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Department of Physiology
• Cell is the structural and functional unit of the life.
• Presence of cell wall in plant kingdom.
• Multi cellular and unicellular organism.
• Unicellular: amoeba, plasmodium, Bacteria, viruses , yeast (fungi
• Prokaryotic cells: protozoa, paramecium, bacteria, virus etc[histone is not present in DNA,
no mitosis & meiosis]
• Eukaryotic cell: euglena, mammal cells, fungi, plant kingdom, all warm and cold bodies
animal etc
• Multicellular:
– vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibian, pisces etc)
– invertebrates all cold bodies organism.
• We human {Homo sapiens} falls under mammals.
• In human body cells are well organized so, that we can earn our livelihood.
• Cells ultimately lead to form the system, hence due different system’s
peculiar coordination makes human body.
• Within human body, there are different kinds of cells classified.
• Reproductive cells and somatic/vegetative cells
• Within somatic cells again we can classify on the basis of different things like
blood cells, bone cells , cell for vision, hair cells, skin cells etc
Euglena, unicellular
Eukaryotic cell structure
• Cell consist membrane like structure covering fluid in
• Membrane is the plasma membrane/cell membrane
and it contains fluid with different cell organelles.
• Cell membrane is one of the biomembranes.
• Cell membrane is the phospholipid bilayer consisting
proteins, lipid, carbohydartes, cholestrol.
• The hydrophobic effect and solvent entropy provide
the driving force for the formation of lipidbilayer.
• Two models were mention:
– Sandwitch model
– Fluid mosaic model
The Davson–Danielli (1935) model predominated until Singer and
Nicolson advanced the fluid mosaic model in 1972.
Fluid mosaic model
• Looks like ice berg of proteins, lipid, carbohydrate, cholesterol, floating on the sea
of phospholipid.
• It’s the dynamic structure.
• Fluidity in nature, cholesterol:phospholipid determines the fluidity of the
• The degree of unsaturation determines the fluidity of the membrane.
• Within the plane of the membrane, one molecule of phospholipid can move
several µm per second.
• Hydrophobic tails i.e lipid aligned facing towards each other.
• Hydrophilic phosphate head facing towards ECF(Extracellular fluid) compartment
and ICF(Intracellular fluid) compartment.
• 7-10 nm in thickness
• Protein:
– Integral protein
– Peripheral protein
• Extrinsic protein
• Intrinsic protein
Effect of temperature
• In membrane, fatty acids chains highly aligned or ordered
to provide a rather stiff structure.
• As the temperature increases, hydrophobic side chains
undergo a transition from the ordered state which is more
like gel or crystalline to a disordered state, taking on a more
liquid like or fluid arrangement.
• The temperature at which the structure undergoes the
transition from order to disordered(melts) is called the
transient temperature.
• As fluidity increases, the lateral mobility of integral protein
also increases.
• Membrane consist at least one unsaturated fatty acid with
at least one cis bond.
Additional special features of some
• The following two structure which currently drawn
attention are:
– Lipid rafts:
• They are dynamic areas of the exoplasmic leaflet of the lipid bilayers
enriches in cholesterol and sphingolipids.
• They are involved in signal transduction and possibly other processes
– Caveolae:
• Derived from lipid rafts.
• Many of the caveolae contain special protein called caveolin-1.
• By electron miscroscope, they look like flask-shaped indentations of
the cell membranes.
• Also takes part in signal transduction
• Protein detected in caveolae include various components of signalling
system e.g: the insulin receptor and G-proteins, folate receptor and
endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS).
Special characteristics of RBCs
• Integral proteins: two major integral proteins
– Glycophorin:
• Glycoproteins(oligosaacchrides)
• 60% carbohydrate by weight
• The oligosaccharides bound to glycophorin are linked to serine, threonine and
aspargine residues.
• 130 amino acid residues.
• One RBC consist about 6 *10^5 glycophorin molecule
• Some of the oligosaccarides of glycophorins are the M and N blood group
• Other carbohydrates of glycophorin are the sites for influenza virus attachment.
– Band 3 protein
• Dimeric, 93000MW, polypeptide chain of the dimer is thought to traverse about
dozen time.
• Bothe C and N terminals of protein are towards cystolic side of the membrane.
• N-terminal residues extend into the cytosol and interact with components of the
• While blood going through lungs ,this proteins act as bicarbonate ion/ chloride
ion exchanger; bicarbonate ion outside.
Peripheral of RBCs membrane
• The inner face of the RBC membranes is laced with a network of
proteins called cytoskeleton that stablizes the membrane, hence
resulting biconcave shape. Daimeter:7-8µm
• Peripheral proteins for stability of RBC:
– Spectrin
• Α α chain(240,000 MW) &β(220,000MW). dimer
• Fibrous protein where these chains are twisted/coiled with each other. 100nm
long & 5nm breadth
• These dimers are linked through short chains of actin molecule and band 4, 1
proteins to form tetramer(2α & 2β) polypeptides.
– Actin
• In RBC and other non muscular cells, it is the component of cytoskeleton.
• Consist 5*10^5 molecules per RBC
• Only 20 actin molecules polymerise to form short actin filament.
– Ankyrin and Band 4, 1 proteins
• In network none of above proteins including band4 &1 are directly attached to
• That network of proteins is instead attached with ankyrin(MW 200,000), Two
• One binds with spectrin and other N terminal region of band-3
Hereditary spherocytosis and hereditary
• Inherited genetic abnormalities of rbc
• Abnormal shape
• Spherical in spherocytosis & ellipsoidal in
• Increase osmotic fragilty, increase hemolysis,
anemia and jaundice
• Due to mutation in the genes coding proteins of
the membrane.
• Increament in mean corpusles volume(MCV).
Integral protein
• Also called trans-membrane protein.
• Act as the ion channels & other things ions
• Channels for polar substrate.
• Act as the receptor and enzymes.
• Act as the carrier protein.
• Antigenic function. Blood group antigens.
Membrane carbohydrates
• In glycocalyx, Oligosaccharides that are covalently linked to
membrane proteins to form glycoproteins or lipid forming
• Glycocalyx loosely covers external membrane surface, serves as
protective coat.
• Due to negativity of carbohydrates, negative particles like protein
molecule from another cells gets repelled.
• Some trans-membrane glycoproteins like selectin recognize and
bind with specific oligosaccrides of other cells, temprorary cell-to-
cell adhesion.
• Such temporary adhesion occurs between neutrophils and
endothelial cells at the site of inflammations.
• Strong cell adhesion is formed by integral proteins i.e integrin
• Some carbohydrates molecule serves as a receptor.
Peripheral proteins
• Intrinsic protein:
– Serves as enzymes
– Anchor proteins for cytoskeleton and other
microfilaments that maintain cell shape.
• Extrinsic protein:
– cell adhesion molecule(CAMs)
– Anchor with other cells and basal lamina
– They can be removed with disrupting the
Function of cell membrane
• Maintains a constant and distinctive
intracellular environment, act as barrier,
semipermeable membrane.
• Maintains cell volume.
• In neurons and muscles cells, maintains the
potential gradient between ECF and ICF.
• Helps in recognizing foreign cells or antigens
so that they can be destroyed or phagocytes.
Permeability of membrane
• Selective permeability
Cell organelles
• Mitochondria:
– Power house of the cell.
– Consist their own genetic material.
– More in liver, cardiac cells and other that have high rate of metabolism
– Structure: membrane, cristae
– Double layer membrane:
• Outer membrane:
– continuous envelope of organelle
– Consists mostly phospholipid and cholesterol and specific protein
– Porins makes the channels that permits substance to cross if it is MW
is less than 10,000
• Innermembrane:
– Rich in proteins, lipid: protein ratio 0.27:1., hence it is virtually
impermeable to polar and ionic substance.
– Inner membrane is folded into multiple in complete septa like
structures called cristae.
– Cristae is rich in many enzymes: cytochromes b, c1, c, a and a3,
succinate dehydrogenase, NADH dehyrogenase, electron transfering
flavo proteins, carnitine-palmitoyal transferase etc
– No. of cristae is more in resting condition and decreases in the
respiring state.
Mitochondrial matrix
• Enclosed by the inner membrane
• Amorphous materials fills the matrix, which
contains enzymes involved in the kreb’s critic
cycle and β-oxidation.
• Also contains several strands of DNA and also
the ribosomes and enzymes for synthesis of
proteins coded in the mitochondrial genome.
Functions of mitochondria
• The inner membrane contains the cytochromes of the ETC,
and associated enzymes for oxidative phosphorylation.
• Formation of ATP by ATP synthase from FADH2, NADH,
through complex five in ETC system.
• Like most components of the cell, mitochondria also has the
short life span like other organelles and are constantly
• As they have strands of DNA, they are capable of self
replication & can make their own protein synthesis.
• mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) has a higher rate of mutation
and less efficient repair machinery compared to nuclear
• With advanced age, mitochondrial DNA volume, integrity and
functionality decrease due to accumulation of mutations and
oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Anomalies of mitochondria
• The disease that affects mitochondrial energy
transduction is called Luft’s disease.
• The abnormality of mitochondrial genome leads to
cellular dysfunction which is manifested:
– Muscles weakness
– Degenerative lesion of brain
– High level lactic acid in blood
• Mitochondria is also affected by free radicals and in
age related degeneration.
• The oxidative stress theory of aging proposes that
mitochondria play key roles in aging by generating
reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Endoplasmic reticulum
• Consists of a network of anastomosing membranous
tubules, vesicles, and flattened cisternae.
• Membrane of ER is continuous with the nuclear
membrane and also connected with the Golgi
• Site for protein, lipid synthesis for the membrane of
the cell, organelles and secretory vesicles of the
• There are two type of ER:
– Rough ER
– Smooth ER
Rough ER
• Surface of ER is studded with
• Granular appearance.
• In some cells like RBC, the ribosomes
lies freely in the cytoplasm.
• RER present more no. in cells which
actively involved in protein synthesis
like acinar cells of pancreases, hepatic
cells, neurons etc.
• In neurons, the Nissl granules are
modified RER
• Abundant in endocrine glands & cells
secreting digestive enzymes.
• Helps in conjugation of carbohydrates
with proteins to form glycoproteins, a
function which it shares with golgi
Smooth ER
• Ribosomes not attached or the
agranular ER.
• Concerned with lipid synthesis,
hence abundant in cells that
synthesize cholesterol, steroid
hormones and phospholipids.
• In muscles, known as sarcoplasmic
reticulum(storage of calcium ions),
these calcium released during
muscular relaxation cycle.
• Part of intracellular transport
system as it is continuous with RER
and golgi apparatus
• Site for detoxification &
neutralization of hormones and
toxic substances.
Golgi apparatus/golgi
• Contains the unique stack of smooth surfaced compartments or cisternae that make up the Golgi
• The ER is usually and closely associate with Golgi complexes, which contain flattened , fluid filled Golgi
• Each golgi complex has the proximal or Cis or a medial compartment and distal or trans or lateral
• Cis /proximal is for receveing peptides newly synthesized in ER , via transfer vesicles..
• Post-translation modification of the proteins takes place in the Golgi lumen between cis & trans
compartment which involves covalent attachment including glycosylation, phosphorylation etc
• Recent evidence suggests strongly that the complex server as unique sorting device that recevies newly
synthesized proteins, all containing signal or transit peptides from RER.
• It is interesting to note that those proteins with no signal or trans peptides are automatically rejected ,
further those peptides remains as the cytoplasmic proteins.
• Packaging of the proteins and primary lysosomes(synthesize in RER), modification of enzymes.
• In the tra ns/ distal, they release proteins via modified membranes called secretory vesicles like
neurotransmitter vesicles in neuron, peptide enzymes containing vesicles. these formed vesicles also of
three types known till now.
– Small clear vesicles : acetyl choline
– Large clear vesicles: catecholamines,steriod hormones
– Large dense vesicles: peptide hormones
• Lysosomal enzymes are formed in Golgi complex.
• large irregular structure, single membrane bound spherical
organelles that contain a variety of hydrolytic enzymes
meant for intracellular cytoplasmic for digestion.
• 250-750µm in diameter,
• More than 40 different lysosomal enzymes (lysozymes)
have been isolated.
• Interior of pH near 5, acidic due to proton ATPase pump.
• Lysosomes are found in almost all cell except RBC, where as
it is abundant in neutrophils and macrophages.
• Acid phosphatase , marker for lysosomal activity in tissue.
• In granulocytes, lysosomes appear as cytoplasmic granules.
• In death of the cells, lysosomal bodies disintegrate
releasing hydrolytic enzymes in cytoplasm , due to this cell
undergoes autolysis. There fore it is also called “suicidal
Types of lysosomes
-Primary lysosome
-Golgi hydrolase vesicles
-Referred as Storage vacuoles
Secondary lysosomes
- These lysosomes fused with
endosomes(like phagosome),
hence called endolysomes.
Tertiary lysosome
- formed by fusion of
phagocytic vacoules
with primary lysosomes
Newly formed
-enzymes inactive stage
Primary lysosomes fused with
Enzymes are active.
Contains degraded product
after phagocytosis
-NO enzymatic activity
• During the process of phagocytosis, the
phagosome formed through cytoplasmic
pseudopodia containing foreign bodies,
further it gets fused with primary lysosomes
forming phagolysosome.
• Lysosomal enymes later digest the foreign
particles, there for lysosomes are known as
Function of lysosomes
• Acts as a digestives system of the cell.
• Help in phagocytosis.
• Engulf worn out components of the cell.
• Acts as suicidal bag/ autolysis.
• Acrosome, located on the head of the
spermatozoa is the specialized lysosomes,
with hydrolytic enzymes activity acrosomes
helps in penetration of ovum by sperm.
Lysosomal enzymes
• Proteolytic enzymes:
 Cathepsins(proteinase)
 Collagenase
 Elastase
• Nucleic acid hydrolyzing enzymes:
 Ribonucleases
 dioxyribonuclease
• Lipid hydrolysing enzymes:
 Lipases
 Phospholipases
 Fatty acyl esterase
• Carbohydrates splitting enzymes:
 α-glucosidase
 Β-galastosidase
 Hyaluronidase
 Aryl sulphatase etc
• Other enzymes:
 Acid phosphatase(marker)
 Catalase( anto oxidant enzymes) etc
Clinical related to lysosomes
• In gout, urate crystals are phagocytosed by
lysosomes which were deposited on the joint
,mostly toes joint. Crystal cause physical
damage to lysosomes, causing release of
enzymes producing inflammations and
• Similar to that of lysosomes but different chemical composition.
• Small spherical organelles, about 0.5µm diameter, also denoted as
• Formed through budding or division of SER.
• Referred as subcellular respiratory organelles. But they don’t have
energy coupled ETC system.
• It contains oxidases (enzymes producing H2O2), which promotes
lipid peroxidation( long chain fatty acid) forming acetyl coA &H2O2,
rather than hydrolase.
• Catalase that liberates oxygen from H2O2, thus protects tissue from
oxidative stress (OS). Hence , increased catalase activity is one of
the marker of OS
• They consume small amount oxygen, but its not for ATP formation.
• They carry out oxidation reactions in which toxic hydrogen peroxide
is formed, which is destroyed by the catalase.
• With the help of peroxins, the protein chaperons, various proteins
with specific signals are directed to peroxisomes
• The alcohol, a person drinks is mainly detoxified by the peroxisomes
of the liver cells.
• The enzyme AGAT[alanine glycoxalic acid transferase] is only found in
peroxisome, which catalysis the formation glycoxalic acid from glycine,
along with transformation of pyruvate to alanine[amino tranformation
• Recently, it has been shown that hepatic peroxisomes have an unusually
active β-oxidative systems capable of oxidising long chain fatty acids (C16
to ≥C18).
• Oxidation first step is unique as it is catalyzed by a flavo protein, an acyl
Co-A oxidase.
Clinical related to peroxisomes
• Zellweger syndrome:
– Mutation of genes coding for peroxins or peroxisomal
– Neurological impairment, accumulation of very long chain
fatty acids(VLCFA)
– Abnormalities in synthesis of bile acids and marked
reduction of plasmalogens.
– Child usually dies within a year
• Brown-Schilder’s diseases:
– Insufficient oxidation of VLCFA by peroxisomes.
– Autosomal recessive diseases manifest with progressive
degeneration of liver, kidney and brain.
• Primary hyperoxaluria:
– Defective peroxisomal metabolism of glycosylate derived
from glycine.
• Contains more than 95% of the cell’s DNA and is the control
centre of the eukaryotic cell. Site for DNA replication and
RNA transcription of DNA
– Nuclear envelope
• double membrane structure, separates the nucleus from the cytosol.
– Nuclear pore complexes
• Embedded in the nuclear envelope
• Controls the movement of proteins and RNAs into cytoplasm
– Chromatin
• Dense mass of the coiled DNA
• Stained darkly with certain dyes
– Nucleolus
• Second dense mass closely associated with the inner envelope
• Non-membranous and consists RNA polymerases, RNAase, ATPase and
other , but not DNA polymerase
• Major site where ribosome subunits assembled
• Site of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (r-RNA)
– Nucleoplasm
• Cytosol of nucleus
• Contains various enzymes such as DNA polymerases, and RNA
polymerases, for m-RNA and t-RNA synthesis.
Centrioles or centrosome
• Centrosomes is formed from two centrioles.
• These are short cylinder called “centrioles”, which are visible during
cell division.
• They are located at each pole near the nucleus and are so arranged
such that they are at right angles to each other within amorphous
pericentrioles material.
• Tubules in group of three(triplets) run longitudinally in the walls of
the centrioles, through which chromosomes movement takes place.
• There are nine of these triplets spaced at regular intervals around
the circumference.
• The subunits of microtubules in centrosome are Ꝩ-tubulins.
• Centrosomes are microtubule-organizing centre (MTOCs)
• Regulate chromosomes during cell division.
• Centrosomes duplicate themselves and move toward opposite pole
(mitotic spindles) to monitor process during the cell division
Cross-section of
• From many years, biochemist have considered the
cytosol a compartment containing soluble enzymes,
metabolites and salts in an aqueous but gel like
• It allows the cell to change their shape and permits its
• Studies now supports the idea that this compartment
contains actually a complex network fine structures
mention below:
• Microtubules
• Microfilament
• Intermediate filament
• Microtubules:
– Long hollow structure, approx. 25 nm in diameter including the wall
of thickness.
– Inner cavity diameter of microtubule is around 15nm.
– the structures are made primarily by self assembly of the
heterodimers, tubulin having MW:50000 & interaction with GTP
facilitates microtubule formations.
– Tubulin is a globular protein have two subunit.α & β tubulin closely
packed in the helical manner. Except tubulin in centrioles has Ꝩ-
– α & β tubulin subunits forms heterodimer that aggregate to make the
tubular structure or protofilament of stacked ring.
– Each stacked ring in microtubule usually contains 13 protofilaments.
• Tubulin subunits has one unique property of disassembly and assembly, hence microtubules
forms the dynamic cytoskeletal framework of the cell.
• Microtubules are polar in nature, with assembly predominating “+ve” end disassembly
predominant “–ve” end, and also are heat liable or sensitive with cold condition favouring
• The structure or tracts on which chromosomes, mitochondria and secretion granules move
from of the one site to another site within the cell.
• In cell with cilia and flagella, microtubules extend into these structure.
• Kinesin and dynein are microtubules-based motor molecules or acts as the cargo.
• Role in assembly and disassembly of the spindles that move chromosomes during during
 Also provide internal structure to the sell and helps in maintenance of shape of the
 As they seems to associate with the inner face of plasma membrane, they may be
involved in transmitter signals.
 many studies have been done and still going on regarding the role of microtubules
that it is associate which cancer cells.
• Drugs had been made against/ related to microtubules formation acting (drugs for
cancer cells).
– Eg: cytotoxic anti cancer drugs like vincristine & vinblastine promote disassembly of
– Drug paclitaxel binds with microtubules and stablizes them against depolymerizations.
Apart from that this chemotherapeutic agent prevents the formation of mitotic spindle.
– Colchicine(anti- gout) inhibits microtubule assembly.
• Microfilament:
– All eukaryotic cells consist microfilament.
– Long solid fibres/filaments, 4-6 nm diameter
– Comprises the contractile protein actin and are responsible for the cell motion.
– Actin in a globular form is G-actin, which is the unpolymerized actin subunits.
– Actin is the most common cell protein that account for 15% of total protein in the cell.
– Globular actin subunits polymerize to from the filamentous actin,(F-actin).
– Both polymerization and depolymerization occurs simultaneously every time where
polymerization occurs at one end depolymerization at another end of filament.
– Linked to inner face of the membrane and, through F-actin fibers attach to various
cytoskeletal structures and interact with membrane bound proteins.
– Exhibits contractile phenomena within cytoplasm, phagocytosis, secretion, transport.
– It help platelets to change and move the granule from interior of cytoplasm to
canaliculi for release chemical(release reaction of platelets).
– These structure may be involved in the generation of force for internal cell motion.
And also these filamentous actin helps in movement of chromosome & cell division.
– Motion changes the dynamic structure, membrane along with cell organelles position
through the waves of fluid in cytoplasm.
– Actin filament interacts with integrin receptors to form focal adhesion complexes
(FAC). FAC serve as a point of traction with the surface over which cell pulls itself.
– Well-developed microfilaments in muscles cells, in platelets than other cells.
• The developed contractile system in platelets consist of microtubules and
extensive network microfilaments.
• In the cells with micro villi on their epithelial surface , microfilament extend into
the microvilli.
Intermediate filament
• These are filamentous structure made up of various subunits.
• Average diameter of these filaments varies from 8 to 14 nm.
• Proteins of these filaments are cell specific, so used as the cellular
• For e g: cytokeratin is the marker of epithelial cells, whereas vimentin
is the marker of fibroblast
• Functions:
– connects the nuclear membrane to the cell membrane and other bio
membranes within the cell.
– Integrate the organelles within the cytoplasm of the cell.
– They provide network of additive skeletal support to the cell, as to
resist the pressure on the membrane
– in the absence of microfilaments, cell easily rupture by external
– Blister formation in skin is common in humans when intermediate
filaments are absence or abnormal.
Cell adhesion molecules (desmogleins and cadherins) in desmosomes.
Microtubule Intermediate filament microfilament
Shape Long, non-branching Tubular hollow Double stranded helical
diameter 25nm 10 nm 7 nm
tubulin Various proteins Actin
Location in
-mitotic spindle
- Core of cilia
-Extend across
cytoplasm connecting
desmosome and
- The nuclear lamina
- In skin epithelium as
- Forms a network
adjacent to cell.
- Core of microvilli
- Contractile elements of
Provides network for
movement of
Movement of cilia
Provide mechanical
strength and link cell
Essential element of
contractile element of
Motor molecular
• Helps in the movement of various cell parts, proteins and
organelles within the cell cytoplasm.
• They are 100kDa ATPases.
• Two domains: the domain attaches the cargo(cells parts to
be moved) and other domain attaches with microtubules or
actin filament
• The domain attaches with microtubules or actin is the head
part that contains ATPase for providing energy for
transportation within the cell.
• Motor molecules can be broadly divided in two categories.
– Microtubules based molecular motors
– Actin-based motor molecule
• Microtubule based motor molecules:
– Make movement of molecules along the microtubules, they are kinesin
& dynein
– Kinesin:
• Convention kinesin is a double headed molecule that transports its
cargo toward the negative terminal of microtubules., but sometimes
kinesin heads toward positive.
• One head attaches to microtubule and other head with the cargo.
• Involved in cell division such as mitosis and meiosis.
– Dynein:
• Double head molecules & molecules are of two types:
– Cytoplasmic dynein: function similar like convention kinesin, cargo moves
toward the negative terminal of microtubules.
– Axonemal Dynein: cilia & flagella consist dynein, thus are responsible
beating cilia and flagella.
• Actin-based motor molecules
• Movement of molecule along the actin filaments.
• These are myosin I-V ,however there are 18 types of myosin.
• Myosin-: contractile protein, contraction of intestinal villi, cell migration.
Junctional complexes & intercellular
• Cells are associated into tissues by various means
• Cells in tissue usually held together by extracellular matrix.
• In connective tissue such as fibroblasts, cartilage and bones,
extracellular matrix is abundant, therefore cells are sparsely
• In muscles, muscle fibres are held together by cell-cell adhesions
• In epithelial tissue of skin, and basement membrane of tubular
structure and cavities such as alimentary tract, renal tubules, and
urinary bladder.
• These tissue has the intercellular junction where cells bound tightly
• Intercellular junctions are of two types:
– Tight junctions
– Anchoring junction
• Cell to cell anchoring junction: desmosome, Zonula adherens
• Cell to basal lamina anchoring junctions: Hemidesmosome, Focal adhesion
– Gap junction
Tight junction
• Also called zonula occludens.
• Found in Epithelium of GI tract, nephron,
urinary tract, BBB, Blood-placental barrier,
hepato-biliary tract, choroid plexus etc
• Neighbouring cell’s membrane fused together
that obliterates the intercellular space close to
their apical margin.
• Made up of ridges, half of which is contributed
by both neighbouring cells and each half tightly
• They contains ion, water channels that make
them selectively permeable, though the
degree of leakiness varies in different
• Membrane proteins for making tight junction
belongs to three main families:
– Occludin
– Junctional adhesion
– claudins
• Many cystolic side proteins are attached to it.
• Serves as the selective permeability barrier, as macro
molecules pass through the epithelial cell as vesicles
(vesicular transport)
• Presence of leaky channels, where small size water
soluble molecules are permitted through tight Na+ pass fairly in gut while it passage is nill in
urinary bladder.
• Osmolality gradient across the epithelium regulates the
permeability of tight junction, paracellular transport.
• In brain, this junctions between astrocytes and cerebral
endothelial cells of blood vessels provides effective BBB.
• In ciliary bodies, they form blood-aqueous barrier
between the cells of inner non-pigmented epithelium.
Functions of Tight junction
Gap junction
 Are also called Nexus, intercellular
space ranging from 25 to 3nm
 Made up of peculiar trans membrane
proteins known as connexons, which
further consists six identical subunits
called connexin.
 Connexin surrounds the aqueous
channel(aqua porins) of both cell
membranes become a continuous one,
that allows substances to pass directly
into one to another cell without going
 Connexons from the membrane of two
adjacent cells are lined up with one
 Electrical synapses, so physiological
 Chemical messengers and hormones
passes through gapjunctions.
 Permit organic solutes eg: sugar, aa
with MW≤ 1000
Anchoring junctions
• Cell-cell anchoring junction: Desmosome & Zona
• Desmosomes:
• the junction characterized by focal thickening of two
adjacent cell membrane, the thickened area consist dense
layer of proteins towards on the cytoplasmic side
• Thickened both area membrane is separated by
• Intermediary filaments are attached to the thickened areas.
• The intercellular space contains filamentous cell adhesion
materials such as desmogleins and cadherins.
• Zonula Adherens:
• Located below the tight junction.
• Major site of attachment for microfilaments
• Cadherins are present in the intercellular space at this
Cell to Basal Lamina Anchoring Junctions
 Appearance look like a half desmosome
 Microfilaments are attached to it intracellularly.
 Contains cell adhesion material i.e Integrins
Focal Adhesions:
 Connects cell to basal lamina.
 Intra-cellularly they are associated with actin filament, therefore they assist in cell
System of binding of cells
• Two types:
• Extracellular binding:
– Many of CAMs bind to membrane proteins called laminins.
– Laminins are cross-shaped large membrane molecules that
have multiple receptor domains on ECF.
– CAMS bind to these extracellular receptor domains.
– Laminins are found also in skeletal muscle fibers associated
with dystrophin inside the muscle cell. Mutation on
dystrophin protein causes muscles dystrophy[genetic
inherited disease] or its absence causes destablization of
myocytes in muscular tissues or proceed to apoptosis of
• Intracellular binding:
– CAMs pass through the cell membrane to expose into the
interior of the cell and attach with the cytoskeleton.
– Intracellular binding of CAMs with cytoskeletal structures
enhances strength of cell adhesion.
Types of CAMs
• Integrin: heterodimeric proteins
• IgG super family
• Cadherins: Calcium dependent molecules that
mediates homophilic binding
• Selectins: have carbohydrates binding
domains, that resemble lectin-like structure.
• desmogleins
Functions of CAMs
• Zip cell to cell
• Cell movement, as it attach to cytoskeletons.
• Cellular signals
• Significant role in inflammation and wound
• Prevents apoptosis.

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  • 2. Introduction • Cell is the structural and functional unit of the life. • Presence of cell wall in plant kingdom. • Multi cellular and unicellular organism. • Unicellular: amoeba, plasmodium, Bacteria, viruses , yeast (fungi kingdom)etc • Prokaryotic cells: protozoa, paramecium, bacteria, virus etc[histone is not present in DNA, no mitosis & meiosis] • Eukaryotic cell: euglena, mammal cells, fungi, plant kingdom, all warm and cold bodies animal etc • Multicellular: – vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibian, pisces etc) – invertebrates all cold bodies organism. • We human {Homo sapiens} falls under mammals. • In human body cells are well organized so, that we can earn our livelihood. • Cells ultimately lead to form the system, hence due different system’s peculiar coordination makes human body. • Within human body, there are different kinds of cells classified. • Reproductive cells and somatic/vegetative cells • Within somatic cells again we can classify on the basis of different things like blood cells, bone cells , cell for vision, hair cells, skin cells etc
  • 4. • Cell consist membrane like structure covering fluid in them • Membrane is the plasma membrane/cell membrane and it contains fluid with different cell organelles. • Cell membrane is one of the biomembranes. • Cell membrane is the phospholipid bilayer consisting proteins, lipid, carbohydartes, cholestrol. • The hydrophobic effect and solvent entropy provide the driving force for the formation of lipidbilayer. • Two models were mention: – Sandwitch model – Fluid mosaic model
  • 5. The Davson–Danielli (1935) model predominated until Singer and Nicolson advanced the fluid mosaic model in 1972.
  • 6. Fluid mosaic model • Looks like ice berg of proteins, lipid, carbohydrate, cholesterol, floating on the sea of phospholipid. • It’s the dynamic structure. • Fluidity in nature, cholesterol:phospholipid determines the fluidity of the membrane. • The degree of unsaturation determines the fluidity of the membrane. • Within the plane of the membrane, one molecule of phospholipid can move several µm per second. • Hydrophobic tails i.e lipid aligned facing towards each other. • Hydrophilic phosphate head facing towards ECF(Extracellular fluid) compartment and ICF(Intracellular fluid) compartment. • 7-10 nm in thickness • Protein: – Integral protein – Peripheral protein • Extrinsic protein • Intrinsic protein
  • 7. Effect of temperature • In membrane, fatty acids chains highly aligned or ordered to provide a rather stiff structure. • As the temperature increases, hydrophobic side chains undergo a transition from the ordered state which is more like gel or crystalline to a disordered state, taking on a more liquid like or fluid arrangement. • The temperature at which the structure undergoes the transition from order to disordered(melts) is called the transient temperature. • As fluidity increases, the lateral mobility of integral protein also increases. • Membrane consist at least one unsaturated fatty acid with at least one cis bond.
  • 8. Additional special features of some membrane. • The following two structure which currently drawn attention are: – Lipid rafts: • They are dynamic areas of the exoplasmic leaflet of the lipid bilayers enriches in cholesterol and sphingolipids. • They are involved in signal transduction and possibly other processes – Caveolae: • Derived from lipid rafts. • Many of the caveolae contain special protein called caveolin-1. • By electron miscroscope, they look like flask-shaped indentations of the cell membranes. • Also takes part in signal transduction • Protein detected in caveolae include various components of signalling system e.g: the insulin receptor and G-proteins, folate receptor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS).
  • 9. Special characteristics of RBCs membrane • Integral proteins: two major integral proteins – Glycophorin: • Glycoproteins(oligosaacchrides) • 60% carbohydrate by weight • The oligosaccharides bound to glycophorin are linked to serine, threonine and aspargine residues. • 130 amino acid residues. • One RBC consist about 6 *10^5 glycophorin molecule • Some of the oligosaccarides of glycophorins are the M and N blood group antigen. • Other carbohydrates of glycophorin are the sites for influenza virus attachment. – Band 3 protein • Dimeric, 93000MW, polypeptide chain of the dimer is thought to traverse about dozen time. • Bothe C and N terminals of protein are towards cystolic side of the membrane. • N-terminal residues extend into the cytosol and interact with components of the cytoskeleton • While blood going through lungs ,this proteins act as bicarbonate ion/ chloride ion exchanger; bicarbonate ion outside.
  • 10. Peripheral of RBCs membrane • The inner face of the RBC membranes is laced with a network of proteins called cytoskeleton that stablizes the membrane, hence resulting biconcave shape. Daimeter:7-8µm • Peripheral proteins for stability of RBC: – Spectrin • Α α chain(240,000 MW) &β(220,000MW). dimer • Fibrous protein where these chains are twisted/coiled with each other. 100nm long & 5nm breadth • These dimers are linked through short chains of actin molecule and band 4, 1 proteins to form tetramer(2α & 2β) polypeptides. – Actin • In RBC and other non muscular cells, it is the component of cytoskeleton. • Consist 5*10^5 molecules per RBC • Only 20 actin molecules polymerise to form short actin filament. – Ankyrin and Band 4, 1 proteins • In network none of above proteins including band4 &1 are directly attached to membrane. • That network of proteins is instead attached with ankyrin(MW 200,000), Two domains. • One binds with spectrin and other N terminal region of band-3
  • 11.
  • 12. Hereditary spherocytosis and hereditary elliptocytosis. • Inherited genetic abnormalities of rbc • Abnormal shape • Spherical in spherocytosis & ellipsoidal in elliptocytosis. • Increase osmotic fragilty, increase hemolysis, anemia and jaundice • Due to mutation in the genes coding proteins of the membrane. • Increament in mean corpusles volume(MCV).
  • 13. Integral protein • Also called trans-membrane protein. • Act as the ion channels & other things ions pump • Channels for polar substrate. • Act as the receptor and enzymes. • Act as the carrier protein. • Antigenic function. Blood group antigens.
  • 14. Membrane carbohydrates • In glycocalyx, Oligosaccharides that are covalently linked to membrane proteins to form glycoproteins or lipid forming glycolipids. • Glycocalyx loosely covers external membrane surface, serves as protective coat. • Due to negativity of carbohydrates, negative particles like protein molecule from another cells gets repelled. • Some trans-membrane glycoproteins like selectin recognize and bind with specific oligosaccrides of other cells, temprorary cell-to- cell adhesion. • Such temporary adhesion occurs between neutrophils and endothelial cells at the site of inflammations. • Strong cell adhesion is formed by integral proteins i.e integrin • Some carbohydrates molecule serves as a receptor.
  • 15. Peripheral proteins • Intrinsic protein: – Serves as enzymes – Anchor proteins for cytoskeleton and other microfilaments that maintain cell shape. • Extrinsic protein: – cell adhesion molecule(CAMs) – Anchor with other cells and basal lamina – They can be removed with disrupting the membrane.
  • 16. Function of cell membrane • Maintains a constant and distinctive intracellular environment, act as barrier, semipermeable membrane. • Maintains cell volume. • In neurons and muscles cells, maintains the potential gradient between ECF and ICF. • Helps in recognizing foreign cells or antigens so that they can be destroyed or phagocytes.
  • 17. Permeability of membrane • Selective permeability
  • 18. Cell organelles • Mitochondria: – Power house of the cell. – Consist their own genetic material. – More in liver, cardiac cells and other that have high rate of metabolism – Structure: membrane, cristae – Double layer membrane: • Outer membrane: – continuous envelope of organelle – Consists mostly phospholipid and cholesterol and specific protein “porin” – Porins makes the channels that permits substance to cross if it is MW is less than 10,000 • Innermembrane: – Rich in proteins, lipid: protein ratio 0.27:1., hence it is virtually impermeable to polar and ionic substance. – Inner membrane is folded into multiple in complete septa like structures called cristae. – Cristae is rich in many enzymes: cytochromes b, c1, c, a and a3, succinate dehydrogenase, NADH dehyrogenase, electron transfering flavo proteins, carnitine-palmitoyal transferase etc – No. of cristae is more in resting condition and decreases in the respiring state.
  • 19. Mitochondrial matrix • Enclosed by the inner membrane • Amorphous materials fills the matrix, which contains enzymes involved in the kreb’s critic cycle and β-oxidation. • Also contains several strands of DNA and also the ribosomes and enzymes for synthesis of proteins coded in the mitochondrial genome.
  • 20. Functions of mitochondria • The inner membrane contains the cytochromes of the ETC, and associated enzymes for oxidative phosphorylation. • Formation of ATP by ATP synthase from FADH2, NADH, through complex five in ETC system. • Like most components of the cell, mitochondria also has the short life span like other organelles and are constantly renewed. • As they have strands of DNA, they are capable of self replication & can make their own protein synthesis. • mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) has a higher rate of mutation and less efficient repair machinery compared to nuclear DNA. • With advanced age, mitochondrial DNA volume, integrity and functionality decrease due to accumulation of mutations and oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS).
  • 21. Anomalies of mitochondria • The disease that affects mitochondrial energy transduction is called Luft’s disease. • The abnormality of mitochondrial genome leads to cellular dysfunction which is manifested: – Muscles weakness – Degenerative lesion of brain – High level lactic acid in blood • Mitochondria is also affected by free radicals and in age related degeneration. • The oxidative stress theory of aging proposes that mitochondria play key roles in aging by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS)
  • 22. Endoplasmic reticulum • Consists of a network of anastomosing membranous tubules, vesicles, and flattened cisternae. • Membrane of ER is continuous with the nuclear membrane and also connected with the Golgi apparatus. • Site for protein, lipid synthesis for the membrane of the cell, organelles and secretory vesicles of the cytoplasm. • There are two type of ER: – Rough ER – Smooth ER
  • 23. Rough ER • Surface of ER is studded with ribosomes. • Granular appearance. • In some cells like RBC, the ribosomes lies freely in the cytoplasm. • RER present more no. in cells which actively involved in protein synthesis like acinar cells of pancreases, hepatic cells, neurons etc. • In neurons, the Nissl granules are modified RER • Abundant in endocrine glands & cells secreting digestive enzymes. • Helps in conjugation of carbohydrates with proteins to form glycoproteins, a function which it shares with golgi apparatus.
  • 24. Smooth ER • Ribosomes not attached or the agranular ER. • Concerned with lipid synthesis, hence abundant in cells that synthesize cholesterol, steroid hormones and phospholipids. • In muscles, known as sarcoplasmic reticulum(storage of calcium ions), these calcium released during muscular relaxation cycle. • Part of intracellular transport system as it is continuous with RER and golgi apparatus • Site for detoxification & neutralization of hormones and toxic substances.
  • 25. Golgi apparatus/golgi complex/Dicytosomes • Contains the unique stack of smooth surfaced compartments or cisternae that make up the Golgi complex. • The ER is usually and closely associate with Golgi complexes, which contain flattened , fluid filled Golgi sacs. • Each golgi complex has the proximal or Cis or a medial compartment and distal or trans or lateral compartment. • Cis /proximal is for receveing peptides newly synthesized in ER , via transfer vesicles.. • Post-translation modification of the proteins takes place in the Golgi lumen between cis & trans compartment which involves covalent attachment including glycosylation, phosphorylation etc • Recent evidence suggests strongly that the complex server as unique sorting device that recevies newly synthesized proteins, all containing signal or transit peptides from RER. • It is interesting to note that those proteins with no signal or trans peptides are automatically rejected , further those peptides remains as the cytoplasmic proteins. • Packaging of the proteins and primary lysosomes(synthesize in RER), modification of enzymes. • In the tra ns/ distal, they release proteins via modified membranes called secretory vesicles like neurotransmitter vesicles in neuron, peptide enzymes containing vesicles. these formed vesicles also of three types known till now. – Small clear vesicles : acetyl choline – Large clear vesicles: catecholamines,steriod hormones – Large dense vesicles: peptide hormones • Lysosomal enzymes are formed in Golgi complex.
  • 26. Lysosomes • large irregular structure, single membrane bound spherical organelles that contain a variety of hydrolytic enzymes meant for intracellular cytoplasmic for digestion. • 250-750µm in diameter, • More than 40 different lysosomal enzymes (lysozymes) have been isolated. • Interior of pH near 5, acidic due to proton ATPase pump. • Lysosomes are found in almost all cell except RBC, where as it is abundant in neutrophils and macrophages. • Acid phosphatase , marker for lysosomal activity in tissue. • In granulocytes, lysosomes appear as cytoplasmic granules. • In death of the cells, lysosomal bodies disintegrate releasing hydrolytic enzymes in cytoplasm , due to this cell undergoes autolysis. There fore it is also called “suicidal bags.”
  • 27. Types of lysosomes Lysosomes -Primary lysosome -Golgi hydrolase vesicles -Referred as Storage vacuoles Secondary lysosomes - These lysosomes fused with endosomes(like phagosome), hence called endolysomes. Tertiary lysosome (phagolysosomes/ autophagosomes) - formed by fusion of phagocytic vacoules with primary lysosomes Newly formed -enzymes inactive stage Primary lysosomes fused with Endosomes. Enzymes are active. Contains degraded product after phagocytosis -NO enzymatic activity
  • 28. • During the process of phagocytosis, the phagosome formed through cytoplasmic pseudopodia containing foreign bodies, further it gets fused with primary lysosomes forming phagolysosome. • Lysosomal enymes later digest the foreign particles, there for lysosomes are known as autophagosomes.
  • 29. Function of lysosomes • Acts as a digestives system of the cell. • Help in phagocytosis. • Engulf worn out components of the cell. • Acts as suicidal bag/ autolysis. • Acrosome, located on the head of the spermatozoa is the specialized lysosomes, with hydrolytic enzymes activity acrosomes helps in penetration of ovum by sperm.
  • 30. Lysosomal enzymes • Proteolytic enzymes:  Cathepsins(proteinase)  Collagenase  Elastase • Nucleic acid hydrolyzing enzymes:  Ribonucleases  dioxyribonuclease • Lipid hydrolysing enzymes:  Lipases  Phospholipases  Fatty acyl esterase • Carbohydrates splitting enzymes:  α-glucosidase  Β-galastosidase  Hyaluronidase  Aryl sulphatase etc • Other enzymes:  Acid phosphatase(marker)  Catalase( anto oxidant enzymes) etc
  • 31. Clinical related to lysosomes • In gout, urate crystals are phagocytosed by lysosomes which were deposited on the joint ,mostly toes joint. Crystal cause physical damage to lysosomes, causing release of enzymes producing inflammations and arthrites.
  • 32. Peroxisomes • Similar to that of lysosomes but different chemical composition. • Small spherical organelles, about 0.5µm diameter, also denoted as microbodies. • Formed through budding or division of SER. • Referred as subcellular respiratory organelles. But they don’t have energy coupled ETC system. • It contains oxidases (enzymes producing H2O2), which promotes lipid peroxidation( long chain fatty acid) forming acetyl coA &H2O2, rather than hydrolase. • Catalase that liberates oxygen from H2O2, thus protects tissue from oxidative stress (OS). Hence , increased catalase activity is one of the marker of OS • They consume small amount oxygen, but its not for ATP formation. • They carry out oxidation reactions in which toxic hydrogen peroxide is formed, which is destroyed by the catalase. • With the help of peroxins, the protein chaperons, various proteins with specific signals are directed to peroxisomes • The alcohol, a person drinks is mainly detoxified by the peroxisomes of the liver cells.
  • 33. • The enzyme AGAT[alanine glycoxalic acid transferase] is only found in peroxisome, which catalysis the formation glycoxalic acid from glycine, along with transformation of pyruvate to alanine[amino tranformation rexn] • Recently, it has been shown that hepatic peroxisomes have an unusually active β-oxidative systems capable of oxidising long chain fatty acids (C16 to ≥C18). • Oxidation first step is unique as it is catalyzed by a flavo protein, an acyl Co-A oxidase.
  • 34. Clinical related to peroxisomes • Zellweger syndrome: – Mutation of genes coding for peroxins or peroxisomal enzymes. – Neurological impairment, accumulation of very long chain fatty acids(VLCFA) – Abnormalities in synthesis of bile acids and marked reduction of plasmalogens. – Child usually dies within a year • Brown-Schilder’s diseases: – Insufficient oxidation of VLCFA by peroxisomes. – Autosomal recessive diseases manifest with progressive degeneration of liver, kidney and brain. • Primary hyperoxaluria: – Defective peroxisomal metabolism of glycosylate derived from glycine.
  • 35. Nucleus • Contains more than 95% of the cell’s DNA and is the control centre of the eukaryotic cell. Site for DNA replication and RNA transcription of DNA – Nuclear envelope • double membrane structure, separates the nucleus from the cytosol. – Nuclear pore complexes • Embedded in the nuclear envelope • Controls the movement of proteins and RNAs into cytoplasm – Chromatin • Dense mass of the coiled DNA • Stained darkly with certain dyes – Nucleolus • Second dense mass closely associated with the inner envelope • Non-membranous and consists RNA polymerases, RNAase, ATPase and other , but not DNA polymerase • Major site where ribosome subunits assembled • Site of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (r-RNA) – Nucleoplasm • Cytosol of nucleus • Contains various enzymes such as DNA polymerases, and RNA polymerases, for m-RNA and t-RNA synthesis.
  • 36. Centrioles or centrosome • Centrosomes is formed from two centrioles. • These are short cylinder called “centrioles”, which are visible during cell division. • They are located at each pole near the nucleus and are so arranged such that they are at right angles to each other within amorphous pericentrioles material. • Tubules in group of three(triplets) run longitudinally in the walls of the centrioles, through which chromosomes movement takes place. • There are nine of these triplets spaced at regular intervals around the circumference. • The subunits of microtubules in centrosome are Ꝩ-tubulins. • Centrosomes are microtubule-organizing centre (MTOCs) • Regulate chromosomes during cell division. • Centrosomes duplicate themselves and move toward opposite pole (mitotic spindles) to monitor process during the cell division
  • 38. CYTOSKELETON • From many years, biochemist have considered the cytosol a compartment containing soluble enzymes, metabolites and salts in an aqueous but gel like environment. • It allows the cell to change their shape and permits its movement. • Studies now supports the idea that this compartment contains actually a complex network fine structures mention below: • Microtubules • Microfilament • Intermediate filament
  • 39. CYTOSKELETON • Microtubules: – Long hollow structure, approx. 25 nm in diameter including the wall of thickness. – Inner cavity diameter of microtubule is around 15nm. – the structures are made primarily by self assembly of the heterodimers, tubulin having MW:50000 & interaction with GTP facilitates microtubule formations. – Tubulin is a globular protein have two subunit.α & β tubulin closely packed in the helical manner. Except tubulin in centrioles has Ꝩ- tubulin. – α & β tubulin subunits forms heterodimer that aggregate to make the tubular structure or protofilament of stacked ring. – Each stacked ring in microtubule usually contains 13 protofilaments.
  • 40. • Tubulin subunits has one unique property of disassembly and assembly, hence microtubules forms the dynamic cytoskeletal framework of the cell. • Microtubules are polar in nature, with assembly predominating “+ve” end disassembly predominant “–ve” end, and also are heat liable or sensitive with cold condition favouring disassembly. • The structure or tracts on which chromosomes, mitochondria and secretion granules move from of the one site to another site within the cell. • In cell with cilia and flagella, microtubules extend into these structure. • Kinesin and dynein are microtubules-based motor molecules or acts as the cargo. • Role in assembly and disassembly of the spindles that move chromosomes during during mitosis.  Also provide internal structure to the sell and helps in maintenance of shape of the RBC.  As they seems to associate with the inner face of plasma membrane, they may be involved in transmitter signals.  many studies have been done and still going on regarding the role of microtubules that it is associate which cancer cells. • Drugs had been made against/ related to microtubules formation acting (drugs for cancer cells). – Eg: cytotoxic anti cancer drugs like vincristine & vinblastine promote disassembly of microtubules. – Drug paclitaxel binds with microtubules and stablizes them against depolymerizations. Apart from that this chemotherapeutic agent prevents the formation of mitotic spindle. – Colchicine(anti- gout) inhibits microtubule assembly.
  • 41. • Microfilament: – All eukaryotic cells consist microfilament. – Long solid fibres/filaments, 4-6 nm diameter – Comprises the contractile protein actin and are responsible for the cell motion. – Actin in a globular form is G-actin, which is the unpolymerized actin subunits. – Actin is the most common cell protein that account for 15% of total protein in the cell. – Globular actin subunits polymerize to from the filamentous actin,(F-actin). – Both polymerization and depolymerization occurs simultaneously every time where polymerization occurs at one end depolymerization at another end of filament. – Linked to inner face of the membrane and, through F-actin fibers attach to various cytoskeletal structures and interact with membrane bound proteins. – Exhibits contractile phenomena within cytoplasm, phagocytosis, secretion, transport. – It help platelets to change and move the granule from interior of cytoplasm to canaliculi for release chemical(release reaction of platelets). – These structure may be involved in the generation of force for internal cell motion. And also these filamentous actin helps in movement of chromosome & cell division. – Motion changes the dynamic structure, membrane along with cell organelles position through the waves of fluid in cytoplasm. – Actin filament interacts with integrin receptors to form focal adhesion complexes (FAC). FAC serve as a point of traction with the surface over which cell pulls itself. – Well-developed microfilaments in muscles cells, in platelets than other cells. • The developed contractile system in platelets consist of microtubules and extensive network microfilaments. • In the cells with micro villi on their epithelial surface , microfilament extend into the microvilli.
  • 42. Intermediate filament • These are filamentous structure made up of various subunits. • Average diameter of these filaments varies from 8 to 14 nm. • Proteins of these filaments are cell specific, so used as the cellular marker. • For e g: cytokeratin is the marker of epithelial cells, whereas vimentin is the marker of fibroblast • Functions: – connects the nuclear membrane to the cell membrane and other bio membranes within the cell. – Integrate the organelles within the cytoplasm of the cell. – They provide network of additive skeletal support to the cell, as to resist the pressure on the membrane – in the absence of microfilaments, cell easily rupture by external pressure. – Blister formation in skin is common in humans when intermediate filaments are absence or abnormal.
  • 43. Cell adhesion molecules (desmogleins and cadherins) in desmosomes.
  • 44. Microtubule Intermediate filament microfilament Shape Long, non-branching Tubular hollow Double stranded helical arrangement diameter 25nm 10 nm 7 nm Basic protein units tubulin Various proteins Actin Location in cell -mitotic spindle - Core of cilia -Extend across cytoplasm connecting desmosome and hemidesmosome. - The nuclear lamina - In skin epithelium as keratin - Forms a network adjacent to cell. - Core of microvilli - Contractile elements of muscles. Major function Provides network for movement of organelles. Movement of cilia Provide mechanical strength and link cell together. Essential element of contractile element of muscles.
  • 45. Motor molecular • Helps in the movement of various cell parts, proteins and organelles within the cell cytoplasm. • They are 100kDa ATPases. • Two domains: the domain attaches the cargo(cells parts to be moved) and other domain attaches with microtubules or actin filament • The domain attaches with microtubules or actin is the head part that contains ATPase for providing energy for transportation within the cell. • Motor molecules can be broadly divided in two categories. – Microtubules based molecular motors – Actin-based motor molecule
  • 46. • Microtubule based motor molecules: – Make movement of molecules along the microtubules, they are kinesin & dynein – Kinesin: • Convention kinesin is a double headed molecule that transports its cargo toward the negative terminal of microtubules., but sometimes kinesin heads toward positive. • One head attaches to microtubule and other head with the cargo. • Involved in cell division such as mitosis and meiosis. – Dynein: • Double head molecules & molecules are of two types: – Cytoplasmic dynein: function similar like convention kinesin, cargo moves toward the negative terminal of microtubules. – Axonemal Dynein: cilia & flagella consist dynein, thus are responsible beating cilia and flagella. • Actin-based motor molecules • Movement of molecule along the actin filaments. • These are myosin I-V ,however there are 18 types of myosin. • Myosin-: contractile protein, contraction of intestinal villi, cell migration.
  • 47. Junctional complexes & intercellular junctions • Cells are associated into tissues by various means • Cells in tissue usually held together by extracellular matrix. • In connective tissue such as fibroblasts, cartilage and bones, extracellular matrix is abundant, therefore cells are sparsely distributed. • In muscles, muscle fibres are held together by cell-cell adhesions • In epithelial tissue of skin, and basement membrane of tubular structure and cavities such as alimentary tract, renal tubules, and urinary bladder. • These tissue has the intercellular junction where cells bound tightly together. • Intercellular junctions are of two types: – Tight junctions – Anchoring junction • Cell to cell anchoring junction: desmosome, Zonula adherens • Cell to basal lamina anchoring junctions: Hemidesmosome, Focal adhesion – Gap junction
  • 48. Tight junction • Also called zonula occludens. • Found in Epithelium of GI tract, nephron, urinary tract, BBB, Blood-placental barrier, hepato-biliary tract, choroid plexus etc • Neighbouring cell’s membrane fused together that obliterates the intercellular space close to their apical margin. • Made up of ridges, half of which is contributed by both neighbouring cells and each half tightly bound. • They contains ion, water channels that make them selectively permeable, though the degree of leakiness varies in different epithelia. • Membrane proteins for making tight junction belongs to three main families: – Occludin – Junctional adhesion molecules(JAMs) – claudins • Many cystolic side proteins are attached to it.
  • 49. • Serves as the selective permeability barrier, as macro molecules pass through the epithelial cell as vesicles (vesicular transport) • Presence of leaky channels, where small size water soluble molecules are permitted through tight Na+ pass fairly in gut while it passage is nill in urinary bladder. • Osmolality gradient across the epithelium regulates the permeability of tight junction, paracellular transport. • In brain, this junctions between astrocytes and cerebral endothelial cells of blood vessels provides effective BBB. • In ciliary bodies, they form blood-aqueous barrier between the cells of inner non-pigmented epithelium. Functions of Tight junction
  • 50. Gap junction  Are also called Nexus, intercellular space ranging from 25 to 3nm  Made up of peculiar trans membrane proteins known as connexons, which further consists six identical subunits called connexin.  Connexin surrounds the aqueous channel(aqua porins) of both cell membranes become a continuous one, that allows substances to pass directly into one to another cell without going ECF  Connexons from the membrane of two adjacent cells are lined up with one another.  Electrical synapses, so physiological syncytium.  Chemical messengers and hormones passes through gapjunctions.  Permit organic solutes eg: sugar, aa with MW≤ 1000
  • 51.
  • 52. Anchoring junctions • Cell-cell anchoring junction: Desmosome & Zona adherens. • Desmosomes: • the junction characterized by focal thickening of two adjacent cell membrane, the thickened area consist dense layer of proteins towards on the cytoplasmic side membrane. • Thickened both area membrane is separated by 25nm.{approx} • Intermediary filaments are attached to the thickened areas. • The intercellular space contains filamentous cell adhesion materials such as desmogleins and cadherins. • Zonula Adherens: • Located below the tight junction. • Major site of attachment for microfilaments • Cadherins are present in the intercellular space at this junction.
  • 53. Cell to Basal Lamina Anchoring Junctions Hemidesmosomes:  Appearance look like a half desmosome  Microfilaments are attached to it intracellularly.  Contains cell adhesion material i.e Integrins Focal Adhesions:  Connects cell to basal lamina.  Intra-cellularly they are associated with actin filament, therefore they assist in cell movement.
  • 54. System of binding of cells • Two types: • Extracellular binding: – Many of CAMs bind to membrane proteins called laminins. – Laminins are cross-shaped large membrane molecules that have multiple receptor domains on ECF. – CAMS bind to these extracellular receptor domains. – Laminins are found also in skeletal muscle fibers associated with dystrophin inside the muscle cell. Mutation on dystrophin protein causes muscles dystrophy[genetic inherited disease] or its absence causes destablization of myocytes in muscular tissues or proceed to apoptosis of myocytes. • Intracellular binding: – CAMs pass through the cell membrane to expose into the interior of the cell and attach with the cytoskeleton. – Intracellular binding of CAMs with cytoskeletal structures enhances strength of cell adhesion.
  • 55. Types of CAMs • Integrin: heterodimeric proteins • IgG super family • Cadherins: Calcium dependent molecules that mediates homophilic binding • Selectins: have carbohydrates binding domains, that resemble lectin-like structure. • desmogleins
  • 56. Functions of CAMs • Zip cell to cell • Cell movement, as it attach to cytoskeletons. • Cellular signals • Significant role in inflammation and wound healing. • Prevents apoptosis.