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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 35: Social Media Products
Sophie Angus
Candidate Number: 1006
Contents for LO1Title Slide
Facebook Pictures 4
Facebook’s History 5
Purpose 6
Content 7-9
Target user/membership 10
Sources of revenue 11
Legal/ethical issues 12-13
Case Study 14
Twitter Pictures 15
Twitter’s History 16
Purpose 17
Content 18-20
Target user/membership 21
Sources of revenue 22
Legal/ethical issues 23-24
Case Study 25
Instagram Picture 26
Instagram’s History 27
Purpose 28
Content 29-31
Target user/membership 32
Sources of revenue 33
Legal/ethical issues 34-35
Case Study 36
Data Protection Act (1998) 37
Title Slide
Data Protection Act (1998) 37
Social Effect 38-44
Commercial Uses- Advertising 45-46
Commercial Uses- Viral Marketing 47
Commercial Uses- Advertising 48-49
Commercial Uses- Product review 50-53
Conclusion 54
Facebook’s History
Facebook was first launched on 4th February 2004 as a social
networking service. The founders of Facebook are Mark Zuckeberg
and his roommate Eduardo Saverin, Anderw McCollum, Dustin
Moskovitz and Chris Hughes who attended Harvard
University. Facebook was only for students at Harvard but then it have
expanded to other Universities across Canada and the US. On
September 2006 everyone in the world was allow to create a Facebook
account for people who are 13 or older who have a valid email
address. Lots of companies have invested in Facebook including
Microsoft MSFT give $240 million and got given 1.6% stake in the
Facebook have a mission statement that they will follow by and a way to represent the company. ‘Founded in 2004, Facebook’s
mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay
connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.’
This reveal that a bit of Facebook’s history as it was founded in 2004 and the aim the Facebook will inspire to be in the future
because without their users, Facebook wouldn't be a successful company. In the mission statement they use of verbal code of
‘power’ as it will represent the new was of communication will change and it was the people’s choice if they want follow this news
way or not. This will mean that Facebook will need ‘power’ if they want to change the way we communicate to each through the
internet and also social media. They also use the verbal code of ‘discover’, which will appeal to ‘explorers’ (Maslows Hierarchy of
needs) as it will be a chance for people to ‘discover’ the word through the internet and a way to connect to each other by the
media. This will help to keep up with current events and also share information with each other as well.
Facebook’s slogan is a sentence that will represent the business
to the public as it is “Facebook is a social utility that connects
you with the people around you”, which connotes that
Facebook is the new way to socialised with other people around
the world. This will mean that everyone can be connected to
each other people. Therefore everyone will closer and the world
can be connect through Facebook and become one.
However, on the Facebook’s TV advert on the last sentence it is
their TV slogan of ‘Just by being our friends’. This connotes that
Facebook is important as people are able to meet new friends.
This mean that people are able to have exciting adventures, life
experience and having once in a life time experience as it will all
start with Facebook and the people they will make. In addition,
they will be able to life long friends through the social media
and therefore have once in the life time experience.
The colour scheme for Facebook are blue and white, which is simple as it is only two colours. This
is important as it will make Twitter to look professional instead of unprofessional because it
doesn’t have a complex design or a range of colours that wouldn’t appeal to people. This is why it
is important to have a simple colour scheme instead of a complex. On the homepage for
Facebook, they will allow the users to sign in at the top right corner and also it will allow people
to create an account and sign up to Facebook just by adding some of their personal detail such as
email address, gender and date of birth. This is important as it will reveal how easy for someone
to sign up and have a Facebook account. The services and features that Facebook is offering to
their users is to connect to people as it have stated on their homepage ‘Facebook helps you
connect and share with the people in your life’, as it will be way to communication to people who
live far way or meet new people through Facebook. They will be able to share the important and
special moments in their life.
Main profile image
on the home page
Side Bar is
important as the
users as able to
have exits to
different pages
on their
Facebook such
as homepage
and photos
These are all of the posted that the user
has posted on their Facebook or other
users has posted.
By using the small
Facebook logo, this
will keep up with
brand awareness
because people will
be able to recognised
the logo.
Search Bar is useful as
the users will be able to
search for other users
on Facebook
Navigation bar is important part of the
Facebook layout because the users as
able to know if they got any notification
or messages.
The setting and
help section is
important as they
will be able to gain
knowledge about
how Facebook
work if they are
stuck on
something. In
addition, the
setting will help a
person to make
their Facebook
account private if
they want to.
1. Firstly, go one Facebook official website of
2. Then the person will have
to fill out their first name
and surname.
3. Afterward, the
person will have opinion
of their mobile number
or email address for to
create their account.
5. Afterward, the
person will have to a
create a password for
Facebook account.
4. The person will have
repeat the mobile number
or email address for to
create their account.
6. The person will have
to put in their date of
birth, day, month and
year. 7. After they will have
to click on what gender
they are.
8. Finally, when the person
have put in their personal
detail they will have to click
on so that their account will
be created
Target user/membership
Facebook is a free social media e-media product so that their users are able to create an account for free as this will appeal to more people because they are
able to connect to people around the world for free. However, Facebook do provide other services such as games, apps and other items that they will have to
pay for. This is one of their way that Facebook will make money through the customers if they will chose to pay for this feature. In addition. The person is
responsible for payment on their phone such as on internet, or text message as Facebook will need the internet and therefore if they use the internet from
their phone, it will cost money.
The official statistic for the amount of people that actively use Facebook from 2008 to 2016. This is important as the amount of people that used Facebook as
increase because it is simple to use so that it will be easier for them to find the people they want to find through Facebook. In the third quarter of 2008 there
were 100 million active users on Facebook and in second quarter of 2016 there were 1,712 million active users on Facebook. This mean that Facebook
popularity have increased because of their reputation and also more have had heard of the social media account and want to be part of it.
Facebook will relate to ‘diversion’ (Katz) as people will go on Facebook to escape from their reality because they will give them the power to use all of the
Facebook services that is available to also research people who are on Facebook. This is important as they will be able to find new and old people in their life as
they can connect to people from different background because of Facebook. This is a way to see at other people’s life and be jealous as it will diverse them
from their own life’s situation.
Facebook will relate to ‘social climbers’ (Maslow) because they will be driven to change their statues in society because they will be looking at all of the
updates from Facebook and therefore they will want to be like them. This is important as if they work hard, they will be able to be in the same position as them.
Therefore, people will go on Facebook to see the update as they will want to change their life position in society.
Facebook will also to correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone who want to have a Facebook account will have to
be 13 and older. Facebook will not discriminate against anyone with different class, ethnicity, nation and family because the social media will allow everyone to
use their services. Facebook is not male or female dominated social media and therefore it will appeal to both gender.
Also, Facebook will relate to ‘aspirers’ (psychographics) as they will update their account as it will reflect on their image and reputation because they will want
people to view their images and Facebook comment. This mean that the Facebook users will be able to advertise themselves such as their fashion style to
Facebook will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people will use Facebook. They wouldn’t discriminate against people as everyone are able to
create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Facebook as everyone will want to share images and comments because they have the free will to do so.
The users of Facebook are getting younger and younger because Facebook was one of the original social media account and therefore everyone will want to be
part of the change in the internet. Therefore the younger users will also want to be part of it and therefore create an account by using a false age, which enable
them to have Facebook account. The early adopters will do this as they will want to be like everyone else so that they will fit in society and not be left out.
Sources of revenue
In 2015 Facebook had a revenue of $17.93billion which mean they have
the growth of 44% because last year the Facebook have the revenue of
$12,47 billion. Also, Facebook have the gross profit of $15,06 billion.
This mean that Facebook’s revenue have change a lot because the
Facebook’s revenue have increased by $5,462,000 over 1 year.
Even so Facebook is a free service for their user, there are lots of
different way that it will make money. They will make their money
through adverting as companies will pay them to advertise with them.
This will cost between $0.16 to $1.00 per clicks. So by giving Facebook
around $5 will get anywhere from 5 to 30 clicks. This is way to make
money as lots of different companies will use this to connect to their
target audience through social media. Some of the sponsored
advertisements that regularly pop and emphasise who they are in
synergy with are Candycrush, a popular gaming app
that is used throughout the world.
Legal/ethical issues
The pros of Facebook are that people are able to keep in contacted with families and friends,
who live far away. This is important as it is a free way to be contacted by messaging and also
video chat. Also, people are able to make new friends because it will enable an user to add
thousands of friends as they are free to comment on something. It is easier to speak to someone
new on Facebook rather than speaking to them in real life. Finally, people are able to express
themselves by using a status updates. This is important as they are able to express themselves in
different ways such as posting their favourite song lyric or posting an image that will reflect
themselves. However, the cons of Facebook are it will be easier to cyber- bully someone as they
are able to harass someone through Facebook, as their aren’t anyone who will monitor what
people are saying to each other and therefore they can’t stop cyber –bullying of happening.
Facebook is known as a stalker friendly website. This is important as anyone are able to add a
person to be their friends and then receive all of their personal information such as house
address, phone number and more. In addition, they will be able to have easy exist to go through
all of the images that they person have posted. Finally, Facebook will be able to ruin people’s
relationship as the through Facebook, they will be able to comment on other people’ images or
post and therefore it will cause couple to be jealous of the attention that they are giving other
Facebook will have a privacy policy as it will follow Data
Protection (1998) as it will enable the users to safely input
their personal information on to Facebook without being sent
another company. Facebook will have safety and security that
they will follow so that the customer will be conformable to
input their personal information as they will do an
investigation if there are activities that will violate their terms
of Facebook. They will have a system that will protect
Facebook account and personal detail by using and relating on
engineers, automated systems, and advanced technology such
as encryption and machine learning. In addition, there are
more security tools that Facebook will use for the security of
the Facebook account and users information.
Legal/ethical issues
Case Study
One example of Facebook have been mention lot is on the
Jeremy Kyle Show as it will show lots of relationship break
down because of Facebook and their insecure in the
relationship get the better of them. Therefore, they will start to
be controlling and look through their Facebook so that they will
want to see all of the Facebook messages or comment on their
partners social media site. In addition, they may feel insecure
when someone else face book message them and tell them
able the allegation of what their partner did. One episode of
the Jeremy Kyle a paranoid husband (Gaz) thought his wife
(Kelly) think that she cheated on him, their relationship is
breaking down as the allegation will lead to argument and it
will also affect the her as it will get her down. The husband
secret searches her Facebook as he found out that his wife has
search her ex even so she wanted to block him. After, she took
the lie detector she passed the lying tester. Facebook has
nearly broke their relationship because of his insecurity and
Facebook being available to look up anyone.
There is a negative side to Facebook as it is believed that it is bad for relationship as it will make people paranoid and
jealous in a relationship. This could cause a relationship to breakdown because of the lack of trust or always being accused
of cheating. In the UK one third of marriages end because of Facebook when they asked for the reasoning. This means
Facebook is breaking up marriages or relationships because of their easy access to new people and therefore starting a
relationship with them over the phone. In addition, even being accused of cheating with any person through Facebook will
also break a relationship because of the lack of trust and also the allegation will lead to argument all the time and therefore
they can’t be together anymore because of the argument and the anger to one another.
Twitter’s History
Twitter was created on 21stMarch 2006 by Jack Dorsey who sent the first
tweet and was launched to the public on 15th July 2006 it got media coverage.
Originally, Twitter was spelt like twttr until they changed the spelling. The
founders of Twitter are Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass.
Chris Messina was the first person to use hashtag (#) and under the CEO of
Jack Doresy , they supported the hashtag and ever since the hashtag is used
throughout twitter. Jack Doresy was the first CEO of Twitter and he led the
business until 16th October 2006 when Evan William took over and was the
new CEO whilst Jack Dorsey became chairman of the board. On 4th October
2010 Evan William stepped down from being CEO and the new position was
given to Dick Costolo who was chief operating officer at Twitter. After 5 years
being CEO at Twitter Dick Costolo resigned on 1st July 2015 and on 14th
October 2015 once
again Jack Dorsey become
CEO and Omid Kordestani
replaced him as the chairman
of board.
_of_Twitter Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Noah Glass Biz Stone
Twitter’s mission statement ‘To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without
barriers.’ This connotes that everyone has a chance to share new ideas with each other and also it is easy to sign up
without any hassle. Twitter will want everyone to to have the ‘power’ to connect to people through social media to
share information. The users will be able to post anything and be as creative as they want to be to represent
themselves as they have no ‘barriers’ , which is a type of verbal code that was used in the mission statement. In
addition, twitter use the verbal code of ‘power’ as they want all of the users to have a voice and a way to express
themselves through the media.
Twitter’s slogan ‘Yours to discover’ connotes using
Twitter will enable people to discover new information,
keep up with current events and to entertain
themselves. This implies through Twitter, people are
able to ‘discover’ the world and therefore people are
able to ‘discover’ the information that they will be
unable to discover through books but through twitter.
Twitter is an opportunity for the user to ‘discover’ new
information and therefore they can gain a new lifestyle.
However, the Twitter TV advert slogan ‘Love every
second’ means that people should enjoy themselves
and therefore every second of your life matters. This
implies the verbal code of ‘Love’, ‘signifying’ (De
Saussure) if a person lives their life they should love
Twitter. This slogan connotes that Twitter is love and
therefore Twitter is there to make life better and share
it with other people.
Twitter’s colour scheme is blue and white as it is a simple colour scheme and looks professional and cool as it
reflects the business in a good light. Also there are no different colours involved in the Twitter logo and therefore it
will look appealing. If the colour scheme is not a bright colour it will appeal to more people as they will think
everyone can use Twitter and therefore more people will sign up for a Twitter account. The homepage of Twitter,
they are allowed to sign up and make an account so they will be able tweet on their twitter and therefore be able to
be connected to other people through Twitter. They will be able to add their personal detail onto Twitter as a way
to create an account. Also for people who already have an account with Twitter they will be able to log in on the
homepage or next to the sign up button. In addition, on the centre of the homepage, there are the trending news
that people will be interesting to people. The navigation bar will allow the people to look at featured football,
news, music, entertainment, YouTube and more as they will be able to chose research they are looking at. This is
the service and feature that Twitter has offered their customers as it will appeal to them.
Main profile
image on the
home page
Side Bar is
important as
the users are
able to have
exits to
pages on
such as
and photos
These are all of the posts that the user has posted on
their Twitter or other users has posted.
By including the
small Twitter
ident, this will
keep up the brand
because people
will recognise the
Search Bar is useful as the users will be
able to search for other users on Twitter.
Navigation bar is important part of the
Twitter layout because the users are
able to see if they got any notifications
or messages.
This is the list of
people who Twitter
suggest to ‘follow’
These are all of the
subjects that are on
trend as the users
may want to find
out more about
them so that it will
increase their
1. Firstly, go one Facebook official website of and then click on sign up.
2. The person will have to
put in their full name.
3. The person will have the
mobile number or email
address to create their
account.4. The person will have to a
create a password for
Twitter account.
5. Finally, when the
person has put in their
personal details they
will have to click on so
that their account will
be created
Target user/membership
To get a Twitter account it is free, as people will prefer to get something for free rather than paying for a service that other social media
accounts can do. However, twitter is not responsible for the payment on their phone such as internet, or text message as Facebook will need
the internet and therefore if they use the internet from their phone, it will cost money.
From 2010 to 2016 the official statistics will reveal the amount of active Twitter account users. This reveal an increase of popularity in the 6
years of Twitter, it has become well known as lots of people use the social media account. In the first quarter of 2010 there were 30 million
Twitter users whilst in the second quarter there were 313 million Twitter users. This means that Twitter has increased their popularity
because more people have heard of it and therefore want to be involved in Twitter.
Twitter will be relating to ‘personal relationship’ (Katz) because they will be able to build a relationship with the people that they follow. This
is important as they will be able read the tweets and therefore understand them more as a person because of the tweets that they post. The
tweets that the person has posted will represent or reflect them as a person.
Twitter will relate to the ‘caregivers’ (Maslow), as the tweets that other people post, they will be able to sympathise with the person if the
post is an emotional tweet. It will create emotion through the audience because it could be reflecting their life situation such as a death in the
Twitter will also correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone can have a Twitter account is 13 years
and older. Twitter will not discriminate against anyone from a different class, ethnicity, nation and family because the social media will allow
everyone to use their services. Twitter is not male or female dominated social media and therefore it will appeal to both gender.
Twitter will correlate with ‘succeeders’ (Psychographics) because they will be want to show off their lifestyle through twitter and also they
will be confident to share everything with their followers. This is important as they will want to everything about their lifestyle and the quality
of life they are living to be seen.
Twitter will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people use Twitter. They wouldn’t discriminate against people as everyone is
able to create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Twitter as everyone will want to share images and comments because they have the
free will to do so.
There are early adopters of Twitter because more younger people have a Twitter account. This is important as they will feel older if they have
an account so that they will be able to follow their ideals on Twitter and read their tweets. This mean that they have found a way to be
connected to their role model without meeting them. This mean that they will be able to explore the world like older people.
Sources of revenue
In 2015, Twitter generated a revenue of $2.22billion it has a growth of $82
million from the year before it made a revenue of $1.4 billion. Twitter has a
gross income of $1.49 billion. This reveals that Twitter has become successful it
has increased around 15.9%.
Twitter has made their income through advertisement by other companies, this
would cost the companies around $2.50 to $4.00 for every new follower they
gain. However, to have a hash tag to promote a product, it will cost $200,000
per day. This is way for Twitter to make money through their advertisement.
This is important as when clicking on the hash tag,
the customers are able to gain more knowledge
about the product or a person. For example, when
a tweet from Doritos used #Sharknado3.
They will use funny pictures in order to promote
their product.
Legal/ethical issues
There are pros and cons of Twitter the people find when they use social media account. The
pros of Twitter are that the maximum amount of characters a person is allowed to use are 140
characters long. It will make a person think about what they want to say and therefore make
what they have to say short. Also, anyone is able to get a Twitter account and therefore they
won’t discriminate against someone and allow them to have a Twitter account. Finally, to open a
twitter account is free so everyone can be users on Twitter because it is affordable for everyone.
However, the consof Twitter are that it will cause impersonal relationships to happen as people
will be boasting about the amount of followers they have. This could lose real friends because
they will get annoyed about their boasting. In addition, there has been a report released saying
that using Twitter could reduce the amount of a person’s compassion. This could cause people to
enjoy train wrecks happening as it could cause them to become indifferent to the suffering of
humans. Moreover, Twitter is time consuming as people are able to go on it all the time using
electronic items such as a phones or a tablets. If a person is constantly tweeting it will take up
most of their time and they will be paying more attention to the Twitter updates.
Legal/ethical issues
Twitter will relate to the Data Protection (1998) due to their privacy
policy, when making a Twitter account they will have to input their
in their system such as username, password, email address, or
phone number. The name or the username will have to be
presented on the Twitter account as it is a way to find the people
that other users will want to follow. They won’t sent the users
contact detail to a third party or prevent for the users to receive
spam, fraud, or abuse. They are also able to control the
notifications by chaining the setting on
the email or by the mobile. This mean
that Twitter will protect the users contact
detail of being released to anyone or third
Case Study
On Monday 3rd October 2016 in the morning, 5 armed masked robbers held Kim Kardashian at gunpoint in the luxury apartment in Paris whilst dressed up as police officers.
They stole 6.7m (£5.24m) worth of jewelry, which included her $4.5 million engagement ring. They bound and gag her with the zip ties and then left her in the bathtub whilst
the robbery was taking place. The bound her wrists and ankles. They snatched her phone from her whilst she was trying to make a phone call to her bodyguard, Pascal
Duvier. Whilst, Kim Kardashian was in the bathtub she managed to free herself and called for help from the balcony, which was heard by her life long friend Simone
Harouche, who was downstairs. Simone Harouche got out from her bed and locked herself in the bathroom and then called Kim’s personal bodyguard Pascal Duvier for help.
At the time of the robbery Pascal Duvier was with Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner at Arc nightclub. Kim Kardashian feared that were was going to be raped by the
five men during the robbery when she told the police about her ordeal. When Kanye West heard of the robbery , he was performing at the Meadows Music and Art festival in
Queens, New York, when someone rushed and told him. He quickly told the crowd, ‘I’m sorry. I have a family emergency. I have to stop the show.’ However, there are some
questions of how the 5 robbers were able to get through Kim Kardashian’s security team and get in the apartment? If the robbery was a inside job? And also how did the
robbers know that she would be there at time?
However, when the news stories about Kim Kardashian being held up at gunpoint
and $6.7m (£5.24m) worth of jewelry stolen. People took to Twitter to share
their opinion of the robbery. Some made jokes about the robbery, which could
have been a life or death situation, they are known as Twitter trolls. Some of the
tweets wished for her to be killed in the robbery, not sympathise that she was
nearly shot and also think that the robbery was a PR stunt so that more attention
would be on her. Some of the commentators didn’t understand the seriousness
of the situation and posted tweets making funny comments about the robbery.
The comment is even more hurtful as the robberies were carefully planned and
she was their target because they know that she is rich and she also had a $4.5
million engagement ring from Kanye West. Some of the trolls tweets posted
about the robbery are ‘Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint in Paris…Finally some
good news on a Monday’, ‘@SkyNews@KimKardashian should gone the whole
hog and finished her off as well. Can’t wait for Kanye too make this about him’
and also ‘Should’ve shot her lmao #KimKardashian #KimK’. These comment are
making fun, mocking and insulting her as they do not realise the seriousness of
the robbery and also how they could get past her security team. However, the
robbery has also caused other Twitter users to share their support to her and
sympathise with her as it was a horrible event that happened to her and it
doesn’t matter if someone rich or poor they still don’t deserve to be treated in
that way.
Instagram’s History
Instagram was launched on 6th October 2010 and was founded by Kevin Systrom
and Mike Krieger as a free mobile app so that people was communicate with each
other through images. Within one week of launching Instagram, it had 100K users.
It had reached 1 million users on 12th December 2013. Instagram introduced the
hashtag on January 2011. Facebook have decided to purchase Instagram and
their 13 employees for an estimate price of 1 billion in cash and stock on April
2012 it planned to keep Instagram independently managed. This deal was
approved by then British’s Offfice of Fair Trading on 14th August 2012 and then by
the Federal Trade Commission in the US after it finished its investigation on 22rd
August 2012. This means the deal was allowed to take place. On 7th September
2012 the deal between Instagram and Facebook was finalised and Facebook
brought Instagram.
Mark Zuckerberg stated "committed to building and growing Instagram
independently”. The CEO of
Instagram is one of the founders
Kevin Systrom whilst Mike
Krieger was another founder of
Instagram is CTO.
Source: Mike Krieger Kevin Systrom
Instagram has the same mission statement and slogan that represents the
business, and the true meaning of Instagram as a creative outlet. The statement is
‘To capture and share the world’s moments’ as they they will share pictures and
captions on the internet and therefore make a connection to people. The verbal
code of ‘capture’ will be capturing special life moments that can’t be brought with
money but with life experience. Also the verbal code of share will mean that they
will be sharing their experience to the world by videos, words or images so that
they will be reflecting their personality. Through Instagram people have become
famous and their even has been a TV program called Rich Kids of Instagram on
channel 4. They are grabbing every opportunity they are given because of
Instagram and also without Instagram these opportunities wouldn’t be available to
further people’s careers.
The colour scheme of Instagram is multi-coloured as it is targeted at the younger people because
the bright colour will grab their attention to sign up with them and therefore it will increase their
popularity. The colours that are on the logo are yellow, orange, pink, purple and blue as all of the
colours are bright and also some are warm and cold colours. On the homepage, there is a way for
a person to create an Instagram by giving their email address, full name, username and the
password so that they will have an Instagram account. In addition, the person who already has an
account are allow to log in by clicking on the link. Aldo, there is an image of revealing two
iPhones showing what Instagram will look like once they have created an account. The services
and features that the product will offer to they users is to share images or videos with each other
so they can connect with different people through imagery.
Navigation bar is important part of the Instagram layout because the
users is able to know if they got any notification or messages.
Main profile image
on the home page
By including the small
Instagram ident, this
will keep up with
brand awareness
because people will
be able to recognise
the logo.
This is a user bio,
this will allow them
to write something
about themselves
and it will reflect
The setting will help a person to make their Instagram account
private if they want to. In addition, this will allow them to change
their Instagram account if they don’t like something about it
This will allow other
users to ‘like’ or
‘comment’ on a image
or a video that a person
has posted.
This is amount of
people that ‘liked’
the image or video.
This is the caption that
the user has given to
the image or video. In
addition, this is the
comment that other
users have said about
the image or video.
These are the
images or videos
that the user has
posted on their
1. Firstly, go on Instagram’s official website of
3. The person will have to
put in their full name.
2. The person will have an
email address to create their
5. Afterwards, the person
will have to a create a
password for Instagram
6. Finally, when the
person puts in their
personal details they
will click on Sign up and
their account will be
3. The person has to design
a username for their
Target user/membership
Instagram is a free service for the users. The app is available on the Apple app store and the Google Play store. This means that
the users don’t have to pay any money for having Instagram.
The official statistic for the amount of people that actively use Instagram from 2013 to 2016. In January 2013 there were 90
million active users on Instagram and in January 2016 there were 500 million active users on Instagram. This is important as the
amount of people that used Instagram as their social media account can reach lot of users around the world through images and
videos. This mean that Facebook popularity has increased because of their reputation and also more have had heard of the social
media account and want to be part of it. In addition, more celebrities have Instagram and therefore they will be able to be
connected to their favourites celebrities.
Instagram will relate to ‘diversion’ (Katz) as people will go on Instagram to look at images or videos to escape from their reality
because it will give them the power to use all of the Instagram services that are available and to also research people who are on
Instagram . This is important as they will be able to view different people’s images and video and make a connection to them
because of Instagram. This is a way to look at other people’s life and be jealous as it will divert them from their own life’s
Instagram will relate to the ‘caregivers’ (Maslow), as by the tweets that other people post, they will be able to sympathise with
the person if they post emotional images or video. It will create emotion through the audience because it could be reflecting their
life situation or a sad event that happened in the world.
Instagram will also correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone can have an Instagram
account will have to be 13 and older. Instagram will not discriminate against anyone from a different class, ethnicity, nation and
family because the social media will allow everyone to use their services. Instagram is not male or female dominated social media
and therefore it will appeal to both genders.
Instagram will correlate with ‘explorers’ (Psychographics) because people are able to find other users through Instagram and
therefore it will be exploring different users accounts on Instagram. This mean as it is a way to meet new people through
Instagram and also to build a friendship because of their share interest.
Instagram will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people who will use Instagram. They wouldn’t discriminate
against people as everyone is able to create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Instagram as everyone will want to share
images and comments because they have the free will to do so.
The users of Instagram are getting younger and younger because they see people around them having Instagram and therefore
they feel they must have an account so that they will be like other people. They are early adopters as they will use a social media
account from a young age. They will be influenced by other people to get an account because everyone else has one and
therefore they want to fit in with other people.
Sources of revenue
In 2015 Instagram had a revenue of $1,095 million as lots of people were using Instagram it is fast growing social
media account that most people will use. However, in 2016 the revenue of $3,198 million means that its revenue has
increased by $2,103 million over one year.
Instagram doesn’t reveal lots of information about advertisement and the way they make their money. The first
campaign that Instagram did was for a non-profit/government sponsored posts. The CPC will cost $0.14, the CMP
will cost $4.17* and finally the CTR will have a percentage of 2.96%. The second campaign is the retail sponsored
post, the CPC will cost $0.44, the CMP will cost $6.58* and CTR will have a percentage of 1.47%. Finally, the third
campaign is the the retail sponsored video as it will , the CPC will cost $0.01, CMP will cost $2.48* and CTR will have
a percentage of 2.08%. This is important as all of these method will help to create profit for Instagram and therefore
it will become successful. Overtime, these method will make Instagram lots of profit because lots of companies will
used pay Instagram to advertise and promote their products as it is a way to connect to other people and sell
themselves to their target
market. Advertisement on Instagram could cost between $350k to $1M, which is
expensive for companies to pay. This was stated by Nigel Mountford as he written
“Instagram is very secretive about the cost of advertising, but figures of between
$350,000 and US $1 million per month have been mentioned by executives.”
Example of sponsored advertising is when Fox try their series empire as it will
appeal to people to be interested about the TV show and therefore start to watch it.
Additional, it will grab their fan’s attention as the show is coming back on Fox on
Wednesday at 9/8c at Fox.
Legal/ethical issues
The pros of Instagram is that , they are able to keep themselves safe by allowing their users to
have a privacy setting . This will mean that a person will need to request for their permission to
follow you before allowing them as they can be stranger that the user are not conformable seeing
their pictures. In addition, Instagram have a self-reinforcing application of likes and comments on a
pictures as it will help with a person’s self esteem and therefore it will make their friendship
stronger. Moreover, Instagram have an interconnections with the parent or guardian as they will be
able to have a update of what their child are doing through the through other social media apps.
Also, the cons of Instagram is that when using hashtags are useful as more people with be
attracted to follow their sites. However, the negative comment can still be shown on the site,
which could bring down someone ‘s self esteem. In addition, users will be able to loath on other
people's lifestyle as they will be able to stalk other people’s photos because of the better life they
live. This is important as photos will be cause the social comparison to happen immediately and
therefore this could cause the feeling of inferiority because of the photo. Finally, Instagram will
stop people from living their life as they will want
to get an image to shared instead of live and
enjoying the moment. This is important as
they will always be thinking about Instagram and
the next picture they should post.
Legal/ethical issues
Instagram will have a privacy policy as it will follow Data Protection
(1998) as it will enable the users to be safe when using Instagram
and also without their person or contact detail to be release to
anyone. This is important as when making an account for Instagram
they are agreeing to the term and condition of the social media and
therefore the users will know what information what will be shared.
The software will be automatically be updated on the electronically
device such as on mobile or tablet. Once the user have content,
Instagram will share the user’s
information to the same party that will be legal
and will chose of they want to make the users’
detail public.
Case Study
Instagram has positive and negative impact in society, however one of the negative side of Instagram are the trolls. This is important
as the trolls use a comment/caption, image/ mems or a video that is targeted at one or more people that will poke fun at them and
therefore have a negative effect on the person(s). People will troll because if they powerful when they are on the internet and
therefore they will be able to cover their real identify and be something that they not. Instagram have decided to automatically will
deletes abuse and block the internet trolls because Instagram was design to help with people confident not make them fall.
Instagram have designed a new tool, which will automatically block all offensive words from any comments that is posted. Therefore
the users are able to chose if they want to hide inappropriate comments or not from their Instagram.
Katie Price decided to name and shame the Instagram trolls that is
aim at her son Harvey. This is important as few users have made
memes or joked based pictures that is targeted at her disable son.
Some of her memes at making fun of her son’s condition, septo-
optic dysplasia, he is also on the autistic spectrum, ADHD and
blindness, he suffer from Prader-Willi syndrome, which affect his
weight and also he have difficultly walking. These memes that
users have created have making fun of his disability in a negative
light and therefore encourage people to join in as they think they
are being funny. Therefore, Katie Price had decided to comment
on most of the meme that is targeted at Harvey because she was
upset by the meme and therefore try to make it stop. One of the
memes is to compare him to IRA by saying 'Why does Harvey price
look liked a member of the IRA?‘, Katie price screen grab the
meme and then comment 'Does anybody know this vile person.‘
she posted his profile image and also his name as well on the
meme. However, after posted the meme on her page with a
comment she have receive 115 supportive messages from her
fans such as ‘Love u Harvey and katie’ or ‘I feel sick! I am ashamed
to be human knowing this is what our race is capable of !!’ Katie
Price have commented on lots od different memes or images that
make fun of her son.
Data Protection Act (1998)
Social media will need to follow the Data Protection Act (1998) as it will be within
the law as it will be legal. Data Protection Act (1998) will be used to ‘processed by an
individual for the purposes of their personal, family or household affairs.’ This mean
that Data Protection Act (1998) will be used for when someone have give them to
the information in the household or a business. However, Data Protection Act (1998)
will not be used when someone has give their personal detail for personal uses
instead of the need of the business or the household. Section 36 of the Data
Protection Act (1998) stated that organisations which require personal data will not
need Data Protection Act (1998). This will mean that social media (such as
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) will have a different responsibilities of DPA.
Some of the responsibilities of what social media will need to follow are ‘if they post
personal data on their own or a third party’s website; if they download and use
personal data from a third party website; if they run a website which allows third
parties to add comments or posts about living individuals, and they are a data
controller for the website content.’ This mean that social
media will need to require for personal information
and therefore social media have the responsibility to not
to share any of their customer information to other people
or companies.
Social Effect
Does social media link to ‘erode normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky)?
Social media does link with ‘erode normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky) as it is based on non- face to face communication
through comments, posts, tweets, images and videos.
This is a way for people to communicate with people through the internet
as people (especially younger people) as they are always on their phone
even when they are with their friends. They are able to receive the
recent update on celebrities’ news as a way of communication. Social
media has prevented young people of doing their work as they are more
interested of looking through their social media as they will be interested
what their friends are doing rather than working toward their education or their job.
Different social media account such as Instagram will allow people to share their lifestyle for their followers. They will be showing
off their wealth, luxurious items and good looking people on their Instagram because there are given a platform to advertise
themselves to the rest of the world of being rich and showing off their luxurious items. Also, some of these rich people will gain
opportunity that average people will not gain as they are able to have their TV series on channel 4 called Rich Kids of Instagram. It is
about young people who are well known on Instagram as they are showing off their lifestyle and have lots of followers. This could
have a negative side as
the followers will be comparing their own
life to the rich people of Instagram because
they have so much more than they do. This will
create negative emotion in the average people
of anger or being jealous as they will have to
work hard in their life whilst these rich people
do nothing in their life (behind posting images on
Instagram) still they are richer than the average
person. In addition, they may feel social inferior
against the people on Instagram because of
their wealth. This will relate to moral panic (Stanley Cohen- 1972) as a person or a group has become a threat to the societal values
and interested. The media have a big influence as it will enforce the moral panic such as the newspaper article. The media will
dramatise bit of the behaviour which may differ from normal social behaviour. However, the response and representation of the
media as it will help and suggest the behaviours that are being portray and also to communicate to people as it will be seen as
model so that they can observe and adopt the idea. The media will reveal the social unacceptable behaviour as it is representing
Social EffectPositive Convergence Negative
Facebook • People are able to keep in contact with families and
friends, who live far away. This is important as it is a
free way to be contacted by messaging and also video
• People are able to make new friends because it will
enable an user to add thousands of friends as they
are free to comment on something. It is easier to
speak to someone new on Facebook rather than
speaking to them in real life.
• People are able to express themselves by using a
status updates. This is important as they are able to
express themselves in different ways such as posting
their favourites song lyric or posting an image that
will reflect themselves.
• Facebook is a way for people to be
connected to people around the world
and therefore stay in contacted with
friends and family. They will be able to
use Facebook massager and also videos
so that to talk to them when they need
• This is important as this will encourage
people to meet new people through
Facebook as it will attempt to make the
world more sociable.
• It will be easier to cyber- bully someone as they are able to
harass someone through Facebook, as their aren’t anyone who
will monitor what people are saying to each other and therefore
they can’t stop cyber –bullying of happening.
• Facebook is known as a stalker friendly website. This is
important as anyone are able to add a person to be their friends
and then receive all of their personal information such as house
address, phone number and more. In addition, they will be able
to have easy exist to go through all of the images that they
person have posted.
• Also Facebook will be able to ruin people’s relationship as the
through Facebook, they will be able to comment on other
people’ images or post and therefor it will cause couple to be
jealous of the attention that they are giving other people.
Twitter • On twitter the maximum amount of character that
a person is allow to use are 140 characters long.
This is important as it will make a person’s think
what they want to say and therefore make what
they have to say short.
• Anyone are able to get a Twitter account and
therefore they won’t discriminate against
someone and allow them to have a Twitter
• To open a twitter account it is free as everyone as
able to be users on Twitter because it is affordable
for everyone.
• Twitter will enable people to share their
thoughts to the public/followers by
their tweets. This is a source of
entertainment for people as they will be
able be connected to each other.
• In addition, they will be able to follow
any users they want even famous
people, as they will be able to build a
personal relationship (Katz) because of
• Twitter will cause impersonal relationships to happen as they
people will be boasting about the amount of followers they
have. This could lose real friends because they will get annoyed
about their boasting.
• In addition, they have been report and by using Twitter , it will
reduce the amount of a person’s compassion. This is important
as this could cause people to enjoy train wrecks of happening as
it will cause them to become indifferent of the suffering of
• Twitter is time consumption as people as able to go on it all the
time by using electronic items such as a phone or a tablet. This is
important as if a person is constantly tweeting it will take up
most of your time and they will be paying more attention to the
Twitter updates.
Instagram • On Instagram, they are able to keep themselves safe
by allowing their users to have a privacy setting . This
will mean that a person will need to request for their
permission to follow you before allowing them as
they can be stranger that the user are not
conformable seeing their pictures.
• In addition, Instagram have a self-reinforcing
application of likes and comments on a pictures as it
will help with a person’s self esteem and therefore it
will make their friendship stronger.
• Instagram have an interconnections with the parent
or guardian as they will be able to have a update of
what their child are doing through the through other
social media apps.
• Instagram will enable to people to
upload or watch videos on the social
media. This is important as companies
as able to promote that brand through
Instagram and still connect to the
audience without use print base media.
• This important this will allow people to
upload upload videos, pictures, vines
and memes to share to the viewers as
this will people entertainment and also
make some people famous through
• When using hashtags are useful as more people with be
attracted to follow their sites. However, the negative
comment can still be shown on the site, which could bring
down someone ‘s self esteem.
• In addition, users will be able to loath on other people's
lifestyle as they will be able to stalk other people’s photos
because of the better life they live. This is important as
photos will be cause the social comparison to happen
immediately and therefore this could cause the feeling of
inferiority because of the photo.
• Instagram will stop people from living their life as they will
want to get an image to shared instead of live and enjoying
the moment. This is important as they will always be
thinking about Instagram and the next picture they should
Social Effect
Candid is an anonymous messaging app that allow people to share their opinions
with other people that have been matched up to their likes. Even so this anonymous
social media network comes with positive effect such as gain the knowledge or
opinion of a topic and also gain new ideas as well. However, Candid have a side side
that some of their users could experience as it is anonymous messaging app and
therefore other users will don’t know each other identity. Therefore, this will give
the power the to users to cyberbully each other as they are anonymous and
therefore they gain the power to say what they want as they will feel free to do so.
Andrew Keen (2011)’s “shamelessness” ideology will relate to anonymous social
media networks such as Candid as this will encourage and increase cyberbullying
towards other users. The users can say what they want as it isn't face to face contact
and therefore doesn’t have to see their facial expression because the users doesn’t
feel like sending bad messages to others people is bad as it through the internet.
Also, by sending bad messages to other people, this will make the victim don’t t
know what to do or how to handle with the situation as it is through the internet
and there is a belief that most items on the internet isn’t real.
Social Effect
This was the first
question on my survey.
This will reveal the
amount of people that
will use social media.
Out of the 9 people that
answered my survey, 7
people said that they
use social media daily.
In addition, only 1
person will use social
media every other day
whilst 1 person said
that they will use their
social media every
Social Effect
This was the second
question on my survey.
This will reveal their
opinion about social
media and what they
like about it. most of
the comment was able
communication with
people who live nearby
or far away. In addition,
they will reveal that
they like the power to
post whatever they
want as well.
Social Effect
This was the third
question on my survey.
This will reveal the
negative side of social
media and their
opinion about it. some
of the comments are
that it can become
addictive and
therefore after a while
it will become
annoying. Also, it is a
new form of bullying
that can happen
through the internet,
which is a negative.
Social Effect
This is the final question of my
survey. This will reveal what
type of social media network
that they use in their daily life.
This reveal that all of the
people that answer my survey
said that they use whatapps
that most. The second most
use social media account that
is used are Facebook and then
Instagram. However, in this
survey I have forgotten to
mention snapchat in the
section. However 4 have
included snapchat in the
answer when they wanted to
include other social media
Commercial Uses- Advertising
Personal Recommendation
88% of people trust online
review as much as person
recommendation because the
comment are not there to
promote the product but there
to tell other potential consumers
if they want to but the product
or not. This is a way to spread
the word about the product
through friends, families and also
online viewers who are
interested in the product.
Pay Per Click Advertising
This is when companies such as
Facebook, would pay a search engines
such as Google to be the top items to
be found once a user has search the
Facebook onto the search engines.
This will cause more people to go on
their website because it is at the tops
of the list when searching for that
item. It will depend on the amount of
click on a website. In 2015, cost per
click would have cost $1.58. therefore,
if a website have 100 amount, the
company will have to pay $.
Sponsored Advertising
In the present day there
are no sponsored adverting
that are used on the search
engines such as google
because no one will want
to look at advertisement
whilst they are searching
for something on google.
The advertisement on
google will cost company
as they will have to pay
google to allow them to do
Commercial Uses- Advertising
Advertisement on the website will depend on the amount of space that will take up on a
page of the website. There are to two ways of advertisement that will broadcast of the
selling time by the time and print sells space as it will depend on the price of the pixels
will cost. ‘728 x 90 – 65,520 pixels’, ‘728 x 90 – 65,520 pixels’ and ‘160 x 600 – 96,000
pixels or 28 percent larger than the 300 and 47 percent larger than the 728’. They are
allow to chose the what the position of the advertisement such as leaderboard, pencilbar
or skyscraper. This the company ill have to pay the service such the price of the pixels.
728 x 90 cost $14.88, 300 x 250 cost $16.12 and 160 x 600 cost $15.25 for three type of
pixels that will be used for advertisement.
Another way that Instagram is to use celebrities or well known people to advertise their
product to their followers as a way to create competition for the competing product. This
will help to sell their product to their target market as they will mostly be following the
celebrities that will relate to the correct target audience. This is a type of sponsored
advertising as the celebrities will be sponsoring the product through social media.
Examples of this is when Charlotte Crosby is supporting bondisands (tanning foam) and
also tell them what shop (superdrug) they can buy the product. Charlotte Crosby would
of got paid to advertise that product to her followers, as she got 5.2m followers and
therefore it will cause bondisands to increase. Per sponsorship deal Charlotte Crosby is
estimated to make £75,000 because of Instagram post.
Commercial Uses- Viral Marketing
Instagram don’t have an advert that is used to advertise
themselves to people around the world. However, Facebook
do have an advert that promote themselves and also the
way that it to keep in connect with old friends but also meet
new friends. The Facebook advert for Adventurous Friends
as it could implies that people are able to meet new people
and have adventure with them and also relive them through
Facebook by an image, caption or videos. The advert is 1
minute long as it will be able to grab the viewers attention
as it is not too long but it is not too short. Therefore, it is
enough time to say the message of what they want to
spread to the viewers because they want more people to be
part of Facebook community and connect with old and new
people. This advert did reveal lots of visual effect of
scenario of when Facebook is needed to used because it is
showing that people are having fun with their friends and
families and want to share their experience on Facebook.
This advert received 18,553,460 views as lots of people are
able to relate to their advert and therefore it will encourage
them to get a Facebook account. This will give them the
freedom to share the special moments in their life with
their friends.
Commercial Uses- Advertising
Twitter have an advert to reach out to people to make a Twitter
account and also to advertise the world cup have started. This will
help to get involved in the World Cup sprint through Twitter and
using the hashtag (#) to help to spread the word and also it is a way
for people to get involved as well. This World Cup advert as gone
viral as 1,357,257 views as people have shared and views this video
even so it was the video was upload on 10th June 2014. The twitter
channel is popular as 92,730 has subscribe, this means that their
subscribers are waiting for the next twitter video to be released. The
advert was 1 minute and 12 second long it is a good advert time to
connect to the people who are watching it to encourage them to get
a twitter account. At the end of the they use the twitter logo as it is
brand awareness as everyone have recognized the famous logo.
Another, technique that they have used within the advert is when a
users tweeted something, there would be the Twitter logo flying out
as a way to represented that their tweet have spread to the world
and everyone are able to get that tweet. This mean that a tweet can
go across the world such as someone from England is able to read a
tweet from some from Brazil. Source :
Commercial Uses- Product Advertising
Most of companies will advertise their product
through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as
they are allow to hat they want on their social
media account. There isn’t a guideline that they
have to follow. On the social media account they
are allow to advertise anything such as coats,
makeup, TV shows, cars and food. In addition,
the companies doesn’t have to account state
that the products and use #spon or #ad as it is
their product and they can post what they want.
Commercial Uses- Product review
All of the three social media account are connected to each to other and help them to
grow in popularity because Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as they are all have similar
target audience and also allow anyone who are 13 or over to have an account with
these three social media. Facebook have brought Instagram for estimate price of
$1 billion in cash and stock on April 2012. This is will benefit Instagram as Facebook is
older than Instagram by 6 years and therefore more people will have account for
Facebook. Twitter and Facebook are also connected because if a person have an account
for Twitter and Facebook, the Tweets or Retweets will automatically post on the
Facebook wall by going on the privacy setting to allow the action to happen. In addition,
Instagram and Twitter have a connection as the Instagram users are able to post in
image on Twitter that have been on Instagram by choosing what social media that the
users want to share once it have been posted on Instagram. Instagram users are allow to
post their images on Facebook as well.
Commercial Uses- Product review
User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users
Facebook have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Facebook has 4 out of 5
star whilst children rated Facebook has 4 out of 5 stars. Facebook is one of the most popular social media
network in the worlds , as it will appeal to their target market and also it is very easy to create a Facebook
account just placing some of their personal detail on their system. Facebook advertise to their potential
audience that it is a good way to keep connected to people who they have once lost connected with or live far
away. However, some people are not aware of how to be safe on the internet such as not accepting people who
they don’t know. Some of the review of Facebook on common sense media are posted by children who have
Facebook and what they think of the product. One of the review was posted by child age 12 as they have stated
‘I have Facebook - as do a lot of my friends. I understand why they have the set age of 13, but if you're 12 or
even 11 for that matter, Facebook is fine! You should know the basics of online safety, though - such as not
accepting friend requests from people you do not know. If you know that much, I think you can be on Facebook.
But just remember: It's much easier to be mean online than in person. Don't do or say anything online you
wouldn't say in person!’ As they should gain the full understand of the danger of Facebook before using it as
they could be putting themselves at risk.
Commercial Uses- Product review
User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users
Twitter have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Twitter has 4 out of 5 star
whilst children rated Twitter has 4 out of 5 stars. Twitter it is a good way to know what is happening around
the world as by reading the tweets. The users are able to follow their role model and then read their tweet
as it is a way to build a personal relationship with them. People think that it will cause impersonal
relationships in their real life relationship with people as they will be boasting about the amount of
followers, which will become annoying to their friends. In addition, people also think that because it is 140
characters long, it is able to capture what a person’s is thinking what they want to say and therefore make
what they have to say short. The review of Twitter have been stated on common sense media, as this
reviews was targeted by people who are 10 and over as it stated ‘Be more cautious with twitter. Twitter is
not as privacy guaranteed as FB. Kids also need to be mature enough to watch what users they follow. Some
users post adult content and kids need to know not to follow certain stuff.’ This mean that the users have to
be care to know who to follow as on Twitter, they will use adult content that the children may not
Commercial Uses- Product review
User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users
Instagram have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Instagram has 3 out of 5 star
whilst children rated Instagram has 4 out of 5 stars. This is important as it is a bit more safer than Facebook or Twitter
because it will allow the users account to be private and therefore they are able to chose who allow to see their photos
or not. However, some people think that they user are always on Instagram and always a looking who like their pictures
they have uploads. This will take them always from reality as they will think that Instagram is their realty. Some of the
reviews from common sense media as it is targeted at people who are 10 or over as it stated ‘Great if you show your
kids the ropes Very good. Teaches kids about the arts. Fun way to interact with friends all across the world.. HOWEVER,
It's INCREDIBLY easy to have some creep get in contact your children. Children can (although the rules prohibit this, you
know what teens are like) post partially nude/nude pictures and post pictures of drugs, alcohol other stuff. Also great for
brainwashing kids into buying products, as many companies are creating accounts nowadays. Also easy to reveal
personal info. Tell them to check with you before posting any photos, put their settings on private, and make sure to tell
you before accepting any followers/following someone. Make an account and follow you kids to make sure everything
they post is a-okay. I, as a ten year old, find it a great way to keep in contact with my friends, and am also keeping safe
at the same time.’ Even so Instagram is growing in popularity, there are still some danger that could be presented if the
users are not are of it.
Overall I have researched Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, three of the most
popular social media products in the world. It is important to understand the
purpose of social, why it is an important aspect of modern culture in our
society and what average people can gain on social media. This is important
to know the revenue of these social media and also the layout, which will
appeal to more people to use these account. It is important to be aware of
the positive, convergence and the negative element of social media.
Therefore they will be able to stop the negative aspect of social media as it
will be safe to use and expose the positive aspect of social media to be reveal
to their target market. Advertisement is important to social media as it is one
way they have make money as it is a free service and the users don’t have to
pay them. All of the social media account know their target audience as it is
way to use the correct advertisement as they know what they like and want
to see on their social media.

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  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 35: Social Media Products Sophie Angus Candidate Number: 1006
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents for LO1Title Slide Facebook Pictures 4 Facebook’s History 5 Purpose 6 Content 7-9 Target user/membership 10 Sources of revenue 11 Legal/ethical issues 12-13 Case Study 14 Twitter Pictures 15 Twitter’s History 16 Purpose 17 Content 18-20 Target user/membership 21 Sources of revenue 22 Legal/ethical issues 23-24 Case Study 25 Instagram Picture 26 Instagram’s History 27 Purpose 28 Content 29-31 Target user/membership 32 Sources of revenue 33 Legal/ethical issues 34-35 Case Study 36 Data Protection Act (1998) 37 Title Slide Data Protection Act (1998) 37 Social Effect 38-44 Commercial Uses- Advertising 45-46 Commercial Uses- Viral Marketing 47 Commercial Uses- Advertising 48-49 Commercial Uses- Product review 50-53 Conclusion 54
  • 4.
  • 5. Facebook’s History Facebook was first launched on 4th February 2004 as a social networking service. The founders of Facebook are Mark Zuckeberg and his roommate Eduardo Saverin, Anderw McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes who attended Harvard University. Facebook was only for students at Harvard but then it have expanded to other Universities across Canada and the US. On September 2006 everyone in the world was allow to create a Facebook account for people who are 13 or older who have a valid email address. Lots of companies have invested in Facebook including Microsoft MSFT give $240 million and got given 1.6% stake in the business. Source: book#First_angel_investment where-facebook-got-its-funding/
  • 6. Purpose Facebook have a mission statement that they will follow by and a way to represent the company. ‘Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.’ This reveal that a bit of Facebook’s history as it was founded in 2004 and the aim the Facebook will inspire to be in the future because without their users, Facebook wouldn't be a successful company. In the mission statement they use of verbal code of ‘power’ as it will represent the new was of communication will change and it was the people’s choice if they want follow this news way or not. This will mean that Facebook will need ‘power’ if they want to change the way we communicate to each through the internet and also social media. They also use the verbal code of ‘discover’, which will appeal to ‘explorers’ (Maslows Hierarchy of needs) as it will be a chance for people to ‘discover’ the word through the internet and a way to connect to each other by the media. This will help to keep up with current events and also share information with each other as well. Source Facebook’s slogan is a sentence that will represent the business to the public as it is “Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you”, which connotes that Facebook is the new way to socialised with other people around the world. This will mean that everyone can be connected to each other people. Therefore everyone will closer and the world can be connect through Facebook and become one. However, on the Facebook’s TV advert on the last sentence it is their TV slogan of ‘Just by being our friends’. This connotes that Facebook is important as people are able to meet new friends. This mean that people are able to have exciting adventures, life experience and having once in a life time experience as it will all start with Facebook and the people they will make. In addition, they will be able to life long friends through the social media and therefore have once in the life time experience.
  • 7. Content The colour scheme for Facebook are blue and white, which is simple as it is only two colours. This is important as it will make Twitter to look professional instead of unprofessional because it doesn’t have a complex design or a range of colours that wouldn’t appeal to people. This is why it is important to have a simple colour scheme instead of a complex. On the homepage for Facebook, they will allow the users to sign in at the top right corner and also it will allow people to create an account and sign up to Facebook just by adding some of their personal detail such as email address, gender and date of birth. This is important as it will reveal how easy for someone to sign up and have a Facebook account. The services and features that Facebook is offering to their users is to connect to people as it have stated on their homepage ‘Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life’, as it will be way to communication to people who live far way or meet new people through Facebook. They will be able to share the important and special moments in their life.
  • 8. Content Main profile image on the home page Side Bar is important as the users as able to have exits to different pages on their Facebook such as homepage and photos These are all of the posted that the user has posted on their Facebook or other users has posted. By using the small Facebook logo, this will keep up with brand awareness because people will be able to recognised the logo. Search Bar is useful as the users will be able to search for other users on Facebook Navigation bar is important part of the Facebook layout because the users as able to know if they got any notification or messages. The setting and help section is important as they will be able to gain knowledge about how Facebook work if they are stuck on something. In addition, the setting will help a person to make their Facebook account private if they want to.
  • 9. 1. Firstly, go one Facebook official website of Content 2. Then the person will have to fill out their first name and surname. 3. Afterward, the person will have opinion of their mobile number or email address for to create their account. 5. Afterward, the person will have to a create a password for Facebook account. 4. The person will have repeat the mobile number or email address for to create their account. 6. The person will have to put in their date of birth, day, month and year. 7. After they will have to click on what gender they are. 8. Finally, when the person have put in their personal detail they will have to click on so that their account will be created
  • 10. Target user/membership Facebook is a free social media e-media product so that their users are able to create an account for free as this will appeal to more people because they are able to connect to people around the world for free. However, Facebook do provide other services such as games, apps and other items that they will have to pay for. This is one of their way that Facebook will make money through the customers if they will chose to pay for this feature. In addition. The person is responsible for payment on their phone such as on internet, or text message as Facebook will need the internet and therefore if they use the internet from their phone, it will cost money. The official statistic for the amount of people that actively use Facebook from 2008 to 2016. This is important as the amount of people that used Facebook as increase because it is simple to use so that it will be easier for them to find the people they want to find through Facebook. In the third quarter of 2008 there were 100 million active users on Facebook and in second quarter of 2016 there were 1,712 million active users on Facebook. This mean that Facebook popularity have increased because of their reputation and also more have had heard of the social media account and want to be part of it. Facebook will relate to ‘diversion’ (Katz) as people will go on Facebook to escape from their reality because they will give them the power to use all of the Facebook services that is available to also research people who are on Facebook. This is important as they will be able to find new and old people in their life as they can connect to people from different background because of Facebook. This is a way to see at other people’s life and be jealous as it will diverse them from their own life’s situation. Facebook will relate to ‘social climbers’ (Maslow) because they will be driven to change their statues in society because they will be looking at all of the updates from Facebook and therefore they will want to be like them. This is important as if they work hard, they will be able to be in the same position as them. Therefore, people will go on Facebook to see the update as they will want to change their life position in society. Facebook will also to correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone who want to have a Facebook account will have to be 13 and older. Facebook will not discriminate against anyone with different class, ethnicity, nation and family because the social media will allow everyone to use their services. Facebook is not male or female dominated social media and therefore it will appeal to both gender. Also, Facebook will relate to ‘aspirers’ (psychographics) as they will update their account as it will reflect on their image and reputation because they will want people to view their images and Facebook comment. This mean that the Facebook users will be able to advertise themselves such as their fashion style to people. Facebook will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people will use Facebook. They wouldn’t discriminate against people as everyone are able to create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Facebook as everyone will want to share images and comments because they have the free will to do so. The users of Facebook are getting younger and younger because Facebook was one of the original social media account and therefore everyone will want to be part of the change in the internet. Therefore the younger users will also want to be part of it and therefore create an account by using a false age, which enable them to have Facebook account. The early adopters will do this as they will want to be like everyone else so that they will fit in society and not be left out.
  • 11. Sources of revenue In 2015 Facebook had a revenue of $17.93billion which mean they have the growth of 44% because last year the Facebook have the revenue of $12,47 billion. Also, Facebook have the gross profit of $15,06 billion. This mean that Facebook’s revenue have change a lot because the Facebook’s revenue have increased by $5,462,000 over 1 year. Even so Facebook is a free service for their user, there are lots of different way that it will make money. They will make their money through adverting as companies will pay them to advertise with them. This will cost between $0.16 to $1.00 per clicks. So by giving Facebook around $5 will get anywhere from 5 to 30 clicks. This is way to make money as lots of different companies will use this to connect to their target audience through social media. Some of the sponsored advertisements that regularly pop and emphasise who they are in synergy with are Candycrush, a popular gaming app that is used throughout the world. Source
  • 12. Legal/ethical issues The pros of Facebook are that people are able to keep in contacted with families and friends, who live far away. This is important as it is a free way to be contacted by messaging and also video chat. Also, people are able to make new friends because it will enable an user to add thousands of friends as they are free to comment on something. It is easier to speak to someone new on Facebook rather than speaking to them in real life. Finally, people are able to express themselves by using a status updates. This is important as they are able to express themselves in different ways such as posting their favourite song lyric or posting an image that will reflect themselves. However, the cons of Facebook are it will be easier to cyber- bully someone as they are able to harass someone through Facebook, as their aren’t anyone who will monitor what people are saying to each other and therefore they can’t stop cyber –bullying of happening. Facebook is known as a stalker friendly website. This is important as anyone are able to add a person to be their friends and then receive all of their personal information such as house address, phone number and more. In addition, they will be able to have easy exist to go through all of the images that they person have posted. Finally, Facebook will be able to ruin people’s relationship as the through Facebook, they will be able to comment on other people’ images or post and therefore it will cause couple to be jealous of the attention that they are giving other people. Source:
  • 13. Facebook will have a privacy policy as it will follow Data Protection (1998) as it will enable the users to safely input their personal information on to Facebook without being sent another company. Facebook will have safety and security that they will follow so that the customer will be conformable to input their personal information as they will do an investigation if there are activities that will violate their terms of Facebook. They will have a system that will protect Facebook account and personal detail by using and relating on engineers, automated systems, and advanced technology such as encryption and machine learning. In addition, there are more security tools that Facebook will use for the security of the Facebook account and users information. Legal/ethical issues Source:
  • 14. Case Study One example of Facebook have been mention lot is on the Jeremy Kyle Show as it will show lots of relationship break down because of Facebook and their insecure in the relationship get the better of them. Therefore, they will start to be controlling and look through their Facebook so that they will want to see all of the Facebook messages or comment on their partners social media site. In addition, they may feel insecure when someone else face book message them and tell them able the allegation of what their partner did. One episode of the Jeremy Kyle a paranoid husband (Gaz) thought his wife (Kelly) think that she cheated on him, their relationship is breaking down as the allegation will lead to argument and it will also affect the her as it will get her down. The husband secret searches her Facebook as he found out that his wife has search her ex even so she wanted to block him. After, she took the lie detector she passed the lying tester. Facebook has nearly broke their relationship because of his insecurity and Facebook being available to look up anyone. Source: There is a negative side to Facebook as it is believed that it is bad for relationship as it will make people paranoid and jealous in a relationship. This could cause a relationship to breakdown because of the lack of trust or always being accused of cheating. In the UK one third of marriages end because of Facebook when they asked for the reasoning. This means Facebook is breaking up marriages or relationships because of their easy access to new people and therefore starting a relationship with them over the phone. In addition, even being accused of cheating with any person through Facebook will also break a relationship because of the lack of trust and also the allegation will lead to argument all the time and therefore they can’t be together anymore because of the argument and the anger to one another.
  • 15.
  • 16. Twitter’s History Twitter was created on 21stMarch 2006 by Jack Dorsey who sent the first tweet and was launched to the public on 15th July 2006 it got media coverage. Originally, Twitter was spelt like twttr until they changed the spelling. The founders of Twitter are Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. Chris Messina was the first person to use hashtag (#) and under the CEO of Jack Doresy , they supported the hashtag and ever since the hashtag is used throughout twitter. Jack Doresy was the first CEO of Twitter and he led the business until 16th October 2006 when Evan William took over and was the new CEO whilst Jack Dorsey became chairman of the board. On 4th October 2010 Evan William stepped down from being CEO and the new position was given to Dick Costolo who was chief operating officer at Twitter. After 5 years being CEO at Twitter Dick Costolo resigned on 1st July 2015 and on 14th October 2015 once again Jack Dorsey become CEO and Omid Kordestani replaced him as the chairman of board. Source: _of_Twitter Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Noah Glass Biz Stone
  • 17. Purpose Twitter’s mission statement ‘To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ This connotes that everyone has a chance to share new ideas with each other and also it is easy to sign up without any hassle. Twitter will want everyone to to have the ‘power’ to connect to people through social media to share information. The users will be able to post anything and be as creative as they want to be to represent themselves as they have no ‘barriers’ , which is a type of verbal code that was used in the mission statement. In addition, twitter use the verbal code of ‘power’ as they want all of the users to have a voice and a way to express themselves through the media. Source id_twitter_steal_ontarios_slogan.html Twitter’s slogan ‘Yours to discover’ connotes using Twitter will enable people to discover new information, keep up with current events and to entertain themselves. This implies through Twitter, people are able to ‘discover’ the world and therefore people are able to ‘discover’ the information that they will be unable to discover through books but through twitter. Twitter is an opportunity for the user to ‘discover’ new information and therefore they can gain a new lifestyle. However, the Twitter TV advert slogan ‘Love every second’ means that people should enjoy themselves and therefore every second of your life matters. This implies the verbal code of ‘Love’, ‘signifying’ (De Saussure) if a person lives their life they should love Twitter. This slogan connotes that Twitter is love and therefore Twitter is there to make life better and share it with other people.
  • 18. Content Twitter’s colour scheme is blue and white as it is a simple colour scheme and looks professional and cool as it reflects the business in a good light. Also there are no different colours involved in the Twitter logo and therefore it will look appealing. If the colour scheme is not a bright colour it will appeal to more people as they will think everyone can use Twitter and therefore more people will sign up for a Twitter account. The homepage of Twitter, they are allowed to sign up and make an account so they will be able tweet on their twitter and therefore be able to be connected to other people through Twitter. They will be able to add their personal detail onto Twitter as a way to create an account. Also for people who already have an account with Twitter they will be able to log in on the homepage or next to the sign up button. In addition, on the centre of the homepage, there are the trending news that people will be interesting to people. The navigation bar will allow the people to look at featured football, news, music, entertainment, YouTube and more as they will be able to chose research they are looking at. This is the service and feature that Twitter has offered their customers as it will appeal to them.
  • 19. Content Main profile image on the home page Side Bar is important as the users are able to have exits to different pages on their Facebook such as homepage and photos These are all of the posts that the user has posted on their Twitter or other users has posted. By including the small Twitter ident, this will keep up the brand awareness because people will recognise the logo. Search Bar is useful as the users will be able to search for other users on Twitter. Navigation bar is important part of the Twitter layout because the users are able to see if they got any notifications or messages. This is the list of people who Twitter suggest to ‘follow’ them. These are all of the subjects that are on trend as the users may want to find out more about them so that it will increase their popularity.
  • 20. Content 1. Firstly, go one Facebook official website of and then click on sign up. 2. The person will have to put in their full name. 3. The person will have the mobile number or email address to create their account.4. The person will have to a create a password for Twitter account. 5. Finally, when the person has put in their personal details they will have to click on so that their account will be created
  • 21. Target user/membership To get a Twitter account it is free, as people will prefer to get something for free rather than paying for a service that other social media accounts can do. However, twitter is not responsible for the payment on their phone such as internet, or text message as Facebook will need the internet and therefore if they use the internet from their phone, it will cost money. From 2010 to 2016 the official statistics will reveal the amount of active Twitter account users. This reveal an increase of popularity in the 6 years of Twitter, it has become well known as lots of people use the social media account. In the first quarter of 2010 there were 30 million Twitter users whilst in the second quarter there were 313 million Twitter users. This means that Twitter has increased their popularity because more people have heard of it and therefore want to be involved in Twitter. Twitter will be relating to ‘personal relationship’ (Katz) because they will be able to build a relationship with the people that they follow. This is important as they will be able read the tweets and therefore understand them more as a person because of the tweets that they post. The tweets that the person has posted will represent or reflect them as a person. Twitter will relate to the ‘caregivers’ (Maslow), as the tweets that other people post, they will be able to sympathise with the person if the post is an emotional tweet. It will create emotion through the audience because it could be reflecting their life situation such as a death in the family. Twitter will also correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone can have a Twitter account is 13 years and older. Twitter will not discriminate against anyone from a different class, ethnicity, nation and family because the social media will allow everyone to use their services. Twitter is not male or female dominated social media and therefore it will appeal to both gender. Twitter will correlate with ‘succeeders’ (Psychographics) because they will be want to show off their lifestyle through twitter and also they will be confident to share everything with their followers. This is important as they will want to everything about their lifestyle and the quality of life they are living to be seen. Twitter will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people use Twitter. They wouldn’t discriminate against people as everyone is able to create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Twitter as everyone will want to share images and comments because they have the free will to do so. There are early adopters of Twitter because more younger people have a Twitter account. This is important as they will feel older if they have an account so that they will be able to follow their ideals on Twitter and read their tweets. This mean that they have found a way to be connected to their role model without meeting them. This mean that they will be able to explore the world like older people. Source
  • 22. Sources of revenue In 2015, Twitter generated a revenue of $2.22billion it has a growth of $82 million from the year before it made a revenue of $1.4 billion. Twitter has a gross income of $1.49 billion. This reveals that Twitter has become successful it has increased around 15.9%. Twitter has made their income through advertisement by other companies, this would cost the companies around $2.50 to $4.00 for every new follower they gain. However, to have a hash tag to promote a product, it will cost $200,000 per day. This is way for Twitter to make money through their advertisement. This is important as when clicking on the hash tag, the customers are able to gain more knowledge about the product or a person. For example, when a tweet from Doritos used #Sharknado3. They will use funny pictures in order to promote their product. Source:
  • 23. Legal/ethical issues There are pros and cons of Twitter the people find when they use social media account. The pros of Twitter are that the maximum amount of characters a person is allowed to use are 140 characters long. It will make a person think about what they want to say and therefore make what they have to say short. Also, anyone is able to get a Twitter account and therefore they won’t discriminate against someone and allow them to have a Twitter account. Finally, to open a twitter account is free so everyone can be users on Twitter because it is affordable for everyone. However, the consof Twitter are that it will cause impersonal relationships to happen as people will be boasting about the amount of followers they have. This could lose real friends because they will get annoyed about their boasting. In addition, there has been a report released saying that using Twitter could reduce the amount of a person’s compassion. This could cause people to enjoy train wrecks happening as it could cause them to become indifferent to the suffering of humans. Moreover, Twitter is time consuming as people are able to go on it all the time using electronic items such as a phones or a tablets. If a person is constantly tweeting it will take up most of their time and they will be paying more attention to the Twitter updates. Source:
  • 24. Legal/ethical issues Twitter will relate to the Data Protection (1998) due to their privacy policy, when making a Twitter account they will have to input their in their system such as username, password, email address, or phone number. The name or the username will have to be presented on the Twitter account as it is a way to find the people that other users will want to follow. They won’t sent the users contact detail to a third party or prevent for the users to receive spam, fraud, or abuse. They are also able to control the notifications by chaining the setting on the email or by the mobile. This mean that Twitter will protect the users contact detail of being released to anyone or third party Source:
  • 25. Case Study On Monday 3rd October 2016 in the morning, 5 armed masked robbers held Kim Kardashian at gunpoint in the luxury apartment in Paris whilst dressed up as police officers. They stole 6.7m (£5.24m) worth of jewelry, which included her $4.5 million engagement ring. They bound and gag her with the zip ties and then left her in the bathtub whilst the robbery was taking place. The bound her wrists and ankles. They snatched her phone from her whilst she was trying to make a phone call to her bodyguard, Pascal Duvier. Whilst, Kim Kardashian was in the bathtub she managed to free herself and called for help from the balcony, which was heard by her life long friend Simone Harouche, who was downstairs. Simone Harouche got out from her bed and locked herself in the bathroom and then called Kim’s personal bodyguard Pascal Duvier for help. At the time of the robbery Pascal Duvier was with Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner at Arc nightclub. Kim Kardashian feared that were was going to be raped by the five men during the robbery when she told the police about her ordeal. When Kanye West heard of the robbery , he was performing at the Meadows Music and Art festival in Queens, New York, when someone rushed and told him. He quickly told the crowd, ‘I’m sorry. I have a family emergency. I have to stop the show.’ However, there are some questions of how the 5 robbers were able to get through Kim Kardashian’s security team and get in the apartment? If the robbery was a inside job? And also how did the robbers know that she would be there at time? Source cruel-trolls-social-media-following-horrific-gunpoint-attack-Paris.html masked-men-Paris-apartment-raid-quick-thinking-friend-called-bodyguard.html However, when the news stories about Kim Kardashian being held up at gunpoint and $6.7m (£5.24m) worth of jewelry stolen. People took to Twitter to share their opinion of the robbery. Some made jokes about the robbery, which could have been a life or death situation, they are known as Twitter trolls. Some of the tweets wished for her to be killed in the robbery, not sympathise that she was nearly shot and also think that the robbery was a PR stunt so that more attention would be on her. Some of the commentators didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation and posted tweets making funny comments about the robbery. The comment is even more hurtful as the robberies were carefully planned and she was their target because they know that she is rich and she also had a $4.5 million engagement ring from Kanye West. Some of the trolls tweets posted about the robbery are ‘Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint in Paris…Finally some good news on a Monday’, ‘@SkyNews@KimKardashian should gone the whole hog and finished her off as well. Can’t wait for Kanye too make this about him’ and also ‘Should’ve shot her lmao #KimKardashian #KimK’. These comment are making fun, mocking and insulting her as they do not realise the seriousness of the robbery and also how they could get past her security team. However, the robbery has also caused other Twitter users to share their support to her and sympathise with her as it was a horrible event that happened to her and it doesn’t matter if someone rich or poor they still don’t deserve to be treated in that way.
  • 26.
  • 27. Instagram’s History Instagram was launched on 6th October 2010 and was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger as a free mobile app so that people was communicate with each other through images. Within one week of launching Instagram, it had 100K users. It had reached 1 million users on 12th December 2013. Instagram introduced the hashtag on January 2011. Facebook have decided to purchase Instagram and their 13 employees for an estimate price of 1 billion in cash and stock on April 2012 it planned to keep Instagram independently managed. This deal was approved by then British’s Offfice of Fair Trading on 14th August 2012 and then by the Federal Trade Commission in the US after it finished its investigation on 22rd August 2012. This means the deal was allowed to take place. On 7th September 2012 the deal between Instagram and Facebook was finalised and Facebook brought Instagram. Mark Zuckerberg stated "committed to building and growing Instagram independently”. The CEO of Instagram is one of the founders Kevin Systrom whilst Mike Krieger was another founder of Instagram is CTO. Source: Mike Krieger Kevin Systrom
  • 28. Purpose Instagram has the same mission statement and slogan that represents the business, and the true meaning of Instagram as a creative outlet. The statement is ‘To capture and share the world’s moments’ as they they will share pictures and captions on the internet and therefore make a connection to people. The verbal code of ‘capture’ will be capturing special life moments that can’t be brought with money but with life experience. Also the verbal code of share will mean that they will be sharing their experience to the world by videos, words or images so that they will be reflecting their personality. Through Instagram people have become famous and their even has been a TV program called Rich Kids of Instagram on channel 4. They are grabbing every opportunity they are given because of Instagram and also without Instagram these opportunities wouldn’t be available to further people’s careers. Source
  • 29. Content The colour scheme of Instagram is multi-coloured as it is targeted at the younger people because the bright colour will grab their attention to sign up with them and therefore it will increase their popularity. The colours that are on the logo are yellow, orange, pink, purple and blue as all of the colours are bright and also some are warm and cold colours. On the homepage, there is a way for a person to create an Instagram by giving their email address, full name, username and the password so that they will have an Instagram account. In addition, the person who already has an account are allow to log in by clicking on the link. Aldo, there is an image of revealing two iPhones showing what Instagram will look like once they have created an account. The services and features that the product will offer to they users is to share images or videos with each other so they can connect with different people through imagery.
  • 30. Content Navigation bar is important part of the Instagram layout because the users is able to know if they got any notification or messages. Main profile image on the home page By including the small Instagram ident, this will keep up with brand awareness because people will be able to recognise the logo. This is a user bio, this will allow them to write something about themselves and it will reflect them. The setting will help a person to make their Instagram account private if they want to. In addition, this will allow them to change their Instagram account if they don’t like something about it This will allow other users to ‘like’ or ‘comment’ on a image or a video that a person has posted. This is amount of people that ‘liked’ the image or video. This is the caption that the user has given to the image or video. In addition, this is the comment that other users have said about the image or video. These are the images or videos that the user has posted on their Instagram account.
  • 31. Content 1. Firstly, go on Instagram’s official website of 3. The person will have to put in their full name. 2. The person will have an email address to create their account. 5. Afterwards, the person will have to a create a password for Instagram account. 6. Finally, when the person puts in their personal details they will click on Sign up and their account will be created 3. The person has to design a username for their Instagram.
  • 32. Target user/membership Instagram is a free service for the users. The app is available on the Apple app store and the Google Play store. This means that the users don’t have to pay any money for having Instagram. The official statistic for the amount of people that actively use Instagram from 2013 to 2016. In January 2013 there were 90 million active users on Instagram and in January 2016 there were 500 million active users on Instagram. This is important as the amount of people that used Instagram as their social media account can reach lot of users around the world through images and videos. This mean that Facebook popularity has increased because of their reputation and also more have had heard of the social media account and want to be part of it. In addition, more celebrities have Instagram and therefore they will be able to be connected to their favourites celebrities. Instagram will relate to ‘diversion’ (Katz) as people will go on Instagram to look at images or videos to escape from their reality because it will give them the power to use all of the Instagram services that are available and to also research people who are on Instagram . This is important as they will be able to view different people’s images and video and make a connection to them because of Instagram. This is a way to look at other people’s life and be jealous as it will divert them from their own life’s situation. Instagram will relate to the ‘caregivers’ (Maslow), as by the tweets that other people post, they will be able to sympathise with the person if they post emotional images or video. It will create emotion through the audience because it could be reflecting their life situation or a sad event that happened in the world. Instagram will also correlate with Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory as the age minimum that someone can have an Instagram account will have to be 13 and older. Instagram will not discriminate against anyone from a different class, ethnicity, nation and family because the social media will allow everyone to use their services. Instagram is not male or female dominated social media and therefore it will appeal to both genders. Instagram will correlate with ‘explorers’ (Psychographics) because people are able to find other users through Instagram and therefore it will be exploring different users accounts on Instagram. This mean as it is a way to meet new people through Instagram and also to build a friendship because of their share interest. Instagram will use socio-economic needs to reveal what type of people who will use Instagram. They wouldn’t discriminate against people as everyone is able to create an account. E,D,C2,C1,B and A will use Instagram as everyone will want to share images and comments because they have the free will to do so. The users of Instagram are getting younger and younger because they see people around them having Instagram and therefore they feel they must have an account so that they will be like other people. They are early adopters as they will use a social media account from a young age. They will be influenced by other people to get an account because everyone else has one and therefore they want to fit in with other people. Source
  • 33. Sources of revenue In 2015 Instagram had a revenue of $1,095 million as lots of people were using Instagram it is fast growing social media account that most people will use. However, in 2016 the revenue of $3,198 million means that its revenue has increased by $2,103 million over one year. Instagram doesn’t reveal lots of information about advertisement and the way they make their money. The first campaign that Instagram did was for a non-profit/government sponsored posts. The CPC will cost $0.14, the CMP will cost $4.17* and finally the CTR will have a percentage of 2.96%. The second campaign is the retail sponsored post, the CPC will cost $0.44, the CMP will cost $6.58* and CTR will have a percentage of 1.47%. Finally, the third campaign is the the retail sponsored video as it will , the CPC will cost $0.01, CMP will cost $2.48* and CTR will have a percentage of 2.08%. This is important as all of these method will help to create profit for Instagram and therefore it will become successful. Overtime, these method will make Instagram lots of profit because lots of companies will used pay Instagram to advertise and promote their products as it is a way to connect to other people and sell themselves to their target market. Advertisement on Instagram could cost between $350k to $1M, which is expensive for companies to pay. This was stated by Nigel Mountford as he written “Instagram is very secretive about the cost of advertising, but figures of between $350,000 and US $1 million per month have been mentioned by executives.” Example of sponsored advertising is when Fox try their series empire as it will appeal to people to be interested about the TV show and therefore start to watch it. Additional, it will grab their fan’s attention as the show is coming back on Fox on Wednesday at 9/8c at Fox. Source: instagram/
  • 34. Legal/ethical issues The pros of Instagram is that , they are able to keep themselves safe by allowing their users to have a privacy setting . This will mean that a person will need to request for their permission to follow you before allowing them as they can be stranger that the user are not conformable seeing their pictures. In addition, Instagram have a self-reinforcing application of likes and comments on a pictures as it will help with a person’s self esteem and therefore it will make their friendship stronger. Moreover, Instagram have an interconnections with the parent or guardian as they will be able to have a update of what their child are doing through the through other social media apps. Also, the cons of Instagram is that when using hashtags are useful as more people with be attracted to follow their sites. However, the negative comment can still be shown on the site, which could bring down someone ‘s self esteem. In addition, users will be able to loath on other people's lifestyle as they will be able to stalk other people’s photos because of the better life they live. This is important as photos will be cause the social comparison to happen immediately and therefore this could cause the feeling of inferiority because of the photo. Finally, Instagram will stop people from living their life as they will want to get an image to shared instead of live and enjoying the moment. This is important as they will always be thinking about Instagram and the next picture they should post. Source:
  • 35. Legal/ethical issues Instagram will have a privacy policy as it will follow Data Protection (1998) as it will enable the users to be safe when using Instagram and also without their person or contact detail to be release to anyone. This is important as when making an account for Instagram they are agreeing to the term and condition of the social media and therefore the users will know what information what will be shared. The software will be automatically be updated on the electronically device such as on mobile or tablet. Once the user have content, Instagram will share the user’s information to the same party that will be legal and will chose of they want to make the users’ detail public. Source:
  • 36. Case Study Instagram has positive and negative impact in society, however one of the negative side of Instagram are the trolls. This is important as the trolls use a comment/caption, image/ mems or a video that is targeted at one or more people that will poke fun at them and therefore have a negative effect on the person(s). People will troll because if they powerful when they are on the internet and therefore they will be able to cover their real identify and be something that they not. Instagram have decided to automatically will deletes abuse and block the internet trolls because Instagram was design to help with people confident not make them fall. Instagram have designed a new tool, which will automatically block all offensive words from any comments that is posted. Therefore the users are able to chose if they want to hide inappropriate comments or not from their Instagram. Source Katie Price decided to name and shame the Instagram trolls that is aim at her son Harvey. This is important as few users have made memes or joked based pictures that is targeted at her disable son. Some of her memes at making fun of her son’s condition, septo- optic dysplasia, he is also on the autistic spectrum, ADHD and blindness, he suffer from Prader-Willi syndrome, which affect his weight and also he have difficultly walking. These memes that users have created have making fun of his disability in a negative light and therefore encourage people to join in as they think they are being funny. Therefore, Katie Price had decided to comment on most of the meme that is targeted at Harvey because she was upset by the meme and therefore try to make it stop. One of the memes is to compare him to IRA by saying 'Why does Harvey price look liked a member of the IRA?‘, Katie price screen grab the meme and then comment 'Does anybody know this vile person.‘ she posted his profile image and also his name as well on the meme. However, after posted the meme on her page with a comment she have receive 115 supportive messages from her fans such as ‘Love u Harvey and katie’ or ‘I feel sick! I am ashamed to be human knowing this is what our race is capable of !!’ Katie Price have commented on lots od different memes or images that make fun of her son.
  • 37. Data Protection Act (1998) Social media will need to follow the Data Protection Act (1998) as it will be within the law as it will be legal. Data Protection Act (1998) will be used to ‘processed by an individual for the purposes of their personal, family or household affairs.’ This mean that Data Protection Act (1998) will be used for when someone have give them to the information in the household or a business. However, Data Protection Act (1998) will not be used when someone has give their personal detail for personal uses instead of the need of the business or the household. Section 36 of the Data Protection Act (1998) stated that organisations which require personal data will not need Data Protection Act (1998). This will mean that social media (such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) will have a different responsibilities of DPA. Some of the responsibilities of what social media will need to follow are ‘if they post personal data on their own or a third party’s website; if they download and use personal data from a third party website; if they run a website which allows third parties to add comments or posts about living individuals, and they are a data controller for the website content.’ This mean that social media will need to require for personal information and therefore social media have the responsibility to not to share any of their customer information to other people or companies. Source: guidance.pdf
  • 38. Social Effect Does social media link to ‘erode normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky)? Social media does link with ‘erode normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky) as it is based on non- face to face communication through comments, posts, tweets, images and videos. This is a way for people to communicate with people through the internet as people (especially younger people) as they are always on their phone even when they are with their friends. They are able to receive the recent update on celebrities’ news as a way of communication. Social media has prevented young people of doing their work as they are more interested of looking through their social media as they will be interested what their friends are doing rather than working toward their education or their job. Different social media account such as Instagram will allow people to share their lifestyle for their followers. They will be showing off their wealth, luxurious items and good looking people on their Instagram because there are given a platform to advertise themselves to the rest of the world of being rich and showing off their luxurious items. Also, some of these rich people will gain opportunity that average people will not gain as they are able to have their TV series on channel 4 called Rich Kids of Instagram. It is about young people who are well known on Instagram as they are showing off their lifestyle and have lots of followers. This could have a negative side as the followers will be comparing their own life to the rich people of Instagram because they have so much more than they do. This will create negative emotion in the average people of anger or being jealous as they will have to work hard in their life whilst these rich people do nothing in their life (behind posting images on Instagram) still they are richer than the average person. In addition, they may feel social inferior against the people on Instagram because of their wealth. This will relate to moral panic (Stanley Cohen- 1972) as a person or a group has become a threat to the societal values and interested. The media have a big influence as it will enforce the moral panic such as the newspaper article. The media will dramatise bit of the behaviour which may differ from normal social behaviour. However, the response and representation of the media as it will help and suggest the behaviours that are being portray and also to communicate to people as it will be seen as model so that they can observe and adopt the idea. The media will reveal the social unacceptable behaviour as it is representing society.Source
  • 39. Social EffectPositive Convergence Negative Facebook • People are able to keep in contact with families and friends, who live far away. This is important as it is a free way to be contacted by messaging and also video chat. • People are able to make new friends because it will enable an user to add thousands of friends as they are free to comment on something. It is easier to speak to someone new on Facebook rather than speaking to them in real life. • People are able to express themselves by using a status updates. This is important as they are able to express themselves in different ways such as posting their favourites song lyric or posting an image that will reflect themselves. • Facebook is a way for people to be connected to people around the world and therefore stay in contacted with friends and family. They will be able to use Facebook massager and also videos so that to talk to them when they need to. • This is important as this will encourage people to meet new people through Facebook as it will attempt to make the world more sociable. • It will be easier to cyber- bully someone as they are able to harass someone through Facebook, as their aren’t anyone who will monitor what people are saying to each other and therefore they can’t stop cyber –bullying of happening. • Facebook is known as a stalker friendly website. This is important as anyone are able to add a person to be their friends and then receive all of their personal information such as house address, phone number and more. In addition, they will be able to have easy exist to go through all of the images that they person have posted. • Also Facebook will be able to ruin people’s relationship as the through Facebook, they will be able to comment on other people’ images or post and therefor it will cause couple to be jealous of the attention that they are giving other people. Twitter • On twitter the maximum amount of character that a person is allow to use are 140 characters long. This is important as it will make a person’s think what they want to say and therefore make what they have to say short. • Anyone are able to get a Twitter account and therefore they won’t discriminate against someone and allow them to have a Twitter account. • To open a twitter account it is free as everyone as able to be users on Twitter because it is affordable for everyone. • Twitter will enable people to share their thoughts to the public/followers by their tweets. This is a source of entertainment for people as they will be able be connected to each other. • In addition, they will be able to follow any users they want even famous people, as they will be able to build a personal relationship (Katz) because of Twitter. • Twitter will cause impersonal relationships to happen as they people will be boasting about the amount of followers they have. This could lose real friends because they will get annoyed about their boasting. • In addition, they have been report and by using Twitter , it will reduce the amount of a person’s compassion. This is important as this could cause people to enjoy train wrecks of happening as it will cause them to become indifferent of the suffering of human. • Twitter is time consumption as people as able to go on it all the time by using electronic items such as a phone or a tablet. This is important as if a person is constantly tweeting it will take up most of your time and they will be paying more attention to the Twitter updates. Instagram • On Instagram, they are able to keep themselves safe by allowing their users to have a privacy setting . This will mean that a person will need to request for their permission to follow you before allowing them as they can be stranger that the user are not conformable seeing their pictures. • In addition, Instagram have a self-reinforcing application of likes and comments on a pictures as it will help with a person’s self esteem and therefore it will make their friendship stronger. • Instagram have an interconnections with the parent or guardian as they will be able to have a update of what their child are doing through the through other social media apps. • Instagram will enable to people to upload or watch videos on the social media. This is important as companies as able to promote that brand through Instagram and still connect to the audience without use print base media. • This important this will allow people to upload upload videos, pictures, vines and memes to share to the viewers as this will people entertainment and also make some people famous through Instagram. • When using hashtags are useful as more people with be attracted to follow their sites. However, the negative comment can still be shown on the site, which could bring down someone ‘s self esteem. • In addition, users will be able to loath on other people's lifestyle as they will be able to stalk other people’s photos because of the better life they live. This is important as photos will be cause the social comparison to happen immediately and therefore this could cause the feeling of inferiority because of the photo. • Instagram will stop people from living their life as they will want to get an image to shared instead of live and enjoying the moment. This is important as they will always be thinking about Instagram and the next picture they should post. Source: Facebook twitter
  • 40. Social Effect Candid is an anonymous messaging app that allow people to share their opinions with other people that have been matched up to their likes. Even so this anonymous social media network comes with positive effect such as gain the knowledge or opinion of a topic and also gain new ideas as well. However, Candid have a side side that some of their users could experience as it is anonymous messaging app and therefore other users will don’t know each other identity. Therefore, this will give the power the to users to cyberbully each other as they are anonymous and therefore they gain the power to say what they want as they will feel free to do so. Andrew Keen (2011)’s “shamelessness” ideology will relate to anonymous social media networks such as Candid as this will encourage and increase cyberbullying towards other users. The users can say what they want as it isn't face to face contact and therefore doesn’t have to see their facial expression because the users doesn’t feel like sending bad messages to others people is bad as it through the internet. Also, by sending bad messages to other people, this will make the victim don’t t know what to do or how to handle with the situation as it is through the internet and there is a belief that most items on the internet isn’t real. Source
  • 41. Social Effect This was the first question on my survey. This will reveal the amount of people that will use social media. Out of the 9 people that answered my survey, 7 people said that they use social media daily. In addition, only 1 person will use social media every other day whilst 1 person said that they will use their social media every fortnight.
  • 42. Social Effect This was the second question on my survey. This will reveal their opinion about social media and what they like about it. most of the comment was able communication with people who live nearby or far away. In addition, they will reveal that they like the power to post whatever they want as well.
  • 43. Social Effect This was the third question on my survey. This will reveal the negative side of social media and their opinion about it. some of the comments are that it can become addictive and therefore after a while it will become annoying. Also, it is a new form of bullying that can happen through the internet, which is a negative.
  • 44. Social Effect This is the final question of my survey. This will reveal what type of social media network that they use in their daily life. This reveal that all of the people that answer my survey said that they use whatapps that most. The second most use social media account that is used are Facebook and then Instagram. However, in this survey I have forgotten to mention snapchat in the section. However 4 have included snapchat in the answer when they wanted to include other social media account.
  • 45. Commercial Uses- Advertising Personal Recommendation 88% of people trust online review as much as person recommendation because the comment are not there to promote the product but there to tell other potential consumers if they want to but the product or not. This is a way to spread the word about the product through friends, families and also online viewers who are interested in the product. Source: Pay Per Click Advertising This is when companies such as Facebook, would pay a search engines such as Google to be the top items to be found once a user has search the Facebook onto the search engines. This will cause more people to go on their website because it is at the tops of the list when searching for that item. It will depend on the amount of click on a website. In 2015, cost per click would have cost $1.58. therefore, if a website have 100 amount, the company will have to pay $. Sponsored Advertising In the present day there are no sponsored adverting that are used on the search engines such as google because no one will want to look at advertisement whilst they are searching for something on google. The advertisement on google will cost company as they will have to pay google to allow them to do this.
  • 46. Commercial Uses- Advertising Advertisement on the website will depend on the amount of space that will take up on a page of the website. There are to two ways of advertisement that will broadcast of the selling time by the time and print sells space as it will depend on the price of the pixels will cost. ‘728 x 90 – 65,520 pixels’, ‘728 x 90 – 65,520 pixels’ and ‘160 x 600 – 96,000 pixels or 28 percent larger than the 300 and 47 percent larger than the 728’. They are allow to chose the what the position of the advertisement such as leaderboard, pencilbar or skyscraper. This the company ill have to pay the service such the price of the pixels. 728 x 90 cost $14.88, 300 x 250 cost $16.12 and 160 x 600 cost $15.25 for three type of pixels that will be used for advertisement. Another way that Instagram is to use celebrities or well known people to advertise their product to their followers as a way to create competition for the competing product. This will help to sell their product to their target market as they will mostly be following the celebrities that will relate to the correct target audience. This is a type of sponsored advertising as the celebrities will be sponsoring the product through social media. Examples of this is when Charlotte Crosby is supporting bondisands (tanning foam) and also tell them what shop (superdrug) they can buy the product. Charlotte Crosby would of got paid to advertise that product to her followers, as she got 5.2m followers and therefore it will cause bondisands to increase. Per sponsorship deal Charlotte Crosby is estimated to make £75,000 because of Instagram post. Source: ntertainment/news/a45140/how- much-celebritiess-earn- sponsored-instagram-posts/ nline-advertising/online-rate-card- tips-and-guidelines
  • 47. Commercial Uses- Viral Marketing Instagram don’t have an advert that is used to advertise themselves to people around the world. However, Facebook do have an advert that promote themselves and also the way that it to keep in connect with old friends but also meet new friends. The Facebook advert for Adventurous Friends as it could implies that people are able to meet new people and have adventure with them and also relive them through Facebook by an image, caption or videos. The advert is 1 minute long as it will be able to grab the viewers attention as it is not too long but it is not too short. Therefore, it is enough time to say the message of what they want to spread to the viewers because they want more people to be part of Facebook community and connect with old and new people. This advert did reveal lots of visual effect of scenario of when Facebook is needed to used because it is showing that people are having fun with their friends and families and want to share their experience on Facebook. This advert received 18,553,460 views as lots of people are able to relate to their advert and therefore it will encourage them to get a Facebook account. This will give them the freedom to share the special moments in their life with their friends. Source:
  • 48. Commercial Uses- Advertising Twitter have an advert to reach out to people to make a Twitter account and also to advertise the world cup have started. This will help to get involved in the World Cup sprint through Twitter and using the hashtag (#) to help to spread the word and also it is a way for people to get involved as well. This World Cup advert as gone viral as 1,357,257 views as people have shared and views this video even so it was the video was upload on 10th June 2014. The twitter channel is popular as 92,730 has subscribe, this means that their subscribers are waiting for the next twitter video to be released. The advert was 1 minute and 12 second long it is a good advert time to connect to the people who are watching it to encourage them to get a twitter account. At the end of the they use the twitter logo as it is brand awareness as everyone have recognized the famous logo. Another, technique that they have used within the advert is when a users tweeted something, there would be the Twitter logo flying out as a way to represented that their tweet have spread to the world and everyone are able to get that tweet. This mean that a tweet can go across the world such as someone from England is able to read a tweet from some from Brazil. Source :
  • 49. Commercial Uses- Product Advertising Most of companies will advertise their product through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as they are allow to hat they want on their social media account. There isn’t a guideline that they have to follow. On the social media account they are allow to advertise anything such as coats, makeup, TV shows, cars and food. In addition, the companies doesn’t have to account state that the products and use #spon or #ad as it is their product and they can post what they want.
  • 50. Commercial Uses- Product review All of the three social media account are connected to each to other and help them to grow in popularity because Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as they are all have similar target audience and also allow anyone who are 13 or over to have an account with these three social media. Facebook have brought Instagram for estimate price of $1 billion in cash and stock on April 2012. This is will benefit Instagram as Facebook is older than Instagram by 6 years and therefore more people will have account for Facebook. Twitter and Facebook are also connected because if a person have an account for Twitter and Facebook, the Tweets or Retweets will automatically post on the Facebook wall by going on the privacy setting to allow the action to happen. In addition, Instagram and Twitter have a connection as the Instagram users are able to post in image on Twitter that have been on Instagram by choosing what social media that the users want to share once it have been posted on Instagram. Instagram users are allow to post their images on Facebook as well. Source: other-social-accounts/
  • 51. Commercial Uses- Product review User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users Facebook have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Facebook has 4 out of 5 star whilst children rated Facebook has 4 out of 5 stars. Facebook is one of the most popular social media network in the worlds , as it will appeal to their target market and also it is very easy to create a Facebook account just placing some of their personal detail on their system. Facebook advertise to their potential audience that it is a good way to keep connected to people who they have once lost connected with or live far away. However, some people are not aware of how to be safe on the internet such as not accepting people who they don’t know. Some of the review of Facebook on common sense media are posted by children who have Facebook and what they think of the product. One of the review was posted by child age 12 as they have stated ‘I have Facebook - as do a lot of my friends. I understand why they have the set age of 13, but if you're 12 or even 11 for that matter, Facebook is fine! You should know the basics of online safety, though - such as not accepting friend requests from people you do not know. If you know that much, I think you can be on Facebook. But just remember: It's much easier to be mean online than in person. Don't do or say anything online you wouldn't say in person!’ As they should gain the full understand of the danger of Facebook before using it as they could be putting themselves at risk. Source: https://www.comm website- reviews/facebook#
  • 52. Commercial Uses- Product review User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users Twitter have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Twitter has 4 out of 5 star whilst children rated Twitter has 4 out of 5 stars. Twitter it is a good way to know what is happening around the world as by reading the tweets. The users are able to follow their role model and then read their tweet as it is a way to build a personal relationship with them. People think that it will cause impersonal relationships in their real life relationship with people as they will be boasting about the amount of followers, which will become annoying to their friends. In addition, people also think that because it is 140 characters long, it is able to capture what a person’s is thinking what they want to say and therefore make what they have to say short. The review of Twitter have been stated on common sense media, as this reviews was targeted by people who are 10 and over as it stated ‘Be more cautious with twitter. Twitter is not as privacy guaranteed as FB. Kids also need to be mature enough to watch what users they follow. Some users post adult content and kids need to know not to follow certain stuff.’ This mean that the users have to be care to know who to follow as on Twitter, they will use adult content that the children may not understand. Source: -reviews/twitter
  • 53. Commercial Uses- Product review User Generated Reviews or Distribution by the Users Instagram have a good response from both parents and children as the parents rated Instagram has 3 out of 5 star whilst children rated Instagram has 4 out of 5 stars. This is important as it is a bit more safer than Facebook or Twitter because it will allow the users account to be private and therefore they are able to chose who allow to see their photos or not. However, some people think that they user are always on Instagram and always a looking who like their pictures they have uploads. This will take them always from reality as they will think that Instagram is their realty. Some of the reviews from common sense media as it is targeted at people who are 10 or over as it stated ‘Great if you show your kids the ropes Very good. Teaches kids about the arts. Fun way to interact with friends all across the world.. HOWEVER, It's INCREDIBLY easy to have some creep get in contact your children. Children can (although the rules prohibit this, you know what teens are like) post partially nude/nude pictures and post pictures of drugs, alcohol other stuff. Also great for brainwashing kids into buying products, as many companies are creating accounts nowadays. Also easy to reveal personal info. Tell them to check with you before posting any photos, put their settings on private, and make sure to tell you before accepting any followers/following someone. Make an account and follow you kids to make sure everything they post is a-okay. I, as a ten year old, find it a great way to keep in contact with my friends, and am also keeping safe at the same time.’ Even so Instagram is growing in popularity, there are still some danger that could be presented if the users are not are of it. Source: https://www.commo -reviews/instagram
  • 54. Conclusion Overall I have researched Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, three of the most popular social media products in the world. It is important to understand the purpose of social, why it is an important aspect of modern culture in our society and what average people can gain on social media. This is important to know the revenue of these social media and also the layout, which will appeal to more people to use these account. It is important to be aware of the positive, convergence and the negative element of social media. Therefore they will be able to stop the negative aspect of social media as it will be safe to use and expose the positive aspect of social media to be reveal to their target market. Advertisement is important to social media as it is one way they have make money as it is a free service and the users don’t have to pay them. All of the social media account know their target audience as it is way to use the correct advertisement as they know what they like and want to see on their social media.