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”Davidin ja Goljatin taistelu: kesyttääkö opettaja
teknologian vai jyrääkö teknologia opettajan?”
Jari Laru, KT, yliopistonlehtori teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun
yliopisto. Larux tmi ( LinkedIN, ResearchGate, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Teknologiatuetun oppimisen ja opettamisen
nykyhetken ja tulevaisuuden tarkastelua eri näkökulmista
On materiaalia
ja oppimiseen
Tämä(kin) esitys
käsittelee niitä(kin)
LUE LISÄÄ aiheesta: Saarikoski, Petri (2017) "Ojennat kätesi verkkoon ja joku tarttuu siihen". Kokemuksia ja muistoja kotimaisen BBS-harrastuksen valtakaudelta. Tekniikan Waiheita
Vuoden 1991 BBS-
luettelo / Oulun
lääni ja kainuu
KM 2013Yliopisto-opettaja Yliopistonlehtori
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen opinnot
Opetuksen ja opetusolosuhteiden
kehittäminen alkoi 2010…
Opiskelija Opettaja
Future of work? 2070*
* Children who start in primary school this year will be in working life until 2070
Tekoäly on jo tulossa oppimisympäristöihinkin: ”syvälukija” esimerkkinä
Pjotos: Pixabay & Wikipedia
Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2013). The future of employment:
How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Oxford, UK: Oxford
Martin School. Available
Labour market and computerisation (AI)
However, what is truly ‘21st century’ is the
enormous increase in information (and
information resources) and the challenge
around the question whether or not the
information is reliable. Therefore, Kirschner
argues, the only skills that are truly
‘21st century’ are:
• Information literacy: also known as
information problem-solving skills including
searching for, identifying, evaluating (the
quality and reliability of information sources),
and effectively using the information that has
been obtained; and
• Information management: the ability to
capture, curate, and share information.
How to prepare our Youth for jobs that don’t exist yet?
What are the basic educational goals?
”Quality education may be the single most powerful tool available available for
increasing educational growth, enhancing competetiviness, and promoting
inclusion” (Luschei, 2014)
Luschei, T. F. (2014). Assessing the costs and benefits of educational technology. In Handbook of research on educational
communications and technology (pp. 239-248). Springer, New York, NY.
Basic educational goals (Spector, 2013)
A. Developing responsible citizens (citizens who will understand, appreciate,
and engage actively in civic and political life, with moral and civic virtues)
B. Developing life-long learners (fostering life-long learning by nurturing the
individual’s unique talents to be competent and responsible citizens
throughout their lives)
C. Developing basic knowledge and literacy (so that individuals can actively
participate in and contribute to society)
D. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills (examining ideas
and thoughts before accepting them, developing criteria with which to
evaluate and judge ideas, combining creative thinking and critical
thinking,and reaching a resolution).
Spector, J. M. (2013). Emerging educational technologies and research directions. Journal of
Educational Technology & Society, 16(2).
”..these (basic) goals [last slide] and
associated educational mission can be
found in one form or another in most
developed and developing countries
around world..” (pp.84 ,Navidad, Mayes,
Choi & Spector, 2015)
Natividad, G., Mayes, R., & Spector, J. M. (2015). Balancing stable educational
goals with changing educational technologies: challenges and opportunities. e-
mentor, 1, 83-94.
Kati Pitkänen, Megumi Iwata and Jari
Laru. 2019. Supporting Fab Lab
facilitators to develop pedagogical
practices to improve learning in digital
fabrication activities. In Proceedings of
the Conference on Creativity and
Making in Education (FabLearn
Europe’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
8 pages.
Monitieteiset oppimiskokonaisuudet vaativat
monenlaista osaamista eri osapuolilta
Laru, J., & Järvelä, S. (2014). Integrated use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in order to support self-regulated learning: a
case study in higher education context. In L.-H. Wong, M. Milrad, & M. Specht (Eds.), Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity. Springer
Pedagogisten vaiheiden, sovellusten ja
välineiden tiukka integrointi keskenään
Opetuksen ei tarvitse olla aina perinteisellä tavalla
Tämä hetki: kaupalliset tuotteet ja
opettajien kokeilut
Tutkimushankkeen kesto +
Kaukainen tulevaisuus
Enhanced Learning
Technology Enhanced &
Learning Processes
No idea 
Tänään ”Huomenna” ”Ei aavistustakaan”
Opettajankoulutus seuraa ”kenttää”
Current tech level: programming, robotics,
STEAM, making etc. (physical computing)
Current tech level: Personal learning/teaching
environments with social media
Personal Learning Environment: Janson Hews:
”A Personal Learning Environment or
PLE is a potentially promising
pedagogical approach for both
integrating formal and informal
learning using social media and
supporting student self-regulated
learning in higher education
Current tech level: interactive content creation,
González, C., & Motz, R. (2011). Advantages of
using Web Services as Learning
Objects. International Journal of Computer
Application: Proceedings on Design and Evaluation
of Digital Content for Education (DEDCE) Eds.
Foundation of Computer Science, 1.
Current tech level: standards & integration
within/between ecosystems
(helppokäyttöistä) teknologiaa on
todella runsaasti saatavilla
Verkot ovat hitaita tai
Ei laitteita tai
Ei vapautta valita
mitä sovelluksia
/järjestelmiä käyttää
Erittäin rajoitettu
Ei ole aikaa ottaa
Hyvin rajallinen
Massive Open Online Course
*Suomessa 2000-3000 on jo hurjan iso MOOC
xMOOC (luennoitsijakeskeinen, konetarkastus); cMOOC (yhteisöllinen, vertaisarviointi); #etMOOC (ongelmakeskeinen); ccMOOC
(projektikeskeinen); mOOC (pieni mooc); SPOC (suljettu pieni kurssi) ja DOCC (Distributed Open Collaborative Course) [useamman
yliopiston yhdessä tuottama kurssi]
Koulutuskentän muutospaineet..
Kovat taidot: opetettavat
Pehmeät taidot
● Yhteisöllinen työskentely ja
● Luovuus ja mielikuvitus
● Kiirittinen ajattelu ja
● Elämä muuttuvassa
● Informaatiolukutaito ja ICT skilsl
Ideaalikuva digiaikakauden opettajasta
Pehmeä osaaminen:
● Yhteisöllinen työskentely
ja oppiminen
● Luovuus ja mielikuvitus
● Kiirittinen ajattelu ja
● Elämä muuttuvassa
● Informaatiolukutaito ja
ICT skilsl
Kognitiiviset taidot
Monialaiset + sivuaineet
Digikurssit + monialaiset
OPS:n laaja-alaisen osaamisen taidot
”Ensimmäistä kertaa joku
sanoo, että pelaamisesta
on hyötyä”
”Mahtavaa, että saan
käyttää aiempaa
harrastustani gradussa ja
Uudet oppimisympäristöt
FabLab / Makers
Tilat ovat myös osa
opettajan identiteettiä ja
sen murrosta
Lehrplan Curriculum
Herbart - “sisällöt ja tieto” Dewey - “oppimiskokemukset”
Uudet oppimisympäristötPerinteiset (aine)luokat
Suomalainen koulu
Koulujen uudet tilat?Opettajankoulutuksen tilat?
Luentosali, laboratorio
Edelliset +
kiltahuone/kahvila/aula +
kirjastot +
• 15 chromebook kannettavaa
• 15 windows kannettavaa
• 30 iPadia
• Robotiikkaa,kameroita yms
• 4x Greenscreen
• Kattava esitystekniikka
• Laajennettavissa aulaan
Computater literacy (oppii
Computational fluency (oppii
aikakaudelle tärkeitä taitoja ja
Computational thinking
(ohjelmallinen ajattelu, integroituu
digitaaliseen elämäntapaan)
Computational Design
(digitaalisten tuotosten
Focus on tools like word processors &
Fluency with language and practises of
computing. Asset in emerging digitalized world.
Wing’s essay on computational thinking (2006).
A lot of CT framworks, but generally computing
practises are taught by using computing
concepts and practises through games, magic
tricks, and activites
”However, a critical gap remains in
understanding how to best integrate
CT into NGSS (next generation
science standardards)-aligned science
instruction beyond simply including
more and bigger datasets or adding
technological instruments.
Instead, the goal is to provide
students with ongoing experiences
to advance their CT skills and
support their understanding of how
those skills are a fundamental aspect
of contemporary scientific inquiry”
Computational Thinking in STEM classes
David Weintrop, Elham Beheshti, Michael Horn, Kai Orton, Kemi Jona, Laura Trouille, and Uri Wilensky. 2016. Defining computational
thinking for mathematics and science classrooms. Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 1 (2016), 127–147. (LINKIN TAKANA TARKEMMAT KUVAUKSET)
Asare, K. O., Leikanger, T., Schuss, C., Klakegg, S., Visuri, A., &
Ferreira, D. (2018, September). S3: environmental fingerprinting
with a credit card-sized NFC powered sensor board.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-
Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
Adjunct(pp. 298-305). ACM.
Gendreau Chakarov, A., Recker, M., Jacobs, J., Van Horne, K., & Sumner, T. (2019, February). Designing a Middle School Science Curriculum that Integrates Computational
Thinking and Sensor Technology. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 818-824). ACM.
Vaiheet, sensoreiden hyödyntäminen
Computational thinking is not only
something programmers must know, but it
is also a thinking tool to for understanding
our technology infused social world
• It increases our awaraness of how our everyday digital tools work
• Improves our resilience against diff threats:
• Algorithm guided attemps to guide our behavior
• Personally tailored fake news
• Viral powers of social media
• Massive, data-intensive analysis of our movements
Computing as pervasive information
processes: nothing to automate
• Natural processes of DNA transcription
are computational
• Many brain processes can be seen as
• Simulations & mathematical models
* blogging, blockchain, image
recognizitioon, artificial intelligence etc.
Tutkijoiden kammioista..
Fig. 1. Gartner’s hype curve and the development of “mobile learning”
”mobiilioppimisen kehitys 2000-2010”
Laru, J., Naykki, P., & Jarvela, S. (2014). Four stages of research on the educational use of ubiquitous computing.
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, (1), 1–1. doi:10.1109/TLT.2014.2360862 Openaccess
(outline for
To adress 21st centyry challenges and opportunities,
Woolf (2010) suggests..
● User modeling
● Mobile and network tools
● Rich interfaces and
environments, including
gamification and
intelligent systems
● Educational data mining
● Personalizing education
● Assessing student learning
● Diminishing boundaries
● Developing altenative
teaching strategies
● Enhancing the role of
● Adressing policy changes
Technology should be used for:New designs that include:
Woolf B.P., A roadmap for education technology, National
Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 2010, https://hal.
Technology is not answer, unless it
can be used for
Example of smart Learning Environment [metatutor]
Adaptive learning materials: early steps
Chew, S. W., Cheng, I. L., & Chen, N. S. (2018). Exploring challenges faced by different
stakeholders while implementing educational technology in classrooms through expert
interviews. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(2), 175-197.
Metatutor Environment (left side:) Azevedo, R., Harley, J., Trevors, G., Duffy, M., Feyzi-
Behnagh, R., Bouchet, F., & Landis, R. (2013). Using trace data to examine the complex roles of
cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional self-regulatory processes during learning with multi-agent
systems. In International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies, Springer New
York, p. 431
..towards developing ”smart learning environment”
• That monitors learners’ learning process and
their progress,
• adapting to their learning patterns and needs,
• suggesting and feeding learners with relevant
information what they need in different forms
that suits each learner’s learning preference
and style
Future: Automated real-time adaptive learning
101 hours of video, 266 216 000 data points of
physiological data, 236 000 EdX log events…
Collaboration with LA, data-mining and signal
processing experts => Methodological
development (LA) => Data vizualisation
Järvelä, S. , Kirschner, P. A., Hadwin, A., Järvenoja, H., Malmberg, J. Miller, M. & Laru, J. (2016, in
press). Socially shared regulation of learning in CSCL: Understanding and prompting individual- and
group-level shared regulatory activities. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative
Järvelä, S., Malmberg, J. & Koivuniemi, M. (2016). Recognizing socially shared regulation by using
the temporal sequences of online chat and logs in CSCL. Learning and Instruction, 42, 1-11.
DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.10.006
Järvelä, S., Järvenoja, H., Malmberg, J., Isohätälä, J. & Sobocinski, M. (2016). How do types of
interaction and phases of self-regulated learning set a stage for collaborative engagement? Learning
and Instruction 43, 39-51. DOI:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.01.005
Järvelä, S., Malmberg, J., Sobocinski, M., Haataja, E., & Kirschner, P. (2016). What multimodal data
can tell us about the self-regulated learning process? Submitted.
Malmberg, J., Järvelä, S., Holappa, J., Haataja, E., & Siipo, A. (2016). Going beyond what is visible
–What physiological measures can reveal about regulated learning in the context of collaborative
learning. Submitted.
Malmberg, J., Järvelä, S., & Järvenoja, H. (2016). Capturing temporal and sequential patterns of
self-, co-, and socially shared regulation in the context of collaborative learning. Submitted.
Pijeira-Díaz, H. J., Drachsler, H., Järvelä, S., & Kirschner, P. A. (2016). Investigating collaborative
learning success
with physiological coupling indices based on electrodermal activity. Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. ACM.
Pijeira-Díaz, H. J., Drachsler, H., Kirschner, P. A., & Järvelä, S. (2018). Profiling sympathetic arousal
in a physics course: How active are students? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, (April), 1–12.
Sedrakyan, G., Malmberg, J., Verbert, K., Järvelä, S., & Kirschner, P. A. (2018). Linking Learning
Behavior Analytics and Learning Science Concepts: Designing a Learning Analytics Dashboard for
Feedback to Support Learning Regulation. Computers in Human Behavior.
Sobocinski, M., Malmberg, J. & Järvelä, S. (2016). Exploring temporal sequences of regulatory
phases and associated interaction types in collaborative learning tasks. Submitted.
Educational robots
Educational robot is not just a tool used in the
class, but more general learning companion
• Ability to have fully context aware whereby it
would be to feed learner’s preference (Mishra,
• Ability to understand and attain learning
patterns and characteristics of the learners
• Would be able to react to the learner’s input
• Robot would grow together with child,
learning the child’s living style and learning
D. Hood, S. Lemaignan and P.
Dillenbourg. The CoWriter
Project: Teaching a Robot how
to Write. 2015 Human-Robot
Interaction Conference,
Portand, USA, 2015.
Educational robots: example robot which
can teach children to write
See the project:
Rich interfaces & Environments: virtual assistants
and xReality
To adress 21st centyry challenges and opportunities,
Woolf (2010) suggests..
● User modeling
● Mobile and network tools
● Rich interfaces and
environments, including
gamification and
intelligent systems
● Educational data mining
● Personalizing education
● Assessing student learning
● Diminishing boundaries
● Developing altenative
teaching strategies
● Enhancing the role of
● Adressing policy changes
Technology should be used for:New designs that include:
Woolf B.P., A roadmap for education technology, National
Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 2010, https://hal.
Technology is not answer, unless it
can be used for
We have no idea about it.
Next generation hardware and software: tool for
living (so easy, intuitive and supportive)
”Davidin ja Goljatin taistelu: kesyttääkö opettaja
teknologian vai jyrääkö teknologia opettajan?”
Jari Laru, KT, yliopistonlehtori teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun
yliopisto. Larux tmi ( LinkedIN, ResearchGate, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Teknologiatuetun oppimisen ja opettamisen
nykyhetken ja tulevaisuuden tarkastelua eri näkökulmista
Kiitos! Ole yhteydessä!
• LinkedIN
• Researchgate
• Google Scholar
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram
• jne

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  • 1. ”Davidin ja Goljatin taistelu: kesyttääkö opettaja teknologian vai jyrääkö teknologia opettajan?” DIGITALISAATIO KOULUTUKSESSA, OPPIMISESSA & OSAAMISESSA - DIGIGO! PÄÄTÖSSEMINAARI 16.4. Rovaniemi Jari Laru, KT, yliopistonlehtori teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun yliopisto. Larux tmi ( LinkedIN, ResearchGate, Instagram, Twitter etc. Teknologiatuetun oppimisen ja opettamisen nykyhetken ja tulevaisuuden tarkastelua eri näkökulmista
  • 3.
  • 4. LUE LISÄÄ aiheesta: Saarikoski, Petri (2017) "Ojennat kätesi verkkoon ja joku tarttuu siihen". Kokemuksia ja muistoja kotimaisen BBS-harrastuksen valtakaudelta. Tekniikan Waiheita 2/2017. Vuoden 1991 BBS- luettelo / Oulun lääni ja kainuu
  • 5.
  • 6. 1997 20101999 2003 KM 2013Yliopisto-opettaja Yliopistonlehtori Opettajaopinnot Tietojenkäsittelytieteen opinnot Koulutusteknologia Tutkijakoulutettava Opetuksen ja opetusolosuhteiden kehittäminen alkoi 2010… Opiskelija Opettaja
  • 7. Future of work? 2070* * Children who start in primary school this year will be in working life until 2070
  • 8.
  • 10. Tekoäly on jo tulossa oppimisympäristöihinkin: ”syvälukija” esimerkkinä
  • 11. Pjotos: Pixabay & Wikipedia
  • 12. Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2013). The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Oxford, UK: Oxford Martin School. Available at Labour market and computerisation (AI)
  • 13. Neelen & Kirchner (2017). A THREE STAGE PLAN TO PREPARE OUR YOUTH FOR JOBS THAT DON’T EXIST (YET). However, what is truly ‘21st century’ is the enormous increase in information (and information resources) and the challenge around the question whether or not the information is reliable. Therefore, Kirschner argues, the only skills that are truly ‘21st century’ are: • Information literacy: also known as information problem-solving skills including searching for, identifying, evaluating (the quality and reliability of information sources), and effectively using the information that has been obtained; and • Information management: the ability to capture, curate, and share information. How to prepare our Youth for jobs that don’t exist yet?
  • 14. What are the basic educational goals? ”Quality education may be the single most powerful tool available available for increasing educational growth, enhancing competetiviness, and promoting inclusion” (Luschei, 2014) Luschei, T. F. (2014). Assessing the costs and benefits of educational technology. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp. 239-248). Springer, New York, NY. ”stable”
  • 15. Basic educational goals (Spector, 2013) A. Developing responsible citizens (citizens who will understand, appreciate, and engage actively in civic and political life, with moral and civic virtues) B. Developing life-long learners (fostering life-long learning by nurturing the individual’s unique talents to be competent and responsible citizens throughout their lives) C. Developing basic knowledge and literacy (so that individuals can actively participate in and contribute to society) D. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills (examining ideas and thoughts before accepting them, developing criteria with which to evaluate and judge ideas, combining creative thinking and critical thinking,and reaching a resolution). Spector, J. M. (2013). Emerging educational technologies and research directions. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(2).
  • 16. ”..these (basic) goals [last slide] and associated educational mission can be found in one form or another in most developed and developing countries around world..” (pp.84 ,Navidad, Mayes, Choi & Spector, 2015) Natividad, G., Mayes, R., & Spector, J. M. (2015). Balancing stable educational goals with changing educational technologies: challenges and opportunities. e- mentor, 1, 83-94.
  • 17. Kati Pitkänen, Megumi Iwata and Jari Laru. 2019. Supporting Fab Lab facilitators to develop pedagogical practices to improve learning in digital fabrication activities. In Proceedings of the Conference on Creativity and Making in Education (FabLearn Europe’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. Monitieteiset oppimiskokonaisuudet vaativat monenlaista osaamista eri osapuolilta
  • 18. Laru, J., & Järvelä, S. (2014). Integrated use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in order to support self-regulated learning: a case study in higher education context. In L.-H. Wong, M. Milrad, & M. Specht (Eds.), Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity. Springer Verlag. Pedagogisten vaiheiden, sovellusten ja välineiden tiukka integrointi keskenään
  • 19. Opetuksen ei tarvitse olla aina perinteisellä tavalla toteutettua..
  • 20. Tämä hetki: kaupalliset tuotteet ja opettajien kokeilut Tutkimushankkeen kesto + kaupallistaminen Kaukainen tulevaisuus Technology Enhanced Learning Technology Enhanced & Augmented Learning Processes No idea  Tänään ”Huomenna” ”Ei aavistustakaan” TÄSTÄ ETEENPÄIN ESITYKSEN RAKENNE ON
  • 21. DIGI ON ARKEA: TYÖVÄLINE 1. TÄNÄÄN Opettajankoulutus seuraa ”kenttää”
  • 22. Current tech level: programming, robotics, STEAM, making etc. (physical computing) Current tech level: Personal learning/teaching environments with social media Personal Learning Environment: Janson Hews: ”A Personal Learning Environment or PLE is a potentially promising pedagogical approach for both integrating formal and informal learning using social media and supporting student self-regulated learning in higher education contexts.” Current tech level: interactive content creation, authoring When-we-speak-about-Web-Services-integration_fig2_267949991 González, C., & Motz, R. (2011). Advantages of using Web Services as Learning Objects. International Journal of Computer Application: Proceedings on Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education (DEDCE) Eds. Foundation of Computer Science, 1. Current tech level: standards & integration within/between ecosystems (helppokäyttöistä) teknologiaa on todella runsaasti saatavilla
  • 23. Verkot ovat hitaita tai puutteellisia Ei laitteita tai ohjelmistoja Ei vapautta valita mitä sovelluksia /järjestelmiä käyttää Erittäin rajoitettu budjetti Liikaa mahdollisuuksia Ei ole aikaa ottaa välineitä käyttöön Hyvin rajallinen täydennyskoulutus
  • 24. 10.000<* Massive Open Online Course *Suomessa 2000-3000 on jo hurjan iso MOOC xMOOC (luennoitsijakeskeinen, konetarkastus); cMOOC (yhteisöllinen, vertaisarviointi); #etMOOC (ongelmakeskeinen); ccMOOC (projektikeskeinen); mOOC (pieni mooc); SPOC (suljettu pieni kurssi) ja DOCC (Distributed Open Collaborative Course) [useamman yliopiston yhdessä tuottama kurssi]
  • 26. Kovat taidot: opetettavat aineet Pehmeät taidot ● Yhteisöllinen työskentely ja oppiminen ● Luovuus ja mielikuvitus ● Kiirittinen ajattelu ja ongelmanratkaisu ● Elämä muuttuvassa yhteiskunassa ● Informaatiolukutaito ja ICT skilsl
  • 28. Pehmeä osaaminen: ● Yhteisöllinen työskentely ja oppiminen ● Luovuus ja mielikuvitus ● Kiirittinen ajattelu ja ongelmanratkaisu ● Elämä muuttuvassa yhteiskunassa ● Informaatiolukutaito ja ICT skilsl Kognitiiviset taidot Monialaiset + sivuaineet Digikurssit + monialaiset
  • 30. ”Ensimmäistä kertaa joku sanoo, että pelaamisesta on hyötyä” ”Mahtavaa, että saan käyttää aiempaa harrastustani gradussa ja opettajankoulutuksessa” Osa opettaja(n/opiskelijan) identiteettiä
  • 31. Uudet oppimisympäristöt FabLab / Makers aktiviteetit Tilat ovat myös osa opettajan identiteettiä ja sen murrosta
  • 32. Lehrplan Curriculum Herbart - “sisällöt ja tieto” Dewey - “oppimiskokemukset” Uudet oppimisympäristötPerinteiset (aine)luokat Suomalainen koulu Koulujen uudet tilat?Opettajankoulutuksen tilat? Luentosali, laboratorio Edelliset + kiltahuone/kahvila/aula + kirjastot + oppimiskeskukset
  • 33.
  • 34. DIGILUOKKA: • 15 chromebook kannettavaa • 15 windows kannettavaa • 30 iPadia • Robotiikkaa,kameroita yms • 4x Greenscreen • Kattava esitystekniikka • Laajennettavissa aulaan
  • 35.
  • 36. Computater literacy (oppii perustaitoja) Computational fluency (oppii aikakaudelle tärkeitä taitoja ja käytänteitä) Computational thinking (ohjelmallinen ajattelu, integroituu digitaaliseen elämäntapaan) Computational Design (digitaalisten tuotosten suunnittelu) Focus on tools like word processors & spreadsheets Fluency with language and practises of computing. Asset in emerging digitalized world. Wing’s essay on computational thinking (2006). A lot of CT framworks, but generally computing practises are taught by using computing concepts and practises through games, magic tricks, and activites
  • 37. ”However, a critical gap remains in understanding how to best integrate CT into NGSS (next generation science standardards)-aligned science instruction beyond simply including more and bigger datasets or adding technological instruments. Instead, the goal is to provide students with ongoing experiences to advance their CT skills and support their understanding of how those skills are a fundamental aspect of contemporary scientific inquiry”
  • 38. Computational Thinking in STEM classes David Weintrop, Elham Beheshti, Michael Horn, Kai Orton, Kemi Jona, Laura Trouille, and Uri Wilensky. 2016. Defining computational thinking for mathematics and science classrooms. Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 1 (2016), 127–147. (LINKIN TAKANA TARKEMMAT KUVAUKSET)
  • 39. Asare, K. O., Leikanger, T., Schuss, C., Klakegg, S., Visuri, A., & Ferreira, D. (2018, September). S3: environmental fingerprinting with a credit card-sized NFC powered sensor board. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human- Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct(pp. 298-305). ACM. content/uploads/2018/09/mhci18.pdf
  • 40. ESIMERKKI A B C D Gendreau Chakarov, A., Recker, M., Jacobs, J., Van Horne, K., & Sumner, T. (2019, February). Designing a Middle School Science Curriculum that Integrates Computational Thinking and Sensor Technology. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 818-824). ACM. Vaiheet, sensoreiden hyödyntäminen
  • 41. Computational thinking is not only something programmers must know, but it is also a thinking tool to for understanding our technology infused social world • It increases our awaraness of how our everyday digital tools work • Improves our resilience against diff threats: • Algorithm guided attemps to guide our behavior • Personally tailored fake news • Viral powers of social media • Massive, data-intensive analysis of our movements
  • 42. Computing as pervasive information processes: nothing to automate COMPUTATIONAL INTERPRETATION OF THE WORLD • Natural processes of DNA transcription are computational • Many brain processes can be seen as computational • Simulations & mathematical models MANY NEW TECHNOLOGICAL innovations * blogging, blockchain, image recognizitioon, artificial intelligence etc.
  • 43. DIGI (ON) HYPEÄ: TUTKIMUS 2. HUOMENNA Tutkijoiden kammioista..
  • 44. Fig. 1. Gartner’s hype curve and the development of “mobile learning” ”huomenna” ”Tänään” ”mobiilioppimisen kehitys 2000-2010” Laru, J., Naykki, P., & Jarvela, S. (2014). Four stages of research on the educational use of ubiquitous computing. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, (1), 1–1. doi:10.1109/TLT.2014.2360862 Openaccess
  • 46.
  • 47. To adress 21st centyry challenges and opportunities, Woolf (2010) suggests.. ● User modeling ● Mobile and network tools ● Rich interfaces and environments, including gamification and intelligent systems ● Educational data mining ● Personalizing education ● Assessing student learning ● Diminishing boundaries ● Developing altenative teaching strategies ● Enhancing the role of stakeholders ● Adressing policy changes Technology should be used for:New designs that include: Woolf B.P., A roadmap for education technology, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 2010, https://hal. Technology is not answer, unless it can be used for ?
  • 48. Example of smart Learning Environment [metatutor] Adaptive learning materials: early steps Chew, S. W., Cheng, I. L., & Chen, N. S. (2018). Exploring challenges faced by different stakeholders while implementing educational technology in classrooms through expert interviews. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(2), 175-197. Metatutor Environment (left side:) Azevedo, R., Harley, J., Trevors, G., Duffy, M., Feyzi- Behnagh, R., Bouchet, F., & Landis, R. (2013). Using trace data to examine the complex roles of cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional self-regulatory processes during learning with multi-agent systems. In International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies, Springer New York, p. 431 ..towards developing ”smart learning environment” • That monitors learners’ learning process and their progress, • adapting to their learning patterns and needs, • suggesting and feeding learners with relevant information what they need in different forms that suits each learner’s learning preference and style Future: Automated real-time adaptive learning environment?
  • 50. -keynote_lak_2017-final_optimized.pdf 101 hours of video, 266 216 000 data points of physiological data, 236 000 EdX log events… Collaboration with LA, data-mining and signal processing experts => Methodological development (LA) => Data vizualisation SLAM PROJECT Järvelä, S. , Kirschner, P. A., Hadwin, A., Järvenoja, H., Malmberg, J. Miller, M. & Laru, J. (2016, in press). Socially shared regulation of learning in CSCL: Understanding and prompting individual- and group-level shared regulatory activities. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Järvelä, S., Malmberg, J. & Koivuniemi, M. (2016). Recognizing socially shared regulation by using the temporal sequences of online chat and logs in CSCL. Learning and Instruction, 42, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.10.006 Järvelä, S., Järvenoja, H., Malmberg, J., Isohätälä, J. & Sobocinski, M. (2016). How do types of interaction and phases of self-regulated learning set a stage for collaborative engagement? Learning and Instruction 43, 39-51. DOI:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.01.005 Järvelä, S., Malmberg, J., Sobocinski, M., Haataja, E., & Kirschner, P. (2016). What multimodal data can tell us about the self-regulated learning process? Submitted. Malmberg, J., Järvelä, S., Holappa, J., Haataja, E., & Siipo, A. (2016). Going beyond what is visible –What physiological measures can reveal about regulated learning in the context of collaborative learning. Submitted. Malmberg, J., Järvelä, S., & Järvenoja, H. (2016). Capturing temporal and sequential patterns of self-, co-, and socially shared regulation in the context of collaborative learning. Submitted. Pijeira-Díaz, H. J., Drachsler, H., Järvelä, S., & Kirschner, P. A. (2016). Investigating collaborative learning success with physiological coupling indices based on electrodermal activity. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. ACM. DOI:10.1145/2883851.2883897 Pijeira-Díaz, H. J., Drachsler, H., Kirschner, P. A., & Järvelä, S. (2018). Profiling sympathetic arousal in a physics course: How active are students? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, (April), 1–12. DOI:10.1111/jcal.12271 Sedrakyan, G., Malmberg, J., Verbert, K., Järvelä, S., & Kirschner, P. A. (2018). Linking Learning Behavior Analytics and Learning Science Concepts: Designing a Learning Analytics Dashboard for Feedback to Support Learning Regulation. Computers in Human Behavior. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2018.05.004 Sobocinski, M., Malmberg, J. & Järvelä, S. (2016). Exploring temporal sequences of regulatory phases and associated interaction types in collaborative learning tasks. Submitted.
  • 51. Educational robots Educational robot is not just a tool used in the class, but more general learning companion • Ability to have fully context aware whereby it would be to feed learner’s preference (Mishra, 2015) • Ability to understand and attain learning patterns and characteristics of the learners • Would be able to react to the learner’s input • Robot would grow together with child, learning the child’s living style and learning habits
  • 52. D. Hood, S. Lemaignan and P. Dillenbourg. The CoWriter Project: Teaching a Robot how to Write. 2015 Human-Robot Interaction Conference, Portand, USA, 2015. Educational robots: example robot which can teach children to write See the project:
  • 54. To adress 21st centyry challenges and opportunities, Woolf (2010) suggests.. ● User modeling ● Mobile and network tools ● Rich interfaces and environments, including gamification and intelligent systems ● Educational data mining ● Personalizing education ● Assessing student learning ● Diminishing boundaries ● Developing altenative teaching strategies ● Enhancing the role of stakeholders ● Adressing policy changes Technology should be used for:New designs that include: Woolf B.P., A roadmap for education technology, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 2010, https://hal. Technology is not answer, unless it can be used for ?
  • 55. DISTANT FUTURE (No ETA, surprise) We have no idea about it.
  • 56. Next generation hardware and software: tool for living (so easy, intuitive and supportive)
  • 57. ”Davidin ja Goljatin taistelu: kesyttääkö opettaja teknologian vai jyrääkö teknologia opettajan?” DIGITALISAATIO KOULUTUKSESSA, OPPIMISESSA & OSAAMISESSA - DIGIGO! PÄÄTÖSSEMINAARI 16.4. Rovaniemi Jari Laru, KT, yliopistonlehtori teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Oulun yliopisto. Larux tmi ( LinkedIN, ResearchGate, Instagram, Twitter etc. Teknologiatuetun oppimisen ja opettamisen nykyhetken ja tulevaisuuden tarkastelua eri näkökulmista
  • 58. Kiitos! Ole yhteydessä! Kysymyksiä? • LinkedIN • Researchgate • Google Scholar • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram • jne