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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
The project I originally set out to create was a short film about a boy who finds his best friend dead
and the film goes on to show the mental struggle he faces with trying to deal with this fact and how it
completely changes his outlook on life and how it changes him completely. I wanted it to all be in
black and white and it too be mainly focused on the look and aesthetic and let the story just add to
that. The reason for this was because I felt the black and white mixed with the locations I was filming
in would give a gritty effect and help give the story more impact and depth.
I also went with narration instead of having scenes with dialogue as even though I trust myself and
Antony the other actor to do a good performance I didn’t want to take any chances of taking anything
away from the rest of the film due to any mistakes in acting, so by doing a narration I can edit it to how
I feel it sounds best and choose which scenes have narration if I feel it adds to that scene.
As the project progressed, I realized that I would have to slightly change my project from being a film
to a film trailer as I realized with the footage I had fit more into the category of a trailer, along with the
lack of dialogue and the narration I recorded I felt it made more sense to tweak things every so
slightly, for example have more cuts between footage and not as long singular clips to then also be
able to include more shots that I gathered to be able to show off more of the camera work I did also
felt beneficial as that was what I was mainly focused on. Overall I felt this really benefitted the overall
outcome of the project and was something I was happy with.
The reason I chose to do this was just because of the passion I have for films, and how excited I was to
be able to create my own film or in this case a film trailer about a story that I made, and with the
complete creative control of making it exactly how I wanted just made me want to do it more. Id
known for a long time that this was what I wanted to do for my fmp and already knew my inspirations,
so it was a no brainer to go with this as my project .
What research did you undertake and how did
it help develop your project?
I did a lot of different research into all areas that I felt would help me when it came to making my project. I started off by looking at existing
products, for this I chose to look at three films La Haine, Lost in translation and fight club. I chose these films as I felt all three gave me very
different things from each one. With la haine as its my biggest inspiration this was the one I looked into most and I felt gave me the most when it
came to making my project, this was in terms of everything as it was my main inspiration for the black and white and especially for the locations I
chose as I loved the rough and gritty aesthetic it gave and I also saw how much that helped with the story and this was definitely something I
wanted to include in my own project. Lost in translation was something Looked at as I felt irt really helped me show what sort of shots to use to
really display the emotion and feeling I wanted to put across, this feeling empty and alone which lost in translation is mainly about. I also looked at
this film as I just felt it contrasted the gritty aesthetic I was going for and I felt by mixing that with the ideas I got from this film would help me
create something very unique and would improve my project a lot. I looked at fight club as it was one of the main reasons I chose to do the project
in the first place, it was the thing that really started getting ideas flowing especially with the phycological element with tye main character kind of
going insane and just the aesthetic as even though my film doesn’t really resemble fight club I still feel it was heavily influenced and definitely was
one of the main contributors to my project.
I then went on to look at script writing, this was mainly to help me find a structure for my film/trailer as by seeing other film scripts I can see the
sort of structure different types films use whilst also learning about script writing which definitely heped when it came to writing the scene
between me and Antony and also with writing my narration.
I then made a mood board to help visualize what I was going for and to also have references to what I was trying to achieve. I then also looked at
some production techniques both being from la haine, one being the mirror scene and one being the famous dolly zoom. I loomed at these as I
wanted to look at things id never tried before and felt by looking at the ones done in la haine they could impact my film the most. Unfortunately
though I wasn’t able to do the dolly zoom in my film which I was hoping for as with the equipment I had it just wasn’t possible and would of taken
to much time and just wouldn’t of been practical, I still feel this research was important though as I still got to experiment with new things and it
also showed to me what is possible even on a low budget.
I then moved onto subject research, I looked at key elements of films and focused on the ones I felt would help improve my project the most. I
looked at cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound. I found this research to be very useful as it gave me key insight and deeper
knowledge into all these things and showed how each of them can be used to make my film better. I think cinematography was the most helpful
along with mise-en-scene as it showed me how I can portray emotion without dialogue by how the camera is set up and also by what is shown in
the shot.
With the audience research I compared both good and bad reviews of each film I chose for my existing product as I felt it would help me
understand what to include and what not to include, as these where the people I was aiming to please and the films where my main inspiration. I
also conducted two interviews with two people who both fit my audience but also have very different tastes in films, I asked them three questions
which they answered very well which gave me a lot of useful information which helped me a lot when it came to production.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
Throughout the project my idea and project was constantly evolving and changing due to decisions I
made or due to circumstances that where out of my control. The overall idea for the story changed a
lot as id been thinking about it for a bit before we even started fmp, I changed the story a few times
as I needed to be realistic of what I could get done with the time, actors and resources that I had
available to me, so over time the story had to simplified but I also wanted to keep the core idea of
the film there with the phycological element along with the part where the friend dies which causes
the mental problems that the main character faces and I also wanted to keep the idea of how it
looks, I knew from the beginning that I wanted it to be black and white and gritty but I also wanted it
so be soft at times and to convey emotions through the visuals.
I also realized early on that it wouldn’t be able to be as long as I wanted as the footage I had and the
footage I could get wouldn’t be enough to make it 5-7 minutes long as I first wanted and instead
changed it so it would be between 2-4 minutes as I felt it wouldn’t the feel stretched or dragged out
and would instead be more enjoyable and be higher quality which I felt was more important.
When it came to locations, my idea didn’t change I knew I still wanted to film in the locations I chose
as id known for a long time where I wanted to film no matter how much the story changed as I knew
that they would be the best locations for what I wanted to film to this made planning easy as I knew
where I would be filming very early in the project
What was the outcome of the project/task?
The outcome of my project was overall very good I felt I ended up with a good film/trailer even with
everything that happened and the transition I made from film to trailer, I think I got the best out of
the resources time and footage I had and am very proud of what I got accomplished. I feel the
poster was also something that adds to the project and really contributed to the trailer as I think the
trailer and poster compliment each other really well. And it was something that I really enjoyed
doing as its not often I get to do print work so it was nice that I got the opportunity to do that.
In the end I feel with everything that happened throughout the whole project I was incredibly happy
with what I achieved and I think its definitely close to what I intended on getting done with some
obvious slight changes, the fact that I was able to adapt and turn my idea for a film into a trailer and
make those slight changes and it still turn out close to how I wanted it especially in term of the
visuals was something I am very proud of.
It was obviously different to what I had originally planned to do but overall the core elements are
still there so I feel it was very successful.
It ended up being a very interesting trailer with everything you would expect a trailer to include, it
looked good, told a story, kept the viewer interested and also left with a cliff-hanger to make the
audience excited for what would be to come if I actually ended making a film in the future.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before you
Before the project I was very excited as I had always wanted to get the chance to create my own
film/trailer and with the fact it could be anything we wanted meant I had full creative control which
also massively excited me as it made me feel like I had no boundaries and really got me motivated
to create something great.
I did also know how much work needed to be put in, not only in the production but in everything
whether that be research planning or contextual etc. this did worry me at first as I knew that I
needed to do well and id really have to put the time and effort into every aspect of the work but in
a way that pressure really helped motivate me to get it all done and really helped me get in the right
mindset before the project started.
Id been thinking of ideas and what I wanted to use for inspiration and was taking notes about what I
wanted to do way before the project started and I really feel this helped me when it came to the
project as even though I might not of used all the ideas I felt it kept my mind working and also
helped build excitement so that that when it finally came to do the project I felt ready and
motivated to do the best I can and also went into the project bursting with ideas for all parts of the
I also felt confident in my ability when it finally came time to do the fmp as I feel all the work id
done in the past whether itbe my music video or the two documentary's did both gave me
fundamental skills to be able to go into this project knowing exactly what I was capable of and
knowing that I had the ability to complete my project in the way I wanted to.
How did you feel when the project was completed
and why?
When the project was complete it was mixed emotions as I was very pleased with what I had
gotten complete but was also relieved it was over as even though I was very excited to do the
project a lot happened throughout and it became very stressful and at times was very hard
and it was also hard to stay motivated due to outside factors that occurred throughout the
project which made it even more stressful and difficult to do the work. Aside from this I felt
everything that happened made it that much more rewarding when it was finally completed
as it really felt like I overcame a lot of obstacles and had to deal with a lot during the project
so it really felt like I accomplished something when we finished.
I was also really happy with how the pre production work went as that was definitely
something that caused stress as it is the part of the project that I don’t enjoy as much, I had to
go over it a lot and keep adding things as I wanted to make sure that it was up to standard, so
when this was finally complete it was a huge relief.
Id say I was most disappointed to not be filming anymore as that was definitely the part of the
project I enjoyed the most and was the part I felt went the best and although it might sound
obvious it had the biggest impact on my project as I feel the shots I got where better than I
expected and definitely helped display the emotion and tell the story I wanted to.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and
what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3,
more if possible]
• One of my favourite parts of the whole project was being able to go out and film either by myself or with my
friends. I loved going around York and finding the perfect places to capture and also do do the scenes that would
help the film come together, also how fun it was to film the scene between me and Antony as it was as neither of
us act it was funny and having a laugh while filming just made the experience that much better. I also really
enjoyed the scenes I filmed by myself as I could take the time I needed and also didn’t have any pressure of
anyone else being there and it gave me so much more freedom to get the shots exactly how wanted them.
• I also really enjoyed researching the three films I did as all three or some of my favourite ever films so looking at
all of them from a different aspect was really nice. Seeing the sort of things tat went into the production of the
films especially la haine just gave me more of an appreciation for the film itself, whilst also telling me a lot about
how that can impact my own work with all the different ways things can be filmed, as when I looked at lost in
translation it really showed me how I can convey the emotion I wanted to just by the way scenes were shot, this
was my main reasoning for looking at lost in translation as it portrayed the feeling of being lost and feeling empty
really well and this is what I wanted to convey in my work as it’s the main aspect of the film with the main
character losing his way due to his friends death. Also with fight club the use of narration was a huge inspiration
for me as by adding the narration really brought my trailer together and I feel massively improved my project
• I also think editing was a good point of the project as it is one of the most important part of the projects but I feel
as it was enjoyable it made it a lot easier. Even little things like the satisfaction of finding the perfect black and
white to fit a particular scene after changing all the settings multiple times and finally getting it right just makes
the work a lot more enjoyable, it also taught me a lot, whether that being about the project itself as I changed
the structure a lot and would try and find the best one to fit the style of trailer I was going for and If it didn’t work
knowing I can go back to how it was and realizing that was the best way helped me understand different
processes of editing I hadn’t experienced before. It also taught me a lot about editing in general and how even
slight cuts or pauses can create tension and add effect even though its so simple and that not everything has to
be fancy to make na big impact on the trailer itself or any project for that matter.
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
Throughout the project I ran into many challenges with the work and also things outside of the work that then impacted how well I
could do the work. One of the main challenges I had was making the decision to change my idea slightly and make it into a trailer
instead of being a short film, this was something me and my tutor had discussed right at the start and was something I always knew
was a possibility, even though it wasn’t huge changes it was still hard as I had to really decide how I was going to get it to look like a
professional trailer with the footage I had and also with the time I had, looking I love watching trailers and had been constantly
watching the la haine trailer for inspiration for how I wanted my film to loom so it was a good coincidence as it showed me a great
example of a trailer and really helped me find the structure of my trailer and how to keep it interesting whilst still being able to use
all the footage I had gathered as I was scared it would feel dragged out but by editing it the way I did I really feel I overcame this
challenged the best I could and the end result was something I was extremely pleased with.
Another problem I had was to do with my mental health, I struggle with anxiety and used to struggle with panic attacks, recently it
hadn’t been to bad but when it came to the last few weeks of the project I really started to overthink and worry and it became very
hard to concentrate and get my work done especially when I was trying to catch up and Improve from home as I really wanted to
get all my work done and to a high standard, to try overcome this I would try plan out what I would do each day in college and also
what I would do when I got home so I knew I had a structure and also to help reassure myself it was possible that I could definitely
finish my work and also make it as good as I felt I could, I would also take regular breaks so I didn’t over work myself and in the end
when I started to see progress it really put my mind to ease and also made me proud as I could definitely see an improvement in
my work and every time I completed something it gave me an even higher satisfaction.
Another challenge I faced in the project was that I wasn’t able to get the footage I needed over half term which is what I had
planned to do as I ended up having to do more shifts at work and also when I planned to film my friend couldn’t make it and there
was no way he could of. This meant I went into the first week of production with almost no footage, I had gotten a bit of footage at
my house of scenery as I knew that I could always use clips like that if I needed to so I always planned to get more clips than I
needed as I knew it could come in handy in the editing process, but this meant I lost a week of production but I still tried to make
the most of it by going over my pre production and adding to that whilst also making my poster and working finding the perfect
colour settings to create the perfect black and white using the test footage I had managed to gather.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines
of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I think my final piece is good as I feel its different to what ive seen anyone else do and I feel the
shots I got really took my piece to the next level and really helped it be better aesthetically but
also help give the story and the idea of the trailer more depth. I also feel that what I was able to
complete after all the challenges I faced just made the project more rewarding, but I also feel it
made me look at my work differently and made me prouder of what I accomplished and the way I
adapted to make the final piece even possible and then for it to actually turn out well and look
great just makes me very pleased with what I achieved. With all the work that I put in whether it
be filming or editing or the pre production that I did to make it all possible I don’t feel I could of
done any more and for that reason I do genuinely believe that my work came out good.
However I feel if I didn’t face the challenges I did I do feel it could have been raised up to an even
greater level if id of been able to actually make it into a film and not have to adapt it into a trailer
I feel it would of been even better as the idea I had and the ability I have I do feel I could of made
something even better but i don’t think that takes away from what I ended up with, as everything
I faced I couldn’t of changed and I adapted the best I could to be able to even produce what I did.
I think the shots and the cinematography alone show that the piece was good but adding the
narration and the music along with the title screens and editing to make it into an appealing and
interesting trailer with a cliffhanger at the end to keep the viewer engaged and excited for what's
to come as I feel that’s what a trailer is set out to do this just solidifies my rating of my final piece.
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
I feel the main characteristics of a trailer are that they are typically made up of the best scenes in the
movie but not too many that give too much away but give the audience just enough information so they
know what's going on and are still engaged and interested, whilst also showing off some of the structure
of the film and also some deleted scenes. And overall looks great so that people therefore want to
watch the full film when it releases.
I feel my project did all of these things, I feel it really showed off the meaning behind the film and gave
you an emotional connection to the character whilst also leaving you wondering and speculating about
what might happen whilst also looking fantastic and keeping with the aesthetic I was going for.
I also feel it wasn’t too long which in my opinion can be make or break when it comes to a trailer as if its
too long and shows off to much it almost makes you not as excited for the film as you feel you already
knows what's going to happen so this was definitely something that I changed a lot throughout as at
first I felt it was to short so I completely re edited it and then felt it dragged on just a bit to much so I cut
a few things out and finally came to a point where I felt it was just the right length and this really
contributed to how the trailer turned out.
I think the main thing though when looking at a trailer is how it looks, at least when I watch a trailer I
always pay attention to the cinematography as I feel its one of the main contributors to really feeling the
emotion the trailer trys to give off as I feel the best trailers have the least dialogue and try and get
across the message by just mainly using the shots they got. So this was something I heavily focused on
as I really wanted the trailer too look as good as possible. And for me that is what stood out most in my
trailer and was what most people commented on as I was very proud of some of the shots I got
especially the ones of me in the house as I feel the just looked incredible and the slight changes in
distance from the character just really helped along with the natural lighting.
How did you design appeal to your target audience?
I think the deign and aesthetic of my project really appealed to my target audience as I
feel the research I did really helped me understand what people wanted to see but also
what they didn’t, and by choosing three very differently films, being la haine, fight club
and lost in translation. I feel that they all still fit in the range of my audience I really felt
it gave me a broad view of how my project should look, alongside this I feel as I had a
clear plan in my head before the project started it meant that I could the just improve
that idea and make it into something that suits everyone whilst also sticking to how I
wanted it too look. Throughout the project I also made sure to be asking the people
that where around me if it was something they would watch and always asking for
improvements as they were also in my target audience so I felt by getting feedback from
them as I did the work by the end it would definitely suit the audience I was making it
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a success?
I think it was a success as it looked exactly how I wanted it to, although it changed slightly from a
film to a trailer I still feel it showed off what I wanted to show off just not in the way I originally
planned to, I feel it still showed off my skills and also showed off what I can do and also what I can
be capable of and if given more time what I could go onto create.
I feel all aspects went well even things like the poster as that was something I really enjoyed doing
and put a lot of effort into, I really felt it capsulated what the film was about just by the way the
image was constructed and also how the text matched that.
Another reason I feel the project was a success was in the sense that I actually got something
made as for a part of the project it was looking like it was going to be a big problem as the footage I
gathered just wasn’t enough to be bale to create a film and to therefore go onto create a trailer
from what was almost a failed project, and for it to actually turn out the way it did whilst having no
experience in making trailers and having to go and learn about how to structure them and what
sort of things to include in them just goes to show the effort I put in. leading on from this I feel the
trailer was successful as it showed off everything that needs to be in a trailer even though it was
different to what id done in previous projects as my previous projects were both documentaries so
to come and do a trailer with it being a completely different format and also it being fictional and
having to create my own story for it and then portray that story in the trailer having never done it I
feel it also shows how well it turned out.
I also think the way it looked was the main success even with all the changes the loom and feel
remained the same, I don’t think I would of changed anything about it when it comes to the colour
or the shots I used as I think its some of the best work I've done and is something that everyone
ive shown has commented on and praised which is something I'm very proud of as this for me was
the thing that was most important.
What elements did not go well and why?
I don’t think there were many things that didn’t go well, but I guess that having to change from
a film to a trailer as I didn’t as much footage as I needed because of the issues I had in half term
and with everything else that happened, I feel that was the main thing that didn’t go to plan as I
feel if id got the footage I needed earlier it would of made a massive difference to the outcome
of my project and I would have been able to fulfill the original project I had in mind. But I still
think to overcome it in the way I did still made me happy with what I ended up with.
I also wanted to make a behind the scenes video, this didn’t go to plan as I couldn’t get the
footage I needed and also wouldn’t of had time during production as my main piece took a lot
of editing and I also had to catch up on other work during the production process. I feel that this
wasn’t the most important thing and was something I was planning on doing if I had the extra
time but I feel it would have been nice to include as it would also help improve things like my
production log and would also help support my evaluation of the project.
I think another thing I could of done better would have been making some more advertisement
and also maybe even creating a website just for the final piece with some cool types of
advertising to just show off a different aspect of my project and also make it more professional.
As when looking at the advertisement for The Batman (2022) I really liked all the extra
advertising they did and was something I felt would have been nice to do and would of also
taught me soe new skills and given me more experience if id had the time to do this. So in
future I will try to work on my time management so I can get things like this added to my
What meaning and messages did you want
to convey and were you successful?
With my project being a trailer there wasn’t really a meaning as such but instead I had to try and
convey an emotion and story with very little dialogue and instead with cinematography mise-en-scene
and narration, I wanted to convey the emotion of emptiness hence the title of my project “empty” I
also wanted to show how lost the character was and how much trauma hed gone through just the the
types of shots I use and how changes in location or shot distance or even lighting can effect the
emotion that’s being portrayed especially when put with the right music.
When watching it back I do feel like this worked especially with the two songs I chose as even though
they show off a different emotion I felt they really complimented each other and they didn’t stand out
to much from one another, and really helped push this across to the viewer, I also feel by doing a
trailer it was easier to convey this as the cuts in the scenes can show off the most dramatic points and
also made it easier to include the best parts of all my footage along with also being able to chop up
my narration to again grab the best parts and put them were I feel they had the most impact.
Although I don’t think it has a clear message or i didn’t exactly mean for there to be one I guess it
could be seen as a representation of how people can react to trauma and how everyone reacts
different and also how extreme there reaction may be but I didn’t do much research into this so I
didn’t want to claim to have this message as I don’t feel I know enough about it so I wouldn’t feel
comfortable claiming this.
What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings?
Karl Shepard- The trailer has turned out really well, i could see what theme you were aiming for and you definitely
hit it, the cinematography, the editing and all of that was incredible, i liked the feel of the trailer and the voice over
added a good background story but however thats all we know, the way i would improve is if we got to learn a bit
more of the story, we know a good backstory about the character but we dont really know what the film is supposed
to be about, i feel if we knew that, the trailer would be more attractive to an audience but overall visually its
Antony Sibanda- I really like the look of the poster and its consistent colour scheme in the full thing. Your use of
black and white gives of a mysterious connotation and sets the dark tone which I think you were going for. This goes
well with the video as you used black and white in that which is professional and is like a brand for your whole
project. One thing which I would improve on the video would be that you could of added some more clips with
actors on screen to go alongside the narration as it was vocally explained well but needed more visual explanation.
For the poste, adding more components could help to make it more professional for example, a release date.
Chelsea Clarke- Nicely shot and edited. I think the black and white adds to the aesthetic. I felt that the opening shot
was a little too long and the ending shot was too short, it could have been a bit longer and then fade out. i felt that
the video stopped abruptly, it had potential to be much longer as the story is there for it to do so. You've done well
with this trailer.
Burty- I like the choice of music throughout the film, the song to open with fits well with the aesthetic of the video
and you can easily understand the feeling it gives off. The black and white imagery portrays the message the video is
trying to send across well. The shots that you used looked nice as well, the still shots seem to show the process of
time throughout and the shot with the cuts when you were walking gives a sense of repetition, as you mentioned
previously. The only thing I would to improve is the lack of context, but it makes sense as it is only a trailer.
Overall I felt this feedback was very fair and with Chelsea's feedback as it was before id finished production I did go
back and make a few changes based on that feedback, I really liked Karl's feedback as I definitely do agree with him
as I do feel I could of given more of a base to the story but with it being my first trailer I also didn’t want to give too
much away but now I know this I can improve on this in the future.
What would you do differently in the future and why?
In the future I would definitely try and get my footage earlier as I feel it would of given me more of
an opportunity to create a real short film instead of a trailer and would of allowed me to really go
into depth with my story and would of helped me get the best out of my idea that I possibly could,
it would of also given me more time to edit and overall I just think this one thing could have had a
huge impact on my project and could of helped it be taken to the next level.
I feel this happened as a result of many things, mainly planning as I had planned to film in half
term but I didn’t take into account that a lot can happen in half term as its not as easy for people
to be available as they might be away or doing extra at work, which was also a problem for me as I
needed to do extra shifts at work which took up the time I needed to film. Whilst also having my
birthday in half term with a lot of family round, so I didn’t get the chance to go out and film as
much as I would of liked to. So in future I would plan this better and also try an arrange more
specific times so I knew exactly when people would be available, I would also plan ahead with
work and let them know I would be unavailable to do extra shift.
I would of also made sure I had all my pre production done in the time that we had to do it as then
I wouldn’t of had to go back to it and improve it and add more throughout production which also
meant I had less time to work on my final piece, to help this I would plan out what id do in each
lesson so that I have a clear structure of what I want done by the end of each lesson so by the time
we move on I have everything done so then I don’t have to go back to it further into my project.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
In future I would definitely manage my time better and also plan more when it comes
to filming and when im going to film and set dates before hand so then nothing can
get in the way of it, as I feel this was my biggest downfall as it definitely had an impact
on my project, so its definitely something I feel would improve future project.
I would also get my people involved especially when it came to actors as I felt by
keeping the cast small it would make things easier and more manageable but instead
it meant I had to then act in it which made things harder as I then had to do
everything, and although I did want to make the shots quite still as that’s the loo I was
going for I still felt that it limit me in what I could actually do as I had to be in some of
the scene's, so I would definitely get more people involved to help out as I do also feel
it would help speed things up giving me more time to edit and also work on extra
I would also make sure all my pre production work was finished before the start of
production as this was also a set back that I had as it meant I lost even more time as I
needed top catch up, so again I feel working on time management is a big thing I need
to work on.
How could you develop your skills for future projects?
Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For
example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and
To develop my skills I can always watch tutorials on YouTube for different affects suited to the right
software such as after affects as I feel that could be something I work on as it’s a software I haven't tried
much and something like that could really elevate my work to the next level when doing projects in the
I will also carry on researching people such as directors and there styles to see which parts of it I like
and what I can use as inspiration for my own work and also compare how they do things to how I do to
see if there's any better ways of doing what I already am to even speed up my processes to help get
more into future projects.
I could also search online for editing courses or even film writing courses as that might be something to
add that bit more quality to my work and just add more of a professional feel to the projects I work on.
I will also look into apprenticeships as I feel that’s the thing that I can do, as I feel like getting hands on
experience whilst also working with professional's will be the best way to get better at the field of work I
want as I don’t think I'm suited to classroom work and am better suited to practical work and being
around people that have been doing it for years and are doing it as a profession, as then I'm actually
seeing how its done with my own eyes and taking all that in will just one give the experience and
qualification I need but will also just make any future work I do so much better.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
Time management is the biggest thing for me as I feel this was one of the things that I could control
that affected me the most, obviously things happened that I couldn’t of changed but when it comes to
time management to get the best work I can possibly get done this is what I need to improve the
most. It was one of the reasons I ended up not being bale to make a whole film and had to do a trailer
instead and I feel to be able to work at a professional level I need to plan ahead better so I can get the
best out of the time frame I'm given.
I also feel that I could look more into software's like after effects to be able to add some different
things to my project although it didn’t really fit this one I do feel its something I should look into for
future projects.
I also feel like if I had my own equipment this would help as I feel I was very cautious with the
equipment and was also very limited with the equipment I have so investing in my own equipment
would allow me to take more risks but would also mean i gain more experience with the specific
equipment to help improve the quality of my projects.
I also feel I could invest more time into experiments so that I have more experience in different ways
of working inside the medium I work in as I feel in this project I didn’t spend as much time on
experiments as I would of liked and I feel this could help improve the overall outcome of future
projects. i also feel like I need to work on prioritizing as think I spent too much time on parts of the
project that I could maybe of used on the main production, this was definitely proven in this project as
I didn’t end up with as much time in production as id spent too much time on all the other parts of the
work and this also links into the time management as this wouldn’t of been as much of a problem if id
planned better.

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evaluation fmp yr2.pptx

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 3. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? The project I originally set out to create was a short film about a boy who finds his best friend dead and the film goes on to show the mental struggle he faces with trying to deal with this fact and how it completely changes his outlook on life and how it changes him completely. I wanted it to all be in black and white and it too be mainly focused on the look and aesthetic and let the story just add to that. The reason for this was because I felt the black and white mixed with the locations I was filming in would give a gritty effect and help give the story more impact and depth. I also went with narration instead of having scenes with dialogue as even though I trust myself and Antony the other actor to do a good performance I didn’t want to take any chances of taking anything away from the rest of the film due to any mistakes in acting, so by doing a narration I can edit it to how I feel it sounds best and choose which scenes have narration if I feel it adds to that scene. As the project progressed, I realized that I would have to slightly change my project from being a film to a film trailer as I realized with the footage I had fit more into the category of a trailer, along with the lack of dialogue and the narration I recorded I felt it made more sense to tweak things every so slightly, for example have more cuts between footage and not as long singular clips to then also be able to include more shots that I gathered to be able to show off more of the camera work I did also felt beneficial as that was what I was mainly focused on. Overall I felt this really benefitted the overall outcome of the project and was something I was happy with. The reason I chose to do this was just because of the passion I have for films, and how excited I was to be able to create my own film or in this case a film trailer about a story that I made, and with the complete creative control of making it exactly how I wanted just made me want to do it more. Id known for a long time that this was what I wanted to do for my fmp and already knew my inspirations, so it was a no brainer to go with this as my project .
  • 4. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? I did a lot of different research into all areas that I felt would help me when it came to making my project. I started off by looking at existing products, for this I chose to look at three films La Haine, Lost in translation and fight club. I chose these films as I felt all three gave me very different things from each one. With la haine as its my biggest inspiration this was the one I looked into most and I felt gave me the most when it came to making my project, this was in terms of everything as it was my main inspiration for the black and white and especially for the locations I chose as I loved the rough and gritty aesthetic it gave and I also saw how much that helped with the story and this was definitely something I wanted to include in my own project. Lost in translation was something Looked at as I felt irt really helped me show what sort of shots to use to really display the emotion and feeling I wanted to put across, this feeling empty and alone which lost in translation is mainly about. I also looked at this film as I just felt it contrasted the gritty aesthetic I was going for and I felt by mixing that with the ideas I got from this film would help me create something very unique and would improve my project a lot. I looked at fight club as it was one of the main reasons I chose to do the project in the first place, it was the thing that really started getting ideas flowing especially with the phycological element with tye main character kind of going insane and just the aesthetic as even though my film doesn’t really resemble fight club I still feel it was heavily influenced and definitely was one of the main contributors to my project. I then went on to look at script writing, this was mainly to help me find a structure for my film/trailer as by seeing other film scripts I can see the sort of structure different types films use whilst also learning about script writing which definitely heped when it came to writing the scene between me and Antony and also with writing my narration. I then made a mood board to help visualize what I was going for and to also have references to what I was trying to achieve. I then also looked at some production techniques both being from la haine, one being the mirror scene and one being the famous dolly zoom. I loomed at these as I wanted to look at things id never tried before and felt by looking at the ones done in la haine they could impact my film the most. Unfortunately though I wasn’t able to do the dolly zoom in my film which I was hoping for as with the equipment I had it just wasn’t possible and would of taken to much time and just wouldn’t of been practical, I still feel this research was important though as I still got to experiment with new things and it also showed to me what is possible even on a low budget. I then moved onto subject research, I looked at key elements of films and focused on the ones I felt would help improve my project the most. I looked at cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound. I found this research to be very useful as it gave me key insight and deeper knowledge into all these things and showed how each of them can be used to make my film better. I think cinematography was the most helpful along with mise-en-scene as it showed me how I can portray emotion without dialogue by how the camera is set up and also by what is shown in the shot. With the audience research I compared both good and bad reviews of each film I chose for my existing product as I felt it would help me understand what to include and what not to include, as these where the people I was aiming to please and the films where my main inspiration. I also conducted two interviews with two people who both fit my audience but also have very different tastes in films, I asked them three questions which they answered very well which gave me a lot of useful information which helped me a lot when it came to production.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? Throughout the project my idea and project was constantly evolving and changing due to decisions I made or due to circumstances that where out of my control. The overall idea for the story changed a lot as id been thinking about it for a bit before we even started fmp, I changed the story a few times as I needed to be realistic of what I could get done with the time, actors and resources that I had available to me, so over time the story had to simplified but I also wanted to keep the core idea of the film there with the phycological element along with the part where the friend dies which causes the mental problems that the main character faces and I also wanted to keep the idea of how it looks, I knew from the beginning that I wanted it to be black and white and gritty but I also wanted it so be soft at times and to convey emotions through the visuals. I also realized early on that it wouldn’t be able to be as long as I wanted as the footage I had and the footage I could get wouldn’t be enough to make it 5-7 minutes long as I first wanted and instead changed it so it would be between 2-4 minutes as I felt it wouldn’t the feel stretched or dragged out and would instead be more enjoyable and be higher quality which I felt was more important. When it came to locations, my idea didn’t change I knew I still wanted to film in the locations I chose as id known for a long time where I wanted to film no matter how much the story changed as I knew that they would be the best locations for what I wanted to film to this made planning easy as I knew where I would be filming very early in the project
  • 8. What was the outcome of the project/task? The outcome of my project was overall very good I felt I ended up with a good film/trailer even with everything that happened and the transition I made from film to trailer, I think I got the best out of the resources time and footage I had and am very proud of what I got accomplished. I feel the poster was also something that adds to the project and really contributed to the trailer as I think the trailer and poster compliment each other really well. And it was something that I really enjoyed doing as its not often I get to do print work so it was nice that I got the opportunity to do that. In the end I feel with everything that happened throughout the whole project I was incredibly happy with what I achieved and I think its definitely close to what I intended on getting done with some obvious slight changes, the fact that I was able to adapt and turn my idea for a film into a trailer and make those slight changes and it still turn out close to how I wanted it especially in term of the visuals was something I am very proud of. It was obviously different to what I had originally planned to do but overall the core elements are still there so I feel it was very successful. It ended up being a very interesting trailer with everything you would expect a trailer to include, it looked good, told a story, kept the viewer interested and also left with a cliff-hanger to make the audience excited for what would be to come if I actually ended making a film in the future.
  • 9. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 10. How did you feel about the project before you started? Before the project I was very excited as I had always wanted to get the chance to create my own film/trailer and with the fact it could be anything we wanted meant I had full creative control which also massively excited me as it made me feel like I had no boundaries and really got me motivated to create something great. I did also know how much work needed to be put in, not only in the production but in everything whether that be research planning or contextual etc. this did worry me at first as I knew that I needed to do well and id really have to put the time and effort into every aspect of the work but in a way that pressure really helped motivate me to get it all done and really helped me get in the right mindset before the project started. Id been thinking of ideas and what I wanted to use for inspiration and was taking notes about what I wanted to do way before the project started and I really feel this helped me when it came to the project as even though I might not of used all the ideas I felt it kept my mind working and also helped build excitement so that that when it finally came to do the project I felt ready and motivated to do the best I can and also went into the project bursting with ideas for all parts of the project. I also felt confident in my ability when it finally came time to do the fmp as I feel all the work id done in the past whether itbe my music video or the two documentary's did both gave me fundamental skills to be able to go into this project knowing exactly what I was capable of and knowing that I had the ability to complete my project in the way I wanted to.
  • 11. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? When the project was complete it was mixed emotions as I was very pleased with what I had gotten complete but was also relieved it was over as even though I was very excited to do the project a lot happened throughout and it became very stressful and at times was very hard and it was also hard to stay motivated due to outside factors that occurred throughout the project which made it even more stressful and difficult to do the work. Aside from this I felt everything that happened made it that much more rewarding when it was finally completed as it really felt like I overcame a lot of obstacles and had to deal with a lot during the project so it really felt like I accomplished something when we finished. I was also really happy with how the pre production work went as that was definitely something that caused stress as it is the part of the project that I don’t enjoy as much, I had to go over it a lot and keep adding things as I wanted to make sure that it was up to standard, so when this was finally complete it was a huge relief. Id say I was most disappointed to not be filming anymore as that was definitely the part of the project I enjoyed the most and was the part I felt went the best and although it might sound obvious it had the biggest impact on my project as I feel the shots I got where better than I expected and definitely helped display the emotion and tell the story I wanted to.
  • 12. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 13. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] • One of my favourite parts of the whole project was being able to go out and film either by myself or with my friends. I loved going around York and finding the perfect places to capture and also do do the scenes that would help the film come together, also how fun it was to film the scene between me and Antony as it was as neither of us act it was funny and having a laugh while filming just made the experience that much better. I also really enjoyed the scenes I filmed by myself as I could take the time I needed and also didn’t have any pressure of anyone else being there and it gave me so much more freedom to get the shots exactly how wanted them. • I also really enjoyed researching the three films I did as all three or some of my favourite ever films so looking at all of them from a different aspect was really nice. Seeing the sort of things tat went into the production of the films especially la haine just gave me more of an appreciation for the film itself, whilst also telling me a lot about how that can impact my own work with all the different ways things can be filmed, as when I looked at lost in translation it really showed me how I can convey the emotion I wanted to just by the way scenes were shot, this was my main reasoning for looking at lost in translation as it portrayed the feeling of being lost and feeling empty really well and this is what I wanted to convey in my work as it’s the main aspect of the film with the main character losing his way due to his friends death. Also with fight club the use of narration was a huge inspiration for me as by adding the narration really brought my trailer together and I feel massively improved my project • I also think editing was a good point of the project as it is one of the most important part of the projects but I feel as it was enjoyable it made it a lot easier. Even little things like the satisfaction of finding the perfect black and white to fit a particular scene after changing all the settings multiple times and finally getting it right just makes the work a lot more enjoyable, it also taught me a lot, whether that being about the project itself as I changed the structure a lot and would try and find the best one to fit the style of trailer I was going for and If it didn’t work knowing I can go back to how it was and realizing that was the best way helped me understand different processes of editing I hadn’t experienced before. It also taught me a lot about editing in general and how even slight cuts or pauses can create tension and add effect even though its so simple and that not everything has to be fancy to make na big impact on the trailer itself or any project for that matter.
  • 14. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... Throughout the project I ran into many challenges with the work and also things outside of the work that then impacted how well I could do the work. One of the main challenges I had was making the decision to change my idea slightly and make it into a trailer instead of being a short film, this was something me and my tutor had discussed right at the start and was something I always knew was a possibility, even though it wasn’t huge changes it was still hard as I had to really decide how I was going to get it to look like a professional trailer with the footage I had and also with the time I had, looking I love watching trailers and had been constantly watching the la haine trailer for inspiration for how I wanted my film to loom so it was a good coincidence as it showed me a great example of a trailer and really helped me find the structure of my trailer and how to keep it interesting whilst still being able to use all the footage I had gathered as I was scared it would feel dragged out but by editing it the way I did I really feel I overcame this challenged the best I could and the end result was something I was extremely pleased with. Another problem I had was to do with my mental health, I struggle with anxiety and used to struggle with panic attacks, recently it hadn’t been to bad but when it came to the last few weeks of the project I really started to overthink and worry and it became very hard to concentrate and get my work done especially when I was trying to catch up and Improve from home as I really wanted to get all my work done and to a high standard, to try overcome this I would try plan out what I would do each day in college and also what I would do when I got home so I knew I had a structure and also to help reassure myself it was possible that I could definitely finish my work and also make it as good as I felt I could, I would also take regular breaks so I didn’t over work myself and in the end when I started to see progress it really put my mind to ease and also made me proud as I could definitely see an improvement in my work and every time I completed something it gave me an even higher satisfaction. Another challenge I faced in the project was that I wasn’t able to get the footage I needed over half term which is what I had planned to do as I ended up having to do more shifts at work and also when I planned to film my friend couldn’t make it and there was no way he could of. This meant I went into the first week of production with almost no footage, I had gotten a bit of footage at my house of scenery as I knew that I could always use clips like that if I needed to so I always planned to get more clips than I needed as I knew it could come in handy in the editing process, but this meant I lost a week of production but I still tried to make the most of it by going over my pre production and adding to that whilst also making my poster and working finding the perfect colour settings to create the perfect black and white using the test footage I had managed to gather.
  • 15.
  • 16. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I think my final piece is good as I feel its different to what ive seen anyone else do and I feel the shots I got really took my piece to the next level and really helped it be better aesthetically but also help give the story and the idea of the trailer more depth. I also feel that what I was able to complete after all the challenges I faced just made the project more rewarding, but I also feel it made me look at my work differently and made me prouder of what I accomplished and the way I adapted to make the final piece even possible and then for it to actually turn out well and look great just makes me very pleased with what I achieved. With all the work that I put in whether it be filming or editing or the pre production that I did to make it all possible I don’t feel I could of done any more and for that reason I do genuinely believe that my work came out good. However I feel if I didn’t face the challenges I did I do feel it could have been raised up to an even greater level if id of been able to actually make it into a film and not have to adapt it into a trailer I feel it would of been even better as the idea I had and the ability I have I do feel I could of made something even better but i don’t think that takes away from what I ended up with, as everything I faced I couldn’t of changed and I adapted the best I could to be able to even produce what I did. I think the shots and the cinematography alone show that the piece was good but adding the narration and the music along with the title screens and editing to make it into an appealing and interesting trailer with a cliffhanger at the end to keep the viewer engaged and excited for what's to come as I feel that’s what a trailer is set out to do this just solidifies my rating of my final piece.
  • 17. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? I feel the main characteristics of a trailer are that they are typically made up of the best scenes in the movie but not too many that give too much away but give the audience just enough information so they know what's going on and are still engaged and interested, whilst also showing off some of the structure of the film and also some deleted scenes. And overall looks great so that people therefore want to watch the full film when it releases. I feel my project did all of these things, I feel it really showed off the meaning behind the film and gave you an emotional connection to the character whilst also leaving you wondering and speculating about what might happen whilst also looking fantastic and keeping with the aesthetic I was going for. I also feel it wasn’t too long which in my opinion can be make or break when it comes to a trailer as if its too long and shows off to much it almost makes you not as excited for the film as you feel you already knows what's going to happen so this was definitely something that I changed a lot throughout as at first I felt it was to short so I completely re edited it and then felt it dragged on just a bit to much so I cut a few things out and finally came to a point where I felt it was just the right length and this really contributed to how the trailer turned out. I think the main thing though when looking at a trailer is how it looks, at least when I watch a trailer I always pay attention to the cinematography as I feel its one of the main contributors to really feeling the emotion the trailer trys to give off as I feel the best trailers have the least dialogue and try and get across the message by just mainly using the shots they got. So this was something I heavily focused on as I really wanted the trailer too look as good as possible. And for me that is what stood out most in my trailer and was what most people commented on as I was very proud of some of the shots I got especially the ones of me in the house as I feel the just looked incredible and the slight changes in distance from the character just really helped along with the natural lighting.
  • 18. How did you design appeal to your target audience? I think the deign and aesthetic of my project really appealed to my target audience as I feel the research I did really helped me understand what people wanted to see but also what they didn’t, and by choosing three very differently films, being la haine, fight club and lost in translation. I feel that they all still fit in the range of my audience I really felt it gave me a broad view of how my project should look, alongside this I feel as I had a clear plan in my head before the project started it meant that I could the just improve that idea and make it into something that suits everyone whilst also sticking to how I wanted it too look. Throughout the project I also made sure to be asking the people that where around me if it was something they would watch and always asking for improvements as they were also in my target audience so I felt by getting feedback from them as I did the work by the end it would definitely suit the audience I was making it for.
  • 19. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 20. In what ways was the overall project a success? I think it was a success as it looked exactly how I wanted it to, although it changed slightly from a film to a trailer I still feel it showed off what I wanted to show off just not in the way I originally planned to, I feel it still showed off my skills and also showed off what I can do and also what I can be capable of and if given more time what I could go onto create. I feel all aspects went well even things like the poster as that was something I really enjoyed doing and put a lot of effort into, I really felt it capsulated what the film was about just by the way the image was constructed and also how the text matched that. Another reason I feel the project was a success was in the sense that I actually got something made as for a part of the project it was looking like it was going to be a big problem as the footage I gathered just wasn’t enough to be bale to create a film and to therefore go onto create a trailer from what was almost a failed project, and for it to actually turn out the way it did whilst having no experience in making trailers and having to go and learn about how to structure them and what sort of things to include in them just goes to show the effort I put in. leading on from this I feel the trailer was successful as it showed off everything that needs to be in a trailer even though it was different to what id done in previous projects as my previous projects were both documentaries so to come and do a trailer with it being a completely different format and also it being fictional and having to create my own story for it and then portray that story in the trailer having never done it I feel it also shows how well it turned out. I also think the way it looked was the main success even with all the changes the loom and feel remained the same, I don’t think I would of changed anything about it when it comes to the colour or the shots I used as I think its some of the best work I've done and is something that everyone ive shown has commented on and praised which is something I'm very proud of as this for me was the thing that was most important.
  • 21. What elements did not go well and why? I don’t think there were many things that didn’t go well, but I guess that having to change from a film to a trailer as I didn’t as much footage as I needed because of the issues I had in half term and with everything else that happened, I feel that was the main thing that didn’t go to plan as I feel if id got the footage I needed earlier it would of made a massive difference to the outcome of my project and I would have been able to fulfill the original project I had in mind. But I still think to overcome it in the way I did still made me happy with what I ended up with. I also wanted to make a behind the scenes video, this didn’t go to plan as I couldn’t get the footage I needed and also wouldn’t of had time during production as my main piece took a lot of editing and I also had to catch up on other work during the production process. I feel that this wasn’t the most important thing and was something I was planning on doing if I had the extra time but I feel it would have been nice to include as it would also help improve things like my production log and would also help support my evaluation of the project. I think another thing I could of done better would have been making some more advertisement and also maybe even creating a website just for the final piece with some cool types of advertising to just show off a different aspect of my project and also make it more professional. As when looking at the advertisement for The Batman (2022) I really liked all the extra advertising they did and was something I felt would have been nice to do and would of also taught me soe new skills and given me more experience if id had the time to do this. So in future I will try to work on my time management so I can get things like this added to my project.
  • 22. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? With my project being a trailer there wasn’t really a meaning as such but instead I had to try and convey an emotion and story with very little dialogue and instead with cinematography mise-en-scene and narration, I wanted to convey the emotion of emptiness hence the title of my project “empty” I also wanted to show how lost the character was and how much trauma hed gone through just the the types of shots I use and how changes in location or shot distance or even lighting can effect the emotion that’s being portrayed especially when put with the right music. When watching it back I do feel like this worked especially with the two songs I chose as even though they show off a different emotion I felt they really complimented each other and they didn’t stand out to much from one another, and really helped push this across to the viewer, I also feel by doing a trailer it was easier to convey this as the cuts in the scenes can show off the most dramatic points and also made it easier to include the best parts of all my footage along with also being able to chop up my narration to again grab the best parts and put them were I feel they had the most impact. Although I don’t think it has a clear message or i didn’t exactly mean for there to be one I guess it could be seen as a representation of how people can react to trauma and how everyone reacts different and also how extreme there reaction may be but I didn’t do much research into this so I didn’t want to claim to have this message as I don’t feel I know enough about it so I wouldn’t feel comfortable claiming this.
  • 23. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? Karl Shepard- The trailer has turned out really well, i could see what theme you were aiming for and you definitely hit it, the cinematography, the editing and all of that was incredible, i liked the feel of the trailer and the voice over added a good background story but however thats all we know, the way i would improve is if we got to learn a bit more of the story, we know a good backstory about the character but we dont really know what the film is supposed to be about, i feel if we knew that, the trailer would be more attractive to an audience but overall visually its amazing. Antony Sibanda- I really like the look of the poster and its consistent colour scheme in the full thing. Your use of black and white gives of a mysterious connotation and sets the dark tone which I think you were going for. This goes well with the video as you used black and white in that which is professional and is like a brand for your whole project. One thing which I would improve on the video would be that you could of added some more clips with actors on screen to go alongside the narration as it was vocally explained well but needed more visual explanation. For the poste, adding more components could help to make it more professional for example, a release date. Chelsea Clarke- Nicely shot and edited. I think the black and white adds to the aesthetic. I felt that the opening shot was a little too long and the ending shot was too short, it could have been a bit longer and then fade out. i felt that the video stopped abruptly, it had potential to be much longer as the story is there for it to do so. You've done well with this trailer. Burty- I like the choice of music throughout the film, the song to open with fits well with the aesthetic of the video and you can easily understand the feeling it gives off. The black and white imagery portrays the message the video is trying to send across well. The shots that you used looked nice as well, the still shots seem to show the process of time throughout and the shot with the cuts when you were walking gives a sense of repetition, as you mentioned previously. The only thing I would to improve is the lack of context, but it makes sense as it is only a trailer. Overall I felt this feedback was very fair and with Chelsea's feedback as it was before id finished production I did go back and make a few changes based on that feedback, I really liked Karl's feedback as I definitely do agree with him as I do feel I could of given more of a base to the story but with it being my first trailer I also didn’t want to give too much away but now I know this I can improve on this in the future.
  • 24. What would you do differently in the future and why? In the future I would definitely try and get my footage earlier as I feel it would of given me more of an opportunity to create a real short film instead of a trailer and would of allowed me to really go into depth with my story and would of helped me get the best out of my idea that I possibly could, it would of also given me more time to edit and overall I just think this one thing could have had a huge impact on my project and could of helped it be taken to the next level. I feel this happened as a result of many things, mainly planning as I had planned to film in half term but I didn’t take into account that a lot can happen in half term as its not as easy for people to be available as they might be away or doing extra at work, which was also a problem for me as I needed to do extra shifts at work which took up the time I needed to film. Whilst also having my birthday in half term with a lot of family round, so I didn’t get the chance to go out and film as much as I would of liked to. So in future I would plan this better and also try an arrange more specific times so I knew exactly when people would be available, I would also plan ahead with work and let them know I would be unavailable to do extra shift. I would of also made sure I had all my pre production done in the time that we had to do it as then I wouldn’t of had to go back to it and improve it and add more throughout production which also meant I had less time to work on my final piece, to help this I would plan out what id do in each lesson so that I have a clear structure of what I want done by the end of each lesson so by the time we move on I have everything done so then I don’t have to go back to it further into my project.
  • 25. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 26. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? In future I would definitely manage my time better and also plan more when it comes to filming and when im going to film and set dates before hand so then nothing can get in the way of it, as I feel this was my biggest downfall as it definitely had an impact on my project, so its definitely something I feel would improve future project. I would also get my people involved especially when it came to actors as I felt by keeping the cast small it would make things easier and more manageable but instead it meant I had to then act in it which made things harder as I then had to do everything, and although I did want to make the shots quite still as that’s the loo I was going for I still felt that it limit me in what I could actually do as I had to be in some of the scene's, so I would definitely get more people involved to help out as I do also feel it would help speed things up giving me more time to edit and also work on extra advertising. I would also make sure all my pre production work was finished before the start of production as this was also a set back that I had as it meant I lost even more time as I needed top catch up, so again I feel working on time management is a big thing I need to work on.
  • 27. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. To develop my skills I can always watch tutorials on YouTube for different affects suited to the right software such as after affects as I feel that could be something I work on as it’s a software I haven't tried much and something like that could really elevate my work to the next level when doing projects in the future. I will also carry on researching people such as directors and there styles to see which parts of it I like and what I can use as inspiration for my own work and also compare how they do things to how I do to see if there's any better ways of doing what I already am to even speed up my processes to help get more into future projects. I could also search online for editing courses or even film writing courses as that might be something to add that bit more quality to my work and just add more of a professional feel to the projects I work on. I will also look into apprenticeships as I feel that’s the thing that I can do, as I feel like getting hands on experience whilst also working with professional's will be the best way to get better at the field of work I want as I don’t think I'm suited to classroom work and am better suited to practical work and being around people that have been doing it for years and are doing it as a profession, as then I'm actually seeing how its done with my own eyes and taking all that in will just one give the experience and qualification I need but will also just make any future work I do so much better.
  • 28. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? Time management is the biggest thing for me as I feel this was one of the things that I could control that affected me the most, obviously things happened that I couldn’t of changed but when it comes to time management to get the best work I can possibly get done this is what I need to improve the most. It was one of the reasons I ended up not being bale to make a whole film and had to do a trailer instead and I feel to be able to work at a professional level I need to plan ahead better so I can get the best out of the time frame I'm given. I also feel that I could look more into software's like after effects to be able to add some different things to my project although it didn’t really fit this one I do feel its something I should look into for future projects. I also feel like if I had my own equipment this would help as I feel I was very cautious with the equipment and was also very limited with the equipment I have so investing in my own equipment would allow me to take more risks but would also mean i gain more experience with the specific equipment to help improve the quality of my projects. I also feel I could invest more time into experiments so that I have more experience in different ways of working inside the medium I work in as I feel in this project I didn’t spend as much time on experiments as I would of liked and I feel this could help improve the overall outcome of future projects. i also feel like I need to work on prioritizing as think I spent too much time on parts of the project that I could maybe of used on the main production, this was definitely proven in this project as I didn’t end up with as much time in production as id spent too much time on all the other parts of the work and this also links into the time management as this wouldn’t of been as much of a problem if id planned better.