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An Overview of Quantum-Safe
Assoc. Prof. Ron Steinfeld
Dept of Software Systems & Cybersecurity
Faculty of IT
Monash University
10 May 2022
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• The Quantum Computing threat to Cryptography
– Why quantum-safe cryptography?
• Quantum-Safe Cryptography (PQC)
– Current approaches & characteristics
> Security
> Performance
> The coming new crypto standards (NIST,ETSI,…)
• Glimpse at State-of-the-art Research &
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
• Quantum computers
– Concept suggested by quantum physicists Paul Benioff
and Richard Feynman (early 1980s)
– Exploit quantum mechanics to process information
> Use quantum bits = “qubits” instead of 0’s and 1’s
> Qubits can be in “superposition states”: ability of
quantum system to be in multiples states at the same
> à Massive parallelization potential to vastly
increase computational power beyond classical
computing limit
– Computational problems that are infeasible for classical
computers may become easy for quantum computers
– à Can have huge impact on cryptography!
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Nature of Qubits
A classical computer performs operations using classical bits, which can be
either zero or one.
In contrast, the quantum computer uses quantum bits (Qubits), which can
be zero, one, or both zero and one at the same time. For example the
outermost electron of a phosphorus atom can be used as qubit.
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Nature of Qubits
Electron can exist in quantum superposition
Measurement outcome either one or zero with
the indicated probabilities.
64% 36%
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
For 2 qubits:
- 1 of 4 possible measured outcomes for 2 qubits
- before measurement: all 4 possible outcomes can have
non-zero weights in a superposition state!
For n qubits:
- after measurement: 1 of 2n possible outcomes
- before measurement: superposition of 2n outcomes!
The potential power of quantum computers:
Quantum computations can be performed in
parallel on all these 2$ possible outcomes!!
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum computations can be performed in parallel on all
these 2$
possible superposed outcomes of n qubits!!
BUT, once we measure the quantum system the state
collapses to just one of those 2$
possible outcomes.
àWe can only exploit the parallelism of quantum
computation for certain types of computation problems:
Those problems for which the quantum computation
can concentrate most of the probability on the solution
to our computational problem
à Measurement of final state will give the solution
outcome with high probability
Collapsed measurement result
(solution to the computation prob.)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
• Shor’s quantum algorithms – exponential speedup
of QCs for breaking classical Public Key Crypto
– 1994: Peter Shor (IBM Research): efficient
quantum computer algorithms for:
> Integer Factorisation Problem (IFP)
– à Breaks RSA public-key encryption in polynomial
time in length of the modulus n
> Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP)
– Breaks Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol in
polynomial time length of modulus p
> Later extended also to break ECDLP in poly time
• Implication: large scale QC à RSA and Diffie-
Hellman public-key systems become insecure!
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• 1996: Grover’s Algorithm -- polynomial speedup of
QCs for breaking Symmetric-Key Crypto
– Preimage finding (one-wayness): Given y = H(x), for
random n-bit x, find x.
– Brute-force classical algorithm: ~ O(2n) time
– Grover’s quantum algorithm: ~ O( 2$) = 𝑂(2
.) time
Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Summary: Implication of Large scale QC on
Cryptography Security – PKC insecure!
Problem Application Classical
(k=key len)
Security (k =
key len)
Key Length
factor to
keep Q. Sec.
RSA Pub Key
2 /
2) poly(k) 2 /
Discrete Log
Pub Key
2 /
2) poly(k) 2 /
EC Discrete
Log Problem
Key Enc/Sig
Key Search
Symmetric key
enc (e.g. AES)
) 𝑂(22/3
) <= 2
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
– How Far Away?
• Concrete estimates for ECDL implementation of
Shor’s algorithm [HJN20]:
– ~2124 qubits
– ~2.3 x 109 quantum gates
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
– How Far Away?
• Technological Improvements in QC:
– 1980-82: idea proposed by Benioff / Feynman
– 1998: first 2-qubit quantum computer realized
– 2000: 7-qubit quantum computer
– 2006: 12-qubits
– 2017: 49/50-qubits (IBM/Intel)
– 2018: 72-qubits (Google)
– 2019: 53 qubits (IBM), Google’s successful quantum
supremacy experiment published
– 2021: IBM `Eagle’ - 127 qubits
– 2023 (IBM Roadmap): 1000+ qubits??
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum Computing Threat to
Cryptography: Why Worry now?
• Quantum-insecure Public Key Crypto is everywhere:
– Web security (SSL/TLS)
– VPNs (IPSec)
– IoTs, blockchains, .....
• Collect ciphertexts now and decrypt in the QC
Time to upgrade infrastructure crypto to quantum-safe
alternatives (standards, implementation, deployment)
+ Time for future data security required
< ?? Time to Practical Large scale QC
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Resisting QC Attacks on Public-Key Crypto
• Two main countermeasure approaches
– Quantum-Safe Cryptography
> Aka Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)
> Public key cryptosystems based on computational problems
resistant even to quantum computer attacks
> legitimate parties use only classical computers
– “plug-in” replacement to quantum-insecure public key
> Active research topic in cryptography for > 20 years
> Several approaches known (later in this talk)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Resisting QC Attacks on Public-Key Crypto
• Two main countermeasure approaches
investigated (cont):
– Quantum Cryptography
> Aka Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
> Key exchange protocol resistant even to quantum
computer attacks
> legitimate parties use quantum communication/
computation computers (not plug-in replacement for
quantum-insecure public-key crypto, need special
quantum hardware).
> Requires quantum-safe classical authentication
> Will not discuss further in this talk
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
The future of Public-Key Cryptography:
Quantum-Safe Public-Key Cryptosystems
• Quantum-Safe (aka Post-Quantum) Cryptography
– Goal: Public-key cryptosystems based on computational
problems resistant to quantum computers
– A delicate balance: need
> Enough math structure to support the functionality
– Encrypt with public key, decrypt with private key
> Not enough math structure to allow quantum attacks
– But several candidate approaches exist:
> Linear equations with Errors: Lattice & Coding problems
> Multivariate non-linear equations
> Isogenies on elliptic curves
> Symmetric-key approaches (digital signatures only)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
• Linear Equations with errors – Codes & Lattices
– Idea inspired by Error Correction Codes
– Add `small’ errors to a linear equation to make it hard
to solve: y = A*x + e
– Encode a message x by an expanding linear
transformation (add redundancy)
– Can decode if noise e is sufficiently `small’
> Easy to decode for special codes (wireless communication)
> Computationally hard to decode for “random-looking” linear
codes in high dimension
• Codes & Lattices: different ways to measure `small’
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Lattice-based Cryptography: Idea (1)
Ron Steinfeld sdsd
• Lattice = periodic grid of points in space
• Generated by some set of basis vectors
• E.g. (right) lattice in 2-D (green points = lattice,
basis in blue)
• Can be easily defined mathematically in any
dimension n
• hard to visualise/draw for n > 3!
• Fact: geometric problems in lattices seem
to be computationally infeasible (run time
exponential in n) for large dimension n
• Even against quantum computers!
• Lattice-based crypto: design pub-key encryption so
breaking it requires solving a hard geometric lattice
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Lattice-Based Cryptography: Idea (2)
• Hard geometric lattice Problem:
Bounded-Distance Decoding (BDD)
• Given a basis B of a (high-dim.) lattice and a
point c close to a lattice point m, compute m
• Idea of Public-key encryption:
• Pub key pk: basis B for lattice
• Private key sk: decoding trapdoor for lattice
• Encrypt(m): to encrypt a message m (lattice
• choose random short error vector e
• Compute c = m + e
• Ciphertext = c
• Decrypt(c, sk): use sk to compute closest
lattice point m to c.
• Security: hard to solve BDD without sk!
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography
• 1978: Merkle-Hellman Knapsack PKC.
• 1982: LLL Lattice Reduction algorithm –
– Poly-time secret recovery attack (Shamir).
• 1980s:
for(i = 1; i < N; i++)
– Problem with Heuristic Designs:
> shortcut attacks (avoid hard lattice problem)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography (cont)
• 1996: Lattice One-Way Hash Function with worst case to average
case security proof (Ajtai/Ajtai-Dwork) - SIS problem.
• 1996: NTRUEncrypt: Practical structured lattice PKC, but heuristic
security (Hoffstein Pipher Silverman.)
• 2002: Efficient structured lattice-based one-way hash function with
security proof (Micciancio).
• 2005: PKC with security proof – LWE Problem (Regev)
• 2008: Trapdoor signatures with security proof (Gentry et al.)
• 2009: Efficient Schnorr-type structured lattice signatures
• 2009/10: Efficient structured lattice PKC with sec proof –
PLWE/RLWE problems (Stehle-Steinfeld-Tanaka-Xagawa,
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography (cont)
• 1996: Lattice One-Way Hash Function with worst case to average case
security proof (Ajtai/Ajtai-Dwork) - SIS problem.
• 1996: NTRUEncrypt: Practical structured lattice PKC, but heuristic security
(Hoffstein Pipher Silverman.)
• 2002: Efficient structured lattice-based one-way hash function with security
proof (Micciancio).
• 2005: PKC with security proof – LWE Problem (Regev)
• 2008: Trapdoor signatures with security proof (Gentry et al.)
• 2009: Efficient Schnorr-type structured lattice signatures (Lyubashevsky)
• 2009/10: Efficient structured lattice PKC with sec proof – PLWE/RLWE
problems (Stehle-Steinfeld-Tanaka-Xagawa, Lyubashevsky-Peikert-Regev)
• 2009: Fully Homomorphic Encryption (Gentry)
• 2011: First security proof for variant of NTRU (Stehle-Steinfeld)
• 2010-Present: Improved Efficiency and More functionalities (ID-Based
Encryption, Attribute Based,…)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
• Two types of Lattices used in PQC:
• Unstructured (LWE Problem): e.g. FrodoKEM
– Advantage: Low Security Risk – no lattice structure,
relation to worst-case lattices (e.g. FrodoKEM)
– Drawback: large keys/ciphertexts, slow computation
• Structured (Polynomial LWE/Ring LWE/Module LWE)
– E.g. Kyber, Saber, NTRU, …
– Lattice defined with algebraic (polynomial) structure
(matrices with cyclic structure)
– Advantage: short keys/ciphertexts, fast algorithms
– Drawback: higher potential security risk (but OK > 25yr)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Lattices: Performance and Security
– Security:
> best known attack time ~ 2O(k) for key length k
> But exponent constant is quite small à moderately large
key/ciphertext/signature lengths
> Studied in math & comp sci. since 1980s
– Performance: With practical structured lattices
(MLWE/RLWE/NTRU problems):
> fast algorithms (~ ECC or faster) and
> moderately short keys/ctxts (~10x-40x ECC length)
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Codes: Performance and Security
– Security:
> best known attack time ~ 2O(k) for key length k
> But exponent constant is quite small à moderately large
key/ciphertext/signature lengths
> Studied in math & comp sci. since 1950s
> McEliece PKC (1977) – based on Goppa codes
– Performance: With original McEliece
> Moderately fast algorithms
> very short ctxts (~128 bytes)
> Very long keys (> 100kB)
> Structured codes can improve performance
– Difficult to implement signatures!
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Lattices & Codes
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Multivariate Non-linear equations
• Multivariate Non-linear equations
– Originated in the 1980s,
– Hide a message in a system of polynomial equations
in many variables.
– Decryption trapdoor transforms system into an easy to
solve linear system
– Security: not very well understood
> recent practical attack against NIST Round 3 candidate
Rainbow signature.
– Peformance:
> Moderately long keys but short signatures
> Fast algorithms
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Idea (e.g. SIKE):
– classical ECC is quantum-insecure due to
commutativity of the EC group operation
– Isogenies are mappings between curves with a non-
commutative structure à resist Shor’s quantum
– Use a Diffie-Hellman-like non-commutative protocol
• Security: not so well understood (only studied last ~10-
20 years)
• Performance:
> short keys and ciphertexts
> Slow algorithms
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches –
Isogenies on Elliptic Curves
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Idea (e.g. SPHINCS+ / Picnic):
– Use well established symmetric-key algorithms
– Approach 1 (e.g. SPHINCS+):
> Public key = Merkle tree hash of many one-time signature
keys (short)
> Signature = one-time signature (reveal sk) + Merkle auth path
– long signature!
– Approach 2 (e.g. Picnic):
> Public key = one-way hash of secret key
> Signature = Zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of secret key
– long signature!
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Symmetric-
key approaches (digital signatures only)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Security: well understood (depending on
symmetric key crypto algorithm used)
• Performance:
> short public key
> Long signature and slow algorithms
Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Symmetric-
key approaches (digital signatures only)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
The future of Public-Key Cryptography:
“Post-Quantum” Public-Key Cryptosystems
• NIST (US) PQC standardization process: solicit, evaluate an
standardise quantum-resistant public-key cryptosystems:
– Nov. 2017: PQC algorithm submissions deadline
> 69 algorithms submitted (public key encryption and signatures)
> Initiate ~ 4-5 year analysis/evaluation phase
– Apr. 2018: First NIST PQC conference
– Jan. 2019: Second round algorithms selected (26)
– Aug. 2019: Second NIST PQC conference
– Jul. 2020: Third round algorithms selected (7)
– ~ 2022-23: New PQC standards developed
– Goal: ready for PQC deployment in by ~ 2024-27
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
• Many of the original round 1 schemes were broken
by the research community
And some were even broken in Round 3:
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Standardisation Process (Round 2)
Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Standardisation Process: PKE Sizes
Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Standardisation Process: PKE Speed
Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Process: Signature & PK Sizes
Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Process: Signing Speed vs Size
Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Process: Current Status
• Round 3 Finalists:
> Finalists:
– NTRU / Kyber / Saber (Structured lattices)
– Classic McEliece (Codes)
> Alternates:
– Bike, HQC (structured codes)
– FrodoKEM (unstructured lattices)
– NTRUPrime (structured lattices)
– SIKE (isogenies)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Process: Current Status
• Round 3 Finalists:
– Signatures:
> Finalists:
– Dilithium / Falcon (Structured lattices)
– Rainbow (Multivariate)
> Alternates:
– GeMSS (Multivariate)
– Picnic (symmetric key)
– SPHINCS+ (symmetric key)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Comparison Table: NIST 3rd Round PQC
Finalist PKE (KEM) Candidates
Algorithm Type Dec time
|pk| (bytes) |ctxt| (bytes)
Crystals-Kyber512 Structured
34.5𝑘 800 768
LightSaber Structured
63𝑘 672 736
NTRUhrss710 Structured
62𝑘 1138 1138
Code 134𝑘 𝟐𝟔𝟏𝑘 128
All at NIST level 1 (107 bit quantum sec.)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Comparison Table: NIST 3rd Round PQC
Finalist Signature Candidates
Algorithm Type Sign time
|pk| (bytes) |sig| (bytes)
Crystals-Dilithium2 Structured
333𝑘 1312 2420
Falcon512 Structured
387𝑘 897 666
Rainbow Multivariate 67𝑘 158𝑘 66
All at NIST level 1 (107 bit quantum sec.)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
NIST PQC Process: Current Status
• Latest News/Remarks:
– NIST to announce standards any day now
> One of structured lattices for enc and sign
> Rainbow/GeMSS Multivariates unlikely to survive? (both
suffered improved attacks in round 3)
– Recent Matzov cryptanalysis:
> Optimizations for lattice-based attacks against lattice
candidates (~5-10 bits of security impact)
– But not a major new idea, unlikely to affect big picture
– NIST likely to call for additional efficient PQ
signature proposals not based on structured lattices
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Other PQC standardisation efforts: ETSI
• European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI)
– Quantum-Safe Cryptography (QSC) working
– Assess and make recommendations for
quantum-safe cryptographic primitives protocols
and implementation considerations
– Besides encryption and signature, also other
> Latte – Lattice Based Hierarchical Identity-Based
Encryption (HIBE)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Implementation Issues
• Quantum-Safe Crypto Implementation
– Need careful (even more than non-qsafe)
implementation to achieve
> High performance
> Security against side-channel attacks (e.g. timing)
– Some central implementation techniques:
> Structured lattices: fast polynomial arithmetic
– Work in polynomial rings, typically Zq[X]/(Xd+1)
– Use Fast Fourier Transform (FFT variants): NTT using
special q
– Modulus q typically quite small ~10-20 bits (unlike RSA)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Implementation Issues
• Quantum-Safe Crypto Implementation (cont)
– Some central implementation techniques:
> Lattice/coding schemes need efficient & constant time `small’
noise sampling
> E.g. Discrete-Gaussian distribution over integers/lattices
> Significant research into practical algs. (e.g.FACCT [ZSS19])
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Deployment in Software Libraries
Several libraries implementing NIST PQC algorithms
already available for various platforms, e.g
• Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project
– Q-safe crypto library: liboqs
– Q-safe forks of OpenSSH and OpenSSL
• PQClean library
• Pqm4 library
– Q-safe library optimized for embedded ARM Cortex-M4
– Test integrations and evaluation in WolfSSL [T+21]
• Bouncy Castle library (NIST Q-safe in development)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Post-Quantum Cryptography:
Current Research Areas
• Quantum Security Foundations
– Are lattice-based cryptosystems and other PQC
candidates really secure against quantum attacks?
How secure are they?
• Secure and Efficient Implementation
– How to implement PQC cryptosystems in hardware
& software to ensure security and high
• Advanced Protocols
– How to design efficient advanced post-quantum
public-key crypto protocols?
> E.g. privacy-preserving blockchain systems and credentials
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Making Lattice-Based Hierarchical ID-Based
Encryption (HIBE) practical
• LATTE - ETSI proposed recommendation for
Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption (HIBE)
– Allows for hierarchical key delegation
– Considered by UK govt for emergency LTE
communication network
– Advanced (slow) lattice trapdoor sampling used
> Estimated in order of mins in ETSI proposal doc
– Long key/ctxt lengths
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Making Lattice-Based Hierarchical ID-Based
Encryption (HIBE) practical
• Our results ([ZMSSO22]):
– Improved LATTE
> Design optimisations:
– Reduce dimension of lattices à
» cut time & key/ctxt lengths
> Implementation optimisations:
– Fast FACCT/COSAC discrete Gaussian sampling
– Faster lattice Fourier sampling algorithm
– Precision security analysis: support up to 244 delegations/extractions
> Performance Results:
– Our Delegation time ~ 0.4s-1s (vs minutes for ETSI estimate)
– Shorter decryption keys by 2x-3x
– Shorter ctxt length by 33%
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Improved LATTE vs Orig. LATTE
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Non-Confidential Transaction (e.g Bitcoin)
Spender Verifier
1) Correct signature
2) Input accounts unspent
3) Balance is preserved
{I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice
Acc1: (pk1, $2)
Acc2: (pk2, $3)
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Confidential Transaction?
Spender Verifier
1) Correct signature?
2) Input accounts unspent?
3) Balance is preserved?
a ZK proof Π
Acc1: (pk1, $2)
Acc2: (pk2, $3)
{I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
RingCT: Ring Confidential Transactions
Spender Verifier
1) Correct signature?
2) Input accounts unspent?
3) Balance is preserved?
Acc1: (pk1, $2)
Acc2: (pk2, $3)
Hom. Commitment
Stealth addresses
(in Monero)
Ring Signature
a ZK proof Π
{I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Our Lattice-Based Ring CT Protocols
• MatRiCT: the first practical “post-quantum” RingCT protocol
– Efficient ring signature and balance proof building on our ZKP
– Much smaller proofs, public keys and system modulus than
prior protocols
– Based on standard lattice assumptions: M-LWE and M-SIS
– Efficient implementation in C/C++
– Bonus feature: auditability (optional)
• MatRiCT+: Shorter & Faster proofs [E+21]
– CRT-packed balance proof
– Shorter modulus /proof (improved soundness analysis)
– Aggregated ring signature for multiple payer accounts
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Concrete Sizes for MatRiCT/MatRiCT+
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Running Times for MatRiCT/MatRiCT+
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Further Reading
• Galbraith S. et al. 2021. The Quantum Threat to Cybersecurity: Looking
Through the Prism of Post-Quantum Cryptography. CSIRO: Canberra,
Australia. Available at
• US White House. National Security Memorandum on Promoting United
States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to
Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems (May 4 2022)
• NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardisation Process:
• [HJN20] Thomas H¨aner, Samuel Jaques, Michael Naehrig, Martin
Roetteler and Mathias Soeken. Improved Quantum Circuits for Elliptic
Curve Discrete Logarithms. PQCrypto 2020.
• Chris Peikert. A Decade of Lattice Cryptography. Available at [Lattice Based Cryptography survey]
Further Reading
Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview
Further Reading
• [ZSS20] Raymond K. Zhao, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad. FACCT:
FAst, Compact, and Constant-Time Discrete Gaussian Sampler
over Integers. IEEE Trans. Computers 69(1): 126-137 (2020).
Available at
• [ZMSSO22] Raymond K. Zhao, Sarah McCarthy, Ron Steinfeld, Amin
Sakzad, Máire O’Neill. Quantum-safe HIBE: does it cost a Latte?
Available at
• [Noe15] Shen Noether, Adam Mackenzie, the Monero Research Lab.
Ring Confidential Transactions. Ledger 2016.34.
• [ESS21] Muhammed F. Esgin and Ron Steinfeld and Raymond K.
Zhao. MatRiCT+: More Efficient Post-Quantum Private Blockchain
Payments. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2022.
Available at
Further Reading

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  • 1. An Overview of Quantum-Safe Cryptography Assoc. Prof. Ron Steinfeld Dept of Software Systems & Cybersecurity Faculty of IT Monash University 10 May 2022
  • 2. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Outline • The Quantum Computing threat to Cryptography – Why quantum-safe cryptography? • Quantum-Safe Cryptography (PQC) – Current approaches & characteristics > Security > Performance > The coming new crypto standards (NIST,ETSI,…) • Glimpse at State-of-the-art Research & Challenges
  • 3. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography • Quantum computers – Concept suggested by quantum physicists Paul Benioff and Richard Feynman (early 1980s) – Exploit quantum mechanics to process information > Use quantum bits = “qubits” instead of 0’s and 1’s > Qubits can be in “superposition states”: ability of quantum system to be in multiples states at the same time > à Massive parallelization potential to vastly increase computational power beyond classical computing limit – Computational problems that are infeasible for classical computers may become easy for quantum computers – à Can have huge impact on cryptography!
  • 4. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Nature of Qubits A classical computer performs operations using classical bits, which can be either zero or one. In contrast, the quantum computer uses quantum bits (Qubits), which can be zero, one, or both zero and one at the same time. For example the outermost electron of a phosphorus atom can be used as qubit. sdsd
  • 5. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Nature of Qubits Electron can exist in quantum superposition Measurement outcome either one or zero with the indicated probabilities. 64% 36% sdsd
  • 6. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview The POWER OF QUANTUM COMPUTATION For 2 qubits: - 1 of 4 possible measured outcomes for 2 qubits - before measurement: all 4 possible outcomes can have non-zero weights in a superposition state! 25% 25% 25% 25% For n qubits: - after measurement: 1 of 2n possible outcomes - before measurement: superposition of 2n outcomes! The potential power of quantum computers: Quantum computations can be performed in parallel on all these 2$ possible outcomes!! sdsd
  • 7. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview THE LIMITATION OF QUANTUM COMPUTERS Quantum computations can be performed in parallel on all these 2$ possible superposed outcomes of n qubits!! BUT, once we measure the quantum system the state collapses to just one of those 2$ possible outcomes. 1% 2% 96% 1% àWe can only exploit the parallelism of quantum computation for certain types of computation problems: Those problems for which the quantum computation can concentrate most of the probability on the solution to our computational problem à Measurement of final state will give the solution outcome with high probability measure Collapsed measurement result (solution to the computation prob.) sdsd
  • 8. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography • Shor’s quantum algorithms – exponential speedup of QCs for breaking classical Public Key Crypto – 1994: Peter Shor (IBM Research): efficient quantum computer algorithms for: > Integer Factorisation Problem (IFP) – à Breaks RSA public-key encryption in polynomial time in length of the modulus n > Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) – Breaks Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol in polynomial time length of modulus p > Later extended also to break ECDLP in poly time • Implication: large scale QC à RSA and Diffie- Hellman public-key systems become insecure!
  • 9. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • 1996: Grover’s Algorithm -- polynomial speedup of QCs for breaking Symmetric-Key Crypto – Preimage finding (one-wayness): Given y = H(x), for random n-bit x, find x. – Brute-force classical algorithm: ~ O(2n) time – Grover’s quantum algorithm: ~ O( 2$) = 𝑂(2 - .) time Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography
  • 10. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Summary: Implication of Large scale QC on Cryptography Security – PKC insecure! Problem Application Classical Security (k=key len) Quantum Security (k = key len) Key Length Scaling factor to keep Q. Sec. Integer Factorization RSA Pub Key Enc/Signature 2 / 0( 1 2) poly(k) 2 / 0( 1 2) - subexp. Discrete Log Problem Diffie-Hellman Pub Key Enc/Sig 2 / 0( 1 2) poly(k) 2 / 0( 1 2) - subexp. EC Discrete Log Problem ECDH Pub Key Enc/Sig 𝑂(2 2 3) poly(k) 𝑂(2 2 3) exponential Symmetric Key Search Symmetric key enc (e.g. AES) 𝑂(22 ) 𝑂(22/3 ) <= 2
  • 11. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography – How Far Away? • Concrete estimates for ECDL implementation of Shor’s algorithm [HJN20]: – ~2124 qubits – ~2.3 x 109 quantum gates
  • 12. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography – How Far Away? • Technological Improvements in QC: – 1980-82: idea proposed by Benioff / Feynman – 1998: first 2-qubit quantum computer realized – 2000: 7-qubit quantum computer – 2006: 12-qubits – 2017: 49/50-qubits (IBM/Intel) – 2018: 72-qubits (Google) – 2019: 53 qubits (IBM), Google’s successful quantum supremacy experiment published – 2021: IBM `Eagle’ - 127 qubits – 2023 (IBM Roadmap): 1000+ qubits??
  • 13. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum Computing Threat to Cryptography: Why Worry now? • Quantum-insecure Public Key Crypto is everywhere: – Web security (SSL/TLS) – VPNs (IPSec) – IoTs, blockchains, ..... • Collect ciphertexts now and decrypt in the QC future… Time to upgrade infrastructure crypto to quantum-safe alternatives (standards, implementation, deployment) + Time for future data security required < ?? Time to Practical Large scale QC
  • 14. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Resisting QC Attacks on Public-Key Crypto • Two main countermeasure approaches investigated: – Quantum-Safe Cryptography > Aka Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) > Public key cryptosystems based on computational problems resistant even to quantum computer attacks > legitimate parties use only classical computers – “plug-in” replacement to quantum-insecure public key crypto. > Active research topic in cryptography for > 20 years > Several approaches known (later in this talk)
  • 15. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Resisting QC Attacks on Public-Key Crypto • Two main countermeasure approaches investigated (cont): – Quantum Cryptography > Aka Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) > Key exchange protocol resistant even to quantum computer attacks > legitimate parties use quantum communication/ computation computers (not plug-in replacement for quantum-insecure public-key crypto, need special quantum hardware). > Requires quantum-safe classical authentication > Will not discuss further in this talk
  • 16. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview The future of Public-Key Cryptography: Quantum-Safe Public-Key Cryptosystems • Quantum-Safe (aka Post-Quantum) Cryptography – Goal: Public-key cryptosystems based on computational problems resistant to quantum computers – A delicate balance: need > Enough math structure to support the functionality – Encrypt with public key, decrypt with private key > Not enough math structure to allow quantum attacks – But several candidate approaches exist: > Linear equations with Errors: Lattice & Coding problems > Multivariate non-linear equations > Isogenies on elliptic curves > Symmetric-key approaches (digital signatures only)
  • 17. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes • Linear Equations with errors – Codes & Lattices – Idea inspired by Error Correction Codes – Add `small’ errors to a linear equation to make it hard to solve: y = A*x + e – Encode a message x by an expanding linear transformation (add redundancy) – Can decode if noise e is sufficiently `small’ > Easy to decode for special codes (wireless communication) > Computationally hard to decode for “random-looking” linear codes in high dimension • Codes & Lattices: different ways to measure `small’
  • 18. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Lattice-based Cryptography: Idea (1) Ron Steinfeld sdsd • Lattice = periodic grid of points in space • Generated by some set of basis vectors • E.g. (right) lattice in 2-D (green points = lattice, basis in blue) • Can be easily defined mathematically in any dimension n • hard to visualise/draw for n > 3! • Fact: geometric problems in lattices seem to be computationally infeasible (run time exponential in n) for large dimension n • Even against quantum computers! • Lattice-based crypto: design pub-key encryption so breaking it requires solving a hard geometric lattice problem!
  • 19. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Lattice-Based Cryptography: Idea (2) • Hard geometric lattice Problem: Bounded-Distance Decoding (BDD) • Given a basis B of a (high-dim.) lattice and a point c close to a lattice point m, compute m • Idea of Public-key encryption: • Pub key pk: basis B for lattice • Private key sk: decoding trapdoor for lattice • Encrypt(m): to encrypt a message m (lattice point): • choose random short error vector e • Compute c = m + e • Ciphertext = c • Decrypt(c, sk): use sk to compute closest lattice point m to c. • Security: hard to solve BDD without sk! m c e
  • 20. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography • 1978: Merkle-Hellman Knapsack PKC. • 1982: LLL Lattice Reduction algorithm – – Poly-time secret recovery attack (Shamir). • 1980s: for(i = 1; i < N; i++) repair; attack; – Problem with Heuristic Designs: > shortcut attacks (avoid hard lattice problem)
  • 21. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography (cont) • 1996: Lattice One-Way Hash Function with worst case to average case security proof (Ajtai/Ajtai-Dwork) - SIS problem. • 1996: NTRUEncrypt: Practical structured lattice PKC, but heuristic security (Hoffstein Pipher Silverman.) • 2002: Efficient structured lattice-based one-way hash function with security proof (Micciancio). • 2005: PKC with security proof – LWE Problem (Regev) • 2008: Trapdoor signatures with security proof (Gentry et al.) • 2009: Efficient Schnorr-type structured lattice signatures (Lyubashevsky) • 2009/10: Efficient structured lattice PKC with sec proof – PLWE/RLWE problems (Stehle-Steinfeld-Tanaka-Xagawa, Lyubashevsky-Peikert-Regev)
  • 22. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes Brief History of Lattice-Based Cryptography (cont) • 1996: Lattice One-Way Hash Function with worst case to average case security proof (Ajtai/Ajtai-Dwork) - SIS problem. • 1996: NTRUEncrypt: Practical structured lattice PKC, but heuristic security (Hoffstein Pipher Silverman.) • 2002: Efficient structured lattice-based one-way hash function with security proof (Micciancio). • 2005: PKC with security proof – LWE Problem (Regev) • 2008: Trapdoor signatures with security proof (Gentry et al.) • 2009: Efficient Schnorr-type structured lattice signatures (Lyubashevsky) • 2009/10: Efficient structured lattice PKC with sec proof – PLWE/RLWE problems (Stehle-Steinfeld-Tanaka-Xagawa, Lyubashevsky-Peikert-Regev) • 2009: Fully Homomorphic Encryption (Gentry) • 2011: First security proof for variant of NTRU (Stehle-Steinfeld) • 2010-Present: Improved Efficiency and More functionalities (ID-Based Encryption, Attribute Based,…)
  • 23. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes • Two types of Lattices used in PQC: • Unstructured (LWE Problem): e.g. FrodoKEM – Advantage: Low Security Risk – no lattice structure, relation to worst-case lattices (e.g. FrodoKEM) – Drawback: large keys/ciphertexts, slow computation • Structured (Polynomial LWE/Ring LWE/Module LWE) – E.g. Kyber, Saber, NTRU, … – Lattice defined with algebraic (polynomial) structure (matrices with cyclic structure) – Advantage: short keys/ciphertexts, fast algorithms – Drawback: higher potential security risk (but OK > 25yr)
  • 24. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • Lattices: Performance and Security – Security: > best known attack time ~ 2O(k) for key length k > But exponent constant is quite small à moderately large key/ciphertext/signature lengths > Studied in math & comp sci. since 1980s – Performance: With practical structured lattices (MLWE/RLWE/NTRU problems): > fast algorithms (~ ECC or faster) and > moderately short keys/ctxts (~10x-40x ECC length) Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes
  • 25. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • Codes: Performance and Security – Security: > best known attack time ~ 2O(k) for key length k > But exponent constant is quite small à moderately large key/ciphertext/signature lengths > Studied in math & comp sci. since 1950s > McEliece PKC (1977) – based on Goppa codes – Performance: With original McEliece > Moderately fast algorithms > very short ctxts (~128 bytes) > Very long keys (> 100kB) > Structured codes can improve performance – Difficult to implement signatures! Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Lattices & Codes
  • 26. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Multivariate Non-linear equations • Multivariate Non-linear equations – Originated in the 1980s, – Hide a message in a system of polynomial equations in many variables. – Decryption trapdoor transforms system into an easy to solve linear system – Security: not very well understood > recent practical attack against NIST Round 3 candidate Rainbow signature. – Peformance: > Moderately long keys but short signatures > Fast algorithms
  • 27. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • Idea (e.g. SIKE): – classical ECC is quantum-insecure due to commutativity of the EC group operation – Isogenies are mappings between curves with a non- commutative structure à resist Shor’s quantum algorithms – Use a Diffie-Hellman-like non-commutative protocol • Security: not so well understood (only studied last ~10- 20 years) • Performance: > short keys and ciphertexts > Slow algorithms Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Isogenies on Elliptic Curves
  • 28. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • Idea (e.g. SPHINCS+ / Picnic): – Use well established symmetric-key algorithms – Approach 1 (e.g. SPHINCS+): > Public key = Merkle tree hash of many one-time signature keys (short) > Signature = one-time signature (reveal sk) + Merkle auth path – long signature! – Approach 2 (e.g. Picnic): > Public key = one-way hash of secret key > Signature = Zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of secret key – long signature! Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Symmetric- key approaches (digital signatures only)
  • 29. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview • Security: well understood (depending on symmetric key crypto algorithm used) • Performance: > short public key > Long signature and slow algorithms Quantum-Safe Crypto: Approaches – Symmetric- key approaches (digital signatures only)
  • 30. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview The future of Public-Key Cryptography: “Post-Quantum” Public-Key Cryptosystems • NIST (US) PQC standardization process: solicit, evaluate an standardise quantum-resistant public-key cryptosystems: – Nov. 2017: PQC algorithm submissions deadline > 69 algorithms submitted (public key encryption and signatures) > Initiate ~ 4-5 year analysis/evaluation phase – Apr. 2018: First NIST PQC conference – Jan. 2019: Second round algorithms selected (26) – Aug. 2019: Second NIST PQC conference – Jul. 2020: Third round algorithms selected (7) – ~ 2022-23: New PQC standards developed – Goal: ready for PQC deployment in by ~ 2024-27
  • 31. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Cryptanalysis • Many of the original round 1 schemes were broken by the research community And some were even broken in Round 3:
  • 32. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Standardisation Process (Round 2) Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
  • 33. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Standardisation Process: PKE Sizes Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
  • 34. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Standardisation Process: PKE Speed Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
  • 35. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Process: Signature & PK Sizes Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
  • 36. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Process: Signing Speed vs Size Source: NIST 2nd round PQC workshop, opening remarks slides
  • 37. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Process: Current Status • Round 3 Finalists: – PKE/KEMs: > Finalists: – NTRU / Kyber / Saber (Structured lattices) – Classic McEliece (Codes) > Alternates: – Bike, HQC (structured codes) – FrodoKEM (unstructured lattices) – NTRUPrime (structured lattices) – SIKE (isogenies)
  • 38. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Process: Current Status • Round 3 Finalists: – Signatures: > Finalists: – Dilithium / Falcon (Structured lattices) – Rainbow (Multivariate) > Alternates: – GeMSS (Multivariate) – Picnic (symmetric key) – SPHINCS+ (symmetric key)
  • 39. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Comparison Table: NIST 3rd Round PQC Finalist PKE (KEM) Candidates Algorithm Type Dec time (cycles, AVX2) |pk| (bytes) |ctxt| (bytes) Crystals-Kyber512 Structured Lattice 34.5𝑘 800 768 LightSaber Structured Lattice 63𝑘 672 736 NTRUhrss710 Structured Lattice 62𝑘 1138 1138 Classic McEliece348864f Code 134𝑘 𝟐𝟔𝟏𝑘 128 All at NIST level 1 (107 bit quantum sec.)
  • 40. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Comparison Table: NIST 3rd Round PQC Finalist Signature Candidates Algorithm Type Sign time (cycles, AVX2) |pk| (bytes) |sig| (bytes) Crystals-Dilithium2 Structured Lattice 333𝑘 1312 2420 Falcon512 Structured Lattice 387𝑘 897 666 Rainbow Multivariate 67𝑘 158𝑘 66 All at NIST level 1 (107 bit quantum sec.)
  • 41. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview NIST PQC Process: Current Status • Latest News/Remarks: – NIST to announce standards any day now > One of structured lattices for enc and sign > Rainbow/GeMSS Multivariates unlikely to survive? (both suffered improved attacks in round 3) – Recent Matzov cryptanalysis: > Optimizations for lattice-based attacks against lattice candidates (~5-10 bits of security impact) – But not a major new idea, unlikely to affect big picture – NIST likely to call for additional efficient PQ signature proposals not based on structured lattices
  • 42. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Other PQC standardisation efforts: ETSI • European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) – Quantum-Safe Cryptography (QSC) working group. – Assess and make recommendations for quantum-safe cryptographic primitives protocols and implementation considerations – Besides encryption and signature, also other functionalities: > Latte – Lattice Based Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption (HIBE)
  • 43. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Implementation Issues • Quantum-Safe Crypto Implementation – Need careful (even more than non-qsafe) implementation to achieve > High performance > Security against side-channel attacks (e.g. timing) – Some central implementation techniques: > Structured lattices: fast polynomial arithmetic – Work in polynomial rings, typically Zq[X]/(Xd+1) – Use Fast Fourier Transform (FFT variants): NTT using special q – Modulus q typically quite small ~10-20 bits (unlike RSA)
  • 44. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Implementation Issues • Quantum-Safe Crypto Implementation (cont) – Some central implementation techniques: > Lattice/coding schemes need efficient & constant time `small’ noise sampling > E.g. Discrete-Gaussian distribution over integers/lattices > Significant research into practical algs. (e.g.FACCT [ZSS19])
  • 45. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Deployment in Software Libraries Several libraries implementing NIST PQC algorithms already available for various platforms, e.g • Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project – Q-safe crypto library: liboqs – Q-safe forks of OpenSSH and OpenSSL • PQClean library • Pqm4 library – Q-safe library optimized for embedded ARM Cortex-M4 – Test integrations and evaluation in WolfSSL [T+21] • Bouncy Castle library (NIST Q-safe in development)
  • 46. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current Research Areas • Quantum Security Foundations – Are lattice-based cryptosystems and other PQC candidates really secure against quantum attacks? How secure are they? • Secure and Efficient Implementation – How to implement PQC cryptosystems in hardware & software to ensure security and high performance? • Advanced Protocols – How to design efficient advanced post-quantum public-key crypto protocols? > E.g. privacy-preserving blockchain systems and credentials
  • 47. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Making Lattice-Based Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption (HIBE) practical • LATTE - ETSI proposed recommendation for Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption (HIBE) – Allows for hierarchical key delegation – Considered by UK govt for emergency LTE communication network – Advanced (slow) lattice trapdoor sampling used > Estimated in order of mins in ETSI proposal doc – Long key/ctxt lengths
  • 48. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Making Lattice-Based Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption (HIBE) practical • Our results ([ZMSSO22]): – Improved LATTE > Design optimisations: – Reduce dimension of lattices à » cut time & key/ctxt lengths > Implementation optimisations: – Fast FACCT/COSAC discrete Gaussian sampling – Faster lattice Fourier sampling algorithm – Precision security analysis: support up to 244 delegations/extractions > Performance Results: – Our Delegation time ~ 0.4s-1s (vs minutes for ETSI estimate) – Shorter decryption keys by 2x-3x – Shorter ctxt length by 33%
  • 50. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Non-Confidential Transaction (e.g Bitcoin) Spender Verifier Accept/Reject Check: 1) Correct signature 2) Input accounts unspent 3) Balance is preserved {I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice Sensitive! Acc1: (pk1, $2) Acc2: (pk2, $3)
  • 51. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Confidential Transaction? Spender Verifier Accept/Reject Check: 1) Correct signature? 2) Input accounts unspent? 3) Balance is preserved? a ZK proof Π Acc1: (pk1, $2) Acc2: (pk2, $3) {I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice
  • 52. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview RingCT: Ring Confidential Transactions [Noe15] Spender Verifier Accept/Reject Check: 1) Correct signature? 2) Input accounts unspent? 3) Balance is preserved? Acc1: (pk1, $2) Acc2: (pk2, $3) Hom. Commitment Stealth addresses (in Monero) Ring Signature a ZK proof Π {I send $(2+3) to Bob}signed_Alice
  • 53. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Our Lattice-Based Ring CT Protocols • MatRiCT: the first practical “post-quantum” RingCT protocol [E+19] – Efficient ring signature and balance proof building on our ZKP techniques – Much smaller proofs, public keys and system modulus than prior protocols – Based on standard lattice assumptions: M-LWE and M-SIS – Efficient implementation in C/C++ – Bonus feature: auditability (optional) • MatRiCT+: Shorter & Faster proofs [E+21] – CRT-packed balance proof – Shorter modulus /proof (improved soundness analysis) – Aggregated ring signature for multiple payer accounts
  • 54. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Concrete Sizes for MatRiCT/MatRiCT+ ([E+21])
  • 55. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Running Times for MatRiCT/MatRiCT+ ([E+21])
  • 56. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Further Reading • Galbraith S. et al. 2021. The Quantum Threat to Cybersecurity: Looking Through the Prism of Post-Quantum Cryptography. CSIRO: Canberra, Australia. Available at Work/The-quantum-secure-cryptography-of-tomorrow • US White House. National Security Memorandum on Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems (May 4 2022) • NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardisation Process: cryptography-standardization • [HJN20] Thomas H¨aner, Samuel Jaques, Michael Naehrig, Martin Roetteler and Mathias Soeken. Improved Quantum Circuits for Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithms. PQCrypto 2020. • Chris Peikert. A Decade of Lattice Cryptography. Available at [Lattice Based Cryptography survey] Further Reading
  • 57. Quantum-Safe Crypto Overview Further Reading • [ZSS20] Raymond K. Zhao, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad. FACCT: FAst, Compact, and Constant-Time Discrete Gaussian Sampler over Integers. IEEE Trans. Computers 69(1): 126-137 (2020). Available at • [ZMSSO22] Raymond K. Zhao, Sarah McCarthy, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad, Máire O’Neill. Quantum-safe HIBE: does it cost a Latte? Available at • [Noe15] Shen Noether, Adam Mackenzie, the Monero Research Lab. Ring Confidential Transactions. Ledger 2016.34. • [ESS21] Muhammed F. Esgin and Ron Steinfeld and Raymond K. Zhao. MatRiCT+: More Efficient Post-Quantum Private Blockchain Payments. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2022. Available at Further Reading