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             The listening and speaking skill is crucial for social communication at home,
             at school, as well as in the community. However, this skill is often neglected
             or given minimal emphasis during English language lessons. In order to
develop this skill, teachers have to provide their pupils with various opportunities to listen
and to talk about a range of subjects which may include topics on personal interests,
school work and even current affairs. It is hoped that the learning standards will offer
teachers some ideas on how they could provide opportunities for pupils to engage in
various listening and speaking activities at Year One.

The Listening and Speaking Content and Learning Standards for Year 1 are as follows:
          Content Standards                                Learning Standards
1.1 By the end of the 6-year              1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to
primary schooling, pupils will be able to       stimulus given with guidance :
pronounce words and speak                       a) environmental sounds
confidently with the correct stress,            b) instrumental sounds
rhythm and intonation in accordance to           c) body percussion
Standard British English (SBE)).                 d) rhythm and rhyme
                                                 e) alliteration
                                                 f) voice sounds
                                                 g) oral blending and segmenting
                                          1.1.2 Able to listen and enjoy simple stories.
                                          1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite
                                                 rhymes or sing songs with guidance.
                                          1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations:
schooling, pupils will be able to listen     a) exchange greetings
and respond appropriately in formal          b) introduce oneself
and informal situations for a variety of     c) make polite requests
purposes.                                    d) thank someone
                                             e) express a simple apology
                                          1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
                                             a) simple instructions in the classroom.
                                             b) simple directions to places in the school.
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate
schooling, pupils will be able to               understanding of oral texts by:
understand and respond to oral texts in      a) giving Yes/No replies
a variety of contexts.                       b) answering simple Wh-Questions

In this module, Learning Standards 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 are dealt with extensively. Although,
this module does not provide suggested activities for the other learning standards, it is
hoped that teachers would be able to plan lessons and activities on their own for the
other Learning Standards. The activities provided here are merely suggestions. It is with
high expectation and anticipation that teachers of Year 1 English would be able to plan
and carry out Listening and Speaking lessons creatively and innovatively.

                                             19                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                         MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         (a) environmental sounds

Note: Environmental sounds are sounds heard around us.

          Activity                     Content                    Teacher’s Notes

Let’s Take A Walk

1. Take pupils around the    Suggested sounds :              Materials:
2. Listen and identify the          school bell                Prepare the „cut-out‟
   sounds heard.                    running water from          ears (or get the pupils to
   e.g. birds chirping               tap/hose                    do it themselves) to be
3. Make the sound and               a car/ motorcycle           used during the walk.
   pupils follow.                   lawn mower                  (refer to LS1)
                                    wind
                                    waves
                                    leaves rustling

Guessing The Sound

1. Listen and guess the          Suggested sounds :          Materials:
2. Pupils mimic the sound.          animals                    sounds (recorded)
3. Pupils make the sound             - meow                     pictures
   of the picture shown.             - moo
                                    vehicles
                                     - vroom
                                     - choo
                                    things in the kitchen
                                     - fork and spoon
                                     - pestle and mortar
                                     - whistling of the
                                     - stirring a drink

                                          20                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                      MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                      Content                  Teacher’s Notes

Bingo Game                    Suggested sounds :           Materials:

1. Distribute Bingo cards           animals                  markers :
    to the pupils                    - meow                    - tokens
2. Show how to play the              - moo                     - buttons
   game.                            vehicles                  - erasers
3. Play a recorded sound.            - vroom                  Bingo card
4. Pupils identify the               - choo                    (refer to LS2)
   sound heard and place a          in the kitchen
   marker on the Bingo               - fork and spoon      Activity can be conducted
   card.                             - pestle and mortar   outside the classroom in
5. The pupil who has                 - whistling of the    groups or individually.
   completed the Bingo                 kettle
   card will shout out the           - stirring a drink
   word „Bingo‟.                                           Every group/ child is given
                                                           a Bingo card with different

                                                           (refer to guessing the
                                                           sound game)

Guessing Game

1. Divide the pupils into        Suggested sounds :        Materials:
2. A pupil from each group          animals                  pictures
   will pick a picture from         vehicles
   a box.                           objects               (Points can be given for
3. The pupil will make its                                 correct answers.)
   sound without showing
   the picture to the other

4. The members of that
   group will guess what
   makes the sound

                                          21                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                       Content                 Teacher’s Notes

  Let’s Sing

1. Sing or play the            Old Pak Salleh              Materials:
   recorded song.              (tune of Old Mac Donald
2. Sing with actions and       had a farm)                    picture cards.
   pupils follow.
3. Show pictures.              Old Pak Salleh has a bus,   Teachers can substitute
4. Pupils sing and make        E,I,E,I,O                   bus with the following:
   their sounds with           And a Vroom, Vroom here      bird - chirp
   actions.                    and a Vroom Vroom there      mouse – squeak
                               Here a Vroom                 train – choo
                               There a Vroom
                               Everywhere Vroom Vroom
                               Old Pak Salleh has a bus

My Sounds

1. Paste the different         Suggested sounds :          Materials:
    pictures on the board.
2. Use two hand puppets           lion – roars ,             use different sounds
    fixed with pictures of a      mouse –squeaks              suitable for their pupils.
    big speaker (loud sound)      bus – vrooms               pictures of a big
    and a small speaker           bee – buzzes                speaker and a small
    (soft sound) each .           bird – chirps               speaker.
3. Next to the picture, show
    the big speaker and
    make a loud sound.
    e.g. a lion‟s roar
4. Repeat using the small
   speaker to make a soft
   sound like a mouse‟s
   squeak.                                                    a set of pictures
5. A few pupils are chosen                                     e.g.: aeroplane , bee,
   to take the role of the                                     lion , train , mouse
   teacher and repeat the
   same activity.

                                           22                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                        Content                 Teacher’s Notes

I Know This Sound

1. Distribute worksheet to      Suggested sounds :            Materials:
   the class.                                                  recorded sounds
2. Play the recorded               1.   a kettle whistling     worksheet
   sounds.                         2.   a monkey chattering      (refer to LS3)
3. Pupils listen and tick the      3.   a cow mooing
   correct picture.                4.   a moving bus
                                   5.   a bird chirping

     The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher
    explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The
                 great teacher inspires.

                                   William A. Ward

                                             23                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         (b) instrumental sounds.

          Activity                       Content                  Teacher’s Notes

Identifying Sounds
                                Suggested instruments:      Suggested questions:
1. Show pupils a musical
   instrument.                     cymbals                    What do you call this?
   (e.g.: a tambourine)            triangle                   What sound did you
2. Play the instrument and         tambourine                  hear?
   pupils listen.                  castanet
3. Ask questions and pupils        drum                    ( may work together with the
   respond.                                                 music teacher)
4. Play the instrument again
   and pupils make the
5. Repeat the activity with
   other instruments.

Hear Them Sound

1. Distribute musical           Suggested instruments:      Activity can be carried out in
   instruments to pupils.                                   groups or between groups
2. Make sounds produced            cymbals                 as a competition.
   by the musical                  triangle
   instruments vocally and         tambourine
   pupils listen.                  castanet
3. Pupils holding the related      drum
   musical instrument will
   play the instrument.
4. Repeat with other
5. Pupils take turns to play
   the teacher‟s role.

                                           24                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                   MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                         Content              Teacher’s Notes

Match The Sounds

1. Show a few musical            Suggested instruments:   Materials:
2. Distribute picture cards of      cymbals                 Picture cards of
   musical instruments.             triangle                 suggested musical
3. Play vocal sound of an           tambourine               instruments.
   Instrument.                      castanet
4. Pupils with the related          drum
   picture cards will show the                            Instruments can be hidden
   cards.                                                 in a box or behind a screen.
5. Pupils take turn to play
   the instrument.                                        Activity can be carried out in
6. Pupils take turns to make                              groups or between groups
   sounds and their peers                                 as a competition (to increase
   will show the related                                  the fun element).
   picture cards.

How They Sound

1. Show a musical                Suggested instruments:   Materials:
   instrument and get pupils
   to make the sound.                -   cymbals             Get 3 of the suggested
   (e.g.: a tambourine)              -   triangle             musical instruments
2. After pupils are familiar         -   tambourine
   with the sound, proceed           -   castanet
   to another instrument.            -   drum
3. After having done at least
   three instruments, get                                 Activity can be carried out in
   pupils to make multiple                                groups or between groups
   sounds of musical                                      as a competition.
   instruments vocally.                                   .

e.g : Point to the cymbals,
      triangle and drum.

     Pupils will say „cheng‟,
     „ting‟ „boom‟

                                             25                  CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                            Content                      Teacher’s Notes

Move With The Sound
                                Suggested sounds:                    This activity can be carried
1. Make sounds related to        ting                               out in groups or between
   musical instruments           cheng                              groups as a competition.
   vocally and associate         boom                               .
   each sound with an
   action.                       Instrument    Sound        Action
2. Pupils listen, repeat the     Triangle      ting         sit
   sound and do the
                                 Cymbals       cheng        stand
3. After practising, make the    Drum          boom         jump
   sounds of instruments                                    to the
   vocally. Pupils listen and                               front
   carry out the actions.       Song
4 Sing the song and pupils      (Tune -If you are happy )
   carry out the actions.
                                 When the triangle tings
                                I sit down
                                When the cymbals cheng
                                I stand up
                                When the drum goes boom
                                I don’t know what to do
                                So I jump to the front
                                And look at you

Jazz With Instruments

1. Pupils make sounds           Suggested sounds:
   made by musical
   instruments as shown by         Instrument          Sound
   the teacher.                    Triangle         ting
2. Display the jazz chant and      Drum             boom
   recite it line by line.         Cymbals          cheng
3. Pupils repeat after the         Tambourine       ching

                                What tings?
                                The triangle tings
                                What booms?
                                The drum booms
                                What chengs?
                                The cymbals chengs
                                What chings?
                                The tambourine chings

                                               26                           CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                            MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                        (c) body percussion

Note: Body percussion means exploring different ways of producing sounds using parts
     of the body.

         Activity                           Content                      Teacher’s Notes

Listen and Do
                              Suggested actions:
1. Say and show the                                                  Can be done in
   actions.                      clap your hands                    smaller groups.
2. Pupils repeat after the       stamp your feet
   Teacher.                      slap your thighs
3. Pupils can take the role      snap your fingers
   of the teacher.               tap your feet
                                 pat your shoulders
                                 click your tongue

Simon Says
1. Give the instruction.      Game: Simon Says                       Instructions:
2. Pupils listen and do the
   actions.                   Simon says,                               Pupils listen to
3. Play „Simon Says‟ with     ‘Clap your hands.’                         teacher‟s
   the pupils.                Simon says,                                instructions.
                              ‘Touch your nose.’                        When teacher
                              ‘Close your eyes.’                         says „Simon says
                              Simon says,                                clap your hands
                              ‘Stamp your feet.’                         slowly.‟ pupils clap
                              ‘Touch your ears.’                         their hands slowly.
                                                                        When teacher
                              A suggested variety:                       says „Snap your
                              (refer to Year 1 SK Textbook)              fingers.‟, pupils
                                   Simon says,                           must not do the
                                   ‘Clap your hands slowly.’             action as teacher
                                   (The pupils clap their hands          did not say „Simon
                                   slowly.)                              says…‟
                                   Simon says,
                                   ‘Clap your hands fast’            Teachers can vary the
                                   (Pupils clap their hands fast.)   actions.
                                   Simon says,
                                  ‘Stamp your feet fast.’            (refer to Yr 1 SK
                                   (Pupils stamp their feet fast)    English Textbook -
                                   Simon says,                       page 29)
                                   ‘Stamp your feet slow.’
                                   (Pupils stamp their feet slow.)
                                   ‘Snap your fingers.’
                                   (Pupils should not snap their

                                             27                           CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                          MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                          Content                   Teacher’s Notes

  Sing A Song

1. Play a recorded song.        Song 1                            Teacher may vary the
2. Pupils sing along.           (Tune: Here We Go Round the       actions.
3. Sing and do the action.      Mulberry Bush)

                                This is the way                   Song 1:
                                we clap our hands,
                                clap our hands,                      clap our hands
                                clap our hands.                      snap our fingers
                                This is the way                      slap our thighs
                                we clap our hands                    stamp our feet
                                early in the morning.

                                 Song 2
                                (Tune: If You‟re Happy and You    Song 2:
                                Know It)
                                                                     clap your hands
                                If you’re happy and you know it      stamp your feet
                                clap your hands (2x)                 snap your fingers
                                If you’re happy                      slap your thighs
                                and you know it                      say Hello
                                and you really want                  do all five
                                to show it
                                If you’re happy
                                and you know it
                                clap your hands.

Imitate the Actions
                                Suggested actions:
1. Sit in a circle on chairs.                                        Introduce a simple
2. Begin by doing an               clap hands                        sequence of
   action.                         snap fingers                      sounds for the
3. The pupil sitting next to       slap the thighs                   pupils to do.
   the teacher repeats the         stamp the feet                    e.g.: clap, stamp,
   same action.                    tap the feet                      clap
4. The activity continues
   until it completes the                                            Do the activity in
   circle.                                                            groups.
5. Begin another action.

                                             28                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                       MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                       Content                   Teacher’s Notes

.Listen To The Music

1. Show a musical instrument.     Suggested actions:          Instructions:
2. Allow a pupil to play the
   instrument.                        clap hands                When your friend beats
3. Give instruction to pupils.        stamp feet                 the triangle once, clap
4. Pupils perform an action           slap thighs                your hands.
   when the instrument is             d snap fingers            When your friend beats
   played.                            tap feet                   two times, snap your
                                      pat shoulders              fingers.
                                                                 When your friend beats
                                  Suggested musical               three times, clap your
                                  instrument : triangle           hands and snap your
                                      No. of         Action
                                       one          clap
                                       two          snap
                                      three         clap &

 Follow The Leader

1. Introduce an action.           Suggested actions:          Can use pre-recorded sounds
2. Play a musical instrument
   and pupils do the action.          clap hands
3. Play the instrument faster         stamp feet
   and pupils do the action           slap thighs
   faster.                            snap fingers
4. Play the instrument slowly,        tap feet
   pupils do the action slowly.       pat shoulders
5. Mix the beats
   (e.g. fast – slow – fast )

                                               29                         CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                          MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         (d) rhythm and rhyme
1. Rhythm and rhyme means using songs or rhymes to help them tune into the rhythm
   and sound of English.
2. Some of the following activities should be matched with the respective letter sounds
   taught during the Reading lessons.

          Activity                          Content                    Teacher’s Notes

   Let’s Sing

1. Sing while pupils listen.   Suggested words:                   Materials:
2. Sing together with
   pupils.                         fat                              picture cards
3. Pupils sing on their own        cat                           .
   with teacher‟s guidance.        rat
4. Stress words with               mat
   medial phoneme /æ/              bag
   and pupils repeat.
5. Distribute picture cards    Song:
   and say the words.          (Tune of „Are you Sleeping?‟)
6. Pupils with the correct             I saw a fat cat, (2x)
   picture card say the                  On the mat. (2x)
   word aloud.                     It’s looking at the fat rat,
7. Sing the song together.                     (2x)
                                        Near the bag. (2x)        .

   Come Sing With Me

   1. Sing a song.             Suggested words:                   Materials:
   2. Pupils sing along.
   3. Pupils sing with             jar                              picture cards
      teacher‟s guidance.          jam
   4. Stress words with            jump
      initial phoneme /ʤ /         joy                                                    .
      and pupils repeat.           jug
   5. Put a box of pictures        jelly
      in the middle of the
   6. Call a pupil to
      choose a picture.
   7. The pupil says the
      word aloud and
      others repeat.

                                               30                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                           MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                          Content                     Teacher’s Notes


                               (Tune: Old Mac Donald had
                               a farm)

                                    Mother buys a jar of jam,
                                         j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/)
                                   I see the jam, I jump with
                                         j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/)
                                       jam here, jar there,
                                      jug here, jelly there,
                                     Everywhere jam, jam,
                                    Mother buys a jar of jam
                                            j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/)

   Story Time

1. Put up a composite          Suggested words:                    Materials:
2. Teacher tells a story            mother                           the story
   while pupils listen.             milk                             word cards
3. Pick words with initial          mug                              a composite picture
   phoneme /m/.                     mat                               ( refer to LS4)
4. Display word cards on
   the board. Say the          Story:
5. Pupils come to the front    Mother has a mug.
   and identify the words.     She is sitting on a mat.
6. Pupils put the words on     She wants to drink milk.
   the picture.                The milk is in the mug.
7. Pupils listen and repeat.

   Jazz, anyone?

1. Recite a jazz chant.        Suggested words:                    Materials:
   Pupils repeat.                                                   a chart of pictures
2. Stress on words with             snake                            (refer to LS5)
   initial phoneme                  sack
   /s/.Pupils say the words         sister
   aloud.                           school                        Pupils chant in groups or
3. Put up a chart of                sun                           individually.
   pictures. Point to a             sky
   picture and name the

                                               31                           CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                            MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                       Content             Teacher’s Notes

4. Pupils point to a picture   Jazz Chant:
   and others say the
   word.                       Where is the snake?
                               In the sack. (2x)

                               Where is your sister?
                               In her school. (2x)

                               Where is the sun?
                               In the sky. (2x)

                               Up in the sky so blue.

   A Poem For You

1. Play a recorded poem.       Suggested words:         This activity is also suitable
2. Recite and pupils repeat.                            for teaching the medial
   The stress is on words         cat                  phoneme /æ/.
   with final consonant           hat
   phoneme /t/.                   mat
3. Pupils say the words           rat
   aloud.                         pat
                                  bat
                                  fat
                                  out


                               A cat with a hat,
                               Sitting on a mat,
                               Waiting for the rat,
                               Hoping for a pat.

                               Out flew a bat,
                               That was big and fat,
                               That bat ate the rat,
                               The cat ate the bat.

                                             32                   CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                  MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                     Content                Teacher’s Notes

Action , Action, Action

1. Sing song with actions.     Suggested words:           Materials:
   Pupils follow.
2. Stress on words with           chalk                     picture cards
   initial phoneme /t∫/           cheek
3. Pupils say the words           chicken
   aloud.                         chair
4. Put a big bag of pictures      chocolate
   in the middle of the
   classroom.                  Song:
5. Say the word and pupils     (Tune: Here we go round
   choose the correct          the mulberry bush.)
                               This is the way
                               We use the chalk   (3x)
                               This is the way
                               We use the chalk
                               Early Monday morning.

                               This is the way
                               We eat chicken (3x)
                               This is the way
                               We eat chicken
                               Early Tuesday morning.

                               This is the way
                               We sit on the chair (3x)
                               This is the way
                               We sit on the chair
                               Early Wednesday morning.

                               This is the way
                               We touch our cheeks (3x)
                               This is the way
                               We touch our cheeks
                               Early Thursday morning.

                               This is the way
                               We eat chocolate (3x)
                               This is the way
                               We eat chocolate
                               Early Friday morning.

                                           33                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                   MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                     Content               Teacher’s Notes

   Pink Panther

1. Recite a rhyme. Pupils      Suggested words:
2. Stress on words with           pen
   initial phoneme /p/.           pail
3. Pupils say the words           pin
   aloud.                         pink
4. Ask pupils for other           pot
   words that begin with the      panther
   /p/ sound.

                               Pink Panther sits on a pot
                               Pink Panther has a big pail
                               In the pail, he has a pin and
                               a pen
                               The pin and the pen are

 A good education is like a savings account; the more
         you put into it, the richer you are.

                                             34                   CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                  MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         (e) alliteration

1. Alliteration means the repetition of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning or in
   stressed syllables.
2. Some of the following activities should be matched with the respective letter sounds
   taught during the Reading lessons.

           Activity                            Content               Teacher’s Notes

    Where’s Your Tongue

1. Put up a composite             Suggested word list :         Materials:
   picture or picture cards.
2. Emphasize on the                  top                          a composite picture
   objects with initial              tap                          picture cards
   phoneme /t/.                      toe
   e.g.:                             tip
       t – t –t – top                ten
       t – t – t – tap               tent
       t – t – t – toe               tank
       t – t – t – ten
                                     table
       t – t – t – tent
                                     tiger
       t – t – t – tank
       t – t – t – table             turtle
       t – t – t – tiger
       t – t – t – turtle
3. Recite the jingle or jazz      Jingle:
   chant. Clap in rhythm.
4. Say „ t- t – t‟ and tell the   Ten tops turning,
   pupils to look at each         Ten tops turning,
   other‟s mouth as they          Turning, turning, turning.
   say „ t – t – t‟.
5. Point to the picture and       Jazz chant:
   ask the pupils to name
   the objects starting           Tiger, tiger, on the table.
   with„t‟.                       On the table, on the table.
6. Say the words and              Turtle, turtle in the tank,
   pupils repeat.                 In the tank, in the tank.
                                  Where to see?
                                   Where to see?
                                  In the tent, In the tent.

                                                 35                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                         MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                          Content                Teacher’s Notes

      Taking A Train

1. Ask pupils to imagine        Suggested word list:          Materials:
   they are in a train. They
   move their arms back            chair                        pictures
   and forth and say „ch –         chalk
   ch- ch – choo – choo –          chin
   choo - choo‟.                   cheese                    Teacher prepares pictures
2. Emphasize on the                chick                     as suggested in the word
   words with initial              church                    list.
   phoneme /tf/.                   cheek
   e.g.:                           chain
   ch – ch – ch – chair            chocolate
   ch – ch – ch – chalk            chicken
3. Say „ ch – ch – ch‟ and
   tell the pupils to look at
   each other‟s mouth as
   they say „ ch – ch – ch‟     Cheek and chin
4. Say the rhyme or             Chalk and chair
   tongue twister.              Chocolate and cheese
5. Point to the pictures and    What a feast.
   ask the pupils to name
   the objects starting with
                                Tongue twister:
6. Riddles are given to the
                                Choose and chew your
                                cheese chicken sandwich.

                                Riddles :

                                a. Teachers use me to write
                                   on the board.
                                   What am I?

                                b. People sit on me.
                                   What am I?

                                              36                       CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                       MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                        Content                   Teacher’s Notes

‘Br’ or ‘b’; Take Your Pick

1. Put up a picture.             Suggested word list :         Materials:
2. Emphasize on the objects                                     pictures
   beginning with „b‟ and „br‟      bag
   e.g.:                            book                      Teacher prepares pictures
   b – b – b –bag                   ball                      as suggested in the word
   br – br – br – broom             bottle                    list.
3. Recite the jazz chant.           bed
4. Ask pupils to snap their         box
   fingers to the jazz              bear                      (Step 7)
                                    banana
5. Say „b – b – b‟ and tell                                                      __one
                                    boat
   the pupils to watch each
   other‟s mouth as they say        bee
   „b – b – b „.                    bone
6. Say „br – br – br‟ and tell
   the children to watch            bread                                    ___oom
   each other‟s mouth as            broom
   they say „br – br – br.          brush
7. Show pictures and                brick
   pupils have to say „b‟ or        brow

                                 1. Jazz chant :

                                 A boy with a ball.
                                 A boy with a ball in a bag.
                                 A boy with a ball in a bag
                                 in a box.

                                 2. Jazz chant:

                                 There’s a bee in my boat.
                                 There’s a bear in my boat.
                                 Get a broom, get a broom.
                                 Get some bread.
                                 Get some bread.
                                 See the bee near the
                                 Give the bread to the
                                 The bee and the bear in
                                 my boat.

                                              37                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                          MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                           Content              Teacher’s Notes

   Fox Gets A Fish

1. Put up a picture.              Suggested word list :       Materials:
2. Emphasize on the initial
   phoneme „f‟.                      fish                       pictures
   e.g.:                             fin                        word cards
   f – f – fish                      field
   f – f – fin                       fat
3. Recite the jazz chant and         fox
   pupils repeat.                    four
4. Ask pupils to clap in             fan
                                     fed
5. Say „f – f – f‟ and tell the
                                     fur,
   pupils to look at each
   other‟s mouth as they say         fork
   „f – f – f‟.
6. Say the words and pupils       Jazz chant:
   show the correct picture.
7. Ask a pupil to show a          Fox gets a fish,
   picture. Another pupil         A fish, a fish
                                                              Teacher prepares pictures
   picks out the correct word     Fox gets a fish
                                                              as suggested in the word
   card and says it aloud.        With a big, big fin.

Getting The ‘mmmm’
Sound Out

1. Put up a picture.              Suggested word list :       Materials:
2. Emphasize on the initial
   phoneme „m‟.                      milk                       pictures
   e.g.:                             mug
   m – m – mouse                     man
   m – m - milk                      mouth
3. Sing a song and pupils            mop
   repeat.                           mat
4. Ask pupils to snap their
   fingers in rhythm.             Song:
5. Say „m – m - m‟ and tell       (Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
   the pupils to look at each
   other‟s mouth as they say           See my mother.
   „m – m - m‟.                        See my mother,
6. Point to a picture and ask            Drinking milk,
   the pupils to name the                Drinking milk,
   object.                            Sitting on the mat,     Teacher prepares pictures
   e.g.: mouse, milk                  Sitting on the mat,     as suggested in the word
                                          With a mug,         list
                                          With a mug.

                                               38                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                       MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         ( f ) voice sounds

           Activity                    Content                  Teacher’s Notes


1. Show pupils a sleeping                                  Materials:
   doll and ask what the doll
   is doing.                                                  doll – realia or picture
2. Do the action of „sleeping‟
   and get pupils to follow.
3. Say „ssssshhh‟ softly with
   finger on lips and pupils
   follow. Make the sound
   from low to high.
4. Pupils take turns to do
   the action of sleeping and
   others say, “Ssssshhhh!                                 Pupils say out the name of
   Nora is sleeping”                                       their friend who is sleeping.
5. Put on the alarm clock
   and get the pupils to
   voice out the sound, „
   kring, kring, kring! „(low to
6. Ask pupils to stretch and
   yawn in three different
   modulations „aaah,
   aaaaah, aaaaaaah‟!
7. Get a pupil to do the
   actions of sleeping and
   stretching while others
   voice out the sounds

   The basic idea behind teaching is to teach people
               what they need to know.
                                   Carl Rogers

                                          39                         CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                      Content             Teacher’s Notes

Match Me

1. Ask a few pupils their      Suggested sounds:       Materials:
   names and the sound
   they start with.               Various sounds of      Objects in the
2. Say the initial sound of        letters.                classroom
   a pupil‟s name, followed                                e.g.: books, blackboard,
   by the name. e.g.:                                      basket
   /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ Siti
   /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/ Tan
3. Pupils take turns to                                Vary initial sounds of pupils‟
   voice out the initial                               names.
   sound of their friend‟s
   name.                                               Teacher chooses her/his
4. Ask pupils to point to or                           own phonemes.
   bring objects which
   match the sound
   / b / - bag
   / t / - table
5. Pupils take turn to say a
   chosen phoneme and
   other pupils match it
   with objects.

Blow Wind Blow

1. Show pupils how to          Suggested phonemes:     Can be done indoors or
   blow balloons.               phonemes that have    outdoors.
2. Get pupils to blow like        been taught
   the wind „ whoooo‟!                                 Teacher makes the sound
3. Explain how to play the                             from low to high.
   game, „Blow Wind
   Blow‟.                                              Instructions:
4. Pupils are divided into
   groups and given a                                  Teacher : “ The big wind
   phoneme each.                                       blows.”
5. The group with the /b/                              Pupils: “ Whooo! Blow
   sound shouts aloud                                  what ?
   „bbbbbbbb !‟ and falls                              Teacher : “ Blows the
   down.                                               group with the sound /b/. “

                                                       Pupils blow loudly.

                                                       Repeat the activity.

                                           40                   CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                         Content                 Teacher’s Notes


1. Take out a box and ask       Suggested sounds:              Materials:
   pupils to guess its
   content.                          happy: „hahahaha!‟          Prepare masks or
2. Call out a pupil to pick a        sad:    „wha,wha,wha!‟       pictures with facial
   mask from the box.                angry : „grrrrr!”            expressions:
3. Pupil puts on the mask            scared: „ooohhhh!‟               o happy
   and others guess the                                                o sad
   expression.                  Suggested responses:                   o angry
4. Repeat with the other                                               o scared
   masks.                           Sentence       Response
5. Ask pupils to                    I am           Ha! Ha!
   demonstrate the sound            happy.         Ha!
   they make when they              I am angry.    Grrrr!
   are happy, sad, angry            I am           Ooohhhh!
   or scared.                       scared.
6. A pupil comes out in
   front and puts on a
   mask and says a              Song:
7. The other pupils make        ( Tune: If You Are Happy )
   the laughing sound
   „ha! ha! ha!‟.               If you are happy and you
8. The activity is repeated     know it,                       .
   with the other
                                Say ‘ha! ha!’
9. Sing a song with             (Use other feelings and
   actions. Pupils follow.      expressions)

  Where there is an open mind there will always be a
                                    Charles F. Kettering

                                                  41                    CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                        MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                         Content        Teacher’s Notes

Move Your Mouth

1. Ask pupils to observe     Shaping the mouth for the
   your mouth movement       sounds:
   and say the sound that
   will be formed.               /a:/ - as in     arm
2. Open your mouth wide.         /ɒ/ - as in      old
3. Pupils respond by
   saying „aaaaaah!‟.            /^/ - as in      put
4. Do other sound                /ai/ - as in     eye
   movements and pupils          /ɪ/ - as in pin
   identify them.
5. Call a pupil to shape     Teacher can make mouth
   his/her mouth according   movements in a tune e.g.:
   to the sound and other    „Are you sleeping‟
   pupils produce the
   sound.                    /a://a://a://a:/
6. Do the mouth
   movement without          /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ//ɒ/
   pausing and pupils        /^//^//^/
   follow by voicing them    /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/
                             /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ//ɒ/

                             /a://a:/a:/ /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ/ /

                             /^//^//^/ /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/

                                              42            CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                            MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                        Content                 Teacher’s Notes

Follow Me

1. Show some pictures or      Suggested words:              Materials:
2. Pupils make sounds            train                        picture cards,
   according to the picture      chick                        toys
   or toy shown.                 bird                         LCD
3. Pupils make the sound         dog
   „choo,choo,choo‟ and          ambulance,
   move in a circle like a
   train.                     Sounds of animals and
4. Repeat with other          objects:
   pictures or toys.
5. Pupils are divided into       train - „ choo, choo‟
   groups and each group         bird - „ chirp, chirp „
   is given a picture.
                                 dog - „ woof, woof „
6. The groups come out
   and make the sound
   and do the movement
   or sound based on the

                                            43                       CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                         (g) oral blending and segmenting

Oral blending: blending separate sounds / phonemes together to say a word.
                    c- a -t                  cat
Segmenting: breaking up a word into their separate sounds / phonemes and this is
            the reverse of blending.
                     cat                       c-a-t
          Activity                         Content               Teacher’s Notes

Banana Split
(oral blending &
1. Introduce a soft toy or     Suggested words :
   puppet that can speak                                       Soft toy / puppet
   in *„sound-talk‟.               bat                        Picture cards / realia
2. Pretend that the toy is         cat                        Year 1 textbooks of SK
   whispering to her/him.          fat                         and SJK
3. As the toy „whispers‟,          hat                        Power point
   show pupils a picture of        mat                         presentation
   a bat.                          pat
4. Breakup the word                rat
   according to the
                                   sat.
   separate sounds (/b/ -                                   „Sound talk‟ means to
   /æ/ - /t/) and then say                                  speak by breaking up a
                                   Grapheme       Phoneme
   the word as a whole                                      word into their separate
                                       a            /æ/
   (bat).                                                   sounds
                                       b             /b/
5. Repeat the sounds
                                       c             /k/
   several times and pupils
                                       f              /f/
                                       h             /h/
6. Ask pupils to segment
                                      m             /m/
   other words like cat /k/                                 (Refer to SK textbook pg 9
                                       p             /p/
   /æ/ /t/ and then blend as                                and SJK textbook – Pg 16
                                       r             /r/
   a whole word to cat.                                     & 35 to look at the pictures
                                       s             /s/
7. Repeat with the help of                                  of cat, rat, mat)
   the soft toy using other
   words and picture

                                             44                      CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                      Content                  Teacher’s Notes

Keep Us Together
(oral blending)

1. The toy whispers into       Suggested words:
   the teacher‟s ear.
2. Teacher repeats what        Use words that pupils have
   the toy says.               learnt.
3. Blend phonemes taught
   e.g.: /b/ /æ/ /t/ - ba)
4. Pupils pick and show
   the correct picture card
   and say the word aloud
   as a whole (bat).
5. Activity is repeated with
   the other words taught

Let’s Hold Hands
(oral blending)

1. Distribute 3 headbands Suggested words:                  Materials:
   with a letter on each
   headband to 3 pupils.    Use words that pupils have         headbands
2. Call out a phoneme       learnt.
   according to their
   separate sounds (/k/ /æ/
3. Pupils listen carefully,
   come to the front of the
   classroom and arrange
   themselves with the
   help of the other pupils
   to form the word. After
   completing the task,
   they hold hands.
4. The others say the
   phonemes (/k/ /æ/ /t/)
   and say the word (cat)                                                t
   by looking at the 3

                                           45                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
pupils in front of the
5. Repeat the activity with
   other pupils to form new                         This activity can be used for
   words.                                            other phonemes as well.

          Activity                        Content        Teacher’s Notes

 Who Will Win?
(oral blending &

1. Divide pupils into           Suggested words     Materials:
   groups.                                           Prepare a pack of five
2. Group members sit in a          cat                picture cards for each
   circle.                         bat                group :
3. Distribute equally a            rat
   pack of picture cards           mat
   with words taught               hat
   earlier among the group
4. A pupil starts the game
   by choosing a picture
   and segments the word
   e.g.: /r/ - /æ/ - /t/
5. Any member of the
   group with the picture of
   a rat will throw the card
   to the centre. As the
   card is thrown down,
   he/she has to blend the
   e.g.: /r/ /æ/ - /t/ - rat.
6. Pupils take turn to
   repeat the activity until
   there is no more cards

                                            46               CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                             MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                       Content                 Teacher’s Notes

What’s In?
(oral segmenting)

1. Put realia or picture
   cards into boxes.           Suggested words:             Materials:
2. Divide pupils into
   groups.                        nouns that pupils have      boxes or bags
3. Pupils sit in a circle.         learnt                      realia
4. Give each group a box.                                      picture cards
5. Pass the box to one of                                      music
   the pupils in the group
   while the music is
   played. The box is
   passed around until the                                  This is similar to the „poison
   music stops.                                             box‟ game.
6. Pupil takes out an
   object from the box and                                  Teacher may use this
   shows it to the rest of                                  activity for other phonemes.
   the group.
7. The rest of the group
   members name the
   object and segment the
8. The pupil then puts
   aside the object used
   and then passes the
   box to the next person
   when the music starts.
9. Repeat the activity until
   all the pupils have had
   their turn.

                                           47                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                     Content            Teacher’s Notes

Pat and Nat
(oral blending &

1. Say aloud the rhyme          Rhyme: Pat and Nat   Materials:
   „Pat and Nat‟.
2. As teacher recites,          I am Pat,               Prepare picture cards
   show pictures that           P-a-t,                   for each group :
   describe lines in the        I am a cat,
   rhyme.                       c-a-t,
   Reinforce oral blending      I am a fat cat,
   and segmenting of            f-a-t fat
   phrases by showing           c-a-t cat
   various pictures.            With a bat,
   e.g.:                        b-a-t.
   fat cat, fat rat, cat with a
   bat, rat with a hat.         I am Nat,
3. Look at the picture (e.g.: N-a-t,
   fat cat) and say aloud       I am a rat,
   what pupils see (e.g.:       r-a-t,
   fat cat). Pupils then        I am a fat rat
   segment the words said       f-a-t fat
   aloud earlier (e.g.: f-a-t    r-a-t rat
   fat, c-a-t cat).             With a hat,
4. Repeat the activity          h-a-t hat
   using various pictures

                                          48                  CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                              MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually.

          Activity                         Content                     Teacher’s Notes

It’s Going To Rain

1. Play a recorded sound
   of „thunder‟.
2. Ask the pupils to guess       Suggested Word List:            Materials:
   and imitate the sound.                                         Recorded sounds e.g.
3. Repeat step 1 & 2 for            thunder                            o thunder
   „strong wind‟ and „door          wind                               o strong wind
   slamming‟.                       door                               o door slamming

                                                                 Replay if necessary.
Let’s Make the Rain

1. Introduce picture cards                                       Materials:
   of different types of rain.   Instructions:
2. Teacher claps and says         drizzle (clap repeatedly         Picture cards of different
   the words.                        using one finger, then          types of rain. (refer to LS
3. Pupils practise                   two fingers)                    6)
   producing the sound.           heavy rain (clap
                                     repeatedly using all five   Sounds:
                                                                    drizzle
                                                                    heavy rain
Story Telling Session

1. Group pupils according        Suggested sounds:               Materials:
   to the different sounds-                                       recorded sound in
   thunder, sound of door           drizzle                        brainstorming session
   slamming, strong wind.           heavy rain                     could be utilised.
2. Get pupils to practise           door slamming                Story
   their respective sounds          strong wind                    (refer to LS 7)
   and actions.                     thunder
3. Narrate the story and
   the particular group of
   pupils respond when
   they hear their sound
   being mentioned.

                                               49                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                           MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                          Content                  Teacher’s Notes

Rhyming Time                   Rhyme:

1. End the lesson with       Rain, rain, go away,
   rhyme.                    Come again another day,
                             Little children want to play.
Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually.

          Activity                          Content                  Teacher’s Notes

Let’s Talk

1. Show pictures of rain       Suggested words:                Materials:
   and the sun. Encourage
   pupils to talk about the       hot                            chart/ worksheet
   pictures.                      cold                            (refer to LS 8)
2. Put up a chart with the        yellow                         picture cards
   picture of the sun on the      blue                            (refer to LS 9)
   left and picture of the
   rain on the right.          Suggested questions for
3. Distribute pictures of      Step 1:
4. Prompt pupils to talk        What is this?
   about the pictures.          What colour is the sun?
5. Call pupils at random to     How does it feel?
   come forward and pick a
                                Can you touch the sun?
   picture and paste it on
                                Can you see the sun?
   the correct column.
6. The activity is repeated.    Can you feel the sun?
                                Where is the sun?
                               (Teacher may substitute
                               „sun‟ with „rain‟.)

                               Suggested questions for
                               Step 4:

                                  What can you do when it
                                  Where would you be
                                   when it rains?
                                  What are the things you
                                   can do when the sun
Jazz chant                         shines?

7. Chant the jazz chant        Sunshine and Rain               Group A reads text in italic

                                              50                          CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                          MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                       Content                     Teacher’s Notes

   and pupils listen.        The sun shines. (2x)            while group B reads the
8. Pupils repeat after the   Shining, shining bright.        rest.
   teacher.                  I love the sun.(2x)
9. Divide the class into two Playing, playing in the sun.
   groups-A & B. Pupils to   It is going to rain. (2x)
   chant the jazz chant      Raining, raining heavily.
   when cued.                Let us play in the rain.(2x)
                             Playing, playing in the rain
Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually.

                                            51                            CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                          MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
Activity                          Content                 Teacher’s Notes

Talk about Me

1. Paste pictures on the        Suggested word list:          Materials:
2. Pupils name each                house                        pictures
   picture.                        field                         (refer to LS 10)
3. Pupils respond to               ball
   questions based on the          boy
   pictures.                       rain

Let’s Listen To a Story

1. Divide the class into        Suggested word list:          Materials:
   groups and distribute a
   set of pictures to each         house                        sets of picture cards
   group.                          field                        story chart
2. Tell the class a short          ball                          (refer to LS 11)
   story using the pictures        boy
   in LS10.                        rain
3. Pupils listen and arrange
   the pictures on the
   worksheet provided.
4. Call out a pupil to retell
   the story based on the

Let’s Create a Story

1. Sit in front of the pupils   Suggested questions for       Materials:
   with a big book.             Steps 4 & 5:
2. Tell a story using the big                                    Prepare a big book with
   book.                           Who is this?                  pictures that can be
3. Remove pictures from            What does she have?           removed.
   the big book.                   Where is she going?           ( refer to LS 11)
4. Call pupils at random to        What happens?                Pictures
   come forward and                Where is she going now?       (refer to LS 12)
   replace the pictures with       How does she feel?           Story
   the new ones that are                                          (refer to LS 13)
5. Pupils tell the story with                                 Step 4: Pause at certain
   teacher‟s guidance.                                        points to allow pupil to paste
6. Teacher repeats the                                        their picture.

 LS 1

                                              52                       CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                       MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
LS 2
        BINGO CARD
           Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

LS 3


Listen and tick the correct picture.

                                       55   CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                            MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
LS 4

LS 5

LS 6

LS 7

Teacher reads the following story.

 Robin is at the field. He wants to play football with his friends. Suddenly, he hears
 a loud noise from the sky.

 “What is that noise?”

 “It is thunder!”

 Robin continues walking. He feels the wind blowing strongly. The wind makes a
 sound. He passes a row of houses. The doors slam hard.

 He stands still. He listens to the sound of thunder, the wind, the doors, the
 thunder, the wind, the doors and the thunder again.

 It starts to drizzle. Robin has to go home.

 Robin starts to run. It begins to rain heavily.

* Relevant sounds to be made for the words in bold.

                                            59                        CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                                      MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
LS 8

What do you do when it …

       …shines?                 …rains?

                           60     CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                  MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
LS 9

LS 10

LS 11

Note: Teacher reads the story.

He is a                   . He lives in a big                .

One day he wants to go to the                                .

He wants to play                            .

Suddenly it                        . He runs home.


                                   63           CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                                MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
LS 12

LS 13

        This is a           . She lives in

 a            .     One day, she wants

 to go to the                 .She wants

 to play             . Suddenly it rains!

 She                home.

                      65           CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
                                   MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA

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SK KSSR EL Guide book

  • 1. THE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILL The listening and speaking skill is crucial for social communication at home, at school, as well as in the community. However, this skill is often neglected or given minimal emphasis during English language lessons. In order to develop this skill, teachers have to provide their pupils with various opportunities to listen and to talk about a range of subjects which may include topics on personal interests, school work and even current affairs. It is hoped that the learning standards will offer teachers some ideas on how they could provide opportunities for pupils to engage in various listening and speaking activities at Year One. The Listening and Speaking Content and Learning Standards for Year 1 are as follows: Content Standards Learning Standards 1.1 By the end of the 6-year 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to primary schooling, pupils will be able to stimulus given with guidance : pronounce words and speak a) environmental sounds confidently with the correct stress, b) instrumental sounds rhythm and intonation in accordance to c) body percussion Standard British English (SBE)). d) rhythm and rhyme e) alliteration f) voice sounds g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.2 Able to listen and enjoy simple stories. 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance. 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: schooling, pupils will be able to listen a) exchange greetings and respond appropriately in formal b) introduce oneself and informal situations for a variety of c) make polite requests purposes. d) thank someone e) express a simple apology 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom. b) simple directions to places in the school. 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate schooling, pupils will be able to understanding of oral texts by: understand and respond to oral texts in a) giving Yes/No replies a variety of contexts. b) answering simple Wh-Questions In this module, Learning Standards 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 are dealt with extensively. Although, this module does not provide suggested activities for the other learning standards, it is hoped that teachers would be able to plan lessons and activities on their own for the other Learning Standards. The activities provided here are merely suggestions. It is with high expectation and anticipation that teachers of Year 1 English would be able to plan and carry out Listening and Speaking lessons creatively and innovatively. 19 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 2. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (a) environmental sounds Note: Environmental sounds are sounds heard around us. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Let’s Take A Walk 1. Take pupils around the Suggested sounds : Materials: school. 2. Listen and identify the  school bell  Prepare the „cut-out‟ sounds heard.  running water from ears (or get the pupils to e.g. birds chirping tap/hose do it themselves) to be 3. Make the sound and  a car/ motorcycle used during the walk. pupils follow.  lawn mower (refer to LS1)  wind  waves  leaves rustling Guessing The Sound 1. Listen and guess the Suggested sounds : Materials: sound. 2. Pupils mimic the sound.  animals  sounds (recorded) 3. Pupils make the sound - meow  pictures of the picture shown. - moo  vehicles - vroom - choo  things in the kitchen - fork and spoon - pestle and mortar - whistling of the kettle - stirring a drink 20 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 3. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Bingo Game Suggested sounds : Materials: 1. Distribute Bingo cards  animals  markers : to the pupils - meow - tokens 2. Show how to play the - moo - buttons game.  vehicles - erasers 3. Play a recorded sound. - vroom  Bingo card 4. Pupils identify the - choo (refer to LS2) sound heard and place a  in the kitchen marker on the Bingo - fork and spoon Activity can be conducted card. - pestle and mortar outside the classroom in 5. The pupil who has - whistling of the groups or individually. completed the Bingo kettle card will shout out the - stirring a drink word „Bingo‟. Every group/ child is given a Bingo card with different pictures. (refer to guessing the sound game) Guessing Game 1. Divide the pupils into Suggested sounds : Materials: groups. 2. A pupil from each group  animals  pictures will pick a picture from  vehicles a box.  objects (Points can be given for 3. The pupil will make its correct answers.) sound without showing the picture to the other members. e.g: roar 4. The members of that group will guess what makes the sound 21 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 4. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Let’s Sing 1. Sing or play the Old Pak Salleh Materials: recorded song. (tune of Old Mac Donald 2. Sing with actions and had a farm)  picture cards. pupils follow. 3. Show pictures. Old Pak Salleh has a bus, Teachers can substitute 4. Pupils sing and make E,I,E,I,O bus with the following: their sounds with And a Vroom, Vroom here  bird - chirp actions. and a Vroom Vroom there  mouse – squeak Here a Vroom  train – choo There a Vroom Everywhere Vroom Vroom Old Pak Salleh has a bus E,I,E,I,O My Sounds 1. Paste the different Suggested sounds : Materials: pictures on the board. 2. Use two hand puppets  lion – roars ,  use different sounds fixed with pictures of a  mouse –squeaks suitable for their pupils. big speaker (loud sound)  bus – vrooms  pictures of a big and a small speaker  bee – buzzes speaker and a small (soft sound) each .  bird – chirps speaker. 3. Next to the picture, show the big speaker and make a loud sound. e.g. a lion‟s roar 4. Repeat using the small speaker to make a soft sound like a mouse‟s squeak.  a set of pictures 5. A few pupils are chosen e.g.: aeroplane , bee, to take the role of the lion , train , mouse teacher and repeat the same activity. 22 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 5. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes I Know This Sound 1. Distribute worksheet to Suggested sounds : Materials: the class.  recorded sounds 2. Play the recorded 1. a kettle whistling  worksheet sounds. 2. a monkey chattering (refer to LS3) 3. Pupils listen and tick the 3. a cow mooing correct picture. 4. a moving bus 5. a bird chirping The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William A. Ward 23 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 6. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (b) instrumental sounds. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Identifying Sounds Suggested instruments: Suggested questions: 1. Show pupils a musical instrument.  cymbals  What do you call this? (e.g.: a tambourine)  triangle  What sound did you 2. Play the instrument and  tambourine hear? pupils listen.  castanet 3. Ask questions and pupils  drum ( may work together with the respond. music teacher) 4. Play the instrument again and pupils make the sound. 5. Repeat the activity with other instruments. Hear Them Sound 1. Distribute musical Suggested instruments: Activity can be carried out in instruments to pupils. groups or between groups 2. Make sounds produced  cymbals as a competition. by the musical  triangle instruments vocally and  tambourine pupils listen.  castanet 3. Pupils holding the related  drum musical instrument will play the instrument. 4. Repeat with other instruments. 5. Pupils take turns to play the teacher‟s role. 24 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 7. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Match The Sounds 1. Show a few musical Suggested instruments: Materials: instruments. 2. Distribute picture cards of  cymbals  Picture cards of musical instruments.  triangle suggested musical 3. Play vocal sound of an  tambourine instruments. Instrument.  castanet 4. Pupils with the related  drum picture cards will show the Instruments can be hidden cards. in a box or behind a screen. 5. Pupils take turn to play the instrument. Activity can be carried out in 6. Pupils take turns to make groups or between groups sounds and their peers as a competition (to increase will show the related the fun element). picture cards. How They Sound 1. Show a musical Suggested instruments: Materials: instrument and get pupils to make the sound. - cymbals  Get 3 of the suggested (e.g.: a tambourine) - triangle musical instruments 2. After pupils are familiar - tambourine with the sound, proceed - castanet to another instrument. - drum 3. After having done at least three instruments, get Activity can be carried out in pupils to make multiple groups or between groups sounds of musical as a competition. instruments vocally. . e.g : Point to the cymbals, triangle and drum. Pupils will say „cheng‟, „ting‟ „boom‟ 25 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 8. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Move With The Sound Suggested sounds: This activity can be carried 1. Make sounds related to  ting out in groups or between musical instruments  cheng groups as a competition. vocally and associate  boom . each sound with an action. Instrument Sound Action 2. Pupils listen, repeat the Triangle ting sit sound and do the Cymbals cheng stand actions. 3. After practising, make the Drum boom jump sounds of instruments to the vocally. Pupils listen and front carry out the actions. Song 4 Sing the song and pupils (Tune -If you are happy ) carry out the actions. When the triangle tings I sit down When the cymbals cheng I stand up When the drum goes boom I don’t know what to do So I jump to the front And look at you Jazz With Instruments 1. Pupils make sounds Suggested sounds: made by musical instruments as shown by Instrument Sound the teacher. Triangle ting 2. Display the jazz chant and Drum boom recite it line by line. Cymbals cheng 3. Pupils repeat after the Tambourine ching teacher. Chant What tings? The triangle tings What booms? The drum booms What chengs? The cymbals chengs What chings? The tambourine chings 26 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 9. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (c) body percussion Note: Body percussion means exploring different ways of producing sounds using parts of the body. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Listen and Do Suggested actions: 1. Say and show the Can be done in actions.  clap your hands smaller groups. 2. Pupils repeat after the  stamp your feet Teacher.  slap your thighs 3. Pupils can take the role  snap your fingers of the teacher.  tap your feet  pat your shoulders  click your tongue Simon Says 1. Give the instruction. Game: Simon Says Instructions: 2. Pupils listen and do the actions. Simon says,  Pupils listen to 3. Play „Simon Says‟ with ‘Clap your hands.’ teacher‟s the pupils. Simon says, instructions. ‘Touch your nose.’  When teacher ‘Close your eyes.’ says „Simon says Simon says, clap your hands ‘Stamp your feet.’ slowly.‟ pupils clap ‘Touch your ears.’ their hands slowly.  When teacher A suggested variety: says „Snap your (refer to Year 1 SK Textbook) fingers.‟, pupils Simon says, must not do the ‘Clap your hands slowly.’ action as teacher (The pupils clap their hands did not say „Simon slowly.) says…‟ Simon says, ‘Clap your hands fast’ Teachers can vary the (Pupils clap their hands fast.) actions. Simon says, ‘Stamp your feet fast.’ (refer to Yr 1 SK (Pupils stamp their feet fast) English Textbook - Simon says, page 29) ‘Stamp your feet slow.’ (Pupils stamp their feet slow.) ‘Snap your fingers.’ (Pupils should not snap their fingers.) 27 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 10. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Sing A Song 1. Play a recorded song. Song 1 Teacher may vary the 2. Pupils sing along. (Tune: Here We Go Round the actions. 3. Sing and do the action. Mulberry Bush) This is the way Song 1: we clap our hands, clap our hands,  clap our hands clap our hands.  snap our fingers This is the way  slap our thighs we clap our hands  stamp our feet early in the morning. Song 2 (Tune: If You‟re Happy and You Song 2: Know It)  clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it  stamp your feet clap your hands (2x)  snap your fingers If you’re happy  slap your thighs and you know it  say Hello and you really want  do all five to show it If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands. Imitate the Actions Suggested actions: 1. Sit in a circle on chairs.  Introduce a simple 2. Begin by doing an  clap hands sequence of action.  snap fingers sounds for the 3. The pupil sitting next to  slap the thighs pupils to do. the teacher repeats the  stamp the feet e.g.: clap, stamp, same action.  tap the feet clap 4. The activity continues until it completes the  Do the activity in circle. groups. 5. Begin another action. 28 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 11. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes .Listen To The Music 1. Show a musical instrument. Suggested actions: Instructions: 2. Allow a pupil to play the instrument.  clap hands  When your friend beats 3. Give instruction to pupils.  stamp feet the triangle once, clap 4. Pupils perform an action  slap thighs your hands. when the instrument is  d snap fingers  When your friend beats played.  tap feet two times, snap your  pat shoulders fingers.  When your friend beats Suggested musical three times, clap your instrument : triangle hands and snap your fingers. No. of Action Beats one clap two snap fingers three clap & snap fingers Follow The Leader 1. Introduce an action. Suggested actions: Can use pre-recorded sounds 2. Play a musical instrument and pupils do the action.  clap hands 3. Play the instrument faster  stamp feet and pupils do the action  slap thighs faster.  snap fingers 4. Play the instrument slowly,  tap feet pupils do the action slowly.  pat shoulders 5. Mix the beats (e.g. fast – slow – fast ) 29 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 12. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (d) rhythm and rhyme Note: 1. Rhythm and rhyme means using songs or rhymes to help them tune into the rhythm and sound of English. 2. Some of the following activities should be matched with the respective letter sounds taught during the Reading lessons. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Let’s Sing 1. Sing while pupils listen. Suggested words: Materials: 2. Sing together with pupils.  fat  picture cards 3. Pupils sing on their own  cat . with teacher‟s guidance.  rat 4. Stress words with  mat medial phoneme /æ/  bag and pupils repeat. 5. Distribute picture cards Song: and say the words. (Tune of „Are you Sleeping?‟) 6. Pupils with the correct I saw a fat cat, (2x) picture card say the On the mat. (2x) word aloud. It’s looking at the fat rat, 7. Sing the song together. (2x) Near the bag. (2x) . Come Sing With Me 1. Sing a song. Suggested words: Materials: 2. Pupils sing along. 3. Pupils sing with  jar  picture cards teacher‟s guidance.  jam 4. Stress words with  jump initial phoneme /ʤ /  joy . and pupils repeat.  jug 5. Put a box of pictures  jelly in the middle of the classroom. 6. Call a pupil to choose a picture. 7. The pupil says the word aloud and others repeat. 30 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 13. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Song: (Tune: Old Mac Donald had a farm) Mother buys a jar of jam, j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/) I see the jam, I jump with joy, j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/) jam here, jar there, jug here, jelly there, Everywhere jam, jam, Mother buys a jar of jam j, j, j, j, j ( /ʤ/) Story Time 1. Put up a composite Suggested words: Materials: picture. 2. Teacher tells a story  mother  the story while pupils listen.  milk  word cards 3. Pick words with initial  mug  a composite picture phoneme /m/.  mat ( refer to LS4) 4. Display word cards on the board. Say the Story: words. 5. Pupils come to the front Mother has a mug. and identify the words. She is sitting on a mat. 6. Pupils put the words on She wants to drink milk. the picture. The milk is in the mug. 7. Pupils listen and repeat. Jazz, anyone? 1. Recite a jazz chant. Suggested words: Materials: Pupils repeat.  a chart of pictures 2. Stress on words with  snake (refer to LS5) initial phoneme  sack /s/.Pupils say the words  sister aloud.  school Pupils chant in groups or 3. Put up a chart of  sun individually. pictures. Point to a  sky picture and name the pictures. 31 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 14. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes 4. Pupils point to a picture Jazz Chant: and others say the word. Where is the snake? In the sack. (2x) Where is your sister? In her school. (2x) Where is the sun? In the sky. (2x) Up in the sky so blue. A Poem For You 1. Play a recorded poem. Suggested words: This activity is also suitable 2. Recite and pupils repeat. for teaching the medial The stress is on words  cat phoneme /æ/. with final consonant  hat phoneme /t/.  mat 3. Pupils say the words  rat aloud.  pat  bat  fat  out Poem: A cat with a hat, Sitting on a mat, Waiting for the rat, Hoping for a pat. Out flew a bat, That was big and fat, That bat ate the rat, The cat ate the bat. 32 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 15. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Action , Action, Action 1. Sing song with actions. Suggested words: Materials: Pupils follow. 2. Stress on words with  chalk  picture cards initial phoneme /t∫/  cheek 3. Pupils say the words  chicken aloud.  chair 4. Put a big bag of pictures  chocolate in the middle of the classroom. Song: 5. Say the word and pupils (Tune: Here we go round choose the correct the mulberry bush.) picture. This is the way We use the chalk (3x) This is the way We use the chalk Early Monday morning. This is the way We eat chicken (3x) This is the way We eat chicken Early Tuesday morning. This is the way We sit on the chair (3x) This is the way We sit on the chair Early Wednesday morning. This is the way We touch our cheeks (3x) This is the way We touch our cheeks Early Thursday morning. This is the way We eat chocolate (3x) This is the way We eat chocolate Early Friday morning. 33 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 16. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Pink Panther 1. Recite a rhyme. Pupils Suggested words: repeat. 2. Stress on words with  pen initial phoneme /p/.  pail 3. Pupils say the words  pin aloud.  pink 4. Ask pupils for other  pot words that begin with the  panther /p/ sound. Rhyme: Pink Panther sits on a pot Pink Panther has a big pail In the pail, he has a pin and a pen The pin and the pen are pink. A good education is like a savings account; the more you put into it, the richer you are. Anonymous 34 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 17. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (e) alliteration Note: 1. Alliteration means the repetition of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning or in stressed syllables. 2. Some of the following activities should be matched with the respective letter sounds taught during the Reading lessons. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Where’s Your Tongue 1. Put up a composite Suggested word list : Materials: picture or picture cards. 2. Emphasize on the  top  a composite picture objects with initial  tap  picture cards phoneme /t/.  toe e.g.:  tip t – t –t – top  ten t – t – t – tap  tent t – t – t – toe  tank t – t – t – ten  table t – t – t – tent  tiger t – t – t – tank t – t – t – table  turtle t – t – t – tiger t – t – t – turtle 3. Recite the jingle or jazz Jingle: chant. Clap in rhythm. 4. Say „ t- t – t‟ and tell the Ten tops turning, pupils to look at each Ten tops turning, other‟s mouth as they Turning, turning, turning. say „ t – t – t‟. 5. Point to the picture and Jazz chant: ask the pupils to name the objects starting Tiger, tiger, on the table. with„t‟. On the table, on the table. 6. Say the words and Turtle, turtle in the tank, pupils repeat. In the tank, in the tank. Where to see? Where to see? In the tent, In the tent. 35 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 18. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Taking A Train 1. Ask pupils to imagine Suggested word list: Materials: they are in a train. They move their arms back  chair  pictures and forth and say „ch –  chalk ch- ch – choo – choo –  chin choo - choo‟.  cheese Teacher prepares pictures 2. Emphasize on the  chick as suggested in the word words with initial  church list. phoneme /tf/.  cheek e.g.:  chain ch – ch – ch – chair  chocolate ch – ch – ch – chalk  chicken 3. Say „ ch – ch – ch‟ and tell the pupils to look at Rhyme: each other‟s mouth as they say „ ch – ch – ch‟ Cheek and chin 4. Say the rhyme or Chalk and chair tongue twister. Chocolate and cheese 5. Point to the pictures and What a feast. ask the pupils to name the objects starting with Tongue twister: „ch‟. 6. Riddles are given to the Choose and chew your pupils. cheese chicken sandwich. Riddles : a. Teachers use me to write on the board. What am I? b. People sit on me. What am I? 36 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 19. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes ‘Br’ or ‘b’; Take Your Pick 1. Put up a picture. Suggested word list : Materials: 2. Emphasize on the objects  pictures beginning with „b‟ and „br‟  bag e.g.:  book Teacher prepares pictures b – b – b –bag  ball as suggested in the word br – br – br – broom  bottle list. 3. Recite the jazz chant.  bed 4. Ask pupils to snap their  box fingers to the jazz  bear (Step 7) chant.  banana 5. Say „b – b – b‟ and tell __one  boat the pupils to watch each other‟s mouth as they say  bee „b – b – b „.  bone 6. Say „br – br – br‟ and tell the children to watch  bread ___oom each other‟s mouth as  broom they say „br – br – br.  brush 7. Show pictures and  brick pupils have to say „b‟ or  brow „br‟. 1. Jazz chant : A boy with a ball. A boy with a ball in a bag. A boy with a ball in a bag in a box. 2. Jazz chant: There’s a bee in my boat. There’s a bear in my boat. Get a broom, get a broom. Get some bread. Get some bread. See the bee near the broom. Give the bread to the bear. The bee and the bear in my boat. 37 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 20. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Fox Gets A Fish 1. Put up a picture. Suggested word list : Materials: 2. Emphasize on the initial phoneme „f‟.  fish  pictures e.g.:  fin  word cards f – f – fish  field f – f – fin  fat 3. Recite the jazz chant and  fox pupils repeat.  four 4. Ask pupils to clap in  fan rhythm.  fed 5. Say „f – f – f‟ and tell the  fur, pupils to look at each other‟s mouth as they say  fork „f – f – f‟. 6. Say the words and pupils Jazz chant: show the correct picture. 7. Ask a pupil to show a Fox gets a fish, picture. Another pupil A fish, a fish Teacher prepares pictures picks out the correct word Fox gets a fish as suggested in the word card and says it aloud. With a big, big fin. list. Getting The ‘mmmm’ Sound Out 1. Put up a picture. Suggested word list : Materials: 2. Emphasize on the initial phoneme „m‟.  milk  pictures e.g.:  mug m – m – mouse  man m – m - milk  mouth 3. Sing a song and pupils  mop repeat.  mat 4. Ask pupils to snap their fingers in rhythm. Song: 5. Say „m – m - m‟ and tell (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) the pupils to look at each other‟s mouth as they say See my mother. „m – m - m‟. See my mother, 6. Point to a picture and ask Drinking milk, the pupils to name the Drinking milk, object. Sitting on the mat, Teacher prepares pictures e.g.: mouse, milk Sitting on the mat, as suggested in the word With a mug, list With a mug. 38 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 21. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: ( f ) voice sounds Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Wake-up 1. Show pupils a sleeping Materials: doll and ask what the doll is doing.  doll – realia or picture 2. Do the action of „sleeping‟ and get pupils to follow. 3. Say „ssssshhh‟ softly with finger on lips and pupils follow. Make the sound from low to high. 4. Pupils take turns to do the action of sleeping and others say, “Ssssshhhh! Pupils say out the name of Nora is sleeping” their friend who is sleeping. 5. Put on the alarm clock and get the pupils to voice out the sound, „ kring, kring, kring! „(low to high). 6. Ask pupils to stretch and yawn in three different modulations „aaah, aaaaah, aaaaaaah‟! 7. Get a pupil to do the actions of sleeping and stretching while others voice out the sounds learnt. The basic idea behind teaching is to teach people what they need to know. Carl Rogers 39 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 22. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Match Me 1. Ask a few pupils their Suggested sounds: Materials: names and the sound they start with.  Various sounds of  Objects in the 2. Say the initial sound of letters. classroom a pupil‟s name, followed e.g.: books, blackboard, by the name. e.g.: basket /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ Siti /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/ Tan 3. Pupils take turns to Vary initial sounds of pupils‟ voice out the initial names. sound of their friend‟s name. Teacher chooses her/his 4. Ask pupils to point to or own phonemes. bring objects which match the sound vocalized. e.g.: / b / - bag / t / - table 5. Pupils take turn to say a chosen phoneme and other pupils match it with objects. Blow Wind Blow 1. Show pupils how to Suggested phonemes: Can be done indoors or blow balloons.  phonemes that have outdoors. 2. Get pupils to blow like been taught the wind „ whoooo‟! Teacher makes the sound 3. Explain how to play the from low to high. game, „Blow Wind Blow‟. Instructions: 4. Pupils are divided into groups and given a Teacher : “ The big wind phoneme each. blows.” 5. The group with the /b/ Pupils: “ Whooo! Blow sound shouts aloud what ? „bbbbbbbb !‟ and falls Teacher : “ Blows the down. group with the sound /b/. “ Pupils blow loudly. Repeat the activity. 40 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 23. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Feelings 1. Take out a box and ask Suggested sounds: Materials: pupils to guess its content.  happy: „hahahaha!‟  Prepare masks or 2. Call out a pupil to pick a  sad: „wha,wha,wha!‟ pictures with facial mask from the box.  angry : „grrrrr!” expressions: 3. Pupil puts on the mask  scared: „ooohhhh!‟ o happy and others guess the o sad expression. Suggested responses: o angry 4. Repeat with the other o scared masks. Sentence Response 5. Ask pupils to I am Ha! Ha! demonstrate the sound happy. Ha! they make when they I am angry. Grrrr! are happy, sad, angry I am Ooohhhh! or scared. scared. 6. A pupil comes out in front and puts on a mask and says a Song: sentence. 7. The other pupils make ( Tune: If You Are Happy ) the laughing sound „ha! ha! ha!‟. If you are happy and you 8. The activity is repeated know it, . with the other Say ‘ha! ha!’ expressions. 9. Sing a song with (Use other feelings and actions. Pupils follow. expressions) Where there is an open mind there will always be a frontier. Charles F. Kettering 41 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 24. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Move Your Mouth 1. Ask pupils to observe Shaping the mouth for the your mouth movement sounds: and say the sound that will be formed.  /a:/ - as in arm 2. Open your mouth wide.  /ɒ/ - as in old 3. Pupils respond by saying „aaaaaah!‟.  /^/ - as in put 4. Do other sound  /ai/ - as in eye movements and pupils  /ɪ/ - as in pin identify them. 5. Call a pupil to shape Teacher can make mouth his/her mouth according movements in a tune e.g.: to the sound and other „Are you sleeping‟ pupils produce the sound. /a://a://a://a:/ 6. Do the mouth movement without /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ//ɒ/ pausing and pupils /^//^//^/ follow by voicing them /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/ aloud. /a://a://a://a:/ /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ//ɒ/ /^//^//^/ /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/ e.g.: /a://a:/a:/ /ɒ// ɒ//ɒ/ / /^//^//^/ /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/ 42 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 25. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Follow Me 1. Show some pictures or Suggested words: Materials: toys. 2. Pupils make sounds  train  picture cards, according to the picture  chick  toys or toy shown.  bird  LCD 3. Pupils make the sound  dog „choo,choo,choo‟ and  ambulance, move in a circle like a train. Sounds of animals and 4. Repeat with other objects: pictures or toys. 5. Pupils are divided into  train - „ choo, choo‟ groups and each group  bird - „ chirp, chirp „ is given a picture.  dog - „ woof, woof „ 6. The groups come out and make the sound and do the movement or sound based on the picture. 43 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 26. Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (g) oral blending and segmenting Note: Oral blending: blending separate sounds / phonemes together to say a word. c- a -t cat Segmenting: breaking up a word into their separate sounds / phonemes and this is the reverse of blending. cat c-a-t Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Banana Split (oral blending & segmenting) Materials: 1. Introduce a soft toy or Suggested words : puppet that can speak  Soft toy / puppet in *„sound-talk‟.  bat  Picture cards / realia 2. Pretend that the toy is  cat  Year 1 textbooks of SK whispering to her/him.  fat and SJK 3. As the toy „whispers‟,  hat  Power point show pupils a picture of  mat presentation a bat.  pat 4. Breakup the word  rat according to the  sat. separate sounds (/b/ - „Sound talk‟ means to /æ/ - /t/) and then say speak by breaking up a Grapheme Phoneme the word as a whole word into their separate a /æ/ (bat). sounds b /b/ 5. Repeat the sounds c /k/ several times and pupils f /f/ follow. h /h/ 6. Ask pupils to segment m /m/ other words like cat /k/ (Refer to SK textbook pg 9 p /p/ /æ/ /t/ and then blend as and SJK textbook – Pg 16 r /r/ a whole word to cat. & 35 to look at the pictures s /s/ 7. Repeat with the help of of cat, rat, mat) the soft toy using other words and picture cards. 44 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 27. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Keep Us Together (oral blending) 1. The toy whispers into Suggested words: the teacher‟s ear. 2. Teacher repeats what Use words that pupils have the toy says. learnt. 3. Blend phonemes taught earlier. e.g.: /b/ /æ/ /t/ - ba) 4. Pupils pick and show the correct picture card and say the word aloud as a whole (bat). 5. Activity is repeated with the other words taught earlier. Let’s Hold Hands (oral blending) 1. Distribute 3 headbands Suggested words: Materials: with a letter on each headband to 3 pupils. Use words that pupils have  headbands 2. Call out a phoneme learnt. according to their separate sounds (/k/ /æ/ /t/). 3. Pupils listen carefully, come to the front of the classroom and arrange themselves with the help of the other pupils to form the word. After completing the task, they hold hands. 4. The others say the phonemes (/k/ /æ/ /t/) and say the word (cat) t by looking at the 3 45 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 28. pupils in front of the class. 5. Repeat the activity with other pupils to form new This activity can be used for words. other phonemes as well. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Who Will Win? (oral blending & segmenting) 1. Divide pupils into Suggested words Materials: groups.  Prepare a pack of five 2. Group members sit in a  cat picture cards for each circle.  bat group : 3. Distribute equally a  rat pack of picture cards  mat with words taught  hat earlier among the group members. 4. A pupil starts the game by choosing a picture and segments the word aloud. e.g.: /r/ - /æ/ - /t/ 5. Any member of the group with the picture of a rat will throw the card to the centre. As the card is thrown down, he/she has to blend the word. e.g.: /r/ /æ/ - /t/ - rat. 6. Pupils take turn to repeat the activity until there is no more cards left. 46 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 29. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes What’s In? (oral segmenting) 1. Put realia or picture cards into boxes. Suggested words: Materials: 2. Divide pupils into groups.  nouns that pupils have  boxes or bags 3. Pupils sit in a circle. learnt  realia 4. Give each group a box.  picture cards 5. Pass the box to one of  music the pupils in the group while the music is played. The box is passed around until the This is similar to the „poison music stops. box‟ game. 6. Pupil takes out an object from the box and Teacher may use this shows it to the rest of activity for other phonemes. the group. 7. The rest of the group members name the object and segment the word. 8. The pupil then puts aside the object used and then passes the box to the next person when the music starts. 9. Repeat the activity until all the pupils have had their turn. 47 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 30. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Pat and Nat (oral blending & segmenting) 1. Say aloud the rhyme Rhyme: Pat and Nat Materials: „Pat and Nat‟. 2. As teacher recites, I am Pat,  Prepare picture cards show pictures that P-a-t, for each group : describe lines in the I am a cat, rhyme. c-a-t, Reinforce oral blending I am a fat cat, and segmenting of f-a-t fat phrases by showing c-a-t cat various pictures. With a bat, e.g.: b-a-t. fat cat, fat rat, cat with a bat, rat with a hat. I am Nat, 3. Look at the picture (e.g.: N-a-t, fat cat) and say aloud I am a rat, what pupils see (e.g.: r-a-t, fat cat). Pupils then I am a fat rat segment the words said f-a-t fat aloud earlier (e.g.: f-a-t r-a-t rat fat, c-a-t cat). With a hat, 4. Repeat the activity h-a-t hat using various pictures shown. 48 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 31. Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes It’s Going To Rain 1. Play a recorded sound of „thunder‟. 2. Ask the pupils to guess Suggested Word List: Materials: and imitate the sound.  Recorded sounds e.g. 3. Repeat step 1 & 2 for  thunder o thunder „strong wind‟ and „door  wind o strong wind slamming‟.  door o door slamming Replay if necessary. Let’s Make the Rain 1. Introduce picture cards Materials: of different types of rain. Instructions: 2. Teacher claps and says  drizzle (clap repeatedly  Picture cards of different the words. using one finger, then types of rain. (refer to LS 3. Pupils practise two fingers) 6) producing the sound.  heavy rain (clap repeatedly using all five Sounds: fingers)  drizzle  heavy rain Story Telling Session 1. Group pupils according Suggested sounds: Materials: to the different sounds-  recorded sound in thunder, sound of door  drizzle brainstorming session slamming, strong wind.  heavy rain could be utilised. 2. Get pupils to practise  door slamming  Story their respective sounds  strong wind (refer to LS 7) and actions.  thunder 3. Narrate the story and the particular group of pupils respond when they hear their sound being mentioned. 49 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 32. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Rhyming Time Rhyme: 1. End the lesson with Rain, rain, go away, rhyme. Come again another day, Little children want to play. Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Let’s Talk 1. Show pictures of rain Suggested words: Materials: and the sun. Encourage pupils to talk about the  hot  chart/ worksheet pictures.  cold (refer to LS 8) 2. Put up a chart with the  yellow  picture cards picture of the sun on the  blue (refer to LS 9) left and picture of the rain on the right. Suggested questions for 3. Distribute pictures of Step 1: activities. 4. Prompt pupils to talk  What is this? about the pictures.  What colour is the sun? 5. Call pupils at random to  How does it feel? come forward and pick a  Can you touch the sun? picture and paste it on  Can you see the sun? the correct column. 6. The activity is repeated.  Can you feel the sun?  Where is the sun? (Teacher may substitute „sun‟ with „rain‟.) Suggested questions for Step 4:  What can you do when it rains?  Where would you be when it rains?  What are the things you can do when the sun Jazz chant shines? 7. Chant the jazz chant Sunshine and Rain Group A reads text in italic 50 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 33. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes and pupils listen. The sun shines. (2x) while group B reads the 8. Pupils repeat after the Shining, shining bright. rest. teacher. I love the sun.(2x) 9. Divide the class into two Playing, playing in the sun. groups-A & B. Pupils to It is going to rain. (2x) chant the jazz chant Raining, raining heavily. when cued. Let us play in the rain.(2x) Playing, playing in the rain Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. Note: The activities below can be carried out together or individually. 51 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 34. Activity Content Teacher’s Notes Talk about Me 1. Paste pictures on the Suggested word list: Materials: board. 2. Pupils name each  house  pictures picture.  field (refer to LS 10) 3. Pupils respond to  ball questions based on the  boy pictures.  rain Let’s Listen To a Story 1. Divide the class into Suggested word list: Materials: groups and distribute a set of pictures to each  house  sets of picture cards group.  field  story chart 2. Tell the class a short  ball (refer to LS 11) story using the pictures  boy in LS10.  rain 3. Pupils listen and arrange the pictures on the worksheet provided. 4. Call out a pupil to retell the story based on the pictures. Let’s Create a Story 1. Sit in front of the pupils Suggested questions for Materials: with a big book. Steps 4 & 5: 2. Tell a story using the big  Prepare a big book with book.  Who is this? pictures that can be 3. Remove pictures from  What does she have? removed. the big book.  Where is she going? ( refer to LS 11) 4. Call pupils at random to  What happens?  Pictures come forward and  Where is she going now? (refer to LS 12) replace the pictures with  How does she feel?  Story the new ones that are (refer to LS 13) provided. 5. Pupils tell the story with Step 4: Pause at certain teacher‟s guidance. points to allow pupil to paste 6. Teacher repeats the their picture. story. LS 1 52 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 41. LS 7 Teacher reads the following story. Robin is at the field. He wants to play football with his friends. Suddenly, he hears a loud noise from the sky. “What is that noise?” “It is thunder!” Robin continues walking. He feels the wind blowing strongly. The wind makes a sound. He passes a row of houses. The doors slam hard. He stands still. He listens to the sound of thunder, the wind, the doors, the thunder, the wind, the doors and the thunder again. It starts to drizzle. Robin has to go home. Robin starts to run. It begins to rain heavily. * Relevant sounds to be made for the words in bold. 59 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 42. LS 8 What do you do when it … …shines? …rains? 60 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 45. LS 11 Note: Teacher reads the story. He is a . He lives in a big . One day he wants to go to the . He wants to play . Suddenly it . He runs home. . 63 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA
  • 47. LS 13 This is a . She lives in a . One day, she wants to go to the .She wants to play . Suddenly it rains! She home. 65 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, MALAYSIA