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Social Entrepreneurship Collaborative Innovation
Le‟s meet where cultures meet
Let‟s build bridges to make ideas happen
More flexible working patterns
More flexible working patterns
Self-employment growing
More flexible working patterns
Self-employment growing
Sensitivity to work-life balance
People adapting the café into a meeting room
People adapting the café into a meeting room
                bookshop into a resource
People adapting the café into a meeting room
                bookshop into a resource
                metro, dolmus into a
People adaptingco-working or meeting room
       we need the café into a private,
                 bookshop into a resource
appropriate spaces to improve effectiveness
                 metro, dolmus into a
Our world is more complex
Our world is more complex and more rapid
Our world is more complex and more rapid
To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
Our world is more complex and more rapid
To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others
Our world is more complex and more rapid
To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others
Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main
competitive advantage
Our world is more complex and more rapid
Muchsolve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
  To more concentration on competition cooperation
  It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others
  Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main
  competitive advantage
Our world is more complex and more rapid
 Muchsolve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
   To more concentration on competition cooperation
we need platforms of one man show anymore,rightneed others
   It is not the time enabling us to be in the we network
   Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main
   competitive advantage
Our world has pressing social
Our world has pressing social, cultural
Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental
Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental
Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them
Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental
Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them
..seeking to develop innovative solutions to global problems
Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental
        we should encourage social capital,
challenges create platforms to reinforce
Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them
..seeking to develop innovative solutions to global problems
We have all innovative ideas
We have all innovative ideas
But access to experience ?
We have all innovative ideas
But access to experience ?
           to resources ?
We have all innovative ideas
But access to experience ?
            to resources ?
           to connections ?
We have all innovative ideas
But access to experience ?
            to resources ?
           to connections ?
            to capital ?
We have all innovative ideas
But access to experience ?
            to to make ideas happen,
                resources ?
           to we need a new formula
               connections ?
            to capital ?
we need….
Platform to
                   enhance social
Access to all to
 make ideas

                                             A place
                                          responding to
                                           new century
Platform to
                                    enhance social
Access to all to
 make ideas

                                                              A place
                                                           responding to
                                                            new century

      The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator
Platform to
                                   enhance social
Access to all to
 make ideas

                                                             A place
                                                          responding to
                                                           new century

       The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator
       ..creates unique global ecosystem of people, places and ideas
Platform to
                                   enhance social
Access to all to
 make ideas

                                                             A place
                                                          responding to
                                                           new century

       The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator
       ..creates unique global ecosystem of people, places and ideas
       An inspiring place for people with ideas for a better world
       to work, meet, learn, connect
Hubs can be found all over the world.
Hubs can be found all over the world.
And now in Istanbul
…will gather |
Enterpreneurs, Executives, Freelancers, Students, Intrapreneurs,
Community leaders, Career shifters, Policy-makers,
…will provide infrastructure |
desks, leading edge IT, video conference, collaborative software
interactive spaces, co-working & private places, meeting rooms,
..facilitate collaborative innovation and make ideas conceived,
produced, disseminated, pioneered, supported with deep
knowledge, planned to market
The formula
The formula
         d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
   hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                              Innovation Ecology

Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
Hosts serve and connect the entire membership
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
Hosts serve and connect the entire membership
Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a
nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
Hosts serve and connect the entire membership
Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a
nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration
Provide an accessible point of contact for expert advice
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
Hosts serve and connect the entire membership
Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a
nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration
Provide an accessible point of contact for expert advice
They are match makers between „investment ready project‟
relevant investors
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
   hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                              Innovation Ecology

Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in
a faster, better and cheaper way
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
   hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                              Innovation Ecology

Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in a
faster, better and cheaper way
..feed with events, speechs, films, workshops, art shows, seminars
performances, training
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
   hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                              Innovation Ecology

Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in a
faster, better and cheaper way
..feed with events, speechs, films, workshops, art shows, seminars
performances, training
..provide free business helpdesk
d            h             t
( H + H + H ) + si =
 hub design   hub hosting    hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

                           HUB ECOSYSTEM
                    works with the collaborative work
                       of the members within the
d            h             t
( H + H + H ) + si =
 hub design   hub hosting    hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

                            HUB ECOSYSTEM
                     Corporate way of doing business,
                         in the „department‟ silos
d            h             t
( H + H + H ) + si =
 hub design   hub hosting    hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

                            HUB ECOSYSTEM
                Collaborative way of doing business
                 with people from different sectors
                        serving each other
               today a precondition for sustainability
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
   hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                              Innovation Ecology

They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care
          huge migration from rural areas to cities
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care
          huge migration from rural areas to cities
          social, economical, educational and cultural gap
          between east and west
d            h            t
( H + H + H ) + si =
  hub design   hub hosting   hub tools   Social innovators
                                                             Innovation Ecology

They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care
           huge migration from rural areas to cities
           social, economical, educational and cultural gap
           between east and west
Hub has in its DNA social concerns and play communicator role
between cultures
Business model
Value proposition
•Private and co-
working space

•Access to the right
mix of people, ideas,
knowledge and

•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral
coaching, accountant,
financial, business

•Access to some
institutions‟ support
service (KOSGEB,

•Well designed space
Value proposition                Customer

•Private and co-working    Entrepreneurs,
space                      investors, angels
•Access to the right mix   Consultants, advisers
of people, ideas,
knowledge and              Bachelor & master &
                           doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral      Companies,
coaching, accountant,      institutions
financial, business        Government ??

•Access to some            Professionals (very
institutions‟ support      wide spectrum of
service (KOSGEB,
•Well designed space
Value proposition                                     Customer
•Private and co-working
                                                 Entrepreneurs, investors,
•Access to the right mix
of people, ideas,                                Consultants, advisers
knowledge and
connections                                      Bachelor & master &
                                                 doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral                            Companies, institutions
coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
financial, business        Twitter,
planning)                                        Government ??
•Access to some            Publications
institutions‟ support      Magazines             Professionals (very wide
service (KOSGEB,           One –to-one meeting   spectrum of sector)
TTGV, ISTKA..)             Blog
•Well designed space                             Executives
Value proposition                                     Customer
•Private and co-working
                                                 Entrepreneurs, investors,
•Access to the right mix
of people, ideas,                                Consultants, advisers
knowledge and
connections                                      Bachelor & master &
                                                 doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral                            Companies, institutions
coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
financial, business
planning)                  Twitter,              Government ??
•Access to some            Publications
institutions‟ support                            Professionals (very wide
service (KOSGEB,                                 spectrum of sector)
                           One –to-one meeting
•Well designed space                             Executives
Value proposition                                     Customer
•Private and co-working
                                                 Entrepreneurs, investors,
•Access to the right mix
of people, ideas,                                Consultants, advisers
knowledge and
connections                                      Bachelor & master &
                                                 doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral                            Companies, institutions
coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
financial, business        Twitter,
planning)                                        Government ??
•Access to some            Publications
institutions‟ support      Magazines             Professionals (very wide
                                                 spectrum of sector)
service (KOSGEB,           One –to-one meeting
•Well designed space                             Executives
Value proposition                                     Customer
•Private and co-working
                                                 Entrepreneurs, investors,
•Access to the right mix
of people, ideas,                                Consultants, advisers
knowledge and
connections                                      Bachelor & master &
                                                 doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral                            Companies, institutions
coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
financial, business        Twitter,
planning)                                        Government ??
•Access to some            Publications
institutions‟ support      Magazines             Professionals (very wide
service (KOSGEB,           One –to-one meeting   spectrum of sector)
TTGV, ISTKA..)             Blog
•Well designed space                             Executives
Value proposition          How to maintain             Customer
                           the relationships           segments
•Private and co-working
                           Frequent meetings ?    Entrepreneurs, investors,
                           Specialised events ?   angels
•Access to the right mix   News letters ?
of people, ideas,                                 Consultants, advisers
                           Daily, monthly
knowledge and
                           updating contents ?    Bachelor & master &
                                                  doctorat students
•Possibilities to reach
consultancy (sectoral                             Companies, institutions
coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
financial, business        Twitter,
planning)                  Linkedin               Government ??
•Access to some            Magazines
institutions‟ support      One –to-one meeting    Professionals (very wide
service (KOSGEB,           Blog…                  spectrum of sector)

•Well designed space                              Executives
Key Partners    Value proposition          How to maintain                Customer
Ozyegin ?                                     the relationships              segments
Eczacibasi ?       •Private and co-working
                                              Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                                              Specialised events ?      angels
KOSGEB                                        News letters ?
                   •Access to the right mix
TTGV                                          Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                   of people, ideas,
ISTKA                                         contents ?
                   knowledge and
TEGV               connections                                          Bachelor & master &
                                                                        doctorat students
                   •Possibilities to reach
Bank ?
                   consultancy (sectoral                                Companies, institutions
                   coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
The Hub London ?   financial, business        Twitter,
                   planning)                  Linkedin                  Government ??
                   •Access to some            Magazines
                   institutions‟ support      One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                   service (KOSGEB,           Blog…                     spectrum of sector)
                   TTGV, ISTKA..)

                   •Well designed space                                 Executives
Key Partners                            Value proposition          How to maintain                Customer
                                                                     the relationships              segments

Ozyegin ?                                 •Private and co-working
                                                                     Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                                                                     Specialised events ?      angels
Eczacibasi ?                                                         News letters ?
                                          •Access to the right mix
                                                                     Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                                          of people, ideas,
KOSGEB                                    knowledge and
                                                                     contents ?
TTGV                                      connections                                          Bachelor & master &
ISTKA                                                                                          doctorat students
TEGV                Key resources         •Possibilities to reach
                                          consultancy (sectoral                                Companies, institutions
Bank ?                                    coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
                                          financial, business        Twitter,
                   Foundation credits                                                          Government ??
The Hub London ?                          planning)                  Linkedin
                   Partners‟ investment                              Publications
                   Sponsors?              •Access to some            Magazines
                   ?                      institutions‟ support      One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                   ?                      service (KOSGEB,           Blog…                     spectrum of sector)
                                          TTGV, ISTKA..)

                                          •Well designed space                                 Executives
Key activities
  Key Partners                              Value proposition          How to maintain                Customer
                   Business and social                                 the relationships              segments
Ozyegin ?                                   •Private and co-working
                   Organizing events,                                  Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                   workshops, meeting…                                 Specialised events ?      angels
Eczacibasi ?                                                           News letters ?
                   Renting places           •Access to the right mix
                                                                       Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                   Marketing the brand of   of people, ideas,
KOSGEB                                      knowledge and
                                                                       contents ?
TTGV               sponsorships ??
                                            connections                                          Bachelor & master &
ISTKA                                                                                            doctorat students
TEGV                                        •Possibilities to reach
                      Key resources         consultancy (sectoral                                Companies, institutions
Bank ?                                      coaching, accountant,      Facebook,
                                            financial, business        Twitter,
                    Foundation credits      planning)                  Linkedin                  Government ??
The Hub London ?
                    Partners‟ investment                               Publications
                    Sponsors ??             •Access to some            Magazines
                                            institutions‟ support      One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                    ?                                                                            spectrum of sector)
                                            service (KOSGEB,           Blog…
                                            TTGV, ISTKA..)

                                            •Well designed space                                 Executives
Key Partners        Key activities        Value proposition             How to maintain                Customer
                                                                          the relationships              segments

Ozyegin ?          Business and social      •Private and co-working
                   incubating                                             Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                   Organizing events,                                     Specialised events ?      angels
Eczacibasi ?                                                              News letters ?
                   workshops, meeting…      •Access to the right mix
                                                                          Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                   Renting places           of people, ideas,
KOSGEB                                      knowledge and
                                                                          contents ?
TTGV               Marketing the brand of
                   sponsorships ??          connections                                             Bachelor & master &
ISTKA                                                                                               doctorat students
TEGV                                        •Possibilities to reach
                     Key resources          consultancy (sectoral                                   Companies, institutions
Bank ?                                      coaching, accountant,         Facebook,
                                            financial, business           Twitter,
                   Foundation credits       planning)                     Linkedin                  Government ??
The Hub London ?
                   Partners‟ investment                                   Publications
                   Sponsors ??              •Access to some               Magazines
                                            institutions‟ support         One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                   ?                                                                                spectrum of sector)
                                            service (KOSGEB,              Blog…
                                            TTGV, ISTKA..)

                                            •Well designed space                                    Executives

                                                                                                    Revenue Stream
Key Partners        Key activities        Value proposition             How to maintain                Customer
                                                                          the relationships              segments

Ozyegin ?          Business and social      •Private and co-working
                   incubating                                             Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                   Organizing events,                                     Specialised events ?      angels
Eczacibasi ?                                                              News letters ?
                   workshops, meeting…      •Access to the right mix
                                                                          Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                   Renting places           of people, ideas,
KOSGEB                                      knowledge and
                                                                          contents ?
TTGV               Marketing the brand of
                   sponsorships ??          connections                                             Bachelor & master &
ISTKA                                                                                               doctorat students
TEGV                                        •Possibilities to reach
                     Key resources          consultancy (sectoral                                   Companies, institutions
Bank ?                                      coaching, accountant,         Facebook,
                                            financial, business           Twitter,
                   Foundation credits       planning)                     Linkedin                  Government ??
The Hub London ?
                   Partners‟ investment                                   Publications
                   Sponsors ??              •Access to some               Magazines
                                            institutions‟ support         One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                   ?                                                                                spectrum of sector)
                                            service (KOSGEB,              Blog…
                                            TTGV, ISTKA..)

                                            •Well designed space                                    Executives
         Cost                                                                                        Revenue Stream

Services                                                            Rents
Fixed costs                                                         Events
Software ??
Key Partners        Key activities        Value proposition             How to maintain                Customer
                                                                          the relationships              segments

Ozyegin ?          Business and social      •Private and co-working
                   incubating                                             Frequent meetings ?       Entrepreneurs, investors,
                   Organizing events,                                     Specialised events ?      angels
Eczacibasi ?                                                              News letters ?
                   workshops, meeting…      •Access to the right mix
                                                                          Daily, monthly updating   Consultants, advisers
                   Renting places           of people, ideas,
KOSGEB                                      knowledge and
                                                                          contents ?
TTGV               Marketing the brand of
                   sponsorships ??          connections                                             Bachelor & master &
ISTKA                                                                                               doctorat students
TEGV                                        •Possibilities to reach
                     Key resources          consultancy (sectoral                                   Companies, institutions
Bank ?                                      coaching, accountant,         Facebook,
                                            financial, business           Twitter,
                   Foundation credits       planning)                     Linkedin                  Government ??
The Hub London ?
                   Partners‟ investment                                   Publications
                   Sponsors ??              •Access to some               Magazines
                                            institutions‟ support         One –to-one meeting       Professionals (very wide
                   ?                                                                                spectrum of sector)
                                            service (KOSGEB,              Blog…
                                            TTGV, ISTKA..)

                                            •Well designed space                                    Executives
         Cost                                                                                        Revenue Stream

Services                                                            Rents
Fixed costs                                                         Events
Software ??

 The Team
 Management Profile
 Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?

 The Team
 Management Profile
 Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
 Business Model
                      Vision, mission and values
                      How the model works
                      Target markets
                      Marketing plan
                      Key resources and activities

 The Team
 Management Profile
 Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
 Business Model
                      Vision, mission and values
                      How the model works
                      Target markets
                      Marketing plan
                      Key resources and activities

 Financial Analysis
 Business Plan…..

                  The Team
                  Management Profile
                  Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
                  Business Model
                                         Vision, mission and values
                                         How the model works
                                         Target markets
                                         Marketing plan
                                         Key resources and activities

                  Financial Analysis
                  Business Plan…..
                  External Environment
survey gibi..)    Key trends, market analysis
                  Our competitive advantages

                  The Team
                  Management Profile
                  Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
                  Business Model
                                         Vision, mission and values
                                         How the model works
                                         Target markets
                                         Marketing plan
                                         Key resources and activities

                  Financial Analysis
                  Business Plan…..
                  External Environment
survey gibi..)    Key trends, market analysis
                  Our competitive advantages
                  Projects, milestones

                  The Team
                  Management Profile
                  Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
                  Business Model
                                         Vision, mission and values
                                         How the model works
                                         Target markets
                                         Marketing plan
                                         Key resources and activities

                  Financial Analysis
                  Business Plan…..
                  External Environment
survey gibi..)    Key trends, market analysis
                  Our competitive advantages
                  Projects, milestones
                  Risk Analysis
                  Limiting factors
                  Specific risks

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Hub istanbul startup presentation in English

  • 1. Social Entrepreneurship Collaborative Innovation Le‟s meet where cultures meet Let‟s build bridges to make ideas happen
  • 3. More flexible working patterns emerging
  • 4. More flexible working patterns emerging Self-employment growing
  • 5. More flexible working patterns emerging Self-employment growing Sensitivity to work-life balance increasing
  • 6. People adapting the café into a meeting room
  • 7. People adapting the café into a meeting room bookshop into a resource center
  • 8. People adapting the café into a meeting room bookshop into a resource center metro, dolmus into a workspace
  • 9. People adaptingco-working or meeting room we need the café into a private, bookshop into a resource appropriate spaces to improve effectiveness center metro, dolmus into a workspace
  • 10. Our world is more complex
  • 11. Our world is more complex and more rapid
  • 12. Our world is more complex and more rapid To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help
  • 13. Our world is more complex and more rapid To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others
  • 14. Our world is more complex and more rapid To solve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main competitive advantage
  • 15. Our world is more complex and more rapid Muchsolve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help To more concentration on competition cooperation It is not the time of one man show anymore, we need others Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main competitive advantage
  • 16. Our world is more complex and more rapid Muchsolve complex problem, traditional attitudes don‟t help To more concentration on competition cooperation we need platforms of one man show anymore,rightneed others It is not the time enabling us to be in the we network Ability to connect with the right people in a short time is main competitive advantage
  • 17. Our world has pressing social
  • 18. Our world has pressing social, cultural
  • 19. Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges
  • 20. Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them
  • 21. Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them ..seeking to develop innovative solutions to global problems
  • 22. Our world has pressing social, cultural and environmental we should encourage social capital, challenges create platforms to reinforce Social entrepreneurs work to help, improve and transform them ..seeking to develop innovative solutions to global problems
  • 23. We have all innovative ideas
  • 24. We have all innovative ideas But access to experience ?
  • 25. We have all innovative ideas But access to experience ? to resources ?
  • 26. We have all innovative ideas But access to experience ? to resources ? to connections ?
  • 27. We have all innovative ideas But access to experience ? to resources ? to connections ? to capital ?
  • 28. We have all innovative ideas But access to experience ? to to make ideas happen, resources ? to we need a new formula connections ? to capital ?
  • 30. Platform to enhance social ventures Encouraging Access to all to collaboration make ideas multidisciplinary happen network A place responding to new century workers requirements
  • 31. Platform to enhance social ventures Encouraging Access to all to collaboration make ideas multidisciplinary happen network A place responding to new century workers requirements The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator
  • 32. Platform to enhance social ventures Encouraging Access to all to collaboration make ideas multidisciplinary happen network A place responding to new century workers requirements The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator ..creates unique global ecosystem of people, places and ideas
  • 33. Platform to enhance social ventures Encouraging Access to all to collaboration make ideas multidisciplinary happen network A place responding to new century workers requirements The Hub is a social enterprise. It is a Business & Social Incubator ..creates unique global ecosystem of people, places and ideas An inspiring place for people with ideas for a better world to work, meet, learn, connect
  • 34. Hubs can be found all over the world.
  • 35. Hubs can be found all over the world. And now in Istanbul
  • 36. …will gather | Enterpreneurs, Executives, Freelancers, Students, Intrapreneurs, Community leaders, Career shifters, Policy-makers, Collaborators…
  • 37. …will provide infrastructure | desks, leading edge IT, video conference, collaborative software interactive spaces, co-working & private places, meeting rooms, …
  • 38. ..facilitate collaborative innovation and make ideas conceived, produced, disseminated, pioneered, supported with deep knowledge, planned to market
  • 40. The formula d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology
  • 41. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Hub hosting is vital ingredient.
  • 42. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Hub hosting is vital ingredient. Hosts serve and connect the entire membership
  • 43. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Hub hosting is vital ingredient. Hosts serve and connect the entire membership Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration
  • 44. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Hub hosting is vital ingredient. Hosts serve and connect the entire membership Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration Provide an accessible point of contact for expert advice
  • 45. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Hub hosting is vital ingredient. Hosts serve and connect the entire membership Focus on “opportunity spaces” business, and seek to provide a nexus point for inter-disciplinary collaboration Provide an accessible point of contact for expert advice They are match makers between „investment ready project‟ relevant investors
  • 46. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in a faster, better and cheaper way
  • 47. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in a faster, better and cheaper way ..feed with events, speechs, films, workshops, art shows, seminars performances, training
  • 48. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology Infrastructure facilitates enterprising ideas cycle, it simply does in a faster, better and cheaper way ..feed with events, speechs, films, workshops, art shows, seminars performances, training ..provide free business helpdesk
  • 49. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology HUB ECOSYSTEM works with the collaborative work of the members within the community
  • 50. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology HUB ECOSYSTEM Corporate way of doing business, in the „department‟ silos
  • 51. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology HUB ECOSYSTEM Collaborative way of doing business with people from different sectors serving each other today a precondition for sustainability
  • 52. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration
  • 53. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care
  • 54. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care huge migration from rural areas to cities
  • 55. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care huge migration from rural areas to cities social, economical, educational and cultural gap between east and west
  • 56. d h t ( H + H + H ) + si = hub design hub hosting hub tools Social innovators Innovation Ecology They support cross-cultural interaction and collaboration Turkey has industrial growth but with weak environmental care huge migration from rural areas to cities social, economical, educational and cultural gap between east and west Hub has in its DNA social concerns and play communicator role between cultures
  • 58.
  • 59. Value proposition •Private and co- working space •Access to the right mix of people, ideas, knowledge and connections •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral coaching, accountant, financial, business planning) •Access to some institutions‟ support service (KOSGEB, TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space
  • 60. Value proposition Customer segments •Private and co-working Entrepreneurs, space investors, angels •Access to the right mix Consultants, advisers of people, ideas, knowledge and Bachelor & master & connections doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, coaching, accountant, institutions financial, business Government ?? planning) •Access to some Professionals (very institutions‟ support wide spectrum of service (KOSGEB, TTGV, ISTKA..) sector) Executives •Well designed space
  • 61. Value proposition Customer segments •Private and co-working Entrepreneurs, investors, space angels •Access to the right mix of people, ideas, Consultants, advisers knowledge and connections Bachelor & master & doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, planning) Government ?? Linkedin •Access to some Publications institutions‟ support Magazines Professionals (very wide service (KOSGEB, One –to-one meeting spectrum of sector) TTGV, ISTKA..) Blog •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 62. Value proposition Customer segments •Private and co-working Entrepreneurs, investors, space angels •Access to the right mix of people, ideas, Consultants, advisers knowledge and connections Bachelor & master & doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business planning) Twitter, Government ?? Linkedin •Access to some Publications institutions‟ support Professionals (very wide Magazines service (KOSGEB, spectrum of sector) One –to-one meeting TTGV, ISTKA..) Blog •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 63. Value proposition Customer segments •Private and co-working Entrepreneurs, investors, space angels •Access to the right mix of people, ideas, Consultants, advisers knowledge and connections Bachelor & master & doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, planning) Government ?? Linkedin •Access to some Publications institutions‟ support Magazines Professionals (very wide spectrum of sector) service (KOSGEB, One –to-one meeting TTGV, ISTKA..) Blog •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 64. Value proposition Customer segments •Private and co-working Entrepreneurs, investors, space angels •Access to the right mix of people, ideas, Consultants, advisers knowledge and connections Bachelor & master & doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, planning) Government ?? Linkedin •Access to some Publications institutions‟ support Magazines Professionals (very wide service (KOSGEB, One –to-one meeting spectrum of sector) TTGV, ISTKA..) Blog •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 65. Value proposition How to maintain Customer the relationships segments •Private and co-working Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Specialised events ? angels •Access to the right mix News letters ? of people, ideas, Consultants, advisers Daily, monthly knowledge and updating contents ? Bachelor & master & connections doctorat students •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, planning) Linkedin Government ?? Publications •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide service (KOSGEB, Blog… spectrum of sector) TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 66. Key Partners Value proposition How to maintain Customer Ozyegin ? the relationships segments Eczacibasi ? •Private and co-working Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Specialised events ? angels KOSGEB News letters ? •Access to the right mix TTGV Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers of people, ideas, ISTKA contents ? knowledge and TEGV connections Bachelor & master & doctorat students •Possibilities to reach Bank ? consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions coaching, accountant, Facebook, The Hub London ? financial, business Twitter, planning) Linkedin Government ?? Publications •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide service (KOSGEB, Blog… spectrum of sector) TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 67. Key Partners Value proposition How to maintain Customer the relationships segments Ozyegin ? •Private and co-working Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Specialised events ? angels Eczacibasi ? News letters ? •Access to the right mix Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers of people, ideas, KOSGEB knowledge and contents ? TTGV connections Bachelor & master & ISTKA doctorat students TEGV Key resources •Possibilities to reach consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions Bank ? coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, Foundation credits Government ?? The Hub London ? planning) Linkedin Partners‟ investment Publications Sponsors? •Access to some Magazines ? institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide ? service (KOSGEB, Blog… spectrum of sector) TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 68. Key activities Key Partners Value proposition How to maintain Customer Business and social the relationships segments incubating Ozyegin ? •Private and co-working Organizing events, Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space workshops, meeting… Specialised events ? angels Eczacibasi ? News letters ? Renting places •Access to the right mix Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers Marketing the brand of of people, ideas, KOSGEB knowledge and contents ? TTGV sponsorships ?? connections Bachelor & master & ISTKA doctorat students TEGV •Possibilities to reach Key resources consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions Bank ? coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, Foundation credits planning) Linkedin Government ?? The Hub London ? Partners‟ investment Publications Sponsors ?? •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide ? spectrum of sector) service (KOSGEB, Blog… ? TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels
  • 69. Key Partners Key activities Value proposition How to maintain Customer the relationships segments Ozyegin ? Business and social •Private and co-working incubating Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Organizing events, Specialised events ? angels Eczacibasi ? News letters ? workshops, meeting… •Access to the right mix Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers Renting places of people, ideas, KOSGEB knowledge and contents ? TTGV Marketing the brand of sponsorships ?? connections Bachelor & master & ISTKA doctorat students TEGV •Possibilities to reach Key resources consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions Bank ? coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, Foundation credits planning) Linkedin Government ?? The Hub London ? Partners‟ investment Publications Sponsors ?? •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide ? spectrum of sector) service (KOSGEB, Blog… ? TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels Revenue Stream Memberships Rents
  • 70. Key Partners Key activities Value proposition How to maintain Customer the relationships segments Ozyegin ? Business and social •Private and co-working incubating Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Organizing events, Specialised events ? angels Eczacibasi ? News letters ? workshops, meeting… •Access to the right mix Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers Renting places of people, ideas, KOSGEB knowledge and contents ? TTGV Marketing the brand of sponsorships ?? connections Bachelor & master & ISTKA doctorat students TEGV •Possibilities to reach Key resources consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions Bank ? coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, Foundation credits planning) Linkedin Government ?? The Hub London ? Partners‟ investment Publications Sponsors ?? •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide ? spectrum of sector) service (KOSGEB, Blog… ? TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels Cost Revenue Stream Memberships Services Rents Fixed costs Events Software ??
  • 71. Key Partners Key activities Value proposition How to maintain Customer the relationships segments Ozyegin ? Business and social •Private and co-working incubating Frequent meetings ? Entrepreneurs, investors, space Organizing events, Specialised events ? angels Eczacibasi ? News letters ? workshops, meeting… •Access to the right mix Daily, monthly updating Consultants, advisers Renting places of people, ideas, KOSGEB knowledge and contents ? TTGV Marketing the brand of sponsorships ?? connections Bachelor & master & ISTKA doctorat students TEGV •Possibilities to reach Key resources consultancy (sectoral Companies, institutions Bank ? coaching, accountant, Facebook, financial, business Twitter, Foundation credits planning) Linkedin Government ?? The Hub London ? Partners‟ investment Publications Sponsors ?? •Access to some Magazines institutions‟ support One –to-one meeting Professionals (very wide ? spectrum of sector) service (KOSGEB, Blog… ? TTGV, ISTKA..) •Well designed space Executives channels Cost Revenue Stream Memberships Services Rents Fixed costs Events Software ??
  • 73. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ?
  • 74. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ? Business Model Vision, mission and values How the model works Target markets Marketing plan Key resources and activities
  • 75. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ? Business Model Vision, mission and values How the model works Target markets Marketing plan Key resources and activities Financial Analysis Business Plan…..
  • 76. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ? Business Model Vision, mission and values How the model works Target markets Marketing plan Key resources and activities Financial Analysis Business Plan….. External Environment Surveys..etc (coworking Competitors survey gibi..) Key trends, market analysis Our competitive advantages
  • 77. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ? Business Model Vision, mission and values How the model works Target markets Marketing plan Key resources and activities Financial Analysis Business Plan….. External Environment Surveys..etc (coworking Competitors survey gibi..) Key trends, market analysis Our competitive advantages Roadmap Projects, milestones
  • 78. Summary The Team Management Profile Strengths of the group, why we are winning team ? Business Model Vision, mission and values How the model works Target markets Marketing plan Key resources and activities Financial Analysis Business Plan….. External Environment Surveys..etc (coworking Competitors survey gibi..) Key trends, market analysis Our competitive advantages Roadmap Projects, milestones Risk Analysis Limiting factors Specific risks