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       Ken Uchino, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
     UPMC Stroke Institute
 COMA:   the complete absence of
 awareness of self and the
 environment even when the subject
 is externally stimulated
 Confusion
 Drowsy—Inability to sustain wakefulness
  without external stimuli
 Obtundation—aroused by vigorous stimuli,
  interacts briefly
 Stupor—arounsed only by vigorous and repated
  stimuli, but not interactive
   Coma

   ….much better to just describe what you
 – a primitive, evolutionarily conserved
   diffuse (reticular) network of neurons
   throughout the brain
 – some more concentrated areas “nuclei” or
 – originates in brainstem
 – ascends through diencephalon via which it
   connects to rest of brain
   Two major anatomic patterns of coma:

    1. Diffuse cerebral injury (2/3)
    2. Focal injury to the brainstem
   Trauma
    – Concussion, diffuse axonal injury
   Vascular
    – Global hypoxia-ischemia
    – Hypertensive encephalopathy
   Infectious
    – Sepsis
    – Meningitis, encephalitis
   Epileptic
    – Post-ictal state
    – Non-convulsive status epilepticus
   Metabolic:
    – Electrolyte abnormalities:
          pH disturbance
          Hyper or hyponatremia
          Hyper or hypoglycemia
          Hyper or hypocalcemia
    – Organ failure
          liver, kidney
    – Thiamine or vitamin B12 deficiency
    – Drug intoxication or withdrawal
   Direct hit to the brainstem
    – Brainstem stroke or tumor
   Secondary pressure onto the brainstem
    – Trauma
           Subdural or epidural hematoma
    – Vascular
           Subarachnoid hemorrhage
           Intracerebral hemorrhage
    – Neoplasm
    – The mass raises intracranial pressure and herniation
      onto the brainstem.
Case 1
 50 yo man sent confused from homeless
 History not obtainable. ? EtOH abuse
 PE: Afebrile, tachycardic. Mildy
 Really groggy. When aroused, very
  confused, dysarthric.
Case 1
 CT normal
 Labs: WBC 15, otherwise CBC, Chem 7,
  LFTs normal.
 EtOH level undetcable,
 Urine tox: negative for drugs of abuse.

   Presumed dx: toxic encephalopathy, EtOH
 Febrile in the evening.
 The resident attempts to perform LP.
 After attempt at decubitous position…
 Attempted sitting up (with help of nurse and
  attending physician)…
 Green fluid comes out.
   1. Recent events:
    –   When was the patient last seen?
    –   How was the patient discovered?
    –   Were there any preceding neurologic complaints?
    –   Was there any recent trauma or toxic exposure?
   2. Medical istory
   3. Psychiatric history
   4. Medications
   5. Use of drugs or alcohol
General Physical Exam
   Vitals
    – Is there a fever?
    – Severe hypertension?
   Skin
    – Trauma, jaundice, needle marks
   Head
    – Fractures, lacerations
   Neck (do not manipulate if suspect Fx!)
    – Stiffness?
   Neurologic exam…
Coma exam
 Describe:
 Observe then stimulate:
    – Level of consciousness
   Brain stem Exam
    – Fundi, Pupils, Corneals, EOM, Gag and cough
   Extremities
Coma Exam: Level of
   Awake
   “Opens eyes to voice,” “grimaces to pain,”…
   Localizes pain—pain where ?(central vs.
   Any abnormal response? Patterned response?
    – Flexor posturing (Decorticate)
    – Extensor posturing (Decerebrate)
    – Myoclonus?
   Respiratory pattern?
    – “Riding the vent” vs. overbreathing
   Cheyne- Stokes pattern
    – diencephalic/ diffuse
    – CHF
   hyperventilation
    – midbrain
   apneustic pattern
    – pons
   ataxic respiration
    – medulla
   …interesting, but not really useful in the
Testing LOC
   First, a verbal command:
    – Specific command (hard): “Show me two
          not “squeeze my hand”
    – Midline command (easier): “Open your eyes”
        eye lid apraxia?

   Try it again with a noxious stimulus
Testing LOC: Noxious
    – Head:
          ear pinch, cotton swab to nares, supraorbirtal ridge pressure,
           pin to nares
    – Body
          Sternal rub, shoulder pinch
          Areolapossibly the most sensitive spot you can find…It also
           helps you identify the malingering patients.
    – Extremities
          Pinch arm or calf, Nailbed pressure, plantar stimulation
   Response
          Localization
          Withdawal
          Flexor (decorticate) posturing
          Extensor (decerebrate) posturing
   Extensor posturing (Decerebrate)
    –   Hips and shoulders extend, adduct, and internally rotate
    –   Knees and elbows extend
    –   Forearms hyperpronate, Wrists and fingers flex
    –   Feet plantar flex and invert
    –   Trunk extends, Head retracts
   Flexor posturing (Decorticate)
    – Shoulders adduct, internally rotate, and flex slightly;
      elbows flex; forearms pronate; and wrists and fingers
    – Lower extremities extend, adduct, and internally rotate
    – Hip, knee, and ankle may flex in a spinal reflex known
      as triple flexion
A picture speaks…
• It means that the
  patient is not
• The cortex isn’t
• It’s not well
Brains stem reflexes: pupils
   critical in distinguishing metabolic from
    structural etiologies of coma
Brainstem reflexes: pupils
   Dilated, unreactive pupils
    – third nerve compression
    – sympathetic agonist drugs (cocaine)
    – cholinergic antagonists (atropine)
   Small reactive pupils +/- Horner’s syndrome
    – hypothalamus/diencephalon injury
    – damage to sympathetic input
    – opiates, cholinergic agonist drugs
Brainstem reflexes: pupils
   fixed midposition pupils
    – midbrain
    – i.e. loss of sympathetic and para- sympathetic
      inputs (Edinger- Westphal)
   small unreactive/ minimally reactive pupils
    – pons, cholinergic poisoning
Brain stem reflexes:
       extraocular movements
   Horizontal conjugate gaze is mediated by:
    – Frontal eye fields
    – Pontine gaze centers
   In unresponsive patients, conjugate eye
    movments can be elicited by:
    – Oculocephalic reflex (Doll’s eye)
    – Oculovestibular reflex (Cold water calorics)
Brain stem reflexes: EOM
   First, observe at rest
    – Roving
    – Not moving
    – Gaze deviation
       Hemispheric lesion:

        “eyes look at the lesion”
       Pontine damage: “eyes

        look away from the
       Seizure: “eyes look

        away from the lesion.”
Brainstem reflexes: EOM
   Conjugate
    – A good sign, but do they move appropriately?
   Dysconjugate
    – A bad sign, but why?
        Just relaxed muscles?

        Impaired EOM?
Brainstem reflexes: EOM
 Next, try the reflexes:
 1. Oculocephalic (aka Doll’s eye) reflex:
    – Presence indicates that the brainstem is intact
   2. Coculovestibular (caloric) reflex:
    – Tonic deviation towards the cold ear
Brainstem reflexes
   Corneal Reflexes:
    – CN 5 & 7
    – pontine lesion
   Gag Reflex:
    – afferent component
        IX
    – efferent component
Brainstem reflexes
   Pupils:
    – II in
    – III out
   EOM:
    – VIII in
    – III, (IV), VI out
   Corneals:
    – V in
    – VII out
   Gag:
    – IX in
    – X out
   Reflexes
    – Deep tendon reflexes
    – Response to noxious stimuli:
          Is it a reflex or withdrawal?
          Plantar response—triple flexion
Glasgow Coma Scale
Eye Opening
None                          1
To Pain                       2
To Speech                     3
                                  Best Verbal Response
Spontaneous                   4
                                  None                      1
Best Motor Response               Incomprehensible sounds   2
None                          1   Inappropriate words       3
Extension (at elbow)          2   Confused                  4
Abnormal Flexion              3   Oriented                  5
Withdrawal                    4
Localizes pain (attempts to   5
remove stimulus)                     Total Score = 3-15
Obeys commands (simple        6
Case 2 (JJ)
 78 yo woman stopped talking and had right
  sided weakness.
 On the way to the hospital, she vomited.
  Became unresponsive.
 PMH: macular degeneration, anxiety.
 Pt was intubated in the ER. Received lasix
  for HTN of 218/98.
   BP 180/90 P 84 afebrile
   General PE: unremarkable, except intubated.
   Neurologic: No spontaneous movements or eye
    opening. Not following commands.
   Noxious stimuli:
    – She localizes pain in the left UE. She has purposeful
      movement in the left upper extremity (squeezing hand
    – On the right side, extensor posturing to pain on the
      right UE and triple flexion in the right lower extremity.
   Brain stem:
    – Her pupils are 2 mm and reactive. She has left gaze
      preference, but has spontaneous eye movements.
      Visual field is difficult to assess. She has gag reflex
   Nonfocal exam with brainstem intact
    – Reactive pupils, full eye movements, symmetric motor
    – Suggests diffuse cerebral damage.
   Focal hemispheric signs
    –   Contralateral hemiparesis, gaze paresis
    –   Suggests structural CNS lesion
   Focal brain stem signs
    – Abnormal pupil reactivity, cranial nerve signs, motor
    – Suggests brainstem lesion
   In the case of a diffuse cerebral injury with
    no known cause…give the coma “cocktail”:
    – THIAMINE 100 mg IV
    – 50% DEXTROSE 50ml IV
    – NALOXONE (Narcan) 0.4-0.8 mg IV
    – (FLUMAZENIL (Romazicon) 0.2-1.0 mg IV)
   In the case of focal hemispheric or
    brainstem signs, obtain neuroimaging..
    – CT
    – MRI
   And look for signs of increased intracranial
Case 3 (CM)
   75 yo F found down by husband.
   She has left hemiparesis, dysarthric. C/o HA.
   PMH: GERD, no HTN
   SH: Husband: she drinks and smokes as much as she can.
   PE: BP 106/90
   A+O x3. Follows commands. Speech fluent, but
    dysarthric. She has left neglect.
   Pupils 63 mm. Left VF cut. Corneal and gag reflexes
    present. Facial sensation is diminished on the left. Right
    eyelid droop (old).
   Flaccid hemiplegia. Sensation: neglect. Deep tendon
    reflexes 1 throughout. Toes going up bilaterally.
Right thalamic ICH & IVH
CT: on Nov 5
at 1450
Case 3
                Day 2
 BP 169/94
 No eye opening to stimuli. Not following
 Eyes downward and to the left. Pupils 3mm
  reactive. Corneal reflexes present.
 Left hemiplegic. RUE purposeful
  movement. RLE withdrawal. Bilateral
  upgoing toes.
↑ICH & hydrocephalus
• CT: Nov 6 at
  4:50 am
• Subsequently
• Ventriculostomy
Case 3
                Day 3
 ICP shot up early morning. Got head CT:
 Exam off propofol x 5min:
 LUE extension and RUE flexion to pain
  centrally as well as peripherally.
 Triple flexion in LE bilaterally.
 Pupils 2mm reactive. Left gaze deviation
  but some spontaneous roving movements.
  Corneal reflex intact.
Case 3
                 Day 4
 Off propofol for 24 hours
 BP 148/68 P 120 RR 14/13
 Unresponsive to sound or pain
 Pupils fixed at 4mm, corneal reflexes
  present. Absent gag reflex.
 Triple flexion in LE.
 Pt expired later that day.
Herniation Syndromes
 Central Transtentorial
   – paratonic rigidity of lower extremities
   – pinpoint pupils (sometimes)
   – hyperreflexia/ spontaneous triple flexion responses
   – waning level of consciousness
   – sudden cardiac or respiratory arrest/ death
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
 Lateral Transtentorial/Uncal:
  – most common in those with temporal lobe
    masses (tumor, hematoma,…)
  – ipsilateral dilated pupilthen bilateral
  – hyperreflexia/ spasticity
  – ipsilateral hemiplegia (Kernohan’s notch)
  – hemianopsia (PCA infarct)
  – brainstem compression/ death
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
     – ipsilateral and/or contralateral
      paratonic rigidity
    – LE paralysis (once completed)
    – akinetic mutism (bilateral ACA)
     – downward cerebellar herniation
     – nausea, vomiting, hyperreflexia
     – sudden respiratory arrest
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
Herniation Syndromes
   Upward cerebellar herniation:
    –   nausea, vomiting, hyperreflexia
    –   SCA infarction syndrome
    –   hyperventilation
    –   brainstem compression/ coma/ death
   Transcranial Hernation:
    – skull fracture, craniotomy
    – ischemia of adjacent cortex (strangulation)
Herniation Syndromes
Case 4
 35 yo man unresponsive.
 Pt was just booked for some incident. At
  police station, found with empty pill bottle.
  Pt unresponsive. No known medical
Case 4
   CT head normal
   Labs:
    – Urine tox for drugs of abuse normal (opiates,
      amphetamines, cocaine, tricyclics), salicylate and
      acetaminophen levels undetectable.
   PE:
    – Vitals normal
    – General exam: shackled to stretcher
             Blood in back
    – Unresponsive to voice, pain. Brainstem reflexes intact.
      Extremity reflexes in tact.
 Let arm drop on face
 Tickle nares
 Surprise the patient
Case 4
 Wouldn’t let eyes be opened
 ER residents had attempted LP without
  lidocaine. (The blood in back).
 He only flinches with needle in his back.
 I further macerate his back and succeed in
  getting CSF—normal
 Angry man next morning.
Case 5
 40 yo woman from rural Washington state
 Presents to local ER c/o “throat swelling.”
  She also c/o blurred vision. The exam is
  reported to be fairly unremarkable initially.
  But in the ER she worsens and develops
  respiratory arrest.
 No signficant past medical history. No
  asthma or allergies.
Case 5
   She is intubated, given steroids for presumed
    allergic reaction or angioedema. She is transferred
    to Seattle.
   In medical ICU she is on vent. She is treated for
    aspiration pneumonia, reactive airways. She
    remains unresponsive. Comatose. Never wakes
   Several days later neurology is consulted for post-
    anoxic encephalopathy. Is she going to wake up?
Case 5
   Exam: Vitals normal. Riding the vent.
    – Unresponsive to pain, sound.
    – Pupils unreactive, absent corneals, cold calorics
      absent, no gag. Areflexic in extremities
 CT of head: normal.
 Is she brain dead?
Brain Death:
   the complete and irreversible cessation of all
    brain function
   absent pupillary responses (fixed,
   absent oculocephalic responses
   absent corneals, gag
   absent calorics response
   absent motor response
   absent respiration (pCO2>60)
Brain Death:
              Necessary Tests
    – preoxygenate with 100% O2
    – maintain O2 through ETT with cannula etc.
    – two minute duration
    – pCO2 of 60mmHg or higher adequate
    – never do in a noncomatose person
    – ice water 30cc to each ear
    – wait 2 minutes for response before other side
Case 5
   Wait, she moves her toe!
Brain Death:
   no drugs or hypothermia to explain a
    precondition of diagnosis
   absent pupillary responses
    – anticholinergic drugs, especially atropine in
      cardiac arrest
    – NM blockade
    – preexisting eye disease
   absent oculocephalics
    – ototoxic/ vestibular toxins
Brain Death:
 apnea
  – NM blockade
  – post- hyperventilation
  – phrenic nerve palsies/ diaphragm paralysis
 no   motor activity
  – NM blockade
  – locked in syndrome
  – sedatives
Brain Death:
                Confirmatory Tests
 Confirmatory tests are NOT necessary for the
  diagnosis. Tests necessary if the checklist
   – Trauma, hemodynamic instability
 Tests:
   – EEG with special array, sensitivity settings
           ICU artifact can create problems
   – cerebral blood flow (Nuc Med)
   – Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
   – Evoked potential studies
 notlegally required to render futile care to a
  dead person
 Get good History from surrogate
 Examine
 Is it focal or diffuse?

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medicine.Coma managment.(dr.muhamad tahir)

  • 1. ΔMS Ken Uchino, M.D. Assistant Professor of Neurology UPMC Stroke Institute
  • 2. DEFINITION  COMA: the complete absence of awareness of self and the environment even when the subject is externally stimulated
  • 3. ΔMS  Confusion  Drowsy—Inability to sustain wakefulness without external stimuli  Obtundation—aroused by vigorous stimuli, interacts briefly  Stupor—arounsed only by vigorous and repated stimuli, but not interactive  Coma
  • 4. ΔMS  IT’S A SPECTRUM: ALERT ”DROWSY” ”OBTUNDED” ”STUPOROUS” COMATOSE  ….much better to just describe what you see!
  • 5. ANATOMY  RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM: – a primitive, evolutionarily conserved diffuse (reticular) network of neurons throughout the brain – some more concentrated areas “nuclei” or “centers” – originates in brainstem – ascends through diencephalon via which it connects to rest of brain
  • 6. ANATOMY  Two major anatomic patterns of coma: 1. Diffuse cerebral injury (2/3) or 2. Focal injury to the brainstem (1/3)
  • 7. DIFFUSE CEREBRAL INJURY  Trauma – Concussion, diffuse axonal injury  Vascular – Global hypoxia-ischemia – Hypertensive encephalopathy  Infectious – Sepsis – Meningitis, encephalitis  Epileptic – Post-ictal state – Non-convulsive status epilepticus
  • 8. DIFFUSE CEREBRAL INJURY  Metabolic: – Electrolyte abnormalities:  pH disturbance  Hyper or hyponatremia  Hyper or hypoglycemia  Hyper or hypocalcemia – Organ failure  liver, kidney – Thiamine or vitamin B12 deficiency – Drug intoxication or withdrawal
  • 9. FOCAL BRAINSTEM INJURY  Direct hit to the brainstem – Brainstem stroke or tumor  Secondary pressure onto the brainstem – Trauma  Subdural or epidural hematoma – Vascular  Subarachnoid hemorrhage  Intracerebral hemorrhage – Neoplasm – The mass raises intracranial pressure and herniation onto the brainstem.
  • 10. Case 1  50 yo man sent confused from homeless shelter.  History not obtainable. ? EtOH abuse  PE: Afebrile, tachycardic. Mildy hypertensive.  Really groggy. When aroused, very confused, dysarthric.
  • 11. Case 1  CT normal  Labs: WBC 15, otherwise CBC, Chem 7, LFTs normal.  EtOH level undetcable,  Urine tox: negative for drugs of abuse.  Presumed dx: toxic encephalopathy, EtOH withdrawal
  • 12. Case1  Febrile in the evening.  The resident attempts to perform LP.  After attempt at decubitous position…  Attempted sitting up (with help of nurse and attending physician)…  Green fluid comes out.
  • 13. ΔMS H&P  1. Recent events: – When was the patient last seen? – How was the patient discovered? – Were there any preceding neurologic complaints? – Was there any recent trauma or toxic exposure?  2. Medical istory  3. Psychiatric history  4. Medications  5. Use of drugs or alcohol
  • 14. General Physical Exam  Vitals – Is there a fever? – Severe hypertension?  Skin – Trauma, jaundice, needle marks  Head – Fractures, lacerations  Neck (do not manipulate if suspect Fx!) – Stiffness?  Neurologic exam…
  • 15. Coma exam  Describe:  Observe then stimulate: – Level of consciousness  Brain stem Exam – Fundi, Pupils, Corneals, EOM, Gag and cough  Extremities
  • 16. Coma Exam: Level of Consciousness  Awake  “Opens eyes to voice,” “grimaces to pain,”…  Localizes pain—pain where ?(central vs. peripheral)  Any abnormal response? Patterned response? – Flexor posturing (Decorticate) – Extensor posturing (Decerebrate) – Myoclonus?  Respiratory pattern? – “Riding the vent” vs. overbreathing
  • 17. Respiration  Cheyne- Stokes pattern – diencephalic/ diffuse – CHF  hyperventilation – midbrain  apneustic pattern – pons  ataxic respiration – medulla  …interesting, but not really useful in the field!
  • 18. Testing LOC  First, a verbal command: – Specific command (hard): “Show me two fingers!”  not “squeeze my hand” – Midline command (easier): “Open your eyes”  eye lid apraxia?  Try it again with a noxious stimulus
  • 19. Testing LOC: Noxious – Head: stimulus  ear pinch, cotton swab to nares, supraorbirtal ridge pressure, pin to nares – Body  Sternal rub, shoulder pinch  Areolapossibly the most sensitive spot you can find…It also helps you identify the malingering patients. – Extremities  Pinch arm or calf, Nailbed pressure, plantar stimulation  Response  Localization  Withdawal  Flexor (decorticate) posturing  Extensor (decerebrate) posturing
  • 20. Posturing  Extensor posturing (Decerebrate) – Hips and shoulders extend, adduct, and internally rotate – Knees and elbows extend – Forearms hyperpronate, Wrists and fingers flex – Feet plantar flex and invert – Trunk extends, Head retracts  Flexor posturing (Decorticate) – Shoulders adduct, internally rotate, and flex slightly; elbows flex; forearms pronate; and wrists and fingers flex – Lower extremities extend, adduct, and internally rotate – Hip, knee, and ankle may flex in a spinal reflex known as triple flexion
  • 21. A picture speaks… • It means that the patient is not conscious. • The cortex isn’t communicating. • It’s not well localizing.
  • 22. Brains stem reflexes: pupils  critical in distinguishing metabolic from structural etiologies of coma
  • 23. Brainstem reflexes: pupils  Dilated, unreactive pupils – third nerve compression – sympathetic agonist drugs (cocaine) – cholinergic antagonists (atropine)  Small reactive pupils +/- Horner’s syndrome – hypothalamus/diencephalon injury – damage to sympathetic input – opiates, cholinergic agonist drugs
  • 24. Brainstem reflexes: pupils  fixed midposition pupils – midbrain – i.e. loss of sympathetic and para- sympathetic inputs (Edinger- Westphal)  small unreactive/ minimally reactive pupils – pons, cholinergic poisoning
  • 25. Brain stem reflexes: extraocular movements  Horizontal conjugate gaze is mediated by: – Frontal eye fields – Pontine gaze centers  In unresponsive patients, conjugate eye movments can be elicited by: – Oculocephalic reflex (Doll’s eye) – Oculovestibular reflex (Cold water calorics)
  • 26. Brain stem reflexes: EOM  First, observe at rest – Roving – Not moving – Gaze deviation  Hemispheric lesion: “eyes look at the lesion”  Pontine damage: “eyes look away from the lesion”  Seizure: “eyes look away from the lesion.”
  • 27. Brainstem reflexes: EOM  Conjugate – A good sign, but do they move appropriately?  Dysconjugate – A bad sign, but why?  Just relaxed muscles?  Impaired EOM?
  • 28. Brainstem reflexes: EOM  Next, try the reflexes:  1. Oculocephalic (aka Doll’s eye) reflex: – Presence indicates that the brainstem is intact  2. Coculovestibular (caloric) reflex: – Tonic deviation towards the cold ear
  • 29. Brainstem reflexes  Corneal Reflexes: – CN 5 & 7 – pontine lesion  Gag Reflex: – afferent component  IX – efferent component X
  • 30. Brainstem reflexes EYE  Pupils: – II in – III out  EOM: – VIII in – III, (IV), VI out  Corneals: – V in – VII out  Gag: – IX in – X out
  • 31. Extremities  Reflexes – Deep tendon reflexes – Response to noxious stimuli:  Is it a reflex or withdrawal?  Plantar response—triple flexion
  • 32. Glasgow Coma Scale Eye Opening None 1 To Pain 2 To Speech 3 Best Verbal Response Spontaneous 4 None 1 Best Motor Response Incomprehensible sounds 2 None 1 Inappropriate words 3 Extension (at elbow) 2 Confused 4 Abnormal Flexion 3 Oriented 5 Withdrawal 4 Localizes pain (attempts to 5 remove stimulus) Total Score = 3-15 Obeys commands (simple 6 commands)
  • 33. Case 2 (JJ)  78 yo woman stopped talking and had right sided weakness.  On the way to the hospital, she vomited. Became unresponsive.  PMH: macular degeneration, anxiety.  Pt was intubated in the ER. Received lasix for HTN of 218/98.
  • 34. BP 180/90 P 84 afebrile  General PE: unremarkable, except intubated.  Neurologic: No spontaneous movements or eye opening. Not following commands.  Noxious stimuli: – She localizes pain in the left UE. She has purposeful movement in the left upper extremity (squeezing hand sponaten.). – On the right side, extensor posturing to pain on the right UE and triple flexion in the right lower extremity.  Brain stem: – Her pupils are 2 mm and reactive. She has left gaze preference, but has spontaneous eye movements. Visual field is difficult to assess. She has gag reflex intact.
  • 35. CATEGORIZE  Nonfocal exam with brainstem intact – Reactive pupils, full eye movements, symmetric motor responses. – Suggests diffuse cerebral damage.  Focal hemispheric signs – Contralateral hemiparesis, gaze paresis – Suggests structural CNS lesion  Focal brain stem signs – Abnormal pupil reactivity, cranial nerve signs, motor posturing. – Suggests brainstem lesion
  • 36.
  • 37. MANAGEMENT  In the case of a diffuse cerebral injury with no known cause…give the coma “cocktail”: – THIAMINE 100 mg IV – 50% DEXTROSE 50ml IV – NALOXONE (Narcan) 0.4-0.8 mg IV – (FLUMAZENIL (Romazicon) 0.2-1.0 mg IV)
  • 38. MANAGEMENT  In the case of focal hemispheric or brainstem signs, obtain neuroimaging.. – CT – MRI  And look for signs of increased intracranial pressure
  • 39. Case 3 (CM)  75 yo F found down by husband.  She has left hemiparesis, dysarthric. C/o HA.  PMH: GERD, no HTN  SH: Husband: she drinks and smokes as much as she can.  PE: BP 106/90  A+O x3. Follows commands. Speech fluent, but dysarthric. She has left neglect.  Pupils 63 mm. Left VF cut. Corneal and gag reflexes present. Facial sensation is diminished on the left. Right eyelid droop (old).  Flaccid hemiplegia. Sensation: neglect. Deep tendon reflexes 1 throughout. Toes going up bilaterally.
  • 40. Right thalamic ICH & IVH CT: on Nov 5 at 1450
  • 41. Case 3 Day 2  BP 169/94  No eye opening to stimuli. Not following commands.  Eyes downward and to the left. Pupils 3mm reactive. Corneal reflexes present.  Left hemiplegic. RUE purposeful movement. RLE withdrawal. Bilateral upgoing toes.
  • 42. ↑ICH & hydrocephalus • CT: Nov 6 at 4:50 am • Subsequently Intubated • Ventriculostomy
  • 43. Case 3 Day 3  ICP shot up early morning. Got head CT:  Exam off propofol x 5min:  LUE extension and RUE flexion to pain centrally as well as peripherally.  Triple flexion in LE bilaterally.  Pupils 2mm reactive. Left gaze deviation but some spontaneous roving movements. Corneal reflex intact.
  • 44.
  • 45. Case 3 Day 4  Off propofol for 24 hours  BP 148/68 P 120 RR 14/13  Unresponsive to sound or pain  Pupils fixed at 4mm, corneal reflexes present. Absent gag reflex.  Triple flexion in LE.  Pt expired later that day.
  • 46. Herniation Syndromes  Central Transtentorial – paratonic rigidity of lower extremities – pinpoint pupils (sometimes) – hyperreflexia/ spontaneous triple flexion responses – waning level of consciousness – sudden cardiac or respiratory arrest/ death
  • 49. Herniation Syndromes  Lateral Transtentorial/Uncal: – most common in those with temporal lobe masses (tumor, hematoma,…) – ipsilateral dilated pupilthen bilateral – hyperreflexia/ spasticity – ipsilateral hemiplegia (Kernohan’s notch) – hemianopsia (PCA infarct) – brainstem compression/ death
  • 52. Herniation Syndromes  SUBFALCIAL HERNIATION – ipsilateral and/or contralateral paratonic rigidity – LE paralysis (once completed) – akinetic mutism (bilateral ACA)  TONSILLAR HERNIATION – downward cerebellar herniation – nausea, vomiting, hyperreflexia – sudden respiratory arrest
  • 55. Herniation Syndromes  Upward cerebellar herniation: – nausea, vomiting, hyperreflexia – SCA infarction syndrome – hyperventilation – brainstem compression/ coma/ death  Transcranial Hernation: – skull fracture, craniotomy – ischemia of adjacent cortex (strangulation)
  • 56.
  • 58. Case 4  35 yo man unresponsive.  Pt was just booked for some incident. At police station, found with empty pill bottle. Pt unresponsive. No known medical history.
  • 59. Case 4  CT head normal  Labs: – Urine tox for drugs of abuse normal (opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, tricyclics), salicylate and acetaminophen levels undetectable.  PE: – Vitals normal – General exam: shackled to stretcher  Blood in back – Unresponsive to voice, pain. Brainstem reflexes intact. Extremity reflexes in tact.
  • 60. Techniques  Let arm drop on face  Tickle nares  Surprise the patient
  • 61. Case 4  Wouldn’t let eyes be opened  ER residents had attempted LP without lidocaine. (The blood in back).  He only flinches with needle in his back.  I further macerate his back and succeed in getting CSF—normal  Angry man next morning.
  • 62. Case 5  40 yo woman from rural Washington state  Presents to local ER c/o “throat swelling.” She also c/o blurred vision. The exam is reported to be fairly unremarkable initially. But in the ER she worsens and develops respiratory arrest.  No signficant past medical history. No asthma or allergies.
  • 63. Case 5  She is intubated, given steroids for presumed allergic reaction or angioedema. She is transferred to Seattle.  In medical ICU she is on vent. She is treated for aspiration pneumonia, reactive airways. She remains unresponsive. Comatose. Never wakes up.  Several days later neurology is consulted for post- anoxic encephalopathy. Is she going to wake up?
  • 64. Case 5  Exam: Vitals normal. Riding the vent. – Unresponsive to pain, sound. – Pupils unreactive, absent corneals, cold calorics absent, no gag. Areflexic in extremities  CT of head: normal.  Is she brain dead?
  • 65. Brain Death:  the complete and irreversible cessation of all brain function  absent pupillary responses (fixed, midposition)  absent oculocephalic responses  absent corneals, gag  absent calorics response  absent motor response  absent respiration (pCO2>60)
  • 66. Brain Death: Necessary Tests  APNEA TEST – preoxygenate with 100% O2 – maintain O2 through ETT with cannula etc. – two minute duration – pCO2 of 60mmHg or higher adequate  COLD WATER CALORICS – never do in a noncomatose person – ice water 30cc to each ear – wait 2 minutes for response before other side
  • 67. Case 5  Wait, she moves her toe!
  • 68. Brain Death: Pitfalls  no drugs or hypothermia to explain a precondition of diagnosis  absent pupillary responses – anticholinergic drugs, especially atropine in cardiac arrest – NM blockade – preexisting eye disease  absent oculocephalics – ototoxic/ vestibular toxins
  • 69. Brain Death: Pitfalls  apnea – NM blockade – post- hyperventilation – phrenic nerve palsies/ diaphragm paralysis  no motor activity – NM blockade – locked in syndrome – sedatives
  • 70. Brain Death: Confirmatory Tests  Confirmatory tests are NOT necessary for the diagnosis. Tests necessary if the checklist incomplete. – Trauma, hemodynamic instability  Tests: – EEG with special array, sensitivity settings  ICU artifact can create problems – cerebral blood flow (Nuc Med) – Transcranial Doppler ultrasound – Evoked potential studies  notlegally required to render futile care to a dead person
  • 71. Summary  Get good History from surrogate  Examine  Is it focal or diffuse?