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Modern Art
Modern Art
•   Neoclassicism        • American
•   Romanticism            Expatriates
•   Realism              • Americans in
•   Impressionism          America
•   Post-Impressionism   • The Birth of Modern
•   Expressionism
                         • Art Nouveau
•   Photography
Most painting in the European
tradition was painting the mask.
Modern Art rejected all that. Our
 subject matter was the person
        behind the mask.
              –Robert Motherwell
When Did
    Modern Art Begin?
• 1776/1789 American and French

• 1814 Goya’s painting the
       Third of May, 1808

• 1863 Landmark exhibition in Paris?
Just What was Modern
       about Modern Art

of the 18th century in France?
   Its concept of space.
     • Picture plane
     • Planar recession
     • Linear recession
• Neoclassicism was opposed to the Rococo
  style of art.
   - Characteristics of Neoclassical Art:
     • Harsh sculptural lines
     • Subdued palette
     • Planar instead of linear recession in the space
     • Inspired by the French Revolution
     • Intended to heighten moral standards
• The Roman Empire was selected as the model
  to emulate.
• This was fueled by the archaeological
  discoveries of the time.
Neoclassicism Painting
• Art characterized by a restraint of emotion, purity of
  form, and subjects that inspired morality.

The artists
• Jacques-Louis David
   – The official painter of the French Revolution.
• Angelica Kaufmann
   – Responsible for spreading the Neoclassical style to England.
   – Know for her portraiture, history painting and narrative
• Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID. The Oath of the Horatii (1784). Oil on canvas. 14’ x 11’.
Neoclassical Painting continued…

• Poussinistes - Linear artists who used
  subdued palettes, and placed
  importance on draftsmanship and
  sculptural forms.

• Rubenistes - Painterly artists who
  used a vibrant palette and aggressive
  brush strokes.
  – The foremost proponents of the painterly
    style were Géricault and Delacroix.
Neoclassical Sculpture
• Neoclassical ideals were also applied
  to sculpture.
• In fact it was the style of choice for
  official portraits, relief sculpture and
• Napoleon Bonaparte’s sister, Pauline
  Borghese had herself sculpted as Venus
  the goddess of love.
ANTONIO CANOVA. Pauline Borghese as Venus. Marble, life-size.
JEAN-AUGUSTE-DOMINIQUE INGRES. Grande Odalisque (1814). Oil on canvas. 35 1⁄4” x 63 3⁄4”.
• Romanticism reflected the revolutionary
  spirit of the times.
• Characteristics of 19th century Romanticism:
  – Extremes of emotion
  – Great brushwork
  – A bright color palette
• A favorite theme was nature being depicted
  as unpredictable and uncontrollable.
  – Théodore Géricaut
  – Eugène Delacroix
EUGÈNE DELACROIX. The Death of Sardanapalus (1826). Oil on canvas. 12’11 1⁄2” x 16’3”.
Eugène Delacroix

• Most famous Rubeniste
• Liked to paint directly on the canvas without
  doing sketches beforehand.
  – Thought canvases should be constructed from
Francisco Goya

• The man considered the greatest painter of
  the Neoclassical and Romantic periods
  belonged to neither artistic group.
• He was born in Spain.
• Goya is best known for his works of political
  satire and condemnations of war.
• Goya heightens emotion with the use of
  acerbic tones and strong chiaroscuro.
FRANCISCO GOYA. The Third of May, 1808 (1814–1815). Oil on canvas. 8’9” x 13’4”.
The Academy

• Although very popular during this time
  Academic Painting had the least influence on
  the development of modern art.
• The Academie Royale de Peinture et de
  Sculpture (1648) in Paris set up rules of style
  and subject matter that were considered
• Why did the majority of artists of the
  Academy produce mediocre work?
  The Artists:
  – Adolphe William Bouguereau
ADOLPHE WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU. Nymphs and Satyr (1873). Oil on canvas. 102 3⁄8” x 70 7⁄8”.
• Modern painters objected to Academic art on 2
  – The subject matter didn't show life as it really
  – The way in which these things were rendered
     didn’t resemble real life.
• The modern painters wanted to paint things how
  they really were.
Optically - depicting something as you truly see it.
Conceptually - depicting something as you think it is or
   based on how you think it should be.
• The Realist artists chose to represent subjects evident in everyday life
   while emphasizing the two-dimensionality of the canvas and
   highlighting the physical properties of the pigments.
The artists
• Honoré Daumier
    – Most concerned with bringing the plight of the masses to light.
    – Used caricature.
• Gustav Courbet
    – Is considered the Father of Realism
    – Is also said to have foreshadowed the Impressionist movement.
• Édouard Manet
    – Some say Manet is the most responsible for changing the course of the
      history of painting.
    – He was the most important influence on the French Impressionists.
• Rosa Bonheur
    – One of the most successful artist of the 19th C.
    – Painted mainly animals
HONORÉ DAUMIER. The Third-Class Carriage (c. 1862). Oil on canvas. 25 3⁄4” x 35 1⁄2”.
GUSTAVE COURBET. The Stone-Breakers (1849). Oil on canvas. 63” x 102”.
ROSA BONHEUR. The Horse Fair (1853). Oil on canvas. 8’ 1⁄4” x 16’7 1⁄2”.
ÉDOUARD MANET. Le Déjeuner sur L’Herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) (1863). Oil on canvas. 7’ x 8’1”.
The Salon des Réfusés
• Manet submitted Le Déjeuner sur L’Herbe to the
  Academy’s annual Salon, but it was refused
  along with 2,800 other paintings.
• The artists rebelled so strongly that Napoleon III
  stepped in and suggested an alternate exhibition
  known as the Salon de Réfusés.
• The Salon des Réfusés was this century’s most
  important gathering of avant-garde artists.
Manet’s Influences
• Culled from the tradition of Venetian
  Renaissance pastoral scenes (such as
  paintings created by Giorgione and Titian).
• The use of traditional pyramidal composition
  (used by da Vinci).
• Group derived from Marcantonio
  Raimondi’s engraving after a painting by
  Raphael called The Judgment of Paris.
ÉDOUARD MANET. Olympia (1863–1865). Oil on canvas. 51 3⁄8” x 74 3⁄4”.
TITIAN. Venus of Urbino (1538). Oil on canvas. 47” x 65”.
PAUL GAUGUIN. Te Arii Vahine (The Noble Woman) (1896). Oil on canvas. 97 cm x 130 cm.
ROSA BONHEUR. The Horse Fair (1853). Oil on canvas. 8’ 1⁄4” x 16’7 1⁄2”.
• Impressionists rejected many styles of art that
  preceded them.
• They had common ideas, but their styles differed.
Characteristics of Impressionism:
   – Advocated painting outside.
   – Chose subjects found in nature.
   – Studied the effects of atmosphere and light on
     people and objects.
• Through investigation, they arrived at an awareness
  of certain visual phenomena, with light.
• Technical discoveries were made from these
  revelations; they produced atmospheric paintings.
Impressionism, continued…
The artists
• Claude Monet
• Pierre-Auguste Renoir
  – Most significant figure painter
  – Most interested in how light played across the
    surface of objects.
• Berthe Morisot
• Edgar Degas
  – Exhibited at the Salon prior to becoming an
  – Studied with Ingres.
  – Was strongly influenced by photography.
CLAUDE MONET. Impression: Sunrise (1872). Oil on canvas. 19 ½” x 25 ½ ”.
CLAUDE MONET. Rouen Cathedral (1894). Oil on canvas. 39 1⁄4” x 25 7⁄8”.
PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR. Le Moulin de la Galette (1876). Oil on canvas 51 1⁄2” x 69”.
BERTHE MORISOT. Young Girl by the Window (1878). Oil on canvas. 29 15⁄16” x 24”.
EDGAR DEGAS. The Rehearsal (Adagio) (1877). Oil on canvas. 26” x 39 3⁄8”.
•  Post-Impressionism rejected Impressionism
•  The Post-Impressionists’ ideals were similar, but
   their styles and techniques were very different.
Two groups of Post-Impressionism:
    1. One group had a systematic approach to
       composition, brushwork, and color.
       Artists included Georges Seurat & Paul Cezanne
    2. And, a second that had more texture in their
       brushwork, and coordinated line and color with
       symbolism and emotion.
       Artists included Vincent van Gogh & Paul Gauguin
The artists:
• Georges Seurat
   – Started Pointillism
• Paul Cézanne
   – Started Abstraction
   – Most significant was his collapsing of space.
• Vincent van Gogh
   – Started Expressionism
• Paul Gauguin
   – Use of intensified color.
   – Known for Symbolism
• Henri Toulouse-Lautrec
GEORGES SEURAT. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1884–1886).
                      Oil on canvas. 81” x 120 3⁄8”.
PAUL CÉZANNE. Still Life with Basket of Apples (c. 1895). Oil on canvas. 65 cm x 80 cm.
VINCENT VAN GOGH. Starry Night (1889). Oil on canvas. 29” x 36 1⁄4”.
VINCENT VAN GOGH. Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889–1890). Oil on canvas. 23 5⁄8” x 19 1⁄4”.
PAUL GAUGUIN. Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (1888). Oil on canvas. 28 ¾” x 36 ½”.
HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. At the Moulin Rouge (1892). Oil on canvas. 123 cm x 141 cm.

• Expressionism sought to be more emotional,
  expressive, and laden with symbolism.
• Color and line were used to express the
  artists’ inner feelings.
• They employed vibrant palettes and bravura
• Followed van Gogh and Gauguin.
          Its Art and Artists

• The Expressionists used line and color
  expressively and emotionally.
  The artists:
   – Edvard Munch
      •Adapted Gaugin’s ideas.
      •Best know work is The Scream.
   – Käthe Kollwitz
EDVARD MUNCH. The Scream (1893). Casein on paper. 35 1/2” x 28 2/3”.
American Expatriates
• In the United States, art was still very provincial in the
  19th century.
• During the 18th and 19th centuries, determined artists
  went abroad on extended pilgrimages for training, to see
  the masters, and to mingle with the avant- garde.
• Influenced by Japanese prints
• Some of these artists left the United States permanently,
  they were called the American Expatriates.
• What unifies these artists is not their style of art nor their
  choice of subject matter, but simply that they immigrated
  to Europe permanently
  The Artists
   – Mary Cassatt
   – James Abbott McNeill Whistler
MARY CASSATT. The Boating Party (1893–1894). Oil on canvas. 35 1⁄2” x 46 1⁄8”.
JAMES ABBOTT MCNEILL WHISTLER. Arrangement in Black and Gray: The Artist’s Mother (1871).
                          Oil on canvas. 57” x 64 1⁄2”.
Americans in America

• While many artists went abroad on pilgrimages or
  permanently, there were a few who stayed and
  painted in the realist tradition.
• This realism exhibits itself best in figure and
  landscape painting.
• Their art had a Romantic touch and includes artists of
  the Hudson River School, artists of the American
  West, and Winslow Homer.
Americans in America

• These artists stayed in America and painted
  the people and landscapes of their own
   The artists:
  – Thomas Eakins
     • The most important American portrait painter
       of the 19th century.
  – Thomas Cole
     • Leader of the Hudson River School of
       American art.
THOMAS EAKINS. The Gross Clinic (1875). Oil on canvas. 96” x 78”.
THOMAS COLE. The Oxbow (Connecticut River near Northampton) (1836). Oil on canvas. 51 ½” x 76”.
The Birth of Modern Sculpture
• During most of the 19th century, sculptors continued
  with projects as they had in the past.
• Spontaneous techniques and fleeting impressions did
  not meld with the sculptural permanence.
• One sculptor changed the face of the art forever by
  examining advancements in his century’s art, Rodin.
• Rodin incorporated Realism, Symbolism and
  Impressionism in his work.
• Is work is solely of the human figure.
• He preferred soft materials.
• As his career progressed his work became more
• The influence of Art Nouveau extended from Eastern
  and Western Europe to America.
• Originated in England
Characteristics of Art Nouveau:
  – Lyrical linearity (poetic lines)
  – Symbolism
  – Rich orientations
  – Overriding sense of the organic
  The artists:
  – Victor Horta
  – Antonio Gaudí
VICTOR HORTA. Interior of the Tassel House, Brussels (1893).
Art Tour – Paris

• Paris, one of the most beautiful, exciting, and
  delightful cities in the world! A work of art!
• Eiffel Tower, near the Trocadéro
• I.M. Pei glass pyramid in the plaza at the
  Louvre (Mona Lisa!)
• Musée D’Orsay: Impressionist art
Discussion Questions
• Why is eclecticism so prevalent in the art of the
  19th century?
• What underlies the artistic creativity of this
• What effect do technology and the camera have
  on 19th century art?
• What are these 19th century artists trying to
• Why is this century so artistically different than
  other centuries?

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Modern art

  • 2. Modern Art • Neoclassicism • American • Romanticism Expatriates • Realism • Americans in • Impressionism America • Post-Impressionism • The Birth of Modern Sculpture • Expressionism • Art Nouveau • Photography
  • 3. Most painting in the European tradition was painting the mask. Modern Art rejected all that. Our subject matter was the person behind the mask. –Robert Motherwell
  • 4. When Did Modern Art Begin? • 1776/1789 American and French Revolutions • 1814 Goya’s painting the Third of May, 1808 • 1863 Landmark exhibition in Paris?
  • 5. Just What was Modern about Modern Art of the 18th century in France? Its concept of space. Terms: • Picture plane • Planar recession • Linear recession
  • 6. Neoclassicism • Neoclassicism was opposed to the Rococo style of art. - Characteristics of Neoclassical Art: • Harsh sculptural lines • Subdued palette • Planar instead of linear recession in the space • Inspired by the French Revolution • Intended to heighten moral standards • The Roman Empire was selected as the model to emulate. • This was fueled by the archaeological discoveries of the time.
  • 7. Neoclassicism Painting • Art characterized by a restraint of emotion, purity of form, and subjects that inspired morality. The artists • Jacques-Louis David – The official painter of the French Revolution. • Angelica Kaufmann – Responsible for spreading the Neoclassical style to England. – Know for her portraiture, history painting and narrative works. • Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
  • 8. JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID. The Oath of the Horatii (1784). Oil on canvas. 14’ x 11’.
  • 9. Neoclassical Painting continued… • Poussinistes - Linear artists who used subdued palettes, and placed importance on draftsmanship and sculptural forms. • Rubenistes - Painterly artists who used a vibrant palette and aggressive brush strokes. – The foremost proponents of the painterly style were Géricault and Delacroix.
  • 10. Neoclassical Sculpture • Neoclassical ideals were also applied to sculpture. • In fact it was the style of choice for official portraits, relief sculpture and monuments. • Napoleon Bonaparte’s sister, Pauline Borghese had herself sculpted as Venus the goddess of love.
  • 11. ANTONIO CANOVA. Pauline Borghese as Venus. Marble, life-size.
  • 12. JEAN-AUGUSTE-DOMINIQUE INGRES. Grande Odalisque (1814). Oil on canvas. 35 1⁄4” x 63 3⁄4”.
  • 13. ROMANTICISM • Romanticism reflected the revolutionary spirit of the times. • Characteristics of 19th century Romanticism: – Extremes of emotion – Great brushwork – A bright color palette • A favorite theme was nature being depicted as unpredictable and uncontrollable. Artists: – Théodore Géricaut – Eugène Delacroix
  • 14. EUGÈNE DELACROIX. The Death of Sardanapalus (1826). Oil on canvas. 12’11 1⁄2” x 16’3”.
  • 15. Eugène Delacroix • Most famous Rubeniste • Liked to paint directly on the canvas without doing sketches beforehand. – Thought canvases should be constructed from color.
  • 16. Francisco Goya • The man considered the greatest painter of the Neoclassical and Romantic periods belonged to neither artistic group. • He was born in Spain. • Goya is best known for his works of political satire and condemnations of war. • Goya heightens emotion with the use of acerbic tones and strong chiaroscuro.
  • 17. FRANCISCO GOYA. The Third of May, 1808 (1814–1815). Oil on canvas. 8’9” x 13’4”.
  • 18. The Academy • Although very popular during this time Academic Painting had the least influence on the development of modern art. • The Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture (1648) in Paris set up rules of style and subject matter that were considered appropriate. • Why did the majority of artists of the Academy produce mediocre work? The Artists: – Adolphe William Bouguereau
  • 19. ADOLPHE WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU. Nymphs and Satyr (1873). Oil on canvas. 102 3⁄8” x 70 7⁄8”.
  • 20. REALISM • Modern painters objected to Academic art on 2 levels: – The subject matter didn't show life as it really was. – The way in which these things were rendered didn’t resemble real life. • The modern painters wanted to paint things how they really were. Optically - depicting something as you truly see it. Conceptually - depicting something as you think it is or based on how you think it should be.
  • 21. Realism • The Realist artists chose to represent subjects evident in everyday life while emphasizing the two-dimensionality of the canvas and highlighting the physical properties of the pigments. The artists • Honoré Daumier – Most concerned with bringing the plight of the masses to light. – Used caricature. • Gustav Courbet – Is considered the Father of Realism – Is also said to have foreshadowed the Impressionist movement. • Édouard Manet – Some say Manet is the most responsible for changing the course of the history of painting. – He was the most important influence on the French Impressionists. • Rosa Bonheur – One of the most successful artist of the 19th C. – Painted mainly animals
  • 22. HONORÉ DAUMIER. The Third-Class Carriage (c. 1862). Oil on canvas. 25 3⁄4” x 35 1⁄2”.
  • 23. GUSTAVE COURBET. The Stone-Breakers (1849). Oil on canvas. 63” x 102”.
  • 24. ROSA BONHEUR. The Horse Fair (1853). Oil on canvas. 8’ 1⁄4” x 16’7 1⁄2”.
  • 25. ÉDOUARD MANET. Le Déjeuner sur L’Herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) (1863). Oil on canvas. 7’ x 8’1”.
  • 26. The Salon des Réfusés • Manet submitted Le Déjeuner sur L’Herbe to the Academy’s annual Salon, but it was refused along with 2,800 other paintings. • The artists rebelled so strongly that Napoleon III stepped in and suggested an alternate exhibition known as the Salon de Réfusés. • The Salon des Réfusés was this century’s most important gathering of avant-garde artists.
  • 27. Manet’s Influences • Culled from the tradition of Venetian Renaissance pastoral scenes (such as paintings created by Giorgione and Titian). • The use of traditional pyramidal composition (used by da Vinci). • Group derived from Marcantonio Raimondi’s engraving after a painting by Raphael called The Judgment of Paris.
  • 28. ÉDOUARD MANET. Olympia (1863–1865). Oil on canvas. 51 3⁄8” x 74 3⁄4”.
  • 29. TITIAN. Venus of Urbino (1538). Oil on canvas. 47” x 65”.
  • 30. PAUL GAUGUIN. Te Arii Vahine (The Noble Woman) (1896). Oil on canvas. 97 cm x 130 cm.
  • 31. ROSA BONHEUR. The Horse Fair (1853). Oil on canvas. 8’ 1⁄4” x 16’7 1⁄2”.
  • 32. Impressionism • Impressionists rejected many styles of art that preceded them. • They had common ideas, but their styles differed. Characteristics of Impressionism: – Advocated painting outside. – Chose subjects found in nature. – Studied the effects of atmosphere and light on people and objects. • Through investigation, they arrived at an awareness of certain visual phenomena, with light. • Technical discoveries were made from these revelations; they produced atmospheric paintings.
  • 33. Impressionism, continued… The artists • Claude Monet • Pierre-Auguste Renoir – Most significant figure painter – Most interested in how light played across the surface of objects. • Berthe Morisot • Edgar Degas – Exhibited at the Salon prior to becoming an impressionist. – Studied with Ingres. – Was strongly influenced by photography.
  • 34. CLAUDE MONET. Impression: Sunrise (1872). Oil on canvas. 19 ½” x 25 ½ ”.
  • 35. CLAUDE MONET. Rouen Cathedral (1894). Oil on canvas. 39 1⁄4” x 25 7⁄8”.
  • 36. PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR. Le Moulin de la Galette (1876). Oil on canvas 51 1⁄2” x 69”.
  • 37. BERTHE MORISOT. Young Girl by the Window (1878). Oil on canvas. 29 15⁄16” x 24”.
  • 38. EDGAR DEGAS. The Rehearsal (Adagio) (1877). Oil on canvas. 26” x 39 3⁄8”.
  • 39. POST-IMPRESIONISM • Post-Impressionism rejected Impressionism • The Post-Impressionists’ ideals were similar, but their styles and techniques were very different. Two groups of Post-Impressionism: 1. One group had a systematic approach to composition, brushwork, and color. Artists included Georges Seurat & Paul Cezanne 2. And, a second that had more texture in their brushwork, and coordinated line and color with symbolism and emotion. Artists included Vincent van Gogh & Paul Gauguin
  • 40. Post-Impressionism The artists: • Georges Seurat – Started Pointillism • Paul Cézanne – Started Abstraction – Most significant was his collapsing of space. • Vincent van Gogh – Started Expressionism • Paul Gauguin – Use of intensified color. – Known for Symbolism • Henri Toulouse-Lautrec
  • 41. GEORGES SEURAT. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1884–1886). Oil on canvas. 81” x 120 3⁄8”.
  • 42. PAUL CÉZANNE. Still Life with Basket of Apples (c. 1895). Oil on canvas. 65 cm x 80 cm.
  • 43. VINCENT VAN GOGH. Starry Night (1889). Oil on canvas. 29” x 36 1⁄4”.
  • 44. VINCENT VAN GOGH. Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889–1890). Oil on canvas. 23 5⁄8” x 19 1⁄4”.
  • 45. PAUL GAUGUIN. Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (1888). Oil on canvas. 28 ¾” x 36 ½”.
  • 46. HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. At the Moulin Rouge (1892). Oil on canvas. 123 cm x 141 cm.
  • 47. EXPRESSIONISM • Expressionism sought to be more emotional, expressive, and laden with symbolism. • Color and line were used to express the artists’ inner feelings. • They employed vibrant palettes and bravura brushwork. • Followed van Gogh and Gauguin.
  • 48. Expressionism: Its Art and Artists • The Expressionists used line and color expressively and emotionally. The artists: – Edvard Munch •Adapted Gaugin’s ideas. •Best know work is The Scream. – Käthe Kollwitz
  • 49. EDVARD MUNCH. The Scream (1893). Casein on paper. 35 1/2” x 28 2/3”.
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  • 51. American Expatriates • In the United States, art was still very provincial in the 19th century. • During the 18th and 19th centuries, determined artists went abroad on extended pilgrimages for training, to see the masters, and to mingle with the avant- garde. • Influenced by Japanese prints • Some of these artists left the United States permanently, they were called the American Expatriates. • What unifies these artists is not their style of art nor their choice of subject matter, but simply that they immigrated to Europe permanently The Artists – Mary Cassatt – James Abbott McNeill Whistler
  • 52. MARY CASSATT. The Boating Party (1893–1894). Oil on canvas. 35 1⁄2” x 46 1⁄8”.
  • 53. JAMES ABBOTT MCNEILL WHISTLER. Arrangement in Black and Gray: The Artist’s Mother (1871). Oil on canvas. 57” x 64 1⁄2”.
  • 54. Americans in America • While many artists went abroad on pilgrimages or permanently, there were a few who stayed and painted in the realist tradition. • This realism exhibits itself best in figure and landscape painting. • Their art had a Romantic touch and includes artists of the Hudson River School, artists of the American West, and Winslow Homer.
  • 55. Americans in America • These artists stayed in America and painted the people and landscapes of their own country. The artists: – Thomas Eakins • The most important American portrait painter of the 19th century. – Thomas Cole • Leader of the Hudson River School of American art.
  • 56. THOMAS EAKINS. The Gross Clinic (1875). Oil on canvas. 96” x 78”.
  • 57. THOMAS COLE. The Oxbow (Connecticut River near Northampton) (1836). Oil on canvas. 51 ½” x 76”.
  • 58. The Birth of Modern Sculpture • During most of the 19th century, sculptors continued with projects as they had in the past. • Spontaneous techniques and fleeting impressions did not meld with the sculptural permanence. • One sculptor changed the face of the art forever by examining advancements in his century’s art, Rodin. • Rodin incorporated Realism, Symbolism and Impressionism in his work. • Is work is solely of the human figure. • He preferred soft materials. • As his career progressed his work became more abstract.
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  • 61. ART NOUVEAU • The influence of Art Nouveau extended from Eastern and Western Europe to America. • Originated in England Characteristics of Art Nouveau: – Lyrical linearity (poetic lines) – Symbolism – Rich orientations – Overriding sense of the organic The artists: – Victor Horta – Antonio Gaudí
  • 62. VICTOR HORTA. Interior of the Tassel House, Brussels (1893).
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  • 64. Art Tour – Paris • Paris, one of the most beautiful, exciting, and delightful cities in the world! A work of art! • Eiffel Tower, near the Trocadéro • I.M. Pei glass pyramid in the plaza at the Louvre (Mona Lisa!) • Musée D’Orsay: Impressionist art
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  • 68. Discussion Questions • Why is eclecticism so prevalent in the art of the 19th century? • What underlies the artistic creativity of this century? • What effect do technology and the camera have on 19th century art? • What are these 19th century artists trying to achieve? • Why is this century so artistically different than other centuries?