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How and When an Event
Becomes a Disaster
Which is an example of
unforeseen natural hazard?
7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Central Visayas in 2013
Which of the following is
important during and
immediately after a disaster?
Immediate response to a hazard such as issuance of warnings can save lives
and properties. Response continues after the occurrence of a hazard, in order
to lessen the impacts of the disaster.
Which of the following is
*not *an example of a
An earthquake hits an uninhabited island.
Hazard is considered a disaster when there are negative impacts to human
lives and properties. The severity of a disaster depends on the population and
infrastructure affected in the area
Categorize the following
effects of disaster whether the
impact is directly on human
life or their properties.
Damaged electricity lines and Cracked buildings
Human life
Lack of food sources and Trauma
Disasters affect different aspects of human life and the things people made,
built, and relied on in daily life. The catastrophic impact of disaster to human
life and properties are irreversible.
When does a hazard become a
If it has negative impacts to human life and properties.
A hazard is considered a disaster when it has negative impacts to human life
and infrastructures in the community. Hazards can be present anywhere but
disaster events occur in human-populated areas.
A tsunami hits Boracay
beach resorts during peak
season. Which are affected by
this disaster?
Tourism, Infrastructure and Human Life
Boracay is a popular tourist spot in the Philippines. A disaster like tsunami can
affect not only lives and properties but the tourism aspect of the Philippine
economy as well.
How can weather satellite
help in disaster preparedness?
It can predict movements of a typhoon.
A natural hazard like typhoon can be predicted using weather satellites.
Which of the following can be
done to reduce the possible
effects of a typhoon
approaching the country?
Evacuate before the typhoon strikes for those living in hazard prone areas.
Inform the community on what to do before, during, and after a typhoon.
A disaster can be prevented if the risk brought by a hazard can be prevented.
For example, the risks brought by a typhoon can be reduced by proper
mitigation procedures such as information dissemination and evacuation
before the typhoon strikes.
Casualties increase when
vulnerable group within a
community is not identified
and rescued. Who are
responsible in identification
of this group of people?
Emergency response team
Identifying communities or populations who have higher risk can help protect
more lives. In a community, the emergency response team should be able to
identify the most vulnerable group in order to prepare for quick and apt
response during an actual disaster.
Which best describes what
will happen if *no *measures
are made to prepare for a
Loss of lives and properties
Preparing for hazards can prevent disasters. Unforeseen natural hazards like
an earthquake may result to a disaster which will cost lives and properties.
Areas or Locations Exposed
to Hazards
What is a statement of
probability of a hazard
occurrence based on evidence
or observation?
A prediction is based on gathered evidence. Predictions can be used to issue a
warning to communities so they can prepare for the hazard.
When is a warning issued to
a community exposed to a
When there is a high probability that the hazard will occur.
A warning is issued when there is a prediction that a hazard is likely to occur.
The warning is meant to alert and prepare the community.
Which areas will receive
more climate and weather
related hazard warnings?
Coastal areas
Coastal areas are vulnerable to climatic and weather elements. They are also
exposed to these elements and their effects.
In predicting hazards, which
is helpful in supporting
evidence for a probable
Historical accounts
Historical events can establish return periods, recurrence, and probability. It
also provides patterns or trends in mapping hazards.
In hazard assessment, which
data will be of least
The selection of one past event for estimation
Selecting one hazardous past event is subjective and promotes bias. All forms
of evidence should be examined to yield an objective set of data.
In a classroom with 30
students, which feature will
lessen the hazards in the
event of an evacuation?
A classroom of two doors with outswing
Two doors should be in each classroom, and the doors must also be designed
to outswing. Those are part of safety standards for schools in order to give
enough exit space for students to evacuate.
In any type of hazard, which
determines the intensity of
the effect of the hazard?
Hazards are threats to human population and infrastructures. A stronger
earthquake that will strike a remote community in New Zealand will be less
hazardous than a strong earthquake that will strike crowded Manila.
Which of the following can
give enough time for
preparation and evacuation
should this warning be given
to a highly populated coastal
Typhoon Storm Signal
Coastal areas are prone to the effects of a typhoon. A typhoon warning issued
by responsible agencies can prepare communities for its possible impacts.
You are tasked to develop a
landslide hazard mapping for
the Cagayan de Oro
metropolis where the CDO
River is just nearby. Which
will be considered as the
hazard trigger in your study?
The trigger is the rainfall. The amount of precipitation will cause loose soil and
debris from the mountains to go down depending on the slope of the
mountains. All of these debris and water will be collected by the river system.
The load will be deposited to a shallower densely populated area or a catch
Which will yield the best
estimates for hazard
identification and
Estimates of risks from hazards, exposure, and vulnerability
Disaster risks are built from hazards, exposure and vulnerability. If estimates
are decreased among the three risks, the risk decreases. As any of the values
among the three increases, the risk increases.
Disaster from Different
Which of the following is the
most direct and immediate
effect of a disaster?
The most immediate effect of a disaster is a physical event which is observable,
measurable, and far reaching in its effects.
When a disaster strikes, the
delivery of goods and services
are disrupted. Which aspect
is affected by the disaster?
Goods and services are the foundations of socio-economic activities. Once the
delivery is disrupted from source to the consumer, chain effect will cause
collapse in the form of shortage, rise in demand, etc.
Which is *not *a biological
Baker’s yeast
A biological hazard are living things often microorganisms, that poses a threat
to human health. It can result from a chain of events that started with a
disaster such as flood. Stagnant water due to flooding can become breeding
grounds to organisms that can cause epidemics.
Which hazard is increased in
its magnitude and intensity
because of human actions?
Nuclear reactor
A nuclear reactor constructed in an area with hazards like earthquakes,
tsunami, and volcanic eruption increase the risks of a disaster. When a natural
hazard occurs and the reactor becomes damaged, a disaster with greater
impact is likely to occur.
Which hazard is caused by
the interaction between the
atmosphere and human
Smog is a combination of smoke from pollution and fog. Pollution is caused by
human activities and fog is an atmospheric activity. Smog is a health hazard
and a transport traffic hazard.
Which of the following is the
best method in equipping
citizens to make sound
decisions on hazards and
disaster risk related
Mitigation is a must especially for countries that have high risk indices.
Countries with such risk indices include mitigation in their school curriculum.
Which set of hazards do we
normally encounter when we
go to our schools?
Transport accidents, release of toxic gases, potholes in roads
Transport problems, pollution and road construction impacts are day to day
hazards that Filipino commuters meet.
To prepare a multi-hazard
map for Mount Pinatubo,
which set of perspectives is
needed for the resettlement of
Physical, Socio-economic
The volcanic hazards of Mt. Pinatubo fall under geologic. Boundaries, towns,
and settlement areas are determined by socio-economic activities.
Which human intervention
can help reduce the effect of
natural hazards?
Recognizing the hazard and its possible effects
Why is perspective important
in understanding hazards and
A combination of information will determine areas that need priority actions
and hazard reduction measures
The different perspectives will provide an objective and accurate set of data to
be considered in mitigation. Mitigation does not apply to a few but for all
those that are vulnerable to hazards.
The determinant of the effects
and impacts of hazards is
called __________
UNISDR in its 2014 list of terminology defines vulnerability as set of
“characteristics and circumstances, system, or assets that make it susceptible to
the damaging effects of hazards.”
Which of the following
statements are true?
Vulnerability affects how people live, their resources, and their capacity to
address hazards
Experiences of a community to a particular disaster and failed response can
decrease vulnerability.
Ability to cope up to hazard increases through time as communities develop
awareness and gain enough knowledge about its effect to their everyday lives.
What are the main factors
that can affect the degree of
Physical, motivational and Social
These three factors are the determinants of the level of vulnerability to
communities exposed to hazards.
These characteristics such as
no perimeter fence, improper
electrical wiring installation,
non-compliant to building
code, and fire exits that are
too narrow belong to
__________ physical factor?
The strength and quality of materials used and international standard is
important to ensure safety.
Closeness to the hazard is
under what physical factor?
The location of a community to the hazard determines the level of their
The development of DRRM
committee and trained local
community leaders can
combat ________ factor that
affects level of vulnerability.
The involvedness of the leaders and member of the community in disaster
preparedness plan and implementation is an important key to decrease
A community with divided
leaders and members are
more exposed to hazard
because they lack this
important factor to decrease
Community with united members that are aware of risks and possible
consequences is motivated to implement programs for disaster management.
Which explains what is
Geo-physical and locational attributes considered in an area.
This is the characteristic which makes the element concerned susceptible to the
force/s or impact of a hazard.
Explain what is setting-
It concerns the prevailing socio-economic status of an area and whether it is
predominantly rural or urban.
The location of an area whether it is rural or urban can determine the severity
of vulnerability to hazard.
This pertains to potential
damages a hazard can affect
in critical facilities that the
community needs to continue
its normal functioning.
Physical Vulnerability
Physical damages can make people helpless because it can destroy basic needs
such as food, water, shelter, etc. to live a normal life.
Vulnerability of Certain
Sectors of Society to
The Philippines is exposed to
hazards because of its
Geographical location
Geographical location of the Philippines in the Pacific Ring of Fire contributes
to its high level of vulnerability to disaster.
The Philippines is a tropical
country that is why it is
prone to ______________ all
year round.
A tropical country like the Philippines has an average of 20 typhoons every
Which two situations are
more vulnerable to the effect
of a typhoon?
An illegal settlement close to the Pasig river.
Houses located at the foot of the mountain.
A strong typhoon can cause flash flood especially in low lying areas and
communities living near a body of water. Typhoon can also trigger a landslide.
How does poverty increase
Lack of financial capacity to recover and Lack of stable and permanent
Poverty means a lot in terms of vulnerability and capacity, but resiliency can
decrease vulnerability.
The following are good
practices to avoid
vulnerability to disaster
*EXCEPT *___________.
Enough savings in the bank
Hazard can affect any sector of the society without disaster preparedness plan.
Match the following effects
of disaster and factors
affecting sectors of society.
Socio-economic factor
Poorly constructed houses and Lack of food and water
Demographic Factor
Increased death of elders during a typhoon
Spread of disease to children in evacuation areas
Vulnerability of sectors of society increases depending on the socio-economic
and demographic factors present.
Who among the following are
considered as marginalized
sectors of society?
Elderly, Persons with Disability, Children
Marginalized social groups are those who should be given priority attention
during the post-disaster rescue, relief operations and recovery and
rehabilitation efforts.
Explain why marginalized
groups are more vulnerable to
the effects of disaster.
These people lack the ability to respond and cope with disasters.
Marginalized groups require more attention from the government and society
during emergencies. They have less ability or have inability to respond and
cope with disasters.
In a typical evacuation
scenario, the first to be
evacuated are always
________, ________, and the
Woman, children and elderly
These groups including mothers and pregnant women are the priority of
rescuers during emergency evacuations.
Why are hospitals given
attention during a disaster
like typhoon and earthquake?
Because people with illness need immediate care in emergencies.
Sick people are physically and mentally incapacitated because of their health
condition and that makes them vulnerable to any disaster.
Vulnerability of Certain
Structures to Hazards
What are the three concepts
that you need to know about
vulnerability of physical
Engineered construction, Non-engineered construction and owner-built
These three concepts concern houses, building, road, bridges, dams, seawall,
and other public and private infrastructures.
What are the examples of
engineered construction
School Buildings with building permit, Bridges constructed in compliance
with safety standard, High-rise condominium built by a reputable
construction firm
These constructions also followed the process of securing building permit,
thus ensuring the compliance to safety standards that can withstand
earthquakes and other similar hazards.
What are examples of non-
engineered construction?
Building Construction without safety standard and A house construction
without building permit
These structures may be designed by incompetent engineers and/or architects,
and were constructed without building permit
These buildings or houses are
mainly constructed by their
respective owners with
guidance of a head-mason or
Owner-Built Buildings
Just like non-engineered constructions, this type of structures do not have
necessary building permit and do not follow safety standards for buildings
and houses.
What factor concerns where
the building is built?
The location of the structure will determine the level of its vulnerability to
What factor concerns about
the complexity of the design
of the building?
Complex shapes such as L-shape, Y-shape, H-shape etc. can increase the
building’s vulnerability to damage and destruction during a disaster.
What factor concerns about
the vibration of neighbouring
Number of Buildings
The strength and durability of the surrounding buildings can affect the
structural integrity of a structure.
Explain why the number of
stories affects the integrity of
a structure?
Vulnerability increases with height increase of a building.
Tall buildings are more affected by slow shaking or long period of shaking
during an earthquake.
Why are symmetrical
buildings more preferred
when it comes to integrity
and strength?
Symmetrical planned buildings can withstand shaking compared to
asymmetrical buildings.
Balance distribution on both sides of a structure can increase its durability and
strength especially during an earthquake.
What is a non-structural
It includes other parts of a structure that may not be designed by a structural
These are parts of a building such as plumbing, electrical, walls, ceiling, and
light fixtures that requires quality standard to ensure safety.
Elements Exposed to
What do you call the
situation of people,
infrastructure, housing,
production capacities and
other tangible human assets
located in hazard-prone
Exposure can either increase or decrease depending on the vulnerability of the
elements exposed to hazard.
What is the major driver of
exposure to hazard?
The intensity of exposure of the communities around an active Mayon volcano
located in Legazpi, Albay in Bicol Region is different from those who live in
the city.
Communities near coastline
and flood prone urban areas
continue to live in these
places despite of exposure to
hazard because of _________.
Economic opportunity
Economic needs drives people to stay even in hazard-exposed areas. But a
community that cannot withstand exposure to a hazard is vulnerable to
Which of the following are
examples of physical
elements that might be
exposed to hazard?
School buildings, power supplies and railways
School buildings, railways and power supplies are physical infrastructures
that are exposed to hazard.
Match the social and
economic elements that might
be exposed to hazard.
Social – Persons with Disabilities, young children, pregnant women and
Economic – Agriculture and Small and Medium Enterprises
Social and Economic elements that are very vulnerable to the effect of hazards
are unable to quickly recover from a disaster.
This element when exposed to
hazard will have a damaging
effect to food security
Environmental elements like natural resources and agricultural land is our
major source of food.
What particular location is
more exposed to the hazard
brought by an earthquake?
Urban areas are densely populated and with more infrastructure exposed to
earthquake hazard. Mitigation in urban areas will help reduce the impacts of
Why is the Big One a
devastating hazard that
might affect Metro Manila?
Because of many high rise buildings
The Big One is caused by West Valley Fault that can generate big quakes.
Many high rise buildings in Metro Manila are vulnerable to its potential
What are the following
scenarios that can increase
the exposure of people to
People are coming in and out of a popular Mall because of 50% sale.
The Barangay is very close to a polluted river.
Awareness and proper education of the community living in a hazard prone
area can decrease exposure
Why are both rural and urban
areas exposed to hazards?
Because hazards can affect everyone especially without necessary measures
and planning.
People are always exposed to hazards especially when there is lack of
knowledge, resilience and preparation for disaster.
Elements Exposed to
Particular Hazards
Which among the following
elements is the most common
cause of industrial and
residential fire?
faulty electrical wirings
Faulty electrical wirings according to Bureau of Fire investigations are the
most common cause of fire in mostly populated areas.
What is the most common
reason why gadgets cause
electrical fire?
Irresponsible use of gadgets such as overheating is the most common reason
that causes electrical fires.
Which from the following
is/are the identified elements
exposed to particular
People and economic assets
People and economic assets are elements that are identified to be exposed to a
certain level of risk and vulnerability to particular hazard
Which shows that people are
not aware of the risk of
having substances that are
exposed to hazards.
Some people are keeping dangerous chemicals and biological substances in
the household
Some people are not careful in keeping poisonous chemicals and substances in
their household, which is causing hazards to people.
How do extension cords
become exposed to hazards?
Plugging too many electrical appliances in an extension cord.
Plugging too many electrical appliances to an extension cords may cause
overheating since extension cords are not designed for high electrical usage for
a long period of time.
Why do you think electrical
outlets and switches need to
be checked, maintained and
Some of the electrical fires are due to faulty and old outdated wirings, outlets
and switches that mismatch with the current electrical needs and
Why are light bulbs identified
as sources of electrical fires
in many fire incidents?
Some of the lights use improvised connections.
Some of the lightings used are substandard.
Some lights and fixtures installed are substandard; reassessment and
replacement of such elements must be done to avoid occurence of disaster.
How can you determine the
level of risk and reduce
vulnerability to elements
exposed to hazards in the
Disseminate right information to members of the community.
Conduct Risk assessment for some elements exposed to hazards.
Eliminate elements exposed to hazards.
Conduct of risk assessment, orientation seminar on elements exposed to
hazards and elimination (if possible) of such elements will reduce
vulnerability to disasters.
How can you convince your
community that there is a
need to have a Risk
Assessment in your locality?
Make informative posters that will educate people.
Conduct orientation about elements exposed to hazards.
Create local disaster response team.
Educating our community/ company is very important in identifying and
eliminating risk, since many incidents and disasters happen due to ignorance
and lack of understanding.
Which among following is
the most common reason why
people become victims of
lack of training to respond to disasters
ignorance of the many elements exposed to hazards
Ignorance of the dangers that can be brought by the many elements is one of
the most common reason why people become victims of disasters.
Vulnerabilities of Elements
Exposed to Particular
What type of vulnerability
refers to tangible objects that
are susceptible to hazards?
physical vulnerability
Vulnerabilities of tangible elements exposed to hazards such as houses,
buildings, and infrastructure are under physical vulnerability.
What type of vulnerability
describes the potential
degradation of the
surrounding landscapes and
biodiversity due to hazards
environmental vulnerability
Vulnerabilities of elements related to the surroundings and its biodiversity are
under environmental vulnerability.
What type of vulnerability is
concerned with the need of
organizational structure and
proper protocol
implementation for the
reduction of risk of disasters?
social vulnerability
Vulnerabilities of elements related to intangible things focusing on the
interaction within a community are under social vulnerability.
The Philippine Earthquake
Intensity Scale (PEIS) is a
measurement of how people
perceive a felt earthquake. An
intensity of 5 is described as
“Strong shaking and rocking
felt throughout building.
Hanging objects swing
violently.” Which among the
following is least likely to be
vulnerable to such
earthquake intensity?
Bolted cabinets
Because the cabinets are bolted, they will only move with respect to the house
at this intensity. This would not cause any high risk as opposed to the other
choices that can potentially move, break, or overturn.
Which among the following
people, when left alone, are
most vulnerable when
flooding hazard occurs?
Paraplegic people cannot swim properly because of their paralyzed legs,
unlike the three other choices which can still recognize and respond to
flooding hazard much quicker.
Why are non-engineered and
owner-built structures more
vulnerable to hazards?
The builder does not have a comprehensive knowledge on creating a
resilient structure.
A structure may be compliant with a building code, but is still highly
vulnerable to hazard if the builder does not know what type of hazard he/she
should account for. As such, an engineer or architect with comprehensive
knowledge on building a resilient structure depending on the present hazard
is needed to reduce vulnerability of exposed structures.
Which type of vulnerabilities
are described when cultured
mussels are affected by red
Social, environmental and economic vulnerability
Mussels being affected by red tide are an environmental vulnerability which
causes economic lows for the farmers. Social vulnerability can also increase
when these mussels are eaten due to lack of information dissemination.
Which of the following is
most vulnerable to fire, flood,
and typhoon hazard?
structure made of straw (dry grass)
Among the choices, straw structures are most vulnerable to the three hazards
because they are the most flammable, water absorbent, and lightweight
Which of the following is
*not *a way to reduce
vulnerability of a community
in an earthquake prone area?
Increase the population of the area to help prevent earthquakes.
Earthquakes cannot be prevented but its impact can be reduced. However,
increasing the population of an area increases the vulnerability of that area.
Hazards, Exposure and
What is the meaning of
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction was mandated by United
Nations General Assembly resolution in 1999.
A ____________ is a natural
phenomenon or human
activity that may endanger
lives and properties.
Hazard is a potential harmful event that can cause harm to its vulnerable
What is an example of a
biological hazard?
Virus (SARS, AH1N1, and Bird Flu)
These are biological elements that can cause diseases, epidemic and pandemic,
which pose threat to lives of humans and other living things.
Categorize the following
according to three types of
natural hazard.
Geological and Geophysical Hazards - Earthquakes and surface collapse
Hyro-meteorological hazards – typhoon or hurricanes
Biological Hazards - Toxins
Which among the following
are examples of
anthropogenic hazard?
oil and chemical spills also nuclear radiation
Anthropogenic hazards or human-induced hazards, are induced entirely or
predominantly by human activities and choices.
Under which type of hazard
is a technological hazard
Technological hazards are anthropogenic but may arise as a result of the
impacts of a natural hazard.
Which is a combination of
both anthropogenic and
natural hazards?
socio-natural hazards
It can happen when natural hazard interacted to degraded environmental
resources. Examples of socio-natural hazards are land subsidence, flooding
drought, etc.
Super typhoons like Yolanda
with international name
Typhoon Haiyan is a result of
climate change. What is this
natural hazard?
hydro-meteorological Hazards
The term super typhoon was coined by the U.S Joint Typhoon warning Center
with maximum sustained wind of at least 150 mph. Super typhoons are part of
natural meteorological processes that are impossible to prevent.
A flash flood caused by a
dam failure is an event
caused by which type of
Anthropogenic Hazards
A dam failure is due to human-built hazard that can cause harm to peoples’
lives and properties.
Mining can cause soil
erosion, contamination of
soil and groundwater, and
death of biodiversity. What
is this type of hazard?
socio-natural hazards
Mining hazards are categorized as socio-natural hazards. Mining is a human
activity that affects its surroundings and the natural hazards can be triggered
by by the different activities/processes associated with mining.
Which of the following does
not travel through the
interior of the earth?
Love wave
Love waves are surface waves. Surface waves do not travel through the
interior of the earth unlike body waves.
This refers to the number of
repetitions of shaking within
a specified period of time.
Frequency is the number of times a movement like ground shaking is repeated
within a certain amount of time.
Which of the following can be
described described as the
transverse or perpendicular
traveling motion during
S waves and Love waves
S waves vibrate perpendicular to their propagation direction, generating a
vertical movement on the surface. Love waves have horizontal motion
transverse to the direction they are traveling.
Which of the following best
describes S waves movement?
slower to arrive but felt strongly
P waves are the first waves to arrive but the shaking they produce is barely
felt. S waves reach the surface after P waves and shake the ground more
strongly than P waves.
How are low frequency
waves felt in skyscrapers?
Tall buildings sway more.
Tall buildings will sway more under low-frequency waves, just like a huge
boat will be rocked by a single huge wave.
Which intensify the damage
from ground shaking?
soft underlying rock/soil
shorter distance from the fault
You will experience stronger ground shaking if you are closer to the fault. Soft
rock/soil also amplifies ground shaking since the seismic waves slow down as
they pass through these materials and gain more energy.
Which type of body wave can
toss things around?
S waves displace the substrate vertically as it moves perpendicular to its
direction. P waves displace the substrate horizontally. Love and Rayleigh
waves are not body waves but rather surface waves.
You have just found out that
the land you were planning to
build your house on is
underlain by alluvium.
Alluvium is loose,
unconsolidated sediments
that have been redeposited in
a non-marine setting. What
can you do to reduce the
effects of ground shaking
should an earthquake occur?
Consult an engineer about earthquake-resistant structures.
Soft materials amplify ground shaking. You may also construct your house
with earthquake-resistant structures if you do not want to or cannot relocate.
Which of the following
statements are true about
ground shaking?
Following the building code can help reduce the damage from ground
the shaking of the ground will kill living things on it.
Ground shaking is caused by the movement of rocks along faults. Ground
shaking itself does not kill; it is the damaged/destroyed structures that do.
What type of building
material could stop ground
Earthquakes are such tremendous forces that to date, no engineering solution
can absorb their energy. You cannot stop the shaking but you can minimize
the damage it causes.
What fault was known to be
the origin of the Bohol
earthquake in 2013?
Inabanga Fault
Seismic measurements point to the Inabanga fault as the source of the
What is the recommended
minimum buffer zone for
structures near active fault?
Buildings and infrastructure should be constructed at least 5m away from the
active fault or deformation zone to be safe from earthquake hazards.
Which two colliding tectonic
plates caused the Chi-Chi
Philippine Sea Plate AND Eurasian Plate
Taiwan is where the two plates continuously collide. Stress from this collision
is released little-by-little through earthquakes there.
Which of the following
combinations of faults are
left-lateral normal fault AND right-lateral reverse fault
You can have both strike-slip and dip-slip movements on a fault. A fault
cannot be right- and left-lateral at the same time. The movement of the
hanging wall can only be up or down and not both.
Categorize the following into
strike-slip and dip-slip
Dextral (right-lateral) and Left-Lateral (or sinistral) faults are faults with a
horizontal sense of movement. Norma and reverse faults cause vertical
What fault moves a hanging
wall upward with respect to
the footwall?
Reverse faults are dip-slip faults characterized by the upward movement of
the hanging wall with respect to the footwall.
What causes earthquake-
induced ground ruptures?
The ground moves along faults when energy is released
Picture a line of trees along
the right side of a road. You
notice that the last five trees
you passed by are farther
away from the road than the
ones up ahead. Could they
have been moved by a dextral
No. The misalignment had nothing to do with a fault.
The displacement of a point (e.g. tree) does not automatically indicate faulting.
This displacement must be repeating or consistent in a certain area. If there
was any fault movement, the road should have been affected also.
How can you spot a recently
known strike-slip fault?
Look for repeating features that used to be linear straight but have now have
been misaligned.
Strike-slip faults disrupt the continuity of features on the ground. This is easily
spotted on linear features. However, the linear features have to be related and
repeating to confirm that the disruption (fault) is not only at a point, but rather
also linear.
If you happen to come across
a stream, what are possible
indicators that recent faults
have crossed it?
A shift in the direction of the stream.
Abrupt changes in ground level.
A sudden bend in the stream may have been caused by a strike-slip fault. If
there is an abrupt drop or elevated portions along the stream, these may have
been raised or lowered by a dip-slip fault.
What process causes
sediments to be compressed
and fluids squeezed out from
pore spaces?
Compaction is when mineral grains are pushed closer together in response to
ground shaking
What are geysers of both
sand and water that shoot
out from the ground due to
liquefaction at depth?
During ground shaking, the sediments at depth lose cohesion and cause the
ascent of materials such as sand and water. These are called sand boils.
For liquefaction to occur,
pore water pressure must be
equal to the _____.
Weight of the overburden
Liquefaction occurs when the pressure from the fluids previously contained in
the spaces between grains is equal to the weight of the overlying rock and/or
The degree of liquefaction is
_____ in _____ materials.
greater, loosely-consolidated
Loosely-consolidated, saturated rock/soil is most vulnerable to liquefaction.
Which type of ground will
have the least degree of
liquefaction in the given
1-minute shaking of solid rock
Even though it was subjected to the longest duration of shaking, solid rock is
much less likely to experience liquefaction than loose sediments which have
pore spaces water can seep through.
The city of Manila is
underlain by sand and silt.
Which of the following is true
in the event of an
The sand and silt will experience strong liquefaction.
Sand and silt are loose sediments that are especially vulnerable to liquefaction.
They do not readily form solid rock. The process of lithification takes millions
of years.
A city is built on an extensive
sand and silt deposit. There
will most likely be _____
liquefaction in the _____ than
in the _____ of the city.
Less, outskirts, center
A greater degree of liquefaction is to be expected in areas with denser
How can you know if
liquefaction occurred in an
Houses appear to be tilted on their sides or swallowed by the earth.
There are bits of damp sand that seem to have come out from holes in the
The sewer pipes and tanks have somehow made their way to the surface.
Liquefaction causes the ground to behave like quicksand. As such, buildings
are unable to remain upright and underground structures may emerge. Sand
boils are also indicators of liquefaction.
Which of the following
statements is true?
Liquefaction is unlikely to occur in solid igneous rock
Solid rocks are unlikely to experience liquefaction from ground shaking. High
altitude does not guarantee safety from liquefaction.
What is the slow, nearly
unnoticeable downward
movement of sloping rock due
to significant strain buildup?
Creep is the slow, imperceptible downslope movement of rock/soil as a result
of prolonged pressure and stress
What do you call the removal
of rock or debris from their
original source?
Rock or sediments are removed from their original source through a process
called weathering. These weathered materials are then transported during
mass wasting/landslide.
What does PEIS stand for The PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) is an intensity scale
modified to fit the geological and geographical settings of the Philippines.
Landslides triggered by
earthquakes are more likely
to occur on/in ____.
areas with intense rainfall, moderate to steep slopes
rocks with pre-existing fractures
Steep slopes and increased moisture content promote ground failure during
earthquakes. Fractures or other zones of weakness also improve the likelihood
of earthquake-induced landslides.
Which of the following is not
an indicator of a possible
lower sea level
A loud rumbling sound could mean that the landslide is already in progress.
Downslope movement of rock causes sediments to be deposited in streams.
Which factors are present in
PHIVOLCS earthquake-
induced landslide
susceptibility maps?
PHIVOLCS identified areas susceptible to earthquake-induced landslides
based on critical acceleration and intensity
In what situations is an
earthquake-induced landslide
more likely to happen on
indurated rock than on less
consolidated materials?
Older, weathered rocks (even indurated ones) may experience landslides due
to earthquakes. The likelihood of an EIL occurring is increased by the presence
of fractures.
Which of the following
would be an indicator of an
imperceptible movement of
sloping rock/soil?
fences tilting/bowing towards the slope
Creep movement of rocks can be too slow to be noticed but signs of movement
can be observed based on the changes in the objects that are on it.
An earthquake on a rainy day
will _____________ in an
extensive, low-lying area.
Cause creep
Landslides do not occur in flat topographies.
Which of the following is/are
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake can trigger landslides in the next town located a
hundred kilometers away from the epicenter.
The primary control of landslides is gravity.
Landslide is the downslope movement of rock/sediment under the influence
of gravity. It can be triggered by earthquakes or heavy rainfall. An earthquake-
induced landslide can occur several kilometers away from the source of the
What are the types of
tsunami according to extent?
Local tsunamis travel hundreds of kilometers from the source while regional
tsunamis can affect areas thousands of kilometers away.
what is the process that
causes the decrease in
velocity compensated for by
an increase in wave height?
As a tsunami enters shallower depths, it travels at a lower speed but
undergoes an increase in amplitude. This process is called wave shoaling.
Tsu means ___________,
while nami translates to
The Japanese word tsunami means ‘harbor wave’ as the phenomenon was
usually observed in harbors.
What will be produced by an
earthquake caused by a fault
traversing two two cities?
No tsunami
The earthquake must originate offshore to produce a tsunami. An onland fault
such as the San Andreas Fault does not generate tsunami
What movement of rock is
required to generate a
The upward/vertical movement of rock displaces the water and sets the
waves into motion.
Are you more likely to see a
100-meter tall tsunami in the
middle of the ocean? Why or
why not?
No. Tsunamis increases in height nearer the shore.
In the open ocean, tsunami heights are usually around a few feet. However, as
tsunamis approach the coast and go through shallow depths, they gain height.
Which of the following is true
during an eruption of the
Mayon Volcano?
There will be no tsunami threats in coasts near Mount Mayon.
Shaking from the Mayon Volcano will not produce tsunamis since the volcano
is onland. A volcanic eruption may trigger a tsunami if it is underwater.
The Manila Trench is located
off the coast of northwestern
Philippines. If an earthquake
occurs due to movement
along this feature, a possible
tsunami might hit
Vigan and Laoag are located on the northwestern coast of the Philippines.
Banaue and Baguio are farther inland and are unlikely to be affected by a
Why are subduction zones
more likely to generate
tsunamis than divergent and
transform plate boundaries?
Transform plate movements are primarily horizontal and cannot impart
vertical displacement to the water.
Continental-continental convergent plate boundaries have no water to
the stress of a subducting plate is released through an earthquake by
moving upward (snapping).
The movement in subduction zones that release energy towards the surface is
through an upward direction that causes vertical water displacement.
There are no incoming
tropical depressions or
typhoons and you are sure
that it’s far from low tide but
corals are already exposed in
minutes. There have been
reports of an earthquake
hours ago across the ocean.
What could be happening?
A tsunami is already there and its lowest part is creating a void of water in
the coast.
Tidal changes happen in a span of hours, not minutes. Wind cannot blow all
the water back to the sea. This leaves us with the tsunami’s lowest point being
already at the coast and taking all the water to increase the size of the wave.
Which type of lava is
described as smooth and ropy
in texture?
Pahoehoe lava flows have smooth and ropy texture because they move fluidly
along the surface.
What potential hazard/s can
be brought about by lava
Lava flows can crush and bury structures because of its massive volume and
weight. It can also burn because of its high temperature. It cannot drown
because you will not die from a liquid source.
What do you call the molten
material found on Earth’s
Lava is the molten material that find its way on Earth’s surface. Magma is the
molten material still beneath the surface of Earth. Pahoehoe and Aa are types
of lava based on texture.
What preventive measure can
be done to lessen the negative
effects of lava flow?
Creating artificial barriers is the only effective solution among the choices
because the rest still renders the area useless after the incident.
Categorize each statement as
true or false.
Lava flows are relatively slow, and can therefore be outrun. Pahoehoe lava
flows are more fluid, so they flow faster. Lava flows can start out as Aa if the
lava is already viscous from the start. High temperature lava flows are more
fluid than low temperature lava.
Which from the following
cause/s lava flow to move
High silica content creates a chained framework of compound within a lava
which makes it more viscous.
Which from the following is
used by the PHIVOLCS to
lessen the hazards that the
Based on the discussion, only early warning system among the answers has
been put in place by PHIVOLCS to lessen the risk of Mayon volcano’s hazards.
Mayon volcano may cause to
Which from the following
will be very helpful in
identifying and avoiding lava
Hazard maps are a useful tool in correctly identifying where the next lava
flows will potentially be because they have been studied comprehensively
prior to its publication.
To produce a good hazard
map of lava flow, number the
given workflow to show its
proper sequence.
Going on a fieldwork starts the process on creating hazard maps to identify
plausible future pathways of lava flow. They are then collected and analysed
before creating a draft. The draft is then checked for revision before
How can you avoid lava flow
Do not establish settlement in hazardous areas.
Always be informed on impending volcanic activities in your area.
Follow procedures set by the government on avoiding hazards.
No technology has been created in stopping lava flows completely to avoid
destruction of settlement.
Which volcanic gases have
harmful effects?
hydrogen fluoride, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide
Water vapor on its own does not have a harmful effect to humans or the
Which of the following can be
the result of inhaling too
much carbon dioxide?
Inhalation of carbon dioxide depletes the oxygen supply in our body leading
to unconsciousness, suffocation, and possible death.
Which compound causes acid
rain when mixed with the
Sulfur dioxide creates sulfuric acid when mixed with the atmosphere creating
acid rain during precipitation.
Which from the following are
effects caused by injection of
sulfur dioxide to the
Sulfur dioxide when injected into the atmosphere can help block the sun’s rays
(albedo effect) and can create sulfuric acid which is a component of acid rain.
What happens when you are
exposed to sulfur dioxide for
too long?
skin irritation, poisoned respiratory system, eye irritation
Asphyxiation is not caused by sulfur dioxide because sulfuric acid forms
during inhalation poisoning the respiratory tract rather than depletion of
oxygen intake.
How can volcanic gas hazard
be reduced?
Install equipment for detecting different volcanic gases.
Leave areas with high volcanic gas activity.
wear a gas mask.
As exemplified by the disaster in Lake Nyos in 1986, being in low-lying areas
doesn’t necessarily reduce the risk of volcanic gas hazards.
Who among the choices is
most affected by volcanic gas
emissions in Mt. Ijen?
Because sulfur miners hike there daily, they are most exposed to the volcanic
gas hazard and are most affected.
Should you go towards a
depression within a volcano
if it looks completely safe
and no volcanic gases can be
seen or smelled?
Because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, odorless, and colorless, they can
easily concentrate on depressions around a volcano without humans noticing
Why is it good to be informed
on different types of volcanic
gases even if you are far
away from a volcanic source?
Because volcanic gases can reach far areas depending on the weather
condition during volcanic activities.
Because different types of volcanic gas have different effects on humans and
the environment
is good to be informed about them to identify which ones are possibly near
your area and be aware of how it can affect you and the environment.
Is it useful to create a hazard
map for volcanic gases
similar to lava flows
identifying where the next
volcanic gases will go to?
No, because the direction of volcanic gases is dependent on the prevailing
wind direction.
Volcanic gases do not have a predictable movement because it is dependent on
the prevailing wind direction.
Which from the following are
synonymous concepts?
Tephra and pyroclastic materials are synonymous terms that are used as a
collective term for solid materials erupted from a volcano
What volcanic hazards are
considered as precursors of
Lahars are formed when pyroclastic materials from pyroclastic flows or
surges mix with water, creating a muddy mixture that flows toward low-lying
What type of pyroclastic
flow is formed when a lava
dome collapses due to
gravitational force?
Merapi type of pyroclastic flow comes from the typical eruption type of Mt.
Merapi in Java, Indonesia where pyroclastic flows are generated by
gravitational failure of lava domes
When do Soufrière
pyroclastic flows occur?
When a vertical eruption column starts to lose momentum and eventually
collapses to the sides of the volcano
Soufrière pyroclastic flow took its name from the violent eruption of Soufrière
Hills Volcano in Montserrat where a fountain of pyroclastic material thrusted
upward and eventually collapsed to form pyroclastic flows.
Which of the following can be
done to minimize pyroclastic
flow hazards?
public information dissemination
early warning system
Artificial barriers cannot minimize the hazard of a pyroclastic flow because of
its fluid and high speed movement that can override and destroy an artificial
Which of the following
cannot be caused by a
pyroclastic flow?
Pyroclastic flows are composed of dry hot materials which cannot cause
Which characteristic
differentiates a pyroclastic
flow from pyroclastic surge?
Unlike pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surges have low density because of its
high gas content over its pyroclastic materials.
Can the occurrence of
pyroclastic flows be
Volcanic eruptions cannot be prevented; hence, pyroclastic flows cannot be
prevented from happening too. However, their pathway can somewhat be
predicted, but the risk along the pathway cannot be prevented because of
their massive size.
Can pyroclastic flow move
over water?
Pyroclastic flow can flow over water even for several kilometers because of the
pyroclastic flow momentum, density, and temperature that makes it more
buoyant than water.
Are pyroclastic flow hazard
maps important in
minimizing risk of hazards to
Yes, because they can be used by the government and communities to create
a better disaster risk reduction plan
Yes, because they can help predict the possible direction of pyroclastic flows
in the future.
Pyroclastic flow hazard maps are important in creating disaster risk reduction
plans for areas within and even outside the affected areas because pyroclastic
flows have a relatively predictable movement as they move along the direction
of the area’s topography.
Which of the following are
types of tephra?
The three types of tephra based on the fragment size are ash, lapilli, and
blocks and bombs.
Which volcanic hazard has
the widest range of effect?
Tephra fall has the widest range of effect because it can spread to thousands
of kilometers if prevailing winds drive it far away from the volcanic source.
What do you call an angular
tephra that is greater than
64mm in size?
Blocks and bombs both have sizes that are greater than 64mm. Blocks,
however are angular compare to the rounded shape of bombs.
Identify whether the
following statements about
tephra fall are true or false.
The force from ballistic projectiles cannot destroy buildings or structures.
Ballistic projectiles can get suspended in the air and hinder aircrafts from
Tephra fall can collapse roof, destroy electrical lines, and agriculture.
The size of tephra fall deposits decreases as you move farther from the
Ballistic projectiles can destroy buildings and structures from its force of
impact alone. They do not become suspended on air because ballistic
projectiles are large and are nominally affected by wind.
Which of the following can be
done to minimize ash fall
Strengthen building structures to withstand heavy loads of ash.
Design roofs that discourage ash fall buildup.
Ash fall hazards can be minimized as exemplified by the answers. Wetting the
accumulated ash increases the load over a roof which can create failure of a
house or building.
What differentiates tephra
fall from ballistic projectiles?
mode of emplacement,
range of effect, capacity to carry harmful particles
Both tephra fall and ballistic projectile can bury objects. Therefore, the
description does not differentiate the two volcanic hazards.
Which of the following is/are
characteristics that describe/s
tephra fall?
They contain particles of varying sizes.
They are affected by prevailing wind direction.
Tephra fall has the widest range of effect among all volcanic hazards because it
can be carried by prevailing wind directions to thousands of kilometers away.
As it is carried farther from its source, tephra is segregated such that smaller
ones travel farther away.
What should you do when
tephra falls occur in your
Prepare for a cleanup. Close all openings where ash fall can enter.
Wear masks.
It is not necessary to evacuate people in the area because ash fall hazard can be
mitigated during its occurrence.
Which statement is true
about ash fall mitigation?
Cleaning of ash fall is recommended to start as early as possible so
accumulation of ash would not have added negative impacts. They cannot be
cleaned easily without proper disposal and coordination amongst the
community because it is a widespread hazard.
Which group are most
affected by ash fall given the
same situation for all?
Children are most affected because they are physically smaller and are less
likely to adopt to preventive measures against ash fall exposure.
Which sources create primary
crater lake eruption, glacier burst, pyroclastic flow
Rainfall creates a secondary lahar when it mixes with previously deposited
volcanic materials.
When do primary lahars
Primary lahars are formed during an eruption such as when pyroclastic flows
entrain river systems and crater lakes collapse due to volcanic activities.
Which type of lahar is
usually found farther from
the source and dry out like
concrete after some time?
Diluted lahar forms as a result of low material to water ratio compared to
hyperconcentrated flows. These usually forms downstream when some of the
materials have already deposited upstream, but they can also form due to high
influx of water from the very beginning of its flow.
Arrange the following hazard
strategies from most effective
(1) to least effective (4) risk
reduction action plan.
Hazard avoidance is most effective because you are removing yourself totally
from the hazard; followed by hazard modification which strengthens
structures or lessens the hazards going to the affected are; hazard warning
doesn’t do the above except warn when the hazard is occurring; hazard
response and recovery planning occurs after the hazard has happened.
What should you do before
enforcing a plan on reducing
the risk of lahar hazards?
Education is done first and foremost to increase awareness and interest of the
affected community. This also ensures that proper and effective mitigating
measures can be done on the area.
Education is done first and
foremost to increase
awareness and interest of the
affected community. This
also ensures that proper and
effective mitigating measures
can be done on the area.
hazard modification, hazard warning
hazard response and recovery planning
Hazard avoidance cannot be done anymore because people have refused to
move out of the area where lahar hazard can occur.
How do lahars occur even
without ongoing volcanic
Dams created by old volcanic materials can fail and cause an outpour of
water that mixes with the volcanic materials.
Lahars can occur without any volcanic activity because old volcanic materials
that have been deposited by previous eruptions can be remobilized by other
means such as rainfall.
Can you do a search and
rescue immediately after a
lahar event?
Yes, but the rescue operations will be very slow due to risks brought about
by the situation.
Search and rescue operations can still be done even right after a lahar event.
However, precautionary measures must be done first to ensure that the
unconsolidated materials will not create more hazard to the rescuers.
Which areas will lahar
warning be most effective?
areas on lowlands, areas far from the source of lahar
Because warnings need lead time prior to a hazard event before they can be
used effectively, areas far from the source of lahar will have the most effective
result. This includes areas on lowlands where lahars start to gradually slowly
Do lahars contain only
volcanic material and water?
No, because they incorporate other materials such as trees, houses, and other
material as they move.
Lahars usually start out with volcanic material and water, but as it moves, it
can incorporate other materials because of its force of impact, and eroding
Which of the following
geological phenomenon refers
to surface shrinking that
creates a massive, deep
circular hole in a particular
ground surface?
Sinkhole is a massive deep and usually a circular hole created in a ground
surface caused by ground subsidence.
Where does ground
subsidence usually occur?
in big cities, in urban settlements, in mining areas
Ground subsidence usually occurs in densely populated areas due to over
extraction of ground water, geothermal fluids, oil and gas and other materials
for human use.
Which of the following is a
natural cause of ground
tectonic motion
Tectonic motion is a natural phenomenon which may cause changes in the
formation of materials under the ground surface.
Which of the following is the
reason why a bedrock in
karst area can easily be
dissolved by groundwater?
Karst areas are composed of limestones and dolomites.
Karst areas are composed of bedrocks made of limestones and dolomites
which can be dissolved by groundwater.
Which terms categorize
sinkholes based on how they
are formed?
Dissolution, Cover subsidence, Cover Collapse
Dissolution, Cover subsidence and Cover Collapse are some of the types of
sinkholes and their names are descriptive of how they are formed. Mining
activity can result to formation of different types of sinkholes.
Which from the following
plans of action is *not *true
about avoiding ground
subsidence in populated
Make fissure areas as tourist attractions.
Fissure areas are ground surfaces which are prone to ground subsidence and
sinkholes. People should be discouraged from doing daily activities near a
In which area will a sinkhole
likely occur?
Road near the fissure area
Fissure areas are prone to sinkhole generation because ground water easily
finds its way down to bedrocks that easily dissolves.
Which of the following is
*not *a cause of ground
ground shaking
Ground shaking does not necessarily cause a sinkhole but it can trigger a
collapse of a surface. withdrawal of fluids (groundwater, petroleum, or
geothermal), dewatering (oxidation) of peat or organic soil, dissolution in
limestone aquifers
Why it is important to
practice water conservation
even if there is no presence of
fissures in your area?
Dumping garbage manure and other materials may develop acids which
may affect bedrocks
Improper disposal of water may cause development of fissures in some
Contaminants may also contribute to dissolution of bedrocks and
limestones underground.
Practicing water conservation is not only for saving water for our use; it also
helps us avoid other geological hazards.
Which of the following does
not promote avoidance of
ground subsidence?
Route drainage systems to earth fissures.
Disposing water on earth fissures contributes to penetration of water on
bedrocks underground.
Which of the following
causes of landslide does weak
or sensitive materials belong?
geological causes
Weak and sensitive materials like rock formations can cause landslides.
Which of the following
causes of landslides does
deforestation belong?
human causes
Deforestation is a result of human activity that clears wide area of trees.
Which of the following
causes does fluvial, wave, or
glacial erosion of slope toe or
lateral margins belong?
morphological causes
The causes of landslides are usually related to instabilities in slopes.
What are human causes of
loading of slope or its crest, irrigation, artificial vibration
Destructive human activities can be a contributing factor in causing landslides.
What are the signs of an
impending landslide
according to USGS?
sunken or down-dropped road beds, soil moving away from foundations
tilting or cracking of concrete floors and foundations
These are important signs that can be seen before an impending landslides that
can save lives.
Water (rain), seismic, and
volcanic activity are three
main categories of what type
of landslide?
natural causes
In the natural causes of landslides, there are three (3) main categories such as
water (rain), seismic, and volcanic activity.
Which agency outlined five
(5) major types of movement
or landslides in their The
Landslide Handbook?
United States Geological Survey or USGS
USGS clearly defines landslides as the “downslope movement of soil, rock,
and organic materials under the effects of gravity and also the landform that
results from such movement”
What happens when a
movement like fall occurs?
Detachment of soil or rock, or both, from a steep slope along a surface on
which little or no shear displacement has occurred.
A fall begins with the detachment of soil or rock, or both, from a steep slope
along a surface on which little or no shear displacement has occurred.
What type of movement do
lahar, debris avalanches, and
earthflows belong?
The component velocities in the displacing mass of a flow resemble those in a
viscous liquid. Often, there is a gradation of change from slides to flows,
depending on the water content, mobility, and evolution of the movement.
When spread movement can
It can result from liquefaction or flow (and extrusion) of the softer
underlying material.
What is coastal erosion? It is the removal of material from the coast by wave action, tidal currents,
and/or activities of man, typically landward retreat of the coastline.
It can also be seaward and alongshore movement of the coast.
What are the three main
types of shoreline?
barrier systems, cliff, beach
There are three (3) main types of shoreline: cliffs, beach and barrier systems
that are prone to coastal erosion.
It is recorded that 15 square-
kilometers of shores are
retreating annually due to
sea level rising and global
warming. Which global issue
is this?
coastal erosion
Coastal erosion is not just a concern in the Philippines, but it is also a global
The removal of loose
material through waves, two
main results are the abrasion
of rock surfaces and the
pressure fluctuations induced
on rocks by the waves. What
type of coastal erosion is
mechanical erosion waves
The mechanical action of waves is the main erosion factor in coastal
environment, through high energy waves or storms waves.
Coastal cliffs and intertidal
coastal platforms are exposed
to alternating wetting and
drying of salt spray, wave
swash, tides, and rain. What
type of coastal erosion is
In protected areas and erodible rocks, weathering is probably the main erosive
What type of coastal erosion
is more important in tropical
regions, due to the abundance
of marine biota and
limestone substrates that are
susceptible to biochemical
and biophysical processes?
Bio-erosion is the removal of rock from organisms.
The steep slopes of rocky
shores testify that they are
unstable and prone to mass
movements. What type of
coastal erosion is this?
mass movements
On the rocky shores many movement types may occur depending mainly on
the rock properties.
What agency is responsible in
the clean-up and
rehabilitation Boracay
island, in Malaybalay,
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the primary
agency responsible for the conservation, management, development, and
proper use of the country's environment and natural resources.
Sand extraction is a human
activity that is harmful to
coastal areas and its
inhabitants. Which
parameters of coastal erosion
is this?
lithology of rocks
Due to this human activity coastal areas are vulnerable to effects of this human
What generic term defines
any celestial body entering
the earth surface creating a
Bolide is the term that is used to any celestial body that enters the surface of
the earth.
Which of the following are
important determinants of
impact of any celestial body
that enters Earth’s surface?
Density, composition, size
Size, composition and density are very important consideration to consider on
how the celestial body survives its entry
To what maximum extent can
a bolide impact affect life on
It can instantly kill of billions of people.
A massive bolide can create a high-energy impact that may be enough to
instantly kill billions of people and other living things.
Why is there always a danger
of near earth objects to
collide with our planet?
Celestial bodies such as planets and space rocks attracts each other.
Disturbance upon the asteroid belt could push these materials to inner areas
of the solar system.
Near-Earth Objects (NEO) are mostly found in the asteroid belt and
disturbances in that area can cause any NEO to change its trajectory and move
towards the inner solar system where earth resides. Inside the inner solar
system, NEOs can be attracted to any of its planet including Earth.
Which from the following
aspects of the earth will be
affected in case there be a
bolide impact?
Geological impact, Geophysical impact
Hydro-meteorological impact
Bolides can potentially trigger or cause geological and geophysical changes
and hazards. They can also potentially affect the earth’s atmosphere directly or
indirectly like when they trigger a volcanic activity.
What do you call the region
with metallic asteroids in the
solar system?
asteroid belt
Asteroid belt is the region composed of metallic asteroids that can be found
between Jupiter and Mars.
What kind of hazards are
celestial objects?
natural hazards
Celestial objects that enters the earth's surface are also considered as natural
hazards as they are part of natural processes.
Which would best help
prepare citizens of the world
on bolide hazards?
Countries with space programs can coordinate with other countries
regarding monitoring and preparedness plans.
There are countries with advanced space programs that are monitoring
movements of NEOs. Awareness of the status of NEOs can help countries
prepare for the possible hazard and disaster scenarios.
Which of the following can
possibly reduce the risk of
earth- NEO collision?
NASA Deep Impact mission, LASER beam to deflect NEO
deflection by hypervelocity spacecraft
Laser beams, Deflection, and deep impact missions are the theoretical
solutions of some scientist to avoid earth impact.
Which from the following is
the most plausible
relationship of a Superbolide
impact and dinosaur
Superbolide impact triggered earthquake and volcanic eruptions that
changed the earth’s geological and climatic conditions.
Superbolides can trigger geological hazards depending on the magnitude of
their impact. Geological hazards like volcanic eruptions can change the
composition of the earth’s atmosphere. It is highly possible that the extinction
of many species including dinosaurs that coincided with the record of a
historical impact of a superbolide is due to the effects of the triggered
geological hazards.
Which can be described as a
system of rotating
thunderstorms that
developed over ocean waters?
Typhoon and hurricane
Tropical cyclone is an organized system of rotating thunderstorms that formed
over warm ocean waters. It can also be called hurricane or typhoon,
depending on which part of the ocean it originated.
Where do hurricanes
over warm ocean waters of the Atlantic and the East Pacific
Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that develop over the warm tropical ocean
region of the Atlantic and East Pacific.
Which of the following is
responsible for rotational
direction of tropical
Coriolis force acts on objects that are in motion relative to a rotating frame of
reference. Winds moving in the northern hemisphere is deflected to the right
and the inverse applies for winds in the southern hemisphere.
What is the basis for
determining the classification
of tropical cyclones?
magnitude of sustained winds in the wall cloud
The maximum sustained winds are located in an area called the eyewall or
wall cloud. The magnitude of these winds are determined and used as the
basis for classifying tropical cyclones.
What is the sustained wind
speeds of the different
tropical cyclone categories?
Super Typhoon >200, Typhoon: 118-220
Tropical Storm 62 – 88 Tropical Depression <61
At which point does
PAGASA monitor low
pressure areas (LPA)?
When the LPA enters the Philippine Area of Responsibility
When a low pressure area is detected by PAGASA, the agency monitors its
movement and development. PAGASA releases weather bulletins and
forecasts to help the public anticipate possible weather development and take
precautionary measures
Which of the following is/are
indicated in the Public Storm
Warning signals?
the projected impacts of the extreme weather
how soon its impacts can be anticipated from the time of announcement
A Public Storm Warning Signal is issued in the affected areas to inform the
public on the projected impacts of the storm and how soon these are expected
to be felt.
Which of the following can be
expected when a PSWS # 2 is
issued by PAGASA?
A typhoon with sustained winds of 61-120 km/h is expected in the area in 24
PSWS warnings indicate the sustain winds and the lead time when it is
expected to pass the area where the warning was given. It will also indicate
the potential damages in the area based on the strength of its winds.
A typhoon is said to be
currently moving through
your area but it seems that
the weather around your
house is calm. Which of the
following can explain what is
currently happening in your
exact area?
The eye of the typhoon is currently over your area.
The eye is the calmest portion of the typhoon and the point at which the winds
rotate. As typhoons move, areas which are below its eye will experience its
calmest state.
Which explains the need to
add a PSWS # 5 in the
A more intense and widespread potential damage can be anticipated and
prepared for by the public in case of a typhoon with very strong winds.
A typhoon with winds of more than 220 km/h can cause maximum potential
damage and destructidon over a wider area, more than what is expected from
a lesser strength typhoons. Awareness on this kind of typhoon can help in
preparedness and can save lives.
Which of the following is
required in the formation of a
a balance of updrafts and downdrafts
Thunderstorms form over areas with rapidly rising warm air that has high
moisture content. It forms when there is a balance of updrafts and downdrafts.
Which describes a thunder? It is the shockwave of exploding heated air.
Lightning heats the air around it to the point that it explodes. Thunder is what
we hear from the shockwave brought about by the explosion.
Which refers to a group of
storms arranged in a line?
A squall line is a group of storms arranged in a straight line. It is shorter-lived
than multi-cells and supercells, and are less likely to produce tornadoes.
What can possibly occur
when there are turbulent air
currents within a
electrons get knocked off water molecules
Turbulent air currents cause intense collisions among water particles and these
collisions collisions knock out electrons.
Which explains why
lightning strikes an object on
the ground?
The electrons from clouds surge down to meet the streamers, creating
While plasma is being formed above, the objects on the ground reach out to
the clouds by growing streamers. Plasma travels downward to meet the
streamers from objects on the ground, creating lightning.
How is a waterspout
different from a tornado?
A waterspout forms over bodies of water and a tornado forms over land.
A waterspout is compositionally the same as a tornado but it develops from a
water body and can move towards land.
Which is *not *an indicator
of an approaching
sudden fog formation over a large area
An approaching thunderstorm has apparent warning signs, such as gentle
warm air suddenly replaced by strong, chilly bursts of wind, lightning strikes
accompanied by deafening thunder, and abrupt, intense rain.
PAGASA issues a
thunderstorm advisory in
Metro Manila at 4pm. Which
of the following is indicated
in the given issuance?
A thunderstorm can be expected at about 6 in the evening.
When there is indication that a thunderstorm is threatening a specific area
within the next two hours, PAGASA issues a thunderstorm advisory.
Which thunderstorm hazard
is *mainly *being addressed
in the following?
Strong wind/tornado – keep doors and windows closed
Rainfall – seek covered shelter
Lightning – when outside and possible, stay inside a car; avoid using corded
phones or gadget physically connected to the wires outside
PAGASA announced through
their Twitter account that a
thunderstorm is expected in
the next 12 hours. What kind
of issuance was released by
PAGASA in that case?
thunderstorm watch
PAGASA begins a thunderstorm watch when thunderstorm formation is likely
within the next twelve hours. Updates will be disseminated thru social media
networks and the PAGASA website.
Which describes flooding? When an area normally not covered in water that has become submerged.
Flooding is said to be happening when an area that is normally dry becomes
submerged in water.
Which of the following
flooding cause is due to man-
made structure?
Dam failure can cause sudden flow of large volume of water over land areas
in human communities.
Which describes a flash
It is flood that developed in less than six hours.
Rapid development of flood is called a flash flood. Flash floods develop in a
period of less than six hours.
Which will promote flooding
lack of waste management in urban areas
urban development in low-lying areas, logging of trees
The path of water will be from high areas to low areas. Urban areas that lack
waste management will be an impediment to water flow. Logging of trees will
increase surface runoff and increased water volume will flow to low-lying
How does tree- planting
reduce the potential of
Tree roots absorb water, Trees improve the soil’s ability to absorb water.
Vegetation lessens runoff, as it absorbs water and improves the ability of the
ground to take in more moisture.
Which of the following has
the least influence on the
possibility of flooding in an
wind direction
Topography of an area, ground cover and vegetation as well as duration of
rainfall are conditions that can increase or decrease flooding. Wind direction
on the other hand does not directly influence flooding, rather, it can influence
the direction of clouds that bear rain or storm surges.
Why is flooding more
common in deltas?
It is where freshwater tributaries drain to as it enters the ocean.
Water from rivers and streams flows towards the delta; it is in the path of
water and it is usually the lowest part of land.
How can urbanization
influence flooding? Show the
order of events that can lead
to flooding.
Increased population in urban areas bring about increased waste production.
In the case of many urban areas in the country, waste management is planned
and remedied after there is already a noticeable consequence of poor waste
management. During the rainy season, flooding is highly possible because of
blocked sewers and drains.
Which of the following are
data used in making flood
hazard maps?
geomorphology of the area, accounts of residents about flooding events
Flood hazard maps are created using methods to analyze the geology and
morphological characteristics of an area. Flooding events that have occured in
the area are also used for data analysis and verification in making flood
hazard map.
When Marikina City
experienced a severe flooding
event during Typhoon
Ketsana (Ondoy), the main
reason stated by authorized
bodies is the rise of its river
water level. The brown water
that submerged most areas in
Marikina is evident. Which of
the following factors that
influence flooding can be
inferred from the text above?
Marikina city is a low-lying area near a river.
River water is due to runoff from areas that lack vegetation
From only the text given, it can be inferred that Marikina is in a low-lying area
where river water can spill off to and spread over most areas. The brown
water is an indication of surface runoff where there are no vegetation to hold
off the soil as water flows.
Which is/are true about a
storm surge?
It is the rising of seawater level during a storm
It is driven by strong typhoon winds
It develops from undersea disturbances.
It produces waves up to a maximum of 1 meter
Which of the following does
not influence the severity of a
storm surge?
the salinity of seawater
The severity of a storm surge is dependent on factors such as strength and
speed of the storm, shape and characteristics of the coast, angle of approach of
the storm to the coast, and width and slope of the continental shelf.
Which describes the shape of
the coast of Manila Bay?
inward bow
The coast of Manila Bay is an inward bow and this makes it susceptible to
storm surges.
Which describes how the
shape of the continental shelf
affects a storm surge?
a gentle-sloped shelf allows water to travel towards land more easily than a
steep-sloped shelf.
A gently sloping continental shelf is more prone to storm surges and coastal
inundation than areas where the seafloor is deep. A shallower seafloor allows
the water to travel inland with less difficulty.
Which of the following
correctly relates the angle of
approach of the typhoon to
the severity of storm surge?
A typhoon that is moving straight toward the coastline can create a bigger
storm surge than one that approaches at an angle.
A typhoon directly approaching the coastline is more likely to create a large
storm surge than one moving obliquely.
Which shows how a storm
surge warning system is
Four colors indicate different expected wave height
Four colors indicate different actions to be taken
PAGASA makes use of a color-coded storm surge warning system which is
based on wave heights, with an increasing danger level from green to red.
Each color also has a corresponding action to be taken, depending on the
expected wave height.
Which describes the
difference between a tsunami
and a storm surge?
A tsunami results from underwater movement while a storm surge results
from typhoon winds.
Tsunami and storm surge are both increase in seawater height in the form of
high-energy waves. Their impacts are very similar as well. However, a
tsunami is generated by an underwater earthquake while a storm surge is
generated from typhoon winds.
A storm surge is expected to
occur and the wave height is
higher than an average
single-storey house. What
kind of action should be
taken based on the PAGASA
storm surge warning?
The storm surge is classified as RED and therefore evacuation is already
The storm surge height higher than a single-storey house is more than 3
meters. It is classified as RED and it indicates that it can be catastrophic
therefore evacuation is already mandatory.
A coast is lined with wall
structures designed to reduce
the impacts of storm surges.
Which best explains how
those structures help against
storm surges?
The wall reduces the powerful wave action before the water hits the land.
Breakwater or similar structures can help reduce the impact of storm surges by
reducing its intensity before it moves inwards.
Which of the following will
be the best course of action if
a there is an Orange warning
for storm surge and your
house is by the beach in the
area of concern?
Evacuate with your family
In an orange warning, a storm surge of up to 3 meters is expected. There may
be advisories from the local authorities but it is still the best option not to wait
for the worst scenario before seeking a safer place. Storm surges can be life-
threatening and there is a need to take extra precautions.
What does ENSO stand for? El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. It involves the changes in
oceanic and atmospheric temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific.
What is the southwest
monsoon called in the
The southwest monsoon, locally known as Habagat, is a warm, moist air
originating from the southwest Indian Ocean.
Which of the following
phenomenon was originally
observed in Southern
El Niño is a Spanish term that translates to “The Little Boy” or “Christ Child.”
It was originally observed in Southern America as unusually warm seawater.
Which signs indicate the
onset of El Niño in the
shorter rainy season, delayed rainy season
El Niño is marked by a delayed onset or early termination of the rainy season,
and weak monsoon and tropical cyclone activity.
Which hazard is expected to
directly result from El Niño?
El Niño is associated with severe dry spells or droughts.
What are the possible
impacts of a dry spell?
health problems, lack of water supply
reduced agricultural production
Dry spell can negatively impact food supply due to lack of water for crops and
livestock. It can also cause general lack of water supply which can
consequently cause health problems.
What brings about decreased
rainfall in areas such as the
Mexico during La Niña?
Higher air pressure than normal results in decreased cloud production.
During La Niña, high-pressure zones cause decreased cloud production. This
is usually observed in South America and the Gulf Coast of U.S.
Which explains the lack of
cloud production in Eastern
Pacific during La Niña?
Upwelling results to higher air pressure
Upward movement of cold water by unusually strong trade winds higher air
pressure which does not encourage cloud production in the area concerned.
Which are associated impacts
of La Niña in the Western
greater rainfall, flooding events
The air pressure conditions in the western Pacific are opposite of those in the
central and east. As a consequence, increased rainfall is observed in Southeast
Asia, and in countries like India and Bangladesh.
9.1 Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Risk Reduction Management
What is the process of
decreasing and preventing
disaster risks?
Disaster risk reduction is a systematic process to decrease, prevent or limit
effects of disasters or hazards.
Which factor of disaster risk
reduction includes education
and culture?
The social well-being of a community includes education, culture, beliefs,
religion and practices.
Which preparation measures
lessen the degree of the
severity of the impact of a
Mitigation includes non-structural (education and training) and structural
(infrastructures) preparation measures that lessen the impact of disasters.
Which includes all processes
in the choices?
All processes belong to disaster risk reduction. They are all pre-events to
reduce disaster risks.(mitigation, preparedness, prevention)
Which is not a management
procedure in disasters?
Adaptation is the adjustment of a community as a response to a catastrophe.
Which results in an effective
disaster risk reduction and
When hazard exposure and vulnerability are decreased, disaster risk is
reduced. Disaster risk is further reduced when the coping capacity of a
population or community is increased.
Which remains a threat
during the response recovery
Sanitation, hygiene, supply of potable water are priorities in rehabilitation or
temporary shelter areas. An outbreak of an infectious disease is a threat to
human life.
What are the indicators of
the coping capacity of a
population or community to
a disaster?
Poverty and Education
The economic factor from the household to the community dictates types of
and location of housing and infrastructures, supply of goods and services,
livelihood, training, skills and education. Sound decisions on disaster risk
reduction are based on knowledge and understanding of disasters and their
What is the key in planning
an effective and efficient
disaster risk reduction and
Appropriate pre- events, response and post-events are determined by risk
assessment and its analysis.
Which best illustrates the
relationship between the pre-
event and post event
processes of disaster risk
reduction and management?
It is a cycle where one event leads and affects the next events.
Disaster risk reduction and management is a cycle. The post events are used as
bases in planning or setting goals for the pre-events to further reduce or
prevent future disaster risks.
9.2 Importance of Disaster Risk Reduction
Which identified factor leads
to bigger damages and losses
in the event of a disaster?
The lack of proper procedures in disaster risk reduction increases the impact
of a disaster especially for poor communities that are more vulnerable and
exposed to hazards.
What is an example of a
sustainability event in
disaster risk reduction?
ong-term efficient community planning
Sustainability is a long term goal where the disaster risk reduction plan is
adaptive to the needs of the community and its environment.
What term refers to a long-
term goal of disaster risk
reduction for communities
and their environment?
Sustainability is the ability of a community to support itself in the events of
disasters from pre to post events. It is a transformative or adaptive process that
continuously responds to the dynamics between communities and their
natural environments.
Which component of the
disaster risk reduction model
is vital in decision making
for all of the components?
Data or knowledge based decisions are foundations of sound planning and
actions. It directs efforts towards priorities, demands, needs and sustainable
Which component of the
disaster risk reduction model
relies on decisions to curb
carbon footprint?
Climate change is a global issue. It is cause by carbon fuel emissions to the
atmosphere. It is an unresolved issue from a personal to local and
international perspective.
Which component of the
disaster risk reduction model
has risk assessment?
All forms of risk assessment from any component need data and knowledge.
Planning for a sustainable disaster risk reduction needs a complete set of data
from all components.
What is a transformative
disaster risk reduction plan?
It is adaptive to the needs of the community and the environment.
A transformative disaster risk reduction plan responds to the dynamics of the
people in a community and their physical environment. Transformative or
adaptive efforts respond accordingly to changes with sustainability in mind.
Which set of disaster risk
reduction activities are
applications of spatial
planning or land use?
Risk assessment, hazard mapping, zoning and land use management are
procedures used for spatial planning or land use.
How will you run a disaster
risk reduction program?
Arrange the steps in sequence
to achieve your objectives.
II. risk identification
I risk analysis
V. risk prioritization
III. treatment of risks
IV. monitoring and evaluation
Which is an effective and
efficient way for more youth
in urban areas to join in
DRRM activities?
social media interaction
If social media is used to connect people with internet access, then social
media can be a tool for DRRM activities.
9.3 Developing a Community Preparedness Plan
Who are the primary
participants of a community-
based risk reduction
management program?
every member of a household
Every member of the community, even the vulnerable (children, elderly,
pregnant, physically challenged, underprivileged) are entitled to be
participants in a CBDRRM program.
Which prioritizes the
individual capacity and
vulnerability in responding
to emergencies?
An emergency plan focuses on saving lives. Therefore, mitigations are based
procedures on risk reduction for individuals.
Which assesses mitigation
processes and post disaster
Monitoring and evaluation track mitigation procedures. They are feedback
mechanisms for planning and implementation.
Which is not a function of
early warning systems?
Early warning systems pertain to information, communication and
dissemination. Emergency plans refer to all standard operating procedures.
Which is a non-essential in a
survival kit?
Extra clothing is not a primary material in a survival kit.
What is the primary role of
an identified participant in a
community-based disaster
risk reduction management
Know and understand one’s rights and take responsibilities based on one’s
vulnerability and coping capacity.
In CBDRRM, the primary participant is the citizen with the government and
other agencies acting in supportive roles.
Which pertains to the
conditions that affect the
response of a community
member to an emergency or a
The role of or a response of a community member is based on his/her
vulnerability and coping capacity.
Which set of a criteria
indicates a sustainable
community-based disaster
risk management?
I. an organized community
II. a DRRM plan for the community
III. a community early warning system
VI. willing trained volunteers and manpower
What is an evidence of a
school that is ready for an
event of a disaster?
organized regular earthquake or fire drills and evacuation
The real proof of readiness is measured in terms of practice of safety response
to emergencies of all members in a community.
Earthquake and fire drills are
often perceived to be a waste
of time for many. Though
people may participate but
the exercise is taken less
seriously. How will you
convince your family or your
friends to take responsibility
and accountability for such?
Drills are practices and a learned behavior. It’s like practicing a sport or
playing a musical instrument. It aims for automatic responses for
The goal of drills is to direct everyone’s attention to an emergency and
automatically respond to it according to a standard procedure. The element of
time response determines the risk reduction. Drills are learned behaviors
achieved through practice.
8.1 Fire Triangle
What element of the fire
triangle comprises 21% of the
Earth’s atmosphere?
Which concept discusses the
requirements needed to create
a fire?
The fire triangle is a concept created to better understand how a fire is formed
and how our vulnerability to this hazard can be avoided or reduced
What term describes a
material that can start the
combustible and flammable are interchangeable terms used to describe a
material that can be set into fire
If one of the element is absent
in the fire triangle, can a fire
still be created?
No, because all elements are needed to start a fire
Fire needs all three elements (oxygen, heat, and fuel source) in the fire triangle
for it to be produced.
Which among the following
describes removal of heat in
extinguishing the fire?
addition of water and moisture over the surrounding area helps in reducing
the heat because water absorbs the heat being released by the fire, decreasing
the overall temperature of the area.
Which among the following
describes removal of oxygen
in extinguishing the fire?
Putting a blanket over a fire reduces the available oxygen for combustion to
take place, while blowing carbon dioxide on the burning area reduces the
concentration of oxygen for combustion to take place
Which among the following
is the fuel source when a
lightning strikes a tree?
The lightning is the heat or ignition source, while the oxygen in the
atmosphere reacts with the ignition source and the fuel, the tree, to create a
Which of the following can be
done during forest fires to
prevent the fire from
spreading further?
water is a known cooling agent to suppress fire; controlled burning of plants
on the perimeter of a forest fire will cut off the available fuel for it to spread,
suppressing the fire in the process
Categorize the following as
combustible or non
combustible materials
Combustible: wood, rubber
Non-Combustible: cement, ceramics
If the three elements of a fire
triangle are present, will fire
automatically occur?
No, because one of the three elements may not be in the right amount for
fire to occur
Fire doesn’t necessarily occur when the three elements are present in an area.
The proportions of oxygen, heat, and fuel may not be at the right amount for
fire to occur. There may be immediately available heat and oxygen to burn the
coal fuel source, but it may take a while for it to produce fire, for example.
8.2 Causes of Fire
What is the major cause of
fire in the Philippines?
Faulty electrical wires have been the major cause of fire in the Philippines
based on the statistics gathered by the Bureau of Fire Protection
What fire classification
involves the use burning of
household liquids such as
cooking oil and grease?
Fire hazards related to household liquids such as cooking oil, animal fat, and
grease are categorized under Class K fire.
What can cause fires in a
wildlife environment?
Spontaneous combustion, Cigarette butt, Lightning
Static electricity is normally not enough of an ignition source to start a fire in
wildlife areas
Why is fire classification
based on fuel sources?
Because some fuel sources can be extinguished in similar ways
Because some fuel sources have similar properties
Because some fuel sources have similar properties, they also have similar
means to be extinguished
Which area would probably
cause the most human
fatality as a result of fire?
Urban cities
Because urban cities are the most densely populated area among the choices,
they will have the highest number of fatalities. (rural, wildlife, open sea)
Categorize the following fuel
source as Class B or Class K
Class B – Petroleum oil and Butane ; (flammable chemicals)
Class K – Vegetable Oil and Grease (flammable household liquids)
Can lightning cause fire to
lightning rods?
No, because lightning rods were made to be struck, but resilient to the
effects of lightning
Lightning rods are not destroyed after being hit by lightning. They protect
structures underneath and surrounding the lightning rods by being the
conductor which receives the lightning strikes. Lightning rods are non
combustible material that is resilient against lightning.
Can Class C fires become
Class A fires?
Yes, because fuel sources can change overtime
Yes, because fuel from electric compounds can be cut off
Fuel sources can change overtime if the initial fuel source is fully consumed, or
cut off. This can be the case when an energized electric compound is cut off,
turning off its electric power source.
Determine which cause of fire
normally has the highest and
lowest number of recorded
cases by the BFP with 1 being
the highest and 4 being the
lowest recorded number
1 - Faulty electrical wiring, 2- Neglected cooking/stove
3 – Chemicals, 4- Lightning
Based on the statistics data by BFP, faulty electrical wiring is the leading cause
of fire in the Philippines followed by neglected cooking/stove, chemicals and
then lightning
Can water be used for all
classes of fire?
No, because some fuel sources react to water negatively
Water is not used in all classes of fire because some fuel sources may react
with water that induces more fire. Class B fires can scatter the fuel source
further if a stream of water hits the source. Class C fires can cause electric
sparks which increases ignition sources. Some class D sources reacts with
water to become more fuel
8.3 Precautionary Measures and Response Procedure in a Fire Incident
What is being filled out to
identify the different fire
potential hazards and action
plans within an area?
Fire risk assessment form is being used to determine the vulnerability of a
structure against fire and identify the actions needed to be taken to lessen its
Which type of fire
extinguisher is most effective
in enclosed spaces as it
reduces the oxygen
concentration of the area?
Introducing added carbon dioxide in an area increases the carbon dioxide to
oxygen ratio, thereby decreasing the concentration of oxygen in an area which
will eventually extinguish the fire
In what class of fire is water
effective against?
Water is only effective against Class A fires because it has a destructive impact
when used against other types of fire.
How many times can fire
extinguishers be used against
more than one class of fire?
1 - Wet Chemical , 2- HCFC 123
3- Carbon Dioxide, 4- Dry Chemical
Only wet chemical is used against Class K fires. It is not used against any other
fire classes.
Which are precautionary
measures against fire
avoiding overloading of electrical outlets
properly disposing cigarette butts
Stoves and other flammable cookwares should not be left unattended while
cooking. Combustible chemicals should be stored on cool areas to prevent it
from igniting
Categorize whether the
following are safe practices
in preventing a fire or not
Safe – conduct maintenance on electric appliances
Install a smoke alarm
Unsafe – create octopus outlets
Putting lit candles near curtained windows
How does aqueous film
forming foam extinguish fire?
prevents contact of fuel with oxygen to suppress combustion
removes heat by cooling down the area
Aqueous film forming foam or AFFF can extinguish fire by removing cooling
an area and coating the fuel source to prevent its contact with oxygen.
Identify which fire
extinguisher should be used in
the following situations
Water – A fire candle burned the curtains on your window
Dry Powder – Magnesium shavings burning in the trash bin
Wet Chemical – Animal Fat on frying pan caught on fire from stove fire
Carbon dioxide – Spilled gasoline burning from contact with lit candle
Which of the following is not
a means to prevent the start
of fire incidents?
installing fire alarms and sound system
Installing a fire alarm system helps in making people aware of the fire and
controlling it before it becomes uncontrollable. Its installation reduces the
potential for greater hazard, but does not decrease the potential to start a fire.
(removing flammable materials from ignition sources, making a fire risk
assessment of an area, regularly checking up)
Why do we need to make a
risk assessment for fire
hazards before creating an
action plan to address the
potential fire hazards?
to be able to identify all possible fire hazards within an area
to identify all the potential people at risk during fire hazards
Fire risk assessment is done before an action plan is created for an area so that
all potential fire hazard sources and people at risk can be identified. Without
an assessment, some things to be addressed can be missed out

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  • 1. How and When an Event Becomes a Disaster Which is an example of unforeseen natural hazard? 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Central Visayas in 2013 Which of the following is important during and immediately after a disaster? Response Immediate response to a hazard such as issuance of warnings can save lives and properties. Response continues after the occurrence of a hazard, in order to lessen the impacts of the disaster. Which of the following is *not *an example of a disaster? An earthquake hits an uninhabited island. Hazard is considered a disaster when there are negative impacts to human lives and properties. The severity of a disaster depends on the population and infrastructure affected in the area Categorize the following effects of disaster whether the impact is directly on human life or their properties. Properties Damaged electricity lines and Cracked buildings Human life Lack of food sources and Trauma Disasters affect different aspects of human life and the things people made, built, and relied on in daily life. The catastrophic impact of disaster to human life and properties are irreversible. When does a hazard become a disaster? If it has negative impacts to human life and properties. A hazard is considered a disaster when it has negative impacts to human life and infrastructures in the community. Hazards can be present anywhere but disaster events occur in human-populated areas. A tsunami hits Boracay beach resorts during peak season. Which are affected by this disaster? Tourism, Infrastructure and Human Life Boracay is a popular tourist spot in the Philippines. A disaster like tsunami can affect not only lives and properties but the tourism aspect of the Philippine economy as well. How can weather satellite help in disaster preparedness? It can predict movements of a typhoon. A natural hazard like typhoon can be predicted using weather satellites. Which of the following can be done to reduce the possible effects of a typhoon approaching the country? Evacuate before the typhoon strikes for those living in hazard prone areas. Inform the community on what to do before, during, and after a typhoon. A disaster can be prevented if the risk brought by a hazard can be prevented. For example, the risks brought by a typhoon can be reduced by proper mitigation procedures such as information dissemination and evacuation before the typhoon strikes. Casualties increase when vulnerable group within a community is not identified and rescued. Who are responsible in identification of this group of people? Emergency response team Identifying communities or populations who have higher risk can help protect more lives. In a community, the emergency response team should be able to identify the most vulnerable group in order to prepare for quick and apt response during an actual disaster. Which best describes what will happen if *no *measures are made to prepare for a disaster? Loss of lives and properties Preparing for hazards can prevent disasters. Unforeseen natural hazards like an earthquake may result to a disaster which will cost lives and properties. Areas or Locations Exposed to Hazards What is a statement of probability of a hazard occurrence based on evidence or observation? Prediction A prediction is based on gathered evidence. Predictions can be used to issue a warning to communities so they can prepare for the hazard. When is a warning issued to a community exposed to a hazard? When there is a high probability that the hazard will occur. A warning is issued when there is a prediction that a hazard is likely to occur. The warning is meant to alert and prepare the community. Which areas will receive more climate and weather related hazard warnings? Coastal areas Coastal areas are vulnerable to climatic and weather elements. They are also exposed to these elements and their effects. In predicting hazards, which is helpful in supporting evidence for a probable occurrence? Historical accounts Historical events can establish return periods, recurrence, and probability. It also provides patterns or trends in mapping hazards.
  • 2. In hazard assessment, which data will be of least importance? The selection of one past event for estimation Selecting one hazardous past event is subjective and promotes bias. All forms of evidence should be examined to yield an objective set of data. In a classroom with 30 students, which feature will lessen the hazards in the event of an evacuation? A classroom of two doors with outswing Two doors should be in each classroom, and the doors must also be designed to outswing. Those are part of safety standards for schools in order to give enough exit space for students to evacuate. In any type of hazard, which determines the intensity of the effect of the hazard? Population Hazards are threats to human population and infrastructures. A stronger earthquake that will strike a remote community in New Zealand will be less hazardous than a strong earthquake that will strike crowded Manila. Which of the following can give enough time for preparation and evacuation should this warning be given to a highly populated coastal area? Typhoon Storm Signal Coastal areas are prone to the effects of a typhoon. A typhoon warning issued by responsible agencies can prepare communities for its possible impacts. You are tasked to develop a landslide hazard mapping for the Cagayan de Oro metropolis where the CDO River is just nearby. Which will be considered as the hazard trigger in your study? Rainfall The trigger is the rainfall. The amount of precipitation will cause loose soil and debris from the mountains to go down depending on the slope of the mountains. All of these debris and water will be collected by the river system. The load will be deposited to a shallower densely populated area or a catch basin. Which will yield the best estimates for hazard identification and assessment? Estimates of risks from hazards, exposure, and vulnerability Disaster risks are built from hazards, exposure and vulnerability. If estimates are decreased among the three risks, the risk decreases. As any of the values among the three increases, the risk increases. Disaster from Different Perspectives Which of the following is the most direct and immediate effect of a disaster? Physical The most immediate effect of a disaster is a physical event which is observable, measurable, and far reaching in its effects. When a disaster strikes, the delivery of goods and services are disrupted. Which aspect is affected by the disaster? Socio-economic Goods and services are the foundations of socio-economic activities. Once the delivery is disrupted from source to the consumer, chain effect will cause collapse in the form of shortage, rise in demand, etc. Which is *not *a biological hazard? Baker’s yeast A biological hazard are living things often microorganisms, that poses a threat to human health. It can result from a chain of events that started with a disaster such as flood. Stagnant water due to flooding can become breeding grounds to organisms that can cause epidemics. Which hazard is increased in its magnitude and intensity because of human actions? Nuclear reactor A nuclear reactor constructed in an area with hazards like earthquakes, tsunami, and volcanic eruption increase the risks of a disaster. When a natural hazard occurs and the reactor becomes damaged, a disaster with greater impact is likely to occur. Which hazard is caused by the interaction between the atmosphere and human activities? Smog Smog is a combination of smoke from pollution and fog. Pollution is caused by human activities and fog is an atmospheric activity. Smog is a health hazard and a transport traffic hazard. Which of the following is the best method in equipping citizens to make sound decisions on hazards and disaster risk related behaviors? Education Mitigation is a must especially for countries that have high risk indices. Countries with such risk indices include mitigation in their school curriculum. Which set of hazards do we normally encounter when we go to our schools? Transport accidents, release of toxic gases, potholes in roads Transport problems, pollution and road construction impacts are day to day hazards that Filipino commuters meet.
  • 3. To prepare a multi-hazard map for Mount Pinatubo, which set of perspectives is needed for the resettlement of Aetas? Physical, Socio-economic The volcanic hazards of Mt. Pinatubo fall under geologic. Boundaries, towns, and settlement areas are determined by socio-economic activities. Which human intervention can help reduce the effect of natural hazards? Recognizing the hazard and its possible effects Why is perspective important in understanding hazards and disasters? A combination of information will determine areas that need priority actions and hazard reduction measures The different perspectives will provide an objective and accurate set of data to be considered in mitigation. Mitigation does not apply to a few but for all those that are vulnerable to hazards. Vulnerability The determinant of the effects and impacts of hazards is called __________ Vulnerability UNISDR in its 2014 list of terminology defines vulnerability as set of “characteristics and circumstances, system, or assets that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of hazards.” Which of the following statements are true? Vulnerability affects how people live, their resources, and their capacity to address hazards Experiences of a community to a particular disaster and failed response can decrease vulnerability. Ability to cope up to hazard increases through time as communities develop awareness and gain enough knowledge about its effect to their everyday lives. What are the main factors that can affect the degree of vulnerability? Physical, motivational and Social These three factors are the determinants of the level of vulnerability to communities exposed to hazards. These characteristics such as no perimeter fence, improper electrical wiring installation, non-compliant to building code, and fire exits that are too narrow belong to __________ physical factor? Structural The strength and quality of materials used and international standard is important to ensure safety. Closeness to the hazard is under what physical factor? Location The location of a community to the hazard determines the level of their exposure. The development of DRRM committee and trained local community leaders can combat ________ factor that affects level of vulnerability. Social The involvedness of the leaders and member of the community in disaster preparedness plan and implementation is an important key to decrease vulnerability. A community with divided leaders and members are more exposed to hazard because they lack this important factor to decrease vulnerability. Motivational Community with united members that are aware of risks and possible consequences is motivated to implement programs for disaster management. Which explains what is hazard-specific? Geo-physical and locational attributes considered in an area. This is the characteristic which makes the element concerned susceptible to the force/s or impact of a hazard. Explain what is setting- specific? It concerns the prevailing socio-economic status of an area and whether it is predominantly rural or urban. The location of an area whether it is rural or urban can determine the severity of vulnerability to hazard. This pertains to potential damages a hazard can affect in critical facilities that the community needs to continue its normal functioning. Physical Vulnerability Physical damages can make people helpless because it can destroy basic needs such as food, water, shelter, etc. to live a normal life. Vulnerability of Certain Sectors of Society to Disasters
  • 4. The Philippines is exposed to hazards because of its _______________. Geographical location Geographical location of the Philippines in the Pacific Ring of Fire contributes to its high level of vulnerability to disaster. The Philippines is a tropical country that is why it is prone to ______________ all year round. Typhoon A tropical country like the Philippines has an average of 20 typhoons every year. Which two situations are more vulnerable to the effect of a typhoon? An illegal settlement close to the Pasig river. Houses located at the foot of the mountain. A strong typhoon can cause flash flood especially in low lying areas and communities living near a body of water. Typhoon can also trigger a landslide. How does poverty increase vulnerability? Lack of financial capacity to recover and Lack of stable and permanent home. Poverty means a lot in terms of vulnerability and capacity, but resiliency can decrease vulnerability. The following are good practices to avoid vulnerability to disaster *EXCEPT *___________. Enough savings in the bank Hazard can affect any sector of the society without disaster preparedness plan. Match the following effects of disaster and factors affecting sectors of society. Socio-economic factor Poorly constructed houses and Lack of food and water Demographic Factor Increased death of elders during a typhoon Spread of disease to children in evacuation areas Vulnerability of sectors of society increases depending on the socio-economic and demographic factors present. Who among the following are considered as marginalized sectors of society? Elderly, Persons with Disability, Children Marginalized social groups are those who should be given priority attention during the post-disaster rescue, relief operations and recovery and rehabilitation efforts. Explain why marginalized groups are more vulnerable to the effects of disaster. These people lack the ability to respond and cope with disasters. Marginalized groups require more attention from the government and society during emergencies. They have less ability or have inability to respond and cope with disasters. In a typical evacuation scenario, the first to be evacuated are always ________, ________, and the _______. Woman, children and elderly These groups including mothers and pregnant women are the priority of rescuers during emergency evacuations. Why are hospitals given attention during a disaster like typhoon and earthquake? Because people with illness need immediate care in emergencies. Sick people are physically and mentally incapacitated because of their health condition and that makes them vulnerable to any disaster. Vulnerability of Certain Structures to Hazards What are the three concepts that you need to know about vulnerability of physical structures? Engineered construction, Non-engineered construction and owner-built buildings These three concepts concern houses, building, road, bridges, dams, seawall, and other public and private infrastructures. What are the examples of engineered construction structures? School Buildings with building permit, Bridges constructed in compliance with safety standard, High-rise condominium built by a reputable construction firm These constructions also followed the process of securing building permit, thus ensuring the compliance to safety standards that can withstand earthquakes and other similar hazards. What are examples of non- engineered construction? Building Construction without safety standard and A house construction without building permit These structures may be designed by incompetent engineers and/or architects, and were constructed without building permit These buildings or houses are mainly constructed by their respective owners with guidance of a head-mason or master-carpenter. Owner-Built Buildings Just like non-engineered constructions, this type of structures do not have necessary building permit and do not follow safety standards for buildings and houses.
  • 5. What factor concerns where the building is built? location The location of the structure will determine the level of its vulnerability to hazards. What factor concerns about the complexity of the design of the building? Shape Complex shapes such as L-shape, Y-shape, H-shape etc. can increase the building’s vulnerability to damage and destruction during a disaster. What factor concerns about the vibration of neighbouring buildings? Number of Buildings The strength and durability of the surrounding buildings can affect the structural integrity of a structure. Explain why the number of stories affects the integrity of a structure? Vulnerability increases with height increase of a building. Tall buildings are more affected by slow shaking or long period of shaking during an earthquake. Why are symmetrical buildings more preferred when it comes to integrity and strength? Symmetrical planned buildings can withstand shaking compared to asymmetrical buildings. Balance distribution on both sides of a structure can increase its durability and strength especially during an earthquake. What is a non-structural vulnerability? It includes other parts of a structure that may not be designed by a structural engineer. These are parts of a building such as plumbing, electrical, walls, ceiling, and light fixtures that requires quality standard to ensure safety. Elements Exposed to Hazards What do you call the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas? Exposure Exposure can either increase or decrease depending on the vulnerability of the elements exposed to hazard. What is the major driver of exposure to hazard? Location The intensity of exposure of the communities around an active Mayon volcano located in Legazpi, Albay in Bicol Region is different from those who live in the city. Communities near coastline and flood prone urban areas continue to live in these places despite of exposure to hazard because of _________. Economic opportunity Economic needs drives people to stay even in hazard-exposed areas. But a community that cannot withstand exposure to a hazard is vulnerable to disaster. Which of the following are examples of physical elements that might be exposed to hazard? School buildings, power supplies and railways School buildings, railways and power supplies are physical infrastructures that are exposed to hazard. Match the social and economic elements that might be exposed to hazard. Social – Persons with Disabilities, young children, pregnant women and elderly Economic – Agriculture and Small and Medium Enterprises Social and Economic elements that are very vulnerable to the effect of hazards are unable to quickly recover from a disaster. This element when exposed to hazard will have a damaging effect to food security Environmental Environmental elements like natural resources and agricultural land is our major source of food. What particular location is more exposed to the hazard brought by an earthquake? Urban Urban areas are densely populated and with more infrastructure exposed to earthquake hazard. Mitigation in urban areas will help reduce the impacts of disaster. Why is the Big One a devastating hazard that might affect Metro Manila? Because of many high rise buildings The Big One is caused by West Valley Fault that can generate big quakes. Many high rise buildings in Metro Manila are vulnerable to its potential damages What are the following scenarios that can increase the exposure of people to hazards? People are coming in and out of a popular Mall because of 50% sale. The Barangay is very close to a polluted river. Awareness and proper education of the community living in a hazard prone area can decrease exposure
  • 6. Why are both rural and urban areas exposed to hazards? Because hazards can affect everyone especially without necessary measures and planning. People are always exposed to hazards especially when there is lack of knowledge, resilience and preparation for disaster. Elements Exposed to Particular Hazards Which among the following elements is the most common cause of industrial and residential fire? faulty electrical wirings Faulty electrical wirings according to Bureau of Fire investigations are the most common cause of fire in mostly populated areas. What is the most common reason why gadgets cause electrical fire? overheating Irresponsible use of gadgets such as overheating is the most common reason that causes electrical fires. Which from the following is/are the identified elements exposed to particular hazards? People and economic assets People and economic assets are elements that are identified to be exposed to a certain level of risk and vulnerability to particular hazard Which shows that people are not aware of the risk of having substances that are exposed to hazards. Some people are keeping dangerous chemicals and biological substances in the household Some people are not careful in keeping poisonous chemicals and substances in their household, which is causing hazards to people. How do extension cords become exposed to hazards? Plugging too many electrical appliances in an extension cord. Plugging too many electrical appliances to an extension cords may cause overheating since extension cords are not designed for high electrical usage for a long period of time. Why do you think electrical outlets and switches need to be checked, maintained and replaced? Some of the electrical fires are due to faulty and old outdated wirings, outlets and switches that mismatch with the current electrical needs and consumption. Why are light bulbs identified as sources of electrical fires in many fire incidents? Some of the lights use improvised connections. Some of the lightings used are substandard. Some lights and fixtures installed are substandard; reassessment and replacement of such elements must be done to avoid occurence of disaster. How can you determine the level of risk and reduce vulnerability to elements exposed to hazards in the surroundings? Disseminate right information to members of the community. Conduct Risk assessment for some elements exposed to hazards. Eliminate elements exposed to hazards. Conduct of risk assessment, orientation seminar on elements exposed to hazards and elimination (if possible) of such elements will reduce vulnerability to disasters. How can you convince your community that there is a need to have a Risk Assessment in your locality? Make informative posters that will educate people. Conduct orientation about elements exposed to hazards. Create local disaster response team. Educating our community/ company is very important in identifying and eliminating risk, since many incidents and disasters happen due to ignorance and lack of understanding. Which among following is the most common reason why people become victims of disasters? lack of training to respond to disasters ignorance of the many elements exposed to hazards Ignorance of the dangers that can be brought by the many elements is one of the most common reason why people become victims of disasters. Vulnerabilities of Elements Exposed to Particular Hazards What type of vulnerability refers to tangible objects that are susceptible to hazards? physical vulnerability Vulnerabilities of tangible elements exposed to hazards such as houses, buildings, and infrastructure are under physical vulnerability. What type of vulnerability describes the potential degradation of the surrounding landscapes and biodiversity due to hazards environmental vulnerability Vulnerabilities of elements related to the surroundings and its biodiversity are under environmental vulnerability.
  • 7. What type of vulnerability is concerned with the need of organizational structure and proper protocol implementation for the reduction of risk of disasters? social vulnerability Vulnerabilities of elements related to intangible things focusing on the interaction within a community are under social vulnerability. The Philippine Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) is a measurement of how people perceive a felt earthquake. An intensity of 5 is described as “Strong shaking and rocking felt throughout building. Hanging objects swing violently.” Which among the following is least likely to be vulnerable to such earthquake intensity? Bolted cabinets Because the cabinets are bolted, they will only move with respect to the house at this intensity. This would not cause any high risk as opposed to the other choices that can potentially move, break, or overturn. Which among the following people, when left alone, are most vulnerable when flooding hazard occurs? paraplegic Paraplegic people cannot swim properly because of their paralyzed legs, unlike the three other choices which can still recognize and respond to flooding hazard much quicker. Why are non-engineered and owner-built structures more vulnerable to hazards? The builder does not have a comprehensive knowledge on creating a resilient structure. A structure may be compliant with a building code, but is still highly vulnerable to hazard if the builder does not know what type of hazard he/she should account for. As such, an engineer or architect with comprehensive knowledge on building a resilient structure depending on the present hazard is needed to reduce vulnerability of exposed structures. Which type of vulnerabilities are described when cultured mussels are affected by red tide? Social, environmental and economic vulnerability Mussels being affected by red tide are an environmental vulnerability which causes economic lows for the farmers. Social vulnerability can also increase when these mussels are eaten due to lack of information dissemination. Which of the following is most vulnerable to fire, flood, and typhoon hazard? structure made of straw (dry grass) Among the choices, straw structures are most vulnerable to the three hazards because they are the most flammable, water absorbent, and lightweight Which of the following is *not *a way to reduce vulnerability of a community in an earthquake prone area? Increase the population of the area to help prevent earthquakes. Earthquakes cannot be prevented but its impact can be reduced. However, increasing the population of an area increases the vulnerability of that area. Hazards, Exposure and Vulnerabilities What is the meaning of UNISDR? United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction was mandated by United Nations General Assembly resolution in 1999. A ____________ is a natural phenomenon or human activity that may endanger lives and properties. Hazard is a potential harmful event that can cause harm to its vulnerable target. What is an example of a biological hazard? Virus (SARS, AH1N1, and Bird Flu) These are biological elements that can cause diseases, epidemic and pandemic, which pose threat to lives of humans and other living things. Categorize the following according to three types of natural hazard. Geological and Geophysical Hazards - Earthquakes and surface collapse Hyro-meteorological hazards – typhoon or hurricanes Biological Hazards - Toxins Which among the following are examples of anthropogenic hazard? oil and chemical spills also nuclear radiation Anthropogenic hazards or human-induced hazards, are induced entirely or predominantly by human activities and choices. Under which type of hazard is a technological hazard categorized? anthropogenic Technological hazards are anthropogenic but may arise as a result of the impacts of a natural hazard. Which is a combination of both anthropogenic and natural hazards? socio-natural hazards It can happen when natural hazard interacted to degraded environmental resources. Examples of socio-natural hazards are land subsidence, flooding drought, etc.
  • 8. Super typhoons like Yolanda with international name Typhoon Haiyan is a result of climate change. What is this natural hazard? hydro-meteorological Hazards The term super typhoon was coined by the U.S Joint Typhoon warning Center with maximum sustained wind of at least 150 mph. Super typhoons are part of natural meteorological processes that are impossible to prevent. A flash flood caused by a dam failure is an event caused by which type of hazard? Anthropogenic Hazards A dam failure is due to human-built hazard that can cause harm to peoples’ lives and properties. Mining can cause soil erosion, contamination of soil and groundwater, and death of biodiversity. What is this type of hazard? socio-natural hazards Mining hazards are categorized as socio-natural hazards. Mining is a human activity that affects its surroundings and the natural hazards can be triggered by by the different activities/processes associated with mining. GROUND SHAKING Which of the following does not travel through the interior of the earth? Love wave Love waves are surface waves. Surface waves do not travel through the interior of the earth unlike body waves. This refers to the number of repetitions of shaking within a specified period of time. frequency Frequency is the number of times a movement like ground shaking is repeated within a certain amount of time. Which of the following can be described described as the transverse or perpendicular traveling motion during earthquake? S waves and Love waves S waves vibrate perpendicular to their propagation direction, generating a vertical movement on the surface. Love waves have horizontal motion transverse to the direction they are traveling. Which of the following best describes S waves movement? slower to arrive but felt strongly P waves are the first waves to arrive but the shaking they produce is barely felt. S waves reach the surface after P waves and shake the ground more strongly than P waves. How are low frequency waves felt in skyscrapers? Tall buildings sway more. Tall buildings will sway more under low-frequency waves, just like a huge boat will be rocked by a single huge wave. Which intensify the damage from ground shaking? soft underlying rock/soil shorter distance from the fault You will experience stronger ground shaking if you are closer to the fault. Soft rock/soil also amplifies ground shaking since the seismic waves slow down as they pass through these materials and gain more energy. Which type of body wave can toss things around? S waves displace the substrate vertically as it moves perpendicular to its direction. P waves displace the substrate horizontally. Love and Rayleigh waves are not body waves but rather surface waves. You have just found out that the land you were planning to build your house on is underlain by alluvium. Alluvium is loose, unconsolidated sediments that have been redeposited in a non-marine setting. What can you do to reduce the effects of ground shaking should an earthquake occur? Consult an engineer about earthquake-resistant structures. Soft materials amplify ground shaking. You may also construct your house with earthquake-resistant structures if you do not want to or cannot relocate. Which of the following statements are true about ground shaking? Following the building code can help reduce the damage from ground shaking. the shaking of the ground will kill living things on it. Ground shaking is caused by the movement of rocks along faults. Ground shaking itself does not kill; it is the damaged/destroyed structures that do. What type of building material could stop ground shaking? Earthquakes are such tremendous forces that to date, no engineering solution can absorb their energy. You cannot stop the shaking but you can minimize the damage it causes. GROUND RUPTURE What fault was known to be the origin of the Bohol earthquake in 2013? Inabanga Fault Seismic measurements point to the Inabanga fault as the source of the earthquake.
  • 9. What is the recommended minimum buffer zone for structures near active fault? 5m Buildings and infrastructure should be constructed at least 5m away from the active fault or deformation zone to be safe from earthquake hazards. Which two colliding tectonic plates caused the Chi-Chi earthquake? Philippine Sea Plate AND Eurasian Plate Taiwan is where the two plates continuously collide. Stress from this collision is released little-by-little through earthquakes there. Which of the following combinations of faults are possible? left-lateral normal fault AND right-lateral reverse fault You can have both strike-slip and dip-slip movements on a fault. A fault cannot be right- and left-lateral at the same time. The movement of the hanging wall can only be up or down and not both. Categorize the following into strike-slip and dip-slip faults. Dextral (right-lateral) and Left-Lateral (or sinistral) faults are faults with a horizontal sense of movement. Norma and reverse faults cause vertical displacements. What fault moves a hanging wall upward with respect to the footwall? Reverse faults are dip-slip faults characterized by the upward movement of the hanging wall with respect to the footwall. What causes earthquake- induced ground ruptures? The ground moves along faults when energy is released Picture a line of trees along the right side of a road. You notice that the last five trees you passed by are farther away from the road than the ones up ahead. Could they have been moved by a dextral fault? No. The misalignment had nothing to do with a fault. The displacement of a point (e.g. tree) does not automatically indicate faulting. This displacement must be repeating or consistent in a certain area. If there was any fault movement, the road should have been affected also. How can you spot a recently known strike-slip fault? Look for repeating features that used to be linear straight but have now have been misaligned. Strike-slip faults disrupt the continuity of features on the ground. This is easily spotted on linear features. However, the linear features have to be related and repeating to confirm that the disruption (fault) is not only at a point, but rather also linear. If you happen to come across a stream, what are possible indicators that recent faults have crossed it? A shift in the direction of the stream. Abrupt changes in ground level. A sudden bend in the stream may have been caused by a strike-slip fault. If there is an abrupt drop or elevated portions along the stream, these may have been raised or lowered by a dip-slip fault. LIQUEFACTION What process causes sediments to be compressed and fluids squeezed out from pore spaces? Compaction is when mineral grains are pushed closer together in response to ground shaking What are geysers of both sand and water that shoot out from the ground due to liquefaction at depth? During ground shaking, the sediments at depth lose cohesion and cause the ascent of materials such as sand and water. These are called sand boils. For liquefaction to occur, pore water pressure must be equal to the _____. Weight of the overburden Liquefaction occurs when the pressure from the fluids previously contained in the spaces between grains is equal to the weight of the overlying rock and/or structures. The degree of liquefaction is _____ in _____ materials. greater, loosely-consolidated Loosely-consolidated, saturated rock/soil is most vulnerable to liquefaction. Which type of ground will have the least degree of liquefaction in the given situations? 1-minute shaking of solid rock Even though it was subjected to the longest duration of shaking, solid rock is much less likely to experience liquefaction than loose sediments which have pore spaces water can seep through. The city of Manila is underlain by sand and silt. Which of the following is true in the event of an earthquake? The sand and silt will experience strong liquefaction. Sand and silt are loose sediments that are especially vulnerable to liquefaction. They do not readily form solid rock. The process of lithification takes millions of years.
  • 10. A city is built on an extensive sand and silt deposit. There will most likely be _____ liquefaction in the _____ than in the _____ of the city. Less, outskirts, center A greater degree of liquefaction is to be expected in areas with denser infrastructure. How can you know if liquefaction occurred in an area? Houses appear to be tilted on their sides or swallowed by the earth. There are bits of damp sand that seem to have come out from holes in the ground. The sewer pipes and tanks have somehow made their way to the surface. Liquefaction causes the ground to behave like quicksand. As such, buildings are unable to remain upright and underground structures may emerge. Sand boils are also indicators of liquefaction. Which of the following statements is true? Liquefaction is unlikely to occur in solid igneous rock Solid rocks are unlikely to experience liquefaction from ground shaking. High altitude does not guarantee safety from liquefaction. EARTHQUAKE INDUCED LANDSLIDES What is the slow, nearly unnoticeable downward movement of sloping rock due to significant strain buildup? Creep is the slow, imperceptible downslope movement of rock/soil as a result of prolonged pressure and stress What do you call the removal of rock or debris from their original source? Rock or sediments are removed from their original source through a process called weathering. These weathered materials are then transported during mass wasting/landslide. What does PEIS stand for The PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) is an intensity scale modified to fit the geological and geographical settings of the Philippines. Landslides triggered by earthquakes are more likely to occur on/in ____. areas with intense rainfall, moderate to steep slopes rocks with pre-existing fractures Steep slopes and increased moisture content promote ground failure during earthquakes. Fractures or other zones of weakness also improve the likelihood of earthquake-induced landslides. Which of the following is not an indicator of a possible landslide? lower sea level A loud rumbling sound could mean that the landslide is already in progress. Downslope movement of rock causes sediments to be deposited in streams. Which factors are present in PHIVOLCS earthquake- induced landslide susceptibility maps? PHIVOLCS identified areas susceptible to earthquake-induced landslides based on critical acceleration and intensity In what situations is an earthquake-induced landslide more likely to happen on indurated rock than on less consolidated materials? Older, weathered rocks (even indurated ones) may experience landslides due to earthquakes. The likelihood of an EIL occurring is increased by the presence of fractures. Which of the following would be an indicator of an imperceptible movement of sloping rock/soil? fences tilting/bowing towards the slope Creep movement of rocks can be too slow to be noticed but signs of movement can be observed based on the changes in the objects that are on it. An earthquake on a rainy day will _____________ in an extensive, low-lying area. Cause creep Landslides do not occur in flat topographies. Which of the following is/are true? A magnitude 9.0 earthquake can trigger landslides in the next town located a hundred kilometers away from the epicenter. The primary control of landslides is gravity. Landslide is the downslope movement of rock/sediment under the influence of gravity. It can be triggered by earthquakes or heavy rainfall. An earthquake- induced landslide can occur several kilometers away from the source of the earthquake. TSUNAMIS What are the types of tsunami according to extent? Local tsunamis travel hundreds of kilometers from the source while regional tsunamis can affect areas thousands of kilometers away. what is the process that causes the decrease in velocity compensated for by an increase in wave height? As a tsunami enters shallower depths, it travels at a lower speed but undergoes an increase in amplitude. This process is called wave shoaling.
  • 11. Tsu means ___________, while nami translates to ___________. The Japanese word tsunami means ‘harbor wave’ as the phenomenon was usually observed in harbors. What will be produced by an earthquake caused by a fault traversing two two cities? No tsunami The earthquake must originate offshore to produce a tsunami. An onland fault such as the San Andreas Fault does not generate tsunami What movement of rock is required to generate a tsunami? The upward/vertical movement of rock displaces the water and sets the waves into motion. Are you more likely to see a 100-meter tall tsunami in the middle of the ocean? Why or why not? No. Tsunamis increases in height nearer the shore. In the open ocean, tsunami heights are usually around a few feet. However, as tsunamis approach the coast and go through shallow depths, they gain height. Which of the following is true during an eruption of the Mayon Volcano? There will be no tsunami threats in coasts near Mount Mayon. Shaking from the Mayon Volcano will not produce tsunamis since the volcano is onland. A volcanic eruption may trigger a tsunami if it is underwater. The Manila Trench is located off the coast of northwestern Philippines. If an earthquake occurs due to movement along this feature, a possible tsunami might hit _____________. Vigan and Laoag are located on the northwestern coast of the Philippines. Banaue and Baguio are farther inland and are unlikely to be affected by a tsunami. Why are subduction zones more likely to generate tsunamis than divergent and transform plate boundaries? Transform plate movements are primarily horizontal and cannot impart vertical displacement to the water. Continental-continental convergent plate boundaries have no water to displace. the stress of a subducting plate is released through an earthquake by moving upward (snapping). The movement in subduction zones that release energy towards the surface is through an upward direction that causes vertical water displacement. There are no incoming tropical depressions or typhoons and you are sure that it’s far from low tide but corals are already exposed in minutes. There have been reports of an earthquake hours ago across the ocean. What could be happening? A tsunami is already there and its lowest part is creating a void of water in the coast. Tidal changes happen in a span of hours, not minutes. Wind cannot blow all the water back to the sea. This leaves us with the tsunami’s lowest point being already at the coast and taking all the water to increase the size of the wave. LAVA FLOW Which type of lava is described as smooth and ropy in texture? Pahoehoe lava flows have smooth and ropy texture because they move fluidly along the surface. What potential hazard/s can be brought about by lava flow? Lava flows can crush and bury structures because of its massive volume and weight. It can also burn because of its high temperature. It cannot drown because you will not die from a liquid source. What do you call the molten material found on Earth’s surface? Lava is the molten material that find its way on Earth’s surface. Magma is the molten material still beneath the surface of Earth. Pahoehoe and Aa are types of lava based on texture. What preventive measure can be done to lessen the negative effects of lava flow? Creating artificial barriers is the only effective solution among the choices because the rest still renders the area useless after the incident. Categorize each statement as true or false. Lava flows are relatively slow, and can therefore be outrun. Pahoehoe lava flows are more fluid, so they flow faster. Lava flows can start out as Aa if the lava is already viscous from the start. High temperature lava flows are more fluid than low temperature lava. Which from the following cause/s lava flow to move slow? High silica content creates a chained framework of compound within a lava which makes it more viscous. Which from the following is used by the PHIVOLCS to lessen the hazards that the Based on the discussion, only early warning system among the answers has been put in place by PHIVOLCS to lessen the risk of Mayon volcano’s hazards.
  • 12. Mayon volcano may cause to people? Which from the following will be very helpful in identifying and avoiding lava pathways? Hazard maps are a useful tool in correctly identifying where the next lava flows will potentially be because they have been studied comprehensively prior to its publication. To produce a good hazard map of lava flow, number the given workflow to show its proper sequence. Going on a fieldwork starts the process on creating hazard maps to identify plausible future pathways of lava flow. They are then collected and analysed before creating a draft. The draft is then checked for revision before publication. How can you avoid lava flow hazards? Do not establish settlement in hazardous areas. Always be informed on impending volcanic activities in your area. Follow procedures set by the government on avoiding hazards. No technology has been created in stopping lava flows completely to avoid destruction of settlement. VOLCANIC GASES Which volcanic gases have harmful effects? hydrogen fluoride, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide Water vapor on its own does not have a harmful effect to humans or the environment. Which of the following can be the result of inhaling too much carbon dioxide? asphyxiation Inhalation of carbon dioxide depletes the oxygen supply in our body leading to unconsciousness, suffocation, and possible death. Which compound causes acid rain when mixed with the atmosphere? Sulfur dioxide creates sulfuric acid when mixed with the atmosphere creating acid rain during precipitation. Which from the following are effects caused by injection of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere? Sulfur dioxide when injected into the atmosphere can help block the sun’s rays (albedo effect) and can create sulfuric acid which is a component of acid rain. What happens when you are exposed to sulfur dioxide for too long? skin irritation, poisoned respiratory system, eye irritation Asphyxiation is not caused by sulfur dioxide because sulfuric acid forms during inhalation poisoning the respiratory tract rather than depletion of oxygen intake. How can volcanic gas hazard be reduced? Install equipment for detecting different volcanic gases. Leave areas with high volcanic gas activity. wear a gas mask. As exemplified by the disaster in Lake Nyos in 1986, being in low-lying areas doesn’t necessarily reduce the risk of volcanic gas hazards. Who among the choices is most affected by volcanic gas emissions in Mt. Ijen? Because sulfur miners hike there daily, they are most exposed to the volcanic gas hazard and are most affected. Should you go towards a depression within a volcano if it looks completely safe and no volcanic gases can be seen or smelled? Because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, odorless, and colorless, they can easily concentrate on depressions around a volcano without humans noticing it. Why is it good to be informed on different types of volcanic gases even if you are far away from a volcanic source? Because volcanic gases can reach far areas depending on the weather condition during volcanic activities. Because different types of volcanic gas have different effects on humans and the environment is good to be informed about them to identify which ones are possibly near your area and be aware of how it can affect you and the environment. Is it useful to create a hazard map for volcanic gases similar to lava flows identifying where the next volcanic gases will go to? No, because the direction of volcanic gases is dependent on the prevailing wind direction. Volcanic gases do not have a predictable movement because it is dependent on the prevailing wind direction. PYROCLASTIC FLOWS Which from the following are synonymous concepts? Tephra and pyroclastic materials are synonymous terms that are used as a collective term for solid materials erupted from a volcano What volcanic hazards are considered as precursors of lahars? Lahars are formed when pyroclastic materials from pyroclastic flows or surges mix with water, creating a muddy mixture that flows toward low-lying areas
  • 13. What type of pyroclastic flow is formed when a lava dome collapses due to gravitational force? Merapi type of pyroclastic flow comes from the typical eruption type of Mt. Merapi in Java, Indonesia where pyroclastic flows are generated by gravitational failure of lava domes When do Soufrière pyroclastic flows occur? When a vertical eruption column starts to lose momentum and eventually collapses to the sides of the volcano Soufrière pyroclastic flow took its name from the violent eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano in Montserrat where a fountain of pyroclastic material thrusted upward and eventually collapsed to form pyroclastic flows. Which of the following can be done to minimize pyroclastic flow hazards? public information dissemination early warning system Artificial barriers cannot minimize the hazard of a pyroclastic flow because of its fluid and high speed movement that can override and destroy an artificial barrier. Which of the following cannot be caused by a pyroclastic flow? Pyroclastic flows are composed of dry hot materials which cannot cause drowning. Which characteristic differentiates a pyroclastic flow from pyroclastic surge? Unlike pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surges have low density because of its high gas content over its pyroclastic materials. Can the occurrence of pyroclastic flows be prevented? Volcanic eruptions cannot be prevented; hence, pyroclastic flows cannot be prevented from happening too. However, their pathway can somewhat be predicted, but the risk along the pathway cannot be prevented because of their massive size. Can pyroclastic flow move over water? Pyroclastic flow can flow over water even for several kilometers because of the pyroclastic flow momentum, density, and temperature that makes it more buoyant than water. Are pyroclastic flow hazard maps important in minimizing risk of hazards to people? Yes, because they can be used by the government and communities to create a better disaster risk reduction plan Yes, because they can help predict the possible direction of pyroclastic flows in the future. Pyroclastic flow hazard maps are important in creating disaster risk reduction plans for areas within and even outside the affected areas because pyroclastic flows have a relatively predictable movement as they move along the direction of the area’s topography. BALLISTIC PROJECTILES AND TEPHRA FALLS Which of the following are types of tephra? The three types of tephra based on the fragment size are ash, lapilli, and blocks and bombs. Which volcanic hazard has the widest range of effect? Tephra fall has the widest range of effect because it can spread to thousands of kilometers if prevailing winds drive it far away from the volcanic source. What do you call an angular tephra that is greater than 64mm in size? Blocks and bombs both have sizes that are greater than 64mm. Blocks, however are angular compare to the rounded shape of bombs. Identify whether the following statements about tephra fall are true or false. FALSE The force from ballistic projectiles cannot destroy buildings or structures. Ballistic projectiles can get suspended in the air and hinder aircrafts from flying. TRUE Tephra fall can collapse roof, destroy electrical lines, and agriculture. The size of tephra fall deposits decreases as you move farther from the source. Ballistic projectiles can destroy buildings and structures from its force of impact alone. They do not become suspended on air because ballistic projectiles are large and are nominally affected by wind. Which of the following can be done to minimize ash fall hazards? Strengthen building structures to withstand heavy loads of ash. Design roofs that discourage ash fall buildup. Ash fall hazards can be minimized as exemplified by the answers. Wetting the accumulated ash increases the load over a roof which can create failure of a house or building. What differentiates tephra fall from ballistic projectiles? mode of emplacement, range of effect, capacity to carry harmful particles Both tephra fall and ballistic projectile can bury objects. Therefore, the description does not differentiate the two volcanic hazards.
  • 14. Which of the following is/are characteristics that describe/s tephra fall? They contain particles of varying sizes. They are affected by prevailing wind direction. Tephra fall has the widest range of effect among all volcanic hazards because it can be carried by prevailing wind directions to thousands of kilometers away. As it is carried farther from its source, tephra is segregated such that smaller ones travel farther away. What should you do when tephra falls occur in your area? Prepare for a cleanup. Close all openings where ash fall can enter. Wear masks. It is not necessary to evacuate people in the area because ash fall hazard can be mitigated during its occurrence. Which statement is true about ash fall mitigation? Cleaning of ash fall is recommended to start as early as possible so accumulation of ash would not have added negative impacts. They cannot be cleaned easily without proper disposal and coordination amongst the community because it is a widespread hazard. Which group are most affected by ash fall given the same situation for all? Children are most affected because they are physically smaller and are less likely to adopt to preventive measures against ash fall exposure. LAHARS Which sources create primary lahars? crater lake eruption, glacier burst, pyroclastic flow Rainfall creates a secondary lahar when it mixes with previously deposited volcanic materials. When do primary lahars occur? Primary lahars are formed during an eruption such as when pyroclastic flows entrain river systems and crater lakes collapse due to volcanic activities. Which type of lahar is usually found farther from the source and dry out like concrete after some time? Diluted lahar forms as a result of low material to water ratio compared to hyperconcentrated flows. These usually forms downstream when some of the materials have already deposited upstream, but they can also form due to high influx of water from the very beginning of its flow. Arrange the following hazard strategies from most effective (1) to least effective (4) risk reduction action plan. Hazard avoidance is most effective because you are removing yourself totally from the hazard; followed by hazard modification which strengthens structures or lessens the hazards going to the affected are; hazard warning doesn’t do the above except warn when the hazard is occurring; hazard response and recovery planning occurs after the hazard has happened. What should you do before enforcing a plan on reducing the risk of lahar hazards? Education is done first and foremost to increase awareness and interest of the affected community. This also ensures that proper and effective mitigating measures can be done on the area. Education is done first and foremost to increase awareness and interest of the affected community. This also ensures that proper and effective mitigating measures can be done on the area. hazard modification, hazard warning hazard response and recovery planning Hazard avoidance cannot be done anymore because people have refused to move out of the area where lahar hazard can occur. How do lahars occur even without ongoing volcanic activity? Dams created by old volcanic materials can fail and cause an outpour of water that mixes with the volcanic materials. Lahars can occur without any volcanic activity because old volcanic materials that have been deposited by previous eruptions can be remobilized by other means such as rainfall. Can you do a search and rescue immediately after a lahar event? Yes, but the rescue operations will be very slow due to risks brought about by the situation. Search and rescue operations can still be done even right after a lahar event. However, precautionary measures must be done first to ensure that the unconsolidated materials will not create more hazard to the rescuers. Which areas will lahar warning be most effective? areas on lowlands, areas far from the source of lahar Because warnings need lead time prior to a hazard event before they can be used effectively, areas far from the source of lahar will have the most effective result. This includes areas on lowlands where lahars start to gradually slowly flow. Do lahars contain only volcanic material and water? No, because they incorporate other materials such as trees, houses, and other material as they move. Lahars usually start out with volcanic material and water, but as it moves, it can incorporate other materials because of its force of impact, and eroding capabilities.
  • 15. GROUND SUBSIDENCE Which of the following geological phenomenon refers to surface shrinking that creates a massive, deep circular hole in a particular ground surface? sinkhole Sinkhole is a massive deep and usually a circular hole created in a ground surface caused by ground subsidence. Where does ground subsidence usually occur? in big cities, in urban settlements, in mining areas Ground subsidence usually occurs in densely populated areas due to over extraction of ground water, geothermal fluids, oil and gas and other materials for human use. Which of the following is a natural cause of ground subsidence? tectonic motion Tectonic motion is a natural phenomenon which may cause changes in the formation of materials under the ground surface. Which of the following is the reason why a bedrock in karst area can easily be dissolved by groundwater? Karst areas are composed of limestones and dolomites. Karst areas are composed of bedrocks made of limestones and dolomites which can be dissolved by groundwater. Which terms categorize sinkholes based on how they are formed? Dissolution, Cover subsidence, Cover Collapse Dissolution, Cover subsidence and Cover Collapse are some of the types of sinkholes and their names are descriptive of how they are formed. Mining activity can result to formation of different types of sinkholes. Which from the following plans of action is *not *true about avoiding ground subsidence in populated areas? Make fissure areas as tourist attractions. Fissure areas are ground surfaces which are prone to ground subsidence and sinkholes. People should be discouraged from doing daily activities near a fissure. In which area will a sinkhole likely occur? Road near the fissure area Fissure areas are prone to sinkhole generation because ground water easily finds its way down to bedrocks that easily dissolves. Which of the following is *not *a cause of ground subsidence? ground shaking Ground shaking does not necessarily cause a sinkhole but it can trigger a collapse of a surface. withdrawal of fluids (groundwater, petroleum, or geothermal), dewatering (oxidation) of peat or organic soil, dissolution in limestone aquifers Why it is important to practice water conservation even if there is no presence of fissures in your area? Dumping garbage manure and other materials may develop acids which may affect bedrocks Improper disposal of water may cause development of fissures in some areas. Contaminants may also contribute to dissolution of bedrocks and limestones underground. Practicing water conservation is not only for saving water for our use; it also helps us avoid other geological hazards. Which of the following does not promote avoidance of ground subsidence? Route drainage systems to earth fissures. Disposing water on earth fissures contributes to penetration of water on bedrocks underground. RAINFALL-INDUCED LANDSLIDES Which of the following causes of landslide does weak or sensitive materials belong? geological causes Weak and sensitive materials like rock formations can cause landslides. Which of the following causes of landslides does deforestation belong? human causes Deforestation is a result of human activity that clears wide area of trees. Which of the following causes does fluvial, wave, or glacial erosion of slope toe or lateral margins belong? morphological causes The causes of landslides are usually related to instabilities in slopes. What are human causes of landslides? loading of slope or its crest, irrigation, artificial vibration Destructive human activities can be a contributing factor in causing landslides. What are the signs of an impending landslide according to USGS? sunken or down-dropped road beds, soil moving away from foundations tilting or cracking of concrete floors and foundations These are important signs that can be seen before an impending landslides that can save lives.
  • 16. Water (rain), seismic, and volcanic activity are three main categories of what type of landslide? natural causes In the natural causes of landslides, there are three (3) main categories such as water (rain), seismic, and volcanic activity. Which agency outlined five (5) major types of movement or landslides in their The Landslide Handbook? United States Geological Survey or USGS USGS clearly defines landslides as the “downslope movement of soil, rock, and organic materials under the effects of gravity and also the landform that results from such movement” What happens when a movement like fall occurs? Detachment of soil or rock, or both, from a steep slope along a surface on which little or no shear displacement has occurred. A fall begins with the detachment of soil or rock, or both, from a steep slope along a surface on which little or no shear displacement has occurred. What type of movement do lahar, debris avalanches, and earthflows belong? flows The component velocities in the displacing mass of a flow resemble those in a viscous liquid. Often, there is a gradation of change from slides to flows, depending on the water content, mobility, and evolution of the movement. When spread movement can happen? It can result from liquefaction or flow (and extrusion) of the softer underlying material. COASTAL EROSION What is coastal erosion? It is the removal of material from the coast by wave action, tidal currents, and/or activities of man, typically landward retreat of the coastline. It can also be seaward and alongshore movement of the coast. What are the three main types of shoreline? barrier systems, cliff, beach There are three (3) main types of shoreline: cliffs, beach and barrier systems that are prone to coastal erosion. It is recorded that 15 square- kilometers of shores are retreating annually due to sea level rising and global warming. Which global issue is this? coastal erosion Coastal erosion is not just a concern in the Philippines, but it is also a global issue. The removal of loose material through waves, two main results are the abrasion of rock surfaces and the pressure fluctuations induced on rocks by the waves. What type of coastal erosion is this? mechanical erosion waves The mechanical action of waves is the main erosion factor in coastal environment, through high energy waves or storms waves. Coastal cliffs and intertidal coastal platforms are exposed to alternating wetting and drying of salt spray, wave swash, tides, and rain. What type of coastal erosion is this? weathering In protected areas and erodible rocks, weathering is probably the main erosive mechanism. What type of coastal erosion is more important in tropical regions, due to the abundance of marine biota and limestone substrates that are susceptible to biochemical and biophysical processes? weathering Bio-erosion is the removal of rock from organisms. The steep slopes of rocky shores testify that they are unstable and prone to mass movements. What type of coastal erosion is this? mass movements On the rocky shores many movement types may occur depending mainly on the rock properties. What agency is responsible in the clean-up and rehabilitation Boracay island, in Malaybalay, Aklan? Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the primary agency responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country's environment and natural resources.
  • 17. Sand extraction is a human activity that is harmful to coastal areas and its inhabitants. Which parameters of coastal erosion is this? lithology of rocks Due to this human activity coastal areas are vulnerable to effects of this human developments. BOLIDE IMPACT What generic term defines any celestial body entering the earth surface creating a fireball? bolide Bolide is the term that is used to any celestial body that enters the surface of the earth. Which of the following are important determinants of impact of any celestial body that enters Earth’s surface? Density, composition, size Size, composition and density are very important consideration to consider on how the celestial body survives its entry To what maximum extent can a bolide impact affect life on Earth? It can instantly kill of billions of people. A massive bolide can create a high-energy impact that may be enough to instantly kill billions of people and other living things. Why is there always a danger of near earth objects to collide with our planet? Celestial bodies such as planets and space rocks attracts each other. Disturbance upon the asteroid belt could push these materials to inner areas of the solar system. Near-Earth Objects (NEO) are mostly found in the asteroid belt and disturbances in that area can cause any NEO to change its trajectory and move towards the inner solar system where earth resides. Inside the inner solar system, NEOs can be attracted to any of its planet including Earth. Which from the following aspects of the earth will be affected in case there be a bolide impact? Geological impact, Geophysical impact Hydro-meteorological impact Bolides can potentially trigger or cause geological and geophysical changes and hazards. They can also potentially affect the earth’s atmosphere directly or indirectly like when they trigger a volcanic activity. What do you call the region with metallic asteroids in the solar system? asteroid belt Asteroid belt is the region composed of metallic asteroids that can be found between Jupiter and Mars. What kind of hazards are celestial objects? natural hazards Celestial objects that enters the earth's surface are also considered as natural hazards as they are part of natural processes. Which would best help prepare citizens of the world on bolide hazards? Countries with space programs can coordinate with other countries regarding monitoring and preparedness plans. There are countries with advanced space programs that are monitoring movements of NEOs. Awareness of the status of NEOs can help countries prepare for the possible hazard and disaster scenarios. Which of the following can possibly reduce the risk of earth- NEO collision? NASA Deep Impact mission, LASER beam to deflect NEO deflection by hypervelocity spacecraft Laser beams, Deflection, and deep impact missions are the theoretical solutions of some scientist to avoid earth impact. Which from the following is the most plausible relationship of a Superbolide impact and dinosaur extinction? Superbolide impact triggered earthquake and volcanic eruptions that changed the earth’s geological and climatic conditions. Superbolides can trigger geological hazards depending on the magnitude of their impact. Geological hazards like volcanic eruptions can change the composition of the earth’s atmosphere. It is highly possible that the extinction of many species including dinosaurs that coincided with the record of a historical impact of a superbolide is due to the effects of the triggered geological hazards.
  • 18. TYPHOONS Which can be described as a system of rotating thunderstorms that developed over ocean waters? Typhoon and hurricane Tropical cyclone is an organized system of rotating thunderstorms that formed over warm ocean waters. It can also be called hurricane or typhoon, depending on which part of the ocean it originated. Where do hurricanes originate? over warm ocean waters of the Atlantic and the East Pacific Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that develop over the warm tropical ocean region of the Atlantic and East Pacific. Which of the following is responsible for rotational direction of tropical cyclones? Coriolis force acts on objects that are in motion relative to a rotating frame of reference. Winds moving in the northern hemisphere is deflected to the right and the inverse applies for winds in the southern hemisphere. What is the basis for determining the classification of tropical cyclones? magnitude of sustained winds in the wall cloud The maximum sustained winds are located in an area called the eyewall or wall cloud. The magnitude of these winds are determined and used as the basis for classifying tropical cyclones. What is the sustained wind speeds of the different tropical cyclone categories? Super Typhoon >200, Typhoon: 118-220 Tropical Storm 62 – 88 Tropical Depression <61 At which point does PAGASA monitor low pressure areas (LPA)? When the LPA enters the Philippine Area of Responsibility When a low pressure area is detected by PAGASA, the agency monitors its movement and development. PAGASA releases weather bulletins and forecasts to help the public anticipate possible weather development and take precautionary measures Which of the following is/are indicated in the Public Storm Warning signals? the projected impacts of the extreme weather how soon its impacts can be anticipated from the time of announcement A Public Storm Warning Signal is issued in the affected areas to inform the public on the projected impacts of the storm and how soon these are expected to be felt. Which of the following can be expected when a PSWS # 2 is issued by PAGASA? A typhoon with sustained winds of 61-120 km/h is expected in the area in 24 hours. PSWS warnings indicate the sustain winds and the lead time when it is expected to pass the area where the warning was given. It will also indicate the potential damages in the area based on the strength of its winds. A typhoon is said to be currently moving through your area but it seems that the weather around your house is calm. Which of the following can explain what is currently happening in your exact area? The eye of the typhoon is currently over your area. The eye is the calmest portion of the typhoon and the point at which the winds rotate. As typhoons move, areas which are below its eye will experience its calmest state. Which explains the need to add a PSWS # 5 in the Philippines? A more intense and widespread potential damage can be anticipated and prepared for by the public in case of a typhoon with very strong winds. A typhoon with winds of more than 220 km/h can cause maximum potential damage and destructidon over a wider area, more than what is expected from a lesser strength typhoons. Awareness on this kind of typhoon can help in preparedness and can save lives. THUNDERSTORMS Which of the following is required in the formation of a thunderstorm? a balance of updrafts and downdrafts Thunderstorms form over areas with rapidly rising warm air that has high moisture content. It forms when there is a balance of updrafts and downdrafts. Which describes a thunder? It is the shockwave of exploding heated air. Lightning heats the air around it to the point that it explodes. Thunder is what we hear from the shockwave brought about by the explosion. Which refers to a group of storms arranged in a line? A squall line is a group of storms arranged in a straight line. It is shorter-lived than multi-cells and supercells, and are less likely to produce tornadoes. What can possibly occur when there are turbulent air currents within a thundercloud? electrons get knocked off water molecules Turbulent air currents cause intense collisions among water particles and these collisions collisions knock out electrons.
  • 19. Which explains why lightning strikes an object on the ground? The electrons from clouds surge down to meet the streamers, creating lightning. While plasma is being formed above, the objects on the ground reach out to the clouds by growing streamers. Plasma travels downward to meet the streamers from objects on the ground, creating lightning. How is a waterspout different from a tornado? A waterspout forms over bodies of water and a tornado forms over land. A waterspout is compositionally the same as a tornado but it develops from a water body and can move towards land. Which is *not *an indicator of an approaching thunderstorm? sudden fog formation over a large area An approaching thunderstorm has apparent warning signs, such as gentle warm air suddenly replaced by strong, chilly bursts of wind, lightning strikes accompanied by deafening thunder, and abrupt, intense rain. PAGASA issues a thunderstorm advisory in Metro Manila at 4pm. Which of the following is indicated in the given issuance? A thunderstorm can be expected at about 6 in the evening. When there is indication that a thunderstorm is threatening a specific area within the next two hours, PAGASA issues a thunderstorm advisory. Which thunderstorm hazard is *mainly *being addressed in the following? Strong wind/tornado – keep doors and windows closed Rainfall – seek covered shelter Lightning – when outside and possible, stay inside a car; avoid using corded phones or gadget physically connected to the wires outside PAGASA announced through their Twitter account that a thunderstorm is expected in the next 12 hours. What kind of issuance was released by PAGASA in that case? thunderstorm watch PAGASA begins a thunderstorm watch when thunderstorm formation is likely within the next twelve hours. Updates will be disseminated thru social media networks and the PAGASA website. FLOODING Which describes flooding? When an area normally not covered in water that has become submerged. Flooding is said to be happening when an area that is normally dry becomes submerged in water. Which of the following flooding cause is due to man- made structure? Dam failure can cause sudden flow of large volume of water over land areas in human communities. Which describes a flash flood? It is flood that developed in less than six hours. Rapid development of flood is called a flash flood. Flash floods develop in a period of less than six hours. Which will promote flooding occurrence? lack of waste management in urban areas urban development in low-lying areas, logging of trees The path of water will be from high areas to low areas. Urban areas that lack waste management will be an impediment to water flow. Logging of trees will increase surface runoff and increased water volume will flow to low-lying areas. How does tree- planting reduce the potential of flooding? Tree roots absorb water, Trees improve the soil’s ability to absorb water. Vegetation lessens runoff, as it absorbs water and improves the ability of the ground to take in more moisture. Which of the following has the least influence on the possibility of flooding in an area? wind direction Topography of an area, ground cover and vegetation as well as duration of rainfall are conditions that can increase or decrease flooding. Wind direction on the other hand does not directly influence flooding, rather, it can influence the direction of clouds that bear rain or storm surges. Why is flooding more common in deltas? It is where freshwater tributaries drain to as it enters the ocean. Water from rivers and streams flows towards the delta; it is in the path of water and it is usually the lowest part of land. How can urbanization influence flooding? Show the order of events that can lead to flooding. Increased population in urban areas bring about increased waste production. In the case of many urban areas in the country, waste management is planned and remedied after there is already a noticeable consequence of poor waste management. During the rainy season, flooding is highly possible because of blocked sewers and drains.
  • 20. Which of the following are data used in making flood hazard maps? geomorphology of the area, accounts of residents about flooding events Flood hazard maps are created using methods to analyze the geology and morphological characteristics of an area. Flooding events that have occured in the area are also used for data analysis and verification in making flood hazard map. When Marikina City experienced a severe flooding event during Typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy), the main reason stated by authorized bodies is the rise of its river water level. The brown water that submerged most areas in Marikina is evident. Which of the following factors that influence flooding can be inferred from the text above? Marikina city is a low-lying area near a river. River water is due to runoff from areas that lack vegetation From only the text given, it can be inferred that Marikina is in a low-lying area where river water can spill off to and spread over most areas. The brown water is an indication of surface runoff where there are no vegetation to hold off the soil as water flows. STORM SURGE Which is/are true about a storm surge? TRUE It is the rising of seawater level during a storm It is driven by strong typhoon winds FALSE It develops from undersea disturbances. It produces waves up to a maximum of 1 meter Which of the following does not influence the severity of a storm surge? the salinity of seawater The severity of a storm surge is dependent on factors such as strength and speed of the storm, shape and characteristics of the coast, angle of approach of the storm to the coast, and width and slope of the continental shelf. Which describes the shape of the coast of Manila Bay? inward bow The coast of Manila Bay is an inward bow and this makes it susceptible to storm surges. Which describes how the shape of the continental shelf affects a storm surge? a gentle-sloped shelf allows water to travel towards land more easily than a steep-sloped shelf. A gently sloping continental shelf is more prone to storm surges and coastal inundation than areas where the seafloor is deep. A shallower seafloor allows the water to travel inland with less difficulty. Which of the following correctly relates the angle of approach of the typhoon to the severity of storm surge? A typhoon that is moving straight toward the coastline can create a bigger storm surge than one that approaches at an angle. A typhoon directly approaching the coastline is more likely to create a large storm surge than one moving obliquely. Which shows how a storm surge warning system is coded? Four colors indicate different expected wave height Four colors indicate different actions to be taken PAGASA makes use of a color-coded storm surge warning system which is based on wave heights, with an increasing danger level from green to red. Each color also has a corresponding action to be taken, depending on the expected wave height. Which describes the difference between a tsunami and a storm surge? A tsunami results from underwater movement while a storm surge results from typhoon winds. Tsunami and storm surge are both increase in seawater height in the form of high-energy waves. Their impacts are very similar as well. However, a tsunami is generated by an underwater earthquake while a storm surge is generated from typhoon winds. A storm surge is expected to occur and the wave height is higher than an average single-storey house. What kind of action should be taken based on the PAGASA storm surge warning? The storm surge is classified as RED and therefore evacuation is already mandatory. The storm surge height higher than a single-storey house is more than 3 meters. It is classified as RED and it indicates that it can be catastrophic therefore evacuation is already mandatory.
  • 21. A coast is lined with wall structures designed to reduce the impacts of storm surges. Which best explains how those structures help against storm surges? The wall reduces the powerful wave action before the water hits the land. Breakwater or similar structures can help reduce the impact of storm surges by reducing its intensity before it moves inwards. Which of the following will be the best course of action if a there is an Orange warning for storm surge and your house is by the beach in the area of concern? Evacuate with your family In an orange warning, a storm surge of up to 3 meters is expected. There may be advisories from the local authorities but it is still the best option not to wait for the worst scenario before seeking a safer place. Storm surges can be life- threatening and there is a need to take extra precautions. EL NINO AND LA NINA What does ENSO stand for? El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. It involves the changes in oceanic and atmospheric temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. What is the southwest monsoon called in the Philippines? The southwest monsoon, locally known as Habagat, is a warm, moist air originating from the southwest Indian Ocean. Which of the following phenomenon was originally observed in Southern America? El Niño is a Spanish term that translates to “The Little Boy” or “Christ Child.” It was originally observed in Southern America as unusually warm seawater. Which signs indicate the onset of El Niño in the Philippines? shorter rainy season, delayed rainy season El Niño is marked by a delayed onset or early termination of the rainy season, and weak monsoon and tropical cyclone activity. Which hazard is expected to directly result from El Niño? El Niño is associated with severe dry spells or droughts. What are the possible impacts of a dry spell? health problems, lack of water supply reduced agricultural production Dry spell can negatively impact food supply due to lack of water for crops and livestock. It can also cause general lack of water supply which can consequently cause health problems. What brings about decreased rainfall in areas such as the Mexico during La Niña? Higher air pressure than normal results in decreased cloud production. During La Niña, high-pressure zones cause decreased cloud production. This is usually observed in South America and the Gulf Coast of U.S. Which explains the lack of cloud production in Eastern Pacific during La Niña? Upwelling results to higher air pressure Upward movement of cold water by unusually strong trade winds higher air pressure which does not encourage cloud production in the area concerned. Which are associated impacts of La Niña in the Western Pacific? greater rainfall, flooding events The air pressure conditions in the western Pacific are opposite of those in the central and east. As a consequence, increased rainfall is observed in Southeast Asia, and in countries like India and Bangladesh.
  • 22. 9.1 Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Risk Reduction Management What is the process of decreasing and preventing disaster risks? Disaster risk reduction is a systematic process to decrease, prevent or limit effects of disasters or hazards. Which factor of disaster risk reduction includes education and culture? The social well-being of a community includes education, culture, beliefs, religion and practices. Which preparation measures lessen the degree of the severity of the impact of a disaster? Mitigation includes non-structural (education and training) and structural (infrastructures) preparation measures that lessen the impact of disasters. Which includes all processes in the choices? All processes belong to disaster risk reduction. They are all pre-events to reduce disaster risks.(mitigation, preparedness, prevention) Which is not a management procedure in disasters? Adaptation is the adjustment of a community as a response to a catastrophe. Which results in an effective disaster risk reduction and management? When hazard exposure and vulnerability are decreased, disaster risk is reduced. Disaster risk is further reduced when the coping capacity of a population or community is increased. Which remains a threat during the response recovery phase? Sanitation, hygiene, supply of potable water are priorities in rehabilitation or temporary shelter areas. An outbreak of an infectious disease is a threat to human life. What are the indicators of the coping capacity of a population or community to a disaster? Poverty and Education The economic factor from the household to the community dictates types of and location of housing and infrastructures, supply of goods and services, livelihood, training, skills and education. Sound decisions on disaster risk reduction are based on knowledge and understanding of disasters and their consequences. What is the key in planning an effective and efficient disaster risk reduction and management? Appropriate pre- events, response and post-events are determined by risk assessment and its analysis. Which best illustrates the relationship between the pre- event and post event processes of disaster risk reduction and management? It is a cycle where one event leads and affects the next events. Disaster risk reduction and management is a cycle. The post events are used as bases in planning or setting goals for the pre-events to further reduce or prevent future disaster risks. 9.2 Importance of Disaster Risk Reduction Which identified factor leads to bigger damages and losses in the event of a disaster? The lack of proper procedures in disaster risk reduction increases the impact of a disaster especially for poor communities that are more vulnerable and exposed to hazards. What is an example of a sustainability event in disaster risk reduction? ong-term efficient community planning Sustainability is a long term goal where the disaster risk reduction plan is adaptive to the needs of the community and its environment. What term refers to a long- term goal of disaster risk reduction for communities and their environment? Sustainability is the ability of a community to support itself in the events of disasters from pre to post events. It is a transformative or adaptive process that continuously responds to the dynamics between communities and their natural environments. Which component of the disaster risk reduction model is vital in decision making for all of the components? Data or knowledge based decisions are foundations of sound planning and actions. It directs efforts towards priorities, demands, needs and sustainable solutions. Which component of the disaster risk reduction model relies on decisions to curb carbon footprint? Climate change is a global issue. It is cause by carbon fuel emissions to the atmosphere. It is an unresolved issue from a personal to local and international perspective. Which component of the disaster risk reduction model has risk assessment? All forms of risk assessment from any component need data and knowledge. Planning for a sustainable disaster risk reduction needs a complete set of data from all components. What is a transformative disaster risk reduction plan? It is adaptive to the needs of the community and the environment.
  • 23. A transformative disaster risk reduction plan responds to the dynamics of the people in a community and their physical environment. Transformative or adaptive efforts respond accordingly to changes with sustainability in mind. Which set of disaster risk reduction activities are applications of spatial planning or land use? Risk assessment, hazard mapping, zoning and land use management are procedures used for spatial planning or land use. How will you run a disaster risk reduction program? Arrange the steps in sequence to achieve your objectives. II. risk identification I risk analysis V. risk prioritization III. treatment of risks IV. monitoring and evaluation Which is an effective and efficient way for more youth in urban areas to join in DRRM activities? social media interaction If social media is used to connect people with internet access, then social media can be a tool for DRRM activities. 9.3 Developing a Community Preparedness Plan Who are the primary participants of a community- based risk reduction management program? every member of a household Every member of the community, even the vulnerable (children, elderly, pregnant, physically challenged, underprivileged) are entitled to be participants in a CBDRRM program. Which prioritizes the individual capacity and vulnerability in responding to emergencies? An emergency plan focuses on saving lives. Therefore, mitigations are based procedures on risk reduction for individuals. Which assesses mitigation processes and post disaster actions? Monitoring and evaluation track mitigation procedures. They are feedback mechanisms for planning and implementation. Which is not a function of early warning systems? Early warning systems pertain to information, communication and dissemination. Emergency plans refer to all standard operating procedures. Which is a non-essential in a survival kit? Extra clothing is not a primary material in a survival kit. What is the primary role of an identified participant in a community-based disaster risk reduction management program? Know and understand one’s rights and take responsibilities based on one’s vulnerability and coping capacity. In CBDRRM, the primary participant is the citizen with the government and other agencies acting in supportive roles. Which pertains to the conditions that affect the response of a community member to an emergency or a disaster? The role of or a response of a community member is based on his/her vulnerability and coping capacity. Which set of a criteria indicates a sustainable community-based disaster risk management? I. an organized community II. a DRRM plan for the community III. a community early warning system VI. willing trained volunteers and manpower What is an evidence of a school that is ready for an event of a disaster? organized regular earthquake or fire drills and evacuation The real proof of readiness is measured in terms of practice of safety response to emergencies of all members in a community. Earthquake and fire drills are often perceived to be a waste of time for many. Though people may participate but the exercise is taken less seriously. How will you convince your family or your friends to take responsibility and accountability for such? Drills are practices and a learned behavior. It’s like practicing a sport or playing a musical instrument. It aims for automatic responses for emergencies. The goal of drills is to direct everyone’s attention to an emergency and automatically respond to it according to a standard procedure. The element of time response determines the risk reduction. Drills are learned behaviors achieved through practice.
  • 24. 8.1 Fire Triangle What element of the fire triangle comprises 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere? oxygen Which concept discusses the requirements needed to create a fire? The fire triangle is a concept created to better understand how a fire is formed and how our vulnerability to this hazard can be avoided or reduced What term describes a material that can start the fire? combustible and flammable are interchangeable terms used to describe a material that can be set into fire If one of the element is absent in the fire triangle, can a fire still be created? No, because all elements are needed to start a fire Fire needs all three elements (oxygen, heat, and fuel source) in the fire triangle for it to be produced. Which among the following describes removal of heat in extinguishing the fire? addition of water and moisture over the surrounding area helps in reducing the heat because water absorbs the heat being released by the fire, decreasing the overall temperature of the area. Which among the following describes removal of oxygen in extinguishing the fire? Putting a blanket over a fire reduces the available oxygen for combustion to take place, while blowing carbon dioxide on the burning area reduces the concentration of oxygen for combustion to take place Which among the following is the fuel source when a lightning strikes a tree? The lightning is the heat or ignition source, while the oxygen in the atmosphere reacts with the ignition source and the fuel, the tree, to create a fire Which of the following can be done during forest fires to prevent the fire from spreading further? water is a known cooling agent to suppress fire; controlled burning of plants on the perimeter of a forest fire will cut off the available fuel for it to spread, suppressing the fire in the process Categorize the following as combustible or non combustible materials Combustible: wood, rubber Non-Combustible: cement, ceramics If the three elements of a fire triangle are present, will fire automatically occur? No, because one of the three elements may not be in the right amount for fire to occur Fire doesn’t necessarily occur when the three elements are present in an area. The proportions of oxygen, heat, and fuel may not be at the right amount for fire to occur. There may be immediately available heat and oxygen to burn the coal fuel source, but it may take a while for it to produce fire, for example. 8.2 Causes of Fire What is the major cause of fire in the Philippines? Faulty electrical wires have been the major cause of fire in the Philippines based on the statistics gathered by the Bureau of Fire Protection What fire classification involves the use burning of household liquids such as cooking oil and grease? Fire hazards related to household liquids such as cooking oil, animal fat, and grease are categorized under Class K fire. What can cause fires in a wildlife environment? Spontaneous combustion, Cigarette butt, Lightning Static electricity is normally not enough of an ignition source to start a fire in wildlife areas Why is fire classification based on fuel sources? Because some fuel sources can be extinguished in similar ways Because some fuel sources have similar properties Because some fuel sources have similar properties, they also have similar means to be extinguished Which area would probably cause the most human fatality as a result of fire? Urban cities Because urban cities are the most densely populated area among the choices, they will have the highest number of fatalities. (rural, wildlife, open sea) Categorize the following fuel source as Class B or Class K fires Class B – Petroleum oil and Butane ; (flammable chemicals) Class K – Vegetable Oil and Grease (flammable household liquids) Can lightning cause fire to lightning rods? No, because lightning rods were made to be struck, but resilient to the effects of lightning Lightning rods are not destroyed after being hit by lightning. They protect structures underneath and surrounding the lightning rods by being the conductor which receives the lightning strikes. Lightning rods are non combustible material that is resilient against lightning.
  • 25. Can Class C fires become Class A fires? Yes, because fuel sources can change overtime Yes, because fuel from electric compounds can be cut off Fuel sources can change overtime if the initial fuel source is fully consumed, or cut off. This can be the case when an energized electric compound is cut off, turning off its electric power source. Determine which cause of fire normally has the highest and lowest number of recorded cases by the BFP with 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest recorded number 1 - Faulty electrical wiring, 2- Neglected cooking/stove 3 – Chemicals, 4- Lightning Based on the statistics data by BFP, faulty electrical wiring is the leading cause of fire in the Philippines followed by neglected cooking/stove, chemicals and then lightning Can water be used for all classes of fire? No, because some fuel sources react to water negatively Water is not used in all classes of fire because some fuel sources may react with water that induces more fire. Class B fires can scatter the fuel source further if a stream of water hits the source. Class C fires can cause electric sparks which increases ignition sources. Some class D sources reacts with water to become more fuel 8.3 Precautionary Measures and Response Procedure in a Fire Incident What is being filled out to identify the different fire potential hazards and action plans within an area? Fire risk assessment form is being used to determine the vulnerability of a structure against fire and identify the actions needed to be taken to lessen its vulnerability Which type of fire extinguisher is most effective in enclosed spaces as it reduces the oxygen concentration of the area? Introducing added carbon dioxide in an area increases the carbon dioxide to oxygen ratio, thereby decreasing the concentration of oxygen in an area which will eventually extinguish the fire In what class of fire is water effective against? Water is only effective against Class A fires because it has a destructive impact when used against other types of fire. How many times can fire extinguishers be used against more than one class of fire? 1 - Wet Chemical , 2- HCFC 123 3- Carbon Dioxide, 4- Dry Chemical Only wet chemical is used against Class K fires. It is not used against any other fire classes. Which are precautionary measures against fire incidents? avoiding overloading of electrical outlets properly disposing cigarette butts Stoves and other flammable cookwares should not be left unattended while cooking. Combustible chemicals should be stored on cool areas to prevent it from igniting Categorize whether the following are safe practices in preventing a fire or not Safe – conduct maintenance on electric appliances Install a smoke alarm Unsafe – create octopus outlets Putting lit candles near curtained windows How does aqueous film forming foam extinguish fire? prevents contact of fuel with oxygen to suppress combustion removes heat by cooling down the area Aqueous film forming foam or AFFF can extinguish fire by removing cooling an area and coating the fuel source to prevent its contact with oxygen. Identify which fire extinguisher should be used in the following situations Water – A fire candle burned the curtains on your window Dry Powder – Magnesium shavings burning in the trash bin Wet Chemical – Animal Fat on frying pan caught on fire from stove fire Carbon dioxide – Spilled gasoline burning from contact with lit candle Which of the following is not a means to prevent the start of fire incidents? installing fire alarms and sound system Installing a fire alarm system helps in making people aware of the fire and controlling it before it becomes uncontrollable. Its installation reduces the potential for greater hazard, but does not decrease the potential to start a fire. (removing flammable materials from ignition sources, making a fire risk assessment of an area, regularly checking up) Why do we need to make a risk assessment for fire hazards before creating an action plan to address the potential fire hazards? to be able to identify all possible fire hazards within an area to identify all the potential people at risk during fire hazards Fire risk assessment is done before an action plan is created for an area so that all potential fire hazard sources and people at risk can be identified. Without an assessment, some things to be addressed can be missed out