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Tom Batty
Audience Research- Rolling Stone
For my first thoughts on my Audience Research, I can see straight the age range is very similar to what I want to appeal
to. Instantly I know that it was a good choice choosing this magazine to research and I can get lots of tips and styles to
improve my work. The magazine itself is more popular towards the male gender so I know for sure in need to add my
own style to my magazine to help it appeal to women also if I'm taking tips from this certain magazine. Both social grades
involved in purchasing the magazine are people who are higher and lower in society such as earnings and jobs. This is
another good things because I want to make sure my audience can afford my product. This is also seen in the bottom
right corner that the spare monthly earnings is enough to purchase a affordable. I would say that these are the more
important parts of information I need to know when it comes to creating my product. I would say the most important
part is that I'm appealing to the correct audience and social grade.
The last little piece of information that is an important is the audiences taste in music seems
that I'm doing a music magazine. Now my magazine music is based on the hip/hop and rap side
of things not Rock and band music but just like the gender I will have to make my own take on
implementing all my research into one.
Existing Product When photos are taken and done
in the studio, the image itself is
always edited to make the person
look better for the front page. The
image itself is looking at the
person whoever picks the
magazine up. To me the instantly
makes me feel that the interview
is more of a personally level of the
rappers life then how successful
he is doing. Again another reason
why this may be the case is how
what t-shirt he has on. Its ripped
and got dirt on it maybe
suggesting he's actually having a
hard time at this moment in time.
The final interest of the main
image I find is how his hair has
been frozen in shot. Instead of it
being tied up and hidden it has
been let go and for everyone to
see which is maybe what the
interview is about, the rapper is
letting some personally secrets
about his life that he has been
The colours used on this front
cover red, white and black are very
plain and boring. But with most of
the rolling stones covers they keep
to the classic style that they have
always had. This could also mean
that the company want to be
known as a good professional and
classic magazine another reason
for the colour choices are they are
more masculine representing the
main image.
With the masthead, it is coloured
red mainly because of eye
catching the colour is. Also with
the mast head, its placed behind
the main image because the
magazine is so well known the no
longer need to dhow the full
masthead to be recognized.
The use of the serif font, I feel is another way of getting the
message across that its more of a serious topic and what
represents the rapper at the time. Below his name it gives off a
small clue is to what the topics of the interview will involve and is
worded enough to grab the readers attention by using the word
‘angst’. The cover lines are placed in a very good and convenient
place not too much in the way but just enough to catch the
readers attention.
When it comes down to the
audiences appeal I feel that
when I see this, I would want to
buy it and read through it. I
think the reason for this is
because the cover looks very
professional and well done.
Even though there aren't any
vibrant colours popping out I
feel that this cover would still
stand out and be eye catching
for its classic style.
I has chosen this to review
because its related to what I
want to create but also because
I know that I like the way they
design their front covers and
how classic and professional
they look. I want to try add
some of their style into my
The image used on the front
cover is taken in a studio.
You tell by the use of
background and just off my
own knowledge its all done
by with a photographer.
Existing ProductThe main image on the front cover of
this XXL magazine is again done in the
studio. You can tell by the choice of
the background colour and the
picture itself looks very edited and
touched up to look better. Another
way I can tell is that there is only one
side of his face shaded in and also the
shiny glow off of his other side of his
Expanding on that point the two
different shades on his face are blue
and orange tinge. These two colours
are opposites, which to me represents
some duality of his personality which
is some good and some bad. This to
me can give off a clue to what you
might find out about him in the
interview. Then the background on its
own almost has its own meaning of
maybe we don’t know something
about him that he could be holding
back, ready to tell people. The colour
used is a very feminine so this could
indicate he is on touch or supporting
women in general. The main image
has the trap rapper with his arms
folded and eye level with the reader.
To me this means that its probably a
serious interview about the rapper
and that he isn't messing around and
has some serious stuff to talk about, a
personal interview. His facial features
are very plain and dead face giving off
almost a sinister feel to the rapper.
The masthead is quite big takes up
a larger amount of the top left
corner. Its good because it lets the
reader know what magazine
company it is straight away and is
very eye catching along side with
the red. The red and the
background I well have been
contrasted well together so its very
eye pleasing to look at.
Having his name at the bottom the
front cover and the title of the
issue works well in my opinion
because it would be the second or
third ting you spot when first
glancing at the magazine. Using
the choice of white and black in
the bold serif font gives off a
almost gothic style to his name
and this also helps the name stand
out from the rest of the
information on the page.
For audience appeal, I feel that it’s a very interesting and
noticeable front cover and looks vey appealing to me and the
music industry in a whole. The content shown on the front
cover is enough to grab the audiences attention to read it. I
have chosen to review this front cover because like before it
has some good features that I personally would like to evolve
In my product. By adding these features it will advance my
work further.
The cover lines on this front cover
are nicely placed on both sides and
not in the way of the main image.
The colours the publishers have
used are just classic, simple and
help them stand out against the
background. The writing itself is all
in bold, so this helps it stand out
more against the background. The
content of the cover lines is
relative to the genre and clearly
states what information is going to
be added in the magazine.
Audience Research- NME
My first thoughts on the audience research for the NME magazine is that just like Rolling Stone magazine the age range is
exactly the same as what I'm trying to appeal to, young adults and students. This really does help my side of the perfect
product for my chosen target audience. The gender again appeals more to the male side of things but like I mentioned
before I will add in my own style to adapt my product to appeal for both genders. Just like the Rolling Stone magazine and
this NME magazine it may appeal more to the male gender but there is still a lot of a percentage that appeals to the
female gender. So all I have to do is try and balance out that percentage for my product. The social grade appeals again to
the lower social grade but like before there is a fine line that appeals to both lower and higher. So I feel that my product
will benefit from me researching and analyzing this existing product just as much as the other products. Finally, the
audiences monthly spare is enough I would say to afford my affordable priced product's if they want to purchase them.
Also another factor that doesn’t really benefit me is the audiences music taste. The audience for this magazine
taste of music which is indie rock bands doenst fit in with my Hip/Hop and rap topic but I feel that this wont
really effect me in the long run. I say this because on my front cover of my magazine will clearly state the
information contained inside.
Existing Product The main image on the front
cover of this magazine I feel gives
off some obvious context into
what the topic is about without
even looking at the bottom of the
page. The lady on the front is
dressed like a queen which gives
off the meaning that she is
dominating the music scene at
the moment in her genre or the
charts. Again she is looking at the
reader at eye level making it seem
more of a serious topic interview.
The image as a whole is making it
seem that Stefflon Don is the
queen of united kingdom when it
comes down to the music
scene. The image itself will have
been taken in a studio. I can tell
that is has been done in the
studio because of the light being
reflecting off the chosen
background, reflecting giving off
the effect as shown on the front
The mast head is central and
has a nice bold font making it
stand out a lot. The colour of
the mast head on this addiction
is all white and the reason for
this is because its matching the
red and blue background to
represent the United Kingdom
just like the main image. I feel
like the main image is covering
the mast head to get the point
across that the topic is more
important then their title and
that’s what they would like the
readers to focus on, which
makes a lot of sense.
Their isn't any cover lines on this
front cover, which to me suggests
that its only about the given main
When thinking of audience
appeal, I feel that yes again it’s
a very appealing front cover.
The design is very eye catching
sand different to look at which
will catch peoples eye. I
personally don’t listen to her
but for her fans and people who
enjoy tat style of music will be
attracted to it.
Why I chose this cover to review
for two reasons and those two
reasons are because it’s the
latest issue to come out from
this company and again I do like
the style that NME use when
designing their front covers.
Hopefully this can inspire me to
understand the latest style of
front cover.
Here at the bottom of the front cover is the
artist name and a small two word statement.
The state just goes along with the main picture
and gives the rest of the context given by the
main picture. The two word statement is ‘BOW
DOWN’ and basically is saying to should be
bowing to her as she is now the new queen.
Existing Product
This hoodie is from the rap group Flatbush
The colours and the design used are
very suited to the hoodie and work
very well. The pattern used is tie dye.
The pattern used relates the artist
music and style.
The name of the rap group is
clearly placed on the front of the
hoodie to show who the
merchandise is from and is also
placed on the sleeve. The font used
for both again is relating to what
the groups style is.
I would say the audience appeal for
hoodie is very good because of the
design used makes it a very
appealing item to purchase. It
would would appeal to the
audience because die hard fans of
this rap group will have the same
attitude in life and can relate to the
group. That’s another key factor in
why it appeals to the audiences
I chose to review a hoodie and this
style of hoodie because I was
thinking of creating my own
merchandise and this in my
opinion is some of the better
merchandise out their.
Existing Product
This phone case is representing the rap group
Wu Tang Clan.
The colours used for this phone case
relates to their most famous album. The
use of black is very masculine and also
has a meaning of where they have come
from and the hard times they had faces
growing up. This is maybe why they
show off darker colours.
The actual logo shown is of their
clothing brand and merchandise.
The colour gold used for this stands
out a lot when placed on top of the
black background makes it stand out
and becomes very eye catching to
the fan/buyer. Another thought of
mine is that the choice of cold could
represent them as people fighting
through the hard times and
becoming wealthy and stars.
At the bottom of the phone case is a
faded picture of the group them self.
The picture may have been placed
there to put a faces to a name that
people might not know.
For the audience appeal of this phone
case is very appealing because it has the
nostalgic, classic Wu Tang Clan symbol
that will relate to their die hard fans. I
think the case looks well and all the
colours make the phone case its own.
I chose this phone case because it has
the same topic and genre I'm looking at
involving in my magazine. Another
reason is that I like how its designed and
laid out, I can look at it and maybe take
some tips of how to design my own.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched
products have?
• For my first three products which are magazine covers, all have the same layout and design for a front cover. They
have the main image of the person that the interview will be about. All of them have some sort of effect to make
them specialised for that issue. All of the front covers I have chosen, are quite personal and have the celebrity
looking directly at the reader. Throughout the three front covers they have kept the same old classic style of
magazine covers which I personally like. For the other two products, as they're both items of merchandise they
have an obvious same feature and that feature is having the groups name in main focus showing off who's
merchandise it really is. From what I have researched, its going to help me when I'm designing and making
product to shape exactly what I'm wanting. For example if I'm struggling to picture or shape my product then I can
just take a look back at all my research to refresh my memory and get back on with my production.
• What aspects of the research will you include
within your own production work?
• The main aspects of my research that I'm going to use in my own production are the classic styles of the front
covers and how they use their layouts so effectively. But when taking on someone else's idea I want to be able to
add my own style and thoughts to them so it advances in a positive way. Then with the merchandise, I was
thinking of taking their layout and colour design to make my own merchandise look the best it possibly can.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research • Observation: it appears that on
my first question, out of the 22
people who did my survey 14 said
that rolling stones was their
favourite magazine out of the other
three given.
• What this says about my
audience: they have a good
knowledge on magazines and that
they prefer the classic style of
magazine and how well they make
the front cover look. They also must
enjoy how they give out their
content in the magazine as well as
the front cover design.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
feel like my product will appeal to
this audience because I was getting
most of my inspiration from the
rolling stones magazine. But
hopefully they will like my own twist
on it.
Audience research • Observation: for question two I
was half surprised to see that
personal interviews were more
interesting the professional
interviews. But I guess that it can be
more entertaining then a serious
• What this says about my
audience: what this says about
my audience is that they enjoy to
learn about the artist as a person
maybe before getting to know their
music. Gives the audience
background on the person to add
into conversations about said
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
was going to try add a bit of both in
because both topics are just as
popular as each other so I think
personally it will go down well.
Audience research • Observation: a lot more of the
male gender had answered my
survey then of the female gender.
• What this says about my
audience: mostly male audience
and I will mainly aim my content
towards men but I also need to add
in content for girls as I do still have
a girl audience.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience:
well I feel that it will appeal to my
audience because I was going to
make It appealing to both genders.
Such as unisex merchandise or boys
and girls merchandise and the
content in the magazine will appeal
to both genders.
Audience research • Observation: for question four,
it appears that the age range of my
magazines was more in between
16-18 then 19-23. which I did
expect because a lot of us in the
class are the same age roughly.
• What this says about my
audience: this says that my
audience is still maybe maturing
into a young adult, but again I do
still have people aged in between
• How will your product
appeal to this audience:
well I feel again that I will end up
appealing to the target audience
but again it might not because Id
prefer to create a more mature
magazine for my audience.
Audience research • Observation: for question five,
all round its pretty equal on what
the audience would like to win in a
competition but what is annoying is
that the most popular prize they
would want to win isn't related to
my topic genre.
• What this says about my
audience: this says about my
audience is that they would want
me to have a console or phone for a
prize over a music prize, which
means they aren't that into music.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: the
prize I was going to add in might not
be as popular as what the audience
might want.
Audience research • Observation: from looking at
question six I can see that
clothing items are way more
cared for then phone cases.
• What this says about my
audience: this says that they
would prefer to buy and rep
clothing then a phone case so
that’s what I will end up
designing a few clothing items to
appeal to everyone.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
was going to design some
clothing merchandise before
dong this survey, so by getting
this response makes me feel
confident that it will appeal to
the audience.
Audience research • Observation: from looking at
question 7 I found out that from the
audience that they find posters
attract them the most then the
other options such as radio or pop
ups on applications.
• What this says about my
audience: my audience would
rather see a poster in the street etc
and that would get their attention
more. This means that they pay
more attention when walking the
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
was thinking of either creating a
poster or a radio advertisement but
now from seeing the results I think
that the audience will appeal to what
I'm going to create.
Audience research • Observation: looking at
question seven its very equal on
what the audience like to see in
magazines, which gives me a good
variety on what I can add into my
• What this says about my
audience: my audience wants to
see a variety of information in my
magazine. Being given thins
situation I will have to try and cover
all topics in small bits and pieces.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience:
the content I will be adding into my
magazine I feel is going to appeal to
my audience very well on the fact
that I was already going to add
some of this information into my
Audience research • Observation: for final the final
question I was interested in putting
this question, because it would
good to add in some more small
detailed information on prices for
my merchandise. And what I can
see is that I can place a wide range
of prices when it comes to finishing
off my merchandise.
• What this says about my
audience: if there was
merchandise for sale then they
would pay a decent price to help
support their favourite artists.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
will take information from this
question and add into my
production so it will then hopefully
appeal to my audience.
Interview 1
• Do you buy magazines for the free gifts or the articles? And why ?
Depends on what the free gift is as I wouldn't’t usually buy a magazine so if I was
going to it would be because I am actually interested in the content. Although like
I said if it’s a really good free gift id get it for that.
• What do you personally like about reading Magazines? And why?
Seeing what other peoples views are about subjects I am interested in as it is
good to compare my opinions to theirs
• Do you find magazines educational depending on the topic? And why?
yeah I do as you can learn from them
Interview 1
• Observation: I feel that the answers that I got from the interview
were a little lacklustre but still gave me some good feedback and should
me through the production.
• What this says about my audience: I feel that they
don’t really read or buys magazines. But still has a good knowledge even
though they aren't interested in magazines.
• How will your product appeal to this
• I feel like my product will appeal to this audience because of what content
I will be adding into my magazine
Interview 2
• Do you buy magazines for the free gifts or the articles? And why ?
• No because I don’t often buy magazines, but if I do I usually buy them for the
• What do you personally like about reading Magazines? And why?
• It depends on the type of magazine it is. If it was a music magazine I would enjoy
reading about new music or information on the band
• Do you find magazines educational depending on the topic? And why?
• Yes because you can get a magazine on pretty much anything. If there was a
magazine on history I would find that educational and I would enjoy it because I
find it interesting.
Interview 2
• Observation: Again I feel that it was a bit of both, good and bad. I
say this because on this interview they don’t really buy magazines but
they would buy them if interested.
• What this says about my audience: they aren't big on
magazines but it all depends again on the topic they would like to read
about. I expected answers like this.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience:my product will appeal to this audience because they have
the same interests as what my topic will be about.
1. Batty, T. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (13.4.18)
2. Lister T. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/04/18)
3. Gibson, T. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/04/18)
4. Wenner, J. (2016) Rolling Stones magazine issue 1265
5. Townsquare Media (2016) XXL Magazine issue 64
6. New Musical Express(2018) NME magazine issue –
7. Wu-Wear(2015) phone case
8. Flatbush Zombies(unknown) Hoodie

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Research final

  • 2. Audience Research- Rolling Stone For my first thoughts on my Audience Research, I can see straight the age range is very similar to what I want to appeal to. Instantly I know that it was a good choice choosing this magazine to research and I can get lots of tips and styles to improve my work. The magazine itself is more popular towards the male gender so I know for sure in need to add my own style to my magazine to help it appeal to women also if I'm taking tips from this certain magazine. Both social grades involved in purchasing the magazine are people who are higher and lower in society such as earnings and jobs. This is another good things because I want to make sure my audience can afford my product. This is also seen in the bottom right corner that the spare monthly earnings is enough to purchase a affordable. I would say that these are the more important parts of information I need to know when it comes to creating my product. I would say the most important part is that I'm appealing to the correct audience and social grade.
  • 3. The last little piece of information that is an important is the audiences taste in music seems that I'm doing a music magazine. Now my magazine music is based on the hip/hop and rap side of things not Rock and band music but just like the gender I will have to make my own take on implementing all my research into one.
  • 4. Existing Product When photos are taken and done in the studio, the image itself is always edited to make the person look better for the front page. The image itself is looking at the person whoever picks the magazine up. To me the instantly makes me feel that the interview is more of a personally level of the rappers life then how successful he is doing. Again another reason why this may be the case is how what t-shirt he has on. Its ripped and got dirt on it maybe suggesting he's actually having a hard time at this moment in time. The final interest of the main image I find is how his hair has been frozen in shot. Instead of it being tied up and hidden it has been let go and for everyone to see which is maybe what the interview is about, the rapper is letting some personally secrets about his life that he has been hiding. The colours used on this front cover red, white and black are very plain and boring. But with most of the rolling stones covers they keep to the classic style that they have always had. This could also mean that the company want to be known as a good professional and classic magazine another reason for the colour choices are they are more masculine representing the main image. With the masthead, it is coloured red mainly because of eye catching the colour is. Also with the mast head, its placed behind the main image because the magazine is so well known the no longer need to dhow the full masthead to be recognized.
  • 5. The use of the serif font, I feel is another way of getting the message across that its more of a serious topic and what represents the rapper at the time. Below his name it gives off a small clue is to what the topics of the interview will involve and is worded enough to grab the readers attention by using the word ‘angst’. The cover lines are placed in a very good and convenient place not too much in the way but just enough to catch the readers attention. When it comes down to the audiences appeal I feel that when I see this, I would want to buy it and read through it. I think the reason for this is because the cover looks very professional and well done. Even though there aren't any vibrant colours popping out I feel that this cover would still stand out and be eye catching for its classic style. I has chosen this to review because its related to what I want to create but also because I know that I like the way they design their front covers and how classic and professional they look. I want to try add some of their style into my work. The image used on the front cover is taken in a studio. You tell by the use of background and just off my own knowledge its all done by with a photographer.
  • 6. Existing ProductThe main image on the front cover of this XXL magazine is again done in the studio. You can tell by the choice of the background colour and the picture itself looks very edited and touched up to look better. Another way I can tell is that there is only one side of his face shaded in and also the shiny glow off of his other side of his face. Expanding on that point the two different shades on his face are blue and orange tinge. These two colours are opposites, which to me represents some duality of his personality which is some good and some bad. This to me can give off a clue to what you might find out about him in the interview. Then the background on its own almost has its own meaning of maybe we don’t know something about him that he could be holding back, ready to tell people. The colour used is a very feminine so this could indicate he is on touch or supporting women in general. The main image has the trap rapper with his arms folded and eye level with the reader. To me this means that its probably a serious interview about the rapper and that he isn't messing around and has some serious stuff to talk about, a personal interview. His facial features are very plain and dead face giving off almost a sinister feel to the rapper. The masthead is quite big takes up a larger amount of the top left corner. Its good because it lets the reader know what magazine company it is straight away and is very eye catching along side with the red. The red and the background I well have been contrasted well together so its very eye pleasing to look at. Having his name at the bottom the front cover and the title of the issue works well in my opinion because it would be the second or third ting you spot when first glancing at the magazine. Using the choice of white and black in the bold serif font gives off a almost gothic style to his name and this also helps the name stand out from the rest of the information on the page.
  • 7. For audience appeal, I feel that it’s a very interesting and noticeable front cover and looks vey appealing to me and the music industry in a whole. The content shown on the front cover is enough to grab the audiences attention to read it. I have chosen to review this front cover because like before it has some good features that I personally would like to evolve In my product. By adding these features it will advance my work further. The cover lines on this front cover are nicely placed on both sides and not in the way of the main image. The colours the publishers have used are just classic, simple and help them stand out against the background. The writing itself is all in bold, so this helps it stand out more against the background. The content of the cover lines is relative to the genre and clearly states what information is going to be added in the magazine.
  • 8. Audience Research- NME My first thoughts on the audience research for the NME magazine is that just like Rolling Stone magazine the age range is exactly the same as what I'm trying to appeal to, young adults and students. This really does help my side of the perfect product for my chosen target audience. The gender again appeals more to the male side of things but like I mentioned before I will add in my own style to adapt my product to appeal for both genders. Just like the Rolling Stone magazine and this NME magazine it may appeal more to the male gender but there is still a lot of a percentage that appeals to the female gender. So all I have to do is try and balance out that percentage for my product. The social grade appeals again to the lower social grade but like before there is a fine line that appeals to both lower and higher. So I feel that my product will benefit from me researching and analyzing this existing product just as much as the other products. Finally, the audiences monthly spare is enough I would say to afford my affordable priced product's if they want to purchase them.
  • 9. Also another factor that doesn’t really benefit me is the audiences music taste. The audience for this magazine taste of music which is indie rock bands doenst fit in with my Hip/Hop and rap topic but I feel that this wont really effect me in the long run. I say this because on my front cover of my magazine will clearly state the information contained inside.
  • 10. Existing Product The main image on the front cover of this magazine I feel gives off some obvious context into what the topic is about without even looking at the bottom of the page. The lady on the front is dressed like a queen which gives off the meaning that she is dominating the music scene at the moment in her genre or the charts. Again she is looking at the reader at eye level making it seem more of a serious topic interview. The image as a whole is making it seem that Stefflon Don is the queen of united kingdom when it comes down to the music scene. The image itself will have been taken in a studio. I can tell that is has been done in the studio because of the light being reflecting off the chosen background, reflecting giving off the effect as shown on the front cover. The mast head is central and has a nice bold font making it stand out a lot. The colour of the mast head on this addiction is all white and the reason for this is because its matching the red and blue background to represent the United Kingdom just like the main image. I feel like the main image is covering the mast head to get the point across that the topic is more important then their title and that’s what they would like the readers to focus on, which makes a lot of sense. Their isn't any cover lines on this front cover, which to me suggests that its only about the given main topic.
  • 11. When thinking of audience appeal, I feel that yes again it’s a very appealing front cover. The design is very eye catching sand different to look at which will catch peoples eye. I personally don’t listen to her but for her fans and people who enjoy tat style of music will be attracted to it. Why I chose this cover to review for two reasons and those two reasons are because it’s the latest issue to come out from this company and again I do like the style that NME use when designing their front covers. Hopefully this can inspire me to understand the latest style of front cover. Here at the bottom of the front cover is the artist name and a small two word statement. The state just goes along with the main picture and gives the rest of the context given by the main picture. The two word statement is ‘BOW DOWN’ and basically is saying to should be bowing to her as she is now the new queen.
  • 12. Existing Product This hoodie is from the rap group Flatbush Zombies. The colours and the design used are very suited to the hoodie and work very well. The pattern used is tie dye. The pattern used relates the artist music and style. The name of the rap group is clearly placed on the front of the hoodie to show who the merchandise is from and is also placed on the sleeve. The font used for both again is relating to what the groups style is. I would say the audience appeal for hoodie is very good because of the design used makes it a very appealing item to purchase. It would would appeal to the audience because die hard fans of this rap group will have the same attitude in life and can relate to the group. That’s another key factor in why it appeals to the audiences style. I chose to review a hoodie and this style of hoodie because I was thinking of creating my own merchandise and this in my opinion is some of the better merchandise out their.
  • 13. Existing Product This phone case is representing the rap group Wu Tang Clan. The colours used for this phone case relates to their most famous album. The use of black is very masculine and also has a meaning of where they have come from and the hard times they had faces growing up. This is maybe why they show off darker colours. The actual logo shown is of their clothing brand and merchandise. The colour gold used for this stands out a lot when placed on top of the black background makes it stand out and becomes very eye catching to the fan/buyer. Another thought of mine is that the choice of cold could represent them as people fighting through the hard times and becoming wealthy and stars. At the bottom of the phone case is a faded picture of the group them self. The picture may have been placed there to put a faces to a name that people might not know. For the audience appeal of this phone case is very appealing because it has the nostalgic, classic Wu Tang Clan symbol that will relate to their die hard fans. I think the case looks well and all the colours make the phone case its own. I chose this phone case because it has the same topic and genre I'm looking at involving in my magazine. Another reason is that I like how its designed and laid out, I can look at it and maybe take some tips of how to design my own.
  • 14. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • For my first three products which are magazine covers, all have the same layout and design for a front cover. They have the main image of the person that the interview will be about. All of them have some sort of effect to make them specialised for that issue. All of the front covers I have chosen, are quite personal and have the celebrity looking directly at the reader. Throughout the three front covers they have kept the same old classic style of magazine covers which I personally like. For the other two products, as they're both items of merchandise they have an obvious same feature and that feature is having the groups name in main focus showing off who's merchandise it really is. From what I have researched, its going to help me when I'm designing and making product to shape exactly what I'm wanting. For example if I'm struggling to picture or shape my product then I can just take a look back at all my research to refresh my memory and get back on with my production. • What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work? • The main aspects of my research that I'm going to use in my own production are the classic styles of the front covers and how they use their layouts so effectively. But when taking on someone else's idea I want to be able to add my own style and thoughts to them so it advances in a positive way. Then with the merchandise, I was thinking of taking their layout and colour design to make my own merchandise look the best it possibly can.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: it appears that on my first question, out of the 22 people who did my survey 14 said that rolling stones was their favourite magazine out of the other three given. • What this says about my audience: they have a good knowledge on magazines and that they prefer the classic style of magazine and how well they make the front cover look. They also must enjoy how they give out their content in the magazine as well as the front cover design. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I feel like my product will appeal to this audience because I was getting most of my inspiration from the rolling stones magazine. But hopefully they will like my own twist on it.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: for question two I was half surprised to see that personal interviews were more interesting the professional interviews. But I guess that it can be more entertaining then a serious interview. • What this says about my audience: what this says about my audience is that they enjoy to learn about the artist as a person maybe before getting to know their music. Gives the audience background on the person to add into conversations about said person. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I was going to try add a bit of both in because both topics are just as popular as each other so I think personally it will go down well.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: a lot more of the male gender had answered my survey then of the female gender. • What this says about my audience: mostly male audience and I will mainly aim my content towards men but I also need to add in content for girls as I do still have a girl audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience: well I feel that it will appeal to my audience because I was going to make It appealing to both genders. Such as unisex merchandise or boys and girls merchandise and the content in the magazine will appeal to both genders.
  • 19. Audience research • Observation: for question four, it appears that the age range of my magazines was more in between 16-18 then 19-23. which I did expect because a lot of us in the class are the same age roughly. • What this says about my audience: this says that my audience is still maybe maturing into a young adult, but again I do still have people aged in between 19-23. • How will your product appeal to this audience: well I feel again that I will end up appealing to the target audience but again it might not because Id prefer to create a more mature magazine for my audience.
  • 20. Audience research • Observation: for question five, all round its pretty equal on what the audience would like to win in a competition but what is annoying is that the most popular prize they would want to win isn't related to my topic genre. • What this says about my audience: this says about my audience is that they would want me to have a console or phone for a prize over a music prize, which means they aren't that into music. • How will your product appeal to this audience: the prize I was going to add in might not be as popular as what the audience might want.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: from looking at question six I can see that clothing items are way more cared for then phone cases. • What this says about my audience: this says that they would prefer to buy and rep clothing then a phone case so that’s what I will end up designing a few clothing items to appeal to everyone. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I was going to design some clothing merchandise before dong this survey, so by getting this response makes me feel confident that it will appeal to the audience.
  • 22. Audience research • Observation: from looking at question 7 I found out that from the audience that they find posters attract them the most then the other options such as radio or pop ups on applications. • What this says about my audience: my audience would rather see a poster in the street etc and that would get their attention more. This means that they pay more attention when walking the streets. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I was thinking of either creating a poster or a radio advertisement but now from seeing the results I think that the audience will appeal to what I'm going to create.
  • 23. Audience research • Observation: looking at question seven its very equal on what the audience like to see in magazines, which gives me a good variety on what I can add into my magazine. • What this says about my audience: my audience wants to see a variety of information in my magazine. Being given thins situation I will have to try and cover all topics in small bits and pieces. • How will your product appeal to this audience: the content I will be adding into my magazine I feel is going to appeal to my audience very well on the fact that I was already going to add some of this information into my magazine.
  • 24. Audience research • Observation: for final the final question I was interested in putting this question, because it would good to add in some more small detailed information on prices for my merchandise. And what I can see is that I can place a wide range of prices when it comes to finishing off my merchandise. • What this says about my audience: if there was merchandise for sale then they would pay a decent price to help support their favourite artists. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will take information from this question and add into my production so it will then hopefully appeal to my audience.
  • 26. Interview 1 • Do you buy magazines for the free gifts or the articles? And why ? Depends on what the free gift is as I wouldn't’t usually buy a magazine so if I was going to it would be because I am actually interested in the content. Although like I said if it’s a really good free gift id get it for that. • What do you personally like about reading Magazines? And why? Seeing what other peoples views are about subjects I am interested in as it is good to compare my opinions to theirs • Do you find magazines educational depending on the topic? And why? yeah I do as you can learn from them
  • 27. Interview 1 • Observation: I feel that the answers that I got from the interview were a little lacklustre but still gave me some good feedback and should me through the production. • What this says about my audience: I feel that they don’t really read or buys magazines. But still has a good knowledge even though they aren't interested in magazines. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • I feel like my product will appeal to this audience because of what content I will be adding into my magazine
  • 28. Interview 2 • Do you buy magazines for the free gifts or the articles? And why ? • No because I don’t often buy magazines, but if I do I usually buy them for the stories • What do you personally like about reading Magazines? And why? • It depends on the type of magazine it is. If it was a music magazine I would enjoy reading about new music or information on the band • Do you find magazines educational depending on the topic? And why? • Yes because you can get a magazine on pretty much anything. If there was a magazine on history I would find that educational and I would enjoy it because I find it interesting.
  • 29. Interview 2 • Observation: Again I feel that it was a bit of both, good and bad. I say this because on this interview they don’t really buy magazines but they would buy them if interested. • What this says about my audience: they aren't big on magazines but it all depends again on the topic they would like to read about. I expected answers like this. • How will your product appeal to this audience:my product will appeal to this audience because they have the same interests as what my topic will be about.
  • 31. Bibliography 1. Batty, T. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (13.4.18) 2. Lister T. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/04/18) 3. Gibson, T. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13/04/18) 4. Wenner, J. (2016) Rolling Stones magazine issue 1265 5. Townsquare Media (2016) XXL Magazine issue 64 6. New Musical Express(2018) NME magazine issue – 7. Wu-Wear(2015) phone case 8. Flatbush Zombies(unknown) Hoodie

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  6. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.