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Functions of liver
Acute liver failure: Definition 
Acute liver failure in children includes 
(1)Biochemical evidence of acute liver (usually <8 wks 
(2) no evidence of a known chronic liver disease; 
(3)hepatic-based coagulopathy that is not corrected by 
parenteral administration of vitamin K; 
(4) hepatic encephalopathy must be present if the 
uncorrected prothrombin time (PT) is ≥ 15 seconds or 
international normalized ratio (INR) is1.5 to 1.9, 
respectively; and 
(5) hepatic encephalopathy is not required if the PT 
is ≥ 20 seconds or INR ≥2.0, respectively. 
Squires et al.J Pediatr 2006;148:652–658
Acute Hepatic Failure: Background 
Acute hepatic failure in children is a relatively rare 
clinical syndrome 
Mortality rate is high – 60 to 80%. 
Among the different causes, 
In western countries: 
Viral cause – 12% 
Drugs & Chemicals – 52% 
Miscellaneous – 18% 
Mixed: 10-22% 
But in south-east Asia hepatitis is the most 
predominant cause of ALF (50-70%)
The incidence of fulminant hepatic failure appears to 
be low in the United States, with approximately 2000 
cases annually. Drug-related hepatotoxicity accounts 
for more than 50% of acute liver failure cases, 
including acetaminophen toxicity (42%) and 
idiosyncratic drug reactions (12%). Nearly 15% of 
cases remain of indeterminate etiology.
Etiology of ALF In different age group 
Neonates Infants 
Inborn errors of 
Immune mediated 
& abnormal 
Drugs & toxins 
HSV, Adeno virus 
Galatosemia, tyrosinaemia, 
Hereditary fructose 
Congestive heart failure, 
severe aspyxia 
Hemophagocytic syndrome 
hereditary fructose 
Intolerance, others. 
Auloimmune hepatitis 
Congestive heart 
valproate malignancy
Etiology Cont…. 
2-10 year old 10-18 yrs old 
Drugs & toxins 
Immune mediated 
& abnormal 
Autoimmune hepatitis, 
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 
Heart failure, cardiac 
Surgery, myocarditis 
Wilson’s disease, Reye’s 
syndrome, Hemophagocytic 
syndrome, septicemia, heat 
Autoimmune hepatitis, 
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 
Heart failure, cardiac 
Surgery, myocarditis 
Wilson’s disease, Reye’s 
syndrome, Hemophagocytic 
syndrome, septicemia, heat 
MMeecchhaanniissmmss ooff hheeppaattiicc iinnjjuurryy
 Immune mediated hepatocellular injury 
- Viral infections 
- Drug hepatotoxicity (dihydralazine, 
 Direct hepatocellular injury 
- Hepatotrophic virus family-HAV, HBV, HCV 
- Toxic or reactive metabolites- acetaminophen 
- Toxic metabolites of compounds-metabolic 
 Ischemic hepatocellular Injury 
- Shock states, SIRS
Effects are: 
• Impaired hepatocyte regeneration 
• Altered parenchymal perfusion 
• Endotoxemia 
• Decreased hepatic reticulo-endothelial function 
Hepatic failure
Acute liver Failure in neonate 
The highest incidence of acute liver failure is 
seen in newborns. 
Dhawan et al, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology 
(2012) 36, 278—283. 
Viral infections 
 HSV infection most common. 
 Infection acquired usually during perinatal 
 HSV induced ALF carries high mortality & is 
rarely accompanied by skin lesions.
 It should be considered in all sick babies with 
coagulopathy and raised transaminases. 
Usually presented with poor feeding, lethargy, 
coagulopathy within 2wks after birth. 
Acyclovir should be started in all neonates with liver 
failure, as herpes virus infection is the predominant 
viral cause. 
Dhawan et al, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology 
(2012) 36, 278—283.
Metabolic disease: 
Most common metabolic diseases that may 
presented as neonatal ALF are: 
Galactosemia, hereditary fructose intolerance, 
Tyrosinaemia, neonatal iron storage disease. 
Ischemic injury: 
Due to hypovolaemia/hypotension, congestive 
cardiac failure.
Viral causes are: 
 Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E: also may present as ALF 
 Hepatitis C: rare in children. 
 Dengue causes ALF in children in thailand.(40 
cases with 66% mortality) 
Poovorawan Y et al. Dengue virus infection: a major cause 
of AHF in Thai children. Ann Trop Paediatr 2006, 26:17-23. 
 Other virus-CMV,HSV, EBV, Influenzae type A.
Non viral cause-rare 
 Severe sepsis 
Bacterial infections- Salmonella, 
Shigella, E.coli etc 
Miliary TB 
Plasmodium falciparum infection
Direct cytopathic immune-mediated injury 
 necrosis in the centri-lobular areas 
 diffuse kupffer cell hyperplasia and 
parenchymal collapse fulminant hepatic 
 failure
Important drugs responsible for ALF 
•Dose dependant: 
Valproic acid 
AAcceettaammeennoopphheenn ttooxxiicciittyy
Most imp. drug of dose dependant toxicity. 
Acute toxic Dose: 
> 200 mg/kg within a 24 hour period in <12 
yrs of age. 
Patient with acetamenophen induced ALF 
have a higher rate of spontaneous recovery 
than do pt. with viral hepatitis.
Clinical evidence of toxicity 
Phase 1: 0.5-24 hours 
- Nausea, vomiting 
Phase 2: 24 – 48 hours 
-RUQ pain &tenderness,oliguria. 
Phase-3:72-96 hours 
-Hepatic necrosis, encephalopathy, 
coagulopathy,ATN . 
Phase 4 : 4 days – 2 weeks 
-Resolution of hepatic dysfunction or complete 
liver failure.
Wilson disease 
It is an autosomal recessive disorder. 
The condition is due to mutations in the Wilson 
disease protein (ATP7B) gene 
May present as ALF in older child. 
ALF due to wilson disease should be suspected in any 
pt with. 
-ALF + Coomb’s negative hemolytic anemia.
Duration of illness.Onset of jaundice and 
Risk factors for hepatitis: eg- street food, 
sanitation, BT, surgery. 
Drug & immunization history 
Family history and consanguinity 
H/O any bleeding episode. 
Systemic enquiry 
Features of hepatic encephalopathy
Stages of encephalopathy 
Encephalopathy Symptoms Signs 
Stage I (mild) 
Stage II 
Stage III 
Stage IV 
Alert, euphoric, occasionally depression. 
Poor concentration, 
slow mentation and affect,reversed 
sleep rhythm. 
Drowsiness, lethargic, inappropriate 
behavior, disorientation 
Stuporous but easily arousable, marked 
confusion, incoherent speech 
Coma, unresponsive but may respond to 
painful stimulus. 
Trouble drawing figures, 
performing mental task, 
hepaticus,EEG slowing of 
Asterexis, hyperreflexia, 
rigidity, EEG-Triphasic 
Planter extensor, 
Rigidity ,Areflexia, 
Flacidity.EEG-delta wave.
Aggravating factors of HE 
GI bleeding 
High protein diet 
Physical examination 
Vital signs: Hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnoea. 
Mental status. 
Stigmata of chronic liver disease. 
Features of raised ICP 
Nervous system examination.
a. Complete blood count: Leucocytosis , 
b. LFT: S. bilirubin ­ 
ALT: raised 
AST :raised 
Alkaline phospatase: may be normal or ­ 
PT and INR: to see the severiry of coagulopathy 
and to asses prognosis. 
c. Blood grouping and cross matching 
d. C/S blood, urine etc.
E . Biochemical test: 
 S. Electrolytes- Hypokalaemia and others. 
 S. Glucose- Hypoglycaemia. 
 S. Creatinine 
 S. Ammonia- ­ 
 S. Calcium , Phosphate, Magnesium 
 S. lactate: At 4 hours(>3.5) or at 12 hours(>3) 
are early predictors of outcome in 
acetamenophan induced ALF. 
F . Blood gas analysis.
To detect cause 
G . Serological marker 
Anti HAV IgM 
HBsAg, AntiHBcIgM 
Anti HEV IgM 
Screening for other viruses- HSV, CMV etc.
Immunological test 
S. immunoglobulin, ANA, anti SMA, 
J . S acetamenophen level 
K . USG of HBS 
L . Screening for metabolic disease. 
M . EEG 
N . Liver biopsy :in auto-immune, metabolic 
causes of liver failure.
Screening for Wilsons disease 
Eye examination for KF ring & cataract 
S. Ceruloplasmin 
24 hours urinary copper
Management of ALF 
Medical: To maintain physiological functions of liver 
 Supportive care 
 Specific treatment 
 Extracorporeal systems 
 Liver transplantation
Supportive care. 
Nursing in a quiet environment. 
Avoid sedation and stimulation. 
Fluid restriction- 60-80% of daily requirement. 
Choice of fluid: 0.225% Nacl in 10% dextrose. 
Prevention of hypoglycemia(maintain glucose level 
>4 mmol/L).
IV H2 blocker or PPI. 
Antibiotic: Cefuroxim, amoxycillin, fluconazole. 
(King’s College protocol) 
Cefotaxime+ flucoxacillin-Indian protocol. 
Anaemia should be corrected to ensure maximum 
oxygen supply to tissue. 
Management of complication:
Close Monitoring 
Continous O2 saturation 
Clinical status: Pulse & BP hourly, liver size 12 hrly 
Strict input-output chart : Avoid fluid overload 
CVP, Foley’s and arterial line : MAP >60 mmHg 
Frequent evaluation of blood glucose and 
neurological status. 
• 12 hourly electrolyte and coagulation studies
ALF: common complication 
cerebral edema 
Raised ICP 
Acid base disturbance. 
Multi-organ failure
Management of complication
Low protein by month. 
Lactulose 10-50ml 2-4 hourly 
Acid enema: Lactulose enema, vinegar-can be given 
6 hourly 
Treat sepsis, bleeds and electrolyte imbalance. 
Avoid sedation 
Flumazenil : Short lived results.
Cerebral Edema 
• Nurse the child 20-30° elevated ¯ ICP 
• IV mannitol 
• Hypertonic saline 
• Hyperventilation may help ¯ ICP 
• Hypothermia ¯ ICP 
• Avoid hyperthermia.
Inj. Vitamin K 
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP). 
Platelet transfusion -If platelet<10000/mm3 or 
platelet count<50000 with bleeding. 
Fresh whole blood transfusion. 
Recombinant factor VII.
Acid Base Changes 
• Volume expansion. 
• Dopamine infusion. 
• NaHCO3. 
• Mechanical ventilation for R.acidosis. 
• Plan for liver transplantation.
Gram-positive (in 2/3rd cases): 
Gram-negative (in 1/3rd cases): 
Fungal infection
• Septic workup : culture blood, sputum & urine 
• Cefuroxime, Amoxycillin, Fluconazole. 
• Fungal infection : IV amphoterecin . 
• We use fluconazole orally. 
• Iv cefuroxime and flucloxacillin
Renal complication 
Renal failure may occur in 50% pt. with ALF 
Due to 
Hepatorenal syndrome. 
ATN by due to sepsis, endotoxemia, bleeding 
Directly by nephrotoxic drug.
• Dopamine infusion. 
• Correct fluid overload, acidosis & hyperkalemia. 
• Avoid nephrotoxic drugs. 
• Dialysis
Specific treatment
Infections Interventions 
Malaria, Typhoid, Leptospirosis 
Herpes family Acyclovir 
Enterovirus Pleconaril (?) 
Parvovirus Immune globulin (?) 
HBV Lamivudine, . 
Drug and Toxin 
Medication induced Remove offending drug 
Acetaminophen N-acetylcysteine 
Metabolic Disease 
Wilson’s disease Liver transplant 
Galactosemia Remove dietary lactose 
Fatty acid oxidation IV glucose, avoid fasting 
Immune Dysregulation 
Autoimmune hepatitis Corticosteroids 
Neonatal hemochromatosis Antioxidant cocktail 
N- Acetylcysteine (NAC) 
N- acetyl derivative of cysteine 
Anti-oxidant: Reactive O2 & N2 species 
Replenishes depleted Glutathione 
Improves oxygen carrying capacity 
Anti-inflammatory effects
Extracorporeal Liver Assisted Device(ELAD) 
To bridge liver transplantation or 
regeneration of native liver 
To remove toxic substances to 
improve survival and HE
Liver transplantation
King’s College Criteria For liver transplantation. 
Acetaminophen cases 
Arterial PH < 7.3 or 
Arterial lactate>3.5 at 4 
hrs or 
Arterial lactate>3 at 12 
INR>6.5 & 
Cr>3.4 & 
Stage 3 or 4 
INR>6.5 or 
Any 3 of the followings: 
Age<10 or >40 yrs 
Duration of jaundice>7 
Total Bili>17.5 
Etiology: idiosyncratic 
drug, halothane, 
idiopathic, non-A non- 
B hepatitis
Liver Transplantation 
Survival increased from 20% to 60-80% in various 
Has changed the outlook & the natural course
 Overall mortality with supportive care exceeds 
70 percent. 
With intensive medical support survival rate 50- 
60 % in acetaminophen overdose and fulminant 
HAV or HBV infections. 
In idiopathic form of ALF or acute onset of 
Wilson disease mortality rate is 80-90% .
The prothrombin time is the best indicator of 
73% of children with an< INR 4 surviving versus only 
4 of 24 (16.6%) with an> INR 4. 
This is now the widely accepted criteria. 
 Bhaduri BR, Mieli-Vergani G. Fulminant hepatic failure:pediatric aspects. 
Semin Liver Dis 1996;16:349-355.
Poor prognosis is seen in : 
 age less than 1 year 
 stage 4 encephalopathy 
 INR more than 4 
 Need of dialysis before transplantation
Acute Liver Failure

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Acute Liver Failure

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. Acute liver failure: Definition Acute liver failure in children includes (1)Biochemical evidence of acute liver (usually <8 wks duration) (2) no evidence of a known chronic liver disease; (3)hepatic-based coagulopathy that is not corrected by parenteral administration of vitamin K; (4) hepatic encephalopathy must be present if the uncorrected prothrombin time (PT) is ≥ 15 seconds or international normalized ratio (INR) is1.5 to 1.9, respectively; and (5) hepatic encephalopathy is not required if the PT is ≥ 20 seconds or INR ≥2.0, respectively. Squires et al.J Pediatr 2006;148:652–658
  • 5. Acute Hepatic Failure: Background Acute hepatic failure in children is a relatively rare clinical syndrome Mortality rate is high – 60 to 80%. Among the different causes, In western countries: Viral cause – 12% Drugs & Chemicals – 52% Miscellaneous – 18% Mixed: 10-22% But in south-east Asia hepatitis is the most predominant cause of ALF (50-70%)
  • 6. Epidemiology The incidence of fulminant hepatic failure appears to be low in the United States, with approximately 2000 cases annually. Drug-related hepatotoxicity accounts for more than 50% of acute liver failure cases, including acetaminophen toxicity (42%) and idiosyncratic drug reactions (12%). Nearly 15% of cases remain of indeterminate etiology.
  • 7.
  • 8. Etiology of ALF In different age group Neonates Infants Infection Inborn errors of metabolism Immune mediated Ischemia & abnormal Perfusion Drugs & toxins other HSV, Adeno virus HBV Galatosemia, tyrosinaemia, Hereditary fructose Intolerance. Neonatal Hemochromatosis Congestive heart failure, severe aspyxia Hemophagocytic syndrome HAV, HBV, HSV hereditary fructose Intolerance, others. Auloimmune hepatitis Congestive heart Failure, Acetaminophen,INH, valproate malignancy
  • 9. Etiology Cont…. 2-10 year old 10-18 yrs old Infection Drugs & toxins Immune mediated Ischemia & abnormal Perfusion Metabolic other HAV, HBV, HSV Acetaminophen,INH, valproate Autoimmune hepatitis, hemophagocytic syndrome Budd-Chiari syndrome, Heart failure, cardiac Surgery, myocarditis Wilson’s disease, Reye’s syndrome, Hemophagocytic syndrome, septicemia, heat stroke HAV, HBV, HSV, HCV Acetaminophen,INH, valproate Autoimmune hepatitis, hemophagocytic syndrome Budd-Chiari syndrome, Heart failure, cardiac Surgery, myocarditis Wilson’s disease, Reye’s syndrome, Hemophagocytic syndrome, septicemia, heat stroke
  • 10.
  • 12.  Immune mediated hepatocellular injury - Viral infections - Drug hepatotoxicity (dihydralazine, halothane)  Direct hepatocellular injury - Hepatotrophic virus family-HAV, HBV, HCV - Toxic or reactive metabolites- acetaminophen - Toxic metabolites of compounds-metabolic diseases  Ischemic hepatocellular Injury - Shock states, SIRS
  • 13. Effects are: • Impaired hepatocyte regeneration • Altered parenchymal perfusion • Endotoxemia • Decreased hepatic reticulo-endothelial function Hepatic failure
  • 14. Acute liver Failure in neonate The highest incidence of acute liver failure is seen in newborns. Dhawan et al, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (2012) 36, 278—283. Viral infections  HSV infection most common.  Infection acquired usually during perinatal period.  HSV induced ALF carries high mortality & is rarely accompanied by skin lesions.
  • 15.  It should be considered in all sick babies with coagulopathy and raised transaminases. Usually presented with poor feeding, lethargy, coagulopathy within 2wks after birth. Acyclovir should be started in all neonates with liver failure, as herpes virus infection is the predominant viral cause. Dhawan et al, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (2012) 36, 278—283.
  • 16. Cont…. Metabolic disease: Most common metabolic diseases that may presented as neonatal ALF are: Galactosemia, hereditary fructose intolerance, Tyrosinaemia, neonatal iron storage disease. Ischemic injury: Due to hypovolaemia/hypotension, congestive cardiac failure.
  • 17. Viral causes are:  Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E: also may present as ALF  Hepatitis C: rare in children.  Dengue causes ALF in children in thailand.(40 cases with 66% mortality) Poovorawan Y et al. Dengue virus infection: a major cause of AHF in Thai children. Ann Trop Paediatr 2006, 26:17-23.  Other virus-CMV,HSV, EBV, Influenzae type A.
  • 18. Non viral cause-rare  Severe sepsis Bacterial infections- Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli etc Miliary TB Leptospirosis Plasmodium falciparum infection
  • 19. Hepatitis Direct cytopathic immune-mediated injury  necrosis in the centri-lobular areas    diffuse kupffer cell hyperplasia and parenchymal collapse fulminant hepatic  failure
  • 20. Important drugs responsible for ALF •Dose dependant: Acetamenophen CCI Mushroom •Idiosyncratic: INH Valproic acid Phenytoin Carbamazepine Propylthiouracil Halothane Nitrofurantoin
  • 22. Most imp. drug of dose dependant toxicity. Acute toxic Dose: > 200 mg/kg within a 24 hour period in <12 yrs of age. Patient with acetamenophen induced ALF have a higher rate of spontaneous recovery than do pt. with viral hepatitis.
  • 23.
  • 24. Clinical evidence of toxicity Phase 1: 0.5-24 hours - Nausea, vomiting Phase 2: 24 – 48 hours -RUQ pain &tenderness,oliguria. Phase-3:72-96 hours -Hepatic necrosis, encephalopathy, coagulopathy,ATN . Phase 4 : 4 days – 2 weeks -Resolution of hepatic dysfunction or complete liver failure.
  • 25. Wilson disease It is an autosomal recessive disorder. The condition is due to mutations in the Wilson disease protein (ATP7B) gene May present as ALF in older child. ALF due to wilson disease should be suspected in any pt with. -ALF + Coomb’s negative hemolytic anemia.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. History Duration of illness.Onset of jaundice and encephalopathy. Risk factors for hepatitis: eg- street food, sanitation, BT, surgery. Drug & immunization history Family history and consanguinity H/O any bleeding episode. Systemic enquiry Features of hepatic encephalopathy
  • 29. Stages of encephalopathy Encephalopathy Symptoms Signs Stage I (mild) Stage II Stage III Stage IV Alert, euphoric, occasionally depression. Poor concentration, slow mentation and affect,reversed sleep rhythm. Drowsiness, lethargic, inappropriate behavior, disorientation Stuporous but easily arousable, marked confusion, incoherent speech Coma, unresponsive but may respond to painful stimulus. Trouble drawing figures, performing mental task, EEG-normal Asterexis,fetor hepaticus,EEG slowing of wave. Asterexis, hyperreflexia, rigidity, EEG-Triphasic wave Planter extensor, Rigidity ,Areflexia, Flacidity.EEG-delta wave.
  • 30. Aggravating factors of HE GI bleeding Hypovolemia Hypokalemia Hypoglycemia Sedatives Uremia Sepsis High protein diet Constipation Paracentesis
  • 31. Physical examination Jaundice Anaemia Vital signs: Hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnoea. Mental status. Hepatomegaly Spleenomegaly Stigmata of chronic liver disease. Ascities Features of raised ICP Nervous system examination.
  • 32.
  • 33. Investigation a. Complete blood count: Leucocytosis , thrombocytopenia b. LFT: S. bilirubin ­ ALT: raised AST :raised Alkaline phospatase: may be normal or ­ PT and INR: to see the severiry of coagulopathy and to asses prognosis. c. Blood grouping and cross matching d. C/S blood, urine etc.
  • 34. Inv.continued E . Biochemical test:  S. Electrolytes- Hypokalaemia and others.  S. Glucose- Hypoglycaemia.  S. Creatinine  S. Ammonia- ­  S. Calcium , Phosphate, Magnesium  S. lactate: At 4 hours(>3.5) or at 12 hours(>3) are early predictors of outcome in acetamenophan induced ALF. F . Blood gas analysis.
  • 35. To detect cause G . Serological marker Anti HAV IgM HBsAg, AntiHBcIgM Anti HEV IgM Screening for other viruses- HSV, CMV etc.
  • 36. Immunological test S. immunoglobulin, ANA, anti SMA, antiLKM1 J . S acetamenophen level K . USG of HBS L . Screening for metabolic disease. M . EEG N . Liver biopsy :in auto-immune, metabolic causes of liver failure.
  • 37. Screening for Wilsons disease Eye examination for KF ring & cataract S.copper S. Ceruloplasmin 24 hours urinary copper
  • 38.
  • 39. Management of ALF Medical: To maintain physiological functions of liver  Supportive care  Specific treatment Surgical:  Extracorporeal systems  Liver transplantation
  • 40. Supportive care. Nursing in a quiet environment. ICU. Avoid sedation and stimulation. Fluid restriction- 60-80% of daily requirement. Choice of fluid: 0.225% Nacl in 10% dextrose. Prevention of hypoglycemia(maintain glucose level >4 mmol/L).
  • 41. IV H2 blocker or PPI. Antibiotic: Cefuroxim, amoxycillin, fluconazole. (King’s College protocol) Cefotaxime+ flucoxacillin-Indian protocol. Anaemia should be corrected to ensure maximum oxygen supply to tissue. Lactulose Management of complication:
  • 42. Close Monitoring Continous O2 saturation Clinical status: Pulse & BP hourly, liver size 12 hrly Strict input-output chart : Avoid fluid overload CVP, Foley’s and arterial line : MAP >60 mmHg Frequent evaluation of blood glucose and neurological status. • 12 hourly electrolyte and coagulation studies
  • 43. ALF: common complication Encephalopathy cerebral edema Raised ICP Infection Coagulapathy Hypoglycemia Dyselectrolytemia Acid base disturbance. Multi-organ failure
  • 45. Encephalopathy Treatment Low protein by month. Lactulose 10-50ml 2-4 hourly Acid enema: Lactulose enema, vinegar-can be given 6 hourly Treat sepsis, bleeds and electrolyte imbalance. Avoid sedation Flumazenil : Short lived results.
  • 46. Cerebral Edema Treatment • Nurse the child 20-30° elevated ¯ ICP • IV mannitol • Hypertonic saline • Hyperventilation may help ¯ ICP • Hypothermia ¯ ICP • Avoid hyperthermia.
  • 47. Bleeding Treatment Inj. Vitamin K Fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Platelet transfusion -If platelet<10000/mm3 or platelet count<50000 with bleeding. Fresh whole blood transfusion. Recombinant factor VII.
  • 48. Acid Base Changes Treatment • Volume expansion. • Dopamine infusion. • NaHCO3. • Mechanical ventilation for R.acidosis. • Plan for liver transplantation.
  • 49. Septicaemia : Gram-positive (in 2/3rd cases): Staphylococcus Streptococci Gram-negative (in 1/3rd cases): Fungal infection
  • 50. Septicemia • Septic workup : culture blood, sputum & urine • Cefuroxime, Amoxycillin, Fluconazole. • Fungal infection : IV amphoterecin . • We use fluconazole orally. • Iv cefuroxime and flucloxacillin
  • 51. Renal complication Renal failure may occur in 50% pt. with ALF Due to Hepatorenal syndrome. ATN by due to sepsis, endotoxemia, bleeding hypotension. Directly by nephrotoxic drug.
  • 52. Treatment • Dopamine infusion. • Correct fluid overload, acidosis & hyperkalemia. • Avoid nephrotoxic drugs. • Dialysis
  • 54. Infections Interventions Malaria, Typhoid, Leptospirosis Herpes family Acyclovir Enterovirus Pleconaril (?) Parvovirus Immune globulin (?) HBV Lamivudine, . Drug and Toxin Medication induced Remove offending drug Acetaminophen N-acetylcysteine Metabolic Disease Wilson’s disease Liver transplant Galactosemia Remove dietary lactose Fatty acid oxidation IV glucose, avoid fasting Immune Dysregulation Autoimmune hepatitis Corticosteroids Neonatal hemochromatosis Antioxidant cocktail .
  • 55. N- Acetylcysteine (NAC) N- acetyl derivative of cysteine Anti-oxidant: Reactive O2 & N2 species Replenishes depleted Glutathione Improves oxygen carrying capacity Anti-inflammatory effects
  • 56. Extracorporeal Liver Assisted Device(ELAD) Artificial Bioartificial To bridge liver transplantation or regeneration of native liver To remove toxic substances to improve survival and HE
  • 58. King’s College Criteria For liver transplantation. Acetaminophen cases Arterial PH < 7.3 or Arterial lactate>3.5 at 4 hrs or Arterial lactate>3 at 12 hrs INR>6.5 & Cr>3.4 & Stage 3 or 4 encephalopathy Non-acetaminophen cases INR>6.5 or Any 3 of the followings: Age<10 or >40 yrs Duration of jaundice>7 d Total Bili>17.5 INR>3.5 Etiology: idiosyncratic drug, halothane, idiopathic, non-A non- B hepatitis
  • 59. Liver Transplantation Survival increased from 20% to 60-80% in various studies Has changed the outlook & the natural course
  • 61.  Overall mortality with supportive care exceeds 70 percent. With intensive medical support survival rate 50- 60 % in acetaminophen overdose and fulminant HAV or HBV infections. In idiopathic form of ALF or acute onset of Wilson disease mortality rate is 80-90% .
  • 62. Prognosis The prothrombin time is the best indicator of survival. 73% of children with an< INR 4 surviving versus only 4 of 24 (16.6%) with an> INR 4. This is now the widely accepted criteria.  Bhaduri BR, Mieli-Vergani G. Fulminant hepatic failure:pediatric aspects. Semin Liver Dis 1996;16:349-355.
  • 63. Poor prognosis is seen in :  age less than 1 year  stage 4 encephalopathy  INR more than 4  Need of dialysis before transplantation