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CNS Tumors

        CPC-44: 22y Sam G, Seizure.
            Mr. SG, 22y, previously healthy male.
            On bus, became agitated, combative, had a
             seizure and became unresponsive.
            From Boston, USA, on holidays, 3 days.
            No H/O neck stiffness, no skin lesions/rash
            Pupils minimally reactive and 6mm bilaterally;
             fundoscopy normal.
CNS Tumors

        CPC-4.3.7 – Jenna 27y teacher.
            Jenna is a 27 year old teacher in Ingham who
             collapsed in her classroom today. She was
             seen by her pupils to „shake all over‟.
            Brought to ED by paramedics, accompanied by
             teaching colleague. Collapsed approx 30 mins
            Tutors: ..look at a broad range of differential
             diagnoses for a witnessed, generalized tonic-
             clonic seizure. Focus… on epilepsy, infection
             (meningitis), and brain tumour.
            ..discuss „what if‟ questions..
CNS Tumors

        CPC-44: 22y Sam G, Seizure.
            Epileptic seizure
                CVA, CNS Injury, infection, tumour & Epilepsy*
                Drugs: drug withdrawal/ overdose
                Idiopathic (epilepsy), Genetic, Autoimmune,
                Metabolic: uraemia, Hypoglycaemia,
                Neurodegenerative diseases e.g. Alzheimer‟s
            Non epileptic:
                Syncope* - vasovagal
                Arrhythmias, Pseudoseizures (psychogenic),
                Concussion, TIA
CNS Tumors

        Scenario: Brain Tumor

            Chronic Crescendo Morning - Head ache*
            Pulse 62 bpm reg small volume; BP 140/90 mmHg
             T37.4C. GCS - variable.
            Localising signs – seizures, aphasia, anosmia,
             vision defects, paralysis (unilateral), dementia.
            Cushing‟s reflex – Bradycardia+hypertension (ICP)
            Papilloedema * raised ICP
            Lesion on imaging.
            Peritumoral edema – rapidly growing/inflammed.

               Cresc. Chron. Morn. headache*, Seizures, localizing signs
CNS Tumors

        Scenario: Meningitis
            ABC breathing spontaneously rr 18/min 4l O2 via
             mask, sats 90%; pulse 110 bpm reg small volume;
             BP 90/60 mmHg T39.6C
            GCS - E2V3M4
            Detailed check - petechiae non blanching rash
             trunk, buttocks, Neck stiffness
            Small contusion L temperoparietal area
            Capillary refill time > 3 secs, peripheral cyanosis+
            Brudzinski sign positive
            Ix skin scraping from lesion : gram negative
             diplococci; CSF gram negative diplococci; FBC wcc
             18 (polymorhic leucocytosis)

                     Brudzinski sign, Kernig sign, CSF findings
CNS Tumors

        Scenario: Epilepsy:
            ABC breathing spontaneously rr 14/min; 4l O2 via
             mask , sats (O2 Sat study) 96% ; pulse 100 bpm regular
             good volume T 36.1 C BP 148/94.
            GCS E2V3M4
            Detailed check no neck stiffness, no skin lesions/rash
            Tongue has been bitten; pupils equal and reactive to
             light; fundoscopy normal
            Decreased tone R upper limb, ?normal tone other limbs
            Reflexes increased on R upper + lower limb; decreased
             on L upper +lower;
            Plantar reflexes upgoing
            Evidence of urinary incontinence
            All other systems : nil abnormal
            Ix - BSL : 5.1; toxicology screen : negative

                     Negative signs, family / past history
CNS Tumors

        Core Learning Issues:
            Pathology Major CLI:
               Raised ICP – Pathology & Clinical features.
               Pathology of common CNS tumors in different age
               Astrocytoma – grades, clinical types, presentation &
                complications. – “glioblastoma multiforme”
               Meningitis – common types *Bacterial – Micro-Lec*.
            Pathology Minor CLI:
               Pathology of Epilepsy (note this is major clinical
                learning issue)
               Meningioma, Acoustic neuroma, Craniopharyngioma /
                pituitary tumors. Medulloblastoma.
               CJD-Creutzfeldt jakob's disease. (Mad cow disease).
In every person who comes near you
   look for what is good and strong;
  honor that; try to learn it, and your
  faults will drop off like dead leaves
         when their time comes.

                  --John Ruskin

Look for good in others “No one is without faults and
          everyone has good qualities…!”
Pathology of
CNS Tumors
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar, MD
 Associate Professor & Head of Pathology
CNS Tumors

             CNS Tumors: General Features
     10% of all tumors. (10 to 17 per 100,000)
     Commonest solid cancers in children.(2nd to Leuk)
     Age: double peak 1st & 6th decade
     Adults - 70% supratentorial
     Children - 70% infratentorial
     Metastatic tumors are
      the most common (50-70%)
     Primary - glial origin.
     Very rare extraneural
     Location & not nature determines
CNS Tumors

        Most common CNS Tumors:


CNS Tumors

              CNS Tumors Classification:
     Secondary Tumors - Metastasis – commonest
             >50%* breast, lung, GIT, Melanoma.
     Primary Tumors: (not from neurons…!)
               Glial cells: Glioma * commonest
                      Astrocytoma (& Glioblastoma). Oligodendroma,
                      Nerve sheath – Schwanoma, Neurofibroma.
               Meninges: Meningioma
               Germ cell: Medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma,
               teratoma, neuroma, neuroganglioma.
               Lymphocytes: CNS Lymphoma
               * Other BV: (angioma)Epithelial, Pituitary & Pineal
               gland tumors.
CNS Tumors

         Clinical features:

            Slow, Progressive..*
                Crescendo, Chronic, Morning head ache.
            Local damage:
                Nerve & tract deficits, unilateral*
                 Paralysis, vision defects, anosmia,
                 seizures.. etc.
            Raised Intracranial Pressure*
                Headache, vomiting, slow pulse,
CNS Tumors

       CNS Tum: Clinical Features-Pathogenesis
       Headaches (morning)          Increased ICP
       Papilloedema                 Increased ICP
       Nausea or vomiting           ICP – Medulla ob.
       Bradycardia                  ICP – Parasymp.
       Seizures (convulsions).      Irritation.
       Drowsiness, Obtundation      Brain Stem compress
       Personality or memory        Frontal lobe
       Changes in speech            Temporal lobe
       Limb weakness                Motor area
       Balance/Stumbling            Cerebellum
       eye movements or vision      Optic tract, occipital.
CNS Tumors

             CNS functional anatomy – localizing signs
CNS Tumors


       Adults:
            Astrocytoma &     (Metastases)
            Meningioma
            Metastasis.
       Children:
            Astrocytoma
            Medulloblastoma
CNS Tumors

     Arachnoid granulation fibroblasts
      venous sinuses (Attached to
     Females(2:1), progesterone,
     Common site: parasagittal (falx),
     Slow growth, well differentiated &
      demarcated. Does not invade
      brain (Benign).
     Reactive skull Hyperostosis over
      the tumor.
CNS Tumors


             Note location in the venus sinus & adherent to dura.
CNS Tumors

         Meningioma: multiple
CNS Tumors



CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

         Meningioma high grade: (rare)
CNS Tumors

        Meningioma             Nodules

     spindle cells in whorls
     and psammoma bodies
     (common type).
Psammoma bodies
CNS Tumors

             Gliomas are neoplasms of glial cells.
             Commonest both in adults and
             Benign * to Aggressively malignant.
                Astrocytoma (low & high grade)
                Ependymoma - Rare, 4th ventricle.
                Oligodendroglioma - Benign, adults,
CNS Tumors

         Astrocytomas - Glioma

        Adults:
              Commonest 80%, Cerebral.
              Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary glioma
              High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme Varigated,
               Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.
        Children:
              Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic
              Infratentorial (Cerebellum),

  mutations of the metabolic enzyme Isocitrate DeHydrogenase (IDH1 and IDH2) are
  common in lower-grade astrocytomas. As a result, immunostaining for the mutated
  form of IDH1 has become an important diagnostic tool for low grade gliomas.
CNS Tumors

             Astrocytoma-Lowgrade fibrillary
CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

             Glioma Brain Stem – note diffuse tumor
CNS Tumors

        Glioma Cerebrum cystic degeneration
CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

             Astrocytoma: * Lat. Vent. *petechial hem.
CNS Tumors

             Astrocytoma (Glioma) – brain stem
CNS Tumors

             Glioma   Brain Normal
CNS Tumors


        Adults:
              Commonest    80%, Cerebral.
              Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary.
              High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme
               Varigated, Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.
        Children:
              Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic
              Infratentorial (Cerebellum),
CNS Tumors

        Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM):
            High grade Astrocytoma - Grade IV
            Commonest & malignant brain tumor in adults –
             mean survival <1y – cerebral supratentorial.
            Loss of heterozygosity on Chromosome 10 (80%)
            Most GBMs have lost one entire copy of C – 10
            2 types: Primary (worst) or Secondary from low grade
             astrocytomas (better prog).
            Variants: giant cell GBM, gliosarcoma
            Microscopy:
            Necrosis, palisading, hypercellularity, nuclear atypia
             & vascular proliferation & mitoses.
CNS Tumors

             Genetic abnormalities in Glioma:
             Low grade  Anaplastic  GBM

                                                   * GBM can occur alone without prior glioma

    In glioblastoma, loss-of-function mutations in the p53 and Rb tumor suppressor
    pathways and gain-of-function mutations in the oncogenic PI3K pathways have
    central roles in tumorigenesis.
CNS Tumors

         Glioma: high grade
CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

        Glioblastoma – high grade Astrocytoma
CNS Tumors

        Glioblastoma – high grade Astrocytoma

                Note: Looks like abscess, but it is necrosis..!
CNS Tumors

       Glioblastoma Multiforme (high grade Astrocytoma)
CNS Tumors

        Glioblastoma Cerebrum
CNS Tumors

        High Gr.: Glioblastoma multiforme
        (high grade- Hypercellularity, necrosis, hemorrhage & palisading)

    Hyper cel.                                              Hem

CNS Tumors

         Glioblastoma Multiforme


CNS Tumors

         Glioblastoma Multiforme
A Astrocytoma Low grade
B Glioblastoma Multiforme(GBM)
C Necrosis with
  pseudopalisading in GBM.
CNS Tumors


        Adults:
              Commonest    80%, Cerebral.
              Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary.
              High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme
               Varigated, Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.
        Children:
              Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic Astrocytoma
              Infratentorial (Cerebellum),
CNS Tumors

             Pilocytic astrocytoma
     Children, slowest
     Cerebellum,
     Cystic with mural
     Micro: elongated
      hair-like (pilocytic)

   Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 (common in low-grade diffuse astrocytomas) are not
   found in pilocytic tumors. These genetic distinctions support the division of these
   astrocytomas into two diagnostic categories.
CNS Tumors

         Pilocytic Astrocytoma - children
CNS Tumors

         Pilocytic Astrocytoma:
         solid, brightly contrast-enhancing mural component and associated cyst.
CNS Tumors

         Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Microscopy

       Palisading pilocytic astrocytes – note plenty of Rosenthal fibres between cells.
CNS Tumors

            Children.
            Cerebellum – vermis.
            Primitive neuroectodermal tum.
            Blast cells – round scanty cytoplasm.
            4th ventricle Obstruction – hydrocephalus.
            CSF seeding and Meningeal infiltration is
            Rosettes & neuronal or glial differentiation
             rarely seen.
CNS Tumors

             Primitive neuroectodermal tumor:
             Children, vermis of cerebellum.


CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

        Youtube Videos:
            Glioblastoma Multiforme:

            Meningioma:
            Pyogenic Meningitis:
CNS Tumors

        CNS Lymphoma:
            Rare, 1%, most common
             CNS neoplasm in
             (transplant recipients,
             AIDS), caused by Epstein-
             Barr Virus.
            High grade, large B-cell
             lymphomas. Poor
             response to chemotherapy
CNS Tumors: Summary

                         Secondary common
                         Lung, Skin, breast..
                         Primary - Supratentorial
                              Astrocytoma /
                              Meningioma

                         2nd common (leuk / lymph)
                         Infratentorial
                              Astrocytoma (cystic
                              Medulloblastoma
                              Hydrocephalus.
                              Meningeal spread.
CNS Tumors

        AV Malformation:
Pathology of
Increased Intracranial
CNS Tumors

          Increased ICP: Pathogenesis & Clinical.
            Increased intracranial pressure (ICP):
                Ischemia, Hematoma, Infection, tumor,
                >40 mm Hg  cerebral hypoxia, ischemia, edema
                Cerebral edema: Vasogenic – inflammation/tumors or Cytotoxic
                 hypoxic, toxins.
            Clinical Features:
                Headache + impaired consciousness,
                Vomiting, bradycardia, arterial hypertension
                Papilloedema.
            False localizing signs:
                Ipsilateral pupillary dilatation & Hemiparesis.
                6th nerve lesion uni or bilateral.
                Bilateral extensor plantar response (+ve Babinski)
CNS Tumors

        Pathogenesis of complications:
            Cerebral herniation: Supratentorial herniation
             common. 3 sub types
                Subfalcine herniation: The cingulate gyrus of the frontal
                 lobe (commonest)
                Central transtentorial herniation: displacement of the
                 basal nuclei and cerebral hemispheres downward
                Uncal herniation: Medial edge of the uncus and the
                 hippocampal gyrus
            Cerebellar herniation: infratentorial herniation
                Tonsil of the cerebellum is pushed through the foramen
                 magnum and compresses the medulla, leading to
                 bradycardia and respiratory arrest.
CNS Tumors

       Common CNS Herniations:
                        Subfalcine: common,
                         Headache contralateral
                         leg weakness.
                        Transtentorial:
                         occulomotor (CN III)
                         paresis (ipsilateral
                         dilated pupil, abnormal
                         EOM's), contralateral
                        Tonsillar: Obtundation.
CNS Tumors

             Subfalcine Herniation: in brain trauma.
  Contusion of the inferior temporal
  lobe (blue arrow) has resulted in
  diffuse edema. (compressed and
  flattened gyri on the right).
  This has resulted in subfalcine
  herniation of the cingulate gyrus
  (red arrow), with a secondary
  hemorrhagic infarction above that
  (black arrow). A midline shift from
  right to left is also present, as is
  uncal herniation (yellow arrow).
CNS Tumors

         acute brain swelling + Uncal Herniation

       Swelling of the left
        cerebral hemisphere
        has produced a shift
        with herniation of the
        uncus of the
        hippocampus through
        the tentorium, leading
        to the groove seen at
        the white arrow.
CNS Tumors

       Herniation: Central Pontine / Duret Hem.
CNS Tumors

       Cerebellar Tonsil - Herniation
       Note the cone shape of the
        herniated tonsils around the
        medulla in this cerebellum
       Results in compression and
        Duret hemorrhages in the
CNS Tumors

       Cerebral Herniation: Pathogenesis
   Site of
   herniation                  Effect               Clinical consequence
   Transtentorial   Ipsilateral 3rd cranial nerve   Ipsilateral fixed dilated pupil
                    Ipsilateral 6th cranial nerve   Horizontal diplopia, convergent
                        compression                    squint
                    Posterior cerebral artery       Occipital infarction Cortical blindness
                    Cerebral peduncle               Upper motor neurone signs
                    Brainstem compression and       Decerebrate posture
                       haemorrhage                     Cardiorespiratory failure
   Foramen          Brainstem compression and       Decerebrate posture
      magnum           haemorrhage                     Cardiorespiratory failure Death
                    Acute obstruction of CSF        Decerebrate posture elbows,
                                                     Decorticate posturing: The
                       pathway                      Cardiorespiratory failure
                                                     wrists and fingers flexed, legs
                                                    Death and rotated inward.
CNS Tumors

        Why pupils dilate?

             “Sympathetic system shows sympathy to your pants”
CNS Tumors

        CPC-3.7– KFP Questions:
            Meningitis Types, classification & comparison.
            Septic, Viral & TB meningitis - CSF findings.
            Increased intracranial pressure – Pathologic
             basis of clinical features.
            CNS tumours: common features.
            Adult and childhood CNS tumors.
            Meningioma, astrocytoma & Glioblastoma.
            Children astrocytoma & medulloblastoma.
            Epilepsy – clinical.
CNS Tumors

                      Learning Medicine...!
            Learning medicine should be a JOY, not an ordeal.
            Everyone learns according to their own best style.
            The Hippocratic oath issues of patient privacy,
             compassion, and FREE sharing of knowledge have to
             be honored.
            Exam and grade anxieties are the CANCERS of
             medical education.
            If your school admitted students which they feel need to
             be whipped, the SCHOOL has failed, not YOU!
            If you claim you NEED to be pushed, I do not want you
             as my doctor.
                         John R. Minarcik, MD (
It has been my philosophy of
  life that difficulties vanish
       when faced boldly.
          --Isaac Asimov
CNS Tumors

        SAQ / KFP
       Should seizure patients have
        imaging done immediately?          Yes, 10-20% tumors.
       Personality changes indicate       Frontal lobe
        which location?
       Differentials for young adult      Other gliomas
        with insidious symptoms,
        seizures and decreased signal
        on T1 and increased signal on
                                           Conservative – Poor
        T2 weighted MRI?
                                           Steroids, anti
       What is the treatment and
        prognosis for someone with a        epileptic,
        low-grade astrocytoma?
       How should the symptoms be          symptomatic.
       What tests could have been
                                           EEG
        done in the absence of
CNS Tumors

        SAQ / KFP
       Why was the child hitting his    Indicating headache.
       Why did the child have a         Increased ICP, tum.
                                         4th ventricle.
       If the child does have
        hydrocephalus, at what level     No – coning…*
        is the ventricular system
        being obstructed at?             Central – vermis
       Should a lumbar puncture be      Separation/malfusion of
       Where in the cerebellum is        anterior frontoparietal
        the lesion located?               suture due to
       What is the radiolucent area      hydrocephalus.
        visible along the antero-
        superior aspect of the
CNS Tumors

        SAQ / KFP
            Name the location of          Cerebellopontine angle
             tumor?                        Cranial Nerves 5,7 & 8
            What cranial nerves           Teratoma, meningioma,
             are involved?                  acoustic neuroma.
            List differential             Increased intracranial
             diagnosis                      tension.
            Explain pathogenesis          Tumor attempting to form
             of headache and                Arachnoid grannulations.
             papilledema?                   Origin of tumor.
            What does
             the histological pattern
             represent in slide 1?
             slide 2?
CNS Tumors

        50y Female smoker - Headache.
      This 50 year-old female smoker known for hypertension
      and diabetes mellitus type 2 was in her usual state of
      health until 2 years ago, when she began to have
      morning headaches that would usually go away by
      themselves. Year later began to have hearing problem
      on her left side. Recently, she noticed intermittent loss
      of sensation of the left side of her face. She is taking a
      thiazide diuretic, captopril, glyburide, and metformin.
      She has no known allergies.
      Physical exam: Slight drooping in the left mouth and
      lower eyelid. Incomplete closure of the left eyelid with
      corneal touch. Reduced pain and light touch on the left
      side. Fundoscopic exam revealed bilateral papilledema.
CNS Tumors

        35y Male, depression
      2-year history of loss of initiative, depression. He had
      slowly lost his drive to win all the big deals he always
      done so well at work. 3 months ago he began to
      experience headache, which did not respond to
      acetaminophen or aspirin. His wife noticed that his
      lethargic state had increased in the past few months. 3
      days ago his right arm began to convulse uncontrollably
      for 1 minute. 1 day ago the patient began again violently
      shaking his right arm, and the right side of face began to
      twitch at the dinner table. No fever.
      Physical exam: Bilateral papilledema, increased deep
      tendon reflexes of the right bicep, tricep, +ve babinski
      sign on the right foot, reduced leg strength on the right.
CNS Tumors

        35y Male, depression

                                     Axial T2 weighted MRI

             Axial T1 weighted MRI
CNS Tumors

        35y Male, depression

                                       Coronal T2 weighted MRI

             Coronal T1 weighted MRI
CNS Tumors

        3y Male, constant cry….
      Constant crying and not interacting with other
      children at daycare since 1m. Mother noticed
      that he was pointing to his head often. Family
      physician who stated that he was developing
      normally, and that the “ terrible two‟s” are difficult
      period for parents. Recently started vomiting on
      a daily basis and started wobbling even though
      he learned to walk 6 months ago.
      Physical: Bilateral papilledema and gait ataxia
      was noted on the physical exam.
CNS Tumors

        3y Male, constant cry….

             Axial T1 weighted MRI   Axial T2 weighted MRI
CNS Tumors

        3y Male, constant cry….

             Coronal T1 weighted MRI
CNS Tumors

       What is the most likely diagnosis?
      1.     Glioblastoma m.
      2.     Astrocytoma
      3.     Meningioma
      4.     Ependymoma
      5.     Medulloblastoma
CNS Tumors

        65y Fem morning headache.
      Morning headache 2y, Progressive right upper limb
      weakness. She woke up this morning obtunded, and did
      not initially respond to her husband‟s cries. She
      screamed to her husband that she could not see
      anything to her right, and that she that her left arm and
      leg were very weak. At this point her husband rushed
      her to the nearest hospital.
      Physical Exam: left lid ptosis, left-pupillary dilation, and
      failure of her left eye to constrict to light directly or
      consenually. Patient had bilateral lower limb weakness,
      with increased deep tendon reflexes on the left side,
      and a +ve babinski on the left side. Bilateral
      Papilledema. Homonymous hemianopia of the right
      side. Visual acuity was corrected to 20/20 with glasses.
CNS Tumors

        65y Fem morning headache.
CNS Tumors

       Brain Metastasis:
    Lung, Breast, Skin,
     Kidney, GIT.
    Prostate – never..!
    Well demarcated,
     usually multiple with
     surrounding rim of
    Carcinomatosis:
     Meningeal CSF spread
     of malignant cells.
CNS Tumors

        Metastatic Melanoma: multiple
CNS Tumors

        Brain Metastases: Surrounding edema.
CNS Tumors

       What is the most likely diagnosis?
      1.     Glioblastoma m.
      2.     Astrocytoma
      3.     Meningioma
      4.     Ependymoma
      5.     Medulloblastoma
CNS Tumors

        SAQ / KFP
       Are there clinical signs of      Yes, ptosis, pupils 3rd
        nerve compression?
       What is the most likely cause    Optic pathway -
        of the homonymous                 occipital.
       Why does the patient have        Motor cortex
        progressive right upper limb      compression – tum.
        weakness, and paroxysmal
        left upper and lower limb        Risky.
       Should a lumbar puncture be      Brainstem
        performed?                        compression.
       Why was the patient
        obtunded?                        Meningioma
       Why was an-x-ray taken?           hyperostosis.
Other CNS
CNS Tumors

       Nerve Sheath Tumors:

            Neurofibroma:
                Epi & endoneurial fibroblasts.
                Form whorls of fibroblasts with nerves
                Well differentiated, benign, capsulated.
            Schwannoma:
                Schwann cells, elongated form whorls
                Nuclear palisading
CNS Tumors

        Schwannoma / Neurofibroma
CNS Tumors

        Schwannoma 8th Nerve:
CNS Tumors

        Bilateral 8th nerve schwannomas.
CNS Tumors


                     Café-au-lait spot
CNS Tumors

CNS Tumors

        A 26-year old female
   Headache,vomiting,   an
    epileptic attack, weakness
    of legs. Now drowsy. Two
    weeks before admission
    she gave her second birth.
   CT and NMR revealed a
    huge parasagittal tumor
    (80x67x65 mm), enhanced
    by contrast, compressed
    corpus callosum and
CNS Tumors

                                      7th nerve palsy:
            Cerebellopontine angle
              Acoustic neuroma,
              epidermoid cysts,
              medulloblastoma
              meningioma

            Affected cranial nerves:
              5 trigeminal - masticatio
              7 facial –face muscles
              8 auditory – hearing
CNS Tumors

        Brudzinski Sign of Meningitis:

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  • 1. CNS Tumors CPC-44: 22y Sam G, Seizure.  Mr. SG, 22y, previously healthy male.  On bus, became agitated, combative, had a seizure and became unresponsive.  From Boston, USA, on holidays, 3 days.  No H/O neck stiffness, no skin lesions/rash  Pupils minimally reactive and 6mm bilaterally; fundoscopy normal.
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  • 3. CNS Tumors CPC-44: 22y Sam G, Seizure.  Epileptic seizure  CVA, CNS Injury, infection, tumour & Epilepsy*  Drugs: drug withdrawal/ overdose  Idiopathic (epilepsy), Genetic, Autoimmune, endocrine..  Metabolic: uraemia, Hypoglycaemia,  Neurodegenerative diseases e.g. Alzheimer‟s  Non epileptic:  Syncope* - vasovagal  Arrhythmias, Pseudoseizures (psychogenic),  Concussion, TIA
  • 4. CNS Tumors Scenario: Brain Tumor  Chronic Crescendo Morning - Head ache*  Pulse 62 bpm reg small volume; BP 140/90 mmHg T37.4C. GCS - variable.  Localising signs – seizures, aphasia, anosmia, vision defects, paralysis (unilateral), dementia.  Cushing‟s reflex – Bradycardia+hypertension (ICP)  Papilloedema * raised ICP  Lesion on imaging.  Peritumoral edema – rapidly growing/inflammed. Cresc. Chron. Morn. headache*, Seizures, localizing signs
  • 5. CNS Tumors Scenario: Meningitis  ABC breathing spontaneously rr 18/min 4l O2 via mask, sats 90%; pulse 110 bpm reg small volume; BP 90/60 mmHg T39.6C  GCS - E2V3M4  Detailed check - petechiae non blanching rash trunk, buttocks, Neck stiffness  Small contusion L temperoparietal area  Capillary refill time > 3 secs, peripheral cyanosis+  Brudzinski sign positive  Ix skin scraping from lesion : gram negative diplococci; CSF gram negative diplococci; FBC wcc 18 (polymorhic leucocytosis) Brudzinski sign, Kernig sign, CSF findings
  • 6. CNS Tumors Scenario: Epilepsy:  ABC breathing spontaneously rr 14/min; 4l O2 via mask , sats (O2 Sat study) 96% ; pulse 100 bpm regular good volume T 36.1 C BP 148/94.  GCS E2V3M4  Detailed check no neck stiffness, no skin lesions/rash  Tongue has been bitten; pupils equal and reactive to light; fundoscopy normal  Decreased tone R upper limb, ?normal tone other limbs  Reflexes increased on R upper + lower limb; decreased on L upper +lower;  Plantar reflexes upgoing  Evidence of urinary incontinence  All other systems : nil abnormal  Ix - BSL : 5.1; toxicology screen : negative Negative signs, family / past history
  • 7. CNS Tumors Core Learning Issues:  Pathology Major CLI:  Raised ICP – Pathology & Clinical features.  Pathology of common CNS tumors in different age groups.  Astrocytoma – grades, clinical types, presentation & complications. – “glioblastoma multiforme”  Meningitis – common types *Bacterial – Micro-Lec*.  Pathology Minor CLI:  Pathology of Epilepsy (note this is major clinical learning issue)  Meningioma, Acoustic neuroma, Craniopharyngioma / pituitary tumors. Medulloblastoma.  CJD-Creutzfeldt jakob's disease. (Mad cow disease).
  • 8. In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong; honor that; try to learn it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes. --John Ruskin Look for good in others “No one is without faults and everyone has good qualities…!”
  • 9. Pathology of CNS Tumors Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar, MD Associate Professor & Head of Pathology
  • 10. CNS Tumors CNS Tumors: General Features  10% of all tumors. (10 to 17 per 100,000)  Commonest solid cancers in children.(2nd to Leuk)  Age: double peak 1st & 6th decade  Adults - 70% supratentorial  Children - 70% infratentorial  Metastatic tumors are the most common (50-70%)  Primary - glial origin.  Very rare extraneural spread.  Location & not nature determines prognosis.
  • 11. CNS Tumors Most common CNS Tumors: Adults children
  • 12. CNS Tumors CNS Tumors Classification: Secondary Tumors - Metastasis – commonest >50%* breast, lung, GIT, Melanoma. Primary Tumors: (not from neurons…!) Glial cells: Glioma * commonest Astrocytoma (& Glioblastoma). Oligodendroma, ependymoma. Nerve sheath – Schwanoma, Neurofibroma. Meninges: Meningioma Germ cell: Medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma, teratoma, neuroma, neuroganglioma. Lymphocytes: CNS Lymphoma * Other BV: (angioma)Epithelial, Pituitary & Pineal gland tumors.
  • 13. CNS Tumors Clinical features:  Slow, Progressive..*  Crescendo, Chronic, Morning head ache.  Local damage:  Nerve & tract deficits, unilateral* Paralysis, vision defects, anosmia, seizures.. etc.  Raised Intracranial Pressure*  Headache, vomiting, slow pulse, papilloedema.
  • 14. CNS Tumors CNS Tum: Clinical Features-Pathogenesis  Headaches (morning)  Increased ICP  Papilloedema  Increased ICP  Nausea or vomiting  ICP – Medulla ob.  Bradycardia  ICP – Parasymp.  Seizures (convulsions).  Irritation.  Drowsiness, Obtundation  Brain Stem compress  Personality or memory  Frontal lobe  Changes in speech  Temporal lobe  Limb weakness  Motor area  Balance/Stumbling  Cerebellum  eye movements or vision  Optic tract, occipital.
  • 15. CNS Tumors CNS functional anatomy – localizing signs
  • 16. CNS Tumors Common:  Adults:  Astrocytoma & (Metastases) Glioblastoma.  Meningioma  Metastasis.  Children:  Astrocytoma  Medulloblastoma
  • 17. CNS Tumors Meningioma:  Arachnoid granulation fibroblasts venous sinuses (Attached to dura).  Females(2:1), progesterone, cyclical/preg*  Common site: parasagittal (falx),  Slow growth, well differentiated & demarcated. Does not invade brain (Benign).  Reactive skull Hyperostosis over the tumor.
  • 18. CNS Tumors Meningioma: Note location in the venus sinus & adherent to dura.
  • 19. CNS Tumors Meningioma: multiple
  • 20. CNS Tumors Meningioma Tumor MCAQ Pituitary
  • 21. CNS Tumors Meningioma
  • 22. CNS Tumors Meningioma high grade: (rare)
  • 23. CNS Tumors Meningioma Nodules Capsulated, spindle cells in whorls and psammoma bodies (common type).
  • 25. CNS Tumors Glioma:  Gliomas are neoplasms of glial cells.  Commonest both in adults and children.  Benign * to Aggressively malignant.  Astrocytoma (low & high grade)  Ependymoma - Rare, 4th ventricle.  Oligodendroglioma - Benign, adults, rare
  • 26. CNS Tumors Astrocytomas - Glioma  Adults:  Commonest 80%, Cerebral.  Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary glioma  High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme Varigated, Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.  Children:  Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic  Infratentorial (Cerebellum), mutations of the metabolic enzyme Isocitrate DeHydrogenase (IDH1 and IDH2) are common in lower-grade astrocytomas. As a result, immunostaining for the mutated form of IDH1 has become an important diagnostic tool for low grade gliomas.
  • 27. CNS Tumors Astrocytoma-Lowgrade fibrillary
  • 28. CNS Tumors Astrocytoma
  • 29. CNS Tumors Glioma Brain Stem – note diffuse tumor
  • 30. CNS Tumors Glioma Cerebrum cystic degeneration
  • 31. CNS Tumors Glioma:
  • 32. CNS Tumors Astrocytoma: * Lat. Vent. *petechial hem.
  • 33. CNS Tumors Astrocytoma (Glioma) – brain stem
  • 34. CNS Tumors Glioma Brain Normal
  • 35. CNS Tumors Astrocytomas  Adults:  Commonest 80%, Cerebral.  Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary.  High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme Varigated, Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.  Children:  Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic  Infratentorial (Cerebellum),
  • 36. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM):  High grade Astrocytoma - Grade IV  Commonest & malignant brain tumor in adults – mean survival <1y – cerebral supratentorial.  Loss of heterozygosity on Chromosome 10 (80%)  Most GBMs have lost one entire copy of C – 10  2 types: Primary (worst) or Secondary from low grade astrocytomas (better prog).  Variants: giant cell GBM, gliosarcoma  Microscopy:  Necrosis, palisading, hypercellularity, nuclear atypia & vascular proliferation & mitoses.
  • 37. CNS Tumors Genetic abnormalities in Glioma: Low grade  Anaplastic  GBM * GBM can occur alone without prior glioma In glioblastoma, loss-of-function mutations in the p53 and Rb tumor suppressor pathways and gain-of-function mutations in the oncogenic PI3K pathways have central roles in tumorigenesis.
  • 38. CNS Tumors Glioma: high grade
  • 39. CNS Tumors GBM: MRI Enhancement with peritumoral edema.
  • 40. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma – high grade Astrocytoma
  • 41. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma – high grade Astrocytoma Note: Looks like abscess, but it is necrosis..!
  • 42. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme (high grade Astrocytoma)
  • 43. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma Cerebrum
  • 44. CNS Tumors High Gr.: Glioblastoma multiforme (high grade- Hypercellularity, necrosis, hemorrhage & palisading) Hyper cel. Hem Necro
  • 45. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme Necrosis Palisading
  • 46. CNS Tumors Glioblastoma Multiforme
  • 47. A Astrocytoma Low grade B Glioblastoma Multiforme(GBM) C Necrosis with pseudopalisading in GBM.
  • 48. CNS Tumors Astrocytomas  Adults:  Commonest 80%, Cerebral.  Low Gr: Solid, Fibrillary.  High Gr: glioblastoma multiforme Varigated, Hemorrhagic - Malignant,.  Children:  Cystic, Low grade*, Pilocytic Astrocytoma  Infratentorial (Cerebellum),
  • 49. CNS Tumors Pilocytic astrocytoma  Children, slowest growth,  Cerebellum,  Cystic with mural nodule  Micro: elongated hair-like (pilocytic) cells Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 (common in low-grade diffuse astrocytomas) are not found in pilocytic tumors. These genetic distinctions support the division of these astrocytomas into two diagnostic categories.
  • 50. CNS Tumors Pilocytic Astrocytoma - children
  • 51. CNS Tumors Pilocytic Astrocytoma: solid, brightly contrast-enhancing mural component and associated cyst.
  • 52. CNS Tumors Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Microscopy Palisading pilocytic astrocytes – note plenty of Rosenthal fibres between cells.
  • 53. CNS Tumors Medulloblastoma:  Children.  Cerebellum – vermis.  Primitive neuroectodermal tum.  Blast cells – round scanty cytoplasm.  4th ventricle Obstruction – hydrocephalus.  CSF seeding and Meningeal infiltration is common.  Rosettes & neuronal or glial differentiation rarely seen.
  • 54. CNS Tumors Medulloblastoma: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor: Children, vermis of cerebellum. Spread Origin
  • 55. CNS Tumors Medulloblastoma
  • 56. CNS Tumors Medulloblastoma
  • 57. CNS Tumors Youtube Videos:  Glioblastoma Multiforme:    Meningioma:   Pyogenic Meningitis: 
  • 58. CNS Tumors CNS Lymphoma:  Rare, 1%, most common CNS neoplasm in immunosuppressed (transplant recipients, AIDS), caused by Epstein- Barr Virus.  High grade, large B-cell lymphomas. Poor response to chemotherapy
  • 59. CNS Tumors: Summary Adults:  Secondary common  Lung, Skin, breast..  Primary - Supratentorial  Astrocytoma / glioblastoma.  Meningioma Children:  2nd common (leuk / lymph)  Infratentorial  Astrocytoma (cystic cerebellar)  Medulloblastoma  Hydrocephalus.  Meningeal spread.
  • 60. CNS Tumors AV Malformation:
  • 62. CNS Tumors Increased ICP: Pathogenesis & Clinical.  Increased intracranial pressure (ICP):  Ischemia, Hematoma, Infection, tumor,  >40 mm Hg  cerebral hypoxia, ischemia, edema  Cerebral edema: Vasogenic – inflammation/tumors or Cytotoxic hypoxic, toxins.  Clinical Features:  Headache + impaired consciousness,  Vomiting, bradycardia, arterial hypertension  Papilloedema.  False localizing signs:  Ipsilateral pupillary dilatation & Hemiparesis.  6th nerve lesion uni or bilateral.  Bilateral extensor plantar response (+ve Babinski)
  • 63. CNS Tumors Pathogenesis of complications:  Cerebral herniation: Supratentorial herniation common. 3 sub types  Subfalcine herniation: The cingulate gyrus of the frontal lobe (commonest)  Central transtentorial herniation: displacement of the basal nuclei and cerebral hemispheres downward  Uncal herniation: Medial edge of the uncus and the hippocampal gyrus  Cerebellar herniation: infratentorial herniation  Tonsil of the cerebellum is pushed through the foramen magnum and compresses the medulla, leading to bradycardia and respiratory arrest.
  • 64. CNS Tumors Common CNS Herniations:  Subfalcine: common, Headache contralateral leg weakness.  Transtentorial: occulomotor (CN III) paresis (ipsilateral dilated pupil, abnormal EOM's), contralateral hemiparesion.  Tonsillar: Obtundation.
  • 65. CNS Tumors Subfalcine Herniation: in brain trauma. Contusion of the inferior temporal lobe (blue arrow) has resulted in diffuse edema. (compressed and flattened gyri on the right). This has resulted in subfalcine herniation of the cingulate gyrus (red arrow), with a secondary hemorrhagic infarction above that (black arrow). A midline shift from right to left is also present, as is uncal herniation (yellow arrow).
  • 66. CNS Tumors acute brain swelling + Uncal Herniation  Swelling of the left cerebral hemisphere has produced a shift with herniation of the uncus of the hippocampus through the tentorium, leading to the groove seen at the white arrow.
  • 67. CNS Tumors Herniation: Central Pontine / Duret Hem.
  • 68. CNS Tumors Cerebellar Tonsil - Herniation  Note the cone shape of the herniated tonsils around the medulla in this cerebellum specimen.  Results in compression and Duret hemorrhages in the pons.
  • 69. CNS Tumors Cerebral Herniation: Pathogenesis Site of herniation Effect Clinical consequence Transtentorial Ipsilateral 3rd cranial nerve Ipsilateral fixed dilated pupil compression Ipsilateral 6th cranial nerve Horizontal diplopia, convergent compression squint Posterior cerebral artery Occipital infarction Cortical blindness compression Cerebral peduncle Upper motor neurone signs compression Brainstem compression and Decerebrate posture haemorrhage Cardiorespiratory failure Death Foramen Brainstem compression and Decerebrate posture magnum haemorrhage Cardiorespiratory failure Death Acute obstruction of CSF Decerebrate posture elbows, Decorticate posturing: The pathway Cardiorespiratory failure wrists and fingers flexed, legs Death and rotated inward. extended
  • 70. CNS Tumors Why pupils dilate? “Sympathetic system shows sympathy to your pants”
  • 71. CNS Tumors CPC-3.7– KFP Questions:  Meningitis Types, classification & comparison.  Septic, Viral & TB meningitis - CSF findings.  Increased intracranial pressure – Pathologic basis of clinical features.  CNS tumours: common features.  Adult and childhood CNS tumors.  Meningioma, astrocytoma & Glioblastoma.  Children astrocytoma & medulloblastoma.  Epilepsy – clinical.
  • 72. CNS Tumors Learning Medicine...!  Learning medicine should be a JOY, not an ordeal.  Everyone learns according to their own best style.  The Hippocratic oath issues of patient privacy, compassion, and FREE sharing of knowledge have to be honored.  Exam and grade anxieties are the CANCERS of medical education.  If your school admitted students which they feel need to be whipped, the SCHOOL has failed, not YOU!  If you claim you NEED to be pushed, I do not want you as my doctor. John R. Minarcik, MD (
  • 73. It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. --Isaac Asimov
  • 74. CNS Tumors SAQ / KFP  Should seizure patients have imaging done immediately?  Yes, 10-20% tumors.  Personality changes indicate  Frontal lobe which location?  Differentials for young adult  Other gliomas with insidious symptoms, seizures and decreased signal on T1 and increased signal on  Conservative – Poor T2 weighted MRI?  Steroids, anti  What is the treatment and prognosis for someone with a epileptic, low-grade astrocytoma?  How should the symptoms be symptomatic. treated?  What tests could have been  EEG done in the absence of neuroimaging?
  • 75. CNS Tumors SAQ / KFP  Why was the child hitting his  Indicating headache. head?  Why did the child have a  Increased ICP, tum. headache?  4th ventricle.  If the child does have hydrocephalus, at what level  No – coning…* is the ventricular system being obstructed at?  Central – vermis  Should a lumbar puncture be  Separation/malfusion of performed?  Where in the cerebellum is anterior frontoparietal the lesion located? suture due to  What is the radiolucent area hydrocephalus. visible along the antero- superior aspect of the radiograph?
  • 76. CNS Tumors SAQ / KFP  Name the location of  Cerebellopontine angle tumor?  Cranial Nerves 5,7 & 8  What cranial nerves  Teratoma, meningioma, are involved? acoustic neuroma.  List differential  Increased intracranial diagnosis tension.  Explain pathogenesis  Tumor attempting to form of headache and Arachnoid grannulations. papilledema? Origin of tumor.  What does the histological pattern represent in slide 1? slide 2?
  • 77. CNS Tumors 50y Female smoker - Headache. This 50 year-old female smoker known for hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2 was in her usual state of health until 2 years ago, when she began to have morning headaches that would usually go away by themselves. Year later began to have hearing problem on her left side. Recently, she noticed intermittent loss of sensation of the left side of her face. She is taking a thiazide diuretic, captopril, glyburide, and metformin. She has no known allergies. Physical exam: Slight drooping in the left mouth and lower eyelid. Incomplete closure of the left eyelid with corneal touch. Reduced pain and light touch on the left side. Fundoscopic exam revealed bilateral papilledema.
  • 78. CNS Tumors 35y Male, depression 2-year history of loss of initiative, depression. He had slowly lost his drive to win all the big deals he always done so well at work. 3 months ago he began to experience headache, which did not respond to acetaminophen or aspirin. His wife noticed that his lethargic state had increased in the past few months. 3 days ago his right arm began to convulse uncontrollably for 1 minute. 1 day ago the patient began again violently shaking his right arm, and the right side of face began to twitch at the dinner table. No fever. Physical exam: Bilateral papilledema, increased deep tendon reflexes of the right bicep, tricep, +ve babinski sign on the right foot, reduced leg strength on the right.
  • 79. CNS Tumors 35y Male, depression Axial T2 weighted MRI Axial T1 weighted MRI
  • 80. CNS Tumors 35y Male, depression Coronal T2 weighted MRI Coronal T1 weighted MRI
  • 81. CNS Tumors 3y Male, constant cry…. Constant crying and not interacting with other children at daycare since 1m. Mother noticed that he was pointing to his head often. Family physician who stated that he was developing normally, and that the “ terrible two‟s” are difficult period for parents. Recently started vomiting on a daily basis and started wobbling even though he learned to walk 6 months ago. Physical: Bilateral papilledema and gait ataxia was noted on the physical exam.
  • 82. CNS Tumors 3y Male, constant cry…. Axial T1 weighted MRI Axial T2 weighted MRI
  • 83. CNS Tumors 3y Male, constant cry…. Coronal T1 weighted MRI
  • 84. CNS Tumors What is the most likely diagnosis? 1. Glioblastoma m. 2. Astrocytoma 3. Meningioma 4. Ependymoma 5. Medulloblastoma
  • 85. CNS Tumors 65y Fem morning headache. Morning headache 2y, Progressive right upper limb weakness. She woke up this morning obtunded, and did not initially respond to her husband‟s cries. She screamed to her husband that she could not see anything to her right, and that she that her left arm and leg were very weak. At this point her husband rushed her to the nearest hospital. Physical Exam: left lid ptosis, left-pupillary dilation, and failure of her left eye to constrict to light directly or consenually. Patient had bilateral lower limb weakness, with increased deep tendon reflexes on the left side, and a +ve babinski on the left side. Bilateral Papilledema. Homonymous hemianopia of the right side. Visual acuity was corrected to 20/20 with glasses.
  • 86. CNS Tumors 65y Fem morning headache.
  • 87. CNS Tumors Brain Metastasis:  Lung, Breast, Skin, Kidney, GIT.  Prostate – never..!  Well demarcated, usually multiple with surrounding rim of inflammation.  Carcinomatosis: Meningeal CSF spread of malignant cells.
  • 88. CNS Tumors Metastatic Melanoma: multiple
  • 89. CNS Tumors Brain Metastases: Surrounding edema.
  • 90. CNS Tumors What is the most likely diagnosis? 1. Glioblastoma m. 2. Astrocytoma 3. Meningioma 4. Ependymoma 5. Medulloblastoma
  • 91. CNS Tumors SAQ / KFP  Are there clinical signs of  Yes, ptosis, pupils 3rd nerve compression?  What is the most likely cause  Optic pathway - of the homonymous occipital. hemianopia?  Why does the patient have  Motor cortex progressive right upper limb compression – tum. weakness, and paroxysmal left upper and lower limb  Risky. weakness?  Should a lumbar puncture be  Brainstem performed? compression.  Why was the patient obtunded?  Meningioma  Why was an-x-ray taken? hyperostosis.
  • 93. CNS Tumors Nerve Sheath Tumors:  Neurofibroma:  Epi & endoneurial fibroblasts.  Form whorls of fibroblasts with nerves  Well differentiated, benign, capsulated.  Schwannoma:  Schwann cells, elongated form whorls  Nuclear palisading
  • 94. CNS Tumors Schwannoma / Neurofibroma
  • 95. CNS Tumors Schwannoma 8th Nerve:
  • 96. CNS Tumors Bilateral 8th nerve schwannomas.
  • 97. CNS Tumors Schwannoma:
  • 98. Neurofibromatosis: Café-au-lait spot
  • 100. CNS Tumors Schwannoma
  • 101. CNS Tumors A 26-year old female Headache,vomiting, an epileptic attack, weakness of legs. Now drowsy. Two weeks before admission she gave her second birth. CT and NMR revealed a huge parasagittal tumor (80x67x65 mm), enhanced by contrast, compressed corpus callosum and ventricles.
  • 102. CNS Tumors 7th nerve palsy:  Cerebellopontine angle tumours.  Acoustic neuroma,  epidermoid cysts,  medulloblastoma  meningioma  Affected cranial nerves:  5 trigeminal - masticatio  7 facial –face muscles  8 auditory – hearing
  • 103. CNS Tumors Brudzinski Sign of Meningitis: