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All Hazards: Digital
Technology & Services
for Disaster Management
Victoria’s Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 are a recent example of natural disasters causing loss of life and property in
          high-risk areas.

          Natural disasters have increased in severity and frequency in recent
          years. In 2010 alone, 385 natural disasters killed over 297,000 people
          worldwide, impacted 217 million human lives and cost the global
          economy US$123.9 billion.1

          Similarly, Australia is encountering an increasing                Priority information
          number of natural disasters including floods,
                                                                            To save lives and make our communities safer,
          bushfires and cyclones. Other natural and human
                                                                            stronger, more resilient, we need to sustain and
          induced hazards are increasing in frequency
                                                                            strengthen our disaster management efforts and
          and severity including storm surges, droughts,
                                                                            better prepare for emergency situations. Therefore,
          heatwaves, and earthquakes. They cost more than
                                                                            it is critical that emergency managers have better,
          $1.4 billion damage each year to homes, business,
                                                                            more effective information to use. Clear knowledge
          and the nation’s infrastructure, along with serious
                                                                            of specific hazards and emerging disasters related
          disruption to communities.
                                                                            to climate change, as well as methods, tools,
          Because we live on coastlines and in the bush, and                standards and systems that will deliver the greatest
          we’ve built our houses and necessary infrastructure               impact are needed.
          in these high-risk regions, such damaging natural
                                                                            Understanding the overarching social, economic
          disasters put many people’s lives and properties
                                                                            and environmental costs, and, for industry; the
          at stake. Victoria’s 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires
                                                                            return on investment, risk-based resource allocation
          and Queensland’s 2011 Brisbane Floods are recent
                                                                            and performance management outcomes of disaster
          devastating examples.
                                                                            management is necessary - as well as knowing how
          In addition to the recognised effects of climate                  to effectively harness community and volunteer
          change in Australia, such as increasing frequency                 networks to counteract and overcome disasters.
          and severity of storms, intense rainfall, extended
          drought and heatwaves, our expanding population
          is residing in areas progressively more prone to
          natural disasters and unpredictable weather events.

2	   Disaster Management
Consequently, emergency and disaster management         Our mission is to deliver great science and
in Australia is undergoing reform. The Council          innovative solutions for industry, society and the
of Australian Governments’ National Strategy for        environment. Therefore, our scientific approach
Disaster Resilience aims to enhance Australia’s         to understanding risk and disaster events can be
community and organisational capacity to better         used to improve many aspects of your disaster and
withstand and recover from emergencies.2 Disaster       emergency management process.
resilience will strengthen when government,
business, communities and individuals collectively
adopt risk-based planning and mitigation strategies.    We use our science to make a
In short, how we prevent, prepare, respond to, and      profound and positive impact
recover from disasters that impact our social, built,
economic and natural environments is important.         for the future of Australia
                                                        and humanity.
Real answers to big questions
CSIRO, Australia’s national scientific agency, is
well positioned to support governments, planning        Taking an all hazards approach to disaster
groups, rescue and recovery agencies, municipal         management, CSIRO is also working on a Disaster
councils, insurance companies, organisations,           Management Decision Support Platform to bring
communities and individuals to better cope with         all hazard capabilities together. The Platform will
the disaster events continuum; from Prevention,         support the capabilities that CSIRO is currently
Preparation, Response and Recovery (PPRR) to all        focusing on, but will not limit the integration of
hazards and all agencies involved.                      other capabilities that we may consider either
                                                        working on or collaborating for in the future.
We favour a multi-disciplined approach to deliver       The Platform is an effort to bring a common
powerful solutions and tackle Australia’s major         IT framework to assist decision makes in the
challenges. Our team includes specialists in 3D         disaster management.
simulation modelling and visualisation, geospatial
sciences, environmental, physical, economic and
                                                        This report will highlight our current key areas of
social sciences, social media monitoring and big
                                                        research and development that, although broad
data mining and analytics.
                                                        in their potential, can be harnessed to improve
We’re working to save lives and preserve critical       the process and service delivery of disaster
infrastructure by finding powerful ways to, for         management in Australia and, importantly, provide
example:                                                high-impact solutions to strengthen our national
                                                        disaster resilience in the future.
◆◆understand flood behaviour in 3D and how to
  avoid or minimise damage

◆◆predict fire behaviour and mitigate the impact
  of bushfire

◆◆rapidly access information from geographic
  locations in real-time

◆◆predict disaster incidence probabilities
◆◆assess infrastructure damage and inform future
  infrastructure designs

◆◆collate and correlate social media information for
  better decision-making

◆◆forecast the likelihood of an event, where it will
  occur and the associated cost.

                                                        Droughts and flooding rains: Australia is a land of extremes.
                                                        CSIRO research aims to make our communities safer, stronger
                                                        and more resilient.

CSIRO flood simulation and infrastructure impacts assessment showing hypothetical flooding in a town below China’s
          Geheyan Dam if the dam were to break. The colour of the water indicates flow speed (red is fast, blue is slow).

          Understanding floods & extreme
          flow events
          Catastrophic events like floods, dam breaks, tsunamis, storm surges,
          coastal inundation, volcanic eruptions and mudslides involve the
          large‑scale movement of fluids and solids. These extreme flow events
          are difficult to study because solids and fluids move in large volumes
          over large areas, involve many physical processes and occur over an
          expanse of time and space.
          Accurate knowledge of fluid flows during natural              terrain, fill spaces, flow downwards with gravity and
          and man-made disasters will help disaster planners            interact with and respond to objects around them. This
          predict serious economic, environmental and                   powerful modelling technique, called Smoothed Particle
          humanitarian consequences. To assist at-risk                  Hydrodynamics, delivers realistic water simulations
          populations, CSIRO mathematicians have developed              including difficult-to-model behaviours such as wave
          new computational modelling techniques to                     motion, flow of solids wave fragmentation and splashing.
          better understand and prepare for flood disasters.
                                                                        Compared to traditional ‘bucket-fill’ techniques, our fluid
          Importantly, emergency services will be able to use
                                                                        modelling techniques provide a greater understanding
          this information to make effective decisions based
                                                                        of fluid flow impacts at the local level. Broad national
          on accurate data from real-life disaster scenarios.
                                                                        and regional assessments are important for identifying
                                                                        coastlines vulnerable to natural disasters, sea-level rises
          3D flood modelling & visualisation                            and erosion. However, such assessments do not provide
          A well-defined understanding of fluid behaviour               adequate practical information for disaster managers to
          using computational fluid dynamics, coupled with              know what local factors may affect specific sites during
          landscape features via digital terrain imaging, offers        an emergency 3.
          emergency managers and planners clear knowledge
          to address risks from dam breaks, storm surges,               Armed with a detailed understanding of the
          heavy rainfall floods, tsunamis and other extreme             site‑specific effects of fluid flows, floods and erosion
          flow events.                                                  on the local environment, your adaptation planning
                                                                        will be improved by knowing: the current coastal
          High resolution 3D flood modelling and visualisation          risks and vulnerabilities; the worst coastal hazard
          is achieved using powerful computers that                     or combination of hazards; and which effective
          rapidly process sophisticated CSIRO-developed                 actions will best manage your most vulnerable areas.
          algorithms. Water is represented as a flow of tiny            This technology gives you solid evidence to make
          round particles that can move around objects and              important decisions and be better prepared.

4	   Disaster Management
                                                                       ◆◆how a storm surge will behave as it floods
                                                                          regions of economic importance
                                                                       ◆◆what would happen if a tsunami hit
                                                                          a coastline
IN REAL LIFE:                                                          ◆◆the likely nature of an extreme flow disaster
Dam damage                                                                and its probable impact
                                                                       ◆◆what infrastructure is at risk and when this is
A real-life situation, for which CSIRO has performed                      likely to occur
predictive 3D fluid modelling and visualisation,
                                                                       ◆◆how to execute better flood evacuation plans
is the collapse of China’s Geheyan Dam. This dam
wall holds back 3.4 billion cubic metres of water                      ◆◆where to place civil engineered structures to
and is built on the Qingjiang River in China. With                        mitigate flood damage
population centres downstream of this structure,                       ◆◆outcomes in terms of timing, area affected
a dam break would be catastrophic.                                        and loss of critical infrastructure and
                                                                          evacuation routes
In collaboration with the Satellite Surveying and
Mapping Application Centre (SASMAC), part of                           ◆◆how to plan your flood and storm rescue
the Chinese National Administration of Surveying,                         process and improve your recovery efforts
Mapping and Geo-informatics (NASG) and funded
by the ACEDP program of AusAID with support from
the Ministry of Finance and Commerce (MOFCOM),
we simulated six dam wall failure scenarios for the
Geheyan Dam4. We investigated how the released
water would impact 50 buildings, including a
preschool, a primary school, a fuel station, a                 locations downstream of the collapsed wall.
mobile phone tower, a bank and a post office,                  Overlaying geographically linked information,
located within 10 kilometres of the dam wall.                  such as populations, villages and housing,
                                                               roads and transport infrastructure, factories
How the dam collapses dictates the area of
                                                               (economic infrastructure) provides an insight into
inundation and was found to be dramatically
                                                               infrastructure vulnerability and can give a clear
different for each predicted failure scenario,
                                                               picture of the damage that would occur.
including analysing the dam wall debris carried
along by the water for each scenario. We                       In Australia, we’ve also modelled what will happen
modelled the water discharge rates and were                    if a similar failure scenario occurred for WA’s
able to calculate inundation levels at six different           Mundaring Dam, upstream of the city of Perth.

CSIRO 3D flood simulation and infrastructure impacts assessment. A still from a computer simulation showing a dam wall
breaking apart.

As Australia’s climate changes and our population grows to reside in peri-urban bushland, we face increasing incidence of
          bushfire threat to human lives, property and infrastructure.

          Understanding your bushfire exposure
          Bushfire is one of the world’s most dangerous natural phenomena and,
          sadly, has been responsible for killing over 300 Australians in the past
          50 years. On average, bushfires in Australia cause over $70 million in
          damage annually. In addition up to $1.0 billion is spent each year on
          managing bushfires, not including the time and effort expended by our
          300,000 volunteer firefighters engaged across the country.

          As Australia’s climate changes and our population               influence fire occurrence, spread, mitigation and
          grows to reside in peri-urban bushland, we face                 suppression. This will help rural fire authorities and
          increasing incidence of bushfire threat to human                land management agencies reduce and prevent the
          lives, property and infrastructure.                             devastating and costly impact of bushfires on the
                                                                          community and the environment.
          The extreme weather and bushfire conditions of
          2009’s Black Saturday bushfires resulted in the
          loss of 173 lives, injured 414 people and destroyed             Bushfire behaviour modelling
          over 2000 houses and 3500 structures. This                      Bushfires result from complex interactions between
          disaster impelled authorities to find ways to better            the vegetation (fuel), the weather, the landscape
          understand the complex, interconnected factors                  (topography), combustion chemistry and heat
          that cause bushfires to provide a safer environment             transfer physics. Making sense of the variables
          for people to live.                                             that influence fire behaviour and their interactions
                                                                          is a highly skilled task. The more we learn about
          Current bushfire prediction tools use information
                                                                          fire, the more information we have to make better
          from fires in modest weather conditions and are
                                                                          decisions about fire management, prevention
          then extrapolated to extreme conditions by ad
                                                                          and suppression.
          hoc observations of wildfire events. Unfortunately,
          this empirical approach fails to completely capture             Our Bushfire Dynamics and Applications scientists
          the range of behaviours expected from fires                     are advancing fire spread prediction and bushfire
          burning under more severe conditions. We need                   suppression systems using sophisticated data
          to understand how a high-intensity bushfire will                analysis techniques and computer modelling. In
          behave in extreme weather.                                      conjunction with state land management, rural
                                                                          fire agencies and other research agencies such as
          Through powerful digital science and technology
                                                                          the Bureau of Meteorology, our scientists apply
          advances, we gain a greater knowledge of bushfire
                                                                          knowledge of bushfire dynamics to real events and
          behaviour and understanding of the conditions that
                                                                          assist in predicting risk scenarios.

6	   Disaster Management
To unlock the mysteries of bushfire behaviour, our
             team performs laboratory and field experiments,
                                                                     IN REAL LIFE:
             physical investigations and statistical analyses. Our   Knowledge from the
             experimental equipment includes large vertical
             and horizontal wind tunnels, plus sensors and           Kilmore East fire
             measurement devices. Our predictive fire behaviour
                                                                     Black Saturday’s most significant bushfire was the
             models - including those relating to initial
                                                                     Kilmore East fire. The fire claimed 119 lives and
             attack, aerial suppression, fuel moisture and fire
                                                                     burnt through 100,140 hectares in the first 12 hours5.
             spread - draw on extensive results from scientific
             experiments investigating various vegetation types      This kind of fire intensity is not unprecedented in
             and weather conditions.                                 south-eastern Australia. The recurrence of large
                                                                     one-day fires is a relatively frequent event in the
             We’re well-positioned to provide valuable
                                                                     region which is why it is critical to get a better
             information about bushfire dynamics and
                                                                     understanding of large-scale fire phenomena.
             emergency response operations, to develop
             improved fire danger rating systems, to provide         Investigating weather conditions, fuels and
             better public warnings and preparedness, to advise      propagation, a CSIRO collaborative report on the
             on firefighter safety and training, to simulate         Kilmore East fire provides valuable insights into
             fire behaviour and design effective decision            the physical processes involved in high intensity
             support systems, to optimise fire suppression           fire behaviour in eucalypt forests 4. In particular,
             resources and logistics for maximum efficiency          the combination of dry fuel and gale force winds
             and to develop prescribed burning guides for            caused the ignition of spotfires up to 33 km
             different environments.                                 ahead of the main fire front, and a change in
                                                                     wind direction turned a 55 km wide flank into an
             In addition, our strength in mathematical
                                                                     uncontrollable headfire.
             modelling and examining how a bushfire event
             unfolds over time, across a given landscape, under      This case study highlights a critical need to
             varying weather conditions and through changing         improve our quantitative knowledge of large‑scale
             vegetation, allows us to model bushfire scenarios       bushfires and for current bushfire behaviour
             based on fuel moisture, fire behaviour and spotfire     models to be redesigned to account for spotting
             probability, which are all important aspects that       dynamics and fire-atmosphere interactions. In
             inform land management agencies and rural fire          addition, this study provides real-world data
             authorities how to safely prepare for and respond       for future simulation studies on the impact of
             to bushfires and enhance public safety.                 landscape fuel management on fire propagation in
                                                                     extreme conditions.
                                                                     Current fire behaviour tools fail to incorporate
                                                                     the latest knowledge in fire science, limiting
                                                                     forecast quality and impairing critical decision
                                                                     making regarding community protection and safe
UNDERSTAND…                                                          and effective fire-fighting. Therefore, CSIRO is
◆◆the true environmental impacts of fire on the                      proposing a National Fire Behaviour Knowledge
  landscape, biodiversity, air quality, carbon and water             Base that will integrate up-to-date fire behaviour,
                                                                     fire weather, fuel dynamics, and suppression
◆◆how to classify vegetation and bush/rural-urban                    capability knowledge and science to help fire
  interface zones for hazard and risk assessments                    managers better predict bushfire behaviour and
◆◆the most effective deployment of resources in real‑time            better plan prescribed burns.
  for early suppression and evacuation warnings                      This state-of-the-art decision tool could provide
◆◆where a bushfire may occur in the future: predictive               information:
  bushfire modelling                                                 ◆◆to improve our understanding of the propagation
◆◆the optimum location and design of infrastructure in                 and energy release of fires
  bushfire-prone regions                                             ◆◆for more effective and safer fire fighting
◆◆how to manage a bushfire with efficient use of                     ◆◆for enhanced protection of rural and bushland
  available resources                                                  urban communities, and
                                                                     ◆◆to reduce the detrimental effects of fire on our
◆◆how to find alternative routes for fire trucks after an              natural resources.
  access route is blocked (i.e. bridge collapse)
                                                                     Such decision support tools for predicting
◆◆the effectiveness of fire mitigation and fire suppression          real‑time fire danger and behaviour could provide
  actions (i.e. where and when to perform safe fuel
                                                                     better fuel mitigation planning, public warnings
  reduction burns)
                                                                     and preparedness to reduce the likelihood of
◆◆which critical infrastructure is located in high-risk              catastrophic bushfires.
  bushfire zones and how can we better protect it

Australia’s support for Indonesia’s rural growth aims to grow the economy, create employment and alleviate poverty.
          Credit: Josh Estey/AusAID

          Accessing integrated information
          Rapid access and sharing of accurate, integrated information is critical
          for governments, rescue agencies and communities to make life-saving
          decisions and effectively co-ordinate disaster responses.

          To reference and integrate important information               A common gazetteer framework for
          for shared situational awareness, governments,
                                                                         effective disaster response
          agencies and communities use gazetteers – lists of
          place names linked with their geographic locations.            Because gazetteers hold valuable information
                                                                         for disaster management agencies, an online
          When different purpose-specific gazetteers are                 system to make this rich geospatial information
          accessed by emergency and community services,                  source completely accessible, interoperable and
          confusion about the name of the location under                 time‑efficient is essential for evidence-based
          impact may arise and the efficiency of the disaster            decision making.
          response may be compromised. For example, if a
          specific location on the map is known by more than             To enhance the interoperability of gazetteers,
          one name, coordinating an emergency response                   CSIRO informatics experts are developing a global
          to a disaster affecting the location becomes                   information system to link and correlate multiple
          more challenging.                                              sources of information using a gazetteer framework
                                                                         to better manage and share spatial information.
          Conversely, information linked to a specific                   Timely information held in different agency systems
          geographic location can be successfully                        and referenced using gazetteers will be more easily
          interrelated to additional information, as long as             accessible through an integration mechanism. This
          the geographic location is the same. In theory this            will support disaster risk reduction and response by
          means one gazetteer’s contents should be able                  enabling rapid access, query and dissemination and
          to crosslink via geographic location to another                use of information for improved decision-making
          gazetteer’s contents.                                          impacting potentially millions of people.
          However, in reality, dealing with the disparity                CSIRO’s gazetteer project provides the foundations
          between multiple, often overlapping and often                  for development of event or problem specific
          inconsistent agency-specific gazetteer systems                 applications for responding to environmental
          makes linking them a slow and expensive process.               disasters, economic crises and emergencies. The
          Interoperability challenges arise at every stage               common gazetteer framework will also enable the
          of information discovery, access, interpretation,              integration of volunteered geographic information
          transformation and integration.                                with formal government information sources.

8	   Disaster Management
                                                                                                                                                             a bus station
                                                                                                                                    One real world feature:
                                                                                                                                                      One real world feature:
                                                                                                                                         a bus station  
                                                                                                                                         a bus station     a bus station  
                                                                                                                                                           a bus station

                 National Gazetteer of Indonesia
                                    National Gazetteer
                                                        Department of DEPARTMENT OF Transport
                                                                          Department of TRANSPORT
              NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF INDONESIA of Indonesia of Bus Terminals of Bus DATASET
                                                                         BUS TERMINUS Terminals
                                                                         Gazetteer                                                                           Represented in
                                                                                                                            Represented in multiple systems  systems
                                                                                                                                              Represented in multiple systems 
                                                                                                                                                                                     IN REAL LIFE:
                                                                                                                                                                                     Gazetteers for social
                                                                                                                          using different names, and classified 
                                                                                                                                            using different names, and classified 
                                                                                                                                                         using different
                                                                                                                           and represented in different ways classified
                                                                                                                                             and represented in different ways
                                                                                                                                                      names, and
                                                                                                                                                           and represented in
                                                                                                                                                             different ways

               e a , Bis
                             Feature Type
                              Feature Type Footprint
            StasiunStas u Bis Transport            Points Transport            Point
             Merak, Stasiun s a Merak, Stasiun Bis a spo t
                                  spo a , Stas uo t
                                    e t                                        Merak
                                                                                o t
                                                                                           Identifier             Feature Type
                                                                                             MerakIdentifier Terminal
                                                          Feature Type Footprint Feature Type    Footprint
                                                                                                                     Feature Type    Footprint
                                                                                          Terminal           Polygon Terminal           Polygon
                                                                                                       Merakyg                             yg
Merak, Stasiun Bis
           MERAK,Merak, Stasiun Bis                             Merak                    Merak
                                                                                                                                Currently systems are 
                                                                                                                                                   Currently systems are 
                                                                                                                         disconnected and difficult to integrate
                                                                                                                                          disconnected and difficult to integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                     In Indonesia, 240 million people live with natural
                                                                                                                                                                                     disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and
Gazetir Indeonesia                                              Terminus Dataset         Terminus Dataset
            STASIUM BIS Indeonesia
                   Gazetir                                                                  Terminus
             Gazetir                                                                         Dataset
                                                                                                                                                          Currently systems are
                                                                                                                                                           disconnected and
                                                                                                                                                                                     volcanic eruptions, as well as global and local
                                                                                                                                                          difficult to integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                     economic difficulties. These complex situations,
                                                       Merak, Stasiun Bis
                                                       (Gazetteer Entry) 
                                                                                 Merak, Stasiun Bis
                                                                                 (Gazetteer Entry) 
                                                                                         (Gazetteer Entry)
                                                                                                                             GAZETTER FRAMEWORK
                                                                                                                      (Gazetteer Entry)
                                                                                                                                          GAZETTER FRAMEWORK
                                                                                                                                                                                     coupled with poverty, burden Indonesia’s
                                                                                                                        Links gazetteers (based on same 
                                                                                                                                              Links gazetteers (based on same 
                                 Gazetir Indonesia         Gazetir Indonesia
                                                                                          Terminus Dataset
                                                                                                                         feature in different gazetteers)
                                                                                                                   Terminus Dataset
                                                                                                                                               feature in different gazetteers)      government and aid resources.
                                 (Gazetteer)                  Same as 
                                                           (Gazetteer)                 Same as                        used in web applications and other 
                                                                                                                                             used in web applications and other 
                                                     Used in                   Used in
                                                                                     Used in                   Used in            online resources. online resources.

                                                     MERAK, Navigation application
                                        Navigation application   Online Public              Passenger Travel Stats 
                                                                                            Online Public                                     MERAK
                                                                                                                         Passenger Travel Stats 
                                                                                                                                                                                     Disaster and social assistance programs in
                                                 STASIUM BISTransport Map
                                                                                                                                                                                     Indonesia collect and store valuable information.
                                        Linked Resource        Linked Resource              Application 
                                                                                            Transport Map                Application  (Gazetteer Entry)
                                                                 Linked Resource            Linked Resource
                                                                                            Linked Resource              Linked Resource

                                                                                                                                                                                     Yet, due to a range of integration challenges,
                                                                               Same as                                                TERMINUS
                                                                                                                                                            Links gazetteers
                                                                                                                                                                                     this information is difficult to access and use
               (Gazetteer)                                                                                                            (Gazetteer)
                                                                                                                                                           that reference the
                                                                                                                                                            same real world          effectively in responding to the needs of
                                           Used in                                                                    Used in                                  Links web
                                                                                                                                                            applications and
                                                                                                                                                                                     vulnerable people.
                                                                                                                                                              other online

                             NAVIGATION                                                    PUBLIC                                       PASSENGER
                                                                                                                                                                                     CSIRO, in collaboration with the Indonesian
                            Linked Resource
                                                                                      TRANSPORT MAP
                                                                                       Linked resource
                                                                                                                                      TRAVEL STATS
                                                                                                                                      Linked resource
                                                                                                                                                                                     Government and the UN, is contributing to social
                                                                                                                                                                                     protection work being supported by AusAID
                                                                                                                                                                                     in Indonesia by developing a pilot gazetteer
        Gazetteers are directories of lists of place names with geographic                                                                                                           framework. Its aim is to improve access to
        locations. CSIRO is working on a pilot project with collaborators like
        the UN and AusAID to integrate gazetteers in Indonesia.
                                                                                                                                                                                     gazetteers and information about places that
                                                                                                                                                                                     enable monitoring of vulnerable populations,
                                                                                                                                                                                     the rapid analysis and response to shocks that
                                                                                                                                                                                     impact them.
                                       More generally, the technology platform will
                                       also benefit Australian research initiatives using                                                                                            The prevalent use of mobile phones and on-line
                                       information that is currently difficult and time                                                                                              tools in Indonesia provides a stream of up-to-date
                                       consuming to correlate. This will be analysed in a                                                                                            informal information that could be tapped into
                                       routine fashion creating new opportunities in fields                                                                                          and linked to locations using gazetteers. Based on
                                       of sustainability, hydrology and health risk.                                                                                                 the use of well-managed gazetteers, this informal
                                                                                                                                                                                     ‘crowd-sourced’ information can be rapidly
                                       The goal of this research is to radically improve
                                                                                                                                                                                     referenced, organised and integrated with formal
                                       interoperability and availability of information in
                                                                                                                                                                                     information providing an up-to-date picture of
                                       disparate systems, through developing a framework
                                                                                                                                                                                     what is happening on the ground.
                                       to manage and access integrate unambiguous
                                       references to places contained within gazetteers.                                                                                             This will greatly assist agencies involved in social
                                                                                                                                                                                     protection by enable better policy decisions and
                                       In essence, a the gazetteer framework will enable
                                                                                                                                                                                     will help aid agencies better identify populations
                                       the rapid integration of information before and
                                                                                                                                                                                     experiencing financial and other stresses and
                                       during an emergency response, to improve our
                                                                                                                                                                                     deliver assistance in a timely manner.
                                       understanding of what is happening where and
                                       help government agencies deliver critical services
                                       where they are needed most.

                                                        ◆◆valuable information by interpreting and integrating gazetteer information from informal
                                                               and formal sources

                                                        ◆◆the disaster area quickly and respond efficiently
                                                        ◆◆which populations are located in high-risk regions
                                                        ◆◆when a community in a specific location is under financial stress
                                                        ◆◆how much rain is falling on a flood-vulnerable community
                                                        ◆◆disaster-affected populations using up-to-date information
                                                        ◆◆which natural phenomenon has occurred and what’s happening in real time

CSIRO is helping business and infrastructure owners and insurers better determine the risk of a disaster event occurring and
           estimate the maximum foreseeable loss (MFL).

           Estimating disaster odds and dollars
           Knowing if, when and where a natural or man-made disaster event
           may occur is essential for emergency planning and prevention, and for
           ensuring your disaster response and recovery processes are adequate.
           For example, in order to quantify bushfire risks, the major steps in fire
           ignition, spread and impact need to be understood and modelled.

           Furthermore, it is a complicated task for                        Estimating your maximum
           companies with infrastructure and investments
                                                                            foreseeable loss
           in disaster‑prone areas to determine the risk
           of a disaster event occurring and to estimate                    Despite their complexity, if historical information is
           the maximum foreseeable loss (MFL) they may                      available, events such as fires, floods, heatwaves and
           experience as a result of the disaster. Likewise,                storm tides can be simulated. The resulting losses to
           setting premiums for insuring infrastructure                     infrastructure and natural resources can be estimated
           and property in disaster-prone regions is also a                 using data on land use, topography, vegetation,
           complex task.                                                    weather and the value of structures, crops and
                                                                            forests. Experimental and statistical research can also
           Flood and fire events are part of the Australian                 tell us about fluid flow or fire ignition/burn rates and
           environment. For these disasters, we investigate:                the probability that the flood or fire will escalate and
           the complexity of the environment over time and                  cause further loss.
           space; extensive amounts of data, information and
           knowledge of differing form and quality necessary                Understanding the MFL for your service business, or
           for risk determination; mitigation and control                   undertaking risk analysis, management or mitigation
           processes; and the multiple, often conflicting                   in relation to a disaster, requires an in-depth
           decision needs or requirements of your company                   understanding of the unfolding disaster phases.
           or organisation.

10	   Disaster Management
We employ four broad quantitative approaches to
determine your disaster risk:
                                                        IN REAL LIFE:
1.	 we study major historical events,                   Powerful estimates
2.	 we undertake a statistical analysis of past,        CSIRO conducted a study for the West Australian
    related insurance claims,                           electricity distribution company, Western Power,
                                                        to estimate the potential total claimable damage
3.	 we simulate several worst-case disaster             (MFL) for fires that might be started by the electrical
    scenarios (Extreme Value Analysis) in one           distribution system in the Perth Hills. This work
    or more study areas, to approximate the             incorporated two approaches. In the first approach
    ‘1 in N year’ conditions and impacts, and           we applied Extreme Value Analysis to estimate
4.	 we perform a full regional probabilistic analysis   1-in-50 and 1-in-100 year claims based on historical
    of the disaster phases.                             claims data. In the second approach we studied the
                                                        prevailing weather conditions at periods of high fire
Our multi-disciplinary research team will address,      danger and then used this information to simulate
in a comprehensive way, the question of MFL             bushfires spreading from selected points on the
estimation as well as more general challenges           distribution network. Both approaches provided
around your disaster risk analysis, management          Western Power with insight into their MFL for the
and mitigation.                                         region of interest.
                                                        In a second fire risk project, Western Power
                                                        contracted CSIRO to determine the likelihood and
                                                        MFL for fires that may ignite from their electrical
                                                        distribution infrastructure in the economically
                                                        important wine-making region of Margaret River.
                                                        To estimate the MFL from fire for this region,
                                                        we identified several challenges that may arise.
                                                        Firstly, the negative impact of ‘smoke taint’ on
                                                        grapes over a wide area, with regard to wind speed
                                                        and direction, smoke altitude and smoke dispersion
                                                        was investigated. Secondly, we predicted the
                                                        nature of fire spread through vineyards, including
ESTIMATE…                                               the effect of trellis pole material, row orientation
                                                        and whether the vine undergrowth is grassed or
◆◆the probability a flood will inundate a               mown. Thirdly, protection of critical infrastructure
  particular township or location                       of major winery facilities was taken into account,
                                                        along with an understanding of the fire conditions
◆◆the likelihood of a bushfire destroying
                                                        that will likely cause damage to these assets. Finally,
  buildings in a given region
                                                        an estimate was made of the claimable value of
◆◆what infrastructure is at risk of being               vineyards, wineries and wine stocks if these are
  affected by a disaster                                damaged or destroyed by fire.
◆◆how much it will cost to repair the
  disaster damage

◆◆how long a service or supply will be
  unavailable due to a given disaster event

◆◆objective insurance levels and negotiate
  favourable premiums

Social media and human services
           Social networking websites, such as Twitter, have changed the
           way people broadcast and receive information. Vast amounts of
           instantaneous information are communicated via Twitter every minute.
           Short real-time messages, limited to 140 characters, allow unfiltered,
           uncensored news and information to be instantly posted online.

           Social media channels provide a new, rich source
           of information from which disaster managers and
           emergency response agencies can obtain real-time
           awareness of developing situations.
           However, the deluge of information that can be
           extracted from social media sources is not in an
           accessible format to inform emergency responses.
           For example, information about the 2009 Victorian
           bushfires was reported in real-time on social
           network sites but was not visible to state or federal
           disaster response agencies.
           The potential applications of social media
           information for disaster managers include
           providing: evidence of pre-incident activity;
           near real-time notice of an incident occurring;
           first-hand reports of incident impacts; and             Our Emergency Situational Awareness software detects
           gauging community response to an emergency              unusual behaviour on Twitter and alerts the user when a
                                                                   disaster event is being discussed.
           warning. Importantly, such information will
           contribute towards effective decisions for
           emergency responses.
           Yet to do this, we need a robust way to identify and    Another social media engagement software tool,
           analyse emerging topics in Twitter that indicate a      called Vizie, was developed as part of CSIRO’s
           significant disaster, emergency event or unexpected     Human Services Delivery Research Alliance with
           incident is occurring within a given time frame and     the Australian Government Department of Human
           at a given location.                                    Services. Vizie enables a global overview of
                                                                   social media topics being discussed and allows
                                                                   related social media entries to be grouped
           Monitoring social media for                             into conversations.
           emergency situation awareness
                                                                   ESA and Vizie collect and analyse large volumes
           We are developing services to support automated
                                                                   of real-time Twitter feeds, and detect and alert
           social media analysis to collect, detect, assess,
                                                                   on unusual activity in near real-time. These tools
           simplify and report situation information in near
                                                                   cluster and summarise Twitter posts to provide
           real-time from Twitter.
                                                                   disaster managers with a clear explanation of the
           Our Emergency Situational Awareness (ESA)               situation. Our tools classify and review high-value
           software detects unusual behaviour in the Twitter       messages (i.e. damage to roads, bridges, power
           stream and quickly alerts the user when a disaster      and telecommunications infrastructure) to enable
           event is being broadcast. ESA also stores complete      rescue officers to quickly understand the impact of
           Twitter stream information and allows post-event        a real-world event on people and infrastructure. In
           analyses. Such useful and accessible information        addition, forensic analysis of incidents can also be
           will provide timely situation awareness for disaster    carried out.
           managers and emergency response agencies.

12	   Disaster Management
ESA exploits the statistical incidence of words
   used by people on Twitter to describe emergency
                                                             IN REAL LIFE:
   events, in addition to historical word occurrences        Crisis coordination
   on Twitter from past disaster events to reveal
   topics that are emerging and to flag them for             To better understand how to extract emergency
   investigation. ESA counts the number of times             situation awareness information from social media,
   a word appears in a sliding five-minute window            we have worked with the Australian Government’s
   across the Twitter stream. If this is significantly       recently established Crisis Coordination Centre
   greater than expected, an alert is generated.             (CCC) to develop our ESA software. The CCC
   Repeated every minute, these detected ‘word               is a dedicated 24/7 facility that supports a
   bursts’ are extracted, stored and are available for       whole‑of‑government response to national security
   access by incident response agencies via the ESA          and natural disaster incidents. The goal of the
   web application.                                          CCC is “to deliver the right information to the right
                                                             people, in the right format, to the right place, at
   ESA provides situation awareness by using data            the right time”. By managing the flow, processing
   mining techniques including burst detection, text         and transformation of verified information from
   classification, online clustering and geo-tagging.        various sources, the CCC is responsible for hazard
   These techniques are adapted and optimised for            monitoring and situation awareness, and for the
   dealing with real-time high-volume text streams,          timely and accurate dissemination of information
   which identify early indicators of unexpected             on emerging risks and threats to police, emergency
   events, explore the impact of identified incidents        services and other agencies.
   and monitor the evolution of events.
                                                             A watch officer - the person at the front line of
   Importantly, our platforms gather and analyse             information processing during an emergency
   material from the Twitter social network to provide       event – logs all communications and verifiable
   all-hazard situation awareness information.               facts relating to ‘who knew what when’. Watch
                                                             officers could use the ESA tool for real-time
                                                             social media monitoring of emergency events.
                                                             Watch officers seek to understand the scope
                                                             and impact of all hazards during the prevention,
                                                             preparedness, response, and recovery phases of
                                                             crisis management.

◆◆the unfolding impact of an incident to better plan your emergency response
◆◆unexpected or unusual incidents ahead of official communications
◆◆the severity of an incident on people and infrastructure
◆◆high-value messages such as cries for help and indications of physical damage to infrastructure
  from eye-witnesses

◆◆the status of damaged or at-risk infrastructure (i.e. energy and transport)
◆◆aggregated information about emergency events without having to read individual messages
◆◆situation awareness for emergency managers to successfully restore safety and essential services
◆◆time-critical issues within an incident as they arise, develop and conclude
◆◆the response to ongoing issues that may last for hours, days or weeks
◆◆forensic analyses of past events to better plan for future emergencies

Understanding disaster impacts and
           bringing it all together…
           It is critical for emergency planners to know where to allocate
           investment across the PPRR spectrum to increase community safety
           and reduce the costs and social effects of emergencies and disasters.

           All disasters and emergencies transit through a                Disaster Management Decision
           recognised sequence as they occur. An event, such
                                                                          Support Platform
           as a bushfire, cyclone, earthquake, flood, landslide,
           storm or tsunami, comprises a number of event                  A key focus of CSIRO’s contribution to the Disaster
           characteristics, such as producing physical features           Management area is the development of a technology
           during the event, like radiant heat and thick smoke            platform to bring all capabilities together, enable the
           in the case of a bushfire.                                     opportunity to better understand hazards. The Disaster
                                                                          Management Decision Support Platform will create an
           These event characteristics have an effect on an               environment where data, information and modelling
           ‘object’ such as a person or property, possibly                can be more easily integrated across the hazard
           causing harm, where ‘harm’ is the immediate                    domains. It will better equip emergency planners,
           direct consequence that each event characteristic              response coordinators etc with information to aid their
           has on the object. Harm can lead to a range of                 decision making process.
           observed and, in many cases, measurable ‘impacts’
           (direct and indirect) which can be categorised as              The platform will include facilitate interoperable
           economic, social or environmental. The extent of               data exchange, cloud computing technologies and
           the final impact of the disaster is mediated by the            workflow engines to enable better, more effective
           object’s exposure and vulnerability, which is directly         information for disaster managers. The platform will
           proportional to measures taken towards prevention,             assist in the four key elements of disaster management,
           preparedness, as well as fire and emergency                    namely Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery
           management practices in response and recovery.                 (PPRR) by providing:

           To better understand the economic, social and                  ◆◆services to make data web accessible and
           environmental impacts that natural disasters have on              interoperable
           Australian communities and to help inform decision             ◆◆ability to integrate models
           making at the policy level, a more unified and                 ◆◆ability to integrate data and models from differing
           comprehensive approach to emergency management                    domains to aid decisions.
           and reducing risks is being developed by CSIRO.


             CLIENTS              Discovery            Desktop            Statistical
                                                                                               Impacts Portal
                                  Interface         Application (GIS)      Package

                                                                            Processing Codes                    Social
                                              Data Applications                                                 Media

             EXCHANGE LAYER

                 Data                  Data                       Data                  Data                Data


           A system to support decisions in disaster situations – the Disaster Management Decision Support Platform

14	   Disaster Management

                                                                                                                                                            Need: Disaster
                                                Emergency Response/Decision Support                                                                         Management

                                       Bush fire Analysis                                                 Social Impact Analysis                               Science


               Landscape                                            Climate/Weather                    Financial                  Urban
                                             Fuel                                                                                                          Specific Science
               Modelling                                                Modelling                      Scenarios                  Models                      Domains

                                                                                                                                                             Models and
                                                                                                                                                            analytical tools
           Processing             re    Processing             re      Processing             re   Processing             re   Processing             re
            services           a         services           a           services           a        services           a        services           a
                             ew                           ew                             ew                          ew                          ew
                          dl                           dl                             dl                          dl                          dl
                        id                           id                             id                          id                          id
                     M         Data              M          Data                M          Data             M          Data             M          Data          Virtual
              Landscape                                                                                                           Urban Data               Knowledge Bases
                                              Fuels                    Climate/Weather                   Finance                                               (Services)
            Characteristics                                                                                                    (pop. density etc)

Prepared by Ryan Fraser, adapted from work by Lesley Wyborn (Geoscience Australia), 2012

Vision for all hazards approach to disaster management using the Disaster Management Decision Support Platform for
informed decisions

The platform will provide a system to enable effective                                                  infrastructure. After an event, the portal will yield
decision making processes and timely access to                                                          information about the impacts that resulted.
information and modelling capacity.
                                                                                                        To provide context for the disaster event and
                                                                                                        impact, the Portal includes data items, such as
IN REAL LIFE:                                                                                           bridges, road signage, fencing, national park
                                                                                                        facilities (BBQs, shelters, toilets), telephone poles,
The portal experience                                                                                   the electricity network, fire towers, field crops
A demonstration of the ‘all hazards’ approach is a                                                      and so on. Where available, data items relating
web‑interface called the Impacts Portal, developed by                                                   to demographics, the built environment, local
CSIRO and the NSW Fire and Rescue Service.                                                              government boundaries, residential zoning and
                                                                                                        land use will also be accessible.
Before an event, the Impacts Portal can be used to
plan ‘what if’ scenarios, such as disaster modelling                                                    The pilot Impacts Portal is under evaluation. Try it
and disaster risk mapping, to develop policy, to                                                        out and provide feedback at
conduct land use analysis and risk assessments and
inform disaster mitigation through preparedness and                                                     The Impacts Portal user will be able to:
mitigation. During an event, the portal will assist
                                                                                                        ◆◆Explore the Impacts Framework data within
with planning and resource prioritisation of frontline                                                     the Portal - navigating by disaster category
staff, inform the development of safety programs                                                           (bushfire, cyclone, flood, and so on), the event
and identify vulnerable and ‘at-risk’ communities and                                                      characteristics, the type of objects impacted by an
                                                                                                           event, the harm that results, and the economic,
                                                                                                           social and environmental impacts themselves, or a
                                                                                                           combination of these.

                                                                                                        ◆◆Find data items geographically by navigating a
THE PLATFORM WILL...                                                                                       map of Australia using pan and zoom functions
                                                                                                           or by specifying a starting state or ABS statistical
◆◆make data from various providers
   interoperable and easier to integrate                                                                   region, as well as enable or disable category layers
                                                                                                           of data that have a location component.
◆◆allow users to access disaster event data by
   geographic region and time                                                                           ◆◆Find data items by disaster category and discover
                                                                                                           details (impacts) of specific events.
◆◆provide mechanisms to run models on data
                                                                                                        ◆◆Find instances of natural disaster and fire
◆◆ability to integrate data and models to                                                                  emergency events that have previously occurred in
   aid decisions                                                                                           the region of interest.

A final word
       As Australia’s national science
       agency, we offer a multi-pronged
       ‘all-under-one-roof’ approach
       to support and enhance disaster
       management in Australia and
       internationally. Being one of
       the largest and most diverse
       research agencies in the world,
       we’re reaching out to emergency
       managers, planners and decision
       makers to connect you with
       the right scientific experts and
       tools for your problem and help
       you develop your emergency
       management solution.

       If your organisation needs to understand an
       associated disaster risk, potential damage, cost
       outcomes or any other quantifiable uncertainty,
       then, as your scientific advisor, CSIRO can work
       with you. The multi-faceted nature of disaster and
       emergency management in Australia means we need
       you to tell us what we can do to help. We’re not
       disaster planners or emergency managers, but we
       do have the expertise to expand and enhance your
       response efforts.                                         Beach erosion on the Queensland Gold Coast.

       Under the newly established Digital Productivity
       and Services Flagship, we aim to develop and apply
       frontier services science and technology to add           Yet like you, we want Australian citizens and
       $5 billion in value to the Australian economy by 2025     emergency workers to be safe from harm. And we want
       through improved risk management, infrastructure          to support our neighbours in the Asia‑Pacific region.
       effectiveness, new business opportunities and
       transforming public service delivery.                     We’re poised to help local councils and community
                                                                 networks understand and develop awareness of risks
       As advances in digital productivity continue to be        during storms, floods and heatwaves. This includes
       made, real-time situation awareness will direct more      preparing and planning for natural disasters, being
       and more disaster management decisions. Knowing           alert and knowing what to do when a disaster event
       how to access, interpret and respond appropriately        warning is issued, how to be safe during an emergency
       to the abundance of rich information is key.              and what to do after an emergency event to stay safe.
       Furthermore, communicating information to raise
       community awareness about the risk of a disaster,         We want rescue funds and resources to be used
       an unfolding disaster or what to do after a disaster is   efficiently and effectively. We want Australians to pay
       also important.                                           fair premiums for insurance. And, above all,
                                                                 we want to give you the best tools and strategies
       Safe solutions                                            to meet your disaster management challenges.
       This report is about you, not us. We’re experts           Think broadly (imagine, even) how you want to
       in applying scientific principles to solve difficult      improve your organisation’s disaster management
       problems, but we’re not working directly in, or on        productivity. Then contact us, because we’re here to
       the fringes of, the disaster zone.                        figure it out with you and help you take a step closer
                                                                 to achieving a great solution.

16	   Disaster Management
1.	 Guha-Sapir D, Vos F, Below R, with Ponserre S (2012)
    Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2011: The Numbers
    and Trends. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology
    of Disasters (CRED), Brussels.
2.	 National Strategy for Disaster Resilience. Council of
    Australian Governments (February 2011) http://www.
3.	 Sharples C, Attwater C and Carley J (2008) Conference
    Papers: IPWEA National Conference on Climate Change
    ‘Responding to Sea Level Rise’, August, Coffs Harbour.
4.	 Cleary PW, Prakash M, Mead S, Tang X, Wang H and
    Ouyang S. Dynamic simulation of dam break scenarios
    for risk analysis and disaster management. Accepted
    for publication in International Journal of Image and
    Data Fusion.
5.	 Cruz MG, Sullivan AL, Gould JS, Sims NC, Bannister AJ,
    Hollis JJ and Hurley R (2012) Anatomy of a catastrophic
    wildfire: The Black Saturday Kilmore East fire. Forest
    Ecology and Management 284: 269-285. http://dx.doi.

CONTACT US                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                             COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER
t	 1300 363 400                                   CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics                      © 2012 CSIRO. To the extent permitted by
	 +61 3 9545 2176                                 and Statistics                                      law, all rights are reserved and no part
e                              Charlie Hawkins                                     of this publication covered by copyright
w                                    t 	 +61 3 9545 8079                                 may be reproduced or copied in any form
                                                  m 	 +61 438 429 280                                 or by any means except with the written
YOUR CSIRO                                        e                        permission of CSIRO.
Australia is founding its future on
science and innovation. Its national
science agency, CSIRO, is a powerhouse
of ideas, technologies and skills for
building prosperity, growth, health and
sustainability. It serves governments,
industries, business and communities
across the nation.

                                                                                                                                                 CS ACT 2012 • DPSFlagship_DisasterMangementReport.indd

Front cover image: Queensland Police at flooded suburban street during Brisbane River floods, January 2011. Credit: Glenn Walker

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  • 1. DIGITAL PRODUCTIVITY AND SERVICES FLAGSHIP REPORT All Hazards: Digital Technology & Services for Disaster Management
  • 2. Victoria’s Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 are a recent example of natural disasters causing loss of life and property in high-risk areas. Introduction Natural disasters have increased in severity and frequency in recent years. In 2010 alone, 385 natural disasters killed over 297,000 people worldwide, impacted 217 million human lives and cost the global economy US$123.9 billion.1 Similarly, Australia is encountering an increasing Priority information number of natural disasters including floods, To save lives and make our communities safer, bushfires and cyclones. Other natural and human stronger, more resilient, we need to sustain and induced hazards are increasing in frequency strengthen our disaster management efforts and and severity including storm surges, droughts, better prepare for emergency situations. Therefore, heatwaves, and earthquakes. They cost more than it is critical that emergency managers have better, $1.4 billion damage each year to homes, business, more effective information to use. Clear knowledge and the nation’s infrastructure, along with serious of specific hazards and emerging disasters related disruption to communities. to climate change, as well as methods, tools, Because we live on coastlines and in the bush, and standards and systems that will deliver the greatest we’ve built our houses and necessary infrastructure impact are needed. in these high-risk regions, such damaging natural Understanding the overarching social, economic disasters put many people’s lives and properties and environmental costs, and, for industry; the at stake. Victoria’s 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires return on investment, risk-based resource allocation and Queensland’s 2011 Brisbane Floods are recent and performance management outcomes of disaster devastating examples. management is necessary - as well as knowing how In addition to the recognised effects of climate to effectively harness community and volunteer change in Australia, such as increasing frequency networks to counteract and overcome disasters. and severity of storms, intense rainfall, extended drought and heatwaves, our expanding population is residing in areas progressively more prone to natural disasters and unpredictable weather events. 2 Disaster Management
  • 3. Consequently, emergency and disaster management Our mission is to deliver great science and in Australia is undergoing reform. The Council innovative solutions for industry, society and the of Australian Governments’ National Strategy for environment. Therefore, our scientific approach Disaster Resilience aims to enhance Australia’s to understanding risk and disaster events can be community and organisational capacity to better used to improve many aspects of your disaster and withstand and recover from emergencies.2 Disaster emergency management process. resilience will strengthen when government, business, communities and individuals collectively adopt risk-based planning and mitigation strategies. We use our science to make a In short, how we prevent, prepare, respond to, and profound and positive impact recover from disasters that impact our social, built, economic and natural environments is important. for the future of Australia and humanity. Real answers to big questions CSIRO, Australia’s national scientific agency, is well positioned to support governments, planning Taking an all hazards approach to disaster groups, rescue and recovery agencies, municipal management, CSIRO is also working on a Disaster councils, insurance companies, organisations, Management Decision Support Platform to bring communities and individuals to better cope with all hazard capabilities together. The Platform will the disaster events continuum; from Prevention, support the capabilities that CSIRO is currently Preparation, Response and Recovery (PPRR) to all focusing on, but will not limit the integration of hazards and all agencies involved. other capabilities that we may consider either working on or collaborating for in the future. We favour a multi-disciplined approach to deliver The Platform is an effort to bring a common powerful solutions and tackle Australia’s major IT framework to assist decision makes in the challenges. Our team includes specialists in 3D disaster management. simulation modelling and visualisation, geospatial sciences, environmental, physical, economic and This report will highlight our current key areas of social sciences, social media monitoring and big research and development that, although broad data mining and analytics. in their potential, can be harnessed to improve We’re working to save lives and preserve critical the process and service delivery of disaster infrastructure by finding powerful ways to, for management in Australia and, importantly, provide example: high-impact solutions to strengthen our national disaster resilience in the future. ◆◆understand flood behaviour in 3D and how to avoid or minimise damage ◆◆predict fire behaviour and mitigate the impact of bushfire ◆◆rapidly access information from geographic locations in real-time ◆◆predict disaster incidence probabilities ◆◆assess infrastructure damage and inform future infrastructure designs ◆◆collate and correlate social media information for better decision-making ◆◆forecast the likelihood of an event, where it will occur and the associated cost. Droughts and flooding rains: Australia is a land of extremes. CSIRO research aims to make our communities safer, stronger and more resilient. 3
  • 4. CSIRO flood simulation and infrastructure impacts assessment showing hypothetical flooding in a town below China’s Geheyan Dam if the dam were to break. The colour of the water indicates flow speed (red is fast, blue is slow). Understanding floods & extreme flow events Catastrophic events like floods, dam breaks, tsunamis, storm surges, coastal inundation, volcanic eruptions and mudslides involve the large‑scale movement of fluids and solids. These extreme flow events are difficult to study because solids and fluids move in large volumes over large areas, involve many physical processes and occur over an expanse of time and space. Accurate knowledge of fluid flows during natural terrain, fill spaces, flow downwards with gravity and and man-made disasters will help disaster planners interact with and respond to objects around them. This predict serious economic, environmental and powerful modelling technique, called Smoothed Particle humanitarian consequences. To assist at-risk Hydrodynamics, delivers realistic water simulations populations, CSIRO mathematicians have developed including difficult-to-model behaviours such as wave new computational modelling techniques to motion, flow of solids wave fragmentation and splashing. better understand and prepare for flood disasters. Compared to traditional ‘bucket-fill’ techniques, our fluid Importantly, emergency services will be able to use modelling techniques provide a greater understanding this information to make effective decisions based of fluid flow impacts at the local level. Broad national on accurate data from real-life disaster scenarios. and regional assessments are important for identifying coastlines vulnerable to natural disasters, sea-level rises 3D flood modelling & visualisation and erosion. However, such assessments do not provide A well-defined understanding of fluid behaviour adequate practical information for disaster managers to using computational fluid dynamics, coupled with know what local factors may affect specific sites during landscape features via digital terrain imaging, offers an emergency 3. emergency managers and planners clear knowledge to address risks from dam breaks, storm surges, Armed with a detailed understanding of the heavy rainfall floods, tsunamis and other extreme site‑specific effects of fluid flows, floods and erosion flow events. on the local environment, your adaptation planning will be improved by knowing: the current coastal High resolution 3D flood modelling and visualisation risks and vulnerabilities; the worst coastal hazard is achieved using powerful computers that or combination of hazards; and which effective rapidly process sophisticated CSIRO-developed actions will best manage your most vulnerable areas. algorithms. Water is represented as a flow of tiny This technology gives you solid evidence to make round particles that can move around objects and important decisions and be better prepared. 4 Disaster Management
  • 5. KNOW… ◆◆how a storm surge will behave as it floods regions of economic importance ◆◆what would happen if a tsunami hit a coastline IN REAL LIFE: ◆◆the likely nature of an extreme flow disaster Dam damage and its probable impact ◆◆what infrastructure is at risk and when this is A real-life situation, for which CSIRO has performed likely to occur predictive 3D fluid modelling and visualisation, ◆◆how to execute better flood evacuation plans is the collapse of China’s Geheyan Dam. This dam wall holds back 3.4 billion cubic metres of water ◆◆where to place civil engineered structures to and is built on the Qingjiang River in China. With mitigate flood damage population centres downstream of this structure, ◆◆outcomes in terms of timing, area affected a dam break would be catastrophic. and loss of critical infrastructure and evacuation routes In collaboration with the Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Centre (SASMAC), part of ◆◆how to plan your flood and storm rescue the Chinese National Administration of Surveying, process and improve your recovery efforts Mapping and Geo-informatics (NASG) and funded by the ACEDP program of AusAID with support from the Ministry of Finance and Commerce (MOFCOM), we simulated six dam wall failure scenarios for the Geheyan Dam4. We investigated how the released water would impact 50 buildings, including a preschool, a primary school, a fuel station, a locations downstream of the collapsed wall. mobile phone tower, a bank and a post office, Overlaying geographically linked information, located within 10 kilometres of the dam wall. such as populations, villages and housing, roads and transport infrastructure, factories How the dam collapses dictates the area of (economic infrastructure) provides an insight into inundation and was found to be dramatically infrastructure vulnerability and can give a clear different for each predicted failure scenario, picture of the damage that would occur. including analysing the dam wall debris carried along by the water for each scenario. We In Australia, we’ve also modelled what will happen modelled the water discharge rates and were if a similar failure scenario occurred for WA’s able to calculate inundation levels at six different Mundaring Dam, upstream of the city of Perth. CSIRO 3D flood simulation and infrastructure impacts assessment. A still from a computer simulation showing a dam wall breaking apart. 5
  • 6. As Australia’s climate changes and our population grows to reside in peri-urban bushland, we face increasing incidence of bushfire threat to human lives, property and infrastructure. Understanding your bushfire exposure Bushfire is one of the world’s most dangerous natural phenomena and, sadly, has been responsible for killing over 300 Australians in the past 50 years. On average, bushfires in Australia cause over $70 million in damage annually. In addition up to $1.0 billion is spent each year on managing bushfires, not including the time and effort expended by our 300,000 volunteer firefighters engaged across the country. As Australia’s climate changes and our population influence fire occurrence, spread, mitigation and grows to reside in peri-urban bushland, we face suppression. This will help rural fire authorities and increasing incidence of bushfire threat to human land management agencies reduce and prevent the lives, property and infrastructure. devastating and costly impact of bushfires on the community and the environment. The extreme weather and bushfire conditions of 2009’s Black Saturday bushfires resulted in the loss of 173 lives, injured 414 people and destroyed Bushfire behaviour modelling over 2000 houses and 3500 structures. This Bushfires result from complex interactions between disaster impelled authorities to find ways to better the vegetation (fuel), the weather, the landscape understand the complex, interconnected factors (topography), combustion chemistry and heat that cause bushfires to provide a safer environment transfer physics. Making sense of the variables for people to live. that influence fire behaviour and their interactions is a highly skilled task. The more we learn about Current bushfire prediction tools use information fire, the more information we have to make better from fires in modest weather conditions and are decisions about fire management, prevention then extrapolated to extreme conditions by ad and suppression. hoc observations of wildfire events. Unfortunately, this empirical approach fails to completely capture Our Bushfire Dynamics and Applications scientists the range of behaviours expected from fires are advancing fire spread prediction and bushfire burning under more severe conditions. We need suppression systems using sophisticated data to understand how a high-intensity bushfire will analysis techniques and computer modelling. In behave in extreme weather. conjunction with state land management, rural fire agencies and other research agencies such as Through powerful digital science and technology the Bureau of Meteorology, our scientists apply advances, we gain a greater knowledge of bushfire knowledge of bushfire dynamics to real events and behaviour and understanding of the conditions that assist in predicting risk scenarios. 6 Disaster Management
  • 7. To unlock the mysteries of bushfire behaviour, our team performs laboratory and field experiments, IN REAL LIFE: physical investigations and statistical analyses. Our Knowledge from the experimental equipment includes large vertical and horizontal wind tunnels, plus sensors and Kilmore East fire measurement devices. Our predictive fire behaviour Black Saturday’s most significant bushfire was the models - including those relating to initial Kilmore East fire. The fire claimed 119 lives and attack, aerial suppression, fuel moisture and fire burnt through 100,140 hectares in the first 12 hours5. spread - draw on extensive results from scientific experiments investigating various vegetation types This kind of fire intensity is not unprecedented in and weather conditions. south-eastern Australia. The recurrence of large one-day fires is a relatively frequent event in the We’re well-positioned to provide valuable region which is why it is critical to get a better information about bushfire dynamics and understanding of large-scale fire phenomena. emergency response operations, to develop improved fire danger rating systems, to provide Investigating weather conditions, fuels and better public warnings and preparedness, to advise propagation, a CSIRO collaborative report on the on firefighter safety and training, to simulate Kilmore East fire provides valuable insights into fire behaviour and design effective decision the physical processes involved in high intensity support systems, to optimise fire suppression fire behaviour in eucalypt forests 4. In particular, resources and logistics for maximum efficiency the combination of dry fuel and gale force winds and to develop prescribed burning guides for caused the ignition of spotfires up to 33 km different environments. ahead of the main fire front, and a change in wind direction turned a 55 km wide flank into an In addition, our strength in mathematical uncontrollable headfire. modelling and examining how a bushfire event unfolds over time, across a given landscape, under This case study highlights a critical need to varying weather conditions and through changing improve our quantitative knowledge of large‑scale vegetation, allows us to model bushfire scenarios bushfires and for current bushfire behaviour based on fuel moisture, fire behaviour and spotfire models to be redesigned to account for spotting probability, which are all important aspects that dynamics and fire-atmosphere interactions. In inform land management agencies and rural fire addition, this study provides real-world data authorities how to safely prepare for and respond for future simulation studies on the impact of to bushfires and enhance public safety. landscape fuel management on fire propagation in extreme conditions. Current fire behaviour tools fail to incorporate the latest knowledge in fire science, limiting forecast quality and impairing critical decision making regarding community protection and safe UNDERSTAND… and effective fire-fighting. Therefore, CSIRO is ◆◆the true environmental impacts of fire on the proposing a National Fire Behaviour Knowledge landscape, biodiversity, air quality, carbon and water Base that will integrate up-to-date fire behaviour, fire weather, fuel dynamics, and suppression ◆◆how to classify vegetation and bush/rural-urban capability knowledge and science to help fire interface zones for hazard and risk assessments managers better predict bushfire behaviour and ◆◆the most effective deployment of resources in real‑time better plan prescribed burns. for early suppression and evacuation warnings This state-of-the-art decision tool could provide ◆◆where a bushfire may occur in the future: predictive information: bushfire modelling ◆◆to improve our understanding of the propagation ◆◆the optimum location and design of infrastructure in and energy release of fires bushfire-prone regions ◆◆for more effective and safer fire fighting ◆◆how to manage a bushfire with efficient use of ◆◆for enhanced protection of rural and bushland available resources urban communities, and ◆◆to reduce the detrimental effects of fire on our ◆◆how to find alternative routes for fire trucks after an natural resources. access route is blocked (i.e. bridge collapse) Such decision support tools for predicting ◆◆the effectiveness of fire mitigation and fire suppression real‑time fire danger and behaviour could provide actions (i.e. where and when to perform safe fuel better fuel mitigation planning, public warnings reduction burns) and preparedness to reduce the likelihood of ◆◆which critical infrastructure is located in high-risk catastrophic bushfires. bushfire zones and how can we better protect it 7
  • 8. Australia’s support for Indonesia’s rural growth aims to grow the economy, create employment and alleviate poverty. Credit: Josh Estey/AusAID Accessing integrated information Rapid access and sharing of accurate, integrated information is critical for governments, rescue agencies and communities to make life-saving decisions and effectively co-ordinate disaster responses. To reference and integrate important information A common gazetteer framework for for shared situational awareness, governments, effective disaster response agencies and communities use gazetteers – lists of place names linked with their geographic locations. Because gazetteers hold valuable information for disaster management agencies, an online When different purpose-specific gazetteers are system to make this rich geospatial information accessed by emergency and community services, source completely accessible, interoperable and confusion about the name of the location under time‑efficient is essential for evidence-based impact may arise and the efficiency of the disaster decision making. response may be compromised. For example, if a specific location on the map is known by more than To enhance the interoperability of gazetteers, one name, coordinating an emergency response CSIRO informatics experts are developing a global to a disaster affecting the location becomes information system to link and correlate multiple more challenging. sources of information using a gazetteer framework to better manage and share spatial information. Conversely, information linked to a specific Timely information held in different agency systems geographic location can be successfully and referenced using gazetteers will be more easily interrelated to additional information, as long as accessible through an integration mechanism. This the geographic location is the same. In theory this will support disaster risk reduction and response by means one gazetteer’s contents should be able enabling rapid access, query and dissemination and to crosslink via geographic location to another use of information for improved decision-making gazetteer’s contents. impacting potentially millions of people. However, in reality, dealing with the disparity CSIRO’s gazetteer project provides the foundations between multiple, often overlapping and often for development of event or problem specific inconsistent agency-specific gazetteer systems applications for responding to environmental makes linking them a slow and expensive process. disasters, economic crises and emergencies. The Interoperability challenges arise at every stage common gazetteer framework will also enable the of information discovery, access, interpretation, integration of volunteered geographic information transformation and integration. with formal government information sources. 8 Disaster Management
  • 9. ONE REAL WORD FEATURE: a bus station One real world feature: One real world feature: a bus station   a bus station a bus station   a bus station BIG BIG National Gazetteer of Indonesia BIG National Gazetteer Department of DEPARTMENT OF Transport Gazetteer Department of TRANSPORT Transport NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF INDONESIA of Indonesia of Bus Terminals of Bus DATASET BUS TERMINUS Terminals Gazetteer Represented in Represented in multiple systems  systems Represented in multiple systems  multiple IN REAL LIFE: Gazetteers for social using different names, and classified  using different names, and classified  using different and represented in different ways classified and represented in different ways names, and and represented in different ways Identifier Merak, Identifier    e a , Bis Feature Type Transport Feature Type Footprint Identifier    Footprint Point StasiunStas u Bis Transport            Points Transport            Point Merak, Stasiun s a Merak, Stasiun Bis a spo t spo a , Stas uo t e t Merak o t Identifier Feature Type MerakIdentifier Terminal Feature Type Footprint Feature Type    Footprint Identifier Footprint Polygon Feature Type    Footprint Terminal           Polygon Terminal           Polygon Merakyg yg protection Merak, Stasiun Bis MERAK,Merak, Stasiun Bis Merak Merak MERAK Currently systems are  Currently systems are  disconnected and difficult to integrate disconnected and difficult to integrate In Indonesia, 240 million people live with natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and Gazetir Indeonesia Terminus Dataset Terminus Dataset STASIUM BIS Indeonesia Gazetir Terminus Gazetir Dataset Indeonesia Currently systems are disconnected and volcanic eruptions, as well as global and local difficult to integrate economic difficulties. These complex situations, Merak, Stasiun Bis (Gazetteer Entry)  Merak, Stasiun Bis Merak (Gazetteer Entry)  (Gazetteer Entry) Merak GAZETTER FRAMEWORK (Gazetteer Entry) GAZETTER FRAMEWORK coupled with poverty, burden Indonesia’s Links gazetteers (based on same  Links gazetteers (based on same  Gazetir Indonesia Gazetir Indonesia Terminus Dataset (Gazetteer) feature in different gazetteers) Terminus Dataset (Gazetteer) feature in different gazetteers) government and aid resources. (Gazetteer) Same as  (Gazetteer) Same as  used in web applications and other  used in web applications and other  Used in Used in Used in Used in online resources. online resources. MERAK, Navigation application Navigation application Online Public  Passenger Travel Stats  Online Public  MERAK Passenger Travel Stats  Disaster and social assistance programs in STASIUM BISTransport Map Indonesia collect and store valuable information. Linked Resource Linked Resource Application  Transport Map Application  (Gazetteer Entry) Linked Resource Linked Resource Linked Resource Linked Resource (Entry) Yet, due to a range of integration challenges, GAZETTER GAZETIR INDONESIA Same as TERMINUS DATASET FRAMEWORK Links gazetteers this information is difficult to access and use (Gazetteer) (Gazetteer) that reference the same real world effectively in responding to the needs of feature. Used in Used in Links web applications and vulnerable people. other online NAVIGATION PUBLIC PASSENGER resources. CSIRO, in collaboration with the Indonesian APPLICATION Linked Resource TRANSPORT MAP Linked resource TRAVEL STATS Linked resource Government and the UN, is contributing to social protection work being supported by AusAID in Indonesia by developing a pilot gazetteer Gazetteers are directories of lists of place names with geographic framework. Its aim is to improve access to locations. CSIRO is working on a pilot project with collaborators like the UN and AusAID to integrate gazetteers in Indonesia. gazetteers and information about places that enable monitoring of vulnerable populations, the rapid analysis and response to shocks that impact them. More generally, the technology platform will also benefit Australian research initiatives using The prevalent use of mobile phones and on-line information that is currently difficult and time tools in Indonesia provides a stream of up-to-date consuming to correlate. This will be analysed in a informal information that could be tapped into routine fashion creating new opportunities in fields and linked to locations using gazetteers. Based on of sustainability, hydrology and health risk. the use of well-managed gazetteers, this informal ‘crowd-sourced’ information can be rapidly The goal of this research is to radically improve referenced, organised and integrated with formal interoperability and availability of information in information providing an up-to-date picture of disparate systems, through developing a framework what is happening on the ground. to manage and access integrate unambiguous references to places contained within gazetteers. This will greatly assist agencies involved in social protection by enable better policy decisions and In essence, a the gazetteer framework will enable will help aid agencies better identify populations the rapid integration of information before and experiencing financial and other stresses and during an emergency response, to improve our deliver assistance in a timely manner. understanding of what is happening where and help government agencies deliver critical services where they are needed most. IDENTIFY… ◆◆valuable information by interpreting and integrating gazetteer information from informal and formal sources ◆◆the disaster area quickly and respond efficiently ◆◆which populations are located in high-risk regions ◆◆when a community in a specific location is under financial stress ◆◆how much rain is falling on a flood-vulnerable community ◆◆disaster-affected populations using up-to-date information ◆◆which natural phenomenon has occurred and what’s happening in real time 9
  • 10. CSIRO is helping business and infrastructure owners and insurers better determine the risk of a disaster event occurring and estimate the maximum foreseeable loss (MFL). Estimating disaster odds and dollars Knowing if, when and where a natural or man-made disaster event may occur is essential for emergency planning and prevention, and for ensuring your disaster response and recovery processes are adequate. For example, in order to quantify bushfire risks, the major steps in fire ignition, spread and impact need to be understood and modelled. Furthermore, it is a complicated task for Estimating your maximum companies with infrastructure and investments foreseeable loss in disaster‑prone areas to determine the risk of a disaster event occurring and to estimate Despite their complexity, if historical information is the maximum foreseeable loss (MFL) they may available, events such as fires, floods, heatwaves and experience as a result of the disaster. Likewise, storm tides can be simulated. The resulting losses to setting premiums for insuring infrastructure infrastructure and natural resources can be estimated and property in disaster-prone regions is also a using data on land use, topography, vegetation, complex task. weather and the value of structures, crops and forests. Experimental and statistical research can also Flood and fire events are part of the Australian tell us about fluid flow or fire ignition/burn rates and environment. For these disasters, we investigate: the probability that the flood or fire will escalate and the complexity of the environment over time and cause further loss. space; extensive amounts of data, information and knowledge of differing form and quality necessary Understanding the MFL for your service business, or for risk determination; mitigation and control undertaking risk analysis, management or mitigation processes; and the multiple, often conflicting in relation to a disaster, requires an in-depth decision needs or requirements of your company understanding of the unfolding disaster phases. or organisation. 10 Disaster Management
  • 11. We employ four broad quantitative approaches to determine your disaster risk: IN REAL LIFE: 1. we study major historical events, Powerful estimates 2. we undertake a statistical analysis of past, CSIRO conducted a study for the West Australian related insurance claims, electricity distribution company, Western Power, to estimate the potential total claimable damage 3. we simulate several worst-case disaster (MFL) for fires that might be started by the electrical scenarios (Extreme Value Analysis) in one distribution system in the Perth Hills. This work or more study areas, to approximate the incorporated two approaches. In the first approach ‘1 in N year’ conditions and impacts, and we applied Extreme Value Analysis to estimate 4. we perform a full regional probabilistic analysis 1-in-50 and 1-in-100 year claims based on historical of the disaster phases. claims data. In the second approach we studied the prevailing weather conditions at periods of high fire Our multi-disciplinary research team will address, danger and then used this information to simulate in a comprehensive way, the question of MFL bushfires spreading from selected points on the estimation as well as more general challenges distribution network. Both approaches provided around your disaster risk analysis, management Western Power with insight into their MFL for the and mitigation. region of interest. In a second fire risk project, Western Power contracted CSIRO to determine the likelihood and MFL for fires that may ignite from their electrical distribution infrastructure in the economically important wine-making region of Margaret River. To estimate the MFL from fire for this region, we identified several challenges that may arise. Firstly, the negative impact of ‘smoke taint’ on grapes over a wide area, with regard to wind speed and direction, smoke altitude and smoke dispersion was investigated. Secondly, we predicted the nature of fire spread through vineyards, including ESTIMATE… the effect of trellis pole material, row orientation and whether the vine undergrowth is grassed or ◆◆the probability a flood will inundate a mown. Thirdly, protection of critical infrastructure particular township or location of major winery facilities was taken into account, along with an understanding of the fire conditions ◆◆the likelihood of a bushfire destroying that will likely cause damage to these assets. Finally, buildings in a given region an estimate was made of the claimable value of ◆◆what infrastructure is at risk of being vineyards, wineries and wine stocks if these are affected by a disaster damaged or destroyed by fire. ◆◆how much it will cost to repair the disaster damage ◆◆how long a service or supply will be unavailable due to a given disaster event ◆◆objective insurance levels and negotiate favourable premiums 11
  • 12. Social media and human services Social networking websites, such as Twitter, have changed the way people broadcast and receive information. Vast amounts of instantaneous information are communicated via Twitter every minute. Short real-time messages, limited to 140 characters, allow unfiltered, uncensored news and information to be instantly posted online. Social media channels provide a new, rich source of information from which disaster managers and emergency response agencies can obtain real-time awareness of developing situations. However, the deluge of information that can be extracted from social media sources is not in an accessible format to inform emergency responses. For example, information about the 2009 Victorian bushfires was reported in real-time on social network sites but was not visible to state or federal disaster response agencies. The potential applications of social media information for disaster managers include providing: evidence of pre-incident activity; near real-time notice of an incident occurring; first-hand reports of incident impacts; and Our Emergency Situational Awareness software detects gauging community response to an emergency unusual behaviour on Twitter and alerts the user when a disaster event is being discussed. warning. Importantly, such information will contribute towards effective decisions for emergency responses. Yet to do this, we need a robust way to identify and Another social media engagement software tool, analyse emerging topics in Twitter that indicate a called Vizie, was developed as part of CSIRO’s significant disaster, emergency event or unexpected Human Services Delivery Research Alliance with incident is occurring within a given time frame and the Australian Government Department of Human at a given location. Services. Vizie enables a global overview of social media topics being discussed and allows related social media entries to be grouped Monitoring social media for into conversations. emergency situation awareness ESA and Vizie collect and analyse large volumes We are developing services to support automated of real-time Twitter feeds, and detect and alert social media analysis to collect, detect, assess, on unusual activity in near real-time. These tools simplify and report situation information in near cluster and summarise Twitter posts to provide real-time from Twitter. disaster managers with a clear explanation of the Our Emergency Situational Awareness (ESA) situation. Our tools classify and review high-value software detects unusual behaviour in the Twitter messages (i.e. damage to roads, bridges, power stream and quickly alerts the user when a disaster and telecommunications infrastructure) to enable event is being broadcast. ESA also stores complete rescue officers to quickly understand the impact of Twitter stream information and allows post-event a real-world event on people and infrastructure. In analyses. Such useful and accessible information addition, forensic analysis of incidents can also be will provide timely situation awareness for disaster carried out. managers and emergency response agencies. 12 Disaster Management
  • 13. ESA exploits the statistical incidence of words used by people on Twitter to describe emergency IN REAL LIFE: events, in addition to historical word occurrences Crisis coordination on Twitter from past disaster events to reveal topics that are emerging and to flag them for To better understand how to extract emergency investigation. ESA counts the number of times situation awareness information from social media, a word appears in a sliding five-minute window we have worked with the Australian Government’s across the Twitter stream. If this is significantly recently established Crisis Coordination Centre greater than expected, an alert is generated. (CCC) to develop our ESA software. The CCC Repeated every minute, these detected ‘word is a dedicated 24/7 facility that supports a bursts’ are extracted, stored and are available for whole‑of‑government response to national security access by incident response agencies via the ESA and natural disaster incidents. The goal of the web application. CCC is “to deliver the right information to the right people, in the right format, to the right place, at ESA provides situation awareness by using data the right time”. By managing the flow, processing mining techniques including burst detection, text and transformation of verified information from classification, online clustering and geo-tagging. various sources, the CCC is responsible for hazard These techniques are adapted and optimised for monitoring and situation awareness, and for the dealing with real-time high-volume text streams, timely and accurate dissemination of information which identify early indicators of unexpected on emerging risks and threats to police, emergency events, explore the impact of identified incidents services and other agencies. and monitor the evolution of events. A watch officer - the person at the front line of Importantly, our platforms gather and analyse information processing during an emergency material from the Twitter social network to provide event – logs all communications and verifiable all-hazard situation awareness information. facts relating to ‘who knew what when’. Watch officers could use the ESA tool for real-time social media monitoring of emergency events. Watch officers seek to understand the scope and impact of all hazards during the prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery phases of crisis management. ALERT & MONITOR… ◆◆the unfolding impact of an incident to better plan your emergency response ◆◆unexpected or unusual incidents ahead of official communications ◆◆the severity of an incident on people and infrastructure ◆◆high-value messages such as cries for help and indications of physical damage to infrastructure from eye-witnesses ◆◆the status of damaged or at-risk infrastructure (i.e. energy and transport) ◆◆aggregated information about emergency events without having to read individual messages ◆◆situation awareness for emergency managers to successfully restore safety and essential services ◆◆time-critical issues within an incident as they arise, develop and conclude ◆◆the response to ongoing issues that may last for hours, days or weeks ◆◆forensic analyses of past events to better plan for future emergencies 13
  • 14. Understanding disaster impacts and bringing it all together… It is critical for emergency planners to know where to allocate investment across the PPRR spectrum to increase community safety and reduce the costs and social effects of emergencies and disasters. All disasters and emergencies transit through a Disaster Management Decision recognised sequence as they occur. An event, such Support Platform as a bushfire, cyclone, earthquake, flood, landslide, storm or tsunami, comprises a number of event A key focus of CSIRO’s contribution to the Disaster characteristics, such as producing physical features Management area is the development of a technology during the event, like radiant heat and thick smoke platform to bring all capabilities together, enable the in the case of a bushfire. opportunity to better understand hazards. The Disaster Management Decision Support Platform will create an These event characteristics have an effect on an environment where data, information and modelling ‘object’ such as a person or property, possibly can be more easily integrated across the hazard causing harm, where ‘harm’ is the immediate domains. It will better equip emergency planners, direct consequence that each event characteristic response coordinators etc with information to aid their has on the object. Harm can lead to a range of decision making process. observed and, in many cases, measurable ‘impacts’ (direct and indirect) which can be categorised as The platform will include facilitate interoperable economic, social or environmental. The extent of data exchange, cloud computing technologies and the final impact of the disaster is mediated by the workflow engines to enable better, more effective object’s exposure and vulnerability, which is directly information for disaster managers. The platform will proportional to measures taken towards prevention, assist in the four key elements of disaster management, preparedness, as well as fire and emergency namely Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery management practices in response and recovery. (PPRR) by providing: To better understand the economic, social and ◆◆services to make data web accessible and environmental impacts that natural disasters have on interoperable Australian communities and to help inform decision ◆◆ability to integrate models making at the policy level, a more unified and ◆◆ability to integrate data and models from differing comprehensive approach to emergency management domains to aid decisions. and reducing risks is being developed by CSIRO. DISASTER MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT PLATFORM CLIENTS Discovery Desktop Statistical Impacts Portal Interface Application (GIS) Package Processing Codes Social Data Applications Media Models EXCHANGE LAYER Data Data Data Data Data RESOURCES A system to support decisions in disaster situations – the Disaster Management Decision Support Platform 14 Disaster Management
  • 15. OUR VISION – INTERGRATED DISASTER MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT PLATFORM POLICY Need: Disaster Emergency Response/Decision Support Management Response BUSINESS NEED Integrated Bush fire Analysis Social Impact Analysis Science Domain/Systems APPLICATIONS Applications: Landscape Climate/Weather Financial Urban Fuel Specific Science Modelling Modelling Scenarios Models Domains SYSTEMS Models and analytical tools Processing re Processing re Processing re Processing re Processing re services a services a services a services a services a ew ew ew ew ew dl dl dl dl dl id id id id id M Data M Data M Data M Data M Data Virtual Libraries/Inputs: Landscape Urban Data Knowledge Bases Fuels Climate/Weather Finance (Services) Characteristics (pop. density etc) Prepared by Ryan Fraser, adapted from work by Lesley Wyborn (Geoscience Australia), 2012 Vision for all hazards approach to disaster management using the Disaster Management Decision Support Platform for informed decisions The platform will provide a system to enable effective infrastructure. After an event, the portal will yield decision making processes and timely access to information about the impacts that resulted. information and modelling capacity. To provide context for the disaster event and impact, the Portal includes data items, such as IN REAL LIFE: bridges, road signage, fencing, national park facilities (BBQs, shelters, toilets), telephone poles, The portal experience the electricity network, fire towers, field crops A demonstration of the ‘all hazards’ approach is a and so on. Where available, data items relating web‑interface called the Impacts Portal, developed by to demographics, the built environment, local CSIRO and the NSW Fire and Rescue Service. government boundaries, residential zoning and land use will also be accessible. Before an event, the Impacts Portal can be used to plan ‘what if’ scenarios, such as disaster modelling The pilot Impacts Portal is under evaluation. Try it and disaster risk mapping, to develop policy, to out and provide feedback at conduct land use analysis and risk assessments and inform disaster mitigation through preparedness and The Impacts Portal user will be able to: mitigation. During an event, the portal will assist ◆◆Explore the Impacts Framework data within with planning and resource prioritisation of frontline the Portal - navigating by disaster category staff, inform the development of safety programs (bushfire, cyclone, flood, and so on), the event and identify vulnerable and ‘at-risk’ communities and characteristics, the type of objects impacted by an event, the harm that results, and the economic, social and environmental impacts themselves, or a combination of these. ◆◆Find data items geographically by navigating a THE PLATFORM WILL... map of Australia using pan and zoom functions or by specifying a starting state or ABS statistical ◆◆make data from various providers interoperable and easier to integrate region, as well as enable or disable category layers of data that have a location component. ◆◆allow users to access disaster event data by geographic region and time ◆◆Find data items by disaster category and discover details (impacts) of specific events. ◆◆provide mechanisms to run models on data ◆◆Find instances of natural disaster and fire ◆◆ability to integrate data and models to emergency events that have previously occurred in aid decisions the region of interest. 15
  • 16. A final word As Australia’s national science agency, we offer a multi-pronged ‘all-under-one-roof’ approach to support and enhance disaster management in Australia and internationally. Being one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world, we’re reaching out to emergency managers, planners and decision makers to connect you with the right scientific experts and tools for your problem and help you develop your emergency management solution. If your organisation needs to understand an associated disaster risk, potential damage, cost outcomes or any other quantifiable uncertainty, then, as your scientific advisor, CSIRO can work with you. The multi-faceted nature of disaster and emergency management in Australia means we need you to tell us what we can do to help. We’re not disaster planners or emergency managers, but we do have the expertise to expand and enhance your response efforts. Beach erosion on the Queensland Gold Coast. Under the newly established Digital Productivity and Services Flagship, we aim to develop and apply frontier services science and technology to add Yet like you, we want Australian citizens and $5 billion in value to the Australian economy by 2025 emergency workers to be safe from harm. And we want through improved risk management, infrastructure to support our neighbours in the Asia‑Pacific region. effectiveness, new business opportunities and transforming public service delivery. We’re poised to help local councils and community networks understand and develop awareness of risks As advances in digital productivity continue to be during storms, floods and heatwaves. This includes made, real-time situation awareness will direct more preparing and planning for natural disasters, being and more disaster management decisions. Knowing alert and knowing what to do when a disaster event how to access, interpret and respond appropriately warning is issued, how to be safe during an emergency to the abundance of rich information is key. and what to do after an emergency event to stay safe. Furthermore, communicating information to raise community awareness about the risk of a disaster, We want rescue funds and resources to be used an unfolding disaster or what to do after a disaster is efficiently and effectively. We want Australians to pay also important. fair premiums for insurance. And, above all, we want to give you the best tools and strategies Safe solutions to meet your disaster management challenges. This report is about you, not us. We’re experts Think broadly (imagine, even) how you want to in applying scientific principles to solve difficult improve your organisation’s disaster management problems, but we’re not working directly in, or on productivity. Then contact us, because we’re here to the fringes of, the disaster zone. figure it out with you and help you take a step closer to achieving a great solution. 16 Disaster Management
  • 17. References 1. Guha-Sapir D, Vos F, Below R, with Ponserre S (2012) Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2011: The Numbers and Trends. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), Brussels. 2. National Strategy for Disaster Resilience. Council of Australian Governments (February 2011) http://www. crisis-and-emergency-management-framework/ disaster-resilience 3. Sharples C, Attwater C and Carley J (2008) Conference Papers: IPWEA National Conference on Climate Change ‘Responding to Sea Level Rise’, August, Coffs Harbour. 4. Cleary PW, Prakash M, Mead S, Tang X, Wang H and Ouyang S. Dynamic simulation of dam break scenarios for risk analysis and disaster management. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. 5. Cruz MG, Sullivan AL, Gould JS, Sims NC, Bannister AJ, Hollis JJ and Hurley R (2012) Anatomy of a catastrophic wildfire: The Black Saturday Kilmore East fire. Forest Ecology and Management 284: 269-285. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.foreco.2012.02.035 17
  • 18. CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER t 1300 363 400 CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics © 2012 CSIRO. To the extent permitted by +61 3 9545 2176 and Statistics law, all rights are reserved and no part e Charlie Hawkins of this publication covered by copyright w t +61 3 9545 8079 may be reproduced or copied in any form m +61 438 429 280 or by any means except with the written YOUR CSIRO e permission of CSIRO. Australia is founding its future on science and innovation. Its national science agency, CSIRO, is a powerhouse of ideas, technologies and skills for building prosperity, growth, health and sustainability. It serves governments, industries, business and communities across the nation. CS ACT 2012 • DPSFlagship_DisasterMangementReport.indd Front cover image: Queensland Police at flooded suburban street during Brisbane River floods, January 2011. Credit: Glenn Walker