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Soccer Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of soccer may present both challenges and opportunities for the
writer. On one hand, soccer is a widely popular sport with a rich history, diverse cultural
influences, and a multitude of aspects to explore. However, the ubiquity of the subject also
means that crafting a unique and engaging essay can be challenging.
One difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing general information about soccer and
offering a fresh perspective that captures the reader's interest. With so much information
available, it's essential to narrow down the focus and choose specific aspects or themes to delve
into. This requires thorough research and a keen understanding of the subject to present a
nuanced and well-informed argument.
Moreover, avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements can be another hurdle. Soccer essays often
run the risk of becoming repetitive, as certain topics and narratives are commonly revisited. To
stand out, the writer must find a unique angle or approach, perhaps exploring lesser-known
aspects of the sport or offering a personal connection to soccer that adds depth and authenticity
to the narrative.
Another challenge is maintaining a cohesive structure while covering the diverse elements of
soccer – from its historical roots to its global impact, from the technical aspects of the game
to its cultural significance. Striking a balance between breadth and depth requires careful
planning and organization to ensure that the essay flows logically and keeps the reader engaged.
In conclusion, while writing a soccer essay may pose challenges in terms of originality, depth,
and structure, it also provides an opportunity for the writer to showcase their creativity, research
skills, and passion for the sport. Success in overcoming these challenges will result in a
compelling essay that not only informs but also captivates the reader.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available,
including online writing services like These services can provide tailored
essays on a wide range of topics, ensuring quality and originality in the content delivered.
Soccer Essay Soccer Essay
Basic Assumptions Associated With Chrysler s Culture
1. What are the observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions
associated with Chrysler s culture? According to the article Chrysler was facing
bankruptcy and liquidation in 2009. Also in 2009 Chrysler received $4 billion in
government money to be bailed out. In 2009 Sergio Marchionne was also appointed
as Chryslers CEO. When Marchionne took over he had a new approach to bring
Chryslerout of bankruptcy. In 2009 Marchionne launched the Fiatseries and by May
2011 Marchionne repaid the money back to the U.S. and Canadian government,
paying it back several years early. Mr. Marchionne was very upset how Mr. Fong
double the rebates on vehicles to make more sales. This is one of the reasons
Chrysler profits were decreasing and... Show more content on ...
Marchionne changed the dress code, changed and published a list of values, parking
spaces, and ceremonies. The espoused values were the organizations explicitly stated
values that was implemented by top level managers. Chrysler has an integrity code
and it is to follow rules with conduct, have high ethical standards and protect the
environment. The basic assumptions are unwritten rules and highly resistant to
change. The other thing is the underlying assumptions of the core of the
organizations culture.
2. How is Mr. Marchionne trying to improve the PE fit of his direct reports? Sergio
Marchionne improves the PE fit by having meeting and conveying the quality and
pricing of the Chrysler vehicles are of the most importance to the organization.
Marchionne also had a plan to turn Chrysler around from bankruptcy so it would be
making a profit. He basically changed his management team. Marchionne did this by
conducting 15 min interviews and eliminating top management and keeping 23
people who had the experience, values, knowledge and personalities. Some junior
executives were moved up a level or two in the organization (Kreitner Kinicki
The Coming Kingdom Of Heaven
The coming kingdom that Jesus talks about is the main teaching of His ministry.
There are several aspects to the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of Heaven as
Matthew says, which partly explains the ambiguity of this part of the passage. First,
the Kingdom of God is present, beginning with Jesus reign on Earth (Ridderbos 649).
The kingdom is also present through the church. Jesusjust established Peter as the
rock on which He would build His church (Mt. 16.18). His journey to the cross is
the beginning of the end of His mission on Earth, and when He is gone, the church
will be God s Kingdom on Earth. It is the church s responsibility to further the
kingdom by preaching and making more disciples of all nations from all ends of
the earth (Mt. 16.19; Acts 1.8). Although His kingdom is present, it has not yet
come in its full capacity. Jesus return will bring the full Kingdom and all of creation
will be restored to a new and perfect state. To the Jews, the Kingdom of Godwas a
new covenant between God and his people, and peace would obtain not only among
all nations but throughout the whole creation, among all living things (Hiers 528).
His Kingdom is both present and yet to come. Those who identify with Jesus are able
to participate in His kingdom on Earth and obtain the rewards in the future.
Jesus identity is central to the kingdom, and its mystery. The king will come as a
slave faced with torment and humiliation (Ridderbos 649). Likewise, the kingdom
comes by way of the
Construction Of Construction And Demolition Processes
Chapter 5 Input
Calculation of Construction and Demolition processes
Before getting to the discussion is better to see the input and output sheet in this
study . chapter 5 focuses on right side(input) f residential projects in CH_IN. This
chapter strives to explain and calculate all input s items through A D processes.
Table No: 5 1 1.Introduction of building(C D) sector in CH_IN
Why do construction and demolition matters? In simple terms they are the discipline
that ultimately helps to build a better green world for current anf future generations.
Maghale Intel construction cost report. Building industry is one of the unique and
high risk industry in the world and the importance and impact of construction on the
environment, economy ... Show more content on ...
China is expected to add another 280 million people in urban area in the next 20
years, and that will drive additional urban residential building ,onstruction estimated
to be nearly 1.5 billion m2 per year through 2030. Chinese buildings use much less
energy per square meter compared with many other developed countries (Diamond
et al. in 2013), but typical buildings are not necessarily efficient. Maghale cost
effective options for transforming...Every year, more than half of the world s new
buildings are constructed in Asia. China is the world s largest construction market. It
has 40 billion square meters in existing buildings and aswe mention above, adds an
additional two billion square meters of floor area each year, almost half the global
total.In India, the built area more than doubled between 2000 and 2005.
The Indian construction industry is an integral part of the economyin india and is
poised for solid growth due to industrialisation, urbanisation and economic
development together with people s expectations of improved living standards level.
The construction sector employs approximately 31 million people in India, accounts
for some 6 to 8% of GDP and, after agriculture, is the largest employment sector in the
country. The construction industry in general has been growing at 9 to 11% year on
year, primarily due to the strength of increased domestic and international
manufacturing activities and industrial growth. There have
Police Incident Essay
Over the last decade, the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department has faced many
different challenges relating to the high crime volume within our jurisdiction. With
that in mind, the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department has just received alarming
news about a homicide incident that occurred at Judge Hernandez s residence. The
victim is the spouse of Captain Hernandez, who is the leader over the patrol division
at the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department. Nevertheless, to add to this devastating
tragic, Sheriff Faile has just received notification that there may be photos of the
crime scene on Facebook. As the public information officer for the Lancaster County
Sheriff s Department, I have prepared a statement for the media concerning... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, Sheriff Faile is requesting that all photos relating to this homicide
investigation be removed from all social media websites. The Lancaster County
Sheriff s Department have currently authorized our IT experts to search and
shutdown all social media sites that have photos of the crime scene. In addition,
charges maybe bought against the individual(s) who has posted photos on their social
media page(s). Therefore, Sheriff Faile is requesting that all photos relating to this
homicide investigation be removed immediately from all social media websites. As
always, the Sheriff appreciate everyone s understanding and assistance as well.
I would handle this incident differently because the terrorist(s) have a weapon of
mass destruction involving a wide range of toxic chemicals that will kill hundreds of
thousands of innocent people throughout Lancaster County, as well as the adjacent
counties. Today the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department received information
concerning a terror threat to release a CBRNE weapon at the Andrew State Park in
the heart of our county. This heightened terrorist threat has imposed a significant
widespread disruption and fear because these weapons could be used by malicious
actors. However, the Lancaster Sheriff s Department and the Federal government are
working together to eliminate this potential threat as soon as possible. At this time, we
Jacob Garrett Research Paper
In high school, a group of friends introduced me to Jacob Garrett: he would soon
introduce me to the DIY music scene. I remember, in fact, the day I first saw his
band, Clearviews, perform: in a twenty feet by twenty feet room, about twenty
people packed together in order to listen to punk music. Let me clarity, these people,
by societal standards, may be labeled misfits. For this reason: I felt at home. After
coming home and researching, however, it turned out that many DIY artists were
social outcasts as were their listeners. From the rapper Milo, a self proclaimed nerd
who studied Philosophy of Language, to Nouns, a punk band with representation
from those on the autism spectrum, the DIY scene was full of misfits! And I connected
... Show more content on ...
Now, seeing as though the measurable aspect of SMART has been expressed, let us
move to its next part. When speaking about the attainability of the DIY Project, in
general, the goals are very attainable: there already exist similar venues. So,
without absolute perfection, this idea is attainable. We simply invite musicians to
play, we invite people to listen, and we invite people to create art. Again, this is
attainable. However, there is one aspect of the DIY Project that may be
unattainable: a alcohol/drug free venue. Unfortunately, some people enjoy sneaking
such substances into venues. For this reason, we will publically exhibit our disdain
for drugs and alcohol in the venue: it ruins the experience for too many people
(speaking from prior knowledge). Also, there must be staff that watches for drug
and alcohol usage. This, in the end, may only allow for substance usage to become
lower than most venues. In sum, then, the DIY Project may not be able to rid itself
of all drugs and alcohol, but it can minimize the presence of such
Globalization and Localization
Analyze issues of globalization and localization
How hotel companies keep being successful in international hotel industry (IHI).
Nowadays, the stiff hospitality industry situation puts more stress on hotels,
especially on international ones. Furthermore, clients who purchase hotels products
are not only for a place to stay, but more eager to pursuit for an impressive
accommodation experience. Globalization helps hotel corporations represent
themselves to the world and succeed in operation more easily. While localization
makes hotel firms better suit local market, local culture and so on. Globalization and
localization are not two separate issues; instead they have internal and external links
which would affect each other. No ... Show more content on ...
Labor diversity is one of the most effective advantages that hotels could take good use
of. For instance, the labor in China is rich but costs much lower than many developed
countries. So hotel firms could be more active and creative by contributions of
Chinese employees, furthermore, they could reduce labor cost. Galicic Ivanovic
(2007) say that hotel industry is exposed to great changes in business environment,
but globalization can help hotels react much quickly to march changing market and
meet guests needs. Although hotel companies have to take budget into prior
consideration when implement global strategy, the global development costs are
much lower as companies provide similar hotel name, style and size.
However, globalization can be a double edged sword since there are many
difficulties, such as cultural difference, complex human resource management
(HRM), huge expenditure and trade barriers. There is an increasing number of new
hotels spring up each and every day, so survival of the fittest becomes a definite truth
as competition is unable to avoid. Frink (2009) states that hotel companies have to
consider different cultures under different locations when they go globally. It is
usually hard for hotel firms to integrate other cultures into their own previously
corporate culture, particular to successful ones with a long history as they already
have had a stable operation system. For instance, a Hilton hotel built in China has an
Themes In The Golden Girls
The Golden Girls is an iconic television show set in 1980 s Miami that not only
provides insight to aging in America through humor, but sometimes lectures the
viewer on social topics with an obvious liberal agenda. Even though I have
probably viewed every episode hundreds of times over the past thirty years, I still
find myself eager to watch it every night at bedtime to end the stresses of the day
on a happy note. I do not always agree with the opinions expressed by the
characters or the outcome of a particular episode. However, I still come back for
more each night because most episodes end on a happy note, and that allows me to
drift into sleep with a little less stress on my mind. For seven seasons, . . . the
series won several awards during its run, including 11 Emmys and four Golden
Globes (MTSU). The creator of the show, Susan Harris, also created the 1970 s
show called Soap. Both shows were produced by Paul Junger Witt and Tony
Thomas (Golden Girls: Miami Spice). While I was very young during Soap s run on
television, I have seen reruns of it a few times. It most definitely has liberal agenda
themes that are presented with humor like The Golden Girls. However, it was
presented in poor taste in its acting and storylines to present a message that could
have been construed as offensive to much of the audience back in the 1970 s. It is
very rare to talk to someone today that has even heard of Soap and it certainly has not
reached cult like status
Sotuknang s The Hopi Creation Story
The Hopi Creation Story justifies the location of the Hopi people and the
hardships of life, by making life s difficulty a reminder that a higher power exists
and that we are at its mercy. In the Hopi Creation Story, there is a hierarchy of
creation that begins with Taiowa, the original Creator, an all powerful god that
stews alone in an endless space until it brings to life Sotuknang, a being capable of
making solid worlds. Later Sotuknang himself creates Spider Woman, who becomes
the creator of life on earth. Spider Woman creates the poles, flora, fauna, and the
first people, 4 men and 4 women (created in her image) out of saliva and dirt. While
Taiowa, Sotuknang, and Spider Woman all have the ability to create life, the scale
becomes smaller with each new creation, which leads logically to fact that people are
only powerful enough to create other people.... Show more content on
The story recounts three times the earth was destroyed (each in a different
manner) and a new one created. Every time, the few remaining people are told by
Sotuknang to respect their Creator and to live in harmony with him on the new
earth. In the final destruction before the creation of world we live in currently,
Spider Woman protects the few faithful people still left from a flood by placing
them in reeds with a little food. So Sotuknang and Spider Woman are shown to have
physically interacted with people, but very rarely. Taiowa s connection is described
as mental, through a soft spot in the forehead where both they and Sotuknang are
able to speak to people
Objectives Of Taj Hotel
Research Methodology
The specific aims of the study are to:
Analyze the current situation of the hospitality industry in India.
Provide insight and estimates for the development the industry in the country.
Identify the opportunities that the industry has and might be subjected to in the future.
Identify the constraints to be overcome by the industry to overshadow the possible
threats and frictional factors.
Analysis of how the competition within the industry among the various key players
has affected the service outcomes.
Scope of the study
This study focuses on the key players in the industry of hospitality in India (Taj
Hotels, resorts, and Palaces, The Leela palaces, Hotels and Resorts, ITC Hotels).
Review ... Show more content on ...
oContenders moving up to worldwide guidelines of hard working attitude. o Desire of
customers regarding technological improvement.
The Leela Hotels
Strengths: o High brand recall. o One of the key players in the luxury hotel segment o
More than 7 five star hotels, 2128 rooms in the country o Alliance with Kempinski
Group of Hotels, ESPA, Global Hotel Alliance and the preferred Hotel Group o All
hotels are located in premium areas of the cities
oHigh interest expenses are hampering net income. o Limited market share due to
tough competition from international and domestic players. o Overseas expansion
will be difficult since Leela is known for ethnicity in offerings.
Opportunity: o Domestic and Foreign Travel Spending is growing. o Indian hotels
have a low occupancy rate as compared to other hotels. o There is a shortage of
150000 rooms in India.
Threats: o Political turbulence because of the monetary
A Comparison of Private and Public Criminal
Criminal investigators are professionals in the law enforcement team who try to solve
crimes, prevent the occurrence of future crimes, and searching and detaining suspects.
The two categories of criminal investigators are private and public criminal
investigators. The level of training that these professionals go through is different
which leads us to the differences between public and private criminal investigations.
Differences and Similarities
One major difference between public and private investigator is the training that they
have to go through before they qualify to do criminal investigations. For public
officers, they will have to go through in depth training and undertake some exams
before they qualify for their jobs while ... Show more content on ...
Public officers now work part time with private security officials in some nations
to protect valuable assets. This has made the qualifications of private security
officers to be competitive for them to have the qualifications that will enable them
to carry out investigations that will require a lot of knowledge. The basic drug test
and criminal is not enough when you are looking for someone who will be able to
do research and try to come up with findings on why certain crimes took place and
finding the perpetrators. Knowledge on criminal investigations will be of
importance and the reason why companies hiring private investigators to help the
local people who would like to use their services in trying to solve the mysteries in
their lives look for people with excellent education qualifications (Li, 2008).
The public investigators available are not enough to take care of all the crimes
taking place in their jurisdiction areas and the reason why they work together with
private investigators. Hiring of private investigators hired by people who are looking
for kidnappers, rapist, and other since the public officers cannot continue with the
search of criminals for a long time due to the limited funds they have is becoming
more popular. With the help
Martin Luther King Jr. And Joshua Wong
Sometimes street protests can happen for good reasons, for reasons people disagree
on, and when that happens, these protests can become violent and the end results are
not good because these protesters can get beaten, arrested, and put to jail. These are
three activists that protested and went to jail got beaten when they spoke out for what
they believed in. Even though they knew the consequences, activists like Rosa Parks,
Martin Luther King Jr. and Joshua Wong. Two of these activists fought for black
rights, and one activist fought for Hong Kong s independence from China. One
activist who took dramatic measures was Rosa Parks. She was the one who started
the Montgomerybus boycott in the us and protested for black rights. She was born...
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had some tough times he was arrested and his house was bombed.Even after working
to change the bus laws,Martin Luther King Jr. was not satisfied. He and other black
people wanted equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. protested more and more. People
started protesting with Martin Luther King Jr. and the protest got larger. Martin
Luther King Jr. made over 2,500 speeches and he is most famous for the speech I
have a dream where he talked about how he wanted black people and white people
to be hand and hand and work together; he also talked about how a hundred years
ago negroe slaves were let free but were still segregated. Martin Luther King Jr.
received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize he was the youngest man to
get it, and he donated the prize money to the civil rights movement. In 1968 when he
was getting ready for a protest he was assassinated.
Firearms, Guns, Pistols, And Shotguns
There are many different types of firearms including rifles, pistols, and shotguns and
people use them for many different purposes. Guns have been used to implement
both the highest and basest goals of humanity to put food on the table, to provide
personal protection, to enforce or defy the law, to defend or acquire territory
(Supica). An example of this is using firearms for America to obtain their freedom
from Britain. The advancements in firearms drastically changed warfare, hunting, and
self protection for the better by becoming more accurate, more convenient, and more
powerful. Firearms have become far more accurate. Accuracy is very important when
firing a weapon because the objective is to hit the target that is aimed at.... Show more
content on ...
Being able to accurately shoot seven hundred and twenty five yards farther can do
multiple things in many cases. Shooting animals for food can be at farther distances
which can increase the chance of getting something because then the animal will not
be as close to the hunter so the animal cannot smell or see the hunter as well. One of
the major reasons as to why weapons have become more accurate is because of rifling
in the barrel. Rifling of the barrel is grooves down the interior of the barrel which
puts a spin on the bullet as it leaves the end of the barrel thus stabilizing the bullet
while it is on its way to the target. After people had rifled the barrel they found that a
rifle was much better at hitting the target over longer distances (Supica). One
major thing that rifling helped was wars. The rifles used in the Revolutionary War,
flintlock, lacked accuracy and even the rifles towards the end were not very
accurate (Revolutionary War Weapon). Another thing rifling did was make it easier
for people to hunt, and to be successful in killing the animals for food. With the
rifles they could now hit an animal at further distances. Another thing that rifling did
was make the bullet more accurate so the process of killing an animal was quicker
and more humane (Leghorn). Being able to hit where you aim will make the animal
die quicker and not suffer and it will also give you more meat because the bullet will
not destroy it when it hits
What Are The Changes In Clothing During The Renaissance
These four pictures show sleeves in its elaborate glamor. During the Renaissance
period, women sleeves were exaggerated and elaborate in design. Sleeves were
usually depicted in the bagpipe, funnel, cylindrical, slashing, laced, and with hanging
sleeves that served no particular function. The first picture is a vintage haute couture
costume that showed extremely exaggerated bagpipe sleeves. According to the
textbook, this was a popular fashionstatement for the time period. The second
picture shows how a houppelande with sleeve openings may have looked, also this
can be seen as a loose fitting elongated funnel sleeve with an opening for the arms.
Some of the pictures in the textbook show how sleeves were long enough to drag on
the ground, hence
St Jude Worldview Essay
In aligning St. Jude s model of and model for with respective member s worldview
and ethos, the belief in symbols becomes intertwined with their perception of reality.
Prayer through silent suffering acts as both St. Jude s model of and model for,
justifying the practicality of a religious ethos and confirming their worldview,
essentially making this form of prayer, and their belief in St. Jude, as real as possible.
The model of and for becomes more easily identifiable with individual s worldview
as it becomes capable of interacting with ordinary objects. Geertz found that true
symbols must be capable of both shaping themselves to reality and themselves
shaping it, ultimately reinforcing the practicality of religious rules in society (Geertz
351). As societal expectations themselves are in a constant state of flux, the duality
between model of and model for allows religious symbol and ritual to continue and
stay pertinent. When in perilous medical situations, the devout would often convince
nurses and orderlies to apply St. Jude s Holy Oil (Orsi 181). The physical quality of
this symbol allows the devout to easily incorporate models of and for into their daily
routine, but most importantly, it allows them to easily incorporate their etho s holy
rituals and spiritual expectations into their worldview.
For women in the St. Jude s community, the act of prayer through silently suffering
allows them to actively exemplify Geertz s model for, while simultaneously
Orange Is The New Black Chapter Summary
Orange Is The New Black Summary
Aug 5 15
Piper Kerman, a young women that was in a relationship with a women by the
name Nora. Nora and Piper had a loving relationship, but in no way normal, as far
as most relationships go. Nora was in a special business that involved smuggling
drugs into the country, and getting paid big bucks to do so without getting caught.
Piper was asked to perform a small task to help out the business, which then lead
her to her future problem. Ten years later Piper was happily engaged to a man
named Larry, they started out as great friend but then advanced to more. In 1998 it
was to her surprise that two officers by the names of Maloney and Wong, came to
her house in New York to deliver the news that she d been indicted in federal court of
drug smuggling ... Show more content on ...
She immediately told Larry of the situation and the rest of her family, along with
getting the best lawyer they could find. The lawyer fought as hard as he could and
with Pipers cooperation the sentence was reduced to fifteen months at a facility in
Danbury, Connecticut. Piper was brought to Danbury by Larry on February 4th
2004, more than a decade after the crime was committed. Although it was very
hard for larry to leave Piper, Piper had been feeling worse for Larry and her family.
Piper felt as though she made life worse for Larry to live his life alone and to have
to explain to his boss about leaving early on thursdays of friday, to go see his fiance
in prison. Her family always have been in a long line of doctors, lawyers, and
teachers, what would people think about them. Piper in no way felt sorry for herself,
realising she had put herself in this position. Piper had agreed to keep to herself and
not fall into a mess with becoming friends with the other prisoners.Much to her
surprise piper became friend with man of the other prisoners. She first meet
Annette,her new bunkie, a dark colored Italian woman in her fifties. Annette took care
The Great Sport Of Soccer And Its Influence On Nations
Soccer is a great sport that has influenced nations. Millions gather to watch skilled
athletes compete in a game of soccer. its played by 250 million players in over 150
countries, making it the world s most popular sport. and Because its fans and players
are so devoted, the sport continues to grow.
the game cuju (и№ґйћ , kick ball ), according to FIFA, is the earliest form of soccer.
its said to have taken place during the Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD). Cuju players
could use any part of the body except for the hands. the intent, like soccer, was to
kick a ball into a net. It was like modern soccer though it was also somewhat like
rugby. Cuju originated in China but was also popular in Korea, Japan and Vietnam.
The Japanese
NHS Social Changes
The National Health Service has seen many political and financial changes since it
began. The advance in medicine since the 19th century impacted the Britain
significantly. The health of the nation has improved dramatically since the NHS
formed. The timeline of events leading up to its formation are crucial. The health
services in the 19th century consisted of self employed doctors who were for the rich
and charitable volunteers for the poor. Local authority hospitals catered for specific
illnesses and health issues only, these included maternity and mental illness. The lack
of control over housing allowed slums to be built, the poverty in these conditions led
to malnutrition. Cholera and Typhoid epidemics bred quickly in the slums and it...
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In 2012 The British Medical Association (BMA) made the decision to strike over
major changes to the NHS pension scheme and the re formation of the NHS
structure without any discussion with the BMA first. Also in 2012 The Health and
Social Care Act 2012 was introduced by the coalition government. It brought
substantial changes to the way the NHS is organised, while work is also underway
to improve the quality of social care and reform its funding. Robert Francis, chair of
the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry presented his final report
to the Secretary of State for Health. It pointed out the errors with the current NHS
and the falling standards of nursing and healthcare. From 2005 to 2009 Francis
collected evidence about a large amount of preventable deaths of patients while
waiting for treatment in Staffordshire hospital. He published his final report in
February 2013. The Government published their response later on in the year. The
full reaction focused powerfully on new legislation and direction to hospital trusts
and their employees, planning to make the NHS more open, accountable and focused
on safety and
The Garner Incident
On July 17th, 2014, Garner was arrested on suspicion of selling loosies , single
cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. The incident was captured on video tape
and made publicly available shortly after and went viral. In the footage, the
asthmatic, three hundred fifty pound Eric Garner was put into an apparent
chokehold in an effort to subdue him after he told the arresting officers that he was
tired of being harassed and refused to comply with their orders. In the footage audio
Garner can be heard exclaiming I can t breathe eleven times before the chokehold is
released. Garner had to be hospitalized immediately, and was pronounced dead less
than an hour after the incident. Garner s death was ruled a homicide and the officer
responsible... Show more content on ...
The demographics of protesters are widely varied, representing the racial
breakdown of the country almost perfectly. Those that are engaged in the public
outcry but are not directly affected by the recognized public issue are likely to be
engaging in social solidarity. Social solidarity refers to the ties in a society that
bind individuals as one group. Г‰mile Durkheim defines it as a social cohesion
that is based on the dependence individuals on one another (Durkheim 133).
Durkheim further classifies solidarity into two types, mechanical and organic.
Mechanical solidarity is largely based on social cohesion stemming from the
homogeneity of individuals. People form bonds through having similar lifestyles,
and those lifestyles are often based on the kinship ties of familial networks. This
would be the type of solidarity more likely to be undertaken between members the
African American community in this situation. Organic solidarity is generally found
in more complex and less homogenous social circles. In this type of solidarity bonds
are formed based on interdependence among complementary members of a social
circle as opposed to homogeneity. This is the type of solidarity that can be seen most
readily among the outraged public as a whole. We see many different demographics
represented during these protests. Suburban
Christine Jorgensen Biography
Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 May 3, 1989)
was the first widely known person to have sex reassignment surgery in this case,
male to female. She was born George William Jorgensen, Jr., the second child of
George William Jorgensen Sr., a carpenter and contractor, and his wife, the former
Florence Davis Hansen. She grew up in the Bronx and later described herself as
having been a frail, tow headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights and
rough and tumble games . She graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in
1945 and shortly thereafter was drafted into the Army. After being discharged from
the Army, Jorgensen attended Mohawk College in Utica, New York, the Progressive
School of... Show more content on ...
By the end of her career, however, Lilly was earning less than any of the men in the
same position. Although she signed a contract with her employer that she would
not discuss pay rates, just before Ledbetter s retirement an anonymous individual
slipped a note into her mailbox listing the salaries of the men performing the same
job. In spite of the fact that Ledbetter had received a Top Performance Award from
the company, she discovered that she had been paid considerably less than her
male counterparts. Ledbetter filed a formal complaint with the Equal
Employment Opportunities Commission and later initiated a lawsuit alleging pay
discrimination. After filing her complaint with the EEOC, Ledbetter, then in her
60s, was reassigned to such duties as lifting heavy tires. The formal lawsuit
claimed pay discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Although a jury initially awarded her compensation,
Goodyear appealed the decision to the United States Supreme Court. In 2007 the
Supreme Court ruled on the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. case. In a 5 4
decision, the court determined that employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180
days ago or more. Due to the fact that Ledbetter s claim regarding her discriminatory
pay was filed outside of that time frame, she was not entitled to receive any
Sciatic Nerve Research Paper
The sciatic nerve is the one of the largest nerves in the human body. It is the major
nerve of the lower limb and its approximately 2 cm wide (Savastrano). The sciatic
nerve originates in the nerve roots of L4 S3, which begins in the lower back. The
nerve then branches off down to the gluteal region and then down to the lower limb.
One of its main functions is supply a pathway that provides a connection to the
nervous systemfor all the sensory input that comes from the skin and muscles of the
leg. The sciatic nervecomes from a formation of nerves called the lumbosacral
plexus. This formation of nerves is made of anterior divisions of the lumbar, sacral
and coccygeal nerves. As the nerve travels down to the pelvic area it divides into two
nerve branches the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve. When patients under
going a hip... Show more content on ...
These complications can cause nerve paralysis, which is treated by the removal of
fragments of substance form the surgical procedure. To get the nerve to regenerate
from the damage suffered during surgery doctors can place oxidized regenerated
cellulose around the nerve (Ikeda). There is a need to find other ways to increase
the regeneration capabilities of the sciatic nerves. Injuries to the sciatic nerve can
cause complete or incomplete los of motor, sensory and autonomic function due to
degeneration (Sun Zhao). Nerve growth factor (NGF) is essential for the
stimulation of peripheral nerve regeneration. More specifically NGF is a
neuropeptide that function to regulate growth, maintenance and proliferation of
neurons. These factors all led to the to NGF helping with the repair of injured
nerves. When NGF is given to patients in a solution the solution is rapidly diffused
and not able to be absorbed by the damaged nerves for an adequate amount of time. In
order to get NGF to be retained longer in the nerve researchers hope to develop a way
Jeffrey Dahmer Psychopath
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer; a Psychopath
Psychopathy as a mental disorder or construct, although not included in the presently
valid classification systems, is gradually fascinating the experts and investigators
involved in the field of mental health. Curiosity in psychopathy has mainly grown
after the declaration of the new classification system DSM V in which psychopathy
is mentioned as a clear diagnosis in the context of six new personality illnesses.
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer:
Jeffrey Dahmer a psychopathic personality, also recognized as the Milwaukee
Cannibal was born on 21st of May 1960 and died on 28th of November 1994. He was
an American sex offender and serial killer. Through the late eighties and early
nineties, Dahmer killed over a dozen
The Importance Of Censorship Of Music
Music is a form of art. An art that has been around ever since the beginning of time.
It is arguably considered to be the universal language of this world. Music is what
connects the hearts and feelings of one another regardless of race, color, and
religious backgrounds. Art is used to express oneself. It also has the power to
motivate and influence others. Throughout the years, music has evolved and
transformed in many ways. However, there are restrictions in today s music,
otherwise known as, censorships. There is a large crisis occurring regarding these
censorships. This argument consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the
continuation of the censorshipof music, and two, eliminating the status quo of
censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments
regarding the issues of censorship since 1927 when the U.S. Congress passed the
Radio Act (The History). The time has come for the censored in today s music to be
disable. The government should release their grip on the censorship of music for the
following reasons: censorship restricts an artist s ability to convey his or her message
toward the listeners, it limits an artist s capacity for creativity, and it diminishes the
audience s appreciation of the content in the music.
First of all, the concept of censorships severely limits an artist s ability to fully
express his or herself through the art of music. Musicians typically sing about their
values and issues. For this reason,
Working At Texas State Health Center
This report is a compilation of our conversation with Karen Gordon Sosby, associate
director at the Texas State University Student Health Center made for an interview
report. Ms. Karan has been working at Texas state health center for 23 years. She
started her career with a public health degree in healtheducation and a business
degree in accounting and later moved to administration. Interestingly she has been
working at a single place from the start of her health administration career; she made
a remark on the disadvantage the younger generations most often face by being too
quick in leaving an organization. She said that organizations would like to hire those
who are interested in staying with them for long, also she shared her own situation
of how there are less chances that someone could fill her position with the same kind
of experience and knowledge of needs of the university.
Knowledge and Skills Needed for Effective Leadership Karan opinionated that
knowledge content alone is not enough for health administrators and communication
skills, soft skills and people skills are a necessity. She discussed on how health
administrators are expected to work on many Human resources aspects such as
employee s demands, employee employer conflicts, swift action in meeting their
needs and keeping organization needs intact. She said that the most important of
communication skills is dealing with patients while getting the news across without
hurting their emotion.
Does Prayer Before An Athletic Competition Affect The...
Question: Does prayer before an athletic competition affect the overall performance of
the athlete?
In today s society prayer has been a pivotal part of many athletes lives. The rituals
before a competition can often make or break a quality performance for that athlete.
While interning with Fordham University Athletics, I had the opportunity to interact
with an array of athletes. Watching these different athletes participate in their pre
game rituals has sparked my interest in this research topic. Does prayer before an
athletic competition affect the overall performance of the athlete? In this study, I
attempt to investigate the relationship between religion and prayer and an athletic
competitor. Does prayer result in an ... Show more content on ...
In researching this topic, one very significant academic work, The Use of Prayer in
Sport: Implications for Sport Psychology Consulting by Nick J. Watson and Daniel
R. Czech (2005) explores the new found importance of religion and spirituality in
sports, and how the public interprets and observes an athletes religious rituals. As
both Watson and Czech (2005) are sport psychologists, their research examines the
importance of religion, its effect on an athlete s psychological state, as well as the
affect it has on athlete s overall performance in competition.
Watson and Czech (2005) first define religion and spirituality so as the reader can
fully understand what the author s writing and research findings mean. The terms
religion, spirituality, and prayer, can have different meanings amongst different
cultures, so it is important the reader has concrete definitions in mind prior to
reading the article. The authors define religion as . . . a system of beliefs in divine
or superhuman power, and practices of worship or other rituals directed toward
such a power (p.2). This for example is Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. The
definition of spirituality is much broader and can be defined from a religious or
humanist perspective, where personal meaning is derived from whatever people
believe to be ultimate, and valued in and of itself (p.2). The focus of their research
article is prayer in sport
Child Labour And Child Labor
One of today s and back then s worst concern is the amount of children currently
and previously forced to endure child labour. Child labour affects children
mentally and physically, as well as putting children at risk for abuse from
employers. Child labour is an everyday task for as many as 280 million children.
They work on farms, factories, and in sweatshops for extremely low fees; most have
little or no education. Child labouraddresses many issues and thoughts such as,
dehumanization, the lack of enforcement of child labour laws which exist in most
countries in the world and the social effects of these uneducated children becoming
our future. This essay will show what child labour really is and how it has and is
affecting our world.
Child labor began in the 1900s because many families were in poverty and needed
everyone they could in their family working to bring in a slightly larger income.
According to the author Irwin Yellowitz Children were useful as laborers because
their size allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines where adults
couldn t fit, children were easier to manage and control and perhaps most
importantly, children could be paid less than adults. As the children worked, they
were also not getting an education. In the 1900s, child labor was not an unusual
thing. It was actually pretty common and part of the modern economy. People did try
and reduce the amount of child laborers; it took a huge stock market collapse to
convince the people.
The Influence Of Jim Crow Laws
Introduction How would you like it if someone called you a cracker or Nigger?The
writer s topic is about Jim Crow Laws. How did it affect black s? How did Jim Crow
Laws get its name? What were Jim Crow Laws?. Jim Crow Laws were really famous.
A Lot of whites wanted them to happen. Jim Crow Laws separated white s and black
s. Jim Crow lawshad an influence on history that no one will forget unless they
tried their hardest. How did jim crow laws affect black s? Jim Crow Laws were
meant to split the blacks and whites up. Blacks could not have professional jobs.
Blacks could not get a lot of education. Blacks had to drink out of a dirty water
fountain. Blacks had to set at the back of the bus. Blacks were called names such as
a Negro.
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest...
It is the mainstay of many pieces of classic American literature, especially those
that fall into the category of pulp , to have thin, cardboard cutout characters with
obvious emotions and intentions for which their only purpose is to drive the story
to a predetermined end. The seductive and dangerous femme fatale; codgerly old
men; the badgering and nagging housewife, adorned with dress and apron; and
etc... These characters, and the many like them, are set into a story to play a
specific role namely as a reactor and force the protagonist in some direction. After
all, what would a hero do if there was nothing heroic to be done? Sit around? Twiddle
their thumbs...? These characters are, in some degree, necessary for the purpose of...
Show more content on ...
In the story he plays the guide and is an experienced safari goer and hunter. He, as
described, is [...]about middle middle height with sandy hair, a stubby mustache, a
very red face and extremely cold blue eyes[...] (The Short Happy... Pg. 01)
Throughout the story, Wilson is the person we most hear the thoughts of, scattered
through the narrative are his opinions and comments, presented mentally, and
although minor, lead to important understandings in the story. Wilson, in his
experience, has probably learned to keep his own affairs private, and as well, to
keep out of others. He does a commendable job of trying to help Francis forget
about his blunder against the lion, and remove strain in situations involving both
Mr. and Mrs. Macomber. He is a diplomat, though as the story will prove, not a very
consistent one. He holds a lukewarm contempt for women, especially American
women, whom he deems cruel (and perhaps, once we look at Margot, this is not
without merit). He is socially introverted, and as so tries to keep away from the
personal affairs of the Macombers, but in the end fails and sleeps with Margot
Macomber after her many flirtations and a late night seduction in his tent. Wilson is
strikes as a person of regret and self abasement. He seems to truly love what he does,
hunting for sport, but is known, as the story tells, to break a few of the tenets of
Discussing if Anzac Day Should be Celebrated or Mourned...
We have no unknown soldier
These are not forgotten men
But cousins, uncles, neighbours
Who will never laugh again.
But they ll not be forgotten
For the price they had to pay.
For their children s children s children
Will still march on Anzac Day
No, they ll not be forgotten
For the price they had to pay.
For their children s children s children
Will still march on Anzac Day.
Vic Macdonald 1988
Every year on the 25th of April Australiacomes together to celebrate the bravery
and extreme courage of those soldiers who risked and lost their lives while fighting
for Australia in Gallipoli. But should it be celebrated? Should we cheer the men that
returned when so many were killed and died of disease in the trenches at ... Show
more content on ...
Every year you still march down that street with that stupid proud expression on
your face, you glorify the bloody wastefulness of that day? ? Act 2, Scene 3, The
One Day of the Year. Hughie (the son of the war veteran with the controversial ideas
about the meaning of Anzac day) mentions about the mistake that cost sixty
thousand lives. The Anzacs were expecting to battle on large plains and were
trained to do so. Instead of finding the flat beach they expected, they found they had
been landed at an incorrect position and faced the steep cliffs of the Turkish
Peninsula constantly under fire from above as they strived to entrench themselves at
the base of the cliff. They faced a well organised, well armed, large Turkish force
determined to defend their country.
Every year on the 25th of April Australia commemorates this mistake. It is
remembered like it was a victory but to many it is viewed as a waste of good men,
young and old who died, sacrificing everything for there country. The Soldiers who
fought for their countries should in some people?s opinion be viewed as heroes.
They risked their life for the freedom of their country. Some believe that the battle at
Gallipoli was not Australia?s war and that we were invading someone else?s
countries for another countries cause. But what bravery the young soldiers showed
to do so. To represent their country and fight in a battle against seemingly impossible
odds, and die, and lose
Automatic Street Light System
Automatic Street Light Control System Using LDR and IC555 Timer
Hafiz Saad Khaliq(11TC03)1, Mohammad Hunain Khan(11TC41)2, Syed Zulfiqar
Haider Bukhari(11TC51)3, Syed Noor ul Hassan Bukhari(11TC63)4, Ahmad Faheem
Alam(11TC10)5,Javed Iqbal(11TC20)6
Department of Telecommunication Engineering, University College of Engineering
Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
engr.sadi03@gmail.com1, engr.hunain@gmail.com2 , szhb92@gmail.com3,
syednoorulhassanbukhari@gmail.com4, Faheemalam2012@gmail.com5,
Abstract This project Automatic Street Light Control System aims at designing and
executing the advanced development in embedded systems for energy saving of
street lights by using light dependent ... Show more content on ...
Here, we will implement this project by using 555 timers IC. Other basic
components which we used are power supply, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), Relay
and Light emitting diodes (LEDs) which we are using in place of a light bulb. A.
555 Timer IC The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of
timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to
provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip flop element. Derivatives provide
up to four timing circuits in one package. The IC was designed in 1971 by Hans R.
Camenzind under contract to Signetics, which was later acquired by Philips.
Depending on the manufacturer, the standard 555 package includes 25 transistors, 2
diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8 pin mini dual inline package.
Variants available include the 556 (a 14 pin DIP
I. INTRODUCTION treet lighting provides a safe night time environment for all
road users including pedestrians. Research indicates that night time vehicular
accidents are significantly reduced by provision of street lighting. It also helps to
reduce the fear of crime, and encourages social inclusion by providing an
environment in which people feel they can walk in hours of
combining two 555s on one chip), and the two 558 559s (both a 16 pin DIP
combining four slightly modified 555s with Discharge Threshold connected
Summary Of Autumn Poem
That life flows on and the operation in the natural order continues is stressed here.
The fame of poppies that drowses the harvester and the twined flowers that offer a
resistance to the say the cause a brief pause in time. This eagerness to prolong the
moment of happiness the ode stanza, extended to eleven lines, is give en a more
prolonged effect and is also shared by autumnwho watches the last oozing hours by
hours she is in time and bears the full load of agony inherent in process, but she is
also above time watching the ceaseless and yet unhurried movement on the
temporal plane. The first stanza is set in the morning hours, the second stanza is
set in the drowsy midday and the sun s diurnal course is completed in the final
stanza. The last two lines of second stanza convey the audible juicy noise of the
sibilants which is very strong one and is presented not simply with a visual image
of the last oozing, but an audible one also. At the same when this celebration of
joys of autumn is taking place, we find in the ode indirect images of ageing. The
sun is maturing it is growing older, and so is autumn itself, as in the close bosom
friend of sun only. There is an ambivalent note in the phase set budding more and
still more apparent in the phrase, reference to the bees until they think warm days
will never cease. For summer has over brimmid their clammy cells . The last verse
moves to a different kind of conclusion and it arises more organically from the
Cultural Economies Of The World
When examining different cultural economies of the world, one would find that
there are a multitude of emerging economies in all areas of the world. One of these
emerging markets can be found in the Eurasian country of Turkey. Through an
analysis of their government, current economic state, their geographic location and
other similar traits of Turkey s culture, we are better able to understand where this
growth in the economy has stemmed from and how it can continue to improve
within time. In looking at Turkey s government, it is made apparent the similarities
that it shares with the United States. As a democratic nation, Turkey hold both a
constitution through which they abide by as well as the same three branch of the
Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. Within the Executive branch of their
government, houses the President who is elected by the Grand National Assembly
members, of the legislative branch, by popular vote. Turkey also has its own Prime
Minister and Council of Ministries. Known as a Republican Parliamentary
Democracy, it is apparent the Turkish government contains a mixture of many well
developed countries governmental ideals like that of the United Kingdom, United
States, and France. Due to their location and labor force, Turkey has seen a steady
rise in their economy in the last 7 years, nearing around 2% per year, with an
increase in labor and employment soaring as well. For being seen as a developing
economy, it seems that Turkey is on a lot of the
Algorithmic Game Theory Essay
In algorithmic game theory, it is easy to find the Nash equilibrium if one can derive
the default strategies of each player from the instructions/parameters of the algorithm.
It is also not particularly hard to find the optimal solution to an algorithm either. In
algorithmic mechanism design, it would be the goal of the algorithm designer to
fashion the algorithm in such a way that causes the Nash equilibriumto be the same as
the Pareto optimal (or at least close to optimal) result. This would mean that it would
be impossible to make any player better off in the game without hurting another
player at the same time (optimal), while it also being impossible for any one player to
improve their situation by altering only their strategy (Nash equilibrium). It is the
goal to make these two circumstances exist simultaneously.
Next I will discuss my favorite topic regarding algorithmic game theory; the price of
anarchy. I have to admit that the reasons this topic is my favorite are rather
ridiculous; the name sounds really cool, and I like that the concept is also used in
economics. Anyhow, the price of anarchy is a concept that measures how the
efficiency of a system is ruined by the participants self centered actions. (Koutsoupias
and Papadimitriou, 1999) Essentially, this is the result of an inefficient set of
equilibrium outputs. If a system is not designed with the users motives in mind, the
system is often ruined by participants who are strategically trying to benefit
Restless Mind Spending Body Analysis
Section 1:
Name: Maha Naim
Email Address:
Phone Number: 954 651 5737
Student ID: 23284219
Course Instructor: James Jakubow
Date: November 19, 2014
Section 2:
Title of Article: Restless Mind, Restless Body
Author(s): Paul Seli, Jonathan S. A. Carriere, David R. Thomson, James Allan
Cheyne, Kaylena A. Ehgoetz Martens, and Daniel Smilek
Title of Journal: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and
Volume: 40
Page: 660 668
Year: 2014
Section 3:
This experiment is primarily focused on how the mind focuses on content with other
factors playing during the encoding of it. The full maintenance of a task and measure
of mind wandering was recorded to take note of how the brain is able to multiple tasks
at once. A correlation is attempting to be made between mental restlessness and
behavior. Things such as fidgeting and daydreaming are trying to be linked together
for a better understanding of motor and mental behavior.
Method: ... Show more content on ...
This would then be correlated to recordings of any motor behavior exhibited by the
subject. The probes would be based off of a scale which would show levels from one
to five, the higher the number, the less focused the subject was on the task presented.
This would also be further supported by the observance of any fidgeting in relation to
the mind wandering further and further away from the current
Persuasive Essay On Autism
Autism. To some people it can be just a word, or a disorder. What Autism means to
me, is being able to be closer to my little brother. My 7 year old brother has Autism
and that doesn t define him as a human being, his capabilities defines who he is. He
is the reason why I am where I am today, a paraeducator that thrives to help kids in
need. Being a paraeducator, our job is to help our students become more
independent to prepare them for the real world after school. In order to get a
student to be an independent person, is to use strategies. A few strategies I would
use is how to properly use fidgets, what the social norm is and ways to improve,
and the four questions for a structured task. Fidgets are a great way to keep children
calm and collected, but in order for them to work, there needs to be expectations.
For me as an adult, I can get a little antsy if I sit for a long period of time to what do
I do? I just grab my phone out and mess around on it. In a school setting that cannot
happen. Some different alternatives could be a stress ball, fidget cube, bag of
marbles, or tangles, etc. Some expectations for the fidgets can be: keep it
somewhere where it won t be a distraction, use it nicely and properly, and if it gets
in the way of work, then it gets taken away. If expectations get set, fidgets can be a
great way to keep your student focused and not get over stimulated while getting
their work done. In today s world, we are lacking in social skills, as the technology
increases, our social skills decrease. As our children grow up and develop, so does
the technology, the kids get stuck behind those screens and tend to forget there are
people on the other side of them and that they have feelings. One huge area kids
and even adults need to work on is eye contact. When I was in grade school my
teachers would say look at their nose or look above their head. Eye gaze would be
a great idea to use with children that do not like making direct eye contact. With
eye gazing, the child looks in the general direct of where the person they are
talking to is looking at. For example, if the other person is looking at a flag, the
child would have to see where the person eyes are pointing to, use that person s body
Red Tailed Hawk Research Paper
The Red Tailed Hawk is one of God s amazing creatures. It is a great majestic
creature that shows Gods guiding gentle hand in its creation. The bird was made
toward the top of the food chain. The hawk is able to spot animals from one
hundred feet in the air, and attack and kill small prey such as mice, voles, shrews,
moles, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, rabbits, opossums, muskrats, cats, skunks, and
bats. These are some of the hawk s prey. This is why it is toward the top of the food
chain. These birds most commonly found in North America. It will breed through a
wide range from western Alaska and Northern Canada all the way to the west Indies
and Panama. The birdis one of the larger birds in its subspecies it weighs about 1.52
3.53 pounds or 690 1600 grams, and measuring 45 65 centimeters or 18 26 Inches in
... Show more content on ...
The bird will reach its sexual maturity at the age of 2 years old. The bird is
monogamous, which means it mates with a bird for many years or even life.
Usually only finding new mates when one of the other mates die. Also while
together the mates will defend the same nesting territory for many years. The main
threat to the nesting is the Great Horn Owl. The owl begins its mating and nesting
before the hawk, so this is why the hawk defends its old nesting. The hawk and owl
will destroy both each other s nests and eggs. The owls are unable to build their
own nest so they try to steal the hawks. While the birds are mating they will circle
around each other shrilling loud shrilling sounds. The males will then begin to do
air shows going up high a diving and climbing again. He may during this briefly
grab the talons of the females with his. After the air show which can last 10 minutes
or longer the birds will then begin some sexual intercourse. Although there is not
always the air show before reproducing. This happens usually late winter to early
spring. It will happen multiple times a
Women In Courtesan Culture
Courtesan cultures were found all over the world and some even exist in modern
day. There were many striking similarities between them, most of them religious.
Many women were offered as a bride to the culture s god and were not able to marry
within the community. All of the women were also forced to perform sexual acts
starting at a young age. In India, the women in the courtesan culture were known as
the Devadasi. These women lived in temples and performed both musically and
sexually for priests and men in high castes. The Devadasis were once highly
important women within the temples, however their status eventually fell and they
were viewed as untouchables.
The Devadasi tradition began in the sixth century. Prepubescent girls were offered to
deities in Hindu temples to serve society. This offering was used as a replacement for
human sacrifice and thought to bring the community blessings from the gods. The
goddess they were consecrated to was Yellamma, the goddess of strength and
abundance. The women would participate in a marriage ceremony, marrying them to
a deity. After this, Devadasis were unable to marry a mortal man. Originally, the girls
performed musically for their community through song and dance. Their dance was
called Bharatanatyam and would be performed as temple rituals to please the gods
which was considered highly regarded. The Devadasi were also welcomed into elite
homes to perform whereas low caste drummers and musicians were invited into poor
Interview With Pascal Robidas
For my interview, I was fortunate enough to get ahold of a man who works for a
major local news station known as RDI or Radio Canada. His name, Pascal
Robidas, a thirty six year old television news reporter. I met him through my uncle
who lives in the same triplex as him. Throughout our fascinating forty five minute
long interview, I learnt so much more about his life and job than by reading a book
on the subject.
Pascal was born in 1980 in Macao, China. At fourteen months old, he was given up
for adoption. The family that took him home was the Robidas from Kingsey Falls,
Quebec. Kingsey Falls is a town thirty km east of drummondville au centre du
QuГ©bec. As of 2011, the population is 2,000 and the most notable thing to come
from there is the tissue paper company known as Cascades. Growing up there, he
was the only one in his family to be interested in the media of journalism. ... Show
more content on ...
When there,he noticed several professional television reporters on the other side
of the field. Watching them made him realize that that was the field of journalism
he wanted to do. His first introduction into television journalism happened by
accident in 2007 during a lockout when he was invited to work on the show of a
Quebec news icon known as Jean Luc Mongrain at TQS.Only working there for
two short years, he still managed to learn as much about his trade as he could,
while also working next to one of his idols. The most memorable thing about
Mongrain that Pascal remembers was that he was really passionate about his line
of work and told it as it was, never sugarcoating anything. Pascale eventually left the
station momentarily before it s collapse in September of 2008. From there, he
applied, passed the test, and got the job where he has been working at ever since for
eight years at Radio Canada as a television
History of Egyptian Jewelry
Jewels of The Nile: History of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry
Over thousands of years, jewelry has been worn by many people. Whether to show
beauty, wealth or belief there is no era that can compare to the jewels of Ancient
Egypt. At the beginning of the kingdom, precious stones and metals were
discovered and worn like never seen before. Unfortunately, the remaining Egyptian
jewelry that is displayed in Museums today is only a small fraction of what actually
existed due to grave robbers. Questions such as how jewelry started, how it was
made and worn, what the symbolization of jewelry was and who were the people that
wore jewelry in Ancient Egypt will be answered. It is said that Egyptians always had
knowledge of metal work but the ... Show more content on ...
Within these categories of jewelry there was a variety of different types. An example
of different types is earrings. During the second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt
earrings were simple hoops but by the New Kingdom, earrings were worn in many
different ways such as hoops, dangles, tube and boss earrings and ear studs [2].
Evidence also shows that mummies had stretched earlobes, meaning they would
insert ear plugs in their lobe that were a maximum two inches wide [2]. Another
type of jewelry that existed was worn in the hair or wigs of woman. They were
called rosettes or tubes of gold that were strung in the women s hair. Towards the
New Kingdom tubes made of cornelian began to be worn [5]. The most important
feature of egyptian jewelry is that it was colorful. Egyptians wore white linen
clothing, especially the wealthy, therefore; to accent their white clothing, their
jewels were full of colors such as red (red jasper, cornelian), green (green jasper,
chrysoprase), purple (amethyst) and blue (lapis lazuli, turquoise) stones. They loved
their accessories to look heavy because it showed more wealth. In order to make it
look heavy they added metals around their stones. Gold was the metal of choice
[2] Silverman, David P. Ancient Egypt. (New York; Duncan Baird Publishers
Limited, 1997). 227
[5] Bard, Kathryn A.
Preferential Option For The Poor And The Vulnerable
Preferential Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable
Gustavo Gutierrez is a Peruvian theologian that speaks for the rights for the poor
and vulnerable. He currently lives in Lima, Peru and is eighty six years old.
Gustavo Gutierrez, published a book in 1971 called A Theology of Liberation that
teaches, about the renewed realization of Christ s presence among the poor and
oppressed (Dean 28 April 2015). In his book, Gutierrez discusses the differences
between material poverty, voluntary poverty, and spiritual poverty. When you
experience material poverty, you are deprived of the essential items for life or
discriminated because of race, gender, or religion. The spiritually poor trust in a God
that loves and cares for them. They believe
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Writing
As a college student, being able to write is an essential skill needed, hence the
reason why writing classes are a mandatory requirement for all degrees. Some people,
including myself, do not enjoy writing at all; however, writing classes teach you the
fundamental principles of the writing process. It allows students to develop and hone
their skills as writers, and allows them to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses.
Personally, taking writingcomposition has taught me multiple things, such as, be able
to recognize and learn from my strengths and weaknesses. Throughout this semester
of writing composition, I have excelled at quoting and paraphrasing source material,
and developing thesis statements, but I struggled with grammar, and writing hooks.
When planning my fall semester the one class that I was not looking forward to
choosing was my writing composition class. Ever since I can remember English
class was always my least favorite class, particularly because I completely disliked
writing essays. To me, writing a paperwas and still is the worst thing that I can
imagine me having to do since I have always struggled with writing papers. During
high school when my teacher would assign a paper, I would always spend at least
a week writing my essays, since I continuously get stuck on how to start my paper.
It also didn t help that in high school, I was writing about topics that had
disinterested me; however, in my current writing class I am given the freedom to
write about any topic of my choice, which is great. It makes writing essays less
difficult and stressful and even makes me think that maybe writing isn t as bad as I
Despite my constant struggles with writing, I think that I possess some strengths,
such as being able to quote from a source material. Having this skill allows for me
to utilize direct credible sources in order to communicate clear and concise ideas
within my paper; It also establishes proper credit to any authors by ensuring that I
properly cite them. For example, in my Film Review Synthesis: The Conjuring I
wrote a quote that said ideal balance between the power of suggestion and the
satisfaction of a good, in your face scare (Chang). ( Film Review Synthesis: The

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  • 1. Soccer Essay Writing an essay on the topic of soccer may present both challenges and opportunities for the writer. On one hand, soccer is a widely popular sport with a rich history, diverse cultural influences, and a multitude of aspects to explore. However, the ubiquity of the subject also means that crafting a unique and engaging essay can be challenging. One difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing general information about soccer and offering a fresh perspective that captures the reader's interest. With so much information available, it's essential to narrow down the focus and choose specific aspects or themes to delve into. This requires thorough research and a keen understanding of the subject to present a nuanced and well-informed argument. Moreover, avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements can be another hurdle. Soccer essays often run the risk of becoming repetitive, as certain topics and narratives are commonly revisited. To stand out, the writer must find a unique angle or approach, perhaps exploring lesser-known aspects of the sport or offering a personal connection to soccer that adds depth and authenticity to the narrative. Another challenge is maintaining a cohesive structure while covering the diverse elements of soccer – from its historical roots to its global impact, from the technical aspects of the game to its cultural significance. Striking a balance between breadth and depth requires careful planning and organization to ensure that the essay flows logically and keeps the reader engaged. In conclusion, while writing a soccer essay may pose challenges in terms of originality, depth, and structure, it also provides an opportunity for the writer to showcase their creativity, research skills, and passion for the sport. Success in overcoming these challenges will result in a compelling essay that not only informs but also captivates the reader. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available, including online writing services like These services can provide tailored essays on a wide range of topics, ensuring quality and originality in the content delivered. Soccer Essay Soccer Essay
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  • 3. The Coming Kingdom Of Heaven The coming kingdom that Jesus talks about is the main teaching of His ministry. There are several aspects to the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of Heaven as Matthew says, which partly explains the ambiguity of this part of the passage. First, the Kingdom of God is present, beginning with Jesus reign on Earth (Ridderbos 649). The kingdom is also present through the church. Jesusjust established Peter as the rock on which He would build His church (Mt. 16.18). His journey to the cross is the beginning of the end of His mission on Earth, and when He is gone, the church will be God s Kingdom on Earth. It is the church s responsibility to further the kingdom by preaching and making more disciples of all nations from all ends of the earth (Mt. 16.19; Acts 1.8). Although His kingdom is present, it has not yet come in its full capacity. Jesus return will bring the full Kingdom and all of creation will be restored to a new and perfect state. To the Jews, the Kingdom of Godwas a new covenant between God and his people, and peace would obtain not only among all nations but throughout the whole creation, among all living things (Hiers 528). His Kingdom is both present and yet to come. Those who identify with Jesus are able to participate in His kingdom on Earth and obtain the rewards in the future. Jesus identity is central to the kingdom, and its mystery. The king will come as a slave faced with torment and humiliation (Ridderbos 649). Likewise, the kingdom comes by way of the
  • 4. Construction Of Construction And Demolition Processes Chapter 5 Input Calculation of Construction and Demolition processes Before getting to the discussion is better to see the input and output sheet in this study . chapter 5 focuses on right side(input) f residential projects in CH_IN. This chapter strives to explain and calculate all input s items through A D processes. Table No: 5 1 1.Introduction of building(C D) sector in CH_IN Why do construction and demolition matters? In simple terms they are the discipline that ultimately helps to build a better green world for current anf future generations. Maghale Intel construction cost report. Building industry is one of the unique and high risk industry in the world and the importance and impact of construction on the environment, economy ... Show more content on ... China is expected to add another 280 million people in urban area in the next 20 years, and that will drive additional urban residential building ,onstruction estimated to be nearly 1.5 billion m2 per year through 2030. Chinese buildings use much less energy per square meter compared with many other developed countries (Diamond et al. in 2013), but typical buildings are not necessarily efficient. Maghale cost effective options for transforming...Every year, more than half of the world s new buildings are constructed in Asia. China is the world s largest construction market. It has 40 billion square meters in existing buildings and aswe mention above, adds an additional two billion square meters of floor area each year, almost half the global total.In India, the built area more than doubled between 2000 and 2005. The Indian construction industry is an integral part of the economyin india and is poised for solid growth due to industrialisation, urbanisation and economic development together with people s expectations of improved living standards level. The construction sector employs approximately 31 million people in India, accounts for some 6 to 8% of GDP and, after agriculture, is the largest employment sector in the country. The construction industry in general has been growing at 9 to 11% year on year, primarily due to the strength of increased domestic and international manufacturing activities and industrial growth. There have
  • 5. Police Incident Essay Over the last decade, the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department has faced many different challenges relating to the high crime volume within our jurisdiction. With that in mind, the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department has just received alarming news about a homicide incident that occurred at Judge Hernandez s residence. The victim is the spouse of Captain Hernandez, who is the leader over the patrol division at the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department. Nevertheless, to add to this devastating tragic, Sheriff Faile has just received notification that there may be photos of the crime scene on Facebook. As the public information officer for the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department, I have prepared a statement for the media concerning... Show more content on ... Therefore, Sheriff Faile is requesting that all photos relating to this homicide investigation be removed from all social media websites. The Lancaster County Sheriff s Department have currently authorized our IT experts to search and shutdown all social media sites that have photos of the crime scene. In addition, charges maybe bought against the individual(s) who has posted photos on their social media page(s). Therefore, Sheriff Faile is requesting that all photos relating to this homicide investigation be removed immediately from all social media websites. As always, the Sheriff appreciate everyone s understanding and assistance as well. I would handle this incident differently because the terrorist(s) have a weapon of mass destruction involving a wide range of toxic chemicals that will kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people throughout Lancaster County, as well as the adjacent counties. Today the Lancaster County Sheriff s Department received information concerning a terror threat to release a CBRNE weapon at the Andrew State Park in the heart of our county. This heightened terrorist threat has imposed a significant widespread disruption and fear because these weapons could be used by malicious actors. However, the Lancaster Sheriff s Department and the Federal government are working together to eliminate this potential threat as soon as possible. At this time, we
  • 6. Jacob Garrett Research Paper In high school, a group of friends introduced me to Jacob Garrett: he would soon introduce me to the DIY music scene. I remember, in fact, the day I first saw his band, Clearviews, perform: in a twenty feet by twenty feet room, about twenty people packed together in order to listen to punk music. Let me clarity, these people, by societal standards, may be labeled misfits. For this reason: I felt at home. After coming home and researching, however, it turned out that many DIY artists were social outcasts as were their listeners. From the rapper Milo, a self proclaimed nerd who studied Philosophy of Language, to Nouns, a punk band with representation from those on the autism spectrum, the DIY scene was full of misfits! And I connected ... Show more content on ... Now, seeing as though the measurable aspect of SMART has been expressed, let us move to its next part. When speaking about the attainability of the DIY Project, in general, the goals are very attainable: there already exist similar venues. So, without absolute perfection, this idea is attainable. We simply invite musicians to play, we invite people to listen, and we invite people to create art. Again, this is attainable. However, there is one aspect of the DIY Project that may be unattainable: a alcohol/drug free venue. Unfortunately, some people enjoy sneaking such substances into venues. For this reason, we will publically exhibit our disdain for drugs and alcohol in the venue: it ruins the experience for too many people (speaking from prior knowledge). Also, there must be staff that watches for drug and alcohol usage. This, in the end, may only allow for substance usage to become lower than most venues. In sum, then, the DIY Project may not be able to rid itself of all drugs and alcohol, but it can minimize the presence of such
  • 7. Globalization and Localization Analyze issues of globalization and localization Abstract: How hotel companies keep being successful in international hotel industry (IHI). Nowadays, the stiff hospitality industry situation puts more stress on hotels, especially on international ones. Furthermore, clients who purchase hotels products are not only for a place to stay, but more eager to pursuit for an impressive accommodation experience. Globalization helps hotel corporations represent themselves to the world and succeed in operation more easily. While localization makes hotel firms better suit local market, local culture and so on. Globalization and localization are not two separate issues; instead they have internal and external links which would affect each other. No ... Show more content on ... Labor diversity is one of the most effective advantages that hotels could take good use of. For instance, the labor in China is rich but costs much lower than many developed countries. So hotel firms could be more active and creative by contributions of Chinese employees, furthermore, they could reduce labor cost. Galicic Ivanovic (2007) say that hotel industry is exposed to great changes in business environment, but globalization can help hotels react much quickly to march changing market and meet guests needs. Although hotel companies have to take budget into prior consideration when implement global strategy, the global development costs are much lower as companies provide similar hotel name, style and size. However, globalization can be a double edged sword since there are many difficulties, such as cultural difference, complex human resource management (HRM), huge expenditure and trade barriers. There is an increasing number of new hotels spring up each and every day, so survival of the fittest becomes a definite truth as competition is unable to avoid. Frink (2009) states that hotel companies have to consider different cultures under different locations when they go globally. It is usually hard for hotel firms to integrate other cultures into their own previously corporate culture, particular to successful ones with a long history as they already have had a stable operation system. For instance, a Hilton hotel built in China has an
  • 8. Themes In The Golden Girls The Golden Girls is an iconic television show set in 1980 s Miami that not only provides insight to aging in America through humor, but sometimes lectures the viewer on social topics with an obvious liberal agenda. Even though I have probably viewed every episode hundreds of times over the past thirty years, I still find myself eager to watch it every night at bedtime to end the stresses of the day on a happy note. I do not always agree with the opinions expressed by the characters or the outcome of a particular episode. However, I still come back for more each night because most episodes end on a happy note, and that allows me to drift into sleep with a little less stress on my mind. For seven seasons, . . . the series won several awards during its run, including 11 Emmys and four Golden Globes (MTSU). The creator of the show, Susan Harris, also created the 1970 s show called Soap. Both shows were produced by Paul Junger Witt and Tony Thomas (Golden Girls: Miami Spice). While I was very young during Soap s run on television, I have seen reruns of it a few times. It most definitely has liberal agenda themes that are presented with humor like The Golden Girls. However, it was presented in poor taste in its acting and storylines to present a message that could have been construed as offensive to much of the audience back in the 1970 s. It is very rare to talk to someone today that has even heard of Soap and it certainly has not reached cult like status
  • 9. Sotuknang s The Hopi Creation Story The Hopi Creation Story justifies the location of the Hopi people and the hardships of life, by making life s difficulty a reminder that a higher power exists and that we are at its mercy. In the Hopi Creation Story, there is a hierarchy of creation that begins with Taiowa, the original Creator, an all powerful god that stews alone in an endless space until it brings to life Sotuknang, a being capable of making solid worlds. Later Sotuknang himself creates Spider Woman, who becomes the creator of life on earth. Spider Woman creates the poles, flora, fauna, and the first people, 4 men and 4 women (created in her image) out of saliva and dirt. While Taiowa, Sotuknang, and Spider Woman all have the ability to create life, the scale becomes smaller with each new creation, which leads logically to fact that people are only powerful enough to create other people.... Show more content on ... The story recounts three times the earth was destroyed (each in a different manner) and a new one created. Every time, the few remaining people are told by Sotuknang to respect their Creator and to live in harmony with him on the new earth. In the final destruction before the creation of world we live in currently, Spider Woman protects the few faithful people still left from a flood by placing them in reeds with a little food. So Sotuknang and Spider Woman are shown to have physically interacted with people, but very rarely. Taiowa s connection is described as mental, through a soft spot in the forehead where both they and Sotuknang are able to speak to people
  • 10. Objectives Of Taj Hotel Research Methodology Objectives The specific aims of the study are to: Analyze the current situation of the hospitality industry in India. Provide insight and estimates for the development the industry in the country. Identify the opportunities that the industry has and might be subjected to in the future. Identify the constraints to be overcome by the industry to overshadow the possible threats and frictional factors. Analysis of how the competition within the industry among the various key players has affected the service outcomes. Scope of the study This study focuses on the key players in the industry of hospitality in India (Taj Hotels, resorts, and Palaces, The Leela palaces, Hotels and Resorts, ITC Hotels). Review ... Show more content on ... oContenders moving up to worldwide guidelines of hard working attitude. o Desire of customers regarding technological improvement. The Leela Hotels Strengths: o High brand recall. o One of the key players in the luxury hotel segment o More than 7 five star hotels, 2128 rooms in the country o Alliance with Kempinski Group of Hotels, ESPA, Global Hotel Alliance and the preferred Hotel Group o All hotels are located in premium areas of the cities Weakness: oHigh interest expenses are hampering net income. o Limited market share due to tough competition from international and domestic players. o Overseas expansion will be difficult since Leela is known for ethnicity in offerings. Opportunity: o Domestic and Foreign Travel Spending is growing. o Indian hotels have a low occupancy rate as compared to other hotels. o There is a shortage of 150000 rooms in India. Threats: o Political turbulence because of the monetary
  • 11. A Comparison of Private and Public Criminal Investigation... Criminal investigators are professionals in the law enforcement team who try to solve crimes, prevent the occurrence of future crimes, and searching and detaining suspects. The two categories of criminal investigators are private and public criminal investigators. The level of training that these professionals go through is different which leads us to the differences between public and private criminal investigations. Differences and Similarities One major difference between public and private investigator is the training that they have to go through before they qualify to do criminal investigations. For public officers, they will have to go through in depth training and undertake some exams before they qualify for their jobs while ... Show more content on ... Public officers now work part time with private security officials in some nations to protect valuable assets. This has made the qualifications of private security officers to be competitive for them to have the qualifications that will enable them to carry out investigations that will require a lot of knowledge. The basic drug test and criminal is not enough when you are looking for someone who will be able to do research and try to come up with findings on why certain crimes took place and finding the perpetrators. Knowledge on criminal investigations will be of importance and the reason why companies hiring private investigators to help the local people who would like to use their services in trying to solve the mysteries in their lives look for people with excellent education qualifications (Li, 2008). The public investigators available are not enough to take care of all the crimes taking place in their jurisdiction areas and the reason why they work together with private investigators. Hiring of private investigators hired by people who are looking for kidnappers, rapist, and other since the public officers cannot continue with the search of criminals for a long time due to the limited funds they have is becoming more popular. With the help
  • 12. Martin Luther King Jr. And Joshua Wong Sometimes street protests can happen for good reasons, for reasons people disagree on, and when that happens, these protests can become violent and the end results are not good because these protesters can get beaten, arrested, and put to jail. These are three activists that protested and went to jail got beaten when they spoke out for what they believed in. Even though they knew the consequences, activists like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Joshua Wong. Two of these activists fought for black rights, and one activist fought for Hong Kong s independence from China. One activist who took dramatic measures was Rosa Parks. She was the one who started the Montgomerybus boycott in the us and protested for black rights. She was born... Show more content on ... had some tough times he was arrested and his house was bombed.Even after working to change the bus laws,Martin Luther King Jr. was not satisfied. He and other black people wanted equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. protested more and more. People started protesting with Martin Luther King Jr. and the protest got larger. Martin Luther King Jr. made over 2,500 speeches and he is most famous for the speech I have a dream where he talked about how he wanted black people and white people to be hand and hand and work together; he also talked about how a hundred years ago negroe slaves were let free but were still segregated. Martin Luther King Jr. received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize he was the youngest man to get it, and he donated the prize money to the civil rights movement. In 1968 when he was getting ready for a protest he was assassinated.
  • 13. Firearms, Guns, Pistols, And Shotguns There are many different types of firearms including rifles, pistols, and shotguns and people use them for many different purposes. Guns have been used to implement both the highest and basest goals of humanity to put food on the table, to provide personal protection, to enforce or defy the law, to defend or acquire territory (Supica). An example of this is using firearms for America to obtain their freedom from Britain. The advancements in firearms drastically changed warfare, hunting, and self protection for the better by becoming more accurate, more convenient, and more powerful. Firearms have become far more accurate. Accuracy is very important when firing a weapon because the objective is to hit the target that is aimed at.... Show more content on ... Being able to accurately shoot seven hundred and twenty five yards farther can do multiple things in many cases. Shooting animals for food can be at farther distances which can increase the chance of getting something because then the animal will not be as close to the hunter so the animal cannot smell or see the hunter as well. One of the major reasons as to why weapons have become more accurate is because of rifling in the barrel. Rifling of the barrel is grooves down the interior of the barrel which puts a spin on the bullet as it leaves the end of the barrel thus stabilizing the bullet while it is on its way to the target. After people had rifled the barrel they found that a rifle was much better at hitting the target over longer distances (Supica). One major thing that rifling helped was wars. The rifles used in the Revolutionary War, flintlock, lacked accuracy and even the rifles towards the end were not very accurate (Revolutionary War Weapon). Another thing rifling did was make it easier for people to hunt, and to be successful in killing the animals for food. With the rifles they could now hit an animal at further distances. Another thing that rifling did was make the bullet more accurate so the process of killing an animal was quicker and more humane (Leghorn). Being able to hit where you aim will make the animal die quicker and not suffer and it will also give you more meat because the bullet will not destroy it when it hits
  • 14. What Are The Changes In Clothing During The Renaissance Era These four pictures show sleeves in its elaborate glamor. During the Renaissance period, women sleeves were exaggerated and elaborate in design. Sleeves were usually depicted in the bagpipe, funnel, cylindrical, slashing, laced, and with hanging sleeves that served no particular function. The first picture is a vintage haute couture costume that showed extremely exaggerated bagpipe sleeves. According to the textbook, this was a popular fashionstatement for the time period. The second picture shows how a houppelande with sleeve openings may have looked, also this can be seen as a loose fitting elongated funnel sleeve with an opening for the arms. Some of the pictures in the textbook show how sleeves were long enough to drag on the ground, hence
  • 15. St Jude Worldview Essay In aligning St. Jude s model of and model for with respective member s worldview and ethos, the belief in symbols becomes intertwined with their perception of reality. Prayer through silent suffering acts as both St. Jude s model of and model for, justifying the practicality of a religious ethos and confirming their worldview, essentially making this form of prayer, and their belief in St. Jude, as real as possible. The model of and for becomes more easily identifiable with individual s worldview as it becomes capable of interacting with ordinary objects. Geertz found that true symbols must be capable of both shaping themselves to reality and themselves shaping it, ultimately reinforcing the practicality of religious rules in society (Geertz 351). As societal expectations themselves are in a constant state of flux, the duality between model of and model for allows religious symbol and ritual to continue and stay pertinent. When in perilous medical situations, the devout would often convince nurses and orderlies to apply St. Jude s Holy Oil (Orsi 181). The physical quality of this symbol allows the devout to easily incorporate models of and for into their daily routine, but most importantly, it allows them to easily incorporate their etho s holy rituals and spiritual expectations into their worldview. For women in the St. Jude s community, the act of prayer through silently suffering allows them to actively exemplify Geertz s model for, while simultaneously
  • 16. Orange Is The New Black Chapter Summary Orange Is The New Black Summary Aug 5 15 Piper Kerman, a young women that was in a relationship with a women by the name Nora. Nora and Piper had a loving relationship, but in no way normal, as far as most relationships go. Nora was in a special business that involved smuggling drugs into the country, and getting paid big bucks to do so without getting caught. Piper was asked to perform a small task to help out the business, which then lead her to her future problem. Ten years later Piper was happily engaged to a man named Larry, they started out as great friend but then advanced to more. In 1998 it was to her surprise that two officers by the names of Maloney and Wong, came to her house in New York to deliver the news that she d been indicted in federal court of drug smuggling ... Show more content on ... She immediately told Larry of the situation and the rest of her family, along with getting the best lawyer they could find. The lawyer fought as hard as he could and with Pipers cooperation the sentence was reduced to fifteen months at a facility in Danbury, Connecticut. Piper was brought to Danbury by Larry on February 4th 2004, more than a decade after the crime was committed. Although it was very hard for larry to leave Piper, Piper had been feeling worse for Larry and her family. Piper felt as though she made life worse for Larry to live his life alone and to have to explain to his boss about leaving early on thursdays of friday, to go see his fiance in prison. Her family always have been in a long line of doctors, lawyers, and teachers, what would people think about them. Piper in no way felt sorry for herself, realising she had put herself in this position. Piper had agreed to keep to herself and not fall into a mess with becoming friends with the other prisoners.Much to her surprise piper became friend with man of the other prisoners. She first meet Annette,her new bunkie, a dark colored Italian woman in her fifties. Annette took care
  • 17. The Great Sport Of Soccer And Its Influence On Nations Soccer is a great sport that has influenced nations. Millions gather to watch skilled athletes compete in a game of soccer. its played by 250 million players in over 150 countries, making it the world s most popular sport. and Because its fans and players are so devoted, the sport continues to grow. the game cuju (и№ґйћ , kick ball ), according to FIFA, is the earliest form of soccer. its said to have taken place during the Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD). Cuju players could use any part of the body except for the hands. the intent, like soccer, was to kick a ball into a net. It was like modern soccer though it was also somewhat like rugby. Cuju originated in China but was also popular in Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The Japanese
  • 18. NHS Social Changes The National Health Service has seen many political and financial changes since it began. The advance in medicine since the 19th century impacted the Britain significantly. The health of the nation has improved dramatically since the NHS formed. The timeline of events leading up to its formation are crucial. The health services in the 19th century consisted of self employed doctors who were for the rich and charitable volunteers for the poor. Local authority hospitals catered for specific illnesses and health issues only, these included maternity and mental illness. The lack of control over housing allowed slums to be built, the poverty in these conditions led to malnutrition. Cholera and Typhoid epidemics bred quickly in the slums and it... Show more content on ... In 2012 The British Medical Association (BMA) made the decision to strike over major changes to the NHS pension scheme and the re formation of the NHS structure without any discussion with the BMA first. Also in 2012 The Health and Social Care Act 2012 was introduced by the coalition government. It brought substantial changes to the way the NHS is organised, while work is also underway to improve the quality of social care and reform its funding. Robert Francis, chair of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry presented his final report to the Secretary of State for Health. It pointed out the errors with the current NHS and the falling standards of nursing and healthcare. From 2005 to 2009 Francis collected evidence about a large amount of preventable deaths of patients while waiting for treatment in Staffordshire hospital. He published his final report in February 2013. The Government published their response later on in the year. The full reaction focused powerfully on new legislation and direction to hospital trusts and their employees, planning to make the NHS more open, accountable and focused on safety and
  • 19. The Garner Incident On July 17th, 2014, Garner was arrested on suspicion of selling loosies , single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. The incident was captured on video tape and made publicly available shortly after and went viral. In the footage, the asthmatic, three hundred fifty pound Eric Garner was put into an apparent chokehold in an effort to subdue him after he told the arresting officers that he was tired of being harassed and refused to comply with their orders. In the footage audio Garner can be heard exclaiming I can t breathe eleven times before the chokehold is released. Garner had to be hospitalized immediately, and was pronounced dead less than an hour after the incident. Garner s death was ruled a homicide and the officer responsible... Show more content on ... The demographics of protesters are widely varied, representing the racial breakdown of the country almost perfectly. Those that are engaged in the public outcry but are not directly affected by the recognized public issue are likely to be engaging in social solidarity. Social solidarity refers to the ties in a society that bind individuals as one group. Г‰mile Durkheim defines it as a social cohesion that is based on the dependence individuals on one another (Durkheim 133). Durkheim further classifies solidarity into two types, mechanical and organic. Mechanical solidarity is largely based on social cohesion stemming from the homogeneity of individuals. People form bonds through having similar lifestyles, and those lifestyles are often based on the kinship ties of familial networks. This would be the type of solidarity more likely to be undertaken between members the African American community in this situation. Organic solidarity is generally found in more complex and less homogenous social circles. In this type of solidarity bonds are formed based on interdependence among complementary members of a social circle as opposed to homogeneity. This is the type of solidarity that can be seen most readily among the outraged public as a whole. We see many different demographics represented during these protests. Suburban
  • 20. Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 May 3, 1989) was the first widely known person to have sex reassignment surgery in this case, male to female. She was born George William Jorgensen, Jr., the second child of George William Jorgensen Sr., a carpenter and contractor, and his wife, the former Florence Davis Hansen. She grew up in the Bronx and later described herself as having been a frail, tow headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights and rough and tumble games . She graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in 1945 and shortly thereafter was drafted into the Army. After being discharged from the Army, Jorgensen attended Mohawk College in Utica, New York, the Progressive School of... Show more content on ... By the end of her career, however, Lilly was earning less than any of the men in the same position. Although she signed a contract with her employer that she would not discuss pay rates, just before Ledbetter s retirement an anonymous individual slipped a note into her mailbox listing the salaries of the men performing the same job. In spite of the fact that Ledbetter had received a Top Performance Award from the company, she discovered that she had been paid considerably less than her male counterparts. Ledbetter filed a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and later initiated a lawsuit alleging pay discrimination. After filing her complaint with the EEOC, Ledbetter, then in her 60s, was reassigned to such duties as lifting heavy tires. The formal lawsuit claimed pay discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Although a jury initially awarded her compensation, Goodyear appealed the decision to the United States Supreme Court. In 2007 the Supreme Court ruled on the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. case. In a 5 4 decision, the court determined that employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180 days ago or more. Due to the fact that Ledbetter s claim regarding her discriminatory pay was filed outside of that time frame, she was not entitled to receive any
  • 21. Sciatic Nerve Research Paper The sciatic nerve is the one of the largest nerves in the human body. It is the major nerve of the lower limb and its approximately 2 cm wide (Savastrano). The sciatic nerve originates in the nerve roots of L4 S3, which begins in the lower back. The nerve then branches off down to the gluteal region and then down to the lower limb. One of its main functions is supply a pathway that provides a connection to the nervous systemfor all the sensory input that comes from the skin and muscles of the leg. The sciatic nervecomes from a formation of nerves called the lumbosacral plexus. This formation of nerves is made of anterior divisions of the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerves. As the nerve travels down to the pelvic area it divides into two nerve branches the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve. When patients under going a hip... Show more content on ... These complications can cause nerve paralysis, which is treated by the removal of fragments of substance form the surgical procedure. To get the nerve to regenerate from the damage suffered during surgery doctors can place oxidized regenerated cellulose around the nerve (Ikeda). There is a need to find other ways to increase the regeneration capabilities of the sciatic nerves. Injuries to the sciatic nerve can cause complete or incomplete los of motor, sensory and autonomic function due to degeneration (Sun Zhao). Nerve growth factor (NGF) is essential for the stimulation of peripheral nerve regeneration. More specifically NGF is a neuropeptide that function to regulate growth, maintenance and proliferation of neurons. These factors all led to the to NGF helping with the repair of injured nerves. When NGF is given to patients in a solution the solution is rapidly diffused and not able to be absorbed by the damaged nerves for an adequate amount of time. In order to get NGF to be retained longer in the nerve researchers hope to develop a way
  • 22. Jeffrey Dahmer Psychopath Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer; a Psychopath Psychopathy as a mental disorder or construct, although not included in the presently valid classification systems, is gradually fascinating the experts and investigators involved in the field of mental health. Curiosity in psychopathy has mainly grown after the declaration of the new classification system DSM V in which psychopathy is mentioned as a clear diagnosis in the context of six new personality illnesses. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer: Jeffrey Dahmer a psychopathic personality, also recognized as the Milwaukee Cannibal was born on 21st of May 1960 and died on 28th of November 1994. He was an American sex offender and serial killer. Through the late eighties and early nineties, Dahmer killed over a dozen
  • 23. The Importance Of Censorship Of Music Music is a form of art. An art that has been around ever since the beginning of time. It is arguably considered to be the universal language of this world. Music is what connects the hearts and feelings of one another regardless of race, color, and religious backgrounds. Art is used to express oneself. It also has the power to motivate and influence others. Throughout the years, music has evolved and transformed in many ways. However, there are restrictions in today s music, otherwise known as, censorships. There is a large crisis occurring regarding these censorships. This argument consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the continuation of the censorshipof music, and two, eliminating the status quo of censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments regarding the issues of censorship since 1927 when the U.S. Congress passed the Radio Act (The History). The time has come for the censored in today s music to be disable. The government should release their grip on the censorship of music for the following reasons: censorship restricts an artist s ability to convey his or her message toward the listeners, it limits an artist s capacity for creativity, and it diminishes the audience s appreciation of the content in the music. First of all, the concept of censorships severely limits an artist s ability to fully express his or herself through the art of music. Musicians typically sing about their values and issues. For this reason,
  • 24. Working At Texas State Health Center This report is a compilation of our conversation with Karen Gordon Sosby, associate director at the Texas State University Student Health Center made for an interview report. Ms. Karan has been working at Texas state health center for 23 years. She started her career with a public health degree in healtheducation and a business degree in accounting and later moved to administration. Interestingly she has been working at a single place from the start of her health administration career; she made a remark on the disadvantage the younger generations most often face by being too quick in leaving an organization. She said that organizations would like to hire those who are interested in staying with them for long, also she shared her own situation of how there are less chances that someone could fill her position with the same kind of experience and knowledge of needs of the university. Knowledge and Skills Needed for Effective Leadership Karan opinionated that knowledge content alone is not enough for health administrators and communication skills, soft skills and people skills are a necessity. She discussed on how health administrators are expected to work on many Human resources aspects such as employee s demands, employee employer conflicts, swift action in meeting their needs and keeping organization needs intact. She said that the most important of communication skills is dealing with patients while getting the news across without hurting their emotion.
  • 25. Does Prayer Before An Athletic Competition Affect The... Question: Does prayer before an athletic competition affect the overall performance of the athlete? Introduction In today s society prayer has been a pivotal part of many athletes lives. The rituals before a competition can often make or break a quality performance for that athlete. While interning with Fordham University Athletics, I had the opportunity to interact with an array of athletes. Watching these different athletes participate in their pre game rituals has sparked my interest in this research topic. Does prayer before an athletic competition affect the overall performance of the athlete? In this study, I attempt to investigate the relationship between religion and prayer and an athletic competitor. Does prayer result in an ... Show more content on ... In researching this topic, one very significant academic work, The Use of Prayer in Sport: Implications for Sport Psychology Consulting by Nick J. Watson and Daniel R. Czech (2005) explores the new found importance of religion and spirituality in sports, and how the public interprets and observes an athletes religious rituals. As both Watson and Czech (2005) are sport psychologists, their research examines the importance of religion, its effect on an athlete s psychological state, as well as the affect it has on athlete s overall performance in competition. Watson and Czech (2005) first define religion and spirituality so as the reader can fully understand what the author s writing and research findings mean. The terms religion, spirituality, and prayer, can have different meanings amongst different cultures, so it is important the reader has concrete definitions in mind prior to reading the article. The authors define religion as . . . a system of beliefs in divine or superhuman power, and practices of worship or other rituals directed toward such a power (p.2). This for example is Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. The definition of spirituality is much broader and can be defined from a religious or humanist perspective, where personal meaning is derived from whatever people believe to be ultimate, and valued in and of itself (p.2). The focus of their research article is prayer in sport
  • 26. Child Labour And Child Labor One of today s and back then s worst concern is the amount of children currently and previously forced to endure child labour. Child labour affects children mentally and physically, as well as putting children at risk for abuse from employers. Child labour is an everyday task for as many as 280 million children. They work on farms, factories, and in sweatshops for extremely low fees; most have little or no education. Child labouraddresses many issues and thoughts such as, dehumanization, the lack of enforcement of child labour laws which exist in most countries in the world and the social effects of these uneducated children becoming our future. This essay will show what child labour really is and how it has and is affecting our world. Child labor began in the 1900s because many families were in poverty and needed everyone they could in their family working to bring in a slightly larger income. According to the author Irwin Yellowitz Children were useful as laborers because their size allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines where adults couldn t fit, children were easier to manage and control and perhaps most importantly, children could be paid less than adults. As the children worked, they were also not getting an education. In the 1900s, child labor was not an unusual thing. It was actually pretty common and part of the modern economy. People did try and reduce the amount of child laborers; it took a huge stock market collapse to convince the people.
  • 27. The Influence Of Jim Crow Laws Introduction How would you like it if someone called you a cracker or Nigger?The writer s topic is about Jim Crow Laws. How did it affect black s? How did Jim Crow Laws get its name? What were Jim Crow Laws?. Jim Crow Laws were really famous. A Lot of whites wanted them to happen. Jim Crow Laws separated white s and black s. Jim Crow lawshad an influence on history that no one will forget unless they tried their hardest. How did jim crow laws affect black s? Jim Crow Laws were meant to split the blacks and whites up. Blacks could not have professional jobs. Blacks could not get a lot of education. Blacks had to drink out of a dirty water fountain. Blacks had to set at the back of the bus. Blacks were called names such as a Negro.
  • 28. The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest... It is the mainstay of many pieces of classic American literature, especially those that fall into the category of pulp , to have thin, cardboard cutout characters with obvious emotions and intentions for which their only purpose is to drive the story to a predetermined end. The seductive and dangerous femme fatale; codgerly old men; the badgering and nagging housewife, adorned with dress and apron; and etc... These characters, and the many like them, are set into a story to play a specific role namely as a reactor and force the protagonist in some direction. After all, what would a hero do if there was nothing heroic to be done? Sit around? Twiddle their thumbs...? These characters are, in some degree, necessary for the purpose of... Show more content on ... In the story he plays the guide and is an experienced safari goer and hunter. He, as described, is [...]about middle middle height with sandy hair, a stubby mustache, a very red face and extremely cold blue eyes[...] (The Short Happy... Pg. 01) Throughout the story, Wilson is the person we most hear the thoughts of, scattered through the narrative are his opinions and comments, presented mentally, and although minor, lead to important understandings in the story. Wilson, in his experience, has probably learned to keep his own affairs private, and as well, to keep out of others. He does a commendable job of trying to help Francis forget about his blunder against the lion, and remove strain in situations involving both Mr. and Mrs. Macomber. He is a diplomat, though as the story will prove, not a very consistent one. He holds a lukewarm contempt for women, especially American women, whom he deems cruel (and perhaps, once we look at Margot, this is not without merit). He is socially introverted, and as so tries to keep away from the personal affairs of the Macombers, but in the end fails and sleeps with Margot Macomber after her many flirtations and a late night seduction in his tent. Wilson is strikes as a person of regret and self abasement. He seems to truly love what he does, hunting for sport, but is known, as the story tells, to break a few of the tenets of
  • 29. Discussing if Anzac Day Should be Celebrated or Mourned... We have no unknown soldier These are not forgotten men But cousins, uncles, neighbours Who will never laugh again. But they ll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children s children s children Will still march on Anzac Day No, they ll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children s children s children Will still march on Anzac Day. Vic Macdonald 1988 Every year on the 25th of April Australiacomes together to celebrate the bravery and extreme courage of those soldiers who risked and lost their lives while fighting for Australia in Gallipoli. But should it be celebrated? Should we cheer the men that returned when so many were killed and died of disease in the trenches at ... Show more content on ... Every year you still march down that street with that stupid proud expression on your face, you glorify the bloody wastefulness of that day? ? Act 2, Scene 3, The One Day of the Year. Hughie (the son of the war veteran with the controversial ideas about the meaning of Anzac day) mentions about the mistake that cost sixty thousand lives. The Anzacs were expecting to battle on large plains and were trained to do so. Instead of finding the flat beach they expected, they found they had been landed at an incorrect position and faced the steep cliffs of the Turkish Peninsula constantly under fire from above as they strived to entrench themselves at the base of the cliff. They faced a well organised, well armed, large Turkish force determined to defend their country. Every year on the 25th of April Australia commemorates this mistake. It is remembered like it was a victory but to many it is viewed as a waste of good men, young and old who died, sacrificing everything for there country. The Soldiers who fought for their countries should in some people?s opinion be viewed as heroes. They risked their life for the freedom of their country. Some believe that the battle at Gallipoli was not Australia?s war and that we were invading someone else?s countries for another countries cause. But what bravery the young soldiers showed to do so. To represent their country and fight in a battle against seemingly impossible odds, and die, and lose
  • 30. Automatic Street Light System Automatic Street Light Control System Using LDR and IC555 Timer Hafiz Saad Khaliq(11TC03)1, Mohammad Hunain Khan(11TC41)2, Syed Zulfiqar Haider Bukhari(11TC51)3, Syed Noor ul Hassan Bukhari(11TC63)4, Ahmad Faheem Alam(11TC10)5,Javed Iqbal(11TC20)6 Department of Telecommunication Engineering, University College of Engineering Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. engr.sadi03@gmail.com1, engr.hunain@gmail.com2 , szhb92@gmail.com3, syednoorulhassanbukhari@gmail.com4, Faheemalam2012@gmail.com5, engr.shahid333@gmail.com6 Abstract This project Automatic Street Light Control System aims at designing and executing the advanced development in embedded systems for energy saving of street lights by using light dependent ... Show more content on ... Here, we will implement this project by using 555 timers IC. Other basic components which we used are power supply, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), Relay and Light emitting diodes (LEDs) which we are using in place of a light bulb. A. 555 Timer IC The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package. The IC was designed in 1971 by Hans R. Camenzind under contract to Signetics, which was later acquired by Philips. Depending on the manufacturer, the standard 555 package includes 25 transistors, 2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8 pin mini dual inline package. Variants available include the 556 (a 14 pin DIP I. INTRODUCTION treet lighting provides a safe night time environment for all road users including pedestrians. Research indicates that night time vehicular accidents are significantly reduced by provision of street lighting. It also helps to reduce the fear of crime, and encourages social inclusion by providing an environment in which people feel they can walk in hours of S combining two 555s on one chip), and the two 558 559s (both a 16 pin DIP combining four slightly modified 555s with Discharge Threshold connected
  • 31. Summary Of Autumn Poem That life flows on and the operation in the natural order continues is stressed here. The fame of poppies that drowses the harvester and the twined flowers that offer a resistance to the say the cause a brief pause in time. This eagerness to prolong the moment of happiness the ode stanza, extended to eleven lines, is give en a more prolonged effect and is also shared by autumnwho watches the last oozing hours by hours she is in time and bears the full load of agony inherent in process, but she is also above time watching the ceaseless and yet unhurried movement on the temporal plane. The first stanza is set in the morning hours, the second stanza is set in the drowsy midday and the sun s diurnal course is completed in the final stanza. The last two lines of second stanza convey the audible juicy noise of the sibilants which is very strong one and is presented not simply with a visual image of the last oozing, but an audible one also. At the same when this celebration of joys of autumn is taking place, we find in the ode indirect images of ageing. The sun is maturing it is growing older, and so is autumn itself, as in the close bosom friend of sun only. There is an ambivalent note in the phase set budding more and still more apparent in the phrase, reference to the bees until they think warm days will never cease. For summer has over brimmid their clammy cells . The last verse moves to a different kind of conclusion and it arises more organically from the
  • 32. Cultural Economies Of The World When examining different cultural economies of the world, one would find that there are a multitude of emerging economies in all areas of the world. One of these emerging markets can be found in the Eurasian country of Turkey. Through an analysis of their government, current economic state, their geographic location and other similar traits of Turkey s culture, we are better able to understand where this growth in the economy has stemmed from and how it can continue to improve within time. In looking at Turkey s government, it is made apparent the similarities that it shares with the United States. As a democratic nation, Turkey hold both a constitution through which they abide by as well as the same three branch of the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. Within the Executive branch of their government, houses the President who is elected by the Grand National Assembly members, of the legislative branch, by popular vote. Turkey also has its own Prime Minister and Council of Ministries. Known as a Republican Parliamentary Democracy, it is apparent the Turkish government contains a mixture of many well developed countries governmental ideals like that of the United Kingdom, United States, and France. Due to their location and labor force, Turkey has seen a steady rise in their economy in the last 7 years, nearing around 2% per year, with an increase in labor and employment soaring as well. For being seen as a developing economy, it seems that Turkey is on a lot of the
  • 33. Algorithmic Game Theory Essay In algorithmic game theory, it is easy to find the Nash equilibrium if one can derive the default strategies of each player from the instructions/parameters of the algorithm. It is also not particularly hard to find the optimal solution to an algorithm either. In algorithmic mechanism design, it would be the goal of the algorithm designer to fashion the algorithm in such a way that causes the Nash equilibriumto be the same as the Pareto optimal (or at least close to optimal) result. This would mean that it would be impossible to make any player better off in the game without hurting another player at the same time (optimal), while it also being impossible for any one player to improve their situation by altering only their strategy (Nash equilibrium). It is the goal to make these two circumstances exist simultaneously. Next I will discuss my favorite topic regarding algorithmic game theory; the price of anarchy. I have to admit that the reasons this topic is my favorite are rather ridiculous; the name sounds really cool, and I like that the concept is also used in economics. Anyhow, the price of anarchy is a concept that measures how the efficiency of a system is ruined by the participants self centered actions. (Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou, 1999) Essentially, this is the result of an inefficient set of equilibrium outputs. If a system is not designed with the users motives in mind, the system is often ruined by participants who are strategically trying to benefit
  • 34. Restless Mind Spending Body Analysis Section 1: Name: Maha Naim Email Address: Phone Number: 954 651 5737 Student ID: 23284219 Course Instructor: James Jakubow Date: November 19, 2014 Section 2: Title of Article: Restless Mind, Restless Body Author(s): Paul Seli, Jonathan S. A. Carriere, David R. Thomson, James Allan Cheyne, Kaylena A. Ehgoetz Martens, and Daniel Smilek Title of Journal: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition Volume: 40 Page: 660 668 Year: 2014 Section 3: Introduction: This experiment is primarily focused on how the mind focuses on content with other factors playing during the encoding of it. The full maintenance of a task and measure of mind wandering was recorded to take note of how the brain is able to multiple tasks at once. A correlation is attempting to be made between mental restlessness and behavior. Things such as fidgeting and daydreaming are trying to be linked together for a better understanding of motor and mental behavior. Method: ... Show more content on ... This would then be correlated to recordings of any motor behavior exhibited by the subject. The probes would be based off of a scale which would show levels from one to five, the higher the number, the less focused the subject was on the task presented. This would also be further supported by the observance of any fidgeting in relation to the mind wandering further and further away from the current
  • 35. Persuasive Essay On Autism Autism. To some people it can be just a word, or a disorder. What Autism means to me, is being able to be closer to my little brother. My 7 year old brother has Autism and that doesn t define him as a human being, his capabilities defines who he is. He is the reason why I am where I am today, a paraeducator that thrives to help kids in need. Being a paraeducator, our job is to help our students become more independent to prepare them for the real world after school. In order to get a student to be an independent person, is to use strategies. A few strategies I would use is how to properly use fidgets, what the social norm is and ways to improve, and the four questions for a structured task. Fidgets are a great way to keep children calm and collected, but in order for them to work, there needs to be expectations. For me as an adult, I can get a little antsy if I sit for a long period of time to what do I do? I just grab my phone out and mess around on it. In a school setting that cannot happen. Some different alternatives could be a stress ball, fidget cube, bag of marbles, or tangles, etc. Some expectations for the fidgets can be: keep it somewhere where it won t be a distraction, use it nicely and properly, and if it gets in the way of work, then it gets taken away. If expectations get set, fidgets can be a great way to keep your student focused and not get over stimulated while getting their work done. In today s world, we are lacking in social skills, as the technology increases, our social skills decrease. As our children grow up and develop, so does the technology, the kids get stuck behind those screens and tend to forget there are people on the other side of them and that they have feelings. One huge area kids and even adults need to work on is eye contact. When I was in grade school my teachers would say look at their nose or look above their head. Eye gaze would be a great idea to use with children that do not like making direct eye contact. With eye gazing, the child looks in the general direct of where the person they are talking to is looking at. For example, if the other person is looking at a flag, the child would have to see where the person eyes are pointing to, use that person s body to
  • 36. Red Tailed Hawk Research Paper The Red Tailed Hawk is one of God s amazing creatures. It is a great majestic creature that shows Gods guiding gentle hand in its creation. The bird was made toward the top of the food chain. The hawk is able to spot animals from one hundred feet in the air, and attack and kill small prey such as mice, voles, shrews, moles, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, rabbits, opossums, muskrats, cats, skunks, and bats. These are some of the hawk s prey. This is why it is toward the top of the food chain. These birds most commonly found in North America. It will breed through a wide range from western Alaska and Northern Canada all the way to the west Indies and Panama. The birdis one of the larger birds in its subspecies it weighs about 1.52 3.53 pounds or 690 1600 grams, and measuring 45 65 centimeters or 18 26 Inches in ... Show more content on ... The bird will reach its sexual maturity at the age of 2 years old. The bird is monogamous, which means it mates with a bird for many years or even life. Usually only finding new mates when one of the other mates die. Also while together the mates will defend the same nesting territory for many years. The main threat to the nesting is the Great Horn Owl. The owl begins its mating and nesting before the hawk, so this is why the hawk defends its old nesting. The hawk and owl will destroy both each other s nests and eggs. The owls are unable to build their own nest so they try to steal the hawks. While the birds are mating they will circle around each other shrilling loud shrilling sounds. The males will then begin to do air shows going up high a diving and climbing again. He may during this briefly grab the talons of the females with his. After the air show which can last 10 minutes or longer the birds will then begin some sexual intercourse. Although there is not always the air show before reproducing. This happens usually late winter to early spring. It will happen multiple times a
  • 37. Women In Courtesan Culture Courtesan cultures were found all over the world and some even exist in modern day. There were many striking similarities between them, most of them religious. Many women were offered as a bride to the culture s god and were not able to marry within the community. All of the women were also forced to perform sexual acts starting at a young age. In India, the women in the courtesan culture were known as the Devadasi. These women lived in temples and performed both musically and sexually for priests and men in high castes. The Devadasis were once highly important women within the temples, however their status eventually fell and they were viewed as untouchables. The Devadasi tradition began in the sixth century. Prepubescent girls were offered to deities in Hindu temples to serve society. This offering was used as a replacement for human sacrifice and thought to bring the community blessings from the gods. The goddess they were consecrated to was Yellamma, the goddess of strength and abundance. The women would participate in a marriage ceremony, marrying them to a deity. After this, Devadasis were unable to marry a mortal man. Originally, the girls performed musically for their community through song and dance. Their dance was called Bharatanatyam and would be performed as temple rituals to please the gods which was considered highly regarded. The Devadasi were also welcomed into elite homes to perform whereas low caste drummers and musicians were invited into poor
  • 38. Interview With Pascal Robidas For my interview, I was fortunate enough to get ahold of a man who works for a major local news station known as RDI or Radio Canada. His name, Pascal Robidas, a thirty six year old television news reporter. I met him through my uncle who lives in the same triplex as him. Throughout our fascinating forty five minute long interview, I learnt so much more about his life and job than by reading a book on the subject. Pascal was born in 1980 in Macao, China. At fourteen months old, he was given up for adoption. The family that took him home was the Robidas from Kingsey Falls, Quebec. Kingsey Falls is a town thirty km east of drummondville au centre du QuГ©bec. As of 2011, the population is 2,000 and the most notable thing to come from there is the tissue paper company known as Cascades. Growing up there, he was the only one in his family to be interested in the media of journalism. ... Show more content on ... When there,he noticed several professional television reporters on the other side of the field. Watching them made him realize that that was the field of journalism he wanted to do. His first introduction into television journalism happened by accident in 2007 during a lockout when he was invited to work on the show of a Quebec news icon known as Jean Luc Mongrain at TQS.Only working there for two short years, he still managed to learn as much about his trade as he could, while also working next to one of his idols. The most memorable thing about Mongrain that Pascal remembers was that he was really passionate about his line of work and told it as it was, never sugarcoating anything. Pascale eventually left the station momentarily before it s collapse in September of 2008. From there, he applied, passed the test, and got the job where he has been working at ever since for eight years at Radio Canada as a television
  • 39. History of Egyptian Jewelry Jewels of The Nile: History of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Over thousands of years, jewelry has been worn by many people. Whether to show beauty, wealth or belief there is no era that can compare to the jewels of Ancient Egypt. At the beginning of the kingdom, precious stones and metals were discovered and worn like never seen before. Unfortunately, the remaining Egyptian jewelry that is displayed in Museums today is only a small fraction of what actually existed due to grave robbers. Questions such as how jewelry started, how it was made and worn, what the symbolization of jewelry was and who were the people that wore jewelry in Ancient Egypt will be answered. It is said that Egyptians always had knowledge of metal work but the ... Show more content on ... Within these categories of jewelry there was a variety of different types. An example of different types is earrings. During the second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt earrings were simple hoops but by the New Kingdom, earrings were worn in many different ways such as hoops, dangles, tube and boss earrings and ear studs [2]. Evidence also shows that mummies had stretched earlobes, meaning they would insert ear plugs in their lobe that were a maximum two inches wide [2]. Another type of jewelry that existed was worn in the hair or wigs of woman. They were called rosettes or tubes of gold that were strung in the women s hair. Towards the New Kingdom tubes made of cornelian began to be worn [5]. The most important feature of egyptian jewelry is that it was colorful. Egyptians wore white linen clothing, especially the wealthy, therefore; to accent their white clothing, their jewels were full of colors such as red (red jasper, cornelian), green (green jasper, chrysoprase), purple (amethyst) and blue (lapis lazuli, turquoise) stones. They loved their accessories to look heavy because it showed more wealth. In order to make it look heavy they added metals around their stones. Gold was the metal of choice ____________________________________________________________ __________________ [2] Silverman, David P. Ancient Egypt. (New York; Duncan Baird Publishers Limited, 1997). 227 [5] Bard, Kathryn A.
  • 40. Preferential Option For The Poor And The Vulnerable Summary Preferential Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable Gustavo Gutierrez is a Peruvian theologian that speaks for the rights for the poor and vulnerable. He currently lives in Lima, Peru and is eighty six years old. Gustavo Gutierrez, published a book in 1971 called A Theology of Liberation that teaches, about the renewed realization of Christ s presence among the poor and oppressed (Dean 28 April 2015). In his book, Gutierrez discusses the differences between material poverty, voluntary poverty, and spiritual poverty. When you experience material poverty, you are deprived of the essential items for life or discriminated because of race, gender, or religion. The spiritually poor trust in a God that loves and cares for them. They believe
  • 41. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Writing As a college student, being able to write is an essential skill needed, hence the reason why writing classes are a mandatory requirement for all degrees. Some people, including myself, do not enjoy writing at all; however, writing classes teach you the fundamental principles of the writing process. It allows students to develop and hone their skills as writers, and allows them to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. Personally, taking writingcomposition has taught me multiple things, such as, be able to recognize and learn from my strengths and weaknesses. Throughout this semester of writing composition, I have excelled at quoting and paraphrasing source material, and developing thesis statements, but I struggled with grammar, and writing hooks. When planning my fall semester the one class that I was not looking forward to choosing was my writing composition class. Ever since I can remember English class was always my least favorite class, particularly because I completely disliked writing essays. To me, writing a paperwas and still is the worst thing that I can imagine me having to do since I have always struggled with writing papers. During high school when my teacher would assign a paper, I would always spend at least a week writing my essays, since I continuously get stuck on how to start my paper. It also didn t help that in high school, I was writing about topics that had disinterested me; however, in my current writing class I am given the freedom to write about any topic of my choice, which is great. It makes writing essays less difficult and stressful and even makes me think that maybe writing isn t as bad as I thought. Despite my constant struggles with writing, I think that I possess some strengths, such as being able to quote from a source material. Having this skill allows for me to utilize direct credible sources in order to communicate clear and concise ideas within my paper; It also establishes proper credit to any authors by ensuring that I properly cite them. For example, in my Film Review Synthesis: The Conjuring I wrote a quote that said ideal balance between the power of suggestion and the satisfaction of a good, in your face scare (Chang). ( Film Review Synthesis: The