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Presentation Author
Gopi Tejasri
Department of Engineering sciences
National Institute of Technology, Tadepalligudem – 01.
 They are self regulating group of biotic
communities of species interacting with one
another and with their non living environment
exchanging energy and matter.
 They are composed of organisms interacting
with each other and with their environment such
that energy is exchanged and system-level
processes, such as the cycling of elements,
 Derived from Greek
 Oikos (home) + logos(study)
 Study of organisms in their natural home interacting with
their surroundings
 Study of interactions and relationships of an organism or
group of organisms.
 Study of ecosystems
Structure of
Abiotic components
(physical and
chemical factors)
Physical Chemical
Biotic components
(living organisms)
Producers Consumers
sunlight temperature
humidity rainfall
Soil type Soil moisture
Soil reaction
latitude longitude
Trace nutrients
Photo autotrophs Chemo autotrophs
Herbivores Carnivores
Omnivores Detritivores
Autotrophs produce their own organic nutrients for
themselves and other members of the community;
therefore, they are called the producers.
Photo autotrophs Chemo autotrophs
 Photoautotrophs are
photo synthesizers such
as algae and green plants
that produce most of the
organic nutrients for the
 Chemo autotrophs are
bacteria that obtain
energy by oxidizing
inorganic compounds
such as ammonia,
nitrites, and sulfides ,
and they use this energy
to synthesize
Consumers: consume food
 Heterotrophs, are consumers that are unable to produce but
constantly look for source of organic nutrients from elsewhere.
 Herbivores/ plant eaters/primary consumers are animals that
depend directly on plants or algae.
 E.g. Rabbit, man, insect, giraffe.
 Carnivores/meat eaters feed on other consumers
 Those feeding on herbivores are secondary consumers and
those feeding on carnivores are tertiary consumers
 E.g. Wolf feed on other animals; birds that feed on insects are
carnivores, and so are hawks that feed on birds.
Consumers: consume food
 Omnivores are animals that feed both on plants and
 E.g. Human ,rat, fox
 Detritivores /sapro trophs /Detritus feeders are those
which feed on detritus or waste remains of plants and
animals or dead organisms.
 E.g. Crabs, earthworms, ants, termites and beetles
Decomposers : decompose organic
They derive their nutrition by breaking
down the complex organic molecules to
simpler organic compounds and
ultimately into inorganic nutrients.
E.g. Bacteria and fungi.
Functional attributes of ecosystem
Energy flow
Primary and secondary production
Food chains, food web and trophic levels
Ecosystem development and regulation
Biogeochemical / nutrient cycles
Dynamics of Ecosystem
 The various components of the ecosystem constitute an interacting
system. They are connected by energy, nutrients and minerals. The
nutrients and minerals circulate and recirculate between the abiotic
and biotic factors of the ecosystem several times. Whereas, the flow
of energy is one way, once used by the ecosystem, it is lost. Thus the
continuous survival of the ecosystem depends on the flow of energy
and the circulation of nutrients and minerals in the ecosystem.
 The dynamics of an ecosystem involve two processes:
1. Energy flow and
2. Chemical cycling.
 Ecosystem ecologists view ecosystems as energy machines and
matter processors.
Functioning of Ecosystem
 Energy is the ability to do
 The main source of energy
for an ecosystem is the
radiant energy or light
energy derived from the sun.
 This light energy is
converted into chemical
energy in the form of sugar
by plants by the process of
photosynthesis. Plants utilize
only 0.02% of Sun’s light
energy reaching the earth.
Energy flow
 Solar energy is trapped by the green plants, and converted into chemical
energy and stored as carbohydrates. This happens during photosynthesis.
 A part of this chemical energy is used up by the green plants themselves.
The major portion of the energy is consumed in the form of food by the
consumers at different trophic level.
 Thus there is energy flow through the biotic components in an ecosystem.
 The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another trophic level is
called energy flow.
 The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional. That is, it flows from
the producer level to the consumer level and never in the reverse direction.
Hence the energy can be used only once in the ecosystem.
 But the minerals circulate and re circulate many times in the ecosystem.
 A large amount of energy is lost at each trophic level. It is estimated that
80% to 90% of the energy is lost when it is transferred from one trophic
level to another.
6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2
Application of the laws of physics and
chemistry to ecosystems
We can potentially trace all the energy
from its solar input to its release as heat by
The second law of thermodynamics allows
us to measure the efficiency of the energy
The Global Energy Budget
 Every day, Earth is bombarded by large amounts of solar
 Much of this radiation lands on the water and land that
either reflect or absorb it.
 Of the visible light that reaches photosynthetic organisms,
about only 1% is converted to chemical energy.
 Although this is a small amount, primary producers are
capable of producing about 170 billion tons of organic
material per year.
Primary production Secondary production
 The amount of light energy
converted to chemical
energy by plants during a
given period of time per
unit area is called primary
 It can be expressed in terms
of energy per unit area per
unit time, or as biomass of
vegetation added to the
ecosystem per unit area per
unit time.
 The energy that is not used
by producers can be passed
on to organisms that cannot
make their own energy.
 It’s the energy flow through
trophic levels
 grams m-2 year-1 or grams
m-2 week-1
Gross and Net Primary Production
 Total primary production is known as gross primary
production (GPP).This is the amount of light
energy that is converted into chemical energy.
 The net primary production (NPP) is equal to gross
primary production minus the energy used by the
primary producers for respiration (R):
 Most primary producers use light energy to synthesize
organic molecules, which can be broken down to produce
ATP; there is an energy budget in an ecosystem.
 The producers are directly consumed by the herbivores
that are eaten by the primary carnivores that in turn are
consumed by the secondary carnivores. The consumers
store some amount of energy in their tissues. This energy,
stored by the consumers, is called secondary production.
Only about 10 to 20% of the primary production is
converted into secondary production.
An ecosystem’s energy budget depends on primary
Trophic level
 Each food chain contains many steps like
producers, herbivores, primary carnivores and
so on. Each step of the food chain is called
trophic level. The number of trophic levels in a
food chain is always restricted to 4 or 5. But
very often the chains are very much
complicated with many trophic levels.
Food chain: is a linear network starting from producer organisms (such
as grass or trees which use radiation from the sun to make their food) and ending
at apex predator species (like grizzly bears or killer
whales), detrivores (like earthworms or woodlice), or decomposer species (such
as fungi or bacteria). A food chain also shows how the organisms are related
with each other by the food they eat. Each level of a food chain represents a
different trophic level.
Energy flow is unidirectional
Food Webs
 In an ecosystem the
various food chains are
interconnected with each
other to form a net work
called food web.
 This is because each
organism may obtain food
from more than one
trophic level. In other
words, one organism forms
food for more than one
organisms of the higher
trophic level.
Food web: several interrelated food
Toxins can become concentrated in successive trophic
levels of food webs
 Humans produce many toxic chemicals that are
dumped into ecosystems.
 These substances are ingested and metabolized
by the organisms in the ecosystems and can
accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals.
 These toxins become more concentrated in
successive trophic levels of a food web, a
process called biological magnification.
 The pesticide DDT, before it was banned, showed this
Ecological Pyramids
 The number, biomass, and energy of organisms
gradually decrease from the producer to the
consumer level. This can be represented by a
pyramid called ecological pyramid.
 Ecological pyramid is the graphic representation
of number, biomass, and energy of the successive
trophic levels of an ecosystem.
Types of ecological pyramids
1. The pyramid of number
2. The pyramid of biomass
3. The pyramid of energy.
The pyramid of numbers
 The number of individuals at the trophic level
decreases from the producer level to the consumer
 In any ecosystem the number of producers is far high.
The number of herbivores is lesser than the producers.
Similarly, the numbers of carnivores is lesser than the
The pyramid of biomass
 Biomass: Biomass refers to the total weight of living
matter per unit area.
 In an ecosystem the biomass decreases from the producer
level to the consumer level.
 It represents the ecological consequence of low trophic
 Most biomass pyramids narrow sharply from primary
producers to top-level carnivores because energy transfers
are inefficient.
Pyramid of energy
 The energy flows in an ecosystem from the producer
level to the consumer level.
 Energy Pyramid shows the amounts of energy that
moves from one level to the next
 At each trophic level 80% to 90% of energy is lost.
Hence the amount of energy decreases from the
producer level to the consumer level.
Nutrient cycles
 Nutrient cycling is strongly regulated by vegetation.
 Biological and geologic processes move nutrients between organic
and inorganic compartments.
 Human activity intrudes in nutrient cycles by removing nutrients
from one part of the biosphere and then adding them to another.
 Decomposition rates largely determine the rates of nutrient cycling.
 The rates at which nutrients cycle in ecosystems are extremely
variable as a result of variable rates of decomposition.
 Decomposition can take up to 50 years in the tundra, while in the
tropical forest, it can occur much faster.
Contents of nutrients in the soil of different ecosystems vary also,
depending on the rate of absorption by the plants.
Nitrogen cycle
Ammonia N
Nitrite N
Nitrite N
Nitrate N
Nitrification :of Ammonia Occurs
in two Steps
heterotrophic bacteria + BOD
Anoxic environment
In an anoxic environment, heterotrophic
bacteria will use the oxygen from nitrates as
they assimilate BOD, producing nitrogen gas.
Oxic Anoxic Oxic
Critical load and nutrient cycles
 Recent studies indicate that human activities have
approximately doubled the worldwide supply of fixed
nitrogen, due to the use of fertilizers, cultivation of legumes,
and burning.
 This may increase the amount of nitrogen oxides in the
atmosphere and contribute to atmospheric warming,
depletion of ozone and possibly acid rain.
 In some situations, the addition of nitrogen to ecosystems by
human activity can be beneficial, but in others it can cause
 The key issue is the critical load, the amount of added
nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants without damaging
the ecosystem.
Carbon cycle
The carbon cycle fits the generalized scheme of
biogeochemical cycles better than water.
Phosphorous cycle
 Eutrophication / Hypertrophication, is the ecosystem's response to the
addition of artificial or natural nutrients, mainly phosphates,
through detergents, fertilizers, or sewage, to an aquatic system. (or)
 Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently
due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.
 Can also be defined as excessive nutrient load in a water body that support a
dense growth of algae and other organisms, the decay of which depletes the
shallow waters of oxygen in summer.
 Increase in the rate of supply of organic matter to an ecosystem.
 One example is the "bloom" or great increase of phytoplankton in a water
body as a response to increased levels of nutrients. Negative environmental
effects include hypoxia, the depletion of oxygen in the water, which may
cause death to aquatic animals.
Natural Eutrophication: A process
that occurs as a lake or river ages
over a period of hundreds or
thousands of years.
Cultural Eutrophication: A process
that occurs when humans release
excessive amounts of nutrients; it
shortens the rate of aging to
Regulation and development of
 Homeostasis: inherent property of all living systems to resist
 The range between minimum and maximum tolerance is called
“homeostatic plateau.”
 Any stress that tries to cause deviation in the system is counter
acted by mechanisms called “Negative feed back mechanisms.”
so they bring back the system to ideal conditions.
 If the stress is beyond the homeostatic plateau, positive fee
back mechanisms start operating accelerating the stress
conditions and take the system away from optimal conditions.
Threatened endangered species In India
 Originated from Greek and Latin
 The whole word BIO DIVERSITY generally means:
 Edward O. Wilson - the "father of biodiversity,"
It is reckless to suppose that biodiversity can be diminished
indefinitely without threatening humanity itself.
 ‘Biological diversity’ or biodiversity is that part of nature which includes the
differences in genes among the individuals of a species, the variety and richness of all
the plant and animal species at different scales in space, locally, in a region, in the
country and the world, and various types of ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic,
within a defined area.
 Biodiversity is the variety of life forms on earth and the essential interdependence of
all living things.
 As defined in convention on Biological diversity signed at Rio De Jenario (Brazil) in
1992 by 154 countries, the Biodiversity defined as “the variability among living
organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic
eco-systems and the ecological complexes of which the area part- this include diversity
with in species, between species and of ecosystem.”
 According to IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) in 1998, “the
variety and variability of species of their population, the variety of species of their life
forms, the diversity of the complex association with species with their interaction and
their ecological process which influences perform.”
Importance of biodiversity
 Everything that lives in an ecosystem is part of the web of life,
including humans. Each species of vegetation and each creature has a
place on the earth and plays a vital role in the circle of life. Plant,
animal, and insect species interact and depend upon one another for
what each offers, such as food, shelter, oxygen, and soil enrichment.
 Maintaining a wide diversity of species in each ecosystem is
necessary to preserve the web of life that sustains all living things.
 Biodiversity has contributed in many ways to the development of
human culture, and, in turn, human communities have played a major
role in shaping the diversity of nature at the genetic, species, and
ecological levels.
Ecological Role of Biodiversity
 All species provide at least one function in an
ecosystem. Each function is an integral part of
regulating the species balance, species diversity
and species health: all aspects which are intrinsic
for the ecosystem as a whole to survive and
Economic Role of Biodiversity
Food: Crop Biodiversity or agro
Goods: Various things like timber, paper,
Recreation: Wildlife tourism, trekking
nature photography, bird watching.
Scientific Role of Biodiversity
 Genetic resources: Biotechnology and genetic engineering
use the genes of organisms to make new crops and
 Each species can give scientist some clue as to how life
evolved and will continue to evolve.
Classification of biodiversity
Ecosystem diversity
 Ecosystem diversity refers to the
diversity of a place at the level
of ecosystems. The term differs
from biodiversity, which refers to variation
in species rather than ecosystems. Includes
diversity above
the species level.
Biologists have viewed
diversity above the
species level in various
 Some alternative ways to categorize it
 Community diversity
 Habitat diversity
 Landscape diversity
Genetic diversity
• Genetic diversity, the level
of biodiversity refers to the total
number of genetic characteristics
in the genetic makeup of a species.
Includes the differences
in DNA composition
among individuals
within a given species.
 Adaptation to particular
environmental conditions may
weed out genetic variants that are
not successful.
 But populations benefit from some
genetic diversity, so as to avoid
inbreeding or disease epidemics.
Species diversity
 species = a particular type of
organism; a population or group of
populations whose members share
certain characteristics and can
freely breed with one another and
produce fertile offspring
 Species diversity = the number or
variety of species in a particular
 Species richness = number of
 Evenness, or relative abundance =
extent to which numbers of
different species are equal or
 Species diversity is the effective
number of different species that are
represented in a collection of
Ecological services:
 Balance of nature
 Biological productivity
 Regulation of climate
 Degradation of waste
 Cleaning of air and water
 Cycling of nutrients
 Control of potential pest and disease causing species
 Detoxification of soil and sediments
 Stabilization of land against erosion
 Carbon sequestration and global climate change
 Maintenance of Soil fertility
Consumptive value:
Better crop varieties
Industrial Material
Non-Consumptive Value:
Education and Research
Traditional value
Values of biodiversity
1. Consumptive use value
2. Productive use value
3. Social value
4. Ethical / Existence value
5. Aesthetic value
6. Option value
7. Ecosystem service value
Consumptive use value
 Products that can be
harvested and used directly
such as food, medicine, fuel,
drugs, pulp, wood, fiber etc
 80000 plant species are
consumed by humans as
 75% of worlds population
depend on plant extracts for
 Coal, petrol and natural gas
are also products of
fossilized biodiversity.
Productive use value
 These are the
commercially usable
values where the product
is marketed and sold such
as tusks of elephants,
musk from musk deer, silk
from silk worm, lac from
lac insects etc
 E.g.: 3ml musk deer
perfume costs 7$
Social value
 Values associated with the
social life, customs, religion
and psycho spiritual aspects
of the people.
 Holy basil (Tulasi), peepal,
,mango, lotus, bael etc and
cow, snake, bull, peacock,
owl etc are the plants and
animals respectively that are
used in worship.
Ethical / Existence value
 Involves ethical issues like
“all lives must be
 Based on the concept “live
and let live”
Aesthetic value
 Great aesthetic value is
attached to biodiversity as it
gives us pleasure, peace of
mind, excitement and a feeling
of appreciation.
 Eco – tourism.
 E.g. : A male lion living up to
7yrs age can generate $ 51500
due to its aesthetic value paid
by tourists if killed its skin
makes a market price of just
 Kenyan elephant can earn $1
million as tourist revenue in its
Option value
 They include the potentials
of biodiversity that are
presently unknown and need
to be explored.
 It’s the value of knowing that
there are biological resources
existing on this biosphere
that may one day prove to be
an effective option for
something important in
Ecosystem service value
 Refers to the service
provided by ecosystems
such as prevention of soil
erosion and floods,
maintenance of soil
fertility, cycling of
nutrients and water,
pollutant absorption etc
Biodiversity at local / regional level
 Species richness is classified into 4 types:
1. Point richness : refers to the no of species that can be
found at a single point in a given space
2. Alpha richness: refers to the no of species found in a
small homogenous area. closely correlated with physical
environmental variables.
3. Beta richness : refers to the rate of change in species
composition across different habitats. It means
cumulative no of species increases as more
heterogeneous habitats are taken into consideration.
4. Gamma richness : refers to the rate of change across large
landscape gradients.
Biodiversity at national level
 India is known for its rich heritage of biodiversity.
 India is one of the 12 mega-diverse countries in the world.
 India’s ten bio geographic zones possess an exemplary diversity of
ecological habitats like alpine forests, grasslands, wetlands, coastal and
marine ecosystems, and desert ecosystems.
 India has four out of thirty-four global biodiversity hotspots, which is an
indicator of high degree of endemism (of species) in India.
 India has 47000 plant species, 81000 animal species
 7500km of coastal line
 64 million hectares of forest cover
 10th place in plant rich countries of the world
 11th in terms of no of endemic species of higher vertebrates
 6th among the centers of diversity and origin of agricultural crops
 Out of 34 hotspots in the world, India has three.
Biodiversity at global level
 Global biodiversity is the measure of biodiversity on
planet Earth and is defined as the total variability of life
forms. More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to
over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are
estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's
current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of
which about 1.2 million have been documented and over
86 percent have not yet been described
 Roughly 1.5 million species are known till date which
may be jus 15% of the actual number.
 50% - 80% of global biodiversity lies in rainforests.
 A region with high
biodiversity is the region
with most of species being
 it is a bio geographic region
with a significant reservoir
of biodiversity that is under
threat from humans.
 India have two Biodiversity
Hotspots- East Himalayan
Region and Western Ghats.
Natural causes:
 Narrow geographical area
 Low population
 Low breeding rate
 Natural disasters
 Physical alteration of habitats
 The population connection
 Pollution
 Exotic species
 Overuse
Anthropogenic causes:
 Habitat modification/Loss of
 Overexploitation of selected
 Innovation by exotic species.
 Pollution
 Hunting / Poaching
 Global warming and climate
 Agriculture
 Domino effect
Habitat loss
 Habitat loss can be described when an animal loses their home.
Every animal in the animal kingdom has a niche, a their in their
animal community and without their habitat they no longer have a
 Reasons of habitat loss by humans:
 ~ agriculture, farming
 ~ harvesting natural resources for personal use
 ~ for industrial and urbanization development
 Habitat destruction is currently ranked as the primary causes of
species extinction world wide…!!!
 Poaching is the hunting and harvesting taking of wild plants or
animals, such as through hunting, harvesting, fishing,
or trapping.
 Poaching is done for large profits gained by the illegal sale or
trade of animal parts, meat and pelts.
 Poaching or illegal hunting causes animals endangered of being
extinct. If more animals becomes extinct there's a disruption
in the food chain, and that will cause major problems in our
ecosystem, resulting eventually in new adaptations of animals,
and or species beyond human control.
 Poaching results in animals being hunted too soon for them to
have time to reproduce and repopulate.
 Habitat destruction has already been responsible for 36%
of the known extinctions and is the key factor in the
currently observed population declines. Natural species
are adapted to specific habitats, so if the habitat changes
or is eliminated, the species go with it.
 One of the greatest sources of loss is the physical alteration of
habitats through the process of:
(1) Conversion : It is when natural areas are converted to farms,
housing subdivisions, shopping malls, marinas, and industrial
(2) Fragmentation : The division of a landscape into patches of habitat
by road construction, agricultural lands, or residential areas.
(3) Simplification : Human use of habitats often simplifies them.
Removing fallen logs and dead trees from woodlands for
 Past losses of biodiversity can be attributed to the
expansion of the human population over the globe.
Continuing human population growth will be further alter
natural ecosystems, resulting in the inevitable loss of more
wild species and additional declines in populations.
 One key to holding down the loss in biodiversity lies in
bringing human population growth down. If the human
population increases to 10 billion, as some demographers
believe that it will, the consequences for the natural world
will be frightening.
 Another major factor that decreases biodiversity is
pollution, which can directly kill many kinds of plants and
animals, seriously reducing their population.
 Climate Change- pollution destroys or alters habitats,
with consequences just as severe as those caused by
deliberate conversions.
 Most of the global pollution problems can be traced to the
industrialized world
 An exotic species is a species introduced into an area from
somewhere else, often a different continent.
 The transplantation of species by humans has occurred
throughout history, to the point where most people are
unable to distinguish between the native and exotic
species living in their lands.
 Overuse is another major assault against wild species,
responsible for 23% of recent extinctions.
 Overuse is driven by a combination of greed, ignorance, and
 Trade in exotics- another prominent form of overuse is the
trafficking in wildlife and in products derived from wild
 Greed- the long-term prospect of extinction does not curtail the
activities of exploiters, because, to them, the prospect of a huge
immediate profit outweighs it.
 eBay String- The FWS is the agency with jurisdiction over the
illegal trade in wildlife in the United States.
Biodiversity loss and species
 Extinction = last member of a
species dies and the species
vanishes forever from Earth
 Extirpation = disappearance
of a particular population, but
not the entire species globally
 These are natural processes.
 On average one species goes
extinct naturally every 500–
1,000 years—this is the
background rate of extinction.
 99% of all species that ever
lived are now extinct.
Impacts of loss of biodiversity
 Increased
vulnerability of
species extinction
 Ecological imbalance
 Reduced sources of
food, structural
materials, medicinal
and genetic resources
 Cost increase to the
Links between biodiversity, climate
change and human well being
Biodiversity Conservation
In situ
Sacred groves
and lakes
Terrestrial Marine
Ex situ
Sacred plant
home garden
Seed Bank, Gene
Botanical garden,
Zoological garden,
Biodiversity Conservation
In situ conservation Ex situ conservation
 Within habitat
 Achieved by protection of
flora and fauna in nature
 E.g.: National parks,
sanctuaries, biosphere
reserves etc
 Outside habitat
 Done by establishment of
gene banks, seed banks, zoos
, botanical gardens, culture
collections etc
 Biodiversity is our life. If the Biodiversity got lost at
this rate then in near future, the survival of human
being will be threatened. So, it is our moral duty to
conserve Biodiversity as well our Environment.
Long-term maintenance of species and their
management requires co-operative efforts across
entire landscapes. Biodiversity should be dealt with at
scale of habitats or ecosystems rather than at species

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Ecosystem and biodiversity.compressed

  • 1. Presentation Author Gopi Tejasri Department of Engineering sciences National Institute of Technology, Tadepalligudem – 01.
  • 2.
  • 3. Ecosystems  They are self regulating group of biotic communities of species interacting with one another and with their non living environment exchanging energy and matter.  They are composed of organisms interacting with each other and with their environment such that energy is exchanged and system-level processes, such as the cycling of elements, emerge.
  • 4. Ecology  Derived from Greek  Oikos (home) + logos(study)  Study of organisms in their natural home interacting with their surroundings  Study of interactions and relationships of an organism or group of organisms.  Study of ecosystems
  • 5. Structure of ecosystem Abiotic components (physical and chemical factors) Physical Chemical Biotic components (living organisms) Producers Consumers Decomposers
  • 6. physical Climatic factors sunlight temperature humidity rainfall wind Edaphic factors Soil type Soil moisture Soil reaction geographic latitude longitude altitude Chemical Major nutrients Trace nutrients pollutants Organic substances
  • 7. Producers Photo autotrophs Chemo autotrophs Consumers Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Detritivores Decomposers
  • 8. Autotrophs produce their own organic nutrients for themselves and other members of the community; therefore, they are called the producers. Photo autotrophs Chemo autotrophs  Photoautotrophs are photo synthesizers such as algae and green plants that produce most of the organic nutrients for the biosphere.  Chemo autotrophs are bacteria that obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds such as ammonia, nitrites, and sulfides , and they use this energy to synthesize carbohydrates.
  • 9. Consumers: consume food  Heterotrophs, are consumers that are unable to produce but constantly look for source of organic nutrients from elsewhere.  Herbivores/ plant eaters/primary consumers are animals that depend directly on plants or algae.  E.g. Rabbit, man, insect, giraffe.  Carnivores/meat eaters feed on other consumers  Those feeding on herbivores are secondary consumers and those feeding on carnivores are tertiary consumers  E.g. Wolf feed on other animals; birds that feed on insects are carnivores, and so are hawks that feed on birds.
  • 10. Consumers: consume food  Omnivores are animals that feed both on plants and animals  E.g. Human ,rat, fox  Detritivores /sapro trophs /Detritus feeders are those which feed on detritus or waste remains of plants and animals or dead organisms.  E.g. Crabs, earthworms, ants, termites and beetles
  • 11. Decomposers : decompose organic matter They derive their nutrition by breaking down the complex organic molecules to simpler organic compounds and ultimately into inorganic nutrients. E.g. Bacteria and fungi.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Functional attributes of ecosystem Energy flow Primary and secondary production Food chains, food web and trophic levels Ecosystem development and regulation Biogeochemical / nutrient cycles
  • 15. Dynamics of Ecosystem  The various components of the ecosystem constitute an interacting system. They are connected by energy, nutrients and minerals. The nutrients and minerals circulate and recirculate between the abiotic and biotic factors of the ecosystem several times. Whereas, the flow of energy is one way, once used by the ecosystem, it is lost. Thus the continuous survival of the ecosystem depends on the flow of energy and the circulation of nutrients and minerals in the ecosystem.  The dynamics of an ecosystem involve two processes: 1. Energy flow and 2. Chemical cycling.  Ecosystem ecologists view ecosystems as energy machines and matter processors.
  • 17. Energy  Energy is the ability to do work.  The main source of energy for an ecosystem is the radiant energy or light energy derived from the sun.  This light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of sugar by plants by the process of photosynthesis. Plants utilize only 0.02% of Sun’s light energy reaching the earth.
  • 18. Energy flow  Solar energy is trapped by the green plants, and converted into chemical energy and stored as carbohydrates. This happens during photosynthesis.  A part of this chemical energy is used up by the green plants themselves. The major portion of the energy is consumed in the form of food by the consumers at different trophic level.  Thus there is energy flow through the biotic components in an ecosystem.  The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another trophic level is called energy flow.  The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional. That is, it flows from the producer level to the consumer level and never in the reverse direction. Hence the energy can be used only once in the ecosystem.  But the minerals circulate and re circulate many times in the ecosystem.  A large amount of energy is lost at each trophic level. It is estimated that 80% to 90% of the energy is lost when it is transferred from one trophic level to another.
  • 19. 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • 20. Application of the laws of physics and chemistry to ecosystems We can potentially trace all the energy from its solar input to its release as heat by organisms. The second law of thermodynamics allows us to measure the efficiency of the energy conversions.
  • 21. The Global Energy Budget  Every day, Earth is bombarded by large amounts of solar radiation.  Much of this radiation lands on the water and land that either reflect or absorb it.  Of the visible light that reaches photosynthetic organisms, about only 1% is converted to chemical energy.  Although this is a small amount, primary producers are capable of producing about 170 billion tons of organic material per year.
  • 22. Primary production Secondary production  The amount of light energy converted to chemical energy by plants during a given period of time per unit area is called primary productivity.  It can be expressed in terms of energy per unit area per unit time, or as biomass of vegetation added to the ecosystem per unit area per unit time.  The energy that is not used by producers can be passed on to organisms that cannot make their own energy.  It’s the energy flow through trophic levels  grams m-2 year-1 or grams m-2 week-1
  • 23. Gross and Net Primary Production  Total primary production is known as gross primary production (GPP).This is the amount of light energy that is converted into chemical energy.  The net primary production (NPP) is equal to gross primary production minus the energy used by the primary producers for respiration (R): NPP = GPP – R
  • 24.  Most primary producers use light energy to synthesize organic molecules, which can be broken down to produce ATP; there is an energy budget in an ecosystem.  The producers are directly consumed by the herbivores that are eaten by the primary carnivores that in turn are consumed by the secondary carnivores. The consumers store some amount of energy in their tissues. This energy, stored by the consumers, is called secondary production. Only about 10 to 20% of the primary production is converted into secondary production. An ecosystem’s energy budget depends on primary production
  • 25. Trophic level  Each food chain contains many steps like producers, herbivores, primary carnivores and so on. Each step of the food chain is called trophic level. The number of trophic levels in a food chain is always restricted to 4 or 5. But very often the chains are very much complicated with many trophic levels.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Food chain: is a linear network starting from producer organisms (such as grass or trees which use radiation from the sun to make their food) and ending at apex predator species (like grizzly bears or killer whales), detrivores (like earthworms or woodlice), or decomposer species (such as fungi or bacteria). A food chain also shows how the organisms are related with each other by the food they eat. Each level of a food chain represents a different trophic level.
  • 29. Energy flow is unidirectional
  • 30. Food Webs  In an ecosystem the various food chains are interconnected with each other to form a net work called food web.  This is because each organism may obtain food from more than one trophic level. In other words, one organism forms food for more than one organisms of the higher trophic level.
  • 31. Food web: several interrelated food chains
  • 32. Toxins can become concentrated in successive trophic levels of food webs  Humans produce many toxic chemicals that are dumped into ecosystems.  These substances are ingested and metabolized by the organisms in the ecosystems and can accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals.  These toxins become more concentrated in successive trophic levels of a food web, a process called biological magnification.
  • 33.  The pesticide DDT, before it was banned, showed this affect.
  • 34.
  • 35. Ecological Pyramids  The number, biomass, and energy of organisms gradually decrease from the producer to the consumer level. This can be represented by a pyramid called ecological pyramid.  Ecological pyramid is the graphic representation of number, biomass, and energy of the successive trophic levels of an ecosystem.
  • 36. Types of ecological pyramids 1. The pyramid of number 2. The pyramid of biomass 3. The pyramid of energy.
  • 37. The pyramid of numbers  The number of individuals at the trophic level decreases from the producer level to the consumer level.  In any ecosystem the number of producers is far high. The number of herbivores is lesser than the producers. Similarly, the numbers of carnivores is lesser than the herbivores.
  • 38.
  • 39. The pyramid of biomass  Biomass: Biomass refers to the total weight of living matter per unit area.  In an ecosystem the biomass decreases from the producer level to the consumer level.  It represents the ecological consequence of low trophic efficiencies.  Most biomass pyramids narrow sharply from primary producers to top-level carnivores because energy transfers are inefficient.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Pyramid of energy  The energy flows in an ecosystem from the producer level to the consumer level.  Energy Pyramid shows the amounts of energy that moves from one level to the next  At each trophic level 80% to 90% of energy is lost. Hence the amount of energy decreases from the producer level to the consumer level.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Nutrient cycles  Nutrient cycling is strongly regulated by vegetation.  Biological and geologic processes move nutrients between organic and inorganic compartments.  Human activity intrudes in nutrient cycles by removing nutrients from one part of the biosphere and then adding them to another.  Decomposition rates largely determine the rates of nutrient cycling.  The rates at which nutrients cycle in ecosystems are extremely variable as a result of variable rates of decomposition.  Decomposition can take up to 50 years in the tundra, while in the tropical forest, it can occur much faster. Contents of nutrients in the soil of different ecosystems vary also, depending on the rate of absorption by the plants.
  • 47.
  • 48. NH3-N Ammonia N NO2-N Nitrite N NO2-N Nitrite N NO3-N Nitrate N Nitrosomonas Nitrobacter Nitrification :of Ammonia Occurs in two Steps
  • 49. DENITRIFICATION NO3 heterotrophic bacteria + BOD Anoxic environment N2 In an anoxic environment, heterotrophic bacteria will use the oxygen from nitrates as they assimilate BOD, producing nitrogen gas. Oxic Anoxic Oxic RAS
  • 50. Critical load and nutrient cycles  Recent studies indicate that human activities have approximately doubled the worldwide supply of fixed nitrogen, due to the use of fertilizers, cultivation of legumes, and burning.  This may increase the amount of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere and contribute to atmospheric warming, depletion of ozone and possibly acid rain.  In some situations, the addition of nitrogen to ecosystems by human activity can be beneficial, but in others it can cause problems.  The key issue is the critical load, the amount of added nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants without damaging the ecosystem.
  • 52.
  • 53. The carbon cycle fits the generalized scheme of biogeochemical cycles better than water.
  • 55.
  • 56. Eutrophication  Eutrophication / Hypertrophication, is the ecosystem's response to the addition of artificial or natural nutrients, mainly phosphates, through detergents, fertilizers, or sewage, to an aquatic system. (or)  Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.  Can also be defined as excessive nutrient load in a water body that support a dense growth of algae and other organisms, the decay of which depletes the shallow waters of oxygen in summer.  Increase in the rate of supply of organic matter to an ecosystem.  One example is the "bloom" or great increase of phytoplankton in a water body as a response to increased levels of nutrients. Negative environmental effects include hypoxia, the depletion of oxygen in the water, which may cause death to aquatic animals.
  • 58. Natural Eutrophication: A process that occurs as a lake or river ages over a period of hundreds or thousands of years. Cultural Eutrophication: A process that occurs when humans release excessive amounts of nutrients; it shortens the rate of aging to decades.
  • 59.
  • 60. Regulation and development of ecosystems  Homeostasis: inherent property of all living systems to resist change.  The range between minimum and maximum tolerance is called “homeostatic plateau.”  Any stress that tries to cause deviation in the system is counter acted by mechanisms called “Negative feed back mechanisms.” so they bring back the system to ideal conditions.  If the stress is beyond the homeostatic plateau, positive fee back mechanisms start operating accelerating the stress conditions and take the system away from optimal conditions.
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  • 64.
  • 66. Biodiversity  Originated from Greek and Latin  BIOS = LIFE  DIVERSITAS = VARIETY or DIFFERENCE.  The whole word BIO DIVERSITY generally means: VARIETY OF LIFE.  Edward O. Wilson - the "father of biodiversity,"
  • 67. It is reckless to suppose that biodiversity can be diminished indefinitely without threatening humanity itself.
  • 68. Biodiversity  ‘Biological diversity’ or biodiversity is that part of nature which includes the differences in genes among the individuals of a species, the variety and richness of all the plant and animal species at different scales in space, locally, in a region, in the country and the world, and various types of ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic, within a defined area.  Biodiversity is the variety of life forms on earth and the essential interdependence of all living things.  As defined in convention on Biological diversity signed at Rio De Jenario (Brazil) in 1992 by 154 countries, the Biodiversity defined as “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic eco-systems and the ecological complexes of which the area part- this include diversity with in species, between species and of ecosystem.”  According to IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) in 1998, “the variety and variability of species of their population, the variety of species of their life forms, the diversity of the complex association with species with their interaction and their ecological process which influences perform.”
  • 69. Importance of biodiversity  Everything that lives in an ecosystem is part of the web of life, including humans. Each species of vegetation and each creature has a place on the earth and plays a vital role in the circle of life. Plant, animal, and insect species interact and depend upon one another for what each offers, such as food, shelter, oxygen, and soil enrichment.  Maintaining a wide diversity of species in each ecosystem is necessary to preserve the web of life that sustains all living things.  Biodiversity has contributed in many ways to the development of human culture, and, in turn, human communities have played a major role in shaping the diversity of nature at the genetic, species, and ecological levels.
  • 70. Ecological Role of Biodiversity  All species provide at least one function in an ecosystem. Each function is an integral part of regulating the species balance, species diversity and species health: all aspects which are intrinsic for the ecosystem as a whole to survive and prosper
  • 71. Economic Role of Biodiversity Food: Crop Biodiversity or agro biodiversity. Goods: Various things like timber, paper, medicines. Recreation: Wildlife tourism, trekking nature photography, bird watching.
  • 72. Scientific Role of Biodiversity  Genetic resources: Biotechnology and genetic engineering use the genes of organisms to make new crops and medicines.  Each species can give scientist some clue as to how life evolved and will continue to evolve.
  • 74. Ecosystem diversity  Ecosystem diversity refers to the diversity of a place at the level of ecosystems. The term differs from biodiversity, which refers to variation in species rather than ecosystems. Includes diversity above the species level. Biologists have viewed diversity above the species level in various ways.  Some alternative ways to categorize it include:  Community diversity  Habitat diversity  Landscape diversity
  • 75. Genetic diversity • Genetic diversity, the level of biodiversity refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. Includes the differences in DNA composition among individuals within a given species.  Adaptation to particular environmental conditions may weed out genetic variants that are not successful.  But populations benefit from some genetic diversity, so as to avoid inbreeding or disease epidemics.
  • 76. Species diversity  species = a particular type of organism; a population or group of populations whose members share certain characteristics and can freely breed with one another and produce fertile offspring  Species diversity = the number or variety of species in a particular region  Species richness = number of species  Evenness, or relative abundance = extent to which numbers of different species are equal or skewed  Species diversity is the effective number of different species that are represented in a collection of individuals
  • 77. BENEFITS OF BIODIVERSITY Ecological services:  Balance of nature  Biological productivity  Regulation of climate  Degradation of waste  Cleaning of air and water  Cycling of nutrients  Control of potential pest and disease causing species  Detoxification of soil and sediments  Stabilization of land against erosion  Carbon sequestration and global climate change  Maintenance of Soil fertility Consumptive value: Food/Drink Fuel Medicine Better crop varieties Industrial Material Non-Consumptive Value: Recreation Education and Research Traditional value
  • 78. Values of biodiversity 1. Consumptive use value 2. Productive use value 3. Social value 4. Ethical / Existence value 5. Aesthetic value 6. Option value 7. Ecosystem service value
  • 79. Consumptive use value  Products that can be harvested and used directly such as food, medicine, fuel, drugs, pulp, wood, fiber etc  80000 plant species are consumed by humans as food.  75% of worlds population depend on plant extracts for medicines.  Coal, petrol and natural gas are also products of fossilized biodiversity.
  • 80. Productive use value  These are the commercially usable values where the product is marketed and sold such as tusks of elephants, musk from musk deer, silk from silk worm, lac from lac insects etc  E.g.: 3ml musk deer perfume costs 7$
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  • 82. Social value  Values associated with the social life, customs, religion and psycho spiritual aspects of the people.  Holy basil (Tulasi), peepal, ,mango, lotus, bael etc and cow, snake, bull, peacock, owl etc are the plants and animals respectively that are used in worship.
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  • 85. Ethical / Existence value  Involves ethical issues like “all lives must be preserved”  Based on the concept “live and let live”
  • 86. Aesthetic value  Great aesthetic value is attached to biodiversity as it gives us pleasure, peace of mind, excitement and a feeling of appreciation.  Eco – tourism.  E.g. : A male lion living up to 7yrs age can generate $ 51500 due to its aesthetic value paid by tourists if killed its skin makes a market price of just $1000  Kenyan elephant can earn $1 million as tourist revenue in its lifetime.
  • 87. Option value  They include the potentials of biodiversity that are presently unknown and need to be explored.  It’s the value of knowing that there are biological resources existing on this biosphere that may one day prove to be an effective option for something important in future.
  • 88. Ecosystem service value  Refers to the service provided by ecosystems such as prevention of soil erosion and floods, maintenance of soil fertility, cycling of nutrients and water, pollutant absorption etc
  • 89. Biodiversity at local / regional level  Species richness is classified into 4 types: 1. Point richness : refers to the no of species that can be found at a single point in a given space 2. Alpha richness: refers to the no of species found in a small homogenous area. closely correlated with physical environmental variables. 3. Beta richness : refers to the rate of change in species composition across different habitats. It means cumulative no of species increases as more heterogeneous habitats are taken into consideration. 4. Gamma richness : refers to the rate of change across large landscape gradients.
  • 90. Biodiversity at national level  India is known for its rich heritage of biodiversity.  India is one of the 12 mega-diverse countries in the world.  India’s ten bio geographic zones possess an exemplary diversity of ecological habitats like alpine forests, grasslands, wetlands, coastal and marine ecosystems, and desert ecosystems.  India has four out of thirty-four global biodiversity hotspots, which is an indicator of high degree of endemism (of species) in India.  India has 47000 plant species, 81000 animal species  7500km of coastal line  64 million hectares of forest cover  10th place in plant rich countries of the world  11th in terms of no of endemic species of higher vertebrates  6th among the centers of diversity and origin of agricultural crops  Out of 34 hotspots in the world, India has three.
  • 91. Biodiversity at global level  Global biodiversity is the measure of biodiversity on planet Earth and is defined as the total variability of life forms. More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described  Roughly 1.5 million species are known till date which may be jus 15% of the actual number.  50% - 80% of global biodiversity lies in rainforests.
  • 92. BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOTS  A region with high biodiversity is the region with most of species being Endemic.  it is a bio geographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans.  India have two Biodiversity Hotspots- East Himalayan Region and Western Ghats.
  • 93. THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY Natural causes:  Narrow geographical area  Low population  Low breeding rate  Natural disasters  Physical alteration of habitats  The population connection  Pollution  Exotic species  Overuse Anthropogenic causes:  Habitat modification/Loss of habitat  Overexploitation of selected species  Innovation by exotic species.  Pollution  Hunting / Poaching  Global warming and climate change  Agriculture  Domino effect
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  • 96. Habitat loss  Habitat loss can be described when an animal loses their home. Every animal in the animal kingdom has a niche, a their in their animal community and without their habitat they no longer have a niche.  Reasons of habitat loss by humans:  ~ agriculture, farming  ~ harvesting natural resources for personal use  ~ for industrial and urbanization development  Habitat destruction is currently ranked as the primary causes of species extinction world wide…!!!
  • 97. Poaching  Poaching is the hunting and harvesting taking of wild plants or animals, such as through hunting, harvesting, fishing, or trapping.  Poaching is done for large profits gained by the illegal sale or trade of animal parts, meat and pelts.  Poaching or illegal hunting causes animals endangered of being extinct. If more animals becomes extinct there's a disruption in the food chain, and that will cause major problems in our ecosystem, resulting eventually in new adaptations of animals, and or species beyond human control.  Poaching results in animals being hunted too soon for them to have time to reproduce and repopulate.
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  • 99. PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF HABITATS  Habitat destruction has already been responsible for 36% of the known extinctions and is the key factor in the currently observed population declines. Natural species are adapted to specific habitats, so if the habitat changes or is eliminated, the species go with it.
  • 100.  One of the greatest sources of loss is the physical alteration of habitats through the process of: (1) Conversion : It is when natural areas are converted to farms, housing subdivisions, shopping malls, marinas, and industrial centres. (2) Fragmentation : The division of a landscape into patches of habitat by road construction, agricultural lands, or residential areas. (3) Simplification : Human use of habitats often simplifies them. Removing fallen logs and dead trees from woodlands for firewood. PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF HABITATS
  • 101.  Past losses of biodiversity can be attributed to the expansion of the human population over the globe. Continuing human population growth will be further alter natural ecosystems, resulting in the inevitable loss of more wild species and additional declines in populations.  One key to holding down the loss in biodiversity lies in bringing human population growth down. If the human population increases to 10 billion, as some demographers believe that it will, the consequences for the natural world will be frightening. THE POPULATION CONNECTION
  • 102.  Another major factor that decreases biodiversity is pollution, which can directly kill many kinds of plants and animals, seriously reducing their population.  Climate Change- pollution destroys or alters habitats, with consequences just as severe as those caused by deliberate conversions.  Most of the global pollution problems can be traced to the industrialized world POLLUTION
  • 103.  An exotic species is a species introduced into an area from somewhere else, often a different continent.  The transplantation of species by humans has occurred throughout history, to the point where most people are unable to distinguish between the native and exotic species living in their lands. EXOTIC SPECIES
  • 104.  Overuse is another major assault against wild species, responsible for 23% of recent extinctions.  Overuse is driven by a combination of greed, ignorance, and desperation.  Trade in exotics- another prominent form of overuse is the trafficking in wildlife and in products derived from wild species.  Greed- the long-term prospect of extinction does not curtail the activities of exploiters, because, to them, the prospect of a huge immediate profit outweighs it.  eBay String- The FWS is the agency with jurisdiction over the illegal trade in wildlife in the United States. OVERUSE
  • 105. Biodiversity loss and species extinction  Extinction = last member of a species dies and the species vanishes forever from Earth  Extirpation = disappearance of a particular population, but not the entire species globally  These are natural processes.  On average one species goes extinct naturally every 500– 1,000 years—this is the background rate of extinction.  99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct.
  • 106. Impacts of loss of biodiversity  Increased vulnerability of species extinction  Ecological imbalance  Reduced sources of food, structural materials, medicinal and genetic resources  Cost increase to the society
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  • 108. Links between biodiversity, climate change and human well being
  • 109. Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Conservation In situ Sacred groves and lakes Biosphere Reserves Terrestrial Marine National parks, wildlife sanctuaries Ex situ Sacred plant home garden Seed Bank, Gene bank, Cryopreservation Botanical garden, Zoological garden, Aquaria
  • 110. Biodiversity Conservation In situ conservation Ex situ conservation  Within habitat  Achieved by protection of flora and fauna in nature itself.  E.g.: National parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserves etc  Outside habitat  Done by establishment of gene banks, seed banks, zoos , botanical gardens, culture collections etc
  • 111. CONCLUSION  Biodiversity is our life. If the Biodiversity got lost at this rate then in near future, the survival of human being will be threatened. So, it is our moral duty to conserve Biodiversity as well our Environment. Long-term maintenance of species and their management requires co-operative efforts across entire landscapes. Biodiversity should be dealt with at scale of habitats or ecosystems rather than at species level.