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Acute Liver Failure
Acute Liver Failure
• Acute liver failure describes the clinical syndrome of severe
impairment of liver function Encephalopathy
 jaundice
• Within 6 months of the onset of symptoms.
DEFINITION (PALF study group)
1.The acute onset of liver disease with no known evidence of chronic
liver disease.
2. Biochemical and/or clinical evidence of severe liver dysfunction:

• Hepatic-based coagulopathy – prothrombin time [PT] ≥15 seconds or
international normalized ratio [INR] ≥1.5 that is not corrected by
parenteral vitamin K in presence of clinical hepatic encephalopathy
• PT is ≥20 seconds or INR is ≥2.0 in presence or absence of HE .
• An alternative classification
 fulminant and sub-fulminant • liver failure - time from jaundice to encephalopathy less or more than
2 weeks
Late onset liver failure describes encephalopathy developing more
than 8 weeks (but lessthan 24 weeks) after the first symptoms
Acute vs acute on chronic liver failure
Acute liver failure

Acute on chronic liver failure








Increased /normal

Hard / increased


Increased /normal


Spiders naevi



Herpes Virus , Hepatitis B virus

Inborn Error of Metabolism

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance , Galactosemia

Immune Mediated

Neonatal Hemochromatosis


CHD , Cardiac Surgery , Myocarditis


Hep A , Hep B , Herpes Virus , NANB Hepatis


Valproate , Isoniazide , Paracetamol (Common)

Inborn Error of metabolism

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

Immune Mediated

Autoimmune Hepatitis
2-18 years old


NANB Hepatitis ,Hep A , Hep B (common)


Same As Infants

Immune mediated



Budd Chiari Syndrome


Wilson’s Disease
• In India , infectious hepatitis is the most important cause of ALF
• In Infants , main causes are inherited metabolic disorders and
• Massive destruction of hepatocytes – direct cytotoxic effect or
immune response to antigens
• Contributing factors to liver failure – impaired hepatocyte
regeneration , altered parenchymal perfusion , endotoxemia
Clinical features
• The patient, previously having been well, typically develops non-specific
symptoms such as nausea and malaise.
• Progressive Jaundice.
• Vomiting is common
• Abdominal pain .
• Rapid decrease in liver size without clinical improvement is an omnious
• Ascites
• Tachycardia, hypotension, hyperventilation and fever are later features
• Later coma & encephalopathy features
Signs of Liver cell failure
• Progressive Jaundice
Fetor hepaticus
• Sweetish, slightly faecal smell of the breath

• Of intestinal origin
• Normal demethylating processes being inhibited by liver damage.
• Methyl mercaptans excreted through lungs
• Frequent in patients with an extensive portal-collateral circulation
• Often precedes coma
Skin changes - Vascular spiders
• Found in the vascular territory of the superior vena cava.
• Common sites are the necklace area,the face, forearms and dorsum
of the hand
• An arterial spider consists of a central arteriole, radiating from which
are numerous small vessels resembling a spider’s legs
• Pressure on the central prominence with a pinhead causes blanching of the
whole lesion

• Disappear with improving hepatic function, whereas the appearance of fresh
spiders is suggestive of progression.
• A few spiders are not sufficient to diagnose liver disease, but many new ones,
with increasing size of old ones, should arouse suspicion.
Palmar erythema (liver palms)
• The hands are warm and the palms bright red in colour,especially the
hypothenar and thenar eminences and pulps of the fingers

• The mottling blanches on pressure and the colour rapidly returns.
• Vascular spiders and palmar erythema - attributed to oestrogen
• Oestrogens have an enlarging, dilating effect on the spiral arterioles
of the endometrium, and such a mechanism may explain the closely
similar cutaneous spiders

• Liver inactivates oestrogen– in liver failure it leads to increase in
oestrogen levels – leads to cutaneous manifestations of liver failure
Endocrine changes - Hypogonadism
• Diminished libido and potency are frequent
• The testes are soft and small. Seminal fluid is abnormal in some cases.
• Secondary sexual hair is lost
• The female has ovulatory failure.
• Loses feminine characteristics, particularly breast and pelvic fat.
• Gynaecomastia - Alcoholic liver disease is the commonest
• Steroid hormones are conjugated in the liver.
• Derivatives of oestrogens, cortisol and testosterone are conjugated as a
glucuronide or sulphate
• So excreted in the bile or urine.
• Failure of hormone metabolism in liver failure results in a rise in blood
hormone levels.
• This alters the normal homeostatic balance between secretion rates of
hormones and their utilization.
• The prothrombin time (together with the degree of encephalopathy) refractory to vitamin K treatment central to the assessment of the severity of the clinical situation, and its progress.
• Haemoglobin and white count are obtained.
• A falling platelet count may reflect disseminated intravascular coagulation.
• Blood Glucose
• Blood Urea
• Serum Electrolytes
• Serum Creatinine
• Serum bilirubin
• Serum Albumin – initially normal but later low albumin carries poor
• Transaminases – of little prognostic values as levels tends to fall as
condition worsens
Etiological Work Up
• Virological markers –
Serum HBsAg
IgM Anti HBc
IgM anti HAV
Anti HCV
• The Guidelines now used for decision on management no longer
depend on EEG
• Continuous EEG has shown 50% of patients with subclinical seizure
and epileptiform activities
• Recommended for Grade 3 and 4 Encephalopathy
Liver Biopsy & CT Brain
• Hepatic Parenchymal necrosis more than 50% indicates poor prognosis
• Hepatic Regenerative changes on histology (<50% Necrosis ) indicates good

• From Practical point of view – clinical & laboratory data rather than biopsy
are used for decision making
• CT – unreliable in detecting early cerebral oedema so movement of patient
to radiology carries the risk of deterioration
General measures
• Volume resuscitation should be carried out aggressively
• Fluids should be glucose based with infusion rate at least 6-8
• Strict input output charting
Associations / complications
Hepatic encephalopathy
• The brain is exposed to increased levels of ammonia,
neurotransmitters and their precursors because of failed hepatic
• Neurological and psychiatric components.
• Features of encephalopathy can be separated into changes in
consciousness, personality, intellect and speech.
• Disturbed consciousness with disorder of sleep is usual.
• Hypersomnia appears early and progresses to reversal of the normal
sleep pattern.
• Reduction of spontaneous movement, a fixed stare, apathy, and
slowness and brevity of response are early signs.
• Further deterioration results in reaction only to intense or noxious

• Coma at first resembles normal sleep, but progresses to complete
Personality & intellect changes
• Irritability and loss of concern for family.

• Intellectual deterioration varies from slight impairment of organic mental function to gross confusion.
• Isolated abnormalities appearing in a setting of clear consciousness relate to disturbances in visual spatial

• Most easily elicited as constructional apraxia, shown by an inability to reproduce simple designs with
blocks or matches
• Writing is oblivious of ruled lines and a daily writing chart is a good check of progress

• Failure to distinguish objects of similar size, shape, function and position
• Micturating and defaecating in inappropriate places
• Speech is slow and slurred and the voice is monotonous.
• The most characteristic neurological abnormality is the ‘flapping’
tremor (asterixis).
• This is due to impaired inflow of joint and other afferent information
to the brainstem reticular formation resulting in lapses in posture.
• It is demonstrated with the patient’s arms outstretched and fingers
separated or by hyperextending the wrists with the forearm fixed .
The rapid flexion–extension movements at the metacarpophalangeal
and wrist joints are often accompanied by lateral movements of the
• ‘Flapping’ tremor is not specific for hepatic pre-coma.
• It can also be observed in uraemia, in respiratory failure and in severe heart
• Deep tendon reflexes are usually exaggerated.
• Increased muscle tone is present at some stage and sustained ankle clonus is
often associated with rigidity.
• During coma , patients become flaccid and lose their reflexes.
• The clinical course fluctuates, and frequent observation of the patient is
• Clinical grading should be used as a part of the clinical record
Pathogenetic mechanisms
• The basic processes are failure of hepatic clearance of gut derived
substances, either through hepato-cellular failure or shunting, and
altered amino acid metabolism
• Result in changes in cerebral neurotransmission.
• Several neuroactive toxins, in particular ammonia, and
neurotransmitter systems are thought to be involved and inter-relate.
Portal systemic Encephalopathy
• In patients with poor hepato-cellular function, such as acute hepatitis,
the shunt is through the liver itself.
• The damaged cells are unable to metabolize the contents of the portal
venous blood completely so that they pass unaltered into the hepatic
• In patients with more chronic forms of liver disease the portal blood
bypasses the liver through enlarged natural ‘collaterals’.
• The portal– hepatic vein anastomoses, developing around the damaged
liver, act as shunt.
• Patients going into hepatic coma are suffering from cerebral
intoxication by intestinal contents which have not been metabolized
by the liver - portal-systemic encephalopathy
• Ammonia is produced from the breakdown of proteins,amino acids, purines and
• Ammonia arising from the intestine is synthesized by bacteria, dietary protein and

• The liver normally converts ammonia to urea and glutamine through the urea cycle.
• Liver failure causes disorder of the urea cycle lead to an encephalopathy.

• Blood ammonia levels &Brain levels are also increased
• Increase in the cerebral metabolic rate for ammonia and an increase in the blood–
brain barrier permeability to ammonia
Effects of ammonia on brain
• The primary mechanisms proposed for ammonia in hepatic
encephalopathy - direct effect on neural membranes or on postsynaptic inhibition
• An indirect neuronal dysfunction due to disturbance of glutamate
Brain- Glutamate
• No urea cycle in the brain
• Ammonia removal involves a different pathway.
• In astrocytes, glutamine synthetase converts glutamate plus ammonia to glutamine .
• With excess ammonia, glutamate (an important excitatory neurotransmitter) is depleted, and
glutamine accumulates.
• Principal inhibitory neurotransmitter
• GABA is synthesized by gut bacteria, and that entering the portal vein
is metabolized by the liver.

• Liver failure or portal-systemic shunting - enters the systemic
• There are increased GABA levels in the plasma of patients with liver
disease and hepatic encephalopathy – neuroinhibition
• Receptor is part of a larger receptor complex which also has binding sites for
benzodiazepines and barbiturates.
• The binding of any of these ligands - opens a chloride channel - hyperpolarization
of postsynaptic membrane - neuroinhibition.
• Endogenous benzodiazepines are present in patients with hepatic
encephalopathy - interact with the receptor complex and cause neuroinhibition.
• No unifying mechanism explains hepatic encephalopathy.
The brain controls neuropsychiatric behaviour through multiple inhibitory and stimulatory
receptor mediated pathways.
• Cerebrospinal fluid - usually clear and under normal pressure , cell
count is normal
• Electroencephalogram(EEG) - bilateral synchronous slowing of the
wave frequency.
• EEG changes occur very early even before psychological or
biochemical disturbances.
• CT scan to show cerebral oedema and cortical atrophy even in those
with subclinical portal-systemic encephalopathy.
EEG changes
Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy
• Treatment broadly divides into three areas.

1 Identification and treatment of the precipitating cause.
2 Intervention to reduce the production and absorptionof gut-derived ammonia
and other toxins.
• Involves reduction and modification of dietary protein,
• Alteration of enteric bacteria and the colonic environment antibiotics,lactulose/lactilol
• Stimulation of colonic emptying - enemas, lactulose/lactilol.
3 Agents to modify neurotransmitter balance directly- bromocriptine, flumazemil limited clinical value at present.

150% of recommended allowance





Protein (non-encephalopathic

2-3 g /kg/d

It promotes growth & maintain
positive nitrogen balance
Vegetable Proteins - preferred

Protein (encephalopathy)

Grade 1 & 2 – 1-2 g/kg/d
Grade 3 &4 – 0.5 g /kg/d

Further protein restriction
exacerbate HE by causing
breakdown of endogenous proteins
• Neomycin, given orally, is very effective in decreasing gastrointestinal
ammonium formation - used for the acute case for 5–7 days
• In acute hepatic coma, lactulose is given -- neomycin added if the
response is slow or partial.
• Metronidazole seems to be as effective as neomycin.
• Rifaximin, a non-absorbed derivative of rifamycin, is effective for
grade 1–3 hepatic encephalopathy
Lactulose and lactilol
• Given by mouth lactulose
• Reaches the caecum where it is broken down by bacteria predominantly to lactic acid .
• The faecal pH drops.
• Faecal acidity would reduce the ionization and hence absorption of ammonia
• The growth of lactose-fermenting organisms is favoured and organisms such as bacteroides,
which are ammonia formers, are suppressed.
• The aim of treatment with lactulose is to produce acid stools without diarrhoea.
• The dose is 10–30ml three times a day and is adjusted to produce two semi-soft stools daily.
• The effects of lactilol compared with lactulose
 Colonic effects similar
 As effective in encephalopathy
 Quicker action

 More convenient (powder)
 Less sweet
 Less diarrhoea and flatulence

 No longer routinely available
Purgation to prevent constipation - Lactulose or lactose enemas may be used and are superior to
water . All enemas must be neutral or acid to reduce ammonium absorption.
Sodium benzoate and L-ornithine -L-aspartate
• Sodium benzoate promotes urinary excretion of ammonia and is as effective as
lactulose and is less expensive.
• L-ornithine-L-aspartate treatment promotes hepatic removal of ammonia by
stimulating residual hepatic urea cycle activity and promoting glutamine
synthesis, particularly in skeletal muscle
Recent Advances
• Flumanezil - benzodiazepine-receptor antagonist which can induce transient, variable but
distinct improvement in some patients with hepatic encephalopathy
• Clinical situation has yet to be established.
• Patients are extremely sensitive to sedatives and whenever possible these are avoided
• Zinc Supplementation – deficiency may reduce metabolism of ammonia to urea because
of the dependency on zinc of some of the enzymes involved
• Studies of zinc therapy in hepatic encephalopathy have not established benefit
Cerebral edema (intracranial hypertension)
• Uncommon in patients with grade 1 or 2 encephalopathy
• Develops in the majority with grade 4.
• Raised intracerebral pressure can lead to brainstem herniation and is
the most common cause of death, being found in 80% of fatal cases
• Two mechanisms have been proposed: cytotoxic and vasogenic.
o The cytotoxic hypothesis - accumulation of osmolytes such as glutamine, in astrocyte subsequent osmotic uptake of water into the cells.
o In the brain astrocytes are the site of ammonia metabolism by amidation of glutamate to
o In acute liver failure cerebral glutamine concentrations rise.
• The vasogenic hypothesis - changes in cerebral blood flow and the blood–brain
• Cerebral blood flow autoregulation (maintained blood flow despite falling or rising
blood pressure) is lost in patients with fulminant hepatic failure .

• Loss of this protective mechanism could exacerbate cerebral changes due to systemic
hypotension (giving cerebral ischaemia) and cerebral hyperperfusion- increasing
cerebral blood volume and interstitial water
• If not controlled - progresses to loss of pupillary reflexes and respiratory arrest from
brainstem herniation.
• Head should be elevated to 30 degrees

• High levels of PEEP should be avoided – it may increase hepatic venous pressure
& intracranial pressure
• Mannitol bolus of 0.5 g/kg as 20 % solution over 15 minutes – can be repeated if
serum osmolality less than 320 mOsm/L
• Other methods 3% hypertonic saline

in ALF – as it may complicate infection & cause gastric erosions
• The liver synthesizes all the coagulation factors (except factor VIII) inhibitors of coagulation and
proteins involved in the fibrinolytic system.
• The coagulopathy of fulminant hepatic failure is complex
• Not only to factor deficiency, but also to enhanced fibrinolytic activity
• The platelet count may fall due to increased consumption or reduced production, and platelet
function is also abnormal in hepatic failure.
• The resulting coagulopathy predisposes to bleeding- potential cause of death

• The prothrombin time is the most widely used test to assess coagulation. It is a guide to prognosis.
• Iv vitamin K to correct any reversible coagulopathy
• FFP – to be given in case of haemorrhage or if coagulopathy is severe
• Thrombocytopenia to be corrected
• Prophylaxis for GI bleed – administration of PPI , sucralfate , ranitidine
Metabolic , electrolyte and acid base disturbances
• Hyponatremia

• Hypokalemia – decreased dietary intake , chronic illness , secondary hyperaldosteronism , frequent GI
• Hypophosphatemia – due to amount of regenerative liver mass as phosphate be a substrate for
various kinase enzymes that phosphorylate proteins for liver regeneration
• Hypoglycemia – failure of hepatic gluconeogenesis , high plasma insulin levels due to decreased
• Respiratory alkalosis – due to hyperventilation – direct stimulation of respiratory centre by toxic

3 Meq (1.5 ml kcl ) if K+ >3 Meq
4 Meq (2 ml kcl ) if K+ is 2.5 - 3 Meq
5 Meq (2.5 ml kcl ) if K+ is 2 – 2.5 Meq
6 Meq (3 ml kcl ) if K+ is < 2 Meq


Restrict sodium infusion to < 2 Meq


Increase GIR
Maintain blood sugar levels between 100 –
200 mg/dl
• Ninety per cent of patients with acute liver failure and grade 2 or
more encephalopathy have clinical or bacteriological evidence of
• The majority of infections are respiratory.
• The high rate of infection can be related to poor host defences with
impaired Kupffer cell and polymorph function
• Hepatorenal syndrome is the most common cause of renal
insufficiency in ALF
• Secondary to renal vasoconstriction

• Type 1 – rapidly progressive in renal function , doubling of s.
creatinine to a level > 2.5 mg/dl or 50 % reduction in CrCl to < 20
ml/min in less than 2 weeks
• Type 2 – progression slow , > 2 weeks
• Primarily focussed on decreasing splanchic circulation –
1. Vasoconstrictors – Terlipressin
2. Alpha agonist- nor-epinephrine , medodrine

Very effective in reversal of functional renal insufficiency
• Overall survival for those reaching grade 3 or 4 encephalopathy is 20% without
• If only grade 1 or 2 coma is reached, survival is around 65%.
• Aetiology is important - 66% for hepatitis A, 38.9% for hepatitis B and 50% for
acetaminophen overdose
• Decerebrate rigidity, with loss of the oculovestibular reflex and respiratory failure
are particularly ominous
• Prothrombin time is the best indicator of survival

• The association of a clotting factor V concentration of less than 15% with coma is
also ominous
• Liver biopsy -Hepatic parenchymal necrosis of more than 50% is
associated with a reduced survival
• The causes of death are: cerebral oedema, infection, bleeding,
respiratory and circulatory failure, renal failure, hypoglycaemia and
• Hyper-acute liver failure - the chance of survival without
transplantation is more than in acute liver failure
Auxiliary liver transplantation
• The native liver is left in place

• Donor liver graft either placed in the right upper quadrant alongside the native liver
(heterotopic), or part of the native liver is resected and replaced with a reduced size graft
• The intention - to provide viable liver function from the graft, giving the native liver time to
recover and regenerate.
• The advantage over conventional transplantation is the temporary need for immunosuppression

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Liver failure

  • 2. Acute Liver Failure • Acute liver failure describes the clinical syndrome of severe impairment of liver function Encephalopathy Coagulopathy  jaundice • Within 6 months of the onset of symptoms.
  • 3. DEFINITION (PALF study group) 1.The acute onset of liver disease with no known evidence of chronic liver disease. 2. Biochemical and/or clinical evidence of severe liver dysfunction: • Hepatic-based coagulopathy – prothrombin time [PT] ≥15 seconds or international normalized ratio [INR] ≥1.5 that is not corrected by parenteral vitamin K in presence of clinical hepatic encephalopathy • PT is ≥20 seconds or INR is ≥2.0 in presence or absence of HE .
  • 5. • An alternative classification  fulminant and sub-fulminant • liver failure - time from jaundice to encephalopathy less or more than 2 weeks Late onset liver failure describes encephalopathy developing more than 8 weeks (but lessthan 24 weeks) after the first symptoms
  • 6. Acute vs acute on chronic liver failure Acute liver failure Acute on chronic liver failure History Short Long Nutrition Good Poor Liver Increased /normal Hard / increased Spleen Increased /normal Increased Spiders naevi Absent Present
  • 8. Causes Neonates Infectious Herpes Virus , Hepatitis B virus Inborn Error of Metabolism Hereditary Fructose Intolerance , Galactosemia (Common) Immune Mediated Neonatal Hemochromatosis Ischaemia CHD , Cardiac Surgery , Myocarditis Infants Infectious Hep A , Hep B , Herpes Virus , NANB Hepatis (Common) Drugs Valproate , Isoniazide , Paracetamol (Common) Inborn Error of metabolism Hereditary Fructose Intolerance Immune Mediated Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • 9. 2-18 years old Infectious NANB Hepatitis ,Hep A , Hep B (common) Drugs Same As Infants Immune mediated Autoimmune Ischaemia Budd Chiari Syndrome Metabolic Wilson’s Disease
  • 10. • In India , infectious hepatitis is the most important cause of ALF • In Infants , main causes are inherited metabolic disorders and infections
  • 11. Pathogenesis • Massive destruction of hepatocytes – direct cytotoxic effect or immune response to antigens • Contributing factors to liver failure – impaired hepatocyte regeneration , altered parenchymal perfusion , endotoxemia
  • 12. Clinical features • The patient, previously having been well, typically develops non-specific symptoms such as nausea and malaise. • Progressive Jaundice. • Vomiting is common • Abdominal pain . • Rapid decrease in liver size without clinical improvement is an omnious sign • Ascites • Tachycardia, hypotension, hyperventilation and fever are later features • Later coma & encephalopathy features
  • 13. Signs of Liver cell failure • Progressive Jaundice
  • 14. Fetor hepaticus • Sweetish, slightly faecal smell of the breath • Of intestinal origin • Normal demethylating processes being inhibited by liver damage. • Methyl mercaptans excreted through lungs • Frequent in patients with an extensive portal-collateral circulation • Often precedes coma
  • 15. Skin changes - Vascular spiders • Found in the vascular territory of the superior vena cava. • Common sites are the necklace area,the face, forearms and dorsum of the hand • An arterial spider consists of a central arteriole, radiating from which are numerous small vessels resembling a spider’s legs
  • 16. • Pressure on the central prominence with a pinhead causes blanching of the whole lesion • Disappear with improving hepatic function, whereas the appearance of fresh spiders is suggestive of progression. • A few spiders are not sufficient to diagnose liver disease, but many new ones, with increasing size of old ones, should arouse suspicion.
  • 17. Palmar erythema (liver palms) • The hands are warm and the palms bright red in colour,especially the hypothenar and thenar eminences and pulps of the fingers • The mottling blanches on pressure and the colour rapidly returns.
  • 18. • Vascular spiders and palmar erythema - attributed to oestrogen excess. • Oestrogens have an enlarging, dilating effect on the spiral arterioles of the endometrium, and such a mechanism may explain the closely similar cutaneous spiders • Liver inactivates oestrogen– in liver failure it leads to increase in oestrogen levels – leads to cutaneous manifestations of liver failure
  • 19. Endocrine changes - Hypogonadism • Diminished libido and potency are frequent • The testes are soft and small. Seminal fluid is abnormal in some cases. • Secondary sexual hair is lost • The female has ovulatory failure. • Loses feminine characteristics, particularly breast and pelvic fat. • Gynaecomastia - Alcoholic liver disease is the commonest association.
  • 20. • Steroid hormones are conjugated in the liver. • Derivatives of oestrogens, cortisol and testosterone are conjugated as a glucuronide or sulphate • So excreted in the bile or urine. • Failure of hormone metabolism in liver failure results in a rise in blood hormone levels. • This alters the normal homeostatic balance between secretion rates of hormones and their utilization.
  • 21. Investigations Haematology • The prothrombin time (together with the degree of encephalopathy) refractory to vitamin K treatment central to the assessment of the severity of the clinical situation, and its progress. • Haemoglobin and white count are obtained. • A falling platelet count may reflect disseminated intravascular coagulation.
  • 22. Biochemistry • Blood Glucose • Blood Urea • Serum Electrolytes • Serum Creatinine • Serum bilirubin • Serum Albumin – initially normal but later low albumin carries poor prognosis • Transaminases – of little prognostic values as levels tends to fall as condition worsens
  • 23. Etiological Work Up • Virological markers – Serum HBsAg IgM Anti HBc IgM anti HAV Anti HCV HCV RNA
  • 24. EEG • The Guidelines now used for decision on management no longer depend on EEG • Continuous EEG has shown 50% of patients with subclinical seizure and epileptiform activities • Recommended for Grade 3 and 4 Encephalopathy
  • 25. Liver Biopsy & CT Brain • Hepatic Parenchymal necrosis more than 50% indicates poor prognosis • Hepatic Regenerative changes on histology (<50% Necrosis ) indicates good Prognosis • From Practical point of view – clinical & laboratory data rather than biopsy are used for decision making • CT – unreliable in detecting early cerebral oedema so movement of patient to radiology carries the risk of deterioration
  • 26. General measures • Volume resuscitation should be carried out aggressively • Fluids should be glucose based with infusion rate at least 6-8 mg/kg/min • Strict input output charting
  • 28. Hepatic encephalopathy • The brain is exposed to increased levels of ammonia, neurotransmitters and their precursors because of failed hepatic clearance. • Neurological and psychiatric components. • Features of encephalopathy can be separated into changes in consciousness, personality, intellect and speech.
  • 29. • Disturbed consciousness with disorder of sleep is usual. • Hypersomnia appears early and progresses to reversal of the normal sleep pattern. • Reduction of spontaneous movement, a fixed stare, apathy, and slowness and brevity of response are early signs. • Further deterioration results in reaction only to intense or noxious stimuli. • Coma at first resembles normal sleep, but progresses to complete unresponsiveness.
  • 30. Personality & intellect changes • Irritability and loss of concern for family. • Intellectual deterioration varies from slight impairment of organic mental function to gross confusion. • Isolated abnormalities appearing in a setting of clear consciousness relate to disturbances in visual spatial gnosis. • Most easily elicited as constructional apraxia, shown by an inability to reproduce simple designs with blocks or matches • Writing is oblivious of ruled lines and a daily writing chart is a good check of progress • Failure to distinguish objects of similar size, shape, function and position • Micturating and defaecating in inappropriate places
  • 31.
  • 32. Speech • Speech is slow and slurred and the voice is monotonous.
  • 33. Asterixis • The most characteristic neurological abnormality is the ‘flapping’ tremor (asterixis). • This is due to impaired inflow of joint and other afferent information to the brainstem reticular formation resulting in lapses in posture.
  • 34. • It is demonstrated with the patient’s arms outstretched and fingers separated or by hyperextending the wrists with the forearm fixed . The rapid flexion–extension movements at the metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints are often accompanied by lateral movements of the digits.
  • 35. • ‘Flapping’ tremor is not specific for hepatic pre-coma. • It can also be observed in uraemia, in respiratory failure and in severe heart failure • Deep tendon reflexes are usually exaggerated. • Increased muscle tone is present at some stage and sustained ankle clonus is often associated with rigidity. • During coma , patients become flaccid and lose their reflexes. • The clinical course fluctuates, and frequent observation of the patient is necessary. • Clinical grading should be used as a part of the clinical record
  • 37. Pathogenetic mechanisms • The basic processes are failure of hepatic clearance of gut derived substances, either through hepato-cellular failure or shunting, and altered amino acid metabolism • Result in changes in cerebral neurotransmission. • Several neuroactive toxins, in particular ammonia, and neurotransmitter systems are thought to be involved and inter-relate.
  • 39. • In patients with poor hepato-cellular function, such as acute hepatitis, the shunt is through the liver itself. • The damaged cells are unable to metabolize the contents of the portal venous blood completely so that they pass unaltered into the hepatic veins • In patients with more chronic forms of liver disease the portal blood bypasses the liver through enlarged natural ‘collaterals’. • The portal– hepatic vein anastomoses, developing around the damaged liver, act as shunt.
  • 40. • Patients going into hepatic coma are suffering from cerebral intoxication by intestinal contents which have not been metabolized by the liver - portal-systemic encephalopathy
  • 41. Pathogenesis • Ammonia is produced from the breakdown of proteins,amino acids, purines and pyrimidines. • Ammonia arising from the intestine is synthesized by bacteria, dietary protein and glutamine. • The liver normally converts ammonia to urea and glutamine through the urea cycle. • Liver failure causes disorder of the urea cycle lead to an encephalopathy. • Blood ammonia levels &Brain levels are also increased • Increase in the cerebral metabolic rate for ammonia and an increase in the blood– brain barrier permeability to ammonia
  • 42. Effects of ammonia on brain • The primary mechanisms proposed for ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy - direct effect on neural membranes or on postsynaptic inhibition • An indirect neuronal dysfunction due to disturbance of glutamate neurotransmission.
  • 43. Brain- Glutamate • No urea cycle in the brain • Ammonia removal involves a different pathway. • In astrocytes, glutamine synthetase converts glutamate plus ammonia to glutamine . • With excess ammonia, glutamate (an important excitatory neurotransmitter) is depleted, and glutamine accumulates.
  • 44. GABA • Principal inhibitory neurotransmitter • GABA is synthesized by gut bacteria, and that entering the portal vein is metabolized by the liver. • Liver failure or portal-systemic shunting - enters the systemic circulation. • There are increased GABA levels in the plasma of patients with liver disease and hepatic encephalopathy – neuroinhibition
  • 45. • Receptor is part of a larger receptor complex which also has binding sites for benzodiazepines and barbiturates. • The binding of any of these ligands - opens a chloride channel - hyperpolarization of postsynaptic membrane - neuroinhibition. • Endogenous benzodiazepines are present in patients with hepatic encephalopathy - interact with the receptor complex and cause neuroinhibition.
  • 46. • No unifying mechanism explains hepatic encephalopathy. The brain controls neuropsychiatric behaviour through multiple inhibitory and stimulatory receptor mediated pathways.
  • 47. Investigations • Cerebrospinal fluid - usually clear and under normal pressure , cell count is normal • Electroencephalogram(EEG) - bilateral synchronous slowing of the wave frequency. • EEG changes occur very early even before psychological or biochemical disturbances. • CT scan to show cerebral oedema and cortical atrophy even in those with subclinical portal-systemic encephalopathy.
  • 49. Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy • Treatment broadly divides into three areas. 1 Identification and treatment of the precipitating cause. 2 Intervention to reduce the production and absorptionof gut-derived ammonia and other toxins. • Involves reduction and modification of dietary protein, • Alteration of enteric bacteria and the colonic environment antibiotics,lactulose/lactilol • Stimulation of colonic emptying - enemas, lactulose/lactilol. 3 Agents to modify neurotransmitter balance directly- bromocriptine, flumazemil limited clinical value at present.
  • 50. Diet Energy 150% of recommended allowance Carbohydrates 15-20g/kg/d Fats 8g/kg/day Protein (non-encephalopathic state) 2-3 g /kg/d It promotes growth & maintain positive nitrogen balance Vegetable Proteins - preferred Protein (encephalopathy) Grade 1 & 2 – 1-2 g/kg/d Grade 3 &4 – 0.5 g /kg/d Further protein restriction exacerbate HE by causing breakdown of endogenous proteins
  • 51. Antibiotics • Neomycin, given orally, is very effective in decreasing gastrointestinal ammonium formation - used for the acute case for 5–7 days • In acute hepatic coma, lactulose is given -- neomycin added if the response is slow or partial. • Metronidazole seems to be as effective as neomycin. • Rifaximin, a non-absorbed derivative of rifamycin, is effective for grade 1–3 hepatic encephalopathy
  • 52. Lactulose and lactilol • Given by mouth lactulose • Reaches the caecum where it is broken down by bacteria predominantly to lactic acid . • The faecal pH drops. • Faecal acidity would reduce the ionization and hence absorption of ammonia • The growth of lactose-fermenting organisms is favoured and organisms such as bacteroides, which are ammonia formers, are suppressed.
  • 53. • The aim of treatment with lactulose is to produce acid stools without diarrhoea. • The dose is 10–30ml three times a day and is adjusted to produce two semi-soft stools daily. • The effects of lactilol compared with lactulose  Colonic effects similar  As effective in encephalopathy  Quicker action  More convenient (powder)  Less sweet  Less diarrhoea and flatulence  No longer routinely available Purgation to prevent constipation - Lactulose or lactose enemas may be used and are superior to water . All enemas must be neutral or acid to reduce ammonium absorption.
  • 54. Sodium benzoate and L-ornithine -L-aspartate • Sodium benzoate promotes urinary excretion of ammonia and is as effective as lactulose and is less expensive. • L-ornithine-L-aspartate treatment promotes hepatic removal of ammonia by stimulating residual hepatic urea cycle activity and promoting glutamine synthesis, particularly in skeletal muscle
  • 55. Recent Advances • Flumanezil - benzodiazepine-receptor antagonist which can induce transient, variable but distinct improvement in some patients with hepatic encephalopathy • Clinical situation has yet to be established. • Patients are extremely sensitive to sedatives and whenever possible these are avoided • Zinc Supplementation – deficiency may reduce metabolism of ammonia to urea because of the dependency on zinc of some of the enzymes involved • Studies of zinc therapy in hepatic encephalopathy have not established benefit
  • 56. Cerebral edema (intracranial hypertension) • Uncommon in patients with grade 1 or 2 encephalopathy • Develops in the majority with grade 4. • Raised intracerebral pressure can lead to brainstem herniation and is the most common cause of death, being found in 80% of fatal cases • Two mechanisms have been proposed: cytotoxic and vasogenic. o The cytotoxic hypothesis - accumulation of osmolytes such as glutamine, in astrocyte subsequent osmotic uptake of water into the cells. o In the brain astrocytes are the site of ammonia metabolism by amidation of glutamate to glutamine. o In acute liver failure cerebral glutamine concentrations rise.
  • 57. • The vasogenic hypothesis - changes in cerebral blood flow and the blood–brain barrier • Cerebral blood flow autoregulation (maintained blood flow despite falling or rising blood pressure) is lost in patients with fulminant hepatic failure . • Loss of this protective mechanism could exacerbate cerebral changes due to systemic hypotension (giving cerebral ischaemia) and cerebral hyperperfusion- increasing cerebral blood volume and interstitial water • If not controlled - progresses to loss of pupillary reflexes and respiratory arrest from brainstem herniation.
  • 58. Treatment • Head should be elevated to 30 degrees • High levels of PEEP should be avoided – it may increase hepatic venous pressure & intracranial pressure • Mannitol bolus of 0.5 g/kg as 20 % solution over 15 minutes – can be repeated if serum osmolality less than 320 mOsm/L • Other methods 3% hypertonic saline • STEROIDS ARE NOT INDICATED IN TREATMENT OF INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION in ALF – as it may complicate infection & cause gastric erosions
  • 59. Coagulopathy • The liver synthesizes all the coagulation factors (except factor VIII) inhibitors of coagulation and proteins involved in the fibrinolytic system. • The coagulopathy of fulminant hepatic failure is complex • Not only to factor deficiency, but also to enhanced fibrinolytic activity • The platelet count may fall due to increased consumption or reduced production, and platelet function is also abnormal in hepatic failure. • The resulting coagulopathy predisposes to bleeding- potential cause of death • The prothrombin time is the most widely used test to assess coagulation. It is a guide to prognosis.
  • 60. Treatment • Iv vitamin K to correct any reversible coagulopathy • FFP – to be given in case of haemorrhage or if coagulopathy is severe (PT>60sec) • Thrombocytopenia to be corrected • Prophylaxis for GI bleed – administration of PPI , sucralfate , ranitidine
  • 61. Metabolic , electrolyte and acid base disturbances • Hyponatremia • Hypokalemia – decreased dietary intake , chronic illness , secondary hyperaldosteronism , frequent GI losses • Hypophosphatemia – due to amount of regenerative liver mass as phosphate be a substrate for various kinase enzymes that phosphorylate proteins for liver regeneration • Hypoglycemia – failure of hepatic gluconeogenesis , high plasma insulin levels due to decreased uptake • Respiratory alkalosis – due to hyperventilation – direct stimulation of respiratory centre by toxic substances
  • 62. Treatment Hypokalemia 3 Meq (1.5 ml kcl ) if K+ >3 Meq 4 Meq (2 ml kcl ) if K+ is 2.5 - 3 Meq 5 Meq (2.5 ml kcl ) if K+ is 2 – 2.5 Meq 6 Meq (3 ml kcl ) if K+ is < 2 Meq Hyponatremia Restrict sodium infusion to < 2 Meq /kg/day Hypoglycemia Increase GIR Maintain blood sugar levels between 100 – 200 mg/dl
  • 63. Infections • Ninety per cent of patients with acute liver failure and grade 2 or more encephalopathy have clinical or bacteriological evidence of infection • The majority of infections are respiratory. • The high rate of infection can be related to poor host defences with impaired Kupffer cell and polymorph function
  • 64. Renal • Hepatorenal syndrome is the most common cause of renal insufficiency in ALF • Secondary to renal vasoconstriction • Type 1 – rapidly progressive in renal function , doubling of s. creatinine to a level > 2.5 mg/dl or 50 % reduction in CrCl to < 20 ml/min in less than 2 weeks • Type 2 – progression slow , > 2 weeks
  • 65. Treatment • Primarily focussed on decreasing splanchic circulation – 1. Vasoconstrictors – Terlipressin 2. Alpha agonist- nor-epinephrine , medodrine Very effective in reversal of functional renal insufficiency
  • 66. Prognosis • Overall survival for those reaching grade 3 or 4 encephalopathy is 20% without transplantation. • If only grade 1 or 2 coma is reached, survival is around 65%. • Aetiology is important - 66% for hepatitis A, 38.9% for hepatitis B and 50% for acetaminophen overdose • Decerebrate rigidity, with loss of the oculovestibular reflex and respiratory failure are particularly ominous • Prothrombin time is the best indicator of survival • The association of a clotting factor V concentration of less than 15% with coma is also ominous
  • 67. • Liver biopsy -Hepatic parenchymal necrosis of more than 50% is associated with a reduced survival • The causes of death are: cerebral oedema, infection, bleeding, respiratory and circulatory failure, renal failure, hypoglycaemia and pancreatitis • Hyper-acute liver failure - the chance of survival without transplantation is more than in acute liver failure
  • 68.
  • 69. Auxiliary liver transplantation • The native liver is left in place • Donor liver graft either placed in the right upper quadrant alongside the native liver (heterotopic), or part of the native liver is resected and replaced with a reduced size graft (orthotopic). • The intention - to provide viable liver function from the graft, giving the native liver time to recover and regenerate. • The advantage over conventional transplantation is the temporary need for immunosuppression