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Working Title: THE HIKE
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
Product’s Purpose:
The purpose of my entire product In general is to entertain people and advertise them and also to
inform them of the film that I am focusing it around for the trailer, poster DVD cover. The purpose
of the poster in my product is so that it is able to stand out and look appealing and advertise the
trailer that I will be another one of my products I think that its important in this and that my poster
will stand out and reach the products purpose I will achieve making this creative by making it stand
out and look effective this will be done by using my research in order to find what my audience like
and want to include it in my poster and trailer. I believe that I will meet this purpose in my final
product and think that It will work nicely. Another part of my final product would be the bus stop
poster which would look similar to the normal poster but slightly different and wouldn’t be as
revealing to the plot like the bus posters that I have seen in research. The purpose of this product
is to appeal to its audience as something that lots of people will be able to see all around and
stand out to them which would reach its purpose I intend to do this by not including the information
that is normally included in a poster but making it stand out so they want it find out more, hopefully
I can achieve this with the design of the title. Another part of my final product which is the main
part of it is the trailer, this will be for a horror and action film and will include mystery, I think the
main idea of this will appeal to its audience which s its purpose it’s important to take back peoples
opinion that I got in research and put it in the trailer. Overall I will achieve the trailer appeal and
purpose by not including much gore as my survey told me, this will mean I won’t be able to include
as much as I intended to however it would fit its purpose better this way as it would be appealing to
the target audience. The reason that that it is to entertain is because it’s a trailer which is under the
category of entertainment and then there is the poster which I would class as a sign to inform
people of the trailer and to advertise and the DVD cover is to inform people and advise.
What is the product’s purpose (entertain/educate etc.) and how will you achieve this?
Genre: The genre of this is going to be an action film and also a horror the reason for this is
because although that there will be horror blood and gore in the story to this it will be different to
most as it will have its main character as someone who is pro at fighting and he will have to find
his way through the horror problems in his path with action I think that this is a good idea and will
work well. It will also have a bit of light comedy it will have sarcasm as its form of comedy and not
include any cheesy jokes as I do not think that they are necessary and are not needy to make a
film funny, there will also be a touch of the western genre as I think that the fact that there are guns
in the film and the way that they will be used in the western style the reason for this because I think
when lots of films come back with too many guns and gun scenes it loses the potential of been an
amazing film gets overwhelmed therefore I will not be including this.
What sort of product is it
The main story of the trailer will be what I stated in my planning as I will be keeping to it and that is
“The main character gets lost in woods or goes looking for someone in the woods but doesn't’t end
up finding them and getting lost – (first option would have been he was camping and got lost in the
woods)As it starts to get dark and he is unable to find his way out of the woods he finds himself at
an old house and he goes to the door to ask for directions or a place to stop the night.
The old man would be waiting behind the door to knock the main character out as he came to look.
He would knock him out with a shovel. The family drag the main character into a room and sit him
at a table strapped to it and then made him listen to them. He wakes up and sees them all sat
around him at the table having a meal, they would be hill Billy Americans with the accent.
It would cut to the main character finding a room in the basement with cells and dead people all would show the phones cut and disconnected on a table showing he can’t phone for help.
This would be the final part of the trailer, in this the old guy would smash through a wall and then
the whole screen would fade out black. When the screen goes black it comes up with the title of
the film (still un decided) it would have blood on the title. The screen would then go black and end
(music would play through the entire trailer creating suspense)” this story will be used in the trailer
and will be how the trailer is set out, the poster that I make will have images from the trailer of one
image that I would take separately which would be part of my products and content. The poster will
also have three company logos that I will create separately each logo will be unique and each of
the three will be consistent and put into all of my products, this will make it much more unique for
all of my products from other existing ones if they have this content on it. The DVD cover will have
a synopsis containing information about the film and will explain the plot line to it if the trailer does
not. The DVD cover will also have images of the trailer at the front and on different sections at the
back. Each of the images will contain iconography which will symbolize different parts of the story
and the type of tone mood and film that the trailer is advertising.
What is your product about? Discuss what you would put in it (be specific). Does it have a story? If
so, discuss it here
Research & Planning
Where will you use elements of your research and planning to influence and inform your final idea
(be specific to certain parts)
The first part of planning that I am going to keep for my final project is the mind map that helped
me plan out different aspects of the trailer and come up with a story that I could use in the trailer
one that is reliable and also a starting ground so that if I choose to change it and alter it I can
always return to the starting plan as its given me something to go off. Another part of the planning
that I want to keep for my final project is the mood board styles as I found them very useful in other
projects it gives me a basis that I can make colour choice and selections from and improve it
based on that making my project into something that I am happy with and it will contain the correct
colours sticking to what makes it a horror film adding my own unique touch to it and giving me
something that I’m happy with and like the mind map it is good to be able to infer back to a starting
basis for ideas for the project. From research I am going to follow inspiration from the first poster
that I analysed and this is because it has a mysterious affect from it although not a super heroes
film it does contain some of the aspects that are used in horror and thriller films, which can be
used in my final project. In initial plans for my research I looked at a mood board and came up with
different images that fit the type of tone and type that I want in my work and look at how they
portray iconography in the images and this was good for research as it gave me an idea of what I
can put into my work to appeal to different audiences due to research. In planning I made 4 mind
maps where I went in detail about the different images I would include in it the style and the story
as well as idea as to what I would include in each product covering a range of idea that I would be
able to use and look into later on to include in my product and this plan has given me the basis of
my product a great starting point as well as guidelines to follow and stick to when making it as if it’s
a check list and I can go through and make sure I look back so when I make my final project I can
then include all f the information that I had planned and stick to the story, I will be able to tweak
and change things in the in my product from my plans to make it better ad add different ideas at
the time but because I have the basis and plan to follow from initial plans it makes it much easier
to make a product that sticks to audience appeal. In research I looked at four similar existing
products that was like what I was going to make and then I could compare them to each other,
look into the different types of iconography in the similar products giving me ideas and concepts for
my initial plans that I could take inspiration from and then add it into my basis plan. Also for my
research I had made a survey that I could get feedback and ideas from to how other people want
certain things on the final project, I asked such things as if violence was needed in the trailer and if
they wanted it and the majority of people did want some violence so I will aim parts of the work at
this. I also asked if they expected people to die in it and the majority of people who took my survey
liked this idea and so I from this I have another thing I need to include. People did not want teens
in this as the main characters so this means that I will have older main characters more
experienced to fit the different roles. 66% of people did not want there to be teens in this as main
characters. From my research survey, it was clear that I had to set it in present day because that is
what the majority of people wanted in the trailer. 83.33% of people wanted there to be jump scares
in the trailer which Is why it would be important to include jump scares. I will include violence, jump
scares, gore and it will be set in present day. 50% of people wanted there to be action in the trailer
this is a 50/50 split on opinion as to whether or not there should be action in the trailer. I will not
add action in the trailer from planning I will not intend to add this in and as research shows 50% of
people will be appealed by this decision. There is also 50% of people in the research that was into
the idea of having a found footage and 50% of people that wanted standard footage and for my
planning I wanted standard footage and with research it shows that I will be able to appeal to 50%
of people using this. Most people wanted there to be violence in the trailer 50% of people liked this
idea which compares to other people as mystery got 22.22% this shows me that a range of people
like different things and I will include to my plan and this means that there is 72.22% of people that
I am appealing to in this audience based on my research.
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc.
Why would your project appeal to this person?
The age of my audience is 12 and above and will contain some gore and some violence but will be
focused at 12 and above because there won’t be that much it will have the same as the women in
black or less which is a 12 as well so it fits into the age category I’m aiming for. According to my
research it is clear that more than 80% of people like the idea of having 12 as the minimum age
range and my audience that answered this survey was that age which can reflect on what I need to
aim for and this is good for what I am aiming for. I will not be aiming at a specific gender and will
focus to mainly appeal to photographic as I feel that is more important and crucial in terms of my
product for audience appeal and gender will not have any part to play in it. From research it was
clear that not aiming at a specific gender is important and other 90% of people agree with me that I
should aim at both genders and so I think I will do so to get a better audience that is larger. I will
not be focusing my project to a certain social status either as more than 60% of my audience are
split between higher and lower class where as 40% is middle class from the survey this shows me
that I have a various audience in this and I should do my best to aim to appeal to all of them. But
more of them as I do not see it as important and that it needs to take priority in audiences to the
type of product that I am making. The audience that I am going to appeal to in psychographic is
resigned and struggler because for the content that I have in my trailer because I think that these
really match up to the type of scenarios that there will be in my trailer and I think that it will appeal
to these psychographic because they can really relate to the characters. For the social status I
would say that I am aiming for a middle and higher class because it is more accessible to them
and easier for them to access if they wanted to watch it and I would aim it for a lower class if they
had the means to be able to watch it. The psychographic that I am going to be aiming for is a
psychographic that is based around people with strict mind sets and good self discipline because
this way they are able to relate to the main character of the trailer because he would have the
same mind set and also for people with a dark toned personality I would aim for because I think
that this would be important in order to appeal to the audience which is why my trailer will be very
dark toned in terms of scenery and music and iconography which will symbolise certain parts of
the trailer and will be very dark toned. The other characters in the film that audience psychographic
can relate to would also be a silly minded characters with a lack of seriousness of the situations in
a humours but dark way, this is so its not a comedy it’s a horror and thriller but it goes into the
different tones of the projects. I think that it would be important to take advantage in appealing to
people with this psychographics because I know my target audience and know who to aim for in
my work. For social status I thought that it would be important to go for middle and higher class
because those are the main classes in the area that’s its been produced and also the different
characters in the trailer are from these classes so its relatable to the audience and they can look at
it in a different light. In my characters I will have 2 people that are higher class this will relate to
people that are higher class and I think it’s a good idea to use this audience profile to be able to
relate to them also my other characters including main will be middle which appeals to that
audience and they can relate to it. The reason that there is no lower class although it can appeal to
them if they are interested there is nothing in the product that is really relatable not the setting or
the characters which makes it difficult with content to appeal to this audience. Overall I would say
that I would appeal to all social statuses but mainly aim to get the middle and higher class
audience because that’s more relatable to the product.
Legal & Ethical Considerations:
Think about any offensive material you will include? My trailer will include no offensive material
and will be a friendly trailer however it depends on the type of offence, my trailer will not include
any material offensive to religion or race or sexes and will be to anyone to watch but will focus a lot
on phycology. But it will include no offensive material.
Will you restrict younger people using/accessing it? No I will not restrict younger people from
watching my trailer or looking at my poster or DVD cover as it will not contain content that they
can’t watch and will be suitable for them.
Will it offend any social groups/religions/ethnicities? No my products will not insults or offend any
groups of people as it will not contain the content that would be capable of doing so.
How will you ensure you do not offend anyone? My content I will make it friendly to everyone and
ensure that it does not include content that could be taken in an offensive way. So my content will
not be offensive.
Are you using characters/names/logos of existing products/IPs? I am not using any logos or
content that Is copied from another existing product I am using inspiration in my project but It will
be something entirely new and not to be compared to others.
Will you product be sufficiently different from existing products to not get sued for copyright
infringement? Yes my work will be sufficiently different from other products because it will not
include anything that can be linked to other products and will be vastly different. My product will be
From section 1 of the Ofcom which is
“This section outlines the rules around scheduling and content information in programs with regard
to protecting children under the age of eighteen.”
I will stick to these guidelines.
From section 2 of the Ofcom which is
“This section outlines standards for broadcast content so as to provide adequate protection for
members of the public from harmful and/or offensive material.”
I will stick to these guidelines
From section 3 of Ofcom which is
“This section of the Code covers material that is likely to incite crime or disorder, reflecting Ofcom’s
duty to prohibit the broadcast of this type of programming.”
I will follow these guidelines.
From section 4 of ofcom which is
“This section relates to the responsibility of broadcasters with respect to the content of religious
I will follow these guidelines in my project.
From section 5 of ofcom which is
“To ensure that news, in whatever form, is reported with due accuracy and presented with due
To ensure that the special impartiality requirements of the Act are complied with.”
I will follow these guidelines
From section 6 of ofcom which is
“This section covers the special impartiality requirements and other legislation that must be applied
at the time of elections and referendums.”
I will follow these guidelines
From section 7 of ofcom which is
“His section is to ensure that broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or
organizations in programs.”
I will follow these gridlines
From section 8 of Ofcom which is
“This section is to ensure that broadcasters avoid any unwarranted infringement of privacy in programs and
in connection with obtaining material included in programs.
I will stick to this as a guideline
From section 9 of ofcom which is
“This section relates to broadcasters'editorial independence and control over programming with a distinction
between editorial content and advertising.”
I will follow these guidelines
From secion 10 of ofcom which is
“This section relates to radio broadcast only and is to ensure the transparency ofcommercial
communications as a means to secure consumer protection.”
I will follow all of these guidelines on my final project.

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4. fmp proposal

  • 1. Proposal 1 Working Title: THE HIKE What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Product’s Purpose: The purpose of my entire product In general is to entertain people and advertise them and also to inform them of the film that I am focusing it around for the trailer, poster DVD cover. The purpose of the poster in my product is so that it is able to stand out and look appealing and advertise the trailer that I will be another one of my products I think that its important in this and that my poster will stand out and reach the products purpose I will achieve making this creative by making it stand out and look effective this will be done by using my research in order to find what my audience like and want to include it in my poster and trailer. I believe that I will meet this purpose in my final product and think that It will work nicely. Another part of my final product would be the bus stop poster which would look similar to the normal poster but slightly different and wouldn’t be as revealing to the plot like the bus posters that I have seen in research. The purpose of this product is to appeal to its audience as something that lots of people will be able to see all around and stand out to them which would reach its purpose I intend to do this by not including the information that is normally included in a poster but making it stand out so they want it find out more, hopefully I can achieve this with the design of the title. Another part of my final product which is the main part of it is the trailer, this will be for a horror and action film and will include mystery, I think the main idea of this will appeal to its audience which s its purpose it’s important to take back peoples opinion that I got in research and put it in the trailer. Overall I will achieve the trailer appeal and purpose by not including much gore as my survey told me, this will mean I won’t be able to include as much as I intended to however it would fit its purpose better this way as it would be appealing to the target audience. The reason that that it is to entertain is because it’s a trailer which is under the category of entertainment and then there is the poster which I would class as a sign to inform people of the trailer and to advertise and the DVD cover is to inform people and advise. What is the product’s purpose (entertain/educate etc.) and how will you achieve this? Genre: The genre of this is going to be an action film and also a horror the reason for this is because although that there will be horror blood and gore in the story to this it will be different to most as it will have its main character as someone who is pro at fighting and he will have to find his way through the horror problems in his path with action I think that this is a good idea and will work well. It will also have a bit of light comedy it will have sarcasm as its form of comedy and not include any cheesy jokes as I do not think that they are necessary and are not needy to make a film funny, there will also be a touch of the western genre as I think that the fact that there are guns in the film and the way that they will be used in the western style the reason for this because I think when lots of films come back with too many guns and gun scenes it loses the potential of been an amazing film gets overwhelmed therefore I will not be including this. What sort of product is it Content The main story of the trailer will be what I stated in my planning as I will be keeping to it and that is “The main character gets lost in woods or goes looking for someone in the woods but doesn't’t end up finding them and getting lost – (first option would have been he was camping and got lost in the woods)As it starts to get dark and he is unable to find his way out of the woods he finds himself at an old house and he goes to the door to ask for directions or a place to stop the night. The old man would be waiting behind the door to knock the main character out as he came to look. He would knock him out with a shovel. The family drag the main character into a room and sit him at a table strapped to it and then made him listen to them. He wakes up and sees them all sat around him at the table having a meal, they would be hill Billy Americans with the accent. It would cut to the main character finding a room in the basement with cells and dead people all would show the phones cut and disconnected on a table showing he can’t phone for help. This would be the final part of the trailer, in this the old guy would smash through a wall and then the whole screen would fade out black. When the screen goes black it comes up with the title of the film (still un decided) it would have blood on the title. The screen would then go black and end (music would play through the entire trailer creating suspense)” this story will be used in the trailer and will be how the trailer is set out, the poster that I make will have images from the trailer of one image that I would take separately which would be part of my products and content. The poster will
  • 2. Proposal 2 also have three company logos that I will create separately each logo will be unique and each of the three will be consistent and put into all of my products, this will make it much more unique for all of my products from other existing ones if they have this content on it. The DVD cover will have a synopsis containing information about the film and will explain the plot line to it if the trailer does not. The DVD cover will also have images of the trailer at the front and on different sections at the back. Each of the images will contain iconography which will symbolize different parts of the story and the type of tone mood and film that the trailer is advertising. What is your product about? Discuss what you would put in it (be specific). Does it have a story? If so, discuss it here Research & Planning Where will you use elements of your research and planning to influence and inform your final idea (be specific to certain parts) The first part of planning that I am going to keep for my final project is the mind map that helped me plan out different aspects of the trailer and come up with a story that I could use in the trailer one that is reliable and also a starting ground so that if I choose to change it and alter it I can always return to the starting plan as its given me something to go off. Another part of the planning that I want to keep for my final project is the mood board styles as I found them very useful in other projects it gives me a basis that I can make colour choice and selections from and improve it based on that making my project into something that I am happy with and it will contain the correct colours sticking to what makes it a horror film adding my own unique touch to it and giving me something that I’m happy with and like the mind map it is good to be able to infer back to a starting basis for ideas for the project. From research I am going to follow inspiration from the first poster that I analysed and this is because it has a mysterious affect from it although not a super heroes film it does contain some of the aspects that are used in horror and thriller films, which can be used in my final project. In initial plans for my research I looked at a mood board and came up with different images that fit the type of tone and type that I want in my work and look at how they portray iconography in the images and this was good for research as it gave me an idea of what I can put into my work to appeal to different audiences due to research. In planning I made 4 mind maps where I went in detail about the different images I would include in it the style and the story as well as idea as to what I would include in each product covering a range of idea that I would be able to use and look into later on to include in my product and this plan has given me the basis of my product a great starting point as well as guidelines to follow and stick to when making it as if it’s a check list and I can go through and make sure I look back so when I make my final project I can then include all f the information that I had planned and stick to the story, I will be able to tweak and change things in the in my product from my plans to make it better ad add different ideas at the time but because I have the basis and plan to follow from initial plans it makes it much easier to make a product that sticks to audience appeal. In research I looked at four similar existing products that was like what I was going to make and then I could compare them to each other, look into the different types of iconography in the similar products giving me ideas and concepts for my initial plans that I could take inspiration from and then add it into my basis plan. Also for my research I had made a survey that I could get feedback and ideas from to how other people want certain things on the final project, I asked such things as if violence was needed in the trailer and if they wanted it and the majority of people did want some violence so I will aim parts of the work at this. I also asked if they expected people to die in it and the majority of people who took my survey liked this idea and so I from this I have another thing I need to include. People did not want teens in this as the main characters so this means that I will have older main characters more experienced to fit the different roles. 66% of people did not want there to be teens in this as main characters. From my research survey, it was clear that I had to set it in present day because that is what the majority of people wanted in the trailer. 83.33% of people wanted there to be jump scares in the trailer which Is why it would be important to include jump scares. I will include violence, jump scares, gore and it will be set in present day. 50% of people wanted there to be action in the trailer this is a 50/50 split on opinion as to whether or not there should be action in the trailer. I will not add action in the trailer from planning I will not intend to add this in and as research shows 50% of people will be appealed by this decision. There is also 50% of people in the research that was into the idea of having a found footage and 50% of people that wanted standard footage and for my planning I wanted standard footage and with research it shows that I will be able to appeal to 50%
  • 3. Proposal 3 of people using this. Most people wanted there to be violence in the trailer 50% of people liked this idea which compares to other people as mystery got 22.22% this shows me that a range of people like different things and I will include to my plan and this means that there is 72.22% of people that I am appealing to in this audience based on my research. Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Why would your project appeal to this person? The age of my audience is 12 and above and will contain some gore and some violence but will be focused at 12 and above because there won’t be that much it will have the same as the women in black or less which is a 12 as well so it fits into the age category I’m aiming for. According to my research it is clear that more than 80% of people like the idea of having 12 as the minimum age range and my audience that answered this survey was that age which can reflect on what I need to aim for and this is good for what I am aiming for. I will not be aiming at a specific gender and will focus to mainly appeal to photographic as I feel that is more important and crucial in terms of my product for audience appeal and gender will not have any part to play in it. From research it was clear that not aiming at a specific gender is important and other 90% of people agree with me that I should aim at both genders and so I think I will do so to get a better audience that is larger. I will not be focusing my project to a certain social status either as more than 60% of my audience are split between higher and lower class where as 40% is middle class from the survey this shows me that I have a various audience in this and I should do my best to aim to appeal to all of them. But more of them as I do not see it as important and that it needs to take priority in audiences to the type of product that I am making. The audience that I am going to appeal to in psychographic is resigned and struggler because for the content that I have in my trailer because I think that these really match up to the type of scenarios that there will be in my trailer and I think that it will appeal to these psychographic because they can really relate to the characters. For the social status I would say that I am aiming for a middle and higher class because it is more accessible to them and easier for them to access if they wanted to watch it and I would aim it for a lower class if they had the means to be able to watch it. The psychographic that I am going to be aiming for is a psychographic that is based around people with strict mind sets and good self discipline because this way they are able to relate to the main character of the trailer because he would have the same mind set and also for people with a dark toned personality I would aim for because I think that this would be important in order to appeal to the audience which is why my trailer will be very dark toned in terms of scenery and music and iconography which will symbolise certain parts of the trailer and will be very dark toned. The other characters in the film that audience psychographic can relate to would also be a silly minded characters with a lack of seriousness of the situations in a humours but dark way, this is so its not a comedy it’s a horror and thriller but it goes into the different tones of the projects. I think that it would be important to take advantage in appealing to people with this psychographics because I know my target audience and know who to aim for in my work. For social status I thought that it would be important to go for middle and higher class because those are the main classes in the area that’s its been produced and also the different characters in the trailer are from these classes so its relatable to the audience and they can look at it in a different light. In my characters I will have 2 people that are higher class this will relate to people that are higher class and I think it’s a good idea to use this audience profile to be able to relate to them also my other characters including main will be middle which appeals to that audience and they can relate to it. The reason that there is no lower class although it can appeal to them if they are interested there is nothing in the product that is really relatable not the setting or the characters which makes it difficult with content to appeal to this audience. Overall I would say that I would appeal to all social statuses but mainly aim to get the middle and higher class audience because that’s more relatable to the product.
  • 4. Proposal 4 Legal & Ethical Considerations: Think about any offensive material you will include? My trailer will include no offensive material and will be a friendly trailer however it depends on the type of offence, my trailer will not include any material offensive to religion or race or sexes and will be to anyone to watch but will focus a lot on phycology. But it will include no offensive material. Will you restrict younger people using/accessing it? No I will not restrict younger people from watching my trailer or looking at my poster or DVD cover as it will not contain content that they can’t watch and will be suitable for them. Will it offend any social groups/religions/ethnicities? No my products will not insults or offend any groups of people as it will not contain the content that would be capable of doing so. How will you ensure you do not offend anyone? My content I will make it friendly to everyone and ensure that it does not include content that could be taken in an offensive way. So my content will not be offensive. Are you using characters/names/logos of existing products/IPs? I am not using any logos or content that Is copied from another existing product I am using inspiration in my project but It will be something entirely new and not to be compared to others. Will you product be sufficiently different from existing products to not get sued for copyright infringement? Yes my work will be sufficiently different from other products because it will not include anything that can be linked to other products and will be vastly different. My product will be different. From section 1 of the Ofcom which is “This section outlines the rules around scheduling and content information in programs with regard to protecting children under the age of eighteen.” I will stick to these guidelines. From section 2 of the Ofcom which is “This section outlines standards for broadcast content so as to provide adequate protection for members of the public from harmful and/or offensive material.” I will stick to these guidelines From section 3 of Ofcom which is “This section of the Code covers material that is likely to incite crime or disorder, reflecting Ofcom’s duty to prohibit the broadcast of this type of programming.” I will follow these guidelines. From section 4 of ofcom which is “This section relates to the responsibility of broadcasters with respect to the content of religious programs.” I will follow these guidelines in my project. From section 5 of ofcom which is “To ensure that news, in whatever form, is reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality. To ensure that the special impartiality requirements of the Act are complied with.” I will follow these guidelines From section 6 of ofcom which is “This section covers the special impartiality requirements and other legislation that must be applied at the time of elections and referendums.” I will follow these guidelines From section 7 of ofcom which is “His section is to ensure that broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organizations in programs.” I will follow these gridlines From section 8 of Ofcom which is “This section is to ensure that broadcasters avoid any unwarranted infringement of privacy in programs and in connection with obtaining material included in programs. I will stick to this as a guideline From section 9 of ofcom which is “This section relates to broadcasters'editorial independence and control over programming with a distinction between editorial content and advertising.” I will follow these guidelines From secion 10 of ofcom which is “This section relates to radio broadcast only and is to ensure the transparency ofcommercial
  • 5. Proposal 5 communications as a means to secure consumer protection.” I will follow all of these guidelines on my final project.