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Oppimisen uudet mallit
     ja teoriat
         Jari Laru, yliopisto-opettaja,
 Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun yliopisto
 410014Y Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä 2012

                                               most of images used have been retrieved from
Teoriat taustalla
Yleistä tietotekn.
Isot teoreettiset
  linjanvedot ovat
ohjanneet kehitystä..

  Teoriat taustalla
Behaviorismi (1900-)

  Kaikki toimintamme perustuu
 käyttäytymiseen, mukaan lukien
  toimintamme, ajattelumme ja
tunteemme. Käytöstä voi säädellä
  hyvällä ja huonolla palautteella
Programmed Instruction was
                                    characterized by:
                          •clearly stated behavioral objectives
                              •small frames of instruction
                           •active learner response to inserted
                               •immediate feedback to the
                               correctness of the response

                          “Skinner first conceptualized a teaching
                            machine for the classroom for use by
 -Machines-SKINNER         individual students. This machine could
                                present information, reinforce
                         appropriately and then branch to the next
                             level of difficulty depending on the
                          individual's performance. The roots of
                           computer-assisted instruction can
                          be easily seen in Skinner's teaching
Drill & Practise..
Kognitivismi (1950-)

Oppiminen perustuu tietorakenteiden muuttumiseen.
Oppiminen voidaan todeta käytöksestä tai opiskelijan
Oppiminen nähdään laajasti ottaen aktiivisena tietojen,
     merkityksien ja käsityksien rakentamisena.

Nykyaikaisten oppimisympäristöjen
Oppiminen on erittäin
   monimutkainen prosessi

 (konteksti,             Yhteisö
välineet ym.)
Jean Piaget

   Seymort Papert
Artificial Intelligence,
Constructionism, Logo
programming language

   Jerome Bruner                    Alan Kay: Doing with Images Makes Symbols Pt
cognitive psychology                                  1 (1987).
and cognitive learning
 theory in educational
                           Kay, A. (1990). User Interface: A Personal View. The Art of
                            HumanComputer Interface Design (pp. 191-207). Addison-
Kokonaisuus, johon kuuluvat sekä oppijat, opettaja (tai
  ohjaaja), tehtävät (ongelmat) ja työväkineet sekä
       oppimisen tuloksena syntyvät tulokset
• Tukee oppijoiden syvällistä tietojen ja merkitysten
• Edistää vuorovaikutusta ja keskustelua
• Toteuttaa oppimisen aidoilta tuntuvissa tilanteissa
• Tarjoaa mielekkäitä ja monimutkaisia ongelmia
Learning of technology

Learning with technology, not from it”
eli tietokoneiden on toimittava
oppimisen apuna ja oppilaiden ajattelun,   Learning with technology
vuorovaikutuksen ja toiminnan
virittäjinä, ei tiedon siirtäjinä tai
opettajina sinänsä

Learning with technology
Tietotekniikan rooli opetuksessa
• Monimuotoinen informaatioresurssi
• Apuväline osaamisen konstruoinnissa (esim.
• Autenttisten ympäristöjen rakentaminen
  (simulaatiot, virtuaalitodellisuus jne..)
• Sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen innoittaja ja
  fokusoija (yhteisen viitekehyksen luominen
  vuorovaikutuksen ja yhteistyön tueksi esim.
  Mobiililaite ryhmätyössä)
• Oppijan älyllisenä partnerina (esim. Älykartat)
• Muistele opettajiasi: oliko luokassa käytössä
  enemmän behavioristinen vai
  konstruktivistinen tapa toimia..?
• Ovatko kokemuksesi tietotekniikan
  opetuskäytöstä enimmäkseen tiedon
  siirtämistä (materiaalin jakamista jne..) vai
  käytettiinkö koneita ajattelun ja
  vuorovaikutuksen tukena?
Collaborative learning /
Collaborative education – ”history”
“Collaborative education in the U.S. began in the 1970s as
a response to the previous decade’s mentality that
students who needed help and didn’t seek this help did not
belong in college. In response to this, colleges began
providing peer tutoring and in-class group work. This led
to the discovery that these forms of collaboration did not
change what people learned, but how they learned”
What is collaborative learning?

                                                                          A coordinated synchronous
                                                                          activity that is the result of
                                                                          continued attempt to construct
                                                                          and maintain a shared
                                                                          conception of a problem
                                                                          (Roschelle & Teasley, 1995)

Dillenbourg, P. (1999). What do you mean by collaborative learning.
Collaborative learning Cognitive and computational approaches, 1–16.   Roschelle, J., & Teasley, S. (1995). The construction of shared
Citeseer. Retrieved from                                               knowledge in paired problem solving. Computersupported collaborative                         learning (pp. 69-97). Springer-Verlag.
Cooperative vs. Collaborative
Cooperative learning                 Collaborative learning
 • Structure of interaction
      designed to facilitate         •   Collaboration as a philiosophy
      accomplishment of an end           of interaction and personal
      product or goal through            lifestyle
      people working together in
      groups                         •   Ill-structured knowledge
  •   well-stuctured knowledge
      domain                         •   mutual engagement of
                                         participants in a coordinated
  •   is accomplished by the             effort to solve problem
      division of labor among            together
      participants, as an activity
      where each person is
      responsible for a portion
      of the problem solving                         Resta & Laferriere, 2007; Panitz, 1996; Slavin,
                                                                 1997; Teasley, 1995

• Mieti kokemuksiasi: ovatko ne olleet
  yhteistoiminnallisia ja vai yhteisöllisiä
• Oletteko käyttäneet teknologiaa vai
•   Learning is active

•   The teacher is usually more a facilitator than a “sage on the

•   Teaching and learning are shared experiences

•   Students participate in small-group activities

•   Students take responsibility for learning

•   Students reflect on their own assumptions and thought

•   Social and team skills are developed through the give-and-
    take of consensus-building

                                                     Kirchner, 2001
Four instructional motives for the use of
technology in support of collaborative learning

     1. To prepare students for the knowledge society
        (collaboration skills and knowledge creation
     2. To enhance students cognitive performance or
        foster deep understanding
     3. To add flexibility of time and space for
        cooperative/collaborative learning
     4. To foster student engagement and keep track of
        student cooperative/collaborative work

                                                   Resta & Laferriere, 2007
Structure of this section is based on:
 Dillenbourg, P., Järvelä, S., & Fischer, F. (2009). The evolution
 of research on computer-supported collaborative learning: from
 design to orchestration. In Technology-Enhanced Learning.
 Principles and products (p. 3-19). Edited by N. Balacheff, S.
 Ludvigsen, T. de Jong, T., A. Lazonder & S. Barnes. Springer.
                                                 most of images used have been retrieved from
lisääminen kompensoi
    yksilöllisen tuen
Tutkimus: parityöskentelyä tietokoneen
1983: Key educational principle
1983: Key educational principle
was the adaptation of instruction
was the adaptation of instruction
to individual needs
 o individual needs
                                                                                                     “it appeared that when
                                                                                                     we did have to put two
                                                                                                     children in front of a
                                                                                                     computer, the results
                                                                                                     were actually positive: the
                                                                                                     imperfect individualisation
                                                                                                     was compensated for by
                                                                                                     the benefits of social
     Dickson, W. & Vereen, M. A. (1983). Two students at one microcomputer. Theory Into Practice, 22(4), 296-300. doi:10.1080/00405848309543077
2. CSCL ei ole teoreettisesti yhtenäinen
kokonaisuus, sen sijaan se hajaantuu ainakin
kahteen “leiriin”
A. Hajautettu kognitio (sosiokognitiivinen)
B. Tilanteisiin sidottu kognitio

            A. Sosiokonstruktivismi
        • Kaikki ne toiminnot jotka tukevat sosiaalista
          vuorovaikutusta ovat välineitä, jotka auttavat yksilöitä
          rakentamaan tietoa


LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö
Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in
the wild. Cambridge, Mass: MIT

                     B. Tilannesidonnainen ja
                     sosiokulturaalinen konstruktivismi
• Sosiokulturaalisen perspektiivin mukaan sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ei
  ole pelkkä väline, vaan se on olennainen osa ajatteluamme ja siten
  opiskelun perimmäinen tavoite

                                                     Lave and Wenger provide details of aprrenticeships from among
                                                     midvives, tailors, quartermasters, butchers, and alcoholics.

 LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö
 Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
3. Raja informaalin ja
   formaalin välillä
• CSCL:n yksi erikoispiirre on se, että se on
  yhtä aikaa relevantti sekä formaalin että
  informaalin oppimisen piireissä, ilman että
  nämä kaksi maailmaa olisivat toisistaan
• Runsaasti tutkimuksia, joissa yritetään
  siirtää arkielämän (informal) toimintaa
  luokkahuoneisiin. Eli pyritään tekemään
  kouluista oppivia yhteisöjä (learning
  communities) (Bielaczyk & Collins, 1999;
  Scardmalia & Bereiter, 1994)
computer-supported intentional learning
       environments (CSILE)
                                            •   aim at reframing classroom discourse to
                                                support knowledge building in ways
                                                extensible to out-of-school knowledge-
                                                advancing enterprises and make school
                                                education more situated (Lave &
                                                Wenger, 1991).

                                            •   In one scenario, records made at the
                                                place of work (knowledge in action)
                                                "ground" reflective activities in the       classroom. (Scardamalia & Bereiter,
Let’s Go Water Quality

• Onko teillä kokemusta informaalin
  (ympäristö, koti) ja formaalin(koulu)
• Millaisia projektit voisivat olla?
4. Kollaboratiivinen
 oppiminen ei ole

                    Tärkeimpiä tutkimuskysymyksiä
                    CSCL:n opetuskäytössä
     • Kollaboraatio itsessään ei synnytä oppimistuloksia; se on
       riippuvaista siitä kuinka ryhmät sitoutuvat vuorovaikutukseen
     • Tutkijoita laajalti kiinnostava kysymys on: mitkä ovat ne
       olosuhteet jossa CSCL ympäristö tukee tehokkaasti oppimista
       (Dillenbourg, Baker, Blaye, & O’Malley, 1996)
          – Missä olosuhteissa spesifit vuorovaikutusprosessit tapahtuvat?
          – Mitä vuorovaikutusprosesseja voidaan pitää oppimista ennakoivina?
     • Kolme oppimista edistävää oppimisprosessia
          – Selittäminen
          – Argumentointi / väittely
          – Yhteisen ymmärryksen hakeminen

LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö
Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
The key consequence is at design level:
the purpose of a CSCL environment is
not simply to enable collaboration across
distance but to create condition in which
effective group interactions are expected to
Week 1                                                   Week 2              Week 3                             Week 6             Week 7                        Week 8
                                           Learning                                                 Learning          Metacognition                     Self-regulated     Learning design               Social media in
                                       infrastructures                                            communities                                              learning                                         learning

                                                     Lecture                                          Lecture             Lecture                              Lecture          Lecture                        Lecture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 day
                                                 Discussion                                         Discussion           Discussion                           Discussion       Discussion                     Discussion


                                              Phototaking                                          Phototaking          Phototaking                          Phototaking      Phototaking                    Phototaking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 days

                                                    Blogging                                         Blogging             Blogging                            Blogging          Blogging                       Blogging


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 day
                                                                                                Discussion (week 4)                                                        Discussion (week 9)
                                                                                                                                      Wikiwork (weeks 4-12)

                         ISSN 1096-7516, DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004
                                                                                                                                                                                              case study in the higher education contex
                                                                                                                                                                                             Learning design example: Supporting small-
                                                                                                                                                                                            group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A

          Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context, The Internet and
        Jari Laru, Piia Naykki, Sanna Jarvela, Supporting small-group learning using multiple

        Higher Education, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 28 August 2011,
5. Median tehokkuus
itseisarvona on myytti
Over-expectations with to respect to
        its intrinsic effects on learning
• ” … This is perhaps not surprising because the same
    claims have been made about every new technology
    developed in the last century. For example, when the
    motion picture, radio, and television were
    invented, each was hailed as answer to solving
    educational problems” (Heinich, 1979; Cuban, 1986;
    Mayer, 1999).
•   ”Instructional methods make the difference in how well
    students learn, not the message or the delivery
    technology” (Clark, 1983)

LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö
Jari Laru, 22.4.2009

Example: FLE3mobile & mlearning

           Overall, the analyses revealed
           nonparticipative behaviour within the
           online community. The social network
           analysis revealed structural holes and
           sparse collaboration among participants in
           the offline community. It was found that
           due to their separated practices in the
           offline community, they did not have a need
           for mobile collaboration tools in their

                  Laru, J. & Jarvela, S. (2008). Social Patterns in Mobile
                  Technology Mediated Collaboration among Members of the
                  Professional Distance Education Community. Educational
                  Media International, 45(1), 17-32
6.Tärkeintä on saada
aikaan tilanteita joissa
   osapuolet etsivät
 yhteistä ymmärrystä
•   Kuinka saavuttavat jaetun ymmärryksen siitä
    kuinka tehtävä suoritetaan?
•   CSCL määritelmä: “Roschelle & Teasley (1995)
    kollaboratiivinen oppiminen on jaetun
    ymmärryksen rakentamista yhdessä”
•   => Grounding: mekanismi jossa osapuolet
    koittavat ymmärtää mitä toiset sanoivat ja
    pyrkivät korjaamaan väärinymmärrykset
.. Grounding on hankalaa
• Osapuolet eivät koskaan saavuta täysin jaettua
• => konvergessivaiheiden kautta osapuolet
  löytävät uusia eroja, joista pitää keskustella jne.
• during cycle of divergence/convergence phases,
  what matters is not only final result but also
  effort towards shared under understanding
  (swartch, 1995)
..prosessia voidaan
hankaloittaa tarkoituksella
•   Näkökulmien eroja (divergence) voidaan lisätä
    tarkoituksella ja täten lisätä tehtävän
    haasteellisuutta (CSCL scripts, e.g. arguegraph,


CSCL Environments..
         • ..combine divergence and convergence
               functionalities: e.g. shared representations and
               visual identification of individual contributions or
               viewpoints (awareness tools)

Mindmap tool as shared representation: Näykki & Järvelä   Group awareness widget, Kreijns, kirchner & johchems
                       (2008).                                                 (2002)
Case Flyers & fieldtrip
                                                                              A                                 B     Story snippet 1

                                                                                            Research question
                                                                                             Story snippet 1                                 Snippet types
                                                                                              Date / time


                                                                                                                                              Task feedback

                   Story                                                                                              Story snippet text
                  Snippet                                                                                                     1/1

                                                                              A                                 B                            C D
                                                                                                                Subject: research question
                                                                                                                                                             Research question
                                                                                                                    Group: name, task: #
                                                                                                                                                               Date / time
                                                                                                                      Caim: We claim
                                                                                                                                                              Other research
                                                                                              Sending off       Ground: Because we see                         Date / time

                                                                                                                Warrant: textbook says                        Story snippet 1
                                                                                                                                                               Date / time
                                                                                                                      Image placed here

Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. B. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a
biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12        Group 1                                                        Other groups
                        learners. Interactive Learning Environments
7. Kasvokkain
    jäljittely ei ole
välttämättä hyväksi..
Imitation bias
• “is the belief that the more a medium
  resembles face-to-face interaction, the better”
  (Hollan & Stornetta, 1992)
• Media richness is also erranously considered to
  predit effectiviness, despite empirical counter-
   • video-supported collaborative work vs.
      audio-only collaborative work. => not
      necessarily better
Example of media

Traditional virtual learning environments - e.g. Optima &
..Actually, technology
benefits are elsewhere
• CSCL Question is no longer “how to
  compensate for not being face-to-face” (~
  was topic 20 years ago)
• Now it is “How to fulfil collaborative
  functionalities that are not available in
  face-to-face situations” (Haake, 2006) features apply to: 1. computer
     mediated communication
          • making it different from face-to-face

                                               Gstudy / Learning Kit -

                                               nstudy -

                                                                nstudy ohjeita (LET) -
Future Learning Environment 3 -
                                          features apply to: 2.
      augmenting face-to-face situations
                                                                            “Traditional learning
                                                                            technologies fit with students
                                                                            who sit on a chair in front of a
                                                                            table with a computer in a quiet
                                                                            environment. What is the
                                                                            potential of learning
                                                                            technologies for students who
                                                                            move all the time, carry objects,
                                                                            may have dirty hands and work
                                                                            in a noisy environment? Are
Leading House - DUAL T project: Integrating technologies in heterogeneous   learning technologies irrelevant
contexts, CRAFT-EPFL Switzerland                                            for them or should we develop
                                                                            new ways to use technologies
                                                                            that are more appropriate to
                                                                            these contexts?”

Tinkersheets: features apply to: 2.
augmenting face-to-face situations
8. Tehtävien sisällöt
tukevat myös suullista
Representations &
       verbal interactions
• The way representations shape social
  interactions is referred to by Suthers and
  Hundhausen (2003) as “representational
• such cognitive tools not only shape social
  interactions but, if they get internalized, also
  shape the way students reason about the
  domain (Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997)
Case Flyers & fieldtrip
                                                                              A                                 B     Story snippet 1

                                                                                            Research question
                                                                                             Story snippet 1                                 Snippet types
                                                                                              Date / time


                                                                                                                                              Task feedback

                   Story                                                                                              Story snippet text
                  Snippet                                                                                                     1/1

                                                                              A                                 B                            C D
                                                                                                                Subject: research question
                                                                                                                                                             Research question
                                                                                                                    Group: name, task: #
               The way representations shape social                                                                                                            Date / time
                                                                                                                      Caim: We claim
               interactions is referred to by Suthers                                                                                                         Other research
                                               Sending off                                                      Ground: Because we see                         Date / time
               and Hundhausen (2003) as                                                                                                                       Story snippet 1
                                                                                                                Warrant: textbook says
               “representational guidance”                                                                            Image placed here
                                                                                                                                                               Date / time

Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. B. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a
biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12        Group 1                                                        Other groups
                        learners. Interactive Learning Environments
Examples I

      such cognitive tools not only shape
      social interactions but, if they get
      internalized, also shape the way
      students reason about the domain
      (Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997)

                                                  Microworlds - Roschelle & Teasley, 1995

Beldevere argumentation tool - Suthers, Weiner,
           Connelly & Paolucci, 1995
Examples II

such cognitive tools not only shape
social interactions but, if they get
internalized, also shape the way
students reason about the domain
(Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997)
(strukturointi) on aina
•   Semi-structured communication
    tools aim to scaffold productive
    interactions by making them easier:
    for instance “sentence openers”,
    such as “please explain why”

•   It’s example of flexible structuring -
    students have freedom to use or not
    to use the available widgets

•   Poor results (e.g. Baker & Lund,
Solution: CSCL scripts
          Scripts originate from the fact that it is
          difficult to predict the effects of
          collaborative learning by controlling
          external conditions such as group
          composition or task features.

          Actually, the effects of collaborative
          learning depend on the quality of
          interactions that take place among group

          Therefore, scripts aim to enhance the
          probability that knowledge generative
          interactions such as conflict resolution,
          explanation or mutual regulation occur
          during the collaboration process.
Different scripts
•    A macro-script sets up conditions in which
    argumentation should occur, as in the ArgueGraph,
    for instance by pairing students with opposite

•   A micro-script scaffolds the interaction process
    per se: when a learner brings an argument, the
    script will for instance prompt his or her peer to
    state a counter-argument (Kollar et al, in press)

•   For both micro- and macro-scripts, the right level
    of scaffolding is a subtle compromise between the
    need for structuring and the risk of over-scripting
    (dillenbourg, 2002)
Arguegraph script
analyysi voidaan joko
osittain tai kokonaan
• The degree of processing of these
  interactions varies from mirroring to
  guiding (Jermann, Soller & Muhlenbrock,
Mirroring: noise sensitive table
•   The table, Reflect, addresses
    the issue of unbalanced
    participation during group
    discussions. By displaying on
    its surface a shared
    visualization of member
    participation, Reflect is meant
    to encourage participants to
    avoid the extremes of over-
    and under-participation.
                                             An Interactive Table for Supporting Participation Balance in Face-to-Face Collaborative LearningBachour, Khaled ; Kaplan,
                                             Frédéric ; Dillenbourg, Pierre Accepted in: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2010   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010.
                                             ISSN: 1939-1382
• More complex analyses enable CSCL environments
  provide feedback to groups or even to suggest
  changes regarding to their teamwork
                                                                  Towards an Automatic Measure of Transactivity in On-line D
                                                                  Towards an Automatic Measure of Transactivity in On-line D

           log-data              AI techniques (such as planning,
                                 machine learning, intelligent
                                 agent approaches, semantic web
                                 techniques, and others) have been
                                 proposed to tackle the challenging
                                 issues emerging when trying to
                                 model and manage the complexity

     text, videos etc            of the collaborative learning
                                 activity.                                                 methods

                      Puntambekar, Sadhana; Erkens, Gijsbert; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy (Eds.) Analyzing Interactions in CSCL
                      Methods, Approaches and Issues- Series: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series, Vol. 100 1st
                      Edition., 2010, 400 p. 50 illus., Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4419-7709-0 Due: January 29, 2011
11. Siirtymä henkilöiden
välisten (interpersonal)
tietokoneiden käyttöön
       on käynnissä
2008: interpersonal computers

Kaplan, F., DoLenh, S., Bachour, K., Kao, G. Y.-ing, Gault, C., Dillenbourg, P.,
Huang, J., et al. (2009). Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting
Collaborative Work and Learning (Vol. 10, pp. 1-17). Boston, MA: Springer
US. Retrieved from
Tangibles                                    Roomware


Phidgets                                     Wearables
First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware

                           Multi-input devices
               Computers with multiple mices

                                              Pawar, U. S., Pal, J., & Toyama, K. (2006). Multiple mice for computers in education in
                                              developing countries. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ICTD 2006.

First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware

   Tangible objects & interfaces

First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware



• CSCL environment is not simply a tool to
  support communication among remote
  students but a tool used in both co-
  presence and distance settings for shaping
  verbal interactions in several ways and for
  capturing, analyzing and mirroring these
  interactions in realtime
CSCL in short

From PPT by Jermann, P. Scripting collaboration with ManyScripts
CSCL:n alle mahtuu lukuisa joukko
     ”muodikkaita malleja”
  - flipped classroom
  - blended learning
  - personal learning environments
  - seamless learning
  - ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen
  Näistä laitan esitykset wikiin luentosetin

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Digitaalisen oppimisen välineitä yhdessä kehittämässä – varhainen omaksuja, u...
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Luento 4: Oppimisen uudet mallit ja teoriat (diat ja ääni eivät ole synkassa, kiitos siitä slidesharelle)

  • 1. Oppimisen uudet mallit ja teoriat Jari Laru, yliopisto-opettaja, Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun yliopisto 410014Y Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä 2012 most of images used have been retrieved from
  • 3. Isot teoreettiset linjanvedot ovat ohjanneet kehitystä.. Teoriat taustalla
  • 4. Behaviorismi (1900-) Kaikki toimintamme perustuu käyttäytymiseen, mukaan lukien toimintamme, ajattelumme ja tunteemme. Käytöstä voi säädellä hyvällä ja huonolla palautteella
  • 5. Programmed Instruction was characterized by: •clearly stated behavioral objectives •small frames of instruction •self-pacing •active learner response to inserted questions •immediate feedback to the correctness of the response “Skinner first conceptualized a teaching doc/13551290/Teaching machine for the classroom for use by -Machines-SKINNER individual students. This machine could present information, reinforce appropriately and then branch to the next level of difficulty depending on the individual's performance. The roots of computer-assisted instruction can be easily seen in Skinner's teaching machine.” 5
  • 7. Kognitivismi (1950-) Oppiminen perustuu tietorakenteiden muuttumiseen. Oppiminen voidaan todeta käytöksestä tai opiskelijan tuotoksista
  • 8. Konstruktivismi Oppiminen nähdään laajasti ottaen aktiivisena tietojen, merkityksien ja käsityksien rakentamisena. Nykyaikaisten oppimisympäristöjen taustateoria
  • 9. Oppiminen on erittäin monimutkainen prosessi Yksilö Ympäristö (konteksti, Yhteisö välineet ym.)
  • 10. Jean Piaget Developmental Psychology, Constructivism, Cognitive Development Seymort Papert Artificial Intelligence, Constructionism, Logo programming language Jerome Bruner Alan Kay: Doing with Images Makes Symbols Pt cognitive psychology 1 (1987). and cognitive learning theory in educational psychology Kay, A. (1990). User Interface: A Personal View. The Art of HumanComputer Interface Design (pp. 191-207). Addison- Wesley.
  • 11. Oppimisympäristö Kokonaisuus, johon kuuluvat sekä oppijat, opettaja (tai ohjaaja), tehtävät (ongelmat) ja työväkineet sekä oppimisen tuloksena syntyvät tulokset • Tukee oppijoiden syvällistä tietojen ja merkitysten rakentamista • Edistää vuorovaikutusta ja keskustelua • Toteuttaa oppimisen aidoilta tuntuvissa tilanteissa • Tarjoaa mielekkäitä ja monimutkaisia ongelmia
  • 12. Learning of technology Tärkeä! Learning with technology, not from it” eli tietokoneiden on toimittava oppimisen apuna ja oppilaiden ajattelun, Learning with technology vuorovaikutuksen ja toiminnan virittäjinä, ei tiedon siirtäjinä tai opettajina sinänsä Learning with technology
  • 13. Tietotekniikan rooli opetuksessa (esimerkkejä) • Monimuotoinen informaatioresurssi • Apuväline osaamisen konstruoinnissa (esim. Wikit) • Autenttisten ympäristöjen rakentaminen (simulaatiot, virtuaalitodellisuus jne..) • Sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen innoittaja ja fokusoija (yhteisen viitekehyksen luominen vuorovaikutuksen ja yhteistyön tueksi esim. Mobiililaite ryhmätyössä) • Oppijan älyllisenä partnerina (esim. Älykartat)
  • 14. Keskustele • Muistele opettajiasi: oliko luokassa käytössä enemmän behavioristinen vai konstruktivistinen tapa toimia..? • Ovatko kokemuksesi tietotekniikan opetuskäytöstä enimmäkseen tiedon siirtämistä (materiaalin jakamista jne..) vai käytettiinkö koneita ajattelun ja vuorovaikutuksen tukena?
  • 16. Collaborative learning / Collaborative education – ”history” “Collaborative education in the U.S. began in the 1970s as a response to the previous decade’s mentality that students who needed help and didn’t seek this help did not belong in college. In response to this, colleges began providing peer tutoring and in-class group work. This led to the discovery that these forms of collaboration did not change what people learned, but how they learned”
  • 17. What is collaborative learning? A coordinated synchronous activity that is the result of continued attempt to construct and maintain a shared conception of a problem (Roschelle & Teasley, 1995) Dillenbourg, P. (1999). What do you mean by collaborative learning. Collaborative learning Cognitive and computational approaches, 1–16. Roschelle, J., & Teasley, S. (1995). The construction of shared Citeseer. Retrieved from knowledge in paired problem solving. Computersupported collaborative learning (pp. 69-97). Springer-Verlag. doi=
  • 18. Cooperative vs. Collaborative Cooperative learning Collaborative learning • Structure of interaction designed to facilitate • Collaboration as a philiosophy accomplishment of an end of interaction and personal product or goal through lifestyle people working together in groups • Ill-structured knowledge domain • well-stuctured knowledge domain • mutual engagement of participants in a coordinated • is accomplished by the effort to solve problem division of labor among together participants, as an activity where each person is responsible for a portion of the problem solving Resta & Laferriere, 2007; Panitz, 1996; Slavin, 1997; Teasley, 1995
  • 19. Keskustele • Mieti kokemuksiasi: ovatko ne olleet yhteistoiminnallisia ja vai yhteisöllisiä oppimiskokemuksia? • Oletteko käyttäneet teknologiaa vai kartonkia?
  • 20. Commonalities • Learning is active • The teacher is usually more a facilitator than a “sage on the stage” • Teaching and learning are shared experiences • Students participate in small-group activities • Students take responsibility for learning • Students reflect on their own assumptions and thought processes • Social and team skills are developed through the give-and- take of consensus-building Kirchner, 2001
  • 21. Four instructional motives for the use of technology in support of collaborative learning 1. To prepare students for the knowledge society (collaboration skills and knowledge creation 2. To enhance students cognitive performance or foster deep understanding 3. To add flexibility of time and space for cooperative/collaborative learning 4. To foster student engagement and keep track of student cooperative/collaborative work Resta & Laferriere, 2007
  • 22. Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning Structure of this section is based on: Dillenbourg, P., Järvelä, S., & Fischer, F. (2009). The evolution of research on computer-supported collaborative learning: from design to orchestration. In Technology-Enhanced Learning. Principles and products (p. 3-19). Edited by N. Balacheff, S. Ludvigsen, T. de Jong, T., A. Lazonder & S. Barnes. Springer. most of images used have been retrieved from
  • 23. 1.Vuorovaikutuksen lisääminen kompensoi yksilöllisen tuen vähentämisen
  • 24. Tutkimus: parityöskentelyä tietokoneen äärellä 1983: Key educational principle 1983: Key educational principle was the adaptation of instruction was the adaptation of instruction to individual needs o individual needs “it appeared that when we did have to put two children in front of a computer, the results were actually positive: the imperfect individualisation was compensated for by the benefits of social interactions” Dickson, W. & Vereen, M. A. (1983). Two students at one microcomputer. Theory Into Practice, 22(4), 296-300. doi:10.1080/00405848309543077
  • 25. 2. CSCL ei ole teoreettisesti yhtenäinen kokonaisuus, sen sijaan se hajaantuu ainakin kahteen “leiriin” A. Hajautettu kognitio (sosiokognitiivinen) B. Tilanteisiin sidottu kognitio (sosiokulturaalinen)
  • 26. 26 A. Sosiokonstruktivismi • Kaikki ne toiminnot jotka tukevat sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta ovat välineitä, jotka auttavat yksilöitä rakentamaan tietoa pea/RoyPDF %20folder/A67_Pea_93_DI_C UP.pdf LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
  • 27. Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • 28. 28 B. Tilannesidonnainen ja sosiokulturaalinen konstruktivismi • Sosiokulturaalisen perspektiivin mukaan sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ei ole pelkkä väline, vaan se on olennainen osa ajatteluamme ja siten opiskelun perimmäinen tavoite Lave and Wenger provide details of aprrenticeships from among midvives, tailors, quartermasters, butchers, and alcoholics. LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
  • 29. 3. Raja informaalin ja formaalin välillä hämärtyy
  • 30. • CSCL:n yksi erikoispiirre on se, että se on yhtä aikaa relevantti sekä formaalin että informaalin oppimisen piireissä, ilman että nämä kaksi maailmaa olisivat toisistaan erillisiä • Runsaasti tutkimuksia, joissa yritetään siirtää arkielämän (informal) toimintaa luokkahuoneisiin. Eli pyritään tekemään kouluista oppivia yhteisöjä (learning communities) (Bielaczyk & Collins, 1999; Scardmalia & Bereiter, 1994)
  • 31. computer-supported intentional learning environments (CSILE) • aim at reframing classroom discourse to support knowledge building in ways extensible to out-of-school knowledge- advancing enterprises and make school education more situated (Lave & Wenger, 1991). • In one scenario, records made at the place of work (knowledge in action) "ground" reflective activities in the classroom. (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994)
  • 32. Let’s Go Water Quality Trial
  • 33. Keskustele • Onko teillä kokemusta informaalin (ympäristö, koti) ja formaalin(koulu) yhdistämisestä? • Millaisia projektit voisivat olla?
  • 34. 4. Kollaboratiivinen oppiminen ei ole “resepti”
  • 35. 35 Tärkeimpiä tutkimuskysymyksiä CSCL:n opetuskäytössä • Kollaboraatio itsessään ei synnytä oppimistuloksia; se on riippuvaista siitä kuinka ryhmät sitoutuvat vuorovaikutukseen • Tutkijoita laajalti kiinnostava kysymys on: mitkä ovat ne olosuhteet jossa CSCL ympäristö tukee tehokkaasti oppimista (Dillenbourg, Baker, Blaye, & O’Malley, 1996) – Missä olosuhteissa spesifit vuorovaikutusprosessit tapahtuvat? – Mitä vuorovaikutusprosesseja voidaan pitää oppimista ennakoivina? • Kolme oppimista edistävää oppimisprosessia – Selittäminen – Argumentointi / väittely – Yhteisen ymmärryksen hakeminen LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
  • 36. The key consequence is at design level: the purpose of a CSCL environment is not simply to enable collaboration across distance but to create condition in which effective group interactions are expected to occur
  • 37. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Learning Learning Metacognition Self-regulated Learning design Social media in infrastructures communities learning learning Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture 1 day Collaborative Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion e Phototaking Phototaking Phototaking Phototaking Phototaking Phototaking 6 days Solo Blogging Blogging Blogging Blogging Blogging Blogging luate 1 day Discussion (week 4) Discussion (week 9) Collaborative ct Wikiwork (weeks 4-12) ISSN 1096-7516, DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004 case study in the higher education contex Learning design example: Supporting small- group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context, The Internet and Jari Laru, Piia Naykki, Sanna Jarvela, Supporting small-group learning using multiple Higher Education, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 28 August 2011,
  • 39. Over-expectations with to respect to its intrinsic effects on learning • ” … This is perhaps not surprising because the same claims have been made about every new technology developed in the last century. For example, when the motion picture, radio, and television were invented, each was hailed as answer to solving educational problems” (Heinich, 1979; Cuban, 1986; Mayer, 1999). • ”Instructional methods make the difference in how well students learn, not the message or the delivery technology” (Clark, 1983)
  • 40. 40 LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
  • 41. 41 Example: FLE3mobile & mlearning Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration among participants in the offline community. It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they did not have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices Laru, J. & Jarvela, S. (2008). Social Patterns in Mobile Technology Mediated Collaboration among Members of the Professional Distance Education Community. Educational Media International, 45(1), 17-32
  • 42. 6.Tärkeintä on saada aikaan tilanteita joissa osapuolet etsivät yhteistä ymmärrystä
  • 43. AVAINKYSYMYS • Kuinka saavuttavat jaetun ymmärryksen siitä kuinka tehtävä suoritetaan? • CSCL määritelmä: “Roschelle & Teasley (1995) kollaboratiivinen oppiminen on jaetun ymmärryksen rakentamista yhdessä” • => Grounding: mekanismi jossa osapuolet koittavat ymmärtää mitä toiset sanoivat ja pyrkivät korjaamaan väärinymmärrykset
  • 44. .. Grounding on hankalaa • Osapuolet eivät koskaan saavuta täysin jaettua ymmärrystä. • => konvergessivaiheiden kautta osapuolet löytävät uusia eroja, joista pitää keskustella jne. • during cycle of divergence/convergence phases, what matters is not only final result but also effort towards shared under understanding (swartch, 1995)
  • 45. ..prosessia voidaan hankaloittaa tarkoituksella • Näkökulmien eroja (divergence) voidaan lisätä tarkoituksella ja täten lisätä tehtävän haasteellisuutta (CSCL scripts, e.g. arguegraph, jigsaw) Arguegraph Jigsaw
  • 46. CSCL Environments.. • ..combine divergence and convergence functionalities: e.g. shared representations and visual identification of individual contributions or viewpoints (awareness tools) Mindmap tool as shared representation: Näykki & Järvelä Group awareness widget, Kreijns, kirchner & johchems (2008). (2002)
  • 47. Case Flyers & fieldtrip A B Story snippet 1 Research question Story snippet 1 Snippet types Date / time Grounding Task Iintroduction Task feedback Story Story snippet text Conclusion Snippet 1/1 A B C D Subject: research question Research question Group: name, task: # Date / time Caim: We claim Other research qu.. Sending off Ground: Because we see Date / time Warrant: textbook says Story snippet 1 Date / time Image placed here Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. B. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 Group 1 Other groups learners. Interactive Learning Environments
  • 48. 7. Kasvokkain tapahtuvan vuorovaikutuksen jäljittely ei ole välttämättä hyväksi..
  • 49. Imitation bias • “is the belief that the more a medium resembles face-to-face interaction, the better” (Hollan & Stornetta, 1992) • Media richness is also erranously considered to predit effectiviness, despite empirical counter- evidence: • video-supported collaborative work vs. audio-only collaborative work. => not necessarily better
  • 50. Example of media effectiviness Traditional virtual learning environments - e.g. Optima & Blackboard
  • 51. ..Actually, technology benefits are elsewhere • CSCL Question is no longer “how to compensate for not being face-to-face” (~ was topic 20 years ago) • Now it is “How to fulfil collaborative functionalities that are not available in face-to-face situations” (Haake, 2006)
  • 52. features apply to: 1. computer mediated communication • making it different from face-to-face Gstudy / Learning Kit - nstudy - nstudy ohjeita (LET) - Future Learning Environment 3 -
  • 53. features apply to: 2. augmenting face-to-face situations “Traditional learning technologies fit with students who sit on a chair in front of a table with a computer in a quiet environment. What is the potential of learning technologies for students who move all the time, carry objects, may have dirty hands and work in a noisy environment? Are Leading House - DUAL T project: Integrating technologies in heterogeneous learning technologies irrelevant contexts, CRAFT-EPFL Switzerland for them or should we develop new ways to use technologies that are more appropriate to these contexts?” Tinkertable: Tinkersheets:
  • 54. features apply to: 2. augmenting face-to-face situations
  • 55. 8. Tehtävien sisällöt tukevat myös suullista vuorovaikutusta
  • 56. Representations & verbal interactions • The way representations shape social interactions is referred to by Suthers and Hundhausen (2003) as “representational guidance” • such cognitive tools not only shape social interactions but, if they get internalized, also shape the way students reason about the domain (Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997)
  • 57. Case Flyers & fieldtrip A B Story snippet 1 Research question Story snippet 1 Snippet types Date / time Grounding Task Iintroduction Task feedback Story Story snippet text Conclusion Snippet 1/1 A B C D Subject: research question Research question Group: name, task: # The way representations shape social Date / time Caim: We claim interactions is referred to by Suthers Other research qu.. Sending off Ground: Because we see Date / time and Hundhausen (2003) as Story snippet 1 Warrant: textbook says “representational guidance” Image placed here Date / time Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. B. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 Group 1 Other groups learners. Interactive Learning Environments
  • 58. Examples I such cognitive tools not only shape social interactions but, if they get internalized, also shape the way students reason about the domain (Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997) Microworlds - Roschelle & Teasley, 1995 Beldevere argumentation tool - Suthers, Weiner, Connelly & Paolucci, 1995
  • 59. Examples II such cognitive tools not only shape social interactions but, if they get internalized, also shape the way students reason about the domain (Kuutti & Kaptelin, 1997)
  • 60. 9.Vuorovaikutuksen tukeminen (strukturointi) on aina kompromissi
  • 61. Semi-structured interfaces • Semi-structured communication tools aim to scaffold productive interactions by making them easier: for instance “sentence openers”, such as “please explain why” • It’s example of flexible structuring - students have freedom to use or not to use the available widgets • Poor results (e.g. Baker & Lund, 1997)
  • 62. Solution: CSCL scripts Scripts originate from the fact that it is difficult to predict the effects of collaborative learning by controlling external conditions such as group composition or task features. Actually, the effects of collaborative learning depend on the quality of interactions that take place among group members. Therefore, scripts aim to enhance the probability that knowledge generative interactions such as conflict resolution, explanation or mutual regulation occur during the collaboration process.
  • 63. Different scripts • A macro-script sets up conditions in which argumentation should occur, as in the ArgueGraph, for instance by pairing students with opposite opinions. • A micro-script scaffolds the interaction process per se: when a learner brings an argument, the script will for instance prompt his or her peer to state a counter-argument (Kollar et al, in press) • For both micro- and macro-scripts, the right level of scaffolding is a subtle compromise between the need for structuring and the risk of over-scripting (dillenbourg, 2002)
  • 66. • The degree of processing of these interactions varies from mirroring to guiding (Jermann, Soller & Muhlenbrock, 2001)
  • 67. Mirroring: noise sensitive table • The table, Reflect, addresses the issue of unbalanced participation during group discussions. By displaying on its surface a shared visualization of member participation, Reflect is meant to encourage participants to avoid the extremes of over- and under-participation. An Interactive Table for Supporting Participation Balance in Face-to-Face Collaborative LearningBachour, Khaled ; Kaplan, Frédéric ; Dillenbourg, Pierre Accepted in: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2010 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010. ISSN: 1939-1382
  • 68. Guiding • More complex analyses enable CSCL environments provide feedback to groups or even to suggest changes regarding to their teamwork Towards an Automatic Measure of Transactivity in On-line D Towards an Automatic Measure of Transactivity in On-line D log-data AI techniques (such as planning, machine learning, intelligent agent approaches, semantic web techniques, and others) have been proposed to tackle the challenging issues emerging when trying to model and manage the complexity text, videos etc of the collaborative learning activity. methods Puntambekar, Sadhana; Erkens, Gijsbert; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy (Eds.) Analyzing Interactions in CSCL Methods, Approaches and Issues- Series: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series, Vol. 100 1st Edition., 2010, 400 p. 50 illus., Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4419-7709-0 Due: January 29, 2011
  • 70. 11. Siirtymä henkilöiden välisten (interpersonal) tietokoneiden käyttöön on käynnissä
  • 71. 2008: interpersonal computers perusteet-tietokoneavusteinen-yhteisllinen-oppiminen-cscl aif-interpersonal.doc Kaplan, F., DoLenh, S., Bachour, K., Kao, G. Y.-ing, Gault, C., Dillenbourg, P., Huang, J., et al. (2009). Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and Learning (Vol. 10, pp. 1-17). Boston, MA: Springer US. Retrieved from
  • 72. Tangibles Roomware Tangibles v=5UPiFeJhwS4 Phidgets Wearables
  • 73. First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware Multi-input devices Computers with multiple mices Pawar, U. S., Pal, J., & Toyama, K. (2006). Multiple mice for computers in education in developing countries. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ICTD 2006. computer/
  • 74. First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware Tangible objects & interfaces
  • 75. First axis: phidgets, tangibles, wearables, roomware Roomware v=baDJNtBT1Fg
  • 77. Summary • CSCL environment is not simply a tool to support communication among remote students but a tool used in both co- presence and distance settings for shaping verbal interactions in several ways and for capturing, analyzing and mirroring these interactions in realtime
  • 78. CSCL in short From PPT by Jermann, P. Scripting collaboration with ManyScripts
  • 80. CSCL:n alle mahtuu lukuisa joukko ”muodikkaita malleja” - flipped classroom - blended learning - personal learning environments - seamless learning - ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen Näistä laitan esitykset wikiin luentosetin yhteyteen..