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The Paper to Assignment :
Research Methods In ELT
Lecture : Mr. Husni Mubarok, M. Pd
The members :
1. Nurul Azizah Fitriana (141320000075)
2. Annisa Rahman (141320000094)
3. Fajrin Afri Azhari (141320000087)
4. Wahyuni (141320000089)
Jl. Taman siswa (pekeng) Tahunan-Jepara 59427
Tahun pelajaran 2016/2017
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Thank to Allah SWT who has given his bless to the writer for finishing the
Research Methods In ELT paper assignment entitled “Action Research”. Then
would like to say thanks for Mr. Husni Mubarok as our lecture that always teach
us and give much knowledge.
The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those
who have guided in completing this paper. Then, this assignment is one of task
English material. I realized for our assignment not perfect. But Ihope it can be
useful for us.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about
Research Methods In ELT.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Jepara, 1st
November 2016
Ana dkk
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................ii
A. The Background of the study ...........................................................1
B. The Formulation of Problem............................................................2
C. The Purpose of Problem...................................................................2
A. The Identification of Action Research .............................................3
B. The Differences between Action Research with Other Research ....4
C. The Methods of Action Research.....................................................5
D. The Patterns of Implementasion of Research...................................8
E. Steps in Action Research..................................................................9
F. The Benefit of Action Research.....................................................12
A. CONCLUSION...............................................................................14
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................15
A. The Background of Study
The different research with paradigma research, psycho-statistical
research and the related with with contemporary science research is a
method usual called action research.
The concept of Action Research different with other research.
Because the basic concepts and principles used different. Because the
steps of action research is dialect.
Although in many develop countries has evolved, in Indonesian still
new research. Because the research related with qualitative research,
because the data collection using qualitative approach. Combine between
action research with data collection conducted on reciprocal. In the form :
planning, act, research and reflection.
Action research is the sistematic research carried out by the
reseacher (in the education by teacher, lecture or conselor) in their
activities, collecting data, succes or not, then the preparation as well as the
implementasion and the complete activities.
The action research can called a research to developed researcher
with decision maker about the variables can be manipulation and can be
used to development. So, in this discussion of study the action research be
important think in the education, because one of efforts to interpretation
that activities has the urgency of the evaluation in the future.
The main characteristic of the action research is aims to get
significant discovery in operation that can used when the policy of
B. The Formulation of the Problem
1. What is the identification of action research ?
2. What is the characteristic of action research ?
3. How many models of action research ?
4. How the patterns of the implementation of research ?
5. How to the steps in action research ?
6. What is the benefit of action research ?
C. The Purpose of Problem
1. Explained the identification of action research.
2. Explained of The Characteristic of Action Research
3. Mention models of action research.
4. Explained the patterns of the implementation of research.
5. Explained step by steps in action research.
6. Explained the benefit of action research.
A. The Identification of Action Research
Action research is a form of research which becomeing increasingly
significant in language education. (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1988:6) that
action research is a group of activities. Cohen and Manion (1985) the
argue that action research is first and foremost situasional, being
concerned with the identificationand solution of problem in specific
Robert Rapoport (1970) action research has a goal to contributing
directly to the practical problems of the community in the problematic of
situation and the goal of social science by participating in collaboration
with communities within the framework has agreed with others.
Mills (2003:1) that argue action research is the research conducted
by teacher and researcher to gathering of information about how the
school work, how the students learning and how the teachers teach. Action
research is designed to bridge the gap between research and practice
(Cohen et al. 2007).
According Husni (2015) the argue is the aim of action research is to
solve the problem and make improvement of the teacher learning process
in the classroom, beside that action reserach also used to investigate the
major problem and how to solve the problem.
(Husni, 2015:75) that argue action research may involve
collaborations with collegues, clients or professionals. There are two type
approaches, Individual and collaborative approach (Wallace, 1998).
Individual approach to action research are those which do not directly
involve anyone else except the professionals concerned. Collaboration
research involve other colleagues in the same institusion.
Action research may collaborate by observation, acting or making
reflection with the researcher. There are two critical thinking, which
generally arises from the existence form of research by using the method
of action, namely the idea that came out of a group and the commitment of
researchers to improve the studied subject for the better. So, the
conclusion from above action research is Action research is a research
which is done in order to solve the problem and make improvement in the
teaching and learning process.
B. The Characteristic of Action Research
Action research has some different characteristics when compared to
other forms of research, some of these differences are :
1. The problem being solved is the practical problem faced by
2. Researcher gives behaviour an act of premeditated
3. Measure planned studies are always shaped cycle
4. Their reflective thinking of researchers both before after the study
C. The Models of Action Research
Hopkins (2008) the argue the model of action research is the design
of the research can be used to translate a the concept into the reality that
are more practical. The model of action research serves as the advice to
facilitate of communication or as a hint that is the perspective to take a
decision or as a clue composed of planning to the activities of the
management in doing research survey class.
The model of action research good was models who can helped us to
understand the one of the process of research is fundamental and
thoroughly. A lot of the model we can apply as a guideline in design and
carry out classroom action research. Model of action research had so many
models, so researchers can chosen one of the models in accordance with
potensional. In the model, there is not considered and researchers
advisable to chosen one of the models according to the researchers.
There are several kinds of the model PTK developed by some of the
experts have a pattern of the same, namely a series of events research in
the form of a series of cycle where on any of the cycle will form of the
new cycle result revision. There are :
1. Model Kurt Lewind
Kurt Lewind explained that there are emphatal should be done
in the process of research action namely :
a. Planning
Planning is the process of repair determine the program that
departed from one of the idea of the idea researchers.
b. Action
Action is the treatment carried out by the researchers in accordance
with the planning has been drafted in by researchers.
c. Observation
It is the observation conducted to determine the effectiveness of
action or gather information about the lack of action that have been
carried out.
d. Reflection
It is analyzed about the observation or planning new.
2. Model Kemmis and Mc.Taggarte
It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt
Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts,
a) Planning
b) Action
c) Observing
d) Reflection
After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed
by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self.
general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to
conduct studies introduction as a base i
Next followed planning,
be described as follows
a. Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather
information about situations relevant to the time of
b. Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This
is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the
c. Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based
on the plan of ac
Model Kemmis and Mc.Taggarte
It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt
Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts,
After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed
by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self.
general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to
conduct studies introduction as a base in formulating problem research.
Next followed planning, action, observation, and the reflection of that can
be described as follows :
Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather
information about situations relevant to the time of the study.
Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This
is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the
Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based
on the plan of action.
It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt
Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts,
After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed
by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self. But, in
general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to
n formulating problem research.
action, observation, and the reflection of that can
Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather
the study.
Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This
is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the
Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based
d. Observation is observe or the impact of action implemented or worn
against the students.
e. Reflection is activities analysis, the synthesis, interpretation of all the
information obtained bye the time the action to examine, seeing and
considering the result or the impact of action that can be pulled the
conclusion that steady and sharp based on the theory or the result of
research there has been and relevant.
3. Model Jhon Elliot
Model Elliot is more emphasized in the process of to trying new
things in the learning process. According to Elliot, the first step to do is to
determine the and develop the idea of public followed by doing
exploration of the to sharpen the idea of or the idea. According to Elliot
about the model PTK that whatever problems to be raised in the study
should remain in the scope of a problem faced by teachers in the
implementation of learning everyday in the classroom and is something
that want to be repaired or changed.
Interpretation Elliot against the model PTK that the early in the form
of identification problem is a statement that connects the idea of the with
idea of the with action. While in the Reconnaissance is an understanding
of the situation class who wanted to altered or repaired. It as if compared
to other PTK bagan model then there are some differences fundamentally,
but still form a activities recurring ( cycle ).
4. Model Dave Ebbutd
Model research this action developed by Ebbutd (1985). A model of
this in ilhami by thinking Kemmis and Elliot. In the improvement, Ebbutd
less so same with the interpretation of Elliot about the Kemmis, Because
Kemmis equate her research with only findings fact. While the fact,
kemmis clearly shows that the research consists of discussion, negisiasi,
investigating, and down obstacle constraint that there.
Ebbutb (1985) said that a research action should start from the
beginning of the idea that driven by the wishes of the researchers to do a
repair the process of would generate something more optimally. Based on
the idea of the start, the researchers trying to find a anything to do to solve
it later the design of the public that will be implemented. During the
process of implementation, do monitoring to see the influence of a caused
the researchers.
The results of the monitoring next prepared an explanation about
various failure happened. To the explanation would be put in revision
plans common next gave birth to a plan implementation on the second
round. That’s continuously until on a round of certain.
5. Model Hopkins
Model of this study conducted by forming a downward spiral which
starting from the feel of the problem, the planning, carry out the action,
making observations and do a reflection and make plans again and so on.
D. The Patterns of Implementation of Research
The patterns is the way or technique of the implementation of the
PTK that can be used as a reference in the implementation of the PTK in
accordance with the model chosen to consider the condition of the
researchers and resources are available. There are a variety of patterns in
the implementation of the PTK include PTK teachers researchers, PTK
patterns collaborative and PTK patterns simultan integrated.
1. Pattern of The Teachers Researcher
In this pattern, the teacher has a lead role in the planning of and action
PTK. The purpose of this pattern is to solve the problem of the practical
faced by the teacher itself in the learning process.
2. Patterns Kolaboratif
Conducted by the outside solving the problem of learning. PTK
designed and held by a team usually consists of teachers, head of the
school, lecturer LPTK and other people who are involved in the team of
researchers. The teacher acted just as a member of the team that
function to carry out the action as designed by a team of researchers.
3. Patterns Research Integration
On this pattern, the initiative and problems will be scrutinized fully
comes from the researchers outside, not from the teacher.
E. Steps in Action Research
Based on definition above, it could be said that action research is :
1. Action research is a research which is done in order to solve the
problem and make improvement in the teaching and learning process.
2. An activity based on the classroom problrm faced by teacher in
teaching and learning process
3. A research which is done sistematically and procedurerally with certain
So, researcher who want to conduct research by using action
research design follow four guiding steps as elaborated as follow :
Steps in Action Research
Select a focus
Collect Data
Analyze and interpret Data
Take Action
1) Selecting a focus
Researcher should think three steps as follow :
 Knowing what the researcher want to investigate
 Developing some question about the area what researchers have
 Establising a plan to answer and solve the problem.
According (Husni, 2015) that the focus selected can be student outcome
(students’ achivement, attitude and other), curriculum, instrument
material, instruction (teaching strategy, technology used), school
climate, parental involvement (participation of the committee).
2) Collecting Data
Elliot and Adelman (1976) in the Penelitian Tindakan kelas book
(2008) that describing the technique with separated give impression
and criteria every method and technique collecting data not wasting
time and energy. The researcher should plan data collection which is
used to answer the problem. the data collection can be observation
questionaire, interview and other. In action research collecting data
used like example video tape recorder and example for the other
method. We not just collecting data but built a hypotesis, construk or
categories to explain what happen in the classroom. Hypotesis make an
idea from teaching in classroom. More rich the word we used we can
more creative to make the valid data.
3) Analizing and interpreting data
The researcher need to begin the process of analysus and interpretation
in order to make a decision for further implementation. Tanireja, dkk
(2012) that argue this step is intended to determine the priority
problems to be solved and the solution swatch. Which must be
considered is :
1. The problem should be a factual learning problems that actually
exist in the classroom learning.
2. The problem can be searched and identified factors cause, because
of factors cause a basis to decide which alternative measures will
be provided.
3. There are alternative measures chosen to do research.
4. The problem has strategic value for the increase or improvement of
processes and learning outcomes.
4) Taking Action
The researcher should consider the desicion chosen to implement an
Cohen et al (2007) that action research develops through the self
reflective spiral, planning, acting, observation, reflection and re-planning
furthet elementation, observing and reflecting.
1. Preliminary Study
According (Husni, 2015:83) the argue in this steps, the researcher
must be able to find the problembeing faced by the object of research.
So that, researcher will be able outline a solution to solve problem.
Problem in action research in may include the following :
a. The problem which show a gap between theory and empirical facts
perceived in the learning process.
b. The problem may be allowed to be scarched and identified.
c. The possibility to look for an alternative solution to the problem
through concrete actions done research.
2. Planning
Planning is the first step of action research. It is done after
collecting the data which consists of the problem. The researcher
arranges the plan to improvement in teching-learning. After finding out
the problem faced by student, the researcher plans the action to solve
3. Acting
Husni (2015) the argue implementation of the planning
formulated earlier will be at the stage of acting. This stage consist of a
series of action which is done by the researcher in order to solve the
problems as stated earlier. It should be accurately done based on the
planning. Once the problem is define operationally should be
formulated alternative actions to be taken.
4. Observing
This stage is actually simultaneously at the time of execution of
the action. The researcher observeers and recors all the things necessary
that occur during the implementation of the action taken place. This
data collecting by using the format of observation/assessment. The data
collected can be either quantitative data (the result of the test, quiz,
presence, student score, etc), but also qualitative data that describe
student activity, the quality of disscussion and other.
The instrument commonly used is test, questionaire, observation,
field note. The observation based on some indicators which is stated
before the research done. All activities happened in the classroom are
recorded by the observers by using observation.
5. Reflecting
The reflection is used to improve the teaching learning process in
the next cycle. Reflection action research include analysis, synthesis
and evaluation of the result of observation.
F. The Benefit of Action Research
Wallace (1998) that action research is different from this in that it
nearly always arises from some specific problem or issues arising out of
our professional practice. There are benefit of action research, as stated
below :
1. Creating a system for professinal problem solving in educational
2. Increasing desicion making in solving problem
3. Promoting reflection for researcher in educational setting
4. Considering continous improvement in teaching process
5. Influencing directly in practices
6. Empowering those who concern in teaching and learning
Action research is Action research is a research which is done in
order to solve the problem and make improvement in the teaching and
learning process. Action research may collaborate by observation, acting
or making reflection with the researcher. the different between action
research with other is data collection conducted on reciprocal.
The models of action research has five models, there are : model kurt
lewind, model kemmis and mc.taggarte, model jhon elliot, model dave
ebbutd, model hopkins. The patterns of the implementation of research is
pattern of the teachers researcher, patterns kolaboratif.
Steps in Action Research, they are : selecting a focus, collecting
data, analizing and interpreting data, taking action. The action research
develops through the self reflective spiral, planning, acting, observation,
reflection and re-planning furthet elementation, observing and reflecting.
The Benefit of Action Research is :
1. Creating a system for professinal problem solving in educational
2. Increasing desicion making in solving problem
3. Promoting reflection for researcher in educational setting
4. Considering continous improvement in teaching process
5. Influencing directly in practices
6. Empowering those who concern in teaching and learning
Mubarok, Husni. Research in Language Education. Jogjakarta : Lingkar Media.
Sukmadinata, Nana. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : PT. Remaja
Rosdakarya. 2013.
Hopkins, David. A Teacher’s Guide To Classroom Research. USA : McGraw
Hill-Open Univeresity Press. 2008.
Taniredja dkk. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung : Alfabeta. 2012.
Darmodi, Hamid. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta. 2011
Sukardi. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara. 2011.
Cet. 10

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CAR (Classroom Action Research)

  • 1. 1 ACTION RESEARCH The Paper to Assignment : Research Methods In ELT Lecture : Mr. Husni Mubarok, M. Pd The members : 1. Nurul Azizah Fitriana (141320000075) 2. Annisa Rahman (141320000094) 3. Fajrin Afri Azhari (141320000087) 4. Wahyuni (141320000089) ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA TARBIYAH DAN ILMU KEGURUAN ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Jl. Taman siswa (pekeng) Tahunan-Jepara 59427 Tahun pelajaran 2016/2017
  • 2. 2 PREFACE Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Thank to Allah SWT who has given his bless to the writer for finishing the Research Methods In ELT paper assignment entitled “Action Research”. Then would like to say thanks for Mr. Husni Mubarok as our lecture that always teach us and give much knowledge. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper. Then, this assignment is one of task English material. I realized for our assignment not perfect. But Ihope it can be useful for us. Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about Research Methods In ELT. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb Jepara, 1st November 2016 Writer Ana dkk
  • 3. 3 TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE...........................................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................ii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the study ...........................................................1 B. The Formulation of Problem............................................................2 C. The Purpose of Problem...................................................................2 CHAPTER II DISSCUSSION A. The Identification of Action Research .............................................3 B. The Differences between Action Research with Other Research ....4 C. The Methods of Action Research.....................................................5 D. The Patterns of Implementasion of Research...................................8 E. Steps in Action Research..................................................................9 F. The Benefit of Action Research.....................................................12 CHAPTER III CLOSING A. CONCLUSION...............................................................................14 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................15
  • 4. 4 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study The different research with paradigma research, psycho-statistical research and the related with with contemporary science research is a method usual called action research. The concept of Action Research different with other research. Because the basic concepts and principles used different. Because the steps of action research is dialect. Although in many develop countries has evolved, in Indonesian still new research. Because the research related with qualitative research, because the data collection using qualitative approach. Combine between action research with data collection conducted on reciprocal. In the form : planning, act, research and reflection. Action research is the sistematic research carried out by the reseacher (in the education by teacher, lecture or conselor) in their activities, collecting data, succes or not, then the preparation as well as the implementasion and the complete activities. The action research can called a research to developed researcher with decision maker about the variables can be manipulation and can be used to development. So, in this discussion of study the action research be important think in the education, because one of efforts to interpretation that activities has the urgency of the evaluation in the future. The main characteristic of the action research is aims to get significant discovery in operation that can used when the policy of implementation.
  • 5. 5 B. The Formulation of the Problem 1. What is the identification of action research ? 2. What is the characteristic of action research ? 3. How many models of action research ? 4. How the patterns of the implementation of research ? 5. How to the steps in action research ? 6. What is the benefit of action research ? C. The Purpose of Problem 1. Explained the identification of action research. 2. Explained of The Characteristic of Action Research 3. Mention models of action research. 4. Explained the patterns of the implementation of research. 5. Explained step by steps in action research. 6. Explained the benefit of action research.
  • 6. 6 CHAPTER II DISSCUSSION A. The Identification of Action Research Action research is a form of research which becomeing increasingly significant in language education. (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1988:6) that action research is a group of activities. Cohen and Manion (1985) the argue that action research is first and foremost situasional, being concerned with the identificationand solution of problem in specific content. Robert Rapoport (1970) action research has a goal to contributing directly to the practical problems of the community in the problematic of situation and the goal of social science by participating in collaboration with communities within the framework has agreed with others. Mills (2003:1) that argue action research is the research conducted by teacher and researcher to gathering of information about how the school work, how the students learning and how the teachers teach. Action research is designed to bridge the gap between research and practice (Cohen et al. 2007). According Husni (2015) the argue is the aim of action research is to solve the problem and make improvement of the teacher learning process in the classroom, beside that action reserach also used to investigate the major problem and how to solve the problem. (Husni, 2015:75) that argue action research may involve collaborations with collegues, clients or professionals. There are two type approaches, Individual and collaborative approach (Wallace, 1998). Individual approach to action research are those which do not directly involve anyone else except the professionals concerned. Collaboration research involve other colleagues in the same institusion. Action research may collaborate by observation, acting or making reflection with the researcher. There are two critical thinking, which generally arises from the existence form of research by using the method
  • 7. 7 of action, namely the idea that came out of a group and the commitment of researchers to improve the studied subject for the better. So, the conclusion from above action research is Action research is a research which is done in order to solve the problem and make improvement in the teaching and learning process. B. The Characteristic of Action Research Action research has some different characteristics when compared to other forms of research, some of these differences are : 1. The problem being solved is the practical problem faced by researchers. 2. Researcher gives behaviour an act of premeditated 3. Measure planned studies are always shaped cycle 4. Their reflective thinking of researchers both before after the study C. The Models of Action Research Hopkins (2008) the argue the model of action research is the design of the research can be used to translate a the concept into the reality that are more practical. The model of action research serves as the advice to facilitate of communication or as a hint that is the perspective to take a decision or as a clue composed of planning to the activities of the management in doing research survey class. The model of action research good was models who can helped us to understand the one of the process of research is fundamental and thoroughly. A lot of the model we can apply as a guideline in design and carry out classroom action research. Model of action research had so many models, so researchers can chosen one of the models in accordance with potensional. In the model, there is not considered and researchers advisable to chosen one of the models according to the researchers. There are several kinds of the model PTK developed by some of the experts have a pattern of the same, namely a series of events research in
  • 8. 8 the form of a series of cycle where on any of the cycle will form of the new cycle result revision. There are : 1. Model Kurt Lewind Kurt Lewind explained that there are emphatal should be done in the process of research action namely : a. Planning Planning is the process of repair determine the program that departed from one of the idea of the idea researchers. b. Action Action is the treatment carried out by the researchers in accordance with the planning has been drafted in by researchers. c. Observation It is the observation conducted to determine the effectiveness of action or gather information about the lack of action that have been carried out. d. Reflection It is analyzed about the observation or planning new. Acting Observing Reflecting Planning
  • 9. 2. Model Kemmis and Mc.Taggarte It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts, a) Planning b) Action c) Observing d) Reflection After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self. general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to conduct studies introduction as a base i Next followed planning, be described as follows a. Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather information about situations relevant to the time of b. Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the real. c. Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based on the plan of ac 9 Model Kemmis and Mc.Taggarte It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts, Observing Reflection After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self. general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to conduct studies introduction as a base in formulating problem research. Next followed planning, action, observation, and the reflection of that can be described as follows : Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather information about situations relevant to the time of the study. Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based on the plan of action. It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt Lewind l. Said so, because in one cycle consists of four parts, After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed by the planning of his carried out in the form of cycle it self. But, in general researchers ranging from a phase of the reflection of beginning to n formulating problem research. action, observation, and the reflection of that can Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather the study. Planning structure is the result of the reflection of the beginning. This is planning flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based
  • 10. 10 d. Observation is observe or the impact of action implemented or worn against the students. e. Reflection is activities analysis, the synthesis, interpretation of all the information obtained bye the time the action to examine, seeing and considering the result or the impact of action that can be pulled the conclusion that steady and sharp based on the theory or the result of research there has been and relevant. 3. Model Jhon Elliot Model Elliot is more emphasized in the process of to trying new things in the learning process. According to Elliot, the first step to do is to determine the and develop the idea of public followed by doing exploration of the to sharpen the idea of or the idea. According to Elliot about the model PTK that whatever problems to be raised in the study should remain in the scope of a problem faced by teachers in the implementation of learning everyday in the classroom and is something that want to be repaired or changed.
  • 11. 11 Interpretation Elliot against the model PTK that the early in the form of identification problem is a statement that connects the idea of the with idea of the with action. While in the Reconnaissance is an understanding of the situation class who wanted to altered or repaired. It as if compared to other PTK bagan model then there are some differences fundamentally, but still form a activities recurring ( cycle ). 4. Model Dave Ebbutd Model research this action developed by Ebbutd (1985). A model of this in ilhami by thinking Kemmis and Elliot. In the improvement, Ebbutd less so same with the interpretation of Elliot about the Kemmis, Because Kemmis equate her research with only findings fact. While the fact, kemmis clearly shows that the research consists of discussion, negisiasi, investigating, and down obstacle constraint that there. Ebbutb (1985) said that a research action should start from the beginning of the idea that driven by the wishes of the researchers to do a repair the process of would generate something more optimally. Based on the idea of the start, the researchers trying to find a anything to do to solve it later the design of the public that will be implemented. During the process of implementation, do monitoring to see the influence of a caused the researchers.
  • 12. 12 The results of the monitoring next prepared an explanation about various failure happened. To the explanation would be put in revision plans common next gave birth to a plan implementation on the second round. That’s continuously until on a round of certain. 5. Model Hopkins Model of this study conducted by forming a downward spiral which starting from the feel of the problem, the planning, carry out the action, making observations and do a reflection and make plans again and so on. D. The Patterns of Implementation of Research The patterns is the way or technique of the implementation of the PTK that can be used as a reference in the implementation of the PTK in accordance with the model chosen to consider the condition of the researchers and resources are available. There are a variety of patterns in the implementation of the PTK include PTK teachers researchers, PTK patterns collaborative and PTK patterns simultan integrated. 1. Pattern of The Teachers Researcher In this pattern, the teacher has a lead role in the planning of and action PTK. The purpose of this pattern is to solve the problem of the practical faced by the teacher itself in the learning process.
  • 13. 13 2. Patterns Kolaboratif Conducted by the outside solving the problem of learning. PTK designed and held by a team usually consists of teachers, head of the school, lecturer LPTK and other people who are involved in the team of researchers. The teacher acted just as a member of the team that function to carry out the action as designed by a team of researchers. 3. Patterns Research Integration On this pattern, the initiative and problems will be scrutinized fully comes from the researchers outside, not from the teacher. E. Steps in Action Research Based on definition above, it could be said that action research is : 1. Action research is a research which is done in order to solve the problem and make improvement in the teaching and learning process. 2. An activity based on the classroom problrm faced by teacher in teaching and learning process 3. A research which is done sistematically and procedurerally with certain step So, researcher who want to conduct research by using action research design follow four guiding steps as elaborated as follow : Steps in Action Research Select a focus Collect Data Analyze and interpret Data Take Action
  • 14. 14 1) Selecting a focus Researcher should think three steps as follow :  Knowing what the researcher want to investigate  Developing some question about the area what researchers have chosen  Establising a plan to answer and solve the problem. According (Husni, 2015) that the focus selected can be student outcome (students’ achivement, attitude and other), curriculum, instrument material, instruction (teaching strategy, technology used), school climate, parental involvement (participation of the committee). 2) Collecting Data Elliot and Adelman (1976) in the Penelitian Tindakan kelas book (2008) that describing the technique with separated give impression and criteria every method and technique collecting data not wasting time and energy. The researcher should plan data collection which is used to answer the problem. the data collection can be observation questionaire, interview and other. In action research collecting data used like example video tape recorder and example for the other method. We not just collecting data but built a hypotesis, construk or categories to explain what happen in the classroom. Hypotesis make an idea from teaching in classroom. More rich the word we used we can more creative to make the valid data. 3) Analizing and interpreting data The researcher need to begin the process of analysus and interpretation in order to make a decision for further implementation. Tanireja, dkk (2012) that argue this step is intended to determine the priority problems to be solved and the solution swatch. Which must be considered is :
  • 15. 15 1. The problem should be a factual learning problems that actually exist in the classroom learning. 2. The problem can be searched and identified factors cause, because of factors cause a basis to decide which alternative measures will be provided. 3. There are alternative measures chosen to do research. 4. The problem has strategic value for the increase or improvement of processes and learning outcomes. 4) Taking Action The researcher should consider the desicion chosen to implement an action. Cohen et al (2007) that action research develops through the self reflective spiral, planning, acting, observation, reflection and re-planning furthet elementation, observing and reflecting. 1. Preliminary Study According (Husni, 2015:83) the argue in this steps, the researcher must be able to find the problembeing faced by the object of research. So that, researcher will be able outline a solution to solve problem. Problem in action research in may include the following : a. The problem which show a gap between theory and empirical facts perceived in the learning process. b. The problem may be allowed to be scarched and identified. c. The possibility to look for an alternative solution to the problem through concrete actions done research. 2. Planning Planning is the first step of action research. It is done after collecting the data which consists of the problem. The researcher arranges the plan to improvement in teching-learning. After finding out the problem faced by student, the researcher plans the action to solve problem.
  • 16. 16 3. Acting Husni (2015) the argue implementation of the planning formulated earlier will be at the stage of acting. This stage consist of a series of action which is done by the researcher in order to solve the problems as stated earlier. It should be accurately done based on the planning. Once the problem is define operationally should be formulated alternative actions to be taken. 4. Observing This stage is actually simultaneously at the time of execution of the action. The researcher observeers and recors all the things necessary that occur during the implementation of the action taken place. This data collecting by using the format of observation/assessment. The data collected can be either quantitative data (the result of the test, quiz, presence, student score, etc), but also qualitative data that describe student activity, the quality of disscussion and other. The instrument commonly used is test, questionaire, observation, field note. The observation based on some indicators which is stated before the research done. All activities happened in the classroom are recorded by the observers by using observation. 5. Reflecting The reflection is used to improve the teaching learning process in the next cycle. Reflection action research include analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the result of observation. F. The Benefit of Action Research Wallace (1998) that action research is different from this in that it nearly always arises from some specific problem or issues arising out of our professional practice. There are benefit of action research, as stated below :
  • 17. 17 1. Creating a system for professinal problem solving in educational setting 2. Increasing desicion making in solving problem 3. Promoting reflection for researcher in educational setting 4. Considering continous improvement in teaching process 5. Influencing directly in practices 6. Empowering those who concern in teaching and learning
  • 18. 18 CHAPTER III CLOSING A. CONCLUSION Action research is Action research is a research which is done in order to solve the problem and make improvement in the teaching and learning process. Action research may collaborate by observation, acting or making reflection with the researcher. the different between action research with other is data collection conducted on reciprocal. The models of action research has five models, there are : model kurt lewind, model kemmis and mc.taggarte, model jhon elliot, model dave ebbutd, model hopkins. The patterns of the implementation of research is pattern of the teachers researcher, patterns kolaboratif. Steps in Action Research, they are : selecting a focus, collecting data, analizing and interpreting data, taking action. The action research develops through the self reflective spiral, planning, acting, observation, reflection and re-planning furthet elementation, observing and reflecting. The Benefit of Action Research is : 1. Creating a system for professinal problem solving in educational setting 2. Increasing desicion making in solving problem 3. Promoting reflection for researcher in educational setting 4. Considering continous improvement in teaching process 5. Influencing directly in practices 6. Empowering those who concern in teaching and learning
  • 19. 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY Mubarok, Husni. Research in Language Education. Jogjakarta : Lingkar Media. 2015. Sukmadinata, Nana. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. 2013. Hopkins, David. A Teacher’s Guide To Classroom Research. USA : McGraw Hill-Open Univeresity Press. 2008. Taniredja dkk. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung : Alfabeta. 2012. Darmodi, Hamid. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta. 2011 Sukardi. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara. 2011. Cet. 10