SlideShare a Scribd company logo
 Age range: 15-35 years old
This is because the people in this age range can relate to the lyrics in
the songs and have a better understanding of what the music is
Another reason is because the people in this age range could have a
large chance of sharing similar interests. An example would be
listening to the same artist such as Kayne West.
 Similar products: NME and Q
Q has popular named artists that are known around the whole world
such as Jay Z.
 Lifestyle:
My target audiences hobbies or interests could be towards going to
concerts or gigs which involve hip hop, also purchasing the newest
trends in clothing, or even enjoys attempting to make music with their
friends or by themselves.
My audience could be any who love the genre, but they like rap/hip
hop then I believe that they have the right taste of music.
 Gender:
I believe that my audience will turn more towards the male side. This is
because my magazine has photos of males only, this could be used
as a sign for the male gender only towards my music magazine.
However if females feel as if they are part of the music that I create,
then I will be more than grateful to target any potential audiences.
 My complete reader:
 Male between the ages of 15 and 35 years.
 Big interests in the music genre of hip hop or rap.
 A huge social media follower towards their favourite artists.
 Have their own mind-set of having a successful career in the music
industry, like the people they aspire to be.
 Listen to albums they love a lot of the time.
 In there free time possibly make their own lyrics.
Eye contact
An image with a
meaning to
relate to what
male artists act
Same fonts
Banner used
Shot type
close up
Most exclusive
about concert
Other features
 Age:
This is between 15 and 35. This is chosen
because of the music type itself which mainly
targets this age range. This is because it relates
to them more as they will understand more
about what the artists are talking about in
there songs.
 Genre:
Hip-hop/rap, I hope that the front cover gives
an indication of what the genre is without even
being told.
 Gender:
Mainly male because of the rapper in my front
cover being male and everything about his
music and the type I have chosen.
Front Cover
 Masthead:
 This is shown clearly to give the readers a big indication to what
is important within the front cover. It is the largest text on the
front cover because it needs to show the brand image by
standing out, this will then give the product a positive image if it
stands out. I chose the yellow colour and ERAS BOLD font
because it stands out best on the blue background.
 Colours used:
 All of the colours chosen such as yellow, white and black are all
used efficiently in my opinion because they all stand out. All the
information placed on this magazine is important so I believe it
needs to be eye catching. This is an example of the order of
text I used, I had the black text showing titles or captions, then
yellow and white following with the other information needed.
 ‘LIL WAYNE: Return of the century’
 This is the piece of text that takes up a lot of the front cover
for the information part. This is because I believe it is the most
important message to show with the audience and that is
why I have made the text so spread out. I needed to
address it as much as possible so the readers can tell which
part of the information given to them is the most important.
 The masthead used in both contents page and front cover is the
same font. I di this because I needed to show a constant pattern
throughout and I feel as if I have in other areas to such as text
colours and font sizes. I tried to have a consistency between the two
 The headings I have added in with black text is to give the reader
and incite of what the caption is about. I have made the text in all
the areas in black larger than the information below because I
believe it is easier for the readers to break down what they want to
 I also made the background grey with my black
male character because then the texts stands out
much more. This could influence the reading to go
through to the pages of the article if they are
informed properly.
 I have made this piece of text the largest in my
contents page because I need to let the readers
know what the biggest news is. Also by this it can
attract them more and encourage them to be
hooked into my magazine.
Double page spread
 I made all the questions in white and text in black to
show the difference between the two. However I did
use the same font (Minion Pro) but made the white text
bigger using 18pt for the white and 12pt for the black.
 I used an image which had direct eye contact with the
reader to grab their attention. I hoped by doing this
they wont flick through and not feel as if this is the right
magazine for them. I used Photoshop to make this
image have a direct shadow behind it to make the
image stand out even more on a white background.
 I intentionally made this key quote at the top of the page
and in text size 33pt. I did this to again attract the readers
attention and try to make this quote the first thing they
look at when they turn the page. I also made sure the text
wasn’t to cramped so I used a lot of space at the top to
make sure it is clearly visible. I also used white text to make
it stand out with a blue background and made the text
have a shadow affect which I used on Photoshop.
 Again I used this technique on the right hand sided page.
However I used grey text because of the white
background to make it visible and stand out as it is a key
 For both headings, I used to font Cairo SF because I have
tried to use consistency throughout my magazine.
I have stuck to a colour scheme throughout of yellow, white and black text apart from one
quote where I felt it wouldn’t look right having the text any of the other three colours. I have
tried to create a pattern of consistency from start to finish and believe I have achieved that. I
have also made sure all the photos I took were making eye contact with the reader.
 I felt as if I have inspired my target audience to
listen to the genre of rap/hip hop even more so, by
telling them about the newest artists and ones that
have been around for a while, giving them
information about releases and festivals they have
never heard of before. I felt I have done this by
firstly making my black male the cover of my music
magazine and making him the main photo. This
gives the readers a typical idea of how the rap
industry is like.
 I hope I have inspired them to want to become
the newest star and be the cover of a music like
this. Also by using an interview of a real life situation
and describing how the start of a boys life has now
developed into a dream come true must
encourage the readers to reach their goals.
 My age range is between 15 and 35 years old.
 I believe I have made this more appealing to
that specific target range by making the front
cover photo a young male.
 The decision to make the photo a young male
may influence and inspire people to become a
future artist themselves.
 Also with the main photo being in the age
range himself, the readers can relate to him
 The genre I chosen also is addressed to appeal to black people
more, and that is one of the main reasons why I chose a black male
to fit the part of my front cover.
 There are many black male artists such as Kayne West and Jay Z,
there are many more also.
 I have chosen to stick with the main stereotype by making my main
photo a black male as this will relate to the genre much more.
 By doing this, I believe it will attract more of an audience as it is
typically seen the most.
 Using the black male as my main photos for my magazine, it gives
people a chance to see what it is like to be one of the newest names
recognised in the music industry and hopefully that can make more
young people who aspire to be like their favourite artists want to be on
that front cover.
 My magazine at the moment has mainly addressed to the male side
 I took into consideration that the genre I have chosen appeals to
males more also
 One way I tried to achieve this is by making the main photo and all
those throughout my music magazine a male character
 Another reason I have
influenced the main target
audience to be male is by
displaying male artists only.
I believe that those two images of
other music magazines can relate to
mine. All three have the same type of
idea and are all similar because of
the genre and also the layout.
Comparison with Vibe
 Firstly both of the mastheads our positioned
in similar places and stand out very much so.
Also there is a news header above the
masthead to give the readers more to look
at and be encouraged to read the
magazine even more.
 Both magazines have a colour scheme of
three only.
 However I decided to use black text for
headings only, while VIBE has used it for
various things. Therefore I wanted to create
a consistency in my magazine.
Comparison with XXL
 Both of the magazines are making direct eye contact
with the reader, I believe this is important because it
attract the audience more. Also both of the covers
have used 3 text colours to show a level of
 However XXL have put there masthead in the top left,
personally I chose to put it in the centre at the top
because I feel as if it needs to stretch out from one side
to the other as it is the most important information on
the magazine cover to show what magazine they are
reading from.
 My cover challenges others as rap/hip hop magazines
usually have a black or white background.
 Also XXL have placed all of their text on the left, I felt
that I needed to put mine on both sides because of
the position that I wanted the photo to be.
I have used a
barcode and
price to show a
information to
show the
readers what
is the best
Like other magazines, I
have added in features
from other popular
artists to grab the
readers attention.
I chose to challenge
other music
magazines by
adding a feature at
the top, as not many
do this.
 When developing my contents page, I decided
to keep it traditional as many other contents
pages have a photo which has not been edited
from my research analysis. I found out that many
have a similar layout compared to mine. Many
magazines have one image of the main star as
their image.
 However I believe that mine stands out as the
picture is making direct eye contact and the
lighting is good as it is very clear to see.
My magazine, ‘LOGIC’
 Logic magazine will be published soon and sold at a price of £1.70.
 I chose this price because VIBE was priced at £2.00 and XXL was at
£2.10. I then took the initiative to put my price lower than my
competitors because it will then give me a competitive advantage
of my rivals. This can lead to increase market sales growth to my
magazine, increased profit or even larger advertisement.
 From my research I have found out that all 3 magazines target
similar audiences, so from my competitive advantage I believe that
it can lead to repeat purchase.
Social media
 I feel that if I am able to be found
through social media, my brand
image can grow much quicker,
this is because of the target
audience I am aiming for. Social
media is growing extremely fast
from the young popular and if
they are able to see my products
available online, that can boost
my brand image. Therefore, I
have made a twitter account as
well as Facebook so my
audiences can get in touch with
me with easy access.
 I have made goods from my brand image because I feel as if I have
a big enough target audience to make ambitious decisions such as
this idea.
 The types of goods I was thinking of could be T-Shirts, hoodies and
possibly speakers or headphones.
 This idea could increase my brand image and reputation and if it is
successful, it could benefit me massively for the future as my target
audience could spread wider which attracts a larger audience.
 The goods I have decided to
produce would have my logo on it
somewhere, this can again give ma a
better reputation and hopefully get
myself know throughout the music
 This will also help me when
competing with my rivals.
 The prices I will set will be down to a
survey I will conduct which will give
me a good estimate of how much my
target audience would average the
prices at.
Mobile phones, apps
 Following the goods I have decided to introduce, a good ay to
access these would be through my mobile phone app. This app will
make my brand image much easier look at if some potential
customers are unsure about what music magazine they like, my
product will bring a good first impression if it stands out from the
 This app can also add different branches which all give my product
a positive feel. This app will show all the recent updates about
‘LOGIC’, about the new merchandise available and what new
magazines will be published and all the top stories.
 Intermedia is a big distributor in the music industry. It has distributed
VIBE which is a huge brand within magazines. I have chosen to go
with Intermedia because I believe it will bring me the best chance
of success and give me the most positive first image towards the
 Intermedia also has exclusive interviews on radio stations with the
biggest names such as Kayne West, Drake and Jay Z. They usually
give shout outs to the newest trends in music, and I hope that my
magazine can make it to the that goal. If it does, they will hopefully
give me a shout out and this can open so many more doors to the
opportunities that those artists will give me.
 I believe that Intermedia will choose me over Vibe because I am
new to the market and I will give the readers something new. An
example of this would be publishing the newest artist (Blackjack),
while Vibe usually keep to the same artist that are on the music
scene the most. Also I can attract more customers by pricing my
magazines lower than them so Intermedia will know I can get a
larger audience which will lead to them becoming bigger as a
 Another reason they would choose my brand over Vibe is because I
give exclusive interviews with the newest artists known to the music
industry which will give me a competitive advantage love them. If
the public love the new artists, they will love to know his story too.
Throughout the development of the front cover, I was able to edit it an used this
through InDesign. I was able to change around a lot of ideas and it all came through
Firstly I added in my picture to a plain document.
The next step was to add in my background, I used blue 2 different shades of blue. I
did this by selecting the shade tool so it was darker on the outside and became
lighter as it moved into the centre. I then placed in my masthead which I edited
through InDesign because it was easier to mess around with rather than Photoshop.
 The third step was to add in some text which I trialled, shown in the
middle picture as I used blue, white and grey text. I then realised
that this didn’t look as appealing as I wanted it to.
 The fourth step was to complete my magazine fully. I changed the
text colour to yellow, white and black as I believed it stood out
much more. This step took quite a long time as I messed around with
the placing of various text but finally concluded to this decision.
 The final step was to export the file into a JPEG file.
The first step was to add my picture to fit into a document, this image filled the
whole background.
The second step was to add in the masthead and the numbers to the right hand
side. I used the same font (Gills Sans Ultra Bold) and text size of 36pt.
The third step was to add in all the different features using the same text and font
sized for black and white text colours.
The fourth and final step was to export the document again into a JPEG file.
Front covers
 The magazine on the left is the
first one I did, and the right
one is my most recent one. I
believe I have achieved a
much greater amount in my
second attempt.
 Just from looking at the two I
believe there is a massive
difference and I will later
explain why.
 I now realise that my main photo was
not effective enough. It is a very dull
picture with no real meaning towards it.
There is no eye contact so the reader
wont be engaged as much.
 Also I think that there is to much going
on with the image. For example, I have
added to many fonts and colours in one
frame. When looking back at the two
comparisons, I understand where I have
improved or developed my ideas.
 Also some of the texts used isn’t even clear
enough to see properly. This automatically gives
the magazine a negative to its name if the
reader cant even see what the information is
giving them.
 The main photo as well should’ve had something
that stands out, such as the background which
could make the audience stare at it and be
engaged with the front cover.
 The main photo again should’ve been
positioned more effectively or even taken which
a position that gives me a chance to mess
around with the format of the front cover.
 The background was extremely dull because it
is two plain colours. The most recent contents
page I developed I tried to make it more
inventive by making it more eye catching.
 However I did stick to a certain amount of fonts
and colour texts which I also used in my
magazine that I recently made. On the other
hand, this was to boring to get recognised over
the others, it didn’t have enough of a feel
factor to be seen as a very creative contents
page as the background was made into two
difference types of green.
• I believe I have made my new contents
page much more engaging and it stands
out a lot more. I have done this by creating
my main photo as my background so my
character stands out. Also the appropriate
text colours used and font sizes. I believe I
have done this much more efficiently in my
second attempt of creating a contents
page because just from having a look at
both you can see a clear difference
between the two.
• I also decided to just have one photo is my
new contents page because the three I had
on the first attempt didn’t show a meaning
and you can barely see them without
What I have learnt?
 Once I looked back at my school magazine compared to what I most
recently have done, I have realised a lot of techniques that need to be
used in order to achieve a successful magazine.
 Eye contact is very important with the main photo, this can be used
very effectively and grabs the readers attention immediately.
 Keeping to a strict colour scheme/font scheme is very important as it
gives the magazine a good pattern and flow through because the
reader wont be dazzled by all the different changes.
 The importance of taking several photos instead of one is very key to
having a main photo that stands out. In my school magazine I took one
image, however in my music magazine I took over 10, this gave me a
good chance to try out the different images to see which one looked
 I have also learnt how to use the different editing apps such as
Photoshop and InDesign which allows me to creative better effects.

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Evaluation complete

  • 3.  Age range: 15-35 years old This is because the people in this age range can relate to the lyrics in the songs and have a better understanding of what the music is about. Another reason is because the people in this age range could have a large chance of sharing similar interests. An example would be listening to the same artist such as Kayne West.  Similar products: NME and Q Q has popular named artists that are known around the whole world such as Jay Z.
  • 4.  Lifestyle: My target audiences hobbies or interests could be towards going to concerts or gigs which involve hip hop, also purchasing the newest trends in clothing, or even enjoys attempting to make music with their friends or by themselves. My audience could be any who love the genre, but they like rap/hip hop then I believe that they have the right taste of music.  Gender: I believe that my audience will turn more towards the male side. This is because my magazine has photos of males only, this could be used as a sign for the male gender only towards my music magazine. However if females feel as if they are part of the music that I create, then I will be more than grateful to target any potential audiences.
  • 5.  My complete reader:  Male between the ages of 15 and 35 years.  Big interests in the music genre of hip hop or rap.  A huge social media follower towards their favourite artists.  Have their own mind-set of having a successful career in the music industry, like the people they aspire to be.  Listen to albums they love a lot of the time.  In there free time possibly make their own lyrics.
  • 6.
  • 8. Eye contact An image with a meaning to relate to what male artists act like(expression). Same fonts Banner used Shot type (medium close up shot) Barcode/ price Most exclusive news Information about concert Masthead Other features
  • 9.  Age: This is between 15 and 35. This is chosen because of the music type itself which mainly targets this age range. This is because it relates to them more as they will understand more about what the artists are talking about in there songs.  Genre: Hip-hop/rap, I hope that the front cover gives an indication of what the genre is without even being told.  Gender: Mainly male because of the rapper in my front cover being male and everything about his music and the type I have chosen.
  • 11.  Masthead:  This is shown clearly to give the readers a big indication to what is important within the front cover. It is the largest text on the front cover because it needs to show the brand image by standing out, this will then give the product a positive image if it stands out. I chose the yellow colour and ERAS BOLD font because it stands out best on the blue background.  Colours used:  All of the colours chosen such as yellow, white and black are all used efficiently in my opinion because they all stand out. All the information placed on this magazine is important so I believe it needs to be eye catching. This is an example of the order of text I used, I had the black text showing titles or captions, then yellow and white following with the other information needed.
  • 12.  ‘LIL WAYNE: Return of the century’  This is the piece of text that takes up a lot of the front cover for the information part. This is because I believe it is the most important message to show with the audience and that is why I have made the text so spread out. I needed to address it as much as possible so the readers can tell which part of the information given to them is the most important.
  • 14.  The masthead used in both contents page and front cover is the same font. I di this because I needed to show a constant pattern throughout and I feel as if I have in other areas to such as text colours and font sizes. I tried to have a consistency between the two headings.  The headings I have added in with black text is to give the reader and incite of what the caption is about. I have made the text in all the areas in black larger than the information below because I believe it is easier for the readers to break down what they want to read.
  • 15.  I also made the background grey with my black male character because then the texts stands out much more. This could influence the reading to go through to the pages of the article if they are informed properly.  I have made this piece of text the largest in my contents page because I need to let the readers know what the biggest news is. Also by this it can attract them more and encourage them to be hooked into my magazine.
  • 17.  I made all the questions in white and text in black to show the difference between the two. However I did use the same font (Minion Pro) but made the white text bigger using 18pt for the white and 12pt for the black.  I used an image which had direct eye contact with the reader to grab their attention. I hoped by doing this they wont flick through and not feel as if this is the right magazine for them. I used Photoshop to make this image have a direct shadow behind it to make the image stand out even more on a white background.
  • 18.  I intentionally made this key quote at the top of the page and in text size 33pt. I did this to again attract the readers attention and try to make this quote the first thing they look at when they turn the page. I also made sure the text wasn’t to cramped so I used a lot of space at the top to make sure it is clearly visible. I also used white text to make it stand out with a blue background and made the text have a shadow affect which I used on Photoshop.  Again I used this technique on the right hand sided page. However I used grey text because of the white background to make it visible and stand out as it is a key quote.  For both headings, I used to font Cairo SF because I have tried to use consistency throughout my magazine.
  • 19. I have stuck to a colour scheme throughout of yellow, white and black text apart from one quote where I felt it wouldn’t look right having the text any of the other three colours. I have tried to create a pattern of consistency from start to finish and believe I have achieved that. I have also made sure all the photos I took were making eye contact with the reader.
  • 20.  I felt as if I have inspired my target audience to listen to the genre of rap/hip hop even more so, by telling them about the newest artists and ones that have been around for a while, giving them information about releases and festivals they have never heard of before. I felt I have done this by firstly making my black male the cover of my music magazine and making him the main photo. This gives the readers a typical idea of how the rap industry is like.  I hope I have inspired them to want to become the newest star and be the cover of a music like this. Also by using an interview of a real life situation and describing how the start of a boys life has now developed into a dream come true must encourage the readers to reach their goals.
  • 22. Age  My age range is between 15 and 35 years old.  I believe I have made this more appealing to that specific target range by making the front cover photo a young male.  The decision to make the photo a young male may influence and inspire people to become a future artist themselves.  Also with the main photo being in the age range himself, the readers can relate to him more.
  • 23. Ethnicity  The genre I chosen also is addressed to appeal to black people more, and that is one of the main reasons why I chose a black male to fit the part of my front cover.  There are many black male artists such as Kayne West and Jay Z, there are many more also.  I have chosen to stick with the main stereotype by making my main photo a black male as this will relate to the genre much more.  By doing this, I believe it will attract more of an audience as it is typically seen the most.
  • 24.  Using the black male as my main photos for my magazine, it gives people a chance to see what it is like to be one of the newest names recognised in the music industry and hopefully that can make more young people who aspire to be like their favourite artists want to be on that front cover.
  • 25. Gender  My magazine at the moment has mainly addressed to the male side  I took into consideration that the genre I have chosen appeals to males more also  One way I tried to achieve this is by making the main photo and all those throughout my music magazine a male character
  • 26.  Another reason I have influenced the main target audience to be male is by displaying male artists only.
  • 28.
  • 29. I believe that those two images of other music magazines can relate to mine. All three have the same type of idea and are all similar because of the genre and also the layout.
  • 30. Comparison with Vibe  Firstly both of the mastheads our positioned in similar places and stand out very much so. Also there is a news header above the masthead to give the readers more to look at and be encouraged to read the magazine even more.  Both magazines have a colour scheme of three only.  However I decided to use black text for headings only, while VIBE has used it for various things. Therefore I wanted to create a consistency in my magazine.
  • 31. Comparison with XXL  Both of the magazines are making direct eye contact with the reader, I believe this is important because it attract the audience more. Also both of the covers have used 3 text colours to show a level of consistency.  However XXL have put there masthead in the top left, personally I chose to put it in the centre at the top because I feel as if it needs to stretch out from one side to the other as it is the most important information on the magazine cover to show what magazine they are reading from.  My cover challenges others as rap/hip hop magazines usually have a black or white background.  Also XXL have placed all of their text on the left, I felt that I needed to put mine on both sides because of the position that I wanted the photo to be.
  • 32. I have used a barcode and price to show a traditional convention Clear information to show the readers what is the best feature. Like other magazines, I have added in features from other popular artists to grab the readers attention. I chose to challenge other music magazines by adding a feature at the top, as not many do this.
  • 33.  When developing my contents page, I decided to keep it traditional as many other contents pages have a photo which has not been edited from my research analysis. I found out that many have a similar layout compared to mine. Many magazines have one image of the main star as their image.  However I believe that mine stands out as the picture is making direct eye contact and the lighting is good as it is very clear to see.
  • 35. My magazine, ‘LOGIC’  Logic magazine will be published soon and sold at a price of £1.70.  I chose this price because VIBE was priced at £2.00 and XXL was at £2.10. I then took the initiative to put my price lower than my competitors because it will then give me a competitive advantage of my rivals. This can lead to increase market sales growth to my magazine, increased profit or even larger advertisement.  From my research I have found out that all 3 magazines target similar audiences, so from my competitive advantage I believe that it can lead to repeat purchase.
  • 36. Social media  I feel that if I am able to be found through social media, my brand image can grow much quicker, this is because of the target audience I am aiming for. Social media is growing extremely fast from the young popular and if they are able to see my products available online, that can boost my brand image. Therefore, I have made a twitter account as well as Facebook so my audiences can get in touch with me with easy access. Blackjack
  • 37. Goods  I have made goods from my brand image because I feel as if I have a big enough target audience to make ambitious decisions such as this idea.  The types of goods I was thinking of could be T-Shirts, hoodies and possibly speakers or headphones.  This idea could increase my brand image and reputation and if it is successful, it could benefit me massively for the future as my target audience could spread wider which attracts a larger audience.
  • 38.  The goods I have decided to produce would have my logo on it somewhere, this can again give ma a better reputation and hopefully get myself know throughout the music industry.  This will also help me when competing with my rivals.  The prices I will set will be down to a survey I will conduct which will give me a good estimate of how much my target audience would average the prices at. B B
  • 39. Mobile phones, apps  Following the goods I have decided to introduce, a good ay to access these would be through my mobile phone app. This app will make my brand image much easier look at if some potential customers are unsure about what music magazine they like, my product will bring a good first impression if it stands out from the others.  This app can also add different branches which all give my product a positive feel. This app will show all the recent updates about ‘LOGIC’, about the new merchandise available and what new magazines will be published and all the top stories.
  • 40. Distribution  Intermedia is a big distributor in the music industry. It has distributed VIBE which is a huge brand within magazines. I have chosen to go with Intermedia because I believe it will bring me the best chance of success and give me the most positive first image towards the public.  Intermedia also has exclusive interviews on radio stations with the biggest names such as Kayne West, Drake and Jay Z. They usually give shout outs to the newest trends in music, and I hope that my magazine can make it to the that goal. If it does, they will hopefully give me a shout out and this can open so many more doors to the opportunities that those artists will give me.
  • 41.  I believe that Intermedia will choose me over Vibe because I am new to the market and I will give the readers something new. An example of this would be publishing the newest artist (Blackjack), while Vibe usually keep to the same artist that are on the music scene the most. Also I can attract more customers by pricing my magazines lower than them so Intermedia will know I can get a larger audience which will lead to them becoming bigger as a distributor.  Another reason they would choose my brand over Vibe is because I give exclusive interviews with the newest artists known to the music industry which will give me a competitive advantage love them. If the public love the new artists, they will love to know his story too.
  • 43. Throughout the development of the front cover, I was able to edit it an used this through InDesign. I was able to change around a lot of ideas and it all came through InDesign. Firstly I added in my picture to a plain document. The next step was to add in my background, I used blue 2 different shades of blue. I did this by selecting the shade tool so it was darker on the outside and became lighter as it moved into the centre. I then placed in my masthead which I edited through InDesign because it was easier to mess around with rather than Photoshop.
  • 44.  The third step was to add in some text which I trialled, shown in the middle picture as I used blue, white and grey text. I then realised that this didn’t look as appealing as I wanted it to.  The fourth step was to complete my magazine fully. I changed the text colour to yellow, white and black as I believed it stood out much more. This step took quite a long time as I messed around with the placing of various text but finally concluded to this decision.  The final step was to export the file into a JPEG file.
  • 45. The first step was to add my picture to fit into a document, this image filled the whole background. The second step was to add in the masthead and the numbers to the right hand side. I used the same font (Gills Sans Ultra Bold) and text size of 36pt. The third step was to add in all the different features using the same text and font sized for black and white text colours. The fourth and final step was to export the document again into a JPEG file.
  • 47.
  • 48. Front covers  The magazine on the left is the first one I did, and the right one is my most recent one. I believe I have achieved a much greater amount in my second attempt.  Just from looking at the two I believe there is a massive difference and I will later explain why.
  • 49.  I now realise that my main photo was not effective enough. It is a very dull picture with no real meaning towards it. There is no eye contact so the reader wont be engaged as much.  Also I think that there is to much going on with the image. For example, I have added to many fonts and colours in one frame. When looking back at the two comparisons, I understand where I have improved or developed my ideas.
  • 50.  Also some of the texts used isn’t even clear enough to see properly. This automatically gives the magazine a negative to its name if the reader cant even see what the information is giving them.  The main photo as well should’ve had something that stands out, such as the background which could make the audience stare at it and be engaged with the front cover.  The main photo again should’ve been positioned more effectively or even taken which a position that gives me a chance to mess around with the format of the front cover.
  • 51. Contents  The background was extremely dull because it is two plain colours. The most recent contents page I developed I tried to make it more inventive by making it more eye catching.  However I did stick to a certain amount of fonts and colour texts which I also used in my magazine that I recently made. On the other hand, this was to boring to get recognised over the others, it didn’t have enough of a feel factor to be seen as a very creative contents page as the background was made into two difference types of green.
  • 52. • I believe I have made my new contents page much more engaging and it stands out a lot more. I have done this by creating my main photo as my background so my character stands out. Also the appropriate text colours used and font sizes. I believe I have done this much more efficiently in my second attempt of creating a contents page because just from having a look at both you can see a clear difference between the two. • I also decided to just have one photo is my new contents page because the three I had on the first attempt didn’t show a meaning and you can barely see them without squinting.
  • 53. What I have learnt?  Once I looked back at my school magazine compared to what I most recently have done, I have realised a lot of techniques that need to be used in order to achieve a successful magazine.  Eye contact is very important with the main photo, this can be used very effectively and grabs the readers attention immediately.  Keeping to a strict colour scheme/font scheme is very important as it gives the magazine a good pattern and flow through because the reader wont be dazzled by all the different changes.  The importance of taking several photos instead of one is very key to having a main photo that stands out. In my school magazine I took one image, however in my music magazine I took over 10, this gave me a good chance to try out the different images to see which one looked best.  I have also learnt how to use the different editing apps such as Photoshop and InDesign which allows me to creative better effects.