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Spinal cord injury is a
major health problem. It
occurs almost four times
more often in males than
in females. Young people
aged 16-30 suffer more
than half of new spinal
cord injuries each year.

30secs Define spinal cord

The student teacher
What do you
Any injury to the spinal cord is known as defines spinal cord injury understand by
spinal cord injury and is characterized
using power point
spinal cord injury?
by decrease or loss of sensory and motor
function below the level of injury.


 Motor vehicle crashes
 Violence
 Falls
 Sports
Other causes can be
 Hyperflexion
 Hyperextension
 Compression

Enlist the causes of
spinal cord injuries

30secs Enumerate the risk
factors of spinal
cord injuries

Risk factors
 Age
 Gender

The student teacher
enlists the causes by
flannel chart

What are the
causes of spinal
cord injuries?

The student teacher
Enumerates the risk

What are the risk
factors of SCI?
 Alcohol
 Drug use


Describe the
pathophysiology of
spinal cord injury

Pathophysiology :

Classify the spinal
cord injuries

The spinal cord injuries may be
classified by location or by degree of
damage to the cord.
Spinal cord injuries can be separated
into two categories:
a) Primary injuries or complete
transaction of the cord

The spinal cord is made up of nerve
fibers that allow communication
between the brain and the rest of the
body. Damage to the spinal cord ranges
from transient concussion to contusion,
laceration and compression of the cord
substance to complete transaction of
the cord and results in interference with
the communication process. Damage
may be caused by bruising , cutting, or
bleeding into the cord, external forces or
by fragments of fractured bone.
The most frequently involved vertebrae
1. Cervical 5,6 and 7
2. Thoracic 12
3. Lumber 1

factors using power

The student teacher
pathophysiology by
showing power point

What is the
pathophysiology of
spinal cord

The student teacher
explains types of SCI by
using flannel chart.

What are types of
spinal cord
b) Secondary injuries or incomplete
transaction of the cord
Primary injuries are the result of the
initial trauma and are usually
Secondary injuries are usually result of a
contusion or tear injury in which nerve
fibres begin to swell and disintegrate. A
secondary chain of events produces
ischemia, hypoxia, edema, and
hemorrhagic lesions which in turn result
in destruction of myelin and axons.
These secondary reactions , believed to
be the principal causes of spinal cord
degeneration at the level of injury and
thought reversible after 4 -6 hours after
injury. Therefore if the cord has not
suffered irreparable damage , some kind
of early treatment is needed to prevent
partial damage from developing into
total and permanent damage.

Discuss the clinical
manifestations of
spinal cord injuries

Clinical manifestations:
Cervical injuries:
Cervical cord injuries can affect all four
extremities, causing paralysis and
parasthesias, impaired respiration and
loss of bowel and bladder control.
Paralysis of all the four extremities is
called quadriplegia; weakness of all the
extremities is called quadriparesis. If

The student teacher
discusses the clinical
manifestations using
flash cards

What are the
manifestations of
the injury is at C3 or above, the injury is
usually fatal because muscles used for
breathing are paralysed.
An injury at the fourth or fifth
cervical vertebrae will affect breathing
and may necessitate some type of
ventilator support. These clients
typically need long term assistance with
activities of daily living.
Thoracic/lumber injuries
Thoracic and lumber injuries affect the
legs, bowel and bladder. Paralysis of the
legs is called paraplegia; weakness of the
legs is called paraparesis. Sacral injuries
affect the bowel and bladder continence
and may affect foot function. Individuals
with thoracic, lumbar and sacral injuries
can usually learn to perform activities of
daily living independently.
Spinal shock
Spinal cord injury has profound effect
on the autonomic nervous system.
Immediately following injury the cord
below the injury stops functioning
completely. This causes a disruption of
the sympathetic nervous system,
resulting in vasodilation, hypotension,
and bradycardia.
Dilation of the blood vessels
allow more blood flow just beneath the
skin. This blood cools and is circulated
throughout the body, causing
hypothermia. Keep the client covered as
much as possible but avoid overheating.
This may last from a week to many
weeks in some clients.

Explain the effects
of spinal cord

Effects of spinal cord injuries
1. Central cord syndrome
Characteristics: motor deficits (in
the upper extremeties compared
to the lower extremities; sensory
loss varies but more pronounced
in the upper extremities);
bowel/bladder dysfunction is
variable or function may be
completely preserved.
Cause: injury or edema of the
central cord usually of the cervical
2. Anterior cord syndrome
Characteristics: loss of pain,
temperature and motor function is
noted below the level of lesion;
light touch, position, and
vibration, sensation remain intact
Cause: the syndrome may be
caused by acute disk herniation or
hyperflexion injuries associated
with fracture- dislocation of
vertebrae. It may also occur as a
result of injury to the anterior

The student teacher
explains the effects by
showing Chart and
power point slides

What are the
various effects of
spinal artery, which supplies the
anterior two thirds of the spinal
3. Brown- sequard syndrome
(lateral cord syndrome)
Characteristics: ipsilateral
paralysis or paresis is noted,
together with ipsilateral loss of
touch, pressure and vibration and
contralateral loss of pain and
Cause: the lesion is caused by a
transverse hemisection of the cord
usually as a result of a knife or
missile injury, fracturedislocation of a unilateral articular
process or possibly an acute
ruptured disk.
4. Conus medullaris syndrome
It follows damage to the lumber
nerve roots and conus medullaris
in spinal cord
Client experiences bowel and
bladder arefelxia and flaccid lower
5. Cauda equine syndrome
It occurs from injury to the
lumbosacral nerve roots below the
conus medullaris
The patient experiences areflexia
of the bowel, bladder and lower

Enumerate the
complications of
spinal cord injuries

1. Infection
Impared respiratory effort,
decreased cough, mechanical
ventilation and immobility all
predispose the cervical cord
injured client to pneumonia.
Catheterization whether
indwelling or intermittent places
the client at risk for urinary tract
2. Deep vein thrombosis
Lack of movement in the legs
inhibits normal blood circulation.
Compression stockings, sequential
compression devices and
subcutaneous heparin may be
used separately or together to
reduce the risk of deep vein
3. Orthostatic hypotension
Spinal cord injured clients no
longer have muscular function in
their legs to promote venous
return to the heart. They also have
impaired vasoconstriction. This
leads to the pooling of the blood in
the legs when the client moves
from supine to a sitting position. If
the movement is sudden the client
may faint. Gradual elevation of the

The student teacher
enumerate the
complications by using

What are the
complications of
spinal cord
head, use of elastic stockings and a
reclining wheelchair help lessons
this response.
4. Skin breakdown
Clients or their caregivers must be
diligent about relieving pressure
on the skin by position changes
and cushioning of the body
prominences. Development of the
pressure ulcers can lead to
infection and loss of skin, muscle
or bone. Treatment of pressure
ulcers is time consuming and
expensive and may interfere with
work .
5. Renal complications
Urinary tract infections are an
ongoing concern to spinal cord
injured clients. Both urinary reflex
and untreated urinary tract
infections can cause permanent
damage to the kidneys
6. Depression and substance
Clients with spinal cord injury
have a higher than average
incidence of depression and
substance abuse. Both of these
factors can interfere with the
client’s ability to care for himself
or herself. Individual or family
counseling may be helpful. Some
rehabilitation centers have
support groups for spinal cord
injured clients
7. Autonomic dysreflexia
This life threatening complication
occurs in clients with injuries
above the T6 level. The spinal cord
injury impairs the normal
equilibrium between the
sympathetic and parasympathetic
autonomic nervous system
Stimulation of the
sympathetic nervous system
results in cool. Pale skin,
gooseflesh and vasoconstriction
seen below the level of injury. The
blood pressure may rise to
300mmHg systolic. The
parasympathetic response results
in vasodilation, causing flushing
and diaphoresis above lesion and
bradycardia as low as 30 beats per
minutes. The client complaints of a
pounding headache and nasal
congestion secondary to the
dilated blood vessels.

Discuss the
diagnostic tests
used to diagnose
spinal cord injuries

Diagnostic tests
A detailed neurological examination is
performed. Diagnostic X-rays and CT
scanning are usually performed initially.
An MRI scan may be ordered as a further

The student teacher
discusses the diagnostic
tests by using power

How can we
diagnose the spinal
cord injuries?
workup if a ligamentous injury is
suspected. Continuous
electrocardiographic monitoring may
be indicated if a cord injury is
suspected since bradycardia and
asystole are common in acute spinal
cord injuries.

Explain the
management of the
client with spinal
cord injury

Emergency management
The immediate management of the
patient at the scene of injury is critical,
because improper handling can cause
further damage and loss of neurologic
 Initial care must include a rapid
assessment, immobilization,
stabilization or control of life
threatening injuries and
transportation to the most
appropriate medical facility
 One member of the team must
assume control of the patient’s
head to prevent flexion , rotation
or extension. This is done by
placing the hands on both sides of
the patient’s head at about ear to
limit the movement and maintain
alignment while spinal board or
immobilizing device is applied
 Any twisting movement may
irreversibly damage the spinal
cord by causing a bony fragment

The student teacher
explains the emergency
management by showing

What is the
management of the
patient with SCI?
of the vertebrae to cut into, crush
and sever the cord completely
 The patient must always be
maintained in extended position
and no part of the body should be
twisted or turned nor the patient
should be allowed to sit
 Once the extent of the injury is
determined the patient may be
placed on the rotating bed(roto
rest) or in a cervical collar

Describe the
management .

Medical management
The goals of the medical management is
to prevent further SCI and to serve for
the symptoms of progressive neurologic
 The patient is resuscitated as
necessary and oxygenation and
cardiovascular stability is
 Regeneration therapy can also be
given which involves the
transplantation of the fetal tissue
into the injured spinal cord in the
hopes of regenerating the
damaged tissue
Pharmacological therapy
 The administration of high dose

The student teacher
describes the medical
management by using
power point slides and

What is the
management of the
patient with SCI?
corticosteroids specifically
methylprednisolone has been
found to improve motor and
sensory outcomes at 6 weeks, 6
months, and 1 year if given within
8 hours of the injury.
 Use of high dose
methylprednisolone is accepted as
standard therapy in many
countries and remains an
established clinical practice in
most institutions.
Respiratory therapy
 Oxygen is administered to
maintain a high arterial PO2
because hypoxemia can create or
worsen a neurologic deficit of the
spinal cord.
 If endotracheal intubation is
necessary extreme care is to taken
to avoid flexing or extending the
patient’s neck which can result in
an extension of a cervical injury
 In high cervical spine injuries,
spinal cord innervations to the
phrenic nerve which stimulates
the diaphragm is lost.
Diaphragmatic pacing attempts to
stimulate the diaphragm to help
the client breathe
Skeletal fracture reduction and traction
Management of SCI requires
immobilization and reduction of
dislocations and stabilization of the
vertebral column.
 Cervical fractures are reduced and
cervical spine is aligned with some
form of skeletal traction such as
skeletal tongs or calipers or halo
a) Skull or skeletal tongs
- Skull tongs are inserted into
the outer aspect of the
client’s skull and traction is
- Weights are attached to the
tongs and the client is used
as countertraction
- Monitor neurological status
of the client
- Determine the amount of
weight prescribed to be
added to the traction
- Ensure that the weights
hang freely at all times
- Ensure that the ropes for the
traction remain within the
- Turn the client every 2
- Provide sterile pin site care
as prescribed
b) Halo traction
- Halo traction is a static
traction device that consists
of a headpiece with four
pins, two anterior, inserted
into client’s skull
- The metal ring may be
attached to a vest or cast
when the spine is stable
allowing increased client
- Monitor the client’s
neurological status and
never move or turn the
client by holding or pulling
on the halo traction device
- Assess the skin integrity to
ensure that the jacket or
cast not causing pressure

Describe the

Surgical management
Surgery is indicated in any of the
following instances
 Compression of the cord is evident
 The injury results in a fragmented
or unstable vertebral body
 The injury involves a wound that
penetrates the cord
 There are bony fragments in the
spinal cord
 The patient’s neurologic status is

The student teacher
discusses the surgical
management by using

What is the
management of the
patient with SCI?
Surgery is performed to reduce the
spinal fracture or dislocation or to
decompress the cord.
A laminectomy(excision of the
posterior arches and spinal processes
oof a vertebrae) may be indicated in the
presence of progressive neurologic
deficit, suspected epidural hematoma,
bony fragments or penetrating injuries.

Explain the nursing

Nursing management
 Obtain the information about the
 Perform neurologic assessment
 Assess vital signs with a focus to
respiratory status
 Ongoing monitoring: neurologic,
motor, sensory abilities, bowel
and bladder pattern and signs of
respiratory distress and spinal
Nursing diagnosis

Ineffective breathing pattern
Ineffective airway clearance
Risk for impaired gas exchange
Impaired physical mobility

The student teacher
explains the nursing
management with the
help of power point and

What is the
management of the
patient with SCI?
 Risk for impaired skin integrity
 Altered elimination
 Imbalanced nutrition
Respiratory support
 Mechanical ventilator
 Chest physical therapy
 Suctioning
 Kinetic bed
 Tracheostomy
 Abdominal binder to facilitate
abdominal breathing
 Incentive spirometry
 Rectal and core temperature
 Environmental control
 Prevention of cool draught
 Top linen to protect warmth
 Hypothermia blanket
Maintaining urinary elimination
 Intermittent catheterization is
carried out to avoid the distention
of the bladder and UTI
 If latter is not feasible then
indwelling catheter is inserted
 Intake output chart is maintained.
Physical mobility
 Position to avoid contractures and
foot drop
 Maintain skin integrity by 2 hourly
position, massaging bony
prominences , keep the skin clean
and dry and use pressure relieving
 Assist to perform isometric, active
and passive exercises
Psychological support
 Provide psychological support or
psychotherapy to the patient
 Provide opportunity to ventilate
the feelings
 Assist the individual to adjust to
the impairment if permanent
injury is there
Spinal rehabilitation
The spinal rehabilitation begins on
admission. During acute stage the care
should focus on prevention of infection,
pressure sores, contractures facilitates
rehabilitation and reduce sufferings and
limits disability.
Establish functional goals and motivate
client and family amd involve them in
the care.
Goals of rehabilitation
 Promote mobility
 Reduce spasticity
 Improve bowel and bladder
 Prevent pressure sores
 Reduce respiratory dysfunction
 Control pain
 Nutritional management
 Effective health management

Today we discussed
 Definition
 Causes of SCI
 Risk factors
 Pathophysiology
 Clinical
 Effects of spinal
cord injuries
 Diagnostic
 Emergency
 Medical
 Surgical
 Nursing

From above discussion
we can say that Spinal
cord injuries are major
health problems. So the
nurses must be efficient
enough to provide care to
these clients in order to
minimize disability and
highest possible level of

Books:1)Black M. Joyce ; Medical surgical nursing ; 5th edition ; W.B Saunders Company ; Singapore 2008 ; pg no. 1948-1960.
2)William S. Linda; understanding medical surgical nursing; 1st edition; F.A davis company; Philadelphia 1999; pg .no.
3)Suddarth’s and brunner; Textbook of medical surgical nursing; 11th edition; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; United
states of America 2009; pg. No. 1926-1933
4) Silvistri Anne Linda; Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX –RN examination;5th edition; Elsevier; St. Louis;
pg. no.947-942

General Information:
Subject: Educational methods and media.
Topic: Nursing management of a patient with spinal cord injury
Group: B.Sc Nursing 4TH year students
Size of the group: 9 students
Venue: Room No. 12
Time: 12.10-12.50pm
Duration: 40 mins (30 mins : teaching, 10 mins: discussion)
Roll no. of Student Teacher: 1917
Supervisor: Examiner
Method of Teaching: lecture cum discussion.
A.V Aids: power point slides, chart, flannel charts, flash cards, chalk board and handouts.
Previous knowledge: Students have general idea about levels of disease prevention.
General objectives: At the end of teaching group of students will be able to
 Explain the spinal cord injuries in detail.
 Apply this knowledge in practical field.

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Spinal cord injuries

  • 1. TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE CONTENT MATTER 30secs TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITIES EVALUATION INTRODUCTION Spinal cord injury is a major health problem. It occurs almost four times more often in males than in females. Young people aged 16-30 suffer more than half of new spinal cord injuries each year. 30secs Define spinal cord injury Definition The student teacher What do you Any injury to the spinal cord is known as defines spinal cord injury understand by spinal cord injury and is characterized using power point spinal cord injury? by decrease or loss of sensory and motor function below the level of injury. 1min Causes  Motor vehicle crashes  Violence  Falls  Sports Other causes can be  Hyperflexion  Hyperextension  Compression Enlist the causes of spinal cord injuries 30secs Enumerate the risk factors of spinal cord injuries Risk factors  Age  Gender The student teacher enlists the causes by flannel chart What are the causes of spinal cord injuries? The student teacher Enumerates the risk What are the risk factors of SCI?
  • 2.  Alcohol  Drug use 2mins 3mins Describe the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury Pathophysiology : Classify the spinal cord injuries Types: The spinal cord injuries may be classified by location or by degree of damage to the cord. Spinal cord injuries can be separated into two categories: a) Primary injuries or complete transaction of the cord The spinal cord is made up of nerve fibers that allow communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Damage to the spinal cord ranges from transient concussion to contusion, laceration and compression of the cord substance to complete transaction of the cord and results in interference with the communication process. Damage may be caused by bruising , cutting, or bleeding into the cord, external forces or by fragments of fractured bone. The most frequently involved vertebrae are: 1. Cervical 5,6 and 7 2. Thoracic 12 3. Lumber 1 factors using power point. The student teacher describes pathophysiology by showing power point What is the pathophysiology of spinal cord injuries? The student teacher explains types of SCI by using flannel chart. What are types of spinal cord injuries?
  • 3. b) Secondary injuries or incomplete transaction of the cord Primary injuries are the result of the initial trauma and are usually permanent. Secondary injuries are usually result of a contusion or tear injury in which nerve fibres begin to swell and disintegrate. A secondary chain of events produces ischemia, hypoxia, edema, and hemorrhagic lesions which in turn result in destruction of myelin and axons. These secondary reactions , believed to be the principal causes of spinal cord degeneration at the level of injury and thought reversible after 4 -6 hours after injury. Therefore if the cord has not suffered irreparable damage , some kind of early treatment is needed to prevent partial damage from developing into total and permanent damage. 4mins Discuss the clinical manifestations of spinal cord injuries Clinical manifestations: Cervical injuries: Cervical cord injuries can affect all four extremities, causing paralysis and parasthesias, impaired respiration and loss of bowel and bladder control. Paralysis of all the four extremities is called quadriplegia; weakness of all the extremities is called quadriparesis. If The student teacher discusses the clinical manifestations using flash cards What are the clinical manifestations of SCI?
  • 4. the injury is at C3 or above, the injury is usually fatal because muscles used for breathing are paralysed. An injury at the fourth or fifth cervical vertebrae will affect breathing and may necessitate some type of ventilator support. These clients typically need long term assistance with activities of daily living. Thoracic/lumber injuries Thoracic and lumber injuries affect the legs, bowel and bladder. Paralysis of the legs is called paraplegia; weakness of the legs is called paraparesis. Sacral injuries affect the bowel and bladder continence and may affect foot function. Individuals with thoracic, lumbar and sacral injuries can usually learn to perform activities of daily living independently. Spinal shock Spinal cord injury has profound effect on the autonomic nervous system. Immediately following injury the cord below the injury stops functioning completely. This causes a disruption of the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in vasodilation, hypotension, and bradycardia. Dilation of the blood vessels allow more blood flow just beneath the
  • 5. skin. This blood cools and is circulated throughout the body, causing hypothermia. Keep the client covered as much as possible but avoid overheating. This may last from a week to many weeks in some clients. 3mins Explain the effects of spinal cord injuries Effects of spinal cord injuries 1. Central cord syndrome Characteristics: motor deficits (in the upper extremeties compared to the lower extremities; sensory loss varies but more pronounced in the upper extremities); bowel/bladder dysfunction is variable or function may be completely preserved. Cause: injury or edema of the central cord usually of the cervical area. 2. Anterior cord syndrome Characteristics: loss of pain, temperature and motor function is noted below the level of lesion; light touch, position, and vibration, sensation remain intact Cause: the syndrome may be caused by acute disk herniation or hyperflexion injuries associated with fracture- dislocation of vertebrae. It may also occur as a result of injury to the anterior The student teacher explains the effects by showing Chart and power point slides What are the various effects of SCI?
  • 6. spinal artery, which supplies the anterior two thirds of the spinal cord 3. Brown- sequard syndrome (lateral cord syndrome) Characteristics: ipsilateral paralysis or paresis is noted, together with ipsilateral loss of touch, pressure and vibration and contralateral loss of pain and temperature Cause: the lesion is caused by a transverse hemisection of the cord usually as a result of a knife or missile injury, fracturedislocation of a unilateral articular process or possibly an acute ruptured disk. 4. Conus medullaris syndrome It follows damage to the lumber nerve roots and conus medullaris in spinal cord Client experiences bowel and bladder arefelxia and flaccid lower extremities 5. Cauda equine syndrome It occurs from injury to the lumbosacral nerve roots below the conus medullaris The patient experiences areflexia of the bowel, bladder and lower
  • 7. 4mins Enumerate the complications of spinal cord injuries reflexes. Complications 1. Infection Impared respiratory effort, decreased cough, mechanical ventilation and immobility all predispose the cervical cord injured client to pneumonia. Catheterization whether indwelling or intermittent places the client at risk for urinary tract infection. 2. Deep vein thrombosis Lack of movement in the legs inhibits normal blood circulation. Compression stockings, sequential compression devices and subcutaneous heparin may be used separately or together to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis 3. Orthostatic hypotension Spinal cord injured clients no longer have muscular function in their legs to promote venous return to the heart. They also have impaired vasoconstriction. This leads to the pooling of the blood in the legs when the client moves from supine to a sitting position. If the movement is sudden the client may faint. Gradual elevation of the The student teacher enumerate the complications by using chart What are the complications of spinal cord injuries?
  • 8. head, use of elastic stockings and a reclining wheelchair help lessons this response. 4. Skin breakdown Clients or their caregivers must be diligent about relieving pressure on the skin by position changes and cushioning of the body prominences. Development of the pressure ulcers can lead to infection and loss of skin, muscle or bone. Treatment of pressure ulcers is time consuming and expensive and may interfere with work . 5. Renal complications Urinary tract infections are an ongoing concern to spinal cord injured clients. Both urinary reflex and untreated urinary tract infections can cause permanent damage to the kidneys 6. Depression and substance abuse Clients with spinal cord injury have a higher than average incidence of depression and substance abuse. Both of these factors can interfere with the client’s ability to care for himself or herself. Individual or family counseling may be helpful. Some
  • 9. rehabilitation centers have support groups for spinal cord injured clients 7. Autonomic dysreflexia This life threatening complication occurs in clients with injuries above the T6 level. The spinal cord injury impairs the normal equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system results in cool. Pale skin, gooseflesh and vasoconstriction seen below the level of injury. The blood pressure may rise to 300mmHg systolic. The parasympathetic response results in vasodilation, causing flushing and diaphoresis above lesion and bradycardia as low as 30 beats per minutes. The client complaints of a pounding headache and nasal congestion secondary to the dilated blood vessels. 1min Discuss the diagnostic tests used to diagnose spinal cord injuries Diagnostic tests A detailed neurological examination is performed. Diagnostic X-rays and CT scanning are usually performed initially. An MRI scan may be ordered as a further The student teacher discusses the diagnostic tests by using power point How can we diagnose the spinal cord injuries?
  • 10. workup if a ligamentous injury is suspected. Continuous electrocardiographic monitoring may be indicated if a cord injury is suspected since bradycardia and asystole are common in acute spinal cord injuries. 2mins Explain the emergency management of the client with spinal cord injury Emergency management The immediate management of the patient at the scene of injury is critical, because improper handling can cause further damage and loss of neurologic function.  Initial care must include a rapid assessment, immobilization, stabilization or control of life threatening injuries and transportation to the most appropriate medical facility  One member of the team must assume control of the patient’s head to prevent flexion , rotation or extension. This is done by placing the hands on both sides of the patient’s head at about ear to limit the movement and maintain alignment while spinal board or immobilizing device is applied  Any twisting movement may irreversibly damage the spinal cord by causing a bony fragment The student teacher explains the emergency management by showing transparency What is the emergency management of the patient with SCI?
  • 11. of the vertebrae to cut into, crush and sever the cord completely  The patient must always be maintained in extended position and no part of the body should be twisted or turned nor the patient should be allowed to sit  Once the extent of the injury is determined the patient may be placed on the rotating bed(roto rest) or in a cervical collar 5mins Describe the medical management . Medical management The goals of the medical management is to prevent further SCI and to serve for the symptoms of progressive neurologic deficits.  The patient is resuscitated as necessary and oxygenation and cardiovascular stability is maintained  Regeneration therapy can also be given which involves the transplantation of the fetal tissue into the injured spinal cord in the hopes of regenerating the damaged tissue Pharmacological therapy  The administration of high dose The student teacher describes the medical management by using power point slides and chart What is the medical management of the patient with SCI?
  • 12. corticosteroids specifically methylprednisolone has been found to improve motor and sensory outcomes at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year if given within 8 hours of the injury.  Use of high dose methylprednisolone is accepted as standard therapy in many countries and remains an established clinical practice in most institutions. Respiratory therapy  Oxygen is administered to maintain a high arterial PO2 because hypoxemia can create or worsen a neurologic deficit of the spinal cord.  If endotracheal intubation is necessary extreme care is to taken to avoid flexing or extending the patient’s neck which can result in an extension of a cervical injury  In high cervical spine injuries, spinal cord innervations to the phrenic nerve which stimulates the diaphragm is lost. Diaphragmatic pacing attempts to stimulate the diaphragm to help the client breathe
  • 13. Skeletal fracture reduction and traction Management of SCI requires immobilization and reduction of dislocations and stabilization of the vertebral column.  Cervical fractures are reduced and cervical spine is aligned with some form of skeletal traction such as skeletal tongs or calipers or halo device. a) Skull or skeletal tongs - Skull tongs are inserted into the outer aspect of the client’s skull and traction is applied - Weights are attached to the tongs and the client is used as countertraction - Monitor neurological status of the client - Determine the amount of weight prescribed to be added to the traction - Ensure that the weights hang freely at all times - Ensure that the ropes for the traction remain within the pulley - Turn the client every 2 hours - Provide sterile pin site care
  • 14. as prescribed b) Halo traction - Halo traction is a static traction device that consists of a headpiece with four pins, two anterior, inserted into client’s skull - The metal ring may be attached to a vest or cast when the spine is stable allowing increased client mobility - Monitor the client’s neurological status and never move or turn the client by holding or pulling on the halo traction device - Assess the skin integrity to ensure that the jacket or cast not causing pressure 2mins Describe the surgical management Surgical management Surgery is indicated in any of the following instances  Compression of the cord is evident  The injury results in a fragmented or unstable vertebral body  The injury involves a wound that penetrates the cord  There are bony fragments in the spinal cord  The patient’s neurologic status is The student teacher discusses the surgical management by using chart What is the surgical management of the patient with SCI?
  • 15. deteriorating Surgery is performed to reduce the spinal fracture or dislocation or to decompress the cord. A laminectomy(excision of the posterior arches and spinal processes oof a vertebrae) may be indicated in the presence of progressive neurologic deficit, suspected epidural hematoma, bony fragments or penetrating injuries. 4mins Explain the nursing management Nursing management Assessment  Obtain the information about the injury  Perform neurologic assessment  Assess vital signs with a focus to respiratory status  Ongoing monitoring: neurologic, motor, sensory abilities, bowel and bladder pattern and signs of respiratory distress and spinal shock Nursing diagnosis      Ineffective breathing pattern Ineffective airway clearance Risk for impaired gas exchange Pain Impaired physical mobility The student teacher explains the nursing management with the help of power point and chart. What is the nursing management of the patient with SCI?
  • 16.  Risk for impaired skin integrity  Altered elimination  Imbalanced nutrition Respiratory support  Mechanical ventilator  Chest physical therapy  Suctioning  Kinetic bed  Tracheostomy  Abdominal binder to facilitate abdominal breathing  Incentive spirometry Thermoregulation  Rectal and core temperature monitoring  Environmental control  Prevention of cool draught  Top linen to protect warmth  Hypothermia blanket Maintaining urinary elimination  Intermittent catheterization is carried out to avoid the distention of the bladder and UTI  If latter is not feasible then indwelling catheter is inserted temporarily.  Intake output chart is maintained. Physical mobility  Position to avoid contractures and
  • 17. foot drop  Maintain skin integrity by 2 hourly position, massaging bony prominences , keep the skin clean and dry and use pressure relieving devices  Assist to perform isometric, active and passive exercises Psychological support  Provide psychological support or psychotherapy to the patient  Provide opportunity to ventilate the feelings  Assist the individual to adjust to the impairment if permanent injury is there Spinal rehabilitation The spinal rehabilitation begins on admission. During acute stage the care should focus on prevention of infection, pressure sores, contractures facilitates rehabilitation and reduce sufferings and limits disability. Establish functional goals and motivate client and family amd involve them in the care. Goals of rehabilitation  Promote mobility  Reduce spasticity
  • 18.  Improve bowel and bladder control  Prevent pressure sores  Reduce respiratory dysfunction  Control pain  Nutritional management  Effective health management 1min Summarization Today we discussed about:  Definition  Causes of SCI  Risk factors  Pathophysiology  Clinical manifestations  Effects of spinal cord injuries  Diagnostic measures  Emergency management  Medical management  Surgical management  Nursing management
  • 19. 30secs Conclusion From above discussion we can say that Spinal cord injuries are major health problems. So the nurses must be efficient enough to provide care to these clients in order to minimize disability and highest possible level of functioning. www.en.wikipedia.orge www. Books:1)Black M. Joyce ; Medical surgical nursing ; 5th edition ; W.B Saunders Company ; Singapore 2008 ; pg no. 1948-1960.
  • 20. 2)William S. Linda; understanding medical surgical nursing; 1st edition; F.A davis company; Philadelphia 1999; pg .no. 937-940 3)Suddarth’s and brunner; Textbook of medical surgical nursing; 11th edition; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; United states of America 2009; pg. No. 1926-1933 4) Silvistri Anne Linda; Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX –RN examination;5th edition; Elsevier; St. Louis; pg. no.947-942 General Information: Subject: Educational methods and media. Topic: Nursing management of a patient with spinal cord injury Group: B.Sc Nursing 4TH year students Size of the group: 9 students Venue: Room No. 12 Time: 12.10-12.50pm Duration: 40 mins (30 mins : teaching, 10 mins: discussion) Roll no. of Student Teacher: 1917 Supervisor: Examiner Method of Teaching: lecture cum discussion.
  • 21. A.V Aids: power point slides, chart, flannel charts, flash cards, chalk board and handouts. Previous knowledge: Students have general idea about levels of disease prevention. General objectives: At the end of teaching group of students will be able to  Explain the spinal cord injuries in detail.  Apply this knowledge in practical field.