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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 35:
Social Media Products
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – 64135
Harrison Cole - 2030
Social Media
Contents slide LO1
• LO1
• Facebook purpose, content
• Anthromorphising- Like Button
• Facebook Content, Target user/ Membership
• Facebook sources of revenue
• Facebook legal and Ethical
• Facebook Negative publicity
• Snap Chat Purpose / Content
• Snap Chat Sign up page
• Snap Chat Target audience
• Snap Chat sources of revenue
• Snap Chat legal and Ethical
• Snap Chat negative publicity
Contents slide LO1
• Snap Chat copyright laws and
Data protection
• WhatsApp purpose
• WhatsApp content
• WhatsApp user number
• WhatsApp Target audience
• WhatsApp sources of revenue
• WhatsApp legal and ethical
• WhatsApp Data protection
• Noam Chomsky, social media
“erodes normal social
behavior”- Snap chat, Facebook
and WhatsApp.
• Yik Yak
• Positive side of Facebook, Snap
chat and WhatsApp.
• Negative side of Facebook, Snap
Chat and WhatsApp
• Primary research
• Advertisement for Facebook,
Snap chat and WhatsApp
• Synergy with video Sharing sites
• Distribution by users
• Viral marketing
• Reviews of the product
• Amusing viral post Facebook,
Snap Chat and WhatsApp
• Viral post Snap Chat, Facebook
and WhatsApp
acebook – Purpose
• Facebook is a social media platform that you can access
via mobile phone, computer and any other electrical
devices connected to the internet. Facebook offers its
consumers sharing of life events by uploading pictures
and making a status. You can also contact people using
the Facebook messaging app. You can interact on
Facebook by liking posts and photos and you can share
posts and videos.
• Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg ,
Facebook’s mission is “to give people the power to share
and make the world more open and connected. People
use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family,
to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share
and express what matters to them”.
• The mission statement connotes that they want
consumers to stay connected and enjoy life online. The
verbal codes “sharing”, “express” and “discover”
connotes that Facebook wants people to interact with
others with the use of technology.
• Source-
Facebook – Content
• The Facebook ident is blue which highlights that this will be
an on going house style theme for Facebook. On the left side
of the Facebook homepage is a navigation bar. At the top
you can write what's on your mind. You can select different
options from the navigation bar which will take you to
different features such as messages and newsfeed. You can
also scroll down the newsfeed to look at new stories that
people have shared.
Facebook – Content
Here is the log
in button
where you
enter your user
name and
Here you are
able to sign up
for the free
social media
website. You
have to enter
your first name
and last name.
followed by your
e mail or your
number. Finally
you have to fill
in your date of
They have placed this message to
encourage users to come back to
the social media site.
Facebook – Content
on the side of
the profile
page. They are
related to
things you may
have liked on
This is where you can
post what's on your
mind. You can also
post videos, pictures
and share links. This
lets other people see
what's on your mind.
This is where
you can choose
your profile
picture and
display your
name. This lets
other people
know who’s
profile they are
This is where the photos you have
posted are kept. People are then
able to look through them and
like, comment and share.
Anthromorphising- Like Button
• The Like button is used to give users the power to show that they like what has
been posted on their time line. You are able to Like Facebook pages that are
located all over the social media page. For example in the screen shot below on
the right I have liked a video game page. When you like the page, every post on
that page will then be displayed on your newsfeed. The screen shot below on the
left hand side is one of Facebooks new Like button features. This gives the users
the power to express their emotions over posts on their time lines. There are 6
emojis you are able to select from to express what you feel about the posts on
your newsfeed, which signifies how this social e-media product provides human
like qualities (Anthromorphising) to its services.
acebook- Colour
• Facebook uses the Colour blue as their house style colour.
This colour can be easily recognised as being Facebook’s
house style colour. The colour is considered as being
targeted at men and women. This colour can be liked by
men and women. Blue is also considered as being clean
and friendly. This creates a very calm effect on the users.
The colour connotes the social and friendly style that
everyone can like and enjoy about this product.
Facebook – Content
You are also able to share
what is your mind on the
newsfeed page.
Advertisement is
also displayed on
the side of the
newsfeed. They
relate to things
you have likes on
This is where
you can
access the
from other
This is where you
are able to watch
videos that get
posted online.
This can appear
on your newsfeed
and profile.
Content- People interacting on site.
• On Facebook people are able to
comment on new releases of TV
programs, films and other news
articles. On Facebook I have found a
post from Top Gear. They have
posted their trailer for their new
episode. People have been able to
comment on what they think 0
Facebook- Target user/Membership
• To sign up to Facebook you use the step by step guide they provide which is free for
everyone. You simply fill out your details such as your name and date of birth. You can see
this from the screen shot that is displayed at the bottom. The demographics for who uses
Facebook are almost fairly even between male and female. 57% female, 43% male 46% over
45 years, 22% 35-44 years, 18% 25-34 years, 14% 13-24 years 57% college- or university-
educated 11% on incomes over $100,000, 47% on incomes $50,000-100,000.
• As you can see from the statistics that the majority of college students uses the website more
than older people in the over 45 category. The target audience has clearly been targeted at
younger people who live in urban areas with good infrastructure.
Source -
Facebook- Target user/Membership
Katz, Maslow, Hartley, Psychographics, socio-economic needs
According to the Katz theory suggest that people are able to their own situation.
They can do this by writing statuses on their wall or timeline. They can write what
is in their mind or about an certain situation they have been in. According to the
Hartley’s seven subjective the target audience have to be 13 years old to have
Facebook. This is an rule that Facebook as placed. According to the theory both
Genders are targeted as it relates back to Facebook’s mission statement. They
want to bring people closer together. This means both genders are being targeted.
According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs suggest that the target audience
are social climbers as they are driven by improving their status on society. People
can change their status to inform friends recent achievements and success
stories. It also suggests the explores as the audience are also driven by social
change. People can change their behaviour when they see things on social media
that they make them change.
Source :
Facebook- Target user number
• Facebook is know for being one of the leading most popular social media sites in
the world. As you can see fro the graph below the user number has gone up every
year. Currently in the year 2016 the number is at 1.51 billion users. This makes the
social media site the most popular site in the world.
Facebook- Sources of Revenue
• Facebook generates income through advertisement, Facebook made $3.7
billion from just the advertisement. People want make sure that they are
advertising on Facebook because they have 900 million active users online.
Depending on the things you like on Facebook will depend on what kind of
advertising you get. Facebook also makes money through mobile apps such as
Farmville and Candy Crush. They are linked to the network so users can ask
other users to play the game with them online using the mobile app. If you
were to advertise on Facebook it will cost you minimum $1.00 daily. With this
low of a bid you wont get many people looking at the advert. The more you
bid the more of a chance people will see the advert on their newsfeed.
Facebook- Sources of Revenue
• They can generate income through Pay Per click, this is an way of internet marketing.
Whenever the ad is clicked and then sent to the website thee website then must pay a
small fee to the search engine. This could then generate a lot of income for Facebook.
Below is an example of the that get posted on my personal news feed. Most of the
adverts are sponsored which creates a bigger income. On my personal profile I have
liked a lot of football related products such as Adidas football. This then links to why I
have football related sponsored adverts on my newsfeed as you can see below in the
print screen. Facebook earns $21.5 million per day from advertisement.
Legal and Ethical – Does Facebook put
you in a bad mood ?
• Facebook has been a part of one of the many problems over social media
in terms of changing peoples behavioral traits. People scroll through their
social media and find out that people have posted stuff that you may not
have been invited to. This then leads people into depression in some
cases. People also like to express what they are feeling about on
Facebook. The majority of them are all based on bad news. This then puts
other people in bad moods when they then go to see the post appear on
their newsfeed.
• Source:
Facebook – Legal/ethical issues
• Lawsuit Target Facebook Privacy Issues case study
• Facebook users are at risk at having their personal information such as
pictures on things such as advertisement without their consent. This
required 5 Californians to file a lawsuit against Facebook. Facebook says
that they don’t sell personal photos to people for advertisement. This
would be against Facebook’s policy so the advert was removed from
• 10 days after the lawsuit Facebook decided to give all the users more
control over their personal accounts. Facebook conformed to this case
study by allowing people to gain for control of what people see on your
Facebook – Legal/ethical issues
• Facebook have to agree to the Data Protection Act (1998). This is to ensure that
the users have their personal data that they give to Facebook is kept safe from
hackers. When you sign up to Facebook you have to fill in your date of birth and
other details. Facebook by law have to keep your details safe and only visible by
you. The screen shot below shows the privacy page that Facebook have created.
This allows you to be in control of what people see on Facebook regarding to your
personal details.
Facebook – Legal/ethical issues
• Facebook faces the most common problem
that social media sites have to face. That is
cyber bullying, due to a article on the mail
online Facebook has become the worst social
media network for bullying with 19 year olds
being the most common victims. The report
says that the people who get bullied on the
social media site suffer depression, self
harming and truancy. This can all then lead to
serious and tragic events such as death.
• Facebook has taken steps to make sure that this
doesn’t happen on the social media site by
creating a help page. Below is a screen shot of
what the help page looks like. They offer you
advice on how you should deal with the
bullying online.
• Source:
• In a recent article that I have researched on the internet, Facebook can cause
people to have a lot of stress on them. This is caused by other users on Facebook
posting something stressful online, it can then make you get stressed out as well.
People would want to help out with situations on Facebook which then causes
stress on themselves according to this recent study. This is known as people having
a “cost of care” when they see stressful posts on Facebook. The chart below is
from the article I found online. This explains how people that don’t use Facebook
have a lower stress level than the people that do use Facebook.
Data Protection act
• The data protection act controls the personal information Is
used for the magazine. This is a legislation that came into the
law in the year 1998. this is an act of parliament that will
follow procedures to keep personal data safe from other
people using it. It provides a way for you to be in control for
who sees the data for the magazine.
• Source :
Negative publicity Facebook
• Facebook faces a common social media online problem known as cyber bullying. In
a recent article I had found was about a consumer that ended up hanging himself
when he was getting bullied on Facebook. The bullies were targeting the 19 year
old by posting some incorrect rumors. Therefore the negative side of Facebook
there is no control over what people are posting online. This has lead to someone
taking their own life because of the negative side.
The verbal code “warns of dangers” connotes how the newspaper are trying to create a
‘moral panic’ (Barker – 2001) amongst the readership.
Snap Chat- Purpose
Snap Chat is a social media platform that you can use on mainly mobile devices. You can
also use Snap Chat on computers if you download a program called BLUESTACKS. As long as
the devices are connected to the interment you are able to use the application. Snap Chat
offers its consumers sharing pictures taken by your phone or computer. You are able to send
pictures of yourself and others will various editing tools such as, filters and the use of text.
This is displayed on the picture that you want to send. You can then either share the picture
for everyone to see on your story which lasts for 24 hours for people to see. Or you can
send the snap to a friend directly.
Snap Chat was founded in September 2011 by a man called Evan Spiegel, Evan made the
successful app during his years a university. Evan came out with the statement saying
that "We would experiment and fail. We must have attempted nearly 34 projects,”.
This connotes how hard Evan had to work to make the app successful.
Snap Chat- Purpose
• Snapchat have the slogan saying that they allow people to have real time picture
chatting for I phone and android. This connotes that they want to promote the
fact that you picture chat for real. This is the only real way that you can talk to
other people using pictures. Below I have taken a screen shot of Snapchats slogan
from their Facebook page as I am unable to access their website.
Other media websites I have researched have commented on the purpose saying
“Snapchat is a photo-sharing app that changes privacy norms in a very novel way. The
free app allows users to send others photos and control how long receivers can see
them. These photos last for up to 10 seconds, before they disappear forever. If you try
to take a screenshot, the app will notify the sender”. The description then moves on to
what Snapchat mostly is used for. This is sexting people explicit pictures of themselves
to other users. The media makes this to be a big things with Snapchat.
Snap Chat – Content
• The Snap Chat ident is yellow which means that the
on going house style will be yellow. From this screen
shot on the left you are able to see the main screen
when you open up the app. This display shows you
who you have sent Snap Chats to and who has sent
them back. The Snaps are color coordinated by red
being a picture and blue being a simple typed
message. This connotes the red being more of an
important message because it’s a picture and
message. Blue is less important as its just a basic
message. If you then swipe with your finger to the
right, users can then take a picture of themselves
along with using the edit tools. Swipe one more time
to the right and you are able to access other peoples
stories along with your own.
Snap Chat – Sign up page
• Signing up to Snapchat can be a very easy and simple process which then becomes
appealing to the audience. All you have to do is download the application onto your
phone then sign up by selecting sign up instead off login. The screen shot below shows
you what you need to fill in to sign up to Snapchat. If you already have a account then
you select the log in button. This then takes you to the username then password. This is
a very quick process as once you have logged in or signed up, you on the phone you
then don’t need to sing back in when you leave the app.
Snap Chat – Target Audience
• To sign up to Snap Chat you have to follow some easy steps that they provide for for
you. All you have to do for them is use your e mail and a pass word that you can
remember. This so you can access your account from any electrical device that has
access to the internet.
• As you can see from the diagram below the age category that uses the application the
most is the 18-25. This is because younger people are more into taking pictures of
themselves also know as selfies. Snap chat have 100 million users that are on the app
everyday. 65% of people that uses the app contributes to the content of media, this
can mean posting pictures to your story for people to see or simply sending friends
Snap Chat – Target Audience
• Katz’ Uses and Gratification theory suggest that the users of Snap Chat can post
stories of events and situations for other friends to be able to see. They can take
pictures and then wright on it a type of situation that they may be in. they can
then keep this story online for 24 hours. People are able to then relate and
express what they might be feeling. People can also use instant messaging on this
social media product which then can create a bond between people chatting. This
is classed as the personal relationships that users develop.
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory suggests that the users are Social climbers as
they can send pictures of something they may have achieved. They can then also
put this on their stories. They can show people that they have improved their
status In society.
• Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory suggests that the age is 13+ as this is what
the Snapchat team have enforced. The gender is both male and females that are
being targeted. You have to be middle class due to you having to be able to afford
an I phone or Android phone to be able to use the app.
Snap Chat- Sources of Revenue
• Snap Chat generates its money through mainly
advertisement that they allow people on Snap
Chat to look at. They also offer the users to have
a better version of the app such as being able to
replay snaps that have disappeared after the
timer runs out to look at the snap. They charge
you 99p for the new feature of the app. Snap
Chat makes on average £750,000 a day from just
the advertisement that they put on the
• In June 2015 Snap Chat raised £60 million just
from the investors that they have. They then
valued the company for a good £800 million.
There is no other way that the app can generate
the money by the users.
Snap Chat- Sources of Revenue
• According to an article that I have researched, Snapchat had turned down a 4$ Billion
deal from Facebook and Google. They had turned this huge offer down because they
said “it would be hard to build a business out of Snapchat”. With having 400 million
people using Snapchat each day, they could make loads of money from simple
advertisement on their app.
• They can earn up to $3 million for making sure that someone's 10 second video
advertisement is on the application. This then makes the a huge and sustainable
revenue for the company.
• Source:
Snapchat- Legal and Ethical Issues
• One of the biggest issues that Snap chat faces is children sending nude pictures to
each other via the application. There have been cases where children have been
sending nudes to each other as a form of child pornography. In November , ten
boys near Montreal were being investigated due to the nude pictures. This then
was turned into a court case. Snapchat can be very fun and popular as this is the
third most popular social media social site in the world. However it is dangerous
due to the events involving the nude pictures from children.
• Furthermore Snapchat could be set for being band from the UK along side
WhatsApp if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister
David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people
through these applications. Communication data bill.
Snapchat- Negative Publicity
• The main issue that Snapchat faces with the users is Sexting. In a recent article that
I found online was about Snap chat cracking down on sexting teen by telling them
to keep their clothes on. This is due to the number of concerned parents that are
against sexting in Snapchat. The issue has only recently been brought to the
headlines as the under aged Teens have been using the app to send naked pictures
to other people using it. Snapchat were quick to take action as they have enforced
some rules on their website for the app. The rules state that you must keep your
clothes on , especially if you are the under the age of 18.
Snapchat- Negative Publicity
• This article “Snapchat breach exposes flawed premise, security challenge” is about
‘racy’ Snapchat photos hitting the Internet. The negative publicity surrounding this
speculation has caused lots chaos surrounding Snapchat and its security. This
product therefore ‘erodes normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky) as thousands
of users can send these ‘racy’ photos that are hitting the Internet. Therefore, it
highlights the internet and apps are ‘eroding normal social behaviour’.
Snapchat- Data Protection Act
• The Data Protection Act is the law controls your personal information which is
used by another organisation. Such as Snapchat in this case. Images and messages
that are sent are protected. Collection and use of personal data in the UK is
governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and over seen by the Commissioner.
Snapchat- Copyright Laws
• Snapchat honors the requirements set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act. Therefore they reasonable steps to remove any infringing material that the
become aware off. You can report any infringing copyright at
WhatsApp – Purpose
WhatsApp is a Social media platform created for mobile devices that are
connected to to the internet. They application can be downloaded from the
app store and any other android store. The application offers its consumers the
power to be able to use instant messaging through the app using yours and
your friends mobile numbers. The application also gives the consumers the
power to be able to create group chats. Anyone who has the application and a
phone number is able to join the group chat.
WhatsApp was founded in the year 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, they
both recently worked for Yahoo who are an internet search engine. Both of the
employees then left the company and tried to get a job at Facebook. They
then decided that they should create an app because they had no other way of
getting a job.
WhatsApp – Purpose
• WhatsApp have a slogan that says “Simple, Personal. Real time messaging”.
• This verbal code connotes that this is easy to use, the service is very personal to
you with your own messages that are immediate and it is also being described as
being very quick to use.
WhatsApp – Purpose
• In a recent article WhatsApp now allows you to send documents over the
application as well as messages and photos. As you can see from the screen shot
below from the article that I have found.
WhatsApp – Content Account page
• The WhatsApp ident is green which means that the on going
house style of the application will be green. WhatsApp is a
very useful application to use if you need to contact
someone fast. As this is a instant messaging service that
people can use where ever they are as long as they have
connection to the internet. On the left hand side you can see
what the main screen looks like when you open the
application. You have all the contacts that you have in your
phone book that have WhatsApp on their phone.
• Bellow you can see how WhatsApp display messages that
have been sent, one tick means that the message has been
sent. Two ticks means that the message has been delivered
and then the two blue ticks means the message has been
Source :
WhatsApp- Content
This is what the
chat page looks
like. This is
where you can
find all the
messages that
you have sent
and then
Here you have
your profile
where you can
control your
settings and
access and
change your
profile picture.
WhatsApp- Content sign up page
The sign up page for WhatsApp is very simple and easy to use. They have
used clear text and simple text to make it easy as possible to sign up. All you
have to do is, enter your e-mail and then create your password. Followed by
verifying your mobile number to the app. On the sign up page you are able to
use a feature to save you from having to log in every time you open the app.
In the screen shot you can see a box which you can tick. The box that you can
tick says “Remember me”, which connotes it will remember your log in
WhatsApp-User Number
• The Whatsapp have been very successful with the amount of users they
have had on their side over the past few years. In January 2015 the user
number went up to 700 million users. This has made this mobile
messaging service the most popular messaging service world wide. As you
can see from the graph below the user number has gone up every year.
WhatsApp- Colour
• WhatsApp use the colour green as their main house style to connote the application
being very easy to use. Green is seen as a relaxing colour to look out as it takes you
away from stress. Green is also considered to be a very positive colour to look at. This is
why WhatsApp have used the green colour to make sure the users have a good
experience with it. They have created the application for social and work purposes.
Green can be also considered as a smart colour as well as a social.
WhatsApp- Target Audience
• To be able to use WhatsApp you must have a mobile device that has access to the
internet. This means that the target audience all ready has been aimed at people
that use their mobile phones to communicate with other people. Whatever mobile
phone you have must have a download application store. This is where WhatsApp
will be made available to people.
• As you can see from the table below the age group of 25-34 have the highest user
status. This includes mixed genders of the population of the UK. This means
WhatsApp have targeted younger people as they have a higher interest in
technology communication.
WhatsApp- Target Audience Audience
• According to Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory the target audience is aimed at
‘personal identification’. This is because on the application you are able to relate to
a character and their situation. You are able to contact people in your phone book
and use the instant messaging. People can write their own personal statuses on
their profile which can the allow other contacts to see.
• According to the Hartley’s seven subjectivities the target audience is aimed at 16+
due to the rules that have been enforced by WhatApp. The gender is aimed at
men and women. You have to be at a middle class stage to be able to afford a
smart phone to use the application.
• According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the target audience is aimed at
‘Caregivers’. This is because people are able to comment on their status saying that
they are in a bad state. Other users can see that and then sympathise the
characters situation.
WhatsApp- Sources of Revenue
• WhatsApp generates most of the money through Facebook. In the year 2014
Facebook decided that they should buy the application company for the cost of
$19 billion. Through the Facebook company they made around $1,289,000 in nine
• WhatsApp makes most of the money simply buy charging people on the app stores
$1.00 for the app. This means that they have some revenue coming in for every
person that has WhatsApp on their mobile phone. In the UK WhatsApp is free for
the first year. They then charge you £1.00 to use the app for another year.
WhatsApp have around 700 million people using the app. This means they then
make $700 million from the users that they have.
WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues
• WhatsApp breached data privacy laws by storing non-user contact details
• WhatsApp have been found guilty for breaching the users personal information on
peoples phones. “It indiscriminately retains all that information, meaning millions
of non-consenting, non-users have had their data given up over the years”
• Furthermore WhatsApp could be set for being band from the UK along side Snap
Chat if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David
Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people
through these applications. Communication data bill is a draft legislation that was
introduced to parliament in May 2012. this is to help seek the compel ISPs to store
the details of what WhatsApp’s communication usage.
WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues
• WhatsApp have been named the worst Social media for the data protection act.
This took place In the year 2012 as they had breached the law by storing non- user
contact details. The data protection is a law that was put in place to protect
peoples personals details. WhatsApp have breached this by storing peoples
contacts on the users phone in their servers. This then puts other peoples personal
data at risk. People in the address book would have never have known if the
investigation has never began. They had been found guilty of the law being
breached and was given time to mend the fault.
WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues
• Whatsapp have issued a new security encryption techniques to keep the
users safe. On the India radar they have noticed that they haven't done so
as said. The Indians have tested the security of the service and failed. They
were able to beat the tech and hack other messages with very little
prevention. This has been called for a band in India due to the service
stating false information.
WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues
• WhatsApp have caused problems with people mentally in society for some
people. When you send a message to some one, there is a green tick that pops
up telling you that the message has been delivered. Then a second green tick
will pop up telling you that the message has been read. For one women this
caused depression. She had messaged a man she asked a number for during
the week. She sent a message to this man over WhatsApp. The green tick had
been shown to say that it had been delivered. Then the second tock had then
been shown. This mean that he had read her message. The reply never
happened. The women then felt very sad and then lead to depression. She
knew that the man had read the message and hadn't replied to her. This made
her feel lonely and unwanted. This is all because of the WhatsApp feature that
they have placed on their mobile messaging service.
• Source:
WhatsApp- Is this Ethical ?
WhatsApp have been breaching privacy laws by accessing users contact
address book which is imbedded into the phone.
Is this ethical? Yes it is because they are pertaining to the right and wrong in
conduct. Breaching privacy is morally wrong so should not have been done.
Do they still do this? This was issued in 2012, this was an on going
investigation. WhatsApp had to the year 2013 to fix what they had done by
officials. WhatsApp then made the changes to the breaching of privacy on
peoples phones through the new update.
Whatsapp- Data Protection Act
• The Data Protection Act is the law controls your personal information which is
used by another organisation. Such as Snapchat in this case. Images and messages
that are sent are protected. Collection and use of personal data in the UK is
governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and over seen by the Commissioner.
Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes
normal social behavior”
• This theory suggests that the social media that we have
today erodes the normal social behaviour that we have
today. Noam Chomsky has noticed the change in normal
behaviour through watching his grandchildren. People
are becoming very shallow when it comes to talking to
other people face to face. The rate of violence has come
up especially from male teenager boys.
• Source:
According to Noam Chomsky, social
media “erodes normal social
• I agree with this statement about Facebook as I have done some research about
the social media site. According to my source people spend up to 7 hours a month
on the social media site. This then erodes the normal social behavior that people
should be having. This Is Facebook's mission statement, "Facebook's mission is to
give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.
People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover
what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.”
• This shows you how much Facebook wants you to be on the social media site, they
want you to be on their site staying connected with other people. They also want
people to express what they are feeling on Facebook which can also cause
problems with normal behavior.
Source:http: // Source:
According to Noam Chomsky, social
media “erodes normal social
behavior” –
• I agree also with the next social media product I have chosen to research.
SnapChat have caused many problems with normal social behavior, usually they
are effecting couples that are together. The source that I have researched tells me
that is causes Jealously in normal social behavior.
• This is because SnapChat allows people to send pictures to each other. This can be
anyone which is why people get jealous when partners see each other sending and
receiving pictures from other people. 14.2% of the users use Snap chat for
“sexting” people. Which means that they are sending explicit pictures of
themselves to other people.
jealousy Source:
According to Noam Chomsky, social
media “erodes normal social
behavior” –
life-changed-since Source:
I agree with this because there have been many people that have quit using this
application. I have researched some sources and found out that there have been 3
main reasons for quitting. The first being the application being slow, the second
annoying group chats and lastly the last seen messages. The case study I have found
on the internet tells me about a man who got emotionally put down because of the
messages he had sent. The man had sent messages to people which has been read
easily identified by the applications feature.
This then made the man sad and effected how he then socialized with people because
he had lost his confidence with talking to other people.
Convergence theory –
Henry Jenkins (2006)
"the kinds of entertainment
experiences they want"
• Facebook gives consumers “the kinds of entertainment experience that they want”
as consumers are able to share YouTube videos on their news feed, watch
Memes/Vines they are able to “like” posts and also Facebook have now brought in
more Emojis that have a meaning behind them like the thumbs up. Therefore
instead of just liking something on Facebook you can now have different emotions
such as “Haha”, “Yay”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry”. This gives consumers “the kinds
of entertainment experiences they want” because they are now able to share
different emotions and can also get more involved by sharing videos on their
newsfeed and sharing from others.
Yik Yak
• Yik Yak is a social media peoduct which allows people to post and say
whatever they like about a certain topic. This website is very popular for
university students. This means that the target audience are between 18-
24. Andrew Keen (2011) suggests that this is an example of social media
product that encourages “shameless” behaviour. Andrew Keen wants to
convey the message to say how morally wrong it is to post things that are
on your mind. People are posting stuff on Yik Yak which people simply
does not matter.
Yik Yak in trouble with the media
• The social media site has been a very successful site for college students
to go on and communicate to each other. However they are causing loads
of problems with local schools. There have been a number of bullying
cases that lead to young people getting hurt by. Students have been
getting death threats from other users of the social media site. People
have also been getting bomb threats. This has lead to loads of schools
having to block the social media site.
Positive side of – Facebook
Facebook has many good sides to its site such as:
• It can be very beneficial for consumers that live far apart that are living
far apart from each other. Because of Facebook they are able to keep
in touch with each other. Families can share family photos and different
videos with each other on the social media site.
• It can good for making new friends that may live near by, this can then
make people have a happy relationships using the messaging
application they have. Or you can still keep in touch with old friends
that you miss.
• Support- recently there have been terrorist attacks in Paris, Facebook
have allowed people to show their support by changing their profile
picture to a French flag. This then sends a message to society that
people want to unite and support the country for what they have been
Positive side of – SnapChat
Snap Chat has many things that can be positive such as:
• Sharing pictures of something you like with everyone
that you want to share with, you have a contacts list
where you are able to choose who you would like to
share the pictures with.
• SnapChat allows you to use their new filters on the
photos that you take. They include making the
pictures have different shades of color to make the
user look better. They have new animated features
within the filters that people are able to play around
with and share.
• You can send videos to your friends with a 30 second
time limit. Along with this you are able to send instant
messages to your friends on the application.
Positive side of- WhatssApp
There are many positive things about WhatssApp such as:
• The application is free to download when you go on the app
store, this means people are able to use this instant messaging
app without having to pay. You can use the free service
wherever you are with your 3G signal.
• There are no advertisement on the display screen, this means
people can enjoy talking to people without the adverts getting
in the way of peoples conversations. It means people wont get
tempted to waist money on products online.
• The application allows you to share pictures on the app, you
can also share your location with your friends. This then makes
it easy for your friends to be able to find you when you plan to
meet up.
Negative side of Facebook
• Lawsuit Target Facebook Privacy Issues case study
• Facebook users are at risk at having their personal information such as
pictures on things such as advertisement without their consent. This
required 5 Californians to file a lawsuit against Facebook. Facebook says
that they don’t sell personal photos to people for advertisement. This
would be against Facebook’s policy so the advert was removed from
• 10 days after the lawsuit Facebook decided to give all the users more
control over their personal accounts. Facebook conformed to this case
study by allowing people to gain for control of what people see on your
Negative side of Facebook
• Facebook faces a common social media online problem known as cyber bullying. In
a recent article I had found was about a consumer that ended up hanging himself
when he was getting bullied on Facebook. The bullies were targeting the 19 year
old by posting some incorrect rumors. Therefore the negative side of Facebook
there is no control over what people are posting online. This has lead to someone
taking their own life because of the negative side.
Negative side of Snap Chat
• One of the biggest issues that SnapChat faces is children sending nude pictures to
each other via the application. There have been cases where children have been
sending nudes to each other as a form of child pornography. In November , ten
boys near Montreal were being investigated due to the nude pictures. This then
was turned into a court case. Snapchat can be very fun and popular as this is the
third most popular social media social site in the world. However it is dangerous
due to the events involving the nude pictures from children.
• Furthermore Snapchat could be set for being band from the UK along side
WhatsApp if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister
David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people
through these applications. Communication data bill.
Snapchat- Negative Publicity
• The main issue that Snapchat faces with the users is Sexting. In a recent article that
I found online was about Snap chat cracking down on sexting teen by telling them
to keep their clothes on. This is due to the number of concerned parents that are
against sexting in Snapchat. The issue has only recently been brought to the
headlines as the under aged Teens have been using the app to send naked pictures
to other people using it. Snapchat were quick to take action as they have enforced
some rules on their website for the app. The rules state that you must keep your
clothes on , especially if you are the under the age of 18.
Negative side of WhatsApp
• WhatsApp breached data privacy laws by storing non-user contact details
• WhatsApp have been found guilty for breaching the users personal information on
peoples phones. “It indiscriminately retains all that information, meaning millions
of non-consenting, non-users have had their data given up over the years”
• Furthermore WhatsApp could be set for being band from the UK along side Snap
Chat if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David
Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people
through these applications. Communication data bill.
WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues
• WhatsApp have been named the worst Social media for the data protection act.
This took place In the year 2012 as they had breached the law by storing non- user
contact details. The data protection is a law that was put in place to protect
peoples personals details. WhatsApp have breached this by storing peoples
contacts on the users phone in their servers. This then puts other peoples personal
data at risk. People in the address book would have never have known if the
investigation has never began. They had been found guilty of the law being
breached and was given time to mend the fault.
Primary Research
• For my primary research I have used survey monkey which is an online survey
website that allows you to produce and then send to people. You can then review
the results online. I have created a survey online to ask my peers what they think
the positives and the negatives about social media.
• I will then screenshot the results then analyze them in the following slides. I have
asked my peers questions such as , what do you think the positive effects of social
media have on you ?
Primary Research
This response denotes that everyone who has responded to the survey has said
that they all use the popular social media sites that I have suggested. This
connotes that most of the class like to use the popular social media sites.
Primary Research
Here I have received a responses to the question “What do you think the positives
of social media are?“ people have responded saying that they find social media
positive because they are able to keep in contact with people such as family. You can
also invite people to events. This is what people find positive about social media.
• Here I have received responses to the question “What do you think the negatives
of social media are?“ I have received responses that tell me that cyber bullying and
being made unsociable. People can hack into your accounts and steal your details.
Theses are the negative impacts that the social media sites can have on you .
Primary Research
Primary Research
This is an answer I have received to the question of “why do you use social media?”
I had a few responses saying that they use social media mainly for keeping in touch
with other people. This is what Facebook’s mission statement is to make sure
people stay connected with each other.
Primary Research
I wanted to ask people this question due to the latest terrorist attacks in Paris, I wanted
to find out if it had an impact on my peers social media. People have said that their
social media makes them happy. This shows that people are not being impacted by the
recent attacks via social media. Others has said that it doesn't’ bother them at all.
Primary Research
This question that I have asked people is to find out if people use social media
as a newspaper. The answer was yes, as you can see the everyone in the survey
has selected yes to using the social media website as a newspaper. You are able
to read the news on the social media website.
Primary Research
In this question I wanted to find out if people feel safe with having
their data on the social media site. When you sign up for the social
media website you need to fill in some personal details. The responses
I have got shows that everyone does not feel safe about the details
being in their social media.
Primary Research
In this question I wanted to find out how many times a week people use the social
media. From the responses it shows that people use the social media site more than
10 times a week. This means that people are on the social media sites nearly
Primary Research
From this open answer question I wanted to find out what appeals to people
the most on social media. I got responses saying that they like the ability to be
able to communicate to each other. Others say that they enjoy seeing peoples
photos of families and friends.
P3 Breakdown
• Within P3 I will be looking at how the social media products
are being advertised. This may be through the internet or on
TV. I will be also looking at viral marketing for the social media
products that have been made. Finally I will be looking at the
product service reviews that have been based on the social
media products.
Pay per click advertising
• This is a very popular way of advertising on social media. Whenever an
advert is clicked on, the advertisers then pay a fee to the website. This
means that they are paying a fair amount of money for the people that
have seen it. This type of advertising can be seen on a lot of websites.
Including social media sites. Such as Facebook, Instagram and twitter.
Usually people will pay around £3 per click on their advertisement. This
can bring out a good profit if you end up with people buying your product
for £50 over a £3.00 fee.
• Source:
Sponsored Advertisement
• Sponsored advertisement is known as advertisement that is placed on a
social media website as well as other websites. It becomes apart of the
content for the social media. This is popular on social media websites. This
is because the social media website will place the advert depending on
what you have liked already on Facebook onto your social media feed. For
example if I like the Top Gear page, then I'm going to get car product
sponsored advertisement on my feed.
• Source:
Peer to Peer advertisement
• This is when you encourage other people to promote your product to other
people. This can be done through virtual and real shopping in the high-street.
Some shops will say that if you recommend a friend to the product then you will
get some sort of discount of prize. This is mainly done through band cards when
receiving rewards on your card. This will then encourage people to then share the
product with other people.
• Source:
Advert - Facebook
I have researched
Facebook’s TV advert that
they have recently brought
out to people on the TV.
What they aim to promote
on the advert is making
friends. The target audience
is aimed at young adults as
they use young adults in the
They make sure the adverts
are showing people having
fun in their social time. This
is what Facebook to
promote. You can make new
friends on Facebook and
have good times together.
The connotations conveyed in this
advert is all about being friends.
The screen shots are of Facebook’s
TV advert. They have shown
friends in real life socializing
The Verbal code
connotes that the
message Facebook
wants to get across to
the audience is that
they want people to
be friends and
embrace the ‘global
village’ (McLuhan –
1967) this product
seems to conform to.
That is their one
simple message that
they want to convey.
Advert- Snap Chat
This bill board that has been advertised by Snap
Chat conveys to the audience that this is the best
social media product. They have focused the
advert on just the logo to make the product the
center of attention.
They have used the
house style to convey
the product to the
audience. The house
style is yellow which
also makes the advert
eye catching to look
They have made
this advert very
simple because its
over a main road.
People will not
have time to slow
down and read
content on the
Advert- Snapchat
• SnapChat have used a popular film to
advertise their product. They have set
up a fan page on the SnapChat app
that features the stars of the film
feature in story's people can access on
the app.
• The verbal code connotes that Snap
Chat are advertising the new movie
called Pitch Perfect 2.
• The Movie then decided that they
should let everyone know what they
can do on SnapChat by making an
advert on it. Source:
The verbal code connotes
here that the service is
quick and easy to use. They
have used verbal codes
such as “Simple, personal
and real time messaging”
as they are trying to convey
that their service is very
quick and easy to use for
At the bottom of the advert you are able to
see all the different types of smart phone you
can buy. This is conveying to the audience that
you are able to use this service with any type
of these smart phones.
• WhatsApp doesn’t have any type of advertisement in the social media business,
they have a different way of making sure that they have the company promoted.
They have done this by selling the company to Facebook. Facebook have bought
WhatsApp which means now that Facebook have the job of making sure that they
are being advertised.
• Facebook do this by making their own adverts and new features that link to
WhatsApp. This then shows people on Facebook that they have partnered with
• As I had researched earlier about the
movie Pitch Perfect, I have also
found that they have video shared
the two social media products.
Facebook and SnapChat have both
offered the same thing, this was to
advertise the movie thorough the
social media sites. This then allowed
them to be video shared as you can
see on the left with the movie
advert. This advert was advertised
on the TV. This means that people
will then sign up and take part in
finding out more about the movie
via the social media sites.
• This is an example of what video sharing is with the social media synergy. The new
movie ‘Deadpool’ has shared its video that has been uploaded to YouTube through
Facebook. People are then able to share this and also comment and like.
• People are able to then view this video by Deadpool on YouTube through the
Facebook link.
Distribution by users
• On Facebook people are able to
comment on new releases of TV
programs, films and other news
articles. On Facebook I have found a
post from Top Gear. They have
posted their trailer for their new
episode. People have been able to
comment on what they think.
Distribution by users
• On Snapchat people can create story's on
their account. People who are friends
with the user are able to then view the
story. They appear in the recent updates
section of the app. People can take
pictures then type a short message across
the photo. Friends can view this and then
message the user about the story that has
been posted. The story will only remain
on the account for 24 hours before It then
deletes itself.
Distribution by users
• On your WhatsApp profile you are
able to change your status and your
profile picture. At the moment my
profile status just says available.
People that are in my WhatsApp
contacts are able to contact me and
question my status. You can the
change your status at any other
Viral marketing
• Viral marketing is when you have the product sold electronic, this means
that the apps have to be accessed from the app store. This store is where
you access the apps if you have an apple product. This is a good techniques
that allows you to be able websites to pas s on a marketing message to
other sites. This then creates the growth of the messages as it becomes
more visible to people. People can promote what they sell using e-mail
news letters. This has become a very popular method that people have used
to sell on the web.
• Sourcce:
Reviews of the product
• You are able to see the reviews of the products on the app store from people that
have downloaded the product. Apple have then abled people to get their say on
what they think of the app. This then gives other people on the app store an idea
of what the application is like. I have researched Facebooks reviews on the app
store and have found out as you can see below that they have had some good
reviews from people that have bought the app.
Reviews of the product
• This is an review that has been taken from a social media review website. They have
said that the social media product has been rated a 16+. People have said that this app
is a great social media product that gets used for the wrong reasons. The application
has been rated through a chart for parents to read. They are then displayed on the
website page for people to see. The screen shot is displayed below on the right hand
side. People have said that the app is very swear word based and slightly sexual. This is
why the review has been given a 16+.
• Source:
Reviews of the product
• WhatsApp has been given a good review by the people who run this social media
review website. They have said that this a 16+ social media product as this is a
instant messaging service used on smart phones. The review of the website has
made a table which denotes what kind of category the social media product falls
under. They have said that the application is mostly used under Ease of Play. There
has been no reference to the sexual content unlike Snap chat.
• Source:
Amusing viral posted- Facebook
• Facebook, now a platform in its own right, has had a lot of publicity lately with the
social media news page called ‘The Lad Bible’. This has become the most shared
and liked page there is on Facebook. People like this news page because its funny
and relates to our everyday society. They post videos of funny events that have
taken place from the news. People like to tag other friends into posts that may
have occurred to them once. 11,371,573 people have now liked the news page.
Amusing viral posted- Facebook
• Recently on ‘The Lad Bible’ they have posted a viral post that has caused loads of
people to like and share the video. ‘The Lad Bible’ have posted a video of a dog
coming across a crab for the first time. This amusing video caused a lot of people
to comment on, share and like it. This video has received 9.2K likes with over 700
shares. People have also tagged other friends on the social media site on the
Viral posted- WhatsApp
Whatsapp have
introduces a
desktop app. This
will able people to
be able to use the
app on their
computer. So far
this has had 2.3k
shares on
WhatsApp have
gone viral for their
latest post on
Facebook. This
post has received
11K likes which has
sent the post viral
over Facebook.
People then like
and share on their
Viral posted- WhatsApp
• WhatsApp use have the publicity that comes from making
business's grow all over the world. The application allows you to be
able to have group phone call’s and messages with people that you
work with. Recently they have had a lot of publicity for the new
feature that has helped business even more.
• WhatsApp have now allowed people to be able to send bulky e
mails to each other over the chats. You can use the app to post
updates about how well the business is doing. Sharing pictures and
videos about the products that you are trying to promote can also
be shared.
• Source: 5-ways-whatsapp-can-help-grow-your-business
Viral posted- Snapchat
Snap Chat has
recently gone viral
because of their post
on Facebook. They
have announced that
you can video on
Android phones
using Snap Chat.
Before you could only
use I phones to be
able to film when
using the app.
This Snap Chat post
that has been posted
on Facebook has
been shared by over
12K people. This
then becomes viral
over the social media
site Facebook.
People have also left comments on
what they think about the post. The
post itself has had over 11K likes.
People have tagged each other within
the comments. This is another way of
being able to share the post.
Viral posted- Snapchat
• Snapchat have made the next step into making sure that they
get all the publicity they can get. They have done this through
the new features that they have brought out to the users this
year. Such as allowing people to use face swap on their
accounts. People that use this have taken to Facebook to
share their experience using the new feature.
• From Facebook they have then liked and shared all the
pictured and videos that have been uploaded. This then
creates enough publicity they need to then go on and produce
How do you advertise ?
• Many different types of social media like to make sure that they are advertising to promote the
product. The internet is the best place because that’s where everyone goes to look for products.
The internet says that the price of the advert is decided on how many pixels you wish to use on the
• You then must decide where the advert is going to go, where on the screen where would you like to
see it go? You then need to consider the advert performance. The size, location and quality of the
• The market demand is then decided when the publisher will decide on a setting rate card level to
be able to sell out the bulk of the inventory. Below you can see the standard rates you would have
to pay for the advertisement on the internet.
Contents LO2
• LO2
• Purpose – Football Go Go and Forza Morza
• Competitors
• Web colours and inspiration
• Copyright Location
• Synergy with other social media
• Abbreviated Logo
• Font Styles
• Connotations Football Go Go and Forza Morza
• Navigation bar Football Go Go and Forza Morza
• Content overview Football Go Go and Forza
• Mind map for Football Go Go and Forza Morza
• Audience theories for Football Go Go and Forza
• Hand drawn drafts for Football Go Go and
Forza Morza
• Photoshop versions for Football Go Go and
Forza Morza
• The purpose of this social media website is to be able to bring football
fans together to bond and have a great match day. Its been designed to
make finding venues on match days easy. The social media website also
provides the users with latest football gossip and news about football in
the premier and championship leagues. This then keeps the football fans
with the up to date news and gossip of the latest transfer rumors. The
target audience will want to seek news to see if their football club they are
supporting appears in it.
• The purpose of this social media website is to bring all the Forza game fans
together to engage. They are able to talk to each other over the website, post
pictures that are relevant to the game, write reviews on the new Forza games that
come out and comment on other users posts.
• The site gives people the power to organise events online using X BOX LIVE on the
game Forza. The site will give you times and dates and event types , this then
creates a group of people online that can organise this and take part online. There
are competitions and leader boards that the users can try and beat and take part
I will have the competitors of smart glass as they have a similar target audience and
offer many other features. They allow users to post recording and achievements that
they have made on X BOX games. With my social media product is focuses on the X
BOX game Forza. SmartGlass focus on any kind of X BOX game. Because my social
media product is exclusive to Forza it means I can offer the users more interesting
features that are exclusive to the game.
Web Colour
• I have been inspired by the sport radio show called “talk sport”. They uses
a yellow and black house style for their logo. This makes the website look
sporty, and football specific. The colour connotes the stereotypical a
football team would play in. This also makes the website look passionate
and serious about the game of football.
Inspiration for Football Go GO !
• I have been inspire to create this social media site by a radio station called
talkSPORT. They have become so popular that they now have their own website
and app. This is all about football fans coming together to have a discussion about
transfer rumor and matches. I have been inspired by their choice of colour and
content. This has inspired me to make a football website with the similar objective.
Which is to bring all the football fans together.
Web Colours
I have decided that I am going to use the colour of purple and pink
and white as the main colour scheme for the website. I have
decided that if I use the theme colours that the game Forza uses.
This will then convey to the users that colours have been inspired
by the game itself. The colours suit the theme of racing.
Inspiration for Forza Morza
• I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been
my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and
socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it
accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and
stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can
perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to
each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
Inspiration for Forza Morza continued
• I have also been inspired by the social media products such as Instagram. I
have been inspired by the social media product as its fun and very easy to
use. You are able to sign up using Facebook which makes it very quick to
be able to sign in. The profile is very easy to be able to use. You are able to
edit the profile name and picture quick and easy. You can tag other people
in pictures that you post online.
Copyright © location
• For both social media websites the location for the copyright information
will be displayed at the bottom of the home page in the right hand corner.
You will be able to click on the copyright link which will then take you to a
separate page on the social media website page. In the screen shot below
you will be able to find this mini bar which will give you the trade mark
rights page. I have been inspired to place this down at the bottom through
other social media site such as Facebook and Instagram.
Synergy with other social media
• There will be synergy with both social media sites. On the sign up page you will be
given the option to be able to sing up with Facebook. This will make it easier and
quicker to be able to sign up. There will also be social media links on the home
pages so people can like and share the social media website, this will be part of
the peer to peer advertising. Below I have placed a screen shot of the option you
get given when you go to sign up for the page.
Abbreviated Logo
• I have created an Abbreviated version of the Logo which is FM. This stands
for Forza Morza. I have created a logo which has been made quick and
simple so people are able to work out what it means instantly. I have done
the same for the other social media site called Football Go Go ! This has
been shortened down to just FGG. Below on the right hand side I have
created the Abbreviated Logo for Forza Morza.
Font styles
I have decided to use this as a type of font style due to
the game inspiring me to use similar colour schemes and
font styles. They suit the game along with the social
website colour. I have used the cars in the font style to
connote what the website is really about. This will be the
first thing that the users will see when they log on to the
Connotations- Forza Morza
• This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This
allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On
the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want
to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then
takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows
you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game.
You are able to upload photos and comments to this page.
• The colour scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing
theme. The colour connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising”
and “Attractive”. This site is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and
FORZA. The slogan for this site will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this
connotes the site wanting to bring out the best of you in FORZA.
Connotations- Football Go Go!
• I have called my second idea for a social media website, “Football Go Go!”.
This gives the users a good idea of what the social media website is about.
For example the name football gives away that the social media website is
all about football. Therefore football fans being the main target audience. I
have used Go Go! To connote to the readers that the social media is easy
and fast to use. I have created the name that sounds catchy so people will
easily be able to remember what the social media website is about.
Navigation bar
• This is where people are able to see what pages are on the
online social media site. The navigation bar will have a
drop down menu which users can put their mouse over to
make drop. The users will be able to access all the pages
from this bar. The bar will be located below the screen
shot that is displayed below.
Navigation bar
• The navigation bar is where you are able to access all the pages that are
located on the site. As you can see from below the screen shot shows the
navigation bar options. When you role over the button the text change
color. The navigation is black and yellow, this colour came from a football
related radio station called “talk sport”. This colour inspired me to use to
make the website look sporty and specific to football.
• Within the website there will be a news section that gives you all the up to
date news about the new game releases of Forza. The leader board will be
located within the social news feed post on the side of the screen. News
articles that are related to the game will be on the social news feed from
Facebook. Users can then have the choice to either comment on Facebook
or on the their newsfeed on the social media site.
• People can then discuss the article on the newsfeed page. After 24 hours
the article will be removed from the newsfeed page and replaced with a
new one from Facebook.
Content overview
On the home page you are able
to arrange an online session
with friends on the webiste to
play the game Forza Morza
online. You choose the time and
date and Forza game you want
to play. This will then take you
to another page where you will
then be able to see who else
has selected this session.
On the profile page you
will be able to insert
your picture and name.
you can edit this at
anytime. Your
achievements you have
achieved on the game
Forza will appear below
you name on the page.
On this page
you will be able
to find out all
the recent
news about the
new types of
Forza games.
This page
shows you
all the
events that
takes place
for the
online game
• The content of this social media website is all about the news and what
venues are the best to go to on match days near the football stadiums.
The users can check all the up to date news that there is in the football
leagues of the Championship and the Premier league. This creates a lot of
content in the news as the news will be spread out over both of the
leagues. Every weekend within the football season a lot of fixtures take
place. This means there will be a lot of content about the best venues.
Content overview
On this page you are
able to select what
game you are
attending at the
weekend. Then the
website will be able to
tell you where the
places to go and
socialize in that area.
On the contact us
page you are able
to get all the
contact details
should there be
any incidents on
the site.
On the profile page
you are able to write
your name and select
in the options what
football team that
you support.
The news
page will give
you all the
latest transfer
gossip in
Mind map
Social media ideas
Forza Morza
Road attack
Choose the night, game and
time you want to go online to
play the game. Purple color
scheme to suit the game, street
racing is considered as “sexy”
“Energetic” “pulse raising” this
suits the dark horse color of
purple. This is going against
smart glass the x box app. This
can be made available on your
phone. The home screen will
allow you to be able to choose
the racing event featuring the
racing game Forza. This will be
targeted at people between the
age of 16-25 who play the x box
game Forza .
Slogan- Lets Raise your pulse
Meet up to admire each
others cars at events. All
ages are welcome with
any type of cars. Races
can also be arranged
here. Upload photos of
cars and comments.
Going against auto
trader. The color scheme
for this social media
website will be red. This
connotes the power and
the beauty in racing and
seeing fast cars.
Slogan: “Meet you there”
Social media
Football Go
Meet up with football fans of
your supporting team on
match days. Location sharing.
Yellow color scheme to
connote the bright and happy
felling for the sport. Going
against talk sport. This can be
made available on your
phone. This will be better than
talk sport because the target
audience can be more
interactive with the social
media site.
Slogan: “Fanatic football fans”
Products that inspired me -
Talk Sport and Smart glass.
Talk sport inspired me
because its football focused
and gives you live football
updates on the radio. This is
therefore similar to my
product because its football
focused. But I have the
difference because mine
gives you up to date locations
you can visit on match days.
Smart Glass inspired me
because its XBOX specific to
the users. This is similar to
mine as Forza Morza is also X
BOX specific.
Forza Morza
I went onto to
find some font styles for
my web page. These are a
few ideas that I found that
gave me the basic design. I
wanted to find basic fonts
so that they can easily be
read on the screen. By
looking at the fonts I
decided that I didn’t like
the look of the Weknow
font as it is too bold.
Social media
synergy is used on the
sites to help promote the
product. I will have
Facebook, twitter and
Instagram on the social
media sites. This can
then lead to people liking
and sharing the post that
I have created. You will
also be able to log on
with Facebook.
Football Go Go !
I went to to
find some ideas for my
website. I have found a
few ideas that I liked. I
have chosen them
because they look bold
and appealing to look at.
Looking at the fonts I
decided that I didn't’t like
the wood cutter the most.
This was because it looks
to fancy for the social
Social media
synergy is used on the
sites to help promote the
product. I will have Facebook,
twitter and Instagram on the
social media sites. This can
then lead to people liking
and sharing the post that I
have created. You will also be
allowed to log on with
Audience Interest
• Within the social media product they will want to interact with
other people who also love the game. I have created a page on
the social media site to allow the users to be able to post pictures
and videos of the video game Forza. The age of the intended
target audience is aimed at young people 7+. This is because the
game has been rated a 7+, most of the users will be aimed at 16+
due to the use of social media.
Katz Uses and Gratification
• The users for this site will want to have Surveillance as they want to know
information of what the new Forza games have to offer. Diversion will also
be an area as people come to this site to socialise and engage with people
who love the game Forza.
• They will also be classed as personnel relationships on the social website.
As people will be allowed to discuss recent articles from Facebook on the
site. People are able to comment on the article and engage with other
people to give their opinions.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
• The users that use this site will be classed as social climbers as they would
want to improve their social status. They also want to know what new
news has come out regarding the new Forza games. Users are able to
comment and discuss theses news articles. They can share their opinion
on what they think the article is about and what it means for the game.
• Users will wan to show and post their current pictures of how well they
are doing on the Forza games. This may be a new car that they designed or
an achievement that they have unlocked.
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
• The majority of the users that will be on the site will be from the USA as
online gamming is very popular there. Compared to the UK the Americans
will find this site more appealing to them. Some of the greatest cars and
race tracks are from the USA. As the game is based on racing this will
appeal to them as part of the American culture is fast muscle cars and
good race tracks.
Socio economic needs
• The users will be within the C2- B as
this will b mostly interested in the
new news about the new Forza
games. They will have to also be in
this class to stereotypically have a
good job to be able to afford the
Forza games, XBOX and the online
fee you have to pay to go online.
• You have to be over the age of 13 as this is the same requirements as
Facebook’s. this is for the newsfeed page, as the articles are coming from
Facebook. The users have to be old enough to see the Facebook’s post. Users
that are below this age can still use the site but not access the newsfeed page.
• The majority of the age range will be 16+ as this is what interests young
people when they need excitement and entertainment. Younger people like
to socialise more than older people. This is because older people have other
commitments to life and have to use money wisely.
• Source:
Katz’ Uses and Gratification
• The users for this site will want to have Surveillance as they want to
know information of what the new football games have to offer.
Diversion will also be an area as people come to this site to socialise
and engage with people who love the game.
• They will also be classed as personnel relationships on the social
website. As people will be talking about what they think abiout the
football gossip.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
• The users that use this site will be classed as social climbers as they
would want to improve their social status. They also want to know
what new news has come out regarding the transfer rumours. Users
are able to comment and discuss theses news articles. They can
share their opinion on what they think the article is about and
what it means for the game.
• Users will wan to show and post their current pictures of how well
their team are doing on the in the games. This may be a new
transfer that they have read about.
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
• The majority of the users that will be on the site will be
from the UK as the primer and championship leagues
are only played in the UK. Compared to the USA the
British people will find this site more appealing to
them. Some of the greatest teams and race stadiums
are in the UK. As the game is based on football this will
appeal to them as part of the British culture is football.
Socio economic needs
• The users will be within the C2- B as
this will b mostly interested in the
new news about the transfer gossip.
They will have to also be in this class
to stereotypically have a good job to
be able to afford the football tickets
, drinks and the travel fee you have
to pay to get to the venue.
• You have to be over the age of 17 as this is the legal age for you to be able
to drink alcohol. As this site is based on venues that you can visit to
• The majority of the age range will be 18-25 as this is what interests young
people when they need excitement and entertainment. Younger people
like to socialise more than older people. This is because older people have
other commitments to life and have to use money wisely.
• Source:
Hand Drawn Draft- Home Page
Hand Drawn Draft- Sign up Page
Hand Drawn Draft- Home Page
Hand Drawn Draft- Sign up Page
Football Go Go
• This Social Media site allows you to be able to meet up with football fans of
your support on match days. This sporting social media site will have a yellow
color scheme. This will connote football being bright and exciting. It is also a
sporty color which will connote to the users it’s a sporty social media site. The
competitor will be Talk sport as they have the similar idea and feature football.
This social media will allow you to use it on your mobile phone. This is so users
can see who’s around on match days to meet up. The target audience for this
site will be football fans for 18+ because it involves the locations of meet ups
being a pubs. The slogan for this site is “Fanatic Football fans” . This connotes
to the users that this site is aimed at people who are fanatic about football.
Forza Morza
• This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This
allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On
the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want
to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then
takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows
you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game.
You are able to upload photos and comments to this page. The colour
scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing theme. The colour
connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising” and “Sexy”. This site
is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and FORZA. The slogan for this site
will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this connotes the site wanting to
bring out the best of you in FORZA.
Road attack
• This social media site allows people who has a passion for cars to meet up
at car events. This will be aimed at people who have cars or may just have
an interest in them. There is a page where you are able to post pictures of
your cars. This can be either to admire the cars or put them up for sale.
This makes the social site very interactive. As its aimed at people who
mainly own cars this is a 17+ target audience. The site will have the color
scheme of red to connote the power of the cars. It’s a danger and
powerful color which connotes what the cars are. The slogan for this social
media site will be “ meet you there”. This connotes the main purpose of
the social media site. To meet other car drivers at events.
Online Disinhibiton
• This is when there is a loosening of social restrictions and inhibitions that would
normally have someone with a normal face to face interaction. People tend to
have a different attitude when they are online. This is compared to how people
behave when they are talking to someone face to face. Online people tend to
become more confident compared to themselves in a face to face situation.
• There are six factors that have contributed to this effect, they are the following…
“dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection,
dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority”. For example on Snap
Chat people tend to send explicit pictures of themselves, but then appear shy and
self conscious in person.
• Source:
Sign up Page
Home Page
Profile page Graphic layout
Navigation bar
Profile page
Profile page
Home Page
Sign up page
Profile page
LO3 Contents
• LO3
• Forza Morza Goals, Purpose, Content,
Comparison, inspiration and Audience Interests
• Forza Morza Audience Theories
• Forza Morza Navigation bar comparison
• Forza Morza Site map
• Forza Morza Competitors
• Forza Morza Font styles
• Forza Morza Types of pages
• Forza Morza Photoshop
• Profile page references
• Forza Morza Web colours and production plan
• Forza Morza Launch date
• Forza Morza Advertisement space
• Sign up fee
• Pay per click advertisement
• Crowed Funding
• Copyright
• Football Go Go! Mind map
• Football Go Go! Goals
• Football Go Go! Purpose
• Football Go Go! Content
• Football Go Go! Audience interests
• Football Go Go! Release dates
• Football Go Go! Audience theories
• Football Go Go! Navigation bar
• Football Go Go! Production plan
• Football Go Go! Launch date
• Budget Summary
• Football Go Go! Web colours
• Football Go Go! Photoshop
• Profile page references
• Legal and Ethical issues
• Terms and Conditions page for Football Go Go!
And Forza Morza
• Synergy with other social media products
• Establish User trust
• WaSP web standard
• Body text
• Misrepresentation
• Register Trade marks
• Potential Risk for my website
Forza Morza
• This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This
allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On
the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want
to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then
takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows
you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game.
You are able to upload photos and comments to this page.
• The colour scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing
theme. The colour connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising”
and “Attractive”. This site is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and
FORZA. The slogan for this site will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this
connotes the site wanting to bring out the best of you in FORZA.
• The goals that I have set out have been to make sure the users
have the full view of the site in terms of the social media
website covering everything. They are able to blog what they
have done on the topic of the forza game. They want to meet
other people that like the game as well. They would want to
interact with the other people on the site.
• I will have the competitors of smart glass as they have a similar
target audience and offer many other features. They allow
users to post recording and achievements that they have made
on X BOX games. With my social media product is focuses on
the X BOX game Forza.
• The purpose of this social media product is to bring all the Forza game fans
together to engage. They are able to talk to each other over the website, post
pictures that are relevant to the game, write reviews on the new Forza games that
come out and comment on other users posts.
• The site gives people the power to organise events online using X BOX LIVE on the
game Forza. The site will give you times and dates and event types , this then
creates a group of people online that can organise this and take part online. There
are competitions and leader boards that the users can try and beat and take part
• Within the website there will be a
news section that gives you all the up
to date news about the new game
releases of Forza. The leader board
will be located within the social news
feed post on the side of the screen.
News articles that are related to the
game will be on the social news feed
from Facebook. Users can then have
the choice to either comment on
Facebook or on their newsfeed on
the social media site.
• People can then discuss the article on
the newsfeed page. After 24 hours
the article will be removed from the
newsfeed page and replaced with a
new one from Facebook.
This is the home
page which is shown
in the print screen
This link takes you to
the profile page.
This link takes
you to the up to
date news
related to the
game Forza
This links takes you to the up coming events that are
related to the game. This includes events such as an
objective within a certain game of forza.
Comparison to existing product
• I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been
my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and
socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it
accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and
stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can
perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to
each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
Inspiration for Forza Morza
• I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been
my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and
socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it
accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and
stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can
perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to
each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
Audience Interest
• Within the social media product they will want to interact with
other people who also love the game. I have created a page on
the social media site to allow the users to be able to post pictures
and videos of the video game Forza. The age of the intended
target audience is aimed at young people 7+. This is because the
game has been rated a 7+, most of the users will be aimed at 16+
due to the use of social media.
Katz’ Uses and Gratification
• The users for this site will want to have ‘Surveillance’ as they want to
know information of what the new Forza games have to offer. ‘Diversion’
will also be an area as people come to this site to socialise and engage
with people who love the game Forza.
• They will also be classed as personal relationships on the social website.
As people will be allowed to discuss recent articles from Facebook on the
site. People are able to comment on the article and engage with other
people to give their opinions.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
• The users that use this site will be classed as ‘social climber’s’ as they
would want to improve their social status. They also want to know what
new news has come out regarding the new Forza games. Users are able to
comment and discuss theses news articles. They can share their opinion
on what they think the article is about and what it means for the game.
• Users will want to show and post their current pictures of how well they
are doing on the Forza games. This may be a new car that they designed or
an achievement that they have unlocked.
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
• The majority of the users that will be on the site will be from the USA as
online gaming is very popular there. Compared to the UK the Americans
will find this site more appealing to them. Some of the greatest cars and
race tracks are from the USA. As the game is based on racing this will
appeal to them as part of the American culture is fast muscle cars and
good race tracks.
Socio economic needs
• The users will be within the C2- B as
this will b mostly interested in the
new news about the new Forza
games. They will have to also be in
this class to stereotypically have a
good job to be able to afford the
Forza games, XBOX and the online
fee you have to pay to go online.
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
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Unit 35
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Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
Unit 35
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Unit 35
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Unit 35

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 35: Social Media Products St. Andrew’s Catholic School – 64135 Harrison Cole - 2030
  • 2.
  • 4. P1
  • 5. Contents slide LO1 • LO1 • • Facebook purpose, content • • Anthromorphising- Like Button • • Facebook Content, Target user/ Membership • • Facebook sources of revenue • • Facebook legal and Ethical • • Facebook Negative publicity • • Snap Chat Purpose / Content • • Snap Chat Sign up page • • Snap Chat Target audience • • Snap Chat sources of revenue • • Snap Chat legal and Ethical • • Snap Chat negative publicity
  • 6. Contents slide LO1 • Snap Chat copyright laws and Data protection • • WhatsApp purpose • • WhatsApp content • • WhatsApp user number • WhatsApp Target audience • • WhatsApp sources of revenue • • WhatsApp legal and ethical • • WhatsApp Data protection • • Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes normal social behavior”- Snap chat, Facebook and WhatsApp. • • Yik Yak • • Positive side of Facebook, Snap chat and WhatsApp. • • Negative side of Facebook, Snap Chat and WhatsApp • • Primary research • • Advertisement for Facebook, Snap chat and WhatsApp • • Synergy with video Sharing sites • • Distribution by users • • Viral marketing • • Reviews of the product • • Amusing viral post Facebook, Snap Chat and WhatsApp • • Viral post Snap Chat, Facebook and WhatsApp
  • 7. acebook – Purpose • Facebook is a social media platform that you can access via mobile phone, computer and any other electrical devices connected to the internet. Facebook offers its consumers sharing of life events by uploading pictures and making a status. You can also contact people using the Facebook messaging app. You can interact on Facebook by liking posts and photos and you can share posts and videos. • Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg , Facebook’s mission is “to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them”. • The mission statement connotes that they want consumers to stay connected and enjoy life online. The verbal codes “sharing”, “express” and “discover” connotes that Facebook wants people to interact with others with the use of technology. • Source- ab=page_info
  • 8. Facebook – Content • The Facebook ident is blue which highlights that this will be an on going house style theme for Facebook. On the left side of the Facebook homepage is a navigation bar. At the top you can write what's on your mind. You can select different options from the navigation bar which will take you to different features such as messages and newsfeed. You can also scroll down the newsfeed to look at new stories that people have shared.
  • 9. Facebook – Content Here is the log in button where you enter your user name and password Here you are able to sign up for the free social media website. You have to enter your first name and last name. followed by your e mail or your number. Finally you have to fill in your date of birth. They have placed this message to encourage users to come back to the social media site.
  • 10. Facebook – Content Advertisement on the side of the profile page. They are related to things you may have liked on Facebook recently. This is where you can post what's on your mind. You can also post videos, pictures and share links. This lets other people see what's on your mind. This is where you can choose your profile picture and display your name. This lets other people know who’s Facebook profile they are on. This is where the photos you have posted are kept. People are then able to look through them and like, comment and share.
  • 11. Anthromorphising- Like Button • The Like button is used to give users the power to show that they like what has been posted on their time line. You are able to Like Facebook pages that are located all over the social media page. For example in the screen shot below on the right I have liked a video game page. When you like the page, every post on that page will then be displayed on your newsfeed. The screen shot below on the left hand side is one of Facebooks new Like button features. This gives the users the power to express their emotions over posts on their time lines. There are 6 emojis you are able to select from to express what you feel about the posts on your newsfeed, which signifies how this social e-media product provides human like qualities (Anthromorphising) to its services.
  • 12. acebook- Colour • Facebook uses the Colour blue as their house style colour. This colour can be easily recognised as being Facebook’s house style colour. The colour is considered as being targeted at men and women. This colour can be liked by men and women. Blue is also considered as being clean and friendly. This creates a very calm effect on the users. The colour connotes the social and friendly style that everyone can like and enjoy about this product. Source:
  • 13. Facebook – Content You are also able to share what is your mind on the newsfeed page. Advertisement is also displayed on the side of the newsfeed. They relate to things you have likes on Facebook. This is where you can access the messages from other friends. This is where you are able to watch videos that get posted online. This can appear on your newsfeed and profile.
  • 14. Content- People interacting on site. • On Facebook people are able to comment on new releases of TV programs, films and other news articles. On Facebook I have found a post from Top Gear. They have posted their trailer for their new episode. People have been able to comment on what they think 0
  • 15. Facebook- Target user/Membership • To sign up to Facebook you use the step by step guide they provide which is free for everyone. You simply fill out your details such as your name and date of birth. You can see this from the screen shot that is displayed at the bottom. The demographics for who uses Facebook are almost fairly even between male and female. 57% female, 43% male 46% over 45 years, 22% 35-44 years, 18% 25-34 years, 14% 13-24 years 57% college- or university- educated 11% on incomes over $100,000, 47% on incomes $50,000-100,000. • As you can see from the statistics that the majority of college students uses the website more than older people in the over 45 category. The target audience has clearly been targeted at younger people who live in urban areas with good infrastructure. Source - media-demographics/
  • 16. Facebook- Target user/Membership Katz, Maslow, Hartley, Psychographics, socio-economic needs According to the Katz theory suggest that people are able to their own situation. They can do this by writing statuses on their wall or timeline. They can write what is in their mind or about an certain situation they have been in. According to the Hartley’s seven subjective the target audience have to be 13 years old to have Facebook. This is an rule that Facebook as placed. According to the theory both Genders are targeted as it relates back to Facebook’s mission statement. They want to bring people closer together. This means both genders are being targeted. According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs suggest that the target audience are social climbers as they are driven by improving their status on society. People can change their status to inform friends recent achievements and success stories. It also suggests the explores as the audience are also driven by social change. People can change their behaviour when they see things on social media that they make them change. Source :
  • 17. Facebook- Target user number • Facebook is know for being one of the leading most popular social media sites in the world. As you can see fro the graph below the user number has gone up every year. Currently in the year 2016 the number is at 1.51 billion users. This makes the social media site the most popular site in the world. Source: m/statistics/264810/nu mber-of-monthly- active-facebook-users- worldwide/
  • 18. Facebook- Sources of Revenue • Facebook generates income through advertisement, Facebook made $3.7 billion from just the advertisement. People want make sure that they are advertising on Facebook because they have 900 million active users online. Depending on the things you like on Facebook will depend on what kind of advertising you get. Facebook also makes money through mobile apps such as Farmville and Candy Crush. They are linked to the network so users can ask other users to play the game with them online using the mobile app. If you were to advertise on Facebook it will cost you minimum $1.00 daily. With this low of a bid you wont get many people looking at the advert. The more you bid the more of a chance people will see the advert on their newsfeed. Source-
  • 19. Facebook- Sources of Revenue • They can generate income through Pay Per click, this is an way of internet marketing. Whenever the ad is clicked and then sent to the website thee website then must pay a small fee to the search engine. This could then generate a lot of income for Facebook. Below is an example of the that get posted on my personal news feed. Most of the adverts are sponsored which creates a bigger income. On my personal profile I have liked a lot of football related products such as Adidas football. This then links to why I have football related sponsored adverts on my newsfeed as you can see below in the print screen. Facebook earns $21.5 million per day from advertisement. Source: per-day/
  • 20. Legal and Ethical – Does Facebook put you in a bad mood ? • Facebook has been a part of one of the many problems over social media in terms of changing peoples behavioral traits. People scroll through their social media and find out that people have posted stuff that you may not have been invited to. This then leads people into depression in some cases. People also like to express what they are feeling about on Facebook. The majority of them are all based on bad news. This then puts other people in bad moods when they then go to see the post appear on their newsfeed. • Source: a-bad-mood-how-negativity-on-social-networks-is-contagious
  • 21. Facebook – Legal/ethical issues • Lawsuit Target Facebook Privacy Issues case study • Facebook users are at risk at having their personal information such as pictures on things such as advertisement without their consent. This required 5 Californians to file a lawsuit against Facebook. Facebook says that they don’t sell personal photos to people for advertisement. This would be against Facebook’s policy so the advert was removed from Facebook. • 10 days after the lawsuit Facebook decided to give all the users more control over their personal accounts. Facebook conformed to this case study by allowing people to gain for control of what people see on your profile. Source: law/lawsuit-target-facebook-privacy-issues.html
  • 22. Facebook – Legal/ethical issues • Facebook have to agree to the Data Protection Act (1998). This is to ensure that the users have their personal data that they give to Facebook is kept safe from hackers. When you sign up to Facebook you have to fill in your date of birth and other details. Facebook by law have to keep your details safe and only visible by you. The screen shot below shows the privacy page that Facebook have created. This allows you to be in control of what people see on Facebook regarding to your personal details.
  • 23. Facebook – Legal/ethical issues • Facebook faces the most common problem that social media sites have to face. That is cyber bullying, due to a article on the mail online Facebook has become the worst social media network for bullying with 19 year olds being the most common victims. The report says that the people who get bullied on the social media site suffer depression, self harming and truancy. This can all then lead to serious and tragic events such as death. • Facebook has taken steps to make sure that this doesn’t happen on the social media site by creating a help page. Below is a screen shot of what the help page looks like. They offer you advice on how you should deal with the bullying online. • Source: -2294023/Facebook-worst-social-network- bullying-New-survey-shows-youngsters- targeted-online-else.html
  • 24. • In a recent article that I have researched on the internet, Facebook can cause people to have a lot of stress on them. This is caused by other users on Facebook posting something stressful online, it can then make you get stressed out as well. People would want to help out with situations on Facebook which then causes stress on themselves according to this recent study. This is known as people having a “cost of care” when they see stressful posts on Facebook. The chart below is from the article I found online. This explains how people that don’t use Facebook have a lower stress level than the people that do use Facebook. Source: /rundown/social-media-stress- contagious/
  • 25. Data Protection act • The data protection act controls the personal information Is used for the magazine. This is a legislation that came into the law in the year 1998. this is an act of parliament that will follow procedures to keep personal data safe from other people using it. It provides a way for you to be in control for who sees the data for the magazine. • Source :
  • 26. Negative publicity Facebook • Facebook faces a common social media online problem known as cyber bullying. In a recent article I had found was about a consumer that ended up hanging himself when he was getting bullied on Facebook. The bullies were targeting the 19 year old by posting some incorrect rumors. Therefore the negative side of Facebook there is no control over what people are posting online. This has lead to someone taking their own life because of the negative side. Source: himself.html The verbal code “warns of dangers” connotes how the newspaper are trying to create a ‘moral panic’ (Barker – 2001) amongst the readership.
  • 27. Snap Chat- Purpose Snap Chat is a social media platform that you can use on mainly mobile devices. You can also use Snap Chat on computers if you download a program called BLUESTACKS. As long as the devices are connected to the interment you are able to use the application. Snap Chat offers its consumers sharing pictures taken by your phone or computer. You are able to send pictures of yourself and others will various editing tools such as, filters and the use of text. This is displayed on the picture that you want to send. You can then either share the picture for everyone to see on your story which lasts for 24 hours for people to see. Or you can send the snap to a friend directly. Snap Chat was founded in September 2011 by a man called Evan Spiegel, Evan made the successful app during his years a university. Evan came out with the statement saying that "We would experiment and fail. We must have attempted nearly 34 projects,”. This connotes how hard Evan had to work to make the app successful. Source- app-sexting-lawsuits-valuation
  • 28. Snap Chat- Purpose • Snapchat have the slogan saying that they allow people to have real time picture chatting for I phone and android. This connotes that they want to promote the fact that you picture chat for real. This is the only real way that you can talk to other people using pictures. Below I have taken a screen shot of Snapchats slogan from their Facebook page as I am unable to access their website. Other media websites I have researched have commented on the purpose saying “Snapchat is a photo-sharing app that changes privacy norms in a very novel way. The free app allows users to send others photos and control how long receivers can see them. These photos last for up to 10 seconds, before they disappear forever. If you try to take a screenshot, the app will notify the sender”. The description then moves on to what Snapchat mostly is used for. This is sexting people explicit pictures of themselves to other users. The media makes this to be a big things with Snapchat. Source:
  • 29. Snap Chat – Content • The Snap Chat ident is yellow which means that the on going house style will be yellow. From this screen shot on the left you are able to see the main screen when you open up the app. This display shows you who you have sent Snap Chats to and who has sent them back. The Snaps are color coordinated by red being a picture and blue being a simple typed message. This connotes the red being more of an important message because it’s a picture and message. Blue is less important as its just a basic message. If you then swipe with your finger to the right, users can then take a picture of themselves along with using the edit tools. Swipe one more time to the right and you are able to access other peoples stories along with your own. https://itunes.a p/snapchat/id44 7188370?mt=8
  • 30. Snap Chat – Sign up page • Signing up to Snapchat can be a very easy and simple process which then becomes appealing to the audience. All you have to do is download the application onto your phone then sign up by selecting sign up instead off login. The screen shot below shows you what you need to fill in to sign up to Snapchat. If you already have a account then you select the log in button. This then takes you to the username then password. This is a very quick process as once you have logged in or signed up, you on the phone you then don’t need to sing back in when you leave the app.
  • 31. Snap Chat – Target Audience • To sign up to Snap Chat you have to follow some easy steps that they provide for for you. All you have to do for them is use your e mail and a pass word that you can remember. This so you can access your account from any electrical device that has access to the internet. • As you can see from the diagram below the age category that uses the application the most is the 18-25. This is because younger people are more into taking pictures of themselves also know as selfies. Snap chat have 100 million users that are on the app everyday. 65% of people that uses the app contributes to the content of media, this can mean posting pictures to your story for people to see or simply sending friends pictures. the-different-social-networks-2015-6
  • 32. Snap Chat – Target Audience • Katz’ Uses and Gratification theory suggest that the users of Snap Chat can post stories of events and situations for other friends to be able to see. They can take pictures and then wright on it a type of situation that they may be in. they can then keep this story online for 24 hours. People are able to then relate and express what they might be feeling. People can also use instant messaging on this social media product which then can create a bond between people chatting. This is classed as the personal relationships that users develop. • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory suggests that the users are Social climbers as they can send pictures of something they may have achieved. They can then also put this on their stories. They can show people that they have improved their status In society. • Hartley’s seven subjectivities theory suggests that the age is 13+ as this is what the Snapchat team have enforced. The gender is both male and females that are being targeted. You have to be middle class due to you having to be able to afford an I phone or Android phone to be able to use the app.
  • 33. Snap Chat- Sources of Revenue • Snap Chat generates its money through mainly advertisement that they allow people on Snap Chat to look at. They also offer the users to have a better version of the app such as being able to replay snaps that have disappeared after the timer runs out to look at the snap. They charge you 99p for the new feature of the app. Snap Chat makes on average £750,000 a day from just the advertisement that they put on the application. • In June 2015 Snap Chat raised £60 million just from the investors that they have. They then valued the company for a good £800 million. There is no other way that the app can generate the money by the users. Source: make-money/
  • 34. Snap Chat- Sources of Revenue • According to an article that I have researched, Snapchat had turned down a 4$ Billion deal from Facebook and Google. They had turned this huge offer down because they said “it would be hard to build a business out of Snapchat”. With having 400 million people using Snapchat each day, they could make loads of money from simple advertisement on their app. • They can earn up to $3 million for making sure that someone's 10 second video advertisement is on the application. This then makes the a huge and sustainable revenue for the company. • Source: on-15m-in-revenue
  • 35. Snapchat- Legal and Ethical Issues • One of the biggest issues that Snap chat faces is children sending nude pictures to each other via the application. There have been cases where children have been sending nudes to each other as a form of child pornography. In November , ten boys near Montreal were being investigated due to the nude pictures. This then was turned into a court case. Snapchat can be very fun and popular as this is the third most popular social media social site in the world. However it is dangerous due to the events involving the nude pictures from children. • Furthermore Snapchat could be set for being band from the UK along side WhatsApp if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people through these applications. Communication data bill. Source: among-millennials/
  • 36. Snapchat- Negative Publicity • The main issue that Snapchat faces with the users is Sexting. In a recent article that I found online was about Snap chat cracking down on sexting teen by telling them to keep their clothes on. This is due to the number of concerned parents that are against sexting in Snapchat. The issue has only recently been brought to the headlines as the under aged Teens have been using the app to send naked pictures to other people using it. Snapchat were quick to take action as they have enforced some rules on their website for the app. The rules state that you must keep your clothes on , especially if you are the under the age of 18. Source: telling-clothes-issues-safety-guide-concerned-parents.html
  • 37. Snapchat- Negative Publicity • This article “Snapchat breach exposes flawed premise, security challenge” is about ‘racy’ Snapchat photos hitting the Internet. The negative publicity surrounding this speculation has caused lots chaos surrounding Snapchat and its security. This product therefore ‘erodes normal social behaviour’ (Noam Chomsky) as thousands of users can send these ‘racy’ photos that are hitting the Internet. Therefore, it highlights the internet and apps are ‘eroding normal social behaviour’. Source: idUSKCN0I32UJ20141014
  • 38. Snapchat- Data Protection Act • The Data Protection Act is the law controls your personal information which is used by another organisation. Such as Snapchat in this case. Images and messages that are sent are protected. Collection and use of personal data in the UK is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and over seen by the Commissioner. Source:
  • 39. Snapchat- Copyright Laws • Snapchat honors the requirements set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Therefore they reasonable steps to remove any infringing material that the become aware off. You can report any infringing copyright at Source:
  • 40. WhatsApp – Purpose WhatsApp is a Social media platform created for mobile devices that are connected to to the internet. They application can be downloaded from the app store and any other android store. The application offers its consumers the power to be able to use instant messaging through the app using yours and your friends mobile numbers. The application also gives the consumers the power to be able to create group chats. Anyone who has the application and a phone number is able to join the group chat. WhatsApp was founded in the year 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, they both recently worked for Yahoo who are an internet search engine. Both of the employees then left the company and tried to get a job at Facebook. They then decided that they should create an app because they had no other way of getting a job.
  • 41. WhatsApp – Purpose • WhatsApp have a slogan that says “Simple, Personal. Real time messaging”. • This verbal code connotes that this is easy to use, the service is very personal to you with your own messages that are immediate and it is also being described as being very quick to use.
  • 42. WhatsApp – Purpose • In a recent article WhatsApp now allows you to send documents over the application as well as messages and photos. As you can see from the screen shot below from the article that I have found.
  • 43. WhatsApp – Content Account page • The WhatsApp ident is green which means that the on going house style of the application will be green. WhatsApp is a very useful application to use if you need to contact someone fast. As this is a instant messaging service that people can use where ever they are as long as they have connection to the internet. On the left hand side you can see what the main screen looks like when you open the application. You have all the contacts that you have in your phone book that have WhatsApp on their phone. • Bellow you can see how WhatsApp display messages that have been sent, one tick means that the message has been sent. Two ticks means that the message has been delivered and then the two blue ticks means the message has been read. Source : http://www.howdo m/
  • 44. WhatsApp- Content This is what the chat page looks like. This is where you can find all the messages that you have sent and then received. Here you have your profile where you can control your settings and access and change your profile picture.
  • 45. WhatsApp- Content sign up page The sign up page for WhatsApp is very simple and easy to use. They have used clear text and simple text to make it easy as possible to sign up. All you have to do is, enter your e-mail and then create your password. Followed by verifying your mobile number to the app. On the sign up page you are able to use a feature to save you from having to log in every time you open the app. In the screen shot you can see a box which you can tick. The box that you can tick says “Remember me”, which connotes it will remember your log in details.
  • 46. WhatsApp-User Number • The Whatsapp have been very successful with the amount of users they have had on their side over the past few years. In January 2015 the user number went up to 700 million users. This has made this mobile messaging service the most popular messaging service world wide. As you can see from the graph below the user number has gone up every year. Source: http://www.statist 60819/number- of-monthly-active- whatsapp-users/
  • 47. WhatsApp- Colour • WhatsApp use the colour green as their main house style to connote the application being very easy to use. Green is seen as a relaxing colour to look out as it takes you away from stress. Green is also considered to be a very positive colour to look at. This is why WhatsApp have used the green colour to make sure the users have a good experience with it. They have created the application for social and work purposes. Green can be also considered as a smart colour as well as a social. Source:
  • 48. WhatsApp- Target Audience • To be able to use WhatsApp you must have a mobile device that has access to the internet. This means that the target audience all ready has been aimed at people that use their mobile phones to communicate with other people. Whatever mobile phone you have must have a download application store. This is where WhatsApp will be made available to people. • As you can see from the table below the age group of 25-34 have the highest user status. This includes mixed genders of the population of the UK. This means WhatsApp have targeted younger people as they have a higher interest in technology communication. Source: http://www. m/blogs/mar keting
  • 49. WhatsApp- Target Audience Audience Theories • According to Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory the target audience is aimed at ‘personal identification’. This is because on the application you are able to relate to a character and their situation. You are able to contact people in your phone book and use the instant messaging. People can write their own personal statuses on their profile which can the allow other contacts to see. • According to the Hartley’s seven subjectivities the target audience is aimed at 16+ due to the rules that have been enforced by WhatApp. The gender is aimed at men and women. You have to be at a middle class stage to be able to afford a smart phone to use the application. • According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the target audience is aimed at ‘Caregivers’. This is because people are able to comment on their status saying that they are in a bad state. Other users can see that and then sympathise the characters situation.
  • 50. WhatsApp- Sources of Revenue • WhatsApp generates most of the money through Facebook. In the year 2014 Facebook decided that they should buy the application company for the cost of $19 billion. Through the Facebook company they made around $1,289,000 in nine months. • WhatsApp makes most of the money simply buy charging people on the app stores $1.00 for the app. This means that they have some revenue coming in for every person that has WhatsApp on their mobile phone. In the UK WhatsApp is free for the first year. They then charge you £1.00 to use the app for another year. WhatsApp have around 700 million people using the app. This means they then make $700 million from the users that they have. Source- personal-finance/040915/how- whatsapp-makes-money.asp
  • 51. WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues • WhatsApp breached data privacy laws by storing non-user contact details • WhatsApp have been found guilty for breaching the users personal information on peoples phones. “It indiscriminately retains all that information, meaning millions of non-consenting, non-users have had their data given up over the years” • Furthermore WhatsApp could be set for being band from the UK along side Snap Chat if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people through these applications. Communication data bill is a draft legislation that was introduced to parliament in May 2012. this is to help seek the compel ISPs to store the details of what WhatsApp’s communication usage. •
  • 52. WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues • WhatsApp have been named the worst Social media for the data protection act. This took place In the year 2012 as they had breached the law by storing non- user contact details. The data protection is a law that was put in place to protect peoples personals details. WhatsApp have breached this by storing peoples contacts on the users phone in their servers. This then puts other peoples personal data at risk. People in the address book would have never have known if the investigation has never began. They had been found guilty of the law being breached and was given time to mend the fault. Source:
  • 53. WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues • Whatsapp have issued a new security encryption techniques to keep the users safe. On the India radar they have noticed that they haven't done so as said. The Indians have tested the security of the service and failed. They were able to beat the tech and hack other messages with very little prevention. This has been called for a band in India due to the service stating false information. Source: into-trouble-in-india-and-might-soon-be-banned-here-is-the- reason-for-it/
  • 54. WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues • WhatsApp have caused problems with people mentally in society for some people. When you send a message to some one, there is a green tick that pops up telling you that the message has been delivered. Then a second green tick will pop up telling you that the message has been read. For one women this caused depression. She had messaged a man she asked a number for during the week. She sent a message to this man over WhatsApp. The green tick had been shown to say that it had been delivered. Then the second tock had then been shown. This mean that he had read her message. The reply never happened. The women then felt very sad and then lead to depression. She knew that the man had read the message and hadn't replied to her. This made her feel lonely and unwanted. This is all because of the WhatsApp feature that they have placed on their mobile messaging service. • Source: whatsapp/
  • 55. WhatsApp- Is this Ethical ? WhatsApp have been breaching privacy laws by accessing users contact address book which is imbedded into the phone. Is this ethical? Yes it is because they are pertaining to the right and wrong in conduct. Breaching privacy is morally wrong so should not have been done. Do they still do this? This was issued in 2012, this was an on going investigation. WhatsApp had to the year 2013 to fix what they had done by officials. WhatsApp then made the changes to the breaching of privacy on peoples phones through the new update. Source: y/whatsapp-breaches-privacy-laws- 1.1343435
  • 56. Whatsapp- Data Protection Act • The Data Protection Act is the law controls your personal information which is used by another organisation. Such as Snapchat in this case. Images and messages that are sent are protected. Collection and use of personal data in the UK is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and over seen by the Commissioner. Source:
  • 57. P2
  • 58. Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes normal social behavior” • This theory suggests that the social media that we have today erodes the normal social behaviour that we have today. Noam Chomsky has noticed the change in normal behaviour through watching his grandchildren. People are becoming very shallow when it comes to talking to other people face to face. The rate of violence has come up especially from male teenager boys. • Source: lowup-chomsky-on-social-media/
  • 59. According to Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes normal social behavior” • I agree with this statement about Facebook as I have done some research about the social media site. According to my source people spend up to 7 hours a month on the social media site. This then erodes the normal social behavior that people should be having. This Is Facebook's mission statement, "Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.” • This shows you how much Facebook wants you to be on the social media site, they want you to be on their site staying connected with other people. They also want people to express what they are feeling on Facebook which can also cause problems with normal behavior. Source:http: // Source:
  • 60. According to Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes normal social behavior” – • I agree also with the next social media product I have chosen to research. SnapChat have caused many problems with normal social behavior, usually they are effecting couples that are together. The source that I have researched tells me that is causes Jealously in normal social behavior. • This is because SnapChat allows people to send pictures to each other. This can be anyone which is why people get jealous when partners see each other sending and receiving pictures from other people. 14.2% of the users use Snap chat for “sexting” people. Which means that they are sending explicit pictures of themselves to other people. Source- jealousy Source: on-social-media/
  • 61. According to Noam Chomsky, social media “erodes normal social behavior” – • life-changed-since Source: social-media/ • I agree with this because there have been many people that have quit using this application. I have researched some sources and found out that there have been 3 main reasons for quitting. The first being the application being slow, the second annoying group chats and lastly the last seen messages. The case study I have found on the internet tells me about a man who got emotionally put down because of the messages he had sent. The man had sent messages to people which has been read easily identified by the applications feature. This then made the man sad and effected how he then socialized with people because he had lost his confidence with talking to other people.
  • 62. Convergence theory – Henry Jenkins (2006) "the kinds of entertainment experiences they want" • Facebook gives consumers “the kinds of entertainment experience that they want” as consumers are able to share YouTube videos on their news feed, watch Memes/Vines they are able to “like” posts and also Facebook have now brought in more Emojis that have a meaning behind them like the thumbs up. Therefore instead of just liking something on Facebook you can now have different emotions such as “Haha”, “Yay”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry”. This gives consumers “the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” because they are now able to share different emotions and can also get more involved by sharing videos on their newsfeed and sharing from others. Source:
  • 63. Yik Yak • Yik Yak is a social media peoduct which allows people to post and say whatever they like about a certain topic. This website is very popular for university students. This means that the target audience are between 18- 24. Andrew Keen (2011) suggests that this is an example of social media product that encourages “shameless” behaviour. Andrew Keen wants to convey the message to say how morally wrong it is to post things that are on your mind. People are posting stuff on Yik Yak which people simply does not matter.
  • 64. Yik Yak in trouble with the media • The social media site has been a very successful site for college students to go on and communicate to each other. However they are causing loads of problems with local schools. There have been a number of bullying cases that lead to young people getting hurt by. Students have been getting death threats from other users of the social media site. People have also been getting bomb threats. This has lead to loads of schools having to block the social media site. Source: trouble-for-schools/
  • 65. Positive side of – Facebook Facebook has many good sides to its site such as: • It can be very beneficial for consumers that live far apart that are living far apart from each other. Because of Facebook they are able to keep in touch with each other. Families can share family photos and different videos with each other on the social media site. • It can good for making new friends that may live near by, this can then make people have a happy relationships using the messaging application they have. Or you can still keep in touch with old friends that you miss. • Support- recently there have been terrorist attacks in Paris, Facebook have allowed people to show their support by changing their profile picture to a French flag. This then sends a message to society that people want to unite and support the country for what they have been through. Source- ositive-negative-effects-facebook- our-society/
  • 66. Positive side of – SnapChat Snap Chat has many things that can be positive such as: • Sharing pictures of something you like with everyone that you want to share with, you have a contacts list where you are able to choose who you would like to share the pictures with. • SnapChat allows you to use their new filters on the photos that you take. They include making the pictures have different shades of color to make the user look better. They have new animated features within the filters that people are able to play around with and share. • You can send videos to your friends with a 30 second time limit. Along with this you are able to send instant messages to your friends on the application. Source-
  • 67. Positive side of- WhatssApp There are many positive things about WhatssApp such as: • The application is free to download when you go on the app store, this means people are able to use this instant messaging app without having to pay. You can use the free service wherever you are with your 3G signal. • There are no advertisement on the display screen, this means people can enjoy talking to people without the adverts getting in the way of peoples conversations. It means people wont get tempted to waist money on products online. • The application allows you to share pictures on the app, you can also share your location with your friends. This then makes it easy for your friends to be able to find you when you plan to meet up. source- the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-
  • 68. Negative side of Facebook • Lawsuit Target Facebook Privacy Issues case study • Facebook users are at risk at having their personal information such as pictures on things such as advertisement without their consent. This required 5 Californians to file a lawsuit against Facebook. Facebook says that they don’t sell personal photos to people for advertisement. This would be against Facebook’s policy so the advert was removed from Facebook. • 10 days after the lawsuit Facebook decided to give all the users more control over their personal accounts. Facebook conformed to this case study by allowing people to gain for control of what people see on your profile. Source: law/lawsuit-target-facebook-privacy-issues.html
  • 69. Negative side of Facebook • Facebook faces a common social media online problem known as cyber bullying. In a recent article I had found was about a consumer that ended up hanging himself when he was getting bullied on Facebook. The bullies were targeting the 19 year old by posting some incorrect rumors. Therefore the negative side of Facebook there is no control over what people are posting online. This has lead to someone taking their own life because of the negative side. Source: suicide-student-19-hanged-himself.html
  • 70. Negative side of Snap Chat • One of the biggest issues that SnapChat faces is children sending nude pictures to each other via the application. There have been cases where children have been sending nudes to each other as a form of child pornography. In November , ten boys near Montreal were being investigated due to the nude pictures. This then was turned into a court case. Snapchat can be very fun and popular as this is the third most popular social media social site in the world. However it is dangerous due to the events involving the nude pictures from children. • Furthermore Snapchat could be set for being band from the UK along side WhatsApp if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people through these applications. Communication data bill. Source: most-popular-social-network-among-millennials/
  • 71. Snapchat- Negative Publicity • The main issue that Snapchat faces with the users is Sexting. In a recent article that I found online was about Snap chat cracking down on sexting teen by telling them to keep their clothes on. This is due to the number of concerned parents that are against sexting in Snapchat. The issue has only recently been brought to the headlines as the under aged Teens have been using the app to send naked pictures to other people using it. Snapchat were quick to take action as they have enforced some rules on their website for the app. The rules state that you must keep your clothes on , especially if you are the under the age of 18. Source: telling-clothes-issues-safety-guide-concerned-parents.html
  • 72. Negative side of WhatsApp • WhatsApp breached data privacy laws by storing non-user contact details • WhatsApp have been found guilty for breaching the users personal information on peoples phones. “It indiscriminately retains all that information, meaning millions of non-consenting, non-users have had their data given up over the years” • Furthermore WhatsApp could be set for being band from the UK along side Snap Chat if controversial Snooper Charter legislation is passed. Prim minister David Cameron is paining to stop encrypted messages being sent to other people through these applications. Communication data bill. •
  • 73. WhatsApp- Legal and Ethical Issues • WhatsApp have been named the worst Social media for the data protection act. This took place In the year 2012 as they had breached the law by storing non- user contact details. The data protection is a law that was put in place to protect peoples personals details. WhatsApp have breached this by storing peoples contacts on the users phone in their servers. This then puts other peoples personal data at risk. People in the address book would have never have known if the investigation has never began. They had been found guilty of the law being breached and was given time to mend the fault. Source:
  • 74. Primary Research • For my primary research I have used survey monkey which is an online survey website that allows you to produce and then send to people. You can then review the results online. I have created a survey online to ask my peers what they think the positives and the negatives about social media. • I will then screenshot the results then analyze them in the following slides. I have asked my peers questions such as , what do you think the positive effects of social media have on you ?
  • 75. Primary Research This response denotes that everyone who has responded to the survey has said that they all use the popular social media sites that I have suggested. This connotes that most of the class like to use the popular social media sites.
  • 76. Primary Research Here I have received a responses to the question “What do you think the positives of social media are?“ people have responded saying that they find social media positive because they are able to keep in contact with people such as family. You can also invite people to events. This is what people find positive about social media.
  • 77. • Here I have received responses to the question “What do you think the negatives of social media are?“ I have received responses that tell me that cyber bullying and being made unsociable. People can hack into your accounts and steal your details. Theses are the negative impacts that the social media sites can have on you . Primary Research
  • 78. Primary Research This is an answer I have received to the question of “why do you use social media?” I had a few responses saying that they use social media mainly for keeping in touch with other people. This is what Facebook’s mission statement is to make sure people stay connected with each other.
  • 79. Primary Research I wanted to ask people this question due to the latest terrorist attacks in Paris, I wanted to find out if it had an impact on my peers social media. People have said that their social media makes them happy. This shows that people are not being impacted by the recent attacks via social media. Others has said that it doesn't’ bother them at all.
  • 80. Primary Research This question that I have asked people is to find out if people use social media as a newspaper. The answer was yes, as you can see the everyone in the survey has selected yes to using the social media website as a newspaper. You are able to read the news on the social media website.
  • 81. Primary Research In this question I wanted to find out if people feel safe with having their data on the social media site. When you sign up for the social media website you need to fill in some personal details. The responses I have got shows that everyone does not feel safe about the details being in their social media.
  • 82. Primary Research In this question I wanted to find out how many times a week people use the social media. From the responses it shows that people use the social media site more than 10 times a week. This means that people are on the social media sites nearly everyday.
  • 83. Primary Research From this open answer question I wanted to find out what appeals to people the most on social media. I got responses saying that they like the ability to be able to communicate to each other. Others say that they enjoy seeing peoples photos of families and friends.
  • 84. P3
  • 85. P3 Breakdown • Within P3 I will be looking at how the social media products are being advertised. This may be through the internet or on TV. I will be also looking at viral marketing for the social media products that have been made. Finally I will be looking at the product service reviews that have been based on the social media products.
  • 86. Pay per click advertising • This is a very popular way of advertising on social media. Whenever an advert is clicked on, the advertisers then pay a fee to the website. This means that they are paying a fair amount of money for the people that have seen it. This type of advertising can be seen on a lot of websites. Including social media sites. Such as Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Usually people will pay around £3 per click on their advertisement. This can bring out a good profit if you end up with people buying your product for £50 over a £3.00 fee. • Source:
  • 87. Sponsored Advertisement • Sponsored advertisement is known as advertisement that is placed on a social media website as well as other websites. It becomes apart of the content for the social media. This is popular on social media websites. This is because the social media website will place the advert depending on what you have liked already on Facebook onto your social media feed. For example if I like the Top Gear page, then I'm going to get car product sponsored advertisement on my feed. • Source: papers/the-definition-of-sponsored-content/
  • 88. Peer to Peer advertisement • This is when you encourage other people to promote your product to other people. This can be done through virtual and real shopping in the high-street. Some shops will say that if you recommend a friend to the product then you will get some sort of discount of prize. This is mainly done through band cards when receiving rewards on your card. This will then encourage people to then share the product with other people. • Source: to_peer_p2p_marketing
  • 89. Advert - Facebook I have researched Facebook’s TV advert that they have recently brought out to people on the TV. What they aim to promote on the advert is making friends. The target audience is aimed at young adults as they use young adults in the adverts. They make sure the adverts are showing people having fun in their social time. This is what Facebook to promote. You can make new friends on Facebook and have good times together. The connotations conveyed in this advert is all about being friends. The screen shots are of Facebook’s TV advert. They have shown friends in real life socializing The Verbal code connotes that the message Facebook wants to get across to the audience is that they want people to be friends and embrace the ‘global village’ (McLuhan – 1967) this product seems to conform to. That is their one simple message that they want to convey.
  • 90. Advert- Snap Chat This bill board that has been advertised by Snap Chat conveys to the audience that this is the best social media product. They have focused the advert on just the logo to make the product the center of attention. They have used the house style to convey the product to the audience. The house style is yellow which also makes the advert eye catching to look at. They have made this advert very simple because its over a main road. People will not have time to slow down and read content on the advert
  • 91. Advert- Snapchat • SnapChat have used a popular film to advertise their product. They have set up a fan page on the SnapChat app that features the stars of the film feature in story's people can access on the app. • The verbal code connotes that Snap Chat are advertising the new movie called Pitch Perfect 2. • The Movie then decided that they should let everyone know what they can do on SnapChat by making an advert on it. Source: bowl-commercials-hashtags-slips- 50-2015-116658
  • 92. Advert-WhatsApp The verbal code connotes here that the service is quick and easy to use. They have used verbal codes such as “Simple, personal and real time messaging” as they are trying to convey that their service is very quick and easy to use for everyone. At the bottom of the advert you are able to see all the different types of smart phone you can buy. This is conveying to the audience that you are able to use this service with any type of these smart phones.
  • 93. Advert-WhatsApp • WhatsApp doesn’t have any type of advertisement in the social media business, they have a different way of making sure that they have the company promoted. They have done this by selling the company to Facebook. Facebook have bought WhatsApp which means now that Facebook have the job of making sure that they are being advertised. • Facebook do this by making their own adverts and new features that link to WhatsApp. This then shows people on Facebook that they have partnered with WhatsApp.
  • 94. • As I had researched earlier about the movie Pitch Perfect, I have also found that they have video shared the two social media products. Facebook and SnapChat have both offered the same thing, this was to advertise the movie thorough the social media sites. This then allowed them to be video shared as you can see on the left with the movie advert. This advert was advertised on the TV. This means that people will then sign up and take part in finding out more about the movie via the social media sites.
  • 95. • This is an example of what video sharing is with the social media synergy. The new movie ‘Deadpool’ has shared its video that has been uploaded to YouTube through Facebook. People are then able to share this and also comment and like. • People are able to then view this video by Deadpool on YouTube through the Facebook link.
  • 96. Distribution by users • On Facebook people are able to comment on new releases of TV programs, films and other news articles. On Facebook I have found a post from Top Gear. They have posted their trailer for their new episode. People have been able to comment on what they think.
  • 97. Distribution by users • On Snapchat people can create story's on their account. People who are friends with the user are able to then view the story. They appear in the recent updates section of the app. People can take pictures then type a short message across the photo. Friends can view this and then message the user about the story that has been posted. The story will only remain on the account for 24 hours before It then deletes itself.
  • 98. Distribution by users • On your WhatsApp profile you are able to change your status and your profile picture. At the moment my profile status just says available. People that are in my WhatsApp contacts are able to contact me and question my status. You can the change your status at any other time.
  • 99. Viral marketing • Viral marketing is when you have the product sold electronic, this means that the apps have to be accessed from the app store. This store is where you access the apps if you have an apple product. This is a good techniques that allows you to be able websites to pas s on a marketing message to other sites. This then creates the growth of the messages as it becomes more visible to people. People can promote what they sell using e-mail news letters. This has become a very popular method that people have used to sell on the web. • Sourcce:
  • 100. Reviews of the product • You are able to see the reviews of the products on the app store from people that have downloaded the product. Apple have then abled people to get their say on what they think of the app. This then gives other people on the app store an idea of what the application is like. I have researched Facebooks reviews on the app store and have found out as you can see below that they have had some good reviews from people that have bought the app. Source: https://itunes.ap facebook/id2848 82215?mt=8
  • 101. Reviews of the product • This is an review that has been taken from a social media review website. They have said that the social media product has been rated a 16+. People have said that this app is a great social media product that gets used for the wrong reasons. The application has been rated through a chart for parents to read. They are then displayed on the website page for people to see. The screen shot is displayed below on the right hand side. People have said that the app is very swear word based and slightly sexual. This is why the review has been given a 16+. • Source:
  • 102. Reviews of the product • WhatsApp has been given a good review by the people who run this social media review website. They have said that this a 16+ social media product as this is a instant messaging service used on smart phones. The review of the website has made a table which denotes what kind of category the social media product falls under. They have said that the application is mostly used under Ease of Play. There has been no reference to the sexual content unlike Snap chat. • Source:
  • 103. Amusing viral posted- Facebook • Facebook, now a platform in its own right, has had a lot of publicity lately with the social media news page called ‘The Lad Bible’. This has become the most shared and liked page there is on Facebook. People like this news page because its funny and relates to our everyday society. They post videos of funny events that have taken place from the news. People like to tag other friends into posts that may have occurred to them once. 11,371,573 people have now liked the news page.
  • 104. Amusing viral posted- Facebook • Recently on ‘The Lad Bible’ they have posted a viral post that has caused loads of people to like and share the video. ‘The Lad Bible’ have posted a video of a dog coming across a crab for the first time. This amusing video caused a lot of people to comment on, share and like it. This video has received 9.2K likes with over 700 shares. People have also tagged other friends on the social media site on the video.
  • 105. Viral posted- WhatsApp Whatsapp have introduces a desktop app. This will able people to be able to use the app on their computer. So far this has had 2.3k shares on Facebook. WhatsApp have gone viral for their latest post on Facebook. This post has received 11K likes which has sent the post viral over Facebook. People then like and share on their newsfeeds.
  • 106. Viral posted- WhatsApp • WhatsApp use have the publicity that comes from making business's grow all over the world. The application allows you to be able to have group phone call’s and messages with people that you work with. Recently they have had a lot of publicity for the new feature that has helped business even more. • WhatsApp have now allowed people to be able to send bulky e mails to each other over the chats. You can use the app to post updates about how well the business is doing. Sharing pictures and videos about the products that you are trying to promote can also be shared. • Source: 5-ways-whatsapp-can-help-grow-your-business
  • 107. Viral posted- Snapchat Snap Chat has recently gone viral because of their post on Facebook. They have announced that you can video on Android phones using Snap Chat. Before you could only use I phones to be able to film when using the app. This Snap Chat post that has been posted on Facebook has been shared by over 12K people. This then becomes viral over the social media site Facebook. People have also left comments on what they think about the post. The post itself has had over 11K likes. People have tagged each other within the comments. This is another way of being able to share the post.
  • 108. Viral posted- Snapchat • Snapchat have made the next step into making sure that they get all the publicity they can get. They have done this through the new features that they have brought out to the users this year. Such as allowing people to use face swap on their accounts. People that use this have taken to Facebook to share their experience using the new feature. • From Facebook they have then liked and shared all the pictured and videos that have been uploaded. This then creates enough publicity they need to then go on and produce more.
  • 109. How do you advertise ? • Many different types of social media like to make sure that they are advertising to promote the product. The internet is the best place because that’s where everyone goes to look for products. The internet says that the price of the advert is decided on how many pixels you wish to use on the advertisement. • You then must decide where the advert is going to go, where on the screen where would you like to see it go? You then need to consider the advert performance. The size, location and quality of the advert. • The market demand is then decided when the publisher will decide on a setting rate card level to be able to sell out the bulk of the inventory. Below you can see the standard rates you would have to pay for the advertisement on the internet. Source: http://www.promisemedia .com/online- advertising/online-rate- card-tips-and-guidelines
  • 110.
  • 111. Contents LO2 • LO2 • • Purpose – Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Competitors • • Web colours and inspiration • • Copyright Location • • Synergy with other social media • • Abbreviated Logo • • Font Styles • • Connotations Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Navigation bar Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Content overview Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Mind map for Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Audience theories for Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Hand drawn drafts for Football Go Go and Forza Morza • • Photoshop versions for Football Go Go and Forza Morza
  • 112. Purpose • The purpose of this social media website is to be able to bring football fans together to bond and have a great match day. Its been designed to make finding venues on match days easy. The social media website also provides the users with latest football gossip and news about football in the premier and championship leagues. This then keeps the football fans with the up to date news and gossip of the latest transfer rumors. The target audience will want to seek news to see if their football club they are supporting appears in it.
  • 113. Purpose • The purpose of this social media website is to bring all the Forza game fans together to engage. They are able to talk to each other over the website, post pictures that are relevant to the game, write reviews on the new Forza games that come out and comment on other users posts. • The site gives people the power to organise events online using X BOX LIVE on the game Forza. The site will give you times and dates and event types , this then creates a group of people online that can organise this and take part online. There are competitions and leader boards that the users can try and beat and take part in.
  • 114. Competitors I will have the competitors of smart glass as they have a similar target audience and offer many other features. They allow users to post recording and achievements that they have made on X BOX games. With my social media product is focuses on the X BOX game Forza. SmartGlass focus on any kind of X BOX game. Because my social media product is exclusive to Forza it means I can offer the users more interesting features that are exclusive to the game.
  • 115. Web Colour • I have been inspired by the sport radio show called “talk sport”. They uses a yellow and black house style for their logo. This makes the website look sporty, and football specific. The colour connotes the stereotypical a football team would play in. This also makes the website look passionate and serious about the game of football.
  • 116. Inspiration for Football Go GO ! • I have been inspire to create this social media site by a radio station called talkSPORT. They have become so popular that they now have their own website and app. This is all about football fans coming together to have a discussion about transfer rumor and matches. I have been inspired by their choice of colour and content. This has inspired me to make a football website with the similar objective. Which is to bring all the football fans together.
  • 117. Web Colours I have decided that I am going to use the colour of purple and pink and white as the main colour scheme for the website. I have decided that if I use the theme colours that the game Forza uses. This will then convey to the users that colours have been inspired by the game itself. The colours suit the theme of racing.
  • 118. Inspiration for Forza Morza • I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
  • 119. Inspiration for Forza Morza continued • I have also been inspired by the social media products such as Instagram. I have been inspired by the social media product as its fun and very easy to use. You are able to sign up using Facebook which makes it very quick to be able to sign in. The profile is very easy to be able to use. You are able to edit the profile name and picture quick and easy. You can tag other people in pictures that you post online.
  • 120. Copyright © location • For both social media websites the location for the copyright information will be displayed at the bottom of the home page in the right hand corner. You will be able to click on the copyright link which will then take you to a separate page on the social media website page. In the screen shot below you will be able to find this mini bar which will give you the trade mark rights page. I have been inspired to place this down at the bottom through other social media site such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • 121. Synergy with other social media • There will be synergy with both social media sites. On the sign up page you will be given the option to be able to sing up with Facebook. This will make it easier and quicker to be able to sign up. There will also be social media links on the home pages so people can like and share the social media website, this will be part of the peer to peer advertising. Below I have placed a screen shot of the option you get given when you go to sign up for the page.
  • 122. Abbreviated Logo • I have created an Abbreviated version of the Logo which is FM. This stands for Forza Morza. I have created a logo which has been made quick and simple so people are able to work out what it means instantly. I have done the same for the other social media site called Football Go Go ! This has been shortened down to just FGG. Below on the right hand side I have created the Abbreviated Logo for Forza Morza.
  • 123. Font styles I have decided to use this as a type of font style due to the game inspiring me to use similar colour schemes and font styles. They suit the game along with the social website colour. I have used the cars in the font style to connote what the website is really about. This will be the first thing that the users will see when they log on to the website.
  • 124. Connotations- Forza Morza • This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game. You are able to upload photos and comments to this page. • The colour scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing theme. The colour connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising” and “Attractive”. This site is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and FORZA. The slogan for this site will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this connotes the site wanting to bring out the best of you in FORZA.
  • 125. Connotations- Football Go Go! • I have called my second idea for a social media website, “Football Go Go!”. This gives the users a good idea of what the social media website is about. For example the name football gives away that the social media website is all about football. Therefore football fans being the main target audience. I have used Go Go! To connote to the readers that the social media is easy and fast to use. I have created the name that sounds catchy so people will easily be able to remember what the social media website is about.
  • 126. Navigation bar • This is where people are able to see what pages are on the online social media site. The navigation bar will have a drop down menu which users can put their mouse over to make drop. The users will be able to access all the pages from this bar. The bar will be located below the screen shot that is displayed below.
  • 127. Navigation bar • The navigation bar is where you are able to access all the pages that are located on the site. As you can see from below the screen shot shows the navigation bar options. When you role over the button the text change color. The navigation is black and yellow, this colour came from a football related radio station called “talk sport”. This colour inspired me to use to make the website look sporty and specific to football.
  • 128. Content • Within the website there will be a news section that gives you all the up to date news about the new game releases of Forza. The leader board will be located within the social news feed post on the side of the screen. News articles that are related to the game will be on the social news feed from Facebook. Users can then have the choice to either comment on Facebook or on the their newsfeed on the social media site. • People can then discuss the article on the newsfeed page. After 24 hours the article will be removed from the newsfeed page and replaced with a new one from Facebook.
  • 129. Content overview On the home page you are able to arrange an online session with friends on the webiste to play the game Forza Morza online. You choose the time and date and Forza game you want to play. This will then take you to another page where you will then be able to see who else has selected this session. On the profile page you will be able to insert your picture and name. you can edit this at anytime. Your achievements you have achieved on the game Forza will appear below you name on the page. On this page you will be able to find out all the recent news about the new types of Forza games. This page shows you all the events that takes place for the online game Forza.
  • 130. Content • The content of this social media website is all about the news and what venues are the best to go to on match days near the football stadiums. The users can check all the up to date news that there is in the football leagues of the Championship and the Premier league. This creates a lot of content in the news as the news will be spread out over both of the leagues. Every weekend within the football season a lot of fixtures take place. This means there will be a lot of content about the best venues.
  • 131. Content overview On this page you are able to select what game you are attending at the weekend. Then the website will be able to tell you where the places to go and socialize in that area. On the contact us page you are able to get all the contact details should there be any incidents on the site. On the profile page you are able to write your name and select in the options what football team that you support. The news page will give you all the latest transfer gossip in football.
  • 132. Mind map Social media ideas Forza Morza Road attack Choose the night, game and time you want to go online to play the game. Purple color scheme to suit the game, street racing is considered as “sexy” “Energetic” “pulse raising” this suits the dark horse color of purple. This is going against smart glass the x box app. This can be made available on your phone. The home screen will allow you to be able to choose the racing event featuring the racing game Forza. This will be targeted at people between the age of 16-25 who play the x box game Forza . Slogan- Lets Raise your pulse Meet up to admire each others cars at events. All ages are welcome with any type of cars. Races can also be arranged here. Upload photos of cars and comments. Going against auto trader. The color scheme for this social media website will be red. This connotes the power and the beauty in racing and seeing fast cars. Slogan: “Meet you there”
  • 133. Social media ideas Football Go Meet up with football fans of your supporting team on match days. Location sharing. Yellow color scheme to connote the bright and happy felling for the sport. Going against talk sport. This can be made available on your phone. This will be better than talk sport because the target audience can be more interactive with the social media site. Slogan: “Fanatic football fans” Products that inspired me - Talk Sport and Smart glass. Talk sport inspired me because its football focused and gives you live football updates on the radio. This is therefore similar to my product because its football focused. But I have the difference because mine gives you up to date locations you can visit on match days. Smart Glass inspired me because its XBOX specific to the users. This is similar to mine as Forza Morza is also X BOX specific.
  • 134. Forza Morza I went onto to find some font styles for my web page. These are a few ideas that I found that gave me the basic design. I wanted to find basic fonts so that they can easily be read on the screen. By looking at the fonts I decided that I didn’t like the look of the Weknow font as it is too bold. Social media synergy is used on the sites to help promote the product. I will have Facebook, twitter and Instagram on the social media sites. This can then lead to people liking and sharing the post that I have created. You will also be able to log on with Facebook.
  • 135. Football Go Go ! I went to to find some ideas for my website. I have found a few ideas that I liked. I have chosen them because they look bold and appealing to look at. Looking at the fonts I decided that I didn't’t like the wood cutter the most. This was because it looks to fancy for the social website. Social media synergy is used on the sites to help promote the product. I will have Facebook, twitter and Instagram on the social media sites. This can then lead to people liking and sharing the post that I have created. You will also be allowed to log on with Facebook.
  • 136. Audience Interest • Within the social media product they will want to interact with other people who also love the game. I have created a page on the social media site to allow the users to be able to post pictures and videos of the video game Forza. The age of the intended target audience is aimed at young people 7+. This is because the game has been rated a 7+, most of the users will be aimed at 16+ due to the use of social media.
  • 137. Katz Uses and Gratification • The users for this site will want to have Surveillance as they want to know information of what the new Forza games have to offer. Diversion will also be an area as people come to this site to socialise and engage with people who love the game Forza. • They will also be classed as personnel relationships on the social website. As people will be allowed to discuss recent articles from Facebook on the site. People are able to comment on the article and engage with other people to give their opinions.
  • 138. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs • The users that use this site will be classed as social climbers as they would want to improve their social status. They also want to know what new news has come out regarding the new Forza games. Users are able to comment and discuss theses news articles. They can share their opinion on what they think the article is about and what it means for the game. • Users will wan to show and post their current pictures of how well they are doing on the Forza games. This may be a new car that they designed or an achievement that they have unlocked.
  • 139. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities • The majority of the users that will be on the site will be from the USA as online gamming is very popular there. Compared to the UK the Americans will find this site more appealing to them. Some of the greatest cars and race tracks are from the USA. As the game is based on racing this will appeal to them as part of the American culture is fast muscle cars and good race tracks.
  • 140. Socio economic needs • The users will be within the C2- B as this will b mostly interested in the new news about the new Forza games. They will have to also be in this class to stereotypically have a good job to be able to afford the Forza games, XBOX and the online fee you have to pay to go online.
  • 141. Psychographics • You have to be over the age of 13 as this is the same requirements as Facebook’s. this is for the newsfeed page, as the articles are coming from Facebook. The users have to be old enough to see the Facebook’s post. Users that are below this age can still use the site but not access the newsfeed page. • The majority of the age range will be 16+ as this is what interests young people when they need excitement and entertainment. Younger people like to socialise more than older people. This is because older people have other commitments to life and have to use money wisely. • Source: life/11312075/Generation-Lonely-Britains-young-people-have-never-been- less-connected.html
  • 142. Katz’ Uses and Gratification • The users for this site will want to have Surveillance as they want to know information of what the new football games have to offer. Diversion will also be an area as people come to this site to socialise and engage with people who love the game. • They will also be classed as personnel relationships on the social website. As people will be talking about what they think abiout the football gossip.
  • 143. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs • The users that use this site will be classed as social climbers as they would want to improve their social status. They also want to know what new news has come out regarding the transfer rumours. Users are able to comment and discuss theses news articles. They can share their opinion on what they think the article is about and what it means for the game. • Users will wan to show and post their current pictures of how well their team are doing on the in the games. This may be a new transfer that they have read about.
  • 144. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities • The majority of the users that will be on the site will be from the UK as the primer and championship leagues are only played in the UK. Compared to the USA the British people will find this site more appealing to them. Some of the greatest teams and race stadiums are in the UK. As the game is based on football this will appeal to them as part of the British culture is football.
  • 145. Socio economic needs • The users will be within the C2- B as this will b mostly interested in the new news about the transfer gossip. They will have to also be in this class to stereotypically have a good job to be able to afford the football tickets , drinks and the travel fee you have to pay to get to the venue.
  • 146. Psychographics • You have to be over the age of 17 as this is the legal age for you to be able to drink alcohol. As this site is based on venues that you can visit to socialise. • The majority of the age range will be 18-25 as this is what interests young people when they need excitement and entertainment. Younger people like to socialise more than older people. This is because older people have other commitments to life and have to use money wisely. • Source: life/11312075/Generation-Lonely-Britains-young-people-have-never- been-less-connected.html
  • 147. Hand Drawn Draft- Home Page
  • 148. Hand Drawn Draft- Sign up Page
  • 149. Hand Drawn Draft- Home Page
  • 150. Hand Drawn Draft- Sign up Page
  • 151. Football Go Go • This Social Media site allows you to be able to meet up with football fans of your support on match days. This sporting social media site will have a yellow color scheme. This will connote football being bright and exciting. It is also a sporty color which will connote to the users it’s a sporty social media site. The competitor will be Talk sport as they have the similar idea and feature football. This social media will allow you to use it on your mobile phone. This is so users can see who’s around on match days to meet up. The target audience for this site will be football fans for 18+ because it involves the locations of meet ups being a pubs. The slogan for this site is “Fanatic Football fans” . This connotes to the users that this site is aimed at people who are fanatic about football.
  • 152. Forza Morza • This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game. You are able to upload photos and comments to this page. The colour scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing theme. The colour connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising” and “Sexy”. This site is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and FORZA. The slogan for this site will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this connotes the site wanting to bring out the best of you in FORZA.
  • 153. Road attack • This social media site allows people who has a passion for cars to meet up at car events. This will be aimed at people who have cars or may just have an interest in them. There is a page where you are able to post pictures of your cars. This can be either to admire the cars or put them up for sale. This makes the social site very interactive. As its aimed at people who mainly own cars this is a 17+ target audience. The site will have the color scheme of red to connote the power of the cars. It’s a danger and powerful color which connotes what the cars are. The slogan for this social media site will be “ meet you there”. This connotes the main purpose of the social media site. To meet other car drivers at events.
  • 154. Online Disinhibiton • This is when there is a loosening of social restrictions and inhibitions that would normally have someone with a normal face to face interaction. People tend to have a different attitude when they are online. This is compared to how people behave when they are talking to someone face to face. Online people tend to become more confident compared to themselves in a face to face situation. • There are six factors that have contributed to this effect, they are the following… “dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority”. For example on Snap Chat people tend to send explicit pictures of themselves, but then appear shy and self conscious in person. • Source:
  • 157. Profile page Graphic layout Navigation bar Profile page Picture Name Achievements
  • 162.
  • 163. LO3 Contents • LO3 • • Forza Morza Goals, Purpose, Content, Comparison, inspiration and Audience Interests • • Forza Morza Audience Theories • • Forza Morza Navigation bar comparison • • Forza Morza Site map • • Forza Morza Competitors • • Forza Morza Font styles • • Forza Morza Types of pages • • Forza Morza Photoshop • • Profile page references • • Forza Morza Web colours and production plan • • Forza Morza Launch date • • Forza Morza Advertisement space • • Sign up fee • • Pay per click advertisement • • Crowed Funding • • Copyright • • Football Go Go! Mind map • • Football Go Go! Goals • • Football Go Go! Purpose • • Football Go Go! Content • • Football Go Go! Audience interests • • Football Go Go! Release dates • • Football Go Go! Audience theories • • Football Go Go! Navigation bar • • Football Go Go! Production plan • • Football Go Go! Launch date • Budget Summary • • Football Go Go! Web colours • • Football Go Go! Photoshop • • Profile page references • • Legal and Ethical issues • Terms and Conditions page for Football Go Go! And Forza Morza • • Synergy with other social media products • • Establish User trust • • WaSP web standard • • Body text • • Misrepresentation • • Register Trade marks • • Potential Risk for my website
  • 164. Forza Morza • This social media site is used specifically for the X BOX game FORZA. This allows FORZA fans to log in and see who’s available to paly the game. On the site you are able to select the FORZA game, Time and Date you want to go online. Once you have filled out these boxes you press go, this then takes you to the requested time, date and game page. On this page shows you who else is interested in going online on that date, time and game. You are able to upload photos and comments to this page. • The colour scheme for this site will be purple to connote the racing theme. The colour connotes the game being “powerful” , “Pulse Raising” and “Attractive”. This site is targeted at teenagers that play X BOX and FORZA. The slogan for this site will be “Be the best forget the rest” , this connotes the site wanting to bring out the best of you in FORZA.
  • 165. Goals • The goals that I have set out have been to make sure the users have the full view of the site in terms of the social media website covering everything. They are able to blog what they have done on the topic of the forza game. They want to meet other people that like the game as well. They would want to interact with the other people on the site. • I will have the competitors of smart glass as they have a similar target audience and offer many other features. They allow users to post recording and achievements that they have made on X BOX games. With my social media product is focuses on the X BOX game Forza.
  • 166. Purpose • The purpose of this social media product is to bring all the Forza game fans together to engage. They are able to talk to each other over the website, post pictures that are relevant to the game, write reviews on the new Forza games that come out and comment on other users posts. • The site gives people the power to organise events online using X BOX LIVE on the game Forza. The site will give you times and dates and event types , this then creates a group of people online that can organise this and take part online. There are competitions and leader boards that the users can try and beat and take part in.
  • 167. Content • Within the website there will be a news section that gives you all the up to date news about the new game releases of Forza. The leader board will be located within the social news feed post on the side of the screen. News articles that are related to the game will be on the social news feed from Facebook. Users can then have the choice to either comment on Facebook or on their newsfeed on the social media site. • People can then discuss the article on the newsfeed page. After 24 hours the article will be removed from the newsfeed page and replaced with a new one from Facebook. This is the home page which is shown in the print screen This link takes you to the profile page. This link takes you to the up to date news related to the game Forza This links takes you to the up coming events that are related to the game. This includes events such as an objective within a certain game of forza.
  • 168. Comparison to existing product • I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
  • 169. Inspiration for Forza Morza • I have been inspired by the social media website called Facebook. This has been my inspiration because there has been many ways that the users can interact and socialize. The profile page has been based on something simple, this makes it accessible to everyone that wants to use the site. The colour is very simple and stylish for everyone to enjoy. I was also inspired by the messaging that you can perform online. This makes it easy for people to be able to communicate online to each other. I have decided to use Facebook as a source of my inspiration.
  • 170. Audience Interest • Within the social media product they will want to interact with other people who also love the game. I have created a page on the social media site to allow the users to be able to post pictures and videos of the video game Forza. The age of the intended target audience is aimed at young people 7+. This is because the game has been rated a 7+, most of the users will be aimed at 16+ due to the use of social media.
  • 171. Katz’ Uses and Gratification • The users for this site will want to have ‘Surveillance’ as they want to know information of what the new Forza games have to offer. ‘Diversion’ will also be an area as people come to this site to socialise and engage with people who love the game Forza. • They will also be classed as personal relationships on the social website. As people will be allowed to discuss recent articles from Facebook on the site. People are able to comment on the article and engage with other people to give their opinions.
  • 172. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs • The users that use this site will be classed as ‘social climber’s’ as they would want to improve their social status. They also want to know what new news has come out regarding the new Forza games. Users are able to comment and discuss theses news articles. They can share their opinion on what they think the article is about and what it means for the game. • Users will want to show and post their current pictures of how well they are doing on the Forza games. This may be a new car that they designed or an achievement that they have unlocked.
  • 173. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities • The majority of the users that will be on the site will be from the USA as online gaming is very popular there. Compared to the UK the Americans will find this site more appealing to them. Some of the greatest cars and race tracks are from the USA. As the game is based on racing this will appeal to them as part of the American culture is fast muscle cars and good race tracks.
  • 174. Socio economic needs • The users will be within the C2- B as this will b mostly interested in the new news about the new Forza games. They will have to also be in this class to stereotypically have a good job to be able to afford the Forza games, XBOX and the online fee you have to pay to go online.

Editor's Notes

  1. Facebook privacy Bully
  2. Facebook privacy Bully