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                           National Guard
                          Black Belt Training
                                Module 33

                         Hypothesis Testing Basics

                                                     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

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CPI Roadmap – Analyze
                                                             8-STEP PROCESS
                                                                                                       6. See
   1.Validate          2. Identify           3. Set          4. Determine          5. Develop                           7. Confirm    8. Standardize
      the             Performance         Improvement            Root               Counter-                             Results        Successful
    Problem               Gaps              Targets              Cause             Measures                             & Process        Processes

        Define                  Measure                      Analyze                            Improve                        Control

                                    ACTIVITIES                                     TOOLS
                                                                             • Value  Stream Analysis
                       •   Identify Potential Root Causes                    • Process Constraint ID
                       •   Reduce List of Potential Root                     • Takt Time Analysis
                           Causes                                            • Cause and Effect Analysis
                                                                             • Brainstorming
                       •   Confirm Root Cause to Output
                                                                             • 5 Whys
                                                                             • Affinity Diagram
                       •   Estimate Impact of Root Causes                    • Pareto
                           on Key Outputs                                    • Cause and Effect Matrix
                                                                             • FMEA
                       •   Prioritize Root Causes
                                                                             • Hypothesis Tests
                       •   Complete Analyze Tollgate                         • ANOVA
                                                                             • Chi Square
                                                                             • Simple and Multiple

                       Note: Activities and tools vary by project. Lists provided here are not necessarily all-inclusive.     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Learning Objectives
         Review the terms “Parameters” and “Statistics” as
          they relate to Populations and Samples.
         Introduce Confidence Intervals for expressing the
          uncertainty when predicting a population parameter
          using a sample statistic, and how to calculate CI’s
          for some common situations for different sample
         Show how the Central Limit Theorem and the
          Standard Error of the Mean applies to the use of
          Confidence Intervals and Tests

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   3

Learning Objectives (Cont.)
         Introduce statistical tests for some common tests and
          introduce the t-distribution with testing
         Learn about Hypothesis Testing to prove a statistical
          difference in process performance in applications of
         Understand the tradeoffs and influences of sample
          sizes on statistical tests.
         Apply knowledge of different classes of statistical
          errors to the decisions used in process improvement
          to minimize risk.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   4

Application Examples
   Transactional      – A Black Belt has just finished a pilot of a new
      process for handling blanket Purchase Orders and wants to
      know if it has a statistically significant: a) shorter cycle time
      and b) increased accuracy over the old process.
   Administrative       – The manager of an AAFES1 order entry
      department wants to compare two order entry procedures to
      see if one is faster than the other.
   Service     – Medical diagnostic imaging services are provided
      from two different medical treatment facilities to a central
      hospital which wants to know if there are differences in the
      quality of service, particularly: a) the number of lost records
      and re-takes, and b) average waiting time for MRIs and X-rays.
       1AAFES,   Army and Air Force Exchange System
                                                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   5

Population vs. Sample

                              Population                                 Sample
                      All U.S. registered voters           10,000 people are asked
                                                           who they will vote for
                      All sufferers of a certain           3,000 people are given a
                      disease that might be                new treatment in a clinical
                      given the new treatment              study
                      All appraisals completed             25 appraisals chosen at
                      that month                           random from a given

               Since it is not always practical or possible to measure/query every
                   item/person in the population, you take a random sample.

                                            Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   6

Terms and Labels: Population vs. Sample

                                       Population =                 Sample =
                                        Parameter                   Statistic

                      Count of items              N                    n
                                                  m                    
                                                  ~                    ~
                      Median                      m                    x
                      Standard Dev.               s                    S
                                                                      
                                                  m                    x
                      Estimators =                
                                                  s                    s

                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   7

Population Parameters vs. Sample Statistics
                                                                 Random Samples
                                                                 of Size, n = 4
                                                                              x1 , s1

                                                                              x2 , s2

                                                                              x3 , s3

                        m, s                                                  x4 , s4
            Population Parameters;                                       Sample Statistics; Mean, x-bar,
            Mean, m (mu), and Standard Deviation, s (sigma)              and Standard Deviation, s

                                            Hypothesis Testing - Basic                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   8

Central Limit Theorem
   If:
          x1, x2, …, xn are independent measurements (i.e., a random sample of size n)
          from a population, where the mean of x is m, when
           the standard deviation of x is given as s,

   Then:
          The distribution of x              X         X 1  X 2 x3  X n
           has mean and standard
           deviation given by:                                           s       Standard Error
                                     mX  m             and          sX          of the Mean

          In addition, when n is sufficiently large, then the distribution of x- bar is
          approximately normal (“bell-shaped curve”). More on sample sizes later...

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Variability of Means
   Sample            statistics estimate population parameters by inference:
            For a given sample ( x, s, n ), we can estimate population
                            
            parameters of m  s by inference.
           As the sample size increases we are more confident that our
            sample statistic is a more valid estimator of the population


                                                                     sx    sx


                                        Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   10


                          National Guard
                         Black Belt Training
                         Confidence Intervals

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What Is a Confidence Interval?
         We know that when we take the average of a sample,
          it is probably not exactly the same as the average of
          the population.
         Confidence intervals help us determine the likely
          range of the population parameter.
         For example, if my 95% confidence interval is 5 +/-
          2, then I have 95% confidence that the mean of the
          population is between 3 and 7.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   12

What Is a Confidence Interval? (Cont.)
         Usually, confidence intervals have an additive

                             Estimate ± Margin of Error

                              Sample Statistic ± [ ___ X ___ ]

                        Example:                   Confidence              Measure of
                          x, s                       Factor                Variability

Note: Detailed formulas may be found in the appendix.
                                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   13

Why Do We Need Confidence Intervals?
        Sample statistics, such as Mean and Standard
         Deviation, are only estimates of the population’s

        Because there is variability in these estimates from
         sample to sample, we can quantify our uncertainty
         using statistically-based confidence intervals.
         Confidence intervals provide a range of plausible
         values for the population parameters (m and s).

        Any sample statistic will vary from one sample to
         another and, therefore, from the true population or
         process parameter value.
                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   14

        Let’s look at a population that has a normal distribution with:
           known mean value = 65
           standard deviation = 4
            (This has been generated in dataset Confidence.mtw)
        Each member in the class will randomly sample 25 data points from
         this population. (In Minitab, use Calc>Random Data>Sample from
        Sample 25 rows of data from C1 and store the results in C2.
        Use graphical descriptive statistics to calculate the 95% confidence
         interval for the mean and sigma based on your sample of 25 data
         points. Do they include the mean, 65, and the sigma, 4?
        Based on a class size of 25, we would expect 1 confidence interval to
         not contain 65 for the mean, and 1 that does not include 4 for sigma.

                                     Hypothesis Testing - Basic      UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   15
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with

Population Standard Deviation (s) Known
     A     random sample of size, n = 36, is taken and the distribution of
         is normal. We are given that the population standard deviation
         (s) is 18.0. The value of x-bar is an estimator of the population
         mean (m),
         and the standard error of x-bar is:
                           s x bar s / n  18.0 / 36  3.0
      From    the properties of the standardized normal distribution,
         there is a 95% chance that m is within the range of ( x-bar +
         and - 1.96 times the Standard Error of x-bar).

                      This is known as the Standard Error of the Mean

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What Values of x-bar Can I Expect?
     Distribution of x-bar
                                                                         95% of all x-bars will
                                                                     fall into the shaded region,
                                                                      defined by m ± 1.96(3.0)

                      .025                                              .025

                                                                                   Standard Error
                       m1 - 1.96(3.0)       m1            m1+ 1.96(3.0)            of the Mean

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But I Don’t Know m, I Only Know x-bar!
   We      can turn it around.
   x-bar   lying in the interval m ±
      1.96(3.0) is the same thing as
      m lying in the interval x-bar ±
                                                                               (----------- x-barsample A -----------)
                                                  (---------- x-barsample B-----------)
   Because    there is a 95% chance                     (---------- x-barsample C-----------)
      that x-bar lies in the interval
      m ± 1.96(3.0), there is a 95%
      chance that the interval x-bar              m1 - 1.96(3.0)               m1                        m1+ 1.96(3.0)
      ± 1.96(3.0) encloses m.

   The    interval we construct using               Observed sample mean, x-barsample C
      the observed sample mean is
      called a 95% confidence
      interval for m.
                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic                                        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   18
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with

Population Standard Deviation (s) Known
     Another Example
         An airline needs an estimate of the average number of
         passengers on a newly scheduled flight. Its experience is that
         data for the first month of flights is unreliable, but thereafter the
         passenger loading settles down.
         Therefore, the mean passenger load is calculated for the first 20
         weekdays of the second month after initiation of this particular
         new flight. If the sample mean (x-bar) is 112.0 and the
         population standard deviation (s) is assumed to be 25, find a
         95% confidence interval for the true, long-run average number
         of passengers on this flight.

                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   19
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m)

with Standard Deviation (s) Known
     We assume that the hypothetical population of daily passenger loads for
     weekdays is not badly skewed. Therefore, the sampling distribution of
     x-bar is approximately normal and the confidence interval results are
     approximately correct, even for a sample size of only 20 weekdays.
                            x -bar  112.0
                            s  25
                            s x -bar            5.59

     For a 95% confidence interval, we use z.025= 1.96 in the formula to
     obtain         112  1.965.59 or 101.04 to 122.96

     We are 95% confident that the long-run mean, m , lies in this interval.
                                     Hypothesis Testing - Basic    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   20
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with

Population Standard Deviation (s) Unknown

  A     very important point to remember is that for this
       example we assumed that we knew the population
       standard deviation, and many times that is not the case.
       Often, we have to estimate both the mean and the
       standard deviation from the sample.
   When     s is not known, we use the t-distribution rather
       than the normal (z) distribution. The t-distribution will
       be explained next.
   In    many cases, the true population s is not known, so
       we must use our sample standard deviation (s) as an
       estimate for the population standard deviation (s

                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   21
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with

Standard Deviation (s) Unknown (Cont.)
         Since there is less certainty (not knowing m or s ),
          the t-distribution essentially “relaxes” or
          “expands” our confidence intervals to allow for this
          additional uncertainty.
         In other words, for a 95% confidence interval, you
          would multiply the standard error by a number
          greater than 1.96, depending on the sample size.
         1.96 comes from the normal distribution, but the
          number we will use in this case will come from the

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   22

What Is This t-Distribution?
      The t-distribution is actually a family of distributions.

      They are similar in shape to the normal distribution
       (symmetric and bell-shaped), although wider, and flatter in
       the tails.

      How wide and flat the specific t-distribution is depends on
       the sample size. The smaller the sample size, the wider
       and flatter the distribution tails.

      As sample size increases, the t-distribution approaches the
       exact shape of the normal distribution.

                                Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   23

An Example of a t-Distribution


                      0.3                                              (n = 5)


                                                                                        Area =

                            -3   -2   -1              0            1       2     2.78 3

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Some Selected t-Values
         Here are values from the t-distribution for various
          sample sizes (for 95% confidence intervals):
                                        Sample Size                    t-value (.025)*
                                              2                             12.71
                                                 3                              4.30
                                                 5                              2.78
                                                10                              2.26
                                                20                              2.09
                                                30                              2.05
                                                100                             1.98
                                               1000                             1.96

  * For a 95% CI,  = .05. Therefore, for a two tail distribution: /2= .05/2= .025

                                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   25
Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with

Population Standard Deviation (s) Unknown
     The customer expectation when phoning an order-out pizza shop is that
     the average amount of time from completion of dialing until they hear
     the message indicating the time in queue is equal to 55.0 seconds (less
     than a minute was the response from customers surveyed, so the
     standard was established at 10% less than a minute). You decide to
     randomly sample at 20 times from 11:30am until 9:30pm on 2 days to
     determine what the actual average is. In your sample of 20 calls, you
     find that the sample mean, x-bar, is equal to 54.86 seconds and the
     sample standard deviation, s, is equal to 1.008 seconds.
     The actual data was as follows:
     54.1, 53.3, 56.1, 55.7, 54.0, 54.1, 54.5, 57.1, 55.2, 53.8,
     54.1, 54.1, 56.1, 55.0, 55.9, 56.0 ,54.9, 54.3, 53.9, 55.0
     What is a 95% confidence interval for the true mean call completion
                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   26

95% Confidence Interval
for Mean Call Completion Time
     x     = 54.860
                                                     We’re 95% confident that the actual mean
     s     = 1.008                                 call completion time is somewhere between
                                                        54.389 seconds and 55.331 seconds,
     n     = 20                                          based on our sample of 20 calls.

      t.025,19       = 2.09 our sample of 20 calls

          Luckily, we don’t
                                      x  t α/2, n1
        have to worry about
        the details of how to
        calculate the t-value.                                1.008
                                   54.860  2.09 
        Minitab takes care of                                   20
             that for us.
                                     54.389, 55.331

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Now Let Minitab Calculate
the Confidence Interval
  1. Open the Minitab file

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Now Let Minitab Calculate
the Confidence Interval (Cont.)
  2. Select Stat>
      Basic Statistics>
      Graphical Summary

                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   29

Now Let Minitab Calculate
the Confidence Interval (Cont.)

  3. Double click on C-1 to place it
     in the Variables box

  4. Click on OK

                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   30

Now Let Minitab Calculate
the Confidence Interval (Cont.)
                                                 Summary for C1
                                                                                       A nderson-Darling Normality Test
                                                                                                                             We’re 95% confident that
                                                                                           A -Squared          0.60              the actual mean is
                                                                                           P-V alue           0.105
                                                                                                                               54.388 and 55.332
                                                                                           V ariance           1.016
                                                                                           Skew ness        0.560026          We’re also taking a 5%
                                                                                           Kurtosis        -0.509797
                                                                                           N                      20         chance that we’re wrong.
                                                                                           Minimum           53.300
                                                                                           1st Q uartile     54.100
                                                                                           Median            54.700

                            54           55               56            57
                                                                                           3rd Q uartile
                                                                                                                             95% Confidence Interval
                                                                                       95% C onfidence Interv al for Mean    for Mean (m:
                                                                                           54.388            55.332
                                                                                                                               54.388      55.332
                                                                                      95% C onfidence Interv al for Median
                                                                                           54.100            55.582

                                  95% Confidence Intervals                            95% C onfidence Interv al for StDev    95% Confidence Interval
                                                                                           0.767              1.472
                                                                                                                             for Standard Deviation (s:
                                                                                                                                  0.767    1.472

            54.00   54.25        54.50   54.75    55.00        55.25   55.50

                                                                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   31

Other Types of Confidence Intervals
         There are other types of confidence intervals that are
          based on the same principles we have learned:
               Standard Deviation
               Proportions
               Median
               Others
         We will discuss some of these later.

                                 Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   32


                          National Guard
                         Black Belt Training
                         Hypothesis Testing

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Extending the Concept
of Confidence Intervals
         Extending the concept of confidence intervals allows
          us to set-up and interpret statistical tests.
         We refer to these tests as Hypothesis Tests.
         One way to describe a hypothesis test:
               Determining whether or not a particular value of
                interest is contained within a confidence interval.
         Hypothesis testing also gives us the ability to
          calculate the probability that our conclusion is wrong.

                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   34

The New Car
         You buy a one-year old car from the Lemon Lot in
          order to save money on gas. The previous owner still
          had the original features sticker and you were pleased
          to note that the EPA mileage estimate indicated that
          the car should get 31 miles per gallon overall.

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The New Car (Cont.)
         As soon as you buy the car, you fill up the tank so
          that you’ll be ready to take the family for a drive and
          to go to work the next day. A few days later, you fill
          up again and calculate your gas mileage for that tank.
          After you push the “=“ key on your calculator, the
          number 27.1 appears.

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The New Car (Cont.)
         Should you send the car to a mechanic to check for
         Do you conclude that the EPA estimate is simply wrong?
         Do you leave cruel messages on the seller’s answering
         What ARE your conclusions?

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Continuing the Car Situation
         At what value of gas consumption should you become
          alarmed that you are experiencing anything more
          than just random variation?

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The Car Situation (Cont.)
         What if we knew this?

                                                             Distribution of gas
                                                            consumption for this

                 12.8 %

                                                          s = 3.46

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Hypothesis Testing
     Hypothesis Testing:
         Allows us to determine statistically whether or not a
          value is cause for alarm (or is simply due to random
         Tells us whether or not two sets of data are different
         Tells us whether or not a statistical parameter
          (mean, standard deviation, etc.) is statistically
          different from a test value of interest
         Allows us to assess the “strength” of our conclusion
          (our probability of being correct or wrong)
                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   40

Hypothesis Testing (Cont.)
     Hypothesis Testing Enables Us to:
         Handle uncertainty using a commonly accepted
         Be more objective (2 persons will use the same
          techniques and come to similar conclusions almost all
          of the time)
         Disprove or “fail to disprove” assumptions
         Control our risk of making wrong decisions or coming
          to wrong conclusions

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Hypothesis Testing (Cont.)
                                             Some Possible Samples
                                                            Sample A
                                                               Sample B
                                                                  Sample C

                                                                Sample D

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Sample Size Concerns
         If we sample only one item, how close do we expect
          to get to the true population mean?
         How well do you think this one item represents the
          true mean?
         How much ability do we have to draw conclusions
          about the mean?
         What if we sample 900 items? Now, how close
          would we expect to get to the true population

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Sample Size (Cont.)
                                              The larger our sample, the
                                             closer x-bar is likely to be to
            Population                        the true population mean.

                                                          Likely value of x-bar
                                                          with a small sample

                                                              Likely value of x-bar
                         x                                    with a large sample
                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   44

Standard Deviation
         What effect would a lot of variation in the population
          have on our estimate of the population mean from a
         How would this affect our ability to draw conclusions
          about the mean?
         What if there is very little variation in the population?

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   45

Standard Deviation (Cont.)

                                                  Population with a lot
                                                      of variation

                      m                                    Likely value of x-bar
                      x                                    with sample size, n

                                                       Population with less

                      m                                 Likely value of x-bar
                                                        with sample size, n
                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   46

Statistical Inferences and Confidence
         How much confidence do we have in our estimates?
         How close do you think the true mean, m, is to our
          estimate of the mean, x-bar?
         How certain do we want/need to be about conclusions
          we make from our estimates?
         If we want to be more confident about our sample
          estimate (i.e., we want a lower risk of being wrong),
          then we must relax our statement of how close we
          are to the true value.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   47

Statistical Inferences and Confidence


                                                                  If we want to have
                                                                high confidence in our
                                                                conclusions, we must
                                                                   relax the range in
                                                                which we say the true
                                                   m                   mean lies
        As we tighten our
     estimate of the mean,
    our risk of being wrong
      increases. Thus, our
     confidence decreases.                         x
                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   48

Three Factors Drive Sample Sizes
        Three concepts affect the conclusions drawn from a single
         sample data set of (n) items:
              Variation in the underlying population (sigma)
              Risk of drawing the wrong conclusions (alpha, beta)
              How small a Difference is significant (delta)

                      Variation                                Difference
                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   49

Three Factors: Variation, Risk, Difference
    These 3 factors work together. Each affects the others.
     Variation:    When there’s greater variation, a larger sample
        is needed to have the same level of confidence that the
        test will be valid. More variation reduces our confidence
     Risk:  If we want to be more confident that we are not
        going to make a decision error or miss a significant event,
        we must increase the sample size.
     Difference:   If we want to be confident that we can identify
        a smaller difference between two test samples, the sample
        size must increase.

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Three Factors (Cont.)
         Larger samples improve our confidence interval.
         Lower confidence levels allow smaller samples.
         All of these translate into a specific confidence
          interval for a given parameter, set of data, confidence
          level and sample size.
         They also translate into what types of conclusions
          result from hypothesis tests.
         Testing for larger differences between the samples,
          reduces the size of the sample. This is known as delta
                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   51

An Example
    A   unit has several quick response forces, QRF. Some forces have over
       700 members, with at least 300 on the site at any time.
     By   regulation, all forces must have a quick response plan, the critical
       first phase of which is required to be completed in 10 minutes (600
       seconds) or less.
     There   are two teams that are vying for “most responsive.” They have
       taken somewhat different approaches to implementing their quick
       response plans and management wants to know which approach is
       better: Team 1 or Team 2
     Each   one has 100 data points for actual responses and drills (Minitab
       file Response.mtw)

                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic       UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   52

The Data from Team 1
                      598.0   598.8           600.2           599.4   599.6
                      599.8   598.8           599.6           599.0   601.2
                      600.0   599.8           599.6           598.4   599.6
                      599.8   599.2           599.6           599.0   600.2
                      600.0   599.4           600.2           599.6   600.0
                      600.0   600.0           599.2           598.8   600.0
                      598.8   600.2           599.0           599.2   599.4
                      598.2   600.2           599.6           599.6   599.8
                      599.4   599.6           600.4           598.6   599.2
                      599.6   599.0           600.0           599.8   599.6
                      599.4   599.0           599.0           599.6   599.4
                      599.4   599.8           599.6           599.2   600.0
                      600.0   600.8           599.4           599.6   600.0
                      598.8   598.8           599.2           600.2   599.2
                      599.2   598.2           597.8           599.8   599.4
                      599.4   600.0           600.4           599.6   599.6
                      599.6   599.2           599.6           600.0   599.8
                      599.0   599.8           600.0           599.6   599.0
                      599.2   601.2           600.8           599.2   599.6
                      600.6   600.4           600.4           598.6   599.4
                                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   53

The Data from Team 2
                      601.6   600.8          599.4           599.8   601.6
                      600.4   598.6          598.0           602.8   603.4
                      598.4   600.0          597.6           600.0   597.0
                      600.0   600.4          598.0           599.6   599.8
                      596.8   600.8          597.6           602.2   597.8
                      602.8   600.8          601.2           603.8   602.4
                      600.8   597.2          599.0           603.6   602.2
                      603.6   600.4          600.4           601.8   600.6
                      604.2   599.8          600.6           602.0   596.2
                      602.4   596.4          599.0           603.6   602.4
                      598.4   600.4          602.2           600.8   601.4
                      599.6   598.2          599.8           600.2   599.2
                      603.4   598.6          599.8           600.4   601.6
                      600.6   599.6          601.0           600.2   600.4
                      598.4   599.0          601.6           602.2   598.0
                      598.2   598.2          601.6           598.0   601.2
                      602.0   599.4          600.2           598.4   604.2
                      599.4   599.4          601.8           600.8   600.2
                      599.4   600.2          601.2           602.8   600.0
                      600.8   599.0          597.6           597.6   596.8

                                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic             UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   54

Descriptive Statistics – Team 1
                                                         Summary for Team 1
                                                                                                         A nderson-D arling N ormality Test
                                                                                                             A -S quared           0.84
                                                                                                             P -V alue            0.029
                                                                                                             M ean               599.55
                                                                                                             S tD ev               0.62
                                                                                                             V ariance             0.38
                                                                                                             S kew ness       -0.082566
                                                                                                             Kurtosis          0.745102
                                                                                                             N                      100
                                                                                                             M inimum           597.80
                                                                                                             1st Q uartile      599.20
                                                                                                             M edian            599.60
                                                                                                             3rd Q uartile      600.00
                 597.75      598.50             599.25              600.00          600.75                   M aximum           601.20
                                                                                                        95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                                             599.43             599.67
                                                                                                        95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                                             599.40             599.60
                                                                                                        95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev
                                      9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                                             0.54                  0.72


                 599.40   599.45       599.50            599.55         599.60       599.65    599.70

                                                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic                               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   55

Descriptive Statistics – Team 2
                                                  Summary for Team 2
                                                                                               A nderson-D arling N ormality Test
                                                                                                   A -S quared           0.29
                                                                                                   P -V alue            0.615
                                                                                                   M ean               600.23
                                                                                                   S tD ev               1.87
                                                                                                   V ariance             3.51
                                                                                                   S kew ness        0.051853
                                                                                                   Kurtosis         -0.518286
                                                                                                   N                      100
                                                                                                   M inimum            596.20
                                                                                                   1st Q uartile       599.00
                                                                                                   M edian             600.20
                                                                                                   3rd Q uartile       601.60
                         597.0       598.5       600.0         601.5         603.0                 M aximum            604.20
                                                                                              95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                                   599.86              600.60
                                                                                              95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                                   599.80              600.60
                                                                                              95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev
                                     9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                                   1.65                  2.18


                 599.8           600.0           600.2             600.4              600.6

                                                         Hypothesis Testing - Basic                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   56

         The average cycle time for Team 1 is 599.55
         The average cycle time for Team 2 is 600.23
         The target cycle time for Phase 1 response is 600
         Is the difference between the two average cycle times
          statistically significant?

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   57

Example (Cont.)
      The    unit wants to determine if the true averages of
         the two teams are really different.
      The     unit thinks that the 600.23 average of team 2 is
         little too high, so there is a need to determine if the
         data indicates that the true average is really not equal
         to the target of 600 seconds.
      The   unit will use hypothesis testing to answer these

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   58

      The   first hypothesis test to be performed is to determine
         whether there is a statistically significant difference between
         the means of the two teams. This is called a 2-Sample t
      The    real question is whether or not the means are different
         enough to indicate that the approaches taken by the two
         teams really are centered differently, or are they close
         enough that the difference could simply be a result of random
      After   that, hypothesis testing can tell us if there is evidence
         indicating whether or not each team’s average is different
         from the target of 600 seconds.
      First,         we need to introduce some terminology.
                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   59

The Null Hypothesis for a 2-Sample t Test
         The 2-Sample t Test is used to test whether or not
          the means of two populations are the same.
         The null hypothesis is a statement that the
          population means for the two samples are equal.
                          Ho: μ1 = μ2
         We assume the null hypothesis is true unless we have
          enough evidence to prove otherwise. We say – we
          “fail to reject the null”.
         If we can prove otherwise, then we “reject the null”
          hypothesis and accept the Alternative Hypothesis
                          HA: μ1 ≠ μ2
                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   60

Null Hypothesis for 2-Sample t Test (Cont.)
         This is analogous to our judicial system principle of
          “innocent until proven guilty”
         The symbol used for the null hypothesis is Ho:
                      H 0 : m1  m2 OR H 0 : m1  m2  0

                                     Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   61

The Alternative Hypothesis
for a 2-Sample t Test
         The alternative hypothesis is a statement that
          represents reality if there is enough evidence to reject
         If we reject the null hypothesis then we accept the
          alternative hypothesis.
         This is analogous to being found “guilty” in a court of
         The symbol used for the alternative hypothesis is Ha:
                      H a : m1  m2 OR H a : m1  m2  0

                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   62

Our Emergency Response Team Example
         In our example, the first hypothesis test will take this
                      H o : m1  m 2
                      H a : m1  m 2                          Reminder:
                                                     We are conducting a          2-
                                                      Sample t test to determine if
          We can rewrite it in this form:             the average cycle time of the
                                                     Phase 1 response from our two
                      H o : m1  m 2  0                   teams are different.

                      H a : m1  m 2  0

                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   63

Our Emergency Response Team Example
         If we wanted to specifically test only whether or not
          there was enough evidence to indicate that team 2’s
          average was greater than team 1’s, it would take this
                      H o : m1  m 2  0
                      H a : m1  m 2  0                    This is still a 2-Sample t-Test

                                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   64

Our Emergency Response Team Example
         The second hypothesis test will be a 1-Sample t. It
          will take this form for each team:

                             H o : m1  600
                             H a : m1  600

                      When you are testing whether or not a
                      population mean is equal to a given or
                       Target value, you use a 1-Sample t

                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   65

Hypothesis Test in Minitab
         We will use Minitab to conduct our hypothesis tests.
         Open the Minitab file Response.mtw

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   66

Hypothesis Test in Minitab:
2-Sample t-Test
  Select Stat>
  2-Sample t
  to compare
  Team 1 to
  Team 2

                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   67

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)
  Team 1 and Team 2
  are in different
  columns, so select
  Samples in
  different columns

  Double click on C1-Supp1
  Then double click on
  C2-Supp2 to place them
  In First and Second boxes
  Select Graphs to get the
  Graphs dialog box

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   68

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)

  In the Graphs dialog
  box, check both
  Boxplots of data
  and Dotplots of

  Click OK here, and
  then click on OK in
  the previous dialog

                         Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   69

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)
                         Boxplot of Team 1, Team 2









                      Team 1                                Team 2

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   70

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)

                              Individual Value Plot of Team 1, Team 2









                                 Team 1                                Team 2

                                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   71

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)
                      This descriptive output shows up
                         in your Session Window

                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   72

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)

     The null hypothesis states that the difference
            between the two means is zero
                                 Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   73

Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.)

                                                               We will cover
                                                             p-values in more
                                                             detail a little later

                      The p-value here is less than 0.05, so
                       we can reject the null hypothesis
                                Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   74

       The Hypothesis Tests we have discussed make certain
             Independence between and within samples
             Random samples
             Normally distributed data
             Unknown Variance
             In our example, we did not assume equal variances.
              This is the safe choice. However, if we had reason to
              believe equal variances, then we could have checked
              the “Assume equal variances” box in the dialogue box.

                                 Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   75

The Risks of Being Wrong
                                             Error Matrix

                                          Conclusion Drawn
                                 Accept Ho                      Reject Ho

                                                                 Type I
                      Ho True      Correct                       Error
           The                                                  -Risk)
          State                  Type II Error
                      Ho False      -Risk)

                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   76

Type I and Type II Errors
      Type     I Error
                                  I’ve discovered
            Alpha Risk         something that really
            Producer Risk
                                     isn’t here!

            The risk of rejecting the null, and taking action, when
             no action was necessary
      Type       II Error
                                   I’ve missed a
              Beta Risk
                                 significant effect!
              Consumer Risk
              The risk of failing to reject the null when you should
               have rejected it.
              No action is taken when there should have been action.
                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   77

Type I and Type II Errors (Cont.)
      The Type I Error is determined up front.
         It is the alpha value you choose.
         The confidence level is one minus the alpha level.

      The Type II Error is determined from the circumstances of the
         If alpha is made very small, then beta increases (all else being
         Requiring overwhelming evidence to reject the null increases the
           chances of a type II error.
         To minimize beta, while holding alpha constant, requires increased
           sample sizes.
         One minus beta is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
           when it is false. This is referred to as the Power of the test.

                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   78

Type I and Type II Errors (Cont.)
         What type of error occurs when an innocent man is
         What about when a guilty man is set free?
         Does the American justice system place more
          emphasis on the alpha or beta risk?

                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   79

         Draw the Type I & II error matrix for airport security.
         Do you think the security system at most airports
          places more emphasis on the alpha or beta risk?

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   80

The p-Value
         If we reject the null hypothesis, the p-value is the
          probability of being wrong.
         In other words, if we reject the null hypothesis, the p-
          value is the probability of making a Type I error.
         It is the critical alpha value at which the null
          hypothesis is rejected.
         If we don’t want alpha to be more than 0.05, then we
          simply reject the null hypothesis when the p-value is
          0.05 or less.
         As we will learn later, it isn’t always this simple.
                                Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   81


                          National Guard
                         Black Belt Training
                      Power, Delta and Sample

                                                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

                                                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Beta, Power, and Sample Size
       If  two populations truly have different means, but only by a
          very small amount, then you are more likely to conclude they
          are the same. This means that the beta risk is greater.
       Beta   only comes into play if the null hypothesis truly is false.
          The “more” false it is, the greater your chances of detecting it,
          and the lower your beta risk.
       The    power of a hypothesis test is its ability to detect an effect
          of a given magnitude.

                           Power  1  
       Minitab     will calculate beta for us for a given sample size, but
          first let’s show it graphically….

                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   83

Beta and Alpha

                                                                      95% Confidence Limit
                                                                    (alpha = .05) for mean, m1
                                                                          (critical value)

                                                                          Alpha Risk

               Here is our first population and its corresponding alpha risk.
                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   84

Beta and Alpha (Cont.)

                                                                     95% Confidence Limit (alpha
                                                                      = .05) for mean, m1 (critical

                                            m1           m2
                 We want to compare these two populations. Do you think that
                    we will easily be able to determine if they are different?
                                        Hypothesis Testing - Basic                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   85

Beta and Alpha (Cont.)
                                                                         95% Confidence Limit (alpha
                                                                          = .05) for mean, m1 (critical

                      Beta Risk

                                                 m1           m2
                      If our sample from population 2 is in this grey area, we will
                       not be able to see the difference. This is called Beta Risk.

                                            Hypothesis Testing - Basic                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   86

Beta and Delta
      If  we are trying to see a larger change, we have less Beta

                                                                     95% Confidence Limit
                                                                       (alpha = .025) for
                      Beta Risk                                      mean, m1 (critical value)

                                  m1                            m2
                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   87

Beta and Sigma
      Now   we’re back to our original graphic. What do you think
         happens to Beta Risk if the standard deviations of the
         populations decrease?
                                                                95% Confidence Limit
                                                               (alpha = .05) for mean,
                                                                   m1 (critical value)

                      Beta Risk

                                       m1           m2
                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   88

Beta and Sigma (Cont.)
      If   the standard deviation decreases, Beta Risk decreases.
      Reducing    variability has the same effect on Beta Risk as
         increasing sample size.

                      Beta Risk
                                                                  95% Confidence Limit
                                                               (alpha = .05) for mean, m1
                                                                     (critical value)

                                       m1            m2
                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   89

How Can Power Be Increased?
         Power is related to risk, variation, sample size, and
          the size of change that we want to detect.
         If we want to detect a smaller delta (effect), we
          typically must increase our sample size.

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   90

      Let’s   use Minitab to determine the beta risk of the hypothesis
         test we performed on the two teams.
      First,         we’ll have to make some assumptions.
             We don’t know the TRUE difference in the means, so we’ll assume that
              it’s 0.682, the differences in the sample averages.
             A variance hypothesis test shows that the variances are not equal.
             We will average the variances from Minitab to determine the combined
              variance using the following formula:

                                       2                2
                                    s1  s 2
                             s 

                                       Hypothesis Testing - Basic       UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   91

Power (Cont.)
 Select; Stat>
 Power and Sample Size>
 2-Sample t...

                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   92

Power (Cont.)
                  To   calculate Power, we need three things;
                  1.    Sample Size
                  2.    The Difference between the two Means
                  3.    The Average Standard Deviation of the two samples

   We can get all this information from our 2-Sample t-Test conducted earlier:

                                                     1.      Sample Size = 100

                                                     2.      Difference Between Means = 0.682
                                                             (600.230 – 599.548 = 0.682)

                                                     3.      Average Standard Deviation ??
                                                                    (See Next Slide)

                                        Hypothesis Testing - Basic                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   93

Power (Cont.)
                                     To Calculate Average Standard Deviation

                                     Remember that Standard Deviations are
                                     the Square Roots of the Variance. Since
                                     square roots are not additive (we cannot
                                     add them and divide by two) we have to
                                     convert them back to Variances which are

                                                StDev Squared = Variance
                                       Team 1 0.619 squared = 0.3832
                                       Team 2 1.870 squared = 3.4969
                                                            Sum = 3.8801
                                      Divide by 2 to get Average = 1.9401
                                     And Square Root of Average = 1.3929

          So the Average Standard Deviation for the two samples is 1.3929

                                   Hypothesis Testing - Basic        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   94

Power (Cont.)

 1. Type in Sample Size of 100 here

  2. Type in Difference Between
  Means of 0.682 here

  3. Type in Average
  Standard Deviation
  of 1.393 here

   4. Click on OK

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   95

Power (Cont.)

                                                                          The Power = 0.9312
                                                                        And since Beta = (1 –Power)
                                                                               Beta = 0.0688.

                       If the TRUE difference between the two support orgs. was
                      0.682, we would have a 6.88% chance of not observing this
                             and therefore concluding that they are the same.
                                           Hypothesis Testing - Basic                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   96

Power (Cont.)
         In practice, we evaluate the power of a test to
          determine its ability to detect a difference of a given
          magnitude that we deem important, or practically
         For example, we could calculate the power of a
          hypothesis test to see if we could measure a one
          minute difference in responsiveness between the two

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   97

Power (Cont.)
         Let’s say that if the two support organizations’ cycle
          times differ by as little as 0.4 seconds, then we need
          to analyze the reasons for the differences.
         What is the power of our test to detect this
         What is the probability of making a type II error
          (concluding that there is no difference when one
         Use Minitab to individually answer these questions.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   98

Sample Size
         Now that we understand the relationship between
          Beta, Power, Delta, and Sample Size, we can use this
          information to calculate the sample size necessary to
          give us the information we want.
         We simply use the same function in Minitab to solve
          for sample size rather than power.
         This is a very useful and common extension of
          Hypothesis Testing.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   99

Sample Size (Cont.)
  Here we enter the
  Difference (delta) we wish
  to detect, and the minimum
  Power value that we are
  willing to live with.
  We leave Sample sizes

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   100

Sample Size
         Let’s extend our response team cycle time example
         Determine what sample size we would need to detect
          a difference of 0.4 seconds at a power of 0.90.
         What about at a power of 0.95?
         What about at a power of 0.95 and an alpha of
            Hint: Click the Options button in the Power and
             Sample Size dialogue box.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   101

Other Power and Sample Size Scenarios

                                                     We can perform these
                                                    calculations not only for
                                                    the difference between
                                                   two means, but for other
                                                          tests as well.

                      Hypothesis Testing - Basic                 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   102

1-Sample t-test in Minitab
         Now, we will return to Minitab to test the following hypothesis
          about our two support organizations cycle times:

                      H o : m1  600
                      H a : m1  600

                                  Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   103

Back to the Support Organization Example:
One Sample t-Test
  1-Sample t-test in Minitab
  Choose Stat>Basic
  Statistics>1-Sample t
  to test the mean of
  each response team against
  a standard or spec

                               Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   104

1-Sample t-test in Minitab

  Double click on C1 Team 1
  and C2 Team 2 to place
  them in the dialog box
  Type in the Hypothesized
  mean, or standard we are
  comparing to. Here it is
  Click the Graphs
  button to get to the
  Graphs dialog box.

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   105

1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.)

  Select Histogram
  of data and
  Boxplot of data

   Click OK here and on
   the previous Screen

                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   106

1-Sample t-test in Minitab
                                        Histogram of Team 1
                           (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean)

                  30                                                     This shows the Target
                                                                         we are testing, along with
                                                                         the Average and the
                  20                                                     Confidence Interval

                                                                         from the data.



                  0                                           _

                  -5                                                      Ho
                       598.0    598.5     599.0         599.5            600.0    600.5    601.0
                                                       Team 1

                                            Hypothesis Testing - Basic                     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   107

1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) - adj
                                      Boxplot of Team 1
                        (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean)


                598.0   598.5     599.0         599.5            600.0   600.5   601.0       601.5
                                                 Team 1

                                          Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   108

1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.)
                                       Histogram of Team 2
                           (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean)






                     0.0                                         _

                           597.0        598.5            600.0           601.5    603.0
                                                        Team 2

                                            Hypothesis Testing - Basic                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   109

1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.)

                                            Boxplot of Team 2
                            (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean)


           596        597    598      599         600     601             602   603   604       605
                                                    Team 2

                                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   110

1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.)
                      Here is the descriptive output for the 1-Sample t-Test
                                    found in Session Window

                                        Hypothesis Testing - Basic    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   111

2-Sided and 1-Sided Hypothesis Tests
      We       have concentrated on 2-sided hypothesis tests.
              2-Sided tests determine whether or not two items are equal
               or whether a parameter is equal to some value.
              Whether an item is less than or greater than another item or
               a value is not sought up front. A 2-sided test is a less specific
              The alternative hypothesis is “Not Equal”.
      Everything       we have learned also applies to 1-sided tests.
              1-Sided tests determine whether or not an item is less than
               (<) or greater than (>) another item or value.
              The alternative hypothesis is either (<) or (>).
              This makes for a more powerful test (lower beta at a given
               alpha and sample size).
                                     Hypothesis Testing - Basic    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   112

More Detailed Information

                      Remember to use the Stat Guide button to learn more
                        about the results and to help you interpret them.

                                    Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   113

Hypothesis Test Summary Template
           Hypothesis Test                           Factor (x)
     (ANOVA, 1 or 2 sample t - test, Chi Squared,                      p Value          Observations/Conclusion
       Regression, Test of Equal Variance, etc)       Tested
                                                                                 Significant factor - 1 hour driving time from DC
   Example: ANOVA                                      Location          0.030   to Baltimore office causes ticket cycle time to
                                                                                 generally be longer for the Baltimore site
                                                                                 Significant factor - on average, calls requiring
   Example: ANOVA                                   Part vs. No Part     0.004   parts have double the cycle time (22 vs 43
                                                                                 Significant factor - Department 4 has digitized
   Example: Chi Squared                              Department          0.000   addition of customer info to ticket and less
                                                                                 human intervention, resulting in fewer errors
                                                                                 South region accounted for 59% of the defects
   Example: Pareto                                      Region            n/a    due to their manual process and distance from
                                                                                 the parts warehouse

                      - Example -                                      Optional BB Deliverable
   Describe any other observations about the root cause (x) data

                                                                                                             UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

    One-Way ANOVA Template                                                               Boxplots of Net Hour by Part/No
                                                                                            (means are indicated by solid circles)

    After further investigation, possible                         150
                                                                             Boxplot: Part/ No Part Impact on Ticket Cycle Time
     reasons proposed by the team are
     OEM backorders, lack of technician
                                                                                                - Example -
                          Net Hours Call Open

     certifications and the distance from
     the OEM to the client site. It is also                        100

     caused by the need for technicians to
     make a second visit to the end user
     to complete the part replacement.                              50
     Next step will be for the team to
     confirm these suspected root causes.

                                                          Part/No Part

                                                                               No Part
    Analysis of Variance for Net Hour                                                                                      Because the p-value <=
    Source     DF        SS        MS                        F           P
    Part/No     1      7421      7421                     8.65       0.004                                                  0.05, we can be confident
    Error      69     59194       858                                                                                       that calls requiring parts
    Total      70     66615                                                                                                 do have an impact on the
                                                        Individual 95% CI's For Mean
    Level       N      Mean                     StDev   --+---------+---------+---------+----
                                                                                                                            ticket cycle time.
    No Part    27     21.99                     19.95    (--------*---------)
    Part       44     43.05                     33.70                         (------*------)
    Pooled StDev =    29.29                              12        24         36        48

                                                                                          Optional BB Deliverable UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Linear Regression Template
    95% confident that 94.1% of the variation in “Wait Time” is from the “Qty of Deliveries”

                                             Fitted Line Plot
                                   Wait Time = 32.05 + 0.5825 Deliveries
                                                                              S                 1.11885
                                                                              R-Sq               94.1%
                                                                              R-Sq(adj)          93.9%
       Wait Time


                                                                                 - Example -
                        10   15      20        25          30        35

                                                                Optional BB Deliverable     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

         Since it is not always practical or possible to measure
          every item in the population, you take a random
         A basic understanding of the terms: Population,
          Sample, Population Parameter, Sample Statistic,
          Sample Mean, and Sample Standard Deviation
         How to calculate a confidence interval with the
          population standard deviation known
         How to calculate a confidence interval with the
          population standard deviation unknown

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   117

Takeaways (Cont.)
         How Hypothesis tests help us handle uncertainty
         The role of sample size, variation, and confidence
         The null and alternative hypotheses
         Type I and Type II errors
         Hypothesis tests in Minitab
               Stat Guide
         p-value

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   118

Takeaways (Cont.)
         How to conduct a 1-way and 2-way t-test
         How to conduct a Variance test (see Appendix)
         How to conduct a Paired t-test (see Appendix)
         Understanding of 1-way and 2-way test of proportions
          (see Appendix)
         Understanding the relationship between Power and
          sample size and detectable difference (delta)

                             Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   119

        What other comments or questions
                  do you have?

                                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

         Hildebrand and Ott, Statistical Thinking for Managers,
          4th Edition
         Kiemele, Schmidt, and Berdine, Basic Statistics,
          4th Edition

                              Hypothesis Testing - Basic   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO   121


                          National Guard
                         Black Belt Training


                                               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

                                                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Hypothesis Testing - Steps
  Step 1: Define the problem objective
  Step 2: Determine what data to collect (continuous or attribute)
  Step 3: Based on data type, determine the appropriate hypothesis test to use
  Step 4: Specify the null (H0) hypothesis and the alternative (H1) hypothesis
  Step 5: Select a significance level (degree of risk acceptable), usually 0.05
  Step 6: Execute Data Collection plan from step 2
  Step 7: From the sample, conduct the hypothesis test using a statistical tool
  Step 8: Identify the p-value
  Step 9: Compare the p-value to the significance level - if the p-value is less than or
     equal to your acceptable risk (your alpha), then the null hypothesis is rejected
  Step 10: Translate the decision to the situation

                                                                          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Decision Tree Matrix
       Data Type
                                         Hypothesis to be Tested (Step 3)                                          Tree
        (Step 2)
           Variable                  Testing equality of population MEAN (average) to a specific value                1

           Variable               Testing equality of population MEANS (averages) from two populations                2

           Variable          Testing equality of population MEANS (averages) from more than two populations           3

                             Testing equality of population VARIANCES (standard deviation) from more than two
                                                                  populations                                         4

     Attribute - Binomial
         "Go/No-Go"          Testing equality of population PROPORTIONS (binomial data; e.g., pass/fail, go/no
        "Pass/Fail" or                           go, is/is not, etc.) from one or more populations                    5
      "Defective" Data

      Attribute - Poisson
                               Testing equality of population PROPORTIONS (Poisson data; i.e., frequency of
          "Count" or
                                            occurence in time or space) from two or more populations                  6
        "Defects" data

                                           Testing for ASSOCIATION (not necessarily causal)
    Attribute (Contingency
          Table Data)
                                  Note: For use with attribute data only. For variable data, use correlation          7
                                                 or regression. No decision tree required.

                                                                                                         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
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NG BB 33 Hypothesis Testing Basics

  • 1. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training Module 33 Hypothesis Testing Basics UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 2. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO CPI Roadmap – Analyze 8-STEP PROCESS 6. See 1.Validate 2. Identify 3. Set 4. Determine 5. Develop 7. Confirm 8. Standardize Counter- the Performance Improvement Root Counter- Results Successful Measures Problem Gaps Targets Cause Measures & Process Processes Through Define Measure Analyze Improve Control ACTIVITIES TOOLS • Value Stream Analysis • Identify Potential Root Causes • Process Constraint ID • Reduce List of Potential Root • Takt Time Analysis Causes • Cause and Effect Analysis • Brainstorming • Confirm Root Cause to Output • 5 Whys Relationship • Affinity Diagram • Estimate Impact of Root Causes • Pareto on Key Outputs • Cause and Effect Matrix • FMEA • Prioritize Root Causes • Hypothesis Tests • Complete Analyze Tollgate • ANOVA • Chi Square • Simple and Multiple Regression Note: Activities and tools vary by project. Lists provided here are not necessarily all-inclusive. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 3. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Learning Objectives  Review the terms “Parameters” and “Statistics” as they relate to Populations and Samples.  Introduce Confidence Intervals for expressing the uncertainty when predicting a population parameter using a sample statistic, and how to calculate CI’s for some common situations for different sample sizes.  Show how the Central Limit Theorem and the Standard Error of the Mean applies to the use of Confidence Intervals and Tests Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 3
  • 4. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Learning Objectives (Cont.)  Introduce statistical tests for some common tests and introduce the t-distribution with testing  Learn about Hypothesis Testing to prove a statistical difference in process performance in applications of Minitab  Understand the tradeoffs and influences of sample sizes on statistical tests.  Apply knowledge of different classes of statistical errors to the decisions used in process improvement to minimize risk. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 4
  • 5. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Application Examples  Transactional – A Black Belt has just finished a pilot of a new process for handling blanket Purchase Orders and wants to know if it has a statistically significant: a) shorter cycle time and b) increased accuracy over the old process.  Administrative – The manager of an AAFES1 order entry department wants to compare two order entry procedures to see if one is faster than the other.  Service – Medical diagnostic imaging services are provided from two different medical treatment facilities to a central hospital which wants to know if there are differences in the quality of service, particularly: a) the number of lost records and re-takes, and b) average waiting time for MRIs and X-rays. 1AAFES, Army and Air Force Exchange System Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 5
  • 6. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population vs. Sample Population Sample All U.S. registered voters 10,000 people are asked who they will vote for President All sufferers of a certain 3,000 people are given a disease that might be new treatment in a clinical given the new treatment study All appraisals completed 25 appraisals chosen at that month random from a given month Since it is not always practical or possible to measure/query every item/person in the population, you take a random sample. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 6
  • 7. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Terms and Labels: Population vs. Sample Population = Sample = Term Parameter Statistic Count of items N n m  x Mean ~ ~ Median m x Standard Dev. s S   m x Estimators =  s s Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 7
  • 8. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population Parameters vs. Sample Statistics Random Samples of Size, n = 4 Population x1 , s1 x2 , s2 x3 , s3 m, s x4 , s4 Population Parameters; Sample Statistics; Mean, x-bar, Mean, m (mu), and Standard Deviation, s (sigma) and Standard Deviation, s Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 8
  • 9. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Central Limit Theorem  If: x1, x2, …, xn are independent measurements (i.e., a random sample of size n) from a population, where the mean of x is m, when the standard deviation of x is given as s,  Then:  The distribution of x X  X 1  X 2 x3  X n  n has mean and standard deviation given by:  s Standard Error mX  m and sX  of the Mean n In addition, when n is sufficiently large, then the distribution of x- bar is approximately normal (“bell-shaped curve”). More on sample sizes later... Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 9
  • 10. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Variability of Means  Sample statistics estimate population parameters by inference:   For a given sample ( x, s, n ), we can estimate population   parameters of m  s by inference.  As the sample size increases we are more confident that our sample statistic is a more valid estimator of the population parameter. n=5 sx n=3 sx  sx n n=1 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 10
  • 11. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training Confidence Intervals UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 12. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Is a Confidence Interval?  We know that when we take the average of a sample, it is probably not exactly the same as the average of the population.  Confidence intervals help us determine the likely range of the population parameter.  For example, if my 95% confidence interval is 5 +/- 2, then I have 95% confidence that the mean of the population is between 3 and 7. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 12
  • 13. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Is a Confidence Interval? (Cont.)  Usually, confidence intervals have an additive uncertainty: Estimate ± Margin of Error Sample Statistic ± [ ___ X ___ ] Example: Confidence Measure of x, s Factor Variability Note: Detailed formulas may be found in the appendix. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 13
  • 14. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Why Do We Need Confidence Intervals?  Sample statistics, such as Mean and Standard Deviation, are only estimates of the population’s parameters.  Because there is variability in these estimates from sample to sample, we can quantify our uncertainty using statistically-based confidence intervals. Confidence intervals provide a range of plausible values for the population parameters (m and s).  Any sample statistic will vary from one sample to another and, therefore, from the true population or process parameter value. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 14
  • 15. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise  Let’s look at a population that has a normal distribution with:  known mean value = 65  standard deviation = 4 (This has been generated in dataset Confidence.mtw)  Each member in the class will randomly sample 25 data points from this population. (In Minitab, use Calc>Random Data>Sample from Columns.)  Sample 25 rows of data from C1 and store the results in C2.  Use graphical descriptive statistics to calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean and sigma based on your sample of 25 data points. Do they include the mean, 65, and the sigma, 4?  Based on a class size of 25, we would expect 1 confidence interval to not contain 65 for the mean, and 1 that does not include 4 for sigma. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 15
  • 16. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population Standard Deviation (s) Known Example A random sample of size, n = 36, is taken and the distribution of x is normal. We are given that the population standard deviation (s) is 18.0. The value of x-bar is an estimator of the population mean (m), and the standard error of x-bar is: s x bar s / n  18.0 / 36  3.0  From the properties of the standardized normal distribution, there is a 95% chance that m is within the range of ( x-bar + and - 1.96 times the Standard Error of x-bar). This is known as the Standard Error of the Mean Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 16
  • 17. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Values of x-bar Can I Expect? Distribution of x-bar .95 95% of all x-bars will fall into the shaded region, defined by m ± 1.96(3.0) .025 .025 Standard Error m1 - 1.96(3.0) m1 m1+ 1.96(3.0) of the Mean Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 17
  • 18. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO But I Don’t Know m, I Only Know x-bar!  We can turn it around.  x-bar lying in the interval m ± 1.96(3.0) is the same thing as m lying in the interval x-bar ± (----------- x-barsample A -----------) 1.96(3.0). (---------- x-barsample B-----------)  Because there is a 95% chance (---------- x-barsample C-----------) that x-bar lies in the interval m ± 1.96(3.0), there is a 95% chance that the interval x-bar m1 - 1.96(3.0) m1 m1+ 1.96(3.0) ± 1.96(3.0) encloses m.  The interval we construct using Observed sample mean, x-barsample C the observed sample mean is called a 95% confidence interval for m. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 18
  • 19. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population Standard Deviation (s) Known Another Example An airline needs an estimate of the average number of passengers on a newly scheduled flight. Its experience is that data for the first month of flights is unreliable, but thereafter the passenger loading settles down. Therefore, the mean passenger load is calculated for the first 20 weekdays of the second month after initiation of this particular new flight. If the sample mean (x-bar) is 112.0 and the population standard deviation (s) is assumed to be 25, find a 95% confidence interval for the true, long-run average number of passengers on this flight. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 19
  • 20. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO with Standard Deviation (s) Known Solution We assume that the hypothetical population of daily passenger loads for weekdays is not badly skewed. Therefore, the sampling distribution of x-bar is approximately normal and the confidence interval results are approximately correct, even for a sample size of only 20 weekdays. x -bar  112.0 s  25 s s x -bar   5.59 20 For a 95% confidence interval, we use z.025= 1.96 in the formula to obtain 112  1.965.59 or 101.04 to 122.96 We are 95% confident that the long-run mean, m , lies in this interval. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 20
  • 21. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population Standard Deviation (s) Unknown A very important point to remember is that for this example we assumed that we knew the population standard deviation, and many times that is not the case. Often, we have to estimate both the mean and the standard deviation from the sample.  When s is not known, we use the t-distribution rather than the normal (z) distribution. The t-distribution will be explained next.  In many cases, the true population s is not known, so we must use our sample standard deviation (s) as an estimate for the population standard deviation (s Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 21
  • 22. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Standard Deviation (s) Unknown (Cont.)  Since there is less certainty (not knowing m or s ), the t-distribution essentially “relaxes” or “expands” our confidence intervals to allow for this additional uncertainty.  In other words, for a 95% confidence interval, you would multiply the standard error by a number greater than 1.96, depending on the sample size.  1.96 comes from the normal distribution, but the number we will use in this case will come from the t-distribution. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 22
  • 23. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Is This t-Distribution?  The t-distribution is actually a family of distributions.  They are similar in shape to the normal distribution (symmetric and bell-shaped), although wider, and flatter in the tails.  How wide and flat the specific t-distribution is depends on the sample size. The smaller the sample size, the wider and flatter the distribution tails.  As sample size increases, the t-distribution approaches the exact shape of the normal distribution. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 23
  • 24. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO An Example of a t-Distribution 0.4 t-distribution 0.3 (n = 5) frequency 0.2 Area = 0.025 0.1 0.0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 2.78 3 t Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 24
  • 25. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Some Selected t-Values  Here are values from the t-distribution for various sample sizes (for 95% confidence intervals): Sample Size t-value (.025)* 2 12.71 3 4.30 5 2.78 10 2.26 20 2.09 30 2.05 100 1.98 1000 1.96 * For a 95% CI,  = .05. Therefore, for a two tail distribution: /2= .05/2= .025 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 25
  • 26. Confidence Interval for the Mean (m) with UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Population Standard Deviation (s) Unknown Example The customer expectation when phoning an order-out pizza shop is that the average amount of time from completion of dialing until they hear the message indicating the time in queue is equal to 55.0 seconds (less than a minute was the response from customers surveyed, so the standard was established at 10% less than a minute). You decide to randomly sample at 20 times from 11:30am until 9:30pm on 2 days to determine what the actual average is. In your sample of 20 calls, you find that the sample mean, x-bar, is equal to 54.86 seconds and the sample standard deviation, s, is equal to 1.008 seconds. The actual data was as follows: 54.1, 53.3, 56.1, 55.7, 54.0, 54.1, 54.5, 57.1, 55.2, 53.8, 54.1, 54.1, 56.1, 55.0, 55.9, 56.0 ,54.9, 54.3, 53.9, 55.0 What is a 95% confidence interval for the true mean call completion time? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 26
  • 27. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Call Completion Time x = 54.860 We’re 95% confident that the actual mean s = 1.008 call completion time is somewhere between 54.389 seconds and 55.331 seconds, n = 20 based on our sample of 20 calls.  t.025,19 = 2.09 our sample of 20 calls s Luckily, we don’t x  t α/2, n1 have to worry about n the details of how to calculate the t-value. 1.008 54.860  2.09  Minitab takes care of 20 that for us. 54.389, 55.331 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 27
  • 28. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Now Let Minitab Calculate the Confidence Interval 1. Open the Minitab file PizzaCall.mtw Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 28
  • 29. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Now Let Minitab Calculate the Confidence Interval (Cont.) 2. Select Stat> Basic Statistics> Graphical Summary Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 29
  • 30. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Now Let Minitab Calculate the Confidence Interval (Cont.) 3. Double click on C-1 to place it in the Variables box 4. Click on OK Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 30
  • 31. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Now Let Minitab Calculate the Confidence Interval (Cont.) Summary for C1 A nderson-Darling Normality Test We’re 95% confident that A -Squared 0.60 the actual mean is P-V alue 0.105 between Mean StDev 54.860 1.008 54.388 and 55.332 V ariance 1.016 Skew ness 0.560026 We’re also taking a 5% Kurtosis -0.509797 N 20 chance that we’re wrong. Minimum 53.300 1st Q uartile 54.100 Median 54.700 54 55 56 57 3rd Q uartile Maximum 55.850 57.100 95% Confidence Interval 95% C onfidence Interv al for Mean for Mean (m: 54.388 55.332 54.388 55.332 95% C onfidence Interv al for Median 54.100 55.582 95% Confidence Intervals 95% C onfidence Interv al for StDev 95% Confidence Interval Mean 0.767 1.472 for Standard Deviation (s: 0.767 1.472 Median 54.00 54.25 54.50 54.75 55.00 55.25 55.50 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 31
  • 32. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Other Types of Confidence Intervals  There are other types of confidence intervals that are based on the same principles we have learned:  Standard Deviation  Proportions  Median  Others  We will discuss some of these later. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 32
  • 34. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Extending the Concept of Confidence Intervals  Extending the concept of confidence intervals allows us to set-up and interpret statistical tests.  We refer to these tests as Hypothesis Tests.  One way to describe a hypothesis test:  Determining whether or not a particular value of interest is contained within a confidence interval.  Hypothesis testing also gives us the ability to calculate the probability that our conclusion is wrong. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 34
  • 35. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The New Car  You buy a one-year old car from the Lemon Lot in order to save money on gas. The previous owner still had the original features sticker and you were pleased to note that the EPA mileage estimate indicated that the car should get 31 miles per gallon overall. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 35
  • 36. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The New Car (Cont.)  As soon as you buy the car, you fill up the tank so that you’ll be ready to take the family for a drive and to go to work the next day. A few days later, you fill up again and calculate your gas mileage for that tank. After you push the “=“ key on your calculator, the number 27.1 appears. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 36
  • 37. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The New Car (Cont.)  Should you send the car to a mechanic to check for problems?  Do you conclude that the EPA estimate is simply wrong?  Do you leave cruel messages on the seller’s answering machine?  What ARE your conclusions? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 37
  • 38. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Continuing the Car Situation  At what value of gas consumption should you become alarmed that you are experiencing anything more than just random variation? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 38
  • 39. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Car Situation (Cont.)  What if we knew this? Distribution of gas consumption for this car 12.8 % s = 3.46 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 39
  • 40. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing:  Allows us to determine statistically whether or not a value is cause for alarm (or is simply due to random variation)  Tells us whether or not two sets of data are different  Tells us whether or not a statistical parameter (mean, standard deviation, etc.) is statistically different from a test value of interest  Allows us to assess the “strength” of our conclusion (our probability of being correct or wrong) Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 40
  • 41. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Testing (Cont.) Hypothesis Testing Enables Us to:  Handle uncertainty using a commonly accepted approach  Be more objective (2 persons will use the same techniques and come to similar conclusions almost all of the time)  Disprove or “fail to disprove” assumptions  Control our risk of making wrong decisions or coming to wrong conclusions Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 41
  • 42. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Testing (Cont.) Some Possible Samples Sample A True Sample B Population Distribution Sample C Sample D m Population Mean Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 42
  • 43. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Sample Size Concerns  If we sample only one item, how close do we expect to get to the true population mean?  How well do you think this one item represents the true mean?  How much ability do we have to draw conclusions about the mean?  What if we sample 900 items? Now, how close would we expect to get to the true population mean? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 43
  • 44. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Sample Size (Cont.) The larger our sample, the closer x-bar is likely to be to Population the true population mean. Likely value of x-bar with a small sample size m Likely value of x-bar x with a large sample size x Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 44
  • 45. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Standard Deviation  What effect would a lot of variation in the population have on our estimate of the population mean from a sample?  How would this affect our ability to draw conclusions about the mean?  What if there is very little variation in the population? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 45
  • 46. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Standard Deviation (Cont.) Population with a lot of variation m Likely value of x-bar x with sample size, n Population with less variation m Likely value of x-bar with sample size, n x Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 46
  • 47. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Statistical Inferences and Confidence  How much confidence do we have in our estimates?  How close do you think the true mean, m, is to our estimate of the mean, x-bar?  How certain do we want/need to be about conclusions we make from our estimates?  If we want to be more confident about our sample estimate (i.e., we want a lower risk of being wrong), then we must relax our statement of how close we are to the true value. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 47
  • 48. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Statistical Inferences and Confidence (Cont.) Population If we want to have high confidence in our conclusions, we must relax the range in which we say the true m mean lies As we tighten our estimate of the mean, our risk of being wrong x increases. Thus, our confidence decreases. x Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 48
  • 49. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Three Factors Drive Sample Sizes  Three concepts affect the conclusions drawn from a single sample data set of (n) items:  Variation in the underlying population (sigma)  Risk of drawing the wrong conclusions (alpha, beta)  How small a Difference is significant (delta) Risk (n) Variation Difference Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 49
  • 50. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Three Factors: Variation, Risk, Difference These 3 factors work together. Each affects the others.  Variation: When there’s greater variation, a larger sample is needed to have the same level of confidence that the test will be valid. More variation reduces our confidence interval.  Risk: If we want to be more confident that we are not going to make a decision error or miss a significant event, we must increase the sample size.  Difference: If we want to be confident that we can identify a smaller difference between two test samples, the sample size must increase. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 50
  • 51. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Three Factors (Cont.)  Larger samples improve our confidence interval.  Lower confidence levels allow smaller samples.  All of these translate into a specific confidence interval for a given parameter, set of data, confidence level and sample size.  They also translate into what types of conclusions result from hypothesis tests.  Testing for larger differences between the samples, reduces the size of the sample. This is known as delta (D). Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 51
  • 52. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO An Example A unit has several quick response forces, QRF. Some forces have over 700 members, with at least 300 on the site at any time.  By regulation, all forces must have a quick response plan, the critical first phase of which is required to be completed in 10 minutes (600 seconds) or less.  There are two teams that are vying for “most responsive.” They have taken somewhat different approaches to implementing their quick response plans and management wants to know which approach is better: Team 1 or Team 2  Each one has 100 data points for actual responses and drills (Minitab file Response.mtw) Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 52
  • 53. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Data from Team 1 598.0 598.8 600.2 599.4 599.6 599.8 598.8 599.6 599.0 601.2 600.0 599.8 599.6 598.4 599.6 599.8 599.2 599.6 599.0 600.2 600.0 599.4 600.2 599.6 600.0 600.0 600.0 599.2 598.8 600.0 598.8 600.2 599.0 599.2 599.4 598.2 600.2 599.6 599.6 599.8 599.4 599.6 600.4 598.6 599.2 599.6 599.0 600.0 599.8 599.6 599.4 599.0 599.0 599.6 599.4 599.4 599.8 599.6 599.2 600.0 600.0 600.8 599.4 599.6 600.0 598.8 598.8 599.2 600.2 599.2 599.2 598.2 597.8 599.8 599.4 599.4 600.0 600.4 599.6 599.6 599.6 599.2 599.6 600.0 599.8 599.0 599.8 600.0 599.6 599.0 599.2 601.2 600.8 599.2 599.6 600.6 600.4 600.4 598.6 599.4 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 53
  • 54. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Data from Team 2 601.6 600.8 599.4 599.8 601.6 600.4 598.6 598.0 602.8 603.4 598.4 600.0 597.6 600.0 597.0 600.0 600.4 598.0 599.6 599.8 596.8 600.8 597.6 602.2 597.8 602.8 600.8 601.2 603.8 602.4 600.8 597.2 599.0 603.6 602.2 603.6 600.4 600.4 601.8 600.6 604.2 599.8 600.6 602.0 596.2 602.4 596.4 599.0 603.6 602.4 598.4 600.4 602.2 600.8 601.4 599.6 598.2 599.8 600.2 599.2 603.4 598.6 599.8 600.4 601.6 600.6 599.6 601.0 600.2 600.4 598.4 599.0 601.6 602.2 598.0 598.2 598.2 601.6 598.0 601.2 602.0 599.4 600.2 598.4 604.2 599.4 599.4 601.8 600.8 600.2 599.4 600.2 601.2 602.8 600.0 600.8 599.0 597.6 597.6 596.8 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 54
  • 55. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Descriptive Statistics – Team 1 Summary for Team 1 A nderson-D arling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.84 P -V alue 0.029 M ean 599.55 S tD ev 0.62 V ariance 0.38 S kew ness -0.082566 Kurtosis 0.745102 N 100 M inimum 597.80 1st Q uartile 599.20 M edian 599.60 3rd Q uartile 600.00 597.75 598.50 599.25 600.00 600.75 M aximum 601.20 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 599.43 599.67 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 599.40 599.60 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 0.54 0.72 Mean Median 599.40 599.45 599.50 599.55 599.60 599.65 599.70 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 55
  • 56. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Descriptive Statistics – Team 2 Summary for Team 2 A nderson-D arling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.29 P -V alue 0.615 M ean 600.23 S tD ev 1.87 V ariance 3.51 S kew ness 0.051853 Kurtosis -0.518286 N 100 M inimum 596.20 1st Q uartile 599.00 M edian 600.20 3rd Q uartile 601.60 597.0 598.5 600.0 601.5 603.0 M aximum 604.20 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 599.86 600.60 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 599.80 600.60 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 1.65 2.18 Mean Median 599.8 600.0 600.2 600.4 600.6 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 56
  • 57. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example  The average cycle time for Team 1 is 599.55 seconds.  The average cycle time for Team 2 is 600.23 seconds.  The target cycle time for Phase 1 response is 600 seconds.  Is the difference between the two average cycle times statistically significant? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 57
  • 58. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example (Cont.)  The unit wants to determine if the true averages of the two teams are really different.  The unit thinks that the 600.23 average of team 2 is little too high, so there is a need to determine if the data indicates that the true average is really not equal to the target of 600 seconds.  The unit will use hypothesis testing to answer these questions. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 58
  • 59. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example  The first hypothesis test to be performed is to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the means of the two teams. This is called a 2-Sample t Test.  The real question is whether or not the means are different enough to indicate that the approaches taken by the two teams really are centered differently, or are they close enough that the difference could simply be a result of random variation?  After that, hypothesis testing can tell us if there is evidence indicating whether or not each team’s average is different from the target of 600 seconds.  First, we need to introduce some terminology. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 59
  • 60. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Null Hypothesis for a 2-Sample t Test  The 2-Sample t Test is used to test whether or not the means of two populations are the same.  The null hypothesis is a statement that the population means for the two samples are equal. Ho: μ1 = μ2  We assume the null hypothesis is true unless we have enough evidence to prove otherwise. We say – we “fail to reject the null”.  If we can prove otherwise, then we “reject the null” hypothesis and accept the Alternative Hypothesis HA: μ1 ≠ μ2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 60
  • 61. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Null Hypothesis for 2-Sample t Test (Cont.)  This is analogous to our judicial system principle of “innocent until proven guilty”  The symbol used for the null hypothesis is Ho: H 0 : m1  m2 OR H 0 : m1  m2  0 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 61
  • 62. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Alternative Hypothesis for a 2-Sample t Test  The alternative hypothesis is a statement that represents reality if there is enough evidence to reject Ho.  If we reject the null hypothesis then we accept the alternative hypothesis.  This is analogous to being found “guilty” in a court of law.  The symbol used for the alternative hypothesis is Ha: H a : m1  m2 OR H a : m1  m2  0 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 62
  • 63. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Our Emergency Response Team Example  In our example, the first hypothesis test will take this form: H o : m1  m 2 H a : m1  m 2 Reminder: We are conducting a 2- Sample t test to determine if We can rewrite it in this form: the average cycle time of the Phase 1 response from our two H o : m1  m 2  0 teams are different. H a : m1  m 2  0 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 63
  • 64. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Our Emergency Response Team Example (Cont.)  If we wanted to specifically test only whether or not there was enough evidence to indicate that team 2’s average was greater than team 1’s, it would take this form: H o : m1  m 2  0 H a : m1  m 2  0 This is still a 2-Sample t-Test Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 64
  • 65. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Our Emergency Response Team Example (Cont.)  The second hypothesis test will be a 1-Sample t. It will take this form for each team: H o : m1  600 H a : m1  600 When you are testing whether or not a population mean is equal to a given or Target value, you use a 1-Sample t Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 65
  • 66. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab  We will use Minitab to conduct our hypothesis tests.  Open the Minitab file Response.mtw Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 66
  • 67. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab: 2-Sample t-Test Select Stat> Basic Statistics> 2-Sample t to compare Team 1 to Team 2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 67
  • 68. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) Team 1 and Team 2 are in different columns, so select Samples in different columns Double click on C1-Supp1 Then double click on C2-Supp2 to place them In First and Second boxes Select Graphs to get the Graphs dialog box Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 68
  • 69. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) In the Graphs dialog box, check both Boxplots of data and Dotplots of data Click OK here, and then click on OK in the previous dialog box Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 69
  • 70. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) Boxplot of Team 1, Team 2 605 604 603 602 601 Data 600 599 598 597 596 Team 1 Team 2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 70
  • 71. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) Individual Value Plot of Team 1, Team 2 605 604 603 602 601 Data 600 599 598 597 596 Team 1 Team 2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 71
  • 72. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) This descriptive output shows up in your Session Window Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 72
  • 73. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) The null hypothesis states that the difference between the two means is zero Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 73
  • 74. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test in Minitab (Cont.) We will cover p-values in more detail a little later The p-value here is less than 0.05, so we can reject the null hypothesis Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 74
  • 75. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Assumptions  The Hypothesis Tests we have discussed make certain assumptions:  Independence between and within samples  Random samples  Normally distributed data  Unknown Variance  In our example, we did not assume equal variances. This is the safe choice. However, if we had reason to believe equal variances, then we could have checked the “Assume equal variances” box in the dialogue box. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 75
  • 76. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The Risks of Being Wrong Error Matrix Conclusion Drawn Accept Ho Reject Ho Type I Ho True Correct Error The -Risk) True State Type II Error Correct Ho False  -Risk) Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 76
  • 77. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Type I and Type II Errors  Type I Error I’ve discovered  Alpha Risk something that really  Producer Risk isn’t here!  The risk of rejecting the null, and taking action, when no action was necessary  Type II Error I’ve missed a  Beta Risk significant effect!  Consumer Risk  The risk of failing to reject the null when you should have rejected it.  No action is taken when there should have been action. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 77
  • 78. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Type I and Type II Errors (Cont.)  The Type I Error is determined up front.  It is the alpha value you choose.  The confidence level is one minus the alpha level.  The Type II Error is determined from the circumstances of the situation.  If alpha is made very small, then beta increases (all else being equal).  Requiring overwhelming evidence to reject the null increases the chances of a type II error.  To minimize beta, while holding alpha constant, requires increased sample sizes.  One minus beta is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false. This is referred to as the Power of the test. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 78
  • 79. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Type I and Type II Errors (Cont.)  What type of error occurs when an innocent man is convicted?  What about when a guilty man is set free?  Does the American justice system place more emphasis on the alpha or beta risk? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 79
  • 80. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise  Draw the Type I & II error matrix for airport security.  Do you think the security system at most airports places more emphasis on the alpha or beta risk? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 80
  • 81. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO The p-Value  If we reject the null hypothesis, the p-value is the probability of being wrong.  In other words, if we reject the null hypothesis, the p- value is the probability of making a Type I error.  It is the critical alpha value at which the null hypothesis is rejected.  If we don’t want alpha to be more than 0.05, then we simply reject the null hypothesis when the p-value is 0.05 or less.  As we will learn later, it isn’t always this simple. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 81
  • 82. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training Power, Delta and Sample Size UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 83. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta, Power, and Sample Size  If two populations truly have different means, but only by a very small amount, then you are more likely to conclude they are the same. This means that the beta risk is greater.  Beta only comes into play if the null hypothesis truly is false. The “more” false it is, the greater your chances of detecting it, and the lower your beta risk.  The power of a hypothesis test is its ability to detect an effect of a given magnitude. Power  1    Minitab will calculate beta for us for a given sample size, but first let’s show it graphically…. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 83
  • 84. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Alpha 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .05) for mean, m1 (critical value) Alpha Risk m1 Here is our first population and its corresponding alpha risk. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 84
  • 85. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Alpha (Cont.) 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .05) for mean, m1 (critical value) m1 m2 D We want to compare these two populations. Do you think that we will easily be able to determine if they are different? Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 85
  • 86. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Alpha (Cont.) 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .05) for mean, m1 (critical value) Beta Risk m1 m2 D If our sample from population 2 is in this grey area, we will not be able to see the difference. This is called Beta Risk. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 86
  • 87. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Delta  If we are trying to see a larger change, we have less Beta Risk. 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .025) for Beta Risk mean, m1 (critical value) m1 m2 D Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 87
  • 88. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Sigma  Now we’re back to our original graphic. What do you think happens to Beta Risk if the standard deviations of the populations decrease? 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .05) for mean, m1 (critical value) Beta Risk m1 m2 D Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 88
  • 89. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Beta and Sigma (Cont.)  If the standard deviation decreases, Beta Risk decreases.  Reducing variability has the same effect on Beta Risk as increasing sample size. Beta Risk 95% Confidence Limit (alpha = .05) for mean, m1 (critical value) m1 m2 D Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 89
  • 90. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO How Can Power Be Increased?  Power is related to risk, variation, sample size, and the size of change that we want to detect.  If we want to detect a smaller delta (effect), we typically must increase our sample size. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 90
  • 91. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power  Let’s use Minitab to determine the beta risk of the hypothesis test we performed on the two teams.  First, we’ll have to make some assumptions.  We don’t know the TRUE difference in the means, so we’ll assume that it’s 0.682, the differences in the sample averages.  A variance hypothesis test shows that the variances are not equal.  We will average the variances from Minitab to determine the combined variance using the following formula: 2 2 s1  s 2 s  2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 91
  • 92. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.) Select; Stat> Power and Sample Size> 2-Sample t... Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 92
  • 93. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.) To calculate Power, we need three things; 1. Sample Size 2. The Difference between the two Means 3. The Average Standard Deviation of the two samples We can get all this information from our 2-Sample t-Test conducted earlier: 1. Sample Size = 100 2. Difference Between Means = 0.682 (600.230 – 599.548 = 0.682) 3. Average Standard Deviation ?? (See Next Slide) Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 93
  • 94. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.) To Calculate Average Standard Deviation Remember that Standard Deviations are the Square Roots of the Variance. Since square roots are not additive (we cannot add them and divide by two) we have to convert them back to Variances which are additive. StDev Squared = Variance Team 1 0.619 squared = 0.3832 Team 2 1.870 squared = 3.4969 Sum = 3.8801 Divide by 2 to get Average = 1.9401 And Square Root of Average = 1.3929 So the Average Standard Deviation for the two samples is 1.3929 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 94
  • 95. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.) 1. Type in Sample Size of 100 here 2. Type in Difference Between Means of 0.682 here 3. Type in Average Standard Deviation of 1.393 here 4. Click on OK Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 95
  • 96. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.) The Power = 0.9312 And since Beta = (1 –Power) Beta = 0.0688. If the TRUE difference between the two support orgs. was 0.682, we would have a 6.88% chance of not observing this and therefore concluding that they are the same. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 96
  • 97. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.)  In practice, we evaluate the power of a test to determine its ability to detect a difference of a given magnitude that we deem important, or practically significant.  For example, we could calculate the power of a hypothesis test to see if we could measure a one minute difference in responsiveness between the two teams. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 97
  • 98. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example: Power (Cont.)  Let’s say that if the two support organizations’ cycle times differ by as little as 0.4 seconds, then we need to analyze the reasons for the differences.  What is the power of our test to detect this difference?  What is the probability of making a type II error (concluding that there is no difference when one exists)?  Use Minitab to individually answer these questions. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 98
  • 99. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: Sample Size  Now that we understand the relationship between Beta, Power, Delta, and Sample Size, we can use this information to calculate the sample size necessary to give us the information we want.  We simply use the same function in Minitab to solve for sample size rather than power.  This is a very useful and common extension of Hypothesis Testing. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 99
  • 100. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: Sample Size (Cont.) Here we enter the Difference (delta) we wish to detect, and the minimum Power value that we are willing to live with. We leave Sample sizes blank. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 100
  • 101. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: Sample Size  Let’s extend our response team cycle time example  Determine what sample size we would need to detect a difference of 0.4 seconds at a power of 0.90.  What about at a power of 0.95?  What about at a power of 0.95 and an alpha of 0.025?  Hint: Click the Options button in the Power and Sample Size dialogue box. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 101
  • 102. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Other Power and Sample Size Scenarios We can perform these calculations not only for the difference between two means, but for other tests as well. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 102
  • 103. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab  Now, we will return to Minitab to test the following hypothesis about our two support organizations cycle times: H o : m1  600 H a : m1  600 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 103
  • 104. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Back to the Support Organization Example: One Sample t-Test 1-Sample t-test in Minitab Choose Stat>Basic Statistics>1-Sample t to test the mean of each response team against a standard or spec Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 104
  • 105. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab Double click on C1 Team 1 and C2 Team 2 to place them in the dialog box here. Type in the Hypothesized mean, or standard we are comparing to. Here it is 600. Click the Graphs button to get to the Graphs dialog box. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 105
  • 106. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) Select Histogram of data and Boxplot of data Click OK here and on the previous Screen Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 106
  • 107. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab Histogram of Team 1 (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean) 35 30 This shows the Target we are testing, along with 25 the Average and the 20 Confidence Interval Frequency from the data. 15 10 5 0 _ X -5 Ho 598.0 598.5 599.0 599.5 600.0 600.5 601.0 Team 1 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 107
  • 108. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) - adj Boxplot of Team 1 (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean) _ X Ho 598.0 598.5 599.0 599.5 600.0 600.5 601.0 601.5 Team 1 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 108
  • 109. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) Histogram of Team 2 (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean) 15.0 12.5 10.0 Frequency 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 _ X Ho 597.0 598.5 600.0 601.5 603.0 Team 2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 109
  • 110. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) Boxplot of Team 2 (with Ho and 95% t-confidence interval for the mean) _ X Ho 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 Team 2 Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 110
  • 111. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 1-Sample t-test in Minitab (Cont.) Here is the descriptive output for the 1-Sample t-Test found in Session Window Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 111
  • 112. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 2-Sided and 1-Sided Hypothesis Tests  We have concentrated on 2-sided hypothesis tests.  2-Sided tests determine whether or not two items are equal or whether a parameter is equal to some value.  Whether an item is less than or greater than another item or a value is not sought up front. A 2-sided test is a less specific test.  The alternative hypothesis is “Not Equal”.  Everything we have learned also applies to 1-sided tests.  1-Sided tests determine whether or not an item is less than (<) or greater than (>) another item or value.  The alternative hypothesis is either (<) or (>).  This makes for a more powerful test (lower beta at a given alpha and sample size). Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 112
  • 113. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO More Detailed Information Remember to use the Stat Guide button to learn more about the results and to help you interpret them. Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 113
  • 114. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Test Summary Template Hypothesis Test Factor (x) (ANOVA, 1 or 2 sample t - test, Chi Squared, p Value Observations/Conclusion Regression, Test of Equal Variance, etc) Tested Significant factor - 1 hour driving time from DC Example: ANOVA Location 0.030 to Baltimore office causes ticket cycle time to generally be longer for the Baltimore site Significant factor - on average, calls requiring Example: ANOVA Part vs. No Part 0.004 parts have double the cycle time (22 vs 43 hours) Significant factor - Department 4 has digitized Example: Chi Squared Department 0.000 addition of customer info to ticket and less human intervention, resulting in fewer errors South region accounted for 59% of the defects Example: Pareto Region n/a due to their manual process and distance from the parts warehouse - Example - Optional BB Deliverable Describe any other observations about the root cause (x) data UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 115. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO One-Way ANOVA Template Boxplots of Net Hour by Part/No (means are indicated by solid circles)  After further investigation, possible 150 Boxplot: Part/ No Part Impact on Ticket Cycle Time reasons proposed by the team are OEM backorders, lack of technician - Example - Net Hours Call Open certifications and the distance from the OEM to the client site. It is also 100 caused by the need for technicians to make a second visit to the end user to complete the part replacement. 50 Next step will be for the team to confirm these suspected root causes. 0 Part/No Part Part No Part Analysis of Variance for Net Hour  Because the p-value <= Source DF SS MS F P Part/No 1 7421 7421 8.65 0.004 0.05, we can be confident Error 69 59194 858 that calls requiring parts Total 70 66615 do have an impact on the Individual 95% CI's For Mean Level N Mean StDev --+---------+---------+---------+---- ticket cycle time. No Part 27 21.99 19.95 (--------*---------) Part 44 43.05 33.70 (------*------) --+---------+---------+---------+---- Pooled StDev = 29.29 12 24 36 48 Optional BB Deliverable UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 116. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Linear Regression Template  95% confident that 94.1% of the variation in “Wait Time” is from the “Qty of Deliveries” Fitted Line Plot Wait Time = 32.05 + 0.5825 Deliveries 55 S 1.11885 R-Sq 94.1% R-Sq(adj) 93.9% 50 Wait Time 45 40 - Example - 35 10 15 20 25 30 35 Deliveries Optional BB Deliverable UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 117. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Takeaways  Since it is not always practical or possible to measure every item in the population, you take a random sample.  A basic understanding of the terms: Population, Sample, Population Parameter, Sample Statistic, Sample Mean, and Sample Standard Deviation  How to calculate a confidence interval with the population standard deviation known  How to calculate a confidence interval with the population standard deviation unknown Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 117
  • 118. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Takeaways (Cont.)  How Hypothesis tests help us handle uncertainty  The role of sample size, variation, and confidence level  The null and alternative hypotheses  Type I and Type II errors  Hypothesis tests in Minitab  Stat Guide  p-value Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 118
  • 119. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Takeaways (Cont.)  How to conduct a 1-way and 2-way t-test  How to conduct a Variance test (see Appendix)  How to conduct a Paired t-test (see Appendix)  Understanding of 1-way and 2-way test of proportions (see Appendix)  Understanding the relationship between Power and sample size and detectable difference (delta) Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 119
  • 120. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What other comments or questions do you have? UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 121. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO References  Hildebrand and Ott, Statistical Thinking for Managers, 4th Edition  Kiemele, Schmidt, and Berdine, Basic Statistics, 4th Edition Hypothesis Testing - Basic UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO 121
  • 123. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Hypothesis Testing - Steps Step 1: Define the problem objective Step 2: Determine what data to collect (continuous or attribute) Step 3: Based on data type, determine the appropriate hypothesis test to use Step 4: Specify the null (H0) hypothesis and the alternative (H1) hypothesis Step 5: Select a significance level (degree of risk acceptable), usually 0.05 Step 6: Execute Data Collection plan from step 2 Step 7: From the sample, conduct the hypothesis test using a statistical tool Step 8: Identify the p-value Step 9: Compare the p-value to the significance level - if the p-value is less than or equal to your acceptable risk (your alpha), then the null hypothesis is rejected Step 10: Translate the decision to the situation UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 124. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Decision Tree Matrix Data Type Hypothesis to be Tested (Step 3) Tree (Step 2) Variable Testing equality of population MEAN (average) to a specific value 1 Variable Testing equality of population MEANS (averages) from two populations 2 Variable Testing equality of population MEANS (averages) from more than two populations 3 Testing equality of population VARIANCES (standard deviation) from more than two Variable populations 4 Attribute - Binomial "Go/No-Go" Testing equality of population PROPORTIONS (binomial data; e.g., pass/fail, go/no "Pass/Fail" or go, is/is not, etc.) from one or more populations 5 "Defective" Data Attribute - Poisson Testing equality of population PROPORTIONS (Poisson data; i.e., frequency of "Count" or occurence in time or space) from two or more populations 6 "Defects" data Testing for ASSOCIATION (not necessarily causal) Attribute (Contingency Table Data) Note: For use with attribute data only. For variable data, use correlation 7 or regression. No decision tree required. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO