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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 35:
Social Media Products
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Candidate - Fiona Davison
Number - 1107
Social media products
Purpose of Facebook
Facebook is an online social media product that allows users to create online profiles and
upload pictures and videos to keep in touch with friends and family. Facebook includes certain
features such as marketplace, groups, events, pages and presence technology. The denotation
of the slogan is “Be connected. Be Discovered. Be on Facebook.” This ‘signifies’ (De Saussure)
to users that they are able to be connected and discover different things for example videos
and uploads that are shared from friends and family.
Facebook was introduced in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, his intentions were to make the world
open which is described in the quotation “the thing I really care about is the mission, making
the world open. where it has attracted more than 750 million people to the website and 70%
of these viewers are outside of the UK. The founder of Facebook’s aim is to develop the
website to become known and popular.
Colour Connotations
Facebook symbolise their website using different colours in order for users to
know it is their brand. They firstly use their logo which is displayed in a dark blue
box with the letter “F” written inside of the box but in the colour white. They have
chosen the colours blue and white to represent the social media website because
the colour “blue” could connote the sky and the world meaning that users can
access Facebook from all over the world in order to communicate with different
people outside their country, from their local area or different parts from where
they live. The colour “white” could represent innocence and purity meaning that
although Facebook is a good way to communicate with people, it is also a danger
hazard for users that are not aware of the risks. Furthermore Facebook have
dedicated to using two colours on their website in order to attract users.
Target Users
Facebook is targeted at a range of people from different
races, religions or gender which means anyone can use it.
It is targeted at young people and adults that are in
university and could possibly attract people that are
younger if they want to communicate with their friends
and family online. Since 2010, Facebook users have
increased by 14% as they are under the age of 24, 60% of
users are female and 40% are male. Also 57% of users
have completed an education in college moving to
Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities,
Facebook is a global social media product
that is known for billion’s of users all
around the world that is for anyone to use.
It is mainly targeted at 25-34 year olds. It is
targeted at this particular age group
because young people tend to use social
media more which means they will be able
to view new products that they will offer
than adults. Facebook is mainly targeted at
a female audience where 76% have used
the social media product, whereas 66% of
the users are male. Facebook would fit into
the category of lower social class as the
higher social class used different type of
websites that are suitable for their needs.
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses and
Gratifications Theory, Facebook
users would fit into the category
of ‘Diversion’ because young
people and adults tend to use
social media to escape their
everyday lives. An example of this
would be so they won’t have to
worry about stress or problems
they may be receiving, it is a way
to relax and forget about what is
going on in their lives where they
will be able to watch and post
popular videos and pictures .
Another theory that Facebook
would categorise itself in would be
“inform and educate” because it is
informing the public about the
new up and coming artists.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
According to Maslow’s
Hierarchy of needs,
Facebook would fit into
the category “Belonging”
as it is a social media
website where users will
be able to contact friends
and family from different
countries where they will
be able to talk to new
people and build a
Socio-Economic needs
From the socio-economic table, Facebook is targeted into all the categories that have been provided
because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and
family. Facebook is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. The slogan “Facebook
helps you connect and share with the people in your life” connotes that they help connect friends and
families together so they will able to talk to each other through the website. According to the diagram
below implies that 20.5% was the highest amount of Facebook users within 2016, it also had a total of 156.5
million in 2015.
According to the Psychographics table the target
audience Facebook would fit into the category
of ‘reformers’ because users will be able to have
freedom of speak where they are a different
person on social media compared to their reality
lives. Also the target audience would be
‘strugglers’ as they seek escape, Lastly the
target audience would also be categorized as
‘aspirers’ because the social media product
relates to typically younger people who seek
status therefore they would like Facebook.
User statistics
Facebook is an online social media service which enables people to communicate with
friends and family and even build relationships with people from different countries . The
website was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and has continued his development of
Facebook to January 2015. in this year there was 1.59 billion users who were online and
active on Facebook and 1.44 billion users who were using other devices to access Facebook
on a monthly basis. The social media website is targeted at the ages of 25-35 years old but
they have recently targeted at younger viewers as that are more likely to be active online.
Here is a screenshot of what Facebook
looks like, the company have used the
colours blue and white for the house style
of Facebook overall. On the right hand
side of the page demonstrates a live chat
where users will be able to talk to people
that are online and also displays
people that you have spoken to before
and a search bar at the top of the page
where you can search for people to add as
a friend. On the left hand side of the page
Facebook has displayed apps where users
can use it and they would be able to tag
their friends, at the bottom they have an
options button where is available for
This is a profile page within
Facebook where you are able to
upload pictures and videos to
your friends. You are also able to
update your personal
information you want to show
your friends. Facebook profile’s
include gaming advertisements
where you are able to invite
other users to the game you are
playing. On the right hand side
of the page, this is where you
are able to see who is active on
Facebook where it reveals a
green circle to inform users they
are active.
Within Facebook, they have a separate
app called “messenger” where users
are able to communicate with each
other. On the very top of the page
there is a search bar where you are
able to search your friends name in
order to speak to them. On the right
top hand side is an icon where you are
able to type a new message. Below the
search bar the app have provided “my
day” where users are able to create a
photo collage of their day. The page
also provides who is active online and
who you have been talking to the
most. At the very bottom of the page
is where you have the home button, if
you have received or missed any calls,
group chats and people who are
connected to messenger.
Pay per click advertising is an online
model of the internet that is used in
marketing where advertisers would
have to pay if someone was to click on
their online adverts. Search engine
advertisements are very popular forms
of pay-per-click advertising as it allows
people that want to advertise a biding
whenever someone clicks on their
advertisement, for example if someone
was to search something which is
relevant to their business. This would
benefit Facebook as many users are
able to click on their online
advertisements for example film
Viral marketing
Within Facebook, viral marketing is used
where a particular post, video or person
is popular within the online social media
website/app. This would be people it has
been shared by the public on multiple
occasions, “Stormzy” is a famous UK
grime rapper who has recently released
a new album.
The picture that is shown on the left
hand side is a post within Facebook
posted by the artist representing his new
Revenue The chart demonstrates the
Revenue in dollars within
Facebook from 2009-201. the
standard cost to advertise will
be the average of $342,000 per
30 seconds of the
advertisement. The Revenue of
the chart has increased from
764 to 17,079 in 2015 which
has been the largest in years.
Facebook make Revenue by
including online apps on the
website and they have also
teamed up with a few
companies to increase their
revenue further for example
Starbucks where Facebook
have allowed their company to
make a page on their website in
order to promote their
company overall. Facebook has
done this with many other
companies to advertise them.
Legal and ethical issues
Facebook will have to consider legal and ethical issues in order to improve to make
their company successful, they will have to follow the Data Protection act 1998. There
can many risks while going on the internet for example many people can experience
cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a strong issue when it comes to the internet because it
mainly affects everyone as users have free will to comment on anything on social
media, it can be positive at times but it is mainly negative and can affect people and
their everyday lives. 38% of children and teenagers experience cyber bullying each year
on social media. There have been many cases that have been recorded on social media
for example a 14 year old called Justine experienced cyber bullying when she was
battling for cancer for a couple of months. After she found out she had cancer, she was
not expecting any experiences to do with cyber bullying and she was not ready for
these experiences. Firstly she started to receive emails from an anonymous person with
messages that could be described as threats and then continued as scary threats which
had effected Justine. She then decided to tell her parents what was happening and
they decided to call the police. The police tracked the messages and they turned back
to a person that was apparently in her class at her local school. The police then
required Justine to take counselling sessions and her class mate then made an apology
to her about the messages.
Legal and ethical issues
Within the article from 2010 on CBS News, they have produced an article on
Facebook which is an online social media product which has over 400 million users.
The article explains the dangers it can cause and how it can affect users, for example
your private information can be accessed from third parties whenever you are playing
a game within Facebook or a quiz. The online social media website/app also
encourage you to share as much information as possible so they are able to share it
with their advertisers and they will also be receiving more money as you share more
information. Facebook are also dealing with a security problem whenever the
company are re designing the website. Whenever this is taking place it enables your
privacy settings back to public so anymore would be able to see your private
information, this could be considered an issue as many users wouldn't’t like their
private information on display. Overall i have assessed some dangers to do with the
online social media app/website and some dangers that it can cause.
Noam Chomsky
According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social
behaviour” implies that social media can change a persons behaviour in
real life as many people try and be a completely different person on social
media because they will not be able to meet the people they see online
meaning it gives each person more confidence online. Users have freewill
to post what they want and to look differently as they do in reality
making themselves more attractive and popular. Furthermore this could
create a negative impact as many people experience cyber bullying on
social media which could affect their health and confidence. Overall
Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of what the
consequences that could happen while they are using social media and
how it can affect normal behaviour within it.
Noam Chomsky – Case Study
On the 21st
April, there was an article published on CTV news about a 16
year old Liverpool boy that was charged with criminal harassment on
Facebook of cyberbullying against another boy. The mother of the bullied
victim said her son had been bullied for months but the weekend before the
bully was charged for harassment, there has a group chat set up and the
bullying was taken more seriously. Soon after it happened the mother shared
screenshots of the group chat where the bullies were making comments
about her son's personal hygiene, his mother and his girlfriend. The victims
mother said to CTV news that she thought her son's account had been
hacked as she saw some hurtful posts about his family. After the incident the
mother hoped that what happened to her son will inspire others to report
User Generated Reviews
This is the user reviews from the online social media website2 Facebook. It can easily be
accessible online where users can write reviews on their service and products they
provide within Facebook. Overall parents rate 14 and over year olds to the online social
media webiste/app 3 stars out of 5, whereas kids aged 12 and other would rate it 4 stars
out of 5. this would mean a magority of their users will be teenagers as they would spend
more time online.
Facebook is an online social media product aimed for people to
connect with friends and family, the positive effects of Facebook
are that it is easy to keep in touch with friends and family where
they will be able to instantly message and Facetime. Within
Facebook you are to upload status’s, pictures and personal
information you would like to share with friends and family. You
are also able to make new friends as you are allowed to add loads
pf people within the app/website. Facebook enables you to
express yourself as users are able to uploading a status about how
they are feeling or what is happening in their life and posting
pictures of themselves.
Although Facebook can be a way in order to connect with friends and family, there can
also be some negative factors while using the website/app.
Cyber bullying could be a main affect while on social media and especially Facebook as
users are able to harass or gang up on a person easier as they won’t have to face it in
real life. It is also easier as anything that is posted or said on social media isn't
monitored so users are able to say anything.
Facebook can cause relationships to end for example if other users are liking their
pictures and commenting it could possibly build up jealousy and the relationship could
Furthermore Facebook can also cause a distraction for example if you are going through
the news feed or looking at videos it could cause a distraction if you are suppose to be
doing something important instead of social media.
Although you are able to make new friends and upload posts and video, it can also cause
people to stalk you and find out your person information, where you go to school or
work and where you live.
Facebook have linked with Instagram in
order to promote their own social media
product with another. Convergence is used
within Facebook where they have provided
a separate app in order for people can
communicate with friends and family.
Facebook produces movies
and TV advertisements for
their viewers for
entertainment, which will help
gain popularity for their movie
or TV advert and users will
more likely would want to
purchase the product.
Facebook do this by promoting
a page within their website
where users will be able to like
and share the page to people
they are friends with on
Facebook, this will also
promote their brand as it will
be published on their website.
Within Facebook, they have
promoted Instagram using the
social media product where they
are able to upload posts and update
users about events that are being
held by popular artists. Facebook
have chosen to advertise the artist
“Selena Gomez” as she is known to
be “the most followed person on
instgram” and will therefore
promote instagram as users will
more likely use the app and follow
the artist.
Technological Convergence
Within Facebook they provide new film trailers within the news feed in
order to promote the film to users. They would more likely go and see the
film because of the advertisement they have seen on Facebook which would
give them an inside look what the film is about. Users are able to access
Facebook's video content within the news feed, they are able share the
videos with their friends. This form of convergent technology are able to
offer audiences “the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” (Jenkins
– 2006).
Technological Convergence
This is another example of how Facebook have used Technological convergence,
“The lad bible” is page within Facebook where they provide viewers with online
entertainment where they upload posts, videos and photos with humour displayed to
their audience. This would encourage users to visit the page where they could possibly
relate to what they are posting. This would provide users with multiple entertainment
experiences, this would link to the theory from (Jenkins – 2006) where Facebook are able
to offer audiences “the kinds of entertainment experiences they want”.
Facebook is free of charge so anyone is able to use it, they provide
advertising and brands within their website to attract a range of
audiences both young and old. Facebook is a very popular social
media website that is used to share posts and videos or upload for
friends and family to see, it is also a way to share different
interests with other people. Facebook is still used to this day and
is most frequently used everyday. Overall the website aim to
produce new products and updates each year to keep their users
entrainment and to also compete with other social media
Within Facebook advertising cost can be anywhere from $0.16
to $1.00+ per click, depending on your industry, the size of
your audience, and the quality of your ad. For example if
Facebook were to advertise a film trailer then the pricing would
more likely to be higher as the advertisement would be aimed
at multiple types of audiences and age groups. Viral marketing
within Facebook has proven to be popular online as users are
able to share posts they enjoy with their friends, posts can
also become popular if they are uploaded from a particular
page for example a famous person or a page that is popular
and known to Facebook.
Instagram purpose
What is Instagram?
Instagram is an online social media app where users are able
to post pictures and videos instantly to their friends, they are
able to follow people they know and also share different types
of entertainment they enjoy.
The purpose of Instagram is to interact with people from different countries using
direct messaging within the app, users are able to follow those who they know and
message them through direct message. Instagram uses very appealing colours in order
to attract a younger audience, it also provides users to instantly upload pictures and
videos where they will be able to share memories with their followers. Users are also
able to comment and like pictures or videos they see on their timeline.
Colour Connotations
Instagram uses the colours dark blue, black, white and grey within the app and
they also use the colour red to signify the heart which can appeal when a user
likes someone else's post they have shared. They have used these particlar
colours to demonstrate brand awareness where different users will be aware of
Instagram increasing its popularity.
The colour dark blue could imply mystery, meaning different users will not be
aware of what other users are going to be upload at any point within the day, this
colour would stand out to viewers because it is often represented as the sky and
the world meaning people around the world use the app in their everyday lives.
The colour black could demonstrate power meaning Instagram are dedicated into
making the app popular by providing different products for their users. The colour
white demonstrates purity and innocence which they could've chosen because it
is a well known colour that would stand out in the background. Lastly the colour
grey could represent balance as in everything the app publicize is balanced
worldwide to their users.
Target users
Within instagram, they aim to target the app at young people
between the ages of 18-34 year olds that have access to social
media, this is because Instagram uses popular brands on their app
that would attract attention to younger viewers for example they
produce clothing brands on instagram to promote their business.
Brands often rely on instagram to promote their brands because
instagram is a popular social media app that is used in different
countries worldwide.
Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s Seven
Subjectivities, Instagram is targeted
all around the world as it is a
worldwide social media product that
is for anyone to use. It is mainly
targeted at younger people that are
going into college. It is targeted at
this particular age group because
young people tend to use social
media more which means they will
be able to view new products that
they will offer than adults. I have
gotten an example from instagram
where I have used the famous singer
“Justin Bieber” as he would appeal
to young people and teenagers.
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses and Gratifications
Theory, Instagram users would fit into the
category of ‘Diversion’ because young
people and adults tend to use social media
to escape their everyday lives so they
won’t have to worry about stress or
problems they may be receiving, it is a
way to relax and forget about what is
going on in their lives where they will be
able to watch and post popular videos and
pictures that have been uploaded online in
order for people to forget about their
worries or problems. I have taken a
screenshot where users are able to
experience entertainment within
instagram, for example on the search bar
within the app it provides videos and posts
and that would be entertaining for users
to enjoy.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
According to Maslow’s
Hierarchy of needs, Instagram
would fit into the category
“Belonging” as it is a social
media website where users will
be able to contact friends and
family from different countries
where they will be able to talk
to new people and build a
relationship. Within instagram
they provide users with “direct
messaging” this will enable
them to message friends where
they will be able to share posts
they like.
Socio-Economic needs
From the socio-economic table, Instagram is targeted into all the categories that have been provided
because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and
family. Instagram is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. The slogan According to
the diagram below implies that 20.5% was the highest amount of 65.3 million Instagram users in 2016.
Source of Revenue
Instagram are making money from their advertising products which is similar to
Facebook as they provide users with online advertisements. Instagram reports to
have over 600 million active users and 80% of users are outside the U.S. Instagram
convinced Facebook to use an app with an online website as users are more likely to
be active and it will increase it’s growth, this has therefore encouraged more users to
make an account on Instagram. Within a 3 month period from 2016 Instagram's ad
revenue was $6.82 billion and it later on had a 59% increase at the same period of the
year. Some of Instagram's advertisers include Nike Inc, General Electric and Walt
Disney Co.
This is the newsfeed within Instagram, at the very
bottom of the page it provides a home button
where the newsfeed is from people you follow,
the search button, the camera button where you
are able to upload pictures and videos, the heart
button which updates you with who has liked your
posts or who has requested to follow you and the
person icon which takes you to your profile page.
On the post that is shown, users will be able to see
the post that is uploaded by the person and below
there is a heart icon where you are able to like the
post and a speech bubble where users are able to
comment, instagram have also provided an arrow
icon where they are able to share the post with
people they are following. At the top of the page
on the side there is a box icon where users are
able to directly message people. At the very
bottom of the post, they have provided people
how long ago the post was uploaded.
Instagram uses viral marketing
within the app by creating
Instagram accounts from different
brands and artists within it, this
will encourage users to follow
them where they will be updated
about what they are doing and if
they are producing any music or
albums within the year. It also
promotes brand awareness where
it will make that company popular
and well known to the public and
they will increase with money.
Legal and ethical
Although instagram is a way to freely post and share video’s with
online users, there can also be some dangers while using the
online social media product. For example instagram encourages a
negative body image which is mainly targeted at female users as
they are keen on changing their body image in order to make
themselves pose in a certain way to get the male genders
attention. This would include female users that would make
themselves look unrealistic to what they would look like in reality.
Instagram can also effect health and education for students for
example young girls could be experiencing depression as they
could be lacking to get good grades in school. Furthermore the
social media product is also ruining relationships as the male
population get easily jealous when flirty comments are seen on
their girlfriends posts.
Negative publicity
Instagram has received negative publicity
through the internet where their have
been many articles to do with the case for
example in the daily mail news that was
dated on the 4th July 2013 the
newspaper displayed the headline “Never
mind Facebook bragging, Instagram is the
most depressing social network due to
the smug photos we post” this headline is
clearly stating an opinion on the social
media app “Instagram” the article talks
about how Instagram use dull photos on
the app in order to attract the audiences
attention calling it “the most depressing
social media network” the article then
explains how different Instagram is
compared to Facebook and the
newspapers personal opinion on the
whole report,.
Noam Chomsky
According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social behaviour”
implies that social media can change a persons behaviour in real life as many
people try and be a completely different person on social media because they
will not be able to meet the people they see online meaning it gives each person
more confidence online. Users have freewill to post what they want and to look
differently as they do in reality making themselves more attractive and popular.
Furthermore this could create a negative impact as many people experience
cyber bullying on social media which could affect their health and confidence.
Overall Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of what the
consequences that could happen while they are using social media and how it
can affect normal behaviour within it.
Noam Chomsky – Case Study
There was an article published on april 6th
of 2017 where a journalist who
was Nigerian was arrested for bullying a televangelist on the online social
media app instagram. The journalist was arrested because she wrote a
post on instagram that was considered ruining the reputation against David
Ibiyeomie. The post she wrote was describing David as a person that
regularly goes to church and was also discussing adultery and how it was
occurring in a local church. She also explained that she was a person that
is “dedicated member of Salvation Ministries' the journalist was then sent
to jail for 3 years and had to pay over 3 million pounds.
User generated reviews
Instagram have experienced many different
reviews within their social media app which
can be both negative and positive for
example looking at the reviews most people
seem to give the online social media app a 4
out of 5 stars which is just above average,
this can have a positive affect on Instagram
as it will encourage more users to take an
interest in the app which will also increase
their popularity. Although Instagram can be a
positive impact on people that are also
negative impacts the app will have to
reconsider for example identity theft.
Within Instagram there is many advantages to consider while using the online social
media app, for example you can have privacy setting in order to make sure you are
not following anyone you don’t know or if other users can see what you are posting
online. Another positive effect of Instagram is that it can also provide users will a
positive impact on other people for example they are able to comment and like
posts or videos different people upload which will encourage more people to take
interest in the app overall. Lastly another positive of Instagram is that people that
are able to build relationship with people around the world that could possibly share
the same interests.
Although Instagram can have a positive impact on people around the world, it can also
have some disadvantages that users might need to consider, for example users are able to
do anything on social media like identity theft which would happen if a certain person
could steal what you look like online and just and pretend to be you. Another negative
impact it could have is on the online social media app, you are able to release your location
in a post or video and this is a disadvantage because other people could find out where you
are and it could be a dangerous hazard. Lastly another disadvantage of Instagram is that if
your account is not on private then people are able to see what you upload for example
pictures of videos where other viewers could write negative comments which could affect
that persons behaviour.
Within Instagram they have linked with
Facebook where the social media app have
provided Facebook with their own page on
their social media app. They have advertised
their own product within instagram where it
will promote both products and will enourage
users to make an account.
Instagram can promote many different things on the
social media app such as movies and TV shows that
are popular and trending for example Suicide squad
which is a movie that was recently released this
year. Instagram has promoted on their app in order
to advertise the movie where each user can follow
the page where they will be updated about new
products they are going to be offering for example
merchandise and videos advertising different
characters that are featured within the film.
Technological Convergence
Within instagram they
provide Technological
convergence through video
content, for example on the
instagram search bar they
provide “my story” where
users are able to upload
what they are doing within
the day and the people they
follow will be able to see
what you are uploading.
Users are able to direct
message each other where
they are able to send posts
and video content.
Snapchat purpose
What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a popular social media moblie app
where users are able to communicate with each
other using picture messages where they can also
upload onto their story for other people to see.
The purpose of Snapchat is to instantly
communicate with friends using videos and
pictures where they will disappear after a few
seconds, the app have provided a caption box
within this where any user could write their
thoughts. It also allows you to change a filter for
example the colour or a animal like a dog.
Snapchat is targeted at young people and teenagers, this is because they usually more
active on social media as they have a lot of time to spare unlike adults where they have
full time working jobs and not do not have a lot of spare time to check social media.
Snapchat is very popular and attracts younger people as celebrities use it to keep their
viewers updated when they are releasing new music, video uploads and information
about different types of events that are taking place. The graph below explains their
target audience viewers from 2016 which proves that more of their audience viewers
are below the age of 25 where 37% of people at this age use Snapchat through their
everyday lives.
Target audience
Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s Seven
Subjectivities, snapchat is targeted
all around the world as it is a
worldwide social media product that
is for anyone to use. It is mainly
targeted at younger people that are
going into college. It is targeted at
this particular age group because
young people tend to use social
media more which means they will
be able to view new products that
they will offer than adults. On
snapchat they provide users with
filters where they are able to make
funny faces with friends and family,
snapchat also update filter each
week where they provide an
advertisement for a company.
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses and
Gratifications Theory, snapchat users
would fit into the category of
‘Diversion’ because young people and
adults tend to use social media to
escape their everyday lives so they
won’t have to worry about stress or
problems they may be receiving, it is a
way to relax and forget about what is
going on in their lives where they will
be able to watch and post popular
videos and pictures that have been
uploaded online in order for people to
forget about their worries or
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy
of needs, Instagram would fit
into the category “Belonging” as
it is a social media website
where users will be able to
contact friends and family from
different countries where they
will be able to talk to new people
and build a relationship. Within
Snapchat they provide snaps
where you are able to snap
people in your friends list. You
are able to message and use
picture messages.
Socio-Economic needs
From the socio-economic table, Snapchat is targeted into all the categories that have been provided
because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and
family. Snapchat is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. According to the diagram
below the number of users of 2017 has estimated to be 158 billion active, 301 million monthly users, 2.5
billion average snaps by day and 629 days to be a snapchat streak.
Within Snapchat, they have provided their users with
a logo to imply what the company is known as. The
company have used a digital ghost figure including a
black outline and the colour white where the ghost
figured is coloured in. they have then used a square
background which is coloured with the colour yellow,
this could represent hope, happiness and energy
meaning their viewers can be energetic and happy
while using their app. The white ghost which is
centred in the middle could represent how the app
are only using pictures for a few seconds where they
will then vanish like a ghost. Lastly the yellow
background of the logo could represent that it is
attracting younger people as the colour is often used
for young people.
Within Snapchat, there is a camera as soon as you
click on the app which is the first thing their users
will see, they have then including the ghost logo
which is placed on the top which is centred in the
middle of two other things on the right and left
hand. The icon on the right hand side is a camera
where users will be able to switch the camera
towards them or in another direction where they will
be able to take pictures and videos. The icon on the
left is also linked to the camera where you will be
able to control if they would like the flash turned on
or off. The circle icon which is placed on the at the
bottom of the page in the middle, this is where users
will be able to take pictures and videos by holding
down the button. The icon on the right hand side on
the bottom is where you can slide your finger and
you will be able to see what your friends have
posted on their story. On the left hand side of the
same place is where you will receive notifications
from people, it is represented as a speech bubble as
it is where you will receive messages.
Sponsored advertising
Within Snapchat they have used sponsorship
within their filters on the app for example users
are able to see sponsored advertisements like
“asos” which is a clothing store that and you are
able to order online. Snapchat have advertised
this particular product in order to promote users
to buy their clothes and to also make an account
on snapchat.
Source of Revenue
Snapchat is a social media app which is targeted at young people
and teenagers, they are aiming to hit $1 billion within their
revenue by the end of 2017 and at the moment they are earning
$366.7 million within their advertising sales throughout 2016.
They advertise many different things within Snapchat for example
the news from celebrities which is then displayed publicly to
Viral marketing
Within Snapchat, they advertise
viral marketing by providing
their users with a page on the
app called “Discover” where
they have produced different
types of brand advertisements,
this will encourage users to take
an interest in the brands that
are provided and it would also
suggest that Snapchat are
promoting these brands. This
will attract different viewers to
Snapchat because it will also
give them other things to do
apart from talking to their
friends, they will also be able to
look at the news selection.
Legal and Ethical Issues
Although snapchat is a fun way
to communicate with friends
and experience entertainment,
there are a few legal and ethical
issues it will need to consider for
it to become a successful social
media app. In order to make
sure you are safe using
snapchat, you could possibly use
a data protection website for
example ICO where it will be
able to give you guidance on
how to be safe on social media
and what the positive and
negative impacts of it are.
Within the website you can also
report any issues you may be
facing or receiving online, users
will be able to address their
concerns where ICO will
respond to them in 2 working
days to resolve the complaint.
Legal and Ethical Issues
Although snapchat can be a
great way to communicate with
friends in a fun way, there can
also be dangers to the social
media app that have to be
considered, in November of
2016 there was an article
published online where the the
social media app was a cause
of an accident in Florida. A
couple was using the speed
filter within the app and while
they were driving which
caused their death.
Noam Chomsky
According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social behaviour” implies
that social media can change a persons behaviour in real life as many people try and be a
completely different person on social media because they will not be able to meet the
people they see online meaning it gives each person more confidence online. Users have
freewill to post what they want and to look differently as they do in reality making
themselves more attractive and popular. Furthermore this could be a negative impact as
many people experience cyber bullying on social media which could affect their health
and confidence. Overall Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of
what the consequences that could happen while they are using social media and how it
can affect normal behaviour within it.
User generated reviews
Snapchat is a successful social media app that is targeted at teenagers and young
people, often people want to share their opinions on the social media app where they
will be able to comment and discuss how the company could improve on and what
they have done well. Before I have captured what people would rate the app out of 5
and their personal opinions of it, within the screenshot a few people have rated the
app 4 stars out of five and spoken how it is a very creative app that is fun for teenagers
and young people.
Snapchat is a very popular app for
young people and teenagers and
can have positive impacts for
example users will be able to use
different filters which are updated
by the app each week that could
be considered entertaining and
fun to send to friends. Another
positive about the app is that the
messages that have been sent only
last for a couple of seconds
meaning people won’t be able to
keep the conversation. Snapchat
uses brands such as up to date
news to advertise them which
could increase the popularity of
the app overall. Lastly you can also
view other users that you are
friend’s with stories which they
have posted as entertainment for
their friends to see.
Although Snapchat is a fun way to communicate
with friends, it can also have many risks that have
to be taken into consideration, for example
Snapchat messages can be sent and opened in a
few seconds but there have been many cases
where people are sending unpleased picture
messages which can be dangerous because people
are able to screenshot messages nowadays on the
IPhone which directly forwards them to the camera
roll, meaning they will be able to keep the
messages. This could also have a negative affect
because the person with the screenshot could
easily show other people which will then expose
the person that sent them. The app have open
opportunities for people to talk and send
inappropriate pictures to each as it would only last
a few seconds but it can have a negative impact
because it could be show to other people, this
would link to the theory Noam Chomsky because it
spoke about how people have a different
behaviour on social media.
Snapchat provides “the kinds of
entertainment experiences” for young
people and teenagers, according to the
theory of Jenkins (2006) which clarifies
entertainment experiences meaning what
the audience would like see. Snapchat
offer videos including a camera where
users will be able to take videos and use
different kinds of filters which allows
people to enjoy themselves where they
will be able to share with their friends.
This would encourage people to use
Snapchat as the app update filters, news
and different types of brands every week.
An example of this would be snapchat
memories which is within the app, this will
provide users to save any snaps they want
to keep or to look back on in the future.
Snapchat uses Synergy by
providing their users with
different brands that are
included within the app for
example “Comedy Central”
which is a TV channel that
displays movies, TV shows and
TV advertisements. Snapchat
do this in order to provide
their users with many
different types of
entertainment and it will also
increase the ownership and
popularity of that particular
brand which will help
Snapchat gain more users to
download it.
Advertising rates are made to create different advertisements in order to promote them to
the public, making the product popular and known. Firstly you will have to think about the
sizing of the advertisement you would like to create, usually you would do this in pixels for
example you would have to times the numbers together in order to get the correct layout you
want for your advertisement. It would depend on how big you would like the size for example
728 x 90 would be a small canvas and 160 x 250 would be a larger canvas. Secondly they will
have to think about the “Ad location” which is where the advertisement is going to be placed
on the page, for example the top right hand corner. Thirdly the “Ad performance” this is
where they will think about the quality of the advertisement for example what particular
colours they have chosen to make it look professional, this would increase the target audience
and the popularity of the advertisement overall. Fourthly they will have to think about the
market demand which would determine if the advertisement is of higher demand which would
it would sell to the public at a higher rating. Fifthly “Guaranteed impressions” this would
determine the rates that the advertisement would receive meaning it would gather a good
impression to customers.
Purpose of Primary Research
Primary research would be considered important within my social media product
because so it would fit the target audience that I am going to be aiming for, for
example I am going to aim my target audience at young people and teenagers
considering they tend to be more active on social media than adults because they have
full time working jobs. In order to make my social media product successful, I will have
to produce it to the public making sure it is suitable and works correctly. I will have to
also look into the pricing of the product or whether it’s going to be free of charge. I
have considered for it to be a free of purchase social media product in order to attract
young people and teenagers to it so it will be open to the public. The purpose of
Primary research within my product was to ensure that I have the correct content that I
am going to be using and if it is going to fit within the target audience. It will also help
me with any issues that I will be facing in order to create the product.
Yik Yak
Yik Yak is an online anonymous social media app that is
very popular in this day and age. The app was originally for
students that were limited in the area but today the app is
where users are able to post photos, videos and also reply
to comments. on 20th
of October, an article was released by
“Dian Schaffhauser” where he explained to his users that
the online social media app wasn't protecting your identity,
he then went on to say “you can Yak but you can’t hide:
localizing Anonymous social network users” meaning that
the app was dangers especially for young people as they
could be at risk of going missing. This would link to the
theory “shamelessness” (Andrew Keen-2011) where users
online are being revealed instead of anonymous.
Question 1
For the first question I asked
which age group the
audience categorize
themselves in, on the
question the ages 16-18 were
most popular which would
mean that more young
people use social media as
they have more spare time
than adults.
Question 2
For the second question I
asked what gender the
audience is, the most popular
answer within the survey was
female. This could be because
they like to be updated about
what is trending on social
Question 3
For the third question I asked
what media platforms does the
audience use on a daily
occasion, the most popular
answer was Instagram. This
could be because it is quick and
easy to use.
Question 4
For this question I
asked what the
audience like about
social media in general,
most of the results
imply that they are able
to talk to friends and
people from other
countries that have the
same interests as them.
This would have a
positive impact on
social media as it would
encourage people to
possibly make new
friends online.
Question 5
For this question I asked
the audience what they
dislike about social
media in general, most
of the responds I have
received are that it can
encourage cyber
bullying. This would
have a negative impact
on social media overall
because it could put
people off from making
any online accounts.
Question 6
For this question I asked the
audience how many hours they
would spend on social media,
the most popular answer was 1-2
hours. This could be because it is
very easy to get additive.
Mind map-Snaptalk
Name ideas:
Snaptalk, quick chat,
forever chat
Colour scheme:
blue, purple, pink
and white
Slogan ideas: Talk,
Laugh, Live
Experience a whole
new conversation
Inspiration: Instagram
The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and
“Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet.
Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the
website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where
you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to
send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also
encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other
countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours green
white, and black because they stand out to the public eye and also it
would attract many attract young people
Slogan-Talk, laugh, live
Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be
aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to
Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each
other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people
Format and style
WHY these fonts?
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s 7
Subjectivities, SnapTalk would be
targeted between the ages of 16-25
years as young people are known to
be more active online which would
mean that the online social media
website will become popular and
known. SnapTalk will also be
welcome people from other
countries to access it where they
will be able to talk to different
people that may share the same
Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses &
Gratifications Theory,
SnapTalk would fit into the
category of “Diversion”
where the audience will be
able to escape from their
reality life and they will be
able to include themselves
in the text. This would imply
that SnapTalk views will be
able to escape from their
real lives where they will be
able to become a different
person online.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
According to Maslow’s
Hierarchy Of Needs,
SnapTalk would fit into
the category of
“Explorers” where the
audience will be driven by
social change which
would imply that snapTalk
viewers will be driven by
the new and up and
coming product where
they will be able to
experience new features
each week when they sign
According to the
Psychographics table,
SnapTalk would fit into
the category of “
Reformers” as the
audience will be young
and free to speak and
judge their opinions,
also they are a group
that are open to new
Mind map-Gossip
Name ideas: Gossip,
quick talk, chit chatColour scheme:
Pink and white
Slogan ideas: chat,
share, gossip
Experiencing a new way
to chat
Inspiration: Facebook
The purpose of Gossip was inspired by the popular social media app “Instagram” and
“Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people through the internet.
Gossip is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the
website for example they will be able to send picture icons and they will be able to see
up to date information about their favourite celebrity. Users will also be able to share
their posts/videos to their friends or a post/video that they like, this will be able to link
to “Facebook”. This will encourage different users to share their interests with other
people where they will be able to talk to different people from other countries that have
similar interests.
Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours purple
white, and purple because they stand out to the public eye and also it
would attract many attract young people
Slogan-chat, share, gossip
Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be
aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to
Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each
other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people
Format and style
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s 7
Subjectivities, Gossip would be
targeted between the ages of 16-25
years as young people are known to
be more active online which would
mean that the online social media
website will become popular and
known. Gossip will also be welcome
people from other countries to
access it where they will be able to
talk to different people that may
share the same interests.
Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses &
Gratifications Theory, Gossip
would fit into the category
of “Diversion” where the
audience will be able to
escape from their reality life
and they will be able to
include themselves in the
text. This would imply that
Gossip views will be able to
escape from their real lives
where they will be able to
become a different person
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
According to Maslow’s
Hierarchy Of Needs,
Gossip would fit into the
category of “Explorers”
where the audience will
be driven by social change
which would imply that
Gossip viewers will be
driven by the new and up
and coming product
where they will be able to
experience new features
each week when they sign
According to the
Psychographics table,
Gossip would fit into the
category of “ Reformers”
as the audience will be
young and free to speak
and judge their opinions,
also they are a group
that are open to new
Copyright Information
In order to secure that my product will not be copyrighted from any other company or
person, I am going to be placing the copyright information at the bottom of the home
page. I am going to place it in this particular place so users will be able to see it so they will
be able to find the product on other types of social media for example Facebook. This will
enable users to think that it is protected and it will be able to become known to the public.
I am going to place the copyright logo..
Synergy with other forms of social media
Snapnet has used Synergy with other forms of media for example Facebook, Instagram
and Snapchat. They would link to these social media platforms as I have used them to
inspire me to make my own social media product. The link to the copyright information
will be placed at the bottom of the page where I will use social media logo’s to advertise
the product onto there so it will be able to become known and popular. This will be used
to attract users to other social media’s online where they will find a link to the product.
Hand drawn draft 1-Sign up page
Hand drawn draft- profile page
Hand drawn draft 1-home page
Hand drawn draft 2-sign up page
Hand drawn draft 2-Profile page
Hand drawn draft 2-home page
Photoshop draft 1-Sign up page
Sign up
First name Last name
Email Address
Day Month Year
Male Female
Create Account
Photoshop draft 1-Profile Page
Posts Followers Following
Displayed Posts
Display name
Photoshop draft 1-Home page
News Feed
Log Out
Photoshop draft 2-Home page
Log Out
News Feed
Photoshop draft 2-Sign up Page
Sign up
First name
Re-enter password
Day Month Year
Male Female
Photoshop draft 2-Profile Page
Edit Profile
Posts Followers Following
Display Name
Displayed Posts
The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and
“Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet.
Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the
website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where
you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to
send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also
encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other
countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours green
white, and black because they stand out to the public eye and also it
would attract many attract young people
Slogan-Talk, laugh, live
Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be
aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to
Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each
other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people
SnapTalk was inspired by Instagram as you can see above where I wanted
users to be able to instantly talk to other views around the world. I have
placed similar things on my created page for example on the Instagram
screenshot above, they have placed a message icon on the top right of the
page, I have also placed a messaging icon near that particular place to show I
am using it as inspiration. SnapTalk is a where for users to communicate with
each other people instantly, follow celebrities and bands and they are also
able to follow friends. It displays a news feed where users will be able to view
and like other people’s posts and it has also provided a comment section so
they will be able to share their opinion on the post.
SnapTalk-Colour scheme
Within SnapTalk, I have used the colours
purple, blue, and black. I have chosen
these colours because they stand out
and would catch the audiences
attention. The colour purple
demonstrates power, luxury and energy
meaning each user that is going to make
an account will be able to experience
the latest news about celebrities that
are considered luxury. The colour blue
connotes wisdom, faith and truth, this
could link to SnapTalk because it will
provide the truth about what they are
going to be reading. The colour black
connotes power and elegance meaning
each user will be able to have a freedom
of speech while on SnapTalk. Following
these colours, they will stand out against
the background where users will be able
to see the latest news.
Plan of website
Home Page
Home Profile News Settings Log Out
News Feed Own Profile Entertainment Edit Profile
Celebrities Privacy
Private PolicySupportBlock/Report
Terms and
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
According to Hartley’s 7
Subjectivities, SnapTalk would be
targeted between the ages of 16-25
years as young people are known to
be more active online which would
mean that the online social media
website will become popular and
known. Snapnet will also be
welcome people from other
countries to access it where they
will be able to talk to different
people that may share the same
Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory
According to Katz’ Uses &
Gratifications Theory,
SnapTalk would fit into the
category of “Diversion”
where the audience will be
able to escape from their
reality life and they will be
able to include themselves
in the text. This would imply
that Snapnet views will be
able to escape from their
real lives where they will be
able to become a different
person online.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
According to Maslow’s
Hierarchy Of Needs,
Gossip would fit into the
category of “Explorers”
where the audience will
be driven by social change
which would imply that
Gossip viewers will be
driven by the new and up
and coming product
where they will be able to
experience new features
each week when they sign
According to the
Psychographics table,
snapTalk would fit into
the category of “
Reformers” as the
audience will be young
and free to speak and
judge their opinions,
also they are a group
that are open to new
Production plan
Week beginning: January 1st 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Step 1-find
a place in
order to set
up the
I have
Step 2-buy
all the
for the
Step 3-
order to
create the
website of the
product, I will
need a
designer for it
to look
to users.
Step 4-
order to
make the
complete, I
will have to
with the
about the
scheme of
the page
Step 5-
order for
to be
d, I will
need to
ers so I
will be
able to
ment for
Step 6-
in order to
the website
y I will
need to tell
the plan for
it so they
will be able
Day off
by: 6th of
b: 2nd of
by: 7th of
by: 7th of
ed by:
7th of
by: 7th of
by: 8th of
Production plan-Week
2Week beginning: February 8th 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Step 1-on
this day the
designer is
going to be
the logo to
the product
Step 2-i am
going to be
colours in
the colour
scheme for
Step 3-the
designer is
going to
create the
buttons to
each page
that is going
to be featured
onto the
Step 4-i
am going
to be
the pages
within the
Step 5-
on this
day I am
going to
on the
on each
page of
Step 6-day
Day off
by: 8th of
b: 14nd of
by: 11th of
by: 13th of
ed by:
14th of
by: 14th of
by: 16th of
Production plan-Week
3Week beginning: February 15th 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Step 1-i am
going to
find ways
to advertise
the product
to the
public so it
Step 2-i am
going to
hire a
er in order
to take
pictures of
the website
that is
going to be
Step 3-i going
to find people
that are going
to advertise
the product.
Step 4-i
am going
to find
where I am
able to
images of
Step 5-i
am going
on the
with the
at the
top of
Step 6-day
Day off
by: 19th of
b: 20nd of
by: 17th of
by: 25th of
ed by:
24th of
Production plan-Week
4Week beginning: February 22th 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Step 1-i am
going to be
to design a
poster for
ent in order
to attract
the public.
Step 2-i am
going to
create the
of the
Step 3-i am
going to
continue the
production of
the website.
Step 4-i
am going
to continue
of the
Step 5-i
am going
to get
to check
in order
to make
there are
no errors
Step 6-day
Day off
by: 26th of
b: 26nd of
by: 26th of
by: 26th of
ed by:
30th of
Production plan-Week
5Week beginning: February 29th 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Step 1-i am
going to
through all
the buttons
that have
created in
order to
make sure
they work.
Step 2-i am
going to let
l people
text the
and give
feedback if
Step 3-i am
going to be
using other
social media
products that
are going to
promote the
Step 4-i
am going
to be
the website
for the last
time to
check if
Step 5-
Step 6-day
Day off
by: 30th of
b: 1stof
by: 1st March
by: 1st of
Launch date
I have chosen to release the launch date of the product on the 1st
March which will be the start of the product. I have chosen this
particular date because it is going to be the beginning to a new year
where people will want to try something new and experience different
things, this would encourage them to use different types of social media
products that are going to be released.
Revenue streams
Instagram have made $595 million in mobile advertisement revenues across the country in 2015
and the eMarteter’s have also predicted how much Facebook and instagram will get in 2017.
on the bar chart below it describes how Facebook has increased their revenue from 2015 TO
2017. there have been $0.60 of instagram revenues from 2015, compared to Facebook which
has 3.7% revenue in the same year. In 2017 Facebook is expected to reach up to 10.6% revenue
and instagram is expected $2.81 revenue. Within my social media product, I am going to use
Pay per click advertising as it is mainly used by other social media products such as Facebook
where I am going to using different types of advertisements which is going to attract users to
the website. The average cost to do this is between $1 and $2 on the internet. I am going to be
using the same price for my social media product for advertising. The advertisements are going
to be featured on the side of the pages within the website.
Synergy with other social media
Within Snaptalk, users are
able to login and sign up
using instagram and
Facebook. This will therefore
provide users an easier way
to sign up to the online social
media product.
Body text of the website
I am going to be using the font “Calibri” in the size 14. I am going to be
using this particular font as it is commonly used by people and it will
be easy for the users to read. I am not going to be including any other
fonts as I don’t think it is necessary in the website I am going to be
creating, having only one font will instantly attract users as it is similar
to them.
Snaptalk-how to obtain trademark
A watermark form is considered a copyright label, it is demonstrated
on both online and written documents. This is when an image has
copyright for their company or logo they have created which is
printed on it to identify who it belongs to. By having watermark on
pictures, it will prevent people from using them without permission
as it is owned by their company. It is important to obtain a
trademark for the website Snaptalk because it is therefore protect
the company name of the website and it will therefore not be used
by anyone else without permission.
How to obtain trademark
How to obtain trademark
How to obtain trademark
Legal and ethical issues
There can many risks while going on the internet for example many people can
experience cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a strong issue when it comes to the
internet because it mainly affects everyone as users have free will to comment on
anything on social media, it can be positive at times but it is mainly negative and can
affect people and their everyday lives. 38% of children and teenagers experience cyber
bullying each year on social media. There have been many cases that have been
recorded on social media for example a 14 year old called Justine experienced cyber
bullying when she was battling for cancer for a couple of months. After she found out
she had cancer, she was not expecting any experiences to do with cyber bullying and
she was not ready for these experiences. Firstly she started to receive emails from an
anonymous person with messages that could be described as threats and then
continued as scary threats which had effected Justine. She then decided to tell her
parents what was happening and they decided to call the police. The police tracked the
messages and they turned back to a person that was apparently in her class at her local
school. The police then required Justine to take counselling sessions and her class mate
then made an apology to her about the messages.
Watermarking images
Watermarking can be used on an
image so show that your
company own it for example if an
image is created by a company
they would use a copyright name
which will be displayed on the
image which is owned by them. I
am going to be using this within
my social media product so they
wont be able to be used by
anyone without permission.
Water marked image
I have watermarked images
from Snaptalk in order for
copyright reasons, which will
ensure that no one will be able
to use it/download it for
alternative use without
I have watermarked this image
using Photoshop where I have
placed the text and changing
the opacity level in order for it
to be watermarked.
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy implies what is expected of the company and the
users that are going to be using it. It will also include who the
information can be shared by and who it is abled to be seen by. I am
going to use a private policy form for my social media product so
users will be able to know the terms and conditions of the service.
The terms and conditions of my social media product is going to be
inspired by instagram.
Data Protection Act
The date protection act how
personal information is used in an
organisation for example what is
displayed to the public and what is
private. The data protection act
must be followed so that data
cannot be used by other people. I
am going to be following the data
protection act so that my users
information will not be displayed to
the public. There are some rules
displayed in the screenshot I have
taken, they will therefore have to
be followed in order to keep what
information private and public.
Synergy with other social
media products
In order to promote my social media product online, I am going to be creating an
account on both Facebook and instagram so it will become known to users, this
will encourage them to make an account on my social media product where it will
become popular to the public. My social media product is going to be free to
make an account how they will be able to explore what is featured and what is
trending within the app/website. I have chosen Facebook and instagram to
feature my social media product on as I have chosen them as my inspiration.
Establishing user trust
In order for users to trust the service of my social media product, I
am going to make sure that all information they want to keep
private can be changed using settings within the app/website.This
will ensure that only friends and family and able to see your
personal information that you would like to share. The social media
product will provide users with an update to let them know if their
account has been accessed by anyone other than themselves on
any other device.
WASP web standard
The web standard project is an online program which works
together in order to access the web technology for all users.
This would relate to my social media product because it will
ensure that all users will be able to access the website/app
without any issues, furthermore this will then increase it’s
popularity as there are going to be more people accessing it
each day.
Terms and privacy- Inspiration
This is the terms and
privacy for my online
social media product, I
am going to follow
these steps in order to
make it popular and
known to users.
The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and
“Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet.
Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the
website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where
you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to
send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also
encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other
countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
Synergy with other social
media products
In order to promote my social media product online, I am going to be creating an
account on both Facebook and instagram so it will become known to users, this
will encourage them to make an account on my social media product where it will
become popular to the public. My social media product is going to be free to
make an account how they will be able to explore what is featured and what is
trending within the app/website. I have chosen Facebook and instagram to
feature my social media product on as I have chosen them as my inspiration.
WASP web standard
The web standard project is an online program which works
together in order to access the web technology for all users.
This would relate to my social media product because it will
ensure that all users will be able to access the website/app
without any issues, furthermore this will then increase it’s
popularity as there are going to be more people accessing it
each day.
W3C Guidelines
The W3C guideline is a website which explains how you are able
to get the provided content accessible for people that have
disabilities. This will ensure that it is accessible to anyone with
any type of needs, this will also promote the product as any user
will be able to access it. Their aim is for it to be accessible using
any browser they are using. This would link to my social media
product because I am going to be using this and providing short
cuts to the website/app that is going to be created so it will be
easier for them to access it.
Body text of the website
I am going to be using the font “Calibri” in the size 14. I am going to be
using this particular font as it is commonly used by people and it will
be easy for the users to read. I am not going to be including any other
fonts as I don’t think it is necessary in the website I am going to be
creating, having only one font will instantly attract users as it is similar
to them.
About us
Snaptalk was made by Fiona Davison within the year 2016. it is an online social
media app/website that is made for people to share photos and videos with their
friends, they are also able to comment what they think about it. Snaptalk will keep
users updated about what is going to be featured and what is trending online. The
aim of Snaptalk is to keep users connected and updated about what is trending.
Synergy with other social media
Within Snaptalk, users are
able to login and sign up
using instagram and
Facebook. This will therefore
provide users an easier way
to sign up to the online social
media product.
Third party advertising
Snaptalk provide users that want to advertise their business or
company available on the website/app to register with their
business or company where other users will be able to promote
their business. This will then be displayed on the news feed for
them to see and it could possibly become popular and shared by
other users.
Sign Up Page
Home page
Profile Page
Terms & Conditions
To conclude I have looked into three social media products such as Facebook,
Snapchat and Instagram where I have studied what the positives and
negatives are and what the social media product provides for entertainment. I
have also created my own product where I have created three pages using

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  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 35: Social Media Products St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Candidate - Fiona Davison Number - 1107
  • 2.
  • 4. Purpose of Facebook Facebook is an online social media product that allows users to create online profiles and upload pictures and videos to keep in touch with friends and family. Facebook includes certain features such as marketplace, groups, events, pages and presence technology. The denotation of the slogan is “Be connected. Be Discovered. Be on Facebook.” This ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) to users that they are able to be connected and discover different things for example videos and uploads that are shared from friends and family. Facebook was introduced in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, his intentions were to make the world open which is described in the quotation “the thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open. where it has attracted more than 750 million people to the website and 70% of these viewers are outside of the UK. The founder of Facebook’s aim is to develop the website to become known and popular.
  • 5. Colour Connotations Facebook symbolise their website using different colours in order for users to know it is their brand. They firstly use their logo which is displayed in a dark blue box with the letter “F” written inside of the box but in the colour white. They have chosen the colours blue and white to represent the social media website because the colour “blue” could connote the sky and the world meaning that users can access Facebook from all over the world in order to communicate with different people outside their country, from their local area or different parts from where they live. The colour “white” could represent innocence and purity meaning that although Facebook is a good way to communicate with people, it is also a danger hazard for users that are not aware of the risks. Furthermore Facebook have dedicated to using two colours on their website in order to attract users.
  • 6. Target Users Facebook is targeted at a range of people from different races, religions or gender which means anyone can use it. It is targeted at young people and adults that are in university and could possibly attract people that are younger if they want to communicate with their friends and family online. Since 2010, Facebook users have increased by 14% as they are under the age of 24, 60% of users are female and 40% are male. Also 57% of users have completed an education in college moving to university.
  • 7. Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities According to Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities, Facebook is a global social media product that is known for billion’s of users all around the world that is for anyone to use. It is mainly targeted at 25-34 year olds. It is targeted at this particular age group because young people tend to use social media more which means they will be able to view new products that they will offer than adults. Facebook is mainly targeted at a female audience where 76% have used the social media product, whereas 66% of the users are male. Facebook would fit into the category of lower social class as the higher social class used different type of websites that are suitable for their needs.
  • 8. Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory, Facebook users would fit into the category of ‘Diversion’ because young people and adults tend to use social media to escape their everyday lives. An example of this would be so they won’t have to worry about stress or problems they may be receiving, it is a way to relax and forget about what is going on in their lives where they will be able to watch and post popular videos and pictures . Another theory that Facebook would categorise itself in would be “inform and educate” because it is informing the public about the new up and coming artists.
  • 9. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Facebook would fit into the category “Belonging” as it is a social media website where users will be able to contact friends and family from different countries where they will be able to talk to new people and build a relationship.
  • 10. Socio-Economic needs From the socio-economic table, Facebook is targeted into all the categories that have been provided because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and family. Facebook is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. The slogan “Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life” connotes that they help connect friends and families together so they will able to talk to each other through the website. According to the diagram below implies that 20.5% was the highest amount of Facebook users within 2016, it also had a total of 156.5 million in 2015.
  • 11. Psychographics According to the Psychographics table the target audience Facebook would fit into the category of ‘reformers’ because users will be able to have freedom of speak where they are a different person on social media compared to their reality lives. Also the target audience would be ‘strugglers’ as they seek escape, Lastly the target audience would also be categorized as ‘aspirers’ because the social media product relates to typically younger people who seek status therefore they would like Facebook.
  • 12. User statistics Facebook is an online social media service which enables people to communicate with friends and family and even build relationships with people from different countries . The website was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and has continued his development of Facebook to January 2015. in this year there was 1.59 billion users who were online and active on Facebook and 1.44 billion users who were using other devices to access Facebook on a monthly basis. The social media website is targeted at the ages of 25-35 years old but they have recently targeted at younger viewers as that are more likely to be active online.
  • 13. Content Here is a screenshot of what Facebook looks like, the company have used the colours blue and white for the house style of Facebook overall. On the right hand side of the page demonstrates a live chat where users will be able to talk to people that are online and also displays people that you have spoken to before and a search bar at the top of the page where you can search for people to add as a friend. On the left hand side of the page Facebook has displayed apps where users can use it and they would be able to tag their friends, at the bottom they have an options button where is available for users. Https://
  • 14. This is a profile page within Facebook where you are able to upload pictures and videos to your friends. You are also able to update your personal information you want to show your friends. Facebook profile’s include gaming advertisements where you are able to invite other users to the game you are playing. On the right hand side of the page, this is where you are able to see who is active on Facebook where it reveals a green circle to inform users they are active.
  • 15. Within Facebook, they have a separate app called “messenger” where users are able to communicate with each other. On the very top of the page there is a search bar where you are able to search your friends name in order to speak to them. On the right top hand side is an icon where you are able to type a new message. Below the search bar the app have provided “my day” where users are able to create a photo collage of their day. The page also provides who is active online and who you have been talking to the most. At the very bottom of the page is where you have the home button, if you have received or missed any calls, group chats and people who are connected to messenger.
  • 16. Pay-Per-Click-Advertising Pay per click advertising is an online model of the internet that is used in marketing where advertisers would have to pay if someone was to click on their online adverts. Search engine advertisements are very popular forms of pay-per-click advertising as it allows people that want to advertise a biding whenever someone clicks on their advertisement, for example if someone was to search something which is relevant to their business. This would benefit Facebook as many users are able to click on their online advertisements for example film trailers.
  • 17. Viral marketing Socialmediaexaminercom Within Facebook, viral marketing is used where a particular post, video or person is popular within the online social media website/app. This would be people it has been shared by the public on multiple occasions, “Stormzy” is a famous UK grime rapper who has recently released a new album. The picture that is shown on the left hand side is a post within Facebook posted by the artist representing his new album.
  • 18. Revenue The chart demonstrates the Revenue in dollars within Facebook from 2009-201. the standard cost to advertise will be the average of $342,000 per 30 seconds of the advertisement. The Revenue of the chart has increased from 764 to 17,079 in 2015 which has been the largest in years. Facebook make Revenue by including online apps on the website and they have also teamed up with a few companies to increase their revenue further for example Starbucks where Facebook have allowed their company to make a page on their website in order to promote their company overall. Facebook has done this with many other companies to advertise them.
  • 19. Legal and ethical issues Facebook will have to consider legal and ethical issues in order to improve to make their company successful, they will have to follow the Data Protection act 1998. There can many risks while going on the internet for example many people can experience cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a strong issue when it comes to the internet because it mainly affects everyone as users have free will to comment on anything on social media, it can be positive at times but it is mainly negative and can affect people and their everyday lives. 38% of children and teenagers experience cyber bullying each year on social media. There have been many cases that have been recorded on social media for example a 14 year old called Justine experienced cyber bullying when she was battling for cancer for a couple of months. After she found out she had cancer, she was not expecting any experiences to do with cyber bullying and she was not ready for these experiences. Firstly she started to receive emails from an anonymous person with messages that could be described as threats and then continued as scary threats which had effected Justine. She then decided to tell her parents what was happening and they decided to call the police. The police tracked the messages and they turned back to a person that was apparently in her class at her local school. The police then required Justine to take counselling sessions and her class mate then made an apology to her about the messages.
  • 20. Legal and ethical issues Within the article from 2010 on CBS News, they have produced an article on Facebook which is an online social media product which has over 400 million users. The article explains the dangers it can cause and how it can affect users, for example your private information can be accessed from third parties whenever you are playing a game within Facebook or a quiz. The online social media website/app also encourage you to share as much information as possible so they are able to share it with their advertisers and they will also be receiving more money as you share more information. Facebook are also dealing with a security problem whenever the company are re designing the website. Whenever this is taking place it enables your privacy settings back to public so anymore would be able to see your private information, this could be considered an issue as many users wouldn't’t like their private information on display. Overall i have assessed some dangers to do with the online social media app/website and some dangers that it can cause.
  • 21. Noam Chomsky According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social behaviour” implies that social media can change a persons behaviour in real life as many people try and be a completely different person on social media because they will not be able to meet the people they see online meaning it gives each person more confidence online. Users have freewill to post what they want and to look differently as they do in reality making themselves more attractive and popular. Furthermore this could create a negative impact as many people experience cyber bullying on social media which could affect their health and confidence. Overall Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of what the consequences that could happen while they are using social media and how it can affect normal behaviour within it.
  • 22. Noam Chomsky – Case Study case-1.3379164 On the 21st April, there was an article published on CTV news about a 16 year old Liverpool boy that was charged with criminal harassment on Facebook of cyberbullying against another boy. The mother of the bullied victim said her son had been bullied for months but the weekend before the bully was charged for harassment, there has a group chat set up and the bullying was taken more seriously. Soon after it happened the mother shared screenshots of the group chat where the bullies were making comments about her son's personal hygiene, his mother and his girlfriend. The victims mother said to CTV news that she thought her son's account had been hacked as she saw some hurtful posts about his family. After the incident the mother hoped that what happened to her son will inspire others to report bullying.
  • 23. User Generated Reviews This is the user reviews from the online social media website2 Facebook. It can easily be accessible online where users can write reviews on their service and products they provide within Facebook. Overall parents rate 14 and over year olds to the online social media webiste/app 3 stars out of 5, whereas kids aged 12 and other would rate it 4 stars out of 5. this would mean a magority of their users will be teenagers as they would spend more time online.
  • 24. Positives Facebook is an online social media product aimed for people to connect with friends and family, the positive effects of Facebook are that it is easy to keep in touch with friends and family where they will be able to instantly message and Facetime. Within Facebook you are to upload status’s, pictures and personal information you would like to share with friends and family. You are also able to make new friends as you are allowed to add loads pf people within the app/website. Facebook enables you to express yourself as users are able to uploading a status about how they are feeling or what is happening in their life and posting pictures of themselves.
  • 25. Negatives Although Facebook can be a way in order to connect with friends and family, there can also be some negative factors while using the website/app. Cyber bullying could be a main affect while on social media and especially Facebook as users are able to harass or gang up on a person easier as they won’t have to face it in real life. It is also easier as anything that is posted or said on social media isn't monitored so users are able to say anything. Facebook can cause relationships to end for example if other users are liking their pictures and commenting it could possibly build up jealousy and the relationship could end. Furthermore Facebook can also cause a distraction for example if you are going through the news feed or looking at videos it could cause a distraction if you are suppose to be doing something important instead of social media. Although you are able to make new friends and upload posts and video, it can also cause people to stalk you and find out your person information, where you go to school or work and where you live.
  • 26. Facebook have linked with Instagram in order to promote their own social media product with another. Convergence is used within Facebook where they have provided a separate app in order for people can communicate with friends and family. Synergy
  • 27. Synergy Facebook produces movies and TV advertisements for their viewers for entertainment, which will help gain popularity for their movie or TV advert and users will more likely would want to purchase the product. Facebook do this by promoting a page within their website where users will be able to like and share the page to people they are friends with on Facebook, this will also promote their brand as it will be published on their website.
  • 28. Within Facebook, they have promoted Instagram using the social media product where they are able to upload posts and update users about events that are being held by popular artists. Facebook have chosen to advertise the artist “Selena Gomez” as she is known to be “the most followed person on instgram” and will therefore promote instagram as users will more likely use the app and follow the artist.
  • 29. Technological Convergence Within Facebook they provide new film trailers within the news feed in order to promote the film to users. They would more likely go and see the film because of the advertisement they have seen on Facebook which would give them an inside look what the film is about. Users are able to access Facebook's video content within the news feed, they are able share the videos with their friends. This form of convergent technology are able to offer audiences “the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” (Jenkins – 2006).
  • 30. Technological Convergence This is another example of how Facebook have used Technological convergence, “The lad bible” is page within Facebook where they provide viewers with online entertainment where they upload posts, videos and photos with humour displayed to their audience. This would encourage users to visit the page where they could possibly relate to what they are posting. This would provide users with multiple entertainment experiences, this would link to the theory from (Jenkins – 2006) where Facebook are able to offer audiences “the kinds of entertainment experiences they want”.
  • 31. Advertisement Facebook is free of charge so anyone is able to use it, they provide advertising and brands within their website to attract a range of audiences both young and old. Facebook is a very popular social media website that is used to share posts and videos or upload for friends and family to see, it is also a way to share different interests with other people. Facebook is still used to this day and is most frequently used everyday. Overall the website aim to produce new products and updates each year to keep their users entrainment and to also compete with other social media websites.
  • 32. Advertisement Within Facebook advertising cost can be anywhere from $0.16 to $1.00+ per click, depending on your industry, the size of your audience, and the quality of your ad. For example if Facebook were to advertise a film trailer then the pricing would more likely to be higher as the advertisement would be aimed at multiple types of audiences and age groups. Viral marketing within Facebook has proven to be popular online as users are able to share posts they enjoy with their friends, posts can also become popular if they are uploaded from a particular page for example a famous person or a page that is popular and known to Facebook.
  • 33. Instagram purpose What is Instagram? Instagram is an online social media app where users are able to post pictures and videos instantly to their friends, they are able to follow people they know and also share different types of entertainment they enjoy. The purpose of Instagram is to interact with people from different countries using direct messaging within the app, users are able to follow those who they know and message them through direct message. Instagram uses very appealing colours in order to attract a younger audience, it also provides users to instantly upload pictures and videos where they will be able to share memories with their followers. Users are also able to comment and like pictures or videos they see on their timeline.
  • 34. Colour Connotations Instagram uses the colours dark blue, black, white and grey within the app and they also use the colour red to signify the heart which can appeal when a user likes someone else's post they have shared. They have used these particlar colours to demonstrate brand awareness where different users will be aware of Instagram increasing its popularity. The colour dark blue could imply mystery, meaning different users will not be aware of what other users are going to be upload at any point within the day, this colour would stand out to viewers because it is often represented as the sky and the world meaning people around the world use the app in their everyday lives. The colour black could demonstrate power meaning Instagram are dedicated into making the app popular by providing different products for their users. The colour white demonstrates purity and innocence which they could've chosen because it is a well known colour that would stand out in the background. Lastly the colour grey could represent balance as in everything the app publicize is balanced worldwide to their users.
  • 35. Target users Within instagram, they aim to target the app at young people between the ages of 18-34 year olds that have access to social media, this is because Instagram uses popular brands on their app that would attract attention to younger viewers for example they produce clothing brands on instagram to promote their business. Brands often rely on instagram to promote their brands because instagram is a popular social media app that is used in different countries worldwide.
  • 36. Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities According to Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities, Instagram is targeted all around the world as it is a worldwide social media product that is for anyone to use. It is mainly targeted at younger people that are going into college. It is targeted at this particular age group because young people tend to use social media more which means they will be able to view new products that they will offer than adults. I have gotten an example from instagram where I have used the famous singer “Justin Bieber” as he would appeal to young people and teenagers.
  • 37. Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory, Instagram users would fit into the category of ‘Diversion’ because young people and adults tend to use social media to escape their everyday lives so they won’t have to worry about stress or problems they may be receiving, it is a way to relax and forget about what is going on in their lives where they will be able to watch and post popular videos and pictures that have been uploaded online in order for people to forget about their worries or problems. I have taken a screenshot where users are able to experience entertainment within instagram, for example on the search bar within the app it provides videos and posts and that would be entertaining for users to enjoy.
  • 38. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Instagram would fit into the category “Belonging” as it is a social media website where users will be able to contact friends and family from different countries where they will be able to talk to new people and build a relationship. Within instagram they provide users with “direct messaging” this will enable them to message friends where they will be able to share posts they like.
  • 39. Socio-Economic needs q=socio+economic+needs&safe=strict&biw=784&bih=515&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi= 2&ved=0ahUKEwiYq4Or19_QAhUnD8AKHTIOBL4Q_AUIBigB twitter-pinterest-tumblr-and-instagram-2015-and-beyond-1622/ From the socio-economic table, Instagram is targeted into all the categories that have been provided because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and family. Instagram is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. The slogan According to the diagram below implies that 20.5% was the highest amount of 65.3 million Instagram users in 2016.
  • 40. Source of Revenue nal-finance/030915/how-instagram-makes- money.asp Instagram are making money from their advertising products which is similar to Facebook as they provide users with online advertisements. Instagram reports to have over 600 million active users and 80% of users are outside the U.S. Instagram convinced Facebook to use an app with an online website as users are more likely to be active and it will increase it’s growth, this has therefore encouraged more users to make an account on Instagram. Within a 3 month period from 2016 Instagram's ad revenue was $6.82 billion and it later on had a 59% increase at the same period of the year. Some of Instagram's advertisers include Nike Inc, General Electric and Walt Disney Co.
  • 41. Content This is the newsfeed within Instagram, at the very bottom of the page it provides a home button where the newsfeed is from people you follow, the search button, the camera button where you are able to upload pictures and videos, the heart button which updates you with who has liked your posts or who has requested to follow you and the person icon which takes you to your profile page. On the post that is shown, users will be able to see the post that is uploaded by the person and below there is a heart icon where you are able to like the post and a speech bubble where users are able to comment, instagram have also provided an arrow icon where they are able to share the post with people they are following. At the top of the page on the side there is a box icon where users are able to directly message people. At the very bottom of the post, they have provided people how long ago the post was uploaded.
  • 42. Viral marketing Instagram uses viral marketing within the app by creating Instagram accounts from different brands and artists within it, this will encourage users to follow them where they will be updated about what they are doing and if they are producing any music or albums within the year. It also promotes brand awareness where it will make that company popular and well known to the public and they will increase with money.
  • 43. teenage-arnell Legal and ethical Although instagram is a way to freely post and share video’s with online users, there can also be some dangers while using the online social media product. For example instagram encourages a negative body image which is mainly targeted at female users as they are keen on changing their body image in order to make themselves pose in a certain way to get the male genders attention. This would include female users that would make themselves look unrealistic to what they would look like in reality. Instagram can also effect health and education for students for example young girls could be experiencing depression as they could be lacking to get good grades in school. Furthermore the social media product is also ruining relationships as the male population get easily jealous when flirty comments are seen on their girlfriends posts.
  • 44. Negative publicity Instagram has received negative publicity through the internet where their have been many articles to do with the case for example in the daily mail news that was dated on the 4th July 2013 the newspaper displayed the headline “Never mind Facebook bragging, Instagram is the most depressing social network due to the smug photos we post” this headline is clearly stating an opinion on the social media app “Instagram” the article talks about how Instagram use dull photos on the app in order to attract the audiences attention calling it “the most depressing social media network” the article then explains how different Instagram is compared to Facebook and the newspapers personal opinion on the whole report,. e-2376016/INSTAGRAM-depressing-social- network-smug-photos-post.html
  • 45. Noam Chomsky According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social behaviour” implies that social media can change a persons behaviour in real life as many people try and be a completely different person on social media because they will not be able to meet the people they see online meaning it gives each person more confidence online. Users have freewill to post what they want and to look differently as they do in reality making themselves more attractive and popular. Furthermore this could create a negative impact as many people experience cyber bullying on social media which could affect their health and confidence. Overall Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of what the consequences that could happen while they are using social media and how it can affect normal behaviour within it.
  • 46. Noam Chomsky – Case Study There was an article published on april 6th of 2017 where a journalist who was Nigerian was arrested for bullying a televangelist on the online social media app instagram. The journalist was arrested because she wrote a post on instagram that was considered ruining the reputation against David Ibiyeomie. The post she wrote was describing David as a person that regularly goes to church and was also discussing adultery and how it was occurring in a local church. She also explained that she was a person that is “dedicated member of Salvation Ministries' the journalist was then sent to jail for 3 years and had to pay over 3 million pounds. instagram-1615770
  • 47. User generated reviews Instagram have experienced many different reviews within their social media app which can be both negative and positive for example looking at the reviews most people seem to give the online social media app a 4 out of 5 stars which is just above average, this can have a positive affect on Instagram as it will encourage more users to take an interest in the app which will also increase their popularity. Although Instagram can be a positive impact on people that are also negative impacts the app will have to reconsider for example identity theft. reviews/instagram
  • 48. Positives Within Instagram there is many advantages to consider while using the online social media app, for example you can have privacy setting in order to make sure you are not following anyone you don’t know or if other users can see what you are posting online. Another positive effect of Instagram is that it can also provide users will a positive impact on other people for example they are able to comment and like posts or videos different people upload which will encourage more people to take interest in the app overall. Lastly another positive of Instagram is that people that are able to build relationship with people around the world that could possibly share the same interests. pros-and-cons-of-using-instagram
  • 49. Negatives Although Instagram can have a positive impact on people around the world, it can also have some disadvantages that users might need to consider, for example users are able to do anything on social media like identity theft which would happen if a certain person could steal what you look like online and just and pretend to be you. Another negative impact it could have is on the online social media app, you are able to release your location in a post or video and this is a disadvantage because other people could find out where you are and it could be a dangerous hazard. Lastly another disadvantage of Instagram is that if your account is not on private then people are able to see what you upload for example pictures of videos where other viewers could write negative comments which could affect that persons behaviour.
  • 50. Synergy Within Instagram they have linked with Facebook where the social media app have provided Facebook with their own page on their social media app. They have advertised their own product within instagram where it will promote both products and will enourage users to make an account.
  • 51. Synergy Instagram can promote many different things on the social media app such as movies and TV shows that are popular and trending for example Suicide squad which is a movie that was recently released this year. Instagram has promoted on their app in order to advertise the movie where each user can follow the page where they will be updated about new products they are going to be offering for example merchandise and videos advertising different characters that are featured within the film.
  • 52. Technological Convergence Within instagram they provide Technological convergence through video content, for example on the instagram search bar they provide “my story” where users are able to upload what they are doing within the day and the people they follow will be able to see what you are uploading. Users are able to direct message each other where they are able to send posts and video content.
  • 53. Snapchat purpose What is Snapchat? Snapchat is a popular social media moblie app where users are able to communicate with each other using picture messages where they can also upload onto their story for other people to see. The purpose of Snapchat is to instantly communicate with friends using videos and pictures where they will disappear after a few seconds, the app have provided a caption box within this where any user could write their thoughts. It also allows you to change a filter for example the colour or a animal like a dog. snapchat-and-how-does-it-work
  • 54. Snapchat is targeted at young people and teenagers, this is because they usually more active on social media as they have a lot of time to spare unlike adults where they have full time working jobs and not do not have a lot of spare time to check social media. Snapchat is very popular and attracts younger people as celebrities use it to keep their viewers updated when they are releasing new music, video uploads and information about different types of events that are taking place. The graph below explains their target audience viewers from 2016 which proves that more of their audience viewers are below the age of 25 where 37% of people at this age use Snapchat through their everyday lives. Target audience
  • 55. Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities According to Hartley’s Seven Subjectivities, snapchat is targeted all around the world as it is a worldwide social media product that is for anyone to use. It is mainly targeted at younger people that are going into college. It is targeted at this particular age group because young people tend to use social media more which means they will be able to view new products that they will offer than adults. On snapchat they provide users with filters where they are able to make funny faces with friends and family, snapchat also update filter each week where they provide an advertisement for a company.
  • 56. Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses and Gratifications Theory, snapchat users would fit into the category of ‘Diversion’ because young people and adults tend to use social media to escape their everyday lives so they won’t have to worry about stress or problems they may be receiving, it is a way to relax and forget about what is going on in their lives where they will be able to watch and post popular videos and pictures that have been uploaded online in order for people to forget about their worries or problems.
  • 57. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Instagram would fit into the category “Belonging” as it is a social media website where users will be able to contact friends and family from different countries where they will be able to talk to new people and build a relationship. Within Snapchat they provide snaps where you are able to snap people in your friends list. You are able to message and use picture messages.
  • 58. Socio-Economic needs q=socio+economic+needs&safe=strict&biw=784&bih=515&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi= 2&ved=0ahUKEwiYq4Or19_QAhUnD8AKHTIOBL4Q_AUIBigB twitter-pinterest-tumblr-and-instagram-2015-and-beyond-1622/ From the socio-economic table, Snapchat is targeted into all the categories that have been provided because the company aims to target at young people and adults that want to communicate with friends and family. Snapchat is not aiming at a particular audience but a range of audiences. According to the diagram below the number of users of 2017 has estimated to be 158 billion active, 301 million monthly users, 2.5 billion average snaps by day and 629 days to be a snapchat streak.
  • 59. Logo Within Snapchat, they have provided their users with a logo to imply what the company is known as. The company have used a digital ghost figure including a black outline and the colour white where the ghost figured is coloured in. they have then used a square background which is coloured with the colour yellow, this could represent hope, happiness and energy meaning their viewers can be energetic and happy while using their app. The white ghost which is centred in the middle could represent how the app are only using pictures for a few seconds where they will then vanish like a ghost. Lastly the yellow background of the logo could represent that it is attracting younger people as the colour is often used for young people.
  • 60. Content Within Snapchat, there is a camera as soon as you click on the app which is the first thing their users will see, they have then including the ghost logo which is placed on the top which is centred in the middle of two other things on the right and left hand. The icon on the right hand side is a camera where users will be able to switch the camera towards them or in another direction where they will be able to take pictures and videos. The icon on the left is also linked to the camera where you will be able to control if they would like the flash turned on or off. The circle icon which is placed on the at the bottom of the page in the middle, this is where users will be able to take pictures and videos by holding down the button. The icon on the right hand side on the bottom is where you can slide your finger and you will be able to see what your friends have posted on their story. On the left hand side of the same place is where you will receive notifications from people, it is represented as a speech bubble as it is where you will receive messages.
  • 62. Sponsored advertising Within Snapchat they have used sponsorship within their filters on the app for example users are able to see sponsored advertisements like “asos” which is a clothing store that and you are able to order online. Snapchat have advertised this particular product in order to promote users to buy their clothes and to also make an account on snapchat.
  • 63. Source of Revenue Snapchat is a social media app which is targeted at young people and teenagers, they are aiming to hit $1 billion within their revenue by the end of 2017 and at the moment they are earning $366.7 million within their advertising sales throughout 2016. They advertise many different things within Snapchat for example the news from celebrities which is then displayed publicly to viewers. reach-almost-1-billion-in-2017/ 2017/
  • 64. Viral marketing Within Snapchat, they advertise viral marketing by providing their users with a page on the app called “Discover” where they have produced different types of brand advertisements, this will encourage users to take an interest in the brands that are provided and it would also suggest that Snapchat are promoting these brands. This will attract different viewers to Snapchat because it will also give them other things to do apart from talking to their friends, they will also be able to look at the news selection.
  • 65. Legal and Ethical Issues Although snapchat is a fun way to communicate with friends and experience entertainment, there are a few legal and ethical issues it will need to consider for it to become a successful social media app. In order to make sure you are safe using snapchat, you could possibly use a data protection website for example ICO where it will be able to give you guidance on how to be safe on social media and what the positive and negative impacts of it are. Within the website you can also report any issues you may be facing or receiving online, users will be able to address their concerns where ICO will respond to them in 2 working days to resolve the complaint.
  • 66. Legal and Ethical Issues dangers-snapchats-speed-filter/93160392/ Although snapchat can be a great way to communicate with friends in a fun way, there can also be dangers to the social media app that have to be considered, in November of 2016 there was an article published online where the the social media app was a cause of an accident in Florida. A couple was using the speed filter within the app and while they were driving which caused their death.
  • 67. Noam Chomsky According to Noam Chomsky Ideology which is “erodes normal social behaviour” implies that social media can change a persons behaviour in real life as many people try and be a completely different person on social media because they will not be able to meet the people they see online meaning it gives each person more confidence online. Users have freewill to post what they want and to look differently as they do in reality making themselves more attractive and popular. Furthermore this could be a negative impact as many people experience cyber bullying on social media which could affect their health and confidence. Overall Noam Chomsky’s theory is to try and make each user aware of what the consequences that could happen while they are using social media and how it can affect normal behaviour within it.
  • 68. User generated reviews Snapchat is a successful social media app that is targeted at teenagers and young people, often people want to share their opinions on the social media app where they will be able to comment and discuss how the company could improve on and what they have done well. Before I have captured what people would rate the app out of 5 and their personal opinions of it, within the screenshot a few people have rated the app 4 stars out of five and spoken how it is a very creative app that is fun for teenagers and young people.
  • 69. Positives Snapchat is a very popular app for young people and teenagers and can have positive impacts for example users will be able to use different filters which are updated by the app each week that could be considered entertaining and fun to send to friends. Another positive about the app is that the messages that have been sent only last for a couple of seconds meaning people won’t be able to keep the conversation. Snapchat uses brands such as up to date news to advertise them which could increase the popularity of the app overall. Lastly you can also view other users that you are friend’s with stories which they have posted as entertainment for their friends to see.
  • 70. Negatives Although Snapchat is a fun way to communicate with friends, it can also have many risks that have to be taken into consideration, for example Snapchat messages can be sent and opened in a few seconds but there have been many cases where people are sending unpleased picture messages which can be dangerous because people are able to screenshot messages nowadays on the IPhone which directly forwards them to the camera roll, meaning they will be able to keep the messages. This could also have a negative affect because the person with the screenshot could easily show other people which will then expose the person that sent them. The app have open opportunities for people to talk and send inappropriate pictures to each as it would only last a few seconds but it can have a negative impact because it could be show to other people, this would link to the theory Noam Chomsky because it spoke about how people have a different behaviour on social media.
  • 71. Snapchat provides “the kinds of entertainment experiences” for young people and teenagers, according to the theory of Jenkins (2006) which clarifies entertainment experiences meaning what the audience would like see. Snapchat offer videos including a camera where users will be able to take videos and use different kinds of filters which allows people to enjoy themselves where they will be able to share with their friends. This would encourage people to use Snapchat as the app update filters, news and different types of brands every week. An example of this would be snapchat memories which is within the app, this will provide users to save any snaps they want to keep or to look back on in the future.
  • 72. Snapchat uses Synergy by providing their users with different brands that are included within the app for example “Comedy Central” which is a TV channel that displays movies, TV shows and TV advertisements. Snapchat do this in order to provide their users with many different types of entertainment and it will also increase the ownership and popularity of that particular brand which will help Snapchat gain more users to download it.
  • 73. Advertising rates are made to create different advertisements in order to promote them to the public, making the product popular and known. Firstly you will have to think about the sizing of the advertisement you would like to create, usually you would do this in pixels for example you would have to times the numbers together in order to get the correct layout you want for your advertisement. It would depend on how big you would like the size for example 728 x 90 would be a small canvas and 160 x 250 would be a larger canvas. Secondly they will have to think about the “Ad location” which is where the advertisement is going to be placed on the page, for example the top right hand corner. Thirdly the “Ad performance” this is where they will think about the quality of the advertisement for example what particular colours they have chosen to make it look professional, this would increase the target audience and the popularity of the advertisement overall. Fourthly they will have to think about the market demand which would determine if the advertisement is of higher demand which would it would sell to the public at a higher rating. Fifthly “Guaranteed impressions” this would determine the rates that the advertisement would receive meaning it would gather a good impression to customers. card-tips-and-guidelines
  • 74. Purpose of Primary Research Primary research would be considered important within my social media product because so it would fit the target audience that I am going to be aiming for, for example I am going to aim my target audience at young people and teenagers considering they tend to be more active on social media than adults because they have full time working jobs. In order to make my social media product successful, I will have to produce it to the public making sure it is suitable and works correctly. I will have to also look into the pricing of the product or whether it’s going to be free of charge. I have considered for it to be a free of purchase social media product in order to attract young people and teenagers to it so it will be open to the public. The purpose of Primary research within my product was to ensure that I have the correct content that I am going to be using and if it is going to fit within the target audience. It will also help me with any issues that I will be facing in order to create the product.
  • 75. Yik Yak Yik Yak is an online anonymous social media app that is very popular in this day and age. The app was originally for students that were limited in the area but today the app is where users are able to post photos, videos and also reply to comments. on 20th of October, an article was released by “Dian Schaffhauser” where he explained to his users that the online social media app wasn't protecting your identity, he then went on to say “you can Yak but you can’t hide: localizing Anonymous social network users” meaning that the app was dangers especially for young people as they could be at risk of going missing. This would link to the theory “shamelessness” (Andrew Keen-2011) where users online are being revealed instead of anonymous.
  • 76. Question 1 For the first question I asked which age group the audience categorize themselves in, on the question the ages 16-18 were most popular which would mean that more young people use social media as they have more spare time than adults.
  • 77. Question 2 For the second question I asked what gender the audience is, the most popular answer within the survey was female. This could be because they like to be updated about what is trending on social media.
  • 78. Question 3 For the third question I asked what media platforms does the audience use on a daily occasion, the most popular answer was Instagram. This could be because it is quick and easy to use.
  • 79. Question 4 For this question I asked what the audience like about social media in general, most of the results imply that they are able to talk to friends and people from other countries that have the same interests as them. This would have a positive impact on social media as it would encourage people to possibly make new friends online.
  • 80. Question 5 For this question I asked the audience what they dislike about social media in general, most of the responds I have received are that it can encourage cyber bullying. This would have a negative impact on social media overall because it could put people off from making any online accounts.
  • 81. Question 6 For this question I asked the audience how many hours they would spend on social media, the most popular answer was 1-2 hours. This could be because it is very easy to get additive.
  • 82.
  • 83. Mind map-Snaptalk Snaptalk Name ideas: Snaptalk, quick chat, forever chat Colour scheme: blue, purple, pink and white Slogan ideas: Talk, Laugh, Live Experience a whole new conversation Inspiration: Instagram Competitors: Facebook-
  • 84. Purpose The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and “Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet. Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
  • 85. Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours green white, and black because they stand out to the public eye and also it would attract many attract young people Slogan-Talk, laugh, live Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to adults. Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people online. Format and style
  • 87. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities According to Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities, SnapTalk would be targeted between the ages of 16-25 years as young people are known to be more active online which would mean that the online social media website will become popular and known. SnapTalk will also be welcome people from other countries to access it where they will be able to talk to different people that may share the same interests.
  • 88. Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory, SnapTalk would fit into the category of “Diversion” where the audience will be able to escape from their reality life and they will be able to include themselves in the text. This would imply that SnapTalk views will be able to escape from their real lives where they will be able to become a different person online.
  • 89. Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, SnapTalk would fit into the category of “Explorers” where the audience will be driven by social change which would imply that snapTalk viewers will be driven by the new and up and coming product where they will be able to experience new features each week when they sign up.
  • 90. Psychographics According to the Psychographics table, SnapTalk would fit into the category of “ Reformers” as the audience will be young and free to speak and judge their opinions, also they are a group that are open to new things.
  • 91. Mind map-Gossip Gossip Name ideas: Gossip, quick talk, chit chatColour scheme: Pink and white Slogan ideas: chat, share, gossip Experiencing a new way to chat Inspiration: Facebook Competitors: Snapchat-
  • 92. Purpose The purpose of Gossip was inspired by the popular social media app “Instagram” and “Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people through the internet. Gossip is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the website for example they will be able to send picture icons and they will be able to see up to date information about their favourite celebrity. Users will also be able to share their posts/videos to their friends or a post/video that they like, this will be able to link to “Facebook”. This will encourage different users to share their interests with other people where they will be able to talk to different people from other countries that have similar interests.
  • 93. Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours purple white, and purple because they stand out to the public eye and also it would attract many attract young people Slogan-chat, share, gossip Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to adults. Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people online. Format and style
  • 94. Font
  • 95. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities According to Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities, Gossip would be targeted between the ages of 16-25 years as young people are known to be more active online which would mean that the online social media website will become popular and known. Gossip will also be welcome people from other countries to access it where they will be able to talk to different people that may share the same interests.
  • 96. Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory, Gossip would fit into the category of “Diversion” where the audience will be able to escape from their reality life and they will be able to include themselves in the text. This would imply that Gossip views will be able to escape from their real lives where they will be able to become a different person online.
  • 97. Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, Gossip would fit into the category of “Explorers” where the audience will be driven by social change which would imply that Gossip viewers will be driven by the new and up and coming product where they will be able to experience new features each week when they sign up.
  • 98. Psychographics According to the Psychographics table, Gossip would fit into the category of “ Reformers” as the audience will be young and free to speak and judge their opinions, also they are a group that are open to new things.
  • 99. Copyright Information In order to secure that my product will not be copyrighted from any other company or person, I am going to be placing the copyright information at the bottom of the home page. I am going to place it in this particular place so users will be able to see it so they will be able to find the product on other types of social media for example Facebook. This will enable users to think that it is protected and it will be able to become known to the public. I am going to place the copyright logo..
  • 100. Synergy with other forms of social media Snapnet has used Synergy with other forms of media for example Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. They would link to these social media platforms as I have used them to inspire me to make my own social media product. The link to the copyright information will be placed at the bottom of the page where I will use social media logo’s to advertise the product onto there so it will be able to become known and popular. This will be used to attract users to other social media’s online where they will find a link to the product.
  • 101. Hand drawn draft 1-Sign up page
  • 102. Hand drawn draft- profile page
  • 103. Hand drawn draft 1-home page
  • 104. Hand drawn draft 2-sign up page
  • 105. Hand drawn draft 2-Profile page
  • 106. Hand drawn draft 2-home page
  • 107. Photoshop draft 1-Sign up page Sign up First name Last name Email Address Password Birthday Day Month Year Male Female Create Account
  • 108. Photoshop draft 1-Profile Page Profile picture Name: Bio: Posts Followers Following Displayed Posts Display name
  • 109. Photoshop draft 1-Home page News Feed Home Profile News Settings Log Out Advert
  • 110. Photoshop draft 2-Home page Home Profile Log Out Settings News News Feed Advert
  • 111. Photoshop draft 2-Sign up Page Sign up First name Surname Email Password Re-enter password Day Month Year Male Female
  • 112. Photoshop draft 2-Profile Page Profile Picture Name: Edit Profile Posts Followers Following Bio: Display Name Displayed Posts
  • 113.
  • 114. Purpose The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and “Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet. Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
  • 115. Colour Scheme- for the colour scheme I have used the colours green white, and black because they stand out to the public eye and also it would attract many attract young people Slogan-Talk, laugh, live Target audience-the target audience for the social media product is going to be aimed at young people and teenagers as they are more active online compared to adults. Purpose- the purpose of this social media product is for people to interact with each other using messages and video chat to instantly communicate with different people online.
  • 116. SnapTalk-Content SnapTalk was inspired by Instagram as you can see above where I wanted users to be able to instantly talk to other views around the world. I have placed similar things on my created page for example on the Instagram screenshot above, they have placed a message icon on the top right of the page, I have also placed a messaging icon near that particular place to show I am using it as inspiration. SnapTalk is a where for users to communicate with each other people instantly, follow celebrities and bands and they are also able to follow friends. It displays a news feed where users will be able to view and like other people’s posts and it has also provided a comment section so they will be able to share their opinion on the post.
  • 117. SnapTalk-Colour scheme Within SnapTalk, I have used the colours purple, blue, and black. I have chosen these colours because they stand out and would catch the audiences attention. The colour purple demonstrates power, luxury and energy meaning each user that is going to make an account will be able to experience the latest news about celebrities that are considered luxury. The colour blue connotes wisdom, faith and truth, this could link to SnapTalk because it will provide the truth about what they are going to be reading. The colour black connotes power and elegance meaning each user will be able to have a freedom of speech while on SnapTalk. Following these colours, they will stand out against the background where users will be able to see the latest news.
  • 118. Plan of website Home Page Home Profile News Settings Log Out News Feed Own Profile Entertainment Edit Profile Celebrities Privacy Private PolicySupportBlock/Report Terms and Conditions Change Password
  • 119. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities According to Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities, SnapTalk would be targeted between the ages of 16-25 years as young people are known to be more active online which would mean that the online social media website will become popular and known. Snapnet will also be welcome people from other countries to access it where they will be able to talk to different people that may share the same interests.
  • 120. Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory According to Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Theory, SnapTalk would fit into the category of “Diversion” where the audience will be able to escape from their reality life and they will be able to include themselves in the text. This would imply that Snapnet views will be able to escape from their real lives where they will be able to become a different person online.
  • 121. Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs According to Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, Gossip would fit into the category of “Explorers” where the audience will be driven by social change which would imply that Gossip viewers will be driven by the new and up and coming product where they will be able to experience new features each week when they sign up.
  • 122. Psychographics According to the Psychographics table, snapTalk would fit into the category of “ Reformers” as the audience will be young and free to speak and judge their opinions, also they are a group that are open to new things.
  • 123. Production plan Week beginning: January 1st 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Step 1-find a place in order to set up the equipment I have gotten. Step 2-buy all the necessary equipment for the social media product. Step 3- website designer-in order to create the website of the product, I will need a website designer for it to look professional to users. Step 4- Discuss and decide-in order to make the website complete, I will have to discuss with the designer about the colour scheme of the page Step 5- research ers-in order for the content to be publishe d, I will need to consider getting research ers so I will be able to include entertain ment for users. Step 6- employees- in order to complete the website successfull y I will need to tell the employees the plan for it so they will be able to complete the production. Day off Completed by: 6th of January Completed b: 2nd of February Completed by: 7th of February Completed by: 7th of February Complet ed by: 7th of February Completed by: 7th of February Completed by: 8th of February
  • 124. Production plan-Week 2Week beginning: February 8th 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Step 1-on this day the designer is going to be designing the logo to the product Step 2-i am going to be choosing the necessary colours in the colour scheme for the website. Step 3-the designer is going to create the buttons to each page that is going to be featured onto the website. Step 4-i am going to be designing the pages within the website. Step 5- on this day I am going to be placing on the content on each page of the website. Step 6-day off Day off Completed by: 8th of February Completed b: 14nd of February Completed by: 11th of February Completed by: 13th of February Complet ed by: 14th of February Completed by: 14th of February Completed by: 16th of February
  • 125. Production plan-Week 3Week beginning: February 15th 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Step 1-i am going to find ways to advertise the product to the public so it becomes known. Step 2-i am going to hire a photograph er in order to take pictures of the website that is going to be produced. Step 3-i going to find people that are going to advertise the product. Step 4-i am going to find places where I am able to display images of my product. Step 5-i am going to display the buttons on the website with the banner at the top of the page. Step 6-day off Day off Completed by: 19th of February Completed b: 20nd of February Completed by: 17th of February Completed by: 25th of February Complet ed by: 24th of February
  • 126. Production plan-Week 4Week beginning: February 22th 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Step 1-i am going to be hiring graphic designers to design a suitable poster for the advertisem ent in order to attract the public. Step 2-i am going to continue create the production of the website. Step 3-i am going to continue the production of the website. Step 4-i am going to continue the production of the website. Step 5-i am going to get someone to check the website in order to make sure there are no errors during the productio n. Step 6-day off Day off Completed by: 26th of February Completed b: 26nd of February Completed by: 26th of February Completed by: 26th of February Complet ed by: 30th of February
  • 127. Production plan-Week 5Week beginning: February 29th 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Step 1-i am going to check through all the buttons that have been created in order to make sure they work. Step 2-i am going to let some professiona l people text the website and give feedback if needed. Step 3-i am going to be using other social media products that are going to promote the website. Step 4-i am going to be checking the website for the last time to check if everything works. Step 5- product launch Step 6-day off Day off Completed by: 30th of February Completed b: 1stof March Completed by: 1st March Completed by: 1st of March
  • 128. Launch date I have chosen to release the launch date of the product on the 1st March which will be the start of the product. I have chosen this particular date because it is going to be the beginning to a new year where people will want to try something new and experience different things, this would encourage them to use different types of social media products that are going to be released.
  • 129. Revenue streams Instagram have made $595 million in mobile advertisement revenues across the country in 2015 and the eMarteter’s have also predicted how much Facebook and instagram will get in 2017. on the bar chart below it describes how Facebook has increased their revenue from 2015 TO 2017. there have been $0.60 of instagram revenues from 2015, compared to Facebook which has 3.7% revenue in the same year. In 2017 Facebook is expected to reach up to 10.6% revenue and instagram is expected $2.81 revenue. Within my social media product, I am going to use Pay per click advertising as it is mainly used by other social media products such as Facebook where I am going to using different types of advertisements which is going to attract users to the website. The average cost to do this is between $1 and $2 on the internet. I am going to be using the same price for my social media product for advertising. The advertisements are going to be featured on the side of the pages within the website. Worldwide-2017/1012774
  • 130. Synergy with other social media products Within Snaptalk, users are able to login and sign up using instagram and Facebook. This will therefore provide users an easier way to sign up to the online social media product.
  • 131. Body text of the website I am going to be using the font “Calibri” in the size 14. I am going to be using this particular font as it is commonly used by people and it will be easy for the users to read. I am not going to be including any other fonts as I don’t think it is necessary in the website I am going to be creating, having only one font will instantly attract users as it is similar to them.
  • 132. Snaptalk-how to obtain trademark A watermark form is considered a copyright label, it is demonstrated on both online and written documents. This is when an image has copyright for their company or logo they have created which is printed on it to identify who it belongs to. By having watermark on pictures, it will prevent people from using them without permission as it is owned by their company. It is important to obtain a trademark for the website Snaptalk because it is therefore protect the company name of the website and it will therefore not be used by anyone else without permission. Https://
  • 133. How to obtain trademark
  • 134. How to obtain trademark
  • 135. How to obtain trademark
  • 136. Legal and ethical issues There can many risks while going on the internet for example many people can experience cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a strong issue when it comes to the internet because it mainly affects everyone as users have free will to comment on anything on social media, it can be positive at times but it is mainly negative and can affect people and their everyday lives. 38% of children and teenagers experience cyber bullying each year on social media. There have been many cases that have been recorded on social media for example a 14 year old called Justine experienced cyber bullying when she was battling for cancer for a couple of months. After she found out she had cancer, she was not expecting any experiences to do with cyber bullying and she was not ready for these experiences. Firstly she started to receive emails from an anonymous person with messages that could be described as threats and then continued as scary threats which had effected Justine. She then decided to tell her parents what was happening and they decided to call the police. The police tracked the messages and they turned back to a person that was apparently in her class at her local school. The police then required Justine to take counselling sessions and her class mate then made an apology to her about the messages.
  • 137. Watermarking images Watermarking can be used on an image so show that your company own it for example if an image is created by a company they would use a copyright name which will be displayed on the image which is owned by them. I am going to be using this within my social media product so they wont be able to be used by anyone without permission.
  • 138. Water marked image I have watermarked images from Snaptalk in order for copyright reasons, which will ensure that no one will be able to use it/download it for alternative use without permission. I have watermarked this image using Photoshop where I have placed the text and changing the opacity level in order for it to be watermarked.
  • 139. Privacy Policy The privacy policy implies what is expected of the company and the users that are going to be using it. It will also include who the information can be shared by and who it is abled to be seen by. I am going to use a private policy form for my social media product so users will be able to know the terms and conditions of the service. The terms and conditions of my social media product is going to be inspired by instagram.
  • 140. Data Protection Act The date protection act how personal information is used in an organisation for example what is displayed to the public and what is private. The data protection act must be followed so that data cannot be used by other people. I am going to be following the data protection act so that my users information will not be displayed to the public. There are some rules displayed in the screenshot I have taken, they will therefore have to be followed in order to keep what information private and public.
  • 141. Synergy with other social media products In order to promote my social media product online, I am going to be creating an account on both Facebook and instagram so it will become known to users, this will encourage them to make an account on my social media product where it will become popular to the public. My social media product is going to be free to make an account how they will be able to explore what is featured and what is trending within the app/website. I have chosen Facebook and instagram to feature my social media product on as I have chosen them as my inspiration.
  • 142. Establishing user trust In order for users to trust the service of my social media product, I am going to make sure that all information they want to keep private can be changed using settings within the app/website.This will ensure that only friends and family and able to see your personal information that you would like to share. The social media product will provide users with an update to let them know if their account has been accessed by anyone other than themselves on any other device.
  • 143. WASP web standard The web standard project is an online program which works together in order to access the web technology for all users. This would relate to my social media product because it will ensure that all users will be able to access the website/app without any issues, furthermore this will then increase it’s popularity as there are going to be more people accessing it each day.
  • 144. Terms and privacy- Inspiration This is the terms and privacy for my online social media product, I am going to follow these steps in order to make it popular and known to users. 707900388/?ref=hc-fnay
  • 145.
  • 146. Purpose The purpose of SnapTalk was inspired by popular social media app “Snapchat” and “Facebook” because you will be able to instantly talk to people over the internet. Snapnet is a fun way to chat to friends and family using different features from the website for example users will be able to access different types of font writing where you will be able to send different icons to represent your mood. Users will be able to send pictures and videos which is linked to the social media app Snapchat, it will also encourage people to make new friends from their country and many different other countries where they will be able to share the same interests.
  • 147. Synergy with other social media products In order to promote my social media product online, I am going to be creating an account on both Facebook and instagram so it will become known to users, this will encourage them to make an account on my social media product where it will become popular to the public. My social media product is going to be free to make an account how they will be able to explore what is featured and what is trending within the app/website. I have chosen Facebook and instagram to feature my social media product on as I have chosen them as my inspiration.
  • 148. WASP web standard The web standard project is an online program which works together in order to access the web technology for all users. This would relate to my social media product because it will ensure that all users will be able to access the website/app without any issues, furthermore this will then increase it’s popularity as there are going to be more people accessing it each day.
  • 149. W3C Guidelines The W3C guideline is a website which explains how you are able to get the provided content accessible for people that have disabilities. This will ensure that it is accessible to anyone with any type of needs, this will also promote the product as any user will be able to access it. Their aim is for it to be accessible using any browser they are using. This would link to my social media product because I am going to be using this and providing short cuts to the website/app that is going to be created so it will be easier for them to access it.
  • 150. Body text of the website I am going to be using the font “Calibri” in the size 14. I am going to be using this particular font as it is commonly used by people and it will be easy for the users to read. I am not going to be including any other fonts as I don’t think it is necessary in the website I am going to be creating, having only one font will instantly attract users as it is similar to them.
  • 151. About us Snaptalk was made by Fiona Davison within the year 2016. it is an online social media app/website that is made for people to share photos and videos with their friends, they are also able to comment what they think about it. Snaptalk will keep users updated about what is going to be featured and what is trending online. The aim of Snaptalk is to keep users connected and updated about what is trending.
  • 152. Synergy with other social media products Within Snaptalk, users are able to login and sign up using instagram and Facebook. This will therefore provide users an easier way to sign up to the online social media product.
  • 153. Third party advertising Snaptalk provide users that want to advertise their business or company available on the website/app to register with their business or company where other users will be able to promote their business. This will then be displayed on the news feed for them to see and it could possibly become popular and shared by other users.
  • 158. Conclusion To conclude I have looked into three social media products such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram where I have studied what the positives and negatives are and what the social media product provides for entertainment. I have also created my own product where I have created three pages using Photoshop.