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Doctoral Seminar : II
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics
Advisory Committee
Dr. S. Rajeswari Professor & Head, Dept. of Cotton
CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore
Dr. N. Premalatha
Asst. Professor (PBG),Dept. of Cotton,
CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore
Member Dr. N. Manikanda Boopathi
Professor (Biotech.), DPB,
CPMB&B, TNAU, Coimbatore
Dr. K.Thirukumaran Associate Professor, Dept of Agronomy,
TNAU, Coimbatore.
Dr. A. Manivannan
Senior Scientist (Genetics)
Central Institute of Cotton Research,
Regional station, Coimbatore
 Smallest living unit
 Most are microscopic
 Diffusion limits the cell size
 DNA limits cell size
 Surface area to volume ratio
Why are cells small??
Diffusion Limits Cell Size
• Diffusion is fast and efficient
over short distances, it
becomes slow and inefficient
over larger distances.
• Small cell - good diffusion
• Big cell - bad diffusion
Speed of Diffusion
• An organelle in the center of a
20μm diameter cell receives
supplies a fraction of a second
after it enters the cell.
• An organelle in the center of a
20 cm diameter cell would have
to wait months before receiving
supplies that enter the cell.
DNA Limits Cell Size
• The DNA tells the cell which
proteins to be made.
• Not enough protein - the cell will
die. Take time for protein to be
• As cells increase in size, no extra
DNA is made
Surface Area-Volume Ratio
• As cell size increases, volume
increases much faster than surface
• A 1mm cube has a surface area of
6mm2 and a volume of 1mm3. A
2mm cube has a surface area of
24mm2 and a volume of 8mm3
• The larger the volume of the cell,
the smaller the surface area gets.
Cell Size
Skotheim et al.,2015
As an organism grows, can the cells get bigger?
 Before a cell gets too large, it
divides into two “daughter”
 Before cell division takes place,
the cell must replicate all of its
 The cell then divides and
solves the problem of the cell
becoming too large.
2 Reasons why cells divide
• As the cell grows larger the cells DNA will no longer be able to serve the
increasing needs of the growing cell.
• The larger the cell the more trouble it has moving nutrients such as food,
oxygen and water and wastes across the cell membrane.
Possible scenarios in which centrosome centering (a) and spindle
elongation (b) set the upper and lower limit of cell size
If the cell exceeds the upper limit of size,
the centrosome, and consequently the
mitotic spindle, cannot position at the cell
center, leading to nonsymmetrical cell
If the cell falls below the lower limit, the
centrosome may not stably position at the
cell center due to the excess elastic forces
of the microtubules
If the cell exceeds the upper limit, astral
microtubules do not reach the cell
cortex, potentially leading to insufficient
spindle elongation.
If the cell falls below the lower limit,
there may not be sufficient space for
accurate chromosome segregation
compared to the size of the cell’s
Marshall et al., 2012
• The genetic control of the characteristic cell sizes of different species and tissues is a long-
standing enigma. Plants are convenient for studying this question in a multicellular context,
as their cells do not move and are easily tracked and measured from organ initiation in the
meristems to subsequent morphogenesis and differentiation.
• Molecular mechanisms for cell size control have implications for how cell size responds to
changes in ploidy, which are particularly important in plant development and evolution.
• Plants are also particularly relevant for studying how cell size relates to ploidy and to organ
size because of the prominent role of polyploidy in plant evolution, plant development, and
crop domestication
Early experiments using sea urchins of different ploidy revealed that cell size is strongly
affected by nuclear contents, while experiments using protozoans showed that
progression through cell division depends on cytoplasmic volume
In multicellular organisms, cell size regulation is particularly complex, partly because cell
autonomous mechanisms for size regulation overlap with developmental control of
growth and cell division by intercellular signals
3 models: Timer model
Sizer model
Adder model
Sablowski et al.,2019
Jones et al., 2019
No active control of cell size
Division triggered after certain time period
Division triggered after fixed growth increment of volume
Large cells divide faster than small cells
Cell division could be inhibited until a fixed threshold size is reached
Large cells divide faster than small cells
Division is triggered by a proxy that is positively or negatively correlated to cell size
Relation b/n cell size and proxy is dependent on multiple factors and it varies a/c
to conditions
Jones et al., 2019
Cell Size Control through Tissue- and Cell-Level Mechanisms
cell growth and division are
regulated by tissue-level
hormonal signals. Cells
with different birth sizes,
but receiving the same
tissue-level signals, are
expected to divide after the
same amount of time.
cell growth rate and division
rate are hypothesized to be
dependent on cell size as
well as being regulated by
tissue-level signals
cell-cycle length is inversely
dependent on cell size such
that large cells divide more
rapidly than small cells
The hypothesis that DNA could be used as a molecular ruler in cell size homeostasis also
suggests a link to the observation that cell size correlates with ploidy levels in a wide variety of
eukaryotes, including plants
Sugimoto-Shirasu and Roberts , 2003
different cell layers have
different ploidies, show a
clear relationship between
nuclear DNA content, nuclear
volume and cell size
Cell division and cell expansion in the different layers mutually adjust to avoid distortion of
meristem anatomy, indicating that cell–cell signaling is involved in overall control of organ size
• One common mechanism by which plants achieve this increase in cell size is through
increasing their ploidy level by successive rounds of DNA replication, a process called
• Although endoreduplication is widespread in eukaryotes, it is commonplace in plants . Not
only higher plants but also algal and fern cells undergo endoreduplication.
• The entire complement of chromosomes is usually re-replicated during endoreduplication
but, depending on the final configuration of chromosomes, two distinct processes can be
• In one of these processes chromosomes go through condensation and de-condensation
stages after replication and sister chromatids separate, resulting in polyploidy; in the second,
the chromosomes replicate without undergoing such condensation stages and sister
chromatids remain closely associated, resulting in polyteny
How do cells switch from mitosis to endoreduplication?
• Although this process is still poorly understood, it is clear that it requires important changes
in the cell cycle machinery.
• For instance, cyclins that are active in G2 are no longer expressed, and others have modified
activities as was reported for E cyclins in Drosophila: E cyclin is present at constant levels in
mitotic cells, but fluctuating levels are required for multiple rounds of endocycles.
• One of the components necessary for the transition to endoreduplication is the FIZZY
RELATED protein, first identified in Drosophila. It was proposed that FIZZY RELATED
functions in the degradation and inactivation of mitotic cyclins during interphase, thus
allowing endoreduplication to occur.
Robinson et al.,2018
trichome (32C)
stomatal guard cells (2C) small epidermal cell (4C)
large epidermal cell (8C)
The brightly stained heterochromatic
centromeric regions are few in
number (ten or fewer), strongly
suggesting that the endoreduplicated
chromosomes are polytene in nature
in the 32C trichomes.
The volume of each nucleus is
directly proportional to its ploidy.
Endoreduplication in the Arabidopsis leaf epidermis
Ploidy level and cell size: how far does the correlation go?
found in the polyploid periclinal chimeras of Datura
meristems, in which each discrete cell layer has a different
ploidy with corresponding nuclear and cell-size changes
Endoreduplication is also associated
with a cell-size increase in Arabidopsis,
as has been seen in wildtype leaf
epidermal cells
Counter examples in which ploidy level does not coupled to final cell size
1) Arabidopsis root cells from different ecotypes have varied sizes, but no positive correlation
was found between their ploidy level and cell size
2) Many Arabidopsis dwarf mutants that have defects in hormone signaling or cell wall
biosynthesis have a similar distribution of cell ploidy as the wildtype but remarkably reduced
cell sizes
3) Several transgenic Arabidopsis plants that overexpress key cell cycle regulatory genes are
altered in their ploidy levels but do not necessarily show corresponding cell-size changes
These findings suggest that polyploidization is not the only mechanism that controls
cell size in plants and that other distinct pathways also contribute to this control.
The first of these processes is increased growth
coupled to endoreduplication, whereas the second is
cell expansion (i.e. increase in cell volume through
vacuolation). The two processes combine to
determine the final size of the differentiated cell.
Growth and cell-size control in plants
Increases in the size of proliferating cells are
largely dependent on cell growth, whereas most of
the size increase in postmitotic cells is achieved by
cell expansion.
A simple schematic model of some of the
key processes that regulate cell size.
The input signals are a combination of
endogenous signal molecules and
environmental cues, which determine the local
balance between cell proliferation, growth (i.e.
increase in macromolecular mass) and
expansion (i.e. vacuolation-driven increase in
Cell number and size often have higher-order
constraints that are imposed by feedback loops
that regulate total organ size.
1. Size-Dependent Transition to the DNA Replication Phase
In budding yeast cells, the G1 cyclin Cln3 phosphorylates Whi5
to derepress the SBF transcription factor that activates
The fixed number of SBFbound sites in the genome has
been proposed to provide the ruler to measure Cln3 levels
Increasing cell volume dilutes the Whi5 protein to a
threshold concentration that allows the G1-to-S transition
In this case, Whi5 can function as the ruler because its synthesis rate is limited by gene copy number,
not by protein synthesis capacity, which scales up with cell size, so the Whi5 dilution model indirectly
uses the genome as the internal ruler.
 One of the challenges in revealing molecular mechanisms for cell size control is to identify a structure or
molecule that could be used as a ruler to measure cell size.
 Most organelles and the total amount of most proteins scale up with cell size, so they would not be
appropriate rulers. One obvious exception would be DNA, or specific sites on the genome
 This idea has been a key part of models for the size-dependent progression from the gap 1 (G1) phase to the
DNA synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle.
Sablowski et al.,2019
Progressive dilution of CDKG1 in relation to its targets on increasing
amounts of chromatin has been proposed to link the number of S/M
cycles to initial cell size because each round of DNA replication
dilutes CDKG1 until a threshold level is reached
Accordingly, cdkg1 mutants divide fewer times and produce larger
daughter cells, whereas rb mutants divide too many times, resulting
in small cells
 In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, DNA replication is also linked to
cell size.
 In this alga, a vegetative cell maintained in the light grows
during a prolonged G1 phase to several times its initial size;
shifting the cells to darkness stops growth, but if a size
threshold has been passed, the cell undergoes a series of rapid
cycles through S and M phases .
The number of these cycles is adjusted to the starting cell
size through the retinoblastoma (RB) pathway
 In C. reinhardtii, the cyclin dependent kinase G1 (CDKG1)
inactivates RB to promote S-phase entry; CDKG1 reaches a size
dependent concentration in the intitial cell and is not produced
during the subsequent divisions.
Together with the budding yeast and C. reinhardtii models, these results highlight an intimate
connection between the Whi5/RB pathway and the size-dependent G1-to-S transition.
Sablowski et al.,2019
2. Mechanisms Linking Mitosis to Cell Size
In contrast to budding yeast and mammalian cells, the main target
for cell size control in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is the
transition from the second gap (G2) phase of the cell cycle to
mitosis (M).
In this case, different sizing mechanisms have been proposed,
mostly converging on a series of kinases (Pom1, Cdr2,Wee1) that
function sequentially to control cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1),
which triggers the G2-to-M transition
In this model - Cdr2 accumulates in the medial region of the cell in a way that reflects cell
surface area, eventually reaching a threshold that initiates the G2-to-M transition
Sablowski et al.,2019
Complications: Overlapping Mechanisms and Cell-Type-Specific Features
• Although supported by extensive evidence, the mechanisms described above remain debated because
mutation of key genes such as whi5 in budding yeast and pom1 or cdr2 in fission yeast does not
eliminate cell size homeostasis
• Robust cell size homeostasis has been suggested to result from the overlap of multiple size-sensing
mechanisms at different stages of the cell cycle.
• For example, cell size uniformity in S.cerevisiae depends not only on the well-studied G1/S sizer but
also on the less well-characterized size control at the G2-to-M transition. Similarly, S. pombe too has a
G1/S sizing mechanism, which becomes visible only when the G2/M size control is compromised in
wee mutants.
• In the S. pombe cdr2 mutant, the area-sensing mechanism appears to revert to a secondary, volume-
sensing mechanism. In plants, there is evidence that both the G1-to-S and the G2-to-M transitions are
responsive to cell size
• In summary, the molecular mechanisms for cell size regulation remain an area of active investigation in
all eukaryotic models. So, to understand cell size regulation in multicellular plants, we should consider
specific features of plant cell growth
The increased volume created by wall extension is
occupied by enlargement of the cytoplasm and
nucleus or by water uptake and expansion of
vacuoles, with the balance of the two depending on
cell type and developmental stage
Cell expansion associated with vacuole enlargement
probably evolved as a metabolically low-cost
mechanism for rapid and extensive organ growth
under competition for light and other environmental
Leaf cell
Shoot meristem
Objective: To dissect the function of the four NMCP(Nuclear Matrix Constituent
Protein) family proteins in Arabidopsis encoded by the CRWN genes
Materials : Agrobacterium T-DNA insertion alleles to study the effects of inactivating
different combinations of CRWN genes
 Flow cytometry – to calculate average ploidy level for each genotype
Phylogenetic relationships among CRWN proteins
2 clades – one clade includes
CRWN1,2,3 and other clade
has CRWN4
Dicots contain CRWN1 proteins
dicot CRWN4-like proteins are distinct
from their monocot counterparts in
lacking conserved amino acid motif at
the extreme C terminus
Whole plant phenotypes of crwn mutants at rosette stage
Plants carrying a mutation in any
single CRWN gene had
phenotypes similar to wild-type
Columbia plants, as did the
double crwn2 crwn3 and crwn3
crwn4 mutants.
Triple mutant plants carrying
only CRWN2 or CRWN3 were
extremely stunted, but still viable
that suggests CRWN2 or
CRWN3 alone can cover the
minimum requirements for the
entire CRWN protein family.
plants carrying only CRWN1 or only CRWN4 were not recovered, suggesting that CRWN1 and
CRWN4 are specialized and that neither protein alone can express the full range of functions of the
CRWN protein family
Nuclear phenotypes of crwn mutants in adult leaf tissue
deficiency of CRWN1 or CRWN4
reduced nuclear size, while loss of
CRWN2 or CRWN3 had no
In contrast, combination of a crwn1 with a
crwn4 mutation had an additive effect on
nuclear size. These findings indicate that
CRWN1 and CRWN4 are the major
determinants of nuclear size among the
CRWN paralogs.
Combining a crwn1 mutation with a crwn2
or crwn3 mutation had a synergistic effect
on nuclear size, suggesting that CRWN1
function overlaps, at least partially, with
those of CRWN2 and CRWN3.
Double mutant combinations containing
crwn4 and either crwn2 or crwn3 did not
show additive phenotypes but rather
resembled crwn4.
Relationship between nuclear size and DNA
content - Average leaf guard cell nuclear
sizes in crwn mutants
Effects of crwn mutations on nuclear size and nuclear DNA density in leaf cells
crwn mutants showed a decrease in
endopolyploidy levels, particularly the crwn
triple mutants and the crwn1 crwn2 double
Consistent with their effects on nuclear size shown in
Figure 4A Neither the crwn2 nor crwn3 mutation
affected nuclear size in guard cells.
CRWN1 plays the major role in affecting nuclear size in the absence of changes in endopolyploidy
Direct correlation between endopolyploidy
and nuclear size in wild-type Arabidopsis
cells prompted them to examine this
relationship within the crwn mutants
With the exception of crwn2 and crwn3, the crwn
mutations caused a more pronounced reduction
in nuclear size than predicted from the observed
endopolyploidy level. As a consequence, crwn
mutants display a spectrum of nuclear
DNA densities
However, crwn2 crwn3, crwn2 crwn4, and crwn3
crwn4 double mutants had nuclei approximately
20% smaller than those seen in wild-type guard
cells, suggesting some functional redundancy
among CRWN2, CRWN3 and CRWN4 proteins
Chromocenter morphology changes in crwn mutants Role of CRWN proteins on the
internal organization of the nucleus
average chromocenter number in crwn1,
crwn2 and crwn3 leaf cell nuclei was
similar to that seen in wild-type leaf cell
crwn4 nuclei exhibited a wide range of
chromocenter numbers (2–27)
To explore the chromocenter phenotype in
more detail, aggregation index (AI), to
characterize the distribution of visible
DAPI-bright spots within interphase nuclei
Chromocenter number remains fairly constant over a
wide range of nuclear sizes and endopolyploidy levels
(2n to 16n), most likely as a result of lateral association
of sister chromatids after endoreduplication
AI index of wild-type nuclei averaged close to
0.1 nd was not affected significantly by nuclear
size. The absence of a significant correlation
between AI and nuclear size indicates that
chromocenter organization remains constant
across different endopolyploidy levels in wild-
type nuclei
The variability in chromocenter size and
number in crwn mutant nuclei suggests that
CRWN proteins are required for proper
organization of heterochromatin in interphase
spatial arrangement of Chromocenter organization is altered in crwn1 crwn2 and crwn4 mutants
It was common to find a decondensed centromere
signal at several chromocenters in wild-type nuclei;
however, decondensed centromeric repeat clusters
were infrequently observed in crwn1 crwn2 nuclei and
the total number of clusters was reduced
number of discrete centromere
repeat clusters visible in crwn4 nuclei
was more variable
the apparent dispersal of chromocenters in larger
crwn4 nuclei and the mis-positioning of
centromeric and 5S RNA repeats outside of the
chromocenter indicates that higher-order
organization of heterochromatin breaks down in
interphase in the absence of CRWN4.
Using FISH, we examined the spatial
organization of the major 180-bp centromeric
tandem repeat and the 5S RNA gene arrays in
both large and small nuclei from wild-type,
crwn1 crwn2 and crwn4 plants
These findings indicate that there is a
compaction of the centromere repeat arrays
within coalesced chromocenters in crwn1 crwn2
CRWN4 - controlling distribution and
number of heterochromatic chromocenters
• This study addresses fundamental questions about how plant cells specify and control the morphology
of their nuclei and its relationship with internal chromatin organization.
• CRWN proteins are important architectural components of plant nuclei which play diverse roles in both
heterochromatin organization and the control of nuclear morphology.
• CRWN 1 and CRWN4 are major determinants of nuclear size and shape out of which CRWN1- in
controlling nuclear size
CRWN4 - controlling distribution and number of heterochromatic chromocenters.
• The specificity of the nuclear morphological and higher-order chromatin organization defects seen in
crwn mutants reveals the interplay between nuclear morphology and the three-dimensional packaging
of the genome.
Regulation of grain size is crucial for improving crop yield and is also a basic aspect in developmental
biology. However, the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying grain size control in crops remain
largely unknown despite their central importance
Aim: To reveal a significant genetic and molecular mechanism of the GSK2-OML4 regulatory module
in grain size Control
 wild type - japonica var Zhonghuajing (ZHJ)
 ꞃ-Rays to irradiate the grains of the wild-type ZHJ
 RNA Extraction and RT-qPCR Analysis
• As grain size is a key component of grain weight, regulation of grain size is a crucial strategy to
increase grain production. Grain growth is restricted by spikelet hulls, which influence final grain size in
rice. The growth of the spikelet hull is determined by cell proliferation and cell expansion processes.
• Several genes that regulate the grain size by influencing cell proliferation in the spikelet hull have been
described in rice- GW2, GW5, GW8, GS5 etc
• SHAGGY-LIKE KINASE2 (GSK2), a homologue of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE2 (BIN2) kinase, has been reported to influence grain size and also
other growth processes in rice.
• Overexpression of GSK2 leads to small grains and short plants, whereas downregulation of GSK2
produces long grains.
• To further reveal the mechanisms of grain size determination, we have identified several grain size
genes whose loss and gain of function lead to opposite effects on grain size in rice - LARGE1, which
encodes MEI2-LIKE PROTEIN4 (OML4) with three RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains, regulates
grain size and weight by restricting cell expansion in spikelet hulls in rice
• The large1-1 mutant forms large and heavy grains, while overexpression of OML4 causes small and
light grains.
LARGE1 Influences Grain Size and Plant Morphology
large1-1 mutant displayed large grains and tall
plants. LARGE1 negatively regulates grain
size and weight in rice
LARGE1 also negatively influences
panicle length
The number of grains per panicle in large1-1
was decreased in comparison with that in
ZHJ. These results suggest that LARGE1
influences mainly the grain size in rice.
LARGE1 Regulates Cell Expansion in Spikelet Hulls
Scanning electron microscopy analysis of lemma
Indicate that the long and wide grain
phenotypes of large1-1 result from
the long and wide cells in spikelet
hulls. Thus, LARGE1 regulates
grain size by limiting cell
expansion in spikelet hulls.
Grain growth is limited by spikelet hulls,
and spikelet hull growth is determined by
cell proliferation and cell expansion. To
uncover the cellular mechanism for
LARGE1 in grain growth, investigation
carried in cells of ZHJ and large1-1
spikelet hulls.
outer epidermal cells in large1-1
lemmas were longer and wider cells
than those of ZHJ lemmas, while cell
numbers in large1-1 lemmas were
similar to that in the wild-type lemmas in
both longitudinal and transverse
LARGE1 Encodes the Mei2-Like Protein OML4
INDEL contained a 4-bp
deletion in large1-1 in the
gene (LOC_Os02g31290)
which leads to a premature
stop codon
confirmed this deletion
in LOC_Os02g31290 by
developing a derived
CAPS marker
A genetic complementation test
was conducted to confirm whether
the deletion in LOC_Os02g31290
was responsible for the large1-1
phenotypes. The genomic
fragment of LOC_ Os02g31290
(gLARGE1) was transformed into
the large1-1 mutant, and 11
transgenic lines were generated.
The Glarge1 construct
complemented the large-grain
phenotypes of the large1-1 mutant
Complementation test
supported that the LARGE1
gene is LOC_Os02g31290
The mutation in large1-1
resulted in a premature
stop codon. The proteins
encoded by large1- 1
(OML4large1-1) lacked
RRM motifs, which
indicated that large1-1 is a
loss-of-function allele.
Expression of OML4 in developing
panicles using RT-qPCR analysis
Subcellular localization of OML4
in rice, they generated gLARGE1-
GFP transgenic plants. the
gLARGE1-GFP construct rescued
the phenotypes of the large1-1
mutant, indicating that the
LARGE1-GFP fusion protein is
GFP signal in gLARGE1-
GFP; large1-1 roots was
predominantly detected in
nuclei. This indicates that
OML4 is localized in nuclei
in rice
Overexpression of OML4
Results in Short Grains Due to
Short Cells in Spikelet Hulls
The average length of proActin:OML4
panicles was significantly decreased
compared with that of ZHJ
As proActin:OML4 transgenic lines
produced short grains, they tested
whether overexpression of OML4
could decrease cell length in spikelet
Revealed that OML4 affects grain
growth by limiting cell expansion
in spikelet hulls.
OML4 Physically Interacts with GSK2 in Vitro and in Vivo
To further understand the
molecular role of OML4 in grain
growth control, they identified its
interacting partners through a
yeast two hybrid Assay. The OML4
full-length protein was used as the
bait. Among several interacting
proteins, six different clones
corresponding to GSK2 were found
in this screen. GSK2 has been
reported to restrict grain growth in
rice, suggesting that GSK2 is a
candidate OML4-interacting
partner. We further confirmed the
interaction of OML4 with the full
length GSK2 in yeast cells
Interaction between OML4 and GSK2
in plant cells using the firefly luciferase
performed a bimolecular
fluorescence complementation
(BiFC) assay to test the
interaction between OML4 and
GSK2 in plant cells
strong YFP fluorescence in nuclei
when coexpressed OML4-cYFP
and GSK2-nYFP in N. benthamiana
leaves which indicate that OML4
associates with GSK2 in plant
For invitro asay, they expressed
maltose binding protein (MBP)–
fused OML4 (OML4- MBP) and
glutathione S-transferase (GST)
tag–fused GSK2 (GSK2-GST)
proteins in Escherichia coli cells.
The coimmunoprecipitation analyss
were used to examine the
association of GSK2 and OML4 in
N. benthamiana. We coexpressed
GSK2-GFP and OML4-MYC in N.
benthamiana leaves. Total proteins
were isolated and incubated with
MYC beads to immunoprecipitated
GSK2-GFP proteins were detected
in the immunoprecipitated OML4-
MYC complexes, indicating that
GSK2 associated with OML4 in
GSK2 Acts Genetically with OML4 to Regulate Grain Size
GSK2-RNAi lines showed longer and
slightly wider grains than ZHJ,
indicating that GSK2 predominantly
regulates grain length in rice
GSK2-RNAi spikelet hulls
contained longer and slightly
wider epidermal cells than ZHJ
spikelet hulls
cell number in the grain-length and grain-width
directions in GSK2-RNAi lemmas was similar to
that in the wild-type lemmas demonstrates that
GSK2 controls grain growth by limiting cell
elongation in spikelet hulls.
crossed large1-1 with GSK2-RNAi and
isolated large1-1;GSK2-RNAi plants. As
shown in Figure, the length of large1-1
grains was increased by 16.24% in
comparison with that of ZHJ, while the
length of large1-1;GSK2-RNAi grains was
increased by 7.90% compared with GSK2-
To investigate in detail the role of GSK2 in
grain size control, they downregulated the
expression of GSK2 using RNA interference
These results suggest that GSK2 acts, at least in part,
in a common genetic pathway with OML4 to control
grain length
• MEI2-LIKE PROTEIN4 (OML4) encoded by the LARGE1 gene is phosphorylated by
GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE KINASE2 (GSK2) and negatively controls grain size and weight in
• Loss of function of OML4 leads to large and heavy grains, while overexpression of
OML4 causes small and light grains
• OML4 regulates grain size by restricting cell expansion in the spikelet hull
• Biochemical analyses showed that the GSK2 physically interacts with OML4 and
phosphorylates it, thereby possibly influencing the stability of OML4. Genetic analyses
support that GSK2 and OML4 act, at least in part, in a common pathway to control grain size
in rice
• Revealed the genetic and molecular mechanism of a GSK2-OML4 regulatory module in grain
size control, suggesting that this pathway is a suitable target for improving seed size and
weight in crops.
• Cell-size control in animals appears to be fundamentally different from that of yeast, whereas
plants, with their own unique cellular structures and lifestyle
• Identifying further genetic variants with altered ploidy and/or cell size and characterising
them more systematically will lead to a better understanding of cell-size control in plants.
• A main challenge for the future will be to reveal the molecular mechanisms of cell size
regulation in plants, the extent to which they include conserved strategies and genetic
pathways, and how they relate to plant-specific features such as vacuolar growth and growth
constrained by interconnected cell walls
• Wang, H., Dittmer, T.A and Richards, E.J. 2013. Arabidopsis CROWDED NUCLEI (CRWN) proteins are
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• Marco D’Ario and Robert Sablowski. 2019. Cell Size Control in Plants. Annual Review of Genetics.
• Jones et al., 2019. Double or Nothing? Cell Division and Cell Size Control. Trends in Plant Science.
• Keiko Sugimoto-Shirasu and Keith Roberts. 2003. ‘‘Big it up’’: endoreduplication and cell-size control in
plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 6:544–553.
• Kurt M.Schmolle and Jan M.Skotheim. 2015. The Biosynthetic Basis of Cell Size Control . Trends in
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  • 1. CELL SIZE CONTROL IN PLANTS TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Doctoral Seminar : II BY BHIMIREDDY SUKRUTHA 2020608008 II PhD Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics
  • 2. Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Name Designation Chairperson Dr. S. Rajeswari Professor & Head, Dept. of Cotton CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore Member Dr. N. Premalatha Asst. Professor (PBG),Dept. of Cotton, CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore Member Dr. N. Manikanda Boopathi Professor (Biotech.), DPB, CPMB&B, TNAU, Coimbatore Member Dr. K.Thirukumaran Associate Professor, Dept of Agronomy, TNAU, Coimbatore. Additional Member Dr. A. Manivannan Senior Scientist (Genetics) Central Institute of Cotton Research, Regional station, Coimbatore
  • 3. Cells  Smallest living unit  Most are microscopic
  • 4.  Diffusion limits the cell size  DNA limits cell size  Surface area to volume ratio Why are cells small??
  • 5. Diffusion Limits Cell Size • Diffusion is fast and efficient over short distances, it becomes slow and inefficient over larger distances. • Small cell - good diffusion • Big cell - bad diffusion Speed of Diffusion • An organelle in the center of a 20μm diameter cell receives supplies a fraction of a second after it enters the cell. • An organelle in the center of a 20 cm diameter cell would have to wait months before receiving supplies that enter the cell.
  • 6. DNA Limits Cell Size • The DNA tells the cell which proteins to be made. • Not enough protein - the cell will die. Take time for protein to be produced. • As cells increase in size, no extra DNA is made
  • 7. Surface Area-Volume Ratio • As cell size increases, volume increases much faster than surface area. • A 1mm cube has a surface area of 6mm2 and a volume of 1mm3. A 2mm cube has a surface area of 24mm2 and a volume of 8mm3 • The larger the volume of the cell, the smaller the surface area gets.
  • 10. As an organism grows, can the cells get bigger?  Before a cell gets too large, it divides into two “daughter” cells.  Before cell division takes place, the cell must replicate all of its DNA.  The cell then divides and solves the problem of the cell becoming too large.
  • 11. 2 Reasons why cells divide • As the cell grows larger the cells DNA will no longer be able to serve the increasing needs of the growing cell. • The larger the cell the more trouble it has moving nutrients such as food, oxygen and water and wastes across the cell membrane.
  • 12. Possible scenarios in which centrosome centering (a) and spindle elongation (b) set the upper and lower limit of cell size If the cell exceeds the upper limit of size, the centrosome, and consequently the mitotic spindle, cannot position at the cell center, leading to nonsymmetrical cell division. If the cell falls below the lower limit, the centrosome may not stably position at the cell center due to the excess elastic forces of the microtubules
  • 13. If the cell exceeds the upper limit, astral microtubules do not reach the cell cortex, potentially leading to insufficient spindle elongation. If the cell falls below the lower limit, there may not be sufficient space for accurate chromosome segregation compared to the size of the cell’s chromosomes. Marshall et al., 2012
  • 14. • The genetic control of the characteristic cell sizes of different species and tissues is a long- standing enigma. Plants are convenient for studying this question in a multicellular context, as their cells do not move and are easily tracked and measured from organ initiation in the meristems to subsequent morphogenesis and differentiation. • Molecular mechanisms for cell size control have implications for how cell size responds to changes in ploidy, which are particularly important in plant development and evolution. • Plants are also particularly relevant for studying how cell size relates to ploidy and to organ size because of the prominent role of polyploidy in plant evolution, plant development, and crop domestication Early experiments using sea urchins of different ploidy revealed that cell size is strongly affected by nuclear contents, while experiments using protozoans showed that progression through cell division depends on cytoplasmic volume In multicellular organisms, cell size regulation is particularly complex, partly because cell autonomous mechanisms for size regulation overlap with developmental control of growth and cell division by intercellular signals
  • 15. PHENOMENOLOGICAL MODELS FOR CELL SIZE CONTROL 3 models: Timer model Sizer model Adder model Sablowski et al.,2019 Jones et al., 2019
  • 16. No active control of cell size Division triggered after certain time period Division triggered after fixed growth increment of volume Large cells divide faster than small cells Cell division could be inhibited until a fixed threshold size is reached Large cells divide faster than small cells Division is triggered by a proxy that is positively or negatively correlated to cell size Relation b/n cell size and proxy is dependent on multiple factors and it varies a/c to conditions Jones et al., 2019
  • 17. Cell Size Control through Tissue- and Cell-Level Mechanisms cell growth and division are regulated by tissue-level hormonal signals. Cells with different birth sizes, but receiving the same tissue-level signals, are expected to divide after the same amount of time. cell growth rate and division rate are hypothesized to be dependent on cell size as well as being regulated by tissue-level signals cell-cycle length is inversely dependent on cell size such that large cells divide more rapidly than small cells
  • 18. RELATION BETWEEN PLOIDY AND CELL SIZE The hypothesis that DNA could be used as a molecular ruler in cell size homeostasis also suggests a link to the observation that cell size correlates with ploidy levels in a wide variety of eukaryotes, including plants Sugimoto-Shirasu and Roberts , 2003 different cell layers have different ploidies, show a clear relationship between nuclear DNA content, nuclear volume and cell size Cell division and cell expansion in the different layers mutually adjust to avoid distortion of meristem anatomy, indicating that cell–cell signaling is involved in overall control of organ size
  • 19. Endoreduplication • One common mechanism by which plants achieve this increase in cell size is through increasing their ploidy level by successive rounds of DNA replication, a process called endoreduplication. • Although endoreduplication is widespread in eukaryotes, it is commonplace in plants . Not only higher plants but also algal and fern cells undergo endoreduplication. • The entire complement of chromosomes is usually re-replicated during endoreduplication but, depending on the final configuration of chromosomes, two distinct processes can be discerned. • In one of these processes chromosomes go through condensation and de-condensation stages after replication and sister chromatids separate, resulting in polyploidy; in the second, the chromosomes replicate without undergoing such condensation stages and sister chromatids remain closely associated, resulting in polyteny
  • 20. How do cells switch from mitosis to endoreduplication? • Although this process is still poorly understood, it is clear that it requires important changes in the cell cycle machinery. • For instance, cyclins that are active in G2 are no longer expressed, and others have modified activities as was reported for E cyclins in Drosophila: E cyclin is present at constant levels in mitotic cells, but fluctuating levels are required for multiple rounds of endocycles. • One of the components necessary for the transition to endoreduplication is the FIZZY RELATED protein, first identified in Drosophila. It was proposed that FIZZY RELATED functions in the degradation and inactivation of mitotic cyclins during interphase, thus allowing endoreduplication to occur.
  • 22. trichome (32C) stomatal guard cells (2C) small epidermal cell (4C) large epidermal cell (8C) The brightly stained heterochromatic centromeric regions are few in number (ten or fewer), strongly suggesting that the endoreduplicated chromosomes are polytene in nature in the 32C trichomes. The volume of each nucleus is directly proportional to its ploidy. Endoreduplication in the Arabidopsis leaf epidermis
  • 23. Ploidy level and cell size: how far does the correlation go? found in the polyploid periclinal chimeras of Datura meristems, in which each discrete cell layer has a different ploidy with corresponding nuclear and cell-size changes Endoreduplication is also associated with a cell-size increase in Arabidopsis, as has been seen in wildtype leaf epidermal cells
  • 24. Counter examples in which ploidy level does not coupled to final cell size 1) Arabidopsis root cells from different ecotypes have varied sizes, but no positive correlation was found between their ploidy level and cell size 2) Many Arabidopsis dwarf mutants that have defects in hormone signaling or cell wall biosynthesis have a similar distribution of cell ploidy as the wildtype but remarkably reduced cell sizes 3) Several transgenic Arabidopsis plants that overexpress key cell cycle regulatory genes are altered in their ploidy levels but do not necessarily show corresponding cell-size changes These findings suggest that polyploidization is not the only mechanism that controls cell size in plants and that other distinct pathways also contribute to this control.
  • 25.
  • 26. The first of these processes is increased growth coupled to endoreduplication, whereas the second is cell expansion (i.e. increase in cell volume through vacuolation). The two processes combine to determine the final size of the differentiated cell. Growth and cell-size control in plants Increases in the size of proliferating cells are largely dependent on cell growth, whereas most of the size increase in postmitotic cells is achieved by cell expansion.
  • 27. A simple schematic model of some of the key processes that regulate cell size. The input signals are a combination of endogenous signal molecules and environmental cues, which determine the local balance between cell proliferation, growth (i.e. increase in macromolecular mass) and expansion (i.e. vacuolation-driven increase in volume). Cell number and size often have higher-order constraints that are imposed by feedback loops that regulate total organ size.
  • 28. MOLECULAR MODELS 1. Size-Dependent Transition to the DNA Replication Phase In budding yeast cells, the G1 cyclin Cln3 phosphorylates Whi5 to derepress the SBF transcription factor that activates transcription The fixed number of SBFbound sites in the genome has been proposed to provide the ruler to measure Cln3 levels Increasing cell volume dilutes the Whi5 protein to a threshold concentration that allows the G1-to-S transition In this case, Whi5 can function as the ruler because its synthesis rate is limited by gene copy number, not by protein synthesis capacity, which scales up with cell size, so the Whi5 dilution model indirectly uses the genome as the internal ruler.  One of the challenges in revealing molecular mechanisms for cell size control is to identify a structure or molecule that could be used as a ruler to measure cell size.  Most organelles and the total amount of most proteins scale up with cell size, so they would not be appropriate rulers. One obvious exception would be DNA, or specific sites on the genome  This idea has been a key part of models for the size-dependent progression from the gap 1 (G1) phase to the DNA synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle. Sablowski et al.,2019
  • 29. Progressive dilution of CDKG1 in relation to its targets on increasing amounts of chromatin has been proposed to link the number of S/M cycles to initial cell size because each round of DNA replication dilutes CDKG1 until a threshold level is reached Accordingly, cdkg1 mutants divide fewer times and produce larger daughter cells, whereas rb mutants divide too many times, resulting in small cells  In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, DNA replication is also linked to cell size.  In this alga, a vegetative cell maintained in the light grows during a prolonged G1 phase to several times its initial size; shifting the cells to darkness stops growth, but if a size threshold has been passed, the cell undergoes a series of rapid cycles through S and M phases . The number of these cycles is adjusted to the starting cell size through the retinoblastoma (RB) pathway  In C. reinhardtii, the cyclin dependent kinase G1 (CDKG1) inactivates RB to promote S-phase entry; CDKG1 reaches a size dependent concentration in the intitial cell and is not produced during the subsequent divisions. Together with the budding yeast and C. reinhardtii models, these results highlight an intimate connection between the Whi5/RB pathway and the size-dependent G1-to-S transition. Sablowski et al.,2019
  • 30. 2. Mechanisms Linking Mitosis to Cell Size In contrast to budding yeast and mammalian cells, the main target for cell size control in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is the transition from the second gap (G2) phase of the cell cycle to mitosis (M). In this case, different sizing mechanisms have been proposed, mostly converging on a series of kinases (Pom1, Cdr2,Wee1) that function sequentially to control cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1), which triggers the G2-to-M transition In this model - Cdr2 accumulates in the medial region of the cell in a way that reflects cell surface area, eventually reaching a threshold that initiates the G2-to-M transition Sablowski et al.,2019
  • 31. Complications: Overlapping Mechanisms and Cell-Type-Specific Features • Although supported by extensive evidence, the mechanisms described above remain debated because mutation of key genes such as whi5 in budding yeast and pom1 or cdr2 in fission yeast does not eliminate cell size homeostasis • Robust cell size homeostasis has been suggested to result from the overlap of multiple size-sensing mechanisms at different stages of the cell cycle. • For example, cell size uniformity in S.cerevisiae depends not only on the well-studied G1/S sizer but also on the less well-characterized size control at the G2-to-M transition. Similarly, S. pombe too has a G1/S sizing mechanism, which becomes visible only when the G2/M size control is compromised in wee mutants. • In the S. pombe cdr2 mutant, the area-sensing mechanism appears to revert to a secondary, volume- sensing mechanism. In plants, there is evidence that both the G1-to-S and the G2-to-M transitions are responsive to cell size • In summary, the molecular mechanisms for cell size regulation remain an area of active investigation in all eukaryotic models. So, to understand cell size regulation in multicellular plants, we should consider specific features of plant cell growth
  • 32. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF PLANT CELLS FOR SIZE REGULATION The increased volume created by wall extension is occupied by enlargement of the cytoplasm and nucleus or by water uptake and expansion of vacuoles, with the balance of the two depending on cell type and developmental stage Cell expansion associated with vacuole enlargement probably evolved as a metabolically low-cost mechanism for rapid and extensive organ growth under competition for light and other environmental resources. Leaf cell Shoot meristem
  • 33.
  • 34. Objective: To dissect the function of the four NMCP(Nuclear Matrix Constituent Protein) family proteins in Arabidopsis encoded by the CRWN genes Materials : Agrobacterium T-DNA insertion alleles to study the effects of inactivating different combinations of CRWN genes  FISH  Flow cytometry – to calculate average ploidy level for each genotype CASE STUDY 1
  • 35. Phylogenetic relationships among CRWN proteins 2 clades – one clade includes CRWN1,2,3 and other clade has CRWN4 Dicots contain CRWN1 proteins dicot CRWN4-like proteins are distinct from their monocot counterparts in lacking conserved amino acid motif at the extreme C terminus
  • 36. Whole plant phenotypes of crwn mutants at rosette stage Plants carrying a mutation in any single CRWN gene had phenotypes similar to wild-type Columbia plants, as did the double crwn2 crwn3 and crwn3 crwn4 mutants. Triple mutant plants carrying only CRWN2 or CRWN3 were extremely stunted, but still viable that suggests CRWN2 or CRWN3 alone can cover the minimum requirements for the entire CRWN protein family. plants carrying only CRWN1 or only CRWN4 were not recovered, suggesting that CRWN1 and CRWN4 are specialized and that neither protein alone can express the full range of functions of the CRWN protein family
  • 37. Nuclear phenotypes of crwn mutants in adult leaf tissue deficiency of CRWN1 or CRWN4 reduced nuclear size, while loss of CRWN2 or CRWN3 had no effect In contrast, combination of a crwn1 with a crwn4 mutation had an additive effect on nuclear size. These findings indicate that CRWN1 and CRWN4 are the major determinants of nuclear size among the CRWN paralogs. spherical Combining a crwn1 mutation with a crwn2 or crwn3 mutation had a synergistic effect on nuclear size, suggesting that CRWN1 function overlaps, at least partially, with those of CRWN2 and CRWN3. Double mutant combinations containing crwn4 and either crwn2 or crwn3 did not show additive phenotypes but rather resembled crwn4.
  • 38. Relationship between nuclear size and DNA content - Average leaf guard cell nuclear sizes in crwn mutants Effects of crwn mutations on nuclear size and nuclear DNA density in leaf cells crwn mutants showed a decrease in endopolyploidy levels, particularly the crwn triple mutants and the crwn1 crwn2 double mutant Consistent with their effects on nuclear size shown in Figure 4A Neither the crwn2 nor crwn3 mutation affected nuclear size in guard cells. CRWN1 plays the major role in affecting nuclear size in the absence of changes in endopolyploidy Direct correlation between endopolyploidy and nuclear size in wild-type Arabidopsis cells prompted them to examine this relationship within the crwn mutants With the exception of crwn2 and crwn3, the crwn mutations caused a more pronounced reduction in nuclear size than predicted from the observed endopolyploidy level. As a consequence, crwn mutants display a spectrum of nuclear DNA densities However, crwn2 crwn3, crwn2 crwn4, and crwn3 crwn4 double mutants had nuclei approximately 20% smaller than those seen in wild-type guard cells, suggesting some functional redundancy among CRWN2, CRWN3 and CRWN4 proteins
  • 39. Chromocenter morphology changes in crwn mutants Role of CRWN proteins on the internal organization of the nucleus average chromocenter number in crwn1, crwn2 and crwn3 leaf cell nuclei was similar to that seen in wild-type leaf cell nuclei crwn4 nuclei exhibited a wide range of chromocenter numbers (2–27) To explore the chromocenter phenotype in more detail, aggregation index (AI), to characterize the distribution of visible DAPI-bright spots within interphase nuclei Chromocenter in cell nuclei Chromocenter number remains fairly constant over a wide range of nuclear sizes and endopolyploidy levels (2n to 16n), most likely as a result of lateral association of sister chromatids after endoreduplication AI index of wild-type nuclei averaged close to 0.1 nd was not affected significantly by nuclear size. The absence of a significant correlation between AI and nuclear size indicates that chromocenter organization remains constant across different endopolyploidy levels in wild- type nuclei The variability in chromocenter size and number in crwn mutant nuclei suggests that CRWN proteins are required for proper organization of heterochromatin in interphase nuclei.
  • 40. spatial arrangement of Chromocenter organization is altered in crwn1 crwn2 and crwn4 mutants It was common to find a decondensed centromere signal at several chromocenters in wild-type nuclei; however, decondensed centromeric repeat clusters were infrequently observed in crwn1 crwn2 nuclei and the total number of clusters was reduced number of discrete centromere repeat clusters visible in crwn4 nuclei was more variable the apparent dispersal of chromocenters in larger crwn4 nuclei and the mis-positioning of centromeric and 5S RNA repeats outside of the chromocenter indicates that higher-order organization of heterochromatin breaks down in interphase in the absence of CRWN4. Using FISH, we examined the spatial organization of the major 180-bp centromeric tandem repeat and the 5S RNA gene arrays in both large and small nuclei from wild-type, crwn1 crwn2 and crwn4 plants These findings indicate that there is a compaction of the centromere repeat arrays within coalesced chromocenters in crwn1 crwn2 nuclei CRWN4 - controlling distribution and number of heterochromatic chromocenters
  • 41. Conclusion • This study addresses fundamental questions about how plant cells specify and control the morphology of their nuclei and its relationship with internal chromatin organization. • CRWN proteins are important architectural components of plant nuclei which play diverse roles in both heterochromatin organization and the control of nuclear morphology. • CRWN 1 and CRWN4 are major determinants of nuclear size and shape out of which CRWN1- in controlling nuclear size CRWN4 - controlling distribution and number of heterochromatic chromocenters. • The specificity of the nuclear morphological and higher-order chromatin organization defects seen in crwn mutants reveals the interplay between nuclear morphology and the three-dimensional packaging of the genome.
  • 42. CASE STUDY 2 Regulation of grain size is crucial for improving crop yield and is also a basic aspect in developmental biology. However, the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying grain size control in crops remain largely unknown despite their central importance Aim: To reveal a significant genetic and molecular mechanism of the GSK2-OML4 regulatory module in grain size Control Materials:  wild type - japonica var Zhonghuajing (ZHJ)  ꞃ-Rays to irradiate the grains of the wild-type ZHJ  RNA Extraction and RT-qPCR Analysis
  • 43. • As grain size is a key component of grain weight, regulation of grain size is a crucial strategy to increase grain production. Grain growth is restricted by spikelet hulls, which influence final grain size in rice. The growth of the spikelet hull is determined by cell proliferation and cell expansion processes. • Several genes that regulate the grain size by influencing cell proliferation in the spikelet hull have been described in rice- GW2, GW5, GW8, GS5 etc • SHAGGY-LIKE KINASE2 (GSK2), a homologue of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE2 (BIN2) kinase, has been reported to influence grain size and also other growth processes in rice. • Overexpression of GSK2 leads to small grains and short plants, whereas downregulation of GSK2 produces long grains. • To further reveal the mechanisms of grain size determination, we have identified several grain size genes whose loss and gain of function lead to opposite effects on grain size in rice - LARGE1, which encodes MEI2-LIKE PROTEIN4 (OML4) with three RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains, regulates grain size and weight by restricting cell expansion in spikelet hulls in rice • The large1-1 mutant forms large and heavy grains, while overexpression of OML4 causes small and light grains.
  • 44. LARGE1 Influences Grain Size and Plant Morphology large1-1 mutant displayed large grains and tall plants. LARGE1 negatively regulates grain size and weight in rice LARGE1 also negatively influences panicle length The number of grains per panicle in large1-1 was decreased in comparison with that in ZHJ. These results suggest that LARGE1 influences mainly the grain size in rice.
  • 45. LARGE1 Regulates Cell Expansion in Spikelet Hulls Scanning electron microscopy analysis of lemma Indicate that the long and wide grain phenotypes of large1-1 result from the long and wide cells in spikelet hulls. Thus, LARGE1 regulates grain size by limiting cell expansion in spikelet hulls. Grain growth is limited by spikelet hulls, and spikelet hull growth is determined by cell proliferation and cell expansion. To uncover the cellular mechanism for LARGE1 in grain growth, investigation carried in cells of ZHJ and large1-1 spikelet hulls. outer epidermal cells in large1-1 lemmas were longer and wider cells than those of ZHJ lemmas, while cell numbers in large1-1 lemmas were similar to that in the wild-type lemmas in both longitudinal and transverse directions
  • 46. LARGE1 Encodes the Mei2-Like Protein OML4 INDEL contained a 4-bp deletion in large1-1 in the gene (LOC_Os02g31290) which leads to a premature stop codon confirmed this deletion in LOC_Os02g31290 by developing a derived CAPS marker A genetic complementation test was conducted to confirm whether the deletion in LOC_Os02g31290 was responsible for the large1-1 phenotypes. The genomic fragment of LOC_ Os02g31290 (gLARGE1) was transformed into the large1-1 mutant, and 11 transgenic lines were generated. The Glarge1 construct complemented the large-grain phenotypes of the large1-1 mutant Complementation test supported that the LARGE1 gene is LOC_Os02g31290 The mutation in large1-1 resulted in a premature stop codon. The proteins encoded by large1- 1 (OML4large1-1) lacked RRM motifs, which indicated that large1-1 is a loss-of-function allele. Expression of OML4 in developing panicles using RT-qPCR analysis Subcellular localization of OML4 in rice, they generated gLARGE1- GFP transgenic plants. the gLARGE1-GFP construct rescued the phenotypes of the large1-1 mutant, indicating that the LARGE1-GFP fusion protein is functional. GFP signal in gLARGE1- GFP; large1-1 roots was predominantly detected in nuclei. This indicates that OML4 is localized in nuclei in rice
  • 47. Overexpression of OML4 Results in Short Grains Due to Short Cells in Spikelet Hulls The average length of proActin:OML4 panicles was significantly decreased compared with that of ZHJ As proActin:OML4 transgenic lines produced short grains, they tested whether overexpression of OML4 could decrease cell length in spikelet hulls Revealed that OML4 affects grain growth by limiting cell expansion in spikelet hulls.
  • 48. OML4 Physically Interacts with GSK2 in Vitro and in Vivo To further understand the molecular role of OML4 in grain growth control, they identified its interacting partners through a yeast two hybrid Assay. The OML4 full-length protein was used as the bait. Among several interacting proteins, six different clones corresponding to GSK2 were found in this screen. GSK2 has been reported to restrict grain growth in rice, suggesting that GSK2 is a candidate OML4-interacting partner. We further confirmed the interaction of OML4 with the full length GSK2 in yeast cells Interaction between OML4 and GSK2 in plant cells using the firefly luciferase (LUC) performed a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay to test the interaction between OML4 and GSK2 in plant cells strong YFP fluorescence in nuclei when coexpressed OML4-cYFP and GSK2-nYFP in N. benthamiana leaves which indicate that OML4 associates with GSK2 in plant cells. For invitro asay, they expressed maltose binding protein (MBP)– fused OML4 (OML4- MBP) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) tag–fused GSK2 (GSK2-GST) proteins in Escherichia coli cells. The coimmunoprecipitation analyss were used to examine the association of GSK2 and OML4 in N. benthamiana. We coexpressed GSK2-GFP and OML4-MYC in N. benthamiana leaves. Total proteins were isolated and incubated with MYC beads to immunoprecipitated OML4-MYC. GSK2-GFP proteins were detected in the immunoprecipitated OML4- MYC complexes, indicating that GSK2 associated with OML4 in vivo
  • 49. GSK2 Acts Genetically with OML4 to Regulate Grain Size GSK2-RNAi lines showed longer and slightly wider grains than ZHJ, indicating that GSK2 predominantly regulates grain length in rice GSK2-RNAi spikelet hulls contained longer and slightly wider epidermal cells than ZHJ spikelet hulls cell number in the grain-length and grain-width directions in GSK2-RNAi lemmas was similar to that in the wild-type lemmas demonstrates that GSK2 controls grain growth by limiting cell elongation in spikelet hulls. crossed large1-1 with GSK2-RNAi and isolated large1-1;GSK2-RNAi plants. As shown in Figure, the length of large1-1 grains was increased by 16.24% in comparison with that of ZHJ, while the length of large1-1;GSK2-RNAi grains was increased by 7.90% compared with GSK2- RNAi. To investigate in detail the role of GSK2 in grain size control, they downregulated the expression of GSK2 using RNA interference (RNAi; GSK2-RNAi) These results suggest that GSK2 acts, at least in part, in a common genetic pathway with OML4 to control grain length
  • 50. Conclusion • MEI2-LIKE PROTEIN4 (OML4) encoded by the LARGE1 gene is phosphorylated by GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE KINASE2 (GSK2) and negatively controls grain size and weight in rice. • Loss of function of OML4 leads to large and heavy grains, while overexpression of OML4 causes small and light grains • OML4 regulates grain size by restricting cell expansion in the spikelet hull • Biochemical analyses showed that the GSK2 physically interacts with OML4 and phosphorylates it, thereby possibly influencing the stability of OML4. Genetic analyses support that GSK2 and OML4 act, at least in part, in a common pathway to control grain size in rice • Revealed the genetic and molecular mechanism of a GSK2-OML4 regulatory module in grain size control, suggesting that this pathway is a suitable target for improving seed size and weight in crops.
  • 51. • Cell-size control in animals appears to be fundamentally different from that of yeast, whereas plants, with their own unique cellular structures and lifestyle • Identifying further genetic variants with altered ploidy and/or cell size and characterising them more systematically will lead to a better understanding of cell-size control in plants. • A main challenge for the future will be to reveal the molecular mechanisms of cell size regulation in plants, the extent to which they include conserved strategies and genetic pathways, and how they relate to plant-specific features such as vacuolar growth and growth constrained by interconnected cell walls
  • 52. References • Wang, H., Dittmer, T.A and Richards, E.J. 2013. Arabidopsis CROWDED NUCLEI (CRWN) proteins are required for nuclear size control and heterochromatin organization. BMC Plant Biology. 13:200. • Marco D’Ario and Robert Sablowski. 2019. Cell Size Control in Plants. Annual Review of Genetics. • Jones et al., 2019. Double or Nothing? Cell Division and Cell Size Control. Trends in Plant Science. • Keiko Sugimoto-Shirasu and Keith Roberts. 2003. ‘‘Big it up’’: endoreduplication and cell-size control in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 6:544–553. • Kurt M.Schmolle and Jan M.Skotheim. 2015. The Biosynthetic Basis of Cell Size Control . Trends in Cell Biology.
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Editor's Notes

  1. show a clear relationship between nuclear DNA content, nuclear volume and cell size. The periclinal chimeras were induced by colchicine treatment and the green nuclei in each case are 8C, whereas the yellow nuclei are 2C. From the left to right, the apices have 8C nuclei in L1, L2 and L3, respectively. Cell division and cell expansion in the different layers mutually adjust to avoid distortion of meristem anatomy, indicating that cell–cell signalling is involved in overall control of organ size.
  2. Such a positive correlation has been documented in many plant species, both at the whole-plant level (e.g. tetraploid plants) and at the level of a single endoreduplicated cell . In fact, many agricultural crops, including coffee, potato and banana, that give higher yield than their native relatives are polyploid, and this is usually linked to their increased cell sizes.
  3. First of all, we need to re-emphasise that cell-size increase in plants is driven by two very distinct processes: cell growth, which involves an increase in total cytoplasmic macromolecular mass (of proteins and nucleic acids for example), and cell expansion, which involves increased cell volume through vacuolation
  4. One clade includes three of the Arabidopsis paralogs, CRWN1, CRWN2 and CRWN3, while CRWN4 belongs to the other clade. Within each clade, the monocot proteins, represented by maize, sorghum and rice, group independently from the dicot proteins. Only two CRWN paralogs exist in these monocots – one CRWN1-like and one CRWN4-like.
  5. used Agrobacterium T-DNA insertion alleles to study the effects of inactivating different combinations of CRWN genes
  6. The direct correlation between endopolyploidy and nuclear size in wild-type Arabidopsis cells prompted us to examine this relationship within the crwn mutants.
  7. A conspicuous feature of Arabidopsis interphase nuclei are discrete foci of heterochromatin, or chromocenters, visualized as bright spots after staining with fluorescent DNA-intercalating dyes [22]. A typical interphase nucleus contains approximately ten chromocenters corresponding to the number of diploid chromosomes (2n = 10) [23]. Chromocenter number remains fairly constant over a wide range of nuclear sizes and endopolyploidy levels (2n to 16n), most likely as a result of lateral association of sister chromatids after endoreduplication
  8. Arabidopsis chromocenters are comprised of large segments of repetitive DNA such as the tandemly-arrayed centromeric and 5S RNA repeats located within pericentromeric regions. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), we examined the spatial organization of the major 180-bp centromeric tandem repeat and the 5S RNA gene arrays in both large and small nuclei from wild-type, crwn1 crwn2 and crwn4 plants (Figure 7A, B).
  9. Grain growth is limited by spikelet hulls, and spikelet hull growth is determined by cell proliferation and cell expansion processes. To uncover the cellular mechanism for LARGE1 in grain growth, we investigated cells in ZHJ and large1-1 spikelet hulls.
  10. The MutMap approach was used to identify the large1-1 mutation.We crossed ZHJ with large1-1 and generated an F2 population. In the F2 population, the progeny segregation showed that the single recessive mutation determines the large-grain phenotype of large1-1. The genomic DNAs from F2 plants with the large-grain phenotype were pooled and applied for whole-genome resequencing. The wild-type ZHJ was also sequenced as a control. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses were performed as described previously. We detected 3913 SNPs and 1280 small insertions and deletions (INDELs) between ZHJ and the pooled F2 plants with large1-1 phenotypes. The SNP:INDEL ratio in the pooled F2 plants was calculated in the whole genome Among them, only one INDEL in the coding region had an SNP:INDEL ratio 5 1. This INDEL contained a 4-bp deletion in large1-1 in the gene (LOC_Os02g31290
  11. To further explore the functions of OML4 in grain growth, we generated the proActin:OML4 construct, transformed it into ZHJ, and isolated 14 transgenic lines. The proActin:OML4 transgenic plants had short grains compared with ZHJ (Figures 4A to 4C), while the width of proActin:OML4 grains was similar to that of ZHJ (Figure 4D). The grains were also significantly lighter than those of ZHJ (Figure 4E). Grain length of proActin:OML4 transgenic lines was associated with the expression levels of OML4 (Figure 4F). These data reveal that OML4 functions to restrict grain growth in rice. As proActin:OML4 transgenic lines produced short grains, we tested whether overexpression of OML4 could decrease cell length in spikelet hulls. We examined the size of outer epidermal cells in the wild-type and proActin:OML4spikelet hulls (Figures4N and 4O). Outer epidermal cells in proActin:OML4 spikelet hulls were shorter than those of ZHJ spikelet hulls (Figures 4P and 4Q). By contrast, the number of epidermal cells in the longitudinal and transverse direction in proActin:OML4spikelet hulls was similar to that in ZHJ spikelet hulls (Figures 4R and 4S). These results further revealed thatOML4 affects grain growth by limiting cell expansion in spikelet hulls.
  12. To investigate in detail the role of GSK2 in grain size control, we downregulated the expression of GSK2 using RNA interference (RNAi; GSK2-RNAi)