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                                                   The first stage
                                                   of labour:
                                                   Monitoring and
Before you begin this unit, please take the        THE DIAGNOSIS
corresponding test at the end of the book to
assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You   OF LABOUR
should redo the test after you’ve worked through
the unit, to evaluate what you have learned.
                                                   8-1 When is a patient in labour?
                                                   A patient is in labour when she has both of the
 Objectives                                        following:
                                                   1. Regular uterine contractions with at least
 When you have completed this unit you                one contraction every ten minutes.
 should be able to:                                2. Cervical changes (i.e. cervical effacement
 • Monitor and manage the first stage of              and/or dilatation) or rupture of the
 • Evaluate accurately the progress of
   labour.                                         THE TWO PHASES OF THE
 • Know the importance of the alert and            FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
   action lines on the partogram.
 • Recognise poor progress during the first        The first stage of labour can be divided into
   stage of labour.                                two phases:
 • Systematically evaluate a patient               1. The latent phase.
   to determine the cause of the poor              2. The active phase.
   progress in labour.
 • Manage a patient with poor progress in           The first stage of labour is divided into two
   labour.                                          phases: the latent phase and the active phase.
 • Recognise patients at increased risk of
   prolapse of the umbilical cord.
 • Manage a patient with cord prolapse.

8-2 What do you understand by the latent                   the mother, the condition of the fetus, and
phase of the first stage of labour?                        the contractions.
                                                        2. A careful abdominal examination.
1. The latent phase starts with the onset of
                                                        3. A careful vaginal examination.
   labour and ends when the patient’s cervix
   is 3 cm dilated. With primigravidas the              This examination is only complete when the
   cervix should also be fully effaced to               findings have been charted on the partogram.
   indicate that the latent phase has ended.            If the findings are abnormal, a plan must be
   However, in a multigravida the cervix need           made regarding the further management of
   not be fully effaced.                                the patient.
2. During the latent phase, the cervix dilates
   slowly. Although no time limit need be set           8-5 When should you do a complete
   for cervical dilatation, this phase does not         physical examination on a patient in labour?
   normally last longer than eight hours. The
   time taken may vary widely.                          1. On admission.
3. During the latent phase there is a                   2. During the latent phase: Four hours after
   progressive increase in the duration and                admission or when the patient starts
   the frequency of uterine contractions.                  to experience more painful, regular
                                                        3. During the active phase: Four-hourly,
8-3 What do you understand by the
                                                           provided all observations indicate that
active phase of the first stage of labour?
                                                           progress is normal. If there is poor
1. This phase starts when the cervix is 3 cm               progress, the next complete examination
   dilated and ends when the cervix is fully               will have to be done after two hours in
   dilated.                                                most instances.
2. During the active phase, more rapid
                                                        After the complete examination has been done
   dilatation of the cervix occurs.
                                                        and an assessment made about the progress of
3. The cervix should dilate at a rate of at least
                                                        labour, a decision is taken on when the next
   1 cm per hour.
                                                        complete examination should be done. The
  NOTE The average rate of dilatation of the cervix
                                                        time of the next examination is marked on the
  during the active phase is at least 1.5 cm per hour   partogram with an arrow. The next complete
  in multigravidas and 1.2 cm in primigravidas.         examination may, if the circumstances
  Therefore, the lower limit of the normal rate         demand it, be done sooner (but not later) than
  of cervical dilatation is 1 cm per hour.              the time indicated.

 The cervix should dilate at a rate of at least 1 cm    8-6 How should progress during the
                                                        first stage of labour be monitored?
 per hour in the active phase of labour.
                                                        A partogram is used to monitor and record the
                                                        progress of labour.
                                                        8-7 What is a partogram?
                                                        A partogram is a chart on which the progress
                                                        of labour over time can be presented. You will
8-4 What do you understand by a complete                notice that provision has been made on the
physical examination during labour?                     chart to record all the important observations
                                                        regarding the condition of the mother, the
1. The routine observations (usually done               condition of the fetus, and the progress of
   hourly or half-hourly) of the condition of           labour.

Figure 8-1: An example of a partogram

An example of a partogram is shown in                   MANAGEMENT OF A
figure 8-1.
                                                        PATIENT IN THE LATENT
8-8 What is the first oblique line                      PHASE OF THE FIRST
on the partogram called?
                                                        STAGE OF LABOUR
The alert line. It represents a rate of cervical
dilatation of 1 cm per hour.                            The latent phase of labour should not last
                                                        longer than eight hours.
8-9 What is the importance of the alert line?
The alert line represents the minimum progress          8-12 What is the initial management of
in cervical dilatation which is acceptable during       a patient in the latent phase of labour?
the active phase of the first stage of labour.          When a patient is admitted in early labour,
                                                        and on examination everything is found to be
8-10 What is the second oblique                         normal, only routine observations are done. The
line on the partogram called?                           next complete examination is done four hours
This line is called the action line.                    later, or sooner if the patient starts to experience
                                                        more regular and painful contractions. The
                                                        patient should eat and drink normally, and
8-11 What is the importance
                                                        should be encouraged to walk around. She need
of the action line?
                                                        not be admitted to the labour ward.
1. Any patient whose graph of the cervical
   dilatation falls on or crosses the action            8-13 What should you do at the
   line must have a complete examination                second complete examination?
   by the doctor. Her further management
   must be under the doctor’s supervision               At this time, the following must be assessed.
   and direction. If a patient is not already           1. The contractions: If the contractions have
   in hospital, she will need to be transferred            stopped the patient is no longer in labour,
   into a hospital where there are facilities              and if the maternal and fetal conditions are
   for instrumental delivery and Caesarean                 normal, she may be discharged. However,
   section.                                                if the contractions have remained regular,
2. The progress of labour is very slow when                then you must assess the cervix.
   the graph of cervical dilatation crosses             2. The cervix:
   or falls on this line. When this occurs,                • If the effacement and dilatation of
   action must be taken in order to hasten the                  the cervix have remained unchanged,
   delivery of the infant.                                      the patient is probably not in true
                                                                labour. If she is experiencing painful
                                                                contractions, she should be given an
 If the cervical dilatation falls on, or crosses, the
                                                                analgesic, e.g. pethidine 100 mg and
 action line of the partogram, a doctor must be
                                                                promethazine (Phenegan) 25 mg
 called to assess the patient.                                  or hydroxyzine (Aterax) 100 mg by
                                                                intramuscular injection and, provided
                                                                that all other observations are normal,
                                                                the next complete physical examination
                                                                is planned for four hours later.
                                                           • If there has been progress in effacement
                                                                and/or dilatation of the cervix, the
                                                                patient is in labour and, provided that

       all other observations are normal, the        8-15 How do you manage a patient
       next complete examination is planned          who is in normal labour?
       for four hours later. If the cervix is 3 cm
                                                     When the condition of the mother and the
       or more dilated, the patient has now
                                                     condition of the fetus are normal, and there
       progressed to the active phase of the
                                                     are no signs of cephalopelvic disproportion,
       first stage of labour.
                                                     the next complete examination must be done
                                                     four hours later. The cervical dilatation, in
8-14 What should you do if a patient has             centimetres, is recorded on the alert line of
not progressed to the active phase of                the partogram.
labour within eight hours after admission?
1. The contractions may have stopped, in             8-16 What represents normal progress
   which case the patient is not in labour. If       during the active phase of the first
   the membranes have not ruptured and if            stage of labour on the partogram?
   there is no indication to induce labour, the
                                                     1. The recording of cervical dilatation at the
   patient should be discharged.
                                                        various vaginal examinations lie on or to
2. The patient may still be having regular
                                                        the left of the alert line. In other words
   contractions. In this case, further
                                                        cervical dilatation is at least 1 cm per hour.
   management depends upon the state of
                                                     2. There is also progressive descent of the
   the cervix:
                                                        fetal head into the pelvis. This is detected
   • If there has been no progress in
                                                        by assessing the amount of the fetal head
       effacement and/or dilatation of the
                                                        above the brim of the pelvis on abdominal
       cervix, the patient is probably not in
                                                        examination. Descent of the head during
       labour. The responsible doctor should
                                                        the active phase of the first stage of labour
       see and assess this patient, in order
                                                        may occur late, especially in multigravidas.
       to decide whether labour should be
   • If there has been progressive effacement         With normal progress during the active phase
       and/or dilatation of the cervix, the           of the first stage of labour, the recording of the
       patient is in labour. If the progress          dilatation of the cervix will lie on or to the left
       has been slow during the latent phase,         of the alert line on the partogram. In addition,
       it may be necessary to rupture the
                                                      there will be progressively less of the fetal head
       membranes or commence an oxytocin
       infusion if she is HIV positive as
                                                      palpable above the pelvic brim.
       described in 8-35.
                                                     8-17 Why is it necessary to evaluate both
                                                     cervical dilatation and the descent of
MANAGEMENT OF A                                      the head in order to determine whether
PATIENT IN THE ACTIVE                                there has been progress in the active
                                                     phase of the first stage of labour?
                                                     1. Cervical dilatation without associated
STAGE OF LABOUR                                         descent of the head does not necessarily
                                                        indicate progress in labour.
When a patient is admitted in the active             2. Cervical dilatation may occur when there
phase of labour, she will probably be in                are good contractions, in association with
normal labour. However, the possibility                 increasing caput succedaneum formation
of cephalopelvic disproportion must be                  and moulding of the fetal skull, while
considered, especially if the patient is                the amount of fetal head palpable above
unbooked.                                               the brim of the pelvis remains the same.

   In these circumstances no real progress            infection if the membranes are intact. The
   has occurred, because the head is not              next complete examination should be done
   descending into the pelvis.                        after two hours when the management
3. The station of the presenting part of the          should be as follows:
   head in relation to the spine, as felt on          • With normal progress do not rupture
   vaginal examination, can also improve                  the membranes.
   without further descent of the head and            • With poor progress the membranes
   without real progress having occurred.                 should be ruptured and the next
   This is because of increasing caput                    examination performed four hours later.
   succedaneum and moulding.                       2. A patient who is HIV negative and in
                                                      labour with a vertex presentation may have
                                                      her membranes ruptured with safety if:
 Descent of the head is assessed on abdominal         • She is in the active phase of labour.
 and not on vaginal examination.                      • The fetal head is 3/5 or less palpable
                                                          above the brim of the pelvis.
8-18 What circumstances will make it               3. After rupturing the membranes, carefully
necessary to do vaginal examinations                  feel around the fetal head to rule out the
more frequently than four- hourly in the              possibility of a cord prolapse.
active phase of the first stage of labour?         If the fetal head is 4/5 or more above the pelvic
1. If cephalopelvic disproportion is               brim, and the cervix is 6 cm or more dilated,
   suspected, the next vaginal examination         it is safer to carefully rupture the membranes
   must be done two hours later.                   than to allow them to rupture spontaneously.
2. If a complete examination has revealed          This will reduce the risk of cord prolapse.
   poor progress of labour, without the
   presence of cephalopelvic disproportion,        8-20 What should you do if a
   the next complete examination should            patient ruptures her membranes
   also be done two hours later, to assess         spontaneously during labour?
   the effectiveness of the measures taken to
                                                   1. If the fetal head is 4/5 or more palpable
   correct the poor progress.
                                                      above the pelvic inlet, or if there is a
3. If a patient’s cervix is more than 6 cm
                                                      breech presentation, the patient is at high
   dilated, the next complete examination
                                                      risk for a cord prolapse. A sterile vaginal
   would normally be done when the cervix
                                                      examination must, therefore, be done to
   is expected to be fully dilated. However,
                                                      rule out this possibility.
   the examination may need to be done
                                                   2. If the fetal head is 3/5 or less palpable
   earlier if there are signs that the cervix is
                                                      above the pelvic inlet, it is highly
   already fully dilated.
                                                      unlikely that a cord prolapse might
                                                      happen. However, the fetal heart must be
8-19 When should you rupture                          monitored to rule out the possibility of
the patient’s membranes?                              fetal distress due to cord compression.
1. It is possible to reduce the risk of
   transferring HIV from a mother to her           8-21 What are the advantages of
   infant by keeping the duration of ruptured      rupturing a patient’s membranes?
   membranes as short as possible. Do not
                                                   1. Rupture of the membranes acts as a
   rupture the membranes of patients whose
                                                      stimulus to labour, so that there is often
   HIV status is positive or unknown if they
                                                      better progress.
   are still intact at the start of the active
                                                   2. Meconium staining of the liquor will be
   phase of labour. The following vaginal
   examination will not increase the risk of

3. If the cord prolapses when the membranes          Step 2
   are ruptured, this can be detected
                                                     The cause of the poor progress of labour must
   immediately, and the appropriate
                                                     be determined by examining the patient using
   management can therefore be started
                                                     the ‘Rule of the four Ps’. The four Ps are:
   without delay.
                                                     1.   The patient.
It is important to make sure that the patient is
                                                     2.   The powers.
in the active phase of the first stage of labour
                                                     3.   The passenger.
before rupturing the membranes.
                                                     4.   The passage.

POOR PROGRESS IN THE                                  The cause of poor progress of the active phase
                                                      of the first stage of labour is determined by
ACTIVE PHASE OF THE                                   assessing the four Ps.
                                                     8-25 How may problems with the patient
8-22 How would you recognise poor                    cause poor progress of labour and how
progress in the active phase of labour?              should these problems be managed?

Poor progress is present when the graph              Any of the following factors may interfere with
showing cervical dilatation crosses the alert        the normal progress of labour.
line. In other words, cervical dilatation in the     1. The patient needs pain relief. Patients who
active phase of the first stage of labour is less       experience very painful contractions,
than 1 cm per hour.                                     especially if associated with excessive
                                                        anxiety, may have poor progress of labour
8-23 What should you do if the                          as a result. Pain relief, emotional support.
graph showing cervical dilatation                       and reassurance can be of great value in
crosses the alert line?                                 speeding up the progress of labour.
                                                     2. The patient has a full bladder. A full bladder
A systematic assessment of the patient must
                                                        not only causes mechanical obstruction,
be made in order to determine the cause of the
                                                        but also depresses uterine muscle activity.
poor progress in labour.
                                                        A patient must be encouraged to pass urine
                                                        frequently but may need catheterisation,
8-24 How should you systematically                      and sometimes an indwelling catheter,
examine a patient with poor progress in                 until after delivery.
the active phase of the first stage of labour?       3. The patient is dehydrated. Dehydration
Step 1                                                  is recognised by the fact that the patient
                                                        is thirsty, has a dry mouth, passes small
Two questions must be asked:                            amounts of concentrated urine and may
1. Is the patient in the active phase of the first      have ketonuria. Dehydration must be
   stage of labour?                                     corrected as it may be the cause of the
2. Are the membranes ruptured?                          poor progress. With good care during
                                                        labour the patient will not become
If the answer to both questions is ‘yes’, proceed       dehydrated, because she can eat and drink
to step 2.                                              during the latent phase of labour and
                                                        take oral fluids during the active phase of
                                                        labour. If there is poor progress during
                                                        the active phase of labour, an intravenous
                                                        infusion must be started.

8-26 How may problems with the powers                2. The presenting part of the fetus is abnormal.
cause poor progress of labour?                          With a breech presentation, the patient
                                                        must be assessed by a doctor to decide
The powers (i.e. the uterine contractions)
                                                        whether a vaginal delivery will be possible
may either be inadequate or ineffective. Any
                                                        or whether a Caesarean section is required.
patient in whom labour progresses normally
                                                        If the presentation is cephalic, the part
has both adequate and effective contractions,
                                                        of the head which is presenting must be
irrespective of the duration and frequency of
                                                        determined on vaginal examination.
1. Inadequate uterine contractions. Inadequate         NOTE Fetuses who present by the breech and
   uterine contractions can be the cause of            who comply with the criteria for vaginal delivery,
   poor progress of labour. Such contractions:         are only delivered vaginally if there is normal
                                                       progress during the first stage of labour.
   • Last less than 40 seconds, and/or
   • There are fewer than two contractions           3. The fetus is large. A large fetus (i.e. estimated
       per ten minutes.                                 as 4 kg or more), with signs of cephalopelvic
2. Ineffective uterine contractions. The                disproportion (i.e. 2+ or 3+ moulding) must
   uterine contractions may be adequate but             be delivered by Caesarean section.
   not effective, as poor progress can occur         4. There are two or more fetuses. Poor progress
   even in the presence of apparently good,             may also occur in a patient with a multiple
   painful contractions (i.e. two or more               pregnancy, usually due to inadequate
   in ten minutes with each contraction                 uterine contractions.
   lasting 40 seconds or longer), without            5. The fetal head has not engaged. The number
   disproportion being present (i.e. no                 of fifths of the head palpable above the
   moulding of the fetal skull). The problem            pelvis must always be assessed:
   of ineffective contractions occurs only in           • Engagement has occurred only when
   primigravidas. Any patient whose labour                  2/5 or less of the head is palpable above
   progresses normally must have effective                  the brim of the pelvis. In this case the
   uterine contractions.                                    problem of cephalopelvic disproportion
                                                            at the pelvic inlet is excluded.
  NOTE Dysfunctional uterine contractions               • With 3/5 or more of the head
  are diagnosed when the uterine                            above the pelvic brim, plus 2+ or
  contractions appear to be ineffective.
                                                            3+ moulding, a Caesarean section
                                                            is indicated for cephalopelvic
8-27 How may problems with the                              disproportion at the pelvic inlet.
passenger cause poor progress
of labour and how should these
problems be managed?                                  An abdominal examination, to assess the lie and
                                                      the presenting part of the fetus, as well as the
The cause of poor progress of labour may
                                                      amount of fetal head palpable above the pelvic
be due to a problem with the passenger (i.e.
the fetus). These problems can be identified          brim, must always be done before performing a
by performing an abdominal examination                vaginal examination.
followed by a vaginal examination.
                                                     On vaginal examination the following problems
On abdominal examination the following
                                                     causing poor progress may be identified.
problems causing poor progress may be
identified.                                          1. The presenting part is abnormal. Vertex (i.e.
                                                        occipital) presentation of the fetal head
1. The lie of the fetus is abnormal. If the lie of
                                                        is the most favourable presentation for
   the fetus is transverse the patient will need
                                                        the normal progress of labour. With any
   a Caesarean section.

   other presentation of the fetal head in early
                                                      Improvement in the station of the presenting
   labour (e.g. brow), there is no urgency
                                                      part of the fetal head, in relation to the ischial
   to interfere, as the presentation may
   become more favourable when the patient            spines, is not a reliable method of assessing
   is in established labour. However, in              progress in the first stage of labour.
   established labour, if moulding is present
   in any presentation other than a vertex, a        8-28 How may problems with the passage
   Caesarean section will have to be done.           cause poor progress in labour and how
2. The position of the fetal head in relation to     should these problems be managed?
   the pelvis is abnormal. An occipito-anterior
   (right or left) is the most favourable position   The following problems with the passage may
   for normal progress of labour. Positions          cause poor progress in labour:
   other than this (i.e. left or right occipito-     1. The membranes are still intact. Should the
   posterior) will progress more slowly. Labour         membranes still be intact, they must be
   can be allowed to continue provided there            ruptured and the patient reassessed after
   is progress, and no progressive evidence of          four hours before poor progress can be
   disproportion. The patient will also need            diagnosed.
   adequate pain relief and an intravenous           2. The pelvis is small. A pelvic assessment
   infusion to prevent dehydration.                     which shows a small pelvis, together with
3. Cephalopelvic disproportion is present.              2+ or 3+ moulding of the fetal skull means
   • The head is examined for the amount                that there is cephalopelvic disproportion,
        of caput succedaneum present.                   and is an indication for Caesarean section.
        Caput is not an accurate indicator of
        disproportion as it can also be present      8-29 What are the two important
        in the absence of disproportion, for         causes of poor progress of labour?
        example, in a patient who bears down
        before the cervix is fully dilated.          1. Cephalopelvic disproportion. This is a
   • The sutures are examined for                       dangerous condition if it is not recognised
        moulding, which is the best indication          early and not correctly managed.
        of the presence of disproportion.            2. Inadequate uterine action. This is a
        3+ of moulding is a definite sign of            common cause of poor progress in
        disproportion. In a vertex presentation,        primigravidas. It can be easily corrected
        the sagittal and lambdoid (occipito-            with an oxytocin infusion.
        parietal) sutures are examined. The
        worst degree of moulding noted in any        8-30 What must be done after the
        of the sutures is that which is recorded     patient has been systematically
        on the partogram as the amount of            evaluated to determine the cause
        moulding present.                            of the poor progress of labour?
   • Improvement in the station of the
                                                     1. The nurse attending to the patient must
        presenting part (i.e. the level of the
                                                        inform the doctor about the clinical
        presenting part relative to the ischial
                                                        findings. Together they must decide on the
        spines) is not a reliable method of
                                                        cause of the slow progress and what action
        assessing progress in labour, compared
                                                        must be taken to correct this problem.
        to descent and engagement of the fetal
                                                     2. A decision must also be made as to when
        head as determined on abdominal
                                                        the next complete examination of the
                                                        patient will be done. Usually this will
                                                        be in two hours, but sometimes in four
                                                        hours. This consultation may be done by

   telephone and it is not necessary for the       Cephalopelvic disproportion may already be
   doctor to see the patient at this stage.        present when the patient is admitted.
3. If labour progresses satisfactorily following
   the action taken, labour is allowed to
   continue. However, if poor progress
                                                    A high fetal head (3/5 or more above the brim)
   continues, or if the action line has been        on abdominal examination, with 3+ moulding
   reached or crossed, the patient must be          on vaginal examination, indicates cephalopelvic
   examined by the responsible doctor who           disproportion.
   must then decide on further management.
The following are examples of causes of            8-32 Does a patient’s cervix always dilate
poor progress in labour together with their        at a rate slower than 1 cm per hour if
management:                                        cephalopelvic disproportion is present?
                                                   When there is cephalopelvic disproportion, the
 Cause                  Action
                                                   cervix usually dilates at a rate slower than 1 cm
 Cephalopelvic          Caesarean section          per hour, but the cervix may dilate normally,
 disproportion                                     even though the fetal head remains high
 An anxious patient     Reassurance and            due to cephalopelvic disproportion. This is a
 unable to cope         analgesia                  dangerous situation as it may be incorrectly
 with painful                                      concluded that labour is progressing normally.
 Inadequate uterine     An oxytocin infusion       8-33 What features would make
 contractions                                      you diagnose cephalopelvic
                                                   disproportion when the fetal head
 Occipito-posterior     Analgesia and an
                                                   is not descending into the pelvis?
 position               intravenous infusion
 Ineffective uterine    Analgesia followed         Often, especially in multiparous patients, the
 contractions           by an oxytocin             head does not descend into the pelvis until late
                        infusion                   in the active phase of the first stage of labour.
                                                   However, when the head does not descend into
                                                   the pelvis, you should look for possible causes:
CEPHALOPELVIC                                      1. A malpresentation, e.g. a face or a brow
DISPROPORTION                                      2. Moulding (i.e. 2+ or 3+).
                                                   If either of these are present, there is
8-31 How will you know when poor progress          cephalopelvic disproportion, and a Caesarean
is due to cephalopelvic disproportion?             section should be done.
This can be recognised by the following            On the other hand, labour can be allowed to
findings:                                          continue if:
1. On abdominal examination, the fetal head           •   There is no malpresentation.
   is not engaged in the pelvis. Remember, this       •   There is no more than 1+ moulding.
   is diagnosed by finding 3/5 or more of the         •   The maternal and fetal conditions are
   head palpable above the brim of the pelvis.            good.
2. On vaginal examination, there is severe
                                                   The next complete physical examination must
   moulding (i.e. 3+) of the fetal skull. Severe
                                                   be repeated within two hours.
   moulding must always be regarded as
   serious, as it confirms that cephalopelvic
   disproportion is present.

8-34 What should you do if you                      time to refer her to hospital before the
decide that the poor progress is due                action line is crossed.
to cephalopelvic disproportion?                  6. Patients who complain of painful
                                                    contractions need analgesia before
1. Once the diagnosis of cephalopelvic
                                                    oxytocin is started.
   disproportion has been made, the infant
   must be delivered as soon as possible. This
   means that a Caesarean section will have      8-36 What are the contraindications to
   to be done.                                   the use of oxytocin in order to strengthen
2. While the preparations for Caesarean          contractions in the first stage of labour?
   section are being made, it is of value to     1. Evidence of cephalopelvic disproportion.
   both the mother and fetus to suppress            Oxytocin must, therefore, not be given if
   uterine contractions. This is done by            there is already moulding (i.e. 2+ or 3+)
   giving three nifedipine (Adalat) 10 mg           present.
   capsules by mouth (a total of 30 mg)          2. Any patient with a scar of the uterus, e.g.
   or give 250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol               from a previous Caesarean section.
   (Ventolin) slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml   3. Any patient with a fetus in whom the
   salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile        presenting part is not a vertex.
   water and given slowly intravenously over     4. Multiparas with poor progress during the
   five minutes, provided that there are no         active phase of labour of the first stage of
   contraindications.                               labour.
                                                 5. Grande multiparity during the latent or
                                                    active phase of the first stage of labour.
INADEQUATE                                       6. When there is fetal distress.
UTERINE ACTION                                   7. Patients with poor kidney function or
                                                    heart valve disease.

8-35 What should you do if you decide that         NOTE  Oxytocin has an antidiuretic effect, so
the poor progress is due to inadequate             there is a danger of the patient developing
or ineffective uterine contractions?               pulmonary oedema. Hyperstimulation
                                                   must be avoided if an oxytocin infusion
1. Provided there are no contraindications,        is used. Five or more contractions in ten
   the patient must be given an oxytocin           minutes, or contractions lasting longer than
   infusion in order to strengthen the             60 seconds, indicate hyperstimulation.
2. The patient’s progress must be reassessed     8-37 How must oxytocin be
   after two hours.                              administered when it is used
3. If cervical dilatation has proceeded at the   during the first stage of labour?
   rate of 1 cm per hour or more, progress
                                                 The following is a good method:
   has been satisfactory and labour is
   allowed to continue.                          1. Begin with one unit of oxytocin in one
4. If cervical dilatation has been slower           litre of Plasmolyte B, Ringer’s lactate or
   than 1 cm per hour once the patient has          rehydration fluid.
   adequate uterine contractions, the patient    2. Use a giving set which delivers 20 drops
   must be reassessed by the responsible            per ml.
   doctor. Cephalopelvic disproportion may       3. Start with 15 drops per minute and
   be present.                                      increase the rate at intervals of 30 minutes
5. If at this stage the patient is still in a       to 30 drops, and then to 60 drops per
   peripheral clinic, there should be enough        minute, until the patient gets at least three

   contractions lasting at least 40 seconds         and the availability of transport. In general,
   every ten minutes.                               arrangements must be made so that the patient
4. If there are still inadequate contractions       will be under the care of the responsible
   with one unit of oxytocin per litre at           doctor by the time the graph depicting cervical
   60 drops per minute, a new litre of              dilatation crosses the action line.
   intravenous fluid containing eight units
   per litre is started at a rate of 15 drops per   8-39 What arrangements should
   minute. The rate is increased in the same        you make to ensure the patient’s
   way as above until 30 drops per minute           safety during transfer to hospital, if
   are being given. This is the maximum             there is poor progress of labour?
   amount of oxytocin which should be used
   during the first stage of labour.                1. An intravenous infusion must be started.
                                                    2. The patient must lie on her side while
  NOTE The starting dose of oxytocin is ONE            being transferred to hospital.
  milliunit (mUnit) per minute and the maximum      3. A nurse should accompany the patient,
  dose 12 mU per minute which is line with             unless there is a trained ambulance crew.
  international dose recommendations.               4. If cephalopelvic disproportion is the
                                                       cause of the poor progress of labour, the
3-38 What are the effects of a long labour?            contractions must be stopped. To stop
                                                       contractions, three nifedipine (Adalat)
Both the mother and fetus may be affected.
                                                       10 mg capsules (total of 30 mg) can be
1. The mother. A patient in whom the                   taken orally or 250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol
   progress of labour is slow is more likely to        (Ventolin) slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml
   become anxious and to be dehydrated. If             salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile
   the poor progress is due to cephalopelvic           water and given slowly intravenously over
   disproportion (i.e. obstructed labour), and         five minutes. If indicated, the same dose
   labour is allowed to continue, then there is        of salbutamol may be repeated after 30
   the danger of the mother developing any or          minutes. Both drugs should only be used if
   all of the following:                               there are no contraindications.
   • A ruptured uterus.
   • A vesicovaginal fistula.
   • A rectovaginal fistula.                        PROLAPSE OF THE
2. The fetus. The stress of a long labour           UMBILICAL CORD
   results in progressive fetal hypoxia, which
   causes fetal distress and eventually in intra-
   uterine death.                                   8-40 Why is prolapse of the umbilical
                                                    cord a serious complication?
THE REFERRAL OF                                     Because the flow of blood between the fetus
                                                    and placenta is severely reduced and may
PATIENTS WITH POOR                                  stop completely, causing fetal distress and
PROGRESS DURING THE                                 possibly fetal death.
ACTIVE PHASE OF THE                                 8-41 What is the difference between a
FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR                               cord presentation and a cord prolapse?
                                                    1. With a cord presentation, the umbilical
The guidelines for referral will vary                  cord lies in front of the presenting part
from region to region, depending on the                with the membranes still intact.
distances between clinics and hospitals,

2. With a cord prolapse, the cord lies in front     1. If the cervix is 9 cm or more dilated and
   of the presenting part and the membranes            the fetal head is on the perineum, the
   have ruptured. The loose cord may lie               patient must bear down and the infant
   between the presenting part of the fetus            must be delivered as soon as possible.
   and the cervix, in the vagina or outside         2. Otherwise the patient must be managed as
   the vagina.                                         follows:
                                                       • Replace the cord carefully into the
8-42 How should a cord                                     vagina.
presentation be managed?                               • Give the patient mask oxygen and give
                                                           250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol (Ventolin)
If the cord is felt between the membranes and              slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml
the presenting part of the fetus, if the fetus             salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile
is alive and is viable and if the patient is in            water and given slowly intravenously
labour, a Caesarean section must be done.                  over five minutes to stop labour.
This will prevent a cord prolapse when the             • Put a Foley catheter into the patient’s
membranes rupture.                                         bladder and fill the bladder with 500 ml
8-43 Which patients are at risk                        • If the full bladder does not lift the
of a prolapsed cord?                                       presenting part off the prolapsed cord,
1. Patients in labour with an abnormal                     the presenting part must be pushed up
   lie (e.g. transverse lie) or an abnormal                by an assistant’s hand in the vagina, and
   presentation (e.g. breech presentation).                by turning the patient into the knee-
2. Patients who rupture their membranes                    chest position.
   when the fetal head is still not engaged (i.e.
   4/5 or more above the pelvic brim, e.g. in a     8-46 Why should the cord carefully
   grande multipara).                               be replaced in the vagina?
3. Patients with polyhydramnios where the           The cord must not be allowed to become
   increased volume of liquor may wash the          cold or dry as this will produce vasospasm
   cord out of the uterus.                          and, thereby, further reduce the blood flow
4. Patients in preterm labour where the             through the cord.
   presenting part is small relative to the
   pelvis when the membranes rupture.
                                                    8-47 Why are oxygen and salbutamol
5. Patients with a multiple pregnancy,
                                                    given to a patient with a prolapsed cord?
   where preterm labour, abnormal lie and
   polyhydramnios are common.                       1. Giving oxygen to the patient may improve
                                                       the oxygen supply to the fetus.
8-44 What should be done when a                     2. Stopping uterine contractions will reduce
patient, who is at high risk of prolapse               the pressure of the presenting part on the
of the cord, ruptures her membranes?                   prolapsed cord.
A sterile vaginal examination must
                                                    8-48 Should a Caesarean section be done
immediately be done to determine whether
                                                    on all women with a prolapsed cord if the
the cord has prolapsed.
                                                    infant cannot be rapidly delivered vaginally?
8-45 What is the management                         No. A Caesarean section is only done if the
of a prolapsed cord?                                infant is potentially viable (28 weeks or more)
                                                    and the cord is still pulsating. Otherwise the
A vaginal examination must be done                  infant should be delivered vaginally as the
immediately.                                        chances of survival are then extremely small.

CASE STUDY 1                                         CASE STUDY 2
A primigravida patient at term, who is HIV           A patient at term is admitted in labour with a
negative, is admitted to the labour ward. She has    vertex presentation. The cervix is already 4 cm
one contraction, lasting 30 seconds, every ten       dilated. The cervical dilatation is recorded on
minutes. The cervix is 1 cm dilated and 1.5 cm       the alert line. At the next vaginal examination
long. The maternal and fetal observations are        the cervix has dilated to 8 cm. Caput can be
normal. After four hours she is having two           palpated over the fetal skull. It is decided that
contractions, each lasting 40 seconds, every ten     the progress is favourable and that the next
minutes. On vaginal examination the cervix is        vaginal examination should be done after a
now 2 cm dilated and 0.5 cm long with bulging        further four hours.
membranes. The diagnosis of poor progress of
labour due to poor uterine contractions is made      1. On admission, should the
and an oxytocin infusion is started to improve       woman’s cervical dilatation have
contractions.                                        been entered on the alert line?
                                                     Yes. The patient is in the active phase of the
1. Do you agree with the diagnosis
                                                     first stage of labour as her cervix is 4 cm
of poor progress of labour?
                                                     dilated. Therefore, the cervical dilatation
The diagnosis is incorrect as the patient is still   must be plotted on the alert line. The future
in the latent phase of the first stage of labour.    observations should fall on or to the left of
Poor progress of labour can only be diagnosed        the alert line.
in the active phase of labour.
                                                     2. Do the findings of the second
2. Why can it be said with certainty that the        examination indicate normal
patient is in the latent phase of labour?            progress of labour?
   •   The cervix is still less than 3 cm dilated.   Not necessarily, as no information is given
   •   The cervix is dilating slowly.                about the amount of fetal head palpable above
   •   The cervix is effacing.                       the pelvic brim. Cervical dilatation without
   •   The frequency of the uterine                  descent of the head does not always indicate
       contractions is increasing.                   normal progress of labour.

3. What is your assessment of                        3. Is normal cervical dilatation with
the patient’s management?                            improvement in the station of the
                                                     presenting part possible if cephalopelvic
Apart from the wrong diagnosis, oxytocin
                                                     disproportion is present?
should not be given before the membranes
have been ruptured.                                  Yes. The uterine contractions cause an
                                                     increasing amount of caput and moulding,
4. Should the patient’s membranes have               which is incorrectly interpreted as normal
been artificially ruptured when the                  progress of labour. In this case, caput was
second vaginal examination was done?                 noted during the second examination.
                                                     However, further information about any
No. If the maternal and fetal condition are          moulding and the amount of fetal head
good, you should wait until the cervix is 3 cm       palpable above the pelvic brim are essential
or more dilated. The membranes may also be           before it can be decided whether normal
ruptured if the patient has been in the latent       progress is present or not.
phase of labour for eight hours without any

4. Was the correct decision made at the           3. What should be the management of
time of the second examination to repeat          the patient’s poor progress of labour?
the vaginal examination after four hours?
                                                  Firstly, the patient should be reassured
No. If the cervix is 8 cm dilated, the next       and given analgesia with pethidine and
examination must be done two hours later,         promethazine (Phenegan) or hydroxyzine
or even sooner if there are indications that      (Aterax). Then an oxytocin infusion should be
the woman’s cervix is fully dilated. If it is     started to make the contractions more effective.
uncertain whether the progress of labour is
normal then the examination should also be        4. Why is reassuring the
repeated in two hours.                            patient so important?
                                                  Anxious patients often progress slowly
CASE STUDY 3                                      in labour and have painful contractions.
                                                  Emotional support during labour is a very
                                                  important part of patient care.
A primigravida patient at term is admitted in
labour. At the first examination the fetal head
                                                  5. When must the next vaginal
is 2/5 above the pelvic brim and the cervix
                                                  examination be done?
is 6 cm dilated. Three contractions in ten
minutes, each lasting 45 seconds, are palpated.   The next vaginal examination should be
At the next examination four hours later, the     done two hours later to determine whether
head is still 2/5 above the brim and the cervix   the treatment has been effective. During the
is still 6 cm dilated. No moulding can be felt.   examination it is very important to exclude
The patient is still having three contractions    cephalopelvic disproportion.
in ten minutes, each lasting 45 seconds and
complains that the contractions are painful.
Because there has been no progress in spite       CASE STUDY 4
of painful contractions of adequate frequency
and duration, it is decided that cephalopelvic    A patient who is in labour at term has
disproportion is present and that, therefore, a   progressed slowly and the alert line has been
Caesarean section must be done.                   crossed. During a systematic evaluation of
                                                  the patient by the midwife for poor progress
1. Do you agree that the poor                     of labour, a diagnosis of an occipito-posterior
progress of labour is due to                      position is made. As the patient is making
cephalopelvic disproportion?                      some progress, she decides to allow labour
No. To diagnose poor progress due to              to continue. After four hours, the cervical
cephalopelvic disproportion, severe moulding      dilatation falls on the action line. Although
(3+) must be present.                             there is still slow progress, she again decides
                                                  to allow labour to continue and to repeat the
                                                  vaginal examination in a further two hours.
2. What is most probably the reason
for the poor progress of labour?
                                                  1. Was the patient managed correctly
The patient is a primigravida with strong,        when she crossed the alert line?
painful contractions and no signs of
cephalopelvic disproportion. A diagnosis of       Yes. She was systematically examined and a
ineffective uterine contractions (dysfunctional   diagnosis of slow progress of labour due to an
uterine contractions) can, therefore, be made     occipito-posterior position was made.
with confidence.

2. What should be done if a long first          4. Under what conditions should the
stage of labour is expected due to              doctor allow labour to progress further?
an occipito-posterior position?
An intravenous infusion must be started         If there is steady progress of labour, the maternal
to ensure that the patient does not become      and fetal conditions are good, and there is less than
dehydrated. In addition, adequate analgesia     3+ moulding.
must be given.

3. Was the patient correctly managed
when she reached the action line?
No. A doctor should have evaluated the
patient. Further management should have
been under his/her direction.

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Maternal Care: The first stage labour Monitoring and management

  • 1. 8 The first stage of labour: Monitoring and management Before you begin this unit, please take the THE DIAGNOSIS corresponding test at the end of the book to assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You OF LABOUR should redo the test after you’ve worked through the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. 8-1 When is a patient in labour? A patient is in labour when she has both of the Objectives following: 1. Regular uterine contractions with at least When you have completed this unit you one contraction every ten minutes. should be able to: 2. Cervical changes (i.e. cervical effacement • Monitor and manage the first stage of and/or dilatation) or rupture of the membranes. labour. • Evaluate accurately the progress of labour. THE TWO PHASES OF THE • Know the importance of the alert and FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR action lines on the partogram. • Recognise poor progress during the first The first stage of labour can be divided into stage of labour. two phases: • Systematically evaluate a patient 1. The latent phase. to determine the cause of the poor 2. The active phase. progress in labour. • Manage a patient with poor progress in The first stage of labour is divided into two labour. phases: the latent phase and the active phase. • Recognise patients at increased risk of prolapse of the umbilical cord. • Manage a patient with cord prolapse.
  • 2. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 151 8-2 What do you understand by the latent the mother, the condition of the fetus, and phase of the first stage of labour? the contractions. 2. A careful abdominal examination. 1. The latent phase starts with the onset of 3. A careful vaginal examination. labour and ends when the patient’s cervix is 3 cm dilated. With primigravidas the This examination is only complete when the cervix should also be fully effaced to findings have been charted on the partogram. indicate that the latent phase has ended. If the findings are abnormal, a plan must be However, in a multigravida the cervix need made regarding the further management of not be fully effaced. the patient. 2. During the latent phase, the cervix dilates slowly. Although no time limit need be set 8-5 When should you do a complete for cervical dilatation, this phase does not physical examination on a patient in labour? normally last longer than eight hours. The time taken may vary widely. 1. On admission. 3. During the latent phase there is a 2. During the latent phase: Four hours after progressive increase in the duration and admission or when the patient starts the frequency of uterine contractions. to experience more painful, regular contractions. 3. During the active phase: Four-hourly, 8-3 What do you understand by the provided all observations indicate that active phase of the first stage of labour? progress is normal. If there is poor 1. This phase starts when the cervix is 3 cm progress, the next complete examination dilated and ends when the cervix is fully will have to be done after two hours in dilated. most instances. 2. During the active phase, more rapid After the complete examination has been done dilatation of the cervix occurs. and an assessment made about the progress of 3. The cervix should dilate at a rate of at least labour, a decision is taken on when the next 1 cm per hour. complete examination should be done. The NOTE The average rate of dilatation of the cervix time of the next examination is marked on the during the active phase is at least 1.5 cm per hour partogram with an arrow. The next complete in multigravidas and 1.2 cm in primigravidas. examination may, if the circumstances Therefore, the lower limit of the normal rate demand it, be done sooner (but not later) than of cervical dilatation is 1 cm per hour. the time indicated. The cervix should dilate at a rate of at least 1 cm 8-6 How should progress during the first stage of labour be monitored? per hour in the active phase of labour. A partogram is used to monitor and record the progress of labour. MONITORING OF THE 8-7 What is a partogram? FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR A partogram is a chart on which the progress of labour over time can be presented. You will 8-4 What do you understand by a complete notice that provision has been made on the physical examination during labour? chart to record all the important observations regarding the condition of the mother, the 1. The routine observations (usually done condition of the fetus, and the progress of hourly or half-hourly) of the condition of labour.
  • 3. 152 MATERNAL CARE Figure 8-1: An example of a partogram
  • 4. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 153 An example of a partogram is shown in MANAGEMENT OF A figure 8-1. PATIENT IN THE LATENT 8-8 What is the first oblique line PHASE OF THE FIRST on the partogram called? STAGE OF LABOUR The alert line. It represents a rate of cervical dilatation of 1 cm per hour. The latent phase of labour should not last longer than eight hours. 8-9 What is the importance of the alert line? The alert line represents the minimum progress 8-12 What is the initial management of in cervical dilatation which is acceptable during a patient in the latent phase of labour? the active phase of the first stage of labour. When a patient is admitted in early labour, and on examination everything is found to be 8-10 What is the second oblique normal, only routine observations are done. The line on the partogram called? next complete examination is done four hours This line is called the action line. later, or sooner if the patient starts to experience more regular and painful contractions. The patient should eat and drink normally, and 8-11 What is the importance should be encouraged to walk around. She need of the action line? not be admitted to the labour ward. 1. Any patient whose graph of the cervical dilatation falls on or crosses the action 8-13 What should you do at the line must have a complete examination second complete examination? by the doctor. Her further management must be under the doctor’s supervision At this time, the following must be assessed. and direction. If a patient is not already 1. The contractions: If the contractions have in hospital, she will need to be transferred stopped the patient is no longer in labour, into a hospital where there are facilities and if the maternal and fetal conditions are for instrumental delivery and Caesarean normal, she may be discharged. However, section. if the contractions have remained regular, 2. The progress of labour is very slow when then you must assess the cervix. the graph of cervical dilatation crosses 2. The cervix: or falls on this line. When this occurs, • If the effacement and dilatation of action must be taken in order to hasten the the cervix have remained unchanged, delivery of the infant. the patient is probably not in true labour. If she is experiencing painful contractions, she should be given an If the cervical dilatation falls on, or crosses, the analgesic, e.g. pethidine 100 mg and action line of the partogram, a doctor must be promethazine (Phenegan) 25 mg called to assess the patient. or hydroxyzine (Aterax) 100 mg by intramuscular injection and, provided that all other observations are normal, the next complete physical examination is planned for four hours later. • If there has been progress in effacement and/or dilatation of the cervix, the patient is in labour and, provided that
  • 5. 154 MATERNAL CARE all other observations are normal, the 8-15 How do you manage a patient next complete examination is planned who is in normal labour? for four hours later. If the cervix is 3 cm When the condition of the mother and the or more dilated, the patient has now condition of the fetus are normal, and there progressed to the active phase of the are no signs of cephalopelvic disproportion, first stage of labour. the next complete examination must be done four hours later. The cervical dilatation, in 8-14 What should you do if a patient has centimetres, is recorded on the alert line of not progressed to the active phase of the partogram. labour within eight hours after admission? 1. The contractions may have stopped, in 8-16 What represents normal progress which case the patient is not in labour. If during the active phase of the first the membranes have not ruptured and if stage of labour on the partogram? there is no indication to induce labour, the 1. The recording of cervical dilatation at the patient should be discharged. various vaginal examinations lie on or to 2. The patient may still be having regular the left of the alert line. In other words contractions. In this case, further cervical dilatation is at least 1 cm per hour. management depends upon the state of 2. There is also progressive descent of the the cervix: fetal head into the pelvis. This is detected • If there has been no progress in by assessing the amount of the fetal head effacement and/or dilatation of the above the brim of the pelvis on abdominal cervix, the patient is probably not in examination. Descent of the head during labour. The responsible doctor should the active phase of the first stage of labour see and assess this patient, in order may occur late, especially in multigravidas. to decide whether labour should be induced. • If there has been progressive effacement With normal progress during the active phase and/or dilatation of the cervix, the of the first stage of labour, the recording of the patient is in labour. If the progress dilatation of the cervix will lie on or to the left has been slow during the latent phase, of the alert line on the partogram. In addition, it may be necessary to rupture the there will be progressively less of the fetal head membranes or commence an oxytocin infusion if she is HIV positive as palpable above the pelvic brim. described in 8-35. 8-17 Why is it necessary to evaluate both cervical dilatation and the descent of MANAGEMENT OF A the head in order to determine whether PATIENT IN THE ACTIVE there has been progress in the active phase of the first stage of labour? PHASE OF THE FIRST 1. Cervical dilatation without associated STAGE OF LABOUR descent of the head does not necessarily indicate progress in labour. When a patient is admitted in the active 2. Cervical dilatation may occur when there phase of labour, she will probably be in are good contractions, in association with normal labour. However, the possibility increasing caput succedaneum formation of cephalopelvic disproportion must be and moulding of the fetal skull, while considered, especially if the patient is the amount of fetal head palpable above unbooked. the brim of the pelvis remains the same.
  • 6. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 155 In these circumstances no real progress infection if the membranes are intact. The has occurred, because the head is not next complete examination should be done descending into the pelvis. after two hours when the management 3. The station of the presenting part of the should be as follows: head in relation to the spine, as felt on • With normal progress do not rupture vaginal examination, can also improve the membranes. without further descent of the head and • With poor progress the membranes without real progress having occurred. should be ruptured and the next This is because of increasing caput examination performed four hours later. succedaneum and moulding. 2. A patient who is HIV negative and in labour with a vertex presentation may have her membranes ruptured with safety if: Descent of the head is assessed on abdominal • She is in the active phase of labour. and not on vaginal examination. • The fetal head is 3/5 or less palpable above the brim of the pelvis. 8-18 What circumstances will make it 3. After rupturing the membranes, carefully necessary to do vaginal examinations feel around the fetal head to rule out the more frequently than four- hourly in the possibility of a cord prolapse. active phase of the first stage of labour? If the fetal head is 4/5 or more above the pelvic 1. If cephalopelvic disproportion is brim, and the cervix is 6 cm or more dilated, suspected, the next vaginal examination it is safer to carefully rupture the membranes must be done two hours later. than to allow them to rupture spontaneously. 2. If a complete examination has revealed This will reduce the risk of cord prolapse. poor progress of labour, without the presence of cephalopelvic disproportion, 8-20 What should you do if a the next complete examination should patient ruptures her membranes also be done two hours later, to assess spontaneously during labour? the effectiveness of the measures taken to 1. If the fetal head is 4/5 or more palpable correct the poor progress. above the pelvic inlet, or if there is a 3. If a patient’s cervix is more than 6 cm breech presentation, the patient is at high dilated, the next complete examination risk for a cord prolapse. A sterile vaginal would normally be done when the cervix examination must, therefore, be done to is expected to be fully dilated. However, rule out this possibility. the examination may need to be done 2. If the fetal head is 3/5 or less palpable earlier if there are signs that the cervix is above the pelvic inlet, it is highly already fully dilated. unlikely that a cord prolapse might happen. However, the fetal heart must be 8-19 When should you rupture monitored to rule out the possibility of the patient’s membranes? fetal distress due to cord compression. 1. It is possible to reduce the risk of transferring HIV from a mother to her 8-21 What are the advantages of infant by keeping the duration of ruptured rupturing a patient’s membranes? membranes as short as possible. Do not 1. Rupture of the membranes acts as a rupture the membranes of patients whose stimulus to labour, so that there is often HIV status is positive or unknown if they better progress. are still intact at the start of the active 2. Meconium staining of the liquor will be phase of labour. The following vaginal detected. examination will not increase the risk of
  • 7. 156 MATERNAL CARE 3. If the cord prolapses when the membranes Step 2 are ruptured, this can be detected The cause of the poor progress of labour must immediately, and the appropriate be determined by examining the patient using management can therefore be started the ‘Rule of the four Ps’. The four Ps are: without delay. 1. The patient. It is important to make sure that the patient is 2. The powers. in the active phase of the first stage of labour 3. The passenger. before rupturing the membranes. 4. The passage. POOR PROGRESS IN THE The cause of poor progress of the active phase of the first stage of labour is determined by ACTIVE PHASE OF THE assessing the four Ps. FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR 8-25 How may problems with the patient 8-22 How would you recognise poor cause poor progress of labour and how progress in the active phase of labour? should these problems be managed? Poor progress is present when the graph Any of the following factors may interfere with showing cervical dilatation crosses the alert the normal progress of labour. line. In other words, cervical dilatation in the 1. The patient needs pain relief. Patients who active phase of the first stage of labour is less experience very painful contractions, than 1 cm per hour. especially if associated with excessive anxiety, may have poor progress of labour 8-23 What should you do if the as a result. Pain relief, emotional support. graph showing cervical dilatation and reassurance can be of great value in crosses the alert line? speeding up the progress of labour. 2. The patient has a full bladder. A full bladder A systematic assessment of the patient must not only causes mechanical obstruction, be made in order to determine the cause of the but also depresses uterine muscle activity. poor progress in labour. A patient must be encouraged to pass urine frequently but may need catheterisation, 8-24 How should you systematically and sometimes an indwelling catheter, examine a patient with poor progress in until after delivery. the active phase of the first stage of labour? 3. The patient is dehydrated. Dehydration Step 1 is recognised by the fact that the patient is thirsty, has a dry mouth, passes small Two questions must be asked: amounts of concentrated urine and may 1. Is the patient in the active phase of the first have ketonuria. Dehydration must be stage of labour? corrected as it may be the cause of the 2. Are the membranes ruptured? poor progress. With good care during labour the patient will not become If the answer to both questions is ‘yes’, proceed dehydrated, because she can eat and drink to step 2. during the latent phase of labour and take oral fluids during the active phase of labour. If there is poor progress during the active phase of labour, an intravenous infusion must be started.
  • 8. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 157 8-26 How may problems with the powers 2. The presenting part of the fetus is abnormal. cause poor progress of labour? With a breech presentation, the patient must be assessed by a doctor to decide The powers (i.e. the uterine contractions) whether a vaginal delivery will be possible may either be inadequate or ineffective. Any or whether a Caesarean section is required. patient in whom labour progresses normally If the presentation is cephalic, the part has both adequate and effective contractions, of the head which is presenting must be irrespective of the duration and frequency of determined on vaginal examination. contractions. 1. Inadequate uterine contractions. Inadequate NOTE Fetuses who present by the breech and uterine contractions can be the cause of who comply with the criteria for vaginal delivery, poor progress of labour. Such contractions: are only delivered vaginally if there is normal progress during the first stage of labour. • Last less than 40 seconds, and/or • There are fewer than two contractions 3. The fetus is large. A large fetus (i.e. estimated per ten minutes. as 4 kg or more), with signs of cephalopelvic 2. Ineffective uterine contractions. The disproportion (i.e. 2+ or 3+ moulding) must uterine contractions may be adequate but be delivered by Caesarean section. not effective, as poor progress can occur 4. There are two or more fetuses. Poor progress even in the presence of apparently good, may also occur in a patient with a multiple painful contractions (i.e. two or more pregnancy, usually due to inadequate in ten minutes with each contraction uterine contractions. lasting 40 seconds or longer), without 5. The fetal head has not engaged. The number disproportion being present (i.e. no of fifths of the head palpable above the moulding of the fetal skull). The problem pelvis must always be assessed: of ineffective contractions occurs only in • Engagement has occurred only when primigravidas. Any patient whose labour 2/5 or less of the head is palpable above progresses normally must have effective the brim of the pelvis. In this case the uterine contractions. problem of cephalopelvic disproportion at the pelvic inlet is excluded. NOTE Dysfunctional uterine contractions • With 3/5 or more of the head are diagnosed when the uterine above the pelvic brim, plus 2+ or contractions appear to be ineffective. 3+ moulding, a Caesarean section is indicated for cephalopelvic 8-27 How may problems with the disproportion at the pelvic inlet. passenger cause poor progress of labour and how should these problems be managed? An abdominal examination, to assess the lie and the presenting part of the fetus, as well as the The cause of poor progress of labour may amount of fetal head palpable above the pelvic be due to a problem with the passenger (i.e. the fetus). These problems can be identified brim, must always be done before performing a by performing an abdominal examination vaginal examination. followed by a vaginal examination. On vaginal examination the following problems On abdominal examination the following causing poor progress may be identified. problems causing poor progress may be identified. 1. The presenting part is abnormal. Vertex (i.e. occipital) presentation of the fetal head 1. The lie of the fetus is abnormal. If the lie of is the most favourable presentation for the fetus is transverse the patient will need the normal progress of labour. With any a Caesarean section.
  • 9. 158 MATERNAL CARE other presentation of the fetal head in early Improvement in the station of the presenting labour (e.g. brow), there is no urgency part of the fetal head, in relation to the ischial to interfere, as the presentation may become more favourable when the patient spines, is not a reliable method of assessing is in established labour. However, in progress in the first stage of labour. established labour, if moulding is present in any presentation other than a vertex, a 8-28 How may problems with the passage Caesarean section will have to be done. cause poor progress in labour and how 2. The position of the fetal head in relation to should these problems be managed? the pelvis is abnormal. An occipito-anterior (right or left) is the most favourable position The following problems with the passage may for normal progress of labour. Positions cause poor progress in labour: other than this (i.e. left or right occipito- 1. The membranes are still intact. Should the posterior) will progress more slowly. Labour membranes still be intact, they must be can be allowed to continue provided there ruptured and the patient reassessed after is progress, and no progressive evidence of four hours before poor progress can be disproportion. The patient will also need diagnosed. adequate pain relief and an intravenous 2. The pelvis is small. A pelvic assessment infusion to prevent dehydration. which shows a small pelvis, together with 3. Cephalopelvic disproportion is present. 2+ or 3+ moulding of the fetal skull means • The head is examined for the amount that there is cephalopelvic disproportion, of caput succedaneum present. and is an indication for Caesarean section. Caput is not an accurate indicator of disproportion as it can also be present 8-29 What are the two important in the absence of disproportion, for causes of poor progress of labour? example, in a patient who bears down before the cervix is fully dilated. 1. Cephalopelvic disproportion. This is a • The sutures are examined for dangerous condition if it is not recognised moulding, which is the best indication early and not correctly managed. of the presence of disproportion. 2. Inadequate uterine action. This is a 3+ of moulding is a definite sign of common cause of poor progress in disproportion. In a vertex presentation, primigravidas. It can be easily corrected the sagittal and lambdoid (occipito- with an oxytocin infusion. parietal) sutures are examined. The worst degree of moulding noted in any 8-30 What must be done after the of the sutures is that which is recorded patient has been systematically on the partogram as the amount of evaluated to determine the cause moulding present. of the poor progress of labour? • Improvement in the station of the 1. The nurse attending to the patient must presenting part (i.e. the level of the inform the doctor about the clinical presenting part relative to the ischial findings. Together they must decide on the spines) is not a reliable method of cause of the slow progress and what action assessing progress in labour, compared must be taken to correct this problem. to descent and engagement of the fetal 2. A decision must also be made as to when head as determined on abdominal the next complete examination of the examination. patient will be done. Usually this will be in two hours, but sometimes in four hours. This consultation may be done by
  • 10. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 159 telephone and it is not necessary for the Cephalopelvic disproportion may already be doctor to see the patient at this stage. present when the patient is admitted. 3. If labour progresses satisfactorily following the action taken, labour is allowed to continue. However, if poor progress A high fetal head (3/5 or more above the brim) continues, or if the action line has been on abdominal examination, with 3+ moulding reached or crossed, the patient must be on vaginal examination, indicates cephalopelvic examined by the responsible doctor who disproportion. must then decide on further management. The following are examples of causes of 8-32 Does a patient’s cervix always dilate poor progress in labour together with their at a rate slower than 1 cm per hour if management: cephalopelvic disproportion is present? When there is cephalopelvic disproportion, the Cause Action cervix usually dilates at a rate slower than 1 cm Cephalopelvic Caesarean section per hour, but the cervix may dilate normally, disproportion even though the fetal head remains high An anxious patient Reassurance and due to cephalopelvic disproportion. This is a unable to cope analgesia dangerous situation as it may be incorrectly with painful concluded that labour is progressing normally. contractions Inadequate uterine An oxytocin infusion 8-33 What features would make contractions you diagnose cephalopelvic disproportion when the fetal head Occipito-posterior Analgesia and an is not descending into the pelvis? position intravenous infusion Ineffective uterine Analgesia followed Often, especially in multiparous patients, the contractions by an oxytocin head does not descend into the pelvis until late infusion in the active phase of the first stage of labour. However, when the head does not descend into the pelvis, you should look for possible causes: CEPHALOPELVIC 1. A malpresentation, e.g. a face or a brow presentation. DISPROPORTION 2. Moulding (i.e. 2+ or 3+). If either of these are present, there is 8-31 How will you know when poor progress cephalopelvic disproportion, and a Caesarean is due to cephalopelvic disproportion? section should be done. This can be recognised by the following On the other hand, labour can be allowed to findings: continue if: 1. On abdominal examination, the fetal head • There is no malpresentation. is not engaged in the pelvis. Remember, this • There is no more than 1+ moulding. is diagnosed by finding 3/5 or more of the • The maternal and fetal conditions are head palpable above the brim of the pelvis. good. 2. On vaginal examination, there is severe The next complete physical examination must moulding (i.e. 3+) of the fetal skull. Severe be repeated within two hours. moulding must always be regarded as serious, as it confirms that cephalopelvic disproportion is present.
  • 11. 160 MATERNAL CARE 8-34 What should you do if you time to refer her to hospital before the decide that the poor progress is due action line is crossed. to cephalopelvic disproportion? 6. Patients who complain of painful contractions need analgesia before 1. Once the diagnosis of cephalopelvic oxytocin is started. disproportion has been made, the infant must be delivered as soon as possible. This means that a Caesarean section will have 8-36 What are the contraindications to to be done. the use of oxytocin in order to strengthen 2. While the preparations for Caesarean contractions in the first stage of labour? section are being made, it is of value to 1. Evidence of cephalopelvic disproportion. both the mother and fetus to suppress Oxytocin must, therefore, not be given if uterine contractions. This is done by there is already moulding (i.e. 2+ or 3+) giving three nifedipine (Adalat) 10 mg present. capsules by mouth (a total of 30 mg) 2. Any patient with a scar of the uterus, e.g. or give 250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol from a previous Caesarean section. (Ventolin) slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml 3. Any patient with a fetus in whom the salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile presenting part is not a vertex. water and given slowly intravenously over 4. Multiparas with poor progress during the five minutes, provided that there are no active phase of labour of the first stage of contraindications. labour. 5. Grande multiparity during the latent or active phase of the first stage of labour. INADEQUATE 6. When there is fetal distress. UTERINE ACTION 7. Patients with poor kidney function or heart valve disease. 8-35 What should you do if you decide that NOTE Oxytocin has an antidiuretic effect, so the poor progress is due to inadequate there is a danger of the patient developing or ineffective uterine contractions? pulmonary oedema. Hyperstimulation must be avoided if an oxytocin infusion 1. Provided there are no contraindications, is used. Five or more contractions in ten the patient must be given an oxytocin minutes, or contractions lasting longer than infusion in order to strengthen the 60 seconds, indicate hyperstimulation. contractions. 2. The patient’s progress must be reassessed 8-37 How must oxytocin be after two hours. administered when it is used 3. If cervical dilatation has proceeded at the during the first stage of labour? rate of 1 cm per hour or more, progress The following is a good method: has been satisfactory and labour is allowed to continue. 1. Begin with one unit of oxytocin in one 4. If cervical dilatation has been slower litre of Plasmolyte B, Ringer’s lactate or than 1 cm per hour once the patient has rehydration fluid. adequate uterine contractions, the patient 2. Use a giving set which delivers 20 drops must be reassessed by the responsible per ml. doctor. Cephalopelvic disproportion may 3. Start with 15 drops per minute and be present. increase the rate at intervals of 30 minutes 5. If at this stage the patient is still in a to 30 drops, and then to 60 drops per peripheral clinic, there should be enough minute, until the patient gets at least three
  • 12. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 161 contractions lasting at least 40 seconds and the availability of transport. In general, every ten minutes. arrangements must be made so that the patient 4. If there are still inadequate contractions will be under the care of the responsible with one unit of oxytocin per litre at doctor by the time the graph depicting cervical 60 drops per minute, a new litre of dilatation crosses the action line. intravenous fluid containing eight units per litre is started at a rate of 15 drops per 8-39 What arrangements should minute. The rate is increased in the same you make to ensure the patient’s way as above until 30 drops per minute safety during transfer to hospital, if are being given. This is the maximum there is poor progress of labour? amount of oxytocin which should be used during the first stage of labour. 1. An intravenous infusion must be started. 2. The patient must lie on her side while NOTE The starting dose of oxytocin is ONE being transferred to hospital. milliunit (mUnit) per minute and the maximum 3. A nurse should accompany the patient, dose 12 mU per minute which is line with unless there is a trained ambulance crew. international dose recommendations. 4. If cephalopelvic disproportion is the cause of the poor progress of labour, the 3-38 What are the effects of a long labour? contractions must be stopped. To stop contractions, three nifedipine (Adalat) Both the mother and fetus may be affected. 10 mg capsules (total of 30 mg) can be 1. The mother. A patient in whom the taken orally or 250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol progress of labour is slow is more likely to (Ventolin) slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml become anxious and to be dehydrated. If salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile the poor progress is due to cephalopelvic water and given slowly intravenously over disproportion (i.e. obstructed labour), and five minutes. If indicated, the same dose labour is allowed to continue, then there is of salbutamol may be repeated after 30 the danger of the mother developing any or minutes. Both drugs should only be used if all of the following: there are no contraindications. • A ruptured uterus. • A vesicovaginal fistula. • A rectovaginal fistula. PROLAPSE OF THE 2. The fetus. The stress of a long labour UMBILICAL CORD results in progressive fetal hypoxia, which causes fetal distress and eventually in intra- uterine death. 8-40 Why is prolapse of the umbilical cord a serious complication? THE REFERRAL OF Because the flow of blood between the fetus and placenta is severely reduced and may PATIENTS WITH POOR stop completely, causing fetal distress and PROGRESS DURING THE possibly fetal death. ACTIVE PHASE OF THE 8-41 What is the difference between a FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR cord presentation and a cord prolapse? 1. With a cord presentation, the umbilical The guidelines for referral will vary cord lies in front of the presenting part from region to region, depending on the with the membranes still intact. distances between clinics and hospitals,
  • 13. 162 MATERNAL CARE 2. With a cord prolapse, the cord lies in front 1. If the cervix is 9 cm or more dilated and of the presenting part and the membranes the fetal head is on the perineum, the have ruptured. The loose cord may lie patient must bear down and the infant between the presenting part of the fetus must be delivered as soon as possible. and the cervix, in the vagina or outside 2. Otherwise the patient must be managed as the vagina. follows: • Replace the cord carefully into the 8-42 How should a cord vagina. presentation be managed? • Give the patient mask oxygen and give 250 μg (0.5 ml) salbutamol (Ventolin) If the cord is felt between the membranes and slowly intravenously, the 0.5 ml the presenting part of the fetus, if the fetus salbutamol is diluted with 9.5 ml sterile is alive and is viable and if the patient is in water and given slowly intravenously labour, a Caesarean section must be done. over five minutes to stop labour. This will prevent a cord prolapse when the • Put a Foley catheter into the patient’s membranes rupture. bladder and fill the bladder with 500 ml saline. 8-43 Which patients are at risk • If the full bladder does not lift the of a prolapsed cord? presenting part off the prolapsed cord, 1. Patients in labour with an abnormal the presenting part must be pushed up lie (e.g. transverse lie) or an abnormal by an assistant’s hand in the vagina, and presentation (e.g. breech presentation). by turning the patient into the knee- 2. Patients who rupture their membranes chest position. when the fetal head is still not engaged (i.e. 4/5 or more above the pelvic brim, e.g. in a 8-46 Why should the cord carefully grande multipara). be replaced in the vagina? 3. Patients with polyhydramnios where the The cord must not be allowed to become increased volume of liquor may wash the cold or dry as this will produce vasospasm cord out of the uterus. and, thereby, further reduce the blood flow 4. Patients in preterm labour where the through the cord. presenting part is small relative to the pelvis when the membranes rupture. 8-47 Why are oxygen and salbutamol 5. Patients with a multiple pregnancy, given to a patient with a prolapsed cord? where preterm labour, abnormal lie and polyhydramnios are common. 1. Giving oxygen to the patient may improve the oxygen supply to the fetus. 8-44 What should be done when a 2. Stopping uterine contractions will reduce patient, who is at high risk of prolapse the pressure of the presenting part on the of the cord, ruptures her membranes? prolapsed cord. A sterile vaginal examination must 8-48 Should a Caesarean section be done immediately be done to determine whether on all women with a prolapsed cord if the the cord has prolapsed. infant cannot be rapidly delivered vaginally? 8-45 What is the management No. A Caesarean section is only done if the of a prolapsed cord? infant is potentially viable (28 weeks or more) and the cord is still pulsating. Otherwise the A vaginal examination must be done infant should be delivered vaginally as the immediately. chances of survival are then extremely small.
  • 14. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 163 CASE STUDY 1 CASE STUDY 2 A primigravida patient at term, who is HIV A patient at term is admitted in labour with a negative, is admitted to the labour ward. She has vertex presentation. The cervix is already 4 cm one contraction, lasting 30 seconds, every ten dilated. The cervical dilatation is recorded on minutes. The cervix is 1 cm dilated and 1.5 cm the alert line. At the next vaginal examination long. The maternal and fetal observations are the cervix has dilated to 8 cm. Caput can be normal. After four hours she is having two palpated over the fetal skull. It is decided that contractions, each lasting 40 seconds, every ten the progress is favourable and that the next minutes. On vaginal examination the cervix is vaginal examination should be done after a now 2 cm dilated and 0.5 cm long with bulging further four hours. membranes. The diagnosis of poor progress of labour due to poor uterine contractions is made 1. On admission, should the and an oxytocin infusion is started to improve woman’s cervical dilatation have contractions. been entered on the alert line? Yes. The patient is in the active phase of the 1. Do you agree with the diagnosis first stage of labour as her cervix is 4 cm of poor progress of labour? dilated. Therefore, the cervical dilatation The diagnosis is incorrect as the patient is still must be plotted on the alert line. The future in the latent phase of the first stage of labour. observations should fall on or to the left of Poor progress of labour can only be diagnosed the alert line. in the active phase of labour. 2. Do the findings of the second 2. Why can it be said with certainty that the examination indicate normal patient is in the latent phase of labour? progress of labour? • The cervix is still less than 3 cm dilated. Not necessarily, as no information is given • The cervix is dilating slowly. about the amount of fetal head palpable above • The cervix is effacing. the pelvic brim. Cervical dilatation without • The frequency of the uterine descent of the head does not always indicate contractions is increasing. normal progress of labour. 3. What is your assessment of 3. Is normal cervical dilatation with the patient’s management? improvement in the station of the presenting part possible if cephalopelvic Apart from the wrong diagnosis, oxytocin disproportion is present? should not be given before the membranes have been ruptured. Yes. The uterine contractions cause an increasing amount of caput and moulding, 4. Should the patient’s membranes have which is incorrectly interpreted as normal been artificially ruptured when the progress of labour. In this case, caput was second vaginal examination was done? noted during the second examination. However, further information about any No. If the maternal and fetal condition are moulding and the amount of fetal head good, you should wait until the cervix is 3 cm palpable above the pelvic brim are essential or more dilated. The membranes may also be before it can be decided whether normal ruptured if the patient has been in the latent progress is present or not. phase of labour for eight hours without any progress.
  • 15. 164 MATERNAL CARE 4. Was the correct decision made at the 3. What should be the management of time of the second examination to repeat the patient’s poor progress of labour? the vaginal examination after four hours? Firstly, the patient should be reassured No. If the cervix is 8 cm dilated, the next and given analgesia with pethidine and examination must be done two hours later, promethazine (Phenegan) or hydroxyzine or even sooner if there are indications that (Aterax). Then an oxytocin infusion should be the woman’s cervix is fully dilated. If it is started to make the contractions more effective. uncertain whether the progress of labour is normal then the examination should also be 4. Why is reassuring the repeated in two hours. patient so important? Anxious patients often progress slowly CASE STUDY 3 in labour and have painful contractions. Emotional support during labour is a very important part of patient care. A primigravida patient at term is admitted in labour. At the first examination the fetal head 5. When must the next vaginal is 2/5 above the pelvic brim and the cervix examination be done? is 6 cm dilated. Three contractions in ten minutes, each lasting 45 seconds, are palpated. The next vaginal examination should be At the next examination four hours later, the done two hours later to determine whether head is still 2/5 above the brim and the cervix the treatment has been effective. During the is still 6 cm dilated. No moulding can be felt. examination it is very important to exclude The patient is still having three contractions cephalopelvic disproportion. in ten minutes, each lasting 45 seconds and complains that the contractions are painful. Because there has been no progress in spite CASE STUDY 4 of painful contractions of adequate frequency and duration, it is decided that cephalopelvic A patient who is in labour at term has disproportion is present and that, therefore, a progressed slowly and the alert line has been Caesarean section must be done. crossed. During a systematic evaluation of the patient by the midwife for poor progress 1. Do you agree that the poor of labour, a diagnosis of an occipito-posterior progress of labour is due to position is made. As the patient is making cephalopelvic disproportion? some progress, she decides to allow labour No. To diagnose poor progress due to to continue. After four hours, the cervical cephalopelvic disproportion, severe moulding dilatation falls on the action line. Although (3+) must be present. there is still slow progress, she again decides to allow labour to continue and to repeat the vaginal examination in a further two hours. 2. What is most probably the reason for the poor progress of labour? 1. Was the patient managed correctly The patient is a primigravida with strong, when she crossed the alert line? painful contractions and no signs of cephalopelvic disproportion. A diagnosis of Yes. She was systematically examined and a ineffective uterine contractions (dysfunctional diagnosis of slow progress of labour due to an uterine contractions) can, therefore, be made occipito-posterior position was made. with confidence.
  • 16. THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR : MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 165 2. What should be done if a long first 4. Under what conditions should the stage of labour is expected due to doctor allow labour to progress further? an occipito-posterior position? An intravenous infusion must be started If there is steady progress of labour, the maternal to ensure that the patient does not become and fetal conditions are good, and there is less than dehydrated. In addition, adequate analgesia 3+ moulding. must be given. 3. Was the patient correctly managed when she reached the action line? No. A doctor should have evaluated the patient. Further management should have been under his/her direction.