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Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor -1
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1

Name and origin of the protein
– Protein name: Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
– Synonyms PAI-1, Endothelial plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI,
serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen
activator inhibitor type 1)
– Gene name SERPINE1, PAI1, PLANH1

• FUNCTION: This inhibitor acts as "bait" for tissue plasminogen
activator, urokinase, and protein C. Its rapid interaction with t-PA may
function as a major control point in the regulation of fibrinolysis.
• SUBUNIT: Interacts with VTN. Binds LRP1B; binding is followed by
internalization and degradation


• SIMILARITY: Belongs to the serpin family (Serine Proteases). Homology
of PAI-1 only 35% with other serpins (antithrombin, antiplasmin,
antitrypsin, ovalbumin, and angiotensinogen).
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1
• DISEASE: High concentrations of PAI-1 have been associated
with thrombophilia;an autosomal dominant disorder in which
affected individuals are prone to develop serious spontaneous
thrombosis. Defects in serpine1 are the cause of plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 deficiency (pai-1 deficiency). PAI-1
deficiency is characterized by abnormal bleeding due to PAI1defect in the plasma.
• MISCELLANEOUS: PAI-1 is inactivated by proteolytic attack of
the urokinase-type (u-PA) and the tissue-type (TPA), cleaving the
369(R)-370(M) bond. Two types of PAI have been identified.
PAI-1 is an acid-stable glycoprotein found in plasma and platelets
and in endothelial, hepatoma, and fibrosarcoma cells. Vascular
endothelial cells may be the primary site of synthesis of plasma
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1

Sequence Information:

* extracted from Swiss-sprot DB

– Length: 402 Amino acids , 45060 Da

Features of sequence

1 to 23


24 to 402

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.


369 to 370

2 Reactive bond.


232- 232

N-linked Glycosylation site


288 - 288

N-linked Glycosylation site


352 - 352

N-linked Glycosylation site


15- 15

A -> T (SNP)


17- 17

V -> I (SNP)


25 - 25

H -> P (SNP)


209 - 209

R -> H (SNP)


255 - 255

T -> N (SNP)
PAI-1 is the natural inhibitor of uroplasminogen activators. It's the cognate inhibitor of
both tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and the urokinase type plasminogen
activator (u-PA) in plasma and in tissues. This is present throughout the mammalian
systems. The relative balance between t-PA and PAI-1 in blood or in tissues to a large
extent determines the net activity of this system. This system is best known for its role in
dissolving clots. But it also plays other important roles in tissue and in the blood vessel
wall. It remodels the extracellular matrix. It's a "housekeeping" system. It also promotes
cellular migration.
Serpin-1 structure->Conformations of PAI-1

The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) folds into an active structure
then converts slowly to a more stable, but low activity, "latent" conformation.The
structure of active PAI-1 has to be different from the binding regions in latent and
cleaved PAI-1. Crystal structures available in all conformations without any
known ligand.
The three forms of PAI-1
When PAI-1 is synthesized in endothelial cells and
released into blood, it is in a functionally active form (Lindahl and
Wiman 1989), which is the native conformation and has the
inhibitory activity towards its target proteases.
In the in vitro experiments at physiological conditions,
active PAI-1 spontaneously undergoes a conformational change
and decay to a latent form with a half-life of about 2 h (Levin and
Santell 1987, Lindahl et al 1989).
Normally, in plasma, PAI-1 is completely bound to another
protein, vitronectin (Wiman et al 1988, Declerck et al 1988) that
stabilizes the active form of PAI-1 and prolongs the half-life to 4
J Thromb Haemost, Vol 2, Issue 2, pp. 289-297

PAI-1 activity can be inhibited by at least 3
•prevention of the formation of the PAI-1/t-PA
•acceleration of the PAI-1 latency conversion
•inducing a substrate behaviour of PAI-1
Small Molecule Active Site of PAI-1
Small molecule binds to which conformer- cleaved, active or
The active form of PAI-1 is structurally unstable with a
plasma half-life of 1 hour, it is the conformation that is
inhibitory toward tPA and uPA and therefore the target for small
molecule interaction. (J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3491).
Small molecule binding site -> Arg 76, Arg 115 and Arg
118. The binding sites are the regions of the molecule where the
most dramatic structural changes take place in Active, cleaved
and latent conformations of PAI-1. (J. Mol. Biol. 2000, 297,
CLB-2C8 (residues 110- 145) binding epitope of PAI-1
constitutes the binding site for the low molecular weight
inhibitor (Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1227)
Where Do they Go?
Three-dimensional structure of PAI-1
in the active form

The active form a large
pocket is formed by a-helices
D, E, F and β-strand s1A.
In the other PAI-1 conformers
this pocket is much shallower,
due to the translational
rearrangements involving the
above secondary structural
elements, but also on account
of the side-chain reorientation
of Y79.

Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1. Structure of the
Native Serpin, Comparison to its Other Conformers
and Implications for Serpin Inactivation
. Mol. Biol. (2000) 297, 683 -695
Elucidation of the binding regions of PAI-1 neutralizing antibodies
using chimeric variants of human and rat PAI-1.
Thromb Haemost. 2001 May;85(5):866-74

Three segments in human PAI-1 containing each at least one
site involved in the neutralization of PAI-1 activity could be
identified, i.e.
(1) the segment from residue 81 to residue 187 (comprising
alpha-helices hD, hE and hF, beta-strands s4C, s3A, s2A and
s1A and the loops connecting these elements).
(2) the segment between residues 277 and 327 (hI, thIs5A,
s5A and s6A) and
(3) the region C-terminal from amino acid 327, including the
reactive site loop.
The current data. together with previous data, indicate that
PAI-1 contains at least four different regions that could be
considered as putative targets to modulate its activity.
A Regulatory Hydrophobic Area in the Flexible Joint
Region of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1,
Defined with Fluorescent Activity-neutralizing
JBC;Vol. 276, No. 16, pp. 13077–13086, 2001
•An important perspective is the possibility of utilizing the
hydrophobic area as a target for anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic
•The strong binding to serum albumin common to all the
compounds must be avoided.
•Since PAI-1 is expected to be bound to vitronectin in vivo,
pharmacologically potentially interesting molecules must have a
high affinity not only to free PAI-1 but also to PAI-1 in its
vitronectin-associated state.
•Other serpins have similar hydrophobic areas, and the specificity
of PAI-1 neutralizers of potential interest for in vivo use must
therefore be ensured.
Active Site
Tiplaxtinin docked in active PAI-1
Wyeth inhibitor docked in active PAI-1
The standard small molecule

IC50 12 µm

•Structure-function relationship analysis suggested that the acidic
function in AR-H029953XX was important for PAI-1 inhibition.
•Interactions of AR-H029953XX with PAI-1-> A salt bridge between
carboxylate group of AR-H029953XX with one of 3 arginine residues
(76, 115 and 118) and a hydrophobic interaction between the
dichlorophenyl moiety of AR-H029953XX and a lipophilic assembly of
side chains in the vicinity of Val 121 and Phe 114.
•The most likely site for binding inhibitor appeared to be a hydrophobic
cleft near residues Phe 114 and Val 121 flanked by a basic surface
region containing 3 arginine residues (76, 115 and 118).
(Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1227).
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 polymers, induced by
inactivating amphipathic organochemical ligands
Biochem. J. (2003) 372, 747–755
The binding of inactivating amphipathic compounds was much stronger to active
PAI-1 than to the RCLinserted forms.
The hydrophobic cavity binds a variety of structurally diverse compounds,
including ANS (8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid), AR-H029953XX {N-[N(3,4-dichlorophenyl)benzamide] anthranilic acid}, bis-ANS (4,4-dianilino-1,1bisnaphthyl-5,5-disulphonic acid), and 1-dodecyl sulphuric acid (1-DS), with Kd
values between 0.5 and several hundred micromolar.
The negatively charged organochemical compounds induce substrate behaviour,
followed by conversion of PAI-1 to inactive, polymeric forms

Tiplaxtinin ?
PAI-1 Inhibitors Small molecules

IC50 13 µm

IC50 not known

•None of the compounds have
shown in vivo activity.
compounds contain carboxylic
functions.. It is possible that both
acidic and aromatic groups play
an important role in the binding
of small molecules to human
Xenova Limited
Evaluation of a low molecular weight modulator of human
Thromb Haemost. 1996 May;75(5):808-15.
The evaluation of three diketopiperazine-based low molecular weight
inhibitors of PAI-1 activity XR334, XR1853 and XR5082.
Biochemical mechanism of action of a diketopiperazine
inactivator of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Biochem. J. (2003) 373, 723–732
XR5118, positively charged compound is a novel modulator of
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1).
Biochemical mechanism of action of a diketopiperazine
inactivator of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Biochem. J. (2003) 373, 723–732

Effector sites for XR5118, displayed on a ribbon and wireframe presentation
of a part of the structure. Substitution of the red residues resulted in an IC50
value above 250 µM for XR5118 inactivation of PAI-1. Substitution of the
yellow residues resulted in an IC50 value below 250 µM for XR5118
inactivation of PAI-1, but significantly different from the IC50 value for PAI-1
XR5118 binds laterally to β-sheet A.
Mapping of the epitope of a monoclonal antibody
protecting plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 against
inactivating agents
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1672–1679 (2003)
A few organochemical compounds able to inactivate PAI-1
have been indentified, including a group of negatively
charged amphipathic compounds like bis-ANS and the
diketopiperazine derivative XR5118. Their exact
binding sites in PAI-1 remain to be established, but all
available evidence is in agreement with these compounds
having overlapping, but not identical, binding sites in the
flexible joint region. VitroNectin protects PAI-1 from
inactivation by bis-ANS and XR5118. These compounds do
not bind to relaxed PAI-1. Thus, there is bidirectional
communication between the flexible joint region and the
movements of the RCL.
The effect of fibrates
on PAI-1 production
compound specific and
Structurally, all fibrates
contain a carboxylate
importance of this
acidic group in the
inhibition of PAI-1
All benzothiophene derived compounds contain a carboxylic
acid and bulky aromatic groups which play an important role
in the binding of small molecules to human PAI-1.
Tiplaxtinin, a Novel, Orally Efficacious Inhibitor of PAI-1
J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3491


A lipophilic assembly of
side chains in the vicinity
of Val 121 and Phe 114.




Arginine residues
(76 / 115 / 118)

PAI- 039

IC50 2.5 µm

• Identified with the HTS of wyeth’s compound libraries.
• Existence of a carboxylic acid or an acid bioisostere which is
common to most PAI-1 inhibitors.
Design and Synthesis of Novel Oxime-Based PAI-1 Inhibitors
-Wyeth Research

The oxime moiety was introduced to address patent and stability issues. The
oxime replaces one of the ether linkages in compound 1 . The substituted
benzofuran moiety was found to be effective to add structural distinction to the
series and to impart PAI-1 activity in the binding assay.
Compared to an aryl-oxime series produced, the SAR of the oxime-benzofuran
series showed this series required less lipophilicity. Compound 2 retains in vitro
potency, is efficacious in vivo @ 5 mpk, po and is an inhibitor of PAI-1.
Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Potent, Novel,
Small Molecule Inhibitors of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor1
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12 (2002) 1063–

IC50 0.20 µm
Poor pKa

Xenova Limited focused on the diketopiperazine nucleus. It was speculated
that the biological activity of these compounds was exerted through one of
diketopiperazine ring amides existing in the enol tautomer, whilst the other
remained as a carboxamide.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12 (2002) 2367–2370
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Menthol-Based
Derivatives as Inhibitors of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor1 (PAI-1)

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 13 (2003) 3361–

IC50 0.38 µm

Berlex Biosciences have explored structure–activity relationships around the novel
PAI-1 inhibitor 1 by modification of the B- and C-segments.
The B-segment could be replaced with a variety of aromatic diamines without loss
of potency, but aliphatic diamines were not tolerated.
Efforts to optimize the C-segment resulted in the identification of a series of novel
diphenyl ether carboxylic acid derivatives having improved potency, moderate to
good functional activity, and oral bioavailability.
Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperazine-based
derivatives as inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 14 (2004) 761–765

No improvement was seen in the modification of the
A segment -Berlex Biosciences
Design and synthesis of oxadiazolidinediones as
inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 14 (2004) 3477–3480

IC50 5.29 µm

explored the structure–activity relationships around the novel
oxadiazolidinedione based PAI-1 inhibitor 5 by modifying regions 1 and 2.
Initial optimization of the region 1 indicates the preference for lipophilic groups
in that region and seems to be flexible in terms of steric requirements
accommodating bulky substituents.
Preliminary studies in region 2 indicated that the linker need not be a rigid
double bond and is flexible with respect to the stereochemistry as well. As far as
the substituents of the linker, a lipophilic group like phenyl is favored over
smaller alkyl substituent like methyl, resulting in submicromolar inhibitors.
Characterization and comparative evaluation of a structurally
unique PAI-1 inhibitor exhibiting oral in-vivo efficacy.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2:
First molecule to exhibit efficacy
in animal models of vascular
disease following oral
Characterization of a small molecule PAI1inhibitor, ZK4044
Thrombosis Research (2005) 115, 341–

⇒ZK4044 did not convert active PAI-1 to latent PAI-1,suggesting that the binding
of ZK4044 to PAI-1either directly or indirectly hinders the interaction of PAI-1 with
tPA and uPA. Similar interference of the interaction of PAI-1 and tPA by another
small molecule PAI-1 inhibitor, ARH029953XX, has been reported.
⇒ZK4044 probably binds to one of these two binding pockets near
⇒site on the surface of PAI-1 that is flanked by basic residues Arg76, Arg115
and Arg118 formed by a-helices D, E, F and h-strand s1A.
⇒ An adjacent binding pocket for small molecule inhibitors has been proposed
to be located in a space between h-strands s3A and s5A.

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Pai 1 inhibitors

  • 2. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1 • Name and origin of the protein – Protein name: Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 – Synonyms PAI-1, Endothelial plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI, serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1) – Gene name SERPINE1, PAI1, PLANH1 • FUNCTION: This inhibitor acts as "bait" for tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, and protein C. Its rapid interaction with t-PA may function as a major control point in the regulation of fibrinolysis. • SUBUNIT: Interacts with VTN. Binds LRP1B; binding is followed by internalization and degradation • SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Secreted. • SIMILARITY: Belongs to the serpin family (Serine Proteases). Homology of PAI-1 only 35% with other serpins (antithrombin, antiplasmin, antitrypsin, ovalbumin, and angiotensinogen).
  • 3. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1 • DISEASE: High concentrations of PAI-1 have been associated with thrombophilia;an autosomal dominant disorder in which affected individuals are prone to develop serious spontaneous thrombosis. Defects in serpine1 are the cause of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency (pai-1 deficiency). PAI-1 deficiency is characterized by abnormal bleeding due to PAI1defect in the plasma. • MISCELLANEOUS: PAI-1 is inactivated by proteolytic attack of the urokinase-type (u-PA) and the tissue-type (TPA), cleaving the 369(R)-370(M) bond. Two types of PAI have been identified. PAI-1 is an acid-stable glycoprotein found in plasma and platelets and in endothelial, hepatoma, and fibrosarcoma cells. Vascular endothelial cells may be the primary site of synthesis of plasma PAI.
  • 4. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1 • Sequence Information: * extracted from Swiss-sprot DB – Length: 402 Amino acids , 45060 Da • Features of sequence – SIGNAL 1 to 23 – CHAIN 24 to 402 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. – SITE 369 to 370 2 Reactive bond. – CARBOHYD 232- 232 N-linked Glycosylation site – CARBOHYD 288 - 288 N-linked Glycosylation site – CARBOHYD 352 - 352 N-linked Glycosylation site – VARIANT 15- 15 A -> T (SNP) – VARIANT 17- 17 V -> I (SNP) – VARIANT 25 - 25 H -> P (SNP) – VARIANT 209 - 209 R -> H (SNP) – VARIANT 255 - 255 T -> N (SNP)
  • 5.
  • 6. PAI-1 is the natural inhibitor of uroplasminogen activators. It's the cognate inhibitor of both tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and the urokinase type plasminogen activator (u-PA) in plasma and in tissues. This is present throughout the mammalian systems. The relative balance between t-PA and PAI-1 in blood or in tissues to a large extent determines the net activity of this system. This system is best known for its role in dissolving clots. But it also plays other important roles in tissue and in the blood vessel wall. It remodels the extracellular matrix. It's a "housekeeping" system. It also promotes cellular migration.
  • 7. Serpin-1 structure->Conformations of PAI-1 The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) folds into an active structure then converts slowly to a more stable, but low activity, "latent" conformation.The structure of active PAI-1 has to be different from the binding regions in latent and cleaved PAI-1. Crystal structures available in all conformations without any known ligand.
  • 8. The three forms of PAI-1 When PAI-1 is synthesized in endothelial cells and released into blood, it is in a functionally active form (Lindahl and Wiman 1989), which is the native conformation and has the inhibitory activity towards its target proteases. In the in vitro experiments at physiological conditions, active PAI-1 spontaneously undergoes a conformational change and decay to a latent form with a half-life of about 2 h (Levin and Santell 1987, Lindahl et al 1989). Normally, in plasma, PAI-1 is completely bound to another protein, vitronectin (Wiman et al 1988, Declerck et al 1988) that stabilizes the active form of PAI-1 and prolongs the half-life to 4 h.
  • 9. J Thromb Haemost, Vol 2, Issue 2, pp. 289-297 PAI-1 activity can be inhibited by at least 3 mechanisms: •prevention of the formation of the PAI-1/t-PA complex •acceleration of the PAI-1 latency conversion •inducing a substrate behaviour of PAI-1
  • 10. Small Molecule Active Site of PAI-1 Small molecule binds to which conformer- cleaved, active or latent? The active form of PAI-1 is structurally unstable with a plasma half-life of 1 hour, it is the conformation that is inhibitory toward tPA and uPA and therefore the target for small molecule interaction. (J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3491). Small molecule binding site -> Arg 76, Arg 115 and Arg 118. The binding sites are the regions of the molecule where the most dramatic structural changes take place in Active, cleaved and latent conformations of PAI-1. (J. Mol. Biol. 2000, 297, 683). CLB-2C8 (residues 110- 145) binding epitope of PAI-1 constitutes the binding site for the low molecular weight inhibitor (Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1227)
  • 12. Three-dimensional structure of PAI-1 in the active form The active form a large pocket is formed by a-helices D, E, F and β-strand s1A. In the other PAI-1 conformers this pocket is much shallower, due to the translational rearrangements involving the above secondary structural elements, but also on account of the side-chain reorientation of Y79. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1. Structure of the Native Serpin, Comparison to its Other Conformers and Implications for Serpin Inactivation . Mol. Biol. (2000) 297, 683 -695
  • 13. Elucidation of the binding regions of PAI-1 neutralizing antibodies using chimeric variants of human and rat PAI-1. Thromb Haemost. 2001 May;85(5):866-74 Three segments in human PAI-1 containing each at least one site involved in the neutralization of PAI-1 activity could be identified, i.e. (1) the segment from residue 81 to residue 187 (comprising alpha-helices hD, hE and hF, beta-strands s4C, s3A, s2A and s1A and the loops connecting these elements). (2) the segment between residues 277 and 327 (hI, thIs5A, s5A and s6A) and (3) the region C-terminal from amino acid 327, including the reactive site loop. The current data. together with previous data, indicate that PAI-1 contains at least four different regions that could be considered as putative targets to modulate its activity.
  • 14. A Regulatory Hydrophobic Area in the Flexible Joint Region of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1, Defined with Fluorescent Activity-neutralizing Ligands JBC;Vol. 276, No. 16, pp. 13077–13086, 2001 •An important perspective is the possibility of utilizing the hydrophobic area as a target for anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic drugs. •The strong binding to serum albumin common to all the compounds must be avoided. •Since PAI-1 is expected to be bound to vitronectin in vivo, pharmacologically potentially interesting molecules must have a high affinity not only to free PAI-1 but also to PAI-1 in its vitronectin-associated state. •Other serpins have similar hydrophobic areas, and the specificity of PAI-1 neutralizers of potential interest for in vivo use must therefore be ensured.
  • 16. Tiplaxtinin docked in active PAI-1
  • 17. Wyeth inhibitor docked in active PAI-1
  • 18. The standard small molecule IC50 12 µm •Structure-function relationship analysis suggested that the acidic function in AR-H029953XX was important for PAI-1 inhibition. •Interactions of AR-H029953XX with PAI-1-> A salt bridge between carboxylate group of AR-H029953XX with one of 3 arginine residues (76, 115 and 118) and a hydrophobic interaction between the dichlorophenyl moiety of AR-H029953XX and a lipophilic assembly of side chains in the vicinity of Val 121 and Phe 114. •The most likely site for binding inhibitor appeared to be a hydrophobic cleft near residues Phe 114 and Val 121 flanked by a basic surface region containing 3 arginine residues (76, 115 and 118). (Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1227).
  • 19. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 polymers, induced by inactivating amphipathic organochemical ligands Biochem. J. (2003) 372, 747–755 The binding of inactivating amphipathic compounds was much stronger to active PAI-1 than to the RCLinserted forms. The hydrophobic cavity binds a variety of structurally diverse compounds, including ANS (8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid), AR-H029953XX {N-[N(3,4-dichlorophenyl)benzamide] anthranilic acid}, bis-ANS (4,4-dianilino-1,1bisnaphthyl-5,5-disulphonic acid), and 1-dodecyl sulphuric acid (1-DS), with Kd values between 0.5 and several hundred micromolar. The negatively charged organochemical compounds induce substrate behaviour, followed by conversion of PAI-1 to inactive, polymeric forms Tiplaxtinin ?
  • 20. PAI-1 Inhibitors Small molecules IC50 13 µm IC50 not known •None of the compounds have shown in vivo activity. •Structurally, all PAI-1 compounds contain carboxylic acid and bulky aromatic functions.. It is possible that both acidic and aromatic groups play an important role in the binding of small molecules to human PAI-1.
  • 21. Xenova Limited Evaluation of a low molecular weight modulator of human plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity. Thromb Haemost. 1996 May;75(5):808-15. The evaluation of three diketopiperazine-based low molecular weight inhibitors of PAI-1 activity XR334, XR1853 and XR5082. Biochemical mechanism of action of a diketopiperazine inactivator of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Biochem. J. (2003) 373, 723–732 XR5118, positively charged compound is a novel modulator of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1).
  • 22. Biochemical mechanism of action of a diketopiperazine inactivator of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Biochem. J. (2003) 373, 723–732 Effector sites for XR5118, displayed on a ribbon and wireframe presentation of a part of the structure. Substitution of the red residues resulted in an IC50 value above 250 µM for XR5118 inactivation of PAI-1. Substitution of the yellow residues resulted in an IC50 value below 250 µM for XR5118 inactivation of PAI-1, but significantly different from the IC50 value for PAI-1 XR5118 binds laterally to β-sheet A. wt.
  • 23. Mapping of the epitope of a monoclonal antibody protecting plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 against inactivating agents Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1672–1679 (2003) A few organochemical compounds able to inactivate PAI-1 have been indentified, including a group of negatively charged amphipathic compounds like bis-ANS and the diketopiperazine derivative XR5118. Their exact binding sites in PAI-1 remain to be established, but all available evidence is in agreement with these compounds having overlapping, but not identical, binding sites in the flexible joint region. VitroNectin protects PAI-1 from inactivation by bis-ANS and XR5118. These compounds do not bind to relaxed PAI-1. Thus, there is bidirectional communication between the flexible joint region and the movements of the RCL.
  • 24. The effect of fibrates on PAI-1 production appeared to be compound specific and concentration dependent. Structurally, all fibrates contain a carboxylate and functional importance of this acidic group in the inhibition of PAI-1 production remains determined.
  • 25. All benzothiophene derived compounds contain a carboxylic acid and bulky aromatic groups which play an important role in the binding of small molecules to human PAI-1.
  • 26. Tiplaxtinin, a Novel, Orally Efficacious Inhibitor of PAI-1 J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3491 F3C O A lipophilic assembly of side chains in the vicinity of Val 121 and Phe 114. O N COOH Arginine residues (76 / 115 / 118) PAI- 039 IC50 2.5 µm • Identified with the HTS of wyeth’s compound libraries. • Existence of a carboxylic acid or an acid bioisostere which is common to most PAI-1 inhibitors.
  • 27. Design and Synthesis of Novel Oxime-Based PAI-1 Inhibitors -Wyeth Research The oxime moiety was introduced to address patent and stability issues. The oxime replaces one of the ether linkages in compound 1 . The substituted benzofuran moiety was found to be effective to add structural distinction to the series and to impart PAI-1 activity in the binding assay. Compared to an aryl-oxime series produced, the SAR of the oxime-benzofuran series showed this series required less lipophilicity. Compound 2 retains in vitro potency, is efficacious in vivo @ 5 mpk, po and is an inhibitor of PAI-1.
  • 28. Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Potent, Novel, Small Molecule Inhibitors of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor1 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12 (2002) 1063– 1066 IC50 0.20 µm Poor pKa Xenova Limited focused on the diketopiperazine nucleus. It was speculated that the biological activity of these compounds was exerted through one of diketopiperazine ring amides existing in the enol tautomer, whilst the other remained as a carboxamide. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12 (2002) 2367–2370
  • 29. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Menthol-Based Derivatives as Inhibitors of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor1 (PAI-1) 3365 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 13 (2003) 3361– IC50 0.38 µm Berlex Biosciences have explored structure–activity relationships around the novel PAI-1 inhibitor 1 by modification of the B- and C-segments. The B-segment could be replaced with a variety of aromatic diamines without loss of potency, but aliphatic diamines were not tolerated. Efforts to optimize the C-segment resulted in the identification of a series of novel diphenyl ether carboxylic acid derivatives having improved potency, moderate to good functional activity, and oral bioavailability.
  • 30. Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperazine-based derivatives as inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 14 (2004) 761–765 No improvement was seen in the modification of the A segment -Berlex Biosciences
  • 31. Design and synthesis of oxadiazolidinediones as inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 14 (2004) 3477–3480 IC50 5.29 µm Wyeth explored the structure–activity relationships around the novel oxadiazolidinedione based PAI-1 inhibitor 5 by modifying regions 1 and 2. Initial optimization of the region 1 indicates the preference for lipophilic groups in that region and seems to be flexible in terms of steric requirements accommodating bulky substituents. Preliminary studies in region 2 indicated that the linker need not be a rigid double bond and is flexible with respect to the stereochemistry as well. As far as the substituents of the linker, a lipophilic group like phenyl is favored over smaller alkyl substituent like methyl, resulting in submicromolar inhibitors.
  • 32. Characterization and comparative evaluation of a structurally unique PAI-1 inhibitor exhibiting oral in-vivo efficacy. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2: 1422–1428 First molecule to exhibit efficacy in animal models of vascular disease following oral administration.
  • 33. Characterization of a small molecule PAI1inhibitor, ZK4044 Thrombosis Research (2005) 115, 341– 350 ⇒ZK4044 did not convert active PAI-1 to latent PAI-1,suggesting that the binding of ZK4044 to PAI-1either directly or indirectly hinders the interaction of PAI-1 with tPA and uPA. Similar interference of the interaction of PAI-1 and tPA by another small molecule PAI-1 inhibitor, ARH029953XX, has been reported. ⇒ZK4044 probably binds to one of these two binding pockets near ⇒site on the surface of PAI-1 that is flanked by basic residues Arg76, Arg115 and Arg118 formed by a-helices D, E, F and h-strand s1A. ⇒ An adjacent binding pocket for small molecule inhibitors has been proposed to be located in a space between h-strands s3A and s5A.