 1996 ; 312 : 572.
  • 7. Table or graph? Graph Table Better in presentations Better in papers Can only show summaries Can often show all the data Show only a few variables Better for multiple variables Trend better illustrated Trend badly illustrated Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 8. Table or graph? Trend badly illustrated with a table Urinary excretion of PG metabolite after indomethacin administration Urinary prostaglandin metabolite (mg/24 h) Subject Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 I 4.8 4.8 1.8* 1.1* 1.5* 2 .7 4.1 II 3.9 4.4 0.7* 0.7* 0.7* 3.1 6.5 III 3.8 3.0 0.5* 0.3* 0.3* 0.8 1.1 Subject taking indomethacin 4 x 50 mg/24 h Hamberg 1972
  • 9. Urinary excretion of a prostaglandin metabolite decreased following indomethacin administration in three humans Hamberg 1972 Table or graph? Trend better illustrated with a graph
  • 10. Why use of graphs in presentation? • You need to get your audience’s attention • Many people respond better to visual cues than to straight text or lists of numbers • Effective graph can help drive home your point
  • 11. Software for graphs • No single package can draw all graphs to display data • Simple graphs can be drawn in Microsoft Excel • More complex graphs Major statistical packages: SPSS, STATA, SAS R for superimposing several graphs into single figure • Packages change regularly
  • 12. Types of graph • Bar/column graph & variants • Pie graph • Dot plot • Stem & leaf plot • Histogram • Box-whisker plot • Line graph • Spider or radar plot • Pictogram • Venn diagram
  • 13. Types of data Qualitative (Categorical) Quantitative (Numerical) Ordinal Ordered Rate pain None Mild Moderate Severe Continuous Range of values No gap Blood glucose BP (mmHg) Counted Certain values Gaps Days stick/year Nominal Unordered Blood type A B AB O Petrie A & Sabin C. Medical statistics at a glance. Dichotomous Only 2 values Present/absent Alive/dead Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 2nd edition , 2005.
  • 14. Types of data • Qualitative (categorical) Dichotomous Only 2 values Nominal Unordered Ordinal Ordered • Quantitative (numerical) Counted Gaps Continuous No gaps
  • 15. Displaying qualitative data • Bar/column graph • Grouped column graph • Segmented column graph • Pie graph
  • 16. Recommendations for construction of graph • Tufte’s principle • Clear title with sample size • Labeled axes • Gridlines kept to a minimum • Categories ordered by size • No three-dimensional graphs
  • 17. Tufte’s principle for graph & table Maximum amount of information for minimum amount of ink Tufte ER. The visual display of quantitative information. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press; 1983
  • 18. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Columns wider than spaces between them Bars have gray tone which is more pleasing to the eye Vertical axis doesn’t extend beyond what the graph demands BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 19. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Only the height of columns presents the data of interest BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 20. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Tufte’s principle BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 21. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Clear title with sample size BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 22. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Labeled axes BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 23. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study No gridlines BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 24. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study Categories ordered by size BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 25. Column chart Marital status for 226 patients in leg ulcer study No three-dimensional graph BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 26. Bar chart ordered alphabetically Population for 20 European countries in 2004 The most populous country, Germany, can be readily seen It’s not obvious for France, Italy, & UK which has largest population Schott B. Schott’s almanac. London: Bloomsbury; 2006.
  • 27. Bar chart ordered by size Population for 20 European countries in 2004 It is clear now how each country relates to others for population size Schott B. Schott’s almanac. London: Bloomsbury; 2006.
  • 28. Three-dimensional column charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) Data have only two dimensions A third dimension is falsely introduced BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 29. Two-dimensional column charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 30. Two-dimensional column charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) 2 separate texts nearly run into each other Space of a journal column (8 cm) Chart on the verge of being overcrowded Problem overcome with use of bar (horizontal) chart BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 31. Bar chart Annual alcohol consumption per inhabitant in Europe Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 32. Two-dimensional column charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 33. Two-dimensional column charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 34. Grouped column graph Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321) BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 35. Grouped column graph Probability of dying in ICU after admission with AMI 2 – 3 categories in each group should be the maximum Remove the keys Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 36. Grouped bar chart Probability of dying in ICU after admission with AMI Remove the keys One way to remove the keys is to label first group directly Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 37. Segmented column charts Feeding method by maternal age for all women BMJ 2002 ; 324 : 643 – 6.
  • 38. Pie chart Appropriate usage in a magazine article Large segment begins at 12 o’clock Proceed in clockwise direction Ordered by size No of observations & percentages Number of segments ≤ 5 Color employed with caution Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 39. Pie chart Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
  • 40. Pie chart Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
  • 41. Three-dimensional pie charts Self-reported type of delivery for all new mothers (N: 3 321)
  • 42. Pie charts Pull out the slice you want to highlight
  • 43. “The only worse design than a pie chart is several of them” Tufte ER. The visual display of quantitative information. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press; 1983
  • 44. Types of data • Qualitative (categorical) Dichotomous Only 2 values Nominal Unordered Ordinal Ordered • Quantitative (numerical) Counted Gaps Continuous No gaps
  • 45. Display quantitative data • Counted (gaps) Bar chart • Continuous (no gaps) Dot plot Stem & leaf plot Histograms Box-whisker plot
  • 46. Dot plot BAO in normal subjects & PU patients Use dot plot if sample size per group is low (<100) Each point represents a value for a single individual Horizontal lines indicate mean values Blair AJ et al. J Clin Invest 1987 ; 79 : 582. Mean values
  • 47. Dot plot BAO & PAO in normal subjects & PU patients Substantial overlap in values among individuals in the groups Blair AJ et al. J Clin Invest 1987 ; 79 : 582.
  • 48. Stem and leaf plot Height of male in leg ulcer patients (n: 77) Frequency Stem Leaf 1 1.55- 7 3 1.60- 333 4 1.65- 5588 18 1.70- 000000333333333333 24 1.75- 555558888888888888888888 15 1.80- 000000003333333 10 1.85- 5555888888 1 1.90- 13 Each data is divided into 2 parts: leaf (last digit) & stem (other part) Separate line for each different stem value Stem on left of plot & leaves on right Median
  • 49. Histogram Serum albumin in 481 white men aged over 20 No gaps between columns (continuous data) Keep same width of each group (bin width) Columns labeled by using midpoint, or better start or end of interval BMJ 1999 ; 318 : 1667.
  • 50. Histogram – Normal distribution Serum albumin in 481 white men aged over 20 Mean: 46.14 g/l – SD: 3.08 g/l BMJ 1999 ; 318 : 1667.
  • 51. Histogram – Positively skewed data Baseline ulcer area from the leg ulcer trial (n: 233) Peak at lower values & a long tail of higher values BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 52. Histogram – Negatively skewed data Baseline social functioning in leg ulcer trial (n: 233) Long left tail of lower values & peak at higher values BMJ 1998 ; 316 : 1487 – 91.
  • 53. Number of categories in a histogram No hard & fast rules about appropriate number • Too few Much important information lost • Too many Patterns obscured by too much detail • Usually 5 – 15 categories will be enough
  • 54. Number of categories in a histogram Height for leg ulcer patients (n 233) Too few (6 categories) Too many (22 categories) Good (9 categories) Freeman JV et all. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 2008.
  • 55. Box-and-whiskers plots Especially good to show differences between groups Gonick L & Smith W. The cartoon guide to statistics. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, USA, 1st edition, 1993
  • 56. Anatomy of a box-whisker plot Especially good to show differences between groups Morgan GA et all. Understanding & evaluating research in applied & clinical settings. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, USA, 2006.
  • 57. Box-Whisker Plot Urinary lead concentration in urban & rural children Swinscow TDV & Campbell MJ. Statistics at square one. BMJ Books, London, 10th edition, 2002.
  • 58. Box-whisker plot As there are many variations, you have to explain details of the plot Freeman JV et all. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts, 2008.
  • 59. Box-and-whiskers plots Liver stiffness for each Metavir stage in CHC Vertical axis is in logarithmic scale (wide range of F4 values) Gastroenterology 2005 ; 28 : 343 – 350.
  • 60. Line graph TB mortality in England &Wales Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
  • 61. Line graph – Arithmetic scale TB mortality in England &Wales Mortality seems hardly affected by the events They played little part in mortality decline Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
  • 62. Line graph – Logarithmetic scale TB mortality in England &Wales Introduction of BCG vaccine & chemotherapy was associated with acceleration in established decline in mortality Farmer R, Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
  • 63. It is frequently necessary to examine secular trends both as changes in rates (arithmetic scale) and as rates of change (logarithmic scale) if the nature of a trend is to be fully appreciated Farmer R Lawrenson R. Lecture Notes: Epidemiology & public health medicine. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 5th edition, 2004
  • 64. Line chart Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 65. Line chart Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) Smaller range for y-axis increases visual impact of the trend Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 66. Line chart Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) Wider range for the y-axis decreases visual impact of the trend Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 67. Which scale should be chosen? • No perfect answer to this question All present the same information None strictly speaking are incorrect • In this case, the scale would be the first It shows true floor for data (0%, lowest possible value) It includes reasonable range above highest data point Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 68. Line chart Obesity among adults from 1990 – 2002 (US-CDC) Boslaugh S & Watters PA. Statistics in a nutshell. O’Reilly Media, California, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 69. Line graph Effect of tyramine solution on pupillary size Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 70. Line graph Effect of tyramine solution on pupillary size Two common defects: 1- Curves distinguished both by: - Type of line - Type of data-point symbol 2- Curves identified by separate key Reader scan back & forth to the key to see what they represent Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 71. Redrawn line graphs Type of data-point symbol Labeled directly Type of line Labeled directly Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  • 72. Line graph HP seroprevalence in USA in function of age & race Making trend lines thick for easy visibility Maximum: 3 – 4 lines Gastroenterology 1992 ; 103 : 813.
  • 73. Characteristics of some graphs Good for showing separate unrelated pieces of data Bar/column graph Good for showing Percentages Pie graph Good for showing how data changes over time Line graph
  • 74. Spider or radar plot Acupuncture vs usual care in persistent non-specific back pain HRQol assessed over 12 months by SF-36 SF-36 dimensions scored on a 0 (poor) to 100 (good) health scale BMJ 2006 ; 333 : 623 – 6.
  • 75. Pictogram Estimated annual incidence of TB in 2006 Global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing WHO report 2008
  • 76. Venn diagram Any number of overlapping circles in theory When > 3 – 4 circles, the diagram becomes rather cluttered
  • 77. Example of a venn diagram “the 3 components of EBM” “EBM is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise & patient values” - David Sackett EBM Best research evidence Clinical Expertise Patient Concerns
  • 78. Place of graphs in your study Types of data Qualitative - Quantitative Essentials you need to get started Null hypothesis & alternative hypothesis H0 & H1 What type of test? Choose the right type of test Is it significant? Compute the value of the statistic & compare with the critical value Software tools Start with Excel (simple graphs) & then move on to SPSS & then STATA, SAS or R Perera R et al. Statistics Toolkit. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 1st edition, 2008
  • 79. Useful questions to ask when considering how to display your data • What do you want to show? Type of data – Normal or skewed distribution • What methods are available for this? Table – Graph – Type of graph • Is the method chosen the best? Would another have been better? Freeman JV et al. How to display data. Blackwell Publishing, MA, USA, 1st edition, 2008.
  • 80. Suggested readings Blackwell Publishing 1st edition – 2008 Blackwell Publishing 2nd edition – 2005 Martin Dunitz 1st edition – 2003

Editor's Notes

  1. In its day, the following table contained medical dynamite. It presented the results of a study that showed, for the first time in vivo, that certain anti-inflammatory substances, such as indomethacin or aspirin, inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin. Shown here is only the part of the table that includes the results from the three subjects receiving indomethacin.
  2. I converted this part into a graph to show more clearly the dramatic effect of indomethacin. Note that the curves have the same type of line because they do not need to be distinguished from each other; they are all intended to show the same trend. The curves are bolder than the axes. Two zeros are used to label the point where the axes meet. Axes are of equal length. The label of the vertical axis is parallel to the axis and reads from bottom to top. Note also that the legend gives the message of the figure.
  3. Start with Excel (simple graphs) & then move on to SPSS and then STATA, SAS or R
  4. Clustered or grouped bar chart Stacked or segmented bar charts
  5. Clear title (with the sample size) Labelled axes No gridlines Marital status categories are ordered by their frequency
  6. Tufte’s principle Clear title (with the sample size) Labelled axes No gridlines Marital status categories are ordered by their frequency
  7. Tufte’s principle Clear title (with the sample size) Labelled axes No gridlines Marital status categories are ordered by their frequency
  8. The advantage of using the frequencies is that the numbers in each category on the horizontal (X) axis can be readily seen. Using the percentage scale the percentages in each category can be easily discerned. Use of the percentage scale facilitates the comparison of groups.
  9. Tufte’s principle Clear title (with the sample size) Labelled axes No gridlines Marital status categories are ordered by their frequency
  10. Consider for example the vaginal breech births category, there are only 16 individuals in this category compared to 2221 in the normal delivery category and so vaginal breech births comprise < 1% of births. However this is not the impression given in this three-dimensional chart. More visually exciting than two-dimentional chart but they are less clearer and more ambiguous. Easily displayed with computer technology Seen more & more often in published reports Data have only two dimensions & a third dimension falsely introduced in such cases. Reference: Gustavii B. How to write & illustrate scientific papers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition, 2008.
  11. Space of a journal column (8 cm) Column chart should include only few items Chart on the verge of being overcrowded Problem can be overcome with the use of a bar chart (computer term for horizontally arranged bars).
  12. Clustered or grouped bar chart Grouped bar charts to display two or more sets of proportions.
  13. Clustered or grouped bar chart
  14. Segmented bar charts to display three or more sets of proportions. As the number of groups to be compared increases, a grouped bar chart can quickly become very busy and obscure patterns within the data. When the number of groups to be compared becomes greater than three or four, a better type of bar chart is the segmented bar chart, where the groups are arranged on the horizontal axis and the variable being compared between the groups is arranged on the vertical axis. As the comparison of interest is between women of different ages, age should be on the horizontal axis and method of feeding on the vertical axis. From this segmented bar chart, it can easily be seen that there is a tendency for increasing breast-feeding as maternal age increases, with the exception of the oldest mothers. Note that the vertical axis has been scaled, from 0 to 100, to represent the percentage in each age group who use a particular feeding method.
  15. Use color with caution
  16. Difficult to read and interpret The area displayed should be proportional to the relative frequencies for each group. However, when the charts are displayed as three dimensional this relationship is lost as what is displayed becomes a volume. Only the front face is proportional to the numbers in the categories and so only these should be displayed. In particular, categories with only a few individuals are given undue weight in three dimensional charts as the top face is much more prominent. Consider for example the vaginal breech births category, there are only 16 individuals in this category compared to 2221 in the normal delivery category and so vaginal breech births comprise < 1% of births. However this is not the impression given in the three-dimensional chart.
  17. One of the simplest ways of displaying all the data. Each point represents a value for a single individual. Always display continuous data as dotplots if the sample size per group is low (100 subjects).
  18. One of the simplest ways of displaying all the data. Each point represents a value for a single individual. Always display continuous data as dotplots if the sample size per group is low (100 subjects).
  19. Stem: ساق Leaf:ورقة For example, for a height of 1.58 m, the leaf would be 8 and the stem would be 1.5 Number of data points in each stem can also be displayed on the left. Simple matter to work out the median in the stem & leaf plot. In this case there are 77 observations and thus the median is the 39th value (when the data are ordered), as 38 observations lie below this point and 38 lie above. Looking at the plot, it can be seen that the 39th value occurs in stem 1.75 and the leaf value corresponding to the 39th value is 8. Thus the median for these data is a height of 1.78 m. The stem and leaf plot resembles a histogram turned over onto its side. The advantage of a stem and leaf plot over a histogram is that not only does it show the frequency in each stem but that it retains the individual values of the data.
  20. The bars may be labelled by using the midpoint of the corresponding interval, or by having a label at the start (or end) of the interval. For histograms, we recommend that you label the horizontal axis, at the start (or end) of each interval, since with this method it is easier to work out the width of the interval. However bar charts are used for discontinuous data, where the categories are entirely separate while histograms are used for continuous data. Thus bar charts have gaps between the categories on the horizontal axis in order to emphasise that the categories are completely separate, whereas there are no spaces in between the bins for a histogram, as the width of these bins can be set by the investigator. A useful feature of a histogram is that it is possible to assess the distribution form of the data; in particular whether the data are approximately normally distributed, or are skewed.
  21. The bars may be labelled by using the midpoint of the corresponding interval, or by having a label at the start (or end) of the interval. For histograms, we recommend that you label the horizontal axis, at the start (or end) of each interval, since with this method it is easier to work out the width of the interval. However bar charts are used for discontinuous data, where the categories are entirely separate while histograms are used for continuous data. Thus bar charts have gaps between the categories on the horizontal axis in order to emphasise that the categories are completely separate, whereas there are no spaces in between the bins for a histogram, as the width of these bins can be set by the investigator. A useful feature of a histogram is that it is possible to assess the distribution form of the data; in particular whether the data are approximately normally distributed, or are skewed.
  22. The use of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measures is becoming more frequent in clinical trials and health services research, both as primary and secondary outcomes. It is typically assessed by a self-completed questionnaire which asks a series of standardised questions about various aspects or facets of a person’s HRQoL. The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) is the most commonly used HRQoL measure in the world today. It contains 36 questions measuring health across eight dimensions: physical functioning (PF); role limitation because of physical health (RP); social functioning (SF); vitality (VT); bodily pain (BP); mental health (MH); role limitation because of emotional problems (RE) and general health (GH). These eight dimensions are usually regarded as a continuous outcome and are scored on a 0–100 scale, where 100 indicates ‘good health’.
  23. Keep the intervals in histogram (bin width) equal
  24. Secular: قرني – حادث مرة كل قرن
  25. So which scale should be chosen? There is no perfect answer to this question. All present the same information, and none strictly speaking are incorrect. In this case, if I were presenting this chart without reference to any other graphics, the scale would be the first because it shows the true floor for the data (0%, which is the lowest possible value) and includes a reasonable range above the highest data point.
  26. In the right-hand graph you will probably not miss the data points, as you can easily discern the change of line direction where the points have been omitted. This graph may be the more attractive of the two. Data points are probably overused in scientific papers.
  27. The use of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measures is becoming more frequent in clinical trials and health services research, both as primary and secondary outcomes. It is typically assessed by a self-completed questionnaire which asks a series of standardised questions about various aspects or facets of a person’s HRQoL. The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) is the most commonly used HRQoL measure in the world today. It contains 36 questions measuring health across eight dimensions: physical functioning (PF); role limitation because of physical health (RP); social functioning (SF); vitality (VT); bodily pain (BP); mental health (MH); role limitation because of emotional problems (RE) and general health (GH). These eight dimensions are usually regarded as a continuous outcome and are scored on a 0–100 scale, where 100 indicates ‘good health’.
  28. In North America, an increase in the number of cases with TB has been observed since the mid-1980s mainly attributable to immigration, human immunodeficiency virus and the development of multidrug-resistant strains of TB.