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• Respiratory diseases, particularly lung infections,
cause most damage in developing countries where,
together with      gastrointestinal infections, they
account for a heavy morbidity and mortality.

•Most   respiratory    illnesses    are  due       to
environmental factors, especially smoking
Aetiological Factors in Respiratory Disease
   Aetiological Factors                      Disease
    Genetic                               Cystic Fibrosis
                                         α 1 – Antitrypsin deficiency
                                          Some types of Asthma
    Smoking                             Lung cancer
                                       Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
                                       Susceptibility to infection

    Air pollution                       Chronic Bronchitis
                                       Susceptibility to infection

   Occupation                           Pneumoconiosis
                                       Lung Cancer

   Infection                           Influenza
                                      Bacterial Pneumonias
Normal Structure and Function

•The respiratory system extends from the nasal orifices to the periphery
of the lung and the surrounding pleural cavity.

• From the nose to the distal bronchi , the mucosa is lined by mainly
pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium with mucus – secreting
goblet cells; this is Respiratory Mucosa .

• The co – ordinated rhythmic breathing of the cilia in the surface of the
respiratory mucosa wafts mucus containing dust particles from the
depths of the lung up to the larynx. From there the mucus can be either
expectorated or swallowed
Histology of the respiratory epithelium:
Anatomy of the respiratory system   With the exception of pharynx, epiglottis
                                     and vocal cards , the respiratory tract is lined by
                                    specialized ciliated mucus-secreting epithelium
• The lungs are divided into lobes; the right lung has three lobes
    ( upper, middle, lower); the left lung has only two lobes ( upper and
lower) . Each lung is formed of ten anatomically defined Bronchopulomnary
Segments. Each segment is supplied by a segmental artery and a branch , but
the veins draining adjacent segments often anastomose before they reach the

• The Lower Respiratory Tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles,
alveolar duct and alveoli. The structure of each portion differs.

• The respiratory tree is designed to transport clean, humidified air into
distal airways and alveoli, where the waste product of metabolism (CO 2 ) is
exchanged for O2 .
Structure and nomenclature of lower respiratory tract
Structure of the Respiratory Tree
  Part of Respiratory Tract           Structure
 Trachea                   Anterior C- shaped plates of
                           cartilage with posterior smooth
                           muscle . Mucous glands
 Bronchi                Discontinuous foci of cartilage with
                        smooth muscle . Mucous gland
Bronchioles              No cartilage or submucosal mucous
                       glands. Clara cells secreting
                       proteinoaceous fluid . Ciliated
 Alveolar Duct          Flat epithelium. No glands. No cilia
Alveoli                   Type I and II pneumocytes
Obstructive VS restrictive Lung Disease
Obstructive Lung Disease             Restrictive Lung Disease

Characterized by limitation of       Characterized by reduced
airflow usually resulting from       expansion of lung parenchyma
partial or complete obstruction at   accompanied by decreased total
any level                            lung capacity
Normal or increased total lung       Decreased total lung capacity and
capacity and forced vital            Forced Vital Capacity(FVC)
Decreased Forced Expiratory          Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) is
Volume(FEV) is the hallmark          normal
Ratio of FEV to FVC is               Ratio of FEV to FVC is near normal
characteristically decreased
Obstructive VS restrictive Lung Disease

Examples of obstructive lung   Examples of restrictive lung
    diseases                        diseases
1. Emphysema                   a.   Chest wall disorders in the
2. Chronic Bronchitis               presence of normal lung:
                                    Severe obesity; Diseases of
3. Bronchiactasis
                                    pleura; Neuromuscular
4. Asthma                           disorders
                               b. Acute or Chronic restrictive
                               (i) Acute restrictive disease :
                                    Acute Respiratory Distress
                                    Syndrome (ARDS)
                               (ii) Chronic restrictive disease:
                                    Pneumoconiosis; Interstitial
                                    Fibrosis ; Sarcoidosis
•The term Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) refers to
a group of conditions that share a major symptom - Dyspnoea -
and are accompanied by chronic or recurrent obstruction to airflow
within the lung.

• The diseases included in COPD are:
               (i) Chronic Bronchitis
               (ii) Bronchiactasis
               (iii) Asthma
               (iv) Emphysema
               (v) Small Airway Disease ( Bronchiolotis)

CLINICAL          ANATOMIC     MAJOR              ETIOLOGY            SIGNS/SYMPTO
TERM              SITE         PATHOLOGIC                             MS
Chronic           Bronchus     Mucous gland       Tobacco Smoke;      Cough; Sputum
Bronchitis                     hyperplasia,       Air Pollutants      production
Bronchiactasis    Bronchus     Airway dilation    Persistent or       Cough; purulent
                               and scarring       severe infections   sputum; Fever

Asthma            Bronchus     Smooth Muscle      Immunologic or      Episodic
                               hyperplasia,       undefined causes    wheezing, Cough,
                               excess mucus,                          Dyspnoea
Emphysema         Acinus       Airspace           Tobacco smoke       Dyspnoea
                               Wall destruction
Small airway      Bronchiole   Inflammatory       Tobacco smoke,      Cough ;
disease                        scarring ;         air pollutants,     Dyspnoea
(Bronchiolotis)                Obliteration       miscellaneous
•Emphysema is a condition of lung characterized by
abnormal permanent enlargement of the airspaces distal to
the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of
their walls, and without obvious fibrosis
•Acinus: Acinus is the part of lung distal to terminal
bronchiole and includes respiratory bronchiole, alveolar
duct and alveoli; a cluster of three to five acini is referred to
as a lobule
•TYPES OF EMPHYSEMA: Emphysema is defined in terms of the
anatomic nature of the lesion, and it can be further classified according
to its anatomic distribution within lobule.
•        Although the term emphysema is sometimes loosely applied to
diverse conditions, there are four major types:
                (i) Centriacinar
                (ii) Panacinar
                (iii) Paraspetal
                (iv) irregular
Classification of Emphysema: Emphysema is classified according to
the pattern of distribution of lesions. These can be correlated with
specific    aetiological factors to some extent, e.g., centrilobular
emphysema and cigarette smoking
TYPES OF               OCCURS                  LOCATION              CAUSE

1. Centri - Acinar     In central or           In upper lobes        Cigarette smoking
  (Centri – Lobular)   proximal part of the    especially apical
                       acini, formed by        segments
2. Pan – Acinar        In acini from           In lower lung lobes   Alpha1- Antitrypsin
(Pan – lobular)        respiratory                                   deficiency
                       bronchiole upto
                       terminal blind
3. Distal – Acinar     In distal part of the   Severe in upper       Adjacent to areas of
(Para – septal)        acini, formed by        half of the lung      fibrosis, scarring or
                       alveolar ducts and      usually adjacent to   atelactasis
                       alveoli                 pleura
4. Irregular           Acini are               Adjacent to areas     Healed
                       irregularly enlarged    of scarring .         inflammatory
                       and destroyed                                 process e.g.,
Bullous Emphysema: This is not a separate category of emphysema.It
refers to the presence of balloon – like foci of emphysema over 10 mm in
diameter. Cases of emphysema with bullae should, where possible, be
classified into one of the four anatomical types. Bullae are prone to
rupture, causing Spontaneous Pneumothorax

•Current hypothesis favours Emphysema                     arising as a
consequence of two critical imbalances:
      (i) Protease- Antiprotease Imbalance
      (ii) Oxidant – Antioxidant Imbalance
1. Protease – Antiprotease Mechanism
        •The protease – Antiprotease theory holds that alveolar wall
destruction results from an imbalance between Proteases ( mainly
Elastase) and Antiprotease .So increased Protease and decreased
Antiprotease or antielastase like α 1 – Antitrypsin leads to Emphysema.
       •The principal antielastase activity in serum and interstitial
   tissue is α 1 – Antitrypsin.
   • The principal cellular Elastase activity is derived from Neutrophils (
other Elastases are formed by macrophages, mast cells, pancreas, and
Protease – Antiprotease mechanism of Emphysema.
- Smoking inhibits Antielastase and favours the recruitment of
  leucocytes and release of Elastase.
2. Oxidant – Antioxidant Imbalance:
Smoking leads to oxidant- antioxident imbalance
Normally lung contains a healthy complement of
                - Superoxide dismutase
                - Glutathione
These antioxidants protects lung from oxidative damage
Tobacco smoke contains abundant reactive oxygen species
 (Free Radicals). ,which deplete antioxidant mechanisms,
 thereby inciting tissue damage
Activated Neutriophils also add to the pool of reactive
 oxygen species
As a result of oxidant injury there is “functional Alpha- 1 –
Antitrypsin deficiency”
Pathogenesis of Emphysema: The protease- Antiprotease imbalance and oxidant –
antioxidant imbalance are additive in their effects and contributes to tissue damage.
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency can be either congenital or “functional” as a
result of oxidative inactivation.
How smoking produces Emphysema?

              Cigarette Smoking

     (i) Nicotine is chemotactic for Neutrophils
     (ii) Release of Cytokines ( IL -8)
   (iii) Release of Free radicals from Cigarette smoke

     (i) Increased Protease (Elastase) activity
   (ii) Decreased α 1 Antitrypsin activity

Morphologic findings of Emphysema

                       Gross Examination:

1.   In Centri- Acinar type: Lungs are pale , less voluminous with
     rounded edges. Affects upper 2/3 of the lungs . May
     demonstrate bullae.

2. In Pan – Acinar type: Lungs are pale , more voluminous with
     rounded edges. Affects lower lung lobes . May obscure heart at
     autopsy .
Emphysema: Gross Examination:
Cut section show dilated air spaces
Bullous Emphysema with large apical andsubpleural bullae
Centrilobular Emphysema: Central areas show marked emphysematous
Bullous Emphysema: This is not a separate category of emphysema.It
refers to the presence of balloon – like foci of emphysema over 10 mm in
diameter. Cases of emphysema with bullae should, where possible, be
classified into one of the four anatomical types. Bullae are prone to
rupture, causing Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Panacinar Emphysema: involving the entire pulmonary architecture
Microscopic findings in Emphysema

 • Microscopic examination is necessary to visualize the abnormal
fenestrations in the walls of the alveoli, the complete destruction of
septal walls, and the distribution of damage within the pulmonary
• Histologically there is thinning and destruction of alveolar

• With advanced disease , adjacent alveoli become confluent,
  creating large airspaces .

•With advance disease of the disease , adjacent alveoli fuse,
producing even larger abnormal airspaces and possibly blebs or

•Often the respiratory bronchioles and vasculature of the lungs are
deformed and compressed by the emphysematous distortion of the
Emphysema : (Microscopic Examination): Loss of alveolar walls.
Remaining air spaces are dilated

• The clinical manifestations of Emphysema do not appear until at least one
third of the functioning pulmonary parenchyma is damaged.
• Mostly occurs in males and cigarette smokers.
•       The common clinical features are:
                - Dyspnoea
                - Cough
                - Wheezing
                - Weight loss
•       Classically the patient is barrel- chested and dyspneic, with
prolonged expiration , and sits forward in a hunched – over position,
attempting to squeeze the air out of the lungs with each expiratory effort.
•Patient have a pinched face and breathe through pursed lips
•Despite of dyspnea the oxygenation is adequate. So these patients are
sometimes called ‘pink puffers’
• The only reliable and consistently present finding on physical
examination is slowing of forced expiration.
•Definition: Chronic Bronchitis is defined as persistent
cough with sputum production for at least 3 months in at
least 2 consecutive years.
• It is very common among habitual smokers and inhabitants
  of smog- laden cities.
• When present for years it may lead to:
         (i) Chronic Obstructive disease
         (ii) Cor pulomanale and heart failure
         (iii) Atypical Metaplasia and Dysplasia of the respiratory
Types of Chronic Bronchitis

1.   Simple Chronic Bronchitis: The productive cough
     raises mucoid sputum but airflow is not obstructed.

2.   Chronic Mucopurulent Bronchitis: The sputum
     contains pus because of secondary infection.

3.   Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis: Some with chronic
     bronchitis may demonstrate hyper responsive
     airways and intermittent episodes of asthma
4.   Chronic Obstructive Bronchitis: A subpopulation of
     bronchitis    patients develops chronic outflow
Pathogenesis of Chronic Bronchitis

Two sets of factors are important in the genesis
of chronic bronchitis:
(i) Chronic irritation by inhaled substances like
cigarette smoking
(ii) Microbiologic infections.
Role of Cigarette Smoking leads in Chronic Bronchitis

                 Cigarette smoking

and hypertrophy           (i) Direct damage to respiratory
of Bronchial mucous                  epithelium
 glands                        (ii) Decreased ciliary action of
                                    airway epithelium
Metplastic formation of
mucin- secreting goblet               Increased predisposition
cells in the surface epithelium         to infections
of bronchi

Excessive mucus production

Air way obstruction
Morphologic Changes in Chronic Bronchitis

Gross Changes: There may be hyperemia, swelling and bogginess of
the mucous membranes, frequently accompanied by excessive
mucinous to mucopurulent secretions      layering the epithelial
surfaces. Sometimes heavy casts of secretions and pus fill the
bronchi and bronchioles.
Microscopic Findings:
• The characteristic histologic feature of chronic bronchitis is
enlargement of the mucus – secreting glands of the trachea and
bronchi .
• Number of goblet cells also increase.
• Increased Reid index: Reid index is the ratio of the thickness of
the mucous gland layer to the thickness of the wall between the
epithelium and the cartilage.
• The bronchial epithelium may exhibit squamous metaplasia and
dysplasia. This can , eventually, lead to Carcinoma
•There is marked narrowing of bronchioles caused by goblet cell
metaplasia, mucous plugging, inflammation and fibrosis.
Chronic Bronchitis: the lumen of the bronchus is above. Note the marked
thickening of the mucus gland layer ( approximately twice normal) and
 squamous metaplasia of lung epithelium
Clinical Course of Chronic Bronchitis

Mostly affected men in the 40 -65 years of age group.

Productive Cough: In patients with chronic bronchitis , a prominent cough
and the production of sputum may persist indefinitely without ventilatory

Some patients develop significant COPD with outflow obstruction .This is
accompanied by hypercapnia, hypoxemia and cyanosis

Differentiation of this form of COPD from that caused by emphysema can
 be made in classic case, but many patients can have both conditions

With progression, chronic bronchitis is complicated by pulmonary
hyper secretion and cardiac failure

Recurrent infections and respiratory failure are common threats
Radiological findings in Chronic Bronchitis
Emphysema Vs Chronic Bronchitis

                       Chronic                          Emphysema
AGE ((years)           40 -45                           50 -75
DYSPNEA                Mild; Late                       Severe; Early
COUGH                  Early; Copious sputum            Late; Scanty sputum

INFECTIONS             Common                           Occasional
RESPIRATORY            Repeated                         Terminal
COR PULOMNALE          Common                           Rare ; Terminal
AIRWAY RESISTENCE      Increased                        Normal or slightly
ELASTIC RECOIL         Normal                           Low
CHEST RADIOGRAPH       Prominent vessels; Large Hyperinflation
APPEARANCE             BLUE BLOATERS(Due                PINK PUFFERS
                       to hypercapnia and hypoxemia )   (Despite of dyspnea the
                                                        oxygenation is adequate)
●Patients of emphysema over ventilate and remain well
oxygenated and therefore are designated as    Pink

● Patients with chronic bronchitis more often have
hypercapnia and severe hypoxemia , so are labeled as

 Blue Bloaters
•Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema
almost always co –exist to some degree
• Causes of death in patients with
1. Respiratory acidosis and coma
2. Right – sided heart failure
3. Massive collapse of lungs secondary to
          Asthma is a chronic relapsing
inflammatory disorder characterized by
hyperactive airways, leading to episodic ,
reversible bronchoconstriction , due to
increased    responsiveness       of    the
traceobnroncgial tree to various stimuli.
Normal bronchiole/
  Asthmatic bronchiole
Two basic types:
A) Extrinsic
       1. Atopic Or Allergic ( dust , pollen, etc)
       2. Occupational (e.g., fumes, cotton, etc)
       3. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilosos(bronchial
          colonization with Aspergillus organisms, followed by
          development of IgG antibodies)
B) Intrinsic ( Idiosyncratic)
       1. Pharmacologic (e.g., aspirin)
       2. Non – Reaginic ( respiratory tract infection)

•Both types can be precipitated by cold, stress and exercise
•Atopic Asthma is the most common
type of asthma , its onset is usually in
the first two decades of life, and it is
commonly associated with other
allergic manifestations in the patient
as well as in other family members.
ADAM33 Gene
A gene expressed by cell types
implicated    in   AIR    WAY
REMODELING seen in Asthma
  “Initiated by Type I Hypersensitivity”
              Inhalation of allergen (antigen)

            Simulation of Type 2 helper T cells

              Production of Cytokines (IL – 2; IL-4; IL -13)

         Sensitization of mast cells BY IL –2
        Production of IgE BY IL -4
         Activation of Eosinophils BY IL –5
       Stimulation of mucus production BY IL -13

                    Second exposure

  Degranulation of mast cells bearing specific IgE molecules

     Release of vasoactive substances from the mast cell
Pathogenesis of extrinsic asthma – continued

    Sensitization of CD 4 + T lymphocytes

        Release of Cytokines (Interleukins; IL)
                   (IL-4;-IL- 5;IL-13)

              Increased Synthesis of IgE

               Mast cells degranulation

   Release of mediators initiating Asthma
           Platelet activating factor
           Mast cell Tryptase
           Eosinophilic & Neutrophilic chemo tactic Factor
Pathogenesis of Asthma: Inhalation of allergen (antigen) causes degranulation of
mast cells bearing specific IgE molecules . Release of vasoactive substances from
the mast cell causes bronchial constriction, oedema, and mucus hypresecretion
       Initiated by non- immune mechanisms to various stimuli

(1) Respiratory tract infections

(2) Cold, Stress, Exercise

(3)    Aspirin (Decreased Prostaglandins                    and
      increased Leukotrines)

All can trigger Bronchoconstriction
Extrinsic Asthma      Intrinsic Asthma

Immune Mechanisms     Non – immune
Family History +      Family History – Negative

Eosinophilia          No Eosinophilia

Serum IgE –elevated   Serum IgE- Normal
                GROSS FEATURES:
1. Lungs are over distended with small areas of atelactasis
2. There is occlusion of bronchi and bronchioles by thick , tenacious
     mucus plugs.
                 MICROSCOPIC FEATURES:
1. Mucus plugs            containing whorls of shed epithelium
     (Cruschmann’s Spirals) , Eosinophils and Charcot- leyden
     Crystels (Diamond shaped crystals composed of proteins)

2. Air Way Remodeling                     Characteristic findings of
     asthma collectively called Air Way Remodeling include:
    a. Thickening of basement membrane of bronchial epithelium
      b. Edema and inflammatory infiltrate in bronchial walls with a
     predominance of Eosinophils and mast cells
   c. An increase in the size of submucosal glands
   d. Hypertrophy of the bronchial muscle cells
Comparison of normal bronchiole with that in a patient with asthma .Note the
 accumulation of mucus in the bronchial lumen resulting from an increase in the
Number of mucus – secreting goblet cells in the mucosa and hypertrophy of
submucosal glands .In addition, there is intense chronic inflammation due to
 recruitment of eosinophils, macrophages and other inflammatory cells. Basement
 membrane underlying the mucosal epithelium is thickened , and there is
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells.

1.   Dyspnoea
2.   Cough
3.   Wheezing
4.   Status Asthamticus: It is severe asthmatic paroxysm that does
     not respond to bronchodilator or corticosteroid therapy and
     persists for days and even weeks
5.   Patient may ultimately develop chronic obstructive pulmonary

1.   Acute severe bronchial asthma
2.   Acute respiratory failure
3.   Pneumothorax
4.   Side effects of medication e.g. long term corticosteroids, Beta –
     agonists and Theophyline
“Bronchiactasis is the permanent
dilation of bronchi and bronchioles
caused by destruction of the muscle and
elastic supporting tissue, resulting form
or associated with chronic necrotizing
It is not a primary disease but rather
secondary to     persisting infection a
obstruction caused by a variety of
condition .
It is manifested clinically by cough,
fever and expectoration of copious
amount of foul – smelling purulent
sputum .
To be considered Bronchiactasis the
dilation should be permanent
1. Bronchial obstruction: Common causes of bronchial
   obstruction which can lead to Bronchiactasis are
   (i) Tumours
   (ii) Foreign bodies
   (iii) Impaction of mucus.
2. Congenital or Hereditary Conditions:
         (i) Cystic Fibrosis: Widespread severe
   bronchoconstriction caused by secretion of abnormally
   viscid mucus.
         (ii) Kartagner Syndrome: Structural abnormalities of
   cilia impair meucocillary clearance in the airway leading to
   persistent infections
(iii)Immundeficency states: Increased susceptibility to
   repeated bacterial infections, that can eventually lead to
   bronchiasctasis .
3. Necrotizing or suppurative pneumonias: Particularly due
   to organisms like Staphylococcus and Klebsialla .
Pathogenesis of Bronchiactasis
Two processes are critical and intertwined in the Pathogenecitty of
        1. Obstruction
        2. Chronic persistent infection
  Either infection can lead to obstruction or obstruction can lead to
infection . Both then can lead to bronchiactasis .
        Bacteria involved in Bronchiactasis
        1. Staphylococci
        2. Streptococci
        3. Pneumococci
        4. Enteric organisms
        5. Anaerobic and microaerophilic organisms
        6. Haemophilus Influenzae
        7. Pseudomonas Aeruguinosa
Bronchial Obstruction: The obstructing lesion causes a lipid or infective
pneumonia in the distal lung and, if unrelieved distal brochiactasis

Gross Examination
*Usually lower lobes are involved ; Bilaterally
*There is dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles ,
 with inflammatory infiltration especially of
neutrophils. The inflammation and associated fibrosis
extend into the adjacent lung tissue. The dilated
Bronchi and bronchioles can appear cylindrical,
 saccular or fusiform..
Microscopic Findings:
 - Acute and chronic inflammatory exudation
 - Desquamation of lining epithelium
 - Extensive areas of necrotizing ulceration
 - Fibrosis                                        Bronchiactasis: Permanent
                                                     dilatation of bronchi
 - Necrosis destroys the bronchial or bronchiolar
    wall and forms a lung abscess.
Bronchiasctasis: Cross section of lung demonstrating dilated bronchi
extending to the pleura

1. Severe persistent cough
2. Expectoration of foul – smelling , sometimes bloody
3. Dyspnea and orthopnea in severe cases
4. A systemic febrile reaction may occur when powerful pathogens
      are present
5. The symptoms are usually episodic
6. In the full blown cases the cough is usually paroxysmal in nature.
7. Such attacks are particularly
                            frequent when the
     patient rises in the morning and the changes in
     position lead to drainage into the bronchi of the collected pools
     of pus.
8. Obstructive ventilatory insufficiency can lead to marked dyspnea
     and cyanosis.
9. Patients may have clubbing     of fingers
- Respiratory tract infections are more frequent than infections of
any other organ
- The account for the largest number of workdays lost in the general
- The vast majority are upper respiratory tract infections caused by
- Bacterial , viral , mycoplasmal and fungal infections of lungs also
account for an enormous amount of morbidity and rank among the
major immediate causes of deaths. The important lung infections
      - Pneumonias
      - Tuberculosis
      - Lung abscess
-Infection of lung parenchyma
-It can be classified as:
1. On the basis of Aetiological agent involved:
  (i) Bacterial: Streptococcus Pneumoniae ; Staph Aureus; etc
  (ii) Viral: Influenza ; Measles
  (iii) Fungal: Cryptococcus; Candida; Aspergillus.
  (iv) Others: Pneumocystis carinii; Mycoplasma ;
2. On the basis of anatomical pattern: (Most widely used
  (i) Bronchopneumonia
  (ii) Lobar pneumonia
3. On the basis of clinical circumstances:
   (i) Primary ( in an otherwise healthy person)
  (ii) Secondary ( With local or systemic defects in defence)
Pneumonias in different clinical settings
            (“ Pneumonia Syndromes”)
1. Community Acquired Acute Pneumonias

2. Community Acquired Atypical Pneumonias

3. Nosocomial Pneumonias

4. Aspiration Pneumonias

5. Chronic Pneumonias

6. Narcotizing Pneumonias and Lung Abscess

7. Pneumonias in immunocompromised
- Patchy consolidation of the lung.
- Centered on bronchioles or bronchi
- Usually in extremes of ages (infancy or old age)
-Usually secondary to some pre- existing
  disease like cancer, cardiac failure, chronic
  renal failure or cerebrovasclar accidents
-Often Bilateral.
-Causative organisms may be low – virulence pathogens, especially
 in an immunocomprised patient, and as such could not cause
 similar disease in a young , healthy individual.
-Typical organisms include
     - Staphylococci
     - Streptococci
     - Haemophilus influenzae
     - Coliform
     - Fungi
BRONCHPNEUMONIA: Patchi area of alveoli filled with
inflammatory cells
BRONCHOPNEUMONIA: Alveolar exudate mainly Neutrophils seen.
Surrounding capillaries are dilated and are filled with red blood cells
- Affect a large part, or the entire lobe
- Relatively uncommon in infancy and old age
- Affects males more than females
- 90% due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Affects otherwise healthy individuals

                              Lobar Pneumonia: Diffuse inflammation
                              affecting the entire lobe.
Strep Pneumococcus
Morphologic Changes in Lobar Pneumonia
A classic example of acute inflammation.
It involves FOUR STAGES:
1st STAGE: STAGE OF CONGESTION: This stage lasts for about 24
hours and represents the outpouring of a protein rich exudate into
alveolar spaces, with venous congestion. The lung is heavy,
oedematous and red
2nd STAGE: STAGE OF RED HEPATIZATION: It last for a few days.
In the alveolar spaces there is massive accumulation of neutrophils
together with macrophages and lymphocytes. Numerous red blood
cells are also extravasated from the capillaries. The lung is red, solid
and airless, with a consistency resembling fresh liver.
3rd STAGE :GREY HEPATIZATION: It lasts a few days and
represents further accumulation of fibrin, with destruction of white
cells and red cells. The lung now is gray brown in colour and solid.
4th STAGE: RESOLUTION: It occurs at about 8 – 10 days in untreated
cases and represents the resorption of exudate and enzymatic
digestion of inflammatory debris, with preservation of underlying
alveolar wall architecture
Red Hepatization: The congested septal
 capillaries and extensive neutrophil
 exudation into alveoli corresponds to early
 red Hepatization,. Fibrin not yet formed

Gray Hepatization: Advanced organizing
pneumonia featuring transformation of exudates
to Fibrinomyxoid masses richly infiltrated by
macrophages and fibroblasts
-The major symptoms of pneumonia are malaise , fever, cough
productive of sputum and chest pain.

- The characteristic radiologic appearance of lobar pneumonia is that
of a radiopaque, usually well – circumscribed lobe, whereas
broncho- pneumonia shows focal opacities.
Cough with greenish or yellow phlegm
Fever with shaking chills
Sharp chest pain
Rapid, shallow breathing
Shortness of breath
Excessive sweating
Clammy skin
Loss of appetite
Excessive fatigue
Confusion in elderly people
Radiological findings in Pneumonia
Lobar Pneumonia            Broncho
Usually Unilateral         Usually Bilateral
Involvement of an entire   Patchy involvement
Uncommon at extreme of More common in infancy
ages                   and old age
95% cases are due to       Organisms of less
Strep Pnemococcus          virulence are responsible
Microbiologic association of Pneumonia

1.Pneumonia due to Strep Pneumococcus:
Respond readily to Penicillin treatment but there are
increasing numbers of Penicillin – resistant strains
 of Pneumococci

Commercial Pneumococal vaccines containing
capsular polysaccharides from the common serotypes
 of Pneumococcus are available, and their proven
 efficacy mandates their use in patients at risk for
  the Pneumococal infections
2. Pneumonia due to Haemophilus Influenzae

Both unencapsualated and capsulated forms are important
causes of community - acquired pneumonias.

H. Influenzae is the most common cause of bacterial cause
of acute exacerbation of COPD
2. Pneumonia due to Moraxella Catarrhalis
 It is increasingly being recognized as a cause of pneumonia
  especially in elderly.
3. Pneumonia due to Staph Aureus:
 It is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in
  children and healthy adults following viral respiratory illness
  (e.g., measles in children and influenza in both children and

 It is associated with a high incidence of complications , such
   as lung abscess and empyema

   Staphylococcal pneumonia is also an important cause of
   nosocomial pneumonia
5. Pneumonia due to Klebsialla Pneumonia

It is the most common cause of gram – negative bacterial
  pneumonia .

It frequently afflicts debilitated and malnourished persons
  particularly chronic alcoholics.

Thick and gelatinous sputum is characteristic because
  the organism produces an abundant viscid capsular
  polysaccharide, which the patient may have difficulty
   in coughing up.
6. Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas Aeruguinosa

It is most commonly seen in nosocomial settings

It is also common in patients who are neutropenic, usually
  secondary to chemotherapy ; in patients with extensive burns;
   and in those requiring mechanical ventilation
7. Pneumonia due to Legionella Pneumophilia:
It is the agent of Legionnaire’s Disease ,an eponym for the
 epidemic and sporadic forms of pneumonia caused by this

It flourishes in artificial aquatic environments such as water –
  cooling towers and within the tubing system of domestic
   (portable) supplies.

The mode of transmission is thought to be either inhalation
  of aerosolized organisms or aspiration of contaminated
  drinking water
 Can be severe ; In immunocompromised the fatality rate is
  30% to 50%
              PONTIAC FEVER
  Self limiting upper respiratory tract disease caused by
Legionella , without Pneumonic features
Special Types of Pneumonias

Community – Acquired Atypical Pneumonias

Nosocomial Pneumonias

Aspiration Pneumonias
Community Acquired Atypical Pneumonias

●Unlike “typical” acute pneumonias , atypical Pneumonia is
   characterized by:
      ● Modest amount of sputum
      ● No Physical findings of consolidation of lung
      ● White cell counts normal or moderately increased
      ● May present as a severe upper respiratory tract infection
         or “chest cold” that goes undiagnosed OR may present
        as a fulminant life- threatining infection in
        immunocompromised patients.
      ● Organisms responsible are:
               (i) Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae (most common)
               (ii) Viruses ( most importantly Influenza virus)
               (iii) Chlamydia Pneumoniae
               (iv) Rickettsiae
The term “ATYPICAL” denotes
the moderate amounts of
sputum, absence of physical
findings of consolidation, only
moderate elevation of white
cells count and lack of alveolar
Morphologic findings in Atypical Pneumonias
•The process may be patchy or it may involve whole lobes
 bilaterally or unilaterally.

• Macroscopically the affected areas are red- blue , congested
  and subcrepitant.

• Histologically the inflammatory reaction is largely
confined within the walls of alveoli. The septa are
widened and edematous ; they usually contain a mononuclear
inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes , histiocytes and
occasionally plasma cells.

• In contrast to bacterial pneumonias the alveolar spaces in
 atypical pneumonias are remarkably free of cellular
Viral Pneumonias; The thickened alveolar walls are heavily
infiltrated with mononuclear leucocytes
Clinical course of atypical pneumonia
•The clinical course of atypical pneumonia is extremely varied
• May present as a severe upper respiratory tract infection
 or “chest cold” that goes undiagnosed OR may present as a
 fulminant life- threatining infection in
   immunocompromised patients.
• Most typically the onset is that of an acute, nonspecifically
 febrile illness characterized by fever, headache, , malaise,
  and later cough with minimal sputum.
• Chest radiographs usually reveal transient , ill – defined
 patches , mainly on lower lobes.
• Physically findings are characteristically minimal.
• Prognosis for a uncomplicated is good; generally complete
  recovery is the rule.
Typical Pnuemonia                              Atypical Pnuemonia
Consolidation of lung                          Consolidation is not evident

The major symptoms of pneumonia are            May present as a severe upper
malaise , fever, cough productive of sputum    respiratory tract infection or “chest cold”
and chest pain.                                that goes undiagnosed OR may present
                                                as a fulminant life – threatining
                                               infection in immunocompromised

Copious amount of sputum                       Modest amount of sputum

White cell count is increased; with a          White cell count is usually normal
predominance of Neutrophils

Histology: Inflammatory exudates in alveolar   Histology: the inflammatory infiltrate is
spaces;Predominant cell is neutrophil          largely confined within the walls of
                                               alveoli; Predominant cell is Lymphocyte.

X-Ray: Findings of consolidation               X- Ray: Transient ill – defined patches
Nosocomial Pneumonias OR Hospital Acquired Pneumonias

●Defined as the Pneumonias acquired in the course of a
 hospital stay

● Common in patients with:
   - severe underlying disease,
   - immunosuppresson,
   - prolonged antibiotic therapy,
  - long standing intravascular catheters
  - patients on mechanical ventilation.

● Organisms responsible are:
  - Enterobactericeae
  - Pseudomonas
  - Staph Aureus.
Aspiration Pneumonias

●Occurs in markedly debilitated patients or in those who
aspirate gastric contents

● The resultant pneumonia is partly chemical , owing to the
extremely irritating effects of gastric acid , and partly

● This type of pneumonia is often necrotizing , purses a
fulminant clinical course, and is a frequent cause of death in
patients predisposed to aspiration ; In those who survive ,
abscess is a common complication
Communicable chronic Granulomatous disease
Lung is the commonest site for Tuberculosis
Pulmonary Tuberculosis is the leading cause of
  death globally.
 It has been estimated that a third of world
population has been infected with tuberculosis.
Disease however only occurs in about 10% of
cases of infection, when the balance between
host resistance and the pathogenecity of the
bacteria tips in favours of the pathogenecity.
 airborne infection
   caused by bacillus Mycobacterium
 spreads person to person or through air
 most are infected but do not develop the
  form small black lesions in the lungs
Tuberculosis – Country Pro
•Tuberculosis causes a great deal of ill health and an
 enormous burden on the populations of most low income

• According to prevalence and incidence of tuberculosis,
 Pakistan is on 6th or 7th position in the list of 20 most
effected countries.

• InPakistan there are approximately more than 4 million
 patients of tuberculosis.

• Accordingto a rough estimate, in Pakistan, more
 than sixty thousands patients die every year due
 to tuberculosis
• The economic factors, improper diagnostic facilities, non
affordability of treatment, problem of multidrug resistance
availability of substandard drugs and poor patients
compliance are heading us towards a state of failure in
tuberculosis control and treatment.

• Thisis regrettable since the disease can be easily
diagnosed and highly effective drugs for its treatment
are available
Mycobacterium – Bacterial characteristics

Strict Aerobe

Slender Rods

Are Acid Fast: Have a high complex lipid in their cell wall that readily binds
with Ziehl – Neelsen ( Carbol Fuchsin) stain BUT subsequently stubbornly
resists decolraization by Acid (Sulfuric Acid)

Mycobacterium Hominis is responsible for most cases
Other Mycobacterias:
  - Mycobacterium Bovis
 - Atypical Mycobacterias , i.e., Mycobacterium Avium Intracellularae.
    Important in cases of AIDS and immunocompromised .
Typical example of Type –IV
Transformation of Moncytes into
Epithelioid Cells and Multinucleated
Giant Cells under the influence of
TNF and IFN-γ:
   Antigen presenting cells
secrete IL -12 which in turn acts on
CD-4 + T cells to stimulate the
secretion of IL-2, TNF and IFN-γ .
IL-2 acts on CD-4 cells (autocrine
effect), while TNF and IFN-γ acts on
macrophages, mobilize them and
modify them into epithelioid cells. A
few epithelioid cells get transformed
into multinucleated giant cells.
Types of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
1. Primary tuberculosis

2. Secondary Tuberculosis

3. Milliary Tuberculosis
Primary Tuberculosis
The lungs are usually the initial site of contact
between tubercle bacilli and humans. The focus
of primary infection which is usually
asymptomatic , is called GHON COMPLEX . The
pulmonary lesion is usually about 10 mm in                 Primary TB: produces a small mid –
diameter and consists of a central zone of                 zone lesion with involvement of
                                                           Hilar lymph nodes
caseous necrosis surrounded by palisaded
epithelioid histiocytes, the occasional
Langhan’s Giant Cells, and lymphocytes.
Similar granulomas are seen in lymph nodes that drain affected portion of the lung.
   In almost all cases, a primary lesion will organize, leaving a fibrocalcific nodule in
   the lung, and there will be no clinical sequalae. Hence the Ghon complex undergoes
   fibrosis , often followed by radiologically detectable calcification (   Ranke
   Complex).However, tubercle bacilli may persist as viable organism for years .
   In a few cases , complications ,may occur, especially if the individual is

-Secondary Tuberculosis represents reactivation
 of old primary infection. These lesions are nearly
 always located in the lung apices, sometimes       Secondary TB: The lesions
                                                    are usually apical and often
 bilaterally, and are about 30 mm in diameter       bilateral
 at clinical presentation. Histologically, typical
 granulomas are seen, most having central zone of
 caseous necrosis.Progressino of disease depends on the balance
    between host sensitivity and organism virulence. Most lesions are
    converted to fibrocalcific scars.

Milliary Tuberculosis may be a consequence of
either primary tuberculosis or secondary
tuberculosis in which there is severe             Milliary Tuberculosis: lungs
impairment of host resistance. The disease        and many other organs
                                                  contain numerous small
becomes widely disseminated, resulting in’        granulomas

numerous small granulomas in many
organs. Lesions are commonly found in the lungs, meninges,
kidneys, bone marrow and liver, but no organ is exempt.
The granulomas often contain numerous Mycobacteria , and the
   Mantoux test is frequently negative.
Natural History and Spectrum of Tuberculosis

Primary pulmonary Tuberculosis: Ghon complex. The gray- white parenchymal focus
is under the pleura in the lower part of the upper lobe (topmost arrow) Hilar
lymph nodes with caseation are seen( lower most arrows)
Miliary Tuberculosis of the Spleen: The cut surface shows numerous
gray – white Granulomas
TUBERCULOSIS: (Gross Specimen)
Multiple areas of Caseaous necrosis
 defined granulomas seen. Consisting
 of aggregation of transformed
 macrophages – the Epithelioid cells
 (elongated cells with long pale nuclei and
pink cytoplasm. In addition Langhans type
of Giant cells, Lymphocytes and Fibroblasts
are also seen.
Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) stain: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis seen as
red rods
AFB - Ziehl-Nielson stain
Microscopic Findings in Tuberculosis:
At the active site of involvement, there
 are both non- caseating and caseating
The important findings
 in a case of Tuberculosis are:
1. Central caseation
2. Epithelioid cells derived from
3. Surrounding collar of
  lymphocytes .
4. Enclosing rim of fibroblasts
 ( in old lesions)
5. Langhan’s type of Giant
 cells, with multiple nuclei
 arranged in a horse – shoe
Caseation Necrosis
Tuberculous Granuloma
1.Blood Complete:
     -Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) increased
     - Total Leucocytes Count (TLC) increased in milliary
2. Sputum Examination: Early morning sputum for at least three
       consecutive days is examined. Z.N staning is done and Acid
       Fast Bacilli (AFB) appear as red rods under microscope
3. Chest – X- ray:
    i. Patchy consolidation in the post apical region
    ii. Lung cavitation
    iii. Areas of increased density suggesting caseation
    iv. Scar tissue produce sharp margins and tends to contract
    v. Hilar lymphadenopathy
    vi. Unilateral pleural effusion
   vii. Milliary spread may be evident
4. Sputum Culture: Done on L.J medium . After 4 – 6 weeks grey ,
      rough and raised colonies of Mycobacteria appear
5. Bectec technique: Radioactive techniques are used to detect
      Mycobacteria in a given sample in a shorter period as
      compared to LJ medium
6. Fibrooptic Bronchoscopy: With bronchial washing from affected
      lobe. Useful if no sputum is available
7. Biopsies of Pleura, Lymph nodes, Lung and other tissues:
   It may be required
8. Mantoux Test: 0.1 ml of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) is
      injected intradermally on the flexor aspect of forearm
9. DNA detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): By
      amplification of mycobacterial DNA in clinical samples using
      PCR .
10. Serodiagnosis: By Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
      (ELISA), or Immunofluorescence or Column Chromatography
Colony Morphology – LJ Slant
1.Fever ( low grade, remittent and appear late each afternoon
     and then subside)
2. Night sweats
3. Cough with sputum
4. Haemoptysis
3. Malaise
4. Anorexia
5. Cough, first mucoid, later purulent and bloody sputum
6. Pleuritic chest pain

Systemic manifestations are produced by
  TNF- alpha and IL -1 released from
  activated macrophages.
 ongoing cough
 constantly tired
 loss of weight
 loss of appetite
 fever
 night sweats
 coughing up blood
 has no symptoms           continuous bad cough

 does not feel sick        chest pain
                            coughing up blood or sputum
 cannot spread TB
                            weakness or fatigue
 Usually positive for
skin                        loss of weight and appetite
                            chills, fever, night sweats
                            positive skin test
 has normal chest X-ray
                            may have abnormal chest X-
  and sputum test          ray, or positive sputum smear or
Lung Abscess
     Lung Abscess refers to a localized area of

Suppurative necrosis within the pulmonary

parenchyma , resulting in the formation of one or

more large cavities .
Factors predisposing to Lung Abscess
1. Aspiration of infective material : from carious teeth or
 infected sinuses or tonsils

2. Aspiration of gastric contents , usually accompanied by
   infectious material.

3. As a complication of necrotizing bacterial pneumonia

4. Bronchial Obstruction particularly with Bronchogenic

5. Septic Embolism from septic thrombophelibitis or from
   infective endocarditis of the right side of heart

6. Hematogenous spread of bacteria in disseminated pyogenic
Bacteria responsible for Lung Abscess

Anaerobic Bacteria
Present in almost all cases of lung abscesses.
The most frequently encountered anaerobes are
   commensals normally found in oral cavity:
      - Prevotella
      - Fusobacterium
      - Bacteriodes
      - Peptostreptococcus
Aerobic Bacteria:
      - Staph Aureus
      - Beta hemolytic Streptococcus
      - Nocardia
      - Gram negative organisms
   Lung disease caused by inhaled dusts
   Dusts may be inorganic ( mineral) of organic
   Reaction may be inert, fibrous , allergic or neoplastic
   Co- existing disease may aggravate the reaction

 When exposed to dust the lung can respond in several ways:
  (i) Inert
          -Simple Coal- Worker’s Pneumoconiosis
   (ii) Fibrous:
         -Progressive Massive Fibrosis
         - Asbestosis
         - Silicosis
   (iii) Allergic:
        - Extrinsic Allergic Alveoloitis
   (iv) Neoplastic:
         - Mesothelioma
         - Lung Carcinoma
•For    all Pneumoconioses, regulations limiting worker
exposure have resulted in a decreased incidence of dust-
associated diseases.

•   Although the Pneumoconioses result from well –defined
occupational exposure to specific agents, there are also
deleterious effects of particulate air pollution for the
general population, especially in urban areas.

•    Studies have found increased morbidity (e.g., asthma
incidence) and mortality rates in population exposed to
increased ambient air particulate levels, leading to calls for
greater efforts to reduce the levels of particulates in
urban air

                Coal, a form of combustible carbon, has long been
mined for fuel. In Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis coal dust is
ingested by alveolar macrophages , which then aggregate around
bronchioles .The spectrum of lung findings in coal workers is wide.
Different lung lesions due to Coal can be grouped as:
   1. Anthracosis: Asymptomatic Anthracosis in which pigment
accumulates without a perceptible cellular reaction.
   2. Simple Coal – Worker’s Pneumoconiosis: In this condition
accumulation of macrophages occur with little or no pulmonary
   3. Complicated or Massive Lung Fibrosis: There is extensive lung
fibrosis and lung functions are impaired.

Anthrocosis pigment in the macrophages . Anthracosis is accumulation
of carbon pigment from breathing dirty air. Smokers have the most
pronounced anthracosis
Pneumoconiosis; A possible scheme of the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary
Pathogenesis of Pneumoconiosis: Inhaled particulates usually impact at the bifurcation of terminal
Respiratory bronchioles , where they are engulfed by alveolar macrophages, which are then stimulated
to secrete (1) various fibrogenic factors that recruit fibroblasts and induce collagen synthesis , (2) toxic
factors that initiate lung injury , and (3) proinflammatory factors that recruit additional inflammatory
IGF – Insulin Like Growth Factor; IL- - Interleukins; LTB4 – Leukoterin B4; MIP – Macrophage Inflammatory Factor;
 PDGF – Platelet Derived Growth Factor; TNF –Tumour Necrosis Factor s
It is known that in a group of miners
working at the same pit for the same length of time ,
some will develop massive lung fibrosis and die, while
others develop little respiratory impairment
Coal – worker’s Pneumoconiosis: This
transilluminated thin slice of lung shows
several large black fibrotic nodules
Gross Findings in

  •   Asbestos has been used for its fire-m resistant qualities
for many centuries. It is used for insulation and the
manufacture of brake lining and other friction materials.
       •    Based on epidemiological studies the occupational
       exposure to asbestos is linked to:
(i) Localized fibrous plaques or, rarely diffuse pleural
(ii) Pleural effusions
 (iii) Parenchymal interstitial fibrosis ( Asbestosis)
(iv) Bronchogenic Carcinoma
 (v) Mesothelioma
 (vi) Laryngeal and perhaps other extra pulmonary neoplasms,
       including colon carcinoma
There are two distinct form of Asbestos:
  - Serpentine Chrysotiles – flexible and curled structure
  - Amphiboles – straight stiff form

Both these forms are fibrogenic

Asbestos acts as tumour initiator and promoter

        - Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis
        - Asbestos body: Golden brown, fusiform or beaded rods with a
translucent center. They consist of asbestos fibers coated with an iron –
containing proteinaceous material.
        - Pleural Plaques: these are the most common manifestations of
asbestos exposure ad are well – circumscribed plaques of dense collagen ,
often containing calcium

Malignant Tumours due to Asbestos exposure:
      - Bronchogenic Carcinoma
      - Malignant Mesothelioma
Asbestosis: The fibrous reaction to inhaled asbestos has
 resulted in a ‘honey – comb’ lung
Asbestosis: Markedly thickened visceral pleura covers the lateral and
diaphragmatic surface of lung .Note also severe interstitial fibrosis
diffusely affecting the lower lobe of lung
Asbestosis Body: Revealing the typical beading and knobbed ends (arrow)
Clinical Course of Asbestosis:
The clinical findings are Asbestosis are indistinguishable
  from any other diffuse interstitial disease.

Typically, progressively worsening Dyspnea appears 10 to
 20 years after exposure

The disease may remain static or progress to congestive
 cardiac failure or cor pulmonale and death.

The lung or pleural cancer associated with asbestos has
 a grim prognosis

Silicosis is lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silicon
dioxide (silica).
Currently Silicosis is the most prevalent chronic
occupational disease in the world.
Silicates are abundant in stone and sand. Consequently, any
industrial worker involved in the grinding of stone or sand will be at
risk from silicosis.
In contrast to pure coal dust, silicates are toxic to macrophages ,
leading to their death with release of proteolytic enzymes and the
undigested silica particles. The enzymes cause local tissue
destruction and subsequent fibrosis; the silica particles are ingested
by other particles and cycle repeats itself.
Nodules tend to form in the lungs after many years of exposure.
With progressive fibrosis and increasing numbers of nodules ,
respiratory impairment increases.
Several coalescent collagenous silicotic nodules:
                A Granuloma characterized by tubercle- like lesions
without caseation
                 Not settled, but may be an immnunologicaly
mediated disease caused by an unknown virus
 Site: Multiple lesions affect lungs, skin, lymph nodes, spleen, liver,
bones, eyes, salivary glands
 Microscopic Picture: Small rounded nodules resembling milliary
tubercles , formed of epithelioid cells, giant cells and lymphocytes.
The giant cells are few in number, larger than those of tuberculosis
and contain inclusion bodies, Schaumann bodies and Asteroid
bodies. Schaumann bodies are laminated concretions composed of
calcium and proteins. Asteroid bodies are stellate inclusions.
Caseation is absent. Old lesions heal by fibrosis
Course: Spontaneous regression in most cases. Death may result
from pulmonary fibrosis, nephroclacinosis or intercurrent infection.
    (i) Kvein test : Subcutaneous injection of sterile sarcoid tissue
homogenate is given , it produces granuloma in affected patients.
   (i) Biopsy:
  (iii) Serum levels of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE):
                  Raised in 35 – 40% of patients.
Sarcoidosis: Characteristic Sarcoid noncseating Granuloma
in lung with many Giant cells
- Lung tumours may be primary or secondary. Both are
- In the primary lung tumours following are usually
      (i) Bronchogenic Carcinoma (90 to 95% of tumours)
     (ii) Bronchial carcinoids ( 5%)
     (iii) Mesnchymal and other tumours ( 2 to 5%).
    Most common primary malignant tumour in the
     Directly related to cigarette smoking.
     It accounts for approximately 95% of primary
       lung tumours.
     Associated with occupational exposure to
     Overall 5- year survival rate 4 – 7 %.
     It is a malignant tumour that arises in the lining
     epithelium of major bronchi usually close to the
     hilus of the lung
Morphologic Classification of Bronchogenic

 1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
 2. Small Cell Carcinoma ( including oat cell
 3. Adenocarcinomas
 4. Large Cell Undifferentiated Carcinoma.
Lung Cancers- Bronchogenic carcinomas
  Develops within the wall or epithelia of the
  bronchial tree.
  Epithelial cells that develop abnormal
  chromosomal changes (dyplastic cells) turn
  into cancer and invade deeper tissue.

                        1.TOBACCO SMOKING
- Squamous cell and small cell lung carcinoma are more
common in males because of increased cigarette smoking
- There is 20 times increased risk of lung cancer with 40
cigarettes per day for several years
- About 80% of lung cancers occur in active smokers
- Cigarette smoke contains:
     i. Initiators for carcinogenesis: Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons like         Benzopyrene
    ii. Promoters for carcinogenesis: Phenol derivatives
   iii. Radio – active elements: C – 14 , K - 40
In lung cancer it has been estimated
that 10 to 20 mutations have occurred by
the time the tumour is clinically apparent.

 The dominant oncogenes in Bronchogenic
          - c- myc
          - K –ras
      - Mutation in tumuor suppressor
        gene- p -53
Risk of Lung Cancer in Smokers
Risk of Lung Cancer in Smokers

 Relative Risk for CA of lung






                                     Non Smoker   1 to 10       11 to 20   21 to 30   31 to 40   > 41

                                                            No. of Cigarettes/day
Tobacco Smoke

Squamous Metaplasia of Respiratory Epithelium


           Carcinoma in situ

              Lung Cancer
Adverse effects of smoking:
The more common on the left and the some
what less common on the right
Association between Cigarette smoking and
    Bronchogenic Carcinoma
    Carcinoma Lip
    Carcinoma Tongue
    Carcinoma Floor of Mouth
    Carcinoma Pharynx
    Carcinoma Larynx
    Carcinoma Esophagus
    Carcinoma Urinary bladder
    Carcinoma Pancreas
    Carcinoma Kidney
2. Industrial Hazards
  i. Radiations
 ii. Minors of radioactive ores
 iii. Asbestos
iv. Arsenic
 v. Chromium
vi. Uranium
vii. Nickel
viii. Vinyl chloride
 ix. Mustard gas

       3. Air Pollution
      It also contributes to lung cancer
. Molecular Genetics
- Ultimately different type of exposures thought to act by causing
genetic alterations in lung cells, which accumulate and ultimately
lead to neoplasia
- In lung cancers it is estimated that 10 to 20 genetic mutations have
occurred by the time the tumour is clinically apparent
- There is activation of Oncogenes and inactivation of Tumour
Suppressor Genes.
- The dominant Oncogenes involved are:
    - c- myc
   - K- ras
- The commonly inactivated or deleted gene is p-53

                  1. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA
This is the type of lung cancer most commonly associated with
cigarette smoking. The tumours are almost always hilar and are
thought to arise from squamous metaplasia.
 Microscopically range from well – differentiated squamous cell
tumours showing keratin pearls and inter- cellular bridges to poorly
differentiated tumours having only minimal residual squamous cell
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (30%)
  Obstructive manifestations (nonspecific)
  Nonproductive cough or hemoptysis
  Pain is a late symptom
  Surgical intervention (in the absence of
  LUNG: (Gross Examination)
  Arising centrally in the lung .

In almost all patterns the neoplastic
 tissue is gray- white in colour and
firm to hard in consistency
Squamous cell carcinoma usually begin as central (hilar) masses and
grow contagiously into the peripheral parenchyma .
Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
showing keratinization
SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA: (Microscopic Examination) At the
upper left a cell nest or keratin pearl is seen. At the right tumour
is less well differentiated and several mitotic figures are seen.
SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA LUNG: (Microscopic Examination)
Pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intracellular bridges
characteristic for squamous cell carcinoma seen. Such features are
seen in well differentiated tumour (those that more closely mimic
the cell of origin.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Lung
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution


The precursor lesions of squamous cell carcinoma may antedate the appearance of
invasive tumour by years. Some of the earliest (and “mild”) changes
in smoking - damaged respiratory epithelium include goblet – cell
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution


    Basal Cell or (reserve cell) hyperplasia
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution


           Squamous Metaplasia
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution

More ominous changes include the
appearance of squamous dysplasia
 characterized by :
-The presence of disordered squamous
 - Loss of nuclear polarity,
- Nuclear hyperchromasia,
- Pleomorphism, and
- Mitotic figures

Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution


Carcinoma – in situ (CIS): It is the stage that immediately precedes invasive
squamous cell carcinoma , and apart from the lack of basement membrane
disruption is CIS , the cytological features are similar to those frank carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution


Unless treated the CIS will eventually progress to invasive cancer
             Also known as ‘OAT CELL CARCINOMA’
because the small nuclei are thought to resemble oat
grains. Usually arise in a hilar bronchus.
       Microscopically highly cellular tumour composed
of small cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and indistinct
      The tumour cells are fragile and often show
fragmentation and “Crush Artifacts” in small biopsy
      Close apposition of tumour cells that have scant
cytoplasm show “Nuclear Molding”
Small Cell (Oat cell) Carcinoma (20-25%)
  Ectopic Hormone Production
    Paraneoplastic Syndromes
  Worst prognosis
  Chemotherapy & Radiation
    Temporary remission
Cut surface of the tumour has a soft,
lobulated, white or tan appearance.
The tumour has caused the
obstruction of main bronchus
SMALL CELL CARCINOMA: (Microscopic Examination) Small dark
blue cells with minimal cytoplasm are packed together in sheets
Small cell carcinoma lung with islands of small
deeply basophilic cells and areas of necrosis
- These are usually peripheral
- Microscopic features are:
    i. Neoplastic cells are cuboidal to columnar
   ii. Secrete mucin in 80% of cases
  iii. Form following structures:
         - Papillary
         - Solid and Scirrhous
         - Acinar
  iv. Considered as the most common lung cancer in women
       and non- smokers.
Adenocarcinoma (35-40%)
  Routine chest x-ray
  Pleuritic chest pain
  Shortness of breath
  Unpredictable mets, usually early
     Pulmonary arterial system
     Mediastinal lymph nodes
  Surgical intervention (in the absence of mets)
•The incidence of Adenocarcinoma is increasing and some
studies show it as the most common lung carcinoma in
• The basis for this change is unclear. A possible factor is
the increase in women smoking, but this only highlights our
lack of knowledge about why women tend to develop
• One interesting postulate is that changes in cigarette type
 ( filter tips, low tar and low nicotine) have caused smokers to
inhale more deeply and thereby expose more peripheral
airways and cells ( with a predilection to Adenocarcinoma) to
Adenocarcinomas and anaplastic
large cell carcinoma tend to occur
more peripherally.
Adenocarcinoma lung showing gland formation
Adenocarcinoma Lung
Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution


The evolution of adenocarcinoma of the lung is thought to occur through a
sequence that begins with a small well – demarcated lesion known as Atypical
 Adenomatous Hyperplasia , or AAH ( arrowheads)
Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution


Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia progresses toBronchoalveolar Carcinoma or
BAC (an insitu phase that grows along existing structures and does not demonstrate
stromal invasion)
Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution


In situ carcinoma ultimately culminates into Invasive Adenocarcinoma , with
stromal invasion and parenchymal destruction
- Peripherally forming bulky masses
-Microscopic features:
   i. Composed of Anaplastic cells with large vesicular
  ii. Cells may be:
        - Multinucleated giant cells
       - Clear cells
      - Spindle cells
Large Cell Carcinoma (10-15%)
  Undifferentiated, process of exclusion
  High incidence of mets
  Surgical intervention is palliative
    Obstructive pneumonitis
    Pleural effusions
    Non responsive to radiation or chemo
Large cell carcinoma lung showing pleomorphic, anaplastic tumour
cells and absence of squamous or glandular differentiation

      i. Into lung.
     ii. Into pleura, pleural cavity and intrathrocic structures
     To scalene, clavicular, supraclavicular lymph nodes
     i. Bone
    ii. Brain
   iii. Liver
   iv. Adrenals
NSCLC staging (TNM grouping)
NSCLC staging (TNM grouping)
NSCLC – metastases (M1)

     M0 – No metastasis
     M1 – Metastasis present
  - TX N0 M0
  - No clinical or radiographic evidence of primary tumour
     or of spread , but bronchopulmoanry secretions contains malignant
   - T1 N0 MO / T1 N1 MO
  - Tumour of 3 cm or less
Stage II:
          - T2 N1 M0
   - Tumour greater than 3 cm in diameter invading the pleura with
involvement of ipsilateral hilar nodes but without distant metastasis.
Stage III:
    - T3 N2 M1
    - Any tumour that:
            - invades pleura and adjacent structures(T3)
            - involves contralateral Mediastinal nodes(N2)
            - show distant metastasis (M1)
1.Chronic cough
2. Expectoration
3. Dyspnea
4. Wheezing
5. Weight loss
6. Age incidence: 40 - 70 years ;
   Male to female ratio = 2:1;
   More in cigarette smokers

 “Paraneoplastic syndromes are symptom complexes which can
not be readily explained by local or distant spread of the tumour
or by the elaboration of hormones indigenous to the tissue of
   Bronchogenic Carcinoma is one of the tumours in which
Paraneoplastic syndromes are mostly seen.
Common Paraneoplastic Syndromes seen in
                        Bronchogenic Carcinoma
3 to 10% patients of Bronchogenic Carcinoma develop clinically overt
 Paraneoplastic syndromes. These include:

(1) Hypercalcemia: caused by parathyroid hormone – related peptide

(2) Cushing Syndrome: From increased production of Adrenocorticotropic

(3) Syndrome of Inappropriate Production of Antidiuretic
    Hormone (SIADH):

(4) Neuromuscular Syndromes: including Myasthenia syndrome, peripheral
    neuropathy and polymyositis

(5) Clubbing of fingers and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy

(6) Haematologic manifestations: including migratory thrombophelibitis
    and disseminated intravascular coagulation
Adult Respiratory
              Distress Syndrome(ARDS)
                 (Diffuse Alveolar Damage)
Descriptive terms for a syndrome caused by diffuse alveolar
capillary damage.
ARDS has many synonyms (including adult
 respiratory failure, shock lung, diffuse alveolar damage,
  acute alveolar injury and wet lungs) are
It is characterized clinically by the rapid onset of severe
   life threatining respiratory insufficiency , cyanosis, and
     severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen
      therapy and that may progress to extra pulmonary
     multisystem organ failure.
ARDS is a well – recognized complication of numerous and
diverse conditions ,including both direct injuries to the lung
and systemic disorders
Conditions associated with development of ARDS
Infections: Sepsis*; Diffuse pulmonary infections*;
Gastric aspiration*
Physical injury: Mechanical trauma including head
injuries* ; Pulmonary contusions; Near drawing;
Fractures with fat embolism; Burns; Ionizing
Inhaled Irritants: Oxygen toxicity; Smoke; Irritant
gases and chemicals
Chemical Injury: Heroin or methadone overdose; etc
Haematologic Conditions: Multiple transfusions;
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC).
Cardiopulmoanry Bypass
*More than 50% of cases are associated with these four conditions
Morphological changes in ARDS
- Lungs are heavy, edematous and boggy.
- Lungs exhibit congestion, interstitial and intra-alveolar
edema and inflammation.
- Fibrin deposition
- Alveolar walls become lined with waxy hyaline
membranes .These hyaline membranes are consist of fibrin-
rich edema fluid mixed with cytopaslmic and lipid remnants
of necrotic epithelial cells.
- Fatal cases often have superimposed bronchopneumonia
Diffuse alveolar damage in ARDS: Some of the alveoli are collapsed , others
distended. Many contain diffuse proteinaceous debris, desquamated cells,
and hyaline membranes.
Adult Respiratory          Respiratory Distress
Distress Syndrome          Syndrome in
in Adults                  Neonates
Caused by diffuse damage   Due to deficiency in
to alveoli                 pulmonary surfactant
Pathogenesis of ARDS
-The capillary defect in ARDS is believed to be
produced by an interaction of leukocytes and
mediators , including cytokines, oxygen radicals,
complement and eicosanoids that damage the
endothelium and allows fluid and protein to leak
across it.
Clinical Course of ARDS

-Patients who develop ARDS are usually hospitalized for one of the
predisposing condition and initially they have no pulmonary

- X-ray: Diffuse bilateral infiltrates

- It is characterized clinically by the rapid onset of severe life
threatining respiratory insufficiency , cyanosis , and severe arterial
hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen
- Therapy of ARDS is difficult and this disorder is frequently fatal

Cause and Incidence: The most serious form of thrombembolism is
pulmonary embolism, which may cause sudden death. It has an
incidence of 20 to 25 per 100,000 hospitalized patients
Over 90% of Pulmonary Emboli originate in the deep veins
of the leg (phelebothrombosis). More rarely, thrombi in pelvic
venous plexus are the source.
Pulmonary embolism is common in the following conditions that
predispose to the development of phlebothrombosis:
       (i) Immediate post operative period
       (ii) Immediate post partum period
       (iii) Lengthy immobilization in bed
       (iv)Cardiac Failure
       (v) use of Oral Contraceptives
  The size of the embolus is the factor most influencing the
  clinical effects of pulmonary embolism
1. Massive Emboli: Large emboli (several centimeter long)
   may lodge in the outflow tract of the right ventricle or in the
   main pulmonary artery, where they cause circulatory
   obstruction and Sudden Death .

2. Medium Sized Emboli:            obstruction of medium sized
   arteries may cause Pulmonary Infarct

3. Small Emboli: Small emboli lodge in minor branches of
  pulmonary artery with no immediate effects. In many
  instances, the emboli either fragment soon after lodgment of
  dissolve during fibrinolysis, in which case clinical effects are
  minimal. If numerous small emboli occur over a long period,
  however, the pulmonary microcirculation may be so severely
  compromised that    Pulmonary Hypertension
Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Thromboembolism: The thrombus usually originates from the
deep leg veins and after detachment becomes lodged in the pulmonary artery vasculature,
causing sudden death (if massive), pulmonary infarction ( if small), or Pulmonary
hypertension (if small and multiple)
Saddle pulmonary
• The pulmonary circulation is normally one of low resistance , and
pulmonary blood pressure is only about one eighth of systemic blood
•         Pulmonary hypertension takes place when mean pulmonary
pressure reaches one fourth of systemic level.
•        Normal pulmonary arterial pressure averages 25/10 (mean 15 mm
Hg). If pressure exceeds 30/15 (mean 20 mm Hg) it is called pulmonary
•        Pulmonary Hypertension takes place secondary to structural
cardiopulmonary conditions that increase :
                 - Pulmonary blood flow
                 - Pulmonary pressure
                 - Pulmonary blood flow and pressure, both.
                 - Increased Pulmonary vascular resistance
        - Left heart resistance to blood flow.
Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension

1.   Chronic Obstructive or Interstitial Lung Disease: Patients with
     emphysema have hypoxia as well as destruction of lung parenchyma and
     hence have fewer alveolar capillaries . This causes increased pulmonary
     arterial resistance and secondarily , increased pressure.

2.   Antecedent Congenital or Acquired Heart Disease: Pulmonary
     hypertension occurs in patients with mitral stenosis . In mitral stenosis an
     increase in left atrial pressure leads to an increase in pulmonary venous
     pressure and, consequently , to an increase in pulmonary artery pressure

3.   Recurrent Thromboemboli: Patients with recurrent pulmonary
     emboli may have pulmonary hypertension owing to a reduction in the
     functional cross sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed brought
     about by the obstructing emboli which in turn , leads to an increase in
     pulmonary vascular resistance
Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension

•    Symptoms of underlying disease and right
heart failure are usually prominent .

•     Symptoms directly related to pulmonary
hypertension are:
                -exertional syncope
                - chest pain
                - recurrent hemoptysis.
Diseases of Pleura
•The pleura is composed of connective tissue lined with mesothelial cells
forming two opposing surfaces, the visceral pleura covers the lungs and the
parietal pleura covers the thoracic cage.
1. Accumulation of Fluid in pleural cavity
•        Proteinaceous fluid, blood, lymph or air may form collections.
2. Inflammation
•         Inflammation is common, causing sharp localized chest pain
    ( pleurisy)

•        Pleurisy seen with pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary
infarction, connective tissue diseases, etc.
3. Tumours
• Secondary tumours usually from lung or breast carcinomas .
 • Mesothelioma
Disorders due to collection of fluid and air in the pleural cavities

Disorder              Collection                Causes
Haemothorax           Blood                     Chest injury, ruptured
                                                aortic aneurysm
Hydrothorax           Low protein fluid         Liver failure, cardiac
                      (transudate) ; High       failure, renal failure,
                      protein fluid (Exudate)   tumours,      infection,
Chylothorax           Lymph                     Neoplastic obstruction
                                                of thoracic lymphatics
Pneumothorax          Air                       •Spontaneous
                                                following rupture of
                                                alveolus or bulla in
                                                emphysema              or
                                                •     Traumatic,      eg,
                                                following penetrating
                                                injuries of the chest
Pyothorax             Pus                       Infection
Causes of Pleural Effusion

Exudate:( Protein more than 3 gram/dl)
1. Tuberculosis
2. Malignancy
3. Para pneumonic
4. Pulmonary infarction
5. Connective tissue disorders (SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis)

 Transudate: (Protein less than 3 grams/dl)
1. Congestive Cardiac Failure
2. Hypoproteinemia including Nephrotic Syndrome
3. Meig’s syndrome ( it can be exudate to)
Exudate    VS    Transudate

                      Transudate             Exudate
Appearance            Clear                  Usually cloudy or
Colour                Watery                 Turbid to purulent or
Specific Gravity      Less than 1.016        1.016 or more
Cell Count            Less than 1 X 10 9/l   More than 1 X109/l
DLC                   Lymphocytes and        Neutriophils early but
                      mesothelial cells      lymphocytes later
RBC                   Absent                 Often present
Clot formation        None                   Usual
Glucose               Same as serum          Usually same as serum
                                             or reduced.
Transudate              Exudate
Total Protein   Less than 3 gram/dl     3.0 g/dl or more
pH              More than 7.5           Less than 7.5
Rivolta Test    Negative or faint       Positive
LDH             Normal                  Increased
Pathogenesis    Gradient of serum and   Usually involves
                pleural fluid           inflammation which
                maintained because of   increases the
                intact vascular         permeability of
                endothelium             pulmonary and pleural
                                        vasculature permitting
                                        the passage of fluid
                                        with high protein
Tumours of Pleura

Secondary Tumours of Pleura
-From Lungs
-From Breast
- From Ovaries
- Malignancies from any organ can metastasize to pleura

Primary Tumours of Pleura
- Benign Mesothelioma
-Malignant Mesothelioma
Benign Mesothelioma

•A localized growth that is often attached to the pleural surface
by a pedicle.
• Tumour may be a small or may reach enormous size.
• Usually do not produce pleural effusion
• Grossly consist of dense fibrous tissue with occasional cysts filled
with viscid fluid
• Microscopically the tumour show whorls of reticulin and
collagen fibers along with interspersed spindle cells resembling
• Benign Mesothelioma has no relationship with Asbestos
Malignant Mesothelioma

• Uncommon , but have assumed great importance because of
their association with Asbestos.
• In coastal areas with shipping industries and in South African
mine areas upto 90% of malignant Mesothelioma are associated
with Asbestos.
• A diffuse lesion that spreads widely in the pleural space.
Associated with extensive pleural effusion.
• The effected lung is ensheathed by a thick layer of soft gelatinous
grayish pink tumour tissue.
• Microscopically the malignant Mesothelioma has two
       1. Sarcomatoid Type:
              Mesothelial cells tend to develop as a
mesenchymal mass.
        Microscopically appear as a spindle cell sarcoma

   2. Epithelial Type:
                Microscopically cells appear like epithelium lining
cells. It consists of cuboidal, columnar or flattened cells forming
a tubular or papillary structure, resembling Adenocarcinoma
Pleural Mesothelioma: The tumour envelops
the lung
Malignant Mesothelioma, epithelial type: The tumor cells are immunoperoxidase
positive for keratin, as shown (brown), but would be carcinoembryonic antigen
Respiratory system
Respiratory system
Respiratory system
Respiratory system
Respiratory system
Respiratory system

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Respiratory system

  • 1.
  • 3. • Respiratory diseases, particularly lung infections, cause most damage in developing countries where, together with gastrointestinal infections, they account for a heavy morbidity and mortality. •Most respiratory illnesses are due to environmental factors, especially smoking
  • 4. Aetiological Factors in Respiratory Disease ___________________________________________________________________________ Aetiological Factors Disease ___________________________________________________________________________ Genetic Cystic Fibrosis α 1 – Antitrypsin deficiency Some types of Asthma ___________________________________________________________________________ Environmental Smoking Lung cancer Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema Susceptibility to infection Air pollution Chronic Bronchitis Susceptibility to infection Occupation Pneumoconiosis Asbestosis Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Infection Influenza Measles Bacterial Pneumonias Tuberculosis ___________________________________________________________________________
  • 5. Normal Structure and Function •The respiratory system extends from the nasal orifices to the periphery of the lung and the surrounding pleural cavity. • From the nose to the distal bronchi , the mucosa is lined by mainly pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium with mucus – secreting goblet cells; this is Respiratory Mucosa . • The co – ordinated rhythmic breathing of the cilia in the surface of the respiratory mucosa wafts mucus containing dust particles from the depths of the lung up to the larynx. From there the mucus can be either expectorated or swallowed
  • 6. Histology of the respiratory epithelium: Anatomy of the respiratory system With the exception of pharynx, epiglottis and vocal cards , the respiratory tract is lined by specialized ciliated mucus-secreting epithelium
  • 7. • The lungs are divided into lobes; the right lung has three lobes ( upper, middle, lower); the left lung has only two lobes ( upper and lower) . Each lung is formed of ten anatomically defined Bronchopulomnary Segments. Each segment is supplied by a segmental artery and a branch , but the veins draining adjacent segments often anastomose before they reach the hilum. • The Lower Respiratory Tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar duct and alveoli. The structure of each portion differs. • The respiratory tree is designed to transport clean, humidified air into distal airways and alveoli, where the waste product of metabolism (CO 2 ) is exchanged for O2 .
  • 8. Structure and nomenclature of lower respiratory tract
  • 9. Structure of the Respiratory Tree _________________________________________________ Part of Respiratory Tract Structure _________________________________________________ Trachea Anterior C- shaped plates of cartilage with posterior smooth muscle . Mucous glands _____________________________________________________________ Bronchi Discontinuous foci of cartilage with smooth muscle . Mucous gland _____________________________________________________________ Bronchioles No cartilage or submucosal mucous glands. Clara cells secreting proteinoaceous fluid . Ciliated epithelium. _____________________________________________________________ Alveolar Duct Flat epithelium. No glands. No cilia _____________________________________________________________ Alveoli Type I and II pneumocytes _____________________________________________________________
  • 10. Obstructive Vs Restrictive Lung Diseases
  • 11. Obstructive VS restrictive Lung Disease Obstructive Lung Disease Restrictive Lung Disease Characterized by limitation of Characterized by reduced airflow usually resulting from expansion of lung parenchyma partial or complete obstruction at accompanied by decreased total any level lung capacity Normal or increased total lung Decreased total lung capacity and capacity and forced vital Forced Vital Capacity(FVC) capacity(FVC) Decreased Forced Expiratory Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) is Volume(FEV) is the hallmark normal Ratio of FEV to FVC is Ratio of FEV to FVC is near normal characteristically decreased
  • 12. Obstructive VS restrictive Lung Disease Examples of obstructive lung Examples of restrictive lung diseases diseases 1. Emphysema a. Chest wall disorders in the 2. Chronic Bronchitis presence of normal lung: Severe obesity; Diseases of 3. Bronchiactasis pleura; Neuromuscular 4. Asthma disorders b. Acute or Chronic restrictive diseases (i) Acute restrictive disease : Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (ii) Chronic restrictive disease: Pneumoconiosis; Interstitial Fibrosis ; Sarcoidosis
  • 13. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE •The term Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) refers to a group of conditions that share a major symptom - Dyspnoea - and are accompanied by chronic or recurrent obstruction to airflow within the lung. • The diseases included in COPD are: (i) Chronic Bronchitis (ii) Bronchiactasis (iii) Asthma (iv) Emphysema (v) Small Airway Disease ( Bronchiolotis)
  • 14. DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION : THE SPECTRUM OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE CLINICAL ANATOMIC MAJOR ETIOLOGY SIGNS/SYMPTO TERM SITE PATHOLOGIC MS CHANGES Chronic Bronchus Mucous gland Tobacco Smoke; Cough; Sputum Bronchitis hyperplasia, Air Pollutants production hypersecretion Bronchiactasis Bronchus Airway dilation Persistent or Cough; purulent and scarring severe infections sputum; Fever Asthma Bronchus Smooth Muscle Immunologic or Episodic hyperplasia, undefined causes wheezing, Cough, excess mucus, Dyspnoea Inflammation Emphysema Acinus Airspace Tobacco smoke Dyspnoea enlargement; Wall destruction Small airway Bronchiole Inflammatory Tobacco smoke, Cough ; disease scarring ; air pollutants, Dyspnoea (Bronchiolotis) Obliteration miscellaneous
  • 15. EMPHYSEMA •Emphysema is a condition of lung characterized by abnormal permanent enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of their walls, and without obvious fibrosis •Acinus: Acinus is the part of lung distal to terminal bronchiole and includes respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct and alveoli; a cluster of three to five acini is referred to as a lobule •TYPES OF EMPHYSEMA: Emphysema is defined in terms of the anatomic nature of the lesion, and it can be further classified according to its anatomic distribution within lobule. • Although the term emphysema is sometimes loosely applied to diverse conditions, there are four major types: (i) Centriacinar (ii) Panacinar (iii) Paraspetal (iv) irregular
  • 16.
  • 17. Classification of Emphysema: Emphysema is classified according to the pattern of distribution of lesions. These can be correlated with specific aetiological factors to some extent, e.g., centrilobular emphysema and cigarette smoking
  • 18. TYPES OF OCCURS LOCATION CAUSE EMPHYSEMA 1. Centri - Acinar In central or In upper lobes Cigarette smoking (Centri – Lobular) proximal part of the especially apical acini, formed by segments respiratory bronchiole 2. Pan – Acinar In acini from In lower lung lobes Alpha1- Antitrypsin (Pan – lobular) respiratory deficiency bronchiole upto terminal blind alveoli 3. Distal – Acinar In distal part of the Severe in upper Adjacent to areas of (Para – septal) acini, formed by half of the lung fibrosis, scarring or alveolar ducts and usually adjacent to atelactasis alveoli pleura 4. Irregular Acini are Adjacent to areas Healed irregularly enlarged of scarring . inflammatory and destroyed process e.g., Tuberculosis
  • 19. Bullous Emphysema: This is not a separate category of emphysema.It refers to the presence of balloon – like foci of emphysema over 10 mm in diameter. Cases of emphysema with bullae should, where possible, be classified into one of the four anatomical types. Bullae are prone to rupture, causing Spontaneous Pneumothorax
  • 20. PATHOGENESIS OF EMPHYSEMA •Current hypothesis favours Emphysema arising as a consequence of two critical imbalances: (i) Protease- Antiprotease Imbalance (ii) Oxidant – Antioxidant Imbalance 1. Protease – Antiprotease Mechanism •The protease – Antiprotease theory holds that alveolar wall destruction results from an imbalance between Proteases ( mainly Elastase) and Antiprotease .So increased Protease and decreased Antiprotease or antielastase like α 1 – Antitrypsin leads to Emphysema. •The principal antielastase activity in serum and interstitial tissue is α 1 – Antitrypsin. • The principal cellular Elastase activity is derived from Neutrophils ( other Elastases are formed by macrophages, mast cells, pancreas, and bacteria)
  • 21. Protease – Antiprotease mechanism of Emphysema. - Smoking inhibits Antielastase and favours the recruitment of leucocytes and release of Elastase.
  • 22. 2. Oxidant – Antioxidant Imbalance: Smoking leads to oxidant- antioxident imbalance Normally lung contains a healthy complement of Antioxidants: - Superoxide dismutase - Glutathione These antioxidants protects lung from oxidative damage Tobacco smoke contains abundant reactive oxygen species (Free Radicals). ,which deplete antioxidant mechanisms, thereby inciting tissue damage Activated Neutriophils also add to the pool of reactive oxygen species As a result of oxidant injury there is “functional Alpha- 1 – Antitrypsin deficiency”
  • 23. Pathogenesis of Emphysema: The protease- Antiprotease imbalance and oxidant – antioxidant imbalance are additive in their effects and contributes to tissue damage. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency can be either congenital or “functional” as a result of oxidative inactivation.
  • 24. How smoking produces Emphysema? Cigarette Smoking (i) Nicotine is chemotactic for Neutrophils (ii) Release of Cytokines ( IL -8) (iii) Release of Free radicals from Cigarette smoke (i) Increased Protease (Elastase) activity (ii) Decreased α 1 Antitrypsin activity Emphysema
  • 25. Morphologic findings of Emphysema Gross Examination: 1. In Centri- Acinar type: Lungs are pale , less voluminous with rounded edges. Affects upper 2/3 of the lungs . May demonstrate bullae. 2. In Pan – Acinar type: Lungs are pale , more voluminous with rounded edges. Affects lower lung lobes . May obscure heart at autopsy .
  • 26. Emphysema: Gross Examination: Cut section show dilated air spaces
  • 27. Bullous Emphysema with large apical andsubpleural bullae
  • 28. Centrilobular Emphysema: Central areas show marked emphysematous damage
  • 29. Bullous Emphysema: This is not a separate category of emphysema.It refers to the presence of balloon – like foci of emphysema over 10 mm in diameter. Cases of emphysema with bullae should, where possible, be classified into one of the four anatomical types. Bullae are prone to rupture, causing Spontaneous Pneumothorax
  • 30.
  • 31. Panacinar Emphysema: involving the entire pulmonary architecture
  • 32. Microscopic findings in Emphysema • Microscopic examination is necessary to visualize the abnormal fenestrations in the walls of the alveoli, the complete destruction of septal walls, and the distribution of damage within the pulmonary lobule. • Histologically there is thinning and destruction of alveolar walls. • With advanced disease , adjacent alveoli become confluent, creating large airspaces . •With advance disease of the disease , adjacent alveoli fuse, producing even larger abnormal airspaces and possibly blebs or bullae. •Often the respiratory bronchioles and vasculature of the lungs are deformed and compressed by the emphysematous distortion of the airspaces.
  • 33. Emphysema : (Microscopic Examination): Loss of alveolar walls. Remaining air spaces are dilated
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. CLINICAL COURSE OF EMPHYSEMA • The clinical manifestations of Emphysema do not appear until at least one third of the functioning pulmonary parenchyma is damaged. • Mostly occurs in males and cigarette smokers. • The common clinical features are: - Dyspnoea - Cough - Wheezing - Weight loss • Classically the patient is barrel- chested and dyspneic, with prolonged expiration , and sits forward in a hunched – over position, attempting to squeeze the air out of the lungs with each expiratory effort. •Patient have a pinched face and breathe through pursed lips •Despite of dyspnea the oxygenation is adequate. So these patients are sometimes called ‘pink puffers’ • The only reliable and consistently present finding on physical examination is slowing of forced expiration.
  • 37.
  • 38. CHRONIC BORNCHITIS •Definition: Chronic Bronchitis is defined as persistent cough with sputum production for at least 3 months in at least 2 consecutive years. • It is very common among habitual smokers and inhabitants of smog- laden cities. • When present for years it may lead to: (i) Chronic Obstructive disease (ii) Cor pulomanale and heart failure (iii) Atypical Metaplasia and Dysplasia of the respiratory epithelium.
  • 39. Types of Chronic Bronchitis 1. Simple Chronic Bronchitis: The productive cough raises mucoid sputum but airflow is not obstructed. 2. Chronic Mucopurulent Bronchitis: The sputum contains pus because of secondary infection. 3. Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis: Some with chronic bronchitis may demonstrate hyper responsive airways and intermittent episodes of asthma 4. Chronic Obstructive Bronchitis: A subpopulation of bronchitis patients develops chronic outflow obstruction
  • 40. Pathogenesis of Chronic Bronchitis Two sets of factors are important in the genesis of chronic bronchitis: (i) Chronic irritation by inhaled substances like cigarette smoking (ii) Microbiologic infections.
  • 41. Role of Cigarette Smoking leads in Chronic Bronchitis Cigarette smoking Hypersecretion and hypertrophy (i) Direct damage to respiratory of Bronchial mucous epithelium glands (ii) Decreased ciliary action of airway epithelium Metplastic formation of mucin- secreting goblet Increased predisposition cells in the surface epithelium to infections of bronchi Excessive mucus production Air way obstruction
  • 42. Morphologic Changes in Chronic Bronchitis Gross Changes: There may be hyperemia, swelling and bogginess of the mucous membranes, frequently accompanied by excessive mucinous to mucopurulent secretions layering the epithelial surfaces. Sometimes heavy casts of secretions and pus fill the bronchi and bronchioles. Microscopic Findings: • The characteristic histologic feature of chronic bronchitis is enlargement of the mucus – secreting glands of the trachea and bronchi . • Number of goblet cells also increase. • Increased Reid index: Reid index is the ratio of the thickness of the mucous gland layer to the thickness of the wall between the epithelium and the cartilage. • The bronchial epithelium may exhibit squamous metaplasia and dysplasia. This can , eventually, lead to Carcinoma
  • 43. •There is marked narrowing of bronchioles caused by goblet cell metaplasia, mucous plugging, inflammation and fibrosis.
  • 44. Chronic Bronchitis: the lumen of the bronchus is above. Note the marked thickening of the mucus gland layer ( approximately twice normal) and squamous metaplasia of lung epithelium
  • 45. Clinical Course of Chronic Bronchitis Mostly affected men in the 40 -65 years of age group. Productive Cough: In patients with chronic bronchitis , a prominent cough and the production of sputum may persist indefinitely without ventilatory dysfunction Some patients develop significant COPD with outflow obstruction .This is accompanied by hypercapnia, hypoxemia and cyanosis Differentiation of this form of COPD from that caused by emphysema can be made in classic case, but many patients can have both conditions With progression, chronic bronchitis is complicated by pulmonary hyper secretion and cardiac failure Recurrent infections and respiratory failure are common threats
  • 46. Radiological findings in Chronic Bronchitis
  • 47. Emphysema Vs Chronic Bronchitis Chronic Emphysema Bronchitis AGE ((years) 40 -45 50 -75 DYSPNEA Mild; Late Severe; Early COUGH Early; Copious sputum Late; Scanty sputum INFECTIONS Common Occasional RESPIRATORY Repeated Terminal INSUFFICIENCY COR PULOMNALE Common Rare ; Terminal AIRWAY RESISTENCE Increased Normal or slightly increased ELASTIC RECOIL Normal Low CHEST RADIOGRAPH Prominent vessels; Large Hyperinflation heart APPEARANCE BLUE BLOATERS(Due PINK PUFFERS to hypercapnia and hypoxemia ) (Despite of dyspnea the oxygenation is adequate)
  • 48. ●Patients of emphysema over ventilate and remain well oxygenated and therefore are designated as Pink Puffers. ● Patients with chronic bronchitis more often have hypercapnia and severe hypoxemia , so are labeled as Blue Bloaters
  • 49. •Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema almost always co –exist to some degree • Causes of death in patients with COPD: 1. Respiratory acidosis and coma 2. Right – sided heart failure 3. Massive collapse of lungs secondary to Pneumothorax.
  • 50. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Asthma is a chronic relapsing DEFINITION: inflammatory disorder characterized by hyperactive airways, leading to episodic , reversible bronchoconstriction , due to increased responsiveness of the traceobnroncgial tree to various stimuli.
  • 51. Normal bronchiole/ Asthmatic bronchiole
  • 52. ETIOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ASTHMA Two basic types: A) Extrinsic 1. Atopic Or Allergic ( dust , pollen, etc) 2. Occupational (e.g., fumes, cotton, etc) 3. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilosos(bronchial colonization with Aspergillus organisms, followed by development of IgG antibodies) B) Intrinsic ( Idiosyncratic) 1. Pharmacologic (e.g., aspirin) 2. Non – Reaginic ( respiratory tract infection) •Both types can be precipitated by cold, stress and exercise
  • 53. •Atopic Asthma is the most common type of asthma , its onset is usually in the first two decades of life, and it is commonly associated with other allergic manifestations in the patient as well as in other family members.
  • 54. ADAM33 Gene A gene expressed by cell types implicated in AIR WAY REMODELING seen in Asthma
  • 55. PATHOGENESIS OF EXTRINSIC ASTHMA “Initiated by Type I Hypersensitivity” Inhalation of allergen (antigen) Simulation of Type 2 helper T cells Production of Cytokines (IL – 2; IL-4; IL -13) Sensitization of mast cells BY IL –2 Production of IgE BY IL -4 Activation of Eosinophils BY IL –5 Stimulation of mucus production BY IL -13 Second exposure Degranulation of mast cells bearing specific IgE molecules Release of vasoactive substances from the mast cell
  • 56. Pathogenesis of extrinsic asthma – continued Sensitization of CD 4 + T lymphocytes Release of Cytokines (Interleukins; IL) (IL-4;-IL- 5;IL-13) Increased Synthesis of IgE Mast cells degranulation Release of mediators initiating Asthma Leukotrines Prostaglandins Histamine Platelet activating factor Mast cell Tryptase Eosinophilic & Neutrophilic chemo tactic Factor
  • 57. Pathogenesis of Asthma: Inhalation of allergen (antigen) causes degranulation of mast cells bearing specific IgE molecules . Release of vasoactive substances from the mast cell causes bronchial constriction, oedema, and mucus hypresecretion
  • 58. PATHOGENESIS OF INTRINSIC ASTHMA Initiated by non- immune mechanisms to various stimuli (1) Respiratory tract infections (2) Cold, Stress, Exercise (3) Aspirin (Decreased Prostaglandins and increased Leukotrines) All can trigger Bronchoconstriction
  • 59. Extrinsic Asthma Intrinsic Asthma Immune Mechanisms Non – immune mechanisms Family History + Family History – Negative Eosinophilia No Eosinophilia Serum IgE –elevated Serum IgE- Normal
  • 60. MORPHOLOGY OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA GROSS FEATURES: 1. Lungs are over distended with small areas of atelactasis 2. There is occlusion of bronchi and bronchioles by thick , tenacious mucus plugs. MICROSCOPIC FEATURES: 1. Mucus plugs containing whorls of shed epithelium (Cruschmann’s Spirals) , Eosinophils and Charcot- leyden Crystels (Diamond shaped crystals composed of proteins) 2. Air Way Remodeling Characteristic findings of asthma collectively called Air Way Remodeling include: a. Thickening of basement membrane of bronchial epithelium b. Edema and inflammatory infiltrate in bronchial walls with a predominance of Eosinophils and mast cells c. An increase in the size of submucosal glands d. Hypertrophy of the bronchial muscle cells
  • 61. Comparison of normal bronchiole with that in a patient with asthma .Note the accumulation of mucus in the bronchial lumen resulting from an increase in the Number of mucus – secreting goblet cells in the mucosa and hypertrophy of submucosal glands .In addition, there is intense chronic inflammation due to recruitment of eosinophils, macrophages and other inflammatory cells. Basement membrane underlying the mucosal epithelium is thickened , and there is hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells.
  • 62.
  • 63. CLINICAL FEATURES OF ASTHMA 1. Dyspnoea 2. Cough 3. Wheezing 4. Status Asthamticus: It is severe asthmatic paroxysm that does not respond to bronchodilator or corticosteroid therapy and persists for days and even weeks 5. Patient may ultimately develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COMPLICATIONS OF ASTHMA 1. Acute severe bronchial asthma 2. Acute respiratory failure 3. Pneumothorax 4. Side effects of medication e.g. long term corticosteroids, Beta – agonists and Theophyline
  • 64. BRONCHIACTASIS “Bronchiactasis is the permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles caused by destruction of the muscle and elastic supporting tissue, resulting form or associated with chronic necrotizing infections”
  • 65. It is not a primary disease but rather secondary to persisting infection a obstruction caused by a variety of condition . s It is manifested clinically by cough, fever and expectoration of copious amount of foul – smelling purulent sputum . To be considered Bronchiactasis the dilation should be permanent
  • 66. Etiology 1. Bronchial obstruction: Common causes of bronchial obstruction which can lead to Bronchiactasis are (i) Tumours (ii) Foreign bodies (iii) Impaction of mucus. 2. Congenital or Hereditary Conditions: (i) Cystic Fibrosis: Widespread severe bronchoconstriction caused by secretion of abnormally viscid mucus. (ii) Kartagner Syndrome: Structural abnormalities of cilia impair meucocillary clearance in the airway leading to persistent infections (iii)Immundeficency states: Increased susceptibility to repeated bacterial infections, that can eventually lead to bronchiasctasis . 3. Necrotizing or suppurative pneumonias: Particularly due to organisms like Staphylococcus and Klebsialla .
  • 67. Pathogenesis of Bronchiactasis Two processes are critical and intertwined in the Pathogenecitty of Bronchiactasis: 1. Obstruction 2. Chronic persistent infection Either infection can lead to obstruction or obstruction can lead to infection . Both then can lead to bronchiactasis . Bacteria involved in Bronchiactasis 1. Staphylococci 2. Streptococci 3. Pneumococci 4. Enteric organisms 5. Anaerobic and microaerophilic organisms 6. Haemophilus Influenzae 7. Pseudomonas Aeruguinosa
  • 68. Bronchial Obstruction: The obstructing lesion causes a lipid or infective pneumonia in the distal lung and, if unrelieved distal brochiactasis
  • 69. MORPHOLOGY OF BRONCHIECTASIS Gross Examination *Usually lower lobes are involved ; Bilaterally *There is dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles , with inflammatory infiltration especially of neutrophils. The inflammation and associated fibrosis extend into the adjacent lung tissue. The dilated Bronchi and bronchioles can appear cylindrical, saccular or fusiform.. Microscopic Findings: - Acute and chronic inflammatory exudation - Desquamation of lining epithelium - Extensive areas of necrotizing ulceration - Fibrosis Bronchiactasis: Permanent dilatation of bronchi - Necrosis destroys the bronchial or bronchiolar wall and forms a lung abscess.
  • 70. Bronchiasctasis: Cross section of lung demonstrating dilated bronchi extending to the pleura
  • 71. CLINICAL FEATURES OF BRONCHIACTESIS 1. Severe persistent cough 2. Expectoration of foul – smelling , sometimes bloody sputum 3. Dyspnea and orthopnea in severe cases 4. A systemic febrile reaction may occur when powerful pathogens are present 5. The symptoms are usually episodic 6. In the full blown cases the cough is usually paroxysmal in nature. 7. Such attacks are particularly frequent when the patient rises in the morning and the changes in position lead to drainage into the bronchi of the collected pools of pus. 8. Obstructive ventilatory insufficiency can lead to marked dyspnea and cyanosis. 9. Patients may have clubbing of fingers
  • 73. PULMONARY INFECTIONS - Respiratory tract infections are more frequent than infections of any other organ - The account for the largest number of workdays lost in the general population. - The vast majority are upper respiratory tract infections caused by viruses. - Bacterial , viral , mycoplasmal and fungal infections of lungs also account for an enormous amount of morbidity and rank among the major immediate causes of deaths. The important lung infections are: - Pneumonias - Tuberculosis - Lung abscess
  • 74. PNEUMONIA -Infection of lung parenchyma -It can be classified as: 1. On the basis of Aetiological agent involved: (i) Bacterial: Streptococcus Pneumoniae ; Staph Aureus; etc (ii) Viral: Influenza ; Measles (iii) Fungal: Cryptococcus; Candida; Aspergillus. (iv) Others: Pneumocystis carinii; Mycoplasma ; 2. On the basis of anatomical pattern: (Most widely used classification) (i) Bronchopneumonia (ii) Lobar pneumonia 3. On the basis of clinical circumstances: (i) Primary ( in an otherwise healthy person) (ii) Secondary ( With local or systemic defects in defence)
  • 75. Pneumonias in different clinical settings (“ Pneumonia Syndromes”) 1. Community Acquired Acute Pneumonias 2. Community Acquired Atypical Pneumonias 3. Nosocomial Pneumonias 4. Aspiration Pneumonias 5. Chronic Pneumonias 6. Narcotizing Pneumonias and Lung Abscess 7. Pneumonias in immunocompromised
  • 76. BRONCHOPNEUMONIA - Patchy consolidation of the lung. - Centered on bronchioles or bronchi - Usually in extremes of ages (infancy or old age) -Usually secondary to some pre- existing disease like cancer, cardiac failure, chronic renal failure or cerebrovasclar accidents -Often Bilateral. -Causative organisms may be low – virulence pathogens, especially in an immunocomprised patient, and as such could not cause similar disease in a young , healthy individual. -Typical organisms include - Staphylococci - Streptococci - Haemophilus influenzae - Coliform - Fungi
  • 77. BRONCHPNEUMONIA: Patchi area of alveoli filled with inflammatory cells
  • 78. BRONCHOPNEUMONIA: Alveolar exudate mainly Neutrophils seen. Surrounding capillaries are dilated and are filled with red blood cells
  • 79. LOBAR PNEUMONIA - Affect a large part, or the entire lobe - Relatively uncommon in infancy and old age - Affects males more than females - 90% due to Streptococcus pneumoniae - Affects otherwise healthy individuals - Lobar Pneumonia: Diffuse inflammation affecting the entire lobe.
  • 81. Morphologic Changes in Lobar Pneumonia A classic example of acute inflammation. It involves FOUR STAGES: 1st STAGE: STAGE OF CONGESTION: This stage lasts for about 24 hours and represents the outpouring of a protein rich exudate into alveolar spaces, with venous congestion. The lung is heavy, oedematous and red 2nd STAGE: STAGE OF RED HEPATIZATION: It last for a few days. In the alveolar spaces there is massive accumulation of neutrophils together with macrophages and lymphocytes. Numerous red blood cells are also extravasated from the capillaries. The lung is red, solid and airless, with a consistency resembling fresh liver. 3rd STAGE :GREY HEPATIZATION: It lasts a few days and represents further accumulation of fibrin, with destruction of white cells and red cells. The lung now is gray brown in colour and solid. 4th STAGE: RESOLUTION: It occurs at about 8 – 10 days in untreated cases and represents the resorption of exudate and enzymatic digestion of inflammatory debris, with preservation of underlying alveolar wall architecture
  • 82. Red Hepatization: The congested septal capillaries and extensive neutrophil exudation into alveoli corresponds to early red Hepatization,. Fibrin not yet formed Gray Hepatization: Advanced organizing pneumonia featuring transformation of exudates to Fibrinomyxoid masses richly infiltrated by macrophages and fibroblasts
  • 83. CLINICAL COURSE OF PNEUMONIA -The major symptoms of pneumonia are malaise , fever, cough productive of sputum and chest pain. - The characteristic radiologic appearance of lobar pneumonia is that of a radiopaque, usually well – circumscribed lobe, whereas broncho- pneumonia shows focal opacities.
  • 84. Cough with greenish or yellow phlegm Fever with shaking chills Sharp chest pain Rapid, shallow breathing Shortness of breath Headache
  • 85. Excessive sweating Clammy skin Loss of appetite Excessive fatigue Confusion in elderly people
  • 87. Lobar Pneumonia Broncho Pneumonia Usually Unilateral Usually Bilateral Involvement of an entire Patchy involvement lobe Uncommon at extreme of More common in infancy ages and old age 95% cases are due to Organisms of less Strep Pnemococcus virulence are responsible
  • 88. Microbiologic association of Pneumonia 1.Pneumonia due to Strep Pneumococcus: Respond readily to Penicillin treatment but there are increasing numbers of Penicillin – resistant strains of Pneumococci Commercial Pneumococal vaccines containing capsular polysaccharides from the common serotypes of Pneumococcus are available, and their proven efficacy mandates their use in patients at risk for the Pneumococal infections
  • 89. 2. Pneumonia due to Haemophilus Influenzae Both unencapsualated and capsulated forms are important causes of community - acquired pneumonias. H. Influenzae is the most common cause of bacterial cause of acute exacerbation of COPD
  • 90. 2. Pneumonia due to Moraxella Catarrhalis  It is increasingly being recognized as a cause of pneumonia especially in elderly. 3. Pneumonia due to Staph Aureus:  It is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in children and healthy adults following viral respiratory illness (e.g., measles in children and influenza in both children and adults).  It is associated with a high incidence of complications , such as lung abscess and empyema Staphylococcal pneumonia is also an important cause of nosocomial pneumonia
  • 91. 5. Pneumonia due to Klebsialla Pneumonia It is the most common cause of gram – negative bacterial pneumonia . It frequently afflicts debilitated and malnourished persons particularly chronic alcoholics. Thick and gelatinous sputum is characteristic because the organism produces an abundant viscid capsular polysaccharide, which the patient may have difficulty in coughing up.
  • 92. 6. Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas Aeruguinosa It is most commonly seen in nosocomial settings It is also common in patients who are neutropenic, usually secondary to chemotherapy ; in patients with extensive burns; and in those requiring mechanical ventilation
  • 93. 7. Pneumonia due to Legionella Pneumophilia: It is the agent of Legionnaire’s Disease ,an eponym for the epidemic and sporadic forms of pneumonia caused by this organism. It flourishes in artificial aquatic environments such as water – cooling towers and within the tubing system of domestic (portable) supplies. The mode of transmission is thought to be either inhalation of aerosolized organisms or aspiration of contaminated drinking water  Can be severe ; In immunocompromised the fatality rate is 30% to 50% PONTIAC FEVER Self limiting upper respiratory tract disease caused by Legionella , without Pneumonic features
  • 94. Special Types of Pneumonias Community – Acquired Atypical Pneumonias Nosocomial Pneumonias Aspiration Pneumonias
  • 95. Community Acquired Atypical Pneumonias ●Unlike “typical” acute pneumonias , atypical Pneumonia is characterized by: ● Modest amount of sputum ● No Physical findings of consolidation of lung ● White cell counts normal or moderately increased ● May present as a severe upper respiratory tract infection or “chest cold” that goes undiagnosed OR may present as a fulminant life- threatining infection in immunocompromised patients. ● Organisms responsible are: (i) Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae (most common) (ii) Viruses ( most importantly Influenza virus) (iii) Chlamydia Pneumoniae (iv) Rickettsiae
  • 96. The term “ATYPICAL” denotes the moderate amounts of sputum, absence of physical findings of consolidation, only moderate elevation of white cells count and lack of alveolar exudates
  • 97. Morphologic findings in Atypical Pneumonias •The process may be patchy or it may involve whole lobes bilaterally or unilaterally. • Macroscopically the affected areas are red- blue , congested and subcrepitant. • Histologically the inflammatory reaction is largely confined within the walls of alveoli. The septa are widened and edematous ; they usually contain a mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes , histiocytes and occasionally plasma cells. • In contrast to bacterial pneumonias the alveolar spaces in atypical pneumonias are remarkably free of cellular exudate.
  • 98. Viral Pneumonias; The thickened alveolar walls are heavily infiltrated with mononuclear leucocytes
  • 99. Clinical course of atypical pneumonia •The clinical course of atypical pneumonia is extremely varied • May present as a severe upper respiratory tract infection or “chest cold” that goes undiagnosed OR may present as a fulminant life- threatining infection in immunocompromised patients. • Most typically the onset is that of an acute, nonspecifically febrile illness characterized by fever, headache, , malaise, and later cough with minimal sputum. • Chest radiographs usually reveal transient , ill – defined patches , mainly on lower lobes. • Physically findings are characteristically minimal. • Prognosis for a uncomplicated is good; generally complete recovery is the rule.
  • 100. Typical Pnuemonia Atypical Pnuemonia Consolidation of lung Consolidation is not evident The major symptoms of pneumonia are May present as a severe upper malaise , fever, cough productive of sputum respiratory tract infection or “chest cold” and chest pain. that goes undiagnosed OR may present as a fulminant life – threatining infection in immunocompromised patients Copious amount of sputum Modest amount of sputum White cell count is increased; with a White cell count is usually normal predominance of Neutrophils Histology: Inflammatory exudates in alveolar Histology: the inflammatory infiltrate is spaces;Predominant cell is neutrophil largely confined within the walls of alveoli; Predominant cell is Lymphocyte. X-Ray: Findings of consolidation X- Ray: Transient ill – defined patches
  • 101. Nosocomial Pneumonias OR Hospital Acquired Pneumonias ●Defined as the Pneumonias acquired in the course of a hospital stay ● Common in patients with: - severe underlying disease, - immunosuppresson, - prolonged antibiotic therapy, - long standing intravascular catheters - patients on mechanical ventilation. ● Organisms responsible are: - Enterobactericeae - Pseudomonas - Staph Aureus.
  • 102. Aspiration Pneumonias ●Occurs in markedly debilitated patients or in those who aspirate gastric contents ● The resultant pneumonia is partly chemical , owing to the extremely irritating effects of gastric acid , and partly bacterial ● This type of pneumonia is often necrotizing , purses a fulminant clinical course, and is a frequent cause of death in patients predisposed to aspiration ; In those who survive , abscess is a common complication
  • 104. PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS Communicable chronic Granulomatous disease Lung is the commonest site for Tuberculosis Pulmonary Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death globally.  It has been estimated that a third of world population has been infected with tuberculosis. Disease however only occurs in about 10% of cases of infection, when the balance between host resistance and the pathogenecity of the bacteria tips in favours of the pathogenecity.
  • 105.  airborne infection  caused by bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis  spreads person to person or through air  most are infected but do not develop the disease  form small black lesions in the lungs
  • 106. Tuberculosis – Country Pro •Tuberculosis causes a great deal of ill health and an enormous burden on the populations of most low income countries. • According to prevalence and incidence of tuberculosis, Pakistan is on 6th or 7th position in the list of 20 most effected countries. • InPakistan there are approximately more than 4 million patients of tuberculosis. • Accordingto a rough estimate, in Pakistan, more than sixty thousands patients die every year due to tuberculosis
  • 107. • The economic factors, improper diagnostic facilities, non affordability of treatment, problem of multidrug resistance availability of substandard drugs and poor patients compliance are heading us towards a state of failure in tuberculosis control and treatment. • Thisis regrettable since the disease can be easily diagnosed and highly effective drugs for its treatment are available
  • 108. Mycobacterium – Bacterial characteristics Strict Aerobe Slender Rods Are Acid Fast: Have a high complex lipid in their cell wall that readily binds with Ziehl – Neelsen ( Carbol Fuchsin) stain BUT subsequently stubbornly resists decolraization by Acid (Sulfuric Acid) Mycobacterium Hominis is responsible for most cases Other Mycobacterias: - Mycobacterium Bovis - Atypical Mycobacterias , i.e., Mycobacterium Avium Intracellularae. Important in cases of AIDS and immunocompromised .
  • 109. TUBERCULOSIS PATHOGENESIS Typical example of Type –IV Hypersensitivity Transformation of Moncytes into Epithelioid Cells and Multinucleated Giant Cells under the influence of TNF and IFN-γ: Antigen presenting cells secrete IL -12 which in turn acts on CD-4 + T cells to stimulate the secretion of IL-2, TNF and IFN-γ . IL-2 acts on CD-4 cells (autocrine effect), while TNF and IFN-γ acts on macrophages, mobilize them and modify them into epithelioid cells. A few epithelioid cells get transformed into multinucleated giant cells.
  • 110. Types of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1. Primary tuberculosis 2. Secondary Tuberculosis 3. Milliary Tuberculosis
  • 111. Primary Tuberculosis The lungs are usually the initial site of contact between tubercle bacilli and humans. The focus of primary infection which is usually asymptomatic , is called GHON COMPLEX . The pulmonary lesion is usually about 10 mm in Primary TB: produces a small mid – diameter and consists of a central zone of zone lesion with involvement of Hilar lymph nodes caseous necrosis surrounded by palisaded epithelioid histiocytes, the occasional Langhan’s Giant Cells, and lymphocytes. Similar granulomas are seen in lymph nodes that drain affected portion of the lung. In almost all cases, a primary lesion will organize, leaving a fibrocalcific nodule in the lung, and there will be no clinical sequalae. Hence the Ghon complex undergoes fibrosis , often followed by radiologically detectable calcification ( Ranke Complex).However, tubercle bacilli may persist as viable organism for years . In a few cases , complications ,may occur, especially if the individual is immunocomprised.
  • 112. SECONDARY TUBERCULOSIS -Secondary Tuberculosis represents reactivation of old primary infection. These lesions are nearly always located in the lung apices, sometimes Secondary TB: The lesions are usually apical and often bilaterally, and are about 30 mm in diameter bilateral at clinical presentation. Histologically, typical granulomas are seen, most having central zone of caseous necrosis.Progressino of disease depends on the balance between host sensitivity and organism virulence. Most lesions are converted to fibrocalcific scars.
  • 113. MILIARY TUBERCULOSIS Milliary Tuberculosis may be a consequence of either primary tuberculosis or secondary tuberculosis in which there is severe Milliary Tuberculosis: lungs impairment of host resistance. The disease and many other organs contain numerous small becomes widely disseminated, resulting in’ granulomas numerous small granulomas in many organs. Lesions are commonly found in the lungs, meninges, kidneys, bone marrow and liver, but no organ is exempt. The granulomas often contain numerous Mycobacteria , and the Mantoux test is frequently negative.
  • 114. Natural History and Spectrum of Tuberculosis
  • 115. GROSS APPEARANCE Primary pulmonary Tuberculosis: Ghon complex. The gray- white parenchymal focus is under the pleura in the lower part of the upper lobe (topmost arrow) Hilar lymph nodes with caseation are seen( lower most arrows)
  • 116. Miliary Tuberculosis of the Spleen: The cut surface shows numerous gray – white Granulomas
  • 117. TUBERCULOSIS: (Gross Specimen) Multiple areas of Caseaous necrosis seen
  • 118. TUBERCULOSIS LUNG: Multiple well defined granulomas seen. Consisting of aggregation of transformed macrophages – the Epithelioid cells (elongated cells with long pale nuclei and pink cytoplasm. In addition Langhans type of Giant cells, Lymphocytes and Fibroblasts are also seen.
  • 119. Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) stain: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis seen as red rods
  • 121. Microscopic Findings in Tuberculosis: At the active site of involvement, there are both non- caseating and caseating granulomas. The important findings in a case of Tuberculosis are: 1. Central caseation 2. Epithelioid cells derived from macrophages 3. Surrounding collar of lymphocytes . 4. Enclosing rim of fibroblasts ( in old lesions) 5. Langhan’s type of Giant cells, with multiple nuclei arranged in a horse – shoe pattern.
  • 124. LAB DIAGNOSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS 1.Blood Complete: -Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) increased - Total Leucocytes Count (TLC) increased in milliary tuberculosis 2. Sputum Examination: Early morning sputum for at least three consecutive days is examined. Z.N staning is done and Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) appear as red rods under microscope 3. Chest – X- ray: i. Patchy consolidation in the post apical region ii. Lung cavitation iii. Areas of increased density suggesting caseation iv. Scar tissue produce sharp margins and tends to contract v. Hilar lymphadenopathy vi. Unilateral pleural effusion vii. Milliary spread may be evident
  • 125. 4. Sputum Culture: Done on L.J medium . After 4 – 6 weeks grey , rough and raised colonies of Mycobacteria appear 5. Bectec technique: Radioactive techniques are used to detect Mycobacteria in a given sample in a shorter period as compared to LJ medium 6. Fibrooptic Bronchoscopy: With bronchial washing from affected lobe. Useful if no sputum is available 7. Biopsies of Pleura, Lymph nodes, Lung and other tissues: It may be required 8. Mantoux Test: 0.1 ml of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) is injected intradermally on the flexor aspect of forearm 9. DNA detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): By amplification of mycobacterial DNA in clinical samples using PCR . 10. Serodiagnosis: By Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), or Immunofluorescence or Column Chromatography
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129. CLINICAL FEATURES OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS 1.Fever ( low grade, remittent and appear late each afternoon and then subside) 2. Night sweats 3. Cough with sputum 4. Haemoptysis 3. Malaise 4. Anorexia 5. Cough, first mucoid, later purulent and bloody sputum 6. Pleuritic chest pain Systemic manifestations are produced by TNF- alpha and IL -1 released from activated macrophages.
  • 130.  ongoing cough  constantly tired  loss of weight  loss of appetite  fever  night sweats  coughing up blood
  • 131.  has no symptoms  continuous bad cough  does not feel sick  chest pain  coughing up blood or sputum  cannot spread TB  weakness or fatigue  Usually positive for skin  loss of weight and appetite  chills, fever, night sweats test  positive skin test  has normal chest X-ray  may have abnormal chest X- and sputum test ray, or positive sputum smear or culture
  • 132.
  • 133. Lung Abscess Lung Abscess refers to a localized area of Suppurative necrosis within the pulmonary parenchyma , resulting in the formation of one or more large cavities .
  • 134. Factors predisposing to Lung Abscess 1. Aspiration of infective material : from carious teeth or infected sinuses or tonsils 2. Aspiration of gastric contents , usually accompanied by infectious material. 3. As a complication of necrotizing bacterial pneumonia 4. Bronchial Obstruction particularly with Bronchogenic Carcinoma 5. Septic Embolism from septic thrombophelibitis or from infective endocarditis of the right side of heart 6. Hematogenous spread of bacteria in disseminated pyogenic infections
  • 135. Bacteria responsible for Lung Abscess Anaerobic Bacteria Present in almost all cases of lung abscesses. The most frequently encountered anaerobes are commensals normally found in oral cavity: - Prevotella - Fusobacterium - Bacteriodes - Peptostreptococcus Aerobic Bacteria: - Staph Aureus - Beta hemolytic Streptococcus - Nocardia - Gram negative organisms
  • 136. PNEUMOCONIOSES  Lung disease caused by inhaled dusts  Dusts may be inorganic ( mineral) of organic  Reaction may be inert, fibrous , allergic or neoplastic  Co- existing disease may aggravate the reaction  When exposed to dust the lung can respond in several ways: (i) Inert -Simple Coal- Worker’s Pneumoconiosis (ii) Fibrous: -Progressive Massive Fibrosis - Asbestosis - Silicosis (iii) Allergic: - Extrinsic Allergic Alveoloitis (iv) Neoplastic: - Mesothelioma - Lung Carcinoma
  • 137. •For all Pneumoconioses, regulations limiting worker exposure have resulted in a decreased incidence of dust- associated diseases. • Although the Pneumoconioses result from well –defined occupational exposure to specific agents, there are also deleterious effects of particulate air pollution for the general population, especially in urban areas. • Studies have found increased morbidity (e.g., asthma incidence) and mortality rates in population exposed to increased ambient air particulate levels, leading to calls for greater efforts to reduce the levels of particulates in urban air
  • 138. COAL – WORKER’S PNEUMOCONIOSIS Coal, a form of combustible carbon, has long been mined for fuel. In Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis coal dust is ingested by alveolar macrophages , which then aggregate around bronchioles .The spectrum of lung findings in coal workers is wide. Different lung lesions due to Coal can be grouped as: 1. Anthracosis: Asymptomatic Anthracosis in which pigment accumulates without a perceptible cellular reaction. 2. Simple Coal – Worker’s Pneumoconiosis: In this condition accumulation of macrophages occur with little or no pulmonary dysfunction. 3. Complicated or Massive Lung Fibrosis: There is extensive lung fibrosis and lung functions are impaired.
  • 139. ANTHRACOSIS Anthrocosis pigment in the macrophages . Anthracosis is accumulation of carbon pigment from breathing dirty air. Smokers have the most pronounced anthracosis
  • 140. Pneumoconiosis; A possible scheme of the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • 141. Pathogenesis of Pneumoconiosis: Inhaled particulates usually impact at the bifurcation of terminal Respiratory bronchioles , where they are engulfed by alveolar macrophages, which are then stimulated to secrete (1) various fibrogenic factors that recruit fibroblasts and induce collagen synthesis , (2) toxic factors that initiate lung injury , and (3) proinflammatory factors that recruit additional inflammatory cells IGF – Insulin Like Growth Factor; IL- - Interleukins; LTB4 – Leukoterin B4; MIP – Macrophage Inflammatory Factor; PDGF – Platelet Derived Growth Factor; TNF –Tumour Necrosis Factor s
  • 142. It is known that in a group of miners working at the same pit for the same length of time , some will develop massive lung fibrosis and die, while others develop little respiratory impairment
  • 143. Coal – worker’s Pneumoconiosis: This transilluminated thin slice of lung shows several large black fibrotic nodules
  • 145. ASBESTOSIS • Asbestos has been used for its fire-m resistant qualities for many centuries. It is used for insulation and the manufacture of brake lining and other friction materials. • Based on epidemiological studies the occupational exposure to asbestos is linked to: (i) Localized fibrous plaques or, rarely diffuse pleural fibrosis (ii) Pleural effusions (iii) Parenchymal interstitial fibrosis ( Asbestosis) (iv) Bronchogenic Carcinoma (v) Mesothelioma (vi) Laryngeal and perhaps other extra pulmonary neoplasms, including colon carcinoma
  • 146. There are two distinct form of Asbestos: - Serpentine Chrysotiles – flexible and curled structure - Amphiboles – straight stiff form Both these forms are fibrogenic Asbestos acts as tumour initiator and promoter Morphology: - Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis - Asbestos body: Golden brown, fusiform or beaded rods with a translucent center. They consist of asbestos fibers coated with an iron – containing proteinaceous material. - Pleural Plaques: these are the most common manifestations of asbestos exposure ad are well – circumscribed plaques of dense collagen , often containing calcium Malignant Tumours due to Asbestos exposure: - Bronchogenic Carcinoma - Malignant Mesothelioma
  • 147. Asbestosis: The fibrous reaction to inhaled asbestos has resulted in a ‘honey – comb’ lung
  • 148. Asbestosis: Markedly thickened visceral pleura covers the lateral and diaphragmatic surface of lung .Note also severe interstitial fibrosis diffusely affecting the lower lobe of lung
  • 149. Asbestosis Body: Revealing the typical beading and knobbed ends (arrow)
  • 150. Clinical Course of Asbestosis: The clinical findings are Asbestosis are indistinguishable from any other diffuse interstitial disease. Typically, progressively worsening Dyspnea appears 10 to 20 years after exposure The disease may remain static or progress to congestive cardiac failure or cor pulmonale and death. The lung or pleural cancer associated with asbestos has a grim prognosis
  • 151. SILICOSIS Silicosis is lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silicon dioxide (silica). Currently Silicosis is the most prevalent chronic occupational disease in the world. Silicates are abundant in stone and sand. Consequently, any industrial worker involved in the grinding of stone or sand will be at risk from silicosis. In contrast to pure coal dust, silicates are toxic to macrophages , leading to their death with release of proteolytic enzymes and the undigested silica particles. The enzymes cause local tissue destruction and subsequent fibrosis; the silica particles are ingested by other particles and cycle repeats itself. Nodules tend to form in the lungs after many years of exposure. With progressive fibrosis and increasing numbers of nodules , respiratory impairment increases.
  • 152. Several coalescent collagenous silicotic nodules:
  • 153. SARCOIDOSIS DEFINITION A Granuloma characterized by tubercle- like lesions without caseation AETIOLOGY Not settled, but may be an immnunologicaly mediated disease caused by an unknown virus PATHOLOGY Site: Multiple lesions affect lungs, skin, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bones, eyes, salivary glands Microscopic Picture: Small rounded nodules resembling milliary tubercles , formed of epithelioid cells, giant cells and lymphocytes. The giant cells are few in number, larger than those of tuberculosis and contain inclusion bodies, Schaumann bodies and Asteroid bodies. Schaumann bodies are laminated concretions composed of calcium and proteins. Asteroid bodies are stellate inclusions. Caseation is absent. Old lesions heal by fibrosis
  • 154. Course: Spontaneous regression in most cases. Death may result from pulmonary fibrosis, nephroclacinosis or intercurrent infection. Diagnosis: (i) Kvein test : Subcutaneous injection of sterile sarcoid tissue homogenate is given , it produces granuloma in affected patients. (i) Biopsy: (iii) Serum levels of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE): Raised in 35 – 40% of patients.
  • 155. Sarcoidosis: Characteristic Sarcoid noncseating Granuloma in lung with many Giant cells
  • 156. TUMOURS OF LUNG - Lung tumours may be primary or secondary. Both are common. - In the primary lung tumours following are usually included (i) Bronchogenic Carcinoma (90 to 95% of tumours) (ii) Bronchial carcinoids ( 5%) (iii) Mesnchymal and other tumours ( 2 to 5%).
  • 158.
  • 159. BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA  Most common primary malignant tumour in the world.  Directly related to cigarette smoking.  It accounts for approximately 95% of primary lung tumours.  Associated with occupational exposure to carcinogens.  Overall 5- year survival rate 4 – 7 %.  It is a malignant tumour that arises in the lining epithelium of major bronchi usually close to the hilus of the lung
  • 160. Morphologic Classification of Bronchogenic Carcinoma 1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2. Small Cell Carcinoma ( including oat cell carcinoma) 3. Adenocarcinomas 4. Large Cell Undifferentiated Carcinoma.
  • 161.
  • 162. Lung Cancers- Bronchogenic carcinomas Develops within the wall or epithelia of the bronchial tree. Epithelial cells that develop abnormal chromosomal changes (dyplastic cells) turn into cancer and invade deeper tissue.
  • 163. AETIOLOGY & PATHOGENESIS OF BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA 1.TOBACCO SMOKING - Squamous cell and small cell lung carcinoma are more common in males because of increased cigarette smoking - There is 20 times increased risk of lung cancer with 40 cigarettes per day for several years - About 80% of lung cancers occur in active smokers - Cigarette smoke contains: i. Initiators for carcinogenesis: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like Benzopyrene ii. Promoters for carcinogenesis: Phenol derivatives iii. Radio – active elements: C – 14 , K - 40
  • 164. In lung cancer it has been estimated that 10 to 20 mutations have occurred by the time the tumour is clinically apparent. The dominant oncogenes in Bronchogenic carcinoma: - c- myc - K –ras - Mutation in tumuor suppressor gene- p -53
  • 165. Risk of Lung Cancer in Smokers
  • 166. Risk of Lung Cancer in Smokers 70 Relative Risk for CA of lung 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Non Smoker 1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 > 41 No. of Cigarettes/day
  • 167. Tobacco Smoke Squamous Metaplasia of Respiratory Epithelium Dysplasia Carcinoma in situ Lung Cancer
  • 168. Adverse effects of smoking: The more common on the left and the some what less common on the right
  • 169. Association between Cigarette smoking and Carcinoma  Bronchogenic Carcinoma  Carcinoma Lip  Carcinoma Tongue  Carcinoma Floor of Mouth  Carcinoma Pharynx  Carcinoma Larynx  Carcinoma Esophagus  Carcinoma Urinary bladder  Carcinoma Pancreas  Carcinoma Kidney
  • 170. 2. Industrial Hazards i. Radiations ii. Minors of radioactive ores iii. Asbestos iv. Arsenic v. Chromium vi. Uranium vii. Nickel viii. Vinyl chloride ix. Mustard gas 3. Air Pollution It also contributes to lung cancer
  • 171. . Molecular Genetics - Ultimately different type of exposures thought to act by causing genetic alterations in lung cells, which accumulate and ultimately lead to neoplasia - In lung cancers it is estimated that 10 to 20 genetic mutations have occurred by the time the tumour is clinically apparent - There is activation of Oncogenes and inactivation of Tumour Suppressor Genes. - The dominant Oncogenes involved are: - c- myc - K- ras - The commonly inactivated or deleted gene is p-53
  • 172. MORPHOLOGY OF BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA 1. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA This is the type of lung cancer most commonly associated with cigarette smoking. The tumours are almost always hilar and are thought to arise from squamous metaplasia.  Microscopically range from well – differentiated squamous cell tumours showing keratin pearls and inter- cellular bridges to poorly differentiated tumours having only minimal residual squamous cell features
  • 173. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (30%) Obstructive manifestations (nonspecific) Nonproductive cough or hemoptysis Pneumonia Atelectasis Pain is a late symptom Surgical intervention (in the absence of mets)
  • 174. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA LUNG: (Gross Examination) Arising centrally in the lung . In almost all patterns the neoplastic tissue is gray- white in colour and firm to hard in consistency
  • 175. Squamous cell carcinoma usually begin as central (hilar) masses and grow contagiously into the peripheral parenchyma .
  • 176. Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma showing keratinization
  • 177. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA: (Microscopic Examination) At the upper left a cell nest or keratin pearl is seen. At the right tumour is less well differentiated and several mitotic figures are seen.
  • 178. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA LUNG: (Microscopic Examination) Pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intracellular bridges characteristic for squamous cell carcinoma seen. Such features are seen in well differentiated tumour (those that more closely mimic the cell of origin.
  • 180. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution A The precursor lesions of squamous cell carcinoma may antedate the appearance of invasive tumour by years. Some of the earliest (and “mild”) changes in smoking - damaged respiratory epithelium include goblet – cell hyperplasia
  • 181. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution B Basal Cell or (reserve cell) hyperplasia
  • 182. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution C Squamous Metaplasia
  • 183. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution More ominous changes include the appearance of squamous dysplasia characterized by : -The presence of disordered squamous epithelium, - Loss of nuclear polarity, - Nuclear hyperchromasia, - Pleomorphism, and - Mitotic figures D
  • 184. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution E Carcinoma – in situ (CIS): It is the stage that immediately precedes invasive squamous cell carcinoma , and apart from the lack of basement membrane disruption is CIS , the cytological features are similar to those frank carcinoma
  • 185. Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Evolution F Unless treated the CIS will eventually progress to invasive cancer
  • 186. 2. SMALL CELL CARCINOMA  Also known as ‘OAT CELL CARCINOMA’ because the small nuclei are thought to resemble oat grains. Usually arise in a hilar bronchus.  Microscopically highly cellular tumour composed of small cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and indistinct nucleoli.  The tumour cells are fragile and often show fragmentation and “Crush Artifacts” in small biopsy specimens  Close apposition of tumour cells that have scant cytoplasm show “Nuclear Molding”
  • 187. Small Cell (Oat cell) Carcinoma (20-25%) Ectopic Hormone Production Paraneoplastic Syndromes Worst prognosis Chemotherapy & Radiation Temporary remission
  • 188. SMALL CELL (OAT CELL) CARCINOMA Cut surface of the tumour has a soft, lobulated, white or tan appearance. The tumour has caused the obstruction of main bronchus
  • 189. SMALL CELL CARCINOMA: (Microscopic Examination) Small dark blue cells with minimal cytoplasm are packed together in sheets
  • 190. Small cell carcinoma lung with islands of small deeply basophilic cells and areas of necrosis
  • 191. 3. ADENOCARCINOMAS - These are usually peripheral - Microscopic features are: i. Neoplastic cells are cuboidal to columnar ii. Secrete mucin in 80% of cases iii. Form following structures: - Papillary - Solid and Scirrhous - Acinar iv. Considered as the most common lung cancer in women and non- smokers.
  • 192. Adenocarcinoma (35-40%) Asymptomatic Routine chest x-ray Pleuritic chest pain Shortness of breath Unpredictable mets, usually early Pulmonary arterial system Mediastinal lymph nodes Surgical intervention (in the absence of mets)
  • 193. •The incidence of Adenocarcinoma is increasing and some studies show it as the most common lung carcinoma in women. • The basis for this change is unclear. A possible factor is the increase in women smoking, but this only highlights our lack of knowledge about why women tend to develop Adenocarcinoma. • One interesting postulate is that changes in cigarette type ( filter tips, low tar and low nicotine) have caused smokers to inhale more deeply and thereby expose more peripheral airways and cells ( with a predilection to Adenocarcinoma) to carcinogens.
  • 194. ADENOCARCINOMA OF LUNG: Adenocarcinomas and anaplastic large cell carcinoma tend to occur more peripherally.
  • 195. Adenocarcinoma lung showing gland formation
  • 197. Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution A The evolution of adenocarcinoma of the lung is thought to occur through a sequence that begins with a small well – demarcated lesion known as Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia , or AAH ( arrowheads)
  • 198. Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution B Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia progresses toBronchoalveolar Carcinoma or BAC (an insitu phase that grows along existing structures and does not demonstrate stromal invasion)
  • 199. Adenocarcinoma Lung – Evolution C In situ carcinoma ultimately culminates into Invasive Adenocarcinoma , with stromal invasion and parenchymal destruction
  • 200. 4. LARGE CELL CARCINOMA - Peripherally forming bulky masses -Microscopic features: i. Composed of Anaplastic cells with large vesicular nuclei ii. Cells may be: - Multinucleated giant cells - Clear cells - Spindle cells
  • 201. Large Cell Carcinoma (10-15%) Undifferentiated, process of exclusion High incidence of mets Surgical intervention is palliative Obstructive pneumonitis Pleural effusions Non responsive to radiation or chemo
  • 202. Large cell carcinoma lung showing pleomorphic, anaplastic tumour cells and absence of squamous or glandular differentiation
  • 203. SPREAD OF BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA 1. DIRECT: i. Into lung. ii. Into pleura, pleural cavity and intrathrocic structures 2. LYMPHATIC To scalene, clavicular, supraclavicular lymph nodes 3. HAEMATOLOGICAL: To: i. Bone ii. Brain iii. Liver iv. Adrenals
  • 204. NSCLC staging (TNM grouping)
  • 205. NSCLC staging (TNM grouping)
  • 206. NSCLC – metastases (M1) M0 – No metastasis M1 – Metastasis present
  • 207. TNM STAGING OF BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA OCCULT: - TX N0 M0 - No clinical or radiographic evidence of primary tumour or of spread , but bronchopulmoanry secretions contains malignant cells STAGE I: - T1 N0 MO / T1 N1 MO - Tumour of 3 cm or less Stage II: - T2 N1 M0 - Tumour greater than 3 cm in diameter invading the pleura with involvement of ipsilateral hilar nodes but without distant metastasis. Stage III: - T3 N2 M1 - Any tumour that: - invades pleura and adjacent structures(T3) - involves contralateral Mediastinal nodes(N2) - show distant metastasis (M1)
  • 208. CLINICAL FEATURES OF BRONCHOGENEIC CARCINOMA 1.Chronic cough 2. Expectoration 3. Dyspnea 4. Wheezing 5. Weight loss 6. Age incidence: 40 - 70 years ; Male to female ratio = 2:1; More in cigarette smokers
  • 209. PARANEOLASTIC SYNDROMES SEEN IN BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA “Paraneoplastic syndromes are symptom complexes which can not be readily explained by local or distant spread of the tumour or by the elaboration of hormones indigenous to the tissue of origin” Bronchogenic Carcinoma is one of the tumours in which Paraneoplastic syndromes are mostly seen.
  • 210. Common Paraneoplastic Syndromes seen in Bronchogenic Carcinoma 3 to 10% patients of Bronchogenic Carcinoma develop clinically overt Paraneoplastic syndromes. These include: (1) Hypercalcemia: caused by parathyroid hormone – related peptide (2) Cushing Syndrome: From increased production of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (3) Syndrome of Inappropriate Production of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH): (4) Neuromuscular Syndromes: including Myasthenia syndrome, peripheral neuropathy and polymyositis (5) Clubbing of fingers and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (6) Haematologic manifestations: including migratory thrombophelibitis and disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • 211. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS) (Diffuse Alveolar Damage) Descriptive terms for a syndrome caused by diffuse alveolar capillary damage. ARDS has many synonyms (including adult respiratory failure, shock lung, diffuse alveolar damage, acute alveolar injury and wet lungs) are It is characterized clinically by the rapid onset of severe life threatining respiratory insufficiency , cyanosis, and severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen therapy and that may progress to extra pulmonary multisystem organ failure. ARDS is a well – recognized complication of numerous and diverse conditions ,including both direct injuries to the lung and systemic disorders
  • 212. Conditions associated with development of ARDS Infections: Sepsis*; Diffuse pulmonary infections*; Gastric aspiration* Physical injury: Mechanical trauma including head injuries* ; Pulmonary contusions; Near drawing; Fractures with fat embolism; Burns; Ionizing radiations Inhaled Irritants: Oxygen toxicity; Smoke; Irritant gases and chemicals Chemical Injury: Heroin or methadone overdose; etc Haematologic Conditions: Multiple transfusions; Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC). Pancreatitis Uremia Cardiopulmoanry Bypass *More than 50% of cases are associated with these four conditions
  • 213. Morphological changes in ARDS - Lungs are heavy, edematous and boggy. - Lungs exhibit congestion, interstitial and intra-alveolar edema and inflammation. - Fibrin deposition - Alveolar walls become lined with waxy hyaline membranes .These hyaline membranes are consist of fibrin- rich edema fluid mixed with cytopaslmic and lipid remnants of necrotic epithelial cells. - Fatal cases often have superimposed bronchopneumonia
  • 214. Diffuse alveolar damage in ARDS: Some of the alveoli are collapsed , others distended. Many contain diffuse proteinaceous debris, desquamated cells, and hyaline membranes.
  • 215. Adult Respiratory Respiratory Distress Distress Syndrome Syndrome in in Adults Neonates Caused by diffuse damage Due to deficiency in to alveoli pulmonary surfactant
  • 216. Pathogenesis of ARDS -The capillary defect in ARDS is believed to be produced by an interaction of leukocytes and mediators , including cytokines, oxygen radicals, complement and eicosanoids that damage the endothelium and allows fluid and protein to leak across it.
  • 217. Clinical Course of ARDS -Patients who develop ARDS are usually hospitalized for one of the predisposing condition and initially they have no pulmonary symptoms. - X-ray: Diffuse bilateral infiltrates - It is characterized clinically by the rapid onset of severe life threatining respiratory insufficiency , cyanosis , and severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen therapy - Therapy of ARDS is difficult and this disorder is frequently fatal
  • 218. PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM Cause and Incidence: The most serious form of thrombembolism is pulmonary embolism, which may cause sudden death. It has an incidence of 20 to 25 per 100,000 hospitalized patients Over 90% of Pulmonary Emboli originate in the deep veins of the leg (phelebothrombosis). More rarely, thrombi in pelvic venous plexus are the source. Pulmonary embolism is common in the following conditions that predispose to the development of phlebothrombosis: (i) Immediate post operative period (ii) Immediate post partum period (iii) Lengthy immobilization in bed (iv)Cardiac Failure (v) use of Oral Contraceptives
  • 219. CLINICAL EFFECTS OF PULMONARY EMBOLISM The size of the embolus is the factor most influencing the clinical effects of pulmonary embolism 1. Massive Emboli: Large emboli (several centimeter long) may lodge in the outflow tract of the right ventricle or in the main pulmonary artery, where they cause circulatory obstruction and Sudden Death . 2. Medium Sized Emboli: obstruction of medium sized arteries may cause Pulmonary Infarct 3. Small Emboli: Small emboli lodge in minor branches of pulmonary artery with no immediate effects. In many instances, the emboli either fragment soon after lodgment of dissolve during fibrinolysis, in which case clinical effects are minimal. If numerous small emboli occur over a long period, however, the pulmonary microcirculation may be so severely compromised that Pulmonary Hypertension
  • 220. Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Thromboembolism: The thrombus usually originates from the deep leg veins and after detachment becomes lodged in the pulmonary artery vasculature, causing sudden death (if massive), pulmonary infarction ( if small), or Pulmonary hypertension (if small and multiple)
  • 222.
  • 223. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION AND VASCULAR SCLEROSIS • The pulmonary circulation is normally one of low resistance , and pulmonary blood pressure is only about one eighth of systemic blood pressure. • Pulmonary hypertension takes place when mean pulmonary pressure reaches one fourth of systemic level. • Normal pulmonary arterial pressure averages 25/10 (mean 15 mm Hg). If pressure exceeds 30/15 (mean 20 mm Hg) it is called pulmonary hypertension. • Pulmonary Hypertension takes place secondary to structural cardiopulmonary conditions that increase : - Pulmonary blood flow - Pulmonary pressure - Pulmonary blood flow and pressure, both. - Increased Pulmonary vascular resistance - Left heart resistance to blood flow.
  • 224. Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension 1. Chronic Obstructive or Interstitial Lung Disease: Patients with emphysema have hypoxia as well as destruction of lung parenchyma and hence have fewer alveolar capillaries . This causes increased pulmonary arterial resistance and secondarily , increased pressure. 2. Antecedent Congenital or Acquired Heart Disease: Pulmonary hypertension occurs in patients with mitral stenosis . In mitral stenosis an increase in left atrial pressure leads to an increase in pulmonary venous pressure and, consequently , to an increase in pulmonary artery pressure 3. Recurrent Thromboemboli: Patients with recurrent pulmonary emboli may have pulmonary hypertension owing to a reduction in the functional cross sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed brought about by the obstructing emboli which in turn , leads to an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance
  • 225. Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension • Symptoms of underlying disease and right heart failure are usually prominent . • Symptoms directly related to pulmonary hypertension are: -exertional syncope - chest pain - recurrent hemoptysis.
  • 226. Diseases of Pleura •The pleura is composed of connective tissue lined with mesothelial cells forming two opposing surfaces, the visceral pleura covers the lungs and the parietal pleura covers the thoracic cage. 1. Accumulation of Fluid in pleural cavity • Proteinaceous fluid, blood, lymph or air may form collections. 2. Inflammation • Inflammation is common, causing sharp localized chest pain ( pleurisy) • Pleurisy seen with pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary infarction, connective tissue diseases, etc. 3. Tumours • Secondary tumours usually from lung or breast carcinomas . • Mesothelioma
  • 227. Disorders due to collection of fluid and air in the pleural cavities Disorder Collection Causes Haemothorax Blood Chest injury, ruptured aortic aneurysm Hydrothorax Low protein fluid Liver failure, cardiac (transudate) ; High failure, renal failure, protein fluid (Exudate) tumours, infection, inflammation Chylothorax Lymph Neoplastic obstruction of thoracic lymphatics Pneumothorax Air •Spontaneous following rupture of alveolus or bulla in emphysema or tuberculosis • Traumatic, eg, following penetrating injuries of the chest Pyothorax Pus Infection
  • 228. Causes of Pleural Effusion Exudate:( Protein more than 3 gram/dl) 1. Tuberculosis 2. Malignancy 3. Para pneumonic 4. Pulmonary infarction 5. Connective tissue disorders (SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis) Transudate: (Protein less than 3 grams/dl) 1. Congestive Cardiac Failure 2. Hypoproteinemia including Nephrotic Syndrome 3. Meig’s syndrome ( it can be exudate to)
  • 229. Exudate VS Transudate Transudate Exudate Appearance Clear Usually cloudy or turbid Colour Watery Turbid to purulent or bloody Specific Gravity Less than 1.016 1.016 or more Cell Count Less than 1 X 10 9/l More than 1 X109/l DLC Lymphocytes and Neutriophils early but mesothelial cells lymphocytes later RBC Absent Often present Clot formation None Usual Glucose Same as serum Usually same as serum or reduced.
  • 230. Transudate Exudate Total Protein Less than 3 gram/dl 3.0 g/dl or more pH More than 7.5 Less than 7.5 Rivolta Test Negative or faint Positive LDH Normal Increased Pathogenesis Gradient of serum and Usually involves pleural fluid inflammation which maintained because of increases the intact vascular permeability of endothelium pulmonary and pleural vasculature permitting the passage of fluid with high protein content
  • 231. Tumours of Pleura Secondary Tumours of Pleura -From Lungs -From Breast - From Ovaries - Malignancies from any organ can metastasize to pleura Primary Tumours of Pleura - Benign Mesothelioma -Malignant Mesothelioma
  • 232. Benign Mesothelioma •A localized growth that is often attached to the pleural surface by a pedicle. • Tumour may be a small or may reach enormous size. • Usually do not produce pleural effusion • Grossly consist of dense fibrous tissue with occasional cysts filled with viscid fluid • Microscopically the tumour show whorls of reticulin and collagen fibers along with interspersed spindle cells resembling fibroblasts. • Benign Mesothelioma has no relationship with Asbestos
  • 233. Malignant Mesothelioma • Uncommon , but have assumed great importance because of their association with Asbestos. • In coastal areas with shipping industries and in South African mine areas upto 90% of malignant Mesothelioma are associated with Asbestos. • A diffuse lesion that spreads widely in the pleural space. Associated with extensive pleural effusion. • The effected lung is ensheathed by a thick layer of soft gelatinous grayish pink tumour tissue.
  • 234. • Microscopically the malignant Mesothelioma has two appearances: 1. Sarcomatoid Type: Mesothelial cells tend to develop as a mesenchymal mass. Microscopically appear as a spindle cell sarcoma 2. Epithelial Type: Microscopically cells appear like epithelium lining cells. It consists of cuboidal, columnar or flattened cells forming a tubular or papillary structure, resembling Adenocarcinoma
  • 235. Pleural Mesothelioma: The tumour envelops the lung
  • 236. Malignant Mesothelioma, epithelial type: The tumor cells are immunoperoxidase positive for keratin, as shown (brown), but would be carcinoembryonic antigen negative