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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory
Diploma in Media
Unit 35:
Social Media Products
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Unit 35 – Social Media Products
Candidate Information –
Name: Morgan Pearson
Number: 2110
Centre Number: 64135
Contents Page Slide 4 - What will Our News offer
 Slide 5 – Content
 Slide 6 – Page and Layout
 Slide 7 – Katz Uses andGratification
 Slide 8 – Psychographics
 Slide 9 – Maslow’s Hierarchy ofneeds
 Slide 10 - Hartley's 7 Subjectives
 Slide 11 – Socio-economic needs
 Slide 12-15 – production plan
 Slide 16 – Launch Date
 Slide 17 – Colour Scheme – OurNews
 Slide 18 – Colour scheme –Gamers Community
 Slide 19 – Profile Page
 Slide 20 – Budget Summary
 Slide 21 – Advertisement
 Slide 22 – Sponsorship
 Slide 23 – Revenue
 Slide 24 – Financial backing
 Slide 25 – Goals and Objectives
 Slide 26 – Site layout
 Slide 27 – Legal and Ethical Issues
 Slide 28 - 29 – Trade Mark
 Slide 30 – Privacy
 Slide 31 – Terms and Conditions
 Slide 32-33 – Terms and Privacy
 Slide 34 – Data protection act
 Slide 35 – WaSP Wen Standards
 Slide 36 – Body of Text
 Slide 37 – Potential risks of social
media websites
What will Our News offer?
This social media site is going to offer the chance for people globally to voice their opinion about
current news events. Users are anonymous and come from all over the world to provide a variety of
opinions and views which may be different to what users are used to in their lives. The purpose is
for users to be able to engage in discussions with other people and discuss topics. Also, the site
will be the first to report on news before news stations and websites. Users can comments on posts
by other users which is focused round a specific news story.
The connotations behind ‘Our’ represents a community of people which are together. Those inside
the community have a feeling of belonging to or association with multiple people which they can
identify with. It can also connote that it’s ‘Our’ website and new social media site. The word ‘News’
has a multiple meanings for different people. It is defined as noteworthy information mostly in recent
events. This connotes that the website offers something which has personal interest.
I will be using the font ‘New Press’ from as it is a bold font which will make it
stand out lots thus eye catching for first time users. This is also similar to fonts found on news
websites such as ‘The Times’ which are a respected newspaper and respect is what I want users to
have when using my website. The font is thick so can connote that it is dealing with important
information or connotes thick skin as some news/journalism can be dangerous and disturbing.
Our news will contain multiple articles related to current news which are
split into different sub-sections. There are only going to be a few main
categories to start off with which will be moderated by the website. When
the site grows users will be able to create their own categories and
manage it themselves. Inside each section there will be articles related to
the category they are in. Articles which are posted on the sub-section will
appear on a list where the highest voted are seen at the top. There will be
a chance to comment on the article in a forum style at the bottom of the
article, like on Reddit, where users are able to interact with each other
and discuss the article. Accompanying these articles maybe be images.
Or it could be an image on its own, which would be in a similar format to
the article, where people can comment on it. This is similar to imgur.
Both the article and the picture will have a rating system where it can be
either upvoted or downvoted. This will help to see the popularity of
articles and also help positioning them on the sections own page. The
more upvotes it get the higher on the page it goes. This is the same
formula which they use for Reddit. After a week max the highest upvoted
article will be removed from the front page of the sub-section. There will
also be a voting system for the comments but also if there is a comment
which has had a lot of replies that will appear near the top to encourage
conversation and debate.
Pages and Layout
The first page which is going to be seen is the login page where users will have
to login or or create an account to search if they want to be able to interact with
the website. There will be a link to a page where new users can create an
account. On this page the banner will be present at the top of the screen which
will be spread across the whole width of the screen. On the banner my Logo will
also be presented in the top right corner. The banner has all the buttons of the
website on it which can link users to anywhere on the website.
When the user logs in they will be presented with the home screen where the
trending and newest posts will be displayed on the page as well as a rotating
tile slide at the top of the page where popular posts are available. Each post will
have a link where their will be more information and a comments section where
users are able to discuss with each other about the post.
The suggested screen resolution is 1280X1024 which is what most computers
use and the website will look best. Everything will be able to be seen on this page
and and there won’t be any scrolling for the users.
Katz Uses and Gratification
The users want surveillance from the social media product as they
want to be aware what is going on in the world. Being a news based
social media site this I very important. People also want to know other
users opinions on is happening to broaden their understanding of the
current situation.
However, it could also be classed as a form of Diversion from
everyday pressures as users can see the worlds problems and not
need to focus on themselves of their own lives.
Users will also be most likely to want to be informed and educated by
the site as it is based around learning about world news and what
peoples opinions are about it which helps them understand more.
The age range is between 18-50+ as this is the news it
covers a wide variety of people who would be interested.
The average age will be younger in this range with an
average of 18-25 as this is a new way of gaining news via
social media about world news. Older people are more
likely to use other methods like the newspaper or TV
shows thus reducing the target audience age.
Those who use it will be interested in other peoples
opinions in the news and also want to voice their own
opinion and have discussions about what is going on.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Users could be classified as Social climbers as they may
want to learn more because they want to improve their
social status by having a wider knowledge about the world
and be able to form an opinion based what has happened
and knowing other peoples opinions are as well.
They are also Explorers as what is happening will have
some social change so want to understand why this is and
what other people think about it.
Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities
Users will be likely to be similar to reddit’s with most
people being mostly males and there are more white
people however, they are not dominant and it is close to
black and Hispanic.
Most of the users will probably be from the US or UK with
Europe making up most of the rest but it will not be
exclusive to these countries as the news will cover the
world so people from lots of countries will use it.
Socio economic needs
Users will have a diverse background which will mean
users can have a variety of different opinions and news
which they want to share. So users will be spread over the
socio economic needs scale. However most users will be in
B,C1 and C2 due to stereotypically they wouldn’t know lots
about the news and may want to find out more
Production Plan
Launch Date
The launch date will be on the 24th December as this is
a popular holiday people may be on social media seeking
news which may not be seasonally related which
mainstream media may ignore over the period. Our news
will focus on people who want serious news all the time.
Also, as this is near the new year it can cover the past
years news in articles which could be shared before the
new year. These will gain more users. There is also a
possibility that an article could become viral, thus more
people visiting our news.
Colour Scheme
The colour scheme for Our News is going to be red and white. Red
connotes importance and urgency which relates to the website
being news based. It can also connote danger which in some cases
can be likely to be a topic. This will attract readers to the page and
they may return as a result of knowing that the website holds
important information.
The white signifies purity as what is posted will be all about free
speech and being the truth about what is happening as well as
peoples opinions respected.
I have been inspired by the BBC news website. They have the same
colour scheme and it connotes importance of their articles and what is
being reported. I want to transfer this into a News based social media
and it being a forum.
Colour Scheme for Gamers Community
The colour scheme for ‘Gamers Community’ is going to be
white and Green. Green connotes a natural colour which is
ironic as most gamers will spend unhealthy amount of time
playing video games in doors. The colour green is the most
restful to the human eye which is good for people who may
have eye strain or problems due to an extended time in
front of a TV or monitor.
Green can also connote a lack of experience which is what
people may go to the website to get help and learn more
about a game.
Profile Page
Budget summary
For my website domain I am able to get for
£6.99 a year. As I am planning for the website to stay running
in the long term it will cost £69.90 for 10 years.
I have used Upwork to find a website developer which will cost
$52.22 an hour. As I have planned for work to take 3 weeks in
the web development process and working 8 hours a week it
will cost $8772.96 in total.
A designer will cost around £60 per hour. My designers will
need to be working for the full four weeks. There will also be
three of them. This amounts to £30,240.
Advertisement for my social media website will use social
media synergy with; Facebook, twitter, Instagram and
Reddit to pay for advertisements for Our News.
I will be using options which doesn’t cost anything for example
a Facebook page which people can follow. However, I will also
be using paid methods such as pay-per-click advertising as
well as page post link adverts which will direct users straight to
the ‘Our News’ home page. I will direct the page link post to the
demographic of people who are interested on news site and
articles. The cost of these will depend on how much traffic they
receive with users clicking on them. This social synergy will be
done with multiple social media outlets.
I will be using Social Spark where I will be connected with
advertising wanting to promote products on my website. I can
make a post reviewing a product or just advertise it to make
I may also use a business called Review me where pages on
the social media website can review products which are related
to them and we will receive money for doing so.
Overtime, I may make an sponsorship system where business
can pay different types of memberships which will cost different
prices depending on how much advertisement they can get.
Other revenue streams can be through normal advertising
through the website where the there is a dedicated space for
adverts to go into.
For this social media page I am going to be making
it very obvious that links are adverts by dedicating a
side panel to adverts and this is the only place they
will be. I am going to charge advertisers in the form
for the amount of views which it gains (per view).
This will be cheap at the moments as it is a new
social media product, £0.15 per view.
There will also be an option to have a different form
of advertising where it can be pay per click so that
users must click onto their advert which will direct
them to a different web page. These will be more
expensive being around £0.20 per click.
I am not going to use more subtle adverts as I don’t
want to trick users into clicking on adverts. They
may see my website in a negative way where there
are too many adverts and it doesn’t focus on
entertaining the user.
Financial backing
I will be eligible for a start up load from the government which I
intend to use. The organiser Start Up Loans will help me
develop a business plan which will be assessed and funded by
them. If the plan gets approved then I will get the loan however, I
need to pay it back in 5 years which will have a fixed interest
rate. I could have the chance to borrow £25,000. This is all
supported by the British Business Bank.
I can also gain some financial support from the website
Kickstarter where people are able to donate money from £1 to
thousands of pounds. In return they are able to get a portion of
the business. In the past millions of pounds have been donated
to a single idea/business.
Goals and Objectives
I want ‘Our News’ to be able online by the start of the
new year on January the 1st. At this time their should be
a lot of advertisement to gain a user audience.
By the end of 2016 their should be 50,000 unique users
signed up to the website and at least 30,000 visitors a
I want the website to become a blogging and
informational website where users have discussions
about topics which they are interested in and overall for it
to become a new form of media.
Site Layout
Home Page
Log Out Posts About Contact Privacy Terms Help
SecurityCreate Post
Main Login
Main Profile
Edit Profile Comments
on posts
View Pages
Statics and
rules and
Statement of
Contact us
Page Rules
Legal and Ethical Issues
When making the website I need to be consider that some people may not be aware the
Berne Convention which states that copyright is automatic whether its marked or not.
However, in some countries outside the UK they don’t have this law and may need to be
notified that there is copyrighted material on the website as it a requirement under the
Universal Copyright Convention law. This should be able to reduce the amount of
infringement. There will also need to be notices throughout the website as people may
only visit specific parts without seeing the notice if there is only one.
While making the website third party business will be helping create it and the ownership
of it must be clear. When the final website is paid for the sites content and design
ownership will be passed onto me. For the creator from the third party will also need the
right to withdraw his credit to the creation as if other people change the website they
may not want to be associated with it. Also with the use of third party sources the
appropriate licenses should be obtained.
Further on, after creating the website I may use Copyscape to check for copyright
infringement where other pages are detected by Google which are the same. If someone
does copy my website I will need to take a copy of the copied site so that it can be used
as evidence to prove that it was the same as the owner may change the layout to
disguise it.
Establish User trust
 I will be able to protect the privacy of members as all of their
information collected will be placed into secure servers where they
cannot be hacked into so I am the only one with access to it. This
data will also be deleted every 90 days, so I am not storing old
data and there is overall less data held.
 Reddit also use this approach where they do not hold any
unnecessary information which doesn’t help them in making
their website better and they will also get rid of data after a certain
period of time when it stops becoming useful.
 There will also be an option to opt out of this service where I am
collecting data. This should overall gain trust of users so that they
fell safe using the website. Reddit also has options of users to stop
sharing their information.
Trade Mark
I am able to trade mark the name, logo and colours and combinations of these. I will
only be doing the logo and name as they are the most important and what makes my
website more unique. It will also be cheaper just to copyright these as anything else
would be unnecessary. Before trying to trade mark I need to make sure that I don’t
include anything: offensive, descriptions of goods or services, misleading, 3D shapes,
common or non-distinctive.
For a standard Intellectual Property application process it will cost £50 + £50 for each
additional class. The Right Start type of application is £100 up front + £100 if the
registration goes ahead and 350 for each additional class. I will need to detail what I want
to register which are the word ‘Our news’ and also the logo. I will also need to register
what class the trade mark is in.
Through the application period I will receive feedback within 20 days. If there are any
problems I will have 2 months to resolve them. If there no objections from the examiner it
will be published into the trade marks journal for 2 months when anyone is able to
oppose it. Once any objections are resolved I will receive a certificate to confirm my
website is trademarked.
I am able to use the trademark even when it is unregistered as I will be able to stop
someone from using a similar trade mark to goods and services. If this was to happen I
would need to get some legal advice as it is harder to prove that my trade mark it being
passed off when it is not trademarked registered. I will need to show that the mark is
mine, I have built up goodwill associated with the mark and that I have been harmed in
some way by the other person’s use of the mark.
Trademark continued
Step by step how to register a trade mark:
1. Check if the brand qualifies as a trade mark. The trade mark must be unique
which includes sounds, words, logos and colours. What you can’t trade mark
is anything offensive, goods or services related (cotton), misleading words,
3D shapes associated with the product (egg shape for selling eggs), too
common or non-distinctive (we lead the way), looks similar to state symbols
based on the World Intellectual Property Organization guidelines.
2. Apply to register your trade mark. Applications will happen online. They will
need to know the details of what you want to register (word, illustration or
3. Responding to objections. Within 20 days feedback will be given and you’ll
have 2 months to resolve a problem. If there are no objections it will be put
into the trade mark journal for 2 months where anyone can object to it. It will
be register once the objections are resolved. There will be a certificate to
confirm this.
4. Once registered. Changes must be reported to the name, address or email. If
other peoples trade marks are similar then they can be objected. The trade
mark can be sold, marketed or license. The trade mark will last 10 years then
it can be renewed.
I must have a privacy policy to concisely outline what information is gathered from users who go onto
the site. This must be available for all users to see on the website. The types of information I will be
able to gain from users will be their, email address, geo-location, personal preferences and maybe
their other social media accounts. For my website the privacy policy will be available on the privacy
section and I will also need to protect this data on secure servers which are protected from hackers
and viruses.
This is a legal obligation but also it is able to build up trust with users and help the reputation of the
website. This legal document will need to include:
An introduction to what my business website is and what functions it servers.
The information which I collect and through what means I am able to do that. Also the information
which I hold onto such as the users host name or IP address.
How I store the information gathered and that it is in a secure place as users will want to know what is
happening to their personal information and if it is safe.
With who and why I would share the information gathered with third party business. This will need an
clear explanation why I do this.
Terms and Conditions
My terms and conditions will tell users how they should
behave on the website. If there rules are broken they will
face the punishment of being temporarily not allowed on
the website or banned. Some of these terms and
conditions will be no hateful comments towards other
users, all posts to be link to be credited to the original
creator and no inappropriate links or messages.
Terms and Privacy
The terms and policies for my social media are similar to reddit’s as we
both share the a format of having sub sections which are subject specific.
In terms of collecting data from users I also have a similar privacy policy.
The information collected is collect only when the website is used and not
outside website use. This information consists of what is used to create an
account for example username, password, email address, real names,
account history, private messages and information posted into the website
and other personal information.
There is also information which is collected every time a user logs into our
website. These are when and what service is used when logging into our
website which include your IP address, browser type, operating system,
device information, pages visited, and some hardware settings. There are
also cookies collected from other stores and content visited before
entering our website. When using a mobile app with GPS or Bluetooth we
collect information on your location.
How we use information collected about users:
 To provide and maintain services as well as improve them
 Help protect safety of users against hackers, spammers and people
who abuse the rules
 Send users updates about technical notices, security alerts and
invoices about support and administrative messages
Evidence Examples from similar
policies on Reddit
Terms and Privacy continued
How we share information :
 When a post or comment is posted onto the website
then it will show the username, the date which it was
posted and what the content actually is. Some of these
options can be modified so that they are hidden, care
should be taken when posting anything.
 When sending private messages there may be an
option where messages are also sent to modmail where
moderates of the sub sections can read the messages
sent. This is for security reasons and is subjective to
each sub section of the website.
There are also rules for the whole site for content which
cannot be published or shared. These include:
 Anything illegal
 Pornography
 Graphic violence
 Threatening, hateful or harassing speech
 Personal or confidential information
 Misleading or deceptive information
 Spam Evidence Examples from similar
policies on Reddit
Data protection act
This act defines the law on processing peoples data. It gives the people the right to
know what information is being held about them and provides a template to ensure all
personal information is handled properly. As a website I must make sure personal
information is:
 Fairly and lawfully processed
 Processed for limited purposes
 Adequate, relevant and not excessive
 Accurate and up to date
 Not kept for longer than is necessary
 Processed in line with your rights
 Secure
 Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection
I will include this in my privacy policy which will state information retained, processed,
disclosed or purged.
WaSP Web Standards
The Web Standards Project works for standards which reduce costs and
complexity of development while also increasing the accessibility and
long term viability of any site published on the internet. They work with
web browsing companies (Google and Bing), authoring tool makers and
peers to deliver these standards.
WaSP have established technologies for creating and interpreting web-
based content which are called ‘web standards’ that designed to deliver
benefits to web users and ensure long-term viability of documents
The WaSP will affect my social media product due to their standards
which will be used to check my website is complete and compatible to be
able to put onto the web. As it would fragment the web if everyone didn’t.
The W3C recommends CSS and XML to use in building a website. These
are compatible on the web. Which means that I will be using them when
creating my social media product. This means I can put my product on
the web and it is safe to use and abides their web standards.
Body text of the Website
The font style which I am going to use is going to be very simple and
basic. It is called News Gothic MT (Body). This is very similar to reddit’s
I wanted to use this font as it focuses into what is being said more than
what the font and other effects may look like. It makes it less distracting,
serious and sophisticated which is what the aim of the social media is.
Most of the text on the website will be similar to this what the font may
change slightly and the size will change to make it differ from the context
text. To stop the website being too boring there are going to be lot of
pictures which help describe what is happening and adds more to the
I also want the presentation to be simple with just links and titles like
Reddit to posts and discussion threads. This layout is easier for the users
to navigate the website but it also makes it look tidier.
Potential risks of a social media
Hateful Speech:
Social media has been at the Centre of people sharing hateful speech specifying
different races. With this the argument comes wherever people should have
freedom of speech or they are spreading dangerous hateful speech about others.
For example Reddit has had lots of issues due to their website focused on freedom
of speech. They have a subreddit which has been contaminated with racial slurs
and has yet to be remove from the website. On my website there will be full time
moderators which will check the site so there is not hateful speech and also in the
future there could be a program developed to recognize if there is hateful
comments. The moderators will also track and ban users which post hateful content.
Also in recent news Donald trump has used twitter to state that all Muslims should
be banned from the country. This has again sparked the argument of freedom of
speech and hateful speech. In the UK people have been banned from the country
for spreading hateful speech and Mr Trump being a presidential candidate their
have been discussion whether to ban him from the country.
Hackers have used fake Linkedin accounts to allow them to map the networks of
business professionals and gain their trust through the site. Hackers are able to
convince users to give them personal information, direct them to malware or launch
phishing campaigns onto their computers.
My website is going to be run on a secure network which will have anti-virus
software which should be able to block cyber attacks onto my websites servers.
Fake Accounts
There are lots of social media accounts where users are impersonating people or
public figures as well as someone whom doesn’t exist. These accounts have
caused countless amount of trouble as people are tricked into trusting someone
leading to damage being done. The Chinese government have made a new rule
where they have stopped anonymity on the internet especially on blogs, social
network and other forums. Their reasoning behind this that these fake account have
caused damaged to society.
As my website wants to contain anonymity it is hard to verify each user. I am able to
give warning to users not to share personal information and to not trust anyone on
the site with sensitive information.

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Unit 35 - LO3

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 35: Social Media Products St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Unit 35 – Social Media Products Candidate Information – Name: Morgan Pearson Number: 2110 Centre Number: 64135
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents Page Slide 4 - What will Our News offer  Slide 5 – Content  Slide 6 – Page and Layout  Slide 7 – Katz Uses andGratification  Slide 8 – Psychographics  Slide 9 – Maslow’s Hierarchy ofneeds  Slide 10 - Hartley's 7 Subjectives  Slide 11 – Socio-economic needs  Slide 12-15 – production plan  Slide 16 – Launch Date  Slide 17 – Colour Scheme – OurNews  Slide 18 – Colour scheme –Gamers Community  Slide 19 – Profile Page  Slide 20 – Budget Summary  Slide 21 – Advertisement  Slide 22 – Sponsorship  Slide 23 – Revenue  Slide 24 – Financial backing  Slide 25 – Goals and Objectives  Slide 26 – Site layout  Slide 27 – Legal and Ethical Issues  Slide 28 - 29 – Trade Mark  Slide 30 – Privacy  Slide 31 – Terms and Conditions  Slide 32-33 – Terms and Privacy  Slide 34 – Data protection act  Slide 35 – WaSP Wen Standards  Slide 36 – Body of Text  Slide 37 – Potential risks of social media websites
  • 4. What will Our News offer? Purpose: This social media site is going to offer the chance for people globally to voice their opinion about current news events. Users are anonymous and come from all over the world to provide a variety of opinions and views which may be different to what users are used to in their lives. The purpose is for users to be able to engage in discussions with other people and discuss topics. Also, the site will be the first to report on news before news stations and websites. Users can comments on posts by other users which is focused round a specific news story. Name: The connotations behind ‘Our’ represents a community of people which are together. Those inside the community have a feeling of belonging to or association with multiple people which they can identify with. It can also connote that it’s ‘Our’ website and new social media site. The word ‘News’ has a multiple meanings for different people. It is defined as noteworthy information mostly in recent events. This connotes that the website offers something which has personal interest. Font: I will be using the font ‘New Press’ from as it is a bold font which will make it stand out lots thus eye catching for first time users. This is also similar to fonts found on news websites such as ‘The Times’ which are a respected newspaper and respect is what I want users to have when using my website. The font is thick so can connote that it is dealing with important information or connotes thick skin as some news/journalism can be dangerous and disturbing.
  • 5. Content Our news will contain multiple articles related to current news which are split into different sub-sections. There are only going to be a few main categories to start off with which will be moderated by the website. When the site grows users will be able to create their own categories and manage it themselves. Inside each section there will be articles related to the category they are in. Articles which are posted on the sub-section will appear on a list where the highest voted are seen at the top. There will be a chance to comment on the article in a forum style at the bottom of the article, like on Reddit, where users are able to interact with each other and discuss the article. Accompanying these articles maybe be images. Or it could be an image on its own, which would be in a similar format to the article, where people can comment on it. This is similar to imgur. Both the article and the picture will have a rating system where it can be either upvoted or downvoted. This will help to see the popularity of articles and also help positioning them on the sections own page. The more upvotes it get the higher on the page it goes. This is the same formula which they use for Reddit. After a week max the highest upvoted article will be removed from the front page of the sub-section. There will also be a voting system for the comments but also if there is a comment which has had a lot of replies that will appear near the top to encourage conversation and debate.
  • 6. Pages and Layout The first page which is going to be seen is the login page where users will have to login or or create an account to search if they want to be able to interact with the website. There will be a link to a page where new users can create an account. On this page the banner will be present at the top of the screen which will be spread across the whole width of the screen. On the banner my Logo will also be presented in the top right corner. The banner has all the buttons of the website on it which can link users to anywhere on the website. When the user logs in they will be presented with the home screen where the trending and newest posts will be displayed on the page as well as a rotating tile slide at the top of the page where popular posts are available. Each post will have a link where their will be more information and a comments section where users are able to discuss with each other about the post. The suggested screen resolution is 1280X1024 which is what most computers use and the website will look best. Everything will be able to be seen on this page and and there won’t be any scrolling for the users.
  • 7. Katz Uses and Gratification The users want surveillance from the social media product as they want to be aware what is going on in the world. Being a news based social media site this I very important. People also want to know other users opinions on is happening to broaden their understanding of the current situation. However, it could also be classed as a form of Diversion from everyday pressures as users can see the worlds problems and not need to focus on themselves of their own lives. Users will also be most likely to want to be informed and educated by the site as it is based around learning about world news and what peoples opinions are about it which helps them understand more.
  • 8. Psychographics The age range is between 18-50+ as this is the news it covers a wide variety of people who would be interested. The average age will be younger in this range with an average of 18-25 as this is a new way of gaining news via social media about world news. Older people are more likely to use other methods like the newspaper or TV shows thus reducing the target audience age. Those who use it will be interested in other peoples opinions in the news and also want to voice their own opinion and have discussions about what is going on.
  • 9. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Users could be classified as Social climbers as they may want to learn more because they want to improve their social status by having a wider knowledge about the world and be able to form an opinion based what has happened and knowing other peoples opinions are as well. They are also Explorers as what is happening will have some social change so want to understand why this is and what other people think about it.
  • 10. Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities Users will be likely to be similar to reddit’s with most people being mostly males and there are more white people however, they are not dominant and it is close to black and Hispanic. Most of the users will probably be from the US or UK with Europe making up most of the rest but it will not be exclusive to these countries as the news will cover the world so people from lots of countries will use it.
  • 11. Socio economic needs Users will have a diverse background which will mean users can have a variety of different opinions and news which they want to share. So users will be spread over the socio economic needs scale. However most users will be in B,C1 and C2 due to stereotypically they wouldn’t know lots about the news and may want to find out more
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. Launch Date The launch date will be on the 24th December as this is a popular holiday people may be on social media seeking news which may not be seasonally related which mainstream media may ignore over the period. Our news will focus on people who want serious news all the time. Also, as this is near the new year it can cover the past years news in articles which could be shared before the new year. These will gain more users. There is also a possibility that an article could become viral, thus more people visiting our news.
  • 17. Colour Scheme The colour scheme for Our News is going to be red and white. Red connotes importance and urgency which relates to the website being news based. It can also connote danger which in some cases can be likely to be a topic. This will attract readers to the page and they may return as a result of knowing that the website holds important information. The white signifies purity as what is posted will be all about free speech and being the truth about what is happening as well as peoples opinions respected. I have been inspired by the BBC news website. They have the same colour scheme and it connotes importance of their articles and what is being reported. I want to transfer this into a News based social media and it being a forum.
  • 18. Colour Scheme for Gamers Community The colour scheme for ‘Gamers Community’ is going to be white and Green. Green connotes a natural colour which is ironic as most gamers will spend unhealthy amount of time playing video games in doors. The colour green is the most restful to the human eye which is good for people who may have eye strain or problems due to an extended time in front of a TV or monitor. Green can also connote a lack of experience which is what people may go to the website to get help and learn more about a game.
  • 20. Budget summary For my website domain I am able to get for £6.99 a year. As I am planning for the website to stay running in the long term it will cost £69.90 for 10 years. I have used Upwork to find a website developer which will cost $52.22 an hour. As I have planned for work to take 3 weeks in the web development process and working 8 hours a week it will cost $8772.96 in total. A designer will cost around £60 per hour. My designers will need to be working for the full four weeks. There will also be three of them. This amounts to £30,240. Token=ed219bc5d73d081d51b5b01cb7521fbc97b7f554&domain=ournews
  • 21. Advertisement Advertisement for my social media website will use social media synergy with; Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Reddit to pay for advertisements for Our News. I will be using options which doesn’t cost anything for example a Facebook page which people can follow. However, I will also be using paid methods such as pay-per-click advertising as well as page post link adverts which will direct users straight to the ‘Our News’ home page. I will direct the page link post to the demographic of people who are interested on news site and articles. The cost of these will depend on how much traffic they receive with users clicking on them. This social synergy will be done with multiple social media outlets.
  • 22. Sponsorship I will be using Social Spark where I will be connected with advertising wanting to promote products on my website. I can make a post reviewing a product or just advertise it to make money. I may also use a business called Review me where pages on the social media website can review products which are related to them and we will receive money for doing so. Overtime, I may make an sponsorship system where business can pay different types of memberships which will cost different prices depending on how much advertisement they can get. Other revenue streams can be through normal advertising through the website where the there is a dedicated space for adverts to go into.
  • 23. Revenue For this social media page I am going to be making it very obvious that links are adverts by dedicating a side panel to adverts and this is the only place they will be. I am going to charge advertisers in the form for the amount of views which it gains (per view). This will be cheap at the moments as it is a new social media product, £0.15 per view. There will also be an option to have a different form of advertising where it can be pay per click so that users must click onto their advert which will direct them to a different web page. These will be more expensive being around £0.20 per click. I am not going to use more subtle adverts as I don’t want to trick users into clicking on adverts. They may see my website in a negative way where there are too many adverts and it doesn’t focus on entertaining the user.
  • 24. Financial backing I will be eligible for a start up load from the government which I intend to use. The organiser Start Up Loans will help me develop a business plan which will be assessed and funded by them. If the plan gets approved then I will get the loan however, I need to pay it back in 5 years which will have a fixed interest rate. I could have the chance to borrow £25,000. This is all supported by the British Business Bank. I can also gain some financial support from the website Kickstarter where people are able to donate money from £1 to thousands of pounds. In return they are able to get a portion of the business. In the past millions of pounds have been donated to a single idea/business.
  • 25. Goals and Objectives I want ‘Our News’ to be able online by the start of the new year on January the 1st. At this time their should be a lot of advertisement to gain a user audience. By the end of 2016 their should be 50,000 unique users signed up to the website and at least 30,000 visitors a day. I want the website to become a blogging and informational website where users have discussions about topics which they are interested in and overall for it to become a new form of media.
  • 26. Site Layout Home Page Profile Commented posts Log Out Posts About Contact Privacy Terms Help Data Protection policy SecurityCreate Post View commented posts Main Login Page Main Profile Edit Profile Comments on posts View Pages Search Trending Recent Business background info Frequently asked questions Statics and figures Emails, addresses and numbers Your Account Website rules and standards Statement of rights Frequently asked questions Contact us Page Rules
  • 27. Legal and Ethical Issues Copyright: When making the website I need to be consider that some people may not be aware the Berne Convention which states that copyright is automatic whether its marked or not. However, in some countries outside the UK they don’t have this law and may need to be notified that there is copyrighted material on the website as it a requirement under the Universal Copyright Convention law. This should be able to reduce the amount of infringement. There will also need to be notices throughout the website as people may only visit specific parts without seeing the notice if there is only one. While making the website third party business will be helping create it and the ownership of it must be clear. When the final website is paid for the sites content and design ownership will be passed onto me. For the creator from the third party will also need the right to withdraw his credit to the creation as if other people change the website they may not want to be associated with it. Also with the use of third party sources the appropriate licenses should be obtained. Further on, after creating the website I may use Copyscape to check for copyright infringement where other pages are detected by Google which are the same. If someone does copy my website I will need to take a copy of the copied site so that it can be used as evidence to prove that it was the same as the owner may change the layout to disguise it.
  • 28. Establish User trust  I will be able to protect the privacy of members as all of their information collected will be placed into secure servers where they cannot be hacked into so I am the only one with access to it. This data will also be deleted every 90 days, so I am not storing old data and there is overall less data held.  Reddit also use this approach where they do not hold any unnecessary information which doesn’t help them in making their website better and they will also get rid of data after a certain period of time when it stops becoming useful.  There will also be an option to opt out of this service where I am collecting data. This should overall gain trust of users so that they fell safe using the website. Reddit also has options of users to stop sharing their information.
  • 29. Trade Mark I am able to trade mark the name, logo and colours and combinations of these. I will only be doing the logo and name as they are the most important and what makes my website more unique. It will also be cheaper just to copyright these as anything else would be unnecessary. Before trying to trade mark I need to make sure that I don’t include anything: offensive, descriptions of goods or services, misleading, 3D shapes, common or non-distinctive. For a standard Intellectual Property application process it will cost £50 + £50 for each additional class. The Right Start type of application is £100 up front + £100 if the registration goes ahead and 350 for each additional class. I will need to detail what I want to register which are the word ‘Our news’ and also the logo. I will also need to register what class the trade mark is in. Through the application period I will receive feedback within 20 days. If there are any problems I will have 2 months to resolve them. If there no objections from the examiner it will be published into the trade marks journal for 2 months when anyone is able to oppose it. Once any objections are resolved I will receive a certificate to confirm my website is trademarked. I am able to use the trademark even when it is unregistered as I will be able to stop someone from using a similar trade mark to goods and services. If this was to happen I would need to get some legal advice as it is harder to prove that my trade mark it being passed off when it is not trademarked registered. I will need to show that the mark is mine, I have built up goodwill associated with the mark and that I have been harmed in some way by the other person’s use of the mark.
  • 30. Trademark continued Step by step how to register a trade mark: 1. Check if the brand qualifies as a trade mark. The trade mark must be unique which includes sounds, words, logos and colours. What you can’t trade mark is anything offensive, goods or services related (cotton), misleading words, 3D shapes associated with the product (egg shape for selling eggs), too common or non-distinctive (we lead the way), looks similar to state symbols based on the World Intellectual Property Organization guidelines. 2. Apply to register your trade mark. Applications will happen online. They will need to know the details of what you want to register (word, illustration or slogan). 3. Responding to objections. Within 20 days feedback will be given and you’ll have 2 months to resolve a problem. If there are no objections it will be put into the trade mark journal for 2 months where anyone can object to it. It will be register once the objections are resolved. There will be a certificate to confirm this. 4. Once registered. Changes must be reported to the name, address or email. If other peoples trade marks are similar then they can be objected. The trade mark can be sold, marketed or license. The trade mark will last 10 years then it can be renewed.
  • 31. Privacy I must have a privacy policy to concisely outline what information is gathered from users who go onto the site. This must be available for all users to see on the website. The types of information I will be able to gain from users will be their, email address, geo-location, personal preferences and maybe their other social media accounts. For my website the privacy policy will be available on the privacy section and I will also need to protect this data on secure servers which are protected from hackers and viruses. This is a legal obligation but also it is able to build up trust with users and help the reputation of the website. This legal document will need to include: An introduction to what my business website is and what functions it servers. The information which I collect and through what means I am able to do that. Also the information which I hold onto such as the users host name or IP address. How I store the information gathered and that it is in a secure place as users will want to know what is happening to their personal information and if it is safe. With who and why I would share the information gathered with third party business. This will need an clear explanation why I do this.
  • 32. Terms and Conditions My terms and conditions will tell users how they should behave on the website. If there rules are broken they will face the punishment of being temporarily not allowed on the website or banned. Some of these terms and conditions will be no hateful comments towards other users, all posts to be link to be credited to the original creator and no inappropriate links or messages.
  • 33. Terms and Privacy The terms and policies for my social media are similar to reddit’s as we both share the a format of having sub sections which are subject specific. In terms of collecting data from users I also have a similar privacy policy. The information collected is collect only when the website is used and not outside website use. This information consists of what is used to create an account for example username, password, email address, real names, account history, private messages and information posted into the website and other personal information. There is also information which is collected every time a user logs into our website. These are when and what service is used when logging into our website which include your IP address, browser type, operating system, device information, pages visited, and some hardware settings. There are also cookies collected from other stores and content visited before entering our website. When using a mobile app with GPS or Bluetooth we collect information on your location. How we use information collected about users:  To provide and maintain services as well as improve them  Help protect safety of users against hackers, spammers and people who abuse the rules  Send users updates about technical notices, security alerts and invoices about support and administrative messages Evidence Examples from similar policies on Reddit
  • 34. Terms and Privacy continued How we share information :  When a post or comment is posted onto the website then it will show the username, the date which it was posted and what the content actually is. Some of these options can be modified so that they are hidden, care should be taken when posting anything.  When sending private messages there may be an option where messages are also sent to modmail where moderates of the sub sections can read the messages sent. This is for security reasons and is subjective to each sub section of the website. There are also rules for the whole site for content which cannot be published or shared. These include:  Anything illegal  Pornography  Graphic violence  Threatening, hateful or harassing speech  Personal or confidential information  Misleading or deceptive information  Spam Evidence Examples from similar policies on Reddit
  • 35. Data protection act This act defines the law on processing peoples data. It gives the people the right to know what information is being held about them and provides a template to ensure all personal information is handled properly. As a website I must make sure personal information is:  Fairly and lawfully processed  Processed for limited purposes  Adequate, relevant and not excessive  Accurate and up to date  Not kept for longer than is necessary  Processed in line with your rights  Secure  Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection I will include this in my privacy policy which will state information retained, processed, disclosed or purged.
  • 36. WaSP Web Standards The Web Standards Project works for standards which reduce costs and complexity of development while also increasing the accessibility and long term viability of any site published on the internet. They work with web browsing companies (Google and Bing), authoring tool makers and peers to deliver these standards. WaSP have established technologies for creating and interpreting web- based content which are called ‘web standards’ that designed to deliver benefits to web users and ensure long-term viability of documents published. The WaSP will affect my social media product due to their standards which will be used to check my website is complete and compatible to be able to put onto the web. As it would fragment the web if everyone didn’t. The W3C recommends CSS and XML to use in building a website. These are compatible on the web. Which means that I will be using them when creating my social media product. This means I can put my product on the web and it is safe to use and abides their web standards.
  • 37. Body text of the Website The font style which I am going to use is going to be very simple and basic. It is called News Gothic MT (Body). This is very similar to reddit’s font. I wanted to use this font as it focuses into what is being said more than what the font and other effects may look like. It makes it less distracting, serious and sophisticated which is what the aim of the social media is. Most of the text on the website will be similar to this what the font may change slightly and the size will change to make it differ from the context text. To stop the website being too boring there are going to be lot of pictures which help describe what is happening and adds more to the pages. I also want the presentation to be simple with just links and titles like Reddit to posts and discussion threads. This layout is easier for the users to navigate the website but it also makes it look tidier.
  • 38. Potential risks of a social media website Hateful Speech: Social media has been at the Centre of people sharing hateful speech specifying different races. With this the argument comes wherever people should have freedom of speech or they are spreading dangerous hateful speech about others. For example Reddit has had lots of issues due to their website focused on freedom of speech. They have a subreddit which has been contaminated with racial slurs and has yet to be remove from the website. On my website there will be full time moderators which will check the site so there is not hateful speech and also in the future there could be a program developed to recognize if there is hateful comments. The moderators will also track and ban users which post hateful content. Also in recent news Donald trump has used twitter to state that all Muslims should be banned from the country. This has again sparked the argument of freedom of speech and hateful speech. In the UK people have been banned from the country for spreading hateful speech and Mr Trump being a presidential candidate their have been discussion whether to ban him from the country.
  • 39. Hackers Hackers have used fake Linkedin accounts to allow them to map the networks of business professionals and gain their trust through the site. Hackers are able to convince users to give them personal information, direct them to malware or launch phishing campaigns onto their computers. My website is going to be run on a secure network which will have anti-virus software which should be able to block cyber attacks onto my websites servers. Fake Accounts There are lots of social media accounts where users are impersonating people or public figures as well as someone whom doesn’t exist. These accounts have caused countless amount of trouble as people are tricked into trusting someone leading to damage being done. The Chinese government have made a new rule where they have stopped anonymity on the internet especially on blogs, social network and other forums. Their reasoning behind this that these fake account have caused damaged to society. As my website wants to contain anonymity it is hard to verify each user. I am able to give warning to users not to share personal information and to not trust anyone on the site with sensitive information.