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Inflammation of gastric mucosa
 Acute Gastritis

 Chronic Gastritis
Acute Gastritis
Transient mucosal acute inflammation
Frequently associated with:
 Heavy use of NSAIDs
 Excessive Alcohol consumption
 Heavy smoking
 Chemotherapeutic drugs
 Uremia
 Systemic infections (Salmonella, CMV)
 Severe stress –trauma, burns, surgery
 Ischemia & shock
 Suicidal ingestion of corrosive
 Gastric irradiation
Pathogenesis of Acute Gastritis
Pathogenesis poorly understood
Following influences thought to be operative
 Increased acid secretion with back diffusion
 Decreased production of HCO3 buffer
 Reduced blood flow
 Disruption of adherent Mucus layer
 Direct damage to epithelium
 Regurgitation of bile acids fron duodenum
 Inadequate synthesis of PG’s
 Idiopathic gastritis
Mild – Mucosal hyperemia
 Lamina propria edema & congestion
 Surface epithelium intact,
 Scattered intraepithelial & intraluminal neutrophils (activity)

Severe –Mucosal erosion & hemorrhage
 Erosion denotes loss of surface epithelium generating defect in
  mucosa that does not cross muscularis mucosae
 Rich inflammatory infiltrate
 Fibrinous purulent exudate into lumen
 Hemorrhage –punctate dark spots in hyperemic mucosa

  Concurrent erosion & hemorrhage called acute erosive
  hemorrhagic gastritis large areas of mucosa may be denuded
  seen in alcoholics and NASIDs ingestion
C/F Of Acute Gastritis
   May be asymptomatic
   Epigastric pain
   Nausea & vomiting
   Overt hemorrhage
   Massive hematemesis & malena
Chronic Gastritis
Defined as chronic mucosal inflammatory
changes leading to eventually mucosal atrophy
and intestinal metaplasia usually in the absence
of erosions

Epithelial changes may become dysplastic
provide background for development of
 Chronic superficial gastritis
 Chronic atrophic gastritis
 Gastric atrophy

 Type A or immune gastritis
 Type B or non immune gastritis
Pathogenesis of Chronic Gastritis
Major etiologic associations are:
 H.Pylori chronic infection
 Autoimmune (P. Anemia)
 Toxic as with alcohol & cigarette smoking
 Post surgical- antrectomy with gastroenterostomy with reflux of
 Motor & mechanical including obstruction, bezoars & gastric
 Radiation
 Granulomatous (crohns disease)
 Uremia
 Inflammatory infiltrate limited to foveolar region, no
  glandular atrophy
 ↓ cytoplasmic mucin, ↑ nuclear and nucleolar size and some
  ↑ in foveolar mitosis—may be seen
 Extensive inflammation, glandular atrophy
 Grade: mild, moderate, severe—estimated by thickness of
  glands to whole mucosal thickness
 ↑ in distance between glands

 Thinning of mucosa in absence of inflammation
 End stage of chronic atrophic gastritis
 Site: fundus, spares antrum
 Antibodies against parietal cells, Intrinsic Factor, acid
  producing enzymes- hypo or achlorhydria, ↑ serum gastrin and
  pernicious anemia
 Also seen Hashimoto thyroiditis, Addisons disease & type 1
 Patient are at risk of developing carcinoma / carcinoid tumours

 Site: begins in antrum and progress proximally to fundus
 Associated with H.pylori, alcohol, Cigarette smoke
 Types:
    Hypersecretory gastritis: restricted to antrum and
 Thin, smooth mucosa with prominent submucosal vessels—
  atrophic gastritis and gastric atrophy
H. Pylori
    Colonizes gastric mucosa esp antrum and cardia by:
1.   Surface adhesion
2.   Free in mucus
3.   Intercellularly Intracellular colonization
4.   → ↑↑ epithelial damage
    Disintegration and loss of apical mucin, epithelial
     pits, erosions and ulceration
    Lymphoid follicles
    Special stains: Giemsa, Warthin-Starry stain or
    Found in 90% chronic gastritis, 95% duodenal ucler,
Giemsa stain H. Pylori
Diagnostic tests for H. pylori
   Serological tests for H.pylori antibodies
   Fecal bacterial detection
   Urea breath test (production of NH3 by
    bacterial urease)
   Gastric biopsy demonstration of bacteria,
    bacterial culture, rapid urease test
   Bacterial DNA detection by PCR
Diseases Associated with Helicobacter pylori

   Chronic gastritis Strong causal association
   Peptic ulcer disease Strong causal association
   Gastric carcinoma Strong causal association
   Gastric MALT lymphoma * Definitive etiologic role

* MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Gastric pathology

Morphology of Chronic Gastritis
Regenerative Change.
  Proliferative response to epithelial injury
  Neck region of gastric glands mitotic figures increased
  Enlarged epithelial cell with hyperchromatic nuclei and
  higher N/C ratio & prominent nucleoli
  Regenerative changes if severe with active inflammation
  resemble dysplasia

 Antral, body, and fundic mucosa may become partially
 replaced by metaplastic columnar absorptive cells and
 goblet cells of intestinal morphology (intestinal
 metaplasia). Occasionally, villus-like projections or
 features of colonic epithelium may be present. H.pylori
 absent from areas of intestinal metaplasia
Morphology of Chronic Gastritis
   Marked loss in glandular structures associated with autoimmune
  gastritis and pangastritis caused by H. pylori.
   Persisting glands frequently undergo cystic dilatation. Atrophic
  autoimmune gastritis or chronic gastritis treated by inhibitors of acid
  secretion- hyperplasia of gastrin-producing G-cells in antral mucosa,
  attributed to hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria arising from severe
  parietal cell loss. Increased gastrinemia stimulates hyperplasia of
  enterochromaffin-like cells in gastric body, provides background for
  gastric carcinoid tumor
   Long-standing chronic gastritis, epithelium develops cytologic
  atypia-dysplasia. Intestinal metaplasia may precede dysplasia.
  Dysplastic alterations if severe constitute in situ carcinoma. Dysplasia
  thought to be precursor lesion of gastric cancer in atrophic
  autoimmune gastritis and H. pylori- associated chronic gastritis.
Sydney System of
         Grading Chronic Gastritis

1.    Site: Antral, Corporal mucosa
2.    Grading of: (Mild, Moderate, Marked)
                     H-Pylori
                     Chronic inflammation
                       Activity
                       Atrophy
                       Intestinal metaplasia
     *Normal lymphocytes & plasma cells in lamina propria = up to
     *No Neutrophils in lamina propria
H. pylori
   H. pylori is a nonsporing, curvilinear gram-negative rod
    measuring approximately 3.5 × 0.5 μm.
   Gastric mucus, which is lethal to most bacteria. The specialized
    traits that allow it to flourish include:
    • Motility (via flagella), allowing it to swim through viscous
    • Elaboration of a urease, which produces ammonia and carbon
    dioxide from endogenous urea, thereby buffering gastric acid in
    the immediate vicinity of the organism
    • Expression of bacterial adhesins, such as BabA, which binds to
    the fucosylated Lewis B blood-group antigens, enhances binding
    to blood group O antigen bearing cells
    • Expression of bacterial toxins, such as cytotoxin association
    gene A (CagA) and vacuolating cytotoxin gene A (VacA).

Moderate Gastritis
Chronic Gastritis
Intestinal Metaplasia
Anti-parietal cell antibody- bright
  green immunofluorescence
  GASTRITIS:                      Seen in children associated with
 45-60% associated with           diarrhea vomiting & growth failure
  celiac disease                  Eosinophilic infiltration
 Lymphocytosis of foveolar      EOSINOPHILIC GASTRITIS:
  ad surface epithelium mostly    Site: distal part of stomach and
  T CD8+ lymphocytes               proximal duodenum
                                  Typically affects middle-aged women
  GASTRITIS:                      Allergic phenomenon, peripheral
 Cause: TB, mycosis,              eosinophilia
                                  L/M: edema, prominent diffuse
  sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease
  or idiopathic                    eosinophilic infiltration, eosiniphilic
 Narrowing & rigidity of
                                  Gastric outlet obstruction
  antrum due to transmural        Related to eosinophlic enteritis
  granulomas                      D/D: inflammatory fibroid polyp
MELAKOPLAKIA:                                    GRAFT VS HOST
 Histiocytic infiltrate conatining Michaelis-     DISEASE:
  Gutmann bodies                                  Bone marrow transplanted
REACTIVE GASTROPATHY                               patient
 Group of disorder characterized by foveolar     Apoptosis, gland
  hyperpasia, loss of mucin , glandular            destruction, sparse
  regenerative changes, edema ,dilatation of       lymphocytic infiltrate in
  mucosal capillaries, smooth muscle               lamina propria and granular
  extending into lamina propria key to             eosinophilic debris in
  defination is absence of neutrophils
                                                   dilated glands
 Fairly common with Aspirin NSAID’s or
  bile reflux                                    MELAKOPLAKIA:
 Endoscopic longitudinal stripes of             Histiocytic infiltrate conatining
  erythematous mucosa alternating with less
  severely mucosa (Water Melon Stomach)
                                                 Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
Clinical Features - Chronic Gastritis
   Nausea
   Vomiting
   Upper abdominal Discomfort- burning pain
   Hypochlorhydia due to parietal cell loss
   Pernicious Anemia in autoimmune gastritis
   Acutely developing mucosal defects
   Well known complication of NSAID’s therapy
   Causes: any debilitating illness, sepsis, shock, extensive
    burns, severe trauma, intracranial injury , long term steroid
    and aspirin ingestion, radio or chemotherapy
   Erosion- shedding of superficial epithelium
   Ulceration of mucosa deep lesion involving full mucosal
   If muscle involved→ fibrosis and pit formation
   Deep ulcer may perforate, especially seen in radiotherapy
•    Due to severe physiologic stress of any nature
•    Multiple lesions located mainly in stomach
•    Range in depth from erosions to ulcers
•    NSAID-induced ulcers related to decrease production of PG’s
     which favors production of mucus ,HCO37 inhibit acid secretion
•    Associated with severe burns or trauma
•    Occurs in proximal duodenum
•    Gastric ,duodenal ,esophageal ulcers associated with Intracranial
     injury, operations or tumours
•     Direct stimulation of vagal nuclei by increase intracranial pressure
     leading to hypersecretion of gastric acid- epithelial damage
•    Carry high incidence of perforation
 Acute stress ulcers usually less than 1 cm in diameter
 Circular and small.
 Ulcer base frequently stained a dark brown by the acid digestion of extruded
 Unlike chronic peptic ulcers, acute stress ulcers found anywhere in stomach,
 Margins and base of ulcers not indurated.
 May occur singly, more often multiple stress ulcers throughout stomach &

 Stress ulcers abrupt lesions, with essentially unremarkable adjacent mucosa.
  Depending on duration of ulceration, may be a suffusion of blood into
  mucosa, submucosa and some inflammatory reaction.
 Conspicuously absent are scarring & thickening of blood vessels, as seen in
  chronic peptic ulcers.
 Healing with complete reepithelialization, after causative factors removed.
 Time required for complete healing varies from days to several weeks.
Clinical Presentation of Acute Ulcer
   Bleeding from erosion or ulcers
   Associated history of critical illness
Multiple Stress Ulcers
Ulcer defined as breach in mucosa of alimentary
tract that extends through out the muscularis
mucosa into submucosa or deeper

Peptic ulcers are chronic most often solitary occur in
any portion of GIT exposed to aggressive action of
acid/peptic juices(Usually less than 4cm in diameter)
Peptic Ulcer
SITE (In order of decreasing frequency)
 Duodenum first portion

 Stomach usually antrum (95% lesser curvature)

 G-E junction in setting of GERD/Barrett esophagus

 Margins of gastrojejunostomy

 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

 Ileal Meckel diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa
   In USA 4 million people have peptic ulcer
   5000die each year as a result of peptic acid disease
   Middle age to older adults, may first become
    evident in young adult life
   Lifetime likelihood of developing peptic ulcer
    about 10% for Americam males & 4% for females
   Male to female ratio is for duodenal ulcer is 3:1 &
    for gastric ulcer is 1.5-2:1
 Peptic ulcers produced by imbalance between gastroduodenal
  mucosal defence mechanisms & damaging forces particularly
  gastric acid & pepsin
 H.pylori infection major factor in pathogenesis of peptic ulcer
 Hyperacidity as in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
 Chronic use of NSAID suppress PG synthesis
 Cigarette smoking impair mucosal blood flow & impair healing
 Alcoholic cirrhosis, increase incidence of peptic ulcer
 Corticosteroid in high dose or repeated use
 Chronic renal failure-uremia
 Hyperparathyroidism –hypercalcemia stimulate gastrin
  production and acid secretion
 Personality and psychological stress
  (10-20% of individuals worldwide infected by H. pylori actually
  develops peptic ulcer)
H. Pylori –Pathogenesis of P. ulcer
   H. pylori does not invade tissues it induces an intense
    inflammatory and immune response by increase production of
    pro-inflammatory cytokines IL 1,6, & TNF and IL8 by mucosal
    epithelial cells which recruits neutrophils
   Bacterial gene products involved in epithelial injury & induction
    of inflammation, secrete urease which breakdown urea to form
    toxic ammonium chloride & monochloramine, also elobrate
    phospholipases that damage surface epithelial cells
   H.pylori enhances gastric acid secretion and impair duodenal
    HCO3 production thus lowering luminal pH in duodenum
    which favors gastric metaplasia in 1st part of duodenum,
    provide environment for H. pylori colonization
   H.pylori protiens evoke immune response in mucosa with
    activation of T & B lymphocytes. T cell dirven activation of B
    cell may be involved in pathogenesis of gastric lymphomas
   Thrombotic occlusion of surface capillaries is promoted by
    bacterial platelet activating factor
H. Pylori
Infection with CagA positive strain is associated with
 More organism in tissue

 More severe epithelial damage

 Greater acute and chronic inflammation

 Higher likelihood of peptic ulceration

 Increase risk of gastric cancer

 * CagA gene is essential for expression of VacA
  (Vacuolating toxin) which causes cell injury
 * Over 80% patient with duodenal ulcers are
    infected by CagA positive strain
   98% of peptic ulcers located in 1st part of duodenum or
    in stomach in ratio of 4:1
   Most duodenal ulcers occur within a few cm of pyloric
   Anterior wall of duodenum is affected more than
    posterior wall
   Gastric ulcer predominantly located along lesser
    curvature, less commonly anterior or posterior wall or
    greater curvature
   Great majority are single ulcer
   10 to 20% of patient with gastric ulcers may have
    coexistent duodenal ulcers
 Small lesion less than 0.3cm are shallow erosions over 0.6cm are ulcers
 Over 50% of peptic ulcer are less than 2cm about 10% are greater than 4cm in
 Classic peptic ulcer oval to round sharply punched out defect with relatively straight
  wall, converging mucosal folds extending to its margin
 Proximal ulcer margin-overhanging edges, distal-sloping borders
 Ulcer margins are level with surrounding mucosa

Cut Section:
 Undermining of edges, complete replacement of muscle by grayish white fibrous
 Base of ulcer is smooth & clean owing to peptic digestion of any exudate
 Subserosal fibrosis and inflammatory enlargement of regional lymph nodes
 Deep ulcers base formed by adherent pancreas ,omental fat
 Free perforation into peritoneal cavity

(Multiple biopsies recommended for standard size ulcer)
 In active ulcers Four Layers:
1. Surface coat purulent exudate, bacteria & necrotic fibrinoid
2. Inflammatory infiltrate includes neutrophils
3. Granulation tissue infiltrated by mononuclear inflammatory
4. Fibroous or collagenous scar replacing muscle wall &
    extending into subserosa
 Muscularis mucosae fusion with muscularis externa at edges
 Hypertrophied nerve bundles
 Superimposed Candida infection on necrotic surface
 Chronic inflammation virtually universal in peptic ulcer and
    persist after ulcer has healed but in healed erosion or stress
    ulcers no chronic inflammation seen

Healing phase:
 Regenerating epithelium grows over surface
 Epithelium may show intestinal metaplasia

  Malignant transformation does not occur with duodenal
  ulcer and is extremely rarely with gastric ulcers
Clinical Presentation
   Epigastric gnawing , burning or aching pain
   Bleeding, iron deficiency anemia
   Nausea, vomitin ,bloating, belching
   Weight loss
   Gastric ulcer pain immediately after taking meal
   Doudenal ulcer pain empty stomach reduced by
    taking meal
   Milk reduces pain in gastric ulcer not in
    duodenal ulcer
Complications of Peptic Ulcer Disease

  Bleeding
• Occurs in 15% to 20% of patients
• Most frequent may be life-threatening
• Accounts for 25% of ulcer deaths

  Perforation
• Occurs in about 5% of patients
• Accounts for two thirds of ulcer deaths

  Obstruction from edema or scarring
• Occurs in about 2% of patients
• Most often due to pyloric channel ulcers
• May also occur with duodenal ulcers
• Causes incapacitating, crampy abdominal pain
• Rarely, may lead to total obstruction with intractable vomiting
Hypertrophic Gastropathy
   Menetrier Disease
   Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome
   Associated with hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria,
   Site: greater curvature of stomach, diffuse involvement of
    fundus and sparing antrum
   Gross: marked hypertrophic rugae
   L/M: foveolar hyperplasia, tortuous cystically dilated glands
    and extension into base of glands and beyond muscularis
   Glandular componenet ↓ed
   Edematous and inflammed stroma
   Carcinoma may develop but incidence is same as that Ca
    originating in atrophic gastritis
   D/D: carcinoma
   Accompanied by gastric changes radiographically and
    grossly similar to Menetrier’s disease
   L/M: hyperplasia affecting secretory rather than foveolar
    part of fundic gland
   Hyperplasia of mainly parietal cells, but ECL cells also ↑ed
   Fundic gland polyps and intramucosal cysts maybe seen
   May be associated with MEN
Gastric Pathology
      Part III
WHO Histologic Classification of Gastric Tumors
Intraepithelial neoplasia: adenoma
Adenocarcinoma *
                ••• Papillary adenocarcinoma
                ••• Tubular adenocarcinoma
                ••• Mucinous adenocarcinoma
                ••• Signet-ring cell carcinoma
                ••• Undifferentiated carcinoma
                ••• Adenosquamous carcinoma
Small-cell carcinoma
Carcinoid tumor
Granular cell tumor
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) (gradation from benign to malignant)
Kaposi sarcoma
* The Laurén classification subdivides adenocarcinomas into intestinal and diffuse
Gastric Polyps-Classification
1.   Hyperplastic
2.   Adenomas        Intestinal        adenomatous
3.   Mixed                             villous
4.   Fundic gland    Gastric

5.   Inflammatory fibroid polyp
                                        Familial polyposis
6.   Polyposis syndrome                 Gardner syn.
7.   others                             PJ syn.
                                        Cowden syn.
                                        Cronkhite-canada syn.
                   Focal hyperplasia
     Antral gland hyperplasia
Hyperplastic polyps
Associated with
      Hypochlorhydria
      Dec. pepsinogen
      Hypergastrinemia
      Ch. Gastritis
      Gastric atrophy
 95% of gastric polyps
 Small, sessile, may be multiple up to 20
 Located in antrum
 Several cm in diameter

 Hyperplastic (regenerative) surface epithelium
 Cystically dilated glands
 Inflammatory cells and smooth muscle in lamina propria
 No Malignant transformation
Gastric Hyperplastic Polyps
Fundic gland
   Fundic gland hyperplasia, hamartomatous cystic
   Site: multiple polyps in fundus
   Microscopy:
      Microcysts with fundic epithelium (oxyphil
      Crypts are short
      Increase smooth muscles in pericystic area
   Associated With
      Zollinger ellison syndrome
      Proton pump use (prolonged)
Peutz-Jeghers polyps
   Gastric P-J polyps seen as a part of P-J
   Juvenile polyps seen as part of juvenile polyposis
Inflammatory Fibroid polyp
   Eosinophilic granuloma, inflammatory pseudotumor
   Associated with hypochlorhydria
   Site: antrum
   Gross: elevated, sessile
   Microscopy:
      Submucosal
      Vascular+fibroblatic proliferation, whorling around blood
      Polymorphic infiltrate, numerous eosinophils
      Many fibers are myofibroblastic
       Immunohistochemictry: CD34, bcl-2 +ve
Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp
Adenomatous Polyps/Adenomas
o     Proliferative dysplastic epithelium with malignant potential
o     Back ground chronic gastritis /intestinal metaplasia or autoimmune
o     Site: antrum
o     5-10% of polypoid lesion in stomach
o     Increase with age, seventh decade
  Single, large, sessile/ pedunculated, grow up to 3-4cm
  Some time adenomatous change cover large area of gastric mucosa without
  forming mass lesion
     Dysplatic glands
     Pseudostratified epithelium, abnormal nuclei
     Increase mitoses
     Type: Gastric or intestinal (Tubular/Villous)
       40% contain carcinoma at time of diagnosis
       Risk of malignancy in adjacent mucosa is 30%
Gastric Adenomatous polyp
Epidemiology of Gastric cancer
   Second most common tumor in the world
   High in Japan, Chile, Costa Rica, China, Colombia,
    Portugal, Russia and Bulgaria
   Four to six fold less common in USA, UK, Canada,
    Australia, New Zealand, France & Sweden
   Male to female ratio 2:1
   Intestinal type develops in high risk areas from
    precursor lesion with mean age of incidence 55yrs,
    male to female ratio of 2:1, drop in incidence
    occurred in this type
   Diffuse type no precursor lesion with mean age of
    incidence 48yrs, equal male to female ratio
Factors Associated with Increased Incidence of Gastric Carcinoma
Environmental Factors
Infection by H. pylori
      • Nitrites derived from nitrates (water, preserved food)
      • Smoked and salted foods, pickled vegetables, chili peppers
      • Lack of fresh fruit and vegetables
Low socioeconomic status
Cigarette smoking
Host Factors
Chronic gastritis
      • Hypochlorhydria: favors colonization with H. pylori
      • Intestinal metaplasia is a precursor lesion
Partial gastrectomy
      • Favors reflux of bilious, alkaline intestinal fluid
Gastric adenomas
      • 40% harbor cancer at time of diagnosis
      • 30% have adjacent cancer at time of diagnosis
Barrett esophagus
Genetic Factors
Slightly increased risk with blood group A
Family history of gastric cancer
Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndrome
Familial gastric carcinoma syndrome (E-cadherin mutation)
   Aneuploidy—intestinal > diffuse
   Germline mutations of E-cadherin gene in families with
    hereditary Ca of diffuse type
   Microsatellite instability —20% of gastric Ca,
   Accumulation of p53 mutation—50%
   Somatic mutation of APC gene—4%
   Overexpression of ras p21 product
   Membrane immunostaining for c-erbB-2—few cases
   Loss of p16—1/4th gastric Ca
   Bcl-2 and Bax expression—intestinal>diffuse
   Loss of Fhit expression—diffuse type and Krukenberg tumor
   Overexpression of cyclin D1
   Gross
   Microscopic
   Special stains
   Immunohistochemistry
   Metastases- Virchow node
   Krukenberg Tumour- Bilateral ovarian
   Sister Mary Joseph nodule- paraumbilical
 Pylorus and Antrum 50-60%
 Body and Fundus 25%
 Lesser curvature 40%
 Greater curvature 12%

Gastric carcinoma is classified on the basis of
1. Depth of invasion
2. Macroscopic growth pattern
3. Histologic subtype
    Morphologic feature having the greatest impact on
   clinical out come is the depth of invasion
Early gastric carcinoma
 Lesion confined to mucosa and submucosa
  regardless of presence or absence of
  perigastric lymph node metastases
Advanced gastric carcinoma
  A neoplasm extended below submucosa into
  muscular wall
Three Macroscopic Pattern
 Exophytic

 Flat /Depressed

 Excavated (Ulcerated)
Malignant Gastric Ulcer
 Heaped-up, beaded margins
 Shaggy necrotic bases

 Overt neoplastic tissue extending into
  surrounding mucosa and wall
Linitis plastica
Rigid thickened leather bottle wall infiltrated by

Histologic Types
 Intestinal- Glandular
 Diffuse- Signet Ring Cell
  (more than 50% signet ring
  cell)- PAS positive, CK +,
  EMA+, CEA+
Histologic Grade
 Well-differentiated
 Moderately-differentiated
 Poorly-differentiated
 Undifferentiated
Clinical Presentation
 Generally asymptomatic
 Anorexia ,vomiting

 Abdominal pain

 Weight loss

 Dysphagia

 Anemia

 Hemorrhage

 Radiographic techniques for exophytic lesions

 Endoscopy

 Biopsy
Virchow node: Mets from Carcinoma of
  stomach to supraclavicular lymph node
Metastatic Cancers of stomach Includes Mets from
 Systemic lymphoma,

 Malignant melanoma,

 Ca breast ,

 Ca lung
Gastric Malignant Ulcer
(with depth of invasion)
Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Intestinal & Diffuse type of
PAS Positive Signet Ring Cell
Prognosis of Gastric Carcinoma
   Depends on
   Depth of invasion
   Extent of Lymph Node involvement
   Distant metastases
   Histologic type
   Resection margins
   DNA Ploidy , P53 mutation
   Five year S.R of surgically treated early carcinoma is 90-
    95% in advanced cases it is 15%
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
 Non- epithelial neoplasms of gut
 Site: stomach, small bowel, other portions of gut,
  omentum, mesentry, retroperitonium
 60% submucosal, 30% subserosal, 10% intramural

 Origin interstitial cell of Cajal

 Tumor size, mitoses, necrosis,

 Stomach GIST has better prognosis than intestinal
New Concept-GIST

Smooth muscle    Neuronal (GANT) Both                 Undifferentiated

Sm. Muscle Actin NeuronSp.Enolase Morpholigically &   Unable to classify
Desmin           Leu 7            immunohistoche-
                                  mically exhibit
Myosin           S-100
                                  both sm. muscle     Usually CD34+ve
                                  and neuronal
                                  differentiation     C-Kit positive
GIST c-KIT Positive
Stomach Lymphoma
   Classification:
       Low grade: Small lymphoid cells
       High/ intermediate: large lymphoid cells
   Rare…1-4% of GI malignancies
   Primary GI lymphoma exhibit no evidence of liver,
    spleen, mediastinal lymph node or bone marrow
    involvement at time of diagnosis
   Regional lymph node involvement may be present
   Collision tumors:
       Lymphoma+adenocarcinoma
   Carcinoma can develop after treatment of lymphoma
Grading system indicating degree of
         certainty of diagnosis of MALT
Grade 0 (Normal)                  Scattered plasma cells in lamina propria.
                                  NO lymphoid follicles
Grade 1 (Active chronic           Small clustes of lymphocytes in lamina
gastritis)                        propria. NO follicles/ LELs
Grade 2 (Active chronic gastritis Prominent follicles with surrounding
with florid follicles)            mantle zone+plasma cells. NO LELs
Grade 3 (suspicious lymphoid      Follicles surrounded by small lymphocytes
infiltrate in lamina propria,     infiltrate diffusely in lamina propria and
reactive probably)                Occasionally into epithelium
Grade 4 (suspicious lymphoid      Folicles surrounded by MZ cells diffuse
infiltrate in lamina propria,     infiltrate in lamina propria and into
lymphoma probably)                epithelium in small gps.
Grade 5 (low grade B-Cell         Dense diffuse infiltrate of MZ cells in
lymphoma of MALT)                 lamina propria with prominent LELs
MALT Lynphoma

1.   Well differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoid):
    Slow growing
    Neuroendocrine cells of gastric mucosa
2.   Atypical carcinoid/ neuroendocrine carcinoma/ large cell
     neuroendocrine ca
    Tumors with obvious morphological features of neuroendocrine
     differentiation but obvious atypia:
    Trabaculae, rosettes, insulae; dense core secretory granules,
    Atypia—invasiveness, necrosis, mitosis
3.   Small cell carcinoma:
    Analogous to pulmonary counterpart
    Aggressive behavior
4.   Otherwise typical adenocarcinoma of diffuse or intestinal
     type having cells with argyrophilia or neuroendocrine

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Stomach pathology

  • 2.
  • 4.
  • 5. GASTRITIS Inflammation of gastric mucosa  Acute Gastritis  Chronic Gastritis
  • 6. Acute Gastritis Transient mucosal acute inflammation Frequently associated with:  Heavy use of NSAIDs  Excessive Alcohol consumption  Heavy smoking  Chemotherapeutic drugs  Uremia  Systemic infections (Salmonella, CMV)  Severe stress –trauma, burns, surgery  Ischemia & shock  Suicidal ingestion of corrosive  Gastric irradiation
  • 7. Pathogenesis of Acute Gastritis Pathogenesis poorly understood Following influences thought to be operative  Increased acid secretion with back diffusion  Decreased production of HCO3 buffer  Reduced blood flow  Disruption of adherent Mucus layer  Direct damage to epithelium  Regurgitation of bile acids fron duodenum  Inadequate synthesis of PG’s  Idiopathic gastritis
  • 8. Morphology Mild – Mucosal hyperemia  Lamina propria edema & congestion  Surface epithelium intact,  Scattered intraepithelial & intraluminal neutrophils (activity) Severe –Mucosal erosion & hemorrhage  Erosion denotes loss of surface epithelium generating defect in mucosa that does not cross muscularis mucosae  Rich inflammatory infiltrate  Fibrinous purulent exudate into lumen  Hemorrhage –punctate dark spots in hyperemic mucosa Concurrent erosion & hemorrhage called acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis large areas of mucosa may be denuded seen in alcoholics and NASIDs ingestion
  • 13. C/F Of Acute Gastritis  May be asymptomatic  Epigastric pain  Nausea & vomiting  Overt hemorrhage  Massive hematemesis & malena
  • 14. Chronic Gastritis Defined as chronic mucosal inflammatory changes leading to eventually mucosal atrophy and intestinal metaplasia usually in the absence of erosions Epithelial changes may become dysplastic provide background for development of carcinoma
  • 15. CHRONIC GASTRITIS HISTOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION:  Chronic superficial gastritis  Chronic atrophic gastritis  Gastric atrophy CLASSIFICATION BASED ON PATHOGENESIS:  Type A or immune gastritis  Type B or non immune gastritis
  • 16. Pathogenesis of Chronic Gastritis Major etiologic associations are:  H.Pylori chronic infection  Autoimmune (P. Anemia)  Toxic as with alcohol & cigarette smoking  Post surgical- antrectomy with gastroenterostomy with reflux of bile  Motor & mechanical including obstruction, bezoars & gastric atony  Radiation  Granulomatous (crohns disease)  Uremia  GVHD
  • 18. CHRONIC GASTRITIS CHRONIC SUPERFICIAL GASTRITIS:  Inflammatory infiltrate limited to foveolar region, no glandular atrophy  ↓ cytoplasmic mucin, ↑ nuclear and nucleolar size and some ↑ in foveolar mitosis—may be seen CHRONIC ATROPHIC GASTRITIS:  Extensive inflammation, glandular atrophy  Grade: mild, moderate, severe—estimated by thickness of glands to whole mucosal thickness  ↑ in distance between glands GASTRIC ATROPHY:  Thinning of mucosa in absence of inflammation  End stage of chronic atrophic gastritis
  • 19. CHRONIC GASTRITIS TYPE A/ IMMUNE GASTRITIS:  Site: fundus, spares antrum  Antibodies against parietal cells, Intrinsic Factor, acid producing enzymes- hypo or achlorhydria, ↑ serum gastrin and pernicious anemia  Also seen Hashimoto thyroiditis, Addisons disease & type 1 diabetes  Patient are at risk of developing carcinoma / carcinoid tumours TYPE B/ NON IMMUNE GASTRITIS:  Site: begins in antrum and progress proximally to fundus  Associated with H.pylori, alcohol, Cigarette smoke  Types:  Hypersecretory gastritis: restricted to antrum and
  • 20. CHRONIC GASTRITIS Endoscopically: Thin, smooth mucosa with prominent submucosal vessels— atrophic gastritis and gastric atrophy
  • 21. H. Pylori  Colonizes gastric mucosa esp antrum and cardia by: 1. Surface adhesion 2. Free in mucus 3. Intercellularly Intracellular colonization 4. → ↑↑ epithelial damage  Disintegration and loss of apical mucin, epithelial pits, erosions and ulceration  Lymphoid follicles  Special stains: Giemsa, Warthin-Starry stain or IHC  Found in 90% chronic gastritis, 95% duodenal ucler,
  • 22. Giemsa stain H. Pylori
  • 23. Diagnostic tests for H. pylori  Serological tests for H.pylori antibodies  Fecal bacterial detection  Urea breath test (production of NH3 by bacterial urease)  Gastric biopsy demonstration of bacteria, bacterial culture, rapid urease test  Bacterial DNA detection by PCR
  • 24. Diseases Associated with Helicobacter pylori Infection  Chronic gastritis Strong causal association  Peptic ulcer disease Strong causal association  Gastric carcinoma Strong causal association  Gastric MALT lymphoma * Definitive etiologic role * MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
  • 25. Gastric pathology Part-II
  • 26. Morphology of Chronic Gastritis Regenerative Change. Proliferative response to epithelial injury Neck region of gastric glands mitotic figures increased Enlarged epithelial cell with hyperchromatic nuclei and higher N/C ratio & prominent nucleoli Regenerative changes if severe with active inflammation resemble dysplasia Metaplasia. Antral, body, and fundic mucosa may become partially replaced by metaplastic columnar absorptive cells and goblet cells of intestinal morphology (intestinal metaplasia). Occasionally, villus-like projections or features of colonic epithelium may be present. H.pylori absent from areas of intestinal metaplasia
  • 27. Morphology of Chronic Gastritis Atrophy. Marked loss in glandular structures associated with autoimmune gastritis and pangastritis caused by H. pylori. Persisting glands frequently undergo cystic dilatation. Atrophic autoimmune gastritis or chronic gastritis treated by inhibitors of acid secretion- hyperplasia of gastrin-producing G-cells in antral mucosa, attributed to hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria arising from severe parietal cell loss. Increased gastrinemia stimulates hyperplasia of enterochromaffin-like cells in gastric body, provides background for gastric carcinoid tumor Dysplasia. Long-standing chronic gastritis, epithelium develops cytologic atypia-dysplasia. Intestinal metaplasia may precede dysplasia. Dysplastic alterations if severe constitute in situ carcinoma. Dysplasia thought to be precursor lesion of gastric cancer in atrophic autoimmune gastritis and H. pylori- associated chronic gastritis.
  • 28. Sydney System of Grading Chronic Gastritis 1. Site: Antral, Corporal mucosa 2. Grading of: (Mild, Moderate, Marked)  H-Pylori  Chronic inflammation  Activity  Atrophy  Intestinal metaplasia *Normal lymphocytes & plasma cells in lamina propria = up to 5/HPF *No Neutrophils in lamina propria
  • 29. H. pylori  H. pylori is a nonsporing, curvilinear gram-negative rod measuring approximately 3.5 × 0.5 μm.  Gastric mucus, which is lethal to most bacteria. The specialized traits that allow it to flourish include: • Motility (via flagella), allowing it to swim through viscous mucus • Elaboration of a urease, which produces ammonia and carbon dioxide from endogenous urea, thereby buffering gastric acid in the immediate vicinity of the organism • Expression of bacterial adhesins, such as BabA, which binds to the fucosylated Lewis B blood-group antigens, enhances binding to blood group O antigen bearing cells • Expression of bacterial toxins, such as cytotoxin association gene A (CagA) and vacuolating cytotoxin gene A (VacA).
  • 34. Anti-parietal cell antibody- bright green immunofluorescence
  • 35. OTHER TYPES OF GASTRITIS LYMPHOCYTIC ALLERGIC GASTRITIS: GASTRITIS:  Seen in children associated with  45-60% associated with diarrhea vomiting & growth failure celiac disease  Eosinophilic infiltration  Lymphocytosis of foveolar EOSINOPHILIC GASTRITIS: ad surface epithelium mostly  Site: distal part of stomach and T CD8+ lymphocytes proximal duodenum  Typically affects middle-aged women GRANULOMATOUS GASTRITIS:  Allergic phenomenon, peripheral  Cause: TB, mycosis, eosinophilia  L/M: edema, prominent diffuse sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease or idiopathic eosinophilic infiltration, eosiniphilic microabscesses  Narrowing & rigidity of  Gastric outlet obstruction antrum due to transmural  Related to eosinophlic enteritis granulomas  D/D: inflammatory fibroid polyp
  • 36. TYPES OF GASTRITIS MELAKOPLAKIA: GRAFT VS HOST  Histiocytic infiltrate conatining Michaelis- DISEASE: Gutmann bodies  Bone marrow transplanted REACTIVE GASTROPATHY patient  Group of disorder characterized by foveolar  Apoptosis, gland hyperpasia, loss of mucin , glandular destruction, sparse regenerative changes, edema ,dilatation of lymphocytic infiltrate in mucosal capillaries, smooth muscle lamina propria and granular extending into lamina propria key to eosinophilic debris in defination is absence of neutrophils dilated glands  Fairly common with Aspirin NSAID’s or bile reflux MELAKOPLAKIA:  Endoscopic longitudinal stripes of Histiocytic infiltrate conatining erythematous mucosa alternating with less severely mucosa (Water Melon Stomach) Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
  • 37. Clinical Features - Chronic Gastritis  Nausea  Vomiting  Upper abdominal Discomfort- burning pain  Hypochlorhydia due to parietal cell loss  Pernicious Anemia in autoimmune gastritis
  • 38. ACUTE GASTRIC ULCERATION  Acutely developing mucosal defects  Well known complication of NSAID’s therapy  Causes: any debilitating illness, sepsis, shock, extensive burns, severe trauma, intracranial injury , long term steroid and aspirin ingestion, radio or chemotherapy  Erosion- shedding of superficial epithelium  Ulceration of mucosa deep lesion involving full mucosal thickeness  If muscle involved→ fibrosis and pit formation  Deep ulcer may perforate, especially seen in radiotherapy ulcers
  • 39. TYPES-ACUTE GASTRIC ULCERS 1. STRESS ULCERS • Due to severe physiologic stress of any nature • Multiple lesions located mainly in stomach • Range in depth from erosions to ulcers • NSAID-induced ulcers related to decrease production of PG’s which favors production of mucus ,HCO37 inhibit acid secretion 2. CURLING ULCERS • Associated with severe burns or trauma • Occurs in proximal duodenum 3. CUSHING ULCERS • Gastric ,duodenal ,esophageal ulcers associated with Intracranial injury, operations or tumours • Direct stimulation of vagal nuclei by increase intracranial pressure leading to hypersecretion of gastric acid- epithelial damage • Carry high incidence of perforation
  • 40. MORPHOLOGY Of ACUTE ULCER GROSS:  Acute stress ulcers usually less than 1 cm in diameter  Circular and small.  Ulcer base frequently stained a dark brown by the acid digestion of extruded blood  Unlike chronic peptic ulcers, acute stress ulcers found anywhere in stomach,  Margins and base of ulcers not indurated.  May occur singly, more often multiple stress ulcers throughout stomach & duodenum. MICROSCOPICALLY:  Stress ulcers abrupt lesions, with essentially unremarkable adjacent mucosa.  Depending on duration of ulceration, may be a suffusion of blood into mucosa, submucosa and some inflammatory reaction.  Conspicuously absent are scarring & thickening of blood vessels, as seen in chronic peptic ulcers.  Healing with complete reepithelialization, after causative factors removed.  Time required for complete healing varies from days to several weeks.
  • 41. Clinical Presentation of Acute Ulcer  Bleeding from erosion or ulcers  Associated history of critical illness
  • 43. PEPTIC ULCER Ulcer defined as breach in mucosa of alimentary tract that extends through out the muscularis mucosa into submucosa or deeper Peptic ulcers are chronic most often solitary occur in any portion of GIT exposed to aggressive action of acid/peptic juices(Usually less than 4cm in diameter)
  • 44. Peptic Ulcer SITE (In order of decreasing frequency)  Duodenum first portion  Stomach usually antrum (95% lesser curvature)  G-E junction in setting of GERD/Barrett esophagus  Margins of gastrojejunostomy  Zollinger-Ellison syndrome  Ileal Meckel diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa
  • 45. Epidemiology  In USA 4 million people have peptic ulcer  5000die each year as a result of peptic acid disease  Middle age to older adults, may first become evident in young adult life  Lifetime likelihood of developing peptic ulcer about 10% for Americam males & 4% for females  Male to female ratio is for duodenal ulcer is 3:1 & for gastric ulcer is 1.5-2:1
  • 46. Pathogenesis Peptic ulcers produced by imbalance between gastroduodenal mucosal defence mechanisms & damaging forces particularly gastric acid & pepsin  H.pylori infection major factor in pathogenesis of peptic ulcer  Hyperacidity as in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome  Chronic use of NSAID suppress PG synthesis  Cigarette smoking impair mucosal blood flow & impair healing  Alcoholic cirrhosis, increase incidence of peptic ulcer  Corticosteroid in high dose or repeated use  Chronic renal failure-uremia  Hyperparathyroidism –hypercalcemia stimulate gastrin production and acid secretion  Personality and psychological stress (10-20% of individuals worldwide infected by H. pylori actually develops peptic ulcer)
  • 47.
  • 48. H. Pylori –Pathogenesis of P. ulcer  H. pylori does not invade tissues it induces an intense inflammatory and immune response by increase production of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL 1,6, & TNF and IL8 by mucosal epithelial cells which recruits neutrophils  Bacterial gene products involved in epithelial injury & induction of inflammation, secrete urease which breakdown urea to form toxic ammonium chloride & monochloramine, also elobrate phospholipases that damage surface epithelial cells  H.pylori enhances gastric acid secretion and impair duodenal HCO3 production thus lowering luminal pH in duodenum which favors gastric metaplasia in 1st part of duodenum, provide environment for H. pylori colonization  H.pylori protiens evoke immune response in mucosa with activation of T & B lymphocytes. T cell dirven activation of B cell may be involved in pathogenesis of gastric lymphomas  Thrombotic occlusion of surface capillaries is promoted by bacterial platelet activating factor
  • 49. H. Pylori Infection with CagA positive strain is associated with  More organism in tissue  More severe epithelial damage  Greater acute and chronic inflammation  Higher likelihood of peptic ulceration  Increase risk of gastric cancer * CagA gene is essential for expression of VacA (Vacuolating toxin) which causes cell injury * Over 80% patient with duodenal ulcers are infected by CagA positive strain
  • 50. MORPHOLOGY PEPTIC ULCER  98% of peptic ulcers located in 1st part of duodenum or in stomach in ratio of 4:1  Most duodenal ulcers occur within a few cm of pyloric ring  Anterior wall of duodenum is affected more than posterior wall  Gastric ulcer predominantly located along lesser curvature, less commonly anterior or posterior wall or greater curvature  Great majority are single ulcer  10 to 20% of patient with gastric ulcers may have coexistent duodenal ulcers
  • 51. PEPTIC ULCER MORPHOLOGY Gross:  Small lesion less than 0.3cm are shallow erosions over 0.6cm are ulcers  Over 50% of peptic ulcer are less than 2cm about 10% are greater than 4cm in diameter  Classic peptic ulcer oval to round sharply punched out defect with relatively straight wall, converging mucosal folds extending to its margin  Proximal ulcer margin-overhanging edges, distal-sloping borders  Ulcer margins are level with surrounding mucosa Cut Section:  Undermining of edges, complete replacement of muscle by grayish white fibrous tissue  Base of ulcer is smooth & clean owing to peptic digestion of any exudate  Subserosal fibrosis and inflammatory enlargement of regional lymph nodes  Deep ulcers base formed by adherent pancreas ,omental fat  Free perforation into peritoneal cavity (Multiple biopsies recommended for standard size ulcer)
  • 52. PEPTIC ULCER MORPHOLOGY Microscopically: In active ulcers Four Layers: 1. Surface coat purulent exudate, bacteria & necrotic fibrinoid debris 2. Inflammatory infiltrate includes neutrophils 3. Granulation tissue infiltrated by mononuclear inflammatory cells 4. Fibroous or collagenous scar replacing muscle wall & extending into subserosa  Muscularis mucosae fusion with muscularis externa at edges  Hypertrophied nerve bundles  Superimposed Candida infection on necrotic surface  Chronic inflammation virtually universal in peptic ulcer and persist after ulcer has healed but in healed erosion or stress ulcers no chronic inflammation seen
  • 54. ULCER
  • 55. CHRONIC PEPTIC ULCER Healing phase:  Regenerating epithelium grows over surface  Epithelium may show intestinal metaplasia Malignant transformation does not occur with duodenal ulcer and is extremely rarely with gastric ulcers
  • 56. Clinical Presentation  Epigastric gnawing , burning or aching pain  Bleeding, iron deficiency anemia  Nausea, vomitin ,bloating, belching  Weight loss  Gastric ulcer pain immediately after taking meal  Doudenal ulcer pain empty stomach reduced by taking meal  Milk reduces pain in gastric ulcer not in duodenal ulcer
  • 57. Complications of Peptic Ulcer Disease  Bleeding • Occurs in 15% to 20% of patients • Most frequent may be life-threatening • Accounts for 25% of ulcer deaths  Perforation • Occurs in about 5% of patients • Accounts for two thirds of ulcer deaths  Obstruction from edema or scarring • Occurs in about 2% of patients • Most often due to pyloric channel ulcers • May also occur with duodenal ulcers • Causes incapacitating, crampy abdominal pain • Rarely, may lead to total obstruction with intractable vomiting
  • 58.
  • 59. Hypertrophic Gastropathy  Menetrier Disease  Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome
  • 60. MENETRIER’S DISEASE  Associated with hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria, hypoproteinemia  Site: greater curvature of stomach, diffuse involvement of fundus and sparing antrum  Gross: marked hypertrophic rugae  L/M: foveolar hyperplasia, tortuous cystically dilated glands and extension into base of glands and beyond muscularis mucosae  Glandular componenet ↓ed  Edematous and inflammed stroma  Carcinoma may develop but incidence is same as that Ca originating in atrophic gastritis  D/D: carcinoma
  • 61. ZOLLINGER-ELLISON SYNDROME  Accompanied by gastric changes radiographically and grossly similar to Menetrier’s disease  L/M: hyperplasia affecting secretory rather than foveolar part of fundic gland  Hyperplasia of mainly parietal cells, but ECL cells also ↑ed  Fundic gland polyps and intramucosal cysts maybe seen  May be associated with MEN
  • 62. Gastric Pathology Part III
  • 64. WHO Histologic Classification of Gastric Tumors EPITHELIAL TUMORS Intraepithelial neoplasia: adenoma Adenocarcinoma * ••• Papillary adenocarcinoma ••• Tubular adenocarcinoma ••• Mucinous adenocarcinoma ••• Signet-ring cell carcinoma ••• Undifferentiated carcinoma ••• Adenosquamous carcinoma Small-cell carcinoma Carcinoid tumor NON-EPITHELIAL TUMORS Leiomyoma Schwannoma Granular cell tumor Leiomyosarcoma Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) (gradation from benign to malignant) Kaposi sarcoma MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA * The Laurén classification subdivides adenocarcinomas into intestinal and diffuse types
  • 65. Gastric Polyps-Classification 1. Hyperplastic 2. Adenomas Intestinal adenomatous villoglandular 3. Mixed villous 4. Fundic gland Gastric 5. Inflammatory fibroid polyp Familial polyposis 6. Polyposis syndrome Gardner syn. 7. others PJ syn. Cowden syn. Cronkhite-canada syn. Focal hyperplasia Antral gland hyperplasia
  • 66. Hyperplastic polyps Associated with  Hypochlorhydria  Dec. pepsinogen  Hypergastrinemia  Ch. Gastritis  Gastric atrophy 95% of gastric polyps Gross:  Small, sessile, may be multiple up to 20  Located in antrum  Several cm in diameter Microscopically:  Hyperplastic (regenerative) surface epithelium  Cystically dilated glands  Inflammatory cells and smooth muscle in lamina propria  No Malignant transformation
  • 68. Fundic gland  Fundic gland hyperplasia, hamartomatous cystic polyp,  Site: multiple polyps in fundus  Microscopy:  Microcysts with fundic epithelium (oxyphil cells)  Crypts are short  Increase smooth muscles in pericystic area  Associated With  Zollinger ellison syndrome  Proton pump use (prolonged)
  • 69. Peutz-Jeghers polyps  Gastric P-J polyps seen as a part of P-J syndrome  Juvenile polyps seen as part of juvenile polyposis syndrome
  • 70. Inflammatory Fibroid polyp  Eosinophilic granuloma, inflammatory pseudotumor  Associated with hypochlorhydria  Site: antrum  Gross: elevated, sessile  Microscopy:  Submucosal  Vascular+fibroblatic proliferation, whorling around blood vessels  Polymorphic infiltrate, numerous eosinophils  Many fibers are myofibroblastic  Immunohistochemictry: CD34, bcl-2 +ve
  • 72. Adenomatous Polyps/Adenomas o Proliferative dysplastic epithelium with malignant potential o Back ground chronic gastritis /intestinal metaplasia or autoimmune gastritis o Site: antrum o 5-10% of polypoid lesion in stomach o Increase with age, seventh decade Gross: Single, large, sessile/ pedunculated, grow up to 3-4cm Some time adenomatous change cover large area of gastric mucosa without forming mass lesion Microscopy:  Dysplatic glands  Pseudostratified epithelium, abnormal nuclei  Increase mitoses  Type: Gastric or intestinal (Tubular/Villous)  40% contain carcinoma at time of diagnosis  Risk of malignancy in adjacent mucosa is 30%
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  • 76. Epidemiology of Gastric cancer  Second most common tumor in the world  High in Japan, Chile, Costa Rica, China, Colombia, Portugal, Russia and Bulgaria  Four to six fold less common in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France & Sweden  Male to female ratio 2:1  Intestinal type develops in high risk areas from precursor lesion with mean age of incidence 55yrs, male to female ratio of 2:1, drop in incidence occurred in this type  Diffuse type no precursor lesion with mean age of incidence 48yrs, equal male to female ratio
  • 77. Factors Associated with Increased Incidence of Gastric Carcinoma Environmental Factors Infection by H. pylori Diet • Nitrites derived from nitrates (water, preserved food) • Smoked and salted foods, pickled vegetables, chili peppers • Lack of fresh fruit and vegetables Low socioeconomic status Cigarette smoking Host Factors Chronic gastritis • Hypochlorhydria: favors colonization with H. pylori • Intestinal metaplasia is a precursor lesion Partial gastrectomy • Favors reflux of bilious, alkaline intestinal fluid Gastric adenomas • 40% harbor cancer at time of diagnosis • 30% have adjacent cancer at time of diagnosis Barrett esophagus Genetic Factors Slightly increased risk with blood group A Family history of gastric cancer Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndrome Familial gastric carcinoma syndrome (E-cadherin mutation)
  • 78. MOLECULAR GENETIC FEATURES  Aneuploidy—intestinal > diffuse  Germline mutations of E-cadherin gene in families with hereditary Ca of diffuse type  Microsatellite instability —20% of gastric Ca,  Accumulation of p53 mutation—50%  Somatic mutation of APC gene—4%  Overexpression of ras p21 product  Membrane immunostaining for c-erbB-2—few cases  Loss of p16—1/4th gastric Ca  Bcl-2 and Bax expression—intestinal>diffuse  Loss of Fhit expression—diffuse type and Krukenberg tumor  Overexpression of cyclin D1
  • 79. Morphology  Gross  Microscopic  Special stains  Immunohistochemistry  Metastases- Virchow node  Krukenberg Tumour- Bilateral ovarian  Sister Mary Joseph nodule- paraumbilical
  • 80. Morphology GROSS: Location;  Pylorus and Antrum 50-60%  Body and Fundus 25%  Lesser curvature 40%  Greater curvature 12% Gastric carcinoma is classified on the basis of 1. Depth of invasion 2. Macroscopic growth pattern 3. Histologic subtype Morphologic feature having the greatest impact on clinical out come is the depth of invasion
  • 81. Morphology Early gastric carcinoma Lesion confined to mucosa and submucosa regardless of presence or absence of perigastric lymph node metastases Advanced gastric carcinoma A neoplasm extended below submucosa into muscular wall Three Macroscopic Pattern  Exophytic  Flat /Depressed  Excavated (Ulcerated)
  • 82. Malignant Gastric Ulcer  Heaped-up, beaded margins  Shaggy necrotic bases  Overt neoplastic tissue extending into surrounding mucosa and wall Linitis plastica Rigid thickened leather bottle wall infiltrated by Malignancy
  • 83. Morphology Histologic Types  Intestinal- Glandular  Diffuse- Signet Ring Cell (more than 50% signet ring cell)- PAS positive, CK +, EMA+, CEA+ Histologic Grade  Well-differentiated  Moderately-differentiated  Poorly-differentiated  Undifferentiated
  • 84. Clinical Presentation  Generally asymptomatic  Anorexia ,vomiting  Abdominal pain  Weight loss  Dysphagia  Anemia  Hemorrhage Diagnosis  Radiographic techniques for exophytic lesions  Endoscopy  Biopsy
  • 85. Virchow node: Mets from Carcinoma of stomach to supraclavicular lymph node (Sentinel) Metastatic Cancers of stomach Includes Mets from  Systemic lymphoma,  Malignant melanoma,  Ca breast ,  Ca lung
  • 86. Gastric Malignant Ulcer (with depth of invasion) 
  • 89. Intestinal & Diffuse type of Adenocarcinoma
  • 91. PAS Positive Signet Ring Cell
  • 92. Prognosis of Gastric Carcinoma  Depends on  Depth of invasion  Extent of Lymph Node involvement  Distant metastases  Histologic type  Resection margins  DNA Ploidy , P53 mutation  Five year S.R of surgically treated early carcinoma is 90- 95% in advanced cases it is 15%
  • 93. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors  Non- epithelial neoplasms of gut  Site: stomach, small bowel, other portions of gut, omentum, mesentry, retroperitonium  60% submucosal, 30% subserosal, 10% intramural  Origin interstitial cell of Cajal PROGNOSIS:  Tumor size, mitoses, necrosis,  Stomach GIST has better prognosis than intestinal
  • 94. New Concept-GIST Smooth muscle Neuronal (GANT) Both Undifferentiated Sm. Muscle Actin NeuronSp.Enolase Morpholigically & Unable to classify Desmin Leu 7 immunohistoche- mically exhibit Myosin S-100 both sm. muscle Usually CD34+ve and neuronal differentiation C-Kit positive (CD117)
  • 96. Stomach Lymphoma  Classification:  Low grade: Small lymphoid cells  High/ intermediate: large lymphoid cells  Rare…1-4% of GI malignancies  Primary GI lymphoma exhibit no evidence of liver, spleen, mediastinal lymph node or bone marrow involvement at time of diagnosis  Regional lymph node involvement may be present  Collision tumors:  Lymphoma+adenocarcinoma  Carcinoma can develop after treatment of lymphoma
  • 97. Grading system indicating degree of certainty of diagnosis of MALT Lymphoma Grade 0 (Normal) Scattered plasma cells in lamina propria. NO lymphoid follicles Grade 1 (Active chronic Small clustes of lymphocytes in lamina gastritis) propria. NO follicles/ LELs Grade 2 (Active chronic gastritis Prominent follicles with surrounding with florid follicles) mantle zone+plasma cells. NO LELs Grade 3 (suspicious lymphoid Follicles surrounded by small lymphocytes infiltrate in lamina propria, infiltrate diffusely in lamina propria and reactive probably) Occasionally into epithelium Grade 4 (suspicious lymphoid Folicles surrounded by MZ cells diffuse infiltrate in lamina propria, infiltrate in lamina propria and into lymphoma probably) epithelium in small gps. Grade 5 (low grade B-Cell Dense diffuse infiltrate of MZ cells in lymphoma of MALT) lamina propria with prominent LELs
  • 98. MALT
  • 100. NEUROENDOCRINE DIFFERENTIATION 1. Well differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoid):  Slow growing  Neuroendocrine cells of gastric mucosa 2. Atypical carcinoid/ neuroendocrine carcinoma/ large cell neuroendocrine ca  Tumors with obvious morphological features of neuroendocrine differentiation but obvious atypia:  Trabaculae, rosettes, insulae; dense core secretory granules, NSE+  Atypia—invasiveness, necrosis, mitosis 3. Small cell carcinoma:  Analogous to pulmonary counterpart  Aggressive behavior 4. Otherwise typical adenocarcinoma of diffuse or intestinal type having cells with argyrophilia or neuroendocrine differentiation